#Stormcrest kingdom
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nebula-starlight · 1 year ago
🖋🖋🖋 L O R E
Hmmm what to give lore on…
I suppose I could ramble a bit about Stormcrest, my sea serpent kingdom that’s got a very messy backstory.
Compared to other sea kingdoms, Stormcrest is relatively young but has gone through a civil war, revolution, multiple cults, and so on. Its primarily most notable ruler was King Xangori Rhallion, known in later history texts as the Mad King. He greatly expanded Stormcrest’s borders by seizing land but was also a bit infamous for his love of the opposite gender. Anyone he wanted was usually brought to him and, as a result, there’s a generation of serpents who are primarily raised by their mother with an unknown father.
Unfortunately Xangori was also a bit paranoid and tried to mass exile two elemental subspecies of his own race out of fear and mistrust. He blamed the change in sea temperature on shadow and electric serpents who were innocent.
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osheamobile · 7 years ago
Whitefall Everlasting - Shipping And Receiving
This week in Whitefall Everlasting, our heroes came back from their two weeks of downtime, ready to head to the Eternal Glades on the floating continent of Syringale, just outside the capital city of Stormcrest.
The Kingdom of Stormcrest is centered on a continent composed of three floating island platforms initially lashed together by vines, and then by stone-and-iron bridges. The largest island, Syringale, also contains one of the more commonly-known Gateways to the Feywild, protected by the Druids of the Glades, protectors of the wetlands that stretch across the majority of the island.
The capital city is half built into the side of a mountain, and the other half in elven tree-top structures at the base, but as this is Elf Florida, the trees are not the deciduous or evergreen forests, but rather a grove of megaflora palm trees, which bear coconuts the size of airships.
Everyone received a gift from the royal treasury, except for Isavel, who had been there earlier and was granted her own gift.
Menelil, Princess of Stormcrest, did not actually embarrass her mother this time, as the Queen presented her with a Ring of Spell Storing, with a curious lightning spell inside.
Conrad, the captain of the Absolution, former Drakkengard Navy, and has recently been studying wizardry, was gifted a Wand of Fireballs.
Ice, Protector of the Balance, took possession of a Decanter of Endless Water and a jar of Ointment of Restoration.
Deraza was granted a Figurine of Wondrous Power, a small jade carving of an owl.
Ribs, the inquisitive, was not there for her gift, but was granted a Cape of the Mountebank.
The crew made it back to the ship to prepare for their trek out into the Glades, where Menelil presented a ring of spell resistance she had crafted to Conrad. This was misinterpreted by the rest of the crew, and hilarity ensued that honestly escalated for a full hour of playtime, because everybody ships it, including the onboard intelligence of the ship itself.
Eventually they made their way out to the Glades, stopping at the hut of the swamp witch Myev, a figure from Ice's past. They caught up and found out that there was some sort of build-up of energy at the Gateway, and the crew agreed to head there immediately to investigate.
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Whitefall Everlasting is a monthly game I run with friends over Roll20, with players from multiple countries.
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nettlewildfairy · 8 years ago
Follower Dnd game (Silver Seas)
Im going to dm a follower game of dnd!
I have put some things together:
Summary: The game is a fun pirate adventure in a dnd 5e world of my design, Llandovery. you start off in the city of Stormcrest, a seaport on the west of the kingdom of Ellesmere in the world of Llandovery. the tone is humorous happenstance on a backdrop of some serious fantasy lore with just a small pinch of existential horror. Its got a focus on roleplaying and character development but there will be plenty of fighting also. the first session will be a oneshot and if it works it will keep being happening. (although all my oneshots so far have turned into 3-4 sessions due to creating slightly longer games than intended, but im working on fixing this)
Influences: One Piece, The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack, Black Sails, and probably every other piece of fiction i have ever read.
You will need: a roll20 account (they are free) to be able to message me on tumblr, a working mic on your computer for voice chat in the game, a schedule-able amount free time in July (ill be doing it probably in the evenings of pacific standard time, but we’ll see) to be able to respond to stuff in a timely-ish manner and to be one of the first 5 people to reply to this post. 
Some other notes: in addition of the playable races in dnd im also allowing some homebrew races and classes and such things that fit with the setting specifically, selkies, and the class gunslinger (using matt mercer’s fighter archetype percy uses on critical role) are native to the setting in a big way. 
feel free to message me on tumblr with any questions ^_^ 4 spots still available
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eldritchkingdom · 7 years ago
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Here are Eldritch Kingdom’s Fan Art Cards - Set 2! I had a blast designing these, some were very challenging and some easier but all super fun and entertaining to make! Huge thanks to @scribbleswithrachel @superilloginauts @masterofwills @domhan.rhapsodie.tcg and Daniel Bates for allowing me to bring their creations into a realm of horror and madness. Make sure to check Eldritch Kingdom’s YouTube Channel to watch the speed art videos for these Fan Art Cards, and follow these amazing indie TCGs (and Board and Card Game) to learn more about them. Thank you so much Rachel, Alex, Stormcrest and Josh, Daniel and Ana! Keep being awesome and have a great day!
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nebula-starlight · 2 years ago
Sea Serpent OC Hierarchy (feat. friends)
Xangori “Sea Whore” Rhallon & his mate Emira (OC of @illyriashade56 )
They had three kids before Xangori exiled her ass out of paranoia. Ianuarius Rhallon (OC of @illyriashade56 ), Zalik Rhallon & Matodi Rhallon
Emira’s exile from the sea kingdom of Stormcrest wasn’t fully in vain. She stole away two of her three offspring still as unhatched eggs at the time. Thus Zalik and Matodi were not considered Stormcrestian serpents.
Zalik acted out after a time because he wasn’t next in line to rule and defiled Matodi on the night she was crowned Lesser Queen of Rhallis, the kingdom she helped her mother establish. This union produced one son: Wyvel Rhallon
Now Ianuarius left with his father, had to grow up under the tyrant’s rule. Once he was old enough he and a few close friends banded together and decided to rebel in the faint hope they could seize the throne from Xangori. One of the members of said rebellion was Caspian Neolark (OC of @eldritchnebula ) who had four children along with his mate Nerida (OC also of @eldritchnebula )
During the war Ianuarius encountered a dying qualit who had fallen into the sea and he helped to save her life. This qualit was reborn as the sea serpent Lavena, who he took to be his wife shortly after defeating Xangori in a fight for the throne of Stormcrest.
Now at moderate peace, the new king and his queen begun trying to rebuild their kingdom from the deep scars Xangori’s reign had carved into it. The first task was eliminating the Storm & Shade Ban the old king had enacted that quite literally drove out all electric elemental serpents and shadow elemental serpents from their homes or else they were killed.
It’s during this fragile peace that Lavena conceived her firstborn and decided the best place to keep this treasure safe was up on the surface at the manor of Cavalier Cove. Thus Somal Rhallon was hatched not in the sea but on land.
Months later Lavena ventured above to reclaim her daughter, distraught to see her beloved jewel so withdrawn and timid. Neither Ianuarius nor Lavena knew of the Opposite Pandemic that had swept through the Cavalier Cove manor (compliments of @eldritchnebula )
It was this event that had brought about an alternate personality in Somal that went by the name of Siren. The poor princess had been suffering this inner cruelty for weeks by the time she was brought back to her watery home and the mental abuse was only made worse by Somal receiving the personal guardsmanship of Lillian Neolark (OC of @eldritchnebula )
These two became fast friends and eventually lovers, falling for each other naturally as they spent time together. But complications struck when a rising cult, lead by Emira, sought to kidnap Somal and bring out Siren to be their rightful ruler. This Second Sun cult proved to be quite formidable and one of its members even blinded Somal’s right eye.
After months of dealing with Second Sun, Somal with Lillian’s help, cast out the cult members and ended up wedding her guardsman to become Somal Neolark.
Not long after that she was blessed by the deity of the moon for her bravery and bestowed upon two children though her and Lillian had never laid together. These twins were named Casnar and Violia.
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nebula-starlight · 2 years ago
Z, A, F, and S for the alphabet soup game.
Z - Zah
A Zevdie, or glitch demon, who has to possess a living being in order to escape the place his code first comes into creation in. Though by definition he’s a simulacra, his mannerisms are a bit… off.
A - Adaquis Brekal
This loyal sea serpent grew up during a very turbulent time in Stormcrest history as it was under the control of a tyrant who tried to genocide two different elements from the waters. Together with his best friend Ianuarius (belonging to @illyriashade56), who he later found out was his half brother, he was able to bring the kingdom into a period of relative peace and is accredited with rebuilding the undersea military.
F - Fey Azure Beck Strader
Born a phoenix, she’s now human and has adjusted to being the only normal one in the family when her adoptive parents are both eldritch touched and her siblings are a werephoenix and undead phoenix respectively. And she’s dating a sea serpent (belonging to my friend @eldritchnebula) who she was initially sus about because conflicting elements and species. She has an abundance of love to all she meets who prove themselves trustworthy in her eyes and she’s amazing with kids despite being physically too young to ever consider having one herself even if she’s definitely mentally mature enough to do so.
S - Stirillia Ignis
He and his sister were born in an alternate dimension but he decided when he was old enough to start universe hopping to see what wonders lay out beyond what he knew. His doing so put him on a collision course with an eldritch masquerading as the guardian of the qualit race and he made it his personal mission to wipe it out after seeing it consume several worlds before he could save anyone. The determination he had turned into an obsession and he started researching how to identify and remove abyssal taint from those afflicted by The Obsidian. His pursuit led him to Cavalier Cove where he succeeded in performing his first soul extraction and saved a girl from being puppeted by the eldritch. Since then he remains watchful for signs of the eldritch.
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nebula-starlight · 2 years ago
Masterlist of Active RP OCs
Everveil / The Abyss
[Formerly the homeworld of the race known as qualits, it’s now the shackles holding an eldritch manifestation prisoner by way of a life-giving tree.]
• Void
• The Obsidian
[Located deep in the sea, this is a grand underwater kingdom run by sea serpents.]
• Adaquis Brekal
• Casnar Neolark
• Somal Neolark
• Siren
• Laven “Lavena” Silskiva Rhallon
• Evoti
• Asier Rhallon
• Uzur
• Mori Neolark
• Calypso
[After a power struggle during one point in Stormcrest’s past, stragglers founded this watery refuge for any and all outcasts.]
• Wyvel Rhallon
• Matodi Rhallon
• Donaerius “Donis” Engasd
[A forced exile by a Stormcrestian king caused a group to come together and make an isolated colony all on their own.]
• Quam
• Aliz Noctus
[A small rural country town that seems unassuming to the normal passerby. It’s what’s hidden in plain sight that’s the most dangerous after all.]
• Rachael Altripa
• Elurin Lupis
• Eleanor Gertrude Burchwood
• Xiavo Khoi Pestrill
• Myleanixes “Milo” Vandure
• Yvona Sollis
• Kale Tigne
• Lila Tellster
The Manor / Cavalier Cove
[The main RP setting I & several friends use our OCs for. I won’t list out their respective blogs out of fear I’d forget someone but nevertheless - This seaside town and surrounding forestland sits in a liminal space where anything can happen. Though the manor looks to be abandoned, that’s very much not the case as it’s home to a rather large found family and watched over by an unseen group of supernaturals known as The Founders.]
• Darlene “Scribe” Bailey
• Sonhi Silskiva Moreno
• Talno Ignis
• Vipro Ignis Forrester
• Absoleen Scribe Pyrehearth
• Elix Charles
• Osera Charles
• Mijeorie “Mije” Engasd
• Derek “Tren” Strader
• Rylan “Rilan” Pines Strader
• Fey Azure Beck Strader
• Violia Neolark
• “Violia”
• Celine “Jocyn” Pines Strader
• Nathan “Nate” Bailey
• Stirillia “Stein Haas” Ignis
• Luki
• Alixis Zepre
• Mirym
[This territory belongs to @isa-ghost and @deaths-presence and interested individuals should go to their blogs to learn more.]
• Ivanaarius “Ivan” Rineson
• Yiller “Crow” Makito
• Dimistruus “Noc” Noctryxx Alcotto
Undetermined Locations
[As of now these OCs do not have a place they’re settled down in or said place hasn’t been developed.]
• Siru
• Elory “Elo” Skylar
• Luna Noelle Silskiva-Skylar
• Mercédès “Mercy” Newt Dogwood
• Aenos
• Parue
• Coelle
• Moa
• Antonio “Butcher” Petray
• Lovina Wilmoth
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nebula-starlight · 2 years ago
Adding onto original post because I’m surprised I didn’t fall asleep writing it.
Somal and Lillian were made the ruling Queen and King of Stormcrest after Emira attempted to exile Lavena and Ianuarius from their positions as royalty.
This was, in hindsight, a horrible mistake as the lovers were too naive to actually rule at the time. Juggling raising a family with ruling a recovering kingdom strained Somal, encouraging Siren to take control far more easily.
Due to Violia being born mute, she was not considered to be eligible to be the heir and was all but abandoned by the swarm of tutors who snatched up Casnar and begun grooming him to be king someday.
Violia was mostly left to herself in the palace library, reading about the fascinating animals up on the surface that Lavena had written down years earlier. The only rule she’d been given, and Casnar as well, was to never leave the palace.
Books only satisfied her yearning curiosity for so long before she snuck out, going up to the surface and emerging in Cavalier Cove where she met a girl by the name of Arashi Engasd-Bailey (OC of @divine-champion )
Back down in Stormcrest, Siren’s appearances were becoming more and more of a hassle. Though Siren herself did not possess an elemental alignment, she did have strings that she could use to nullify another’s magic. Her annoyance with how Somal ran things turned to a sick pleasure to inflict pain on Casnar if he didn’t behave how she thought a prince should. She never took away his element but did leave his tail scarred and the boy too terrified to go to his father for help.
Lillian was eventually told of the abuse and, to the surprise of Siren most of all, an alter emerged from him that took the name of Eldoris (OC of @eldritchnebula )
Eldoris loathed Siren and became a sort of foil to her. After some research was done, questions arose wondering if Eldoris was actually a senox of Lillian’s late father Caspian. Senoxes had always been regarded throughout Stormcrest as remnants of the dead who refused to move on and manifested as shadowy phantoms capable of possessing the living.
But even that isn’t entirely the truth…
Sea Serpent OC Hierarchy (feat. friends)
Xangori “Sea Whore” Rhallon & his mate Emira (OC of @illyriashade56 )
They had three kids before Xangori exiled her ass out of paranoia. Ianuarius Rhallon (OC of @illyriashade56 ), Zalik Rhallon & Matodi Rhallon
Emira’s exile from the sea kingdom of Stormcrest wasn’t fully in vain. She stole away two of her three offspring still as unhatched eggs at the time. Thus Zalik and Matodi were not considered Stormcrestian serpents.
Zalik acted out after a time because he wasn’t next in line to rule and defiled Matodi on the night she was crowned Lesser Queen of Rhallis, the kingdom she helped her mother establish. This union produced one son: Wyvel Rhallon
Now Ianuarius left with his father, had to grow up under the tyrant’s rule. Once he was old enough he and a few close friends banded together and decided to rebel in the faint hope they could seize the throne from Xangori. One of the members of said rebellion was Caspian Neolark (OC of @eldritchnebula ) who had four children along with his mate Nerida (OC also of @eldritchnebula )
During the war Ianuarius encountered a dying qualit who had fallen into the sea and he helped to save her life. This qualit was reborn as the sea serpent Lavena, who he took to be his wife shortly after defeating Xangori in a fight for the throne of Stormcrest.
Now at moderate peace, the new king and his queen begun trying to rebuild their kingdom from the deep scars Xangori’s reign had carved into it. The first task was eliminating the Storm & Shade Ban the old king had enacted that quite literally drove out all electric elemental serpents and shadow elemental serpents from their homes or else they were killed.
It’s during this fragile peace that Lavena conceived her firstborn and decided the best place to keep this treasure safe was up on the surface at the manor of Cavalier Cove. Thus Somal Rhallon was hatched not in the sea but on land.
Months later Lavena ventured above to reclaim her daughter, distraught to see her beloved jewel so withdrawn and timid. Neither Ianuarius nor Lavena knew of the Opposite Pandemic that had swept through the Cavalier Cove manor (compliments of @eldritchnebula )
It was this event that had brought about an alternate personality in Somal that went by the name of Siren. The poor princess had been suffering this inner cruelty for weeks by the time she was brought back to her watery home and the mental abuse was only made worse by Somal receiving the personal guardsmanship of Lillian Neolark (OC of @eldritchnebula )
These two became fast friends and eventually lovers, falling for each other naturally as they spent time together. But complications struck when a rising cult, lead by Emira, sought to kidnap Somal and bring out Siren to be their rightful ruler. This Second Sun cult proved to be quite formidable and one of its members even blinded Somal’s right eye.
After months of dealing with Second Sun, Somal with Lillian’s help, cast out the cult members and ended up wedding her guardsman to become Somal Neolark.
Not long after that she was blessed by the deity of the moon for her bravery and bestowed upon two children though her and Lillian had never laid together. These twins were named Casnar and Violia.
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