#Survivor's Quest
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admiral-arelami · 2 years ago
Everyone's looking for Thrawn, but who's looking for Thrass??? 😭💔
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lavenderlemonrose · 9 months ago
okay I've been reading a bunch of star wars books lately and I figured I'd review them here cause literally where else am I gonna talk about them
master and apprentice by claudia gray: I actually really loved this one! by far my favorite sw book I've read in a while. it's set before tpm, following qui-gon and obi-wan on a fairly routine mission but primarily focused on their relationship and how rocky it was in the beginning. I always love young obi books and this was no exception. I also really liked the writing style? often I can feel like sw books read kinda sterilized, esp disney canon like this one, presumably for some "brand integrity" shit, but this didn't read like that at all - it just felt like a rly good sci-fi novel. I'd had mixed experiences with claudia gray in the past, so this was a nice surprise.
brotherhood by mike chen: this was the other disney canon book I read, and although I still enjoyed it, I thought the writing was a little weaker than master & apprentice. this is set pretty soon after attack of the clones, and while it ostensibly focuses on anakin and obi-wan's changing relationship (hence the title), in reality they spent a large amount of the book apart, and it was pretty action-focused. it actually reminded me a little of the themes of secrets of the jedi, because both anakin's and obi-wan's povs dwelled frequently on their romantic attachments - padme and satine, respectively - in a clear narrative foil way. as someone who loved secrets of the jedi, I liked that part of it, but wished we had more interaction between anakin and obi-wan themselves.
survivor's quest by timothy zahn: this is a legends novel set after luke and mara's wedding, following them as they explore the wreckage of outbound flight and uncover a conspiracy. this was a good example of a slightly sterilized book - although zahn is obviously a gifted writer, and tried to explore nuance in luke and mara's relationship, the focus was still very much on the plot, and the relationship tidbits ended up feeling forced to me. I still enjoyed the book, but probably wouldn't reread it in a hurry.
tatooine ghost by troy denning: another legends novel, this one following han and leia shortly after their marriage. I only realized partly through that this one was released around the same time as attack of the clones hit theaters - while the plot is primarily about han and leia attempting to keep a rebellion code key out of imperial hands on tatooine, the "ghost" in the title is shmi skywalker, whose video journal leia finds and watches throughout the course of the book. as a result, we get a pretty exact summary of the events of the phantom menace and the rest of shmi's life, from leia's perspective. it was an interesting narrative device to use to frame leia's grappling with her father's identity. I wasn't able to fully enjoy the book, however - I felt like han acted kind of ooc throughout it, at times seeming to uncomfortably pressure leia to consider the idea of having children, or to resent her for her continued close involvement in the new republic.
these were the sw books on the top of my tbr, so idk when I'll get to more, but when I do I might make another post like this
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starplusfourletters · 10 months ago
I read survivor's quest
When last we left our heroes I feel like the powers that be were really pushing Karrde/shada, but this book opens directly on karrde/booster. Delightful
So I think retconning that at some point offscreen Yoda told Luke not to get married is kinda dumb. Like, why would Luke be nervous about this NOW when everybody pretty much laid out their attachment issues in vision of the future. I think the much more hilarious version of events would be that Yoda intended to tell Luke not to get married because that was a Whole Thing for his dad but then took one look at Luke and was like “…a problem, this will not be”
Luke canonically not speaking Huttese will always be funny to me (like what did he take as a language credit on Tatooine? Shirywook?) but having him realize, at the age of forty, that he maybe should have taken a single level of a single Outer Rim trade language has me cracking up (also establishing that he can understand a dozen languages but listen I don’t believe that for a minute)
Is “how in the name of Outer Rim bug-eaters” a 2D clone wars reference or have I completely lost my mind
sEcReT sIsTeR?
Oh No there’s an Expanse
Hold up did this book literally just become Among Us? This reads like a game of among us
So Zahn obviously put a lot of effort into thinking through the map of this ship, and which areas the turbolifts connect, and how each group of combatants is moving through it, but I’m just imagining a Scooby doo hallway scene cuz I can’t be bothered to figure out Zahn’s mind palace
When Luke believes in trusting his instincts and his instincts are telling him to bring the eight-year-old into the warzone
“I'm an electronics technician. Like my father before me.”
General Drask, brilliant tactician, naturally suspicious: yeah my military signifier code is just 212 what of it
Mara really is her own therapist
I've decided that I actually find the "oh no there’s a clone of a major character" thing charming. EXCEPT for ep9
Luke deciding that the Jedi order rule about marriage was a skill issue *chef’s kiss*
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promulticlasser · 9 months ago
I hope Evlyn lives her best life after the events of Survivor's Quest. That child deserves the world.
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queam · 4 months ago
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Yeah idk about that
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celestialsun123 · 3 months ago
Do y'all ever look at a map in a game, go "okay, I need to go this way, then that way," close the map, start moving, but then immediately forget which way to go? (Or which way that would be from where you're standing?)
yeah, cause I do that at least 20 times when I play games.
And it is why I headcanon Cal as adhd cause with the way I play, he has to be. I can just imagine it now-
"BD, show me the map?"
*sees the map*
"Okay, thanks buddy."
*starts moving*
"Wait, actually, can you pull it back up again?"
*looks at the map*
"Alright, I got it now."
*starts moving again*
*angry BD noises that translate to 'stop asking, I'll just tell you where to go' cause this is the fifteenth time in an hour*
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leavingautumn13 · 2 years ago
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photos taken seconds before disaster
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fatedroses · 8 months ago
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Finally I can post the comic for Adventurer!Zenos that has taken hold of my brain for the past week.
AKA a man who is currently running off the fumes of the literal souls of the damned being very desperate to be out of the void he was stuck in (and for the first time actually being able to just enjoy something mundane), only to get absolutely overwhelmed but all the stimuli he had just... ignored until now.
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animatedjen · 8 months ago
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STAR WARS Jedi: Survivor | Photomode Wallpapers Pt 2
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gobald · 7 months ago
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You want it? You got it.
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lesbianriverphoenix · 6 months ago
hi guys i just wanted to share that i have a girlfriend who i'm very in love with. we haven't been official THAT long but we've been going out since june and i feel like i've known her forever. i feel better and more secure and comfortable than i have ever felt in a relationship and even though i've been in love before and ik those feelings were true this is the first time i've felt it while also not freaking out and constantly worrying that it's going to end any minute so i better soak it up while i can. also the semester started yesterday at my job so even tho i've been there for months it feels like i'm finally really starting that and i'm definitely nervy but i feel like i can do it fr :) soooooo life is gorgeous i guess 🔫
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drolta · 7 months ago
Just finished Gildun’s side quest and I am weeping at the parallel between him and Aloy and the ever present theme of overcoming loneliness and finding true friendship.
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mrsmhaddock · 1 month ago
me with the difficulty set to easy
im SO good at video games
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ship-garbage-pile · 1 year ago
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Respect to all the healers out there. Where do you find THE STRENGTH to do this daily??
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8bitsupervillain · 1 year ago
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I made this quite some time ago. I think it's high time I updated this. These are the games I considered some of the best of all time.
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shoulderholsterfreak · 2 years ago
This is just the late night talking, but I miss legends!Chiss fandom. Everyone who hasn’t read stuff like the Thrawn duology or Survivor’s Quest is seriously missing out (and if you haven’t read Outbound Flight, are you REALLY engaging in the full Thrawn Experience?). Not to mention the fact that legends has some of the best Thrawn content out there.
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