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gamboagarcia · 6 months ago
Gracias de antemano por sus comentarios Negativo a COVID-19 Pence y Pompeo En tanto, un funcionario de la Casa Blanca anunció que Pence y Trump trabajarán en residencias separadas. Washington, D.C. (VOA) - El vicepresidente de Estados Unidos, Mike Pence, y el secretario de Estado Mike Pompeo, dieron negativo a una prueba de coronavirus, según se conoció el viernes, después del anuncio en la madrugada de que el p... Sigue leyendo: https://www.adiario.mx/orbe/negativo-a-covid-19-pence-y-pompeo/?feed_id=169082&_unique_id=66c2866f54679
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roscoenstella · 1 month ago
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Welcome To MagAmerica - TikTok Went Dark - It's ALL A Ruse - MAGA You Been Manipulated - America has DIED In The Darkness :
#elon #trump #bezos #shou #zuckerberg #stevemnuchin #jared #tiktok #meta #google #uber #oracle #apple #iPhone
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stillwithhernothim · 5 years ago
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#Repost @swingleft ・・・ You read that right: Senate Republicans want to give Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin $500 billion to bail out companies, cities and states, at his discretion. That means he decides who gets an economic life raft and who doesn't. With almost no strings attached, he could even bail out the Trump hotels if he wanted. Meanwhile, you get "up to $1,200"—as an advance on next year's taxes. (And a cap on the amount of paid sick leave that you can take, at a time when thousands of people may need to take time off for illness.) And if you didn't owe on your 2018 taxes, you might not get anything. Big bucks for big companies, nothing left for us? We're not buying it. Senate Republicans need 60 votes to pass their #covid_19 stimulus package, and if they want to pass anything, they'll need to work with the Democratic-controlled House. Just another reason we had to take back the House in 2018. No more secret midnight bailouts passed in a hurry. #flipthesenate #voteblue2020 #stevemnuchin #trumpviruscoverup https://www.instagram.com/p/B-H6osJgGrC/?igshid=f79t76kv0a5h
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siennastewart2020 · 5 years ago
U.S President Donald Trump called on the American people to be calm. He also assured them during a press conference that things are really working out today.
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nerfwire · 3 years ago
Amazon Cuts Out Middleman With New Service Of Just Paying Someone To Pee In Bottle
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Amazon Prime users are in for a treat, as the e-commerce giant has just announced a new service: Amazon Drop will allow customers to cut out the middleman and just straight up pay someone to pee in a bottle. Read the full article
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sheasica · 4 years ago
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#Attorney #LinWood concurs with #GeneralFlynn and Executive Branches: Secretary of Treasury #SteveMnuchin & Secretary of State #MikePompeo that it is Time for the President's #EO // #ExecutiveOrder. All in one accord. Per Dec.18th 2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJCmsyBjY21/?igshid=15l0ggy3r0ykx
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patriotimmigrant · 4 years ago
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By golly, it's the "The Last Trump Supper." #SteveMnuchin #Pompeo #EricTrump #DonaldTrumpJr #Ivanka #JaredKushner #Covid19 #Coronavirus #TrumpKilledYourGrandparents #WearaMask #SocialDistancing #TrumpKilledYourFamily #TrumpLied #DrFauci #HydroxyChloroquine #Remdesivir #Dexamethasone #Azithromycin #betrayal #politics #treason #constitutionalcrisis #TrumpLiedAmericansDied #IneptPotus #GOPlies #trumplies #TrumplocesWhiteSupremacists #TrumpisaXenophobe #TrumpisaWhiteSupremacist https://www.instagram.com/p/CF9_sdPHg7U/?igshid=a8ezrhr4wldd
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therealdeanloc · 5 years ago
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I told yall #impeachTrump #stevemnuchin #impeachjohnathanmnuchin #impeachjohnathi https://www.instagram.com/p/CCRvgeKpx7_/?igshid=uqj3gw5mx8tc
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mokuhyoushinbun · 5 years ago
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EUA e Europa debatem sobre a crise climática no último dia de Davos http://ow.ly/5gCQ50y5BcP #Christine #Lagarde, #CriseClimática, #Davos, #Donald #Trump, #Eua, #Europa, #Fórum #Economico, #MeioAmbiente, #Mudanças #Climáticas, #Notícias, #Poluição, #SteveMnuchin, #Suiça https://www.instagram.com/p/B70jhi3n3ss/?igshid=q2sm9827d7rv
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notmypresidenttrump · 7 years ago
#stevemnuchin #nfl #nba #goldenstatewarriors #stephencurry #rexryan #presidentobama #colinkaepernick #blacklivesmatter #takeaknee #donaldtrump #trumprally #charlottesville #virginia #heatherheyer #michaeljackson #fuckgop #notmypresident #freepress #paulryan #impeachtrump #fucktrump #liarinchief #traitorinchief #resist #fighttrump #fightracism #fightignorance | #Repost @breakingnumber45 ・・・
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siennastewart2020 · 4 years ago
US President Donald Trump is still recovering from his coronavirus infection. He announced on Monday and ordered his team to stop negotiations with congressional Democrats
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globalworldinformation · 4 years ago
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omanxl1 · 4 years ago
Information / Inspiration Was Provided (Part Six)
Information / Inspiration Was Provided (Part Six)
It’s going down, even on this Sunday morning!! I mentioned earlier wesee everything that’s moving!! now we’re bearing witness to the information overload.. That Trump Crime Syndicate is all up in it!! from Covid 19 denial and 2020 election disinformation campaign to the no justice no peaceillumination we can see they’re in a corrupt mode.. Getting over the hump in these days and times has us…
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parcival2 · 5 years ago
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theprophet359 · 5 years ago
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barkoturktv · 5 years ago
Aksoy: Misliyle mukabelede bulunacağımızdan kimsenin şüphesi olmasın
Dışişleri Bakanlığı Sözcüsü Hami Aksoy, ABD'nin Hazine Bakanı Steve Mnuchin'in Türkiye'ye yönelik yaptırım yetkisi verilen kararnamenin imzalandığını bildirmesinin ardından bir açıklama yayımladı. Bakanlık açıklamasında "Misliyle mukabelede bulunacağımızdan kimsenin şüphesi olmamalıdır" denildi. ABD Hazine Bakanı Steve Mnuchin, ABD Başkanı Donald Trump'ın Türkiye’yi hedef alabilecek güçlü yaptırım yetkisi veren kararnameyi imzaladığını ancak daha 'aktif hale' getirmediğini söylemiş ve ABD'nin "Eğer ihtiyaç duyarsa Türkiye'nin ekonomisine kilit vurabileceğini" iddia eden Mnuchin, konuyla ilgili finansal kurumların da bilgilendirildiğini kaydetmişti. Dışişleri Bakanlığı'ndan yapılan açıklama şöyle: "Barış Pınarı Harekâtı’yla bağlantılı olarak ABD Hazine Bakanlığı ülkemize yönelik yaptırım hazırlığı içinde olduğuna dair bugün bir açıklama yapmıştır. Barış Pınarı Harekâtı başladığında ABD Yönetimine her seviyede bilgi aktarılmıştır. Bakanlığımız tarafından bugün yapılan basın açıklamasında da harekatın hedef ve kapsamı tüm açıklığıyla uluslararası kamuoyuyla paylaşılmıştır. Türkiye milli güvenliğine tehdit oluşturan terör örgütleriyle mücadele etmektedir ve bu mücadele kararlılıkla sürdürülecektir. Buna karşı atılacak her adıma karşı tam mütekabiliyet çerçevesinde misliyle mukabelede bulunacağımızdan kimsenin şüphesi olmamalıdır." Read the full article
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