gingerbeardmansim · 2 years
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enkisstories · 5 years
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Meanwhile in my currently a little neglected Rotational/Detroit save:
The Queen of Sulani is walking her... honestly I have no idea what it is, but you could probably buy every last property in Detroit for the price of a single egg.
It might be a creature native to Selvadorada, a reminder that Sulani is currently leading in genetic engineering or both.
Parasaurolophus by Avafaidian Horns, Claws and Saddle by TheKalino
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gingerbeardmansim · 2 years
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Again... No Caption Required.
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gingerbeardmansim · 2 years
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Later that evening...
Not that Beck would be interested, but Ace HAD to share what he heard and his opinion of the other guests.
ACE - “I am not sure what is up with those guys, but they are acting strange. I am not sure who is the couple or if they even have a couple between the three of them.”
BECK- “Why you say that?”
ACE- “Well at one point, the Paul dude said he and Archer had been together almost ten years. One the didn’t even look that old to be together 10 years, and then Jerome told me that he had been together for 4 years. Then the three of them disappeared.”
BECK- “They are not weird, Ace. They are a THROUPLE”
ACE- “Ohhh, okay...
(Wait for it!!)
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ACE- So, what’s a throuple??”
BECK- “Are you serious?? They are a threesome, a three way relationship, poly...
ACE- “Paulie?? He told me his name was Paul.”
BECK- “OMG Ace!!... P.O.L.Y. Polyamorous, means more than two.”
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 ACE- “Well, that explains a lot then. Sounds like a lot of fun!!”
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gingerbeardmansim · 2 years
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Ace and Beck mingled with the new guests and got to know them better over some drinks. The guests were Paul Graves, kind of tall and lanky with sandy blonde hair; Jerome Hilliard, with the dark black hair, built better than the other two and was much friendlier; then Archer Kinsey, a short brown-haired guy with a strange accent. Ace had no idea where they lived and what they did for a living.
But he eavesdropped on their conversations throughout the night.
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gingerbeardmansim · 2 years
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gingerbeardmansim · 2 years
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After a busy day in the waterfalls and a quiet evening relaxing out on their private deck, Ace & Beck went down to mingle with the other guests.
Blayne and they chatted, then Jerome came over and sat down with them.
BECK- “So you live in San Myshuno? Which area?”
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JEROME- “In the Arts District. The Hakim Apartments. You guys live in the city too right?
ACE- “Yes, we are hoping to move over to the Art District soon. Being a freelance photographer and artist, I need to get closer to the action, so to speak.”
JEROME- “I am in real estate. I know just the place. It even has it’s own studio,”
BECK- “Slow down, he said freelance, so we can’t afford something too expensive.”
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ACE- “Yes something nice, but within reason. Some of those places in the Art District are WAY overpriced.”
JEROME- “Honestly, the one I am thinking of is one of the cheaper places, as it doesn’t have the appliances. You would have to get those yourself. I will give you my card and call me when you get back home, and I can set up an appointment to see it.”
BLAYNE- (to Beck) "I’d love to live in the city, but my grandmother would lose it if I was to move out! I hate Del Sol Valley.”
(don’t we all Blayne, don’t we all...)
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gingerbeardmansim · 2 years
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Captions not required...
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gingerbeardmansim · 2 years
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It looks as though both of the guys are satisfied with the accommodations.
Blayne left them be, while he went downstairs to welcome the other guests that had arrived.
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gingerbeardmansim · 2 years
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The next weekend was a holiday weekend, and Ace and Beck arrived in Sulani and at the Ward Villa late Thursday evening...
Beck just hoped the smoldering volcano was not going to fully erupt!!
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enkisstories · 5 years
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Finally built my diving tower. Unlike the ambitious first and second versions at Lani St.Taz, this one fits in quite well in it’s simplicity. I like it a lot.
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enkisstories · 5 years
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- Mua Pel’am: Fireworks launched from the lot below the volcano -
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enkisstories · 5 years
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And another screenie, showcasing the jump between Fitness 5 and 6.
Daniel seems to have gotten a grip on himself in the swimming pool (unlike in the ocean yesterday). He was able to keep up with Gavin on short distances, but always falls back on longer ones.
I have no idea why that is so. My first assumption was the High Metabolism trait giving a small boost, but maybe the game differentiates between 6,0-6,4 and 6,5-7,0?
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enkisstories · 5 years
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Daniel: “Are you coming?”
Gavin: “Grrr... on our way!”
Daniel: “This century or the next?”
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enkisstories · 5 years
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Daniel: “Bye, losers!”
This... was brutal. I had all three of them in the water, each with an aqua jet in their inventory. Then I told them to mount up and this happened: Daniel got onto his and the wave when he started up the engine pushed Tina into Gavin and both of them a few meters back. Their own “drive” actions got cancelled.
But in all fairness, it’s probably his revenge for being the worst swimmer of the trio, something the other two will have joked about.
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enkisstories · 5 years
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I’ve been holding on to the sparklers for this :-)
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