#Still really like this outfit 👁👄👁
pinkyjulien · 11 months
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Valentin Da Silva | 153/?? 💻
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
hi y’all. hi besties. every time i think i’m solid and stable on my feet, new footage absolutely pULLS THE RUG OUT FROM UNDER ME ANDNW. EVERY TIME I THINK I’VE SUSSED OUT THEORIES, NEW FOOTAGE IS LIKE LOL NOPE.
So let’s Ramble let’s Discuss because djwndnsnd MANY THOUGHTS HEAD SCRAMBLED-
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I would assume this is on a different ship, or maybe on the “floating market” that was teases in one of the articles. I’m of course leaning towards the Red Flag Fleet based on previous material, but I can’t really figure why or WHERE in the season.
Employing help to catch up with the Revenge? Attempting to stay hidden because Stede ran from the Naval Academy and is subsequently a VERY wanted man? A bit of both?
Either way, CUTIES. (Also that SKY 😩😩😩)
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And this one,,, THIS ONE,,,,, 👀? 👀👀🧐🧐???
The first knee-jerk reaction I had to it is an immediate post-reunion shot. He looks very confused—very SHOOK, if you will lol. And he’s still wearing the same shirt he’s been traveling around in for some time. It’s also relatively dingy, which tells me a bit of time has passed.
And that flooring behind him,,, Is that the DECK OF THE REVENGE???
SOOOOOO reunion taking a bad turn? Him tripping back over himself because Ed reacts ENTIRELY differently than he expects? Him just RECOILING in shock???
But then also, I’m like 👁👁, because I feel like it COULD be a misdirect. It COULD be something entirely different. Because I feel like they love doing that with previews lol. Something ENTIRELY innocuous and unrelated to what it APPEARS to look like.
Because, I will say,,, the gloves,,,,,, who is She.
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AND THEN THIS ONE,,, 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
does edward teach know i want him carnally
He’s just so so beautiful, but of course we all knew that. WE ALL FIGURED AS MUCH.
I will say though, something that caught my attention in this shot are the marks/cuts on his face. Particularly, the mark/cut on his lip, because it matches up with-
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THIS shot. And this in particular is really scrambling my brain l m a o because,,,
My running theory for this was that it was Ed going through some sort of “battling his past phantoms” type journey, and was working towards healing on his own. LITERALLY on his own, because I also thought this came after him falling off the ship/getting thrown from the ship.
And I ALSO thought that him meeting up with the bunch again would come with happiness/healing as a result.
Unless it’s just something more serious, and he IS indeed feeling better. I mean, he doesn’t have his makeup or anything, so he COULD just be in a more grim situation of some sort.
But I digress. #EdDeservesToSmile2kForever
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The position they’re in,,,,,,, 📸🤨
But what REALLY snagged me was Ed’s facial expression qkdjwjdjw like babe WHAT ARE YOU DOING. WHAT ARRRRR YOU DOING WJDNWN
My brain just immediately shouted “FERAL BEHAVIOR” because that looks like me whenever I’m like 🤪. JUST BUG-EYED AND CHEWING ON FLOOR TILES IDK.
like is frenchie carrying marmalade and ed saw it and pounced and is like ⚫️👄⚫️
because honestly that’s Valid.
But it’s also VERY interesting, because Ed’s makeup is off, and his HAIR is in that one lovely updo. So again, AGAIN, it makes it very difficult to tell what the motivations are/what the characters are feeling, because it’s like,,, ED BABE ARE YOU GOOD??? DO YOU FEEL BETTER??? OR WHAT AKDJWJDS
Regardless, REGARDLESS, I don’t know how they manage when I’m already through the ceiling, but I’m somehow vibrating at an even GREATER level than before. I cannot, and I mean, CANNOT wait to know the context behind all of these.
And cannot BELIEVE we’ll know in ✨less than a month✨
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lookismaddict · 2 years
Lookism Chapter 432 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made.)
I’d like to say, thank you for reading my reviews and thoughts for each chapter so far. And thank you for liking the memes. 😳💖 But bruh, this chapter man… There’s a lot being revealed, so let’s get into it!!! 😌✨
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Well crap. Eugene’s got some leverage on James Lee too. Wtffff 😭😭😭
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And let me guess, you gonna do that to James too...? 🤔 
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GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!!! HAHAHAHAHA... 😶 (Also, James. That’s Crystal’s dad too. She’s might hate you for it lol. UNLESS-  👀 Plot twist: she hates her dad too.)
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Ok, I kinda get WHY he’d bring up James’s murder case in the first place. It’s like the “check and balance” thing where you counter them if they do something wrong or betray you. I get it. Eugene and James both have dirt on each other in case one betrays the other, but it sucks to think that Eugene has the upper-hand here because of his connections with the police. He can cover up ANY dirty thing that he does. Also, he can use his knowledge against James whenever he wants so James is just... stuck. Poor guy. Imagine having your ex-boss blackmail you and NOW your new ally blackmails you just to help him. 😭
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Yayyyyy killer bros together!!! 😍😍😍 The Psycho Alliance has made a brand new treaty. 🤭
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Literally, it really be like this. 
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Ok, but why do I find this hilarious? They’re still young, and they have so much time and opportunities to spend their youth without doing any illegal or gang related activities. Yet, their main goal is to kill an old guy. LMFAO OK, JUST IMAGINE. A random old guy sees them chatting outside in front of a cafe or something. discussing their plans about taking down Charles Choi. Then, this old man walks up to them, right? He asks them, “Oh my, you kids are so young! Don’t you have any special things that you want to do in your lives? Don’t just sit around and let time go by. You should go out and do something with your lives!” and then they reply with, “Oh, we are! We’re off to kill an old guy because we hate him!” Like... 👁👄👁  Bros, are you good? LMAAAOOOOOOOO 
Also, if you think this template is familiar, then you’re right. I couldn’t resist reusing this template because EUGENE REALLY GOT +25 CARDS UP PEOPLE’S ASSES. ESPECIALLY JAMES’S IN THIS SITUATION.
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“Hey Alexa, play Often by The Weeknd!” 🥵🥵🥵
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I’M SORRY. YOU GUYS ARE TIRED OF ME OBSESSING OVER THIS MAN, BUT LOOOOOOOOOOK AT HIM!!! 😍😍😍😍😍 LIKE GAAHHH DAYUUUUUUUM. THIS MAN CHANGED INTO A SIMPLER OUTFIT, BUT HE STILL LOOKS SO FIIINNNEEEEE!!!! UGGGHHHH. Ayo he can bend me backwards bro, I DON’T CARE. Gawk Gawk 9000? Uhhhh... LET ME CONSIDER- 👀 NAH I’M KIDDING... Or am I...? 😏 I’D LET HIM FOLD ME TOO. 😭😭😭💀💀💀💀💀 (And ofc he’s drinking Hibiki. 😂 Like brooooooo... hottest Yakuza I’ve ever seen. You can’t DENY.) 
*N S F W  M E M E S  W A R N I N G*
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Sorry. I just had to. 💀 ALSO, COMPLETELY UNRELATED BUT...
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*E N D  O F  N S F W  M E M E S*
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AAAAAAAAND THE OLD MAN AGREES. HAHAHAHAHAHA Bruh, I’ve never seen him genuinely smile before. Is it just me? He always look so grumpy and serious all the time like  >:(  Tbh this panel really surprised me lol. 
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OK, BUT THIS IS SO NOSTALGIC!!! SEEING LITTLE DANIEL BEAT THEM UP. 🥺🥺 This makes me reminisce the older Lookism chapters.
Also nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. You’re all getting your asses beaten for sure. Daniel will clap you all. Each. 👏🏽 And. 👏🏽 Every. 👏🏽 One. 👏🏽 Of. 👏🏽 You. 👏🏽
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These fools. Smh. 
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OMGGGGGG IT’S DANIEL’S MOM!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH IT’S BEEN FOREVER. 😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ BEST MOM EVER!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!! ALSO, NAH. YOU FUCKERS ARE FUCKED NOW. HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT ABOUT SOMEONE’S MOM, LIKE WTF IS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU? Do they not have respect for anybody? Sometimes I think about these so called “bullies” in this Webtoon. Like no wonder you guys are so fucked up, y’all don’t got any parents or something? No guardians who’d teach you how to be a decent person??? Any manners? 💀 At least Daniel has a mom who knows how to treat her own son. I’m guessing y’all are just jealous that you don’t have a great mom like Daniel who’d sacrifice herself just for her son because she LOVES HIMMMMM!!! 😤😤😤😤 If any of them approach me, I’m throwing hands. Idc. 
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 Daniel Park for FIFA World Cup 2026. ⚽️🏆
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And when that one bitch from your old high school called you ugly, but now thinks you’re hot... 😑 
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He has matured into a very good man. And a fine one too... I’m so proud of him. His character development had come such a long way. 😭💞
THIS IS JUST MY THEORY. (Before any of you argue about this and flame my ass, I’m telling you now. This is just my opinion. Pls don’t get heated by it. Thank you.)  💀
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You know it’s about to get serious when an old person did the, “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.” pose. 🚨
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FINALLY. Jinyeong Park’s time to shine. 🤩 I’m getting a Darth Vader and Luke moment here. “Luke.... I am your father.” (That’s the only Star Wars reference I know. My bad.) And Jinyeong belongs to the dark side (The Worker’s First Affiliate), while Daniel is the main protagonist who belongs on the good side. Call me goofy, I know. Because my wack ideas make me think about my life choices sometimes. LMFAO But ANYWAYS, I CAN’T WAIT FOR DANIEL’S MOM TO EXPLAIN WHO JINYEONG PARK IS. I’m just glad that Daniel got to see his mom after everything that he had been through. The kid needs a break, and I’m here for it. ❤️
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Objection(denial) to ur point that Rollo doesn’t have a toned figure. Until I see the twst team crank out more official art of him, I’m of the belief that he at least AT LEAST had a toned figure. Ur telling me this man who had not problem walking up those stairs bc he be walking up those stairs on the (probable) regular. He a clean freak so you already know he’s cleaning in his free time, and idk about you but dusting, sweeping, mopping etc is tiring and this man probably does chores as a hobby. If nothing else I know he at least rocking with athlete legs cause ain’t no way my dude walking up flights of stairs as his leg day routine without gaining anything. And if twst taught us anything is that the ones who r the most covered usually got something to hide. But in all seriousness I imagine him to probably have a build that’s similar to Vil, on the skinnier side but toned. Also I desperately need his confirmed height, love, a Rollo enthusiast (I cannot lie his haircut is atrocious but u gotta admit he has a nice face )
[Referencing this post!]
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Denial 🤨
I mean, I wouldn’t call Rollo “out of shape” either 😂 He definitely seems more physically fit than the Board Game Club noodles boys, who were both struggling to make it up the bell tower. (Azul kind of gets a pass on this, being that he normally doesn’t have legs.) Rollo has probably built up pretty solid legs due to his diligence in tending to the Bell of Salvation, always going up every day and no matter what the weather to polish it.
I don’t know about those chores translating into also having buff arm as well though 😅 (only because I personally know “clean freaks” that still have noodle arms). I’d think you’d have to be pretty rigorous about cleaning to actually develop muscles from it. The little peeks we see of his figure seems to imply a more slender frame…? Then again, maybe this isn’t entirely accurate given that Silver and Sebek’s arms got nerfed in their live 2D models compared to their card art… I don’t know, Rollo still looks pretty skinny in his official artwork (though it’s a little hard to tell because his sleeves become puffy at some point). The whole outfit gives the illusion of size and volume because of how much fabric there is.
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“The ones who are the most covered usually have something to hide” 🫣 Damn, you’ve got me cuz that’s totally my type cbjsbsjsjss I guess that’s true of characters like Jade and Rook, but I’ve always interpreted that as like them wanting to hide their true nature and intentions rather than wanting to literally hide their bodies from view. I think the same is true of Rollo; he wants to conceal his pain and his crimson flower plot. (… This is me saying I don’t want to have another confused breakdown if TWST ever reveals that Rollo is secretly muscular because I already had enough distress when I learned that about Rook—)
About Rollo’s height 🤔 if we compare his model to those of other characters, he seems to be around the same height as… Rook (177cm or 5’8”)??? So he’s definitely decently tall. bcjsbsksnxks This is actually kind of a funny because someone I know said they’re shocked Rollo isn’t short. According to them, he has “short energy” because of all his rage which sounds like a mild jab at Riddle.
All jokes and Rollo bullying aside, I think he’s probably on the skinny/slim side but is also decently fit, just not to the extent of a super athletic character or a character that regularly goes out of their way to plan workouts. When I think of the word “toned”, I picture well defined muscles, which I think is definitely more true of his legs than of his upper body.
… Yes, his haircut is hella ugly but that’s okay because he makes up for it with the variety of facial expressions he makes 😌 Look at this face. Does this look like the face of a liar to you? The answer is yes it is and it’s hot
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TWST devs, give us more Rollo art to hyperanalyze 👁 👄 👁 and his official height as well, per favore 🙏 I’m really hoping that they release another art book that touches on these details, as the first Magical Archives does tell us some information about NPCs like Cheka and Chenya’s official heights. I would like Rollo plushies too, please—
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
If you have any free time im requesting some camboy au headcanons about roach :0? Or letters to love headcanons about roach!!
Let's do some Letters headcanons! I haven't done one for Letters Roach and it gives me an opportunity to explain some things for the story!
Warnings: Stalker type behavior from Makarov, nsfw implied, slight non-con mentioned
Trans! Roach in the letters universe, which you guys probably knew, but he didn't come out until he was about sixteen
He is currently in his early-mid twenties in the fic and has been transitioning since he came out
Only person who knew he was trans earlier than sixteen was Eddie
Eddie is still a doctor in this AU and provided Roach with fantasy hormone blockers until he was ready to come out
So Roach essentially never hit a female puberty which has worked out for him because he doesn't have to bind his chest or anything
He was raised with a females education because he didn't come out until later
When he did come out, there was discussion of sending him through the classes for male aristocrats, but he would have been learning with small children, so they decided to just teach him the basics
For this reason Roach has no idea how to really fight (outside of a few things that we'll get to later), no idea how to hunt, and is a little less educated on things like war tactics, math, and history (he's learning though!)
Roach earned Makarov's affection when they were very young, which is part of why he doesn't remember it
Makarov was about eight while Roach was about five
Essentially Makarov was being a pouty bratty young prince
Little Roach got tired of it and came over to smack him with a book and tell him to shut the fuck up with his tantrum because he was trying to make flower crowns
Roach got in trouble for it, but Makarov was already smitten and it did not help that Roach later apologized to him with one of the flower crowns he made
Makarovs obsession was mostly innocent until he hit puberty then he started getting full on creepy and weird which is most of what Roach remembers
Roach and Jackson became bffs in this AU when they were kids. They were around the same age and their families estates are right next to each other, so it just made sense
Jonathan and Eddie fully believed that Roach and Jackson were sneaking around together when they were teens
Technically they weren't wrong, its just that rather than having sex, Roach and Jackson were going into town together and sneaking back to the estates with stray cats (the estates still have a cat problem because of them)
Makarov fucking despises Jackson, but he can't say or do shit because Jackson's family are the Kingdom's record keepers/treasurers
A list of creepy things that Makarov has done to Roach in this AU:
Stolen some of his clothes
Cut a piece of his hair to keep
"Accidentally" spilled wine, water, and mead on him several times
Had specific outfits made and sent to him (and since he's the prince, guess what Roach was wearing to any functions??)
Had copies of any portraits made of Roach made for himself (as well as hired some artists to draw Roach for him secretly)
Bought literally the exact same fragrances that Roach uses just so he can spray them in his room (and be creepy)
Followed him around secretly and made visits to Roach's families estate to sneak into his room
Literally tried to start rumors about the two of them to try and force them to be married
Straight up felt him up several times during big events where he could get away with it during like dancing and what not
There's other stuff but thats just some of the stuff off of the top of my head shdhdhdjjd
Roach is known for his penmanship in his kingdom! Its a highly valued skill in the kingdom and he's penned out letters for the royals before (including Makarov)
So when Soap is like 👁👄👁 with how fancy Roach's letters are, he was not exaggerating, like Roach is very very skilled
Soap is only Roach's third kiss in his life, not necessarily because there haven't been people interested, but rather that Roach hasn't been interested (take your guesses on who the other two kisses were lol)
Because Makarov is so solely interested and focused on Roach, Roach tends to get a lot of flak from other noble families
They want their own daughters/sons to marry the prince, so its very frustrating to them that Makarov has shown no interest in even trying with anyone other than Roach
It doesn't help that everyone can see how uninterested Roach is in the attention. They consider that to be a huge disrespect
So Roach has very few friends/support among the nobility, something that his mother has tried to fix but has often just resulted in Roach sitting in a room being made fun of all day
One last one: Roach is very much deeply attracted to the idea that Soap is a warrior king and has seen so much battle and all that, but he absolutely will not admit it
That shit is staying in his fantasies until after he is married thank you very much
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shuchu · 1 year
i loved luca's visual novel, it was very sweet and cute hehe. i really like his new outfit, tho it's more lowkey than his original one. his new outfit got me barking 🫣
you already know how i feel about shu's, i'm literally atrociously down bad for this sorcerer. he just looks so good in that outfit i don't even have any more words to explain it and when he takes off the outer layer- i am LOOKING respectfully 👁👄👁
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teengirlslife · 11 months
Hello world 😅
I want to use this blog as a type of journal for my life for everyone to see because I kinda think it’s pointless writing every couple days in a book :/ but I hope my life can be some what relatable 🤷‍♀️Idk that you will enjoy reading my blogs as much I love to share them! I’m excited to see everyone’s comments and just I want to say out there that this is a safe teenage space! (I am 15 😭 not some creepy old guy!!! )
Anyways do any of yous literally overthink everything to the last detail?? Like I be here trying to sleep and I overthink things I said like months ago , how I looked like today , did I sound okay?? Am I weird.. am I fat? I think I looked ugly today.. ugh there’s so many thoughts that keep me awake like stop go away , plus I’m like stressing out because I have a science module in 6 days and I know nothing like oh gurly bye, and instead of studying like I should be I’m over here starting a blog.. 😂 bye what is this. Also my dad wanted me to meet this guy and I was just sitting in the living room like what 👁👄👁 but I’m my mind I was like omffff what wtf is happening??? and he was telling like he’s 16-17 and I went to his house with my three younger siblings…. Bye and like his dad is my dads friend so like he knows him and he was in his room playing games and later he went to sleep LMFAO anyways I played badminton at his house , ate dinner at his house, and his mum gave me books because I bring one and she was like ohhh do you like books??? Here I have some if you would like and I was still like 👁👄👁 because wtf , so the whole time I was there he didn’t come downstairs ( I wouldn’t come downstairs too if I found out 4 kids I don’t know are at my house 💀) which honestly I was so thankful for that because my hair was greasy and I was wearing sweatpants and an oversized hoodie, I wasn’t looking very cute cuz I didn’t know I would be going to his house 😭 I thought I was just going to my dads house to chill and I’m going to my dads again on Friday or Saturday (it’s Wednesday today) and I will wear such a cute outfit and I hope I’ll be going to his house again , I don’t even know how he looks like and I already started to imagine what it could be also I’m polish and he is too so like oo and idk I’m nervous and scared wand exited , who knows I might not even be going to his house🤷‍♀️ anyways I should really go study 😭
Byeee xxx 😘
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Morning ma!!!! I love makeup and making myself look like a beauty guru from YouTube/insta and I know that Japanese schools have really strict dress codes making makeup unacceptable. one day I can see a couple team members out and about one day w manager being a baddie and then not even recognizing her hahahahaa
Ok ok but imagine this with Inarizaki 👀
The whole team is enjoying a day our before the finals. Everyone is just waiting on YN...
"Where the hell is YN? She's late"- Atsumu
"Actuallh it's still technically early because we agreed to meet at 3"- Kita
"Well it's still rude"- Atsumu
"Shut up"- Osamu and Suna in unison
Michinari, Omimi, Kita and Aran are all chatting while Osamu, Ginjima, Suna and Atsumu basically die of boredom 🙄
Suddenly, our lovely YN runs up to them, frantically waving her hands in the air!! But somethings different...
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry I'm late you guys"- YN, looking absoluey stunning in her outfit, hair done and makeup on
Atsumu and Osamu 👉🏻👁👄👁 uhhh who are you?
Kita and the third years are actually intently studying YN's face 🤣
Please everyone is so confused
"🙄 Seriously guys it's me"- YN, honestly wondering if makeup can really change a person that much
"Wait a damn minute-YN?"- Suna, eyes practically bludging out of his head 😳
"Seriously 😐"- YN
"You just look so, so- what's the word?"- Ginjima
"Not like YN"- Osamu
"Don't you guys like it? 🥺"- YN on the verge of actual tears
Pls YN I don't think them liking it is the problem 🤚🏻 they are actually drooling 🤤
"Oh god no YN!! We- we love it! I think it's just going to take us some time to get use to"- Aran
"Oh ok! Well shall we go?"- YN, skipping away all freaking cute like
These boys are legit going to stare at you the entire day 😲 and then probably fight about who gets to ask you out First 🤣
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fictumlibrary · 3 years
I MUST KNOW EVERYTHING!! (about your a3 ladies i mean) idc if you put everything in this ask or dm me but i Gotta Know 👁👄👁🕵‍♀️🔍🤔 i am very excited about this new batch of kids!!!!!!!
good thing i love to yell about my kids leT'S GO this is gonna get long sorry
ayasa hasumi
she's a childhood friend of tsumugi and tasuku and was in the drama club with them.
she had fun acting, but she loved doing the makeup and outfits for it more, so she ended up becoming a makeup artist as an adult.
she never really knew why tsumugi quit acting and why they grew apart since neither of them would talk to her about it, so she just stopped asking, though she remained in contact with both of them and just. didn't talk about them to each other.
she's seen all of tasuku's shows and always makes fun of his more eccentric fans.
she does makeup around veludo way for various different professions, she's gradually building a very very good portfolio.
when tasuku quits the god troupe he calls ayasa up to rant and she's ready to throw hands with reni.
she's very supportive of tasuku and tsumugi in the mankai company and offers to do makeup for them, so she ends up hanging out with everyone at the dorms a lot.
she's so excited when tsumugi comes back but when the two boys are still on bad terms she is DONE with them she is just "don't talk to me until you sort it out i am TIRED of you CLOWNS"
she's very extroverted, loves to party and have fun, and tends to fit into social situations easily. she's also very blunt and says things as they are.
she doesn't have a ship as of yet.
tsukasa nakano
a childhood friend of tenma, the two were neighbours and grew up together. tsukasa wasn't into show business or anything like that, but she supported tenma and watched all his shows and movies.
when they were still kids, they promised to always be besties, pinkie swore on it and everything, but life kept happening and despite tsukasa's best efforts, tenma was often just too busy to respond, and so after a while she stopped trying.
she feels forgotten but does her best not to hold it against him.
when she hears that tenma is going to be in a play close by to where she lives, she goes to watch without saying anything. i haven't decided whether she gets caught out yet.
she's kind of aloof and nonchalant since she doesn't want to seem like she cares about things.
she's very athletic and she prefers to skateboard places rather than walk.
idk about her ship yet, i could go the disconnected childhood friend route ft. a side of angst with tenma or i could have her fall for someone else while she's going through her friendship woes.
shizue ikawa
a very shy university student, she attends a few classes with tsuzuru, mostly writing ones. she wants to be a novel writer.
she and tsuzuru become friends over writing and he invites her to see the plays he writes in action, which is how she ends up becoming friends with the mankai company.
she is VERY overwhelmed by them at first they are a lot to handle okay.
when she gets comfortable enough, though, she can start rambling about stories and media she's interested in, though she usually catches herself when she starts rambling.
when tsuzuru is going through a script writing hell week, she covers for him during class and makes sure he doesn't miss anything, though she wishes he would actually take care of himself.
she's a kazunari ship because i love opposites. he really helps her come out of her shell around the company and listens to her ramble without complaint. she encourages him to give his opinion when he has one, even though she sometimes has to learn that herself.
nana sugimori
a pop star and actress who is sort of friends with tenma since they worked on a movie together. tbh they're more frienemies than anything.
it was a teen romcom movie where they were the leads so a lot of their fans ship them and they are DISGUSTED
when she hears tenma is going to be in a play she has to go watch it, and she claims it's to be annoying, but she does want to show her support.
she can be very arrogant and her popularity doesn't help that, though she does genuinely love her fans and wants to do right by them
she's charismatic as well and gets along well with the members of the company pretty well because of this
she and yuki hit it off very fast which pisses tenma off since they love ganging up on him
she's a sakuya ship and she's completely blindsided by it. she meets him and is like how is this boy so happy and nice and enthusiastic is he even human i've never met anyone like that but he's very pretty and talented and works hard -- oh no.
tenma doesn't know whether to make fun of her or be disgusted
she is homeschooled because of her busy schedule but when she does have time off she'll just walk into the mankai building as if she belongs there
euna moon
start the clown music
she's part of the yakuza under sakyo and is basically sakoda's partner in crime and dumbassery
she's basically another sakoda and everyone is like "oh my god there's two of them"
she was basically taken in by sakyo and in exchange she pulls her weight and does her best at her job, which she takes seriously despite her personality indicating the opposite
she supports the mankai company and has from the beginning, even when sakyo was all "show me the money" so she is VERY excited when sakyo joins the autumn troupe
euna and sakoda: cheering, hyping their boss up, being dumbasses. sakyo: why are we even here...................just to suffer..............
she does have a sad backstory, being abandoned in a different country than the one she was born in and having to survive by herself until she was taken in, but she prefers to not bring it up as she doesn't want to "be a downer to others"
she's actually a very good performer and sings really well, though she keeps it to herself unless someone asks
she doesn't have a ship yet i'm still deciding <3
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eddiestan34 · 4 years
Telltale Edward x @eddiestan34
(This also can be for anyone!!)
👁👁 how do I say this?
I’d probably be a pain the ass but like the pain in the ass you can still take
Ed and me would be like that couple that just banters but still power couple 😤💅
He would vent to you 24/7,you can not change my time.
Boy would just like “and Batman🥺”
You’d have to comfort him and that’s not a problem. He deserves care
You be very out their, flirty and teasing him.
Just making him red like “💖👄💖”
Outfits matching? Yes yes!
Partners in crime? Yes
Okay but you’d be the villain who everyone says their annoying,too much etc. even Ed thinks that until he finds out your the opposite.
Your cold and play no games. You looks so sweet and kind but you can be really dangerous and also very smart
You obviously caught the eye of Ed. He took an interest in you
Lets just say you guys have such an interesting relationship. Very very 😅
I’d see Batman would get kinda annoyed at you two. Since now you help him,your apart of his plans now. So putting you guys in a police car isn’t a good idea. You’ll get yelled by the police like “NO MAKING EYE CONTACT AND FLIRTING IN THE POLICE CAR!”. I’d also say before you became a villain,you were a private detective. Worked a bit with Jim but changed. You don’t share much of your past. And you always have some way to escape with Ed.
But you two are just the best and I can just say,it’s amazing and wonderful 💖😎
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multiples of 5 + gigi xx
thank you 🥰😙😙
5. What’s their outfit (transportation) like?
Apart from walking/hiking/running Gigi likes her pickup truck :) it’s not hers actually. it’s also not a single one. she just keeps stealing peggie trucks. this even is beneficial sometimes bc then peggies won’t necessarily recognise her or her companions by their vehicle. she also likes to take their beloveds on dates when she’ll pull the car up on some remote clearing and either lay on the truck bed to stargaze or blast music through the radio and use the bed as a dance floor.
She also ABSOLUTELY LOVES borrowing ATVs but cannot keep a straight face while driving them. Gigi just enjoys it so much, she‘ll giggle and grin, even for some time after dismounting. It’s the same with Jetskis so she only uses those if she’s up for a joyride.
Flying is something she hates though. She didn’t love it before the helicopter crash but after it’s just completely off the table. Nick once joked about moving plane Carmina as he worked on it at the hangar while Gigi was sat on the wing and caused her to have a full blown panic attack.
(as a side note: can you imagine how much BETTER this game would have been if it had bycicles? John asks you to, not fight him in the air, but tosses you a bike — like, literally tosses it towards the deputy — instead and just speeds off on his stupidly expensive road racer.)
10. How about Dutch? Do they get along with?
Dutch is family! I imagine Gigi to sort of unconsciously seek parental figures for herself all the time so naturally she immediately “adopts” him. He is the one who she got her hat from and checks in with her via radio periodically. They don’t see each other that often though as dutch likes to lay low on his island and Gigi is busy but she’ll drop by every now and then and bring him ammo or whatever produce Hope County can actually spare rn. He’s set with rations for the rest of his life and then some but some fresh stuff occasionally won’t hurt.
please don’t tell him Gigi does the devil’s dance with pretty much everyone in the County btw he’s become her dad by now
15. From Fall’s End which person they get along with?
Mary May 👁👄👁
She’s friends with everyone there but her and Mary May are especially close. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
20. How do they feel about Jacob?
Ambiguous. He scares her, she hates losing control during the trials, he has done unspeakable things to her friends. And yet the Seeds manage to fuck enough with her that at some point she falls for them. Gigi still hates their guts but she’ll also sneak into their homes to let them hit it and will do some real cheesy lovey-dovey shit. Is it the stress? Is it stockholm syndrome? We don’t know but we can relate.
25. Which two of the GFH make up their dream team?
Sharky and Jess. The banter is top notch and they’re a good mix of melee-, mid-range and long distance fighters. She and Jess will remind Sharky to leave the flamethrower for his shotgun a lot though… But he’s okay with it as he doesn’t wanna accidentally BBQ Stinky, plus an intense boner is not an ideal thing to associate with fighting Peggies.
30. What’s your character’s ending? (Can be one of the canon game endings or from your own canon)
This is such a good question!
Honestly, I have not really thought about an ending for “my canon” yet. I am unhappy with the bunker ending, even if modified, because it kills so many beloved characters — which is a heartache, to be quiet sincere, neither I nor my deputy could survive — but I also find the prospect of bunker time for her and the siblings, or just one of them, super interesting. That could maybe be an AU?
The leave ending offers the potential of having everyone survive at least. Gigi doesn’t necessarily have to kill the others in the car with her, she could be overpowered or taken down before being able to critically injure anyone but I also wouldn’t want to expand on the aftermath.
Gigi is very happy being in Hope County with her friends. It could all be so idyllic and easy if not for the project but that’s a luxury the are not granted. Joseph could never give up what he has built and I couldn’t kill him off either so my canon will forever remain in a limbo of constant battle between peggies and resistance, probably stuck in 2018/19.
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paixarina · 3 years
Thank you for your first impression post! Now I know what to expect from the new units 👀 Visty really is the cutest in terms of aesthetic (I haven't checked the new units so I still don't know about their sound). Hajun's lil brother has that kind of... evil smile? 👁👄👁 Baek looks magnificent, not gonna lie. 1NM8 caught my attention first due to their design. I must agree with you about GokuLuck's design. I don't know how to explain it but their design seems... messy when combined together? Like when kpop groups have uncoordinated stage outfits, that's my impression upon seeing their pic clearly. I'm yet to check all of them though so I'm excited to discover more!
Oh my God, I just literally post my thoughts and you suddenly popped up from out of nowhere, lol.
Anyways, thanks for have a time to checked my thoughts. I'm more excited to see Visty and 1NM8, as their songs and aesthetic seems like my type. I have seen some people dislike Visty's aesthetic for being too poppy and cute, as like it was a big problem for them (just people hating cute stuffs and treated them as oppression because cute things = childish 🙄).
Also, yeah...... Hajun's little brother will gonna be the most unlikeable but we don't know a lot about him yet, so I did like to predict that he probably is morally questionable, but not necessarily problematic.
I completely agree about GokuLuck. I don't like their aesthetic because it seems like they clashed each others in the bad way (not calling them horrible thought, just some things for them could be done better). It's just their aesthetic that is not my cup of tea 😅
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50 Reasons Why You Should Love Azul Ashengrotto
Because I gotta prove to Azul why he is loveable as FUCK
He has beautiful blue eyes that you feel like you can drown in them forever
His hair is soft and fluffy and really really wavy
There is one side of his forehead that is exposed. Don’t you want to land a little kiss on that spot?
He has a mole near his lip. Don’t you want to kiss that mole? :>
M e g a n e
His dorm outfit is hot af and it makes you respect him a bit more
He can run a business better than most of those managers you see in Hell’s Kitchen
His smirk is sEXY AF
He can identify the taste of food and tell what ingredients are in that food. Maybe he can identify the taste that lingers in your mouth—//slapped
Boi has a slim waist and you can really see that slim waist when he wears that school uniform 😳😳😳
Has high ass grades, such a great student
He has a coat that hangs on his shoulders. Do you not want to wear that coat?
He smells good. Has good cologne
He’s an octopus. Tentacles go brrrrrrrr
He’s a dorm leader. That’s it.
Mafia aesthetic? Mafia aesthetic
Tax evasion is big sexy 🤩🤩🤩
He can make any wish come true and that is amazing
He cares about Jade and Floyd. 🥺🥺🥺
Has clear skin thanks to being a merman
Azul is,,, a beautiful name,,,
HE ACTUALLY CARES IF YOU’RE ALRIGHT like in ghost marriage, after being sent out by the ghosts, he’s the only one who actually saw you and went “I’m so glad you’re alright”
Baby is insecure about himself and he needs reassurance
He can sing and play piano. Musical man is sexy af
Honestly has the most heartbreaking sobs, it hurts to see someone who’s so confident and suave suddenly become so broken
Spite is his motivation to work hard in life
He’s cunning and smart and it’s so refreshing to see that in a protagonist (look, all of Twst cast is a protagonist in the long run,,, maybe,,,)
Every time he chuckles, I go 😳
HIS OCTOPUS FORM IS SO BEAUTIFUL like you cannot tell me you did not pause the Octa cm and go “omg Azul is sO BEAUTIFUL—“
He handwrites all his contracts (I mean, that’s what I saw in the Octa cm), so his penmanship has got to be legible
He actually tries to fix his mistakes
Boi already had an OP unique magic which has a huge ass setback but has the brains to remove that setback while still keeping the OP aspect of his unique magic
Has top notch persuasive skills like damn boi please give me a fraction of those skills because I need those to get high marks in English class 👁👄👁
He will keep working hard until he succeeds
Puberty hit him like a truck, let’s be real
The fact he, a student, is willing to listen to other people’s concerns makes him better than some school counselors (ok.... granted that he’ll get something out of it BUT HEY HE ACTUALLY USES THE NEW POINT CARD SYSTEM AFTER CH3 SO PEOPLE COULD TELL HIM THEIR TROUBLES AND THAT IS EVEN MORE YASASHII THAN DEADBEAT DAD)
He’s a powerful mage, really great for protecting you
This man would rather persuade a bunch of people to get them to tell him the location of a pair of goggles for a sports event than do his best in PE class
His fear of heights is kinda cute
He does a light muscle workout every day but still fails PE jfjsjfjjskf
Can talk to animals (like wow I wish I was Lucius when he was communicating with him in 3-7)
He looks like the type who’d be great for hugs and honestly he needs hugs
His smirk may be hot, but his genuine smile is the most beautiful thing on earth. Disney, please give more smiling Azul PLEASE I AM BEGGING ON MY KNEES HERE—
Somehow, this doesn’t feel enough,,, ;-;
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insomnihan · 3 years
han’s Entire Thoughts & Feelings on WJSN THE BLACK’s “Easy”
this entire thing embodies this: 👁👄👁 ………………………
there are no read mores here so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
BICTH WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN- THE SONG is jUST SO GOOD LIKE ITS SO SMOOTH LIKE BUTTER i have to say that upon first listen i really couldve never listened to this and then never again bc it is jusT TOO GOOD TO BE REAL its so Groovy™ and that bass is catchy ALL THROUGHOUT THE DAMN SONG and i be nodding my head to it (back and forth or side to side it do NOT matter) liKE theres a whimsical feeling about it oN TOP OF THAT the way all of them are singing is not so gentle yET it is gentle its breathy but not TOO breathy very very easy on the ears then the LYRICS THEMSELVES oh my god they are SO hot for this-
that rap exy……………………… im nothing but a carpet- im SO glad it didnt break away from the overall vibe of the entire song i expected a rap of sorts from her (tho the singing oKAY MULTI TALENTED QUEEN-) but i wasnt sure how it was gonna happen in a song that sounds like this bUT THEY DONE DID IT™ AND THEY DONE DID IT GOOD AS ALL HELL
👁👄👁…………………… THE DANCE I- EXCUSE ME UN MOMENTO POR FAVOR WHAT IN THE ACTUAL DAMN- i love women i love women in suits i love women who are sexy and tHEY JUST EXUDE THAT™ SO MUCH IN THIS VIDEO ALONE- OFF THE BAT THE BEGINNING SEOLA AND EUNSEO YOU CANT JUST DO THAT AND EXPECT US TO STILL BE BREATHING THEN EXY RIGHT OVER I AM AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA- literally EVERY👏INSTANCE👏 of the ‘eeeeeesaaayyy~~~~’ part of the chorus……………… someone take the wheel froM ME- the back to the camera the slow sway……… the whipping of hair around……… that dance move after ‘i make it look good for you’……… ALL OF THEM GETTING ON THE FLOOR……… SOMEONE HELP ME BEFORE MY HEART GIVES THE F UCK OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay okay okay theres a clear storyline in this mv THE VISUALS ARE THERE I SEE THEM tbh it does get lost for me at the end or im just stupid which is also possible like OBVIOUSLY seola and eunseo are cops and bona and exy are criminals stealing money and they get caught and interrogated- its a good balance between seeing the story and then seeing the dancing and singing tho there is LITERALLY NO BREATHING ROOM for me to catch my breath and let all of it sink in WHICH ISNT A COMPLAINT
seolA AT THE BEGINNING IN THAT PINSTRIPE SUIT AND THEN PULLING HER HAIR TIE OUT I AM A CARPET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! her being dressed in that white dress shirt and tie with the GLASSES IS ACTUALLY A LOT FOR MY DUMMY BRAIN TO HANDLE- that hair on her is a real blessing from god she is SO OH MY GOD
bona…………… i have feelings for you- that dress with the red jacket on her shoulders i nearly d*ed right there AND THE MUSIC ISNT EVEN PLAYING YET AT THAT POINT!!! its the blue dance outfit for me where  her hair is kinda wavy thats too much for me to comprehend i legit short circuited during the bridge
exy the woman that you are with your gray plaid suit rather than black and white LIKE her hair is like brown and blonde and she pulls it off so well and then that leather outfit while she was on her motorcycle during her rap………… she shouldve just k*lled me it wouldve hurt less and then looking hot as hell as a dj LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gray haired (bonus points for the waviness too) eunseo and looking bomb as hell in a suit its like shes trying to attract women or something- no seriously hahahahaha whaT THE F UCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like im literally just gonna talk about the suits like she really worked those I CLOCKED THOSE CHOKERS I KNOW I SAW THEM-
LIKE this is SO MUCH MORE THAN I THOUGHT IT WAS GONNA BE i dunno WHAT expectations i had tbh I DONT THINK I HAD ANY i was just trying to live as an ujung and THEN THEY F UCKING SLAP ME IN THE F UCKING FACE WITH THIS MV AND SONG LIKE THIS IS SOME GOOD F UKKING FOOD- okay no seriously just to talk about the song the song S L A P S™ so hard its so catchy and it got me pretty much immediately not to exaggerate or anything but this song is like DAMN NEAR perfect
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d4rkpluto · 3 years
Hi! 🧡 I wanna say that I really enjoy the games that you make they are so on point. I picked pile 1 and I'm just wow... like what I've been sensing and getting continuously you put that into words. I have a strange story about the person I've been sensing but can skip if you don't want to read it. Years ago I think around when I started highschool like 5 years ago I've been really into insta edits like especially anime and stuff and there was one of the editor that I liked that posted a really cool edit and it was with a song that I've been seaching for sooo long but this time it was a person that they edited and I was like wow this person is my type I would like to be with someone like them (an important note is that I remebered exactly what were they wearing and their hair and all). And then after a few years I found that they moved accounts but still left some old edits on their previous account and I found that edit with that person to still be there but still I couldn't determine what song it was. Fast forward in the meantime I found that song but not bc of that edit and like towards the end of 2019 like December I see and edit of that person again and I thought I was the same that I liked for so long but it wasn't but the style of the edit was similar and it was with a differents song - and the weird part that I still can't comprehend to this day- I found that the person that was in the edit debuted that outfit 1 month before I saw that video in December 2019. And I searched for that editor that posted the edit first and stumbled again on their old account and I found that the edit wasn't there anymore but the other edits that were previously left were still there (the editor didn't leave many edits on their old account so I remebered which one were still there). And I was shook. Like I vividly remeber seeing that edit years ago it can't that they just appeared with that outfit and the photos used in the edit were the same as I remebered them to be when I fist saw it years before seeing it again. And of course I searched like crazy to see if it was really like that and sure enough they only recently appeared with that outfit that year.
And stood there like 🧍‍♂️👁👄👁 . And the weird part is that I always get a feeling from my spirit guides that they don't want me to seek more of my future spouse/soulmate appearance and when I watch related contents on YouTube readers usually say that 'the viewer's spirit guides don't want me to divulge their appearance'. And I would ask for signs to see if that person is supposed to be something to me and I would get the signs like much later than I would ask but everytime I would see the signs, even if it's been a while, I would remeber my request.
Sorry for the long story but I felt safe for the first time to kinda share it to someone. You definitely don't have to read it if you don't want to.
Thank you! 💕
read the entire thing! i love long stories you don’t need to apologise! you continuously seeing them is a sign don’t ignore it 
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shaymiens · 4 years
my first ever smosh fic
so i pulled a page out of @sunflowershayne‘s book and decided to go on a deep dive for my early smosh fics... the first one i could find in my journals dated back to june 20, 2013 at 4:20 pm. the one-word prompt was “music” and it’s a marian fic. i was 12 when i wrote it.
in celebration of the 7 years i’ve spent writing fanfiction about youtubers (lol), here it is: my first ever smosh fic! it ain’t great and it’s a little gross but like,, that’s progress babey! also read to the end for a lil announcement 👁👄👁
“Dixon Cider?” Mari shook her head. “I swear, the more I hang out with you guys, the weirder you guys get.”
Anthony laughed. “So you’ll do it?” I asked.
“Well, of course, but what exactly’s going on?”
“We’re gonna be singing about Dixon Cider, which sounds completely wrong when you say it slowly,” Anthony started.
“And you’re just gonna dance really slutty with a bunch of other girls in bikinis, maybe even a little ballet,” I explained.
“Bikinis?” she repeated.
Anthony and I groaned. “Mari, you’re not fat,” I reasoned.
“And if you’re not feeling it, just cover up a bit, maybe shorts. Short shorts.”
Mari nodded. “I’ll - I’ll wear a letterman jacket over my bra, and these black shorts I have. That’s fine, right?”
“Perfect,” Anthony said. “Thanks!”
“So we’ll see you at the studio?” I asked.
“You got it! Thanks.”
“How do we look in our snazzy outfits?” Anthony asked.
Mari looked in the mirror. She was getting her makeup done. “Oh my gosh, I never thought I’d see the day Smosh dressed up!” Mari joked.
“Hey, I’ve worn ties before!” Anthony differed. “Remember VidCon?”
“Yeah, it’s me who wears T-shirts all day,” I said with an innocent smile.
“Okay, okay, but what do you think of my outfit?” Mari stood up and reached for her jacket’s zipper. “Lower?”
“Lower,” I said.
“A lot lower,” Anthony said.
She unzipped it further and scoffed, “You should be glad your girlfriends aren’t outside this door.”
“Whatever,” I said, dismissing the thought. “Anyway, you should probably meet the other girls. You’ll see them twerking later!”
“Uh, sure,” Mari said, and walked with us to the girls outside.
After introducing Mari to all of the girls, she waved at them and went back into the makeup room. I scratched my head and knocked on the door.
“Hello?” I heard her ask.
“It’s Ian,” I said worriedly. “Can I come in?”
The door opened to reveal Mari’s face. Her face was twisted up as I walked in. The makeup lady was still in there, so our voices were hushed.
“Something’s wrong,” I said. “Are you okay?”
Mari shrugged defeatedly. “I don’t know if I want to do this, Ian,” she sighed. “I don’t fit in. Usually I’m not the one that cares what I look like, but... these girls make me feel super insecure.” A tear slipped out of her eye, and Mari swiped at it and forced a laugh. “Stupid. I’m stupid.”
I reached for her arm awkwardly. “I’m super bad at consoling people, but I hate to see you so, well, scared. Scared of being judged, right?” Mari looked away, but I just tightened my grip on her. “People will always judge one another. They’re called opinions. And people all the time think you’re extremely hot, just look at the comments of any video you’re in.”
“And I’m not saying that because I’m your friend or I want to get this video over with or whatever. I mean it when I say I feel bad when you feel bad.”
Mari stared straight at me and opened her mouth, but said nothing.
“No, it’s just... I still don’t think...”
I looked down and smiled. “I guess my little speech didn’t work, huh?”
Mari gave me a sorry smile and whispered, “Thanks for understanding.” She walked over to her bag and hung it over her shoulder.
As she slowly walked to the door, I spoke up. “You don’t know, do you?”
Mari turned to me. “What?” Her eyes flickered to the other lady in the room.
I stepped closer and said, “I’m not going to lower my voice, Mari. Because obviously you don’t realize how beautiful you are.”
“You don’t know what you’re saying...”
“Yes, I do. You’re beautiful, inside and out. And I think you out of all people need to know that.” I was only a few inches away from her. “Now do you know?”
Suddenly, she fell onto me. She was sobbing. “You’re the first person to tell me I’m beautiful,” she quivered.
“Good,” I said, rubbing her back.
After a tight embrace, I held her face in my hands and wiped away her tears. “You’re okay?”
Mari laid a hand on my arm, her cheeks burning in my palms. “You look stupid in that suit,” she joked, trying to brush away everything.
“I know,” I grinned, bringing my hands to my sides. “It’s worth it, though, for frikkin’ awesome music. For Dixon Cider!”
Mari laughed. It was a beautiful laugh. “For Dixon Cider! And... thank you.” She kissed my cheek. “And you!” She pointed to Anna the makeup lady. “You didn’t see or hear anything!”
Anna rose her hands in defense. “Not a soul! But I might squeal the next time I see you together -- you guys are sorta cute, you know.”
“Not. A. Word!” Mari repeated, leading me out the room.
And for some reason, as I stuffed my hands in my ridiculous pink suit and walked out for a music video about Dixon Cider, life didn’t seem all that bad.
Mari grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. “Dixon Cider sounds good,” she whispered.
Not bad at all.
will you remember? 10 minutes ⏳⏳⏳
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