#Still learning how to draw him ghgh..
lesbomination · 25 days
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atrillies · 5 years
I want to talk about one of Oscar’s character inspirations for a minute....
‘The Little Prince’
This is going to be long cause fuck if I’m bad at explaining stuff but the plot of the book will be in black and my thoughts and explanations will be in blue.
(also idk how to do readmores on mobile sorry 😂)
The story is set in a desert and is a conversation between the Prince and the Narrator (who is a adult pilot who learnt as a child that adults are unimaginative, stubborn and lack understanding)- and the story itself is about how children are more open to change than adults.
I would first like to mention that Oscar and Ozma seem to share a lot of similarities in character inspirations etc. They share similar features of tan skin and darker hair, share the same voice actor and represent a begining and an end. I’d argue that both of them seem to share character inspirations with Princess Ozma/Tip from ‘The Wizard Of Oz’ series and with ‘The Little Prince’.
In this case I would like to note that the story takes place in a desert, and that Vacuo is the only country that we have yet to explore. The leader of Vacuo, Theodore is likely based on Dorothy Gale (someone who both Ruby and Oscar also share character inspirations with), it is stated in the return of Oz that Dorothy ‘lost her way home’ which could parallel to the Prince and Narrator being lost in the desert.
You could also argue for the Narrator being bitter and thinking adults as being inherently bad people coukd parallel to Salem and her loss of faith in humanity and the gods.
Anyway in this story the Prince talks about his home planet, one that is very very tiny, where he lives alone tending to a garden so it doesn’t get over grown and caring for a sentient rose who claims to be the only one of its kind and is rather vain. He leaves the planet because of the roses attitude and then visits planets inhabited by a single person representing a flawed aspect of humanity.
Again this could very well respresent Ozma, who once lived in a sort of ‘paradise’ world and now after dying and being resurrected is thrust into a new much bigger never ending world. The rose here could represent Salem and how he cared for her carefully, but given the fact it is specifically a Rose it could also represent magic such as the maidens and the silver eyes. Especially as these powers could be seen as very unique.
One of which is a king with no subjects who still demands obedience. One who is a narcissist who wants nothing but flattery and praise. One is a drunkard who drinks to forget the shame of drinking. Another is a businessman who claims to own the stars and that he has to count them in order to give good business. One is a man ordered to light and extinguish a lamp each day and night, but each day lasts only one minute. Another is a geographer who knows nothing of his own planet as he never explores and only waits for others to describe things to him.
All of these sound like they coukd have been past lives of Ozma. We know that Ozma reincarnated as a Drunk and a King for example but even some of the others could seem likely. Perhaps the business man represents a life where he tried to control the magic of others and the relics, and the lamplighter represents how futile his overal quest is, etc.
The geographer tells the Prince to visit earth, where he learns that the Rose isn’t unique like it claimed. He meets a flower that explains the folly of man, a snake that tells him it can take him home and a fox that once tamed provided endless support and comfort and helps him to understand life’s meaning.
Again, claiming that the rose represents magic could acclaim to him having met someone with silver eyes, only to find out more of their kind exist. The flower could represent a character teaching him to overcome mistakes, and the fox a character who provides unconditional support after a period of hardship unlike anything anyone has offered him before. Finally the snake could represent either Salem or the Gods and their temptation to destroy the world via judgement day and end his curse.
Then he ends up in the desert with the Narrator, where he asks him to draw a sheep and is satisfied with the narrators vauge answer of a crate (with the sheep inside). After eight days of talking to each other they run out of water and search for more, then once finding water they split ways with the Prince explaining to the narrator that he will find happiness in the stars as he will know that his friend lives on one of them, before being bitten by the snake and vanishing. Leaving it vaugegly unclear if he ever did return home.
The sheep drawing here could simply act as a nod to Ozpin asking Oscar to describe Haven academy’s office in v4, but of course it coukd turn out to be something different. And then Prince finding solace with the Narrator could potentially parallel Ozma helping Salem to understand her mistakes and help her rekindle her humanity.
Anyway this is very badly explained and organised and whatever cause I’m god awful at explaining stuff but yeah here’s some hot theory takes ghgh.... sometimes symbolism doesn’t have to be tied to once character.... like both Salem and Ozma fit elements of a part of symbolism while fitting others elsewhere and that’s fucking valid babeeeyy
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thefatedmeeting · 7 years
@queen-0f-demons​ hey bro!!! i saw u wrote that post and i wanted to talk to u about it, if thats cool with you. i decided to make it a post in case other people would need to read it, but if u want me to make it private or something just hmu. 
i don't wanna hog your post but i wanted to share my experience and realizations so that it perhaps might make you feel better about your art feels somehow. keep in mind these are my personal opinions! more under cut.
i relate to every single word you say. sometimes being an artist doesn't seem rewarding, and most of the time it really isn’t. when you don't get enough money, when you have to undercharge for your art, when people don't acknowledge your effort or even Refuse to do so; when you feel you're not good enough, and when you feel like your art isn't worth anything, or even when, in your eyes, it's bad compared to other people's art.
i feel that!! i used to feel that all the time. especially when i used to post more on tungle, and consciously or not, i also used to feel that Very Intensely due to anxiety and depression. i would try to not be negative, but deep down i'd be super jealous at the artists i admired (and sometimes i still am!), because their art was so nicely developed, stylish, so uniquely THEM. i was unable to have that at the time, or i thought so. 
but back then i was actually in my learning phase - i was developing my anatomy, my style, and myself! i was going through a healing process as well. so of course everything boiled down to a . snowball . HDFFDDFG but you know. i'm still in a learning process. i might understand certain things better - because not only practicing, but my studies have helped me see things i didn't see, or realize, before - but i am still learning! dude! 
i still have to learn how to properly draw legs sometimes. i have to put on more flesh in the joints. i have to DRAW EARS PROPERLY and not like some weird thing! gotta learn BGS! composition! i have to draw more because lately ive been DEAD BUSY! etc etc. but that's alright. the more i practice and learn and see, the more i will improve - just like you.
please keep in mind, the things below are things i have learned and thought for myself. i can't make you have realizations of your own, but i assure you it gets better if you allow yourself to go through that process.
most artists post works they're proud of, or that they consider postable for some reason or another. don't forget that every artist, yourself included, has had hundreds of canvases and pages filled so that they could MANAGE to learn one thing that they're showcasing in that one picture! art takes time, and effort, and everyone has a different rythm. just because others are faster, or have more time, or have more technique, it doesn't lessen your own effort. you are doing what you can at the current time - respect your limits, and push them when possible!
DONT COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS i figure you're very tired of hearing advice like this but it's the truth man. everyone has followed different paths in life, that has given them certain abilities or certain ways of seeing the world. you don't need to follow that same path to be able to do good art. you have to follow your own path, to live your life, and build your own sense of... how do i say. your own lifestyle. your own vision, your personality? btw, of course you can use references. of course you can pick up snippets of what you like/respect/admire the most in other artists, even in things that don't relate to art.
speaking of that! good art is not perfect art. what do you consider to be perfect - life-like realism? life-like proportions? something aesthetically pleasing? something that grabs someone's attention? something that communicates? etc. art is not about being perfect! it's about communicating, expressing, about an experience, about yourself, about whatever you want it to be. what do you like to draw the most? do you enjoy anatomy, or animals? backgrounds? abstract art? is there a style you like the most? and why do you do that? think about it! if you can, study about the old things. about art history, art theory, old and new techniques, things that aren't even related to your area - for example, you want to be a mangaka? why not try sculpting. you can use clay, stone, bronze, metal, you can even assembly different objects and stick them together. might not be related to your area, but it might give you new ideas. expand your horizons!
my teachers said something that stuck with me. at first i didn't like to hear it, but it stuck with me. but they said it's nice for the growth of your own unique style - to perfect a techique to "break" it later. because it gives you purpose, and it's not the lack of a technique that is stopping you from using it! for example. i can do realistic paintings and drawings. takes me more time. i have fun doing them at times, when my confidence is down and i get like oh right, i can do that thing. and even though i do it sometimes, i choose to focus on another style because or semi-realistic paintings are just not my style. but life drawings, which are “realistic” in nature, helped me immensely with anatomy, proportion and lighting.
on another hand, art doesn't necessarily needs technique. i think studying and developing is vital to your formation as an artist - but i don't think the Academy(tm) and Technique(tm) its the only path to success or self realization as an artist. there are socially and economically marginalized artists who have never entered a school and they are selling their things, or making art, inconformed w the status quo (with reason And receipts..), some who are arting their emotions away, some who embrace their lack of technique and amp it up on pure instinct, aesthetic sense and their life path, some who are practicing their culture by making it. if you communicate things well enough, or express what you want to express and think, "wow, that was nice. i like that. it's nice enough." 
an example i can think of on the top of my head for you is ONE, the mangaka who draws the original One Punch-man and Mob Psycho 100%. His art isn't the traditional anime-y style - it's anatomically/proportionally imperfect from an academic view. most of the characters don't have the characteristic "anime eye". your first glance of his drawings might've made you think, "god, this guy can't draw at all." but damn! have you seen the few panels where he puts effort/detail into? he knows how to - he has the eye for it, whether he chooses to make it to a simpler style for comedic value, effort, merchandising or personal values/choices, he knows it! he communicates so well. his panel placement, his expressions, his gestures and even the writing. in my eyes he is a fantastic, top notch artist. and he's getting the recognition and the money, even though you might look at him and say his drawings aren't perfect. (say what you will, he has improved a shit ton ghgh)
everyone has their own values about what is good art and what is bad art. learn what yours are! and allow these values to change as you grow.
don't try to prove anything to the world just yet! focus to yourself. prove to yourself that you can improve. fight off that "not enough" vibe. Do It bro. i know you can! and i assure you it will get better. practice, practice, practice - BUT PLEASE don't forget to rest if necessary, focus on your health first; AND to enjoy your life as well. the more you get out there and see new things, the more things you will have to express.
sorry this was long but i, lost track of time i spent 1 hour writing this. anyway. thank you for admiring me man. i hope the best for your artistic career and for yourself!! don’t give up and keep going. hit me up anytime, i'll answer whenever possible ey
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