#Study MBA in UK 2023
myglobaluni · 2 years
MBA IN UK FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 2023 - If you have planned to study MBA in the UK, then you have taken the right decision because MBA programmes in the UK offer high investment returns. Find the top colleges in the UK that offer MBA programmes and enrol with the help of experts at myglobaluni.
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Waaa Senin pagi jam 10.55 am. Ku sudah di VHL targetnya hari ini adalah: menulis paragraf 5.5. discussion section (Implication of the finding in this study to hydrocarbon system), sama mulai ngedraf slide buat presentasi meeting hari Jumat nanti kali ya. Ini slidenya akan kupake untuk Goldschmidt juga sih. Dah 2 goal itu dulu aja deh for today. Gausah muluk-muluk Non.
Oh iya sama mau ngerapiin laporan SMA16 juga karena kemarin Jumat udah bikin tapi baru sampai 12 pertemuan, terus sama Bu Novi ditambahin 3 pertemuan lagi huhu baik banget pusing.
Tadi pagi juga buka grup whatsapp TOGI udah ada BA hasil penetapan 100 orang yang masuk tingkat nasional dari bidang Geografi. Enaknya OSP online (dan semua sistem tes online dengan metode jawab pilihan ganda) tuh gitu ya, semua kunci jawaban udah di sistem dan hasil betulan bisa keluar IMMEDIATELY bahkan 5 menit setelah semua jawaban di-submit. Memang itulah enaknya otomasi sistem. Masih inget banget dulu bahkan untuk koreksi OSP, kami juri-juri ini harus pergi ke suatu tempat dulu, menginap di hotel selama 3 hari dan bekerja non-stop bagai kuda. Karena soalnya essai. Ada bagus dan ada jeleknya juga sih. Ku suka pergi-pergi kan anaknya. Jadi, terbang ke Solo, atau ke suatu ibukota propinsi yang jauh, dibayarin negara, nginep di hotel bagus, makan makanan hotel, digaji pula, siapa yang tidak senang. Cuma ya emang capek aja sih ngoreksi tuh. Otaknya jalan terus kan berjam-jam dan ga abis-abis. Ku tapi termasuk yang cukup beruntung karena soal bagianku (LLLU: Landscape, Landforms, and Land Use) tu termasuk yang “susah” bagi anak-anak geografi… Jadi banyak banget yang ga milih ngerjain soalku (di OSP Geografi modelan lama, siswa boleh milih 8/12 set soal yang ingin dikerjakan). Jadi, most of the time, ku kebagian pax untuk dikoreksinya jauh lebih sedikit dibandingkan juri di sub-bidang lain. DUH jadi kangen ngerjain kerjaan yang laborous tapi otaknya ga perlu banyak-banyak dipake gini….
Kenapa jadi bahas ngoreksi OSP ya… Iya awal mulanya mau ngepos ini adalah bahas weekend kemarin berhasil mengunjungi mba @martabakkeju di Southhampton! Ku dikabarin sih sama Mba Mita kapan gitu kalau dirinya dan suami keterima PhD di Soton pake LPDP… kayanya tahun lalu ya. Terus yaudah life goes on aja kan gitu, sampai akhirnya tiba-tiba Mba Mita ngabarin via dm ig April lalu kalau doi sudah di UK! Wah sangat senang kan. Apalagi ku literally gapunya teman main sekarang… Sejak Ujang ke Jerman, Nadia ke London….. Terus yaudah ku jadi punya alasan juga untuk main ke luar kota selain London karena ada teman di sana.
Weekend-ku tuh ya sejak 2023 betulan yang di kamar aja seharian (seperti kemarin hari Minggu, well, sempat nonton Hongkim Dongjon di ruang tamu sih sambil dinner makan indomie goreng + telor dan angkat jemuran dan menjemur, tapi tetep aja ga keluar rumah samsek). Occasionally ke London, tapi mostly ya buat nonton sesuatu aja seperti kemarin Tulus dan Beyonce. Tapi ga pernah gitu lho yang mengunjungi suatu tempat baru dengan whole completely different scenery. Apalagi si Southhampton ini look over English channel kan. Jadi yasudah kuambil saja kesempatan ini untuk ber-adventure ke tempat baru!
Sebetulnya masih ada sih utang ke Rugby, rumahnya Dita dan Eja, tapi kan mereka bermobil ya dan lebih mudah ngundang mereka ke Oxford juga, jadi ku juga rada males sih ya ke arah Conventry sana… Mungkin next time.
Terus yaudah ku langsung lihat kalender kan, kosong weekend kapan. Alhamdulillahnya si OSP ini juga sudah berlangsung kan, jadi aku Sabtu Minggu pagi ngga ada kelas lagi dan bisa langsung beraktivitas mulai dari pagi hari. Awalnya mau agak lebih early ke Southhamptonnya tapi ternyata Mba Mita masih PK.... Terus diputuskanlah 10 Juni... Tapi ini a good thing juga sih, ku jadi bisa jalan-jalan di cuaca yang lebih hangat. Kalau earlier kemarin ku ke Southhamptonnya, mungkin masih dingin banget dan ga bisa enjoy the day as much as I did yesterday.
Ku juga baru booking kereta pas weekday menuju weekend kemarin. Tapi senangnya punya agenda pas weekend tuh, bisa jadi motivasi kita untuk get through the week banget!! Ku kalau udah STRES capek banget sama kerjaan selalu me-remind myself: “GAPAPA NON LETS GO PUSH THROUGH! NANTI WEEKEND BISA TIDUR MALAM BANGUN SIANG!!! Atau KE LONDON MAKAN KOREA ENAK!!! Atau KE LONDON NONTON TULUS/BEYONCE!!!” which is a good working method for me….
Terus Southhampton sendiri: SANGAT BESAR??! Ya emang kota gede sih. Historically juga penting kan, tempat masuknya kapal-kapal pas WW dsb. Betulan baru pertama kali lihat mall (dan IKEA??) segede-gede itu selain di London dan Manchester.
Btw oot tapi percaya gak, ku seumur hidup 30 tahun belum pernah masuk IKEA... Not even the one in Alsut,,, atau di Paris,,, Di Oxford tu gaada IKEA… terdekat dari sini tu di Reading.... Jadi sesungguhnya ku gatau dan ga relate banget sama experience orang-orang di IKEA yang pada ended up beli something from IKEA buat di rumah mereka.... Anyway, iya kapan-kapan nyobain deh ya. Gatau kapan juga tapi. Masalahnya ya emang belum ada kebutuhannya??? Dan kalau di Indo, siapa juga yang bisa ke Alsut dari Pasming tanpa mobil sendiri???
Ok, sekian iklan ootnya.
Terus apa lagi ya yang bisa ku-komen dari Southhampton. Other than the place itself, what makes a trip fun and memorable is always: the company. Ku ini baru ketemu in-person ke-3 sama Mba Mita tapi ya emang dari sananya udah nyambung ajasih saling baca postingan dan update-an masing-masing, jadi kalau ga dikasih waktu berhenti, akan ada aja yang diomongin lol. Ada satu yang ku IRI banget dari Mba Mita hehe: how supportive her mom is (?) kayak… pernah gaksi kalian ketemu orang, terus ternyata pas ngobrol lebih jauh, semua behaviour, semua perkataan, dan semua pola pikir orang ini jadi made sense? Kayak.. OH pantesan ya dia mikir abc atau berperilaku xyz, ternyata karena dia tumbuh di keluarga yang seperti ini… atau dibesarkan dengan sistem pendidikan yang seperti ini… Ini berlaku secara positively ataupun the other way around ya.
Terus yang ku-observe: orang-orang yang flourishing in life, yang blooming, ya mereka-mereka yang emang environmentnya sangat supportive – Alhamdulillahnya ku bisa bilang, termasuk aku, dan juga Mba Mita (sejauh yang kutahu ya). I am not saying here that Mba Mita (atau bahkan diriku sendiri) didn’t/don’t/won’t have our own battle to fight, kita nggak yang kerjaannya ongkang-ongkang kaki doang gitu, nggak, sama sekali nggak, tapi yang membedakan lebih ke: attitude(?). How we/these people view the fight itself. Orang-orang yang tumbuh di lingkungan yang kind, yang ga judging, yang giving them the benefit of the doubt, mereka nggak akan takut salah, atau jatuh, nggak ada yang namanya “failure” buat mereka, yang ada ya cuma learning process aja: “oh ternyata method ini didn’t work ya, let’s evaluate and do better next time”.
Ini erat banget sih hubungannya dengan repost-an ku terhadap post Ainna @untoldmind barusan. Ku gabisa ngejudge juga orang-orang/teman-temanku yang “cuma ngomong doang, tapi ga action” ini. Mungkin mereka ada trauma(?) yang bikin mereka takut banget sama “the idea of failure”. Mungkin mereka dulu ga berhasil perform well di sekolah dan akhirnya dimarahin sama guru/orangtua mereka(?). Atau mereka pernah melewati harsh experience lainnya yang bikin mereka subconciously mikir “mending ga nyoba sama sekali deh, daripada gagal”, WHICH IS FAIR. Menurutku, amat sangat fair. Itu nyembuhinnya harus terapi malah kan.
Itu juga yang bikin kita harus hati-hati banget deal with orang yang lagi berproses: baik kita sebagai orang tua, guru, mentor, kakak, apapun yang kita omongin (kata-kata baik atau kata-kata yang kurang baik) ke orang itu bisa membekas ke mereka. Bisa ngefek ke psikologi mereka. Bisa berperan dalam banyak hal keputusan hidup besar yang akan mereka ambil. Jadi kuharap banget, banget, banget, banget, kita semua bisa jadi support system yang baik untuk siapapun orang di sekitar kita. Jangan sampai amit-amit kita jadi alasan orang ga mau /takut nyoba sesuatu (apply scholarship, misalnya, atau apply kerjaan) karena kita pernah ada salah ngomong sama mereka, biasanya yang maksudnya well-meaning tapi come across as too harsh for them. INI PESAN UNTUKKU JUGA SIH: aku kadang berusaha terlalu objective banget sama Personal Statement orang (literally aku ga kenal mereka, gatau mereka di rumah kondisinya gimana, sekolah mereka gimana, mereka Cuma minta tolong aja di DM twitter/insta/linkedin), terus standar yang kupake standar Oxford… kabur lah semua orang. Besok-besok lebih kind Non!
Lah jadi ngalor ngidul ini udah halaman ke-3 HVS A4…
OK balik lagi ke mana ya. OH iya! Jadi, seru banget Sabtu kemarin ku ke Southhampton. Terima kasih banyak lagi ke Mba Mita dan Mas Aat yang sudah menerimaku dengan baik, ngajak ke mana-mana juga, despite the heat…. Ku ditraktir iced coffee HUHU. Kebabnya juga enak. Kalau nggak ada kalian berdua, ku gaakan sih ke Southhampton… Kami ke NOCs juga! Walaupun gaada apa-apa sih di situ, cuma office building aja HAHA. Tapi kan cita-cita-ku juga sebelum meninggal pengen ikut suatu ekspedisi laut gitu (karena udah ga mungkin jadi astronot), jadi kemarin senang banget bisa lihat suatu tempat di mana ocean research terjadi.
Terus kita jadi lihat P&O cruises! Barusan ku cek websitenya ada last minute deals cuma 679GBP include return flight London-Malta for 7 days lagi…… Kayanya akan masuk bucket list deh buat cruise ini…
Udah sih terus habis makan, ngobrol, ngopi, solat, balik ke Oxford lagi ku langsung datang sosialisasi pemilu dan nobar final Champion League, tapi karena ku ngga ngerti bola akhirnya ku ended up main uno dan pools sama Widari dan Mba Patricia… Pulang dari tempat Widari jalan kaki nanjak karena sama aja durasinya antara naik bis dan jalan kaki… Berujung sampe rumah jam 22.30an sepertinya. Itu CUAPEK banget Sabtu. Karena ku catch train ke Southhampton mayan early juga kan 09.16 keretanya, dan ku udah left rumah Headington dari jam 08.30am… Hari itu juga ku-lihat di app ku jalan 14km overall. Sampe rumah si Kalina sudah kembali balik dari SouthAfrica setelah mudik 2 minggu, tapi kami betulan baru ngobrol hari Minggu evening  pas w nonton HKDJ di ruang tamu itu…
Dah itu dulu kayanya udah panjang banget. Accomplishment minggu lalu juga udah kutulis bareng postingan Tulus itu kan. Dah gitu aja. Selamat menjalani week teman-teman!!!
VHL 12:07pm 12/06/2023
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yourpediaglobal · 2 days
Scholarships in University of Southampton for PhD and MS
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If you’re an aspiring student looking to pursue higher education in the UK, the University of Southampton is an excellent choice. With a strong ranking in the QS World University Rankings 2023 and a prime location just over an hour from central London, it offers a wide array of programs that attract nearly 400 Indian students each year. At the University of Southampton, you can embark on a journey of academic excellence and personal growth. In this blog, we will explore some of the most popular courses for Indian students, the application process, and the importance of scholarships.
The University of Southampton – A Hub of Opportunities The University of Southampton boasts over 360 programs across five faculties, offering a diverse range of courses, from medicine and physical sciences to business and humanities. Notably, it ranks 16th in the UK according to the Complete University Guide 2023. The institution is a magnet for Indian students, and some of the most sought-after programs include an MSc in Business Analytics and Management Sciences, an MSc in Computer Science, an MBA, an MSc in Data and Decision Analytics, an MEng in Mechanical Engineering, an MEng in Computer Science, and MA in Design Management.
We are a global top 100, Russell Group university. Explore our research areas and find out about our impact on the world.
Application and Language Proficiency When it comes to applying, it’s essential to plan. The University encourages applications between September and February, with an earlier deadline for Presidential and Dean competitive scholarships, which can significantly ease the financial burden of your education. For language proficiency, undergraduate students can demonstrate their English skills with a minimum of 70% marks in English from boards such as ISC, HSE, or CBSE. The graduation should be within the last two years. Postgraduates can use a Medium of Instruction letter from their institution confirming that their course was taught and assessed in English. Boost Your IELTS Score with yourpediaGlobal IELTS Guide with Proven IELTS Exam Tips.
Crafting Your Statement of Purpose Crafting a compelling Statement of Purpose (SoP) is crucial. It’s your chance to stand out and showcase your motivation, goals, and why you are the perfect fit for your chosen program. Learn How to Write Impactful SOP to Maximize Your Selection Chances.
Beyond Academics: Holistic Assessment The University of Southampton values well-rounded students who excel not only academically but also in their extracurricular pursuits. Your hobbies, interests, community work, or volunteer experiences can make your application shine. The university offers over 350 clubs and societies, giving you ample opportunities to explore your interests and passions.
Financial Aspects: Tuition Fees and Living Costs Understanding the financial aspects of studying abroad is essential. Undergraduate courses at the University of Southampton start at £22,300 and can go up to £27,000, while postgraduate programs range from £24,000 to £32,300. Living costs typically range between £1,100 and £1,400 per month.
Support and Inclusivity The University of Southampton provides extensive support for students with disabilities, health issues, and mental health conditions. Details are available on the official website to ensure that all students can thrive.
Employment Opportunities International students are permitted to work up to 20 hours per week during term time and full-time during holidays. Upon completing their studies, both undergraduate and postgraduate students can work in the UK for two years, and postgraduate research students can stay back for three years.
Application Assistance the application process is through UCAS, and there are numerous guides available on their website. Applying to the University of Southampton for your PhD or MS program is a straightforward process. To get started, visit the official University of Southampton Admissions Portal, where you’ll find all the information you need to apply to your desired program. This portal serves as your gateway to the world of opportunities waiting for you at the University of Southampton.
Visit this website for complete details...
YourPedia Global
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ukuniversityindubai · 2 months
Accelerate Your Career in Business Leadership with Middlesex University Dubai’s Immersive MBA with Daytime Delivery
MDX Dubai launches a comprehensive MBA programme designed for ambitious young professionals and graduates looking to get ahead of the game
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Dubai stands at the forefront of innovation and entrepreneurship, cultivating an environment of growth and creativity. The dynamic job market in Dubai offers abundant opportunities for skilled professionals seeking to advance their careers, and as a world business hub, Dubai is an unparalleled platform to launch business ventures. While the city flourishes, the competitive market is looking for skilled and qualified business professionals to lead at senior level. The Middlesex University (MDX) Dubai MBA (Daytime Delivery) can give you the advantage need to get ahead.
Dubai continues to demonstrate economic resilience as its gross domestic product (GDP) experienced a strong growth of 3.3% in the period spanning January to September 2023, according to data released by the state news agency WAM. In this economic landscape, key sectors have been pivotal in driving growth. Accommodation and food services surged by 11.1%, highlighting the city's appeal as a global destination. Transportation and storage services contributed significantly with a growth of 10.9%.
According to the International Trade Council (ITC), Dubai is widely recognised as the trade and tourism hub of the Gulf region. Dubai's economic momentum aligns with its strategic 10-year plan, known as D33, launched in January 2023. This ambitious initiative aims to double the size of Dubai's economy and position the city among the top four global cities within the next decade.
In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, Master of Business Administration (MBA) holders have the competitive edge in the global job market. Completing an MBA demonstrates a commitment to learning, improving, and applying skills for success in any chosen career path. MBA graduates emerge with a greater sense of confidence in their abilities and are fully equipped to achieve their aspirations.
An MBA is a graduate degree that provides theoretical and practical training for business or investment management. An MBA is designed to help you gain a better understanding of business management functions and can have a general focus, or a specific focus in fields such as accounting, finance, marketing, and international business.
At MDX Dubai, our MBA (Daytime Delivery) Programme will provide you with the necessary tools and insights to navigate the complexities of modern business environments and fulfill your career ambitions, without needing to gain multiple years of work experience first.
The MBA Daytime Delivery at Middlesex University Dubai
MDX Dubai is the largest UK university in Dubai based on enrolments, as released in the KHDA open data report 2023-2024. The University a global, career-focused institution with a welcoming and diverse community. Our home campus is in London, and all our degree programmes are designed and accredited in the UK.
Our MBA (Daytime Delivery) programme has been designed especially for recent graduates and ambitious professionals. Taught between 8AM and 5PM throughout the week, the daytime delivery format allows you to maintain your academic momentum whilst preparing you for direct entry into the job market. Our MBA creates highly employable and successful graduates who are able to secure a variety of global career opportunities, and the accessible programme allows you to transition directly from your undergraduate studies without needing any prior work experience. Unlike many other MBA programmes that typically require a minimum of three years of professional experience, our programme stands out as a more immediate option for advancing your education and career.
This innovative programme can be taken as full-time over one year or part-time over two years. You can tailor your programme to your career aspirations by choosing one of our specialist pathways which include Finance, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Project Management, Marketing, Business Analytics, Healthcare Management, Operations with Supply Chain Management and a general pathway.
Throughout the programme you will study a variety of core modules which will cover the knowledge and skills in key areas of business. You will gain a theoretical understanding of financial management and economics and examine the interrelationships between key factors in the economic environment. You will understand commercial organisations and their interrelationships in the economic environment. You will also learn to evaluate the impact of changes in economic environments and how they affect organisational decision making and performance. Following the core modules, you will focus on your chosen pathway and gain in-depth knowledge and exposure on your specialist subject.
Our curriculum is designed to give you the skills and knowledge required in today’s competitive business world. We focus on real world applications with hands on experience, allowing you as a graduate to make a real impact in your chosen field. Our programme provides unrivalled access to a thriving business ecosystem in Dubai and beyond allowing opportunities for professional growth in a vibrant, multicultural environment. Our faculty members bring a wealth of industry experience and expertise ensuring the best academic journey. We deliver a multitude of experimental learning experiences from consulting projects, internships or global immersions - providing enriching experiences outside of the classroom, you will gain hands on experience and build a strong professional network along the way.
Mariam Aslam, Campus Programme Coordinator of the MBA Daytime Delivery Programme said: “Undertaking this innovative MBA will equip you with the much-desired skills employers look for in the world of business. Offering a wide range of specialist tracks, this comprehensive programme gives you the competitive advantage and provides unrivalled access to a unique business ecosystem in Dubai and beyond.  With our many industry affiliations, you will experience exceptional professional opportunities throughout allowing a direct transition from your UG studies.”
The MDX MBA Regional Project offers you the opportunity to a develop global perspective of key management issues.  The one-week project is designed as an intensive group learning experience, aimed at developing and applying skills needed to critically examine a challenging global issue and the interrelationships between the global and local business environments.  Whilst studying the Daytime MBA, you will partake in a regional trip where you will be introduced to industry best practices across multiple sectors and undertake guided field research that will be valuable for both your personal and professional development.
Career-Led Education with Industry Exposure
At MDX Dubai we are committed to bridging the gap between academia and industry through solid partnerships and industry collaborations. You will benefit from long-standing connections through bespoke learning programmes, mentorship programmes and work placements. Companies such as IBM, ORACLE, Microsoft and CIM are just a few of the organisations that
engage with you, providing insights and career opportunities.
Your personal and professional development is central to the MBA. Throughout the programme you will have the opportunity to engage with a range of ‘Applied Learning Experiences’ and ‘Executive Skills Development’ workshops that will support you in identifying your own individual strengths and areas for development in terms of your leadership capabilities and wider professional effectiveness. These organised sessions provide the basis for your year-long Personal and Professional Development module that aims to support your growth towards your career aspirations.
Our dedicated Careers and Employability Services (CES) Department ensures that all our students are guided towards a rewarding and dynamic professional path. CES provides a range of services including career guidance, expert career counselling, industry insights, internships, and employment prospects, among many others. As an MBA Daytime Delivery student, we recommend that you make use of the one-to-one appointments where we can review your employment history and highlight any possible gaps in work experience, with a customised approach in order to secure your best employment opportunities. We are here to review your resume, to assess suitability for both the UAE and the global job market, and we can provide support in job applications along with any future interviews. We also offer a “Careers Kit” Service, which includes resume and cover letter formats, best practices for interviews and preparation techniques.
World-Class Global MBA Study Hub
Our learning facilities are state-of-the-art, and our purpose designed global MBA Study Hub is located at our Dubai International Academic City (DIAC): the largest education hub in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) bringing together leading international and regional universities and attracting students from all over the world. Boasting professional learning zones and cutting-edge study spaces, our Global MBA Study Hub provides the perfect setting if you are pursuing a career in global business.
More Than Academics: Celebrating a Diverse and Inclusive Community
At MDX we give you the opportunity to study alongside like-minded individuals, giving you the chance to expand your personal and professional network, in a diverse, inclusive community.
We welcome over 5,600 students from across 120+ different nationalities, meaning you get the opportunity to form relationships with connections from all over the world. These connections not only form life-long friendships, but will provide an industry advantage as you move into leadership positions within the business world. You will also gain a better understanding of global culture, beliefs and regulations giving you a further edge against competitors.
Ensuring Accessible Education
At MDX Dubai we are committed to delivering a high-quality British education that meets market demands. Our students can qualify for various scholarships and professional study grants based on eligibility criteria. Flexible payment plans are offered to make a quality British education accessible to everyone.
Apply for our next intake at MDX Dubai and take the first step towards achieving your career aspirations with a degree that promises both academic excellence and practical industry experience. Join MDX Dubai and become part of an inclusive and diverse community that nurtures growth, innovation, and success.
Find out more detailed information about the MDX Dubai MBA (Daytime Delivery) - MBA Daytime Delivery Programme.
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ranakaushal · 5 months
Exploring India's Top Colleges in 2024
India features a large number of colleges to meet the rising demands of students seeking quality academic and professional education. The country’s top colleges in 2024 have earned outstanding reputation, both nationally and globally, serving as prime destinations for quality education for students across the world. Read on to know more about these top Indian colleges.
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KIIT or Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
With accreditations like A++ Grade by NAAC, IET UK, Tier 1 accreditation Washington Accord and All Engineering Programmes accredited by ABET, USA, KIIT is one of the best private academic institutions in India. This top Indian college in Bhubaneswar, Odisha offers the best educational opportunities for the professional, social and intellectual development of students worldwide. The college offers balanced and focused curricula at UG, PG and Ph.D levels with the objective to promote effective written and verbal communications, critical thinking and skills for life-long learning.
With 25 schools, 40, 000+ students, 200+ academic programmes and 3, 000+ faculty and researchers from 13 countries, KIIT looks forward to providing all-inclusive higher education that contributes to advancement of community besides instilling professionalism and top quality learning among the students. Not to mention, student placement is one of the greatest advantages of studying at KIIT. The college has an impressive track record of placement partnership with 450 top companies that have offered 5, 200+ jobs till date with the highest salary amounting to Rs. 63 lakh and average CTC of Rs. 8 lakh.
The college founder, Dr. Achyuta Samanta deserves special mention because besides education, he has immensely contributed in the fields of rural development, women empowerment, art, tribal upliftment, culture, literature, television, media, spiritualism and social work.
IIM or Indian Institute of Management, Kolkata
One of the oldest IIMs in India, this college is well-known for offering quality education in the financial sector. The 2-year flagship MBA programme of the college accepts admission through CAT with the cut-off being 85%. Nevertheless, students scoring between 96% to 99% or higher are considered for admission to this college.
Ebenezer Group of Institutions, Bangalore
This pioneering educational institution in Bangalore received the award of the Most Prominent Management College of the Year 2022 by The Knowledge Review Magazine and also featured among Karnataka’s top 10 educational institutes bu The Academy Insights 2023. The college fosters experiential learning through impeccable training in fields like science, commerce, pharmacy and aviation at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
To conclude, the above mentioned top colleges in India are also known for their state-of-the-art infrastructure facilities besides quality education. These facilities include gym, smart classrooms, auditorium, hostels, research center, cafeteria and library to fulfill the academic and non-academic requirements of staff members and students.
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preparationforlife · 8 months
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ahz-associates · 9 months
For those who wish to study Top MBA Programme in UK, Most Popular Universities that Provide MBA Courses with Placement option. Contact Us For more info.
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jyoti54 · 10 months
Pursuing Higher Studies at the Top 10 Colleges in Bhubaneswar
The top 10 colleges in Bhubaneswar are institutions of national importance, featuring some of the most excellent facilities such as, well-qualified and experienced faculty members, good infrastructure, sports and medical facilities, hostel and placement assistance. Pursuing higher studies at these colleges is budget-friendly as well considering that Odisha is one of the most affordable states of India. Besides, these colleges also offer scholarships to students so they can bear the cost of receiving high quality education. In this category KIIT or the Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology deserves special mention because of its exemplary courses and placement assistance for the students.
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Highlights of the College
KIIT, which ranks amongst the top 10 colleges in Bhubaneswar, has a lot to offer to its students. Major highlights of the college include:
Established: 1992
Courses: UG and PG courses in Science, Commerce and Arts along with LLB, BBA, BCA, MBA, MCA, Ph.D, Super MBA and LLM. Besides these the college also offers virtual summer internship programme and a number of school wise courses in management, law, dental science, fashion technology and film and media sciences.
Accreditations: IIT has been declared DU or Deemed to be University under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 “A”Category University as per Ministry of HRD, Government of India. The college is accredited with:
A++ Grade by NAAC
Tier 1’ (Washington Accord) by NBA IET, UK
Approved by Statutory Bodies of Government of India, like BCI, MCI, INC, DCI and ISAS badge by IAU.
B.Tech accreditation
All the courses at KIIT abide by the UGC guidelines while all its professional courses are recognised by respective regulatory entities.
Student Count: 40,000+
Faculty& Researchers: 3,000+
Rankings: KIIT is India’s first QS 5 stars rated university with other rankings, like:
Ranked No 1 by ARIIA or Atal Ranking of Institution on Innovation achievements.
NIRF Ranking 16 among all private and public universities in India.
601-800 ranking in the World University Rankings 2024
151-200 in The Young University Rankings
201 to 300 in The Impact Rankings 2022.
401-500 ranking in the Subject Ranking 2023 Engineering
501-600 in the Subject Ranking 2023 Clinical & Health
301-400 in Subject Ranking 2023 Computer Science
With such exemplary rankings and recognitions, KIIT is surely one of the best colleges in Bhubaneswar for individuals looking to excel in their academics and take up the most lucrative job positions across varied industries. Visit https://kiit.ac.in/ for more details or get in touch at +91 674 2725113.
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The Most Popular Study Abroad Programs To Go For In (2023-24)
To substantiate,  the best Study Abroad Programs in Canada may be different from the best prospects in Australia. This may be simply because some jobs or professions may be in high demand in one country and not so in another.
Besides, the average cost of living and tuition fees in one country may be much higher than in another. 
Moreover, the rankings and reputation of institutions will also play a part. Let us try and understand this via an example. Studying a less popular course at Harvard may offer greater prospects than a common course at an average university.
Makes great sense, right? So, as I said, choosing between Study Abroad Programs and countries will need a lot of research. 
Does that mean that you will need to tussle with research across different websites? Well, absolutely not! We have done that for you already and will keep doing it so that you are never out of vital information. 
At Silver Fern Education Consultants, we understand your study abroad dreams the best. As a reputed overseas education consultant, we will always have genuine overseas admission guidance to offer. 
So, if you are planning to enroll in a study abroad program in the next academic year, all you need to read is this blog. In this blog, we have compiled the best study abroad programs in Canada, Australia, the UK and the US. We have all major study abroad destinations covered! Moreover, as we list down the best courses abroad, we will also emphasize on Benefits Of Study Abroad. So, let’s get going! 
Best Study Abroad Programs (2023-24)
Best Study Abroad Programs in Canada
Engineering: Engineering programs are quite popular among Indian students given Canada’s strong technology sector and growing job opportunities. Among engineering programs, computer science engineering seems the most sought after program. Institutions like the University of British Columbia, University of Alberta and University of Toronto are known for their engineering programs. Moreover, a plethora of colleges around Canada offer diploma programs in engineering. 
Business And Management: Business-related programs, such as MBA and undergraduate business degrees, are in demand due to Canada’s thriving business environment. There are ample Study Abroad Programs on offer in Canada across business and management. A lot of Indian students are keen on taking undergraduate courses in business and management after high school. The Ivey Business School and Rotman School of Management are among the top business schools in Canada.
Health Sciences: Nursing, pharmacy, and public health have been very popular, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
There is a broad spectrum of degree and diploma courses across these disciplines on offer in Canada. Moreover, nursing and pharmacy are skills in high demand and hence, job opportunities are bright too. 
Best Study Abroad Programs In Australia
Australia is yet another popular study abroad destination among Indian students. Like Canada, Australia also offers a progressive education system and a multinational culture. Listed below are some of the best courses in Australia that international students can go for. 
Business And Management: Similar to Canada, business and management programs have been attractive to Indian students in Australia. Business programs in Australia offer opportunities in finance, marketing, and entrepreneurship.
Engineering And IT: IT, computer science, and various engineering disciplines remain sought-after, aligning with Australia’s tech industry’s growth.
Healthcare: Australian universities offer excellent medical and healthcare programs, especially in medicine, dentistry, and nursing. Healthcare Careers in Australia are in fact, very sought-after and rewarding. 
Best Study Abroad Programs in UK
With a UK Prime Minister hailing from India, the prospects for Indian students are only getting better. In fact, with institutions like Oxford University and the London School of Economics, the UK boasts a distinct legacy of higher education.
Besides, other top-ranked universities in the UK include Durham University, the University of Cambridge and so on. Listed below are some of the most popular Study Abroad Programs in the UK. 
Business Studies:- MBAs and undergraduate business degrees have consistently been a top choice among Indian students in the UK.
Engineering:- The most popular engineering fields have been civil engineering and mechanical engineering due to the UK’s strong engineering tradition.
Law:- LLB programs and LLM specializations are highly sought-after due to the nation’s rich history of law-making. In fact, the best part is that students will an LLB from India can also practice in the UK. 
Best Study Abroad Programs in US
The US is a global superpower in infrastructure, military might, and wealth. However, that’s not all! The US is also a global superpower when it comes to the legacy of education institutions in the country. The US is home to the highly prestigious IVY League Institutions that millions of students across the world aspire for. 
Besides, institutions like MIT and Stanford also intrigue a plethora of international students. Listed below are the most popular study abroad programs in the US. 
Engineering And Computer Science:- The US. is renowned for its STEM programs, and Indian students often pursue degrees in engineering, computer science, and related fields as the pinnacle of modern education.
Business And Management:- MBA programs and undergraduate degrees in business administration such as a BBA are highly popular given the diverse opportunities in the U.S. job market and the presence of almost every MNC.  
Health Sciences:- Medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, and public health, attract Indian students due to the U.S.’s world-class healthcare facilities and research opportunities transforming Indians into some of the best healthcare practitioners in the world. 
So, Like I said in the beginning, this blog is going to save you the hassle of extensive research. This is overseas admission guidance of the most reliable and genuine order. We are an overseas education consultant committed to providing the right information and direction to students. In the next section, there is some delineation of the Benefits of Studying Abroad. 
Benefits Of Studying Abroad For Indian Students
Besides, we want to guide them effectively with respect to leading a good life abroad, job prospects and skill enhancement. Some of the most pivotal merits of studying abroad are listed below.
Exposure to Multicultural Environments
Speaking of the benefits, the greatest merit of studying abroad is the exposure to multicultural environments. I personally feel it does help you evolve your personality in incredible ways. When you leave your home country to blend into a new environment, you constantly challenge yourself. In the entire process, you keep becoming a mature person with greater adaptability. 
Skill Enhancement And Personal Growth
Furthermore, modern jobs require something beyond technical skills that sets students apart i.e. soft skills. Soft skills can be best acquired by interacting with students from different backgrounds and nationalities.
This cultural exposure encourages a deeper understanding of global issues preparing students to work in any part of the world. 
Additionally, living abroad exposes young students to new customs and ways of life. Indian students consistently demarcate this as a key advantage to their personal growth. Planning for study abroad programs is quite synonymous with subscribing to the idea of new beginnings.
When you move abroad for higher education, you embark on a new journey of personal life and personal growth. 
Better Career Prospects Upon Return 
One of the most vital benefits of Study Abroad Programs is better employability. Indian or international students who study abroad often enjoy enhanced career prospects upon returning to India or pursuing opportunities internationally.
Many multinational corporations value employees with international exposure, language proficiency, and a global perspective. 
Graduates or undergraduates who have studied abroad are often considered more adaptable, open-minded, and capable of working in large teams.
Remember, this is a  crucial factor in climbing the corporate ladder and attaining managerial positions at reputed organizations. 
Invaluable Networking Opportunities
Additionally, the networking opportunities that studying abroad provides can be invaluable for future career advancement. Students build professional connections with classmates, professors, and industry experts. These can open doors to internships, job placements, and collaborations. 
Post-Study Work Visas
Furthermore, numerous nations today offer post-study work visas to Indian students to gain practical work experience after completing their degrees.
This hands-on experience is highly beneficial, as it provides an opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge and skills and become more competitive in job markets upon their return. 
But is it that everyone enjoys these benefits alike? Are job opportunities and personal growth opportunities of the same volume for everyone? Well, the answer is no! How much you can actually reap from the above benefits is subject to your unique skills, knowledge and learning experiences. 
Silver Fern Education Consultants very well understands the value of a strong CV. From admission prospects to job offers, your CV is going to be the determining factor.
Your CV is the most convenient representation of your overall profile. Hence, Profile building is the starting point for us. We guide students through a systematic process of enhancing their profiles. 
This profile building process and guidance are crucial for overseas admissions as studying abroad is not just about academic achievement. It also matters how significantly students can grow personally.
Students constantly face new challenges which can range from living independently, understanding budgets and building self-reliance. Hence, our students are already prepared to seek out new opportunities with strong profiles. Moreover, having a strong profile can also be the key to a handsome study abroad scholarship. 
To conclude, we have already talked a lot about a lot of things but only to your benefit. We hope you succeed in every endeavor ahead of you! We are sure your choice of Study Abroad Programs will be smoother by now!
I believe that wisdom and information amplify when shared with others. With more than 12 years of vast experience in tertiary education and having assisted a plethora of students in accomplishing their higher education dreams, I’d like to believe that my knowledge is substantial. To make this knowledge count, I love sharing it with students to apprise them of the intricacies of overseas education and to go with that, my keen interest in writing makes it an even more fulfilling thing to do!
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visagurukul012 · 1 year
Cost of Studying in the UK for Indian Students Per Year 2023
The United Kingdom has long been a popular destination for Indian students seeking quality education abroad. With its world-renowned universities, diverse culture, and excellent academic programs, the UK continues to attract thousands of Indian students each year. However, pursuing higher education in the UK comes with a price tag, and it’s essential for Indian students and their families to understand the costs involved. In this article, we will break down the cost of studying in the UK for Indian students in 2023.
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Tuition Fees
Tuition fees in the UK can vary significantly depending on the university, the level of study, and the course. As of 2023, the tuition fees for Indian students can range from approximately £10,000 to £38,000 per year for undergraduate programs and £10,000 to £45,000 per year for postgraduate programs.
Undergraduate Programs:
Tuition fees for undergraduate courses generally start at around £10,000 to £15,000 per year for classroom-based programs.
Specialized programs such as medicine, engineering, and business may have higher tuition fees, often exceeding £25,000 per year.
Institutions like the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge tend to have higher tuition fees, often over £30,000 per year.
Postgraduate Programs:
Postgraduate tuition fees can vary widely, with master’s programs typically ranging from £10,000 to £30,000 per year.
MBA programs at prestigious business schools may cost significantly more, often exceeding £35,000 per year.
It’s important to note that tuition fees may increase annually, so students should check with their chosen universities for the most up-to-date information.
Living Expenses
In addition to tuition fees, Indian students must also consider their living expenses while studying in the UK. These expenses can vary based on the location of the university and the student’s lifestyle. As of 2023, here is an approximate breakdown of living expenses:
On-campus accommodation: £6,000 to £10,000 per year.
Off-campus accommodation (renting): £4,000 to £8,000 per year.
Shared accommodations or homestays may offer more affordable options.
Food and Groceries: £2,000 to £3,500 per year.
Transportation: £400 to £800 per year for local transportation and occasional travel within the UK.
Health Insurance: Approximately £500 to £800 per year.
Miscellaneous Expenses (books, entertainment, etc.): £1,000 to £2,000 per year.
Part-Time Work
Many Indian students choose to work part-time during their studies to help cover living expenses. The UK allows international students to work up to 20 hours per week during term time and full-time during university holidays. Part-time jobs can help offset some of the costs, but it’s important not to rely solely on this income to cover all expenses.
Make sure check this link:- Study abroad
Scholarships and Financial Aid
Indian students looking to study in the UK should explore scholarship opportunities offered by universities, the UK government, and various organizations. Scholarships can significantly reduce the financial burden of studying abroad. Common scholarships include the Chevening Scholarship, Commonwealth Scholarships, and university-specific awards.
Studying in the UK offers Indian students access to world-class education and a culturally enriching experience. However, the cost of studying in the UK for Indian students in 2023 involves tuition fees, living expenses, and other miscellaneous costs. Proper financial planning, exploring scholarship opportunities, and considering part-time work can help Indian students manage the expenses associated with their education in the UK. With careful financial preparation, pursuing higher education in the UK can be a rewarding investment in one’s future.
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Is Amity the best placement MBA college in Kolkata?
An MBA program at Amity University, Kolkata opens up a wide range of opportunities across various industries and ventures. Investing your time and resources in pursuing an MBA is a valuable investment with countless benefits that exceed your expectations. Additionally, employers highly value candidates who have completed a reputable MBA program. It is equally important to choose a university recognized by the UGC and accredited with a grade of A+ by NAAC.
If you are wondering/ searching about the best placement MBA colleges in Kolkata then this article is for you.
MBA colleges in Calcutta
Amity holds the distinction of being Asia's only university to receive the highest accreditation from WASC, USA, and the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), UK. We have set a new standard of academic excellence, making Amity University, Kolkata the ideal choice for the best MBA college and course in Chandigarh, Kolkata.
Our MBA program is delivered by highly qualified faculty members who have distinguished themselves in their respective fields. They bring their industry-oriented consultancy and applied research experience into the classroom, providing students with valuable insights. 
We foster a unique Mentor-Mentee concept, ensuring regular interaction between faculty and students. This helps sharpen students' skills and knowledge, enabling their success in the corporate world.
 Our expert counsellors offer support and guidance to students in overcoming professional and personal challenges.
Business Management Institute in Kolkata
Our mission is to nurture the brilliance of our students through knowledge and innovation. We encourage them to improve their skills, explore the corporate world, and prepare for the ever-changing business environment, seizing opportunities and overcoming challenges.
At Amity University, Kolkata, the MBA program goes beyond the average curriculum. We emphasize extensive industry interaction and invite leading international speakers, experts, and corporate professionals to deliver guest lectures. This exposure provides students with a broader perspective of the real corporate world. This is why we are considered among the best placement MBA colleges in Kolkata.
To further enhance students' global exposure, we offer the Study Abroad Program (SAP). Through SAP, Amitians have the opportunity to study for five weeks at Amity campuses in London, Singapore, Dubai, and New York. The program includes team projects, international faculty expertise, industry visits, networking opportunities, and guided tours to renowned universities in the UK and USA.
Amity University Kolkata campus offers excellent campus placements. With a dedicated team of experts, we prioritize commitment and excellence in ensuring students have access to the best career opportunities. Our graduates have secured positions in leading organizations such as Amazon, Accenture, Britannia, Capgemini, Asian Paints, Bosch, Colgate, Flipkart, Nestle, OYO, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Reliance, and Google.
Enrol at one of the best placement MBA colleges in Kolkata. For additional information on fee structure, course structure & more, visit us at www.amity.edu/Kolkata/amity-kolkata 
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dailygist-uk · 1 year
Eligibility criteria There are up to 4 scholarships (three Bseisu-Imperial College London Scholarships and one Chevening-Bseisu Scholarship) available for exceptional students who are commencing a one-year full-time MSc degree at Imperial College London in October 2023. To be considered for these scholarships you must: be ordinarily resident in Palestine, Syria, Lebanon or Jordan, or holding citizenship of Palestine, Syria, Lebanon or Jordan be available to commence your academic studies in the UK by the start of the UK academic year in September/October 2023 have received an offer of admission to study for a one-year full-time MSc degree in the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Natural Sciences or Imperial College Business School at Imperial College London by 11:59 pm (UK local time), Monday, 8 May 2023. Please note that MRes/MBA courses are not eligible. demonstrate that you have come from a disadvantaged background Additional requirements In addition to the above: preference will be given to applicants with at least two year's work experience. applicants who are awarded this scholarship will be required to have met College English entry requirements (Pre-sessional English courses are not supported by this programme) by 28 July 2023. If you have not met the English entry requirements yet, please make the necessary arrangements as soon as possible to ensure you meet this requirement by 28 July 2023. Please visit our English language requirements page for further information here: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/study/pg/apply/requirements/english/ Application process How to apply Stage 1: Apply for a one of the eligible master's degree courses at Imperial College London You must submit an application for one of the eligible master’s degree through the standard College application procedure as soon as possible and have an offer of admission by offer of admission by the deadline of 11:59 pm (UK local time), Monday, 8 May 2023. Application fee: If you’re applying for a postgraduate course at Imperial, you may need to pay an application fee. For information on application fees and to check if you're eligible for an application fee waiver, please go here. Stage 2: Offer holders will be invited to apply for the scholarship During the week commencing 15 May 2023, applicants who have an offer of admission will be contacted by email with scholarship information and asked to complete a Bseisu Scholarship application form in order to apply for the scholarship. If you meet the eligibility criteria, hold an offer of admission but have not received an email from Student Financial Support, please contact us at [email protected] on 19 May. Applicants will be assessed on academic merit or potential through the standard admission process. Applicants will be required to successfully demonstrate that they come from a financially disadvantaged background and this will be assessed through the information provided on the scholarship application. Preference will be given to applicants with at least two year's work experience. Value and Number of Awards The scholarships cover 100% of the cost of tuition fees. There are up to 4 scholarships: three Bseisu-Imperial College London Scholarships for one year full-time MSc degree in the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Natural Sciences or Imperial College Business School one Chevening-Bseisu Scholarship for a student in receipt of a Chevening Scholarship for the relevant year and enrolling on a one-year full-time MSc degree in the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Medicine or Faculty of Natural Sciences. Outcome of Award The successful candidates will be notified by email no later than 28 July 2023. If you have not heard from us by this date, please assume you have been unsuccessful in your application. The successful scholars may be expected to meet informally with the donors on
occasions, participate in events surrounding this scholarship, or be required to submit a short statement of progress that will be shared with the donors. This award is for students starting in the academic year 2023-24 and cannot be deferred. All scholarships are awarded subject to students accepting award Terms and Conditions. If you have any queries regarding this scholarship, please contact us at [email protected] Contact If you have any additional questions, please contact us at [email protected].
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mbbsabroad1 · 1 year
Scholarships for Indian students to study in UK 2023
If closely observing the Cost of Study in UK for Indian Students then the rates would be much lesser than the plethora of opportunities available in the country itself. Because the students aren't solely incurring just the tuition fees of the premium institutes but as well as the environment they are eventually getting into.
Many, candidates are not in the favour of coming back to India and getting a work opportunity in that country itself to have a compelling financial standing for themselves.What's more, a portion of the top notch organizations in the UK are home to many certify colleges all over the planet.  If you you looking for study abroad visit Affinity Education.
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simplidistance1234 · 1 year
The best online MBA programs available in India in 2023
Over the past few years, technological advancements have profoundly changed business and the sector. The demands of modern workplaces have also changed. Also, a growing number of firms are actively seeking qualified candidates for management and monitoring positions. As a result, over the past few years, demand for the best online MBA in the world has skyrocketed. It's convenient because working folks can complete their MBA online without leaving their jobs. Those who meet the requirements can enroll in courses at the Best Online MBA Colleges.
Thus, you have non-traditional possibilities if you wish to advance in your profession with company monitoring. In an online setting, working professionals and distance learners are able to learn at their own speed. Some of the best online MBA programs in the world have professors who have graduated from esteemed universities all around the world and are accredited by reputable organizations.
The program's content and dissemination will surely satisfy academic and professional criteria, according to the accreditation assurance. The legitimacy of an online MBA over a conventional MBA is now widely acknowledged. Students can do an online MBA at their own pace depending on their career and home commitments.
Discover the online MBA programs offered by renowned colleges across the world. Get a master's degree, an executive Credential, or enroll in an advanced certification program to boost your career.
Let's examine some of the top MBA programs offered online.
The Best Online MBA Programs Include:
1. MBA from Deakin Business School (Global)
One of the most popular options for MBA students is the two-year online MBA program with dual certification from IMT Ghaziabad and Australia's DBS. Deakin is also among the top 1% of business schools worldwide. The program covers a wide range of topics, including organizational development strategies, strategic thinking and preparation skills, integrated organization strategy formulation, style thinking, change management, financing methods, and international service.
The online MBA training programme now offers committed mentorship and offline networking possibilities. Top positions in marketing, finance, and sales are possible with this MBA, as well as positions in management consulting, methodology, procedures, service development, and human resources management. among the best online MBA in the world.
2. The MBA in Digital Financing & Banking program at Jindal Global University
This two-year online MBA program in Digital Financing & Finance is the best option for people wishing to break into the BFSI industry. Design Thinking & Leadership for Service, Monitoring Fintech Ecosystems, Financial Management & Appraisal, Artificial Intelligence in Business, Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, Data Visualization in Money, and Digital Fraud & Risk Analytics are just a few of the topics that are covered that are specific to the industry.
One of the greatest MBA programs offered online is this one. Online colleges are a fantastic alternative if you don't want to give up your job to pursue an MBA.
Due to the BFSI industry's current rapid electronic change, each of these disciplines is especially pertinent. Peer networking, case studies, mock interviews, practical exercises, and more are also included in this online MBA training course.
3. The MBA program at Liverpool Business School:
The Liverpool Service College in the UK has authorized this online MBA program, and it includes a week-long immersion experience there. In this MBA program, you can select from a number of specializations, including marketing, finance, operations, strategy & management, and analytics.
Leading Change for Sustainable Futures, Task Management, Interaction and People Efficiency, Venture and Danger Administration, Digital Organization Technologies, Service Development Methods, Marketing Techniques, and Management are among the modules for the online MBA program. You will receive expert advice and mentoring from business professionals throughout the 20-month MBA training program. In addition, if you complete the course successfully, IMT Ghaziabad will award you a PGP in Management certification.
4. Postgraduate Diploma from Birla Institute of Management Technology:
Those wishing to enter the exciting sector of administration can obtain the Postgraduate diploma from BIMTECH, one of India's top B-schools. The course's curriculum was carefully chosen based on observations of the changing trends in the administration field, and it includes lessons on marketing administration, business actions information analytics, information system strategy, the global business environment, digital development, entrepreneurship, and many other subjects.
The curriculum is primarily made to help recent graduates dramatically increase their management skills, but working professionals can also easily gain from it.
What element is the best? This monitoring program offers students the choice of one of two specialities in addition to general monitoring:
Furthermore included are finance, marketing, and supply chain management.
Examples include technology, analytics, finance, financial services, and insurance policies.
The duration of this training program, including the time spent in the classroom and on the work, is 24 months. A PGDM from BIMTECH could be a terrific incentive for your management job, allowing you to develop your industry knowledge and open up lucrative opportunities once it is complete.
5. The Master of Organization Administration program at Chandigarh University
The two-year training program features three courses designed specifically for individuals wishing to launch their own enterprises, get jobs through self-employment, or be ready for competitive tests. It also includes a 6-month teaching fellowship. It is One of thebest online MBA in the world.
Human Resource Monitoring, International Service Administration, Marketing Monitoring, and Finance make up the educational program's four electives. These are covered during the third and fourth semesters of the curriculum along with Strategic Management, Layout Reasoning, Advancement and Entrepreneurship, Service Setting and Regulation Structure, Market Analysis and Business Profiling, and Job Reporting.
The subjects covered in Terms I and II, however, include marketing management, business economics, business communications, financial administration and accounting, measurable methods, monitoring information equipment, management practices and organizational behavior, corporate finance, basic Excel evaluation, digital marketing, research methodology, operations management, and human resource management. Peer learning opportunities, 360-degree career mentoring, and assistance with teaching assistants are just a few of the program's benefits.
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naijawebsite · 2 years
University of Sussex MBA Scholarships 2023/2024 to Study in the UK
The University of Sussex MBA Scholarships 2023-2024: The University of Sussex is pleased to announce the Sussex MBA Scholarships open for the next academic year. The scholarships are for applicants who demonstrate significant management experience and/or have graduated with a good degree or other relevant qualifications. The University of Sussex is a leading research-intensive university with…
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llminukmeridean · 2 years
Kingston University London - Everything You Should Know?
University Kingston is a diverse and energetic institution that is renowned for its exceptional instruction, tops the list of the world's young universities, and offers a number of UK-leading programmes. Kingston's varied student population enjoys the finest of one of the biggest cities in the world despite being located on the outskirts of London.
Kingston university london offers a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate programmes, many of which are included in The Guardian University Guide 2021 as among the best in the nation. The Fashion programme at Kingston University, one of only two in the UK to receive the maximum number of "Badges of Excellence" from the top influencer website Business of Fashion, is a top destination for fashion studies around the world.
The Guardian University Award for Teaching Excellence 2017 was given to Kingston University in recognition of its outstanding instruction. Interactive learning tools like the Bloomberg trading room, the flight simulator, an on-site hospital unit, and a recording studio also help courses come to life.
Services for International Students
With 5,000 international students representing more than 140 nations out of a total student body of around 19,000, Kingston University is extremely international and cosmopolitan.
When you start your studies here, the Student Life Center offers crucial support services on issues like housing, money guidance, disability support, and student funding. We also have a dedicated Visa and Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) staff. The available help is open to all enrolled students, both current and prospective.
During your first week, the International Arrivals and Orientation programme is put up to assist you in settling in. The programme provides introduction seminars to assist you in getting oriented on campus and in Kingston. It also arranges social events and an airport pick-up service.
kingston university ranking-:
92nd in the Times University Guide 2023
55th in the Guardian University Guide 2023
Top 10 London University (Guardian University Guide 2023)
Ranked top 5 for Fashion (Guardian University Guide 2023)
Ranked top 10 for Design & Crafts, Nursing & Midwifery, Film Production & Photography (Guardian University Guide 2022)
Ranked top 20 for Art, Architecture, Biosciences, Media & Film Studies, Pharmacy & Pharmacology, Politics (Guardian University Guide 2022)
Top 250 young universities in the world (THE Young University Rankings 2020)
Number One in the world for MBA graduate start-ups (QS TopMBA.com)
95% of graduates are in work or further study within six months of graduating (HESA 2015/16)
Nearly a quarter of Kingston's research, 23%, received a world-leading (4*) rating in REF2021, compared to 16% in REF 2014. The university also placed seventh overall out of 14 University Alliance institutions.
More than 70% of the total research was given a 4* or 3* rating in five units of assessment: art and design, allied health, performing arts, computer science, and English. More than half of the art and design submissions received world leading ratings.
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All new london kingston university students are guaranteed first-year housing in Kingston. Seven residence halls of Kingston University are all close to the university campuses. 70% of the single rooms in university-owned halls of residence are en suite and have a kitchen shared by two to nine students.
If they are studying abroad for less than a year, international students can apply for housing in local homes, and the university offers lists of private housing for those who prefer to reside elsewhere.
The transportation between the residence halls and the campuses is free. There are additional privately run residence halls close to the Penrhyn Road campus.
The home of Kingston University is the bustling riverfront town of Kingston-upon-Thames, which is only 25 rail stops from the heart of London. There are many stores, bars, and clubs in the historic town centre, and Gatwick and Heathrow airports are close by. Additionally accessible by foot are the magnificent Richmond Royal Park, Hampton Court Palace, and the River Thames.
There are five campuses within the university, and each one offers a certain set of courses. The campuses at Kingston Hill, Penrhyn Road, Knights Park, and Roehampton Vale are located in or close to the heart of Kingston. Kingston may be reached easily from St George's medical campus, which is situated in London.
Read More-: kingston university fees
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