#Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar
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adamyoussefmprahime6 · 9 months ago
Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar | subhanallah alhamdulillah lailahaillallah allahu akbar
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susanhorak · 9 months ago
سبحان الله والحمد لله ذكر الله مكرر بصوت جميل وخاشع لله | الله اكبر الله اكبر لا اله الا الله #نور_ذكر_الله سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا إله إلا الله والله أكبر مكررة 5000 مرة بصوت رائع ادعو الله ان تكون في ميزان حسنات كل من اشترك في انشاء هذا الفيديو وكل من سمعة او ساعد علي انتشارة ايات ابطال السحر علاج السحر و فك السحر بسرعة شديدة بإذن الله اخر سورة البقرة مكررة | قران كريم | صوت شديد الجمال https://youtu.be/-mvIgTIfjx4 فك السحر | اقوى رقية شرعية للعين والحسد والسحر والمس https://youtu.be/9NXR6PJIwH4 المعوذتين لعلاج الحسد مكررة | سورتا الفلق و الناس https://youtu.be/KQ3SFPe_bhs مسلسل ضحايا شمس المعارف الحلقة الاولي https://youtu.be/7U3CsNGB2Xk فك السحر | اقوى رقية شرعية للعين والحسد والسحر والمس https://youtu.be/9NXR6PJIwH4
اشترك ��عنا قساعدنا علي الإستمرار في العطاء من خلال عمل مشاركة وكتابة تعليق و الاشتراك في قناة نور ذكر الله http://www.youtube.com/c/Noorone.
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alien1superstar · 2 years ago
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via Qur'an app
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afinidade082323 · 3 months ago
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SubhanAllah ( Deus seja louvado!) , Alhamdulillah (Graças a Deus!), La ilaha illa-llah (Não há nada digno de adoração além de Deus), Allahu akbar (Deus é maior) 🤲
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Salam aleykum . Allandulilhah
Saudações do Brasil 🇧🇷 para Turkey 🇹🇷
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apollos-olives · 1 year ago
hamas killed White Baby
mashallah alhamdulillah subhanallah allahu akbar ya rab 🙏🙏🙏
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julaibib · 3 months ago
After each Salah, make Dua to ask Allah for what you need.
Recite Athkar: Subhanallah 33 times, Alhamdulillah 33 times, and Allahu Akbar 34 times.
Then, read Ayat al-Kursi, and Surah Al-Falaq and Surah Al-Nas for protection.
Reflect on your prayer and get ready for the next one, keeping close to Allah.
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sabrgirl · 2 years ago
the different kinds of dhikr
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prayers "serve Me, and observe Prayer for My remembrance" (20:15) - here, Allah Himself says that salat is a form of dhikr. these also include the sunnah and nawafil prayers alongside the fard prayers
recitation of the Holy Qur'an "We ourself have sent down this Reminder, and most surely We will be its Guardian" (15:10) - Allah uses the word 'dhikr' here for the sending down of the Qur'an, which shows that reciting the Qur'an is a form of dhikr too and should be done daily. "And this is a blessed Reminder/dhikr that We have sent down; will you then reject it?" (21:51).
repeatedly making mention of Allah's attributes "And when you have finished the Prayer, remember Allah while standing, and sitting, and lying on your sides" (4:104) - Allah asks us not to just remember him and do dhikr during salat, but all the time too. the different dhikr you can say are: - laa ilaha il Allah (there is no God but Allah) - subhanallah x33, alhamdulillah x33, Allahu Akbar x34 (Holy is Allah, all praise belongs to Allah, Allah is the Greatest) - alhamdulillah (all praise belongs to Allah) - astagfirullah (i seek Allah's forgiveness) - ayatul kursi (2:255) - la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah (there is no power except from Allah) - subhanallahi wa bi-hamdihi, subhanallah hil-Adhim (Holy is Allah and worthy of all Praise; Holy is Allah, the Great)
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islam-reflections · 1 year ago
سبحان الله ‘SubhanAllah’ (Glory be to Allah) 
 الحمد لله ‘Alhamdulillah’ (Praise be to Allah) 
 لا إله إلا الله ‘La ilaha illallah’ (There is no god but Allah) 
 الله أكبر Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest)
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wrappedinamysteryy · 10 months ago
🔮⚜️If you’re feeling inadequate because you’re not able to pray (or not pray much) in these final days of Ramadan, try these👇🏻:⚜️🔮
1️⃣Get a treasure in Jannah.
☝🏻Say: لَا حَوْلَ وَلَا قُوَّةَ إِلَّا بِاللَّهِ
The Prophet (s) said, “Be frequent in saying ‘There is no might or power except by Allah, (Lā ḥawla wa lā quwwata illā billāh)’ For verily, it is a treasure from the treasures of Paradise.’” [سنن الترمذی :3601]
2️⃣Get a palace in Jannah.
🎁Say: Surah al-Ikhlas (10 times)
The Prophet (s) said, “Whoever recites Surah al-Ikhlas ten times, Allah will build a palace for him in paradise.” Umar (r) said, “Then we will have many palaces in Jannah?” The Prophet (s) replied, “Allah has even more and better than that.” [السلسلة الصحيحة:589]
3️⃣Landscape Jannah.
💬Say: سُبْحَانَ الله وَالْحَمْدُ لله وَلاَ إله إِلاَّ الله وَالله أَكْبَرُ
The Prophet (s) said, “I met Ibrahim on the Night of Ascension (Al-Isra), and he said to me, ‘O Muhammad, convey my greetings to your Ummah, and tell them that Jannah has a vast plain of pure soil and sweet water. It is a plain levelled land. The plants grow there by uttering: Subhan-Allah, Al-hamdu lillah, La ilaha illallah, and Allahu Akbar.” [السلسلة الصحيحة : 105]
Or say: سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ الْعَظِيمِ وَبِحَمْدِهِ
The Prophet (s) said, “Whoever says ‘SubhanAllahil ‘adheemi wa bihamdihi’ a tree is planted for him in Paradise.” [سنن الترمذی:3465]
4️⃣Get all your sins forgiven.
🔆Say: SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi (100 times)
The Prophet (s) said, “Whoever says, 'Subhan Allah wa bihamdihi,' one hundred times a day, will be forgiven all his sins even if they w
ere as much as the foam of the sea.” [صحیح البخاری: 6405]
🔆Or say: Astaghfirullahal ladhee laa ilaha illaa huwal Hayyul Qayyoomu wa atoobu ilayh
The Prophet (s) said, "Whoever says أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللَّهَ الَّذِي لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ هُوَ الْحَىُّ الْقَيُّومُ وَأَتُوبُ إِلَيْهِ (I seek forgiveness from Allah, the One besides whom there is none worthy of worship, the Living, the Sustainer of all, and I repent to him), all his sins will be forgiven, even if he had fled from battle."
[Sunan Abi Dawud 1517]
5️⃣Earn a thousand good deeds.
💯Say: SubhanAllah (100 times)
The Prophet (s) said, “Is anyone amongst you powerless to earn one thousand good deeds every day? …. Say tasbeeh one hundred times and one thousand good deeds are recorded and one thousand sins are erased.” [صحیح مسلم:7027]
6️⃣Fill the Scales.
🎁Say: Alhamdulillah
The Prophet (s) said, “Cleanliness is half of faith and al-Hamdu Lillah (Praise be to Allah) fills the scale.” [صحیح مسلم:223]
7️⃣Fill the space between the sky and the earth.
💬 Say: Allahu Akbar
The Prophet (s) said, “Allahu Akbar fills what is between the sky and the earth.” [مسند احمد:22908]
8️⃣Earn the reward of worshipping the entire night.
📜Recite: The last two verses of Surah al-Baqarah.
The Prophet (s) said, "Whoever recites the last two verses of Surat al-Baqarah at night, that will be sufficient for him.”
[صحیح البخاری: 5051]
Ibn Hajar said, أَيْ أَجْزَأَتَا عَنْهُ مِنْ قِيَامِ اللَّيْلِ بِالْقُرْآنِ “Meaning, they will suffice him for qiyamul layl” [Fathul Bari]
9️⃣Earn the reward of giving charity.
💰Say: SubhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, Laa ilaha illAllah, Allahu Akbar.
The Prophet (s) said, “In the morning, charity is due from every bone in the body of every one of you. Every utterance of glorification (i.e., saying SubhanAllah) is an act of charity. Every utterance of praise (i.e., saying Alhamdulillah) is an act of charity, every utterance of profession of His Oneness (i.e., saying Laa ilaha illAllah) is an act of charity, every utterance of profession of His Greatness (i.e., saying Allahu Akbar) is an act of charity, enjoining good is an act of charity, forbidding what is disreputable is an act of charity, and two rak'ahs which one prays in the forenoon will suffice.”
[صحیح مسلم:720]
1️⃣0️⃣Earn a mountain of reward.
📤Give a date.
The Prophet (s) said, “If anyone gives as Sadaqa the equivalent of a date from honestly (earning) earned - because Allah accepts only what is pure - the Lord would accept it with His Right Hand, and even if it is a date, it would grow in the Hand of the lord, as one of you fosters his colt, till it becomes bigger than a mountain.”
[صحیح مسلم: 1014]
1️⃣1️⃣Want to be called from the gates of Jannah?
🛍Give a pair.
The Prophet (s) said, “The one who spends a pair in the way of Allah will be summoned from the gates of the Garden and told, 'O slave of Allah, this is good.”
[صحیح البخاری]
1️⃣2️⃣Share this khayr 📲
The Prophet (s) said, "Whoever introduces a good practice that is followed after him, will have a reward for that and the equivalent of their reward, without that detracting from their reward in the slightest."
[صحیح مسلم: 1017]
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uma1ra · 2 years ago
Sunnah’s to Follow on the First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah
The first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah are the most virtuous days of the year, in which Allah (swt) has blessed his Ummah with opportunities to multiply their rewards through His infinite mercy. These days are so sacred that Allah swears an oath by them:‘By the dawn; by the ten nights’ [The Noble Qur’an, 89:1-2].
And Allah also reminds us: ‘Remember Allah during the appointed days’. [The Noble Qur’an, 2:203]
Therefore, we should increase our acts of worship during this sacred time. The Prophet (saw) said, ‘There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than in these (ten) days’. [Abu Dawud]
Here are nine Sunnah actions you should follow to seek Allah’s forgiveness and maximise your reward during the best ten days of the year:
Let’s begin with a simple yet effective action - increasing your dhikr. In Makkah, the Talbiyah will be on every pilgrim’s tongue throughout the day and night; those at home have also been commanded to praise Allah constantly in these ten days.
The Eid takbeer is an example of dhikr that ticks all three of these boxes - tahleel, takbeer and tahmeed.
You can also make dhikr after your five daily prayers - SubhanAllah 33 times, Alhamdulillah 33 times, and Allahu Akbar 34 times.
Reciting SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi (Glory be to Allah and praise Him) one hundred times a day will wipe away sins - no matter how burdensome they are.
These simple measures will ensure you are remembering Allah throughout the day and benefitting from the blessings of Dhul-Hijjah.
Fast the first nine days
It is Sunnah to fast on the first nine days of Dhul-Hijjah, because fasting is one of the best of deeds. In a hadith Qudsi, Allah says, ‘All the deeds of the son of Adam are for him, except fasting, which is for Me and I shall reward for it’. [Bukhari]
If you are unable to fast for the whole nine days, try to fast on just the Day of ’Arafah, the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah. Just as Laylat al-Qadr is the most blessed night of the year, ’Arafah is the most blessed day of the year. The Prophet (saw) said, ’There is no day on which Allah frees more people from the Fire than on the day of ‘Arafah’. (Muslim)
Like Laylat al-Qadr, we should spend this day seeking forgiveness and availing ourselves of Allah’s incredible mercy. On this day, non-pilgrims have the opportunity to extinguish the sins of two years by fasting! The Prophet (saw) said, ′It (fasting on the Day of ‘Arafah) expiates the sins of the past year and the coming year’. [Muslim]
The Eid takbeer is an example of dhikr that ticks all three of these boxes - tahleel, takbeer and tahmeed.
You can also make dhikr after your five daily prayers - SubhanAllah 33 times, Alhamdulillah 33 times, and Allahu Akbar 34 times.
Reciting SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi (Glory be to Allah and praise Him) one hundred times a day will wipe away sins - no matter how burdensome they are.
These simple measures will ensure you are remembering Allah throughout the day and benefitting from the blessings of Dhul-Hijjah.
Fast the first nine days
It is Sunnah to fast on the first nine days of Dhul-Hijjah, because fasting is one of the best of deeds. In a hadith Qudsi, Allah says, ‘All the deeds of the son of Adam are for him, except fasting, which is for Me and I shall reward for it’. [Bukhari]
If you are unable to fast for the whole nine days, try to fast on just the Day of ’Arafah, the 9th of Dhul-Hijjah. Just as Laylat al-Qadr is the most blessed night of the year, ’Arafah is the most blessed day of the year. The Prophet (saw) said, ’There is no day on which Allah frees more people from the Fire than on the day of ‘Arafah’. (Muslim)
Like Laylat al-Qadr, we should spend this day seeking forgiveness and availing ourselves of Allah’s incredible mercy. On this day, non-pilgrims have the opportunity to extinguish the sins of two years by fasting! The Prophet (saw) said, ′It (fasting on the Day of ‘Arafah) expiates the sins of the past year and the coming year’. [Muslim]
Give Sadaqah
Many of us maximise our Sadaqah during the last ten nights of Ramadan, but the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah are just as valuable and present the perfect opportunity to earn extra rewards for simple good deeds!
Hasan al-Basri (rh) said, ‘Going to fulfil the need of your brother is better for you than performing Hajj after Hajj’.
Helping our brothers and sisters in need is one of the acts most beloved to Allah and we have the perfect tool to help you maximise your rewards over the blessed days of Dhul-Hijjah. The Best 10 Days allows you to automate your donations to five emergency locations, including Yemen and Syria, providing food, clean water and medical supplies to suffering families.
Hajj is the ultimate act of worship we can perform as Muslims to seek forgiveness from Allah and expiate our sins, but most of us are lucky if we can go even once in our lifetime. That is why Dhul-Hijjah is the perfect gift from Allah, allowing us to repent and seek forgiveness for our sins even if we are not on pilgrimage.
Repentance brings us closer to Allah and cleanses our souls. Allah says:
‘Seek forgiveness of your Lord and repent to Him, [and] He will let you enjoy a good provision for a specified term and give every doer of favour his favour’. [The Noble Qur’an, 11:3]
Pray Eid Salah
Eid Salah is one of the ways we show our Islamic identity as a community and is therefore a very important act of worship for all Muslims to partake in. The Prophet (saw) always attended Eid Salah, as did his companions after he had passed away. He encouraged everyone to attend, even menstruating women - who are unable to perform the prayer itself but can still share in the blessings of this gathering.
Give a Prophetic Qurbani
Abu Talhah (ra) reported, ‘The Prophet (saw) sacrificed for the one who could not sacrifice from his Ummah, one who bore witness to the Oneness of Allah and [his] Prophethood’. [Tabarani and Ahmad]
During Eid, the Prophet (saw) would offer an additional sacrifice on behalf of someone in his Ummah that could not afford to. Allah says, ‘There has come to you a Messenger of Allah from among yourselves, who is distressed by the losses you sustain, who is ardently desirous of your welfare and is tender and merciful to those that believe’. [The Noble Qur’an, 9:128]
SubhanAllah, this generous act of our beloved Messenger of Allah is an incredible example of His mercy to His Ummah that Allah refers to in the above ayah, to sacrifice for his Ummah and cover them till the Day of Judgement.
You too can follow this beautiful Sunnah and give an extra Qurbani to maximise your reward during Dhul-Hijjah. Not only will you be reviving a forgotten Sunnah, but you will be also doubling your impact by feeding even more families a rare meal with meat during the days of Eid-al-Adha.
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sukoon-rooh · 6 months ago
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 🌨🥡🍥
˚₊☆ What to do:
recite this tasbih
'Allahu Akbar' - 34 times, 'Alhamdulillah' - 33 times and 'Subhanallah' - 33 times.
˚₊☆ Why:
Prophet Muhammad ‎ﷺ wished to impart this act of worship to his daughter Fatima ‎رضي الله عنها
he declared, ‘O Fatima! I have granted you something that is superior to a maidservant and to the world and everything in it.’
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adamyoussefmprahime6 · 9 months ago
Subhanallah Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar | subhanallah alhamdulillah lailahaillallah allahu akbar
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susanhorak · 10 months ago
سبحان الله والحمد لله ذكر الله مكرر بصوت جميل وخاشع لله | الله اكبر الله اكبر لا اله الا الله #نور_ذكر_الله سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا إله إلا الله والله أكبر مكررة 5000 مرة بصوت رائع ادعو الله ان تكون في ميزان حسنات كل من اشترك في انشاء هذا الفيديو وكل من سمعة او ساعد علي انتشارة ايات ابطال السحر علاج السحر و فك السحر بسرعة شديدة بإذن الله اخر سورة البقرة مكررة | قران كريم | صوت شديد الجمال https://youtu.be/-mvIgTIfjx4 فك السحر | اقوى رقية شرعية للعين والحسد والسحر والمس https://youtu.be/9NXR6PJIwH4 المعوذتين لعلاج الحسد مكررة | سورتا الفلق و الناس https://youtu.be/KQ3SFPe_bhs مسلسل ضحايا شمس المعارف الحلقة الاولي https://youtu.be/7U3CsNGB2Xk فك السحر | اقوى رقية شرعية للعين والحسد والسحر والمس https://youtu.be/9NXR6PJIwH4
اشترك معنا قساعدنا علي الإستمرار في العطاء من خلال عمل مشاركة وكتابة تعليق و الاشتراك في قناة نور ذكر الله http://www.youtube.com/c/Noorone.
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ynx1 · 2 months ago
daily dhikr:
• SubhanAllah x33
• Alhamdulillah x33
• Allahu akbar x34
• la ilaha illa Allah
• Astagfirullah
• la hawla wala quwatta illa billah
• Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
• Subhan Allahi adhim
• SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah, wa la ilaha ill Allah wa Allahu akbar
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skopostheorie · 2 years ago
Translations of things Muslims say that aren't actually translations
Most people translate what these things mean literally which is nice but you also gotta know the EQUIVALENTS otherwise it sounds weird.
Insha Allah: hopefully
Ma sha Allah: Congrats/how amazing!
Alhamdulillah: I'm going well thanks
Wallahi: I promise
Subhanallah: see Ma sha Allah
Allahu Akbar: you just walked into a prayer by accident
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asma-al-husna · 8 months ago
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Allah calls Himself Al-Kabeer— The All Great, The Most Great, The Grand— on six occasions in the Quran. He is the One who is unimaginably great and perfect. Al-Kabeer embraces all kinds of greatness, from rank, size, nobility, and knowledge to mercy, and it tells us that nothing was, is, or will ever be like Him!
The All-Great, the One Far Greater Than Anything or Anyone
Kabeer comes from the root kaaf-baa-raa, which points to three main meanings. The first is to be great in rank and nobility and the second to be great in size. The third main meaning is to be great in age and the fourth to be great in learning and knowledge. The fifth main meaning is to have rights above all others.
This root appears 161 times in the Quran in eighteen derived forms. Examples of these forms are kabura (“is great,” or “is difficult”), fakabbir (“magnify”), mutakabbireen (“the arrogant)”, akbaru (“greater”), kibaru (“old age”), and kubra, kabeer (“great”).
Linguistically, kibriyyah refers to the concept of greatness. One who is kabeer is someone great in rank or skill. Allah is Al-Kabeer—The All-Great and The Most Great; for each of His attributes He is the greatest.
Al-Kabeer Himself says: So the judgment is with Allah, the Most High, the Grand [Quran, 40:12], . . . because Allah is the Most High, the Grand [Quran, 22:62], and . . . Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand [Quran, 4:34].
The Ranks of This World and the Hereafter
We’re naturally predisposed to admire those who are most beautiful, most intelligent, most eloquent, most powerful, most generous, most merciful, etcetera.
However Al-Kabeer Himself says: See how We prefer one above another (in this world), and verily, the Hereafter will be greater in degrees and greater in preferment [Quran, 17:21]. The poorest in this world can be the richest in the Hereafter; it all depends on one thing: your rank with Allah al-Kabeer.
How Can We Live By This Name?
1. Say a lot of takbeer.
Revive the sunnah of The Prophet ‘salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam by saying a lot of takbeer— Allahu Akbar. Abdullah ibn ‘Umar narrates that a man came late to Salāh. Upon arriving to the line he started his prayer with the following words, Allāhu Akbaru Kabīran wal-hamdulillahi kathīran wa subhān Allahi bukratan wa asīlā. The Prophet, after completing the prayer, asked the people who had said this. The man said, O Rasūlullah, I did not intend by it other than good. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, I saw the gates of heaven open because of those words. Ibn ‘Umar added, I never ceased saying these words since hearing the Prophet say that. [Muslim, At-Tirmidhee, An-Nasaa’i and Ahmad]
2. Find happiness with Al-Kabeer.
Your original nature makes you seek love and perfection and Allah Al-Kabeer is the source of all perfection. So only by turning to Him can your heart feel peace and happiness. In fact, the more you get to know about Him, His names and His attributes, the more you’ll turn to Him with true love and devotion and feel secure and peaceful with Him.
3. Magnify Al-Kabeer in the proper way.
Allah ‘azza wa jall instructs you: And magnify Your Lord [Quran, 74:3]. Words to magnify Al-Kabeer, like the tahleel (laa ilaaha illAllah) tahmeed (Alhamdulillah), tasbeeh (subhanAllah) and takbeer (Allahu akbar), have great meanings; ponder their true meanings, increase in saying them and be careful not to misuse them.
4. Seek perfection at the source.
Don’t disappoint yourself by expecting others to be perfect and admiring those with wealth or status but no emaan. By admiring your Lord, by relying on and trusting in Al-Kabeer, The All-Great, The Source of Perfection, you will never be shocked or disappointed, even better you will be amazed by His enormous rewards for your little deeds.
5. Never be arrogant.
Guard yourself against arrogance (kibr). Never look down on others; you don’t know the rank they have with Al-Kabeer. Arrogance can also be found in how you deal with the commands of Allah. Look at the sin of Iblees; he refused to bow down due to arrogance. A good tip to keep you away from disobedience to the commands of Allah is that whenever you’re about to sin, look up and imagine Al-Kabeer watching you— would you dare to look up and say “no” to Him?
6. Strive for a high rank with Al-Kabeer.
Glorify Him alone and be humble in life in order to be great in the sight of Al-Kabeer. If Allah Al-Kabeer blessed you with being kabeer in this world in knowledge, job position, or any other skill, make others benefit and truly become kabeer to Him in the Hereafter.
7. Call upon Al-Kabeer.
Make dua using this name to ask Him to lead you to deeds pleasing to Him. There is no rank higher or achievement better than attainment of Allah’s good pleasure. It is as Al-Kabeer says: Verily, to Us will be their return; and then verily, for Us will be their reckoning. [Quran, 88:25-26] Always aim high in your supplications— ask Him for Jannatul Firdaws, the higest paradise, without reckoning.
8. Be proud of your Lord.
You shouldn’t be ashamed of Allah’s religion or divine commands. When you’re offered wine to drink, don’t apologize and make excuses like, “Sorry! I have a stomach ache.” You should proudly say, “I do not drink wine because it’s forbidden in my religion of Islam.” If you really believe that Allah is Al-Kabeer, you should be proud of your Lord in all situations, places, and company.
9. Feel your takbeer.
What is really akbar in your life? The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam taught you to say Allahu akbar at the start and during your whole salah. Whenever you say, or hear, Allahu Akbar in prayer or the adhaan (call to Prayer), know what it really means. Know that Al-Kabeer is far greater than anything that you could ever imagine or think of. When you raise your hands to start your prayer, imagine you’re throwing the whole world behind you and all is about Allahu akbar.
O Allah, Al-Kabeer, we know that Your Greatness is perfect and beyond our imaginations. Help us to reflect on Your greatness in order for us to stay close to Your commandments. Inspire us to magnify you in a proper way. Adorn us with pride in Islam, protect us from arrogance, and make us of those who attain the highest ranks with You in the Highest Paradise without reckoning, ameen!
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