#Summoning Circle
khaosritual · 9 months
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nekohooch · 2 months
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Otakon was amazing. Finally getting to wear my Azem summoning circle gown in person was so much fun. I had multiple people stopping me to gush over my costume and people from HERE telling me they saw it online and were so excited to see it in person. I haven’t been to a con since right before the pandemic and it was so nice to come back to a space I love so much. My goal of someone knowing what I was without me explaining was reached (thanks to the ffxiv photoshoot)! And I can’t wait to see the pictures of the group photo shoot. I added more details to the costume and (minus the stars which were my nemesis falling off the whole day) everything was perfect.
The gown itself took about 100 hours total. 85 originally and 15 to add finishing touches. The top is gold lamé and the chiffon overlay was ripping so I removed it. I have a whole costume breakdown under the tag for the original dress creation.
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The necklace has an Azem summoning stone that my fantastic friends brought me from Fanfest which I repurposed. The most added details are the stars. I felt the black spots between the p design and the beams was a bit too big and wanted something to bridge the gap. I also considered adding my statics job symbols in the circles but they keep changing jobs XD
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I added some more filigree details to the main Azem design in the front of the gown and individual rhinestones to each of the right angle v filigree and each of the small mirrored circles that make up the big circles because I’m extra along with a gold ribbon for the hem
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Then I decided to add lights
Again because I’m extra
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I don’t have skill with LEDs so I used individual 6ft fairy lights with tiny battery packs. I painted each battery pack black because the white shows through the skirt especially when lit up. There are about 75-90 battery packs I lost count at 2 am on Wednesday honestly ahaha. I looped them twice up and down so the effect would be less spaced out but I might edit that in the future if I figure LEDs and how to get more powerful ones because they weren’t really strong enough for 10 hours (you can faintly see them in the pictures above) and I kept turning them off when I sat. I used the same petticoat but added a hoop skirt because I was wearing tennis shoes (sadly sensible instead of fashionable) instead of my platform boots.
When people complimented me I would ask if they wanted to see my favorite part (which is spinning) and the laughs and gasps of delight were fantastic. Overall I’m so fucking proud of this costume. Thank you to all of you fab people from the FFXIV coordination who said such kind things I’m so flattered and lovingly overwhelmed. It was an amazing return to cosplay.
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hellosunnycore · 1 year
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oldschoolfrp · 4 months
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Measure twice, cast once (Richard Tomasic, "Dragonmirth," Dragon 113, September 1986)
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justwannabecat · 2 years
Room For Adjustment
In their defense, the wording was vague.
“A circle, diameter of five feet, with an asteroid drawn in the center. The astrological symbol at the time of summons should be inscribed at the four corners. Leave room for adjustment.”
It was simple. And they really did need to meet this entity. They had to determine whether or not it was a threat. So they set up the summons in the middle of nowhere, an empty plain in Texas. Nothing was surrounding them, nobody could get hurt if negotiations went poorly. Between Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, Zatanna and Constantine, they were fairly certain they could handle the singular entity that was summoned.
“Leave room for adjustment.”
Once activated, the circle grew.
It went from five feet in diameter to fifty. The ground began to shake and crack. An eerie green light shot up from between the earth, and two gigantic clawed hands began to pull themselves out. A head of white hair came next, followed by a long, serpentine body. Despite the size of the circle, the being still had to layer it’s tail over itself in order to fit.
Those present had the sudden feeling that they should have brought more magic users.
Who summons me?
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kawaiikenna · 2 years
Another fic of mine! It was inspired by some comments on another fic. Here’s the link for the ao3 posting. Support it on there if you’d like. -w-
Danny had been summoned to many, many different places. Creepy warehouses with cloaked hooded cultists chanting? Yep. The produce area of an abandoned supermarket? Check. Several girls’ slumber parties ages ranging from 12 to 25? Been there, done that. Hell, he’s even been summoned by a group of boys for no other reason than one of them had to prove that his sister wasn’t lying when she said that they had summoned the Ghost King at her last slumber party. Yeah, that was fun. No, not really.
But a daycare? Or at least somewhere he thought was a daycare? Now that was someplace Danny had never thought he’d be summoned to. But there he was. Plopped into a group of maybe 10-15 kids. Not fully eldritch but enough for other ‘normal’ humans to become extremely unsettled or flat out scared. Horns spiraled out from the sides of his head, limbs too long and skinny to be considered human, his hands held spindly long fingers tipped with icy claws, his eyes were normal if not for the black sclera instead of white. He was wearing his normal black and white hazmat suit with a fur lined cloak hanging heavy on his shoulders. Danny said nothing as he stared, flabbergasted, at the small, young boy crying on the ground. He had a really bad skinned knee that was bleeding a fair amount. It apparently was enough blood to trigger the summoning circle.
There were several other children around the room. All of them had frozen and stared either at the boy, or, blatantly, at Danny. He was too tired to deal with this. He had other shit to do rather than babysit random ass kids that inadvertently summoned him. So Danny bent down and took a look at the kid’s knee. He was as gentle as possible.
“Hey buddy.” Danny says softly. “That looks like it hurts. Would it be ok if I fixed it for you?”
The kid didn’t say anything, more just nodded but Danny wasn’t sure if he could even hear him. So Danny pulled out his emergency first aid kit and went about cleaning and bandaging the boy’s knee.
“What’s your name?” Danny asks gently as he disinfects the bloody wound.
“James.” A soft whisper answers.
“Well you’re very brave James.” He responds.
There isn’t anymore conversation after that, but the atmosphere was more relaxed now that Danny had demonstrated that he wasn’t a threat. By the time he had finished the other kids were surrounding them. They all looked incredibly curious. A few of the braver ones had asked questions while Danny had been doing. He thought that even if he usually didn’t deal well with kids, he did a pretty damn good job.
Danny made to stand up but instead was tackled back to the ground by a tiny body. He looked over his shoulder to find a little girl clinging to his cloak with all her might. She beams brightly up at him.
“Are you here to play with us?” She asks.
“Uhh, no?” Danny answered, confusion lacing his words.
Apparently that was the wrong thing to say because now there was another child pouncing on his back and two more holding onto each of his arms. All at once they tried to talk. Some in complaining tones, others in curiosity.
“Noo! You should stay and play!”
“Yeah! You have to stay and play ‘cause that’s the rules!”
“Yeah! That’s the rules!”
“How come you have a cape?”
“Do you like hide and seek?”
“Why’s your hair white? Does that mean you’re old?”
“If you’re old does that mean you can’t play hide and seek?”
“No! I don’t like hide and seek!”
“Yeah! He should come draw with us instead!”
“How come you have horns?”
“Are you dressed up for Halloween?”
“Halloween isn’t for a long time stupid!”
Danny’s head was starting to spin. He hadn’t eaten since that morning. The ghosts had decided to make his life a living hell and attack him every ten minutes. Now with this, this was the icing on the cake. Summonings had become somewhat more of an often occurrence. Not by much but enough that it still messed up his day. But you know what? Today is a day to just roll with the punches. So Danny did play hide and seek. He also did some drawings. He even let some of the kids try on his cloak. He even gave some of the older kids flights around the room. Danny had sent a text to the group chat somewhat explaining the situation before focusing again on entertaining the tiny children.
When he asked about an adult that was in charge; he got the answer of mommy and daddy are dead or they weren’t coming back. So he assumed that this was kind of like an orphanage. One where older kids took care of the youngers and everyone watched each other’s backs. That really didn’t sit right with Danny but there really wasn’t anything he could do for them.
So instead he entertained them and played with them. He didn’t know how long they played together, but it was long enough to where the majority of the kids were falling asleep. So he gathered up the youngest ones and had a cuddle pile. His cloak became their blanket. Some of the older kids joined them as well.
They had finally gotten the last little one to sleep when Batman kicked the door down. Danny managed to snag the door before it hit the floor. Green energy enveloping it as he set it down carefully. The hero marched into the room, closely followed by a young woman dressed in what looked like one of those ‘sexy magician’ Halloween costumes he had seen before. Now, if Danny hadn’t been so tired he would have been embarrassed by his reaction. But since he was half mad from sleep deprivation, and maybe a little hunger, considering how long he had gone without an actual proper meal, there were no such feelings. So instead of calmly telling them to be quiet as to not wake up the other kids and that he would explain later. He threatened the pair.
“If either of you end up waking up even one of the kids I will personally make it my mission to make you’re lives extremely difficult.” Danny hisses dangerously, eyes flaring protectively.
The three year old cuddled into his left side stirred slightly. Hazel eyes blinking blearily up at him. Immediately calling Danny’s attention to the little boy. “Shh, shh, go back to sleep Sammy.”
A content purr sounding from the halfa. The little boy, Sammy, did as told and went back to sleep. Danny goes back to glaring at the two adults. He hisses softly when the magician lady takes a step forward. A warning to the back the hell up. Surprisingly she does exactly that and Danny stops hissing. Though his eyes were still narrowed in suspicion.
Batman opens his mouth, probably to demand answers and information, but Danny cuts him short with a warning growl. “I don’t care if you have questions or want to know why or how I got here. I’m waaay to friggin tired to give you any kind of satisfactory answer. So just let me sleep.” A large yawn escapes him. “If you guys want to stay until nap time is over then be my guest.”
Danny then closes his eyes and focused on the children cuddling closest to him. Miranda curls more into his chest, face halfway pressed to his collarbone, and hums sleepily. Adam wakes himself up a bit with a sudden loud snore but settles right back into Danny’s right side, his head resting on the older’s shoulder. Sarah is still situated between his legs with her head lolled in Miranda’s lap. Suzie has her back firmly pressed to the outside of Danny’s left thigh. Sammy’s feet are just barely touching the top of her head. Danny let’s himself relax and bask in the kids’ sleepy emotions. Just before he falls off into sleep he cracks open an eye.
Batman and the magician lady are talking in hushed whispers in the opposite corner of his not so little cuddle puddle. He probably could have listened in on their conversation with his enhanced hearing. Nah, that would take too much effort. So instead he just drops off. This is something future Danny will have to deal with. Current Danny just wants to take a damn nap.
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stealing-your-wife · 2 years
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methoughtsphantom · 9 months
I absolutely love buddies Danny and Jason that meet back when Jason was dead to then either lose contact because one-sided amnesia from being brought back to life or yes we have kept in touch all this time but it will not be brought up until the situation calls for it. yep. its great and angst and friendship but i raise you
Jason who regains his memories from when he was dead after being dunked in the pit but has no way on doing anything about them since he needs a core to do a summoning call and because of the corrupted ectoplasm he can’t feel his anymore
i mean
i love angst and long lost childhood(?) friends so this is a good mix of both, the storyline goes the same for jay, who on top of having to deal with the whole i-died-and-nothing-changed hurt and betrayal, struggles to make amends over having no one there for him, over having the gnawing feeling of a vital part of him missing, replaced with a feeling so raw of wrongness he wants to claw it off but can’t, that drives him to anger every time and to lash out and be afraid to find comfort in anyone because he did that, both in life and in death and both were ripped away without warning, so harshly it was like he had grabbed onto a rope he wasn’t sure it would hold only for when he finally grabbed tight it was for it to get teared away so hard it hurt his hands, left him bleeding and falling and without any support.
it certainly doesn’t help the madness, but how would he react years later when he’s back with the family and then they have to summon the ghost king??
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corvidsofthedeep · 7 months
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No Context Crow #322: Circle Of Crows
Photo taken by Vicki Nelson.
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cats-and-confusion · 2 years
What are you gonna do if I start posting rottmnt cotent huh? Gonna unfollow me? Gonna cry? You can't stop me and neither can God
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I think Leo had a phase like this
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stormz369 · 7 months
The King of Hell and Me: Ch 4 - The Contract
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Chapter Guide Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4
Summary: A witch summons Lucifer to earth to make a deal. Warnings: none I can think of? This is a generally sweet, fluffy chapter Word Count: 2.3k
Summoning the devil wasn't part of the plan. A demonic creature, yes, but the actual devil? The book didn't say anything about him. I was expecting to be dealing with an imp or some other kind of lower level Hellion. Someone with the power to do what I wanted, but not to completely fuck me over. Someone who'd take something I could spare. Not my soul.
The devil was also far less intimidating than I expected. He was a little on the short side, and far more human than I might have thought. Aside from the six glorious wings at his back, the least human things about him were his teeth and eyes; red and yellow, swirling with confusion and housing an ancient sorrow that seemed buried just below the surface. An unamused, but surprised look finally landed on me, knelt by the edge of the summoning circle. He made to move toward me, but was held in place by the ring of black salt. With a huff, he leaned back against the barrier, crossing his arms and observing me.
“... No one's summoned me to the mortal world in a long time. … You must be desperate.”
“I … I'll be honest, that wasn't supposed to happen, Sir … the book doesn't say anything about …” I fumbled through the book, rereading the spell. There was nothing to indicate who it called upon.
“Sir?” He chuckled, “well, that’s refreshing. Last time I was pulled into a summoning circle, the wretch had the nerve to call me ‘Dark Prince’ the whole time.”
I chuckled a bit awkwardly. “... Well, that's kind of a mouthful. If you don't mind, I think I'll stick with Mr. Morningstar?”
“Lucifer, please … but how did you know?”
“Aside from the snake and apple motifs you've got going on? You have six, very large, feathered wings. I might not be Christian, but I do know what angels are supposed to look like. … Sir.”
After a moment he let out a bark of a laugh, holding his sides. “Oh golly, you're entertaining! Alright, little witch. Whoever you were trying to summon, you've got me. So what deal were you trying to make?”
I took a deep breath to steady my nerves. Now or never, I guess. “My best friend is ill, and the doctors have given up hope. …”
“You want to trade your soul for your friend's life?” He smiled gently.
“... Does it have to be my soul?”
A strange look passed over his beautiful face, and he considered me for a moment. “... Maybe we can come to another arrangement. … There is something I can't get in Hell, and you did bring me here.”
I nodded slowly, curious what Lucifer himself could possibly want from earth. “Yes?”
“... Only sinners end up in hell. I … I gave Eve that apple for her own benefit. To help her, and her children. So they could be better, be more … more. Not just animals, consumed by their instincts. But I’ve never seen any good come of it …”
“Oh … well that's not at all fair …” I frowned, looking up at him. “Especially considering how much good there is …’’
He cleared his throat, nodding a bit. “Right, so … if you show me some of that good, I'll heal your friend. Do we have a deal?”
“Huh? N- no, I don't just want my friend healed. I want a cure.”
“... Same thing?”
“No, Sir,-”
“... Lucifer, … the doctors don't know how to help her. Which means they don't know how to help anyone else with this illness either. I want my friend healed, but I also want there to be a cure for everyone else.”
A small smile slid across his lips. “... That amount of power will cost quite a bit more … but something tells me you're more than capable of paying the price.”
A crisp white scroll unfurled from his hand, gold ink scrawling across it before my eyes. I carefully took the paper in my hands, reading it carefully.
“... This says you decide when I've held up my side of the deal. How do I know you'll ever decide to pay up?”
He smirked a bit, sharp teeth glinting in the light. “You're a clever one. … Alright, as a show of good faith, I will heal your friend up front. … You earned that much at least.”
With a wave of his hand, the text changed. I reread the document and nodded. “... Thank you. Ok, where do I sign?”
A white feather quill appeared, and Lucifer took it. He tapped the end to his finger, and pulled away a trail of … liquid gold? He signed the bottom with a flourish, then offered me the quill.
“Touch it to the ring finger of your non-dominant hand, it will draw up a small amount of your blood to sign with.” He tapped the paper where I was to sign. 
I nodded, taking the quill, and placed it against my finger like he said. There was a brief, sharp, pain and when I pulled the quill away a trail of red followed. My finger appeared uninjured, but hurt like I had pricked it with a sewing needle. I signed where he indicated, and the summoning circle went up in flames, leaving no trace.
Lucifer smiled brightly, rolling up the scroll before he handed it to me. “Your contract, my lady.”
I took it, standing slowly. “... Thank you …”
He snapped his fingers, creating a crackle of energy throughout the room, and grinned. “There’s my side done, for now. So, how shall we start?”
It took me all afternoon to think on what to start with. While I made tea and thought about it, he entertained himself by looking through my books and movies. His wings disappeared as he sat on my couch, reading the back cover of a book.
“... Is this for entertainment, or documentation?” He held the book up to show me the cover.
“That’s historical fiction, so entertainment based loosely on fact. It's about the wives of Henry the Eighth. … Do you know about them? How much do you know about human history?”
He chuckled. “I do keep apprised of the major headlines up here, but I don't typically bother with anything more. … You derive entertainment out of the suffering of those women?”
I chuckled a bit, setting a teacup in front of him, and sitting on the other side of the couch. “I think most people who read stories about horrible events do so because they don't understand how such things happen. We have a certain … morbid fascination with cruelty. … But I think it's usually also about honoring the dead. … They suffered so horribly, but we remember them. We don't let the bad things that happened to them get swept under the rug.”
He took the tea, watching me. “... I see …. Well, what good is there in that?”
“Ever heard the phrase ‘those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it'?”
“You think remembering their pain will keep it at bay?”
“Something like that … can't avoid pain if you don't know what you're looking out for. Can't protect your loved ones unless you know what you're defending them against.”
He chuckled, sipping his tea. “I see…” He watched me, a curious look on his face. “So, any ideas yet?”
“Well, I was thinking we could start around town. You said it's been a while since you've been on earth?” He nodded, giving me a curious expression. “Then I think we ought to start with a little tour around town, so you can get acclimated. Maybe something will strike your fancy, yeah?”
“... You don't have to do that, you know.” A small frown slid across his face.
“Do what?”
“The tea, taking me on a tour … it's cute, but unnecessary.”
I set my teacup down, raising an eyebrow. “... Cute?”
“Trying to curry favor.” He frowned more.
A sharp laugh ripped out of me, and I covered my mouth. “... I'm sorry. … I'm not trying to ‘curry favor' with you, Lucifer. You're a guest in my home, you should be able to expect some basic hospitality. My grandma always said we should be hospitable to others, cause you never know when it'll make all the difference in their lives.”
He watched me for a moment and chuckled softly. “I don't think your grandmother meant you to be hospitable to the devil, little witch.”
“If my grandma were here right now, she would ask why I haven't set out any cookies. Sadly, I have none to offer you. But I was thinking we could stop for ice cream on our tour. There's a really cute local ice cream parlor, I'd say it definitely counts as something good people have done with free will.”
He blinked slowly. “... You are … not at all what I expected.”
“I could say the same thing about you.”
After a brief moment he smirked, standing up. “Where's this ice cream parlor?”
So I showed Lucifer around my little town. I took him to a playground where he could see happy families together. To a riverbank where my coven picked up litter and people went tubing and swimming. The ice cream parlor, and some other local businesses I liked. I bought him an ice cream cone, and a duck plushie he seemed particularly drawn to. He was hesitant to accept it, but once it was in his hands he held it to his chest, periodically stroking the tuft of fur on its head.
We walked in the sunshine, past schools and libraries. We watched a guitar player in a park, and got tacos from a food truck. And all day, I told him stories of kindness and generosity, big and small. Everything I could think of, from the Christmas truce in World War 1 to my brother's boss giving me free coffees when I pick him up from work. Any act of kindness I had experienced, seen, or heard of became an example of good things that happen because people have free will. 
When it started to get late I took him to my favorite place to watch the sunset. He sat beside me, still hugging the duck plushie, and watched the sun dip lower and lower, the sky turning brilliant shades of purple and red.
“So? Any thoughts?” I watched him think for a minute.
“... They're good stories. But there's one problem.”
“What's that?”
“... Most of it wouldn't be necessary if evil weren't so prevalent in the world.”
“... Well, … you can't have good without bad.”
“What?” He frowned, turning to me.
“Without knowing about bad, you wouldn't know about good either. You'd just have … middle. In order to know you like something you have to be able to compare it to something you don't like. Otherwise it would all just be. … Plus, when everything’s going worst is when we notice good things the most. Smaller kindnesses mean more when we're hurting.”
Lucifer looked back at the sunset, thinking. “... Why did you give me the duck?”
I chuckled softly. “You seemed to like it, and I could afford to get it for you. Everyone should get a souvenir when they take a trip.”
“So you weren't trying to get in good with the boss of Hell?”
“... Even though, by making a deal with me, you have condemned your soul to my realm when you die?”
“Anyone who thinks a duck plushie is going to buy them preferential treatment in hell is an idiot.” He gave me a skeptical look at that. “Lucifer, I swear, I only bought it for you because you seemed to like it.”
He thought for a minute, petting it absentmindedly again. “... You've held up your end of the bargain…”
“... But?”
“... When I finish my end, I go home. I can only be on earth for the time it takes to complete a deal. … I … I really enjoyed today.” As it got dark, his body started to glow with faint gold light. He looked up at the silver stars, and in that moment he seemed so sad, so delicate.
“... You know, I am asking for quite a lot … a cure for everyone with this disease, and all you get in return is some examples of kindness and an afternoon running around my town? … Maybe we could rework the contract.”
His eyes went wide as he turned to look at me. “... What did you have in mind?”
“... Well, you're not bad company. And I had a good day today too. We could do it again, if you wanted.”
Lucifer slowly grinned, and the contract was suddenly floating in front of me. An addendum was added to the bottom. Lucifer would send the necessary information to a doctor for the cure tonight, and once a month for the rest of my life, Lucifer would visit me wherever I was on earth. I would tell him more stories that showed what good has come of free will, and show him the good parts of life on earth.
I grinned, taking the quill that floated next to the scroll, and held it to my ring finger. A sharp pain later, I was signing at the bottom. Lucifer signed next to my name, his hand slightly shaking. “Alright … I'll see you again in one month then.”
I nodded. “I'm free on the third, if that works for you?”
He nodded. “The third. It's a date.”
With a snap of his fingers he was gone, and I knew some medical researcher somewhere was having the epiphany that would lead to the cure. In the meantime, I had a date with the devil to plan.
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nekohooch · 11 months
I promised I would provide some detail costume breakdown of my Azem summoning circle. It took me about 85 hours total over 19 days. The skirt is overlayed over a red petticoat (because it’s the only one I had long enough) I made the skirt about 7 in longer than floor length for me because I’m wearing platform shoes!
The skirt is two layers of black chiffon. The bottom layer is a normal circle skirt, top layer is a seven panel circle skirt. Figuring out the math for this part was hellacious I do not recommend it. The top was gold lamé with black chiffon overlay. The waistband circles are gold upholstery bolts that I used bolt cutters to remove the stabby bits of and the beams from the waistband are from a fringey door cover that I dissected. I then twisted the beams (fringe) and fastened them to the skirt.
The Ps and the filigree things are from bathroom wall decals that I cut into pieces. Then I added rhinestones, these triangle book decorations, and sequins for the designs and the giant summoning circles.
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The rest of the designs are various additional pieces of fringe, rhinestones, and hand painted designs with gold calligraphy ink. I almost added my statics job symbols into the summoning circles but I didn’t have time.
There’s still more I want to add to this but I’m ecstatic how it turned out and felt like an absolute goddess.
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swirlythesnaily · 9 months
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summoning circle to bring more swirlys
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v88sy · 27 days
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Is he a firefighter is he a model, nobody knows
(lending a hand to your summoning)
He's a model playing a firefighter 🤭🤭🤭
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shopwitchvamp · 1 year
Now's your chance..
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Demon Summoning Skaters are finally back in the shop! Preorders are open thru 6/1/23!!
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rowanclair · 5 months
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I made Azem stickers.
It's hard to take accurate pictures of shiny things but it's metallic brushed gold!
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