#Stoker Fletcher
mortandricky4 · 2 years
In the s2 ep26 " Campfire" Stoker and Oskar had a tent stake battle.
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And they weren’t just poking each other - it was a real fencing duel, where both knew what they were doing.
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Oscar disarmed the opponent a second before they were separated.
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I wonder who he learned from...
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serpentgoat · 3 months
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Okay, this might be the weirdest and frankly most embarrassing post I'll ever make on here- 💀💀 But ever since I was a kid I was a huge fan of this niche German/Italian show about a bunch of vampire kids living in a vampire school in Transylvania. If YOU'RE a fan yourself, I've got some news! I'm trying to make a tight knit discord server community with a bunch of fans! If you're interested in joining, sent me a message on my discord @SerpentGoat (the dude with the Roman guy pfp)
I've also drawn my favorite ship, Oskar X Stoker. It's a fairly unpopular ship- but I love it so much 😞👊
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ryukabv · 6 months
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I drew my friend's au ( @ulec-elec )for now I have no creativity jeje
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ulec-elec · 1 year
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Assholes ❤️
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bracketsoffear · 1 month
Hunt Leitner Reading List
The full list of submissions for the Hunt Leitner bracket. Bold titles are ones which were accepted to appear in the bracket. Synopses and propaganda can be found below the cut. Be warned, however, that these may contain spoilers!
Blackwood, Algernon: The Wendigo Boucher, Chris: Last Man Running Brooks, Max: World War Z
Christie, Agatha: And Then There Were None Connell, Richard: The Most Dangerous Game Crichton, Michael: Jurassic Park
de France, Marie: Bisclavret Dostoevsky, Fyodor: Crime and Punishment Doyle, Arthur Conan: The Hound of the Baskervilles/Sherlock Holmes series
Fletcher, David: Hunted: A True Story of Survival
Household, Geoffrey: Rogue Male Hunter, Erin: Warrior Cats
Kavan, Anna: Ice King, Stephen: Cujo
Lem, Stanisław: The Hunt London, Jack: Call of the Wild
Mallory, Thomas: Le Mort D’Arthur Manifold, John: The Griesly Wife Melville, Herman: Moby Dick Messingham, Simon: The Doctor Trap
Nisneru, Alexandra: Hunt
Ólafsson, Bragi: The Pets Orczy, Baroness: The Scarlet Pimpernel
Perkins, Stephanie: The Woods Are Always Watching Perrault, Charles: Little Red Riding Hood Pierce, Tamora: Huntress Pinkwater, Daniel: The Werewolf Club Povey, Jeff: The Serial Killers Club Pratchett, Terry: I Shall Wear Midnight Pratchett, Terry: The Fifth Elephant Preiss, Byron: The Secret
Schenkel, Rudolph: Expressions Studies on Wolves Sheckley, Robert: The Seventh Victim Shusterman, Neal: Red Rider's Hood Sin, Damien: The White Tiger of Kalimantaro Stine, R.L.: The Werewolf of Fever Swamp Stoker, Bram: Dracula
Takami, Koushun: Battle Royale Thompson, Hunter S.: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Traditional: Actaeon
Van Allsburg, Chris: Jumanji Vega, Danielle: Survive the Night
Yoshitomi, Akihito: School Ningyo (School Mermaid)
Blackwood, Algernon: The Wendigo
In the wilderness north of Rat Portage in Northwestern Ontario, two Scotsmen – divinity student Simpson and his uncle, Dr. Cathcart, an author of a book on collective hallucination – are on a moose-hunting trip with guides Hank Davis and the wilderness-loving French "Canuck", Joseph Défago.
While their Indian cook, Punk, stays to tend the main camp, the others split up into two hunting-parties; Dr. Cathcart goes with Hank, while Défago guides Simpson in a canoe down the river to explore the vast territory beyond.
Simpson and Défago make camp, and it soon becomes clear that Défago senses – or at least thinks he senses – some strange and fearful odour on the wind. That night, Simpson wakes to find Défago cowering in terror from something outside the tent. Later Défago runs off into the night, forcing Simpson to go and look for him. He follows his footprints in the snow for many miles, realising that Défago's are not the only set of tracks. The larger set of footprints are not human, and gradually it seems that Défago's own tracks have metamorphosed into smaller versions of the larger set. Eventually, both sets of tracks vanish, and Simpson believes he hears Défago's distant voice calling out from somewhere in the sky above: "Oh! oh! This fiery height! Oh, my feet of fire! My burning feet of fire ...!"
Simpson finally manages to make his way back to the main camp, where he is reunited with the others. Dr. Cathcart and Hank go back with him to search for Défago, and when camping once more out in the wilderness, Défago – or some hideous parody of Défago – appears before them before vanishing once again into the night.
Conflicted and disturbed about what they have witnessed, they return to the main camp to find that Défago – the real Défago this time – has made his own way back, suffering from delirium, exposure, and frostbite. He dies soon after, and the three men are left in a state of bafflement and uncertainty about what has occurred. Punk alone could have explained it to them, but he fled home as soon as he caught the terrible odour that Défago carried with him. As an Indian, he instantly understood that Défago had seen the Wendigo.
Boucher, Chris: Last Man Running
Synopsis: "Eager for solitude away from the TARDIS and the endlessly inquisitive Leela, the Doctor steps out onto a benign-looking planet. But the apparent tranquillity hides a terrifying secret...
The TARDIS has arrived on a world of violence, where hideous creatures hunt and kill endlessly, vying for supremacy at the top of the food chain. But is evolution on the planet natural or engineered by some higher power? And why has an aggressively suspicious alien police force sent a secret mission here?
With no one safe from the planet's tireless predators, Leela's warrior instincts are tested to the full. The Doctor, meanwhile, begins to suspect that there is a scientific purpose to the planet — one married to a sinister intelligence.
Whatever the data being collated from the planet, the Doctor soon realises its usage may have far-reaching consequences for all humanity... "
Why it's Hunt: The TARDIS has arrived in what essentially amounts to a supersoldier training ground, where everything in the environment is hostile and out to kill them.
Brooks, Max: World War Z
Zombies will chase humans for as long as it takes to catch them. A zombie will chase a human into the sea, over a cliff, into a raging inferno, it doesn't matter. A zombie will go after any living prey that it can find, and eat it to death. In the chapter where the astronaut from the International Space Station is interviewed, he mentions one zombie that chased after a small animal in the desert. When the animal burrowed under the sand, the zombie started digging for it, even as sand continued to pour back into the hole, filling it just as fast as it was dug. The zombie was digging nonstop for five straight days before it apparently lost the animal's scent and gave up.
Christie, Agatha: And Then There Were None
"First, there were ten—a curious assortment of strangers summoned as weekend guests to a little private island off the coast of Devon. Their host, an eccentric millionaire unknown to all of them, is nowhere to be found. All that the guests have in common is a wicked past they're unwilling to reveal—and a secret that will seal their fate. For each has been marked for murder. (...) When they realize that murders are occurring as described in the rhyme, terror mounts. One by one they fall prey. Before the weekend is out, there will be none. Who has choreographed this dastardly scheme? And who will be left to tell the tale? Only the dead are above suspicion."
Spoilers: So this book's plot is the last great hunt of a Hunt avatar: Judge Wargrave. Who did the typical hunt avatar thing of joining the law to get his feel and now lets himself go all of springing a trap on his prey and playing with them like a big cat.
Ten people, trapped on an island, all of them murderers who escaped justice. They are slowly picked off one by one as judgement for their crimes, causing them to search desperately for the killer before turning on one another, evoking themes of paranoia and betrayal akin to MAG 176: Blood Ties. {Spoilers: The killer was the judge, who had gone into law enforcement to sate his desire for killing and punishment, much like Daisy Tonner did)
Connell, Richard: The Most Dangerous Game
A ruthless hunter named Sanger Rainsford is stranded on Ship Trap Island and meets General Zaroff. Zaroff, a hunter who is bored with hunting animals, hunts Rainsford for sport.
Big-game hunter Sanger Rainsford and his friend Whitney are traveling by ship to the Amazon rainforest for a jaguar hunt. Rainsford falls overboard while investigating the sound of gunshots in the distance and swims to Ship-Trap Island, where he finds General Zaroff and his manservant Ivan. Zaroff, another big-game hunter, knows of Rainsford from his published account of hunting snow leopards in Tibet. Over dinner, he explains that although he has been hunting animals since he was a boy, he has decided that killing big game has become boring for him. After escaping the Russian Revolution, he purchased Ship-Trap and rigged the island with lights to lure passing ships into the jagged rocks that surround it. He takes the survivors captive and hunts them for sport, giving himself handicaps to increase the challenge. Any captives who can elude Zaroff, Ivan, and a pack of hunting dogs for three days are set free; to date, though, Zaroff has never lost a hunt. Rainsford denounces the hunt as barbarism, but Zaroff replies by claiming that ‘life is for the strong.’ Zaroff is enthused to have another world-class hunter as a companion and offers to take Rainsford along with him on his next hunt. When Rainsford staunchly refuses and demands to leave the island, Zaroff decides to hunt him instead. Rainsford uses traps and cleverness to outmaneuver Zaroff, killing Ivan and one of the dogs before jumping into the sea. Disappointed at Rainsford's apparent suicide, Zaroff returns home, but finds Rainsford waiting for him, having swum around the island to evade the dogs and sneak into the chateau. Zaroff offers congratulations for defeating him, but Rainsford prepares to fight him, saying that the hunt is not yet over. A delighted Zaroff responds that the loser will be fed to his dogs, while the winner will sleep in his bed. The story abruptly concludes later that night by stating that Rainsford enjoyed the comfort of the bed, implying that he killed Zaroff in the fight.
Crichton, Michael: Jurassic Park
Big hungry dinosaurs vs. small tasty humans. Muldoon commented that the raptors were cruelly intelligent and liked to hunt for sport as much as for food. It was actually justified because (as Malcolm realizes) the raptors discovered that humans are an easy meal and become a favored prey. Meanwhile, the Tyrannosaur seemed to be stalking Dr. Grant and the kids in particular, even leaving behind a Hadrosaur kill to pursue them down a river. At one point it's even waiting at the bottom of a waterfall with its jaws open, hoping they'll fall inside.
de France, Marie: Bisclavret
Covers several common themes of the Hunt -- loyalty, betrayal, and werewolves. Bisclaveret is a werewolf trapped in his lupine form by his wife's treachery, and is hunted by his king, who does not know his identity.
Dostoevsky, Fyodor: Crime and Punishment
The whole book is about feeling certain that your crimes are about to be uncovered, always looking behind you for the pursuing policeman, the hand of justice that is sure to catch you at any moment.
Doyle, Arthur Conan: The Hound of the Baskervilles/Sherlock Holmes series
As per this post: "I know he's already been in the Eye Poll, but trust me, he's such a Hunt guy. All of his observational skills aren't Eye (he'd probably think that was cheating), but the result of a finely trained mind and keen, Hunt-enhanced senses. He's relentless in his pursuit of criminals, trekking for miles through city and country alike to track down a suspect. He gets bored and listless without the thrill of the chase, as Watson has so often remarked, as though something was sapping his energy. Feed your god, or it will feed on you."
Fletcher, David: Hunted: A True Story of Survival
The author is pursued for the entire book by a furious mother bear after he kills her cub in a series of escalating cinematic attacks and escapes.
Household, Geoffrey: Rogue Male
A bored, upper-class British sportsman is found on the grounds of an unnamed European dictator's residence with his hunting rifle in hand, and subsequently arrested. His claim, maintained under torture, that he was stalking the dictator purely as an exercise in the skill of the hunt and that he had no intention of firing is so audacious that it is almost believed — but nonetheless he cannot be allowed to live. To execute such a well-connected Briton would cause an international incident, so his captors decide to kill him by throwing him over a cliff so that his body will show injuries consistent with accidental death. Though badly injured he survives and manages to make his way to the Channel and from there back to England. Where he discovers that home does not mean safety, nor an end to the pursuit.
Hunter, Erin: Warrior Cats
this book series has inspired children for year after year to run around pretending to be feral cats on the playground. it's hunt.
This book was made for The Admiral
The concept of your housepet running off to join a feral cat society just feels Hunt-y to me.
Kavan, Anna: Ice
The book follows a male protagonist who feverishly pursues a young nameless woman from country to country as society collapses due to a beginning of a new ice age. People flee their cities to go south, so a lot of the scenes take place in the wilderness and the forests. The protagonist often fantasizes about the woman being torn to shreds by wild animals as she flees a pursuer, and often compares her to prey animals.
King, Stephen: Cujo
A formerly friendly St. Bernard turns into a killing machine after being bit by a rabid bat.
Lem, Stanisław: The Hunt
A runaway is chased by humans with dogs. As the story evolves, it becomes clear that it is a robot, an intelligent machine, one of many created by humans to be hunted. For this reason it was endowed with wit and strength and an ability to be afraid, so that it would run away and make a hunt interesting: "... a tangled plot full of surprises, a forest strategy, a duel of cunning, of tactics, including laying double trails, dodging, looping the scent back on itself, crossing white-water streams and aerial bridges formed by fallen trees". A little girl helps him to hide, but eventually it turns out that her goal was to lay her hands on a gun and shoot the hunted robot herself. It is well known that Lem was ruthlessly burning his unpublished works, and the researchers were puzzled why Lem kept this one. Stanisław Bereś attempts to explain this as follows. Lem never wrote and seldom spoke about his life during World War II in Nazi-occupied Lwow. However one can decipher subtle hints about his experiences of that time in various Lem's works of fiction. Bereś points out an obvious parallel of the runaway's hopeless struggle for his life from The Hunt story, with the experience of the Jews during the Holocaust, including Lem's own. Therefore Bereś suggests that Lem felt overexposing himself in the story, therefore he set it aside and eventually wrote another, a more entertaining version and possibly forgot about the older manuscript.
London, Jack: Call of the Wild
The story follows Buck—a mix of St. Bernard and Scotch collie—throughout his journey as a sled dog. Buck’s story begins at the house of Judge Miller in Santa Clara, California. Here, Buck is a beloved domesticated pet, living comfortably. However, after gold is discovered in the Yukon territory of Canada, Buck is stolen by one of Miller’s gardeners as the demand for sled dogs increases. The gardener sells Buck to dog traders and makes a profit, and Buck is soon shipped north, abused and beaten as he goes. Along with a sweet, unassuming dog named Curly, Buck is sold to two government couriers, François and Perrault, who put him to work as a sled dog. Buck is soon overwhelmed by his surroundings, particularly when he sees a group of huskies attack and kill Curly. As Buck is forced to adapt to the wild, his primitive instincts begin to surface. It is during this time that he makes an enemy of the lead sled dog, Spitz. The two fight a number of times, and Buck consistently undermines him in the hopes of diminishing his authority. After a final, decisive battle, Buck kills Spitz and appoints himself as the new lead dog.
Mallory, Thomas: Le Mort D’Arthur
Large portion of it is about the Quest for the Holy Grail and how all the knights keep setting out to find it and failing
Manifold, John: The Griesly Wife
A poem in which an abusive husband chases his new wife through the snow -- until she changes into a wolf and turns the tables on him. http://mohammadmirzaee.blogfa.com/post/527/Poem-The-Griesly-Wife-By-John-Manifold
Melville, Herman: Moby Dick
Ahab goes on a mad, doomed hunt for a white whale that may or may not be an eldritch abomination and represents God/nature/life, despite the numerous signs that he should give up on his quest and live a fuller and happier life. Unsurprisingly, everyone except Ishmael gets killed by said whale, with Ahab getting tangled in his own harpoon line and dragged down to the depths (in an ironic echo of his own words about how a drowning creature stays down the third time).
Messingham, Simon: The Doctor Trap
Sebastiene was perhaps once human. He might look like a 19th-century nobleman but in truth he is a ruthless hunter. He likes nothing more than luring difficult opposition to a planet then hunting them down for sport. And now he's caught them all - from Zargregs to Moogs, and even the odd Eternal...
In fact, Sebastiene is after only one more prize. For this trophy, he knows he is going to need help. He's brought together the finest hunters in the universe to play the most dangerous game for the deadliest quarry of them all. They are hunting for the last of the Time Lords - the Doctor.
Nisneru, Alexandra: Hunt
Monsters are real. For Emily and Jeremy, the price of this truth was extremely high. Ten years after their mother's death, they hunt these creatures. But every once in a while, they become the hunted. When Emily finds herself in trouble, who will save her?
Ólafsson, Bragi: The Pets
Back in Reykjavik after a vacation in London, Emil Halldorsson is waiting for a call from a beautiful girl, Greta, that he met on the plane ride home, and he's just put on a pot of coffee when an unexpected visitor knocks on the door. Peeking through a window, Emil spies an erstwhile friend - Havard Knutsson, his one-time roommate and current resident of a Swedish mental institutionon his doorstep, and he panics, taking refuge under his bed and hoping the frightful nuisance will simply go away.
Havard won't be so easily put off, however, and he breaks into Emil's apartment and decides to wait for his return. Emil couldn't have gone far; the pot of coffee is still warming on the stove. While Emil hides under his bed, increasingly unable to show himself with each passing moment, Havard discovers the booze, and he ends up hosting a bizarre party for Emil's friends, and Greta.
Orczy, Baroness: The Scarlet Pimpernel
"They seek him here, they seek him there / Those Frenchies seek him everywhere / Is he in heaven, or is he in hell?/ That damned, elusive, pimpernel."
Perkins, Stephanie: The Woods Are Always Watching
Bears aren't the only predators in these woods.
Best friends Neena and Josie spent high school as outsiders, but at least they had each other. Now, with college and a two-thousand-mile separation looming on the horizon, they have one last chance to be together—a three-day hike deep into the woods of the Pisgah National Forest.
Simmering tensions lead to a detour off the trail and straight into a waking nightmare; and then into something far worse. Something that will test them in horrifying ways.
Perrault, Charles: Little Red Riding Hood
You know why
Pierce, Tamora: Huntress
Corey wants to fit in with the cool kids at her school and ignore her family's oddball religious practices. However, the group of popular kids that Corey has befriended regularly hunts people for sport. They try to hunt her when she refuses to participate, only for the Goddess that Corey's family worships to appear and hunt them instead.
Pinkwater, Daniel: The Werewolf Club
A boy whose parents raised him to be a dog inadvertently joins a club of actual werewolves.
Povey, Jeff: The Serial Killers Club
When our unlikely hero runs into a murderer, he ends up killing the killer. Then he goes through his attacker's wallet and finds another shocker: an invitation to a party hosted by Errol Flynn. Errol Flynn? Isn't he dead? Intrigued, our hero crashes it - and discovers the Serial Killers Club. Its mission: share thrills and make sure members don't target the same victims. With aliases from old Hollywood, they include "Tallulah Bankhead", "Richard Burton", and soon, "Douglas Fairbanks Jr.", our hero himself. But "Dougie" isn't going to waste the innocent. Instead, he plans to knock off the "stars" one by one. And when they notice their numbers dropping, he'll have to answer a killer question: is he one of them - or not?
Obviously there are some strong Hunt element here, killing killers, questions of morality, becoming the monsters that you kill, etc. But also, "Okay, I know how it sounds, but Murder Club wasn’t supposed to be like this."
Pratchett, Terry: I Shall Wear Midnight
The villain of this novel is the Cunning Man, the spirit of a witchfinder who sows suspicion of witches among the people of the Disc in hopes of reigniting the witch hunts.
Pratchett, Terry: The Fifth Elephant
"The Scone of Stone, an ancient dwarven artifact, has been stolen, and without it, the new Low King of the Dwarfs cannot be crowned. It's up to Sam Vimes and the Ankh-Morpork City Watch to travel to Uberwald and unravel the dark conspiracy surrounding the theft. Also, Vimes fights werewolves."
Not the strongest contestant, but Vimes does spends a chunk of time being hunted down by werewolves
Preiss, Byron: The Secret
This book contains 12 gorgeous, detailed paintings. Each painting contains clues to the location of a treasure box. Originally published in 1982, only 3 of the treasure boxes have been found. For over four decades, people have been possessed by obsession with finding the treasure boxes, a hunt being passed down by parents to their children. This is very reminiscent of the Hunt ritual we see in MAG 133: Dead Horse. The promise of a treasure pulling people in to a neverending hunt.
The Secret is a treasure hunt created by Byron Preiss. The hunt involves a search for twelve treasure boxes, the clues to which were provided in a book written by Preiss in 1982, also called The Secret. These boxes were buried at secret locations in cities across the United States and Canada that symbolically represent events and peoples that played significant roles in North American history. Anyone who uncovered one of the treasure boxes was entitled to exchange it with Preiss for a precious gem; after Preiss died in 2005, his estate assumed the responsibility of honoring the terms of the treasure hunt. As of 2024, only three of the twelve boxes have been found. Preiss kept no record of the treasure boxes' exact locations before his death, leaving it a possibility that the remaining boxes may never be recovered.
Schenkel, Rudolph: Expressions Studies on Wolves
This is THAT study. The one that was conducted on a tiny sample of wolves in captivity, yet so quickly taken up by pop culture? The one that gave us the Omegaverse, but also a whole new hierarchy for toxic dudebros to measure themselves up against.
Sheckley, Robert: The Seventh Victim
Takes place in a world in which society that has eliminated major warfare by allowing members of society who are inclined to violence to join The Big Hunt, a human hunting game in which participants alternate between being a "hunter" and a "victim". The protagonist is surprised to learn that his intended victim is a woman, something which he has never heard of. As he tracks said victim down, he begins to fall for her -- but will love or death rule the day?
Spoiler: It's death. But not hers!
Shusterman, Neal: Red Rider's Hood
In this second entry in Neal Shusterman's Dark Fusion series, he twists the familiar fairy tale of Red Riding Hood into a brooding story about a city plagued by gangs. Red, a boy famous for cruising around in a blood-colored Mustang, takes on the Wolves after they rob his grandmother He decides to beat them by joining them to learn their weaknesses After a while, however, he finds himself drawn to the pack. At the next full moon, will Red take up their murderous ways or will he take them down?
Sin, Damien: The White Tiger of Kalimantaro
Two retired ex-cops travels to the Indonesian jungles to hunt a divine white tiger, only to realize the tiger to be old, mangy, lice-ridden and ready to die of age and disease. They kill it anyway, along with several other animals that they encounter along the way, in gruesome detail. Then the real white tiger shows up, and it turns out to be a god-like entity the size of an elephant possessing supernatural necromantic powers, given how it resurrects the old, slain tiger into a tiger zombie...
Stine, R.L.: The Werewolf of Fever Swamp
There's something horrible happening in Fever Swamp. Something really horrible. It started with the strange howling at night. Then there was the rabbit, torn to shreds. Everyone thinks Grady's new dog is responsible. After all, he looks just like a wolf. And he seems a little on the wild side. But Grady knows his dog is just a regular old dog. And most dogs don't howl at the moon. Or disappear at midnight. Or change into terrifying creatures when the moon is full. Or do they?
Stoker, Bram: Dracula
Dracula is all about the hunt and the hunted. Dracula hunts the innocent for their blood, stalking them and draining them to turn them into hunters in their own right. The protagonists, in turn, hunt Dracula. A Leitner version of this book would probably turn anyone who read it into another Trevor Herbert.
Famous for introducing the character of the vampire Count Dracula, the novel tells the story of Dracula's attempt to move from Transylvania to England so he may find new blood and spread undead curse, and the battle between Dracula and a small group of men and women led by Professor Abraham Van Helsing.
Dracula has been assigned to many literary genres including vampire literature, horror fiction, the gothic novel and invasion literature. The novel touches on themes such as the role of women in Victorian culture, sexual conventions, immigration, colonialism, and post-colonialism.
Takami, Koushun: Battle Royale
From Goodreads: "(...) a class of junior high school students is taken to a deserted island where, as part of a ruthless authoritarian program, they are provided arms and forced to kill one another until only one survivor is left standing. (...)"
I mean, the concept of hunting each other until only one person remains in video games did get named after it, so it's a prime Hunt candidate for me.
Thompson, Hunter S.: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Gonzo journalism featuring Thompson and his Samoan lawyer on the hunt for the American Dream by way of semi-biographical of a road trip, reporting on a biker race, a lot of booze and drugs, and deliberate confusion.
Traditional: Actaeon
(Summary via Wikipedia) Artemis was bathing in the woods when the hunter Actaeon stumbled across her, thus seeing her naked. He stopped and stared, amazed at her ravishing beauty. Once seen, Artemis got revenge on Actaeon: she forbade him speech – if he tried to speak, he would be changed into a stag – for the unlucky profanation of her virginity's mystery. Upon hearing the call of his hunting party, he cried out to them and immediately transformed. At this, he fled deep into the woods, and doing so he came upon a pond and, seeing his reflection, groaned. His own hounds then turned upon him and pursued him, not recognizing him. In an endeavour to save himself, he raised his eyes (and would have raised his arms, had he had them) toward Mount Olympus. The gods did not heed his desperation, and he was torn to pieces.
Other versions of the myth suggest his fault was bragging that he was a better hunter than Artemis, not seeing her naked.
Van Allsburg, Chris: Jumanji
A Leitner version of this book would cause the jungle to manifest physically in your home, with new animals escaping to hunt you down with every page turned.
Vega, Danielle: Survive the Night
Julie lies dead and disemboweled in a dank, black subway tunnel, red-eyed rats nibbling at her fingers. Her friends think she’s just off with some guy—no one could hear her getting torn apart over the sound of pulsing music.
In a tunnel nearby, Casey regrets coming to Survive the Night, the all-night underground rave in the New York City subway. Her best friend Shana talked her into it, even though Casey just got out of rehab. Alone and lost in the dark, creepy tunnels, Casey doesn’t think Survive the Night could get any worse . . . until she comes across Julie’s body, and the party turns deadly.
Desperate for help, Casey and her friends find themselves running through the putrid subway system, searching for a way out. But every manhole is sealed shut, and every noise echoes eerily in the dark, reminding them they’re not alone. They’re being hunted.
Trapped underground with someone—or something—out to get them, Casey can’t help but listen to her friend’s terrified refrain: “We’re all gonna die down here. . . .” in this bone-chilling sophmore novel by the acclaimed author of The Merciless.
Yoshitomi, Akihito: School Ningyo (School Mermaid)
A horror manga / anthology series by Akihito Yoshitomi about Japanese school girls who really want boyfriends. But rather than going through the trouble of getting the attention of a boy, talking to them and just being themselves, they decide on a much quicker way to do so... By hunting mermaids in their school and eating their flesh.
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hannadice2007 · 1 year
There aren't a lot of reincarnating klance fic to choose from so i will make some ideals myself (•́⌄•́๑)૭✧
In this world there are four type of people with four abilities.
The first one is the ability to bend elements or cast spell ,they are called sorcerer each person can bend one element.(only the worthy one can bend more than one and one with the most ability is water bender : not only can they bend water they can also bend clouds, ice, blood, spirits and healing )
The second one is the ability to transfer mana to their weapons.the are called warrior
The third one is ones that dont have any abilities
The last one is the saint who can heal people can heal messages from god.
This is Lance Deangelo Mcclain second life, he is the duke's youngest son with the power to bend water, in his previous he was Keith's (Solomon Kogane) rival. Keith is the result of an affair between Krolia Holloway kogane and a villager name ken. Keith was a lone wolf, who was scared by nearly everyone because of his power : the ability to control fire and transfer his mana into his weapons. To be honest lance was the only student beside Lotor Damon Daizara to ever talked to keith.
He would alway try to compete with keith, never leaving him alone, they even ended up loving the same girl who is a commonar that was chosen to be the saint althought she hasn't have any power yet but with a kind heart . He later found out that ....(oc's name) have three other suitors as well. Heartbreak lance stand down and met another man name Ryan Fletcher kinkade (his new best friend) but both got killed by none other than keith, who was control by someone (but lance didn't know this). So in this life he decided that his and ryan's dead was all because of keith so he quits being his rival and avoid him. He meet ryan again and finds out he also remember his past life (and his feelings for lance).
Keith is quit sock that mcclain stopped talking to him, inviting him to some stupid competitions, and avoid him. It was peaceful at first but soon he got lonely because mcclain was one of the only peoples who doesn't treated him like shit when talking to him. True mcclain is..well was his rival but lance respected him, treated him like his equal, he never insult keith other than his hair and doesn't talk about keith's father infront of him. He invited lance to competitions himself but got rejected because lance was hanging out with his other friend Tsuyoshi Aurelie Garrett , Darrell Stoker Katie Holt and the new transfer student name ryan fletcher kinkade or just making excuses to avoid keith. There a rumor that lance and kinkade( like what kind of last name is kinkade ? ) is dating because of their interactions toward eachother (come on!!! ryance ? What kind of ship name is that ? Klance is so much better ). Another rumor that a commonar girl have been chosen to be the saint, who is studying at this school like keith (so ? Like he care about some stupid saint. His main priority now is how to make lance notice him again, like thing used to or maybe be his friend and how manly children would they have)
He thought that lance would never even look at him again and he will die in loneliness but one night he found LANCE IN HIS BED DRUNK AND HALF NAKED(IS GOD TRYING TO TELL HIM SOMTHING....? OR IS THIS WHAT SHIRO MEAN BY PATIENCE YIELDS FOCUS..?) and should he go for it ?
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nitewrighter · 2 years
Favorite Books/Series Read This Year: 2022
1. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt
2. Dracula by Bram Stoker
3. A Little Devil in America by Hanif Abdurraqib
4. Valerian & Laureline by Pierre Christin
5. Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman
6. This is How You Lose the Time War by Max Amal El-Mohtar
7. The Secret to Superhuman Strength by Alison Bechdel
8. Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir  
9. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
10. Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao
11. The Memory Librarian by Janelle Monae
12. Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow by Tom King
13. The Warrior Within: The Philosophies of Bruce Lee by John R. Little
14. I, Robot by Isaac Asimov
15. Foundation by Isaac Asimov
16. The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers
17. Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman
18. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
19. Dragon Teeth by Michael Crichton
20. Upright Women Wanted by Sarah Gailey
21. The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
22. Fire and Blood by George R. R. Martin
23. Red Rocket 7 by Mike Allred
24. Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe
25. Stress Less, Accomplish More by Emily Fletcher
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disasterghaster · 4 months
The List
Always Active || Active || Semi-Active || Inactive
Inactive: completely idle with little/no interest
Always Active: default always on them and at least watching the dash from them.
Active: I’m very interested in RPing with them, but people’s interest hasn’t matched mine so far so activity might be spotty.
Semi-active: not particularly active, but would become so with people’s interest in them and are, for now, idle
Original Characters
Skara Devang [ @disasterghaster ] [ @disasterghaster-moved] [ @murderbynecessity-archive-blog ] Alanna Devang [ @thornforged ] Röka Drochárd [ @actualtirefire ] Dagus [ @gotajokerleft ] Alan Devang [ @batteredshieldx ] Skuli Devang [ @shattershieldx ] Cavalu Devang [ @thatredcoat-blog ] Rorik Fletcher [ @rorikkoon ] Brax Kovix [ @killercarnivore ] Bruno Albus [ @brownsugarbby ] Jericho Mortus [ @sanguineplutocrat ] Rufus Stone [ @officerwolfenstein ] Viktor Dresden [ @geistersoldat ] Duncan McAlter [ @mademypeace ] [ @mademypeace-archive ] Death [ @painfultruthx ]
Arthurian Legend
Merlin [ @legendaryenchantment ]
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
Valentino [ @daddymothxxx ] [ @CandyMothxxx-archive ]
Lucifer [ @burningfeathersx ] Lucifael [ @goldenfeathersx ] (bfx sideblog) Asmodeus [ @ashenheartx ] Michael [ @theswordarm ] Vassago [ @notblindsighted ] Jesus [ @cjonaboat ] Wrath [ @toothfortooth ]
Jasper Rook [ @crownprincex ] Ravi Darzi [ @sunnystiches ]
String Theory
Phineas Armastus [ @profpain ]
Sherlock Holmes [ @BoredMachine ] [ @BoredMachine-moved ] Sherlock Holmes [ @dontfearsherlock ] Sherlock Holmes [ @sagaxmaledictum-blog ] John Watson [ @retiredwardog-blog ] Sebastian Moran [ @BulletRebellion ]
Sherlock Holmes [url lost] Sebastian Moran [ @tygereye ]
Doc Worth [ @DokWorthless ] Ples Tibenoch [ @insanitygear-blog ] Casimiro [ @strayingfromhumanity-blog ]
Bram Stoker!Dracula
Abraham VanHelsing [ @DRxVanHelsing ]
Alucard [ @tomakemetame ]
Erin [ @sassncontrast-blog ] Carlos [url lost]
Kristoff [ @mountainmankris ]
Lupin III
Jigen Daisuke [ @areliableshot ]
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iread6booksatonce · 4 months
Books in my current reading list:
1984 - George Orwell
The Book Thief - Markus Zusak
Eve of Man - Giovanna and Tom Fletcher
The Thursday Murder Club - Richard Osman
Dracula - Bram Stoker
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
Icefire - Chris d'Lacey
The Silver Chair - C.S. Lewis
Books I am actively reading:
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wildfire317 · 4 years
Ashley and Buck doing their version of the team rocket intro from Pokémon, and dragging either Stoker or Klot into it to be meowth.
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madeline-kahn · 5 years
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Dancing in Film: Halloween Edition
Featuring Corpse Bride, Bram Stoker’s Dracula (chgph. Michael Smuin), Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed (chgph. Anne Fletcher), Young Frankenstein (chgph. Alan Johnson), Hocus Pocus (chgph. Kenny Ortega), The Rocky Horror Picture Show (chgph. David Toguri), The Addams Family (chgph. Peter Anastos), Beetlejuice (chgph. Chrissy Bocchino), It 2017 (chgph. Roberto Campanella), and The Skeleton Dance
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universalmovies · 5 years
Dexter Fletcher dirigerà il monster movie Reinfeld per Universal
#UniversalPictures ha oramai messo da parte il mal digerito dal pubblico #DarkUniverse, ciò però non esclude la realizzazione di pellicole mostruose "scollegate" le une dalle altre.
Universal Pictures ha oramai messo da parte il mal digerito dal pubblico Dark Universe, ciò però non esclude la realizzazione di pellicole mostruose “scollegate” le une dalle altre.
Ai già annunciati L’uomo invisibile (qui il trailer) e Dark Army di Paul Feige, la Universal ha aggiunto Renfield, un film incentrato sulla figura romanzesca di R.M. Renfield, un paziente ricoverato nel manicomio…
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posi-pan · 3 years
Hey! sorry to bother you but I would like to know if you have any books with pan characters that you personally think are good or that you enjoy? everything that I find is either called "one of the worst books I have read", or the pan rep is in a single quote from an useless character, or it is not available to buy anywhere, etc
[cracking knuckles] my time has come.
to avoid this being too long, i'm just gonna list some books with pan rep i've read that i consider favorites or gave 4-5 stars. i note if the pan rep is a main character (mc), love interest (li), or side character (sc). only 5 books here are implied/hinted rep (i note which ones), the rest are canon, stated in or out of text.
for more pan book rep you can check out my ongoing list or my pansexual and panromantic goodreads shelves.
checking out my reviews for these books might be helpful, as i note any other rep the pan characters (and books in general) offer, as well as content/trigger warnings, because some of these books have explicit sex and/or deal with heavy topics.
Fortitude Smashed by Taylor Brooke (MC is pan)
Curved Horizon by Taylor Brooke (MC is pan)
Who’d Have Thought by G. Benson (MC is pan)
Miss Meteor by Tehlor Kay Mejia and Anna-Marie McLemore (MC is pan)
The Mirror Season by Anna-Marie McLemore (MC is pan)
A Dark and Hollow Star by Ashley Shuttleworth (MC is pan)
The Image of Deception by Charlotte Anne Hamilton (MC is pan)
Different Names for the Same Thing by Francis Gideon (MC is pan)
Target by L.C. Mawson (MC is pan)
Down Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire (MC is pan)
All the Things We Do in the Dark by Saundra Mitchell (MC is pan)
Human Enough by E.S. Yu (MC is pan)
The Reckless Afterlife of Harriet Stoker by Lauren James (MC is pan)
Candy Hearts by Erin McLellan (MC is pan)
Seven Ways We Lie by Riley Redgate (MC is pan)
The Almosts by L.C. Mawson (MC is pan)
The Queen of Dauphine Street by Thea de Salle (MC is pan)
Soft on Soft by Mina Waheed (MC is pan)
Lucky by Garrett Leigh (MC is pan)
Six Goodbyes We Never Said by Candace Ganger (MC is pan)
Fierce & Fabulous by Elizabeth Varlet (MC is pan)
Out by Tatum West (MC is pan)
Dream by Garrett Leigh (MC is pan)
Socks for an Otter by Posy Roberts (MC is pan)
Verona Comics by Jennifer Dugan (MC uses both bi and pan)
Sadie by Courtney Summers (MC is implied/hinted pan)
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard series by Rick Riordan (MC is implied/hinted pan)
Black Iris by Elliot Wake (MC is implied/hinted pan)
The Sound of Stars by Alechia Dow (MC is implied/hinted pan)
Pretty Little Liars series by Sara Shepard (MC is implied/hinted pan)
The Liar's Guide to the Night Sky by Brianna R. Shrum (LI is pan)
Darkling by Brooklyn Ray (LI is pan)
Unbroken by Brooklyn Ray (LI is pan)
Solitaire by Alice Oseman (LI is pan)
The Brightsiders by Jen Wilde (LI is pan)
Mr. March Names the Sky by Rivka Aaron-Hughes (LI is pan)
The Brown Sisters series by Talia Hibbert (SC is pan)
Loveless by Alice Oseman (SC is pan)
Radio Silence by Alice Oseman (SC is pan)
On the Other Side by Carrie Hope Fletcher (SC is pan)
i hope this is helpful! and you were definitely not bothering me. with all the lists of pan rep i make (i have more lists than the ones i share lmao) and all the books with pan rep i've read (127), i live for moments like this when someone asks me for recommendations or specific kinds of rep.
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ryukabv · 9 months
Me ando viciando con esta serie primer aviso
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ulec-elec · 4 years
Hi- okay so there are these German Harry Potter parody audio books. They’re like classical over here. And I wanted to use some quotes from that with the sfv characters because Idk I thought that’d fit. (They‘re terribly translated by me :) )
There are more of these, idk the three people that look at my post don‘t speak German but imma give credit anyways (bcs that’s the right thing to do lmao)
Coldmirror - YouTube
it‘s a reupload. there were copyright issues back then so the og‘s were taken down. But there are many reuploads on YouTube)
Anyway, here you go:
Oskar: Gruftine that‘s not meant as an insult but
Gruftine: If you start the sentence like this it‘ll be an insult you just don‘t want me to get mad at you
Oskar: Yes, anyway-
Lady Cryptina: What else do you want to tell the children?
Alerich: uhhm- uhh
*looks down at the floor and watches the dust*
Lady Cryptina: Uh Count von Horrificus
Alerich: y-yes?
Lady: You wanted to say something to the students
Alerich: Oh yeah, dark times have occurred and many weird things are happening. Maybe some of us won‘t make it. Maybe even me or maybe...LADY CRYPTINA-
Lady: *screams out of shock*
Alerich: I‘m pretty sure here‘s someone who has evil on their mind. I don‘t want make rushed desicions but maybe it‘s... LADY CRYPTINA
Lady: *screams* stoop it please!
Oskar: *wakes up* Stoker, Stoker, I had night mare, but it felt so real! I think something terrible will happen soon.
Fletcher: Did you dream that a great red bull(*a bull that was red, not the energy drink) drived you seward and were you a unicorn?
Oskar: Uh no-
Fletcher: Then there is no meaning
Oskar: But I think Poli-
Fletcher: NO meaning
Fletcher: Do you guys want to hang out and maybe drink some tea
Gruftine: *looks at Oskar with the »totally not« face*
Oskar: Well Fletcher... Of course we‘re coming
Fletcher: nice follow me
*Oskar and Gruftine Walk behind him*
Gruftine: I showed you the »totally not« face
Oskar: Oh really? I thought it was the »Hell yeah, that‘s a great idea« face
Gruftine: No, doing the »Hell yeah, that‘s a great idea« face doesn’t include angry looking and shaking my head
Oskar: Oh- I must have interpreted that wrong
*Nestor as a Substitute*
Nestor: hello kids
All of the kids: *yelling hello very loudly*
Nestor: *flinches* please- say quiet, I don‘t feel very well therefore you‘ll learn independently. You can practice your hypnotic skills QUIETLY or talk QUIET-
Alerich: *yells trough a new adjusted sound system and imitates a school bell* Hey hey here here speaks your favorite Headmaster, Cout von Horricuis you want to know how to how to knit a sweater out of wolffurr? Then come over to my knitting course this after noon? Wooo....
Alerich: doot
Lady Cryptina: No no Alerich You need to press the butt-
Alerich: doot
Lady Cryptina: the Button you need to press it
Oskar: Do you want to hang out with me? Are you free tonight
Sunshine: no
Oskar: Are you free tomorrow
Sunshine no
Oskar: Are you free the day after tomorrow
Sunshine: noo
Oskar: When Are you free? I‘m free all the time when are you free?
Sunshine: Wait I‘ll look at my appointments diary *looks trough a coloring book*
Sunshine: No Sorry, I‘m very busy for the... Uh next three years
Oskar: Oh okay... I‘ll just ask you in three years again
Fletcher: *outside burning in the sunlight, screaming*
Gruftine: Urgh, Fletcher can’t you burn a little more quiet?
Gruftine: *lifts hand* Professor Oxford, Fletcher‘s screaming way to loud while dying, do something, you are our teacher after all
*at the Nosferatu’s*
Oskar: Hey Max, I‘ll stay over for a few weeks I’m sure we’ll have a lot fun
Max: Papa!
Papa Nosferatu: Yes Maxy baby
Max: there there *points at Oskar*
Papa Nosferstu: Yes yes I know, Oskar will live her forehead a few weeks isn’t that great, so you’d have someone to play with over Christmas!
*the two are alone again*
Oskar: Well Max you won‘t be able to play any mean tricks on us, I’ll keep my eyes on yo- *gasps* Oh My God you have the Original Camping Van with Camping Barbie and Camping Ken! Can I play with that?! *gasps* you have a kiddie microwave with pling sound. How cool!
Fletcher: Oh no I haven’t done my homework and I won‘t be able to copy them from Tinto in time
Tinto: Even if you did, weren’t allowed to copy my homework-
Fletcher: *whines, ignoring him* What can I dooo~?
Professor Oxford: Oskar, come to the desk and tell me what you see on here
Oskar: Damn why is it always me!?
Professor Oxford: Oh well then- Fletcher come over here
Oskar: Damn it why isn’t it me, I already got up!
Tinto: *stutters something* Just because I put work into school you think I‘m a nerd
The other kids: yes
Tinto: And you think I‘ll keep letting you copy my homework after this statement
The other kids: yes
Tinto: Do you think my whole life revolves around work
The other kids: yes
Tinto: we’ll it‘s not like you think it is if you think what I think that you think because the thinking of thoughts is-
Oskar: But-
Alerich: *from the sound system again, making school bell noises*
Professor Oxford: Seems like the school bell saved you
Oskar: Whe have a school Bell?
Alerich: *makes school bell noises again before beatboxing*
Alerich: *yells into the microphone way to loud so no one can understand him until the tone fades away*
Oskar: Uh- Gruftine
Gruftine: Yes?
Oskar: Since I almost died a few minutes ago I realized something. Something about you
Gruftine: *blushes* Oh- oh? What?
Oskar: I need to ask you something
Grufinte: Y-yeah?
Oskar: Actually I‘m thinking about this the day I first met you. And now I can‘t stop my self anymore
Gruftine: *heavily blushing*
Just ask Oskar
Oskar: Gruftine
Gruftine: Y-yeah?
Oskar: Why aren’t you wearing glasses?
Gruftine: W-what my eyes are perfectly fine, why should I wear glasses?
Oskar: Because you‘re a nerd, You’re always a know it All
Tinto: Yeah you want my glasses? Then it would be the perfect nerd look!
*Ashley and Klot Running from a sea monster*
Ashley: shit we forgot to play it a song to calm it.
Klot: we need something that makes music
Ashley: just sing!
Klar: I Like big booty bitches, big-
Tinto: this is a normal triangle
Fletcher: yoo the fuck Einstein not everyone here has an Uni dipoloma
Tinto: But everyone knows-
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2020 Historical Fiction, & their pretty book covers
The Deep by Alma Katsu
Someone, or something, is haunting the Titanic. This is the only way to explain the series of misfortunes that have plagued the passengers of the ship from the moment they set sail: mysterious disappearances, sudden deaths. Now suspended in an eerie, unsettling twilight zone during the four days of the liner's illustrious maiden voyage, a number of the passengers - including millionaires Madeleine Astor and Benjamin Guggenheim, the maid Annie Hebbley and Mark Fletcher - are convinced that something sinister is going on . . . And then, as the world knows, disaster strikes. Years later and the world is at war. And a survivor of that fateful night, Annie, is working as a nurse on the sixth voyage of the Titanic's sister ship, the Britannic, now refitted as a hospital ship. Plagued by the demons of her doomed first and near fatal journey across the Atlantic, Annie comes across an unconscious soldier she recognises while doing her rounds. It is the young man Mark. And she is convinced that he did not - could not - have survived the sinking of the Titanic . . .  
Riviera Gold by Laurie R. King
Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes turn the Riviera upside-down to crack their most captivating case yet in the New York Times bestselling series that Lee Child called "the most sustained feat of imagination in mystery fiction today."
It's summertime on the Riviera, where the Jazz Age is busily reinventing the holiday delights of warm days on golden sand and cool nights on terraces and dance floors. Just up the coast lies a more traditional pleasure ground: Monte Carlo, where fortunes are won, lost, stolen, and hidden away. So when Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes happen across the Côte d'Azur in this summer of 1925, they find themselves pulled between the young and the old, hot sun and cool jazz, new friendships and old loyalties, childlike pleasures and very grownup sins...
The Black Swan of Paris by Karen Robards
A world at war. A beautiful young star. A mission no one expected. Paris, 1944 Celebrated singer Genevieve Dumont is both a star and a smokescreen. An unwilling darling of the Nazis, the chanteuse’s position of privilege allows her to go undetected as an ally to the resistance. When her estranged mother, Lillian de Rocheford, is captured by Nazis, Genevieve knows it won’t be long before the Gestapo succeeds in torturing information out of Lillian that will derail the upcoming allied invasion. The resistance movement is tasked with silencing her by any means necessary—including assassination. But Genevieve refuses to let her mother become yet one more victim of the war. Reuniting with her long-lost sister, she must find a way to navigate the perilous cross-currents of Occupied France undetected—and in time to save Lillian’s life.
A Murderous Relation by Deanna Raybourn
Veronica Speedwell and her natural historian colleague Stoker are asked by Lady Wellingtonia Beauclerk to help with a potential scandal so explosive it threatens to rock the monarchy. Prince Albert Victor is a regular visitor to the most exclusive private club in London, known as the Club de l'Etoile, and the proprietess, Madame Aurore, has received an expensive gift that can be traced back to the prince. Lady Wellie would like Veronica and Stoker to retrieve the jewel from the club before scandal can break. Worse yet, London is gripped by hysteria in the autumn of 1888, terrorized by what would become the most notorious and elusive serial killer in history, Jack the Ripper--and Lady Wellie suspects the prince may be responsible. Veronica and Stoker reluctantly agree to go undercover at Madame Aurore's high class brothel, where another body soon turns up. Many secrets are swirling around Veronica and the royal family--and it's up to Veronica and Stoker to find the truth, before it's too late for all of them.
Crossings by Alex Landragin
Crossings is an unforgettable and explosive genre-bending debut--a novel in three parts, designed to be read in two different directions, spanning a hundred and fifty years and seven lifetimes. On the brink of the Nazi occupation of Paris, a German-Jewish bookbinder stumbles across a manuscript called Crossings. It has three narratives, each as unlikely as the next. And the narratives can be read one of two ways: either straight through or according to an alternate chapter sequence. The first story in Crossings is a never-before-seen ghost story by the poet Charles Baudelaire, penned for an illiterate girl. Next is a noir romance about an exiled man, modeled on Walter Benjamin, whose recurring nightmares are cured when he falls in love with a storyteller who draws him into a dangerous intrigue of rare manuscripts, police corruption, and literary societies. Finally, there are the fantastical memoirs of a woman-turned-monarch whose singular life has spanned seven generations. With each new chapter, the stunning connections between these seemingly disparate people grow clearer and more extraordinary. Crossings is an unforgettable adventure full of love, longing and empathy.
Conjure Women by Afia Atakora
A mother and daughter with a shared talent for healing—and for the conjuring of curses—are at the heart of this dazzling first novel Conjure Women is a sweeping story that brings the world of the South before and after the Civil War vividly to life. Spanning eras and generations, it tells of the lives of three unforgettable women: Miss May Belle, a wise healing woman; her precocious and observant daughter Rue, who is reluctant to follow in her mother's footsteps as a midwife; and their master's daughter Varina. The secrets and bonds among these women and their community come to a head at the beginning of a war and at the birth of an accursed child, who sets the townspeople alight with fear and a spreading superstition that threatens their newly won, tenuous freedom. Magnificently written, brilliantly researched, richly imagined, Conjure Women moves back and forth in time to tell the haunting story of Rue, Varina, and May Belle, their passions and friendships, and the lengths they will go to save themselves and those they love
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