tabletopjourneys · 3 years
Session 39 Notes
(Skipping ahead so last session notes are in time for a quick read before next session) The Silver Scale Pack split up: While group A confronts The Superb Owl one last time, group B falls for a cryptid and gets teleported to the other side of Bouldergap from their recon mission. Plus: Shopping. Again. lol.
@gher-bear​ @aradow​ @telurin​ @epimetala
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On this day The Silver Scale Pack's split missions get critical. Diem and Ixayl'anu have to battle it out with the The Superb Owl and her mob of charmed Bouldergap citizens.
Ultimately they win by deceit and successfully chase The Superb Owl off, back to The Iron Heights (mountains) without any loss of life or nonconsensual fey abductions.
The Bouldergap citizens are pretty grateful once the distance shakes off the last vestiges of charm and begin getting back to their lives, cleaning up the mess of a spontaneous tournament, and finding/checking on loved ones lost in the crowd and/or forgotten in their bespelled states.
In other words, nobody we know of is angry at us for chasing off the pretty owl. They're all pretty aware it was a spell that made them love and admire her so much.
Meanwhile, group B meet one of the near-mythical cryptids called a ropen up close. This one seems to be super ancient and magically potent with decorative colorful jewelry and tattoos that commonly get mistaken for "colorful plumage" in the rare (and doubted) accounts of sightings.
When first attempting to communicate the ropen (accidentally?) deals 3 psychic damage to the safety-bubbled forms of Rana and Fee. It sounds like the angels from Supernatural. Once it corrects this, it's voice still holds tangible power and sounds like an ancient being of immense power speaking to children.
It tells them both they are not safe here and that they have the situation contained and are handling it. Then puts them both to sleep and sends them safely to the other side of Bouldergap out into a field where they wake up about an hour later.
Just in time to hear Diem communicate through the stone that the owl has been handled.
The pack reunites and reports everything to Lawmaster Eldeth. They agree to gather in the morning for another trip out to Stoneroost with the help of two guards.
Their free night until then is spent shopping for gems and supplies. Afterward, Rana and Fee play a training game with their ratties and chill in the Temple of V'kandis until they wake there in the morning and procure another helper for the trip out in the form of a dwarven priestess who offers her healing skills in exchange for being able to check in on her family in Stoneroost.
Ixayl'anu spent the night in the stables with her newly resummoned elk. Diem went off to find and presumably spent the night with the other disguise-loving storyteller The Superb Owl had suggested they have a nice chat with.
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(At Least Group A is Safely in Town…Right?)
The Superb Owl: Capture them! (80 ft reach command)
Initiative order starts with Ixayl’anu and then Diem; Ixayl’anu goes first and casts moonbeam on the Superb Owl (it really is a fey owl; though a typo does turn her into the super bowl instead. Just a thought.). Ixayl’anu then runs her 30ft south along the fence.
Diem has to run to catch up as Ixayl’anu shoots past them. “Fly, Ixayl’anu!”. They cast fly on them both as soon as they manage to catch up to her in about 30ft.
5 villagers jump the fence to try and grab us.
One guy across fence to her right manages to grab Ixayl’anu and yank her a little off balance and out of the reach of the guy coming straight at her who’d jumped the southern fence to follow the owl’s orders.
Two guys of three more guys who also jumped the southern fence manage to grab me - one to each arm.
The Superb Owl not only takes half damage from a save (8dmg) by staring her turn in moonbeam, she actually pretends she created the moonbeam as an awe-inspiring spotlight for attention. She spreads her wings and flies straight up in it, showboating a little, and says, in an enunciating announcer voice: Bring them to me and I will deal with the heretics!
Practically everyone near the owl by the northern gate of the square arena and out in an oval of about 40 ft east and west is gazing in star-struck admiration at the owl.
Ixayl’anu struggles to get loose and succeeds her strength check, gets loose and flies 30 ft up and 30 ft east.
Diem uses fey presence to go all Galadriel-style-you-would-have-a-dark-queen visage and voice to inspire fear (16 wis check): Not me you fools!
This works on four out of five of the guys around them, but the one who resists just happens to be one of the guys holding on to them, who actually tightens his grip in half panic as Diem tries to fly away with him still attached (contested strength check failed). They only succeed in lifting him a few feet off the ground.
Diem to Ixayl’anu: Get out of here, go get the others!
A new guy enters the area from the south gate and helps the first pull me back down to the ground as those other four continue to cower a few feet back from me.
The owl takes 4 dmg starting in moonbeam again and doesn’t care, the barely-felt pain is worth the extra awe-inspiring beauty of her spotlight. She is hovering there at about the same height as Ixayl’anu (about 30ft off the ground): Keep that one contained, I will get the flying one!
She’s sad to leave her moonbeam, but flies after Ixayl’anu and misses both attacks. Screams: Look at me! (tries to charm Ixayl’anu and fails)
Ixayl’anu screams right back at her and lands all 3 attacks plus a level 2 smite: 45 total damage. “Never trust owls!”
The Superb Owl screeches again.
Diem goes completely limp and in the owl’s voice says: I have possessed this one, you can let it go. (23 deception)
Everyone buys it and lets Diem go. They immediately zoom 30 ft up and 30 ft toward Ixayl’anu, flying with her between me and the owl.
Guys who let them go realizing their mistake: Oh shit!
(3D chess for everyone now!)
The Northern portion of the crowd begins surging toward us as well, both guys who had Diem are running after them even though they’re 30 ft up.
Korial, the feathered dragonborn from one of Ixayl’anu’s home islands (who had been in charge of and enlisted in the fighting competition) had come out at some point, disappeared in his tent again, and is now coming out, handing off nets to capable-looking people nearby so he can take a shot with his bow at Ixayl’anu. He hits her for 10 dmg
The Superb Owl screams in Ixayl’anu’s face again and tries to grab at her for a grapple. 18 slashing damage and a strength check of 20 vs 21. Ixayl’anu pulls herself away from the grapple at the last minute, which is ruled one reason why the claws hurt so much - made the wound worse pulling out of the grasp.
Ixayl’anu’s next attack misses, but her 2nd does 15dmg plus another smite for 9 more dmg (total 24dmg).
Diem still doesn’t want to hurt the owl if they can avoid it, it’s chaotic good, but just doesn’t understand the concept and finality of death for mortals or why consent is important for the little honor guard it’s trying to create. They are out of big spells, but still have a lightning bolt in their ring if it comes down to it. However, the people also need to know this fey is willing to kill them for the sake of convenience anyway. It’s not outright evil, but inhuman enough it will kill them as easy as praise them.
As such, totally trying to create some doubts and tarnish the awe, show a little truth in a dramatic way, Diem moves their hands in front of their face as if they’re casting a spell, conveniently blocking anyone able to see their face from seeing their mouth move as they mimic The Superb Owl’s voice again, as loud as they can supervillain style and say: I will kill anyone who fails me! (21 deception).
A good amount of people around the South fence pause a little bit at this, including the guys who let them go during the last deception.
After that, Diem shoots Northwest and up 60ft to get above and behind The Superb Owl without flying close enough on the way to cause an attack of opportunity (essentially 20ft behind the owl to the northwest and 30ft up for a total of 60ft above ground and away from Korial’s bow).
They cast an eldritch blast but their heart still really isn’t in killing this pretty fey creature yet (Ixayl’anu is definitely not holding back for sure). Their first blast of crackling iridescent magic misses entirely as a result, and the other is held back too much, doing only 3dmg.
The guys who got nets from Korial are now close enough to throw them at Ixayl’anu, but both nets go wide without accidentally ensnaring any of the people under her instead.
Korial shoots at Ixayl’anu again, but misses.
The Superb Owl: Get more archers! Stop using the nets!
She disengages from Ixie and flies a bigger circle away. She goes up to about 80ft off the ground and take a commanding view of the whole area.
Ixayl’anu has seen birds of prey do this maneuver - she’s getting height so she can do a dive at Ixayl’anu (from 50ft above her now/20ft higher up than Diem is). Diem is clueless what this means for Ixayl’anu.
Ixayl’anu drops moonbeam and downs a potion (16 healing) on her way to get behind the owl and in front of me, close enough she and Diem both get the advantages of the bless she casts in moonbeam’s place (add a d4 to any attack roll or saving throw for a minute - 10 rounds).
Diem casts message on The Superb Owl, speaking directly in her head in sylvan, using their patron’s voice: Harm my pets and mark my words you will have an archfey hounding your immortality, making sure no one anywhere ever even thinks about worshipping you ever again (Intimidation check of 26).
The Superb Owl’s wingbeat pauses and she dips down a couple of feet in reaction. She’s still for the moment.
Diem yells out as loud as they can, in part for the Northside audience this time (and in their own voice): This is your last chance, do this the right way, no one’s taken by force and no one dies if they refuse!
24 performance for the crowd gets another big circle near enough to hear who are beginning to doubt. This includes Korial who has run forward enough he heard Diem’s yell. He also pauses and shakes his head a little bit.
The owl takes a good look around at the chaos and doubters, she screams an angry and hurt sound: None of you were really worth it anyway!
She disengages, picks up speed by dropping about 30 ft (still about 50ft from the ground though) and books it back toward the iron heights.
Ixayl’anu misty steps after her and crackles lightning effects, swiping at the air in the Superb Owl’s direction, making noises to reinforce driving her away and generally trying to be intimidating “You better run!” style. She rolls an 11 for intimidation. She can’t see the owl’s face for obvious reasons, but feels like she did a good job.
(The “Victory Speech” No One Asked For)
Diem flies lower toward the ground and makes themself look like an autumn-and-firey-sun themed archfey with a slightly higher voice than their patron’s to address the people around then. Their impulsive goal here is mainly to check on the hostility levels of the crowd while also trying to make sure a the presence of an archfey makes it into some stories. Just in case any of those get back to The Superb Owl in the future. They don’t use their own patron’s looks because they don’t know how their patron would feel getting that credit. They do go for a fiery-autumn look thinking this heavily V’kandis sun god religious area might attribute the deed in story to V’kandis instead, or an archfey follower (vague spur-of-the-moment possibilities for how this story gets retold over the years lol). Their performance is only a 16 for this though and it’s ruled that most people are simply distracted by the charm suddenly getting dispelled, becoming worried about loved ones and children/parents, etc. no longer in sight. Either way, everyone clearly knows what happened now (insofar as being charmed goes). Diem finished the story with what the owl had been planning, that it wasn’t just harmless (to hopefully discourage later retellings from making the owl out to be something to be tolerated the next time it comes around. Like no, it was definitely planning to take people against their will and seriously considering killing anyone merely for refusing to go with it. As they see the mood of the whole crowd shifting toward deflated sadness and seriousness, they end with what they hope is an inspiring message to find their loved ones and celebrate the return of their freedom. Diem knows it’s not their best work for sure, but they think it went over reasonably well for people being understandably distracted by suddenly remembering all the things and people and tasks the owl made them forget. They do notice Korial is standing there just listening and watching, head tilted after the hold on him was also dispelled.
At the end, Diem then pretends, for the benefit of whomever might still be watching, to be released by the mysterious autumn-fire entity who’d possessed them, their own visage fading back in as they get their bearings and look up at Ixayl’anu. They pull out their sending stone and say into it: Owl taken care of, we’re on our way to you guys in Stoneroost, let us know if we shouldn’t.
(Rana and Fee are falling!)
Fee makes a perception or investigation of 23 right before they start falling, they both hear a crack of thunder even though the sky isn’t stormy. Arcana check of 2 - Fee thinks it’s thunderbird thunder, there might be a thunderbird nearby she just doesn’t know.
Rana was showboating a little like “look at my mountains!” before she fell.
They feel cocooned in this nice little bubble of antigravity and have a slow descent that stops right above the trees like levitating above the treeline.
The ropen are following their descent with intent. 30-40 ft away still, it has embellishment on it - what Rana assumed was a natural coloration, it’s a paint/tattoo and jewelry situation.
These details make no difference to Fee.
Rana has an arm extended toward Fee about to cast a polymorph, but then they’re slowing down to a stop. “Fee are you okay?”
“Yeah, you?” Fee was also reaching for her hand and they manage to grasp hands.
When they stop, Fee tries to see if she can swim in the air, but she doesn’t move.
Rana: were you hit?
Fee: No you?
Rana: No
Fee: Can you become an owl again?
Rana: No...well, yes, but not the same way and I don’t know what knocked me out of owl to begin with (Rana is watching the Ropen as they talk - it’s taking its sweet time to get to them like a turkey vulture rather than any bird of prey about to swoop down and snatch you motions.
Fee looks for the ground through the trees and asks something I missed.
Rana perceives 18 trying to see if there are any other ropen around. 100 ft or so and getting closer (overiding the shorter distance earlier). She casts speak with animals and calls out: “Hello!?” (holds her hands out in peaceful gesture, rats freaking out with “What the fuck is happening?!” type chatter in her ears now).
Rana and Fee must make a con save, both fail (7 and 9, respectively). Both begin to hear ringing sounds in their ears - it’s SPN angel speak type noise. It crescendos to the point it hurts, all in their head, past the point of unbearable for a half second before it cuts out and they take 3 psychic dmg.
The ropen is close enough to hover in front of them after that and they both hear an intense psychic voice “This is not a safe place to be so I am going to bring you back to the nearest settlement - you should not be here until we handle it.”
Rana: We can’t go back, we’re here to figure out what’s going on.
Ropen: We’re taking care of it, their invisible bubbles of levitation start moving both Rana and Fee back the way they came.
Rana makes one persuasion check of 6 before the ropen puts them both to sleep. The whole time the ropen made them feel like they were being talked to as a child by an ancient, one that radiates strong magic.
(The zone you tried to access is down for maintenance; have a portal, take a nap)
Both Fee and Rana wake up feeling like it was really brief, but find themselves in a field outside Bouldergap. (Tournament was southwest of Bouldergap, they wake up northeast of Bouldergap - slightly farther away from town, and directly North of the road in.
Wisdom saving throws: 13 Rana, 20 Fee; Rana wakes up without memory of why she’s even here, the last she remembers she was an owl flying to Stoneroost. She tries to point at the empty air like the ropen is still there though.
Rana: Look, look that’s the thing I saw!
Fee: Yeah we both saw it…?
Rana: Yeah it’s right there! (the air is obviously empty though)
Fee: Uuuhhhhh…
Rana: Wait a minute, why are we back here? (She checks on the rats, who she can no longer understand, but that’s okay because she doesn’t remember casting that spell anyway.)
Fee: Oh, I see, what’s the last thing you remember, friend?
Rana: Flying
Fee: And then we were falling.
Rana statues.
Fee: Here’s what I think happened, I think your bird demons have some kind of bubble around Stoneroost because you somehow became not an owl and we were plummeting toward the ground and they slowed our descent and they made this awful noise screaming in our heads or maybe just my head and then talked to us like kids and were like “No we don’t need your help, we got this dudes.” (She retells the whole thing with more words than this but this is all I got transcribed live).
Rana looks doubtful: I think I’d remember that...
Fee: Yeah you would think…
At about this time, Diem’s voice comes through on the sending stones.
Diem: Owl taken care of, we’re on our way to you guys in Stoneroost, let us know if we shouldn’t.
Fee picks up almost immediately: No, don’t go to Stoneroost - fly to the other side of the tournament just out of town, we’re, well...marco polo or something when you get close until you find us and we’ll catch you up on--
Rana interrupts: Meet us at the gate into Bouldergap.
Fee: Yeah. That probably works better.
It will take Diem and Ixayl’anu about 5 minutes to fly to their destination.
In the meantime, as Rana and Fee walk toward said gate, they talk about what Rana doesn’t remember. She is very VERY interested in everything Fee has to say about the ropen. Fortunately for her, while Fee didn’t care about all the details of the ropen, she did take note of them with her high perception and was able to describe them pretty accurately to Rana - including the detail that they aren’t naturally colorful so much as wearing paint or tattoos and decorative jewelry that glints in the sun. Rana doesn’t know enough about ropen to say whether any of this was normal or not.
The lore for them is only that they’re brightly coloured pterodactyl-like creatures. No one’s gotten close enough to realize it’s not a natural thing and Rana thought they were just animals until now.
They do both remember getting just past the area where we saw the abominations on the road before they were stopped and ported away.
(Together again)
As Diem and Ixayl’anu approach and land, they find Fee and Rana both looking pissed, Rana has her map out, half plotting a route through the mountains instead.
Diem: How’d you guys get over here? Nevermind because…(they proceed to excitedly tell how things went with the owl - including the bit Ixayl’anu was not yet aware of about the message spell convincing the owl that their patron promised retribution if their pets, plural, were harmed)
Ixayl’anu preens with pride over her actions and shining moments during the story. We did not highlight, live, that she would be hearing the message that chased the owl off for the first time though, so there’s no noted reaction to that bit.
Rana (after Diem concludes the story): I hope the Ropen gets it.
Ixayl’anu: Ropen?
Rana looks at Fee: Well, since I don’t remember what happened…?
Fee: Yeah...remember how Rana was gonna carry me safely and we were gonna do this recon mission…?
Rana glares into the open air at nothing over the whole situation.
Fee: Once we got a little more than halfway to Stoneroost, just past where we were before we hit a bubble or something I don’t know but that big Rope-Roc bird thing flew in and Rana got switched back and we were falling then we were not falling and then the bird thing screamed in our heads and it hurt. Then was all like, “Don’t come over here I got this.” and then I don’t know yeah that’s when we were put to sleep and moved over here. I guess Rana must’ve been dropped too hard because she doesn’t remember it all.
(Again, there were definitely more words used than this, more things said, all amusing retellings, but this is all I got transcribed live)
Rana: They’ve never stopped me going through the mountains before, so I’m thinking we go through the mountains and hike out there in the morning. (She also notes that they didn’t see abominations on the road though, at least).
We talk about possibly going by road one more time, but this time, coming out silver scale first to see if that gets us in the door with these Ropen. Among our options is Rana just straight flying out there again with one of us on her back, Ixayl’anu riding on her elk, or possibly hiking back out there and flying for the last 10-20 minutes. All with the silver scale and letter ready to show as a potential vip pass.
Diem pulls out their sending stone and starts to catch the guard captain up on everything as we head her way to check in.
Eldeth: Just meet me at the guard house, this is too much to take in over sending stones.
(At the guard house)
By the time we get there Eldeth says she’s heard many different stories but they all start with YOU (here she points at Ixayl’anu) breathing lightning all over the damned thing.
Ixayl’anu (not in the least as guilty as she should be lol): Yeah…
Eldeth: (nods to self like “Alright then.”) Well we hadn’t tried that, but it worked.
Diem fills her in with 25 performance on every little detail of everything tried first and failed and why etc. including visual demonstration of the archfey they tried to put in the story for retelling in case anything got back to the owl at least some versions might have an archfey involved.
Eldeth seems to appreciate all the details: Well, we had a deal and you handled it, but I’m not gonna lie I’d prefer to help you through to Stoneroost in the morning.
She calls in two guards for us though - a dark blue skinned goliath barbarian type named Mash Jufrin who has a pegleg (Mash was one of the dumb guards from the other day) and a reddish older looking warrior tiefling named Tioshikio Ayibi. Eldeth introduces them and says, “These are who I can spare - they’re the best at smashing things.”
Mash (laughing): Yeah I’m best at smashing things.
Diem: Delighted to meet you (to Eldeth after looking at the rest of their party) I’m definitely for the morning though too, I could use a short rest?
The others nod agreement.
Tio: In that case, I’ll go help out with breaking down all the festival havoc and meet you all at the gate out toward Stoneroost in the morning.
As Diem notices no one is telling the Stoneroost route story, they message Fee to ask why they’re not telling their story.
Fee out loud: Oh yeah you should totally do that!
Diem (also out loud now): Me? Oh...okay *tries to remember everything Fee said and does a 26 performance on telling their story*
Only because of that performance do they not laugh at Diem outright for talking about sky bigfoot but Eldeth is still looking at Rana (the local of our group) like “Seriously?”
Rana gives a look back like yeeaaaah...it is though, I know how it sounds. (She’d been wincing and frowning at every mention of ropen during the story.)
Eldeth believes us but points out that she wouldn’t otherwise if not for the owl and everything crazy that’s been going on of late. She recommends Tio to get more supplies to that end from the armory. We all part ways, Diem getting their extra sending stone back after announcing they have a date to get to.
(Free evening for shopping and more!)
We get the evening to do whatever we like. Rana needs a 300 gold diamond, so she’s going to go shopping. Since it’s on the way to other places we’re all headed, we all go with. Rana gets distracted by all the shiny pretty gems, Ixayl’anu has to pry her away eventually. Rana picks up 2 diamonds and can’t help herself, picks up 2 rubies, a sapphire and an emerald. Loose stones that call to her. Handful of rubies and pretty things.
Diem forgot in the live session but since it was determined they were there for the shopping on their way back to Emmen’s festival tent, they have been approved for also picking up some pretty stones and would have been just as enthralled by the pretties as Rana lol. Gem haul (whopping total of 1500gp lol): Includes 3, 10gp titanium rainbow peacock kyanite feathers, a large Iolite/Cordierite sample that is dark blue with white and clear crystal clusters in it at first glance - looking closer at various angles reveals the whites to shift into shades of silver that blend in with the blues that also shift with lighting into shades of black and violet as well (300gp for a small “brick” sized uncut chunk). Another normal-sized sample of this same uncut stone for 50gp, a water opal with an imperfection that looks like a crescent moon, worth 1000gp (the two big ticket items are to be gifts for their patron, if anyone asks), and topped off with a pouch of additional, hand-selected rough cut samples of asst other stones mostly in shades of teals and purples (basically would look like a small stash of rough fluorite, quartz, etc.). They also pick up a little amethyst cat figuring worth 100gp (because gifts to the fey should always come in threes).
Ixayl’anu hauls us out of there before we spend ALL of our money there (I mean for her goddess’ sake, it’s not like they’re the teeth of a rare and impressive beast or something) and goes off to find a shop with healing potions where she buys two common healing potions (100g total).
Diem gets 2 greater healing potions for 150 each.
Rana says she’s going to the temple, everyone but Diem is gonna join her there. Diem splits off from the rest to find their aforementioned “date.”
Ixayl’anu resummons her elk in the temple courtyard. It takes her 10 minutes to do so. He bugles frantically as though no time had passed since he was attacked and Ixayl’anu is there with horse girl hugs and affection that he appreciates as she calms him down.
Mutanamri quietly comes up to her during this: So while you’re welcome to stay here, and we appreciate all your help recently...your steed does have to stay outside the temple...it’s a little bit of a sacrilegious thing, so if you could put it out in the stables please?
Ixayl’anu nods and says she understands. She and her elk continue their affectionate reunion on the way to stables. She spends the night in the stables with her elk, sleeping together.
Rana floats the idea with Fee to do a find the item and retrieve course for the rats outside the temple somewhere. Fee agrees. Rana hands Fee a frickin ruby for this game and uses a frickin emerald for Hamlet, hiding them for retrieval. These are the games of the rich, people lol. Rana casts speak with animals and they send the rats out on their missions. They make animal handling checks of 8 for Rana and 17 for Fee 17. Horatio wins! It does help that he recognizes the “retrieve” game through practice a little better than Hamlet does.
We confirm that tiny animals stopped speaking draconic about a couple miles out of Longview. So Fee can also speak to and understand her rat through her ring.
Afterward Rana settles down by the flame and Fee with her, presumably.
(In the morning…)
In the morning, after everyone’s gotten up and performed early morning mass, Alka Briskfizz, a dwarven priestess in green, gold, and cream-colored robes, her orangey-red hair in pigtails approaches Rana and Fee: I heard you helped with the owl situation and I know you talked to Mutanamri a little bit about that already. I’m actually here right now because I’d like to offer my services for your other trip - I’ve got some family in Stoneroost as well. It would be nice to go up and see them with your group, make sure everything’s alright. I have some healing capabilities.
Rana nods: We’ll take all the help we can get.
Fee: Yeah…
Alka: Good - though...I thought there was more of you?
Rana: Yeah, we have to go collect one of us somewhere in town and the other is sleeping in the stables with her elk.
(some missed conversation for sure)
Fee: Have you heard anything more about what might be going on?
Alka: Every time I’ve been on the road it’s been uneventful, so this is new to me.
Fee talks about how the road was creepy and Alka says that’s definitely not normal for the pass.
Rana talks about what to expect on the road, mentions the ropen but frames it like, ‘yeah, we know it sounds crazy, but with everything else that’s going on, why not an impossible cryptid too?’.
Fee chimes in every now and then.
Alka’s listening politely. Rana insight checks at a 12 on her reactions - she seems skeptical but open to there being something best described, for now, as a mythological cryptid.
They swing by the stable first to pick up Ixayl’anu and that’s where the session ends.
3 notes · View notes
tabletopjourneys · 3 years
Session 36 Notes
The session in which I have come to realize that both Selphina’s player and the DM are spelling her nickname Fee instead of Phi. Henceforth, I will be doing the same. Also the session in which we further explore Longview and get to know more people in Rana's home town, help some of them out, get revenge for Harold the alpaca, Stellan gifts Fee with +1 daggers to help protect his sister, and then we head back out on the road for Bouldergap.
@gher-bear​ @aradow​ @telurin​ @epimetala
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On this day we continue catching up with various townsfolk of Longview, in particular the ones we meet at The Smiling Dragon tavern/inn.
We get lots of history lessons from the oldest dragonborn ever, tell the story of Perfection (among others), help Jibru the soft-spoken, new-agey orc with her plants (well primarily Rana does this), encourage, Dicho a travelling bard in training on his adventuring break (primarily Diem), and solve the mystery of Shima's missing alpacas.
This involves a revenge one-shot by Fee of the giant owl responsible for killing poor Harold in front of all the other alpacas.
We stop by for one last visit with Rana's mother, Romy, and her brother, Stellan. The latter gives Fee two +1 crafted daggers he made to use in place of her assassin ones she can't be seen with near Bouldergap and Stoneroost.
After that, we're on our way down the road to Bouldergap.
(Read More)
(The Smiling Dragon tavern)
On our way to the tavern, when Diem finds out the name, they rib Rana with a smirk. “The smiling dragon? How sure are you about the tavernkeep?”
Rana ignores them.
It’s probably 2-3pm
The Smiling Dragon has a nice, homey interior and basically looks like the Green Dragon Inn from The Hobbit inside.
The barkeep is behind the bar doing barkeep things.
We see an Aladdin-looking human bard with a lute (Dicho Acaa), a super ancient female dragonborn (Gran Tewafey; one of those ladies who are now just too old to die), and the barkeep-owner, Grismor Fefoki, behind the bar.
Rana knows both the barkeep and elderly dragonborn (no mention of knowing the bard, so I assume not). The elderly dragonborn, Gran, has looked this old ever since Rana’s known her. Rana nods to her as she comes through the door, this person is a fixture of the town and Rana is unsurprised to see her there.
The old dragonborn looks us all over as we enter, but it takes her a second before she goes “Rana? Who are these people with you, come over here, what in tarnation!?”
Rana: Oh hey, Gran…
Diem introduces themself as we approach with a respectful, hopefully charming bow. “I bet you have all the best stories.”
Gran: Finally, a young person who respects their elders - you look a little strange but you seem to have a good head on your shoulders, and I do have some good stories - people should listen to their elders more!
Rana: We’ll be more than happy to listen - I’m gonna run up and get some food first and then keep you company (Rana practically runs to the bar).
Gran: I was about to leave but yeah I’ll keep you company.
Fee: Ooooh no.
We’re in for having our ears talked off and Diem is loving it, even if it is the somewhat dry material one would expect from schoolhouse history lessons.
In one of the stories, Fee interrupts “Exactly what IS tarnation?”
Gran has a story about this and the etymology too. Her way of speaking is as if she was around for the entire growth of this word lol.
Rana picks up a dessert for Gran.
The barkeep gives Rana a commiserating look (I already got you, I see what’s going on). They gossip about Rana’s niece and niephio’s mischief, namely how Taniel had not so long ago brought home a wild animal, just like auntie Rana used to.
Meanwhile, despite the occasionally dry lesson-style stories, Diem is loving it anyway - sorry ya’ll they’re prompting off this etymology lesson by asking what she knows about all the animals around her speaking draconic.
Gran is definitely of the mindset all of the native animals speaking draconic is the blessing of V’kandis. “We’re a blessed town. Nothing bad ever happens here, no bandits come through, no wild animals attacking, we’re really favored by our god.” This segues into proselytizing and being urged toward the priest before we leave.
Diem is finally less than thrilled by the religious preaching bits and their attention begins to wander to the bard who misunderstands their attention and fumbles his song a little and is painfully self-conscious. He thinks Diem is watching because he missed a chord or some other critique-minded senpai is looking thing. Meanwhile, Diem feels bad for him and can’t wander over or try and encourage him instead because Gran is snapping her fingers at them to pay attention. Diem puts a pin in approaching the bard later to encourage and make it up to him.
All you can drink potions is probably mostly joke potions. Rana orders a round of the local brews including one for Gran.
Gran begins quizzing Rana about her recent travels and how we all met.
Fee: First we had these mighty rats to fight in a tavern much like this one.
Gran: Rats? Why would you just be going off and killing rats, where are you from?
Rana: They’re not the same kinda rats Gran, these ones don’t talk.
Gran: Not from around here, I definitely understand, I definitely knew that.
Rana: I picked up this group in Rethwellian
Gran gives us another once over, her eyes falling on Ixayl'anu now and squints at her “I didn’t realize Rethwellian dragonborn were feathered, I thought that was some kind of headdress but you’re not…?”
Ixayl'anu: No no…
Rana starts stuffing her face to avoid being involved in this topic
Ixayl'anu: Not from Rethwellian. From a little bit farther away than that I think.
Gran perks up: Oh okay, where might that be?
Ixayl'anu: The Seejit (spelling?) Isles?
Gran looks at her like she just said Atlantis: Never met anyone from there before. Is it true that ya’ll have a dragon as an emperor over there?
Ixayl’anu: Yeah
Gran: To each their own
Ixayl’anu: No less weird than animals speaking draconic
They move on as Ixayl'anu asks Gran what she does.
She teaches history.
More conversation I missed.
Rana: We came on a boat in the water, never been on one before have you?
Gran: I’ve seen ‘em but I don’t like ‘em, never been on one.
Rana: Apparently these two have shipwrecked before (she indicates Diem and Ixayl’anu)
Gran: See, that’s why you shouldn’t.
Ixayl’anu: I technically never shipwrecked, my ship made it, I didn’t.
Diem: I mean...yeah, my ship made it too, I just got swept overboard and onto the wild expanse no less.
Gran: That explains why you look the way you do.
Diem: I will try not to take that personally….
We get ship avoiding advice courtesy of Gran.
Rana asks after various rumors in town.
Gran talks about livestock going missing and various other things because Gran knows everything and everyone.
Except one thing, apparently: I’m an old lady how would I know what kind of animal is out there?
Rana: You talk to a lot of people
Gran: That would require them knowing what’s going on. (after some thought) About a week ago Shima mentioned she was missing a few alpacas.
Diem: Any giant mole hills involved?
This question eventually leads to the story of their recent adventure with Diem dropping the word abominations in Perfection and several eyes turn our direction.
Now that all eyes are on Diem, obviously waiting for more, they launch into the Perfection story loud enough for eavesdroppers (21 performance). The bard in training stops to listen as well. He adds a chord every so often but he’s very much entranced as well.
Diem notices and encourages with faint prestidigitation sounds, a smile and a wink which totally shuts the poor guy’s brain down instead.
Jibru Tiklot, an older orc lady claps at the end and afterward asks to make sure there was a noon sun druid there.
Diem says their leader was there (because Edea looks like a definite leader to them).
Jibru: How very fortuitous that you were there then, that’s good to hear. (She’s very soft spoken and new agey).
Now that Jibru has Rana’s attention though, she also wants to know if Rana is staying awhile because she has some things she’d love some help with.
Rana: Oh yeah sure (not missing a beat)
They arrange things in exchange for cookies, Rana presuming again to speak for the whole group without asking first lol.
Rana: What sort of issue am I looking at so I can come prepared?
Oh it’s my <insert jungle plant name I missed>.
They talk about it a little, Rana belatedly asks if that’s okay with us, we’re fine with it. Jibru and Rana arrange to meet after food, drink, and stories.
We learn one of the reasons Rana was inspired to leave Longview in the first place was probably traveller stories from this very tavern.
Fee at some point talks about Miova and taking ships to other areas and such.
Rana talks about how super nice and helpful Fee’s friend Dima is (and Fee’s sister being so nice).
Fee gives her a ‘really?’ sort of look about Dima being nice, looking around to see if anyone appeared to recognize the name.
Also, Fee starts investigating around this establishment regarding use of thieves’ cant (25). She notices there are a lot of intricate carvings in the walls and beams, lots of smiling dragons built into the craftsmanship, there are small symbols on the front of the bar that indicate secret codes. An X with a top and an oval with 3 wavy s lines on the bar (bread symbol). On a side beam there’s also a triangle with a pea in it, spear or arrow on top of pea (people inside will…?). Triangle with the downward sword.
(A conversation about bread)
When they pay, Fee tips extra to Grismor after she’s observed this guy seems to be a cool person who helps people in need out.
Fee, in thieves’ cant while complimenting his bread: We seem to have friends in common
Grismor (while also pretending to talk about bread): Not friends but it pays to know the local players/powers.
Fee (so much lovely bread and your brew was lovely): Yes, I agree. Used to be on the payroll myself, but guess I could call them acquaintances also.
Grismor (thank you kindly stranger, please don’t mind that Diem is totally filling in what our fake conversation was like - mmmm bread - these two can REALLY talk about bread) Sounds like you made the right decision, seem like a good group of people you’re here with now.
Fee (Yes, do you have any other pastries I can sample?): Oh you know Rana
(DM Clarifications about earlier points: When Rana mentioned Dima out loud, Fee had noticed Grismor perked up in a negative sort of way recognizing the name. Fee noticed he had lots of symbols. “Safe resting place” “we offer free food here” “People here will guard you”)
Fee (I am all about bread, simply can’t get enough of it, do you have bread I can take on the road?): Do you have any current business with our mutual acquaintance?
Grismor (Sure, I can pack you up some bread, always love a good bread aficionado): No, I’m happy...more retired at this point
Fee (Excellent, I can smell it all from here, could you add a few sweet breads? Stuffed pastries?): I feel ya. Well if you need anything hypothetically we’ll be going back there eventually, I’ll do you a favor (being charming). (insight check on Grismor’s response: natural one - 3 total)
He kinda looks at her and he pats her cheek (All the bread you like little gnome, I’ll toss in a few free samples for the road). “Anytime you need something, just let me know. This is a great conversation, I feel like it’s been illuminating, but I don’t need anything right now, thanks.”
(He is very happy with her though)
Rana is finishing up the story about Ixayl'anu’s feather theft, occasionally glancing over at Fee and the barkeep being 100% slick and believable about their bread conversation that Diem totally did not make up for them after the fact.
When Fee returns “Man I’m tired.”
Rana: It’s after noon…
Diem: To be fair your sleep was disturbed.
Rana tries to ask about missing livestock.
Ixayl'anu suggests we can go talk to people around town about it instead.
As things are winding down Rana tries to get Jibru’s attention.
Ixayl'anu says she’ll go with, Diem says they’re gonna stick around and talk to the bard. Fee says she’s gonna take a nap.
Rana: Here? In the middle of the crowd?
Grismor: I do actually have a spare bed she can use.
After a brief exchange he insists it’s between friends, don’t worry about it.
Fee goes upstairs to nap in the sort of hold-over room for emergency issues like a friend’s friend is about to sleep in a bush drunk, rather than an official room.
(Off to Jibru’s)
Rana and Ixayl’anu go off with Jibru. She ushers them into a house full of plants and crystals, and new agey homey stuff. “I just don’t know what’s wrong with it. It just doesn’t seem to…(missed words) I moved it into and out of the sun and it doesn’t like that either...can you help?” (among a list of other things she’s tried)
Rana nature checks 10 - the leaves look a little ragged in addition to being sad and droopy, soil is dry, and she knows that it’s a tropical plant, not a desert plant.
Jibru: I mist it every day and I moved it into the house…
The heat is fine, it’s probably drying out though.
So I should water it more, is what you’re saying…?
Rana casts lesser restoration on the plant, starting with that. It still looks a little droopy, but the edges of the leaves fill in a little bit and it gives her two new leaves immediately.
“Oh we need water.” Jibru leaves to go get some. When she gets back: “I knew you could do something with it, it’s already looking so much better.”
Rana: It did seem to have some sort of disease (medicine check of 13 - she notices some fungus gnat infestation crawling out while it’s being watered).
Rana advises her to get someone to sell her some gnat eating lizards for it. In a controlled fashion, she’s going to cast plant growth to invigorate it and all the other nearby plants too.
Jibru’s eyes get big “Oh my gosh…” She was just going to give us cookies but now...she gives Rana a plate of very delicious snicker doodles and an herbalist’s bundle which does some cool things: Rare (These ingredients can be chewed raw for minor effects or, if you are proficient with the ‘herbalism kit’, you can spend 6 hours brewing any number of one type into potions for no extra cost, each bundle has 1d4 ingredients, roll a D6 to determine what each ingredient is:
Witch weed - (raw) water breathing for 5 minutes; (brewed potion) disguise self or water breathing for an hour.
Pepper berries - (raw) resist cold for a minute; (brewed potion) resist any element or fire breath.
Ogre ear - (raw) advantage to your next attack roll; (brewed potion) hill giant strength or potion of growth
Lover’s thorn - (raw) advantage to charisma checks for 1 minute; (brewed potion) philter of love or potion of poison.
Ghostbloom - (raw) false life; (brewed potion) invisibility.
Mother’s rest - (raw) resist disease for an hour; (brewed potion) lesser restoration or greater healing.
Rana does have proficiency and sits in small talk with Jibru, chatting about plants, medicinal herbs, and things like that.
She’s one of the people in town Rana typically gets along well with.
Ultimately they say their goodbyes about an hour heading back to the inn where Diem has spent their time trying to encourage and set the bard there at ease. They roll an 18 persuasion at this, primarily accomplished by admitting they’re not a bard either, just an entertainer. The bard is a little sad about this, but also gets over his senpai noticed me thing enough for conversation. Diem finds out he’s on a little bit of an adventuring gap year.
They finish encouraging his future efforts by complimenting all the things they enjoyed about his current performance and rejoin their friends when they enter.
(Enter Shima)
Back together at the tavern, we take cookies, and a pretty lady named Shima Paravash walks in. She appears to be a human about Rana’s age with tan skin and long silver-white hair. They’re not really friends, but they know each other (she’s more Stellan’s friend).
Shima: Rana, I heard that you were in town...are you busy? Are you gonna be in town long?
Rana: Probably at least until tomorrow, but we have time for stuff - what’s going on?
Shima: We keep alpacas...we’ve had an alpaca or two go missing (nervous)
Rana: We actually just heard about that and were gonna check out what’s going on, don’t want livestock going missing.
Shima takes in her friends (the rest of us): I notice you have friends with you…
Diem introducing themself: Diem, lovely to meet you.
Further introductions are made. Ixayl’anu says her full name.
Rana: Ixie is easier
Diem: She doesn’t particularly like Ixie though, Rana (verbal elbow)
Rana (matter of fact): But Ixie’s just easier.
Ixayl’anu to Shima: I prefer Ixayl’anu, please.
Shima turns back to Rana: We haven’t found any bodies or anything.
Rana: We can check it out now.
Shima looks surprised: Oh yeah we can do it now.
Some conversation missed on the way to Shima’s farm.
Shima: Rana’s mom will buy some fleece from us on occasion (they have alpacas of various colours)
Shima’s family definitely does not own the town (Rana is confused about where that impression came from - and I am not sure who asked in the first place between Fee or Ixie).
Shima hangs out by Rana/closer to her, asking the same questions everyone else has so far.
Rana gives her a more complete answer since she’s friends with Stellan - nothing to cause a panic, but a little about the investigation on weirdness with the meteors. She wants the town to be informed but if she lets the wrong thing slip gossip would make it an apocalypse by morning.
Shima doesn’t take us to the house directly, but instead to the paddock where the ones that went missing were last. “This is where they were, we’ve check the fences, I just went out to feed them and do field rotation and they just weren’t here and nobody stole them, I don’t know what to do…”
Rana asks a question I missed.
Shima: There were only two
The other ones were acting nervous like there was a predator around but we haven’t seen anything…
We find out this happened about 4 days ago. Shima hasn’t heard of anyone else missing livestock around town.
Good perception checks all around (Diem actually got a 17!), Rana got a nat 20 - she hears birds but doesn’t see any. Alpacas in the distance do still appear to be nervous, it’s a nice clear day.
Fee squeaks out to lure a local rat for answers. Side note: For future reference, help Fee remember her rat ring adds 2 to her stealth - nat 20 for total 22 persuasion.
Shima looks like she thinks it’s very strange. As she’s saying she hasn’t seen any small things to question around for awhile now though.
However, as she’s saying that a vole pops up “Well, howdy.”
Fee: Oh hello rodent of the brown.
Vole: I’m a vole.
Fee: We are looking for the missing livestock, do you know where all the livestock went?
Vole: Well I uh don’t really go out from under the ground but I have been hearing a bunch of - I’ve been hearing some loud sounds at night, like a big predator so I didn’t think I should come out at night anyway.
Fee: That’s totally valid, stay safe my friend.
She finds out it’s just recently and not all night, but off and on.
Fee: Do they smell?
He doesn’t know he runs when he hears the noise.
Fee gives him a rat treat (Ixayl'anu has been translating the vole’s words)
Vole: Thanks!
Fee: Thank you Mr. Vole
Vole: Come back any time if you’ve got more of these snacks.
Rana heads toward the alpacas by the end of this exchange. She casts speak with animals to understand the alpaca.
Rana: Hey, I’ve got a question for you?
Their heads all swivel in surprise. The bravest alpaca approaches.
Rana: I hear some things have been happening in the area, do you know why that paddock over there is empty?
They all look at her and start talking over each other saying things like “Are you gonna help us?” and “There’s a monster at night that comes out.” and “Yeah, they ate Harold!”
Rana: That sounds really bad I’d like to make that not happen, do you know where it’s coming from?
The brave alpaca points with its nose toward the iron heights in the hillier direction: “Yeah it’s real quiet and then it suddenly appeared - just lifted him! It was a flying monster the size of a barn with glowing eyes.
Rana: Did it look like the normal big flying birds that come around?
They all look around.
Brave alpaca: I’ve seen little birds? I guess it had feathers?
Rana: You mentioned it had glowing spots?
Alpaca the Brave: The eyes, they were just bright yellow and it was just huge. They confer amongst themselves. It was a big bird.
Rana: I think I know what it might be...is there anything else you want me to do?
Alpaca the Brave: Can you tell them we’d like to be inside at night? In the barn please?
Rana: I will tell them, I have a feeling they won’t have a problem with that ‘cause we wouldn’t want anything to happen to anyone else like it did Harold. We’ll see about getting rid of big bird too.
They all nod like good good
Rana: Thank you very much.
Rana comes back and tells all of us and Shima.
Shima: But we would have seen...do you think it’s a roc?
Rana: All they know is that it was big, it had feathers, and it carried Harold off.
Shima looks confused: Maybe after all this is over I can have you tell me what the alpacas all call each other?
Rana agrees (and notes that she will do so before we leave).
Rana nature checks, knows there’s giant owls and giant eagles - ones she’s seen from a distance before. Giant bird form is thus gifted to her repertoire of shapeshifts.
We talk about spending the night out there to keep watch, help protect Rana’s village.
Rana makes sure we’re okay with that. We talk briefly about our quest, but we were planning on staying one more night anyway.
Shima, talking about sheltering the alpacas: It’s a little tight but if that’s what they want…
Rana: They were adamant about wanting that, and you might wanna tell the others to bring their livestock in for the night too so this thing doesn’t fly past here looking for food.
Shima says she’ll send a bird.
We return to Rana’s home/mother to tell her the plan and pick up our stuff for the night.
(A plan of revenge-camping for poor Harold)
Ixayl'anu is taking the elk with her to use as bait.
Rana convinces her mom to get the sheep inside and camels if they’ll fit.
Rana sets camp up under tree cover in the tiny hut.
Ixayl'anu and Rana swap watch places since Rana’s exhausted from the previous night’s lack of true rest (Ixayl’anu first, Rana with Diem on last watch).
Ixayl’anu’s perception is a 15 - it’s quiet for her watch, she spends a lot of the evening listening to the birds chitter in gossipy draconic, just regular bird talk in draconic though too. Nice little wind background noise. No owls spotted.
Fee’s middle watch perception 9. She’s just a little distracted, she’s confused about why we’re looking for rocks on the ground, why we keep talking about rocks, inspecting the local rocks for movement - it’s probably a desert thing. Something these farmers know that she doesn’t.
Elk has been told to stand watch, still in easy sight, beacon in the field, playing bait, as it were. Elk has passive perception of 10 - gets 14 perception, he snaps his head up a few times.
To Ixayl’anu through the night in their telepathic bond: Can i eat this? Can i eat this? He eventually goes over to talk to the alpacas for a bit: What’re you doing in there? (Ixayl’anu doesn’t get their side of whatever conversation might have happened)
Diem rolls 18 on perception, Rana 16. We still don’t notice what happened until (Ixayl'anu will notice immediately) the elk gives a screaming, bugling cry as it is already being lifted up by a dark shape - we didn’t notice the silent approach.
Rana: Found it!
Ixayl'anu is awake because the elk’s screaming bloody murder in her mind.
It is about 100 yards away.
The elk makes it’s contested strength check at a 22. It takes 1d6 dmg as it falls to the ground (full 6). As it does we hear an angry screech of frustration as the creature whirls back around.
Elk is stunned but Ixayl'anu is calling him back immediately.
Rana casts earthbind immediately: Yellow strips of magical energy loop around the creature. The target must succeed on a Strength saving throw, or its flying speed (if any) is reduced to 0 feet for the spell’s duration. An airborne creature affected by this spell safely descends at 60 feet per round until it reaches the ground or the spell ends.
She tries to identify what this is through the pale yellow glow of magic around it in the distance. She sees this is a giant great horned owl. 23 nature check - generally the ones who come down to hunt livestock only when there’s no other food available or they’re injured/can’t catch normal food in a proper hunt.
Rana: Take it down!
Fee hits the owl for 15 - 7dmg + 17 sneak attack dmg (24 sneak attack dmg). It dies in a poof of feathers, all salvagable parts are still salvageable.
The yellow magic binding it to the ground fades.
We trek over to check it out.
Elk comes up slightly bloodied and wild-eyed.
Ixayl’anu: Oh…don’t worry, it’s over now.
She lightly slaps her elk’s shoulder and casts lay on hands, getting an appreciative emotion back.
Even with our crap investigation roles, this owl is very thin, Harold didn’t do much for it.
Ixayl'anu is doing loops keeping watch, working off excess energy.
We discuss what to do with the rest of the night now, deciding to just keep camping out til morning.
Rana: We don’t need a hut
Diem just gives her a look and summons the hut anyway.
Ixayl'anu is too keyed up and running circles with the elk.
Rana camps out in the grass and fresh air.
Ixayl'anu’s perception is 16 - doesn’t see much.
Rana collects some feathers (11 survival - 5 feathers before she gets frustrated - tougher than she expected)
Rana and Diem talk about why it was starving and if more predators might be on the way.
Ixayl'anu calms down enough to take a good look at the bird (7 lol). She can’t see any obvious signs of broken bones, but she doesn’t see any other hints of anything. Feathers are kinda ragged but it’s late in the year, not sure if that means anything. Can’t tell its age. It was able to fly and lift the elk though.
We move on to talk about the two routes to Bouldergap and on to Stoneroost and how Rana has been there but reminds us you can’t just get in Stoneroost. One just does not simply walk into Stoneroost.
We discuss how unlikely it is this giant owl was a symptom of something more sinister that needs to be immediately checked out as opposed to an isolated incident that's been taken care of. We also discuss whether it would be worth taking Rana's usual path through the mountains instead to both make sure everything's good up there with the wildlife while still making our way to Bouldergap.
With an 8 survival check Rana thinks the travel time between her path through the mountains and taking the road is about the same, if she were on her own. In the process she calls them “my mountains” however, which Diem finds charming.
Diem: ‘My mountains?’ Well now I feel like I have to see them up close - like some of your family I’ve yet to meet.
Rana admits it may actually take us longer since we’re not used to mountain travel like she is. Her path through the mountains may be quicker, but she just doesn’t know about us because alone she’s very adept at mountains.
By way of a not serious answer, Diem alters their appearance to look exactly like her, clothing and all and mimics her voice: I’m very adept at mountains.
Rana: I’ll remind you of that when I’m fishing you out of a crevasse.
We decide to take the main road.
As sun starts to break the family comes out to see the bird and Shima talks to us.
Rana: Got you a present.
Some missed words about whether it’s the culprit.
Rana: It tried to snatch my friend’s elk so I imagine it’s what took your alpaca.
More missed words back and forth about these things being common, coming down to feed on farms when injured, all that jazz and how Shima’s never seen anything like it but Rana thinks it’s perfectly ordinary out there.
Shima: You go up in the mountains though...this could defintely eat a person.
Rana: I’ve never been eaten by one.
Diem: No, we left that up to the quetzalcoatlus *ribbing Rana quietly*
Shima is encouraged to hire somebody or something to make use of the rest of the carcass.
We totally gave Fee the credit but the story is gonna become Rana the giant owl slayer in stories.
We all get a nice breakfast.
(One more visit with mom and Stellan before we go)
We get herded back to Rana’s mom’s place.
We establish than when Diem and Romy were talking cloth/clothes, Diem gave Rana’s mom some of the nice cloth we got in Budelia from our fight with the vampire, Lady Sinnah.
We see Stellan one more time. He pulls Rana aside and hands her a pair of daggers: These are for your gnome friend - better daggers while she can’t use the other ones.
Fee thanks him, and wearing the daggers of a known blacksmith is going to be helpful. It’s also easy to notice they’re dwarvish style in make. There’s lots of teasing about Fee refusing the daggers at first, saying her old standard ones are fine, but I’m not sure if that refusal was actually in character.
On the road to Bouldergap we see a lot of priests of Sunhame for V’kandis. It takes us 2 days on the road to arrive to our next destination.
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