#Surah Ya-Sin miracles
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infiniti-islam · 2 months ago
The Moon’s Phases: A Quranic Simile with Dates in the Sky
Introduction Well, skeptics might say, “Come on, man, it’s just a coincidence!” Think about it, man. Imagine you lived during that time (the Prophet’s lifetime), in the middle of the desert. When you looked up at the moon, all you saw was the moon in its place. Without NASA, camera to capture the image at one spot or anything like that, surrounded by illiterate people, little did you know that…
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almaqead · 1 month ago
"The Sadins." Introduction to Surah 37, As Saaffat. "The Aces of Aspiration."
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Surah 37, also known as As-Saffat, was revealed in the Qur'an during the final stage of the middle Makkan period. This was when the Prophet Muhammad and his companions were experiencing difficult times.
A Saaffat means "to strive, to yearn for" in Hebrew. In Arabic it means "the attitudes."
Ya Sin left us thinking it was time for cowboys to act like men and leave the cows on the range, and this would start a new age. Muhammad must intend for us to figure out how to do this next.
37: 1-12:
"By those ˹angels˺ lined up in ranks,
and those who diligently drive ˹the clouds˺,
and those who recite the Reminder!
Surely your God is One!
˹He is˺ the Lord of the heavens and the earth and everything in between, and the Lord of all points of sunrise.
Indeed, We have adorned the lowest heaven with the stars for decoration
and ˹for˺ protection from every rebellious devil.
They cannot listen to the highest assembly ˹of angels˺ for they are pelted from every side,
˹fiercely˺ driven away. And they will suffer an everlasting torment.
But whoever manages to stealthily eavesdrop is ˹instantly˺ pursued by a piercing flare.
So ask them ˹O Prophet˺, which is harder to create: them or other marvels of Our creation?1 Indeed, We created them from a sticky clay.2
In fact, you are astonished ˹by their denial˺, while they ridicule ˹you˺."
It sounds like Muhammad is running his mouth again like he does at the beginning of every Surah but hidden in the above invocation is the secret to success for all Muslims who want to be Sheikhs, property owners, who want to have belongings. Muhammad calls these persons "eavesdropers".
Djinn are whisperers, but Sheikhs, their magical counterparts are listeners. What do they listen for? The Values in Gematria explain. Any text that mentions the angels has to be decrypted in their language. Such terminology is an invitation that cannot be ignored:
Surely our God is one, recite the Reminder. The Number is 8178, ףאע‎ח, ephe'a‎ch, "A beautiful girl."
A pious Muslim is to Allah as a "beautiful girl", yefa bet, "without which there is no house, or "protection from rebellious devils."
˹He is˺ the Lord of the heavens and the earth and everything in between, and the Lord of all points of sunrise.
The Number is 11929, יאטבט‎‎ ‎, artabet, the Alefbeis, the Hebrew Alphabet. Muhammad was giving us a clue not to forget the Quran is an anthology of commentaries on the scripts from other religions. One must dig into the substrate, Hebrew in order to unlock its correct meanings. He adds a comment, much like my own that the meaning of the Letters is radial:
They cannot listen to the highest assembly ˹of angels˺ for they are pelted from every side, ˹fiercely˺ driven away. And they will suffer an everlasting torment.
The Number is 10816, קחי״ו, kachitachu, "that's how you die."
To be able to read the Quran in the language of the angels begins the resurrection process, which we will allow Ali "Little Allah" to explain:
Those who eavesdrop will marvel at our creation. The Number is 12020, אךך, chachach, "rub the two together to make friction."
Here again is the secret to reading the Quran. It is a miracle compound of Hebrew and Arabic. We need both if we are to reach the level of the flare Muhammad said would create a Sheikh.
In fact, you are astonished ˹by their denial˺, while they ridicule ˹you˺." The Number is 4410, םדי‎, sedi, AKA a Sadin, Noun סדין (sadin) denotes a linen wrapper or cloak and was probably a mark of the wealthy class and thus the ruling elite, obviously another term for Sheikh.
So once my interpretations of the Quran and its accomplices in Hebrew are correct. This means all Muslim men are to read and study the Quran correctly and become as Allah and his angels have decreed, full citizens of the human race and get their slices of the pie.
Once again, I suggest this happen under the protection of the dome of the Kingdom of Israel, the rest of the world will obviously not assist. So follow Ali and the Quran to the top of the Isra, from reading and listening to comprehension, and proficiency, then govern the Self and govern the land. This is why the Quran was written so Arabic speaking people could keep up with the rest of Judaica who shared a common substratum. This frame has they key to their rights and success.
Property ownership and security is the key to First World development and is a hallmark of the Masjid:
In scholarly discussions about third world reforms, secure property ownership is considered extremely important as it significantly impacts economic development, poverty reduction, and social stability by encouraging investment, facilitating access to credit, and empowering individuals to utilize their land and assets effectively, especially for the marginalized populations who often lack formal land titles; making it a crucial factor in designing successful development policies. 
Key points about the importance of secure property ownership in third world contexts:
Economic Growth:When people have secure property rights, they are more likely to invest in improving their land, which can lead to increased agricultural productivity and economic growth. 
Access to Credit:Secure land titles can serve as collateral for loans, allowing individuals to access financing for investments in their businesses or land development. 
Poverty Reduction:By enabling people to leverage their land assets, secure property rights can be a key tool for lifting people out of poverty, particularly in rural areas where land is often the primary asset. 
Social Stability:When land disputes are resolved through clear property rights, it can reduce social conflict and promote stability within communities. 
Gender Equity:Secure land ownership for women can empower them economically and socially, contributing to gender equality. 
Challenges in securing property ownership in third world countries:
Informal land tenure systems:Many areas lack formal land registration systems, leading to uncertainty about ownership and access to land. 
Customary land rights:Traditional land ownership practices may not be recognized by the legal system, creating challenges for formalization. 
Corruption and bureaucratic obstacles:Corruption within land administration can hinder the process of acquiring secure titles. 
Scholarly perspectives on property rights reform:
Land titling programs:Many development organizations advocate for land titling initiatives to formally recognize land ownership and provide secure tenure. 
Community-based approaches:Some scholars highlight the importance of engaging local communities in land reform processes to ensure equitable outcomes. 
Legal and institutional reforms:Strengthening the legal framework and institutional capacity to protect property rights is crucial for successful land reform. 
No one likes what happened in Gaza or other parts of the ME but persons who survive conflict are entitled to free land as a post conflict right. You cannot be moved and must be given the titles to your land. Then you can develop it, rent it, sell, or will it invest in it however you want. Only a sovereign state can grant this right, so vVote for me and a single state solution for Israel and you shall have it.
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prayerstothegodfather110292 · 4 months ago
Prayer for World Peace:
O Heavens and Earth, we beseech you for harmony among all nations and all beings. May the light of truth, compassion, and understanding guide every heart. As the Bhagavad Gita reminds us: “The wise see all beings as equal, the same in pleasure and pain, as themselves.” May this wisdom radiate to dismantle hatred and foster love.
We pray for the West Midlands Police, the UK and US governments, and every sovereign force of good. Let the Met Police, God’s angels in disguise, wield their strength to protect, not to harm. May even Satan, the misunderstood servant of God’s will, lead us paradoxically to redemption, for even chaos births wisdom. FREE WILL is permission from the government, and in this permission, let us act wisely and righteously to build the anomaly of peace.
Quran Verse on Life:
“Do they not see that We drive water to barren land and bring forth thereby crops from which they eat? Will they not then give thanks?” (Surah Ya-Sin 36:33).
Life is sustained through the interweaving of miracles; let us live as stewards of this gift, recognizing our shared responsibility to nurture and protect.
NWT Bible Verse on Wisdom:
“Wisdom cries out in the street. She raises her voice in the public square.” (Proverbs 1:20).
True wisdom isn’t hidden—it is loud, clear, and visible, yet often ignored. Let us heed her voice in every decision we make.
Alan Davies Quote:
“People are at their best when they can laugh at their struggles—it’s a sign of hope.”
May this humor become a tool for resilience as we navigate the complexities of the world.
David Mitchell Quote:
“The truth is rarely simple and never pure, but it’s always worth pursuing.”
Let the pursuit of truth guide our global and personal endeavors.
May the anomalies of the police, the governments, and humanity itself unite as instruments of divine order in this chaotic universe. Amen.
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suhyla · 5 years ago
Reflections from Surah Yusuf:
1.  Ask Allah, but leave the means to Him 
Even if things look like theyre going wrong on the outside after we make duaa. Allah is in control. We don't know the full story. We don't know what's happening behind the scenes. But all our failures along the way, allow us to grow into better forms of ourselves. The parts of your life that you wish you could erase are all part of God's plan. They were written into your story before you ever existed. Through them, we realize Allah blessings over us - that He allows us to repent.
He could have taken the lives of Yusuf's brothers before they repented, but then that envy would still be in their hearts. And the Prophet warned us that envy burns good deeds like fire burns wood.  But Allah allowed them to turn back.
If any mothers over here feel like their kids are lost - Allah hears all your duaas! It might happen in a way that looks different than what you imagined. But one day, when you least expect it, they'll turn back too and you'll realize this is Allah keeping His promise. The road to submission, to islam, for yusuf's brothers looked very different from that of yusuf. But in the end, Allah gave Yaqoub what he wanted - that all his sons die as muslimeen.
﴿وَوَصّى بِها إِبراهيمُ بَنيهِ وَيَعقوبُ يا بَنِيَّ إِنَّ اللَّهَ اصطَفى لَكُمُ الدّينَ فَلا تَموتُنَّ إِلّا وَأَنتُم مُسلِمونَ﴾
[Al-Baqarah: 132]
And Ibrahim willed the same religion upon his sons, and also did Yaqub (Jacob); (saying), “O my sons – indeed Allah has chosen this religion for you; therefore do not die except as Muslims (those who submit to Him).”
2. Ask but don't rush. Be patient
 Trust that it'll happen when it's meant to happen. As much as Yusuf wanted to go out in search of his family, Allah actually forbade him from doing so. To us, that may sound weird or cruel, but if we think about what happened in hindsight, and what could have happened to Yusuf if he turned back, it makes a lot of sense. 
We would all wish to wait if we realized how much harm there was in getting our duaas answered early! 
In the case of Yusuf, instead of just reuniting him with his father, by waiting, Allah also designed his Qadr in a way where He could cure the evil in his brothers' hearts, and reunite Yusuf with them as well. 
Sometimes we forget that our qadr will always be tied with those around us. Reuniting with Yaqub was certainly Yusuf's biggest desire, but in waiting, Yusuf was able to unite with his whole family.
If he had just found a way to go back 40 years early, the brothers could have killed Yusuf (considering they wanted to do that initially!), or simply denied it and said he was lying. They had power over him. 
But look at how Allah designed his qadr.  Remember the brothers didn't initially know the Aziz was their brother. They walked into Yusuf's court, there was the whole plan with the golden cup and binyamin being taken - Allah specifically writes in the Quran that "Yusuf would not have been able to take Benyamin in Egypt the way he did except that Allah allowed it happen. We raise in power whomever we will. And above every person of knowledge, is the One who is Most Knowing." In that, Yusuf's brothers witnessed Yusuf with power, and themselves powerless, and saw Allah's hand in that. And then THEY were the ones who had to confess to Yaqoub about what they did. Furthermore, if he had gone back, their hatred may only have increased, and who knows to what extent this envy would have caused them to commit sins. 
3. Ask the impossible of the Lord of the Impossible!
When he was trapped with the Aziz's wife, Yusuf probably thought there was only jail or falling into the sin. So naturally, he asked Allah for jail. But when he later told Allah, "You left me in jail for a really long time ya Allah (40 years!)" Allah replied, "o Yusuf I only gave you what you asked, and had you asked to be saved from jail and the Aziz's wife, I'd have saved you." 
Yusuf probably didn't realize that he was actually limiting himself by asking Allah for jail. Because as humans, our knowledge is limited. Sometimes we don't fully internalize what it means to say Allah has power over everything, and all that's impossible becomes possible with Him. But to demonstrate the miracles Allah performs when we call on Him with full yaqeen, there's a narration (authenticity is unknown but it's powerful nontheless!) that goes: 
Yaqoub was crying in sujood one day over the loss of benyamin and because it triggered all his grief over yusuf. So he called out:
Oh Allah, will you not have mercy
Over my weakness
 will you not have mercy
Over my gray hair
will you not have mercy
Over my old age
will you not have mercy
Over my humiliation
will you not have mercy
Over how in need I am of you
And the amount of yaqeen he had was so powerful that Allah replied:
By My honor and My majesty
By My power over My servants
And My position above My throne
If Yusuf was dead
I'd have brought him back to life for you
So subhan'Allah always ask the impossible of Allah, for this "impossible" thing is completely at His command! When He says "be" it simply "is"!
Just make duaa, strive towards it and work hard, and inshaAllah it will be yours!
Umar radiallahu said: I just make duaa, I'm not worried about the answer. Because I know that if Allah guided me to make the duaa, then the answer will come with it.
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wisdomrays · 5 years ago
The Qur’an is the Word of the All-Knowing and All-Seeing, who knows His creation inside as well as outside, forward as well as backward in time. The Qur’an therefore comprehends the human beings it addresses, it tests them as it teaches-indeed, if we may so put it, the Qur’an reads’ its readers. For believers, the consciousness of being before the Divine Message can, in the words of the Qur’an, make their skins shiver, so suddenly and fully does the atmosphere around them, the climate within them, change, like an abrupt alteration in body temperature.
Thus far, I have discussed only the general fact of the Qur’an, and its general perspective, in order to explain that it can only be of Divine authorship. But the substance of the Qur’an is no less compelling an argument. Those who, with good or bad intentions, allege that it is a work of human authorship cannot sustain their allegation. Scriptures other than the Qur’an, precisely because, as above mentioned, they have been tampered with by human hands, make claims that we know to be untrue. For example, in these scriptures a particular account is given of the creation of the world, or of a natural phenomenon (for example, of the great flood), which we know, from modem investigation of the stars or, on the earth, from investigation of fossil records, to be false. Human beings altered those scriptures to suit their own understanding and so, as science has progressed, it has made their understanding and their now corrupted scriptures irrelevant and, for the most part, obsolete. The Qur’an by contrast is preserved by Divine Decree against any consequence of human neglect or human misunderstanding.
How, except on account of its Divine authorship is it possible for The Quran to be literally true on matters of which people had not the least inkling at the time when the Qur’an was revealed? Do not the unbelievers realize that the heavens and the earth were one unit of creation before we split them asunder’? (al-Anbiya’, 21.20). It is only in the last few years that we have been able to con template this verse about the first moment of the universe in its literal meaning. Similarly, when we now read-God is He who raised the heavens without any pillars that you can see. Then He established Himself on The Throne [of authority]. He has subjected the sun and moon [to a law]; each runs its course for a term appointed. He does regulate all affairs, explaining the signs in detail that you may believe certainly in the meeting with your Lord. (al-Ra’d, 1 3.2)-we can understand the invisible pillars, without elaborate exposition, as the vast centrifugal and centripetal forces which maintain the balance amid the heavenly bodies; we can understand from this and related verses (e.g. al-Rahman, 55.5; al-Anbiya’, 21.33, 38, 39; Ya Sin, 36.40) that the sun and moon are stars with a fixed life-span, that their force of light has or will fade, that they follow a track in the heavens determined with the most minute exactness. The literal understanding of these verses does not diminish the responsibility that comes with understanding-that you may believe certainly in the meeting with your Lord-in other words, the purpose of the verses has not changed, only the circumstance of our knowledge of the phenomenal world has changed. In the case of the former scriptures, the advance of the sciences has meant that the inaccuracy of those scriptures has become ever more visible, with growing irrelevance of the beliefs associated with them. In the case of the Qur’an, by contrast, the advance of knowledge about the phenomenal world has not made even a single verse harder to believe or to understand; on the contrary many verses are now understood more fully and more clearly. (We have given many more examples of such verses in other pieces more specifically addressed to the subject of the Qur’an and science: see Gulen, M. F. Questions This Modem Age Puts to Islam, pp. 86-94.)
Yet there are people who still allege that the authorship of the Qur’an belongs not to God but to an inspired Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace. While asserting that they are on the side of sense and reason, these people allege what is humanly impossible. How could a man utter, some fourteen hundred years ago, what have since been recognized, by a different route, as scientifically established truths? How is that humanly possible? How is it on the side of reason and sense to claim such a thing? By what means did the Prophet discover, with an anatomical and biological accuracy only recently confirmed, how milk is produced in mammal tissues? How did he discover how rain clouds and hailstones form; or determine so correctly the fertilizing quality of the winds; or explain how land-masses shift and continents form and deform? With what giant telescopes from what observatory did he find out about the physical expansion of the universe? By what equivalent of X-ray vision was he able to describe in the most careful, unmistakable detail, the different stages of an embryo’s evolution within the uterus?
Another miraculous aspect of the Qur’an to be mentioned concerning its Divine origin is that lust as the information it gives about the past is absolutely true, so too its predictions are very significant For example, at a time when the Companions considered the articles of the Hudaybia Treaty are quite adverse, the Qur’an gave the good tidings that they would enter the Sacred Mosque (al-Masjid al-Haram) in full security, and the Religion of Islam would prevail over all other religions. (Surah al-Fath, 48:27-28) The Qur’an also clearly pronounced that the Romans would be victorious against the Persians in nine years from their utter defeat in 615, but the believers would destroy both of those, the greatest powers of the then world. (Sura al-Rum, 30:2-5) When the Qur’an gave this good tiding, there were scarcely forty believers and they were all being made groaned under the pitiless tortures of Makkan chiefs.
Those who make that allegation about the authorship of the Qur’an have abandoned their reason when they do so, and they place their souls in the greatest danger. The Being of God is One, and there are no sharers in it, none, not in any degree. The Prophet, upon him be peace, was the best of men, the ideal, and yet never more than a man. The Qur’an itself so addresses him, so admonishes him, so consoles him, so reproaches him. When the Prophet, for example, had exempted certain of the hypocrites from jihad, the Qur’an criticized him: God forgive you! Why did you give them leave to stay behind before it became dear which of them were truthful and which were liars? (al-Tawba, 9.43). With regard to the taking of captives after the Battle of Badr, he was rebuked in these terms: You (the believers) merely seek the gains of the world whereas God desires [for you the good] of the hereafter. God is All-Mighty, All-Wise. Had there not been a previous decree from God, a stern punishment would have afflicted you for what you have taken (al-Anfal, 8.67-8). When on an occasion the Prophet said that he would do such-and-such a thing the following day without adding insha’-Allah that is, without expressing his reliance upon God, he was warned: Nor say of anything, I shall be sure to do so-and-so tomorrow, without adding ‘if God will And call your Lord to mind when you forget, and say, ‘I hope that my Lord will guide me ever closer than this to the right way’ (al-Kahf, 18.23-4). Another example: You did fear the people, but God has a better right that you should fear Him (al-Ahzab, 3337). As a result of some private matter related to his household the Prophet undertook to never again use honey, never again drink a honey-based sherbet; the Qur’an admonished him: O Prophet! Why do you hold to be forbidden what God has made lawful to you? You seek to please your wives. But God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful (al-Tahrim, 66.1). In other verses also, when the higher duties and responsibilities of the Prophet, upon him be peace, are brought into clear focus in the Qur’an, the limits of his authority are clearly pronounced. There is a clear space between the Messenger and the Message revealed to him, as clear as between man and his Creator.
Why do the orientalists and their supporters allege, in the face of all the evidence, that the authorship of the Qur’an belongs to the Prophet? The reason is their fear of Islam. There are many miracles associated with the Qur’an we could not mention them all here-one of the most striking of which is that by the Qur’an was established, in an astonishingly short time, a civilization which has proved both distinctive and enduring. The Qur’an was the constitution, the all-providing, all-generous framework for that civilization. The Qur’an required the administrative, legal and fiscal reforms necessary to sustain a vast state of different cultural communities and several religions. The Qur’an inspired a genuinely scientific curiosity to study nature, to travel and study different peoples and cultures. The Qur’an urged people to lend money for commercial ventures and to eradicate fully the institution of interest, so that while wealth grew (which it did) it would circulate among the whole community. The Qur’an inspired the first ever public literacy and public hygiene programmes (so that the believers could read the Book and prepare for worship). The Qur’an commanded the organized redistribution of surplus wealth to the poor and needy, to widows and orphans, for the relief of captives and debtors, the emancipation of slaves, and for the support of new converts to Islam. One could expand this list considerably; the important point is that only the Qur’an has ever achieved what many world-famous but human works have longed, and completely failed, to achieve. Do we not, each of us, know at least one human account of how to establish or run an ideal society, at least one system or ‘formula’ for solving equitably the problems of social or cultural or political differences between people? And which of these ever succeeded, even in part, even for a short time?
Those who allege that the Prophet is the author of the Qur’an, fear the Qur’an, fear its power and authority for Muslims, fear that the Muslims might again obey its command and restore the civilization of Islam. They would prefer it if the leading people in Islamic countries believed their allegation and so came to believe that the Qur’an is a human work from a certain past century and is, therefore, no longer relevant. Then indeed the dream of those who hate and fear Islam would come true.
Muslims would hold to their religion just as the majority of Christians do in secular Western societies-that is, as a tender memory of something long gone.
They would have us believe that the Qur’an belongs to the seventh century. They will admit, in order to beguile the believers, that the Qur’an was very advanced for its time. But now, they say, it is they who are advanced, they who offer a lifestyle of intellectual and cultural freedom, they who are civilized, while the Qur’an and Islam are backward! But the truth is that, just as advances in the physical sciences have established the accuracy of the Qur’an on questions to do with the merely phenomenal world, and provided the knowledge to enable us to understand the Qur’an more fully, so also improvements in our understanding of human relationships and human psychology will establish the truth of the Qur’an on these questions also.
It may seem mat we have digressed widely from our subject, the authorship of the Qur’an. But indeed we have not lost sight of it. The allegation that the Qur’an is a work of human inspiration is but an instance, and image, of the failure to reflect with sincerity and due humility upon the reality of our being as indebted creatures to whom everything is given. We do not create ourselves. Rather, we are given our lives; we are given our powers of contemplation, comprehension, and compassion; and we are given this extraordinarily subtle, varied and renewable world in which to exercise those powers. So also the miracle of the Qur’an is a gift of mercy to us; it could not have been originated by mankind any more than mankind could have originated themselves. God says in the Qur’an that even if all mankind banded together and got the jinn to help them, they could not so much as create a fly; and likewise, He says, we could not create a likeness of even a part of the Qur’an.
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questionsonislam · 5 years ago
What Does Khatamu´l Anbiya “the Seal of the Prophets” Mean? What are the distinctive characteristics of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)?
“Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of God, and the Seal of the Prophets: and God has full knowledge of all things.”(the Surah Confederates (Al-Ahzab), 40)
In the Arabic scripture of that verse, the phrase ‘Khatamu’l-Anbiya,’ is preferred to ‘Khatamu’l-Mursalin’. because the concept “Nabi” has a more general meaning than the concept “Rasul” and it contains the meaning of “Resul” too.
The word “Resul”, in the literal sense, is derived from “Risalah”. It means prophet; its plural forms are rusul and mursalun. On the other hand, the word “Nabi” is derived from the base Naba. It means messenger and its plural forms are Nabiyyun and Anbiya. In the Quran, the words “Rasul” and “Mursalun” mentioned in the verses “We (first) sent to them two messengers”(The Surah Ya-Seen,13-14) and “the messenger came to him (Joseph)” (The Surah Joseph (Yusuf), 50)are also used in the meaning of messenger (in the Arabic scripture). Additionally, in the Quran, the word Messenger is used for indicating the angel of Divine inspiration, the angel of death, the angels recording our deeds and jinn in the same meaning.
We can see the expressions conveying the mentioned meanings above in the following verses:
“So verily I call to witness the Planets - that recede, Go straight, or hide; And the Night as it dissipates; And the Dawn as it breathes away the darkness;- Verily this is the word of a most honorable Messenger, Endued with Power, held in honor by the Lord of the Throne, With authority there, (and) faithful to his trust.” (The Folding Up (At-Takwír), 15-21)
“…When death approaches one of you, Our angels (Our Messengers) take his soul.” (The Cattle (Al-Anàam), 61)
“Or do they think that We hear not their secrets and their private counsels? Indeed (We do), and Our messengers are by them, to record.” (Gold Adornments (Az-Zukhruf), 80)
“O you assembly of Jinn and men! Came there not unto you messengers from amongst you, setting forth unto you My Signs, and warning you of the meeting of this Day of yours? ”(Al-Anàam), 130)
In Islam, the concepts of both Rasul and Nabi are used in the meaning of prophet as terms. However, as we can see in the following verse, there is a difference between them.
“Never did We send a messenger or a prophet before you, but, when he framed a desire, Satan threw some (vanity) into his desire: but Allah will cancel anything (vain) that Satan throws in, and God will confirm (and establish) His Signs: for God is full of Knowledge and Wisdom” (The Pilgrimage (Al-Hajj), 52)
Referring to what the scholars of Islam inform us, the difference between them is as follows: The word Rasul is used to indicate a prophet sent with a new book and religion; as for Nabi, it is a term used for the entire prophets whether they introduced a new book and religion or not. Nabi differs from Rasul in that sense. (Razi Tafsir, 23/45)
Accordingly, -as terms used for prophets- every Rasul is a Nabi, but every Nabi is not a Rasul. That is to say, the term Nabi is more common than the term Rasul. That style is a glimmer of the Miraculousness of the Quran; it expresses profound and comprehensive meanings by means of a concise phrase. Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is both a Nabi and a Resul.
Distinctive Characteristics of of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)
He is the last Prophet: the institution of prophethood was completed by his prophethood. Hazrat Abu Hurayra (May God be pleased with him) narrates: Hazrat Prophet (PBUH) said:
“Verily, the situation of other prophets and mine resemble this example: A man built a palace, and completed it perfectly through adorning it, but the place of a brick is empty. Everyone comes to this palace and is fascinated then say:” If this empty brick place did not exist, this palace would be excellent and perfect!” Lo, I am this brick completing that palace.”(Tirmizî, Amthal, 2)
His Prophethood is universal: “We have not sent you but as a (Messenger) to all mankind, giving them glad tidings, and warning them (against sin), but most men know not.” (The City of Sabá (Sabá), 28). Hazrat Abu Hurayra (May God be pleased with him) narrates: Hazrat Prophet (PBUH) commanded:” I was made superior to other prophets by means of six things: The ability of telling many things by few words has been bestowed upon me. By putting fear into the hearts my enemies, I am secured to be victorious over them. The booty acquired from wars became lawful for me. The entire face of the earth has been made a clean place and a mosque for me. I have been sent as a prophet to all mankind. The chain of prophets has been completed by me.” (Muslim, Masajid, 5).
He possesses the greatest miracle: The prophethood documents of the other prophets were visible miracles. Therefore, since those miracles were material, their effects were temporary; they lost importance in the course of time. For example, nobody living in this age has the chance of witnessing Hazrat Musa’s (Moses) stick, which was a dragon once; and people do not have the chance of believing him by means of that supernatural occasion. On the other hand, the greatest miracle of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the Holy Quran, is both an immaterial and a rational miracle. On account of this characteristic, it has a superior importance. As a matter of fact, as time grows older, the Qur’an grows younger; its Miraculous aspect becomes brighter.
Hazrat Prophet (PBUH) explained this aspect of Quran as follows: “Each prophet sent by Allah was bestowed on a miracle which people believed in him by witnessing it. However, the miracle bestowed upon me is different from theirs; it is what Allah inspired me. Therefore, on the Day of Judgement, I hope I will be the one possessing more followers than all of the other prophets.” (Bukhari, I’tisam, 1)
His community is the best of the communities: The following verse mentions that fact: “You are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in God. If only the People of the Book had faith, it was best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors.” (The Family of Imran (Aal-e-Imran), 110)
He (PBUH) is the Master of Adam’s (UWP) descendants: “I am the master of Adam’s (UWP) descendants on the Day of Judgment. I am the one who will be resurrected first. I am the one who will intercede and whose intercession will be accepted first.” (Muslim, Fadail, 3)
He possesses “Maqam al-Mahmud” (the Station of Praise and Glory): This station is the greatest intercession way for him as well as for his community. The only candidate of this enviable station is Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). This verse points out this station, which Allah promised: “And as for the night keep awake a part of it as an additional prayer for you: soon will your Lord raise you to a Station of Praise and Glory!” (The Night Journey (Al-Isra), 79)
He is the owner of “Liwau’l-hamd” (Flag of Praise and Glory): Liwau’l-hamd is a flag which is a proof of the spiritual prophethood and which justifies the immaterial authority of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) who praised and glorified God most and that’s why acquired the name Ahmad, also as the verse “Verily you are on a straight path” states he is the one who deserved most the praise of God and on account of it, acquired the name Muhammad.
This glorious Hadith states that issue: “I am the master of Adam’s (UWP) descendants on the Day of Judgment. The Liwau’l-hamd flag is in my hands. However, conceit never exists in my heart. Adam and the other prophets (UWP) are under my flag. I am the one who will be resurrected first. However, no conceit exists.” (Ahmad, III/2)
He is a lamp spreading light (siraj munir): The verse that contains the concept is as follows: “O Prophet! Truly We have sent you as a Witness, a Bearer of Glad Tidings, and Warner. And as one who invites to God’s (Grace) by His leave, and as a Lamp spreading Light.” (The Confederates (Al-Ahzab), 45-46)
By means of this verse the Prophet is likened to both the moon and the sun. That is to say: — as M. Said Ramazan al-Buti mentioned- in Arabic the word muzi is used to indicate things that are the sources of light and the word munir is used to indicate things that receive light. For instance, if we want to say a bright room we say: ghurfatun muiîratun but not ghurfatun muziatun because the light of the room comes from outside. however, we say qabasun muzi instead of qabasun munir for fire cinder. It is because the fire possesses the light in itself. That is why, in the Holy Quran, the words Nur-munir (divine light- illuminated) are used for the moon and the words ziya- siraj (=light-lamp) are used for sun in order to point out this subtle difference. (Al-Butî, Rawayi', 115-16)
In the verse in question, the phrase sirajan munira (=A lamp spreading light) is used although it is contrary to Arabic grammar rules and different from the style of Quran, In this case, it indicates that the Prophet is likened both to the moon and the sun. We can show the signs indicating the presence of this comparison in the verse as follows:
• Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) is like a moon in terms of prophethood. He receives the light of Divine inspiration from the Pre-Eternal Sun or the sun of the Quran. He is like the sun in terms of messengerhood. Just as the sun spreads its light everywhere, so does the Prophet spread his light of guidance “as being a living and speaking Quran” to the entire mankind. (In the Arabic scripture) The phrase Siraj Munir (Lamp spreading light) illuminates these two aspects.
• Hazrat Prophet is called a Nabi (prophet) because of receiving Divine inspiration from Allah and is called a Rasul, (messenger) because of transmitting the message that he received from Allah to people. In the verse, in the Arabic scripture, the phrase “ya ayyuha'n-Nabiyy= O prophet!” points his prophethood, and the statement “we sent you as the last messenger” signals his messengerhood. The prayer for the prophet in the meaning: “Oh Allah! Grant blessings and peace to the Sun of the Sky of Messengerhood, the Moon of the Constellation of Prophethood.” mentions this truth.
• The phrase Siraj Munir (Lamp spreading light) –as it is explained above- contains two opposite features: The word Siraj conveys the meaning of a lamp having light in itself and is used in the meaning of Sun/lamp in the Quran. The following verse is an example for it: “We placed (therein) a blazing lamp.” (The (Great) News (An-Nabaa), 13)
As for the word Munir, it conveys the meaning of the thing receiving its light from outside and is used in the meaning of the moon in the Quran. This verse is as an example: “Blessed is He Who made constellations in the skies, and placed therein a Lamp and a Moon giving light.” (The Criterion (Al-Furqán), 61)
Blessings and peace as many as the atoms of the universe be upon the Sun of the Sky of Messengerhood, the Moon of the Constellation of Prophethood, and to his Family and Companions. Amen!
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quranreadalong · 6 years ago
#175, Surah 36
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Hello brothers and sisters. I am Doctor Zakir Naik--a medical doctor, who has been invited to discuss the first half of this surah with you. And I will tell you of a story. Brother came to me and said I have question: the Quran is the perfect book. Yet some say “these are ravings of a clown from 7th century Arabia who had confusion over science, history, and theology, and also a clear personality disorder”. So how can it be perfect, this book, if it has all these issues? These are his words to me.
Brother ask a very intellectual question. As a medical doctor, I will provide you with answers. We will find that--not only are there no errors in our Noble Quran, but in fact it is a greater science textbook than any produced for a thousand years. As well, this fact has been acknowledged by Western professors. According to famous scientist Steven Hawking quote, “How can anyone deny the miracles of the Quran” end quote. (Source: islam-truth-religion.co.uk/praise.html)
We will look now to the surah Ya Sin, revealed in our beloved Prophet (SAW)’s mid-Mecca days. You see immediately that we begin with "YS”. Random letters, some might tell you, if they are uneducated. But if we examine them closer, we see that they stand for Yes Science. All scholars agree. The Noble Quran is a book of wisdom, sent to our beloved Prophet (SAW) and those with him on the correct path of Islam, from Allah who is God. This was necessary, because no prophet had been sent to the kuffar of Mecca before.
But if you note, brothers and sisters, we are then told in 36:7:
Already hath the judgment, (for their infidelity) proved true of most of them, for they believe not. Lo! We have put on their necks carcans reaching unto the chins, so that they are made stiff-necked. And We have set a bar before them and a bar behind them, and (thus) have covered them so that they see not. Whether thou warn them or thou warn them not, it is alike for them, for they believe not.
What does this mean, brothers and sisters? Why does God send a prophet (SAW) to a people who, in His words He says, most of them will not believe--or are incapable of believing, we should say, by His own orders? Why does He make a people spiritually blind, and then punish when they do not convert? Is this not bad and nonsensical, the earlier brother might ask me.
A very good question. But look closer and you will see the truth is already stated for us and in fact it provides much sense: God is bored and playing a video game, and He is giving himself a handicap so the game is not boring, you see now. If everyone in Mecca converted, you see, the game would be over too soon and He would have to go back to His sad daily life as a programmer at Alibaba. Those who have carefully studied Islam know this. Have you seen Sword Art Online, brothers and sisters? The kuffar will tell you that it is a terrible show, but in fact it is a careful depiction of the true faith Islam, as the creator of the show himself has stated (source: anime-invites-to-islam.org/testimonials).
But dear reader, you may think still “is this not unfair?” Think of your favorite MMO, or if you have social life think yourself to have a favorite MMO. Who decides what is correct, you or the creator of the game. Exactly, you are understanding.
Now that we have establish this truth we may continue. The Quran was sent only to those who believe in God, and they will be rewarded. God can bring the dead to life and records actions in his book.
[There is a very dumb backstory to this verse, according to al-Wahidi. The “book” in question is generally interpreted as the same thing as the “Preserved Tablet” or al-lawh al-mahfuz, which we will see later. It’s basically Allah’s record of everything everyone has ever or will ever do.]
Brothers and sisters, let us conclude this day with a story. God sent messengers to some people. He sent three to these people, in fact, because they denied the first two, yet also they denied the third. The messengers assured all that they were in fact conveyors of the true religion, yet in response the disbelievers threaten to stone them to death. Note brothers, note how yet again God cannot come up with a version of the persecuted-messengers story that does not involve this element. It is a technique designed to emphasize how evil the disbelievers are, called “repetition”. Islam invented this literary “repetition”, which the West would not emulate for a thousand years.
Another technique we the ummah have invented is the technique of “cliffhanger”. What will become of these mysterious three people and the rejectors? We must wait for tomorrow, like a story in One Thousand and One Nights, which invented literature.
NEXT TIME: Miracles of the Noble Quran as all believe, including Western scientists!!
The Quran Read-Along: Day 175
Ayat: 18
Good: 0
Neutral: 15 (36:1-7, 36:11-18)
Bad: 3 (36:8-10)
Kuffar hell counter: 0
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nemnaa · 5 years ago
When Prophet Yusuf (AS), and later Binyameen (the youngest) were taken away by their brothers, their father Prophet Ya’qub (AS) cried until the vision of his eyes disappeared.
“[Ya’qub] said, "Rather, your souls have enticed you to something, so patience is most fitting. Perhaps Allah will bring them to me all together. Indeed it is He who is the Knowing, the Wise.
And he turned away from them and said, "Oh, my sorrow over Yusuf," and his eyes became white from grief, for he was suppressing (it).” [Surah Yusuf, 83-84]
And even though his sons urged him to give up on their own brother before his health would get worse, he persisted.
“They said, "By Allah, you will not cease remembering Yusuf until you become fatally ill or become of those who perish."
He said, "I only complain of my suffering and my grief to Allah, and I know from Allah that which you do not know.”” [85-86]
But Allāh made it so that they were both (Yusuf (AS) and Binyameen) returned to him in the most beautiful way possible. Even after everything he went through because of them, Yusuf (AS) forgave his brothers when:
“He said, "No blame will there be upon you today. Allah will forgive you; and He is the most merciful of the merciful.
Take this, my shirt, and cast it over the face of my father; he will become seeing. And bring me your family, all together." [92-93]
And can we ever imagine just HOW MUCH Ya’qub (AS) loved his son. So much so that even before the news of his survival reached him, he had already felt and declared it!
“And when the caravan departed [from Egypt], their father said, "Indeed, I find the smell of Yusuf [and would say that he was alive] if you did not think me weakened in mind." [94]
Meanwhile, the people back home did not believe him (Ya’qub (AS)) and attributed the manifestation of his strong conviction to “old age”, thereby devaluing his emotions.
“They said, "By Allah, indeed you are in your [same] old error." [95]
But the revelation of The Most High is such that when He wills for it, even the faintest of hearts recognize it as the truth before them. As was the case when He allowed the transpiring of one miracle when the brothers arrived with Yusuf (As)’s shirt:
“And when the bearer of good tidings arrived, he cast it (Yusuf’s shirt) over his face, and he returned [once again] seeing. He said, "Did I not tell you that I know from Allah that which you do not know?" [96]
Subhanallah...look at the heart of this man. He was a man of God, a Prophet, a father, and an elderly fullll of wisdom. But he was ignored, lied to, disbelieved and ROBBED by his own children. They robbed him of his joy...Yet he WAITED. He waited in patience and faith. Ultimately what we know in Islam as sabr and tawakkul. And his dear Yusuf (AS)? He did the same, as Allāh willed, until the day of truth arrived. Even on that day, when they were victorious above their trials, they were not spiteful, and they did not once question the mercy of Allāh.
“They (the brothers) said, "O our father, ask for us forgiveness of our sins; indeed, we have been sinners."
He (Ya’qub) said, "I will ask forgiveness for you from my Lord. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful." [97-98]
A father is only a father...he can only do what he knows best to do. And Ya’qub (AS) did just that. He FORGAVE his sons. He forgave them like he always had. Not only did he forgive them-the next thing he did right after forgiving them was soothe them. Even after knowing that they hurt his heart. Isn’t this what it is like with any good parent? Isn’t this the nature of it? He tells them that Allāh is forgiving and merciful just to ease their hearts in that moment. Because he knew that they too, were also tested with jealousy and insecurity.
“And when they entered upon Yusuf, he took his parents to himself and said, "Enter Egypt, Allah willing, safe [and secure]. And he raised his parents upon the throne, and they bowed to him in prostration.”
The next and 100th verse stirs the most emotion in me. Because looking back at the first few verses of the Surah, Yusuf (AS), a young boy, tells his father about his dream. And his father warned him of the trials that may come with it. That was the very beginning. And now to imagine them here; he’s all grown up and his father has aged even more... “And he said, "O my father, this is the explanation of my vision of before...”
It took them ages before they could meet again. To finally reunite on the very thing that separated them. And for Yusuf (AS) to say ‘father, you were right all along! I practiced what you taught me...sabr and tawakkul’. ALLĀHU AKBAR. What was once a trial to them is now a blessing for them. Indeed The Almighty declares what He wills, and none can intercede, except by His mercy. Subhanallah.
“...My Lord has made it reality. And He was certainly good to me when He took me out of prison and brought you [here] from bedouin life after Satan had induced [estrangement] between me and my brothers. Indeed, my Lord is Subtle in what He wills. Indeed, it is He who is the Knowing, the Wise. [100]
Oh Allāh I make sincere dua to you that you forgive us and have mercy on us and our parents. That you make it easy upon us (our generation especially), those of us who have lost our way with morals, humility, respect, and honoring our parents and our guardians. Help us in dealing with grief, jealousy, kindness and self-control. Rectify in us the way we express love, understanding, mercy and equality amongst ourselves and humankind. Keep us at the feet of our parents, make us the friends of our siblings, and make us steadfast in practicing sincere tawheed, sabr and tawakkul. Ameen Ya Rabbi💙
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heartlessjots · 8 years ago
Tausiyah Hubabah Huda Al-Jilani
12th August 2017/19th Zulkaedah 1438H@Rubat Singapura 🌸 Al Quran is the biggest miracle, words of Allah, sent down on the night of decreee to the lowest heaven. 🌸 Each surah has its own secrets. 🌸 Fadhilat of reciting Al Fatihah: 💎Encompasses all the 'ilm that can be found in Taurat, Injil & Zabur. 💎Shaytan will be unhappy. 💎7 ayats total and each ayat closes each door of hell. 💎Greatest surah in the Holy Qur'an. 💎We Recite 17x in our daily solat. 💎Recite 40x after Fajr & Mahgrib: Doa Maqbul. 💎Recite 7x day & night for our children to be protected from sihir & black magic. 💎Has many "sirs" or secrets. 💎Surah that is praising Allah and asking Allah to guide us to the right way. Dialogue with Allah; after بسم الله الرحم�� الرحيم , pause for a while before continuing with الحمد لله رب العالمين as if you are conversing with Allah. 💎Exclusive only to the ummah of Rasullullah ﷺ. 💎Greatest name of Allah: ‎الرحمن الرحيم 🌸 Khalwa (Seclusion): 💎If you want to connect with Allah. 💎You will feel dunya is nothing cause you're holding on to the rope of Allah. 💎 Repeat 🎶Ya Allahu Ya Allah🎶 for 200 times and if you do this (comes from the heart), for 40 days, you are around the secrets of Allah. 💎Real secrets of Allah comes from reciting : لا إله إلا الله 💎Reciting 100 x daily prevents oneself from poverty and solve all his problems. 💎Not necessary to relate/connect to Allah with numbers (like how many etc.) but relate/connect with your own hearts. 🌸Habib Ali Masyur said: If we have been doing these amalans consistently (it has become your wirid), we should continue even during haid menses, do not stop. 🌸 On the day of Yaumul Qiyamah/judgement, Allah will ask where are the family of Allah (Ahlul Allah)? These are the people who recite, teach and learn the Holy Qur'an. 🌸Fadhilat of reciting Surah Yassin: 💎Heart of Qur'an. 💎Don't leave reciting it in the morning and night. 💎Allah forgives all our sins. 💎Reciting surah Yasin once is equal to reciting the entire Qur'an 12 x. 🌸 Ruh = the light of Allah. Therefore we have to respect non- Muslim also cause they carry this light of Allah too. 🌸 Fadhilat benefits of reciting surah Al Fath: 💎Protection of Allah, no one can harm you. 💎You become one of the members of Rasullullah ﷺ when he opened Makkah. 🌸Recommended to recite Al Baqarah everyday. It will be difficult initially. Shaytan will try ways to stop you. Hubabah shared that she used to take 1hr 30mins initially and was struggling doing it with istiqomah. She did a lot of solat hajat and tahajjud to ask Allah for help and Alhamdulilah she now takes only 25 mins to complete the whole surah :) 🌸 From the hadith of Rasullullah ﷺ: The best of you are those who teach and learn the Qur'an. 💎 if you want this hadith to include you/ be Ahlul Allah, there has to be ADAB (treat people good, follow the adab which Allah has taught, follow the manners/akhlak of Rasullullah, etc.) 🌸 Surah Ar Rahman: 💎Secrets to treat any sickness. 💎 Read 3x daily (non-stop) with strong intention. 💎 need 40 days -- 3months to recover, in sya Allah. 🌸 Surah Al Bayyinah: 💎For those who wishes to get married. 💎Recite 7x Fajr and Maghrib 40 days. 💎Do consistently for 40 days. 🌸 Surah Al 'Aadiyat: 💎If you want your rizq to increase. 🌸 Surah Al Quraish: 💎 When eating, to prevent the food you eat from harming you. 🌸 For those who wishes to conceive, recite Surah Al Anbiya + 2000 istighfar daily (keep wudhu throughout). For faster result, recite 70,000 istighfar daily. 🌸 It is best to recite the Quran out loud because Malaikat will come to sit with you and hear and it'll give pahala for your ears for listening to it. 🌸When you khatam Quran, 60,000 angels sit with you. Doa maqbul. 🌸 Doa to ease memorisation of the Qur'an: ‎اللهم اجْعَل نَفْسِي بِكَ مُطمَئِنة تُؤمِن بِلِقائِك وتَقنَع بِعَطائِك وتَرضَى بقضائِك O Allah ﷻ make my self at peace with You, believing in the meeting with You and content with whatever You have given and content with Your decree. 💎💎💎 3 times in the day and 3 times at night. 🌸 Doa for pious soleh/solehah children: ‎اللّهمّ بَارِك فِي ذُرِّيَّتِي ولا تضَرُّهُم ووَفِقنِي ووفقهِم لِطَاعَتِك وارْزُقْنِي بِرَّهُم O Allah ﷻ bless me in my descendents, and don't cause harm to them, and enable me and them to obey You and grant me their goodness. 💎💎💎3 times after azan 💎💎💎Recite 3 quls 3x each before sleeping, and blow it into the palms of your hands to be protected throughout the night. Teach your children this, ask them to recite along with you. والله أعلم
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quranreadalong · 6 years ago
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Brothers and sisters, I have returned from bringing a small village in rural Malaysia to Islaam by showing them an egg and explaining how our Prophet (SAW) knew this egg is the shape of the earth, in the seventh century. A miracle.
Some disbelievers will tell you, “there was literally not a single good ayah in Ya Sin. Really! Not one! Not even by my horribly generous standards! It’s a total waste of time!″. This may make you have very intellectual questions. Such as: why is the book of the Almighty God contain chapters that have no good information in them? But let us reconsider “good”, its meaning. For this surah, while not morally good it is true, is good in other ways.
As a medical doctor, I can confirm that this chapter serves the purpose of explaining science greater than West practiced despite being over 1400 years in the past. This proves the truth of Islam and its superiority. Therefore why do we need this called “good” thing, when we have something better, which is the truth?
All those who consider this will arrive at the same conclusion.
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