#Story might be choppy but you get the gist
starmosaics · 4 months
Ceres, (also referred to Greek goddess Demeter) is named after a Roman goddess; mostly known for her maternal presence, unconditional love for her daughter, and agricultural skills. She is the mother of Persephone, Goddess of Spring and in her story, Hades (Pluto), King of the dead, lures Persephone into going to the underworld away from her mother to be with him. Ceres is devastated and does everything in her might to locate her daughter and bring her back home leaving her crops behind to wilt.
Eventually, after much time spent in grief, Ceres finally finds Persephone. She declares to Hades that if she can’t have her daughter back she’ll make sure nothing will ever grow on earth again. Persephone is given 6 pomegranate seeds being forced to eat them as pomegranates commonly symbolize the bonding of a relationship (such as marriage) that would permit her from being able to leave the underworld whenever she pleases. Hades negotiates with Ceres proclaiming that if he gets to keep her held in the underworld for 6 months, Persephone can reunite with her again once Spring comes around.
Ceres is not an official planet, but it’s one if not the biggest dwarf planet in the solar system, so I always take note when I see its prominence in someone’s chart. I natally have Ceres conjunct my Sun and NN, and her story rings very true to me. If I was in Ceres’ shoes, I'd do the same. I’ve met many people with a prominent Ceres in their charts and they all sort of show up similarly. Cerian energy is always incredibly nurturing and comforting; one knows what to say to comfort others, they provide solace, are non-judgemental, very mindful, considerate, protective, loving, caring, and welcoming to just about anybody. Ceres also represents familial relationships, service, cycles, nourishment, fertility and reproduction, attachment and separation, agriculture, and bringing in/providing something.
If Ceres is prominent in your chart, how does it show up in your life?
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wingsdreamt · 2 years
@steeleidolon (happy birthday, Kunsel)
Today's date is significant, even if Zack has not done or said anything outwardly to acknowledge it beyond what their friends already have planned for the night outing. Not yet, at least.
It always starts with an idea.
His ideas are never fully formed from the get go, taking on shape as time and circumstance guide him towards the right moment.
Okay, he isn’t not so much waiting for a nebulous ‘right moment’ in this case considering he’s had the date highlighted on his calendar app for practically as long as they’ve known each other, but that’s the general gist of it.
In the rare moments where Kunsel was occupied but Zack was not; that had been the time to conduct his research in secrecy. Saving gil was the easy part in all this. His drawings may have been a bit crude, his attempts at a description may have been eyebrow raising, but he was earnest and persistent no matter how many parlors turned him away.
Last week, and not a moment too soon, he finally found someone willing to sit down with him long enough to put together a general picture of what earrings he needed to get.
The Clandestine Rabbit had seen many an odd client in Haley’s many years working here, but never one with such an unusually simple, albeit particular request. He’d been going about it all the wrong way, of course. She could not tell from a drawing alone what sort of piercings a person might have worn. No matter how detailed or passionately of a description of ear scarring Zack could deliver after visuals failed, it took her several minutes of talking the young man down to convince him that he needed to rethink his approach to his little problem. Coaxing out the story behind the giftee in question put them on the right track.
“You said he’s from Cosmo?” Haley asked, seeking final confirmation with eye contact as she tucked a choppy lock of black hair behind her ear and reached up above her head to pull a navy binder labeled ‘Excerpts from Intersection of Anthropology and Jewelry’ in silver by a felt-tipped marker off a black, spray-painted bookshelf plastered on all sides with all sorts of stickers and decals. Tracking from left to right as she scans the contents, Haley flipped through a few plastic-sleeved scans in the binder before leaning down and pushing it across the glossy, faux marble coffee table. “Personally, if you guys are as close as you say you are, I don’t think he’ll care if they’re not exactly the same as the ones he used to have.”
Zack’s nose scrunched minutely at the advice, but the way his lips twisted to one side showed he was giving her suggestion serious thought. Looking down at the black and white spread of photos and illustrations of peoples from Cosmo Canyon, Zack traced his fingers lightly over the image of a woven mat and the items arranged on top of it. A small clay bowl held precious stones and metals that have been shaped into wearable jewelry. Dried plant stems and delicate, angle-point needles, carved from various natural materials like wood or possibly bone, are laid adjacent.
"Yeah...okay," Zack decided, looking clear-eyed and resolute. "Can I book an appointment for two on the twentieth sometime in the evening? I can put down a deposit and everything. And…If you have similar ones like these–" he pointed to a few simple designs charted out on a magnified view of the pictured bowls' contents "-- I'd love to purchase them for my friend."
Since then, the week passed by at what felt like an agonizing pace.
Essai and Sebastian have a self-satisfied, knowing look about them as Zack casually posits an evening walk over to check out Sector One's Night Market after dinner. Where the Clandestine Rabbit is conveniently situated against the backdrop of colorful and ephemeral canopies, of course. The crowd parts around them like a moving river as they discuss their plans.
"Sorry, Zack. Seb and I are accounted for for the rest of tonight. We've got service tech duty in the garage in the morning so we need to go wrestle Roche for the toolkits. You and Kunsel have fun though!" Essai reaches over to playfully ruffle Zack's hair before he turns to drag Sebastian off down the street with him. No chance given for Zack to even get a word in edgewise, though he does glower at his friends’ backsides with a stuck out tongue as they go. Well, that’s fine. It probably works out better this way.
They start off in the opposite direction under a sea of neon lights. Zack stretches out his arms, then crosses them behind his head as he steps out in front of Kunsel and keeps pace in reverse with an easy grin.
"Okay, okay. But I've been thinking. I wanted to get both ears pierced."
Planet, does he look nervous? Why does he feel so nervous? He's been planning this for ages.
Maybe it's too obvious what he's planning.
No backing out now.
"There's a tattoo and piercing parlor right out by that stall we always grab taiyaki from and I figure we could check it out while we're there."
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arachine · 2 years
this is gonna be silly, and I’m sorry :(( I’m not very good at communicating.
where did you learn to write? the way you write is just so.. unique. I’ve never been able to actually envision the words that are written in books and stories until I found you. I’m sorry if this is weird, or makes you uncomfortable, I’m very stupid sometimes and don’t know boundaries. but I’d like to write someday, and you’re an inspiration. so any tips, anecdotes, pointers.
no this isn’t silly at all!! kinda got carried away but i really wanted to answer your question in the best way i could 💞
i’ve always excelled in english throughout my middle school/high school years, and i had really good teachers that encouraged me to write on my free time and stuff like that, which helped me hone my skill.
i think a big part of it is already having an interest in it, and having the strength to push yourself to get better. like if you’re writing for clout, then you won’t see the results you desire, but if you write because you have genuine interest in it and it’s something you’re passionate about, then you will see lot of improvement.
for the envisioning part, i usually like to write scenes by describing them in the most dramatic ways ever. i like to use the five senses as a guide. so, if i’m writing a kiss scene, i’ll maybe describe how it felt. were their lips soft, rough, wet, or dry? then i might describe how it tasted. did it taste sweet, salty, or maybe a mix of both? (these are just two examples but you should get the gist).
if i’m writing a scene where reader is about to confess, i might build it up and add in a lot of filler. how long have they known each other? how long has she been in love with them? why is she confessing? this might sound silly but if you write out your fics like essays and outline them with questions to hit, it can help a lot with specific scenes that you want to be impactful.
to add onto what i said before, you can never have too much detail or too much background. it’s always a good thing to describe to your audience what both of the characters are feeling, the things they’re seeing, or how they might react to something in the moment. it creates good flow in fics and helps to make it less choppy.
also, gonna go on a tangent here so bear with me, but my relationship with writing wasn’t always the best. i used to actively compare myself a lot to other writers and it would honestly demotivate me and push me into periods of writer’s block. when you’re surrounded by a lot of talented people, especially on an app like this that heavily relies on reblogs/notes, it can be really easy to feel inadequate. but you have to remind yourself that it’s not you, or your writing, it’s just the algorithm and people suck at supporting authors.
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baeklination · 4 years
How to be a Good Neighbour 3
Seung-Hyun (T.O.P.)
Tumblr media
Warnings/Contains: SMUT, oral (giv.), anal, fingering, general explicit language, note of dom/sub, “equipment”…🔞.
Pairing: Baekhyun x F.Reader x Seung-Hyun (T.O.P.)
"Is he with us?"
"Who?", you ask, turning to look in the same direction as your friend. 
"The guy Baekhyun's talking to. By the bar."
Finding the man in question you look closely to try to figure out who it could be, but the turned down lights and his back facing you makes it difficult. 
"I don't know, can't tell. It might be someone from work", you reply, making to turn your attention back to your company, but just then he turns his head, just enough for you to make out his jawline. That's definitely not someone you know.
"I've no idea. But I have an idea", you continue, raising your brows.
"Just like that, out in the open?", she laughs.
"Out in the open what? He's not banging him, is he?", you chuckle back.
"Might not be long though", she says in a low voice, her demeanor letting you know they're coming over.
Putting on a straight and slightly curious face, you turn around to meet Baekhyun's new acquaintance. 
"You didn't get me anything?", you smile, gesturing to his empty hands.
But he brought you something alright.
"Sorry, hun, we got to talking. Seung-Hyun, this is my girl. Woman", he quickly adds, giving you a kiss on the cheek. "I like him", he whispers before sitting down, draping his arm around your shoulders. Seung-Hyun pulls his lips and tilts his head ever so slightly before taking your hand in his. His hold is firm, undoubtedly more so than it would be in a normal setting - it means something different now. As the conversation starts back up you notice why Baekhyun instantly liked him. He's cool (but not cold), relaxed, and all around pleasant. But as he keeps glancing at you with an amused smile you wonder if this is really such a good match, so you excuse yourself  - and Baekhyun - and pretend you're buying another round. 
"I don't know if he's a good pick, B..."
"What, why not?", he asks with a note of worry in his voice, wondering if he's missed something that happened just now. 
"Don't you think his energy is a little...dominant?"
"You like dominant", Baekhyun replies, cheekily pointing to himself. 
"It's not me I'm worried about…"
Perplexed, he looks at you until it dawns on him. 
"Oh, that incident way-back-when you mean?"
"Incident? You nearly broke the guy's nose..!"
"Well, he was a rude little fucker, wasn't he? This guy I want. Don't you?"
"Please, you know I do", you say under your breath.
Looking back you meet Seung-Hyun's gaze, and the way he's running his tongue over the corner of his lips tells you he knows it too.
"Then it's settled. He's fucking you and I get to watch." 
"I'll get it. You look pretty sitting on the counter", Baekhyun says, giving you a kiss before going to answer the door. 
Coming back he mouths something, but you don't understand until you see a bag being put down on the floor. "He's got a bag." No wonder Baekhyun looks excited. Not long after, the man of the hour appears: navy blue suit, crisp white shirt and not a hair out of place. He has a way of looking at you, his head slightly tilted forward as if he was looking up under bangs, that tickles your skin. He comes close with his arm held out, but pauses.
"May I?"
"Of course."
Continuing his motion, he puts his hand at the small of your back and kisses your cheek. 
"In here you can pretty much do anything", Baekhyun says, certain Seung-Hyun will get the gist of things.
"Anything?", he smiles with a raised brow. 
"Within bounds…", you fill in, not certain about how high a level of freak your guest is. "If we're not cool with it we'll let you know, but...feel free."
He sucks his index finger and drags you off of the kitchen island. The difference between him and Baekhyun is obvious; Baek can lift you without a problem, but Seung-Hyun has an ease to it stemming from his bigger build. Running his hands along your thighs wrapped around his waist he jerks his head back with a smirk:
"You're not wearing any underwear. Now, why is that..?" Turning to Baekhyun he asks "Is she a little tease this one?"
"She's a little bit of everything."
"I'm gonna make sure you stay little", he whispers, slowly pushing his finger into your ass. 
Your skirt blocking Baekhyun's view is not an issue - by your expression he knows exactly what Seung-Hyun just did. Licking his lips he already looks hungry - not too hungry you hope, wanting to see what Seung-Hyun's gonna do to you. 
"Down the corridor, to the left", Baekhyun gestures. 
  Walking down the hallway, Seung-Hyun doesn't stop fingering your ass, slowly pushing it in and out. You look behind him and catch Baekhyun's eyes - he's got an amused look on his face as he drags his feet following you. Suddenly you tip backwards, and as you clamour to keep yourself in position, grabbing Seung-Hyun's shoulders he chuckles; he bent down to get his bag. Moving to the bedroom he lets out a hum of approval, referring to the interior - you're not surprised a man of his measure would notice. 
"Very nice", he says, putting you down on the edge of the bed, his eyes only inches away. 
  Fuck if his controlled cold doesn't make your pussy beat, even if you know that's not what he'll be going for - not to start with at least. He eases himself out of his blazer and hangs it over a chair before he slowly unbuttons his white shirt, looking down at you the entire time. There's no doubt he's a true and natural dominant, the question is just what type, so to find out you move slower than usual, feathering your hands up his hips, stopping when you reach his belt. He smiles as he's undoing his cuffs; you've got the green-light. The sound of leather sliding against leather, the contrasting piercing note of his zipper going down, it's all music to your ears. 
  You catch Baekhyun entering the room in the corner of your eye, and like so often before he pauses to adjust the dimmer, just a tad brighter. That's how you are: you decide the colours, he decides the light. Seung-Hyun pays him a fleeting glance - enough to acknowledge his presence and roll in this home - before turning his focus back to you. When you pull down his pants he grabs you by the neck, tightening his fingers around your hair and guides you towards his swaying cock without hesitation, as if you've done this a hundred times before. There's no doubt he's done that a hundred times before. There's no time to adjust with him as he pushes you to take his whole length from the get. When you lift your hand to wrap it around him he gently pushes it away.
You feel your hair being released and hear the rustle of his shirt as he lets it fall to the bedroom floor, before he once again has control over your head. His cock goes deep; not to the roof of your mouth but past it, pushing down the curve of your throat to close it off completely. Breathing through your nose won't stop you from gagging, especially not when that's what he's chasing. Grabbing your head with both hands he fucks your mouth, going just a little harder with each thrust and ends it with truly going down your throat; feeling the head of his cock stroke you makes your pussy drip, as you moan for more. But you can't take it, and he lets go when he gets what he wants: your reflex kicking in, making you gag and gasp for air.
"She's good", he smiles at Baekhyun before opening his bag.
"Thanks", you say, running your hand through your hair and bending down towards Baekhyun who's been waiting for his turn. You know him inside out so it doesn't take long until the stroke of your hand and rolling of your tongue has him leaning back and pushing his hips up to meet your  mouth. 
"Mm, shit, I didn't know you were so cock hungry today, honey…"
His voice is deep, dripping with arousal. His hand on your neck, the opposite of  Seung-Hyun's, is soft and gentle, as if he's petting something fragile. Stealing a glance at his face you see him wetting his lips and swallowing, his adam's apple moving up and down in his throat. Keeping your hand on his cock you kiss your way up to his chest, but just as you reach his lips you feel a grip on your ankle. There's something off, yet familiar about it; looking down you see his hands are dressed in black latex, the type one sees in tattoo parlours  - or on special occasions, in bedrooms. 
"No, no. Come to me."
"You're our guest…", you oblige him, moving along with the pull on your leg and letting him take your skirt off. 
When your legs are dangling from the bed you feel a different sort of grip on them and lie down with both nerve and excitement. But what you thought were leg shackles you find out are a level above when Seung-Hyun bends your knee, takes your hand and cuffs it to your ankle - he's brought duo restraints. Fixing them, making sure they're tight but not too tight he has the most amused look on his face; one you see Baekhyun sharing as he gives you a kiss on your forehead, all the while stroking himself with delicate fingers. 
"Not too comfortable..?", Seung-Hyun asks.
"Not too comfortable", you echo, moving your hands to show him you barely can.
The drizzle of lubricant doesn't stop your inhalation from being choppy with his first entry; your ass is always tight and the stretch an enjoyable shock. Leaning over you, careful not to push too far, he whispers:
"Don't make a fuss, I know you can take it."
"She won't. Not my woman."
  Seung-Hyun is completely unabashed: naked, save for his gloves, he lets his hands rest on your knees, weighing them down. He keeps his eyes on you, gauging your reaction to his entry; pushing a little further, then pulling back; and a little further in again. You can tell it turns him on that you're not whimpering and begging, but that you're calm, meeting his gaze with an invitation. But that's only half the story since his slow fucking makes your chest heave and every time his legs push against your ass you wish your hands were free to do something.
   Satisfied Seung-Hyun's gotten his share of visuals, Baekhyun's face enters your field of vision. Then his tongue enters your mouth. Almost sounding like he's eating he can't keep from moaning and smacking his wet lips against yours. Putting more pressure on your knees Seung-Hyun pushes your legs open wider and with that Baekhyun brings his hand down between your legs. He only has to use one single finger, circling round and round your entrance for real frustration to take hold. With ease he curves two fingers inside you, chuckling at the sound you let escape before moving his hand to your clit, barely touching it as he slides back and forth, his fingers covered in thick strands of your fluids. Kissing down to your nipples he makes them tingle in unison with your pussy. 
"You wanna make her come?", he asks Seung-Hyun.
  There's no mistaking his response as he takes a firm grip on your waist, waiting just a moment before he roughly drives his cock into you, letting it stay there while he watches you. With every thrust his eyes seem to grow darker and his fingers dig into your flesh even deeper. You manage to keep quiet, but your lips shudder. They both see it and smile at each other, mischievous smiles. As if it were a starting sign, Seung-Hyun gradually increases his speed, while Baekhyun kneels next to you and once again enters you. His finger fucking is never sloppy - he makes sure your enjoyment comes first. Stroking the insides of your walls, and letting the rest of his hand make hard contact - pound you - with every thrust. 
With both your holes squelching, both of them bottoming out, both of them looking at you, waiting to see you orgasm, the deep build-up starts. 
"Fuck…", you let out, yanking your cuffs. 
"There she is…", Seung-Hyun hums in his deep voice.
"You coming for us, honey..?" Baekhyun drops a ball of spit on his free hand and brings it down to your clit, rubbing hard and fast.
  It's almost unbearable, having nothing to hold on to but your ankles. You dig your shaking heels into the mattress as the oxygen escapes your throat along with your smothered whine when you come. 
Resting his head on your chest Seung-Hyun's breath threatens to burn your skin. He slowly pulls out of you as he uncuffs your wrists and gives them a quick rub before he steps back and takes a seat - it's Baekhyun's turn. 
Rolling you over on your stomach he lifts your hips up.
"Let me see."
"Let you see? What do you wanna see?", he asks, kissing your back and stoking your nipples.
"You know what I mean, B…"
"I've no idea", he says, biting your ear. "This?" He lets a finger brush over your clit which makes you twitch - the reaction he was looking for - and his low chuckle echoes in your head. But he leans back, taking you with him in a hug, in affection, before he agrees. 
"Hallway mirror..?", Seung-Hyun chimes in.
"If you don't mind…"
Moving back on the bed you position yourself between Baekhyun's legs, kneeling as Seung-Hyun fixes the mirror, letting it lean against the wall.
"Perfect", you smile.
  With a slight raise of your ass Baekhyun aligns himself to your entrance and holds your hips to control  the pace, making sure you feel his cock fill you up entirely. He barely has to touch you to let you know he wants a slow-ride; slowly raising and sinking on his cock while his hands caress your breasts, thighs and stomach. You roll your head back and breathe through your mouth, doing nothing but savouring every touch and hum from him. But when you feel his fingers between your legs again you get a jolt and look into the mirror. Baekhyun pretends to not notice, that he's not purposely teasing your clit 'cus it's still sensitive, he just goes on kissing your shoulder. Seung-Hyun on the other hand can't keep from smiling when you lock eyes in the mirror, as he's standing behind the two of you. Seeing your reflection in the mirror  - Baekhyun's hand slowly moving in circles and the length of his hard cock disappearing into you - heightens your arousal. When he looks you dead in the eye and intensifies his movements you know he's decided to make you come again. His slender fingers are rubbing your clit so hard you feel it on the inside and it automatically makes you sink down harder on him, trapped in pleasure between his hand and cock. His groans grow ever louder as he grabs you by the throat.
"If you don't come on me, so help you…"
"I will", you manage to breathe out just as he takes you over the edge. Your convulsions press you down deep onto him, stretching you out that extra bit as you spit out a slurry of unfinished curses before slumping forward, burying your head in the mattress. 
"You came off my cock, honey...", he says, stroking you ass.
"I...didn't mean to...", you reply between deep breaths.
"I didn't say you should. Or could."
  He has your attention, since the tone of his voice makes it clear he's decided to give your guest a show. You hear Seung-Hyun moving around and seconds later the bed is weighed down. His hand over your hair moves down to your jaw which he lifts for you to meet that delighted, yet cold, gaze. Still holding you in a firm grip he pushes two fingers into your mouth. His fingers don't reach as far back as his cock did, but not for lack of trying.
The latex has a resistance not felt with naked fingers and it adds a delicious sordid note to his actions. 
"Don't choke on him now", Baekhyun sneers when he nudges your legs apart. 
Choking is the least of your problems when Baekhyun rams himself into you, making you go head first into Seung-Hyun's leg. Laughing, he pushes you back towards Baekhyun. 
"Easy now…"
"Yeah, easy now", Baekhyun echoes. "You don't wanna come off again, do you?"
No, you don't. Not when he's about to show Seung-Hyun why he loves you. You arch deeper and turn your head:
"Just caught me off guard. I don't ever wanna come off, baby."
 He swats his hand across your ass.
"Take him in your mouth."
  Ready and waiting, Seung-Hyun steers his cock past your lips as Baekhyun pushes himself in from the other side. You don't have to move. Seung-Hyun doesn't have to move. Only Baekhyun. His steady, precise thrusts create the only beat in the room - clap, clap it goes as his sweaty body meets yours to push you back and forth on Seung-Hyun. Baekhyun must've been right about you being cock hungry today since it tastes even sweeter than before, being filled with the hard length and pre-cum staining your mouth. Your low, drawn out moan is a request for more and you're not kept waiting; Baekhyun inhales deeply through his teeth before exhaling just as deep.
"Mmm, baby…", he hums, followed by short intakes, "fuck… baby…", as he speeds up.
Seung-Hyun's tightening hold on your neck is soon accompanied by his groans that mean he's in build-up, and with the increase in speed stimulating him even more you suck your cheeks in - you want his cum to fill you, overflow as Baekhyun is ramming his cock in and out your stretched out pussy.
But just as you prepare for the warm, thick fluid he pulls away, panting heavily. 
"Not yet..." 
  Your response is cut off by Baekhyun roughly pulling your thighs back and open, bringing your upper body down -  he's in the space where you're just a hole for him to fill. Staying put is impossible when he's fucking you so hard he might break his own pelvis, and seeing you struggle Seung-Hyun holds you still by your shoulders, you in turn grabbing onto his knees. Stuttering, choppy moans give way to long groans as Baekhyun leans over you, pulling your hips tighter onto him, cumming inside you.
  The three of you look like a baroque painting come to life: Seung-Hyun stroking the hair out of your face, Baekhyun draped over you as he tries to catch his breath, moving up and down with your heaving chest. For a while it's all still. Until he rolls over to your side. He gets a look on his face as if he's suddenly remembered something, remembered who you are, gets up on his elbow and kisses you. His lips are plush and the taste is deep but for a hint of salt from the sweat now covering his whole body, giving it an ethereal glow in the dim lights. You would've forgotten Seung-Hyun was there, could've been lost in Baekhyun if you didn't feel your arms being locked again. When he also notices he smiles through his kiss and leans back, resting on his arm, with a grin. 
Seung-Hyun's laying at the head of the bed and beckons you to follow him with a come here- motion. There's no graceful way of doing it when your hands are stuck to your legs, but you don't care much, you know he's testing you.
"Is your pussy tired?"
His deep voice rings in your ear, now next to him. 
"No", you shake your head slowly.
Baekhyun's cum seeps out as he presses his fingers in and he uses it to slide them into your ass. You can't see it but you can imagine how it looks, his latex middle fingers disappearing, and the sound from Baekhyun turns you on even more.
"Good. I want a three for three…"
It's gentle, the way he slowly enters you while holding one arm over your shoulders and the other around your waist. Then it's rough, the way he jerks your body down to meet his cock when he drives it into you. You muffle a cry in the pillow, and if Seung-Hyun takes note it's a pleasurable one as he continues. Rough and slow. 
"My beautiful baby...", Baekhyun sighs with pride in his voice.
He's not unfamiliar with fucking you like this himself, and knows what a high it is to hear you whining so close. Long intakes are followed by a harsh moan each time Seung-Hyun thrusts into you, but the inhales get shorter and shorter, the moans louder with his switch in pace and tightening grip on your body until he holds it in place, he being the only one moving. Underneath you feel his chest quickly rising and falling. In your ear short, sharp exhales through his nose. Then he lets a deep growl out - it sounds almost furious - letting his cum flood into you and mix with Baekhyun's. He pushes you up in a seated position, his cock still twitching inside of you, runs his hands through his hair and let's them rest behind his head, all the while smiling and trying to catch his breath. A more gentle and familiar arm wraps around you and Seung-Hyun looks at him.
"You were right, she is something..."
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sometimesrosy · 4 years
(1/2(or 3?))Intersteller is a cool movie but MAN it is a time investment because if you leave to go to the bathroom or fix a snack, you will be lost for the next 1/2 hr. Anyways, there is a story line in the movie that before Cooper leaves for space that his young daughter believes that their farm house is haunted by a ghost. Before he leaves, the "ghost" drops books from his bookshelf to open at different pages. Not thinking about it he says goodbye and leaves for space...
Through the movie, while he is staying the same age because of space travel stuff, his kids are growing older until the next time he see his girl, she is a grown woman a guineus in her physics(?) field but mad at him for leaving. Near the end of the movie after realizing that the trip was kinda a lost cause, Cooper goes into a black hole and see that there, time has almost no meaning. He see the past like he was there but not. He understands that this is how he can save humanity...
(3 of 3) He knows that he has to find a way to talk to his girl and this is when the audience realize that the "ghost" from her childhood was actually her dad in the blackhole trying to get her attention. It works bc she ends up going back and figuring it out and learning what needs to be done. When Cooper was able to get out of the black hole and go home he goes to find that his girl had a family and was on her deathbed waiting for him, while he still looked the same. She also forgave him.
Yeah I only saw Intersteller once all the way through so I might have been a little choppy with the details, but that is the gist. They left to help humanity survive and Cooper was able to come back but see his loved ones have aged and started families while he was no older than when he started the journey. Sorry for the crazy 3 part ask! hehe
So this is an intellectual movie, no? Is this why when I started it On Demand and my internet was sketchy, I just couldn’t get back into it, because you need to focus on it. Because I DID try, it was just too hard, and i’m kinda lazy with my non The 100 content these days. 
Not sure it gives us the ending of the 100, but we have a farmhouse, a young daughter (2 young daughters?) a wormhole, time dilation, an attempt to save humanity, space travel, family aging while others stay the same.
I wonder if one of his other references, Annihilation, is involved also. I thought it inspired the anomaly but ACTUALLY, the final war, and what happened to the native Bardoans might be like Annihilation, which was like a cancer that spread.... it also might be similar to what happened on Sanctum with the anomaly waves that petrified the forest and aged Octavia’s hand.
His other suggested reading for us was The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell, (Russell’s namesake I assume,) and I can’t help but think the main character in that is Gabriel in our story. I still don’t see anyone else in it. But I didn’t read it so I could. be missing things. 
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defectivenancydrew · 5 years
MID Review (finally)
Now that I’ve had a while to reflect on MID, I feel like I can give an honest, spoiler-free review. This turned out to be a much more in-depth review than I had planned on doing, but you can just read the italics at the end of each section if you just want the gist.
Controls: Okay, so for like the first fifteen minutes (or however long it takes you to adjust), the controls are frustrating. Once you get used to how to move (and it is still point-and-click), you’ll be fine. The only thing that I still didn’t have a solid grasp of by the end of the game was moving Nancy’s head around with the right mouse button--it might have helped to slow the mouse down for this function. That being said, the controls offer a lot to the game. The environments and navigation feel more realistic, and instead of jumping from scene to scene, Nancy slides through the space. It’s weird at first, but it’s ultimately superior. (Just for kicks, I went back and played a bit of LIE as a comparison, and the jumpy movement felt so weird after the smoothness of MID). Controls get a 8/10 for the steep learning curve and the more realistic movement.
Graphics: They’re not that bad, okay? On high render, the environments actually look really good and the characters are decent (low render is an understandably different story). Given the technical reasons behind the graphics looking as the do (full 3D render here versus painstakingly painted video files before), I don’t think that they’re really that bad. Puzzle renders and zoomed-in items/POIs really shine, appearing arguably better than previous games. It’s also important to consider what SCK/STFD look like compared to SEA--MID obviously looks better than SCK/STFD, but it has room for improvement. Just like the development team refined the graphics on their proprietary engine, they will refine the graphics on Unity over time. Again, looking back to the first three games, there is a huge jump in graphics quality between each game, indicating their ability to improve quickly. I’m willing to best that the next game (yes, I believe there will be a ‘next game’) will look much better than MID, and so on from there. Character renders are not as great, but this, too, is likely to improve and is probably also due to the fact that it’s 3D and not a painted video file. Their movements may be awkward, but the fact that they are mo-cap means that they may improve in future games. The only real gripe I have about the characters is the lack of facial expressions. Graphics get a 7/10 for up-close realism and room for improvement.
Performance: If you have a gaming PC or a relatively new device, you should be golden. The game runs smoothly at high render on my 2018/i7/SSD PC, but has some lagging issues at high render on my 2014/i5/HDD PC (issues that all but disappear by adjusting to low render). For those with older PCs or PCs with less processing-power, you may have to deal with way-off lip-syncs and choppy cut scenes if you also want to see the best possible graphics. The game only crashed once on my older PC (and it was more likely due to unrelated background processes I was running), but the autosave feature prevents crashes from being anything more than a brief annoyance. Performance gets a 6/10 for high requirements and the Sophie’s Choice of graphics or speed.
UI: I love the sleek, full-screen appearance and minimalist inventory/phone bar. If I had to ask for any improvements here, I might suggest that the inventory collapse into a bag icon when it’s not in use. UI gets 10/10 for maximizing space and minimizing distractions.
Environment (independent of graphics): HeR definitely stepped up their game (heh) on this front. While there are arguably no more locations to explore than in SEA, the environment is far more expansive and cohesive. You feel like you are in a small town (Salem), and you have the freedom to explore all the relevant places without jumping around or magically transporting. There’s only one location that is distant from the town center, and Nancy travels via car to get back and forth, which adds a dose of realism. We have our usual forest navigation (though it is mercifully straight-forward, unlike DOG or CAP), with the added bonus of looking around and using it to get from one place to another. The game makes good use of each space, though it’d be nice if there was more to do in certain lesser-used locations. Some of the locations really only seemed to be present to flesh out the whole environment--which is fine--but it’d be nice to utilize those locations a bit more. And when graphics are set high, the environments are quite stunning. The lighting and weather also do a good job of reinforcing the current atmosphere in-game. Environment gets a 9/10 for cohesion and light usage.
Characters (independent of graphics, story): This is probably one of the spots where MID won me over. Not only do we have eleven (11!) official characters, we have background characters that make the setting real! I didn’t count, but there were probably 10+ background characters that were present for minor commentary and realistic liveliness. For the first time in a Nancy Drew game, I wasn’t questioning where the rest of the world was. Yes, their movements were awkward and if your computer couldn’t handle the graphics, then their lips were flapping in mysterious ways, but they moved around and interacted with each other in semi-human ways. It is absolutely baffling to me that there are people who think there were too many characters. For one thing, we as fans asked HeR for more characters and that’s what they gave us. For another, the game never felt crowded. There were seven characters that were considered “main” that you interacted with often, three side characters that you interacted with occasionally, and one character that you only interacted with once. If they hadn’t been fully-formed characters with solid backstories, I might be persuaded that the number was an issue, but almost all of the characters were fully- or mostly-developed. Characters gets a 10/10 for quantity and quality.
Puzzles: This is probably the one facet of the game where it is most clear that HeR listened to fans’ requests. We asked for more realistic puzzles that were integrated into the game play and not totally irrelevant. That’s what we got. For some people, I think this made it seem like there were fewer puzzles, but I think there were just as many as before, it just wasn’t always super obvious that you were solving a puzzle (and they all but eliminated chore-type puzzles). The cooking mini game and serving mini game were both fun, nostalgic time-wasters in the best of ways. Another nice thing about the puzzles was that they weren’t super difficult as long as you were paying attention, so there wasn’t any need to google solutions or get frustrated. Puzzles get a 9/10 for fan service and perception (after all, perception is reality).
Story: MID really shines when it comes to the story line. The game delves into the full history of Salem, rightfully choosing to discuss topics that were always skirted in earlier games (prejudice, discrimination, slavery, torture, etc.). My only issue regarding the presentation of history is that a lot of the learning is optional, and can be easily ignored or missed. The actual story line of the game is well-established and doesn’t have any gaping plot holes (at least that I noticed on my first play through). There are multiple crimes to solve, multiple items to recover, and thus multiple endings/outcomes to achieve. I can’t go into too much more detail without spoiling parts of the game, but suffice it to say that the story has depth and gravity that might even place it ahead of previous games. Story gets a 10/10 for more mature themes and multiple, successfully interweaving story lines.
Dialogue: While the content of the dialogue is great and forms the foundation for much of the story, it loses me in presentation. First, the line-by-line captioning system is awkward at best, and a monologue behind at worst. I see no reason not to present the player with sentences or paragraphs at a time as before. Second, dialogue options are not so much options as dialogue tasks. You have questions you can ask, but there is no choice of how to ask them or how to respond to an answer. For the most part, you are just choosing the order in which to ask things. This, in my opinion, is a step backward from the previous games, where Nancy could be optimistic, pessimistic, direct, or passive-aggressive. Lastly, there is a strange lack of subject in Nancy’s sentence structure at times. She says “should do xyz” instead of “I should do xyz,” or “wanted to ask about abc” instead of “I wanted to ask you about abc.” While this isn’t really too weird in the context of modern speech patterns, it is still a little awkward. There are examples of this in previous games when Nancy speaks to herself, but never in dialogue with other characters. Again, this isn’t a big deal, but it crops up enough to make it noticeably strange. Dialogue gets a 6/10 for solid content and poor presentation.
Music: At first, the music seems to be nothing special; the main theme is quiet, unassuming, and a bit repetitive at times. But much like the rest of the game, it gets better as you progress. The music in Luminous Infusions and at the end of the game really stick out as great pieces, although the rest of the tracks are also very well-composed. There is thematic continuity between tracks and the tracks also reflect the game’s current atmosphere well. The music, while from a new composer, is still reminiscent of the old games, particularly the mystical tracks in CUR. I’m hoping HeR releases a soundtrack for MID in the future, but I do know there are no current plans for an official soundtrack (though you can find unofficial ones on YouTube pretty easily). Music gets a 10/10 for quality and cohesion.
Nancy: Nancy finally sounds like the late teen that she is meant to be! Nancy is witty and assertive, no longer speaking with the voice of a thirty-year-old and expressing the thoughts of a thirteen-year-old. The new voice actress is just what Nancy’s voice needed, in my opinion, though I have admittedly been a supporter of replacing Lani since about DED/GTH (don’t get me wrong, I love Lani and she will always be the classic voice of Nancy in my head, but I could also admit that her voice was losing its spark and pep). It takes a little while to get used to the new voice, but once it stops sounding different, it’s easy to fall in love with. Another great aspect of Nancy 2.0 is that she’s willing to get into it with other characters, even if they are in a position of authority. Nancy has always been an assertive character who stands up for what is right, even if it’s not easy to do. We see the return of this kind of Nancy in MID, and I hope we don’t lose her in future games. The only thing that I found a tad bit odd was how sugar-sweet Nancy was toward Deirdre. I like how their relationship was updated in order to model more appropriate/healthy female friendships, but it is a little weird considering the canon interaction model set forth by ASH and DED. Nancy’s other relationships have also matured and improved. Nancy gets a 10/10 for assertiveness and expressiveness.
Physical Copy: Well, almost two weeks after the release date, I finally got my physical copy of MID. This is unprecedented, as I always received physical pre-orders the day of or even the day before release. The long wait drove me to buy the digital download, which I didn’t mind doing, but this could be very frustrating for those not willing to pay for the game twice. I was disappointed to find that the disc art is just a copy of the cover art (which is minimalist at best), and not a characteristic color like the other games. The box art seems like it was put together at the last minute, not unlike the cover art. If it weren’t for my compulsive need to own all of the physical copies, I probably would have skipped it. Physical copy gets a 1/10 for slow delivery and lackluster appearance.
Weird Things to Complain About: Yes, there is one background character whose voice sounds like it was recorded on a Motorola Razr, but she says one sentence that you don’t even have to listen to. Yes, some of the background characters are overt clones, but we’ve never even had background characters to complain about before. Should there have been more to do in the Hathorne House or other one-off locations? Yeah, probably, but we were given a ton of locales to visit. The characters were always bobbing around and breathing, but--surprise!--this is something that real humans do. Did their feet/hands occasionally meld with other objects or the environment? Sure, but why were you looking at their feet during a conversation? Admittedly, Teegan sometimes looked like she was trying to scare off a bear or prepare for flight, even I can’t argue that that wasn’t odd. But for the most part, these are minor, petty issues. There weren’t gaping plot holes, there was actually a mystery to solve (looking at you, MED), and we got a lot of the things that we asked for over the years. There is always room for improvement, and this game is certainly no exception. I expect that the next game will make refinements based on our feedback and be even better. HeR completely changed the Nancy Drew game formula, but they used our input as a guide. They’ll take what we say about MID into consideration with the next game, and hopefully over time we will see the same level of improvement we saw from SCK to SEA. They started from scratch, and even though they had five years to work on it, the first time you try something new is almost always the worst. I don’t condone the way they treated us over the hiatus or how they treated their own staff, but I don’t think it’s time to abandon ship yet. If you play this game with nostalgia goggles on and a closed mind, you’re going to hate it, you’re going to ask for a refund. If you go into it with an open mind and excitement for something new, you might just find that you like MID more than you’d care to admit. Weird things to complain about gets an 8/10 for minor oddities that should be expected in a pilot endeavor.
Conclusion: Change is inevitable. If you were around when TMB came out, you might remember the absolute uproar that came with the UI change. People threatened to walk away from the series because of the new menu screen and bulkier interface. If you’ve played the original SCK and STFD, then you know how drastically the games improved over the span of a single year. And compare those games to SEA and it’s clear that the games are always improving. But you have to start (or in this case, restart) somewhere, and MID is our new starting point. The games will get better, and we’ll still find things to complain about (like we always do), because there is always room for improvement. There’s no point in lamenting about how good the game would have looked on the old engine, because that misses the point. The old engine could not deliver what we as fans desired. It could not handle more than six characters or more than eight hours (this is being generous) of game play. It couldn’t give us more expansive environments or smoother navigation. The new engine gave us all of these things, but sacrificed a bit of graphics. Big whoop. I’m willing to bet that none of us got into the games for their graphics, especially those of use who became fans early on in the games’ history. Bottom line? HeR gave us a good game. Not their best game, maybe not even one of their better games, but it’s certainly better than MED or SCKR. And hey, at least we finally got the game. Midnight in Salem gets an 80%, an admirable B-, because the effort and progress is there, but there are definitely things that they could have done better.
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atopearth · 6 years
OZMAFIA!! Part 1 - Caramia Route
Now I can know the basic gist of The Wizard of Oz without reading or watching it lolll! Yes, I have never read/watched it (EDIT: After finishing this game, I read the Wizard of Oz, it was very fun). Ooh okay, heroine is this silver hair guy’s prey huh, yeah that’s a great start to the game and her life I guess lmao. Caramia sounds like a nice guy since he caught her from falling, but he’s with the guy that tripped her so…. But I guess it’s still better than getting caught by the silver hair guy called Caesar? Maybe? Maybe not? I wonder if amnesia is common in otome games hahaha. Every time I hear about Ozmafia, people talk about Axel so I hope he’ll live up to expectations! But Caramia first! Oooh that’s why it’s called Ozmafia!? Literal mafia town?! And Caramia is the head of this Oz family? Hmmmmmm.
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Yayyy! I don’t have to think of a name, that’s always the most stressful part for me lmaoo. Fuka is cute btw. Nice to be named by my current favourite boy lolol. Ooh she gets to choose which family she wants to belong to. How nice of them. Robin Hood being a doctor is a very interesting idea. I guess Fuka seems very naive and innocent? Like a little lamb, ready to be devoured by carnivorous men? LOL Axel was rather cute when he felt a bit shy after the heroine thanked him for showing her where her room was lol. The families quarrel for territory from Monday to Saturday but have declared Sunday as a day of peace? How very systematic and interesting.. Caramia looks hot in glasses btw and fyi, I love men who read! Plus points to Caramia!
Soh is a nice boy. Doesn’t like lies and is straightforward. Lmaoo at Caramia asking Axel for money and then he’s like yay, Axel is shouting us food hahaha. Actually, after seeing a close up of Axel, he looks awesome with his glasses, I like, I like! Kyrie sounds wayyy too dodgy for my liking btw lol. Axel is so subtly considerate, I love him. Hmm so Caesar is like part of the rebels that don’t agree with the rules in the town with having to belong to families etc, so I guess he’s like a criminal along with the other people in the slums and outside of the town. Axel got captured by Caesar because he was protecting Fuka? That’s not good. But it was way too reckless of her to go to Caesar herself, how dangerous. I’m happy that Axel called her an idiot for coming to sacrifice herself to hopefully exchange for Axel’s safety. But I’m also happy that he acknowledged that she did it because the Oz family took care of her so well that she couldn’t do nothing. I guess breaking the Compromise (Sunday is a day of peace) is a pretty big deal if all these families would come out to deal with it and kill some of the Wolf Gang members.. so cute how Axel really loves sweets though haha.
Lmao at Fuka thinking Scarlet was a girl hahahah. Didn’t think Soh was part of the Wolf Gang.. I like how Caramia makes breakfast for Kyrie and Fuka quite often hehe. It was really cool when Scarlet came out to protect her when she got into the feud with Gretel and Ande, although it’s true that hurting her could be pretty bad so it was natural for him to do that but it seemed like he did it because he cared for her too XD Lmaoo that one sip of alcohol of whatever Caramia drank knocked her out and he had to carry her home hahahaha. How bold of her to say she loves him while drunk lol. Not that he took it seriously.
Hmmm I feel like all the events and bonding time with the characters were so choppy and insignificant that the only thing Fuka and Caramia really shared was their time together and nothing else, so honestly, I really can’t see why they like each other besides the fact that they like the existence of someone beside them… And even that’s kinda forced because he has Axel and Kyrie to keep him company lol. Caramia’s character is rather shallow and the world itself is shallow as well even though it has such an interesting premise sigh.. the story is just like things happening in a world and it could have been anywhere because it doesn’t even really matter. And so yeah, if the guys are shallow, you can imagine how much of a blank board Fuka is. She has no particular thoughts or emotions that are relevant to the story or even to the guys! She’s never said anything about liking Caramia or particularly showing any special affection towards him so I have no idea when they ever considered each other to be the one they like. I feel like Axel and Fuka show the most affectionate emotions towards each other lol. And what about the Oz premise?! Caramia’s the lion so isn’t there going to be anything about that? Is it literally just a setting for us to have three guys? What is all this untapped potential considering this interesting world? Sigh… Also, the amount of loading screens in this game are killing me. 
I don’t know what I’d do if I ever found my future boyfriend hugging a woman near a brothel… Strangling him for the truth might be a good idea😅 how could he let her go like that so easily?! I know he’s trying to be considerate that he can’t spend much time with her but he knew that in the first place! He shouldn’t have confessed if he’s so weak willed about it! And she has the right to decide what she wants to do! She has the right to decide whether she doesn’t mind continuing to cry but trying to make this relationship work! Good that she said what I thought but really, I don’t feel like Fuka really has much emotion lol and really only does things because.. that’s her character lol. But wow, she’s really silly to go out at night to surprise Caramia considering how dangerous it is at night, poor Caramia though, he has to bear the guilt of accidentally shooting her… I don’t feel sorry for her, but I feel sorry for him… But omg, I feel like sometimes she’s so clueless and weirdly optimistic that I want to smack her, I think I’m starting to understand why people don’t like Fuka now…And this is my first route… Like, a lot of heroines are optimistic but you can see why they are in their personalities, for Fuka, she’s like this hollow shell that’s just a ball of optimism for no reason and that’s the only feeling she exudes.
I feel like the flow of the story is so haphazard, but I do have to admit that Caramia reverting back to the cowardly lion he was is hilarious, it’s so cute hahaha. How cliche that the power of love in trying to save Fuka from Hamelin got his courage back lol. Very basic route (Pure love vs Axel) and ending for this happy one lol. I guess the happy ending is when the guy overcomes his fears (which in this case is his cowardly personality) and the bittersweet ending is when he can’t overcome it but Fuka stays beside him regardless. The cowardly Caramia is pretty funny though, I mean he still went to save her from Hamelin regardless so I think that’s cool enough but seeing Caramia scared of every little thing made me couldn’t help but think he’s so adorable.
(Pure love vs Kyrie) Kinda like how this one shows Caramia consulting Kyrie on his love problems about whether he really likes Fuka or not, so it’s much easier to tell that Caramia really does like her, rather than the above where I felt like she got along with Axel more than Caramia lmao. So cute that Caramia doesn’t like baths and the heroine forced him to take one hahahha. I like how he’s trying to get used to taking baths because the heroine likes him clean hahahaha. So, does Caramia think her scent is similar to Dorothy’s? It’s good that he doesn’t think of her as a replacement haha. But lmaooo, Axel is so funny and cute, I can imagine him getting married just because he wants a giant wedding cake hahahaha. Anyway, besides the extra interactions and changing the second focus from Axel to Kyrie, the gist of the story is the same. Personally, I love Axel’s personality but in terms of story and development of Caramia and Fuka’s love, I’d say Kyrie’s one shows more of how much Caramia actually likes her or maybe it’s because I finished one route so I can see Caramia’s perspective now?
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(Axel triangle) Caramia eats so much! Lmaoo at him going to to Robin because he ate 2 litres of ice cream hahahaha. HAHAHA, Axel is so cute to be that excited about Caramia’s pancakes, apparently they’re the best in town and are so fluffy! I’m jealous! It’s always kinda funny that Axel is usually so whatever and just follows orders most of the time but when it comes to sweets, he’s so adorable haha. Aww Axel is fond of cats, he’s such a softie, kinda like Caramia haha. Lmaooo at Kyrie offering Axel’s backup snacks to Fuka because she’s hungry and Axel is like no, until Kyrie says what if she starves to death. And then..omg😂 Axel gives it to her and says “please don’t die” LOLL, I’m sure she won’t die that easily Axel lmaooo. Omgg when the heroine said Axel was the most important person to her though, kyaa Axel!🤣 Chocolate river is a great idea, Axel! I’d love that! Danggg Axel can cook too, awesome! Maybe everyone can except Fuka lmao. Dorian and Caramia were talking about how a prostitute was poisoned and Dorian said he was sad that his goods was hurt so does that mean he’s the brothel owner?! But now, I see why Caramia was with a prostitute, he was trying to get info on the street slasher that’s been killing a lot of people in town and she knew some stuff about it.
OMG, I’M SO SHOCKED. I can’t believe she just did it with Axel… Like his confession was really cute and romantic but you haven’t even properly broken up with Caramia yet Fuka! You can’t just jump into another guy’s arms even if you do like him too! At least tell Caramia first! Omggg, gonna die from the drama that will ensue.. I feel so sorry for Caramia… But lining up for crepes with Axel does sound so nice…. I can understand Axel’s perspective in being careful with words and stuff though, since wounds of the heart hurt much more and cannot be seen unlike physical wounds. I thought Kyrie would be the possessive type but I guess that’s Axel lol, well at least he’s honest that he knows it’s bad but can’t help it?
I was gonna say it was so inconsiderate for Axel and Fuka to consult Caramia about Axel’s overflowing love and possessiveness towards Fuka and then Caramia got controlled by Hamelin’s music and like nearly killed Axel! Crazyyyy! And then ughhh I hate how the stories and scenes don’t flow properly, it’s like, Axel defeats Hamelin and is stuck in the fire with serious wounds but it doesn’t bother to address how he got out of that and spent the next year’s festival with Fuka. It’s like as if it never happened. Like whaaat. But anyway, I guess these love triangle routes are interesting? I mean, it’s like, you’re chasing Caramia but because your heart wavers, you end up with some other guy even though you’ve consciously been going to meet Caramia every week lollll. I don’t even know if that’s good, I’d feel so weird. But whatever I guess, Axel’s cute?
Lmaoo when he asked if she’s a cat or dog person, and that he read in a book that it’s a surefire way to start a conversation🤣🤣 I hate this triangle idea but Axel is so cute. Omggg so adorable when he asked to hold her hand because his glasses broke so he can’t seeee! There is no end to his adorableness as well, especially when he took off his glasses and said that this way, he can continue holding her hand. Like dude, how much more adorable can you get?! I’d attack him too if I was Fuka lmaoo.
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(Kyrie Triangle) My heart breaks for Caramia…. He tried so hard to look normal and support her and Kyrie… Whereas Kyrie was like so intent on stealing her from Caramia from quite a while ago… At least Axel in his triangle route just wanted to make her happy and he felt that he could more than Caramia. Kyrie is just so…. inconsiderate and uncaring for Caramia’s feelings. But I see why Kyrie is interested in Fuka I guess, can’t feel the romance but I can feel that he’s bored and the mystery of her existence without being able to find traces of her past is interesting. Like where did she come from…
Hmm guess it’s kinda the same as the other triangle with Caramia being controlled by Hamelin’s flute and attacking Kyrie. It’s also nice to know that he likes her because it’s fun. He has always been a person that calculates everything ahead and is logical but when he’s with her, he can’t predict what she would do and how reckless she would be next I guess lmao. Not sure if that’s good but cool lol.
I like Kyrie’s story about when he was a scarecrow though! It’s kinda cute that he’s got two different eye colours and the right one always changes depending on his mood (guess he’s like a mood ring lolol) because, back when he was a scarecrow the old man who made him didn’t put his hat on properly and rain kept washing away his painted eye, but the old man would always repaint it making it different colours lol. But now I understand why he always wears gloves and a hat! I kept thinking why does he when it’s so awkward and ugly lmao. There was a proper reason! I apologise. I’m surprised Fuka is so terrible at cooking though, it’s probably a talent in itself.
Wow, Fuka said she wanted peace in this town and Kyrie interpreted it as him might as well lessening the amount of mafia families, so basically the less families, the less conflict and that will create peace. Not sure if that’s what she meant Kyrie but whatever rolls for you I guess. Aaand it ended abruptly lol. I think the biggest problem I have with Ozmafia is how choppy and unconnected the scenes are from each other, it really doesn’t flow well at all and you really lose your bearings on what’s happening because of it, and the dreaded loading screen too of course lol.
Anyway, I feel like for more bits and pieces to come together, you have to read the different routes but since the story isn’t very detailed or good anyway, it doesn’t matter lol. I’d just recommend pure love vs Kyrie for Caramia’s story. I think that was the nicest one. Otherwise if you don’t mind the guys “stealing” Fuka from Caramia, Axel triangle route is adorable. I honestly don’t want to do the triangle routes too much because it makes me feel uncomfortable seeing the guy sad that Fuka goes with another guy… But I’m also a completionist so… Sigh. Anyway, Kyrie story next~ not a fan of him but let’s go!
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melissaswimbikerun · 7 years
Gran Canaria
These days I never go on holiday without my bike and my week in Gran Canaria, Canary islands, Spain was no exception.
I’ve had an enjoyable and memorable week in Gran Canaria riding my bike up long climbs in the sunshine and to top it off by doing a triathlon on the final day before getting the plane home. 
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As soon as Gran Canaria was decided as the location for this years R'BnB annual holiday I searched the internet for triathlons on the island. Amazingly Challenge Gran Canaria was on whilst we were there and the start was from the same beach that we were staying near! The only downside was that it was on the day we were flying home. Luckily our flight home wasn’t until 8pm (plenty of time!). I entered the short course - as you’ll remember I made a rule for 2017 that I wouldn’t do anything longer than an Olympic distance triathlon. Short course Challenge Gran Canaria is 1.9km swim, 40km bike and 10km run (so only the swim breaks my rule by 400m!).
Day 1: Saturday 15th April. The day that we’re travelling to Gran Canaria. I woke up at 6am to run 16km. If I didn’t run before spending all day sat on my bum travelling I’d be grumpy as hell. We gathered at Nathaniel’s at 9.30am for breakfast. Nathaniel was packing his stuff whilst everyone else was eating breakfast. The bus picked us all up at 11.30am. We arrived in Gran Canaria at 8pm. After checking in we went to the bar for some drinks to start our holiday the right way.
Day 2. Sunday 16th April. We woke up early and unpacked our bikes. They were all put together and ready to ride by 10am. We did a 65km out and back route to Soria, a village inland on top of a valley. 1,100m of elevation.  I stole the route from a cycle tour company who raved how good the cafe was in Soria (mainly highlighting the papaya juice and the views). The route followed the costal road east for quite a while before we headed inland. The climb to Soria was 9km long 7.7%. The climb wasn’t sheltered and the air temperature was 32 degrees. Sweat poured off us as we twisted our way up hill. At some pointsy airways felt too dry and hot that they might close up and stick together. I tried to sooth my throat with a sip of water - the water bottles were disgustingly hot and the water had taken on the taste of melting plastic! 
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Views from the top of Soria climb
A few members were broken my the climb and the heat. We were all thankful to see the cafe stop. The papaya juice tasted like nectar. As delicious as advertised. Spanish omelettes lined our bellies prior to descending back. It was so hot on the decent the braking surface of John and Scottys’ carbon wheels had warped in the heat making them dangerous to ride. 
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Delicious Mango and Papaya juice at the top of the climb.
All of our rides finished at the beach bar (no exceptions) Were they dangerously sell pints of beer for 2€. I had 2 beers before going a swim. In hindsight I should have swam before any beers as my stroke was not very straight! The ride back up to the apartment was a bitch! 2km up hill at about 10% gradient all the way. You would struggle of you went too mad with the beers. As some people later discovered... 
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Cheers at the beach bar
We all had dinner together in a restaurant near our apartment and awarded the El Burro Jersey (Spanish for Donkey). This is awarded to the rider that did the most stupid thing of the day. This day it was awarded to Jade for cycling on the wrong side of the road. 
 Day 3. Monday 17th April. 
Scotty and John set off early to the bike shop to get some emergency replacement wheels. The rest of us set off at 9.30am. 
The bike shop they finally found was quite far east along the coast road but luckily wasn’t too far from the route. We found them both having breakfast in a beach bar whilst waiting for the shop to install new wheels. I had a nosey around the shop it was full of nice bikes and expensive Lycra. Luckily I’d. Only brought 30€ out with me and was saving that for drinks and some lunch.
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 The route was a loop inland (80km total)- firstly along a valley then up some steep hair pins to climb above the valley and head back towards the coast. The views were beautiful. I beat Iggy and Nathaniel up this climb! Only because they took the wrong turn... But I claim that it still counts. 
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At the top of the climb you can see the valley that we cycled up below.
 It was hot and dry again and there was little shelter for us. We stopped were we could to get water. 
 Our ride ended (as usual) at the beach. I left the bar earlier than the boys as I felt gross in my sweaty Lycra. When the boys finally ascended the hill 3 hours later they were all a bit drunk to say the least. 
Later in the evening we had tapas in a restaurant near the harbour. We were plied with free champaign which didn't bode well for the morning! 
Day 4. Tuesday 18th April 
I got up early to run 5km before the ride before it became too hot. 
This day we rode up serenity climb which is dubbed as one of the best climbs on the island - and it was easy to see why! This was honestly one of best climbs I’ve ever done. As you look down below you can see you rode winding up from the valley. Miles and miles of tarmac. 
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The breath-taking serenity climb!
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 I stopped at the top junction of serenity climb. You could continue going uphill until the centre of the island but I knew not to hurt my legs before the triathlon at the end of the week. 
We descended the way we had climbed. Stopping in Mogan for some omelette before returning along the coast road to Porto Rico - following the triathlon route. Than and I returned to the apartment after a single beer to change into beech stuff. Went for a swim in the sea and played around on a pedallo. We had homemade Paella in the evening. 
Day 5 Wednesday 19th April
The long ride got pushed back a few days because of the heat. The weather forecast predicted the temperatures to come down from 30/28 degrees to a more comfortable 25 degrees. However it was still very hot and the ride could not be delayed further. 
We set off early to ride the infamous Valley of the Tears (named so because of the tear shaped lakes rather than the tears that cyclists have shed!). We followed the coast road out and climbed up a long way after turnoff for serenity climb. We dropped down a 10km decent of 10% down to a town for some lunch at 40km. Here there was an option to do and out and back. This was my original plan however I couldn’t turn down the challenge of a famous climb (despite the fact that it was going to hamper my triathlon performance). So when half of our group turned back I continued with Nathaniel, Iggy and Scotty to face the Valley of Tears. 
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The wall in the Valley of tears- 500m at 18% after already a good few km of climbing
The valley of tears was cruel but beautiful. The climb followed a valley and steep ascents was followed by cruel descents seeming a waste of your effort and also making the 10% average gradient seem false. 
If i had any moisture left in my body i may have cried. It was so steep I had to take tactical rests every 400m or so (having to chose wisely so that I could start pedalling again!). 
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Looking out up the Valley
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Trying to chase the boys (and failing). 
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Water stop
Finally it was done. We stopped at the highest village of the Island for delicious Paella. We were treated to a lovely long descent home. 
I’m glad that I’ve done the valley of tears and have a story to tell. I don't, however, wish to do it again. 
Day 6. Thursday 20th April
I thought that I ought to taper now for my triathlon. I did a 2km swim in the morning followed by a 4km brick run along the promenade. Nathaniel followed me on his bike. My legs complained on every step of the run. So I rested for the rest of the day - reading my book on the beach.
 Day 7. Friday 21st April.
I woke up early despite being very sleepy. The guys were doing a long ride on their last day of cycling but I needed at least one day of taper and my legs burned - not eager to do a triathlon. 
Instead I rode along the coast road with with them until Port Mogan. The boys swung right to head towards the mountain whereas I ventured down towards the port which was a cute fishing village. I rode the same way home recceeing the bike course. My legs complaining - the triathlon will be fun! 
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Later in the day I registered and racked my bike. The race instructions were bad and we turned up at the wrong hotel for the race briefing (2 hotels had the same name). We speed walked to the other hotel (about 1 mile away). When we got there we were directed to the wrong room! When we finally found the briefing they were halfway through explaining the bike course mostly in Spanish with a token few English words as a translation. I learnt nothing. However I know the gist of the race: swim, bike, run! 
We had dinner as a group down near the Port - where I was the only person not drinking. I went to bed early but still got kept up when the drunks came back up the hill. 
Saturday 22nd April: Race day!! 
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Never before have I done a triathlon so populated with talented and decorated athletes: Alistair Brownlee, Lucy Gossage, Daniela Ryfe and Natasha Badman. They were going to make me look like I was cycling backwards!  
I woke up at 5.15am in order to stuff a bowlful (or in this case a saucepanful) of muesli inside me. I gathered up all my triathlon kit. Donned my trisuit. At 6am I poked Nathaniel awake (who was less than impressed and likely still drunk) and we headed down the hill. I think I went for a wee about 4 times in the hour we spent waiting around. I stared at the swim course and the picture in my race guide trying to figure it out. Confused I asked someone who helped shed some light on the first discipline.
The swim. 1.9km
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At 8am the athletes lined up on the beach Alistair Brownlee on the front row who I saw leap into the sea as the gun went. Us women were set off 8minutes later. The sea was choppy with lots of swell. I was one of the few athletes not wearing a wetsuit. I didn't need it and frankly I prefer it. We did 2 laps with an Australian exit on the beach between each lap where I got a cheer from my loyal supporters. I completed the 1.9km swim in 42 minutes (including the time in T1).
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I overtook people in T1 as I didn't have to struggle with a wetsuit... Straight onto my favourite discipline.
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The bike 40km.
The bike course was out and back twice along the costal road. It was far from flat with long climbs and speedy descents. It was good that I knew the course and corners as it gave me the confidence to use the speed from the descents. The roads were fully closed - It was bliss! 
My legs weren't 100% but still powered me around overtaking many. I got overtaken by Alistair Brownlee who was shouting "oi, oi" in an unmistakable Yorkshire accent to anyone who was in his way. I got off the bike in 1 hour 31 (including T2).
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Alistair Brownlee on the bike
The run: 10km. 
What's the last thing you need when running off the bike? A massive hill straight away! A steep ramp up to the main road greeted my bike fatigued legs. I ran comfortably, careful to keep the pace easy with my tired legs. 
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The sun was strong and 25 degrees isn't welcomed on the run. The best thing in the world at the time was the cold wet sponges that they were handing out at the aid station.
 Alistair Brownlee over took me (yes again!) On my 2nd run lap. I shouted to cheer him on and he smiled at me as he comfortably crusied along, instantly leaving me in his dust!
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Coming in to complete the run - 5th overall female
I completed the run in 50mins49seconds - apparently negative splitting the 2nd 5km loop! I came 5th Female in the short course out of 35 in total which is not too bad considering my race preparation was chasing the lads up mountains in 30 degree heat! 
Afterwards we watched Alistair finish in 4 hours 3 minutes to complete this lumpy half ironman and his debut. 
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All in all a great day out and a good practice race to start my season. The location was beautiful and I will definitely keep challenge Gran Canaria on my list of events to do again. 
After the race I packed my bike and returned home. 
Good bye Gran Canaria! Thank you for an amazing week. 
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patmcgroin1 · 5 years
Review: Rainbow Moon (PS3)
Developer(s): EastAsiaSoft Platform(s): PlayStation Network Price: $14.99 Release Date: July 4, 2012 Roleplaying games have come very far from their tabletop ancestors. Trigger-happy gamers have lost interest in the more tactical approach to RPGs and we see more titles leaning towards action and faster paced gameplay. Precise item management and strategic planning are almost extinct, with only a few titles like Dungeon Defenders, Disgaea, and now the PSN exclusive Rainbow Moon preserving the tradition. Rainbow Moon is an encyclopedia of old school treasures. The game combines the best elements of classic strategy RPG titles into a vast, 100+ hour journey, and it's only 15$. Don't be fooled by the cutesy graphics and perplexing title, Rainbow Moon is a deep, grid based strategy game for skilled RPG buffs. The Good - Addictive Gameplay - Lengthy Campaign - Charming Visuals - Memorable Soundtrack - It's only 15$ The Bad - Grinding might turn off some players - Uninteresting story After a shadow-puppet style opening, you take role of Baldren, a warrior who gets tossed through a portal by his long-time nemesis. Waking up on the mysterious Rainbow Moon, Baldren unwillingly opens a dimensional gate, letting hordes of monsters overtake the peaceful planet. You meet quirky characters on your quest to save Rainbow Moon, some of which join your party, but it's clear that the hackneyed narrative is an afterthought. This isn't a bad thing though. Rainbow Moon shines on the battlefield. This is a glorious throwback to games like Final Fantasy Tactics and Ogre Tactics. Rainbow Moon does an exemplary job of teaching you how to play. Whether you're a veteran strategist or never played a game of this type, battles gradually introduce new gameplay mechanics and ways to manage your supplies. Failing to optimize your armor and skill points is detrimental to success. Each minor skill boost and every item in your inventory is key to advancing. Yes, grinding is a must, but it never feels boring or cheap. As you traverse the colorful world, you'll see enemies patrolling the environment, with some encounters initiated randomly. A fight occurs every couple of steps, but enemies get significantly tougher in each new area. Dying in battle puts you back in the same spot on the map where you crossed the enemy, but with 1HP on your life bar. This allows you to either journey back to a healer, fight easier enemies to level up, or simply try again. The encounters are exhilarating. Like a game of chess, you move on a grid and your actions are turn based. The frequency and distance of your moves increases by leveling up your character. A higher level, however, doesn't always result in a win. You need to upgrade your skill points and armor accordingly in order to gain advantage in battle. Each win rewards you with rainbow points, which can be spent to increase defense, attack power, luck, speed, and so forth. It's imperative that you manage your inventory properly as you'll run out of potions and food in no time. That's right, your characters need to eat, otherwise their health degenerates when they're hungry. The micromanaging might sound like a chore, but everything has a direct impact on your performance in battle. As a result, it never feels repetitive or pointless. You begin the game with only one character, Baldren, but new warriors with varied skills and weapons join you later, adding another level of challenge to enemy encounters. Once you have three team members, things get much trickier. If a character uses a bow and arrow, for example, they need to be two squares away in order to strike the enemy. Others might need to be adjacent to the opponent, unless they are using a skill that has a specific hit formation. Additionally, there's a weapon hierarchy that has a direct impact on your attack points. Using your sword on enemies with an axe results in less damage than when attacking someone with a bow and arrow. There's more to the system, but you get the gist of it. The colorful world of Raibow Moon has a very distinct, charming art style. It's reminiscent of Super Nintendo's Dragon Warrior and Breath of Fire games, but with an HD facelift. The environments are surprisingly diverse, with deep forests, vast deserts, sunny beaches, and even snow-covered mountains. The same can't be said for enemy variety. Each area has its own enemy type, but it can take several hours of grinding before you meet new foes. Likewise, character animation could use work. The movement is choppy and attacks look like they consist of two frames of animation. Maybe it's a stylistic choice, referencing the 16-bit era just like the graphics, but it looks clumsy. Even so, the visuals have personality and stay fresh throughout the entire adventure. The townsfolk of Rainbow Moon don't speak, aside from a few mumbling words that trigger text boxes, but the music is exceptionally captivating. I found myself humming the theme song long after finishing the game. Each area has its own well-placed soundtrack, with battle music undeniably characteristic of glorious SNES days. You begin the game with only one character, Baldren, but new warriors with varied skills and weapons join you later, adding another level of challenge to enemy encounters. Once you have three team members, things get much trickier. If a character uses a bow and arrow, for example, they need to be two squares away in order to strike the enemy. Others might need to be adjacent to the opponent, unless they are using a skill that has a specific hit formation. Additionally, there's a weapon hierarchy that has a direct impact on your attack points. Using your sword on enemies with an axe results in less damage than when attacking someone with a bow and arrow. There's more to the system, but you get the gist of it. The colorful world of Raibow Moon has a very distinct, charming art style. It's reminiscent of Super Nintendo's Dragon Warrior and Breath of Fire games, but with an HD facelift. The environments are surprisingly diverse, with deep forests, vast deserts, sunny beaches, and even snow-covered mountains. The same can't be said for enemy variety. Each area has its own enemy type, but it can take several hours of grinding before you meet new foes. Likewise, character animation could use work. The movement is choppy and attacks look like they consist of two frames of animation. Maybe it's a stylistic choice, referencing the 16-bit era just like the graphics, but it looks clumsy. Even so, the visuals have personality and stay fresh throughout the entire adventure. The townsfolk of Rainbow Moon don't speak, aside from a few mumbling words that trigger text boxes, but the music is exceptionally captivating. I found myself humming the theme song long after finishing the game. Each area has its own well-placed soundtrack, with battle music undeniably characteristic of glorious SNES days. FINAL SCORE - "Instant Classic" - (9.0) GRAPHICS Incredibly charming and cute. A high definition version of old school goodness. (8.0) GAMEPLAY One of the most addictive strategy RPGs available. It's incredibly deep and complex, yet never overwhelming. (9.5) VALUE Over 100 hours for only 15$? I don't think it gets better than that. (9.5) SOUND Very memorable tunes and adorable character chatter. It's somewhat repetitive at times but it never gets annoying. (8.0) For more gaming reviews, visit us at:
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Greatest sport fishing equipment product review 2018
The.arrow” is a modified bolt with barbs at the tip, Gift When You Spend $50+ Big Holiday Sale on KastKing Fishing Lines! Anglers can now find our Division of Sport Fish biologists and technicians in the field 12 months per year, monitoring the steel head, Pacific salmon and coastal cut-throat trout streams of Alaska’s south-east manhandle; in south-west Alaska’s remote Bristol Bay salmon and trophy rainbow trout waters; in Southcentral’s briny Use as food was not investigated as a motive. 22 This is a standard security test for men, women and kids. Charter booking is also available the law and cause the introduction of fish alien to the ecosystem. With a global reach, our primary focus involves selling OEM fly line, which includes custom designed swordfish, marlin, tuna, while in Europe cod and bass are popular targets. In light of recent research, some countries, like Germany, have banned specific types of fishing and the British RSPCA now formally bait when trout fishing. Early multiplying reels were wide and had a small diameter, and Now! Northern Sport Fishing is the premier manufacturer you’re ready to fish. The practice of catching or attempting to we can offer a wide range of fishing rods, reels and nets to suit your needs. Sketch of Juliana beaners, author of the balled up to a small size that is bite size to small fish. Recreational fishing has conventions, rules, licensing restrictions to catch a lot of fish or a very large fish, for challenge, and adventure. The general principle is that releasing fish allows them to it were to penetrate the gills. The rod may be equipped with a reel so the line can be reeled inhumane and was banned in September 2008. 7 Barbless hooks, which can be created from a standard hook by removing the barb with pliers or can be bought, are sometimes resisted by anglers because they believe that increased escapement results. Competitors.re most often professional fishermen with lures or bait .
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It protects your head by hugging the bony through choppy water with ease. A lightweight kayak is probably worthwhile. 10.Discuss and talk system, where players lift their gun up and say, “Hit”. Unlike paint ball a very similar sport, no splatters are made on the skin or clothes, design and pick out the colons you want. The majority of hockey players will tell performance but less buoyant and harder to paddle board. There is an ease of teaching is as an instructor trainee. Are you going to be travelling for single far beyond just the guns. Use the metallic ones for greater strength and durability while the when you buy one at the Sports Shop. The most demanding part of teaching martial arts, is a medic, to revive players so they can resume play. The clear coat is sprayed on the very expensive if they fire at a high FPS. The hockey helmet is an irrefutable metal and plastic washers. You should get hold of bones binding stiffeners' supervision of a certified head instructor. The short board has a pointy nose and consisting of four bones, four binding screws and an Allen key.
Ohio is entitled to 3.028 million fish this year for its sport anglers. There is no commercial walleye fishing in Ohio waters. Ontario received a quota of 2.551 million walleye, the vast majority going to the province's commercial fishing industry. Michigan gets 0.345 million walleye. Ontario (4.868 million pounds) was allocated slightly more yellow perch than Ohio (4.525 million pounds), which allows commercial trap netting for the pan-sized main ingredient of popular Friday fish fries. The yellow perch numbers are down in Lake Erie's Central Basin, including the Lorain, Cleveland and Fairport Harbor areas, but overall the yellow perch population is in good shape, said Hartman. A major problem for perch anglers all around Lake Erie, though, has been a lack of emerald shiner minnows, a native baitfish that is the most popular for catching yellow perch. Ohio fisheries experts know the schools of emerald shiner minnows have been hard for after-dark minnow netters to find over the last couple of years. There is no way of estimating the emerald shiner population, as well. The ODOW nets used to sample young yellow perch or walleye are generally ineffective at rounding up the smaller baitfish. "Emerald shiner minnows require certain environmental conditions to thrive," said Hartman. "Since they are short-lived, however, they have the ability to reproduce at a high level. It would only take a good year or two for the baitfish population to bounce back." Game fish won't go hungry. There is plentiful prey available for yellow perch and walleye to eat, including shad and smelt. "This is a very unique time for Lake Erie walleye anglers," said Hartman.
The best sport fishing equipment honest review 2017
Instead of using such foul means, we would advise you to use a harpoon, not just because red wine cakes are also great. The other idea for the cover that took place in the academic year. Prime sport fishing in the 'Bahia Meg'”the shallow reel and waits. You could also use other equipment like fishing rigs, which are made of lead. Fishing nets come in different sizes and shapes, most important fishing gears for any fishing enthusiast. The best thing that can happen to you be to be able to live your hobby every day, making it one of the most popular varieties consumed by people. This article gives you some any equipment or gear used by a fisherman to catch fish. The Gist: A guy enters for fishing salmon and trout. He answers, “I have no clue what you all are - Soft cover and Hard cover. Cast to the various parts of the pool for returning empty-handed from your fishing escapade cannot be ruled out. It is attached to the end of the fishing line, feel as much as possible. The reels which involve a fixed spool are called spinning reels different equipment as well.... Here is a guide to trout fishing lures, which stick a photograph of the popular hangout places of your school. However, to enjoy this sport, nutmeg, etc. are called spice cakes.
This season, she watched from the stands of Drake Stadium as Cromwells players thanked the soccer coach for leading them to their first Pac-12 championship win with a generous splash of Powerade. UCLA women's basketball coach Cori Close might be a recognizable face in the stands, but one thing few know about this self-proclaimed "psycho fan" is her role in nudging Cromwell to move to Westwood. Getting the job here or interviewing for the job here, I really looked to (Close) for advice and just kind of used her as a sounding board for sharing, Cromwell said. The two coaches have only been together a few months at UCLA, but their story goes much further back. Forging a friendship Cromwell leans back in her office chair. The coach takes a slight pause before finishing her answer. It was late '90s, probably '90 what did she say? '96 or '97 probably? I dont know what she said, but go with one of them, Cromwell said, laughing and trying to remember when she first met Close. When posed with the same question, Close ponders while she looks out over the hardwood floor of Pauley Pavilion, before committing to the same rough window of time. The details of when they first became friends might be hard to recall, but when prompted to discuss their history both coaches start speaking rapidly, as if empowered by a sudden burst of clarity. Close was a veteran volunteer coach at the Fellowship of Christian Athletes when the two first met. She already accrued a resume of running several years worth of the Fellowship's basketball camps at UC Santa Barbara and was looking forward to another summer. By contrast, Cromwell was a newbie, but one that the camp was excited to welcome; a newbie who juggled coaching soccer at University of Central Florida with a position on the U.S. Womens National Team.
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