#Sura 21
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arabicfornerds · 4 months ago
Shaytan, Satan, Iblis and the Devil: What’s the Difference?
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There is a difference between Satan, Iblis, and the Devil in Arabic. Let's analyze the terms and see how to use them.
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gailiag · 1 year ago
A Comprehensive List of Character Ages from Encyclopaedia Eorzea III
Got my copy today and figured I'd compile a list of every character that has an age given in Encyclopaedia Eorzea III! Contains Shadowbringers and Endwalker spoilers. Text version below the cut (warning: it is LONG).
Shadowbringers Characters
Major Characters
Vauthry – 29
Beq Lugg – ~250
Lyna – 33
Feo Ul – "newly blossomed by fae reckoning"
Kai-Shirr Olkoh – 17
Ran'jit – 88
Chai-Nuzz Mewlah – 40
Dulia-Chai Mewlah – 40
Tesleen Stoneplowe – 18
Halric of the Gold House of Aldmere – 9
Seto – at least 140
Runar – 30
Ryne – 17
Gaia – 17
Role Quest Characters
Granson Ketchthane – 28
Lue-Reeq Chalah – 18
Cerigg Morpurse – 25
Taynor Lakplowe – 10
Giott – 22
Cyella Valthane – ~10,000
Crystalline Mean Characters
Katliss Horhand – 39
Facet of Forging
Iola Waldhand – 18
Eismon Valhand – 31
Colana of the Seventh House of Oakbridge – 27
Sue-Rend Maihov – 29
Facet of Crafting
Thiuna – 24
Walden of the Final House of Elmsby – 43
Owell Freehand – 27
Facet of Nourishing
Bethric of the Second house of Pinehome – 36
Facet of Gathering
Qeshi-Rae Kaapoh – 30
Yalana of the Grey House of Ashgrave – 25
Mao-Ladd Moshca – 23
Facet of Fishing
Frithrik – 26
Mervyl Stonehand – 52
Hurielle Stonehand – 22
Lakeland Characters
Callea Skyekirk – 27
Nielden of the First House of Oakbridge – 48
Mauwyl Mudkirk – 23
Tolas Valkirk – 23
Dwarf Quests Characters
Ronitt – 15
Ozogg – 20
Kholusia Characters
Kai-Shirr Olkoh – 17
Tristol Horpurse – 39
Eueliss Hylplowe – 22
Sai-Lewq Jinal – 56
Theva Valfyst – 37
Irvithe Ketchand – 26
Grithil Ketchpurse – 26
Xamott – 50
Korutt – 19
Glagg – 72
Eulmore Characters
Ran'jit – 88
Chai-Nuzz Mewlah – 40
Dulia-Chai Mewlah – 40
The Jongleurs – 18
Mowen Freepurse – 41
The Canary – 17
Hathenbet Ketchkirk – 67
Thoarich Skyeplowe – 73
Anfrigg Morhand – 21
Bosta-Zia Panpah – 19
Amh Araeng Characters
Ghen Gen – 39
Tesleen Stoneplowe – 18
Halric of the Gold House of Aldmere – 9
Thaffe Morhand – 24
Jeryk Motplowe – 23
Jamial Nabaath – 64
Guthjon – 34
Horthur – 53
Kee-Satt Lye – 20
Rhal Ral – 27
Darmal Morfyst – 45
The Fae
Aenc Thon – "as old as the flick of a disappearing tail"
Seto – at least 140
Rak’tika Characters
Runar – 30
Almet – 87
Uimet – 85
Cymet – 83
Lanille – 140
Myalna – 38
Qitari Quest Characters
Valan – 19
Quinfort – 18
Ciuna and Phyna – 48
Qitarl Natl – 14
The Tempest Characters
Tolshs Aath – 63
Paushs Ooan – 18
Grenoldt Freethane – 51
Teushs Ooan – 33
Zumshs Aath – 68
The Empty Characters
Ryne – 17
Gaia – 17
Werlyt Characters
Gaius Baelsar – 56
Valens van Varro – 56
Severa Souther – 23
Valdeaulin Ganathain – 48
Alfonse aan Baelsar – 21
Allie aan Baelsar – 16
Rex aan Baelsar – 18
Ricon aan Baelsar – 17
Milisandia aan Baelsar – 20
Bozja Characters
Bajsaljen Ulgasch – 54
Marsak Apella – 42
Misija Votyasch – 29
Stanik Alubov – 15
Noah van Gabranth – 48
Menenius sas Lanatus – 55
Lyon rem Helsos – near 70
Sadr rem Albeleo – 37
Firmament Characters
Augebert Brasher – 36
Maelie Greystone – 11
Peyraquile Bomptond – 13
Marcelloix Mourelz – 34
Neillemard Hanette – 31
Endwalker Characters
Major Characters
Ahewann bin Alzadaal – 22
Montichaigne Mongrignois – 74
Ameliance Leveilleur – 42
Erenville – 25
Kokkol Dankkol – 43
Wilfsunn Tragbharsyn – 56
Bloewyda Uwilsyngwyn – 54
Matsya – 22
Jullus pyr Norbanus – 21
Role Quest Characters
Shirabaht bin Ardati – 31
Ea-Sura-Supin – 28
Charlet Reed – 19
Minato Urabito – 24
Kisei Urabito – 51
Sharlayan Characters
Montichaigne Mongrignois – 74
Ojika Tsunjika – 21
Dickson Denman – 38
Barnier Clarke – 54
Ameliance Leveilleur – 42
Kytte Kirk – 26
Nenelymo Totolymo – 72
Studium Characters
Rurusha Rusha – 74
Boric Azora – 40
Namono Tayamono – 29
Jude Rose – 19
Jeromere Marette – 20
Debroye – 21
Galveroche Larille – 55
Flaugustert Friont – 73
Hinageshi Wright – 29
Tankin Banjo – 35
T'laqa Tia – 31
Nele Newton – 81
Qih Aliapoh – 26
Labyrinthos Characters
Vtorak Vetasch – "indeterminate age and inconclusive gender"
Erenville – 25
Kokkol Dankkol – 43
Wilfsunn Tragbharsyn – 56
Bloewyda Uwilsyngwyn – 54
Verpaulaine Fouillel – 12
Thavnair Characters
Mehryde bihn Shinan – 40
Ahewann bin Alzadaal – 22
Mehryde bihn Shinan – 40
Matsya – 22
Qerasaf bin Shirashir – 24
Racashir bin Fahleel – 9
Yezahn bin Qulhudi – 27
Sula – 24
Arkasodara Quest Characters
Trna (Arkasodara Quests) – 21
Ogul Khatayin – 18
Kancana – 50
Garlemald Characters
Sicard Spence – 26
Licinia bas Corculum – 18
Jullus pyr Norbanus – 21
Jareck aan Natasch – 43
Vergilia van Corculum – 42
Nerva yae Galvus – 44
Rimelnaud de Thelomaire – 27
Appius eir Callaecus – 30
Galla oen Longus – 33
Volsus bas Malicus – 13
Vipsania dus Malicus – 44
Frontinus fae Malicus – 43
Job-Related Characters
Radovan Slobasch – 45
Sophie – 20
Cato nan Mammula – 52
Vitus quo Messalla – 52
Ranaa Mihgo – 17
Nashmeira – 37
Drusilla Varus – 52
Arnegis Elder – 42
Hermin Hart – 19
Lalah Jinjahl – 22
Mahaud Stone – 21
Ancel Stone – 26
Guildivain Sailmet – 38
Blue Mage
Latool Ja – 22
Whastrach Ahldwaensyn – 37
Ceadda of the Whalaqee – 14
Zirnberk Fyrgeissyn – 26
Seasonal Event Characters
Valentione’s Day
Lisette de Valentione – "nearing thirty"
Astrid de Valentione – 16
Little Ladies’ Day
Ulala Ula – 16
Narumi Kakeya – 21
Masha Mhakaracca – 19
Aldiytha Thorne – 22
Jihli Aliapoh – 22
Pawlin Morning – 38
Make It Rain Campaign
Nanaphon Sasaphon – 23
Roland Redsteele – 48
Moonfire Faire
Haermaga Bleibornsyn – 39
Beaudefoin Dupaitre – 33
Hildelana Quick – 28
R'fhul Tia – 18
The Rising
Wandering Minstrel – "undisclosed age"
J'bhen Tia – 22
Nhagi'a Jakkkya – 16
All Saints’ Wake
Impresario – "gives his age as 'six hundred and sixty-six'"
Amh Garanjy - 27
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secular-jew · 9 months ago
QURAN: ISRAEL BELONGS TO THE JEWS. Allah assigned Israel to the Jews (Sura 5 Verse 21), and that Jews are the inheritors of Israel (Sura 26 Verse 5)
“And We said thereafter to the Children of Israel, ‘Dwell securely in the Promised Land” (Quran: 17:104)
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abr · 1 year ago
Ma precisamente che cosa attira tutte queste Grete alla causa di Gaza? Le ambientaliste confondono il verde della bandiera di Hamas col verde dei prati svizzeri, dei boschi svedesi? Le attira forse l’aspetto bucolico-zootecnico della Sura della Vacca, quella che recita “Le vostre spose per voi sono un campo da arare”? O l’obbligo di velo che consente di risparmiare sullo shampoo inquinante? Oppure la comune centralità del venerdì, per i maomettani giorno di preghiera collettiva e per loro dei raduni Fridays for Future? Dubito che siano affascinate dalla poligamia, forma di matrimonio che nella Striscia (...) è perfettamente legale e praticata. Sarà magari l’obbligo, recentemente imposto da Hamas alle donne che intendono viaggiare, di avere il permesso ufficiale del padre o del marito? In effetti i viaggi hanno un impatto ambientale negativo, osteggiarli ha il suo perché, starsene tutto il giorno in casa fra talamo e fornelli è molto più green.
Camillo Langone il VERO OCCIDENTALE, via https://www.ilfoglio.it/preghiera/2023/10/21/news/ambientaliste-che-confondono-il-verde-della-bandiera-di-hamas-col-green-5812303/
Il VERO OCCIDENTALE è uno che sa ancora distinguere tra acqua sporca e bambino, cosa gettare e cosa TENERE E DIFENDERE, chi combattere - anche tra gli occidentali: i bimbiminkia, i codardi disturbati, i collaborazionisti, gli apprendisti stregoni.
L'apprendista stregone (il nemico del mio nemico è mio amico) é quello che, la vende così: "è tutta una finta, duemila morti come il fake 9/11, stiamone fuori, ci vogliono distrarre dai veriprobblemi".
Della serie, missione mainstream media compiuta: la narrativa supera la realtà, non credono più ai fatti (chi ha attaccato chi), vanno spintaneamente dove li spinge la narrativa: da gregge. Noi furrbi faggiamo un ragionamendo ALLA HAMAS sulle lobby ebbraiche globbalishte.
Si autodistruggono autodistraendosi (esattamente come i bimbiminkia sinistri che senza saperlo imitano, si autoinculano); nel mentre i magrechad fan festa nei loro quartieri e spaccano il nasino ai loro figli fregnoni, mentre le flglie gretine son verde islam, frementi di venir finalmente sottomesse davvero.
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tawakkull · 6 months ago
People of truth have interpreted straightforwardness as avoiding all deviation and extremes, and as following in the footsteps of the Prophets, the faithful, the witnesses (of truth), and the righteous (in belief) in their religious deeds and daily lives. The verse: Those who declare: “Our Lord is God,” and afterwards are straightforward, the angels descend upon them (saying):
“Fear not nor grieve, and good tidings to you of Paradise which you were promised” (41:30)
informs us that angels will receive in the Hereafter those who acknowledged God’s Lordship, affirmed His Unity, and followed the Prophets in their beliefs, deeds, and daily lives. Such a blameless life will cause these people to receive the good tidings of Paradise at a time when all people will tremble with fear and worry on the Day of Judgment.
An individual’s conduct becomes straightforward by performing religious duties; one’s ego (inner self) becomes straightforward by following the Shari'a’s truth; one’s spirit becomes straightforward by acting in accordance with knowing God; and one’s innermost senses or faculties becomes straightforward by complying with the Shari'a’s spirit. The difficulty of being straightforward in all of these levels caused the Prophet, the most straightforward of people, upon him be peace and blessings, to say: Sura Hud and others similar to it have made me old, thereby referring to the Divine command:
Be straightforward as you are commanded, which is in sura Hud (11:112).
The Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, never deviated from the Straight Path, and was always straightforward in his deeds, words, and feelings. He guided Companions who sought salvation and eternal happiness to straightforwardness by saying: Declare: “I have believed in God,” and then be straightforward, a saying that concisely sums up all essential elements of belief and conduct.
If people claim progress on the path to the Truth but are not straightforward in their state and conduct, all efforts will be in vain, and they will have to account in the Hereafter for the time spent without straightforwardness. [ Muslim, “Iman,” 62; Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, 3:413. ] To reach the intended destination, an initiate must be straightforward at the beginning, maintain it throughout the journey, and be straightforward at the end of the path, as gratitude for being rewarded with knowledge of God. Being alert to possible deviation at the beginning, engaging in self-supervision during the journey, being closed to wrong thoughts and actions, and considering only God’s pleasure and approval at the end are significant signs of this state:
I know one among the people of straightforwardness:
He was the most distinct in the realm of guidance.
He sold his soul to the lights of (Divine) Identity,
And died purified of all the dirt of human nature.
A servant should seek straightforwardness, not wonderworking or the power of spiritual unveiling or discovery. God demands straightforwardness; however, a servant desires extraordinary spiritual abilities. When they told Bayazid al-Bistami about a man who walked on water and flew in the air, he said:
Fish and frogs also float on water, and insects and birds fly in the air. If you see a man float on his rug on water without sinking and sit cross-legged in the air, do not show any interest in him. Rather, consider whether he is straightforward in his state and conduct, and whether they are in accordance with the Sunna (the way of the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings). [ Al-Qushayri, Al-Risala, 397; Ahmad ibn ‘Abd Allah Abu Nu'aym, Hilyat al-Awliya’ wa Tabaqat al-Asfiya’, 10 vols. (Beirut, 1967), 10:40. ]
What Bayazid advises is that a believer be straightforward and completely humble as a servant, not one flying in the atmosphere of wonders.
Straightforwardness is the last step on a three step stairway leading to nearness of God. The first step is consistency, where a traveler strives to embody Islam’s theoretical and practical dimensions. Success in this continuous effort brings one’s carnal self under control. The second step is settlement or tranquillity, where an initiate purifies his or her inner self of the vices contaminating the spirit and heart (e.g., show, fame, and vanity, all of which cannot be reconciled with servanthood), thereby purging the heart of all that is not God. The third step is straightforwardness, where the doors of Divinity and creation are slightly opened to the traveler, and the Divine gifts are bestowed in the form of wonderworking and blessings, although he or she neither desires nor seeks them.
Straightforwardness, the last station of the way, means living without deviation from loyalty to God and under His direct protection; it is an environment in which Divine gifts and favors are bestowed. Flowers never fade away and hills and slopes do not experience winter, for it is an environment of eternal “spring.” This is what is pointed out in:
If only they were straightforward on the path, then, assuredly We would give them to drink of “water” in abundance (72:16).
So long as people pursue straightforwardness on the path of belief in Divine Unity and fulfill their covenants with God and His Messenger by fulfilling the Divine ordinances, Divine gifts and bounties will flow abundantly.
Our master, upon him be peace and blessings, declares:
So long as the heart of a servant is not sound and straight, his belief cannot be true and upright; so long as his tongue is not true, his heart cannot be sound and straight. [ Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, 3:198. ] He also declares:
Every morning, the parts of a man’s body warn his tongue, saying: “Fear God concerning us. For if you are true, we will be true and straight; if you are crooked, we will also deviate.” [ Al-Tirmidhi, “Zuhd,” 61; Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, 3:96. ]
Finally, let us hear from As'ad Mukhlis Pasha a very significant warning:
Straightforwardness requires always being true and steadfast;
Fix one of your legs in the center, and let “the free arm of the compass” [your other leg] travel around. [ In other words, one is to be well-grounded in Islam and to keep the company of those who can provide proper guidance. ]
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reviewsnaosolicitados · 9 months ago
Dancin' Days - A saga feminina, crítica à burguesia e muita música!
Aperta o play e comece a dançar!
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No dia 10 de julho de 1978, estreava na TV Globo a novela histórica de Gilberto Braga, num país ainda em ditadura burguesa/militar e afundado em problemas sociais. Começava aqui a saga de Julia Matos e tantas outras mulheres que brilharam na trama que teve 174 capítulos.
Julia Matos (Sônia Braga) era filha de pais pobres. O pai tinha predileção à sua irmã, Yolanda (Joana Fomm). Desde cedo as duas demonstram rivalidade. Enquanto Yolanda estudava em colégio de freiras, Julia estudava em escola pública, largando dos estudos e se envolvendo com pessoas complicadas.
Elas perdem o pai cedo.
Aos 17, Julia engravida e dá luz à Marisa, mas deixa a criança aos cuidados da mãe. Aos 21 anos, Julia é presa após uma fuga desastrada, de um assalto, que culminou no atropelamento e morte de um homem. Ela foi condenada à 22 anos de prisão. Julia até concorda em deixar Marisa em um orfanato, mas Yolanda acaba pegando a menina para criar, como se fosse sua filha, tentando apagar de sua história a irmã presa.
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A Novela
Dancin' Days gira em torno da história de Julia (Sonia Braga), que sai da prisão em liberdade condicional, e tenta reaver sua vida e sua relação com Marisa (uma jovem Gloria Pires, de apenas 15 anos), sua filha que acaba sendo criada por Yolanda (Joana Fomm), sua irmã. Mas Yolanda faz de tudo para afastar a mãe da filha. Yolanda é casada com Horácio (José Lewgoy), mas num casamento apenas para subir na vida. A princípio até parece que eles têm uma relação saudável, mas ao longo da trama percebemos que ela só queria mesmo era o status e dinheiro. Criada neste ambiente, Marisa se torna uma adolescente chata e mimada.
A novela não tem muito apreço pelo espaço-tempo, então é preciso prestar atenção, pois, muitas vezes, existem passagens de tempo que você só entende quando algum personagem fala algo que denota essa linha temporal.
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Julia conta com seus amigos, Jofre (Milton Moraes), que a conhece desde a adolescência conturbada, e Carminha (Pepita Rodrigues em sua melhor atuação, chegando a roubar a cena por várias vezes), namorada de Jofre.
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Carminha até oferece um quarto para Julia morar, pagando o aluguel e ajudando nas despesas do apartamento. De início, Seu Alberico (Mario Lago) não gosta da ideia de alugar um quarto do apartamento, pois ele também vem de uma vida de aparências, só que sem dinheiro, pois todos os seus empreendimentos deram errado. Mas Seu Alberico é sonhador e um tanto iludido, deixando Carminha sempre nervosa com suas ideias mirabolantes.
Julia tenta organizar sua vida, procurando trabalho, mas vê que uma vida de ex-presidiária não é fácil, sofrendo bastante preconceito e empregos com salários baixíssimos.
A novela tem até um elenco enxuto, mas com histórias riquíssimas. Além do núcleo dos Pratini: Yolanda (Joana Fomm), Marisa (Glória Pires), Horácio (José Lewgoy) e Everaldo (Renato Pedrosa), o empregado; temos o núcleo Santos
Alberico (Mario Lago) Esther (Lourdes Mayer) Áurea (Yara Amaral) Aníbal (Ivan Cândido) Inês (Sura Berditchevsky) Carminha (Pepita Rodrigues) Vera (Lídia Brondi) Marlene (Chica Xavier) Júlio Luiz (Paulo Cesar);
O núcelo Cardoso: Cacá (Antonio fagundes) Franklin (Cláudio Coorrêa e Castro) Celina (Beatriz Segall) Beto (Lauro Corona) Neide (Regina Vianna);
Além de núcleos diversos com Diana Morel (Anita), Ubirajara (Ary Fontoura), Alzira (Gracinda Freire) irmã de Jofre, Solange (Jacqueline Laurence), Emília (Cleyde Blota), Raul (Eduardo Tornaghi) filho de Emília, Bibi (Mira Palheta), Ricardo (Osmar de Mattos), Leila (Suzana Queiroz), Lulu - que eu até achei que era o Beto Simas, mas era o Luciano Sabino -, Madalena (Neuza Borges), e os personagens que entram ao longo da trama, como o Arthur (Mauro Mendonça), Paulette (Paulo Bacellar), Cunha (Fernando Amaral), Chiquinho (Silvio Fróes), Luciana (Rejane Schumann)… Não consegui achar, nem mesmo nos sites mais especializados, o nome da atriz que interpretou Ana Maria, a amante de Aníbal, importante pesonagem para o final da trama, apesar de não ter sido tão desenvolvida.
Fora estes, a novela traz surpresas com figurações de Daniel Filho, diretor da trama, Eri Johnson, Danuza Leão, Gal Costa, Ney Latorraca e as próprias Frenéticas, que cantaram o tema de abertura, na inauguração da discoteca homônima ao nome da novela. Tiveram mais participações especiais, mas estas foram as que eu consegui identificar.
A novela me cativou por ser uma trama muito bem amarrada, um certo amadorismo técnico, com cenas contra luz, áudio falho, mas ao mesmo tempo uma naturalidade no texto e nos erros. Tem um erro muito bom, que passou meio que desapercebido, onde Mario Lago acaba saindo do personagem e todos caem na risada. Ao ser tocado no ombro pelo Lauro Corona, Mario exclama: "Ai minha bursite!" e todos riem, mas a cena continua.
É muito interessante ver a construção dos personagens e como eles evoluem ao longo da trama (ainda que alguns regridam no meio da trama, como no caso da Carminha, que ganha uma boneca do pai - uma cena tocante até, mas que fica patética ao longo que se passam capítulos e mais capítulos dela agarrada com a boneca).
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Todas as mulheres da trama têm seu destaque pessoal, mas Solange, interpretada magistralmente pela Jacqueline Laurence, ganha destaque por sua construção de personagem, que de início até parece uma mulher escrota e insuportável, mas que demonstra ser uma Amiga, com "A" maiúsculo mesmo. Ela defende Julia com unhas e dentes, como na cena que ela confronta a mimada Marisa, que até dá um tapa na cara da loira, mas foi uma das cenas mais incríveis (apesar do uso de alguns termos pesados).
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Quando o personagem apareceu pela primeira vez, eu achei que ele era gay, pois ele seguia um modelo que frequentava sua academia/sauna, chegando a pedir para Vera, que pedisse ao modelo, o Ricardo, fotos dele... Mas, depois, se nota que ele conversava via carta com uma "namorada" à distância.
Não para por aí! Personagem complexo, essa trama da namorada se perde pelo caminho e ele se mostra um homem tarado, que tinha em seu escritório um mural na parede de fotos de mulheres seminuas. Depois, ele pede a um fotógrafo que siga a Julia, pois ele acaba tendo uma paixonite na mulher e cola fotos enormes da moça na praia. Stalker? Talvez...
Julia, com os nervos a flor da pele, acaba desmaiando na sala de ginástica da academia de Ubirajara, que encontra ela e meio que a sequestra ao levá-la para a casa dele, onde ela fica um bom tempo. Ela até descobre as fotos que ele mandou tirar, mas não faz nada... Ao contrário, depois de muito tempo, chega a noivar com ele.
Existe um momento da trama em que Julia conversa com Cacá e fica subentendido que Ubirajara fosse virgem. No fim, ele acaba se casando com a Alzira, irmã de Jofre.
A trama também surpreende por trazer assuntos bem relevantes. Como o SUS foi criado somente em 1988, com a Constituição Federal, a novela retratava a falta de acesso e os valores altos de consultas e médicos. Numa cena, a filha de Madalena sofre um acidente, quando um menino passa com uma pipa na frente dela e acaba machucando seu olho. Julia não titubeia e leva a filha da amiga no hospital e a conta fica em 40 mil cruzeiros (que na época era muito). Viva o SUS!
Há também a questão da saúde mental. Áurea, mulher que nasceu com crenças retrógradas e puritanas, se vê em total estado de depressão, mania e até pensamentos suicidas depois de perder o marido num trágico acidente, endeusá-lo, namorar com um cara casado e se ver no papel de amante, além de saber que a filha tinha terminado o noivado com o diplomata Carlos Eduardo, vulgo Cacá. Isso tudo culminou numa crise nervosa que ela quase destruiu a loja de Emília. Com isso, ela acabou sendo internada numa clínica terapêutica, recebendo eletrochoques. Ao saber disso, Raul, que é psiquiatra na trama, conversa com Inês para tirar Áurea da clínica. Então, Áurea começa psicoterapia e tem uma melhora muito mais satisfatória.
Acho que o primeiro baque que você tem ao assistir DD é a palavra TRANSAR e como, antigamente, ela era usada como se fosse um verbo qualquer, que não houvesse conotação sexual, como foi mudando ao logo do tempo. Então é bem comum de se ouvir falas do tipo: "Vou transar com meu pai". Mas, por ser uma novela da atualidade, feita de acordo com a época que foi exibida, existem algumas outras gírias interessantes:
Fazer gênero = fazer cena; se passar.
Atarantado = atordoado; perdido.
Roer a corda = desistir.
Falando em Transar...
Dancin' Days foi exibida de julho de 1978 à 27 de janeiro de 1979, ainda dentro da ditadura militar. Há quem diga que o regime, da época, censurou 25 capítulos. O que me leva ao questionamento: esses capítulos eram destruídos e nenhuma cópia salva? Nem ao menos os roteiros salvos? O que continham esses capítulos? De qualquer forma, a mesma ditadura que sentenciou esses possíveis 25 capítulos, fez-se de sonsa ao deixar imagens de mulheres seminuas nos cenários e história de menor de idade casando e tendo filho (caso da Marisa, que, mesmo não conhecendo a mãe, acabou por seguir o mesmo caminho dela, só que pela vontade de Yolanda).
Segundo o antigo site da Globo sobre a questão da ditadura:
"A maior preocupação era o linguajar dos personagens e as relações familiares e amorosas."
Mas, documentos da época mostram que a ditadura era só fachada mesmo. Num dos documentos, a censura pede o corte da palavra "pipizinho":
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A novela não contém nenhuma cena de sexo, até os beijos eram estritamente coreografados, tanto que o beijo que eu acho mais bonito, na obra, é quando Cacá dá um beijo no olho de Julia.
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Luta de Classes
Apesar dessa estupidez galopante dos milicos, Gilberto Braga conseguiu tocar em assuntos bem relevantes, tanto para época, quanto hoje, onde ainda vivemos sob a sombra de uma sociedade burguesa.
Cacá tem muito dessa inquietação, desde as primeiras cenas. Depressivo, em Brasília, ele lê um livro que questiona muito sobre a vida: "O estrangeiro"
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Além disso, Cacá, por várias oportunidades questiona a sociedade burguesa em que ele mesmo é inserido. Filho de advogado e de uma dona de casa herdeira, ele questiona costumes e pensamentos.
Uma menção honrosa e horrorosa são os personagens Maria Lúcia (Maria Lúcia Dahl) e Alberto (Guaracy Valente). Uma caricatura belíssima de uma burguesia falida, mas que não perde a pose.
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A luta de classes é pertinente na trama, desde as falas inoportunas e preconceituosas do Seu Alberico, bem como Franklin e até mesmo o Everaldo, que se coloca numa posição total de subserviência (um pouco romantizada na novela). Até mesmo na história de Yolanda há um episódio de luta de classe: Quando criança, Yolanda estudava num colégio de freiras, particular. Era bolsista por conta do pai trabalhar num banco e ser querido por um dos diretores. Porém, um dia, sumiu uma caneta de ouro de uma das alunas e revistaram todas as coisas de Yolanda. Nunca encontraram a tal caneta. Desde então, Yolanda decidiu não mais viver sob esse olhar aporofóbico (preconceito contra pobres).
Marisa e Beto: O privilégio branco burguês
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Ainda dentro dessa luta de classes, acompanhamos a história de duas pessoas brancas, burguesas que se aproveitam bastante de seus privilégios:
Marisa, mimada e inconsequente, faz tudo o que quer e tem tudo quando faz birra. Beto, um jovem que não quer nada da vida, finge para os pais que faz cursinho para vestibular, mas fica fazendo voos de asa-delta. Ambos de família rica, não se importam com nada. São casados sem ao menos terem vontade. A lua de mel? Uma viagem para Disnleylândia com Celina na mala. Eles GANHAM um apartamento mobiliado para começar a vida adulta, mas se recusam a morar. Marisa engravida e dá luz ao Edgar, porém ela não se importa tanto com o filho. Claro, conforme a trama avança e as coisas acontecem, eles "crescem" e deixam de ter atitudes infantis.
Briga! Briga! Briga!
Novela que é novela tem que ter uma briga, mas Dancin' Days foge um pouco do óbvio, pois apresenta para nós, muitas discussões incríveis, dignas de serem apreciadas minuto a minuto, segundo a segundo, pois vale muito a pena!
O primeiro grande confronto é entre Carminha e Áurea, quando Áurea descobre que Julia é ex-presidiária e humilha a moça. Carminha detona a irmã e faz ela pedir desculpas para Julia.
Celina briga com Franklin e Beatriz Segall brilha em cena.
Julia dando um soco na cara de Franklin (merecido demais, ainda mais depois que você descobre o quão podre é este homem).
Solange tomou lado da Julia, numa defesa maravilhosa contra os melindres da Marisa. Inventaram um "encontro casual" onde rolou até um tapa da Marisa na Solange, mas Marisa mereceu cada dura palavra (até palavrão).
E não para por aí! Solange enfrentou a Yolanda. "Eu enfrentei nazistas na França ocupada, com cinco anos de idade, com certeza não vai ser granfina no desvio que vai me assustar".
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Enquanto eu assistia a novela, eu ia anotando o que me chamava atenção. Então, para registro para a posteridade:
Alzira, irmã de Jofre, fica a novela toda prometendo trabalho para as pessoas... Quando ela consegue, a pessoa tem um surto psicológico e para de trabalhar;
Fiquei todo besta a cada cena de amor entre Julia e Cacá, pois exalava cumplicidade;
Diálogos no carro. Muitos diálogos;
Madalena cantando, coisa linda. Neuza Borges era uma DIVA!
Rola racismo religioso, mas também rola uma coisa meio fé vs ciência, quando Alzira leva Áurea no centro espírita;
Eu achei que Julia iria terminar sozinha, seria incrível;
Alberico inventou o Uber e o 5 à sec;
Alguns capítulos na globoplay tem uns 30 minutos, por isso até passam rápido. O capítulo 37 parece um amontoado de cenas. O penúltimo tem só 15 minutos, pois nem a plataforma aguentou tanto flashback;
Existem alguns problemas com a novela, principalmente com continuidade, algumas transições que não fazem muito sentido, uns intervalos em momentos inoportunos. É um pouco irritante. E repetição de falas. Tem momentos que parecem importantes, mas outros, atrapalham a continuidade;
Quando eu comecei a assistir a novela, eu percebi que a captação do áudio não era das melhores, ainda mais em cenas externas, então tive que ativar a legenda da Globoplay para que eu pudesse acompanhar melhor a novela e me acostumei, assistindo até o fim com a legenda. Em Dancin' Days, os personagens em específico, usavam muito o tal do Muxoxo, entre as falas e isso me chamou muito a atenção, pois desconhecia o termo para este som que emitimos;
Tem diálogos enormes, mas maravilhosos;
É uma novela sobre emancipação feminina, exaltação da mulher, maravilhoso;
Eu tenho um tesão absurdo no Antônio Fagundes:
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Vocês não acham também??
Enfim, assistam essa preciosidade na Globoplay! Recomendo demais!
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shunalimp123 · 9 months ago
Muslim religious leaders believe that there is no rebirth. Whereas Bakhabar Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj has proved from the Quran Sharif - Sura Al-Anbiya 21:104 that there is rebirth.
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labbaik-ya-hussain-as · 2 years ago
1. How many verses are in Holy Qur’an?
A. 6235
B. 6666.✔
C. 6237
D. 6238
2. How many times is the word ‘Qur’an’ repeated in Holy Qur’an?
A. 67
B. 68
C. 69
D. 70✔
3. Which is the best drink mentioned in Holy Qur’an?
A. Honey
B. Milk✔
C. Water
D. Juice
4. The best eatable thing mentioned in Holy Quran is?
A. Honey✔
B. Milk
C. Water melon
D. Dabino
5. Which is the shortest Sura of Holy Qur’an?
A. Falaq
6. The most disliked thing by Allah Ta’ala though Halal is?
A. Hajj
B. Divorce✔
C. Marriage
D. Murder
7. Which letter is used the most time in Holy Quran?
A. Wa
B. Ba'un
C. Alif✔
D. Qaf
8. Which letter is used the least in the Holy Qur’an?
A. Zaa✔
B. Maa
C. Taa
D. Laa
9. Which is the biggest animal mentioned in Holy Qur’an?
A. Fish
B. Whale
C. Elephant✔
D. Anaconda
10. Which is the smallest animal mentioned in Holy Qur’an?
A. Fly
B. Mosquito✔
C. Spider
D. Ant
Ans = Mosquito Q.2:26
11. How many words are in the smallest Sura (kausar) of Holy Qur’an?
A. 41
B. 42✔
C. 43
D. 44
12. Which Sura of Holy Quran is called the mother of Qur’an?
A. Baqara
B. Fatiha✔
C. Iklass
D. Yaseen
13. How many Sura start with Al-Hamdulillah?
A. Four
B. Five✔
C. 6ix
D. Se7en
Ans =B. Five; [ Fatihah, Anaam, Kahf, Saba & Fatir ]
14. How many Sura’s name is only one letter?
A. Two
B. Three✔
C. Four
D. Five
Ans = B. Three; [ Qaf, Sad & Noon ]
15. How many Sura start with word ‘Inna ‘?
A. Three
B. Four. ✔
C. Five
D. 6ix.
Ans =B. Four; [ Sura Fatha, Nuh,Qadr, Kausar ]
16. How many Sura are Makkahi (revealed in Mecca)?
A. 85
B. 86✔
C. 87
D. 88
17. and how suras many are Madni (revealed in Medina)?
A. 28✔
B. 27
C. 26
D. 25
18. Which Sura is from the name of tribe of Holy Prophet?
A. Lahab
B. Quraish✔
C. Hashim
D. Sab'i
19. Which Sura is called the heart of Holy Qur’an?
A. Iklas
B. Yaseen✔
C. Fatiha
D. Mulk
20. In which Sura is the name of Allah repeated only five times?
A. An'am
B. Hajj✔
C. Maryam
D. Mu'meen
21. Which Sura is the name of one Holy war?
A. Room
B. Ahzab✔
C. Fathi
D. Nasr
22. Which Sura is the name of one metal?
A. Ra'ad
B. Hadeed✔
C. Ahzab
23. Which Sura is called ‘Aroos-ul-Qur’an (the Bride of the Qur’an)?
A. Fatiha
B. Yaseen
C. Jinn
D. Rahman✔
24. Which Sura is considered as 1/3 of holy Qur’an?
A. Al-Ikhlas.✔
B. Falaq
C. Nass.
D. Fatiha
25. Which Sura was revealed twice?
A. Iklaas
B. Fatiha✔
C. Ayatul kursiyyu
D. Tauba
26. In which Sura is the backbiter condemned?
A. Munafiqun
B. Humaza✔
C. Nuhu
D. Zalzala
27. In which Sura is the name of Allah repeated in every verse?
A. Iklaas
B. Mujadala✔
C. Mumtahana
D. Fatiha
28. In which Sura does the letter ‘Fa’ did not appear?
A. Al-Imaran
B. Baqara.
C. fatiha✔
D. Nass
29. How many Suras starts with word ‘ Tabara Kallazi’
A. 4
B. 3
C. 2✔
D. 1
Ans= C. 2 [Mulk & Furqan]
30. Makkan Suras were revealed in how many years?
A. 13✔
B. 14
C. 15
D. 16
31. Medina Sura were revealed in how many years?
A. 8
B. 9
C. 10✔
D. 11
32. How many Suras start with word Qad?
A. 2✔
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Ans= A. 2 [Mujadala & Momenoon]
33. Which Sura is related to Hazrat Ali?
A. Humaza
B. Tagabun
C. Adiyat✔
D. Balad
34. Which Sura has every verse ending with letter ‘Dal ‘?
A. Iqra'a
B. falaq
C. Balad
D. Iklas✔
35. Which Sura is revealed in respect of Ahle Bayt?
A. Luqman
B. Qamar
C. Layl
D. Insan✔
Ans = D. Sura Insan/Dahr
36. Which Sura every verse ends with letter ‘Ra'
A. Buruj
B. Dariq
C. Kausar✔
D. Shams
37. In which Sura is the creation of human beings mentioned?
A. Hajj
B. Hijr✔
C. Hadid
D. Humaza
Ans = B. Sura Hijr verse 26.
38. In which Sura are the regulations for prisoners of war mentioned?
A. Baqara
B. Al- Imran
C. Nisa✔
D. Insan
39. Which Sura deals with the laws of marriage?
A. Dalaq
B. Mujadala
C. Nisa✔
D. Mumtahana
40. In which Sura is the story of the worship of cow of Bani Israeel mentioned?
A. Baqara
B. Taha✔
C. Qasas
D. Kahfi
41. In which Sura is the law of inheritance mentioned?
A. Nisa.✔
B. Ma'ida
C. Noor
D. Anbiya
42. In which Sura is the Hijra of the Holy Prophet mentioned?
A. A'araf
C. Nuhu
D. Anfal✔
43. In which Sura are the 27 Attributes of Allah mentioned?
A. Hadeed✔
B. Rahman
D. Yusuf
44. Which is the best night mentioned in Holy Qur’an?
A. Qamar
B. Qadar✔
C. Najm
D. Layl
45. Which is the best month mentioned in Holy Qur’an?
A. Rajab
B. Sha'abān
C. Ramadan✔
D. Hajj
46. How many words are in the longest Sura of Holy Qur’an?
A. 25500✔
B. 26600
C. 27700
D. 28800
47. How many times is Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem is repeated?
A. 116
B. 115
C. 114✔
D. 113
48. How many Sura start with Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem?
A. 116
B. 115
C. 114
D. 113✔
49. In what surah the first aya in the holy Qur'an revealed?
A. Fatiha
B. Muzammil
C. Mudassir
D. Iqra'a✔
50. What is the translation of 'Muzammil'?
A. The enshrouded One✔
B. The cloaked One
C. The feared One
D. The Runaway One
Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah's Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me alone. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.
BarakAllāhu feekum
Wa Jazākumullāhu Khyran
May Almighty Allah accept our efforts and deeds in Ibadah and grant us all janatul firdaus.. 🤲🤲
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autistic-sidestep · 1 year ago
From the sidestep asks: 21, 27 and 34 for sura?
under a cut to save everyones dashboards (sura uses he/she/they/it)
21. what is their philosophy? fake it til you make it. if you pretend well enough, you can fool everyone else. (jury's still out if sura will ever be able to convince itself that it's a human/person and not just a really good impersonation of one.)
27. what qualities might someone appreciate about them? what would drive someone away? thoughtfulness. sura's REALLY bad at admitting things or showing affection outright, so he often does it indirectly, making observations or acts of service. like doing things w/o prompting and passing it off like it's not a big deal/just makes the most logical sense (see: mending their crew's clothing when they get damaged on the job/making suggestions about chen's new arm, etc.). they like knowing what makes people tick and having that proven right.
however, they also want that to be a one way thing; they can do the perceiving, but someone perceiving them? illegal. blocked. they also do a lot of lying and evasion to push people away (part of the self-destruction - cut them off so it hurts less for all the parties involved). there's a reason why sura stays away from ortega, cos they're acutely aware of how well ricardo can read them (+ the secret crush. tho it's rather hard to disentangle the resentment with if it's attraction or just nostalgic fondness that won't leave). sura can't retaliate the same way cos of the static, so they feel at a disadvantage.
chen is still a danger, but at least he's not immune to their telepathy. things aren't quite so loaded with him. chen's bullheadedness also means that sura's usual method of arguing and getting contrarian doesn't work on him. they're both very used to the same arguments and the counters from pre-hb, and now... they're both just too tired to keep doing it.
ig sura's also pretty loyal once they've made a strong enough connection too. she protects his team and trusts them to do the same in return.
34. are they nostalgic for their sidestep days or eager to move on?
very complicated. past-self rivalry equals any feelings of nostalgia getting quashed by frustration at his past-self being too naive/trusting. that's what got them into this mess in the first place. sura's sidestep self is always the benchmark ortega keeps comparing them to (like the present self is a ghost, and ortega's only seeing the negative space/absence of the old sura). the suranga that wore the sidestep suit, as far as they're concerned, died. and all of his principles went with him. sidestep almost feels like someone else. and it’s not like their current self will ever measure up to the sidestep that ortega remembers. it doesn't WANT to be that person anymore. in some ways, it Can't!
(this is also why a worst-case scenario would be ortega thinking it's a regene copy. lol, whoops, this just affirms all sura's suspicions that he only wants the wide-eyed idealistic sura before the trauma and the bitterness that followed him around like a puppy.)
they don't want to be in ortega's shadow, or be a sidekick, that's largely why they took up the mob boss role - so that they could prove to themself that they're better than him. and chen too, ig.
Something something some twisted logic that destroying the museum exhibit = finally proving she's better than her past self/getting closure? (spoiler alert it was not lol.) sura liked helping people as sidestep. and on occasion they still do it, just more selectively, re: rescuing the civilians at carter's place w/ chen. (50+ villainy/ruthlessness score aside... i think they might chalk those instances up as flukes, but that's just a lie to convince themself they're not still a bleeding heart.)
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usafphantom2 · 2 years ago
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Belarus reconnaissance balloon invades Polish airspace
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 05/13/23 - 12:00m Military
An unidentified object that entered Polish airspace from Belarus was probably an observation balloon, the Polish Ministry of Defense said on Saturday on Twitter.
Poland, a member of NATO, is on alert for violations of its airspace as the war intensifies in neighboring Ukraine after incidents in November and December in which missiles fell on its territory.
Captain Ewa Zlotnicka, press officer of the Operational Command of the Polish Armed Forces, told TVN 24 that the object entered Polish airspace on Friday night.
The ministry said that the radar's contact with him was lost near Rypin, a city in north-central Poland. The ministry said that the operational commander decided to involve the Territorial Defense Forces on duty in the search for the object.
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Major Witold Sura, representative of the Territorial Defense Forces, confirmed that a search and rescue team has already been sent to the area where the balloon would likely fall.
"The team is a small group, but large forces will be mobilized if necessary. Our group is already working near Rypin,” Sura said.
The Russian and Belarusian authorities were not immediately available to comment.
After the deaths in November of two Poles affected by what Warsaw concluded to be a failed Ukrainian air defense missile and the discovery of the remains of a missile in northern Poland in April, national security is a key issue in Poland before this year's elections.
Tags: Military AviationBalloonsBelarusIncidentsPoland
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work around the world of aviation.
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orthotv · 4 months ago
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Theme: Safe Spine Surgery
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ramrodd · 6 months ago
Mormon Bible Scholar - Dan McClellan Pt. 1 | Ep. 1801
The vast majority of Post Modern Historic Deconstruction scholars are wrong about the Gospels, generally, and the Gospel of Mark, specifically. Jimmy Tabor's axiom that Harmonization is the enemy of the Truth is the dialectical Marxism characteristic of Post Modern Historic Deconstruction. Including Dan McClellan's data driven” scholarship, such as it is. The Gospel of Mark was composed by Cornelius immediately after his interview with Peter in Acts 10 and the Latin42 autograph was in Rome by the time Claudius ascended to the throne. John Mark was the publisher of 90% of the surviving manuscripts before Constantine and, as Saint Mark of Alexandria, he was the author of the Gospel of John 1:19 – 19:42. John 20 and 21 was composed by the same editorial board that composed Mark 16:9 – 20. In this regards, Dennis MacDonald's and Robyn Walsh's thesis that the canon, generally, and Mark, in particular, was a literary project is completely plausible. Just for the record, the epistemology of Jesus and the scriptures is innerrant as is the Equity in the authority of the centurion in Matthew 8:9. Pilate's euangelion to Tiberius cited by Tertulliam's research in Book V, Apology is the first written record of Resurrection and the euangelion of Mark 1:1 is the harmonization of the content of Pilate's euangelion with Peter's confession in Acts 10:34 – 43. Peter's confession becomes the narrative arc of the Synoptic gospels. In addition, the euangelion in Mark 1:1 becomes the basis for the written Latin autograph Cornelius forwarded to Rome and the oral tradition of the euangelion cited by Peter in Acts 15:7 to vet Paul's version of the narrative and the 19 citations by Paul in his Epistles, all of which was written and delivered to Theophilus, the Bishop of the Roman Communion of the Talking Cross, by 68 CE, along with Luke/Acts, Hebrews and Revelation, Revelation is Kabalah literature. Mark 13 and Revelation 13 are the gateway into the literature, Revelation 13 is a high-literary cubist portrait of the centurion in Mark 15:39: Leviathan is symbolic of Rome as the dominant sea power in the Med and the River monster symbolic of the Legions, who conquered Gaul by its rivers. The Mark of the Beast, 666, was the number of Jesus's death warrant that was alluded to in the deleted verse, Mark 15:28. The original number probably was 616 to remain consistent with the numerological meme in Genesis 41, but was changed by the same editorial board that wrote John 20 and 21 to bench mark the creation date of Revelation as being during the reign of Nero, For what ever it is worth, it is my conviction that the Hebrew alphabet originated in the Gematria, which is to say the Number existed before the Word, which is consistent with Sura 74:30 of the Koran: Above it is nineteen, The indio-Arabic numeral 19 is the figure of Khadijah and marks the presence of Jesus throughout the Koran, especially the Meccan verses when Mohammad was a True Prophet.
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freeonlinedua · 8 months ago
These are the best wazifa for marriage problem solution such as marriage proposals,marriage soon,early marriage,successful marriage,quick marriage,arranged marriage,second marriage and removing all kind of hurdles in marriage.The quick marriage solution is to recite sura rahman each day for 11 times in such a way that when word”fabeayeala e rabbe ka ma tukazeban” shall be read repeatedly for 21 times ,and during this wazeefa one shall stay clean and shall say his/her prayers 5 times a day and read the protection verses for best results.
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freewazifas · 8 months ago
These are the best wazifa for marriage problem solution such as marriage proposals,marriage soon,early marriage,successful marriage,quick marriage,arranged marriage,second marriage and removing all kind of hurdles in marriage.The quick marriage solution is to recite sura rahman each day for 11 times in such a way that when word”fabeayeala e rabbe ka ma tukazeban” shall be read repeatedly for 21 times ,and during this wazeefa one shall stay clean and shall say his/her prayers 5 times a day and read the protection verses for best results.
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joackcompanytz · 8 months ago
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LITA ni wakala wa Mafunzo ya Mifugo ilianzishwa kama Wakala Tendaji wa Serikali chini ya Wizara ya Mifugo na Uvuvi kwa mujibu wa Sheria ya Wakala wa Utendaji namba 30 (Sura ya 245) ya mwaka 1997 na marekebisho yake yaliyofuata.
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Lengo la huu utaratibu wa mafunzo kwa vitendo, ni kuhakikisha wataalamu wetu wanaozalishwa nchini wanakuwa na uwezo mkubwa wa kutatua changamoto zote zinazohusiana na maswala ya mifugo hasa katika uhalisia zaidi kuliko nadharia.
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lesewut · 9 months ago
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Rohe, Mathias: The Islamic Law - History and Presence, 2022
Islamic law > Legal scholars should be treated like prophets because they have inherited ‘the mantle of the prophet’ Judges: their activity is one of the noblest religious acts, because the rightful judicial decision produces justice, and on justice rest heaven and earth
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forum internum - the right to form and hold a belief or worldview, and forum externum - the right to proclaim this faith or worldview to the outside world and to align all behaviour with the teachings of this faith or worldview and to act accordingly (ritual acts such as prayers, services, celebrations, ritual behaviour, religious education, bell ringing and muezzin calls)
‘In God's hands in court on the high seas.’
Interesting facts
Repentance mitigated the punishment
In times of famine, theft (or stealing from the mouth) was not considered a criminal offence under al-Faruq (Umar ibn al-Khattab, according to the Sunni view the second Islamic caliph, also known as Umar with the epithet al-Faruq ‘who distinguishes truth from falsehood’ (592 - 644); despite his humanistic approach to theft by stealing, he introduced stoning and declared that this punishment had originally been in the Quran)
On the self-image of Islam and its integration of customary law (urf wa ada) and custom
Islam as a correction of the predecessor religions = it was obviously obvious to retain everything that was not affected by the ‘corrective prophetic mission of Muhammad’ see the source of norms sar man qablana (pre-Islamic law ‘the law of those before us’)
‘success story’ of Islam can be explained by the fact that existing legal customs in the newly acquired territories were retained to a considerable extent and recognised as conforming to the law (urf wa ada) + where Islamic law did not provide a regulation, the existing one could remain in force in each case = Presumption that legal relationships once established continue to exist, provided no change is proven, because without this presumption (e.g. continued existence of acquired property when rule changes) there could be no orderly legal relations
Sources from Koran suras: 6,90 ; 16,123 ; 42,13
See also the case in private law, liability and damage law, to what extent the owner is liable if damage is caused to the land by grazing animals -> 21, 78 Decision of David and Solomon that owners are liable if damage occurs at night
Knowledge and the basis of legal sources
‘Seek knowledge, even in China.’ [According to the Prophet Muhammad]
[!] Although the Qur'an is regarded as the first and foremost source of law, existing gaps should be filled by common sense considerations
Regulations should correspond to the conditions of space and time
Key to new approaches in the activation of ijtihad ‘independent thinking and judgement’
Reading & understanding => interpretation => application
Otherwise ‘entire Islamic society threatens to be locked in an iron cage’ [!!!]
-> Obstruction to adapt over time = Islam ceases to be a universal religion
Muhammad Iqbal Writing of Isma'ul al-Sati: ‘The Islam we want’
Leading out of the narrowness of tradition
Sending many prophets one after the other is proof that God wanted to protect from error (Sura 21:25)
Demand of the Egyptian jurist Mohammad Sa'i al-Asmawi: Distinguishing between the legally binding nature of prophetic traditions
> Prophetic mission or > political role characterises
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___________________________________________ Problem with commentators and man-made tradition of interpretation
Commentaries should not be regarded as the final word
Cf. judgement of the Lakore High Court (1960)
Not the privilege of individuals to read the Qur'an because it was revealed in a simple and understandable language so that all people would have access to it
Man-made traditions of interpretation are ignored in Islamic law and, while formally recognising divine omnipotence and wisdom, formulate their own god-like claim to rule
Problem, only traditionalist or Islamist attitudes would represent the ‘real’ Islam, thus unintentionally supporting the hardliners
Male jurists ≠ Divine will (Focus: prohibitions that penalise women)
ra'y (‘view, opinion’)
igtahaba (‘independent, reason-guided reflection’)
‘Differences of opinion in my community are a mercy.’ According to Abu Hanifa from the hadith
‘Everyone who labours is right.’ (kullu mugtahid musib)
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