#Susie Tute
axolotlbloddy · 3 months
Some Favorite wii music character :^
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And I have old ship tute from wii music in 2018 -_-"
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I don't have Mii x Mii ship, I have only Tute x Tute and Tute x Mii, but I trying find Ship Miis.
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Pit: That's Matt! Palutena: I'm not that surprised you remember him, Pit! After all, Matt is the boxing trainer for Wuhu Island, as well as their undefeated boxing and swordplay champion. Pit: You mean, undefeated until I showed up! Palutena: It was impressive, seeing you swing that Wiimote around with such ferocity, and yet having such calculated blows with the Nunchuk... Viridi: Pit's such a fan of cutesy games, it's hard to imagine him as having any skill in those high-intensity simulators. Pit: I seem to recall this "cutesy" angel taking on the entire Underworld Army AND the Forces of Nature by myself, thank you very much! Palutena: On your own, huh? Pit: ... So! Matt! Palutena: Oh, well, you know Matt's going to be able to parry you with his sword, but what you may not know is he's gotten rather good at basketball recently. Try not to get dunked on... Especially on your own like that. Pit: Wait! Lady Palutena!
Pit: This guy's conducting a symphony while fighting! Talk about double-time! Palutena: That's Sebastian Tute, the main guide in Wii Music! He's actually rather well-versed in many instruments, but he prefers the viola. He also conducts The Tutes, a small jazz band comprised of Bob Tute, Susie Tute, Peter Tute, Natalie Tute, J.J. Tute, and Pedro Tute. Viridi: They can't possibly all be related. Palutena: Alas, that's one of life's great mysteries. Pit: Sebastian's really throwing around these instruments, though! I've dodged pianos more times than I thought I would! Palutena: It's not just pianos! Sebastian can also play a drum solo that launches you back, roll a marimba across the floor, and he might even send you flying with a Bongo Rocket! Keep to the groove and get in there! Pit: Right!
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choccos-aaart · 5 years
collection of wii music tutles that i never got round to uploading (old-ish art warning!!!)
natalie’s valentine’s card that i never finished xP
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nat’s animal crossing character :D never got down to doing the lighting tho xP
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stuff from a crack-ship meme on deviantart xD
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everyone else’s animal crossing character (of course i made j.j. a bluejay xD)
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more of the “midlife crisis - the band” stuff (feat. a work in progress of pedro :P)
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(college tutes) bar fight aftermath xD
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and finally, work in progress of peter just jammin out on the drums
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here’s some short dialogues too, if ya wanna :P check em out under the cut!
peter: h-hey, quit tryna call me out on my "untidiness", man - i'm one of the neatest peeps you've ever known! haven’t ya seen?!
jj: fine, i can accept that.
peter: i mean, look at punko's room! it's a goddamn insult to bedrooms all over the whole wide world!
jj: i can accept that too, but i'm afraid to say that this "punko" has a name and his name is robert.
peter: peter: peter: hey! i thought bob hated that name!
jj: oo yeah, he said that only i am allowed to refer to him as that.
peter: aight, now that's just downright unfair, dude!
jj: i can even call him 'robby bobby' too
jj: i have a theory.
bob: oh yeah?
susie: what is it?
natalie: what've you got?
jj: *looks around* jj: brilliant; they're out of sight. jj: now, i think i know exactly why peter and pedro have this whole thing against me. jj: they have specific things in common jj: you see this? *brings up a piece of paper*
suse: yeah? it says their names...
jj: exactly. what do you notice?
bob: they're...--
jj: variations of the same name; each others' names! jj: you see, pedro is the spanish version of peter. no wonder they're friends.
natalie: but j.j, these are two grown men we're talking about, yes? --
jj: *brings up an image* jj: yes, they're grown, but are they really that mature?
image: *peter and pedro showing their contact details for jj, both having j.j's nickname be pendejo*
jj: they took this photo without my permission... against my will!
(i think i was meant to continue this lol)
jj: bob. when you said mcdonald's was a 5-star restaurant... jj: i didn't actually think that you were being serious
bob: ...and?
jj: and when you said you'd treat me to some "fine food" at a "five-star restaurant" after i did an... arguably good deed, jj: i thought you really meant jj: an actual jj: five-star restaurant 
bob: ... bob: 'lright. bob: ... bob: hey ya wanna go for a smoke outside or something after this?
jj: wh- jj: ... jj: yeah sure, why not?
i don’t think that’s it, but that’ll be all for this long frickin post lol
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Merpati Airlines: Dapatkah pulang terbang tinggi mengulang kejayaan masa lalu?
New Post has been published on http://gampangqq.link/merpati-airlines-dapatkah-pulang-terbang-tinggi-mengulang-kejayaan/
Merpati Airlines: Dapatkah pulang terbang tinggi mengulang kejayaan masa lalu?
Merpati Airlines: Dapatkah pulang terbang tinggi mengulang kejayaan masa lalu?
Merpati Airlines: Dapatkah pulang terbang tinggi mengulang kejayaan masa lalu?
Jika tidak terdapat perubahan mengharukan pada menit-menit terakhir, maskapai Merpati bakal segera terbang kembali.
Maskapai mempunyai nama lengkap PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines ini merasakan tantangan finansial sejak 2008 dan semenjak 2014 berhenti beroperasi.
Jumlah utang maskapai cikal bakal tersebut ketika ini menjangkau sekitar Rp10,7 triliun, tetapi pada Agustus kemudian Merpati mendapat investor baru yang siap menyuntik modal usaha sebesar Rp6,4 triliun.
Merpati Airlines Dapatkah pulang terbang tinggi mengulang kejayaan masa lalu
Dan dengan disetujuinya permohonan Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang (PKPU) oleh Pengadilan Niaga Surabaya maka Merpati juga tak jadi pailit.
Kecelakaan Merpati, seluruh tewas Pesawat Merpati jatuh di Papua Jatuhnya pesawat Merpati, kelayakan dan pengadaan “Menyatakan sah perdamaian yang dilaksanakan antara PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines dengan kreditornya sebagaimana sudah disepakati bareng pada kesepakatan tanggal 21 Oktober 2018,” kata Hakim Ketua, Sigit Sutrisno, ketika ketuk palu.
Dengan keputusan itu, berarti pembayaran utang-utang Merpati bisa ditunda dan investasi baru dapat dipakai untuk menggarap pembelian pesawat baru dan mengurus izin tute terbang dan investasi operasional lainnya.
“Kita mesti beroperasi kembali. Karena inti dari proposal perdamaian kan kita diserahkan kesempatan guna beroperasi kembali. Kemudian yang pada kesudahannya memiliki keterampilan menyelesaikan mekanisme ruilslag yang sudah disepakati,” ujar Dirut PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines, Asep Eka Nugraha.
Mengapa urgen untuk pulang terbang? Sejak mulai beroperasi pada 1962, Merpati tidak tidak tidak sedikit melayani rute ke daerah-daerah terpencil.
“Dan dia lumayan sukses guna era 80-an hingga 90-an di distrik Indonesia Timur,” ungkap pakar bisnis penerbangan Arista Atmadjati.
“Dan kini kan distrik Indonesia Timur tersebut relatif pembangunannya agak tertinggal. Jadi sampai-sampai pembangunan di Indonesia Timur yang notabene tersebut kepulauan-kepulauan dan masih terbelakang jadi dapat dibantu sistem logistik transportasi melewati udara,” imbuhnya.
Bagaimana kesempatan memenangkan kompetisi? Semenjak berhenti beroperasi empat tahun lalu, 19 rute Merpati akhirnya dipungut alih oleh maskapai lain laksana Susi Air yang memungut rute Bade-Merauke, Garuda Indonesia yang memungut Ende-Tambolaka dan Ende- Kupang dan NAM Air yang memungut Kupang-Maumere dan Denpasar-Waingapu.
Namun Arista Atmadjati berasumsi Merpati masih punya peluang.
Dicontohkan Arista bahwa maskapai Batik yang memakai pesawat full-jet engine mesti terbang di landasan paling tidak 2.300-2.500 meter yang melulu ada di ibukota provinsi atau kota yang agak besar.
“Merpati tersebut usahakan menghindari head-to-head dengan maskapai kayak Batik atau Sriwijaya atau Lion, menurut keterangan dari penjelasan dari saya dia lebih baik bermain di panjang landasan contohnya 1.200-1.500 meter,” papar Arista.
“Nah di situ persaingannya sempit… dan bandaranya paling tidak tidak tidak sedikit di Indonesia Timur,” tambahnya.
Selain konsentrasi pada rute-rute cikal bakal di Indonesia Timur, Arista Atmadjati yang pun adalahDirektur AIAC Aviation Jakarta, juga berasumsi bahwa Merpati mesti mengerjakan transformasi manejemen dan merekrut staf yang profesional supaya berhasil.
Namun dia tidak sepakat dengan keputusan pihak Merpati yang akan memakai pesawat Rusia Irkut MC-21 sebagai armada barunya.
“Penerbangan komersial di Indonesia itu tidak lumayan akrab dengan pesawat buatan Rusia. Berdasarkan keterangan dari saya, seharusnya Merpati menggarap pembelian pesawat yang turbo propeller saja,” kata Arista.
“Cari pilot tipe pesawat Rusia kan paling sulit di pasaran, kedua dengan simulatornya, ketiga dengan teknisi peralatan-peralatannya. Jadi mesti dipikirkan SDM di belakang pesawat model baru ini,” pungkasnya.
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crossingdivinepaths · 7 years
Amán - Barcelona
Madre mía, ahora si que me hago a la idea.
Estoy a 5h de pisar Barcelona, de deshacer lo hecho. De recordar todo lo vivido como las memorias de una vida ideal que fue pero no será más.
Estoy a 14.ooo feet y 13 minutos de Barcelona. No me lo puedo creer. Me piden que ponga recto el respaldo del sillón y que suba la ventanilla. Ya no queda nada... “increíble”, me digo. No puedo asimilarlo. Me siento como si fuera de vacaciones a Barcelona a ver a mis amigos y luego a mi familia. Como si esta vez el paréntesis fuera mi vida de siempre, y mi vida real el estar lejos sin rumbo. Volver a las andadas, al camino por hacer, a la libertad del viajero que transporta toda posesión a sus espaldas. 
Volverás a tus andadas, a sentir la intensidad de saberte dueña de tus propios pasos. A crear cada día con total libertad. Pero ahora... Ahora disfruta de este hogar y este momento que te toca y tienes la gran suerte de vivir.
Gracias eternamente Marta, Miquel, Vero, Yaiza, Mireia, Juanan, Miren, Junjun, Mónica, Irene, Jane, Daniel, Ali, Tute, Juanito, Julian, Josh, Stephan, Axel, Erik, Alain, Francesca, JeyP, Gerald, Anna, Mireia y susi, Fernando, Estevan, Ralph, Sumbjic, Julo, niños de malapascua...
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choccos-aaart · 5 years
some stupid dialogue i wanna turn to a small comic
[yeah it’s a wii music thing :0]
susie: so, how was today’s rehearsal? better than last time’s?
peter: i suppose, peter: but, j.j.?
j.j.: yeah, what?
peter: my only critique is... peter: hm... peter: i dunno, you kinda just sounded a bit... peter: updog >:]
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choccos-aaart · 6 years
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if this game was relevant to anyone, i am happy for you :’’’333333
meet my favourite “””band””” when i was like 10 <3
links below are of them without them images n words in the background :0 [bob, peter n natalie] [pedro, susIE n j.j.]
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choccos-aaart · 6 years
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came up with some pretty basic concept:  -fresh into adulthood -college years oo golly -living with no trace of parental supervision -and somehow forming garage band despite their differences (more specifically in music taste) :00
i dunno lol i just thought this thing up :VV
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choccos-aaart · 6 years
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midlife crisis - the band
WIP PART 1!!!!!!1!111
UPDATE: adsfhjlkas i just realised a small band’s already named mid life crisis lmaoo
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choccos-aaart · 6 years
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some college au doodles!! (feat. a little headcanon of how they got their cat suits :>>)
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choccos-aaart · 6 years
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pedro bullying his friends through art excluding j.j. :0 
oo good lord i can't believe it after 6 years i'm finally (probably) starting my wii music art phase lmao
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choccos-aaart · 6 years
oo golly my mind’s just flowing with headcanons for bob lmao
but here’s something i thought up when i was just beginning headcanoning the tutes’ personalities .o.
so ya know how the bassist works in a band? i tried bringing that into bob’s character :0
the bassist’s what brings the band together but in a real subtle way 
that got me to think of bob just being all like “damn we haven’t all hung out in a while...........”
*texts susie bc she’s more enthusiastic about this sorta stuff* “heyy ya don’t mind just asking everyone if they’re cool to just head off to [wherever the hell]”
and susie’s all like “well why dont u do it urself??”
and bob just responds like “u kno me???? >:’0”
and o heyy they all hang out with 3 to 4 of them not knowing it was bob who entertained the idea of bringing them all together :>
i dunno just a thought .4.
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choccos-aaart · 6 years
bob says fuck pachelbel’s canon and is bitter about how pedro susie n j.j. have an absolute blast performing this tune lmao
[yeahh our music teacher was telling us something about ostinatos n whatnot and showed us [this] video which inspired this headcanon lmao]
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choccos-aaart · 6 years
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i swear all i’ve been doing is bullying j.j. and i think i should stop lmao
hhhhhh  reason why peter’s having a go at j.j. outta the blue... years ago (and to this day) i’ve always imagined peter n j.j. just bickering about nonsense n whatnot for watever reason lol that’s all i gotta say really o4o
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choccos-aaart · 6 years
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i was gonna do them all at once but i’m too busy :’’VV
i’ll just individually upload what i’ve done 
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choccos-aaart · 6 years
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hhere’s a w.i.p of this dialogue + illustrations thing (no idea what it’s called) and at this point it looks like everyone x j.j. lol aalso apologies for the garbage quality;; it’ll look better in the actual thing and i’ll promise yas that >:’’’’00000
[it was based off a scene from this anime o4o]
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