#Story of Asdis
thankskenpenders · 3 months
Is Mykael's weight being listed in "km" while his height is a correct "cm" unit just a typo or do they all have that
The other characters' heights and weights are all listed in marks and stone, a thing Ken's been doing since the Archie days because not using standard metric or imperial units makes it More Fantasy.
Likewise, he uses a confusing fictional calendar system in the book. Lara-Su's date of birth is given as "428 LSD (Local Solar Date) / Rev 3266," and the fact that he's given Mobius years of uncertain length makes it basically impossible to accurately translate characters' birth dates into human ages. (If we just assume the revolutions are equal to Earth years, Geoffrey would be like 68??? He's supposed to be in his 40s in Earth years.) But then the establishing shots in the actual stories use a unit called "chronons"?? I have no idea if those are supposed to be years or if they're supposed to be timeline designations or something
Anyway, bitching about Ken's unit choices asdie: yeah, it's probably just one of several typos in the book. I don't think Ken made up a fictional unit of weight for the one character from Earth when his height is listed in cm, and I also don't think he weighs 87.08 kilometers
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simstruhistory · 8 days
The Färbergs
Summer, day 09 of 28 - Year 001
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Porvi starts the day by training archery! She wants to be a hunter and provide for her family!
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While Porvi learns to hunt, Gudrun is harvesting and learning how to take care of the garden. She dreams of being a housewife and taking care of her own household.
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Humbert is a very sick boy... so he tries to enjoy life as much as possible. He is trying to be stronger, but he gets tired often and feels like life is fading away...
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Gudrun talks to the birds and learns about their ways and the ways of the woods.
Summer, Day 11 of 28 - Year 001
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Hulda spends her morning knitting a new hug for the house and maybe a few more to sell on the weekend market.
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Hulda eats the Creature Keeper's Mushroom Mash (TM) and she can finally talk with the birds. She feels as one with nature. She is learning how to talk to the animals and appreciate this place.
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Porvi and Gudrun, in the meanwhile, forage for more foods to plant on their farm. Life is simple for them, but good.
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Gudrun, Porvi and Humbert spend the afternoon together. Sharing stories and talking. They are so grown up!
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Hulda brings Porvi to the village to sell their crops on the market. "Porvi, soon you will be a woman and you need to make connections to keep your farm."
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Hulda helps the people from the village "They do ask for a lot here, uhu?"
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Hulda goes back home, but not before foraging for some berries.
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Hulda buys a chicken coop with the money from the farm. "Asdis, you are now a big girl; you have to have some responsibilities. You will take care of the chicken coop and you can keep some of the money from the egg sales."
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Humbert works out to make himself stronger. He believes he can improve his health.
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A very interesting celt visit their farm and makes all heads turn around. Weirdly, Hulda's head turns waaay more than it should.
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Asdis takes her chicken to the village's fair.
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Gudrun gathered some coins and bought herself some equipment to make baskets. She wants to make some money for her future.
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aria-i-adagio · 2 years
last line tag
tagged by @cumbiazevran tagging @motherofqups, @ankoku-jin, @hoochieblues and back around to @atypicalacademic
Then Asdi licked his fingers and pinched out the wick of the lamp, leaving Sindre to mull over the differences between his grandfather’s and his ama’s stories until he fell asleep.
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lal-ffxiv · 3 years
▼ - childhood headcanon (For Asdis!)
A headcanon for Asdis' childhood is that she had a Lalfell name since we was raised by Lalafells before she could talk. I also always toy with the headcanon of Asdis of having siblings, but I think the closet Asdis would come to sibling would be a childhood friend. Drabble below on both those headcanons.
Thank you, @cigarettes-n-daisies!
Since its for Asdis, Warnings: Implied death,
The Rotten Spot on the Radish
Mamá Su Suela Suela and Papa Alonso Tommaso had been cooing all morning. Syaya Sya looked over the crib and examined the babe once more.
The ruddy baby had a face all squished up and smelled a strange way and Syaya Sya hadn’t the slightest idea what there was to fawn over. A radish was all the baby was. “I could eat you one mouthful.” Syaya Sya opened her mouth wide to show the baby just how so. The infant as if sensing the impending doom wailed as Alonso Tommaso and Susuela Suela entered the room.
“Syaya Sya! Where are you going?” The radish came out of the ground and chased after Asdis. The lalafell had grown as Asdis had grown, meaning he was still no bigger in Asdis’s perspective. Perhaps even more ruddy now. Due less to natural complexion and more to burning from the sun. His layers of dirt owing him no favors of protection. “Going behind the big walls again?”
“Raranito Babanito, if you insist on following me, I insist on silence.” Asdis parent’s were fond of the radish even after so many years, so Asdis vowed for them not to eat him. However Raranito Babanito used the power of his expectation to break all Asdis’s rules. Therefore, he spoke once more to ask as Asdis practiced, “Aren’t you scared going so far from home?”
Asdis knew the question was of curiosity. She could feel the curiosity coming from the radish, but she wouldn’t excuse the slight against her.
“I am a goddess, I can eat the city whole. I don’t fear!” Asdis turned with such a motion, and spoke with a knife edge cut in her tone that the radish scrambled away from her. However, even after Asdis felt his fright, he did not leave, but he continued to watch as Asdis attempted to keep putting everything else and focus on herself. Asdis imagined herself so big that she would swallow the world and still be left unsatisfied. This thought was broken as radish’s feeling became apparent again. This time of awe and admiration.
“If you do not focus, I will not bother myself with teaching you!”
“I’m not a protege like you,” Raranito Babanito lowered his scepter and pulled completely away from introspection.
“Wrong! I was a prodigy, but now as a master, and you are my protege.”
Asdis examined her student. Grown for a lalafell, but never would be taller than Asdis’s waistline. He also seemed dirtier than ever with permanent mud stuck to his skin. Asdis threw a handkerchief at him and insisted that he be clean and ready for lessons tomorrow. Not because she took pity one him, but could not manage anymore frustration with the lesson. It was giving her a headache that matched his own.
“Then tomorrow we eat the world?”
Asdis scoffed at him. “With your level of thumragery don’t be so bold. I, on the other side, am ready to devour the moon and the stars. There will be nothing left for you soon.” Asdis left that as her farwell and it was true. Asdis should have promised to eat the sun.
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arofili · 3 years
Line of Elros Edit Series: Appendix D
Continued from Appendix C. This section will contain information on the Princes of Dol Amroth and the Chieftains of the Dúnedain.
Appendix A: Royalty of Númenor Appendix B: House of Andúnië, Royalty of Arnor Appendix C: Royalty of Gondor Appendix D: Princes of Dol Amroth, Chieftains of the Dúnedain (you are here!) Appendix E: Stewards of Gondor
Note: The names of most of these characters come from Adûnaic, but after using a lot of Adûnaic in the Royalty of Númenor section of this project, I was running out of vocabulary to use. Instead I repurposed the fragments of the (often untranslated in canon) Adûnaic names canonical to the House of Dol Amroth and scoured through this Adûnaic dictionary for other words that might be useful. For untranslated words, I made a guess based on the meaning of the word or a similar word in another language, which I excuse because Adûnaic is sort of a language cobbled together from a bunch of other languages.
Following is a brief glossary of the terms I used to make most of these names. If a name element does not appear here, I probably borrowed it from one of these namelists.
GLOSSARY adra || “crossing” || meaning derived from Gnomish adros (related to Sindarin athrad) agla || “brilliant, glorious” || meaning derived from Adûnaic aglar alêth || “city” || canonical meaning ang[a] || “iron” || meaning derived from Sindarin ang / Quenya anga asdi || “hope” || a canonical Adûnaic word of unknown meaning; I made up its meaning batân || “road, path” || canonical meaning êluk || “past” || a canonical Adûnaic word of unclear meaning; I derived its meaning from Adûnaic tâidô, meaning “once, then” and supposedly a later form of this word had || “to hurl” || meaning derived from Sindarin hador, “thrower” hil || “son, child” || meaning derived from Sindarin [c]híl, “heir” hir || “lord” || meaning derived from Sindarin hîr imra || “valley” || meaning derived from Sindarin imrath karasa || “red” || canonical meaning limir || “chain” || meaning derived from Quenya limil rûkh || “to shout” || canonical meaning zâbath || “humble” || canonical meaning zâira || “yearning, longing” || canonical meaning zôr || “fire” || canonical meaning
Adrahil I ft. Adrahil I, Zâbathasdî (OC), Imrazôr The history of Dor-en-Ernil is mostly canon. Adrahil’s involvement in Ondoher’s campaign is canon, but his fate in that conflict is unknown, and everything after his retreat to Ithilien is headcanon. Tolkien Gateway has a footnote I find somewhat amusing that emphasizes that we don’t know For Sure that Adrahil was Imrazôr’s father, because even though all the dates line up for that to be true Tolkien never explicitly said that, soooo..... I think there’s no reason he wouldn’t be Imrazôr’s father, but I guess it’s canonically possible he’s not.
Imrazôr ft. Imrazôr, Mithrellas Nimruphêr, Galador, Gilmith Amroth’s story is canon, though we don’t know that it specifically was Imrazôr who named the hill after him. All we know about Imrazôr and Mithrellas is their origin story about Mithrellas being lost in the woods and Imrazôr finding her, and that after Mithrellas bore Imrazôr two children she disappeared into the night. I’ve seen lots of varying interpretations of this story, including some where Imrazôr forced Mithrellas to marry her, but in my opinion nothing in the text confirms that theory. We don’t know for sure that Gilmith and Galador are twins, but since they were born in the same year and elf pregnancies are usually exactly a year long I think it’s the most likely scenario. Mithrellas is said to have left after her children were born, which usually I see interpreted as right after their births, but again nothing in the text says her departure was immediate so I think it makes more sense that she stayed until they were grown, at least. Galador does become his father’s heir (see the next edit) but we know nothing else about Gilmith, so their differing fates (mirroring Elros and Elrond’s) are entirely my headcanon. A while back I made an edit about Gilmith and Mithrellas reuniting, if you want to check that out (though I did go with the “Mithrellas leaves immediately” version of events there).
Galador ft. Galador, Zadnazîrî (OC), Minlubên (OC), Inzilkaras (OC) The distinction/transition between Dor-en-Ernil and Dol Amroth is never explicitly described in Tolkien’s work, but since the land was not called Dol Amroth until after Amroth’s rule (during Imrazôr’s reign) and Galador was the first prince of Dol Amroth specifically, I think my version of events fits into canon. He was not the first prince of his line, rather the first prince of that specific place-name. Everything about Galador’s choice of mortality and his reasoning behind it is headcanon. His wife, naturally, is unnamed and thus entirely my own creation. Here we get to the first of many “unnamed princes” - we know how many there were between Galador and the next named lord (Aglahad), but nothing else about them save the dates of their lives and rule. Which is still more than we know about the Lords of Andúnië!
Balakân ft. Balakân (OC), Avradizimril (OC), Zâinabên (OC), Imralêthî (OC), Angahil (OC), Abrazân (OC) Everything here is entirely my own invention. I realized after making this edit that the line of Dol Amroth was “unbroken” between Galador and Imrahil, meaning there was no uncle to nephew inheritance like this, but tbh that’s a minor detail I’m not fussed about contradicting.
Abrazân ft. Abrazân (OC), Zâirahirî (OC), Bawbuthôr (OC), Karbazîrî (OC), Avalôzîr (OC), Narakarî (OC), Gimlibên I (OC), Asdiphêl (OC), Zôrahad (OC), Agathilî (OC) All the events that occur in this edit are canonical, but everything to do with the involvement of anyone from Dol Amroth is my headcanon. All information about the Princes and their family is my own invention.
Alêthir ft. Alêthir (OC), Zâbathinzil (OC), Karsalimir (OC), Adrabatîna (OC), Gimlibên II (OC), Zimrasdî (OC), Rûkhir (OC), Batânaglar (OC), Zâirêluk (OC), Ûrîzôrî (OC) Same note as previous. Don’t worry, we’re getting back to semi-canonical stuff soon! The name “Karsalimir” is derived from “karasa+limir”; I shortened the first element for a better flow of the name. Adrabatîna’s name is glossed as “fortunate meeting” but literally means “crossing paths.”
Karazôr ft. Karazôr (OC), Zâiralêth (OC), Asdihil (OC), Lômihirî (OC) The 15th and 16th Princes did canonically die early; the 15th Prince was “slain by the Corsairs of Umbar” and the 16th was “slain in battle.” We don’t have specifics on either event, so an isolated skirmish with the Corsairs is plausible enough for the 15th Prince’s demise. The 16th Prince died in 2799, the same year as the end of the War of the Dwarves and Orcs that sent orcs fleeing to the White Mountains in southern Gondor, so while there is no proof I think it’s likely that is the conflict in which he perished. Karazôr’s name comes from “karasa+zôr”; again, I’ve shortened the first element for aesthetic purposes.
Aglazôr ft. Aglazôr (OC), Gimilzâirî (OC), Angharas (OC), Nîlubêlî (OC) The Battle of the Poros happened during the rule of the 17th Prince; it is conceivable he and his son would have fought in that conflict, but all information about them is entirely headcanon. Once more I have messed with the word “karas” as a name element: Angharas’ name comes from “ang(a)+karasa,” but in pushing those two elements together Angakarasa becomes something like Angharas.
Aglahad ft. Aglahad, Karasaphêl (OC), Angelimir, Minalzôrî (OC), Adrahil II Finally we get to actually canonical characters!! Although we don’t know anything at all about Aglahad or Angelimir other than their names and the usual dates. This is the time Ithilien was deserted and Henneth Annûn was founded, though Angelimir’s involvement is entirely my own speculation.
Adrahil II ft. Adrahil II, Branniel (OC), Ivriniel, Finduilas of Dol Amroth, Denethor II, The basic details of Finduilas’ story are canon, though I have embellished a bit (including Imrahil’s resentment of Denethor). Everything about Adrahil, Branniel, and Ivriniel is headcanon.
Imrahil ft. Imrahil, Malleneth (OC), Elphir, Erchirion, Amrothos, Lothíriel All of Imrahil’s deeds are canon, though they have been somewhat embellished. He was even canonically bros with Éomer! However, everything about everyone else in his family is headcanon, except that Lothíriel did indeed marry Éomer (though we don’t know how exactly that came to be).
Elphir ft. Elphir, Idhrenes (OC), Alphros We know nothing about Elphir and Alphros except for their names and relevant dates; all of this is headcanon.
Aranarth ft. Aranarth, Lorneth (OC), Amathim (OC), Arahael, Idhrion (OC) Aranarth is implied to have a younger brother, as the ROTK appendices indicate he is the elder son of Arvedui. He also had at least one other child, since Dírhael is “said to be a descendant of a younger branch of Aranarth.” I came up with a different version of Dírhael’s ancestry that I like better, interpreting “younger branch of Aranarth” to just broadly mean “a younger branch of Aranarth’s house,” but I decided I liked the idea of giving Arahael a sibling. The bit about Aranarth’s tracking ability was borrowed from Middle-earth Role Playing. Arahael was born decades after his father’s inheritance (unusual for the Dúnedain, but Aranarth was particularly young when Arvedui died); technically Aranarth gave the heirlooms of Arnor to Elrond shortly after Angmar was destroyed, but after reading this excellent fic by @nikosheba I’ve adopted the headcanon that instead that happened when Aranarth’s wife arrived in Rivendell. The circumstances of Arahael’s birth are mostly headcanon, though he was born and raised in Rivendell, as were all his heirs after him.
Arahael Arahael, Avorniel (OC), Aranuir, Bellassamdir (OC), Aravir, Daerís (OC), Aragorn I, Galadil (OC), Araglas, Aeneth (OC) We know basically nothing about everyone in this edit, except that Aragorn I was indeed killed by wolves. Everything else is headcanon.
Arahad I ft. Arahad I, Silivreneth (OC), Aragost, Alphalas (OC), Aravorn, Sírdhem (OC), Arahad II, Ellother (OC), Arassuil, Glórineth (OC) I’m not sure if it’s clear in the caption, but Celebrían was wounded during Arahad’s rule, not Aragost’s; however, Aragost was a grown man at the time and I imagined him taking an active role under his father’s jurisdiction. The Rangers as a group canonically fought back against the invasion of orcs into Eriador at this time, though Arassuil was not mentioned individually. All the major events in this edit are canonical, but any involvement of the Chieftains and their families is headcanon.
Arathorn I ft. Arathorn I, Dravoriel (OC), Argonui, Eithiar (OC) Arathorn was indicated to have died violently, but we don’t know the specifics of this death, and it happened near the end of his natural lifespan anyway. The War of the Dwarves and Orcs did happen at this time, which affected the politics of the area, but any involvement of the Dúnedain is headcanon.
Argonui ft. Argonui, Theriel (OC), Arador, Malríneth (OC), Arathorn II The events mentioned here are canonical, but most of how these characters reacted to them is headcanon. Arador’s death is canon, though the reason he was out in the Coldfells is unknown.
Eithiar ft. Eithiar (OC), Farion (OC), Dírhael, Gilbarad, Ivorwen, Gilraen Argonui having a sibling is entirely my idea; I decided it would be interesting if Gilraen and Arathorn II were more closely related than simply both being descendants of Aranarth. Everything about Gilbarad is headcanon except for his name and relation to Ivorwen. The story of Dírhael and Ivorwen’s disagreement over Gilraen’s marriage is canon, but has been embellished; the story of their own marriage is headcanon.
Arathorn II ft. Arathorn II, Gilraen, Aragorn II This is mostly based in canon, but the details have been embellished. Aragorn and Arwen are the only characters in this series that I used movie faceclaims for, just because I think they work really well.
Aragorn II Elessar ft. Aragorn II Elessar, Arwen Undómiel, Eldarion, Erthoril (OC), Eliominal (OC), Evrindil (OC) Everything about Aragorn is canon. This guy did a LOT of stuff. Arwen did indeed make the Standard of Elendil, but it is a headcanon (that I think I first got from @jaz-the-bard) that she reforged Andúril, and also that she was waiting to find the right people to be mortal with (that was also from Jaz, lol). Naturally, everything about their kids is headcanon except for the most basic information about Eldarion. Aragorn and Arwen canonically had several daughters; I made one actually be nonbinary because I felt like it. Eliominal is derived from elia “to bless” and menel “heavens”; it should properly be Eliormenel but I changed the spelling for aesthetic purposes, and also a nod to the common tongue (minal is the Adûnaic version of Q./S. menel). “Evrin” is an alteration of “Ivrin” which I translate as “crystal.” Tolkien Gateway says that Eldarion had at least one son but I went through their sources in Peoples of Middle-earth and found no mention of this. It is stated that it was prophesied he would rule a great kingdom that would last “a hundred generations of Men after him,” but the same text admits that it is unknown if that is true, and even that statement is not necessarily indicative that those “hundred generations” would be his direct descendants. It is equally likely that his kingship passed to a child of one of his sisters and that he himself was childless. Personally, I ship Eldarion with Elboron, so I’m choosing that version of events instead.
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norsereadalong · 4 years
Eyrbyggja Saga Week Five Prompts
Welcome to Week Five of Eyrbyggja Saga! This week (Oct. 26th, 2020) we’re reading chapters 25-29, as laid out in Hermann Pálsson’s translation. This week’s section starts off as follows:
Now to come back to Vermund and Thorarin the Black, they made landfall in Norway north of Trondheim Fjord and sailed up to Trondheim….People considered Bjorn a great warrior and the bravest of men in any dangerous situation.
Nú er að segja frá þeim Vermundi og Þórarni svarta að þeir komu af hafi norður við Þrándheimsmynni og héldu inn í Þrándheim….Og meðan Pálna-Tóki lifði var Björn með honum og þótti hinn besti drengur og hinn hraustasti í öllum mannraunum.
Below are some prompts to invoke discussion. You don’t have to answer them (unless you want to), and you’re welcome to ask questions of your own for the group to discuss! We ask that you participate at least once a week in one form or another, be it through a response paragraph, fanart, etc., but you’re free to choose whatever topic you’d like. Remember to DM a link to your responses to @edderkopper so we can find them!
1.     Alright, for those of you who had “Berserkers” on their Saga Bingo Card, fill it in now! Seriously though, folks—what is up with these burly brothers Halli and Leiknir? 
Berserkers were once revered in Norse Mythology and poems as Odin’s warriors—what is the reception of these men by the Icelanders as detailed in the saga? Why does the author care enough to immediately identify their “eastward” Swedish nationality in the chapter heading? How does the author describe their desires, personalities, and purpose? 
2.     Why might Jarl Hákon Sigurðarson think he can control and temper the berserker brothers better than Vermund? What do we know historically about Hákon Sigurðarson as a ruler? (There’s some interesting stuff their folks, including a story about a pig pen and banished clergymen!)  
3.     What can we parse out about the politics of feuding in medieval sagas, especially when people of a lower economic status are involved, such as those unfortunately held in bondage as slaves?
4.     Poor Thorgerd and her useless relatives! When a feud leads to death, what avenues can saga women pursue to gain justice for a slayed family member?
5.     Halli’s desire for Asdis gives us a little bit of information about marriage proposals in saga culture. What do we think about Halli’s interest in Asdis and the steps taken with regards to the proposal? Do you feel sorry for the berserker brothers, or do you think Styr was right in tricking them in order to help Asdis dodge a socially unhappy marriage?
What about the commentary at the end of the chapter about Snorri the Priest and Asdis’ betrothal: “…the wedding took place in autumn, and everyone agreed that both men had strengthened their positions by these family ties.” (Pálsson and Edwards, 79). Compare Halli’s interest in Asdis with Thorodd’s inquiry after Thurid’s hand in chapter 29.
6.     I’d just like to direct everyone to the awesome burn that is Bjorn’s skaldic verse about Thorodd in chapter 29. That is all.
Sword-skilled, I slaughtered the sons of Wood-Leg.
It was harder for Thorodd to thrust me through,
than to lie making love to his elegant lady
Or rob the Earl’s traders and take their taxes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
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Random question if you’re up for it. What are your OCs “apocalypse style” hair, clothes, etc?
Sure thing! I love apocalypse HCs/AUs. Hope this is insightful/helpful for your endeavors!
APD cast:
Most of the female characters in this world dress overtly casually every day of the year. The threat of a global collapse would not make them any wiser to fashion trends and their super human abilities would prevent them from needing to pick up extra weapons or battle proof armor. Their style would remain casual as a result.
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They would simply tack on a heavy duty belt to allow them to run in jeans/hold small tools and walk around in a bandana to prevent inhaling anything. Lacey, specifically has extremely long hair, so she’d be the first to cut it and all female characters would keep it between the two lengths shown (one of them already wears their hair like this exclusively).
The men may be a little more tactful. Cargo shorts instead of jeans. Hats to avoid sunlight. Long range weapons (axes/machetes/swords instead of hammers or small blades like the women). Norm already grows his hair long and would continue to grow it out further until he’s wearing it in a bun. The other men would follow in a (purposeful) sort of role reversal where hair is concerned.
BGG cast:
As these characters are from a viking era, their clothing would change the most. They would still wear absorbent amounts of (likely brown) leather, though it would be less corsets and full suits and more padding they tied on top of their clothes.
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Asdis would be the acception. She is a bit more sexually adventurous compared to her AceAro sister and would likely don the piece above if it was offered to her. Apocalypse or not!
All characters regardless of sex would continue to grow their hair out. However, the braidings would change dramatically. Svenja, for her part would change to twin braids as oppressed to the complex tower of five or six small ones woven together she would normally wear. She would then pull them back to hold her long hair back. Asdis would be the first to ditch the traditional braids altogether and do a modern ponytail/messy bun.
Leif, who is the only character who would continue to cut his hair and normally shaves his head into a fade (I think is the style name) to show his tattoos, would shave his head bald for simplicity.
TROD cast:
I have several HCs for Schuyler’s style that she would have if she weren’t in such a conservative setting/were not with her canon partners/I might alter her physical style to be outlandish if I revamp her story/put her into an original fic that would also happen to work for her apocalypse outfit.
Schuyler would get a sort of fade and/or just buzz her head super short because she’s always wanted to and would no longer have to impress anyone when the zombies rose. She’d also don a jacket with more zippers/pockets than the one she already wears because she hates nothing more than holding/carrying things with her hands. She needs her hands free. Also, she’d wear chains for the style. She has a theory she isn’t allowed to wear a chain wallet but in the apocalypse she’d be decked out in chains. Would it weigh her down? Yes, but she doesn’t care. Chain wallet, chain belt, chains everywhere!
Thanks so much for the question and making me want to design new outfits for my characters!!
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tododekuworldszine · 7 years
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Preorders Are Open! + Zine Giveaway
Grab your Tododeku Worlds Zine today! With 150 pages of art and fanfic from 48 incredibly talented creators, this zine is a love letter to Todoroki Shouto’s and Midoriya Izuku’s relationship.
Previews can be found here. 
We are also doing a giveaway for a zine! To enter, reblog this post or retweet from our twitter! The winner will be picked on Valentine’s Day (2/14) and will receive one free zine. (If you have already placed your order, we will reimburse you.)
Preorders will close 2/28.
Under the cut is all our creators as well as our included stories! 
in touch by Ruby (@pugglemuggle) - Soulmate AU
wildlife rescue by Diana (@i-read-good-books) - Werewolf AU
It All Starts Here by Hannah (@hanwritesstuff) - UA Teacher, Post Canon
A Following Sea by Pouler (@poulerslashes) - Lifeguard AU
you were the sun by August(@todoroukis) - Youkai AU
they’ll bloom in time by Naomi (@todorokishouts​) - Time God/Android AU
@acxrs | @grey-skies-over-cold-water | @argetcross | @arkrevner | @lunacias | @dheerse | @ezaria-umiko-art | @hexaes | @cencat | @hanachou | @hiiarts | @spaceboomerang | @stardustinjune | @bokchois | @ianpinkisart | @ravefirell | @ieoniq | @iggiesca-asdy |@evangelrosearts | @kitsunezakuro | @kurapixel | @thatonehawke | @nieniekoto | @ododokis | @okaykois | @perdizzion | @radioactivetaiga | @sleepyfortress | @maydraws_ | @sirblueseas | @thegreatpeanut | @shuukuo | @hya | @cquaer | @jeaniniart | @kyyhky | @unprince | @yoncco | @souruuriin | @viri_idiana | @xiunens | @nappotuna
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blindhazey420 · 2 years
We go hard 🥁🙈🤘🎶🥳 EDM DRUMMING covers Track Stories By Say Say. Asdis Hats are loud right. Comes down on run 3 of 4. Did about 2 hours of covers. Most new tracks. Went hard. Layout feeling good by end. #rolanddrums #pearldrums #ironcobra #jobekydrums #mapexdrums #vicfirthsticks #collisiondrumsticks #drummersofinstagram #drummer #blinddrummer #drumset #drumcover #drums #drumeo #drumsdrumsdrums #music #musician #musictherapy #musicismylife #edm #electronicmusic #drumimprovisation #practice #beats #spotifyplaylist #drumchops #musicartist #drumfam #dance #musicproduction (at Spalding, Lincolnshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeOhSwjI1l-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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justfigs · 6 years
get to know the writer tag game
i was tagged by @ratracechronicler. thanks for the tag!
1. what’s your favourite word(s)?
i like the word cacophony and exasperated
2. would your wip work better as a movie or tv show?
the price of a secret would work well as a tv show, because the entire plot would work better sectioned off into episodes, and there would be more time to explore the dynamics/worldbuilding.
la cirque would work better as a movie, because the arc works well as a typical action movie format.
3. pick a song to be the theme song of your wip/mc!
the deep by phildel sounds like a good song for the price of a secret, it kinda has a creepy vibe that i associate with the characters and the town of riverton.
gentle earthquakes by aurora is a good asdis song. arden canonically loves harlem holiday, because their dads the leader of the malcontent program and his ‘husband’ played it all the time and it was a rule to dance to it when it played.
4. favourite punctuation mark?
i like exclamation marks and question marks. they’re very expressive.
5. would you like to punch any of your ocs?
without hesitation: arne geier and amand delacroix.
6. share a weird worldbuilding fact about your setting!
in riverton there’s one big farming family. the trudges. they’re known as arrogant. their barn got burned down a while ago.
7. how much research do you put into character names?
i trust behindthename to give me accurate names, so i mainly look on there for names based on the characters ethnicity. sometimes they’re made up, but mostly real names.
8. something guaranteed to distract you from writing?
running out of inspiration. i’m pretty good at not falling into research holes that are too deep.
9. a word you frequently misspell?
all of them. words are hard.
10. latest you’ve stayed up writing?
i’m not sure. i’ve stayed up late-ish, but my work gets unreadable after a certain point.
for this, i’m gonna tag @writerofwriting, @baguettewriting, @dogwrites, and anyone else who’d like to participate!
1. moral that comes up a lot in your story? 2. favourite genre to write? 3. themes you’d like to explore in your writing? 4. if your book did get a movie/tv deal, how much control would you like over it’s production/casting? 5. trope you write too much? 6. trope you want to explore more? 7. how much of your political views get brought up in your writing? 8. cover ideas for your current project? 9. name a character who doesn’t deserve any of the stuff they’re going through 10. what’s a trait you tend to apply to lots of your characters?
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lal-ffxiv · 4 years
In The Beginning...
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Bells, Suns, Moons, Years, Epochs, Astral or Umbral Eras. None of those existed. It was only a moment that existed to Asdis. The moment when the tides of the darkness brought Asdis back to the shore of her consciousness. It was the glimpses from these times of awareness that let know her body still walked living. The sight was never changed though. Everything else was senseless except for these moments, so Asdis took in all she could. The copper stench of blood, the cold feeling of corpses in her hands, the taste of dryness on her tongue, the sight of open and empty eyes. A deep and utter satisfaction from being fed. That feeling wasn’t hers. Then, Asdis was washed away again. Suspended in a vacuum where she doubted if she even existed still. It was that doubt that saved her. She kept that thought close to her, and it would bring her up  to the surface of her old mind again and again. 
It was her mind, it was her body, it didn’t belong to anyone else. 
Asdis clung to herself. The memories helped, her memories. Reading by candlelight. She loves to read. Twilight pretzels. She loves the treat when freshly baked only. A voice whispering promises in her ear. She loves the color of that voice, and she loves to believe in those promises. She wished with all that was left of her to hear that voice again. 
And she did, “Asdis,” the voice’s cried out. Asdis followed it from her memory, from her mind, to the outside of her body. 
Asdis woke up clawing at her own stomach, at her own chest, at her neck and face. Animalistic noises were using her voice,“on evila enim deef yrgnuh enim on”. Asdis’s  throat began to bleed from the screams. Asdis would die drowned in her own blood if she didn’t take control herself completely.
The satisfaction from being saved from starvation was not her feeling. Hunger pains were something Asdis has never felt before. Asdis used the possessor’s weakness against itself. 
Asdis collected all the aetheric power within her and the voidsent followed it. Asdis forced the aether from her very body, and with nothing else besides her focus and will, transformed her aether into a crystal form.
Asdis held the crystal to her eye, summoned up her bloody voice, and said to it, “gnihtyreve ma I . gnihton era uoy”.
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quranreadalong · 7 years
#10, Surah 2
Ten sections--ten!--and we are still not done with the second surah. It is just ridiculously long and tedious. But complaints won’t get us any closer to the finish line, thots. We’re starting today at 2:210, and we have less than 90 ayat to go, so probably three or four more sections, including this one, at most. Almost there!
Today we’re going to discuss Mohammed’s cousin murdering someone in broad daylight and Allah sending him a Get Out Of Jail Free Card. Let’s go.
Coming off last section’s last two ayat, in which Allah suggested that those who ignore the “clear proofs” (of Mohammed being a prophet) are going to hell, the whole punishment thought is continued. 2:210 simply reminds people that Allah is their judge, and he will judge the disbelievers by punishing them severely in 2:211. (Kuffar hell counter: 1!)
So a neutral and a bad verse, respectively, to start the day. 2:212 is an interesting one--I’d also classify it as neutral, but take a look:
Beautified is the life of the world for those who disbelieve; they make a jest of the believers. But those who keep their duty to Allah will be above them on the Day of Resurrection.
Islam, like some forms of Christianity, insists that enjoying worldly things is a sign of weakness, and true believers would gladly reject happiness on earth in favor of slavish devotion to Allah and following his commands in order to enter jannah after death. Disbelievers, according to the Quran (when it’s not contracting itself), are quite happy people. But they’re wrong to be happy, because they’re gonna be burned in hell forever, LOL!
We then have a brief Islamic “history” of religion, stating again that all people were originally of one religion (Islam) before going astray. But Allah chose certain people to be led back to “the straight path”--there’s that Calvinism again. Neutral, I suppose. Muslims are the latest such people, and they will not “enter paradise" until they, like Moses and his followers, endure “affliction and adversity” (see 2:49, wherein the Jews are “tested” by Allah having the Egyptians kill their children). Bad both there and here.
And just like last time, we have a juxtaposition of a very nice ayah with a terrible one. Is this Mohammed’s version of letting people down gently? Compare:
They ask thee, (O Muhammad), what they shall spend. Say: that which ye spend for good (must go) to parents and near kindred and orphans and the needy and the wayfarer.
Warfare is ordained for you, though it is hateful unto you; but it may happen that ye hate a thing which is good for you, and it may happen that ye love a thing which is bad for you. Allah knoweth, ye know not.
They question thee (O Muhammad) with regard to warfare in the sacred month. Say: Warfare therein is a great (transgression), but to turn (men) from the way of Allah, and to disbelieve in Him and in the Inviolable Place of Worship, and to expel His people thence, is a greater with Allah; for persecution is worse than killing. And they will not cease from fighting against you till they have made you renegades from your religion, if they can. And whoso becometh a renegade and dieth in his disbelief: such are they whose works have fallen both in the world and the Hereafter. Such are rightful owners of the Fire: they will abide therein.
Whiplash! A lot to unpack here. Let’s start with 2:215, the good one: give alms to the poor and take care of your family. Great! But now we have to deal with the appalling stuff that follows.
Quick summary of where we’re at: Mohammed and most of his early followers were from the Quraysh tribe in the trade city of Mecca. After spending a little over a decade ranting to the polytheists of his hometown, the leaders of Mecca made him leave. The incident that prompted his expulsion involved a bunch of Muslims from outside Mecca--mostly from the agricultural city of Yathrib--swearing an oath of loyalty to him, which included a declaration to stand behind him in battle. After leaving Mecca, Mohammed moved to Yathrib (called Medina), and most of his Meccan followers moved with him. The city became the Muslim base of power. Once he got to Medina, Mohammed began ordering his followers to raid caravans of the Quraysh. This led to some problems.
In 2:216, we’re told that some of Mohammed’s followers don’t really want to fight. But he tells them that they have to anyway; that Allah himself wants them to fight. And if they listen to Allah, they will be rewarded. Tafsir al-Jalalayn elaborates:
obligatory for you is fighting disbelievers though it be hateful to you by nature because of the hardship involved. Yet it may happen that you hate a thing which is good for you; and it may happen that you love a thing which is bad for you ... the soul inclines towards those desires which result in its destruction ... even if you are averse to it you will find much good in fighting as a result of victory, booty, martyrdom or reward; while if you were to reject fighting even if you would like to do so you will find much evil because then you may be subjugated, impoverished, and denied the reward; God knows what is good for you and you know this not so strive in what He commands you.
Remember how, in the last section, there was a command to slaughter disbelievers until “religion is for Allah” if provoked first? We are now told exactly what that means. See, when Mohammed said that his followers shouldn’t attack unless first attacked, he didn’t mean literally physically attacked. Turning people from “the way of Allah” (presumably by telling them that Mohammed is full of shit), kicking a Muslim out of Mecca (note that the Muslims bar Mohammed left Mecca for Medina on their own and were not kicked out), preventing Mohammed’s men from performing the pilgrimage en masse, and simply not believing in Islam are all acts of “fitna” that constitute valid reasons for Muslims to declare war on a group of people and kill them until they’ve accepted Islam. One must respond to this by killing them, since fitna "is worse than killing” in the eyes of Allah.
This is unavoidably bad as it explicitly calls for war against those who do not accept Islam or those perceived to be “persecuting” (fitna again) Muslims. Or those who are just members of a group that does such things.
Now why, exactly, are the Muslims being ordered to fight, even though they don’t want to? Why does Mohammed need to emphasize that this fighting can occur during the sacred months? That, friends, brings us to a rather appalling story.
Let’s look at what was going on at the time that made “Allah” send such a revelation to Mohammed. Al-Wahidi:
the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, sent a military expedition and appointed [his cousin] 'Abd Allah ibn Jahsh al-Asdi as its leader. This expedition proceeded until they reached Nakhlah where they found 'Amr ibn al-Hadrami leading a trade caravan for the Quraysh. That day was the last day of the sacred month. The Muslims were divided in their opinion. Some of them said: 'We know for certain that today belongs to the sacred month, we are of the view that you should not violate it because of greed'. The opinion of those who desired the stuff of this world gained the upper hand; they attacked Ibn al-Hadrami, killed him and seized his camels. Ibn al-Hadrami was the first person to be killed in a fight between the Muslims and the disbelievers. The disbelievers of the Quraysh heard about the incident and sent a delegation to the Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace. They said to him: 'Do you allow fighting in the sacred month?' As a response, Allah, exalted is He, revealed this verse (They question thee (O Muhammad) with regard to warfare in the sacred month…)
Let’s break it down. Mohammed sends a band of his goons out into the desert. (The early Muslim community engaged in lots of caravan raiding, which we will get to later on. When you’re a kid being brainwashed, you’re sometimes told that they were “recovering stolen merchandise”. Absolutely zero early histories or ahadith say this. They were just stealing shit. Other times you’re told that the Meccans were going to use the profits from their trade in war against the Muslims. Again, this is not true. The traders of Mecca were just doing what they always did and minding their business, and they didn’t attack the Muslims in Medina until the latter attacked them first.)
They come across some traders belonging to The Disbelievers. It’s during a peace month called Rajab. The guy leading the Muslims, Abdallah--Mo’s future brother-in-law--wants to kill the traders and take all their shit. Some of the Muslims explicitly don’t want to do this, not simply because it’s bad to kill people in order to take their shit, but because it’s the month of Rajab and “Allah” had specifically prohibited them from fighting during that period. But Abdallah says “nah fam I think I see a PS4 in there, I’m going in” and attacks anyway and kills the unfortunate Mr. ibn al-Hadrami. The Disbelievers, understandably upset at this blatant criminal action and violation of “Allah’s” own rules, go to Mohammed and demand answers. At which time “Allah” tells Mohammed that, actually, being a disbeliever is way worse than killing people during a truce month.
Now you know the “context” whenever people try to tell you that the Quran’s terrible verses require “context”.
Also: kuffar hell counter: 2!
Ugly stuff. Let’s go to more neutral territory. 2:218 says that Muslims who “strive in the way of Allah” in the form of fighting, emigrating from Mecca to Medina, or by simply being faithful believers will go jannah. 2:219 is the first of several Quranic prohibitions against gambling and drinking alcohol.
2:220 is a random good verse about treating orphans kindly. I picked that place to stop because all the jihad ayat made me depressed and I wanted a happy ending. Unfortunately...
NEXT TIME: Let’s talk about sex (and also restrictions for women’s behavior)
The Quran Read-Along: Day 10
Ayat: 11
Good: 2 (2:215, 2:220)
Neutral: 5 (2:209, 2:212-13, 2:218-19)
Bad: 4 (2:211, 2:214, 2:216-17)
Kuffar hell counter: 2 (2:211, 2:217)
⇚ previous day | next day ⇛
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Happy Storyteller Saturday! What are some superstitions your characters grew up with? Old wives tales about throwing salt over your shoulder, what food to eat on new year's to bring good luck, nursery rhymes and songs like not stepping on cracks? Tooth fairies, Easter bunnies, bloody mary--what strange stories did your OCs believe in as kids? Do they still believe now?
SAMTEX kids were told stories of Wendigos and Chupacobras who walked the border between of Mexico. This was to keep them from following their fathers who did business beyond the border and to view there fathers as monster hunters as much as business men/leaders. This worked until the age of about 13. Schuyler (is the only child who) swears to this day that she’s seen at least two Chupacobras riding back from trade deals.
Miguel unshakenably believes in the legend of Maldeojo.
Asdis’ first Love is the sea. Her ultimate goal is to rescue (specifically not capture) a mermaid and sail the ocean to new lands with them.
Thanks for the Ask!! Feel free to send me generic questions about my characters on this Storyteller Saturday!
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gingianajones-blog · 8 years
Story inprogress
“Quiet, there’s a deer just there…” It was late-mid autumn, early October, after the leaves have changed their hues to express their final brilliance before falling gracefully to let the long winter set in. a cold, dastardly season that if not properly prepared for, would embrace, the quaint village in its frigid fingers and not let go. Iona, seventeen at the time, had thick, voluminous hair of coppered-gold. Wavy in such a way as to almost be straight, but it waved a wave as if it were talking to a crush, shy, reserved, but definitely there and wanting you to notice it. Almost as if it knew that it would be looked at in passing as you focused on her eyes. Bewilderingly green, like a fresh springs grass in Ireland, yet there was such an intensity in them, a drive, a fire that betrayed the mainly green iris, which upon closer inspection where rimmed in gold richer than any coin. The intensity wasn’t one of hate, more of an acute focus on what was to be seen If she focused those emeralds on toy, it was as if you were all she cared for, all she wanted. As if her eyes believed in you in a way you could only wish to believe in anything as strongly about, let alone believing in yourself as much. That’s what caused him to fall for her, fall deeply in love with her. Not, that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, she was, and that is what had initially drawn him to her, but it was more than that, it was the way she made him feel, as if he was more than himself, more than a collection of bones and muscles controlled by his meager mind. She made him into what he wanted to be. Greater than he was. The deer peered around nervously, tentatively, always on the lookout for predators. Ready to sprint at a moment’s notice, coiled like a spring and just as tense. Head down, picking each berry from the bush with the care of a beggar working the logistics of making what little they have stretch to feed them for as long as physically possible. All the while its ears flicking backward and forward, side to side, hearing everything, the chirping of the robins in their homes hoping it will make it through the next few months of frost, the red squirrels scurrying across the canopy collecting nuts and acorns for hibernation, now suddenly camouflaged marvelously by the leaf’s new attire of warm hues. Iona inched toward it slowly and precisely, placing each foot in an exact location, making sure to not make the mistake of breaking a single twig from a single tree. Draws her bow from her back, creeps forward to ensure a clean hit, yet not close enough to spook the skittish deer. Once in a comfortably range, she rests her left arm against a tree to steady it, and retrieves an arrow from its quiver. Knocks it, pulls back the string to her freckled check and holds steady. Not even breaking a sweat against the resistance of the yew bow, that a year earlier wouldn’t have budged when she tried to pull on it. She waits, lining up the perfect shot, to kill the deer in one quick hit, as to not make it suffer, and at the same time as to preserve the meat and hide to be gathered with great care and compassionate appreciation later, assuring that its life was not wastefully cut short. There, right behind the front leg, in between the ribs, straight to the heart. She holds. Holds the arrow straight, holds her breath, reducing the sway from the quickening pulse of her heart, nervous in anticipation of the first kill, the first of many, many deaths to maintain many lives. She exhales slowly, evenly. And breathes in one final held breath before ending the deer’s own. As she holds, the forest seems to hold it with her. The leaves stop rustling, the birds stop chirping their songs, and the squirrels stop scurrying. The whole forest stops in a moment that seems to drag on for eternity, stops in expectancy for what is to come, an instant to end life and keep life from ending.
Then the moment ends. Like all moments before it, and all the moments to come, it ends. This one is bittersweet. The buck crumples into a limp heap. Breathless, motionless unlike the now stirring and chaotic forest around it. That deer wasn’t the only thing struck by that arrow. Iona does what the deer no longer can, because of what she had to do, and breathes deeply, her eyes closed. She isn’t moving except her lungs to breath, letting everything sink in, all of the energy around her, the sounds from a slight eastwardly breeze, a breeze from her coastal home. The smell of bark and leaves. Then she opens her eyes tentatively, at first only letting a fraction of the light peek in allowing her to see the basics, vague shapes and the boldest colours, then the more open her eyes the sharper every single items and objects detail, thegrain in her bow, the slight bumps and grooves of her leathers, and the nooks, crannies, and slits  in the trees. Finally she sees it again, the deer. This time not on guard, not acutely aware of everything in the forest, this time its peaceful, still, eariy at ease. They make their way through brush, bramble, and ferns to the deer. Still warm except for its eyes now empty, void of everything, cold. “whoa, that was a nice shot Iona” She acknowledges him with a quick nod, then retrieves the arrow from its chest and wipes it of blood with nearby leaves whilst thanking the deer for its sacrifice, then draws her bone knife and begins skinning it. Taking large sections of hide so Asdis can work it into what the town needs. An hour passes with birds chirping and singing, leaves rustling and wind blowing. The buck now skinned, quartered, and temporarily stored in their packs. The rest of the day transpires unfortunately uneventfully till dawn, time to go home. “we’ll have better luck tomorrow gods permitting.” Her voice like honey “all we can do now is check our snares, my dear Iona” She starts off toward the closest one, next to a collection of rocks and a fallen tree. Nothing. She can’t help but to think back to his words, the last three in particular ‘my dear Iona’ a phrase her father said every night. It always made her happy and feel secure. The next snare held a decently sized rabbit. When Norfri said those words, it made her smile, but not for the same reason, they were both said from a place of love. She knew Norfri said it with love, not because he had to, but because something about her, if not her whole self, made him love her. She didn’t quite know how she felt, she was flattered he loved her, and she liked him. A lot. He was always there for her, always the best friend she ever had, but did she love him back? She wasn’t sur
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blindhazey420 · 2 years
Track 3 EDM DRUMMING covers Track Stories By Say Say. Asdis Hats are loud right. Comes down on run 3 of 4. Did about 2 hours of covers. Most new tracks. Went hard. Layout feeling good by end. #rolanddrums #pearldrums #ironcobra #jobekydrums #mapexdrums #vicfirthsticks #collisiondrumsticks #drummersofinstagram #drummer #blinddrummer #drumset #drumcover #drums #drumeo #drumsdrumsdrums #music #musician #musictherapy #musicismylife #edm #electronicmusic #drumimprovisation #practice #beats #spotifyplaylist #drumchops #musicartist #drumfam #dance #musicproduction (at Spalding, Lincolnshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeObUtjIGxF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lal-ffxiv · 4 years
The Perfect Night :: Prt 2
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Asdis felt the village before coming upon it. The mothers radiated with a ferocious warrior energy. They were battle ready to protect their children. Only a fool or a voidsent would attack a Moon Mystel community on a full moon. However, it could be argued that Asdis was both.
Achlys at the front hummed happily at the mist gathered at the edge of the village. Asdis could feel the Keeper’s unease, but none of them felt fear. 
“Make them afraid.” Asdis said and Achlycs let a gleeful laugh. It was a high pitched, twisted sound that the Keepers aimed their weapons on. Although it was useless, the mist rushed into the village from all sides. They were hardly able to notch their arrows before their flesh decayed. The warriors were dried off of their aether in seconds by mist of death. Asdis become overwhelmed with their emotion in their last living moments. Regert. Anger. Hopelessness. Still, not even a touch of fear did they feel at the face of death.
For Achlys, the Keepers' lunar energy infused aether was pleasing yet not satisfying. There is more aether in the village. Specks in hiding, but there is a strong source as well. Whoever it was also the only source of pure fear as well. Asdis wanted them, but before Achlys could send out the mist to find out the little ones. A voice came out clear in the mist calling to the intruder.
“Unholy creature give me your name.”
Asdis stepped forward alongside Achlys to answer the voice that called out, “I am not a creature. I am a goddess to you.”
“Your name!” The voice sounded aged, but shouted with vigor. 
Shes retreated the mist enough to relieve an old woman with a full face of white paint. She glowed with Menphina’s blessing and something more. 
Amused by the old woman, the viis answered her, “I am Asdis Heolstorm. Who are you to stand against me without a weapon?”
“I am the priestess of this village. I have walked with the true goddess Menphina. I have her blessings. You are nothing, but the beast which murdered all my daughters. I do not need a weapon. My fury will be your reckoning.Then if I fail. I have faith. The Twelve will stop you.” 
“Priestess.” The voidsent and viis answered as one. A double voice. One clearly speaking, the other backwards and unnatural. “I am a being from a forgotten time and place. I hold Achlys, a voidsent of chaos and darkness. It would take more than your twelve false gods to stop me.”
Coming to stand to face the woman Asdis was washed by the priestess’s feeling of faith. It allowed Asdis to take in all her senses. The fearful little one had escaped. The village was empty. The pure concentration of aether that led Achlys here had become a dim light now on the verge of vanishing. 
Achlys was compelled to go after it and Asdis was going to allow her to, but the priestess spoke again. 
“The Twelve will never allow you home Ari Kisne. You will remain on this shard alone. Even when heroes rise again, you still won’t be saved. For you are lost, now and always.”
Exhausted of the old priestess words Asdis summoned her unique form of umbral fire. The burning shards pierced through the old woman's chest. The fire burned her from the inside until her whole body was ash. 
Achlys whines about the waste of aether, while Asdis becomes caught in the woman’s dying emotions. It was a deep, calming peace. 
Asdis felt the wetness of a single tear on her cheek and was revolted to know it was caused by her own emotion. 
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