#Stex Slick
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phopollo · 5 months ago
Took me awhile, but!!
Let's hear it for our other champion racers in the cartoon au!!
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And now that these are all done i can finally rework the designs properly /hj
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honey-dont · 2 months ago
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they have 7 million subscribers
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wolvesfangs · 3 months ago
The toxic gossip train
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constehlla · 19 days ago
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Speedran a Slick for day 2!
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crimzydiamond · 1 month ago
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kumoriexists · 27 days ago
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Starlight Express has taken over my life so much that when I finally was able to decorate my laptop I purchased a bunch of StEx stickers from redbubble from some of my all time FAVORITE artists ever and put them all over my laptop
(With chiikawa and Mental health positivity stickers too!!)
I look like a total nerd in public but they make me happy <3
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dramaqueen243 · 9 days ago
Starlight Express Murder Mystery
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Rusty and Momma are genuinely trying to get justice for Hydra meanwhile Killerwatt is just trying to determine if Electra is at risk. (The rest of the components have been put on security detail while killlerwatt is busy lol
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bobsaname · 2 months ago
"Im a girl!" "I'm a boy!" well I got Ol’ Ninety Seven wrecked
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w1dowz-w3b · 2 months ago
Have I mentioned I love arson gfs,,
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Anyways I drew them :3
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two-zherr · 1 month ago
Hi can you make the frieght trains dnd inspired or the components
I actually have the freights designed in Heroforge as well! Hydra isn’t here, I have his design pretty locked down but I haven’t gotten to it in heroforge
Here is what the freights look like in my StEx x D&D au.
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phopollo · 2 months ago
what are the backstories for the fuel trucks like in the cartooniverse? (im especially curious about hydras)
Oh i looooove talking about everyone backstories-- sorry this took so long to reapond to, I wanted to find a post for context, but I can't find it, so!
Context 1 (pardon old art and designs);
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Context 2;
While most of the main cast were extremely young, there was something akin to a recession, as well as a HUUUUGE shift in power and whatnot, and not every station recovered from it
So!! With that-- backstories!
(Bit of a long one, sorry akdbsj)
Porter was factory built (the only one of our main freight gang who was) and sent to work at Station 24 (where our story is set) immediately, under the impression he would be the only fuel truck there. Upon arrival, he was surprised to find Lumber there, just not working on account of being too young and small, along with Rusty and Dinah. (Not like, super young though, Dinah was applying for clearance to race at the time & all 3 of them were cleared to start working within 2 years) All of whom IMMEDIATELY decided that this is their big brother now, he didnt have a choice in the matter. But, Momma saw the way he responded to and interacted with the kids, and thought he was really immature, so she made him wait a few months to start working. In that time, he ended up maturing quite a bit just trying to keep the others out of trouble, allowing him to finally begin working
Hydra was built and raised by an electric engine who, like Hydra, is extremely concerned about the environment. But with hydrogen being such a new fuel source and being so unstable, he spent a lot of his childhood in and out of the repair shed-- more time in when he was younger. When he was about 15 or so, his dad & him went for a long term visit to station 24 on account of having better repair trucks with better information on hydrogen as a fuel source, where they then proceeded to find a new main repair truck for Hysda. Eventually, it just seemed more reasonable for Hydra to stay at Station 24 closer to hus doctor rather than having to travel back and forth. He was only cleared to start consistently working about 2 years before the start of the story. Even though he's in much more stable condition now, it still seems most reasonable to keep him near his doctor. Bonus Babydra & hydrogen father doodles I've made in the past;
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All things considered, Lumber had a relatively normal childhood. He was fortunate enough that he didn't really know there were problems with his station in the aftermath of the pretty much recession until shortly before he started hearing whispers that his starion was being shut down, which happened when he was roughly 12-13. When it happened, Lumber's family were all sent to different stations, landing Lumber at Station 24, where Momma took him in and where he's been since. (He keeps in contact with his family though, dw)
Slick was built into a family of livestock trucks who didn't work on the rails, but helped provide more agricultural goods to train society. Initially, Slick was not built to carry oil, she was built with the intention to be a milk tanker and work more directly with her family and continue in the business. But to make a long story short, there had been several incidents involving factories mass producing oil tankers made with extremely poor quality parts, causing a lot of breakdowns and scrappings, causing oil tankers to eaen a bad rep, and making more reputable factories not want the association. As a result, there was a bit of a (good quality) oil tanker shortage, leading to something almost akin to a draft going out to draft tankers who hadn't started working yet to become oil tankers-- and this included Slick, who at the time her family received it, technically wasn't even finished being built. Due to the shortage, Slick began working on the rails extremely early-- 2 years earlier than usual youngest rolling stock can start working early. When more and more stations started feeling the delayed affects of the recession and shutting down, the little business Slick's family ran did too, as many of the stations they received business from shut down. So similarly to Lumber, Slick ended up getting transferred to station 24 at 14-15, while the rest of her family got split up to find work at other stations. (She has no idea where they ended up and has no kept in contact.) Shes been here since. Bonus again, but this time the doodles of Slick's family, who are absolutely meant to feel reminiscent of the other freight + Rusty;
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Sorry if that all got a little disjointed, the adhd was acting up BAD trying to write this all
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captainmvf · 2 months ago
Rusty: "You better not mess with my gang!!"
Lumber + Porter: "We're a what now?"
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otterdrawz · 3 months ago
My pot!!!!!!
Your pot????
🍃 🍃🍃
Also ik someone requested I draw Slick.. dw im working on a full piece of them now!!!!☺️
Had to get this shitpost out while I still had the motivation to make the damn thing LMAOO
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bobastar1117 · 30 days ago
Why is Slick in a cage?
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crimzydiamond · 1 month ago
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honey-dont · 9 months ago
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she's innocent
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