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cynamed · 2 years ago
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kensley-winchester · 3 years ago
The Winchesters must have plastic surgeon level suture skills to prevent their faces from scaring up because I don't remember ever seeing a scar on either of their faces!
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Dean Winchester + Wounded Face
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trexomedinstruments · 4 years ago
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Trexomed Instruments [email protected] . . Manufacturer | Supplier Surgical | Dental Instruments . . www.trexomed.com . . #dentaltrim #dentalkit #dentalequipments #onlay #dentaltools #dentalmaterials #surgicalset #rootcanaltreatment #sutureskills #surgicalinstrumentation #scissorsalute #dentalinclinedplane #extractingforceps #trexomedinstruments #dental #needleholders #surgicalmanufacturers #surgicalinstruments #surgicaltechnologist #surgerykit #dental #dentist #odontologia #dentista #tooth #odonto #dentalassistant #dentalclinic #orthodontics #doctor https://www.instagram.com/p/CSHLpYZJe2W/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nk-killjoys · 5 years ago
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No hay nada más peligroso que romperte el corazón y hacerle una sutura con puntos suspensivos..... #sutura #suturas #surgery #cute #darkcute #suture #sutures #sutureskills https://www.instagram.com/p/B9pxDebBiax/?igshid=1qjf6iiinvamq
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shbushra · 5 years ago
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Surgeons are terrible in relationships. They know everyone’s the same on the inside. . . . . . . . . #abbasishaheedhospital #surgeonsofinstagram #surgeon #diaryofaneemhakeem #sutureskills #surgical #scrubs #bloodshot #hospitallife #OT #etribunepk #exploreeverything #doctoronduty #ig_karachi #oppo #people_infinity #snapseed #drained #fotofanatics_nature_ #colorista #natgeoyourshot (at Abbasi Shaheed Hospital) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Jj-F4nssrIItpYgz_WPGTA5_ABOG3al_1BMI0/?igshid=304y7ia7b7uu
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ttw-blog · 5 years ago
#suture #medicalstudents #suturekit #medicalschool #veterinarianmedicine #veterinariansofinstagram #veterinarian #sutured #medicalassistant #medicalfield #sutureworkshop #suturelab #sutureskills #medical #medicalmedium #sutures #sutureremoval #veterinariansrock #veterinarianlife #medicalshoutout #medicalstudent #medicina #viral #medicalmemes #greysanatomy #surgery #surgeon #medicine #sutureskills
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trexomedinstruments · 4 years ago
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Trexomed Instruments [email protected] . . Manufacturer | Supplier Surgical | Dental Instruments . . www.trexomed.com . . #dentaltrim #dentalkit #dentalequipments #onlay #medicaldevices #dentalmaterials #xrays #patientcare #sutureskills #suturekit #scissorsalute #scissorkittens #scissorcut #trexomedinstruments #needleholder #needleholders #surgicalmanufacturers #surgicalinstruments #surgicaltechnologist #surgerykit #dental #dentist #odontologia #dentista #tooth #odonto #dentalassistant #dentalclinic #orthodontics #doctor https://www.instagram.com/p/CRCdfp8peGA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cirugiaoraleimplantologia · 3 years ago
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The vertical figure 8 suture : it’s not my favorite suture but it can be very useful in some difficult to access situations. By @dr_francois_vigouroux 🇫🇷 . . Thanks to @dr.guillaume.heller for his advice. . . . Le point de suture en 8 : ce n’est pas mon point de suture favori mais il peut être très utile dans certaines situations difficiles d’accès. . . Merci à @dr.guillaume.heller pour ses conseils . . . #sutureskills #suturetraining #suture #pointdesuture #dentalstudent #dentalstudents #etudiantdentaire #etudiantdentist #implantology #implantologycourse #implantologie #periodontologycourse #periodontology #parodontologie #dentist #dentiste #dentalsurgeon https://www.instagram.com/p/CZPXyH4FRuK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cirugiaoraleimplantologia · 3 years ago
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To continue the series on sutures, here is a very useful stitch for both papilla and edentulous areas by @dr_francois_vigouroux 🇫🇷 . . . Pour continuer la série sur les sutures, voici un point très utile autant pour les papilles que pour les zones édentées. . . . #dentist #dentiste #sutureskills #suturtraining #suture #dentalsurgeon #etudiantdentaire #etudiantdentiste #dentalstudent #implantologycourse #periodontology #implantologie #implantologiedentaire #chirurgiemucogingivale #mucogingivalsurgerycourse https://www.instagram.com/p/CUFtvv9lRiW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cirugiaoraleimplantologia · 4 years ago
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Excelent illustration by @theperioartist . . . Frenectomy: The frenum is a normal anatomical structure of the oral cavity but the position of its attachment may characterize it as abnormal, warranting removal. ⠀ ⠀ Clinical findings associated with an aberrant frenum include: ⠀ • midline diastema⠀ • gingival recession⠀ • inadequate attached gingiva⠀ • shallow vestibule ⠀ ⠀ Here are some common incision designs used for frenectomy via excision with a scalpel. ⠀ ⠀ ♦️ Diamond: This conventional incision design involves a diamond shaped excision of the frenum with blunt dissection to relieve the attachment. The margins of the surgical site are reapproximated in a linear fashion. ⠀ ⠀ 💤 Z- Plasty: This technique is commonly used for scar removal in plastic surgery. It is indicated for a thick frenum with low insertion. An elliptical excision of the frenum is performed, followed by the creation of two triangular flaps (~60 degree angle) with a “Z” shaped incision, which are transposed to reorient the tissue and achieve primary closure. ⠀ ⠀ ✌️🤘VY-Plasty: This V-shaped incision is highly useful for a broad frenum attachment. In this case, the superior margin of the wound is repositioned apically and sutured in a “Y” shape. ⠀ ⠀ Frenectomy can also be performed with electrosurgery and lasers. What methods do you find most effective? Do you see more or less recurrence with certain techniques? Please share your thoughts in the comments! ⠀ ⠀ 🎨 Original illustrations by @theperioartist⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ #sutures #sutures #sutureskills #frenectomy #incisiondesign #softtissuemanagement #perio #periodontics #periodontist #dentist #dentistry #dentalart #dentalstudent #dentalschool #resident #dentalart⠀ https://www.instagram.com/p/CO-7N6jFrJD/?igshid=1pcdk9b6gvvkv
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cirugiaoraleimplantologia · 4 years ago
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Brilliant work by @theperioartist . . . - 🔺🔻🔺 Alternating Papillae Closure (APC) + Continuous Locking Suture (CLS): I received a lot of requests to do a post on continuous locking sutures! To spice it up, I included an interesting application to achieve primary closure after extractions.⠀ ⠀ CLS: Start with a simple interrupted suture. Tie it off but do not cut! Re-enter the buccal flap mesially, emerge through the lingual flap and instead of pulling all the way through, leave a loop. Pass the needle through the loop and carefully tighten slack. Repeat. ⠀ ⠀ APC: Alternate between entering the papilla and the midpoint between two papillae on the other flap. Do not penetrate tissue < 2 mm from the flap margin to avoid tearing.⠀ ⠀ I tried this technique last year w/ 4-0 chromic gut after ext. #22-27 + alveoloplasty followed by ICD delivery. The papillae fit together quite nicely and it held up great! ⠀ ⠀ 🎨 Share your thoughts about this technique illustrated by @theperioartist! ⠀ ⠀ #sutures #sutureskills #sutura #perio #periodontics #periodontist #softtissuemanagement #dentist #dentistry #dentalart #dentalstudent #dentalschool⠀ https://www.instagram.com/p/COnw-t0l0vs/?igshid=c93lqvsch37p
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trexomedinstruments · 4 years ago
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Trexomed Instruments [email protected] . . Manufacturer | Supplier Surgical | Dental Instruments . . www.trexomed.com . . #dentaltrim #dentalkit #dentalequipments #onlay #medicaldevices #dentalmaterials #viginalforcep #patientcare #sutureskills #suturekit #scissorsalute #scissorkittens #scissorcut #trexomedinstruments #needleholder #needleholders #surgicalmanufacturers #surgicalinstruments #surgicaltechnologist #surgerykit #dental #dentist #odontologia #dentista #tooth #odonto #dentalassistant #dentalclinic #orthodontics #doctor https://www.instagram.com/p/CLGqH1jpcps/?igshid=14vh08l1ozv6z
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trexomedinstruments · 4 years ago
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Trexomed Instruments [email protected] . . Manufacturer | Supplier Surgical | Dental Instruments . . www.trexomed.com . . #dentaltrim #dentalkit #dentalequipments #onlay #medicaldevices #dentalmaterials #xrays #patientcare #sutureskills #suturekit #scissorsalute #scissorkittens #scissorcut #trexomedinstruments #needleholder #needleholders #surgicalmanufacturers #surgicalinstruments #surgicaltechnologist #surgerykit #dental #dentist #odontologia #dentista #tooth #odonto #dentalassistant #dentalclinic #orthodontics #trexomedinstruments https://www.instagram.com/p/CKjH6eXJkQB/?igshid=1ipuhqukjwkya
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trexomedinstruments · 4 years ago
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Trexomed Instruments [email protected] . . Manufacturer & Supplier Surgical & Dental Instruments . . www.trexomed.com . . #dentaltrim #dentalkit #dentalequipments #onlay #medicaldevices #dentalmaterials #trexomedinstruments #patientcare #sutureskills #suturekit #dentalkit #scissorkittens #scissorcut #trexomedinstruments #needleholder #needleholders #surgicalmanufacturers #surgicalinstruments #surgicaltechnologist #surgerykit #dental #dentist #odontologia #dentista #tooth #odonto #dentalassistant #dentalclinic #orthodontics #doctor https://www.instagram.com/p/CKUGDLNpv5v/?igshid=1xhxsg79cu8na
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trexomedinstruments · 4 years ago
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Trexomed Instruments [email protected] . . Manufacturer & Supplier Surgical & Dental Instruments . . Tc . . www.trexomed.com . . #dentaltrim #dentalkit #dentalequipments #onlay #medicaldevices #dentalmaterials #xrays #patientcare #sutureskills #suturekit #scissorsalute #scissorkittens #scissorcut #trexomedinstruments #needleholder #needleholders #surgicalmanufacturers #surgicalinstruments #surgicaltechnologist #surgerykit #dental #dentist #odontologia #dentista #tooth #odonto #dentalassistant #dentalclinic #orthodontics #doctor https://www.instagram.com/p/CKHRwBGJwhz/?igshid=ycu6m3gfac20
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