#Stony Halloween Spooktacular
sour--strawberries · 7 years
Night of Mischief
fandom: Avengers (pre-Stony to Stony, but not main focus)
characters: Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner
summary: Loki takes it in his hand to cause mischief, and suddenly Thor is left with younger versions of his teammates. As the night progress, Avengers get older, and Thor and Loki have a chance to experience Halloween like never before.
length: 1 890 words
a/n: third and last fic in the Stony Halloween Spooktacular! this is more of a team fic, and the main characters are Thor and Loki, in honor of Thor Ragnarok. hope you enjoyed the fics!
Night of Mischief
"Loki… What have you done?"
Thor was on Earth long enough to be familiar with the customs and holidays, gladly participating in all of them. During the years, he learned that one of the most beloved celebrations, both by kids and adults, was Halloween. For younglings, it was a night of pranks and candy and dressing up as their favorite characters or spooky creatures. For adults, it was parties and costumes, not necessarily scary, but sometimes reflecting the current reality or hidden desires. For Thor, as an outsider, it was a party with his teammates and a lot of delicious food pretending to be something disgusting (cat litter cake - it was in the top three things Thor considered the most horrible). So, when he entered the common room on the Avengers shared floor for an annual Avengers Halloween party, and among fake bats and carved pumpkins, he saw five kids, around five years old, running and screaming and shoving candy into their little mouths, and saw Loki standing in the middle of the chaos, he knew that something was wrong.
"Finally, you decided to join us!" Loki spread his arms in a welcoming gesture, a smile shining among the fake spooky scenery. The smile was quickly gone, when one of the kids rammed into Loki's legs, making him bend over with a pained grunt. "Little devil," Loki fought his initial urge to swat the kid away, and gently pushed the blond boy, sending him on his way, giggling and dirty from chocolate.
Thor didn't say a word. His eyes followed the kids. A red-haired girl, holding a fake spider and chasing a blond boy around, screeching in fake horror. Another blond boy who together with a small brunet kept eating fistfuls of candy from the bowl set on the table. And the last boy, fueled on sugar and chocolate, bouncing all around the room, singing in tune to 'Monster Mash'.
So different, yet so familiar.
"Brother I wish you a nice evening and how do Midgardians say it--- Happy Halloween."
"Where do you think you are going?!" Thor caught Loki by the elbow, just as the god of mischief was trying to make his way out of the room.
"I simply have my own plans for this glorious night. One of the realms holds a delightful ceremony of---"
"No, no, no," Thor cut the trickster off, strengthening his grip. "You are going to reverse the spell right now!"
Loki raised up a single eyebrow. "As for a night of mischief and pranks, you seem awfully tense. Do not worry, the spell will wear on its own, till sunrise your comrades will revert to their usual state, and then you can continue with you Avenging and fascinating lives," Loki said carelessly, trying to tug his arm away. He hissed when he was not able to break from the grip.
"Is a night of mischief what you desire, brother?" Thor leered in closer, seething words. It would sound more threatening if there wasn't a bunch of kids excited screaming and laughter echoing in the room. "You shall have one. Midgardian style."
"Trick or treat!"
"Oh, look how very cute you all are!"
The kids collectively giggled, putting the jack o lantern candy buckets in front of themselves.
"Such terrifying ghosts!" the woman cooed, putting a candy bar in each basket. "Hey, do you know what are ghosts favorite fruits? Boo-berries!"
More laughter, this time joined by Thor's rumbly laughter and groaning from Loki.
"There you go," the woman said, putting the candy bar in the last bucket.
"Thank you, ma'am. Say thank you, my little ghosslings!"
"Thaank youu!"
"Have a safe and fun night!"
Thor gathered the kids and waved to the lady, as he and his small Avengers covered in white sheets in last minute ghost costumes stepped back into the street. They headed in the direction of the next house, planning to get as much candy as possible.
"This is utterly humiliating," Loki complained, being the mama ghost, also covered in a white sheet and with a big red bow tie on the top of his head, Natasha had happily put on him.
"For me it isn't," Thor replied, smiling under his own sheet, with attached cardboard mustache and a fedora on his head. He watched five small ghosts, laughing and looking through their buckets and exchanging sweets, and it really was a sight that made him happy.
"And then he turned around, spotting a dark shape in the corner, getting bigger and bigger… The sounds of claws screeching on the wooden floor as the creature crept in…"
There were an audible gasp and a giggle quickly following. Kids came closer to each other, not any longer sitting in a circle, but huddled together in the dark room, the only source of light coming from the decorations and a flashlight, Thor had put under his chin.
Loki, stretched out in the armchair, snacking on the ghost shaped potato chips, found himself listening carefully. The time for trick or treating was over and the suddenly twice older Avengers needed a new thing to pass time. A ghost story seemed appropriate. And Thor was a quite compelling storyteller.
"Red eyes shone in the darkness. There was no way of escape! The creature leaped and---"
"AAAAH!!" Loki screeched and threw the bag of chips in the air, scattering them everywhere, when someone grabbed his leg, pinning nails in like a claw. The kids screamed too, and laughed loudly, as Thor turned around and directed the flashlight at Loki, showing Natasha on all fours, holding the trickster's leg and laughing in tune with the others.
"Nicely done," Thor praised and high-fived the ten-year-old girl as she came back, smiling smugly and pleased that she made the other man scream. "Who wants to tell the next story?!" Thor asked, and smiled at five kids waving their hands and yelling for a turn.
Loki took some deep breaths and lowered the hand he had been clutching his chest with. Little snots wanted to mess with him? He stood up and walked closer, taking the flashlight out of Thor's hands and pointing under his chin and sitting down.
"It was an ordinary day, as plain as they come. Nothing hinted at the upcoming strange and bizarre events…"
The kids scooted closer, listening to Loki with big smiles and holding each other close.
This was much more the kind of party Loki enjoyed. At the same time, it was much less the kind of party Thor liked. It was just an added bonus.
It was loud, with music blasting across the room, and punch spiked with rum. Damn teenagers.
"Found more!" Natasha yelled, holding in each hand a six-pack of beer and passing them to the flushed boys.
"I think that is enough!" Thor yelled, trying to be louder than the music. Bruce, a lanky brunet with curls going down to his chin, was halfway down the couch, fighting with sleep, yet still, hold a can in his hand. Next to him was Clint, sturdier and more muscled than Bruce, who chugged a can after can, in a middle of a bet with Natasha who can drink more.
Natasha, the only female of the group, shook her long red hair to the back and rolled her eyes in a true bratty manner. "Chill out, uncle Thor. We will be twenty-one next year, we can drink," she stated, taking a sip, "besides, uncle Loki said that we can."
Thor turned to his brother, who only smiled, too cheerful and too proud. The 'uncle' thing would get awkward in the morning.
"Where are Tony and Steve?!" Thor said suddenly as if remembering that he had more young adults to look after. He just hoped they didn't sneak out, he preferred to keep the chaos and hormones in one room. As an answer, came some banging from the closet, as if all documents stacked inside, fell down. That answered his question.
"Out! Get out both of you and keep your hands where I can see them!" Thor swung open the door and a heavily blushing, small blond barreled out, a giggling brunet following right after. Their lips were flushed and maybe Steve had some red marks on his neck and Thor already dreaded what he would have to tell his teammates in the morning.
"Seriously?" Loki suddenly appeared next to Thor and took Tony by the arm, holding him back and not letting him chase after the blond. Thor looked at his brother, surprised with the sudden change in the attitude. Maybe he finally started to feel responsible. "That guy?" Loki asked Tony and that shattered Thor's hope quickly.
Tony giggled, looking after the small blond, and then back at Loki. "What can I say, he is kinda cute," he shrugged, smiling disarmingly, "I am counting on a quick growth spurt," he added and wiggled out, joining Steve at the table with snacks, Steve already handing him a glass of spiked punch. They both were parched after the hot minutes in the closet.
Thor just hoped that morning would come faster.
After a night of trick or treating, scary stories and alcohol-induced parties, morning eventually came. Tony was the first one to wake up, bothered by the daylight breaching in and realizing that he had a dry taste in his mouth and his head was hurting pretty bad, and his lower half was overheating so to speak. He opened his eyes, and brown eyes widened at the sight.
Beer cans, stomped over chips, numerous candy wrappers around, and all over the room, his team in less or more compromising positions, deep in sugar and alcohol induced sleep. The overheating part explained itself when he realized that he was stretched on the couch and had a heavy super soldier curled on his legs, Steve's face buried into his stomach. He looked more around and saw Clint and Bruce curled on the floor, Natasha laying on top of them, and Thor, sleeping on the chair with his head in the potato salad, but if he decided on his own that potatoes and mayo were a good pillow or if someone put his face there on purpose would remain a secret forever. And there was Loki, in the armchair, with all limbs stretched, clearly exhausted and half awake, somehow wakening up, feeling that someone wasn't sleeping either.
"What the hell happened here?" Tony asked, not understanding anything. He had no recollection of what took place last night and how did they all end like this.
Loki didn't elaborate and tilted his head back, clearly planning on going back to sleep. "It is a long story. And I think you two are in a relationship now. You are welcome," he said, pointing a finger in Tony and Steve's general direction, before falling back to sleep.
Tony's already wide eyes widened even more, and he looked down at the sleeping blond. Steve looked calm and happy and not bothered at all by the position they were in. Tony did the only thing he could in that situation. He wrapped hands around Steve's broad back and closed his eyes back to sleep.
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ao3feed-stony · 4 years
Wishing You A Haunting Night
by EchoSiriusRumme
31 Days of Stony Halloween-y goodness, filled with tons of fluff and spookier moments galore! Chapter titles will be of the prompt for that day, and the list can be found here, if you wanted to know what's in store, or you want to complete it yourself! Enjoy!
Words: 378, Chapters: 1/31, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of OTP Challenge 2020
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Captain America (Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Spooktacular Halloween, Fluff, College AU, Alternate Universe - College/University, halloween decorations, Domestic, Domestic Fluff, short but sweet, Tony Loves Halloween, otp challenge
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/26753635
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stony-ao3-feed · 4 years
Wishing You A Haunting Night
Read it on AO3
by EchoSiriusRumme
31 Days of Stony Halloween-y goodness, filled with tons of fluff and spookier moments galore! Chapter titles will be of the prompt for that day, and the list can be found here, if you wanted to know what's in store, or you want to complete it yourself! Enjoy!
Words: 378, Chapters: 1/31, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of OTP Challenge 2020
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Captain America (Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark
Relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Spooktacular Halloween, Fluff, College AU, Alternate Universe - College/University, halloween decorations, Domestic, Domestic Fluff, short but sweet, Tony Loves Halloween, otp challenge
Read it on AO3
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vorchagirl · 7 years
Humans Are Crazy
A/N - just a little something I wrote for the final day of the Mass Effect Halloween Spooktacular! Enjoy!
"You dress your children as monsters, feed them nutritionally poor foods that are full of salts and sugars, then encourage them to perform acts of mischief?" Jaal looked genuinely puzzled as he looked from the smiling faces of Ryder to Liam. "Why would you do such a thing to your young ones?"
Liam laughed. "For fun! Come on, Jaal, are you telling me that the angara don't let their kids celebrate any holidays like this?"
"No." Jaal said snippily, turning away with a dignified blink. "We do not have holidays. We are too busy fighting the kett for such nonsense. In fact, when I was a child-"
"Oh, come on!" Ryder grinned, her eyes sparkling. "I bet you got up to some real mischief!"
For a moment it looked as though Jaal's stony expression would remain in place, then he broke and chuckled softly. "Well, maybe once or twice I got up to some ...mischief. But we don't do anything like this Halloween thing that you humans do. Dressing your young ones up as evil creatures seems ... very strange. It would be like us dressing out children up as the Kett."
"Well, we're a very strange people." Liam's smile stretched wider. "We also cut faces into vegetables and place candles inside of them, and we decorate our houses as evil dwellings and burial sites."
The frown crept back onto Jaal's face. "Why?"
"I dunno." He shrugged again and laughed, enjoying Jaal's consternation. "Have I ever told you about birthday parties and what we do to cakes?"
"The fire thing?" The angaran looked at the humans as though they were insane, possibly even dangerous. "Where you set your sweet pastries on fire and chant songs of celebration to the one turning a year older?"
Ryder stifled a laughed and Liam elbowed her. "Yep, that's the one. We also give them gifts. Err, offerings."
"Crazy." Jaal stood up shaking his head. "Human's are crazy."
They watched him go, Ryder shaking with suppressed laughter as Liam collapsed next to her, howling with mirth. "Poor guy," he gasped, his eyes shining. "And just think, I still haven't got around to telling him about Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny!"
Ryder, who had been struggling to get herself under control, lost it completely at that, and she dissolved into giggles, slumping against Liam as they cackled like the two witches the were dressed as. Jaal may not have embraced the Halloween spirit, but everyone else on the Tempest had, and they'd had one hell of a party!
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sour--strawberries · 7 years
Prey and Predator
fandom: Stony (Steve x Tony), Avengers,
other characters: Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Wanda Maximoff, Vision, Pietro Maximoff
summary: It is an annual Avenger’s Halloween party and everyone gets to see each other costumes. 
length: 1 265 words
a/n: Happy Halloween! the first fic in the Stony Halloween Spooktacular event and it was made from various Halloween prompts you sent to me!  I hope you will like it!
Prey and Predator
"Steve?! Woah, you look great!"
"Are you serious?!"
Steve only smiled, yellow colored lips stretching in a glossy grin. There was a deep brown eye blush around his eyes, eyelashes embellished with some small feathers. His whole body was wrapped in black leather clothes, and there was a heavy cape with a hood on his back with sewn brown feathers, fanning out and varying in length, reminding of wings. To complete the look, he was wearing brown leather gloves with dark and long claws attached to each finger, and shiny leather boots going up to his knees.
Natasha kept smiling, dressed in a red shirt with a 'this is my costume' in bold, white print, paired with simple jeans, and the only truly Halloween accent in her outfit was a black headband with fuzzy fake spiders with googly eyes on them attached.
"Is it too much? I feel it is too much, but Wanda insisted," Steve answered, sounding a little unsure and pointing a claw to his face, meaning the makeup.
"No, it looks great!" Natasha assured admiring the blending technique.  
"I feel like you are mocking me," Clint narrowed his eyes, recognizing the feathers. They were clearly made to resemble hawk ones.
Steve laughed and moved a claw to pierce through a donut with a cobweb painted on with white icing. "And who exactly are you mocking?" he asked, eyeing Clint's costume, which was a Black Sabbath shirt and a black drawn on goatee and plastic sunglasses, vaguely resembling one of Pacco Rabbane's models. Steve recognized it as a basic 'Tony Stark' kit, one of those you could find in supermarkets before Halloween.
"Yeah, not everyone can just phase a costume on," Clint answered with a forced smile, one that was very Tony like and showed Clint practiced in front of the mirror, looking at Wanda and Vision, twirling together in a dance. Wanda was wearing a beautiful, puffy dress, in gold and silver, and was dancing with equally glimmering and shining Vision in hard metal angled armor. While Wanda's outfit was carefully picked among many dresses, Vision simply took a design from a history book and adapted to his needs. Princess and her knight. A perfect pair. Somewhere in the crowd of their friends and colleges, Pietro was prancing around in a jester's costume, just to agitate his older sister.
"Bruce!" Natasha raised her hand and waved, spotting a familiar face in the crowd.
Bruce, as always looking a bit out of his place in a non-science related environment, waved back and made his way to the small group. He almost looked ordinary, if it wasn't for the fact that he was clearly not wearing his own clothes.
"And who you are supposed to be?!" Clint called, mouth framed in fake goatee turning into a real scowl.
"I am Tony Stark," Bruce answered, and it was obvious that his costume was last minute made. He just snatched some of Tony's clothes and put on his back.
"No, you are not, I am Tony Stark!" Clint pointed out, literally, by putting a finger to his mouth and tapping on the drawn on goatee, something Bruce's costume was missing.
"Tony would never wear polyester," Bruce argued back, recognizing the kind of material the shirt was made off. It would be a base for further discussion if he didn't fidget awkwardly and pull on the front material of the trousers.
"Woa! What are you doing?!" Natasha asked, eyes following Bruce's hand.
"Can't help it, Tony wears his pants really tight!"
"That's true, Tony loves his pants tight," Steve smiled and nodded in understanding and that was the sentence that drew Bruce's attention to the feather-covered soldier. Bruce very openly stared, because Steve definitely didn't look like Steve, and the soldier just grinned, pleased with his costume.
"HA! I told you I am his best friend!"
The small group turned around, seeing Bucky and Sam, approaching them in their costumes. Bucky was another person who chose the easy way with his outfit, and decided to wear torn jeans and a plaid shirt, hair sticking out in every direction with some hay in it and a hay hat - clearly a scarecrow, while Sam wore his Falcon suit, but it was painted to resemble Captain America's costume. If he and Steve ever had a baby, it would be what they would be wearing.
"See? He even dressed like me!" Sam smiled cheerfully, elbowing a groaning Bucky, and pointing at Steve. "He is clearly a falcon!"
"No, that's a hawk," Clint pointed out, also participating in the run for Steve's best friend.
"Eeeeh, no, you under-budgeted Tony Stark," Sam pointed out, eyeing Clint's outfit up and down, "that's a falcon."
"By the way," Natasha turned to Steve, ignoring the argument going on behind her back, "I thought you and Tony will wear matching costumes," she said, twirling the bloody mary in her glass.
"Oh, we are," Steve smiled. Tony didn't have the time to pick his own costume, so Steve, as the amazing boyfriend he was, took the matter into his own hands. He couldn't wait for Tony to show up.
Seemed that his wish came true sooner than he expected.
There was a lot of hushed whispering and giggles, and fingers pointing and in the middle of it all was… a bunny. Or more precisely, Tony in a white bunny onesie, with flopping ears and fluffy tail. Definitely standing out among the dark costumes and fake fangs and blood.
There was a collective burst of laughter from the team, but Steve wasn't the one who was laughing. He waved and beckoned Tony over. "Looking good, babe!"
Tony narrowed his eyes and came closer, already disliking how awesome Steve looked, and how nonthreatening his own costume was. Unfair.
"What's up, fluffy bum?" Natasha asked, playfully squeezing the white faux fur tail on the costume.
"You know," Tony turned to Steve, making a face at him, "when you said that you have a bunny costume for me, this wasn't what I expected. Calm down, back there!" he called, feeling that one by one, the whole team gathered closer to squeeze his tail.
Cautiously, Steve reached his hand for Tony's, and avoiding the claws catching the white material, he pulled his bunny closer, walking away, ceasing everyone's play.
"What are you even supposed to be?" Tony asked, eyeing the bizarre mix of materials.
"A hawk," Steve answered, eyes half closing as he peered down on his boyfriend. "And you know what hawks prey on, right?" he asked, sounding dark and promising.
"A-ha," Tony nodded, on the opposite, sounding unfazed by his boyfriend 'cunning' ways. Instead of being frightened, he plucked out a long feather from the cape and twirled it along Steve's cheek. "Too bad that there is a flaw in your plan."
"H-hey!" Steve giggled, and took a step back, rubbing his cheek to get rid of the tingly feeling. He saw Tony, smiling bright and mocking at him. "Come here!" he called, leaping back to the bunny, trying to grasp him in his claws.
"Can't catch me!" Tony yelled, and escaped, in a true bunny manner, hop hop hopping away.
When Natasha spotted a hopping white blur in the crowd, chased by a loudly squawking overgrown bird, she couldn't help the fond smile. At least the idea behind a couple costume became clear.
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