#Suj Lee
therunwayarchive · 5 months
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Suj Lee at Balenciaga, Spring 2023
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clichey · 2 years
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Suj Lee by Jean Baptiste Soulliat Ronald van der Kemp- PFW Couture AW22 Book┃IG
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Suj Lee - SSENSE May 2018
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super-into-on-it · 3 years
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Suj Lee
for The WOW Magazine | Oct 2021
shot by Matthieu Delbreuve
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idkhyuck · 4 years
I wanna do those fun sleepover posts!
Send me FMK(iss) or most to least
Tell me what you love about your bias
Let’s talk about the Dream comeback
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ifeelsounsure0 · 2 years
Finding Love Part 5: A Midnight Summer's Dream
Suzy x M!Reader
Fluff, Smut
WC: 8063 words
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“Hey, Professor. Our new financial advisor just came. She's waiting for you in your office.”
Your phone’s vibration stirs you awake, and you reach towards the nightstand, aimlessly grabbing for your phone. With your eyes still closed, you instinctively type in the password and open your messages. “Financial advisor? Who in the hell?”
You force yourself to sit up and start replying to Sana. “I'll be there in a bit. Just give me a little to get ready.”
Fighting back the temptation to lay back down, you get out of bed and step into the bathroom. 
You don't bother turning on the lights this time and let the natural light from the open window illuminate the room. Everything seems to blur together. It barely feels like any time had passed before you already stepped into the shower, shampooed your hair, and dried off.
You toss together an outfit, grabbing a white button-up and a pair of black slacks. Since you've got no time to spare today, you rush out the door without a cup of coffee or anything else to eat.
“Professor!” You look up to find Sana, dressed in a beautiful light blue spring dress, at the entrance of the hospital, waving at you. “Hurry up! She's already waiting for you.”
Wait, how did I ge– “I'll be right there, Sana.” You shake your head, hoping to shake off the mental fog you're suffering from, and step out of the car. “Sana?”
“Hm?” she hums, scanning her keycard to open the door before letting you go through.
“When did I ask for a financial advisor?”
“You don't remember?” Sana scratches her head and calls the elevator. “I think it was last week. Professor Lee was yelling at you for having such a small profit margin, so you told So Hee to find one for you.”
“Yeah, I don't remember. Where's she from?”
“I think she told me, Goldman Sachs. Honestly, I don't really remember.”
The elevator doors open with a quiet ding, and Sana follows you in. She presses on the 30th floor and leans against the railing.
“You're not going to the lab?”
“Not today. So Hee said she needed to talk to me about something, and so did the new girl.”
You shake your head and lean back beside her, watching the floor numbers slowly tick up. Your eyes find their way to Sana, her lips slightly pursed as she stares at the buttons. Without her typical conversation, the elevator ride feels eerily quiet, and you can't hold back the urge to tap your finger against the railing.
Thankfully, the ride doesn't last much longer, and once the elevator doors open, you leave the awkward silence. Your floor feels empty early in the morning without your staff, but as you walk towards your office, the unmistakable smell of caramel wafts into your nose.
You can't help but smile when you spot the familiar source of the caramel aroma leaning against your desk. So Hee’s wearing an orange sweater that she paired with a lighter tan skirt. Her cup of coffee, which no doubt tastes like pure sugar, sits beside her, the steam reflecting some of the morning sunlight.
“Boss. There you are.” She smiles and opens the door for you, handing you her cup of coffee. “And here he is, with perfect timing.”
Only then do you notice the other person in the room. “Hello, my name is–” Her matcha latte falls from her hand and spills onto the floor.
Your breath gets sucked out of your lungs. A sharp breath through your dry lips. Deep breaths in an effort to dampen the rapidly quickening pace of your heart.
She hasn't changed in five years. Slightly curled brown hair that framed her face perfectly, brown doe eyes, and pouty lips. Her white tee was crisp and contrasted beautifully with her black skirt. Only once the door closes do you notice the scent of lilacs she always wore and the smell of matcha that she was obsessed with.
“Hey…. How’ve you been?” Her eyes are glued to the floor, and she can’t seem to look up to meet your gaze.
Lost. Missing a piece of my heart. The words sit on the tip of your tongue, begging to be said. If only you could say it, but you feel So Hee’s eyes on you.
“So Hee. Would you mind giving us the room? I need to talk to her for a minute.” You give her a weak smile and wait for her to shut the door to your office before setting down the cup of coffee.
An awkward silence descends. Suzy stands out of arm’s reach, a few feet away from the window, not daring to come closer. She cradles her arm in front of her body, rocking gently from side to side. Her eyes stare at the ground, occasionally glancing up to see your reaction only to return back to the stained carpet. “So, are you just gonna stand there?” You slide over along the table and tap on the empty space beside you. A silent offer. A test to try and understand the state of your fractured relationship.
“Thanks.” She takes a few slow steps closer, eyes still trained on the floor as she leans on the desk beside you.
Another awkward silence, broken only by the sound of your heart beating out of your chest. Your fingers nervously tap on the desk, trying to think of something to say while your eyes stare at her hand. It was so close, close enough that you could just grab onto it and pull her out of this stuffy office, yet it couldn’t have felt any further away as she refused to meet your eyes.
“What are you doing here, Suj?”
“I don’t really know what to tell you. Last week, I got an email from my boss saying that there was a hospital looking for a financial advisor, and he’d like to recommend me for the position since it's in my hometown and I would probably like it. Soon enough, I was packing my bags for a flight, and so that’s how I got here.”
Your hands press down onto the table as you lean back. “So, you’re telling me that you just decided to take the job because it’s in our hometown, and you didn’t know it would be with me?”
She looks up and stares into your eyes. “Why are you acting like you’re not happy to see me? I know that it’s been five years, but I thought it wouldn’t matter.”
A sigh leaves your lips. “So you did know that it would be me.”
“Yes! I did know that it would be you. Happy now? I’ve missed you for five years, and I came back to see you,” she says bitterly, kicking the plastic cup across the room. “I'll just go if you don't want me. I can tell my boss that the environment didn't fit me.” Her voice breaks on the last few words, and she covers her eyes as she starts to walk out the door.
“You know that's not what I meant.” Your hand grabs her wrist, tugging her towards you. “I was just surprised. That's all.”
“I guess I was surprised too. I thought I'd never get to see you again.” Her tone is wistful, and she stares at her hands. “Sorry,” she whimpers, a tear rolling down her cheek. “I’m such a mess, aren't I?”
“No.” Your hand cups her cheek and brushes away the tear. “Not at all.” You grab her So Hee’s cup of coffee and hand it to her, watching as she takes a sip.
“Your secretary likes her coffee really sweet, huh?” she chuckles and sets the mug back onto the table behind you. “I probably shouldn’t stay too long.” Her hand reaches into her purse and takes out a black folder. “This is the contract provided by my company. Expected profit margins, what you want me to invest extra cash in. Everything should be covered, so call me if you have any questions.” She starts to get up again.
You glance down at your watch and send a quick text to So Hee. “Could you clear my schedule for today?”
“There are only one or two things, but may I ask why?” She responds immediately, presumably because she's waiting outside.
“Something came up.” You quickly set your phone back down only to realize that you'd grabbed onto Suzy’s wrist as she walked away. “Sorry,” you stammer and let go of her wrist. “Anyways. I'm free for the day, so do you want to catch up over lunch or something?”
“I have one or two people I need to visit, so if you want to come along.”
“Y-yeah, sure. I can drive.”
“Perfect,” she beams, grabbing onto your wrist. “Let’s go then. I’m starving.”
You feel your heart beat out of your chest as you stare at her. Her smile hadn’t changed, and for a moment, it felt like you were both fresh out of college, still just taking your first steps into the real world.
“We won’t get anywhere if you don’t follow me out of your office.” Suzy tugs on your wrist to emphasize her point. “Hurry up, already!” she laughs and laces her fingers through yours.
The grasp of her hand feels familiar, and you don’t resist when she tugs you out of your office and runs towards the elevator. You can feel So Hee’s eyes staring as you pass her on the way to the elevator, giving her a simple wave.
“Bye So Hee! It was nice meeting you!” Suzy manages out. Her grip on your hand tightens, dashing down the final stretch to the elevator.
“You know we didn’t have to run,” you laugh, pressing the button once you both stop in front of the doors.
“I know, but it's not every day that you can go out for a nice run.” Her breathing is slightly ragged, and her face is somewhat flush from the sprint. “Not that I don't have a gym membership, but I just don’t have the time.” She glances at your chest before looking up and smiling. “You look a little… bigger.” Her hand moves over your chest before she suddenly freezes.
“Suj? Are you o—” You feel a hard tug as she pulls you into the elevator and quickly presses the bottom floor. “What were you trying to say, Suj?” Your shoulder nudges against her’s and you sadden, watching her stare at the descending numbers to avoid your gaze. “Weren’t you gonn–”
“No, I wasn’t.” She pushes you away from her, wedging herself in the corner of the elevator. “And stop coming so close.” Her hand then lets go of yours, retreating away as she holds herself.
“Suj, just tell me what’s the ma—”
The elevator comes to an unexpected stop, and the doors open. Suzy leaves as quickly as possible, but you grab onto her arm and pull her back. Annoyed, she tries to draw her hand away but can’t release your grip. “I said stop coming so close! Now let g—”
“You’re leaving on floor ten!” You can feel your employees' eyes as they glance towards the commotion before you pull her back. Once she’s inside, you hurriedly close the elevator door, not noticing how close she is to you now. “Damn it,” you mutter and slide your hand down your face in frustration.
As the doors close, the thump of your heart becomes more and more prominent, and when you glance down, you’re caught with Suzy’s doe eyes looking back.
She blinks once or twice and takes a deep breath before noticing her hand on your chest. Her lips are close enough that you can feel her warm breath. After a few achingly long moments, she pushes herself off, managing out a weak “Sorry,” as she returns to her spot in the corner.
You stare at her, silent in the corner. “Suj.” Your voice gets her attention before you tug on her arm so that she faces you. “Are you going to tell me what’s the matter, or are we just going to be awkward all day?”
“Nothing is wrong.” Her murmur is barely audible.
“Of course, something is wro—!” A deep breath. “I’m sorry. Just tell me what’s wrong, Suj.”
“So Hee said tha—” She stops as the doors open to the lobby, revealing a large group of your employees staring at both of you. “I’m sorry. We were just get—”
You quickly press on the correct underground parking floor and smile at your employees. “We’re still headed down. Sorry, everyone.” Once the doors close, you nudge Suzy with your finger. “So? What’s the matter?”
“Well… me and So Hee were talking, and I don’t really know how it came up, but she said that she was dating you.” Her hand covers her face as she lets out a broken sob. “I shouldn’t have come back if I wa—”
“Shhh.” You pull her into your arms and pat her back. “Me and So Hee are not dating, so don’t worry about ruining anything.” Her soft hair brushes against your nose, and get a whiff of her scent. The smell of her lilac-scented perfume was familiar, and you couldn’t help taking a deep breath before letting her cry against your chest. “Don’t cry. It’ll be okay.”
She lets out a few more sobs as her hands rest on your chest and pull your shirt closer.
“I missed you.”
You smile and press a kiss to the top of her head. “I missed you too.”
“You’re a bastard,” she whimpers and pulls away before hitting your chest. “Leaving me to go to the airport alone. I hated you, but after a few days, I realized how much I missed you.”
“I won't leave again. I promise.”
“Better not.” Her weak nod against your chest releases the tension built from wanting to confess for years, and you pull her closer, not wanting to lose her familiar warmth in your arms ever again. When she drags you out of the elevator doors and smiles, you can't help but feel as if everything is coming back together.
She drags you through the parking lot and stops in front of your car, the old classic that looks slightly out of place in a doctor’s parking spot. “You still drive this to work?”
“No… I always drive my ot– I guess I decided to take this one today.” You shake your head, hoping to clear up the fog that hadn't quite dissipated from this morning, but to no avail.
“Are you okay?” Her hand grazes yours, and she pulls you closer with a concerned expression. Reaching up, she touches the back of her hand to your head. “You’re warm,” she mumbles before taking the keys from you. “I’ll drive then. You look horrible.”
“I’m not letting you drive.” You try to snatch the keys back from her, only for her to push you just out of reach and dash into the driver’s seat. “Suj.” Your knuckles rap against the window. “Get out.”
She looks at you back through the window and pouts, holding up one finger and mouthing, “Just this once. Pleaseeee.”
You shake your head and pull on the handle a few more times, but after a few more tugs of the handle, you relent and climb into the passenger seat. Now you can only watch in horror as she adjusts all of your mirrors and pulls the seat all the way forward before asking, “What’s the third pedal for?”
“It’s the clutch, Suj. For changing gear.”
“Oh.” She taps the pedal once or twice before taking a deep breath.
“Just let me drive,” you say as you unbuckle your seatbelt and get ready to step out.
“It’ll be fine,” she reassures, correctly changing the car into first gear. “It's not the first time that I've driven a manual.”
“Second then?”
She smiles and shakes her head before pulling out of the parking spot. “Third.” Her stifled laughter doesn’t do much to reassure you, but you're left with no choice other than to watch her.
After a few poor gearshifts, Suzy eventually gets comfortable driving the car. “Where should we go eat?” Her eyes glance over and settle on your wrist as you scroll through your phone. “You still wear the watch?”
“Me? N-n—” you try to come up with a reasonable explanation only to look down to see the piece you had both bought together. “I guess I did wear it.” Your voice is soft as you inspect the watch under the sunlight.
It was still as beautiful as ever. The brilliant white dial, sparkly silver case, and black leather strap were pristine, almost as if you had never worn it before.
An awkward silence settles down while she stops at a light heading into the fashion district. “I still haven’t worn mine much either,” Suzy admits quietly, staring at the car in front. Her fingers tap against the edge of the steering wheel, the only sound in the otherwise silent car.
“Where are we going?”
“Getting breakfast. Isn’t that what we planned on doing?”
“I know, but….” You look out the window to see the lines of clothing stores outside, beautiful restaurant patios, and wealthy couples, arms linked together as they walk down the white marble streets. “Suj. There's nothing good to eat here.”
Suzy just smiles and continues driving past the fashion district until stopping on a small street in Little Italy. “Come on. Let's get breakfast here.”
You step out into bustling little Italy. A young boy runs around tossing newspapers to each shop, carts sit alongside the road selling hot dogs and shaved ice, and most importantly, there's already a long line coming from the local deli. “A little early for pastrami?” you ask as the door slams shut.
“It's never too early for pastrami,” she says as she grabs onto your hand and tugs you into the line beside her. “It's been so long since I've had some pastrami from home.”
“You've lived in New York for five years, and you still like the pastrami from here?”
Suzy nods her head and takes a step forward. “I only had one pastrami sandwich in New York. It was my first week there, and I wanted to try the famous New York Pastrami from Katz’s. I ended up waiting in line for like an hour.” Her voice softens. “When I took the first bite. Yes. It was delicious. The best pastrami I've ever had, but I realized I was alone. In some new place, without my best friend who’d always eaten with me from the first week of college. So…” she sniffles. “I never had another pastrami in New York after that.”
You suck in a breath through your teeth and watch her sullen expression stare at the broken pavement. “You know I di–”
“It's okay, though.” She looks into your eyes and forces a smile. “We’re here together now. That's all that matters. Right?”
“Yeah.” There's a dull throb in your heart as you stare at her. A mixture of remorse, guilt, and regret all seemed to pull at your heartstrings every time you looked at her.
Suddenly the feeling of her hand clutching onto yours felt uncomfortable, but when you try to pull away, she holds on even tighter. “I told you to put all of that behind us.” Her hand touches your cheek. “I don’t want you to be frustrated with yourself. You can’t change the past, so stop thinking about it. Okay?” She waits for you to nod. “Good. I hope you still remember my order.”
Her unexpected tug pulls you through the door, and you’re caught staring at a grumpy-looking Italian man glaring at you from inside the window.
“Could I have–” you stifle a cough. “a regular pastrami with everything on it.” A quick glance towards Suzy, hoping to get a reaction, only to see her playing on her phone. “and another pastrami but with half mayo, please.”
“Anything else?” The man scribbles down your order on his notepad.
“Could you add another regular pastrami with everything on it, please?” Suzy says, reaching for her purse. “And yeah, that’ll be it.”
You smile and give the man ₩30000. Once he takes it, you glance over at Suzy doing her best to hide her slight smile as she places her wallet back into her purse.
“You'll be order number six.” He rips off an order number and hands it to you.
Your hand barely manages to grab the receipt before Suzy tugs you down to the pickup window. “Did I get the order right?” you tease, expecting her to reluctantly acknowledge you. Instead, she says nothing and continues scrolling through her text messages. “Suj?”
“Hm?” she hums, eyes still glued to her phone.
“I got your order right, didn’t I?”
Suzy sighs and turns off her phone before snatching the receipt from you. She quickly glances over the receipt and then hands it back. “I only get half a sandwich, but you can’t seem to remember that.”
“That’s bull.”
“I told you that you would get it wrong.”
“Order six! Order six!” A plastic bag is placed outside the window with a post-it note attached.
Swiftly, Suzy snatches the receipt from between your fingers and hands it to the man inside the window. You can make out the words thank you on her lips before she grabs the bag. “It smells so good,” she says, opening the bag and taking a deep inhale.
“Yeah,” you smile and push open the door for her to step out. “Where are we eating?”
“This time?” She looks around the packed streets at midday and up at the sky.
Your eyes follow hers to the beautiful blue sky with a few small white clouds dotting the sea of blue. “We could go eat at the park.” You meet her eyes. “It’s a nice day today. Maybe play a game of chess by the pond if you want.”
She looks down the street to the lush green park in the city's center before shaking her head. “Let’s go visit someone today.” Her hand lightly holds onto yours as she waits for your nod.
“Yeah. Let’s go see him.” You grab onto her hand more tightly before noticing the eyes of pedestrians on both of you. “Suj. Wait a minute.” Your hand lets go of hers as you take off your jacket and toss it into the car. Then you roll up your sleeves before holding onto her hand again and tugging her towards the fashion district.
After a few minutes, she leads you into Columbus Street, the main road in the center of Little Italy. “We have to get some fruit,” she smiles, leading you into the weekly farmer’s market.
Every Saturday, the small street is closed down, and stalls are set up on each side of the road selling things from local honey to fresh produce.
Suzy smiles as she guides you through the crowd and to a small stand with an array of fruit baskets. “What should we get?” She looks through each basket, occasionally picking up a tempting-looking fruit and rotating it in her hand.
“I don’t even know what’s in season right now?” you laugh and step back a little so she can freely find whatever she wants to eat.
“How much for a box of strawberries, miss?”
Suzy nods her head and picks up a promising-looking box. She turns the box and looks at the strawberries on the bottom before taking five dollars from her purse. “I’ll just take this one, please.”
“Of course,” the old lady smiles and takes the bill. “Does your boyfriend want anything?”
“Him?” Suzy smiles before turning back and grabbing your hand. “Do you want anything, babe~?” She stifles a laugh as she watches your cheeks flush a bright red.
“N-no, thank you,” you stammer and lead Suzy away from the stall. Once you’ve made it far enough away, you turn towards her. “What was that, Suj?”
“What do you mean, babe?” She smiles deviously and runs her hand down your cheek before grabbing onto the back of your neck. Her hand forces you just close enough that you can feel her warm breath brush against your lips. “Look at how flustered you are,” she breathes.
The beat of your heart becomes painfully evident as it quickens inside your chest. Your hand wraps around her waist and pulls her closer. Her small frame presses against you, and her left hand rests on your chest, maintaining some small distance between you.
“You’ve changed.”
“I realized that it’s better to take chances before they slip away.” Your hand presses on her back to push her closer.
Her hand on your chest forces you back, and her finger comes to your lips. “I’m not going anywhere, so let’s do this another time, okay?” She runs her hands through your hair before grabbing back onto your hand. “For now. Let’s go have breakfast. I’m hungry.”
“Y-yeah. Let’s go eat.” You force back the sinful thoughts and follow after her.
Once you round the final corner, you spot a motorcycle officer standing beside a car, notepad in hand, as he marks down a ticket. The realization soon dawns on you, and you stop in your tracks. “It’s okay. We parked in a free parking spot.” Suzy’s finger runs over the back of your hand. “Worst case scenario. I’ll just pay for it.”
“Yeah. Thanks.”
She nods and continues walking down the street before stopping outside a watch boutique.
It looks the same as before. The open plaque still hangs right on the door, a few beautiful watches are still displayed outside the window, and a familiar old man sits behind the counter with a magnifying glass over one eye as he skillfully opens up the case of a watch. (His shirt pocket is creased from holding a box of cigarettes inside it for so long, but now only holds a beautiful black pen and his glasses.)
She stands outside silently and continues looking through the window. A quiet whimper leaves her throat before she covers her face with her hand, and a small tear runs down her cheek.
“Hey. Hey. What’s the matter?” you wrap your arms around her and gently lean her head on your shoulder. “Don’t cry. You’re back home now.” Your hand pats her back as your shoulder becomes wet from her tears. She slowly pulls away after a few minutes, and you run your hand down your cheek. “Ready to go in yet?”
She weakly nods but lets you step through the door first.
“How can I he— Goddamn it, you bastard, you actually came!” Michael smiles and sets down the watch. “Come here!” He rounds the counter before stopping in his tracks as Suzy steps in beside you. His eyes widen, and he quickly runs his hands down his face in disbelief. “Suj?” He speeds past you and pulls her into an embrace before softly crying against her shoulder.
“Hey, Michael.” Her voice is soft, and after a few sobs, she breaks into tears on his shoulder.
You’re left standing there, watching both of them as they whisper in each other’s ear and cry. It feels nice to be able to see both of them together again, almost as if this moment is just a dream, and you can’t help but pinch yourself to make sure this is real. After another minute, you decide to step away and give them their moment.
You step behind the counter and admire the watch that Michael was working on, its beautiful movement held together by the small pins and screws that were carefully sorted to the side of the velvet tray.
After a few moments of staring at the timepiece, you walk further down the counter and open the door to his office. Inside, you find a comfy leather chair behind a small office desk. On the desk is an empty cigarette tray and a pair of photos, one of his late wife and the other a trip from the week before Suzy left.
You spend a short amount of time staring at the photo before the sound of movement outside turns your attention away. After setting the photo back down, you step back out to find them getting ready to eat, a plastic bag laid over a glass case to avoid any accidental stains.
“There you are!” Suzy smiles and pulls the stool beside her closer before opening another pastrami sandwich. “Hurry up already! I’m hungry.”
“I’m coming,” you say and sit down beside her. The moment your hand wraps around the sandwich, she takes a messy bite causing Michael and you to make eye contact across the table.
“Some things never change, I guess,” he shrugs and takes a small bite.
“You expected her to change?”
He smiles and shakes his head. “No. She’s still the same as ever.” You can feel his eyes on you before he looks over towards her, and you quickly pass her a napkin.
“Thank you,” she manages out between bites as she quickly dabs the corners of her mouth.
“You still eat like a five-year-old.”
“And?” She finishes her bite and swallows before articulating the rest of her point. “Eating pastrami is meant to be messy. You don’t eat pastrami with a knife and fork.”
“Yes, but…” Your napkin dabs her chin as a little juice comes down from the corner of her mouth. “You can eat pastrami and not look like a child.”
Just as she's about to take another bite, you say, “Let me get the sauce on your lips.” You move towards her and dab the corners of her mouth, getting rid of the small drops of sauce stuck to her lips. Suddenly as you're getting a small crumb on her lip, you feel her breathing slow and cheeks warm. “Suj, are you ok–” You glance up and unintentionally meet her gaze.
Her warm breath brushes against your lips, and she takes a deep breath before swallowing the lump in her throat.
Suddenly, Michael clears his throat, and both of you turn to look at him. “And here I was thinking you were coming to visit me.” He shakes his head before taking a bite.
“Sorry,” you say, slowly moving away from Suzy.
“It’s fine. It’s fine. Young love and all that jazz.” His voice is mocking, and he does a slight pizazz motion with his hand to bring home the point.
“We get it, Michael,” Suzy laughs, eyeing you for a moment as you take another bite before finishing half her sandwich. “Well?” She dabs the corners of her mouth with a napkin. “How’s business been, Michael? Looks like you've been doing better?” Her eyes glance around the shop; a lot of the displays are only half full and a few completely empty.
“It's gotten better lately.” His eyes follow her gaze. “There's been a lot of new jobs lately, and a lot of new customers come to buy a new watch.” He stares at the watch on his wrist. “So yeah. I’m a certified dealer for most of the manufacturers now.”
Suzy nods her head, setting aside the other half of the sandwich. “How's Mary? Where's she going to school?”
“Mary?” He grabs a photo from behind him and shows it to both of you. “Mary’s in her last year at Dartmouth. Probably gonna try and get an internship in New York since she still wants to work in finance.”
“That's fantastic!” Suzy digs through her purse before producing a business card. “Have her call me when she's done. I can set her up with an internship.”
“Thank you, Suzy.”
“Anything for a friend.” She smiles to herself before looking at his shirt pocket. “No cigarette box?”
Michael looks down and takes out the pen. “I stopped smoking a few months ago.” He stares at you and chuckles. “An old friend came to visit and gave me a friendly reminder.”
You can’t help but smile when you think about your last visit with Michael. Suddenly you feel an elbow to your side and look to your right to find Suzy glaring at you. “What!” she mouths.
Goddamn it.
“Don’t get mad at him, Suzy.” He gives both of you a kind smile. “I’m sure he was just as heartbroken by you leaving as I was.” There’s a faint sadness in his voice as if he still hasn’t fully recovered from those five years. His hand reaches over the table, and he grabs her hand, running his finger along the back. “We’re just glad you’re back, now.”
“Yeah….” A soft sigh leaves her lips.
“You still wear it?” Michael turns Suzy’s wrist so that the face of her watch shines under the light.
“I guess we just happened to wear a matching set today.” You laugh and look at Suzy, a slight blush rising on her face when your eyes meet.
There’s a knock outside the door, and you spot a recognizable face—someone from a magazine or something you’ve seen before. “We should probably go. You’ve got a customer,” Suzy says, grabbing the plastic bag.
“Wait! It’s been five years, right? Leave your watches here. They need to be serviced to run correctly.” There’s a smirk on his face as he slides both of you a velvet tray to place your watches on top of.
You chuckle and unclasp your watch, placing it on the tray.
“It’s good to know that you’re still as clever as ever, Michael,” Suzy sighs and places her watch beside yours. “We’ll see you next week then.”
“Mm, I’ll see you next week. Bring Cubanos next time.”
“Of course, Michael,” you say as you open the door to leave. “We’ll see you next week.”
“See you next week!” Suzy yells before she runs back into the shop and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
You laugh, watching both of them hug each other again, neither wanting to let go. “Hurry up, Suj! This poor man is waiting to get a watch!”
“I’m coming. Stop rushing me!” She eventually pries herself away from Michael and runs out the door. “Let’s go.” Her fingers lace with yours, and she looks up at you with a bright smile on her face.
Your heart skips a beat, and you cover the crimson blush on your face. “Y-yeah. We can head back now.” You grab tightly onto her hand and politely nod to the customer waiting outside before following after her.
The midday sun feels pleasant, with light dotting clouds on the beautiful blue sky. It was perfect, not too hot, not too cold. The same could be said about the company beside you.
Her lilac perfume scents the air around you as you walk back through the empty streets. Her hand lightly grasps yours, occasionally pulling you closer whenever she nuzzles against your shoulder.
A perfect fairy tale ending. She was— is everything you’ve ever dreamed about. Your first love. The person who left a hole in your heart that only she could fill.
If only this moment could last forever. Just as you reach your car, your phone comes alive, and you’re forced to take an urgent call from So Hee. “Hey, So Hee. What’s up?”
Suzy lets go of your hand but remains beside you, a concerned look on her face. “Is something wrong?” she mouths.
You shake your head and smile before grabbing a strand of her hair and bringing it up to your nose. ‘It’s nothing.”
“Boss? Did you hear me?”
“Oh, yeah. Sorry, So Hee. Could you say that again?”
There’s an audible sigh on the other side of the line. “Professor Lee has just approved Sana’s request for more funding. She needs you here, so you can sign off on the spending.”
“Yeah. I’ll be right there. Thanks, So Hee.” You turn off the line and sigh, massaging the bridge of your nose.
“Is everything alright?” Suzy grabs your hand, running her fingers along the back.
“Yeah, everything’s okay. I’m sorry, but we’re probably gonna have to head back to the office.” You look at her apologetically, expecting a frustrated or disappointed expression on her face.
Instead, she simply runs her hand down your face and smiles. “It’s okay. I had fun today, and I’ve been meaning to get all my things set up in the office anyways.”
“Don’t look so depressed.” She pinches your cheek. “Worst comes to worst. We can do something fun in the office.”
The only response you can manage is a weak sigh before getting into the car.
The pile of paperwork was finally done. Sana’s request for new blankets and books for her ward was approved, So Hee’s schedule changes have been signed off for the next month. All that was left was ensuring that Suzy had finished moving into her office.
You step from your office to a dark room, save for the singular light from across the hall. A dim yellow glow from a desk light that Suzy has on while working on her laptop. Her glasses fall slightly past the bridge of her nose, and you can see the reflection off the lenses. There’s a slight pout on her lips as she works, occasionally taking a sip of the half-full matcha latte beside her. Her eyes, however, remain intently locked on the screen as she types away at what you could only assume to be the investment spread for the hospital in the next year.
A few knocks on her door draw her attention away from the screen.
There's a short moment just before your eyes meet where a nervous breath leaves your lips. Your heart races, and you nervously swallow a lump in your throat.
Her eyes meet yours, and a slight smile appears on her face as she practically leaps out of her chair to open the door.
“What are you doing here?”
“Me?” She glances at the mess of papers on her desk, various spreadsheets of profit margins, and potentially high-risk investments. “Just figuring out the spread I wanted for the portfolio.”
“You should probably head home. It's getting late already.” You lean on the desk and watch her simulation calculate the best investment spread. Your hand rests on the top of the laptop, and once the simulation reaches a quarter of completion, you shake your head and close the laptop.
“You can do this tomorrow. It's getting late.” You look around the office. “We’re the only ones left.”
Her expression shifts, and a seductive glint appears in her eyes. “Really~?” She climbs onto the desk beside you and moves her hand onto your chest, sliding up until it reaches your loosened tie. “You’re telling me that….” Her fingers tighten the knot around your neck. “We’re the only ones left?”
“Suj….” Your hand grabs onto her wrist. “We shouldn’t be doing this.”
Her finger slides down the knot of the tie. “And why not?” She glances around the dark room before gently placing her hand on your thigh. “We’re all by ourselves anyways.” Her fingers then move up to your jaw, pulling it closer to her. “You don’t even know what I want to do yet, dummy.”
“I have some clue,” you breathe, her warm hand on your thigh driving your mind haywire as you’re entranced by those familiar yet entirely unfamiliar brown eyes. 
“Do you?” She grabs the end of your tie and pulls you closer till her lips almost touch yours. “Are you so sure now?”
“Suj…” Her warm breath brushing against your lips drives you insane, and your eyes look down to her flushed cheeks and red lips. Those beautiful lips, plush, almost pouty, with a light tint of red. They just look so– you can’t hold yourself back any longer. Your hand touches her lower back, and you pull her towards you, a small yelp leaving her throat.
You feel her hands touch your chest before her lips crash against yours. Her lips are soft. Undeniably so, you could taste a hint of the matcha latte she was drinking just a few moments ago. The smell of her lilac perfume becomes indescribably distinct as her hair brushes against the side of your face. Warm breaths tickle your upper lip before her lips slowly part, and you can feel her hand grab a handful of your white shirt, tugging herself closer.
Her tongue touches yours for a moment before she pushes herself away, face flushed a bright red. “We should’ve done this sooner,” she breaths while her hand begins to work away at your tie. Her fingers fumble with the knot, trying to pull it apart before she takes a deep breath as your lips touch the side of her neck. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing.” Your teeth run along her skin, and a slight smile creeps onto your face as you watch her lean back, softly breathing.
It was an ethereal sight, her face flushed as gentle breaths left her lips, the beautiful white skin of her neck unmarred, perfect. A gentle breath becomes a soft gasp when she feels your teeth bite down on her bare skin.
Her grip on your shirt suddenly tightens, and you can feel her hands on your chest before she pushes you away. “I have to go to work tomorrow,” she laughs, her voice caught between laughter and a soft moan.
“We can just take the day off tomorrow.” You quickly force yourself back, enjoying her breathy moan when you start kissing by her throat.
“Goddamn it,” she hums, another ragged breath escaping her mouth. “Don't.”
A sigh. “Fine.” Your lips kiss her jawline and feel her writhe in your arms as you move down to her collarbone, barely exposed through the top of her shirt.
“You’re such a fiend,” she laughs, her hands making their way to your collar and loosening your tie. A few deft moments of her fingers unbuttons half your shirt before she pushes you away from her. “You can stop nibbling away at my neck.”
“And why—” Your hand on her waist tugs her closer. “would I want to do that?”
“Because….” She meets your gaze, biting her lip. “Maybe.” Her finger gently touches your cheek, making sure that you’re still staring at her eyes before slowly tracing down, pushing aside the two open halves of your shirt. “I want to do something else.”
You can feel the beat of your heart as her hand slides over your chest, occasionally letting her nails run along the skin, adding a strangle tingling sensation that drives you mad.
“You’ve been working out, it seems,” she says with a wry smile. Her fingers unbutton the last few buttons above your abdomen before hooking onto the top of your hands.
“Suj~.” She mimics your voice with a smile and presses her hand on your abs as she leans closer. The seductive glint still hasn’t left her eyes, and she keeps one hand on your chest to keep you from moving forward. “I love it when you say my name like that,” she smiles, her warm breath tickling your lips before her lips crash against yours.
Initially, you only feel the warmth emanating from her flushed cheeks and the softness of her beautiful lips before she grabs onto your tie, pulling you forward. Your length strains in your pants as she pulls on your tie like a leash, forcing you deeper into the kiss while her hand slowly runs down your thigh. The feeling between your legs is excruciating, painful, and you shift underneath her, trying to get some stimulation before the taste of blood seeps into your kiss. “Focus on me, dummy.”
She pulls away from the kiss and bites down on the end of your tie, using her hand to shimmy it out of your collar and then tighten it around your neck. “This is what you’ve always wanted, right?” Her hand on your thigh traces around your hardened length. “You’ve always wanted to be mine. Haven’t you.” You open your mouth to answer, only to feel a harsh tug around your neck as she wraps the tie around her fingers. “Don’t kill the mood by saying something stupid. Just nod.”
A soft breath leaves your lips, and you give her a weak nod, watching a cruel smile form on her face soon after. “Good. Now kiss me again.” She doesn’t give you much of a choice, yanking on the tie again until your lips are forced against hers.
The kiss is possessive. Suzy controls you with her makeshift leash, and her teeth touch your lips every few moments, a cruel reminder of what will happen if your focus shifts elsewhere.
While she kisses you, her hand on your thigh begins undoing the button of your pants. Her lips never leave yours as she tugs off the black slacks and tosses them somewhere behind her. Your shirt follows after it, leaving you in a pair of black boxers and a black tie.
The room's cool air makes the hair on your legs stand up, and you can feel your length stand up on its own, her hand tantalizingly close to it. “You’re so needy.”
She lets go of your tie and hooks both hands onto your boxers, tugging them off your legs before moving back and admiring her work. “You look perfect.” Her finger runs over your lip, getting a tiny bit of blood which she takes a taste of, while her other hand rubs lazy circles on your thigh.
“Enough of this.” Her hand wraps around your length, and you take a deep breath as her cool fingers constrict around your need. “I’ve been wanting this for too long,” she says, reaching down and letting her slick panties fall down to the floor before climbing back on top of you.
Her lithe frame sits on your lap as she grabs back onto your tie and stares into your eyes. Entranced. The only way to describe how you feel. Everything feels numb as you gaze into those beautiful brown orbs; not even the feeling of the tie constricting around your throat could get you to look away from them.
“Ah fuck.” She pulls again, her lips right next to your ear as she softly moans. “You feel amazing.”
Your mouth opens to say something, but another harsh tug from her silences you. Her finger presses against your lips, and she seductively meets your eyes, a silent moan leaving her lips.
You let her finger rest on your lips for a few moments before quickly taking it into your mouth. Your tongue swirls around them while you admire the shocked expression that quickly shifts to seductive approval as she runs her hand down your cheek. “You’re such a fiend,” she chuckles, letting her finger slip out of your mouth with a pop as your lips start feathering kisses against her neck.
You kiss her neck with a slight smile, enjoying the softness of her skin while your hardened length presses against her abdomen. Her skin is like the softest velvet against your lips, and her warm breath brushes tickles your ear.
Your hand slips underneath her dress, pushing it off her shoulder. “What are yo–” She breathes a slight laugh as you begin kissing her shoulder, worshiping the gentle curve of her collarbone and the soft skin of her arm.
Her stern voice forces a pause as you’re pushed away from her shoulder with a firm hand on your chest. 
“We shouldn't be doing this….” Suzy’s eyes are downcast, but her hand grasps firmly onto your shirt. “It's our first time seeing each other in years, and we’re just fuc–”
“You don't want to?” Your finger traces down her jaw before pressing it upward, so she gazes into your eyes. “It's perfectly natural, Suj. We’re both adul–”
“Not like this.” Her hand grazes down your cheek lovingly. “This just feels too much like a fling…. Right?”
You nod slowly.
“Wait for me, so I can be with you.”
Note: Hope you all enjoyed this one. It took me a while to write it, but I would say that I'm pretty happy with it. Thank you to my editing team, @kaedewrites for reading the smut, @fillinforlater, and @v1ntrix for reading the entire fic. All of you are amazing. Nonetheless, thank you for your time reader. Hopefully, I'll see you all soon. Love, Unsure.
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baesuejis · 7 years
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Congratulations to Bae Suzy for winning the Top Excellence Actress Award and Best Couple Award with Lee Jong Suk @ 2017 SBS Drama Awards! ♡♡♡
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noramoya · 4 years
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*Mistaken photo. Sorry, can’t get to erase it...
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jinxproof · 3 years
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Suj Lee | © Cecile Bortoletti
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therunwayarchive · 1 year
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Paris Spring 2022 (Part Two)
Junya Watanabe
Louis Vuitton Menswear
Ludovic de Saint Sernin
Marine Serre
Noir Kei Ninomiya
Zuhair Murad
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therunwayarchive · 10 months
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Suj Lee at Feben, Fall 2022
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therunwayarchive · 2 years
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Suj Lee at Y/Project, Spring 2022
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therunwayarchive · 2 years
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Suj Lee at Y/Project, Spring 2022
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therunwayarchive · 2 years
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Suj Lee at Y/Project, Spring 2022
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Suj Lee - Teeth Magazine Fall 2017
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Sujin Lee - Ashish FW 2018
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