#Steve was Chrissy's middle school crush
lucysinatizzy · 2 years
Wisteria ~ Chapter 20 "Deal"
The bell jingles when the front door swings open, drawing both of their attention away from the conversation. Monday’s are always slow as it is and they’ve barely had any customers stop by. Making sure his hair is still on point, Steve looks over at the entrance with a glimmer of hope that it’s a hottie since he lost rock, paper, scissors and it’s his turn to take the next customer. 
‘What luck. It’s him again...’ 
There’s no foxy mama walking into the store. Only Eddie ‘the freak’. Dustin’s new best buddy. The little twerp always has to mention how cool this weirdo is, like anyone would buy that. They went to the same high school together and he knows what Munson’s about. Not impressed. 
“Hey, what’s up?” This isn’t the first time this guy’s come into Family Video, but something’s different. While keeping his eyes directly on Steve, the metalhead strides right up with a bunch of VHSs tucked under his arm and drops them on the counter. Not handing them over nicely or making a small stack the way most people do. The movies are dumped into a heap next to the cash register. 
“Just bringin’ back the goods.” Eddie tilts his head and motions towards the pile of tapes across the surface, pulling his lips back into an unsettling half-smirk. It almost seems sarcastic from that tone and expression. A big attitude change from the last few trips he made to the store. 
“...Right.” He slowly nods before glancing over at Robin on the off chance that she’s willing to take one for the team. As soon as their eyes meet, her head whips in the other direction, pretending not to see the plea in his gaze. She goes back to stacking tapes and holds up a fist. A reminder that her rock beat his scissors. 
‘I’ll remember that next time.’
“Alright, let’s see what we got here.” Trying to ignore the look he’s getting, Steve sifts through the movies to put them together in something a little more organized. Nightmare on Elm Street, Return of the Living Dead, Friday the 13th Part II, This is Spinal Tap, Creature, Halloween, National Lampoon’s Vacation. Figures this guy would mostly pick slasher films. Sounds about right. And Dustin worships this guy? So does Mike. Of course it just has to be someone who’s a bad influence.
He goes over to the computer to look up the account. Every couple of seconds, his eyes shift over to the man standing on the other side of the counter. Munson’s just staring at him. Practically glaring. What the hell’s his issue? Even when his back is turned, he can feel those daggers digging into him. It’s getting on his nerves. 
“Is there a problem?”
“Nah, man. Does it look like I have a problem?” Eddie rolls his shoulders back, standing tall with that bitchy look still directed at him. Should he really answer that? Anyone could see he has major beef. Clearly this isn’t an isolated thing, either. That bruise on his cheek means someone got mad enough to deck him. “Is there a reason I should, pretty boy?” 
“No? That’s why I asked.” For real? Is Munson really trying to get big with him? It’ll take way more than that for Steve to be intimidated. Not after all the crap he’s seen and done. Wrong person. 
“Then why would I have a problem?” 
“Nevermind. Forget it.” Mondays might be slow and boring, but getting into it with some headbanging freakazoid isn’t his idea of how to liven it up. He puts the returns into the system and pays no mind to the dude tearing open a box of Mike and Ike’s with his teeth like some kind of animal. “That’ll be five bucks.”
“Five bucks?!” The piece of candy he threw in the air falls to the floor as he whirls back with an outraged expression. “What the hell for?” 
“Six of the movies are four days late. Looks like they were due on the fifth. Then there’s the box you’re chowing down on. That’s another fifty cents.” Hopefully this doesn’t turn into a temper tantrum. One chick racked up a forty-dollar bill the other day and instead of talking it out, she swiped everything off the counter and wrecked a display piece. Keith had to threaten to call the cops just to get her to leave the store. 
“Christ… Greedy son of a bitches…” Munson grumbles while checking the pockets of his leather jacket before pulling out a wallet from the back of his jeans. A wad of ones are slapped down and he grabs two more boxes of candy from the side. “There. Six bucks. We square?”
“Yep. You’re good to go.” He quickly counts the money and nods. Thank God this can finally be over. This guy’s a real piece of work. It’s a wonder why the kids like him so much. 
Without another word, the freak heads out with his candy. Only stopping at the door for a second to throw him one last dirty look. Leaving a bewildered Steve trying to make heads or tails of the odd interaction. 
“Did you see that? Tell me you saw that, right?” Now that they’re alone, he quickly turns to Robin and throws his hands up in confusion. “Didn’t it seem like he had a problem with me?”
“Oh, yeah. I saw all of it.” She laughs and leans up against one of the shelves. “Eddie totally hates you now. What happened, pretty boy? Did you steal his girl? Wait. He’s with Chrissy. You didn’t…?”
“No way. First off, none of the babes I talk to would ever mess around with a guy like that. Second, me and Chrissy Cunningham? Not a thing. Our parents were friends and we’ve hung out, but that’s it. Thirdly—or Third?—Munson has no reason to hate me. I haven’t done anything!” That’s right. How the hell did that happen? The town freak is trying to adopt the kids and gets a cute girl? Nothing makes sense anymore. 
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wheneverfeasible · 3 months
Cheerleader!Eddie AU pt. 1
POV: Eddie
When Eddie found a sobbing Chrissy in the restrooms after school, where he had been about to tag some stupid shit about one of the football players who had left him with a bruised face a previous week, he hadn’t expected it to lead to them becoming friends, her breaking up with her shithead boyfriend, or him joining the cheer squad.
Yet here he is, wearing the stupid school colors and his long hair tied up in a ponytail to match Chrissy’s, even down to the identical green scrunchie. Chrissy was lucky he loved her. Platonically, of course. They’d kissed after everything, figuring that’s that the thing between them was, but it ended up being like kissing a sibling (or so Eddie guessed, not ever having had one before), but quickly discovered that whatever middle school crush might have existed was well and truly gone.
Everything else was just right, however, and if such a thing as platonic soulmates existed, then Chrissy was well and truly his. She had to be, to get him to agree to this stupid shit.
He wasn’t an official member of the cheer squad at first, nothing more than a glorified backup, but he helped her in all the practices and learned all the moves and somehow, without realizing when, he started performing at games and pep rallies. Which didn’t help the queer rumors from spreading, even when Chrissy acted like his beard at first. Because the rumors would have been galling if they hadn’t been true.
Don’t get him wrong; he liked chicks too. But there was something to be said about seeing a pretty boy on his knees.
He played it up, taunting the other team and his own with blown kisses and suggestive hand motions with his tongue in his cheek, but he had cheerleader privilege, and Chrissy’s best friend privileges, so he actually managed to avoid anything more than pointed words and threats, which he then always turned into a kink thing to make the jocks uncomfortable.
“Oh, you’re right, Princess, I look amazing on my knees,” he cooed with a wink when King Steve himself deigned to be one of the insulting masses. Of course, all Harrington had said was that he should stop messing around and get back under the pyramid during cheer practice instead of poking fun at the basketball players on the other side of the gym.
Harrington always flushed whenever Eddie got too weird, too freaky, too queer, and it was quickly becoming one of his favorite things. Chrissy teased him about it when he’d go out of his way to harass Harrington, telling him to stop pulling the king’s pigtails, which he vehemently denied doing.
No way. Nuh uh. Not King Steve. Gag him with a spoon, or whatever they said in the movies Chrissy always made him watch.
Soon Harrington started snapping back, however, but with an amused smile on his face. More than that, he’d snapped at Hagan to leave Gareth alone when he’d come to playfully jeer at Eddie until they could head to Hellfire together. (Chrissy had actually taken DnD up too eventually, much to everyone’s surprise, though it was less surprising than her Level 7 Chaotic Neutral homebrew half-Orc male Barbarian whose tragic backstory was only known to Eddie so far, seeing as he had helped her craft Uragoth the Undaunted.)
To say that Eddie was surprised when Harrington of all people protected a freak was an understatement. And then it kept happening. Harrington always stepped in if he saw any freak or nerd being bullied, he even used logic, pointing out that Eddie was both freak and cheerleader, so going after the freaks was going after him and the cheer squad, and did any jock really want to piss off the cheerleaders?
A jock using logic? Unheard of!
Eddie was a little flattered though to think that his freaks had best friend privileges as well because of him, that he could be the shield offering them protection simply by straddling the line between the two sects at school.
Harrington never stopped snarking with Eddie, however, always calling him a freak but always with that smile that almost spoke of something…fond.
And then it was the day of the big game, the championship, and Chrissy was giggling as she tried to pretend like she was having second thoughts, even as her hands never faltered getting him ready. They, and the rest of the squad who had slowly warmed up to Eddie, had scoured the rule book to make certain he could do it, smirking amongst themselves at the surprise they had in stock.
Eddie waited at the end of the line, waited for their introduction, and then he was running in with the rest of the cheer squad, his pale and hairy legs flashing beneath the short green skirt. Gareth and the rest of the freaks screamed, sending out wolf whistles and making enough noise to draw the attention of anyone who might not have noticed yet.
Eddie only had eyes for one person though.
Harrington’s gaze was fixed solely on him as he jogged out wearing the female cheerleading uniform, a bright pink high on cheekbones and his mouth agape, and Eddie thought he had even seen the guy swallow as his eyes took in Eddie in a skirt.
The game went exactly as the cheer squad had hoped, their secret routine putting Eddie front and center, and he took great enjoyment in rolling his hips suggestively and blowing his kisses and winks as he taunted the opposing team, resulting in more than one fumble when he distracted them. The fact that Harrington seemed equally distracted seemed something else entirely.
As well as the fact that Harrington roughly fouled the player from the other team that Eddie had pointedly flirted with during their halftime routine.
Hawkins Tigers won in the end, easily, with Harrington scoring the final winning points like the king he was, pointing at Eddie right before he took the shot with a wink. Eddie rolled his eyes, almost hoping Harrington would miss in retaliation for the tease. Instead, Harrington ended the game as the buzzer sounded with his last three-pointer and the crowd went wild.
Less typical, however, was how Harrington strode through the crowd right after, bypassing the celebrating teammates and cheerleaders and fans that had streamed onto the court, to head straight for Eddie. Eddie was given just the barest moment to wonder if he was about to be hate crimed when Harrington’s hand landed on his back, the other cupping the back of his head, and he was spun into a dip as Harrington leaned in for a kiss.
Except Harrington didn’t immediately kiss him, he hovered above his lips, his eyes looking into Eddie’s asking for permission, and really…what more could Eddie do except wrap his arms around Harrington’s neck and close the distance?
If later that night Eddie was still wearing that skirt as he and Harrington came to an understanding, well, no one needed to know.
And if the next night it was Steve wearing the cheerleading skirt…that was between him and his king.
Part 2
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momotonescreaming · 9 months
Part One (You are Here) | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
“So.” Jeff starts, voice rising over the Dio cassette Eddie put on, volume down low for once. It makes good background noise. Filling the space of Eddie’s bedroom. Not that it’s not full already.
“Okay so we’re doing this?” Eddie asks, turning around from where he was sorting through the pile of stuff on top of his dresser, stray D20 in hand. He flings himself onto his bed, bouncing on the mattress. He’s looking at Jeff with a shit-eating grin, although it’s not unkind.
“Doing what?” he replies, frowning, turning from where he’s sat at the small desk by the door. There’s not a lot of space, not a lot of wiggle room, so Jeff is immediately faced with Eddie staring at him knowingly from the mattress. They’ve known each other since middle school, since Eddie moved into town, and he can tell with just a glance that Eddie is seeing straight through him. 
It’s only fair, he concedes, he saw straight through Eddie.
“This thing you can’t stop thinking about, but haven’t told anyone. That thing?” Eddie starts, resting his head in his hands. It almost looks like he’s going to start kicking his feet like a girl in a sleepover. The kind of scenes you see in movies. All cliche and shit. “We’re talking about it?”
“Yeah.” Jeff sighs. Takes a deep breath. He looks over at Eddie, watches as his best friend raises an eyebrow, smiles, silently prompts him along.
“You know your horrific crush on Steve Harrington?” he eventually starts, fingers absently tapping at the wood of the chair he’s claimed. He can feel it swirling in his chest. The words, the feelings, all the stuff he had been running through his mind. Eddie won’t be mean about it, of course he won’t, but there’s going to be gentle ribbing and he’s really not sure if he’s ready for it. Maybe with just the two of them it'll be okay. Eddie gets it, after all, maybe better than anyone. 
Eddie just snorts. “I’m aware, yes.”
“And how I teased you for being into the preppiest jock in Hawkins?” He adds, resisting the urge to tap his foot, bounce his knee, run his socked foot along the carpeted floor.
“Also, yes.” 
“Well.” Jeff says, and he grimaces. Leaves the sentence there. He doesn’t need to finish it just yet, Eddie will pick up the pieces. Slot them into place.
He sees the exact second Eddie gets it. Watches his eyes light up as it clicks. The glee on his face is evident, the bastard. It's fucking radiating out of him, leaking out through his pores. 
“No,” Eddie gasps, scrambling to sit up on his bed, inching towards Jeff. He's gripping the sheets, the tan floral fabric strained between his fingers. “No fucking way. You have a crush?”
He just nods, humming in affirmation. 
“Well who is it?” Eddie asks, bouncing in place. He's giddy, fidgeting and not quite staying still. “C’mon, tell me. Are they more attainable than Steve Harrington, at least?”
“On one hand they're more attainable,” Jeff starts, gesturing with his hands. “Because, y'know, straight.” 
Eddie hums, nodding, eyes wide. He wouldn't ever admit it, but he was an incorrigible gossip at heart. Always wanting to know things about people. Listening when Wayne talks about the guys from the plant, picking up rumours from people who bought from him, slowly learning what's happening in the trailer park. Who was sleeping with who, who doesn't do their job, who was moving in.
So when Jeff hinted he had a crush? Eddie was all over it. He was also his best friend, so that helped.
“But on the other hand they're less attainable,” Jeff says, taking a deep breath. Bracing himself for whatever dramatic reaction Eddie was going to spout. “Because it's Chrissy Cunningham.” 
His traitorous heart leaps in his chest the second he says her name. A smile threatens to creep across his face. Chrissy Cunningham. Out of all the cheerleaders, she was the one who stood out. She was cute, and kind, with a smile that lit up the room. The curl of her bangs that framed her face, the way she matches her eyeshadow to her scrunchie. Jeff couldn’t stop staring at her. Couldn’t stop noticing things about her. 
Eddie looks positively giddy, bouncing on the worn springs of his mattress, grinning like the devil himself. Wide eyes and bared teeth, ringed fingers gripping his sheets even tighter. He’s electric, he’s vibrating out of his skin. If he were wearing his wallet chain, Jeff would hear him jingling. 
“Yes!” He exclaims, hair swinging around his face as he moves. Not unlike he’s headbanging. “Jeffery! Jefferson! Join me in Hell!”
Jeff can’t help but concede a laugh, ducking his head, almost pressing his chin to his chest. Hiding a smile, almost shy. It’s kind of nice, having it out in the open now. Having Eddie welcome him into the world of crushes on the most popular kids in school. 
“The fucking karma is so juicy right now Jeffington, oh my god! Eat shit!” Eddie adds, excitedly tapping his feet. He bounces back onto his bed, patting a spare spot of mattress beside him. “But I’m just too excited, Jesus Christ, you get it now!”
“I fucking get it now,” Jeff laughs, getting up off the chair and flopping onto the bed beside Eddie. Feeling the worn sheets beneath his back, looking up at the yellowed ceiling of the trailer. “There’s no way in Hell anything is going to happen, I know this, but fuck, she’s the cutest girl I’ve ever seen.”
“Yeah, says you and half of Hawkins High,” Eddie replies, laughing, looking over at Jeff, crossing his legs underneath him. 
“Like you’re one to judge, ‘Mr I have a crush on Steve Harrington,’ the most popular guy in school. Even him stopping throwing those parties didn't make people hate him.” Jeff laughs, gently shoving at Eddie, moving him towards the edge of the bed. “You call him an asshole and then turn around and daydream about his laugh, or his eyes, or his hair.”
“Listen,” He retorts, splaying his hands out when he talks. “I am but a humble homosexual, and even I can’t deny the fact that that preppy, douchey, jock is a fucking smokeshow.”
“What?” Jeff laughs. “You want him to slap your ass and hook up with you in the locker room? Woo you with all his dumb jock shit?”
“Literally, yes,” Eddie laughs, flopping down onto his bed now next to Jeff, the corner of his mouth pulling up into a grin as Jeff snorts. Locks eyes with his best friend, and lets his gaze soften a bit. “But tell me about Chrissy, how did this happen?”
Jeff sighs, and is only a little embarrassed at how wistful it sounds. His stomach swoops, organs melting into something soft and gooey as he paints her in his minds eye. As he pictures her. 
“I just,” He starts, and then stops. Sighs again. “I always noticed Chrissy, always thought she was pretty — because y’know, cheerleader, it's a given — but I didn’t think much further than that.” 
“Until?” Eddie asks, drawing out the word. He nudges Jeff's leg with a socked foot.
“Until I held open a door for her one time,” he sighs, giving into Eddie's prompting. “And she giggled, and thanked me, and it sort of hit me just how much I wanted to kiss her.” 
Eddie fucking yelps, grabbing and shoving at Jeff's shoulder. He laughs along with him, his energy infectious. Let's himself move along with the motions, shoving back at Eddie, bedsprings creaking underneath the pair of them. A part of him absently wonders how much of this Wayne can hear. Raising Eddie, he's probably used to it — the noise. The energy. “Jeff, you sly dog!” 
“I didn't actually kiss her,” Jeff laughs. “I just thought about it.” 
“Oh I bet you thought about it,” Eddie teases, wiggling his eyebrows, continuing to grip and shove at Jeff's arm. 
“Oh shut up,” Jeff laughs. “Like you're one to judge.” 
“Oh, I'm not judging,” he replies, stopping his shoving so they're just resting on his bed together. Hair splayed out across the mattress, fingers absently picking at his sheets. “You remember the things I've said to you about Steve.” 
“I do, yes.” 
“But,” Eddie says, rolling over onto his side, propping himself up and looking down at Jeff. “We’re not talking about how much I’ve talked about wanting to suck Steve’s dick right now.”
Jeff snorts.
“It’s more than that, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” Jeff exhales, the air leaving his lungs softly, as he lets himself melt a little further into Eddie’s mattress. It’s easy, here with Eddie. His best friend, whom he knows everything about and knows everything about him in return. “I see Jason hold her hand as they walk through the halls, and hold her books for her. One time I saw them at a movie date together at The Hawk when I was out with my parents, and I want that.”
Eddie makes a noise, low and soft, as he looks over at Jeff. 
“I’ll never get it, not with her, but oh man,” he adds. “I can’t stop thinking about it.”
“I get it.” Eddie adds, voice still soft and low. “I know I talk about how hot Steve is, but I saw him and that Wheeler chick in the halls. How he’d swing her round and kiss her.”
It sort of hits him, just then, just how much Eddie wants this as well. Wants soft kisses, and romantic gestures. Intimate dates and someone happy to see him. But he can’t be seen wanting things he’ll never get. It hurts too much. 
“When we get out of Hawkins,” Jeff says simply. “We’ll get this. We’ll find people who find our metal music and shitty garage band endearing. You’ll find someone who wants to kiss you in the halls.”
Eddie snorts, but he’s smiling sort of bittersweetly while he does it. “And you’ll bag yourself a cheerleader.”
Jeff smacks Eddie’s side, waving his arm out half-heartedly. They stay like that, sitting in the silence, chilling on Eddie’s bed together. It’s nice. 
“So we agree we’re not telling Gareth about this?” Jeff says, propping himself up to look at Eddie.
“Oh we’re absolutely not telling Gareth about this. '' Eddie replies automatically. “He’ll be so annoying about it.”
“One day he’ll get a crush on a prep,” Jeff replies, smiling. “And then we’ll tell him.”
“The Corroded Coffin curse?” Eddie laughs. “Getting a crush on a prep?”
“Definitely,” he replies. “First you, now me. Frank’s next, and then Gareth is going to eat his words about those hot metal chicks he definitely has a crush on.”
“Who are definitely real, and absolutely not just models in magazines he jerks off too,” Eddie laughs, and it’s nice. Sharing this. Sharing this with someone who gets it. It’s not just that their crushes are preps, or jocks. It’s that their crushes are popular, and hot, and people who are never going to look at them twice. 
Jeff laughs, an exhale of air, and nudges his foot against Eddie’s. 
Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
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rebelfell · 3 months
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Straight from the tortured Eddie department...
18+ MDNI 3.9k
older!fem!Harrington!reader x eddie munson
cont'd from here, index here
Not a proper “part” of the story, more like an interlude of bits and pieces of Eddie's side. I'm also not liable for any of this — @bettyfrommars made me do it. cw: binge drinking
Eddie never had a real girlfriend.
He’d had plenty of imaginary ones—tieflings or elf maidens or dryads that made their way into his campaigns after floating around in his head for a few days. He put himself to sleep imagining he was rescuing them, adventuring with them, defending their honor. All that hero shit.
But as for real life, he’s never had anything…consistent.
There was that thing with Chrissy Cunningham his third and final senior year when he got to act on his middle school crush for a grand total of a month and a half before she took off for Notre Dame. He decided that barely counted, though. Especially after hearing she was dating girls now.
Other than that, his rap sheet detailed little more than a string of messy and hasty hook-ups with people who wanted to “get with the freak” just to say that they had, or randoms at the Hideout who would fuck anyone as long as they played guitar.
He’d thought a lot about it, though. For years, he had to watch people at school getting so totally, nauseatingly wrapped up in one another they could barely see past their own noses. 
And it made him want to vomit almost as much as it made him burn with jealousy.
After he was done mock-retching with his friends, he secretly wondered to himself what it might be like to have someone like that in his life. Someone whose smile he looked forward to every morning. Someone whose hand would reach out for his in a crowded hall. Someone who was always as happy to see him as he was to see them.
Most days the possibility seemed too fantastical to even entertain, but Eddie never had much luck when it came to resisting impossibilities.
Things changed a little after he graduated, but only in terms of quantity. 
His community college was only one town over from Hawkins, but it was like a different world. No one there knew the Munson name or the baggage that came along with it. No one had been cheated or scammed or lied to by his father. No one held Eddie liable for sins he didn’t commit.
Girls started going for him because they liked him, not because they wanted to get something out of him. Still, it had never breached that casual containment. Just about everyone was planning on eventually transferring to a “real” school, and they weren’t looking for anything serious.
Neither was he, truth be told. He was just having fun—learning what he liked, what they liked, what he could do to make them like it more.
To like him more.
He quickly garnered a reputation for his giving nature, and for the first time in his life he didn’t mind it so much that people were jumping to conclusions about him based on hearsay.
It gave him hope, tiny as the spark of it was. He thought someone, somewhere, someday, might want something more with him—something more formal. Something beyond drunk make-outs at parties, or too-quick dates that were little more than pretense for getting him in bed.
Even Steve confessed he was sort of jealous. 
Girls were dying to date Steve, though.
They fell in love if he so much as flipped his artfully disheveled hair in their direction. He came home from school every break lamenting over yet another girl who had gone and caught feelings for him and how he wished he could trade places with Eddie once in a while.
And Eddie just had to sit there with a stupid, cheesing grin on his face like he was living the dream. All the while feeling like the biggest fucking fraud in the world.
But then there was you.
Eddie had never felt like this about anyone. And he knew, logically, that you weren’t his girlfriend. How could you be when he had never so much as taken you on a proper date? Or held your hand? Or touched you without first having to glance around to be sure the coast was clear?
But you were still his something—his something that was unlike anything else. 
And, yeah, it had kind of been a joke when it started. Not a joke-joke, just…the kind of shit he always did. Messing around. Shooting shots from half-court he was certain wouldn’t even graze the net. Flirting with you was just…fun in a way it hadn’t been for him in a really long time.
He thought at first he just liked the challenge. Clearly, he irritated you. He could see it in the fiery glares you gave him, in the way your hands would land on your hips, in the way your mouth would press together in a hard line. And it made him all the more determined to make you crack.
Then you and he started talking more, started talking about real stuff, stuff that mattered—and holy shit were you cool.
There was a bite to you, a witty snark that never faltered. You viewed the world through a wry lens, but there was a softness that bled through when you talked about your favorite songs, or a novel you had taught in one of your classes, or a movie you’d seen enough times to quote from memory.
And, god, were you beautiful. Not in a “for your age” way or a “could tell you used to be” way— just in the way that you were. The way your nose scrunched when you smiled, your lips quirking to the side; the way your hips swayed as you danced to records you put on; the way your brow wrinkled when you were deep in concentration and made Eddie wish he could reach out and smooth it down with the pad of his thumb.
And all he could do was think how fucking out of his league he was. Not that he believed he really had a chance. Because he didn’t…obviously.
He thought he must have died and gone to heaven the night of that party. He climbed those stairs all but certain he was going to be sent right back down them. But he was more than willing to take that risk, more than ready to debase himself on the off chance you were feeling even a fraction of what he was. To know once and for all that he wasn’t making all of this up in his head.
Because that night on the patio you hadn’t said you didn’t want to do this. Only that you couldn’t. 
And that girl from his Geology lab last semester who laid it on so thick only made it painfully and blatantly obvious to Eddie that he couldn’t settle for something less than anymore. 
He didn’t want to waste any more of his time with anyone who wasn’t you.
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Eddie didn’t go home after you left him in the van.
Wayne wouldn’t be back from the plant for a few more hours and he couldn’t stand the thought of facing the desolate wasteland of his trailer.
That, and it was sorely lacking in alcohol.
Instead, he parked in the narrow alley behind the Hideout. It was way, way past last call—the sun was rising for chrissakes—but Eddie knew where Bev kept the spare key from his bar-back days. 
He didn’t count how many shots he poured for himself, the pools of liquor that splashed on the bar serving as a kind of tally until he passed out on a pillow of folded arms. Hours later, he came to with Gareth shaking him awake calling out his name. He’d found him still slumped over the bar, barely able to hold his head up, about to slide off his stool and onto the sticky floor.
Eddie peered at his friend with bloodshot eyes, vaguely recognizing the blob of floppy and tawny colored curls. “C’mon, man. Time to go,” he said, casting a grateful and apologetic look at Bev, who had been kind enough to call Gareth and not the cops when she came in to do prep and payroll.
He and his girl Annie had to carry him out, one of Eddie’s arms slung over both their shoulders. 
“S’over…she…she…” he slurred, shaking his head as they stumbled out to the gravel parking lot and he squinted into the unbearably bright sun, “I jus’ don’no what I did, I just—”
His drunken babbling only grew more incoherent as he flopped over in the backseat of Gareth’s car, his face smushed into the cushion. Annie looked back at him from the passenger side, folded over on himself as he curled up in a little fetal ball, her brow pinched together with concern.
“Who’s he talking about?” Eddie heard her ask.
Gareth just shrugged, casting his own forlorn look back at his friend before he turned the key.
“I’ve got no idea.”
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“Aren’t you supposed to be camping?”
Eddie smirked back at your cocked brow as you appraised him where he stood on the front steps, a six-pack in one hand and bouquet of flowers in the other. He glided past you inside of the house, swinging around and walking backwards to the kitchen with a wide grin spread across his face.
“I got sick,” he explained, flashing a cartoonish pout. “Steve came to pick me up and I couldn’t even come out of the bathroom. We’re talking major chunkage, babe. I was a hazard.”
Your face crinkled at the visual, but you laughed as Eddie swaggered towards the island. 
In his head, he was still congratulating himself for his stellar performance and patting himself on the back for the added touch of canned peas he’d brought with him into the bathroom to pour in the toilet intermittently during his moaning to really sell the ruse. Theatrical wizard that he was.
The camping trip had been in the works for ages, way before all of…this…had started.
It began mostly as an argument in which Dustin was adamant just because he’d only ever been to computer camp, it didn’t mean he didn’t have any survival skills. The other boys had scoffed and jeered and mocked as they were wont to do, until they finally landed on their solution of going camping the weekend of Will Byers’ birthday.
Eddie and Steve were drafted as supervisors-slash-babysitters, and even though Eddie had actually been looking forward to it, the promise of a weekend alone with you was too enticing.
There were a lot of things Eddie couldn’t do with you—real dates, public displays of affection—but with Steve gone, Eddie could stay in your bed all night. He could wake up to you in the morning and coax you from sleep with his gentle kisses peppered along your jaw until you stretched out your arms and released a deep and satisfied groan he could practically hear already.
“So they left?” you prompted him, eyes bright with fascination. Eddie nodded smugly.
“And wouldn’t you know, as soon as they did…I made a miraculous recovery.”
“Well, isn’t that convenient?”
You took the flowers and brought them to your nose to smell. He’d joke later that he stole them out of the neighbor’s yard so you wouldn’t know how he stood at the farmer’s market all morning picking them out. Asking the owner which ones meant what until he gave up and started going for whatever he thought looked best together.
Whatever he thought looked like you.
The beer bottles clinked as he set them down in favor of getting his hands on you instead. 
For someone who thought he was going away for the weekend, you certainly had dressed like you were going to see him. Long, flowing skirt that skimmed the tops of your bare feet. A slit in it that showed off a daring amount of leg. A tank top with a deep scoop neck that accentuated your chest and made him eager to bury his face in it. A fresh spritz of perfume on your neck.
Eddie took your hand and spun you into him, pressing himself against your back, his arms curling around your waist to keep you pinned there. You sighed at the feeling, tipping your head back to rest it on his shoulder, giggling as he nuzzled the sensitive skin behind your ear.
His hand squeezed the one of yours he was holding while the other ran up your thigh, fingers slid into the slit of your skirt and traced the edge of your leg until he felt you shiver and squirm.
“So…” Eddie hummed. “What do we do now?”
Your sister's room had remained untouched since her departure, but the en suite bathroom was another story. The jacuzzi spa tub was an anniversary present she got herself after John forgot…for the second year in a row.
It was wide and deep enough Eddie could sit up against the back of it with you between his legs, the smell of lavender and clary sage wafting up and swirling in the air as the jets bubbled.
You dribbled soapy water on his arms and ran your hands over them, making his tattoos shine. And he chuckled as you wriggled against him until he couldn’t stand it anymore.
“Turn around,” he husked in your ear, his hands on your hips already urging you forward.
Water sloshed and splashed on the floor as you maneuvered yourself around to face him, your legs thrown over his hips, arms slung around his neck as you slid against one another—the head of his cock rutting against your clit until you were whining, mewling, crying out with need for more.
You leaned in close, tips of your noses brushing as you rocked against him, but you don’t kiss him the way he remembers it happening.
He tries to catch your lips, to get them to meet his, but his neck won’t move. None of him will, even as he screams in his head for it to do so.
You chant his name instead, your voice echoing off the gleaming marble and tiles.
“Eddie! Eddie! EDDIE!”
The hard thwap of a pillow on the back of his head drags Eddie fully out of his dream. Warm, frothy water turned back into his dingy, stained sheets and your body morphed into the pillows his arms and legs were curled around as tight as he could. He lifted his head, still pounding and beer-logged, and blinked until the blurry shape looming over him turned into Steve.
“Whad’youwant?” Eddie grumbled.
“It’s like two o’clock,” Steve said. Not quite condemning, but certainly not lacking in concern.
Eddie shrugged, reaching for his nightstand and the graveyard of beers there. He started lifting them one at a time until he found one with some weight to it and brought it to his lips. It was stale and warm on his tongue and he grimaced as he drank, but he tried to drain it all the same.
“Dude!” Steve’s eyes widened and he snatched it from his hand. “Stop!” 
“What?” Eddie barked, glaring up at his friend.
Steve slammed the can down, making the other empty ones rattle and fall to the floor. “Seriously, what is going on? You’re freaking me out here.”
“S’nothing,” Eddie muttered, dragging his sheets back up over his head. They smelled like the malt and hops seeping out of his skin and it didn’t take long for the ripeness of his B.O. to permeate the little pocket of air around him. He couldn’t even remember the last time he showered.
The mattress sagged extra as Steve sank down to perch on the edge of it. He stared at the lump under the sheets and his voice tightened nervously as he spoke to it.
“Look, you don’t have to tell me what’s wrong,” he said. “We’re just worried is all, and we want to help. Wayne, Dustin, the band…all of us.”
Not all of you, Eddie thinks.
And there’s a part of him—a spiteful, bitter, angry part—that almost wants to tell Steve everything. He almost wants to drop the bomb once and for all and make you clean up the mess.
But he knows he can’t. 
Because the thing he hates the most of all, is knowing how right you were.
Eddie had talked a big game about telling Steve, explaining it to him, but there wasn’t much point when it was never going to go anywhere. And it was foolish of him to believe it ever could.
Because what exactly was he supposed to do? Run off to some ivy-covered university? Tag along at cocktail parties and mixers with the rest of the faculty and have them whisper behind your back about if you were together or if he was your son?
Or worse yet, starting rumors about you sleeping with a student? No fucking way.
He got it now. You didn’t have any choice but to end it once Eddie had gone and spewed all his feelings all over you. And had he known what would happen, he might not have gone through with it. But he also knew he would have ended up in the exact same place, regardless.
He was just so sick and tired of not saying it. Of acting like he didn’t feel it. 
Because it was the first time he’d felt so sure someone would say it back.
Eddie doesn’t answer Steve. He just stays under the sheets until he finally leaves. Breathing in his own breath, wishing he could slip back into his dream to relive the part where he climbed out of the tub and took you straight to bed. And you had tumbled into it with him where you rode him until your muscles were limp and the room had filled with the golden haze of fading sunlight.
He was pretty sure that was the weekend it had happened. He couldn’t say it yet. Couldn’t so much as acknowledge it, or admit it was something he even wanted to say.
But it was there.
It was that feeling in his chest, that warmth and fullness he’d been chasing his entire life. 
He finally felt whole.
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As usual, Steve assigned himself to babysitting duty. He started showing up every morning to bang on Eddie’s door and make sure he made it to work. And on his off days, he dragged Eddie into Family Video and made him participate in he and Robin’s bemoaning of their sordid affairs.
And despite everything, Eddie hangs on their every word. Not sure which was worse—waiting for Steve to mention home (and by extension, you) or living in constant fear of him doing so.
But it’s not until the day Steve forgets his lunch that Eddie faces the worst possible scenario.
“Alright, great. Thank you,” Steve says in the receiver, voice strained despite the relief he feels.
He hangs up the phone and pushes his hands into his messy hair, eyes closing as he massages his temples with his thumbs in an attempt to stave off his hangry episode.
“Mommy bringing you some num-nums?” Eddie teases. Steve just sighs.
“Nah, my aunt is coming.”
A loud siren sounds in the movie Steve is playing, but it’s not nearly as loud as the one going off in Eddie’s brain. He jerks his head up, his eyes wide and alarmed. If you left Steve’s house right when he hung up the phone, Eddie had maybe fifteen minutes before you would be here.
His feet are frozen in place, glued to the wildly patterned carpet under them, his body being torn between fight and flight. He could just leave. That was probably the smartest decision. He could run right out of here, making up some excuse about forgetting that he needed to be somewhere.
He could leave. And yet it was impossible to will his legs to move so he could do so.
The feeling is overwhelming, almost nauseating—a horrendous combination of being desperate for something to happen and yet totally dreading the possibility. Because as much as he wanted to see you, as much as he’d been hoping to run into you in town or to catch a fleeting glimpse of you, the reality of it was terrifying. Because him seeing you meant you would see him like this.
Ruined. Destroyed. Pathetic.
He was looking better than he had the past few weeks, having rediscovered bathing and some color coming back to his cheeks.
So that was something.
But he’d still not been sleeping great. Staying up all night hunched over his composition notebook filling it with scribblings of lyrics so overwrought and dramatic he could hardly imagine actually showing them to the band.
Shit, they’d probably laugh him out of Gareth’s garage if he did.
It wasn’t enough to look okay, though. Even if he looked perfect, even if he had the sun shining directly out of his asshole, it wouldn’t be enough. He needed to look like he hadn’t so much as thought about you in weeks. Like he hadn’t lain in his bed for days looking for your face in the stains on his ceiling. Like he hadn’t written the start of twenty-some letters only to wind up scratching through the words until the blacked out paper shredded beneath the ballpoint.
Then like an answer from the heavens, or more likely somewhere significantly further south, the bell over the front door jingled and Krista Washington walked inside.
Eddie remembered her from Hawkins High. She’d always been kinda shy and quiet, barely brave enough to buy a measly joint off Eddie now and again. But once she graduated and got out from under the thumb of her snobby cheerleading captain, she had come into her own a bit more.
And her eyes still glittered with that same old fascination when they fell on Eddie. 
Eddie didn’t think. He didn’t debate. He didn’t take a second to consider how colossally stupid of an idea this was—he just walked straight up to her and he poured every ounce of Munson charm he had to his name into getting her to follow him outside to talk by his van.
It wasn’t until he heard your car, your brakes screeching because he never got the chance to change out the pads like he’s meant to do, that he realized what a piece of shit this move made him.
While Krista, bless her heart, could have won an Oscar for a part she didn’t know she’d been cast in. Staring up at him with fluttering lashes and parted lips, that look in her eye like, 
“C’mon, genius. This is where you kiss me.”
And he could do it. Eddie saw some movement inside and he was pretty sure you were headed for the door. He might be able to time it just so that you step outside the moment Eddie’s lips touch the shiny, sticky peach gloss on Krista’s mouth.
He could do it…but he doesn’t. 
He knows he never would have.
Instead, he tucks his chin down into his chest and his hands drop from their spot on her waist. His face is riddled with regret, but Krista is hardly discouraged.
“Come on,” she says, taking his hand in hers and tugging on it. “Let’s go pick out the movie we’re gonna watch later.”
He lets her pull him along with her to the door, seeing in slow motion that you and her are going to run into one another. He watches silently as you nearly collide, never taking his eyes off you as Krista drifts away from blocking his view of you. And it’s killing him to do it, but he shuffles to the side so you can pass. Leaving only just enough space so he can catch one last whiff of you.
And was it so crazy for him to think (hope) you look half as miserable as he feels?
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shout out to the song that I cried too many times to when I was 26 and a dumb boy made me realize I can't regulate my emotions for shit. it wasn't shocking news, but still.
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carolmunson · 1 year
okay, since some of you asked for it:
unpopular opinion but i don’t actually think eddie was a nice soft boy at all. dustin and mike are literally afraid to ask him to move hellfire. ‘he’s always revved up,’ implying that he’s always like this, always a little close to snapping. he’s not nice to them when he asks them to find a replacement. he also guilt trips them about 'taking them in like lost sheep' and shoves them off to find a replacement instead of keeping lucas included. which is why i don't understand the 'fierce protector of his friends' take because he's so quick to drop lucas just because he's 'moved to the dark side.' aka, throwing balls into laundry baskets.
which leads me to when he gets up on the table, people are not trying to fuck around with him. this is a common occurance, people are not surprised to see him up there and yelling. they aren't surprised that he's making a spectacle of himself. if eddie was soft and sweet, he would’ve gotten beat up. if eddie was soft and gentle, he'd probably be scared of jason. guys like jason in the 80s loved being macho and punching out losers — eddie just gave him the devil horns and called it a day. eddie’s absolutely gotten in fist fights before and won (his dad is a literal criminal!) otherwise someone would've thrown something or told him to shut the fuck up. people are scared of him, even his own friends! there’s more reasons than just playing DND and metal that make town certain that he’s a cult leader. you don't just assume someone is a murderer if they haven't shown any interest in violence before, especially considering his dad was likely a shitty dude. he even bullies erica when she first shows up to hellfire and only respects her when she bullies him back and bests him. he is someone you have to EARN respect from. he will never respect anyone outright or be understanding outright. he doesn't fully respect dustin or mike to start either, he views them as underlings.
even chrissy assumes he's going to be mean and scary, there's gotta be reason behind that. he's not nice or kind in school, which is likely a defense mechanism. he’s sweet with chrissy because he likes her, he has a crush on her. it’s very clear that he has since he was a kid, otherwise why would he bring up them hanging out in middle school? why would he even remember that if he hasn’t been pining for her this whole time? he admits too, albiet flirtily, that he thought SHE'D be mean and scary too, because he doesn't like people 'like that', people he assumes are 'on the dark side'. i’m sure he hoped they’d kiss a little when she went to his trailer. he's even a little sarcastic when she's there, again, defensive. 'the maid took the week off'. but ultimately, he's nice to her because he wants to kiss her and has a crush on her. i don't think it's because he's fully 'showing her who he really is'.
also he's a literal drug dealer????? like?????
he only becomes more gentle and open with dustin and co. when he gets pulled into the upside down/vecna stuff because he needs support. they grow a bond over shared trauma. and i do believe eddie had a big brother type relationship with dustin, but just like steve he loves him begrudgingly 'i love you, you little shit bag' kind of shit. i do believe he liked and cared for his friends but i also think he always had a big layer of mean kid armor on because he had a hard life growing up. how i percieved the character is 'mean bully whose secretly nice but is mean and boisterous and loud as a cover' trope. when he explains that his father taught him to hotwire, he seems bitter about it. of course he is, all the other kids were learning to play ball. but he obviously still retains this information and a whole bunch of other crime tricks from his dad. he's BEEN partaking in this shit. he KNOWS he's a shitty guy. you don't just get taught how to hotwire once and then suddenly know how to do it years later. he's done it before! multiple times! he has practice! he likely knows about warzone cause his daddy absoLUTELY had a gun or two. his dad probably took him there once. he was pulled left and right into bad shit growing up and that will HARDEN YOU. wayne says that murder 'ain't in his nature' and i'm sure it's not. i'm sure he's different with wayne, but idk, to me, it doesn't erase the fact that outwardly, i don't think eddie was nearly as sweet and gentle as people think he is canonically. i think he's a very hardened and tortured person and that even becomes clear with his reaction to chrissy's death and how he goes about things going forward. he was a weird kid with weird interests in a cookie cutter conservative town, had a criminal father, and an unconventional family situation in the 70s and 80s, that shit'll fuck you up and over -- look at boomers y'all! they are emotionally stunted! but, i could go on forever with this character analysis. so i'll stop here. but -- in the words of the real housewives reunion meme: that's MY OPINION!
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
Harrington!reader, Steve’s little sister. Popular, a cheerleader, first time senior and Chrissy’s best friend. But she has a secret that only her best friend knows. She’s had a crush on Eddie Munson since middle school. She’s afraid to tell him, thinking there’s no way he’d be into her. Until one day in the cafeteria, Jason Carver calls Eddie a freak. She confronts him, and punches him in the face, breaking or spraining her hand/wrist. Guess her little secret is out, and she may never be popular again.
I feel like I wrote a fic like this, but I couldn't find it, so here we go! I hope this is what you were looking for and you like it <3
Never proofread
Liking the freak
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Y/N Harrington was a popular cheerleader, her status even higher than her older brother's. A status that everyone knew. She tried to be a lot nicer than how Steve was. She didn't want to be popular for being an asshole.
The worst part about being popular was knowing people disliked her because of it. And there was someone she was always worried hated her, Eddie Munson. He was known to hate the popular crowd and she couldn't blame him. They made his life hell day in and day out.
But she always had a soft spot for him, ever since middle school. She was embarrassed to admit she had a crush on him since, but she didn't believe for a second that he would like her back. She doesn't think there's one bone in his body that would like her. She wasn't mean to him, but she never helped him out either. Just stood in the back and tried to avoid problems everywhere.
Chrissy knew, her best friend, and Chrissy thought she should go for it. But Chrissy also knew her boyfriend, Jason, would turn on Y/N in seconds. Chrissy also understood Y/N's fear of Eddie not liking her back. Their crowds just didn't mix well.
Jason was on another rant about who knows during lunch. Y/N got good at drowning him out, picking at her lunch as she admired Eddie from across the room. She could tell he was mocking Jason and she found herself laughing, even though she couldn't hear him. But then he looked up, his brown eyes meeting hers. He lifted his eyebrow, almost to ask "What are you doing looking at me?" But she found herself frozen, not looking away.
"YO, FREAK. WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT HER FOR?" Jason yelled, immediately grabbing everyone's attention. Y/N snapped out of her daydream and glared at Jason. Now the whole room was staring at their table, trying to see who the freak was looking at.
Eddie rolled his eyes and stood up, "SHE WAS LOOKING AT ME!" he yelled back. He told the truth, but of course, Jason wouldn't believe that.
Jason scoffed and looked back at Y/N, "Dude, a girl like that would never look at you unless she was making fun of you." For once, Y/N was involved in the problem and she figured this would be the time.
She stood up, ignoring Chrissy's pleas for her to sit back down.
"I was staring. It's not his fault. Leave him alone." Y/N confessed, giving Eddie a small smile as an apology. But Jason kept going.
"For what? Don't tell me you like the freak?" Jason accused her, she was stunned for a second. Not thinking Jason would go immediately think of that.
But what was the point of lying?
"I think he's attractive and I'd like to get to know him." She said, crossing her arms as she stood confidently. Trying to ignore the way everyone gasped like it was that serious. Eddie looked stunned, his table looking between her and him a thousand times. Dustin smiled and went for a high-five, but Eddie smacked his hand down with a glare.
"You can't do that!" Jason tried but Y/N didn't care. "Why? Because you say so? Like I'm going to listen to you." Y/N grabbed her backpack and was heading toward Eddie to prove her point.
"Fine, go with the freak Harrington! Just like your loser brother. But don't come crawling back when you realize he's just as much trash as his deadbeat dad." Jason thought he won when she froze. Her back to him as she stared at Eddie. He looked embarrassed and almost looked like he agreed with Jason. Y/N knew what it was like to struggle with parents, she had Steve at least, but Eddie didn't have anyone.
Y/N did the first thing that came to mind, she turned around, knuckles clenched as she punched him straight across the face. Chrissy gasped and checked on Jason, but had a proud look on her face.
Jason was knocked to the floor, caught off guard as he stared at her. Screaming started and teachers were rushing to her. Before she knew it, she was being grabbed by teachers and thrown out of the cafeteria. But as she was dragged out she caught Eddie's eye. He winked and sent her a smirk.
Maybe the Harringtons weren't as bad as Eddie thought.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93
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morningberriesao3 · 8 months
As Sneaky Link comes to an end, it just means that I’ll get to work on some other fun projects that have been in my drafts for (literally) a year and a half.
The next multi chapter I’m working on is set back in the 80s. Only this time, it’s not Steve who spirals about his sexuality.
Eddie is straight—he’s just never met the right girl to feel that spark. But Steve over the last years has had a secret that he’s told no one. Not even Robin.
Until Eddie walks in on him in a very compromising position. With another man.
I started this fic as something we hardly see in the Steddie fandom—and that’s Steve being the certified queer, and Eddie having a full blown crisis as he figures himself out.
As promised, below the cut is the first 2.4K words of chapter 1, and in February it’ll be posted in its entirety on my ao3: morningberries
Enjoy 🥹
It was a chilly day in early September—the wind carrying half-brown leaves through the air in swirling patterns that looked like mini tornados. Eddie stared at them from his trailer’s living room window as Wayne’s truck disappeared beyond the bend in the road.
Another weekend alone as his uncle worked a double shift.
It’s not that Eddie didn’t have friends. There was Gareth and Jeff and Grant—the members from his beloved band Corroded Coffin—but he knew Jeff was on vacation with his parents before college started and Grant was working with his dad in the garage on that ’69 Mustang they picked up from the scrapyard over the summer. Gareth, although in Hawkins, had landed himself a hot new girlfriend and spent every waking moment with her.
Eddie couldn’t really blame him, even though he didn’t really get it.
It had been the same thing his whole life, if he was being honest with himself. Since middle school, he’d watch his friends start dating whatever chick they had a crush on, listen to them start yammering about how gorgeous she was or how cool or how smart. How she made them get butterflies in their stomachs, whatever the fuck that meant.
Yeah, cool.
Eddie had dated girls—some pretty cute ones at that. There was Sam, who he dated his second senior year, and they’d gotten along really well. She was what Eddie thought should probably be his type—dark hair, a lip ring, wore lipstick in blacks and unearthly blues. She was even in Hellfire Club and honestly kicked ass at it. Objectively, on paper, she was everything he wanted.
Except he didn’t feel it. Whatever it was. The fucking butterflies, or whatever.
When they broke up, it hadn’t really been the end of the world. He mourned their friendship more than the sexual aspect of their relationship, because Sam had been awesome to hang out with and smoke with and laugh with.
Gareth hadn’t believed Eddie when he said he was fine—took a solid 4 months before Gare actually accepted that Eddie’s heart wasn’t shattered.
Eddie cared more about… God, like, anything but dating. Like D&D, and his friends, and his guitar, and Metallica’s newest album, and making his fucking bed in the morning, and even his therapist. He knew it didn’t really help him look normal to be a twenty-year-old man who couldn’t care less about pursuing girls, but whatever. He was King Freak, after all.
When he met Chrissy six months ago, he thought for a moment that he might be able to convince himself to have a crush on her. It should be easy; a small, thin, blonde, pretty cheerleader is everyone’s type. Maybe he’d just been chasing after the wrong girls. But what he felt on the drive to his trailer with Chrissy in his front seat, as she timidly told him she thought he was kind and funny, was, again… not the fireworks he expected from all the stories of love at first sight.
And then she’d died, which vastly overshadowed Eddie’s worry that there might be something wrong with him for not developing feelings. He talked about both things in his weekly government mandated therapy sessions. But mostly about her death.
The doctor had told Eddie it wasn’t uncommon to have an aversion to romantic or sexual relationships after experiencing trauma. Eddie didn’t really bother to elaborate that it had started long before said trauma. But whatever.
He digressed.
Gareth had a girlfriend, and they spent their time making out and—apparently now—doing hands and mouth stuff. At least, that’s what Gareth had been bragging about at their last band practice. And, according to him, they were probably going to fuck on this weekend that Eddie was once again alone, so calling Gareth was completely off the table.
He sighed, standing from his uncle’s withered brown couch to walk the ten steps to his bedroom. He plucked his guitar from her hook on the wall, strummed a few chords without bothering to plug her in. If he was really going to talk about trauma responses and aversions, he might as well start with the one he developed for playing his guitar after the epic battle in the Upside Down.
Since the day he nearly bled out on the gravel outside of his trailer (that wasn’t really his trailer, because apparently alternate dimensions are, like, actually a thing), he hadn’t really been able to play anymore. It wasn’t some dramatic thing, like getting wild flashbacks of battling massive fucking hell-bats, or getting feasted on by their fang-filled mouths, or Dustin crying over him, or what if felt like when he literally died for four minutes before he was defibrillated. It was just this soft, but uncomfortable, feeling in his stomach, accompanied by massive brain fog, and a general lack of motivation to learn anything new.
He hung the guitar back where it belonged, in front of his mirror. The reflection that looked back at him looked… well, goddamn bored, for one. And a little anxious. And like he should probably try to reach out to some of his other friends.
There had been some silver linings to the whole everything-he’s-ever-known-about-the-world-has-been-a-lie thing. He did, now, have other friends. Dustin, for one, would hang out with him on days that weren’t D&D related. Although, Eddie was sure that a lot of that was because he had a working vehicle that could tow him around to the arcade, or the diner (where Eddie paid for Dustin’s meals, obviously), or the video store.
Eddie didn’t mind crashing Family Video, because more often than not, it meant he could visit his new age-appropriate friend.
Robin and Eddie had become attached at the hip, honestly. Best friends. Trauma bonded, or something. Or maybe it had more to do with the fact that they were both losers, and somehow both smart and dumb at the same time. They also both talked a lot, and got excited over weird shit, and liked to rag on Dustin. So Eddie really took a liking to Robin.
And here was something that he’d been thinking about for the last few weeks.
Maybe he had a crush on her? It didn’t really sound right, but he did get excited when he got to see her, and his heartrate sometimes sped up when he went to family video and he first laid eyes on her talking to Steve, and maybe there was also a tinge of jealousy that settled in the pit of his stomach when he thought of how close they were. That had to mean something—meant something more than anything else he’d ever felt before.
He knew if Steve and Robin were going to get together, it more than likely would have already happened. But the thought still nagged on him a bit. He wouldn’t like it, and he couldn’t really put his finger on why. Having a crush on Robin was the only feasible explanation, really.
It was either that, or perhaps it was because Eddie was convinced that Steve hated him for some unknown reason.
Eddie tried to become friends with Steve during the aftermath of the Upside Down, and for a while it seemed like it was working. It seemed like Steve actually enjoyed Eddie’s company.
They’d hang out first with Rob, or Dustin. And then just by themselves. Steve even came to smoke up at the trailer once or twice, ended up crashing on Eddie’s couch. Steve used to smile at him, and nudge him in the shoulders like they were sharing some inside joke, or sling his arm around Eddie casually like they’d known each other for ages.
It always made Eddie feel like he was buzzing, like there was some sort of weight in his chest that spasmed and choked him. His therapist had said that it was probably some sort of satiation for his inner child, finally being accepted by someone who was deemed popular. Eddie hadn’t ever thought he cared about shit like that, but the subconscious was a mysterious place, he was coming to learn. Definitely explained the attachment he felt for Steve those first few months out of the hospital; the absolute giddiness he felt when they got to hang out.
But that was at the beginning. The start of July was when Eddie noticed Steve acting different towards him. Avoiding touch, and then eye contact, and then Eddie’s calls, and finally, just Eddie altogether.
The pit Eddie had felt in his stomach from losing Steve’s affection had been awful. He really thought they were becoming close, really thought it was the start of something. A really great friendship.
But Steve peaced out as quickly as he bonded with Eddie, apparently deciding now that they were back in the real world, they couldn’t really mingle anymore.
The bond they formed in the Upside Down was acceptable when they were actively monster hunting, but Eddie supposed now that things had somewhat calmed, reality started to crash into focus. Steve was still a jock; Eddie was still a freak. Therefore, no more sitting across from each other at Benny’s Diner.
That was Eddie’s theory, at least. When he’d ask Robin about it, she’d just shrugged her shoulders and said, “He hasn’t spoken badly about you. Like, at all. Seems like he likes you to me.”
Then, as if to prove his point, Steve would go all red when Eddie would stop by his work and go hide in the back room until the kids picked whatever Sci-Fi movie and piled back in Eddie’s van.
Whatever. It didn’t matter.
Eddie survived sans Steve before the Upside Down, he’d survive without him now.
He picked up the phone and dialed Robin’s number.
“Rob,” Eddie greeted, a smile already forming on his face from hearing her raspy voice. “What are you up to?”
He could hear a snort from the other end of the line. He knew she was rolling her eyes. “On a Friday afternoon at five PM? Absolutely nothing, of course.”
“Is that sarcasm?”
“Did it sound like sarcasm?”
“I’ll be honest with you,” he said, tucking the phone against his shoulder as he poured himself a mug of old drip coffee from this morning, “it very much did.”
“You’re getting better at social cues!” she mockingly praised.
“Watch it, Bucky. Don’t get too comfortable hiding behind that phone.”
“You’ll forget before the next time we see each other. I’m not too worried.”
Eddie sighed for what felt like the hundredth time since his uncle left the trailer. “Does that mean you can’t hang?”
The line crackled as Robin moved through her living room. Eddie could imagine her flopping on the couch, getting comfortable, her green phone glued to her ear with a big bowl of popcorn settled in her lap. “Noooott necessarily,” she drawled out. “Although, I know you’re not exactly fond of parties.”
Eddie furrowed his brow as he slid his mug onto the new microwave’s glass plate. He’d gotten it for Wayne’s birthday with some of the hush money the government had… well, hushed him with. Eddie had promised to keep his lips sealed when they flashed him the size of the cheque. Not like he had many people to tell, anyway.
“You’re going to a party?”
“Yeah,” she said, sounding surprised. “Steve’s party? For his twentieth?”
Eddie’s stomach dropped. “Steve’s having a party for his birthday?”
As far as he’d known, Steve said he was doing a quiet thing with his parents and his aunt that he didn’t even want to attend, and that was that. He’d just shrugged when Eddie pressed about celebrating with his friends, muttering something about it feeling weird to celebrate after everything that went down earlier in the year.
Which had been fair enough.
But now it was abundantly clear that Steve had been lying to Eddie. To keep him away.
“Uh, of course he is, Doofus. He told me you said you couldn’t come?”
Eddie, for some wild reason, felt his eyes pricking with tears. Out of anger or betrayal or confusion, he wasn’t really sure. It was dumb; he was tough, and he didn’t cry when jocks hated him ever before. So he swallowed them back down.
“Guess my plans changed,” he said, venom seeping into his tone. Fuck Steve and his master plan to keep Eddie from attending his dumb house party. “I’m coming.”
It seemed that Robin was totally oblivious to his anger as she squealed excitedly from the other end of the line. “Yay! Will you come pick me up then? It would be so much cooler to show up with a friend than have my mom drop me off in front of all the former popular kids of Hawkins High.”
“Why do you care about that shit?” Eddie asked, even though he knew it was hypocritical of him.
“Look, I know you’re totally unaffected by the social hierarchy, Eddie, but I’m unashamed to admit that it’ll feel kind of amazing to debut myself as Steve’s best friend, you know? And I’d rather do it in your shitty van than have my mother yelling that she loves me from the open window of her Honda Civic.”
“Don’t call ol’ Heffer shitty,” Eddie sulked. “It’s not good to bite the hand that feeds you. Or something like that.”
Eddie ignored that it didn’t feel great when Robin said she was Steve’s best friend. That heavy shadow of jealousy weighed down on him. He was unclear whether it was because he was jealous of Steve or Robin.
“Whatever,” Robin said, her voice laced with yet another eyeroll. “Pick me up at seven-thirty?”
Eddie nodded, his face still pulled into a scowl. When he realised Robin couldn’t see him, he shook his muddled brain and mumbled, “Uh—yeah. Seven-thirty. See you then.”
“Cool. See you soon, Doofus,” Robin sang. And then the line went dead.
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louloulemons-posts · 1 year
Harrington!reader, Steve’s little sister. Popular, a cheerleader, first time senior and Chrissy’s best friend. But she has a secret that only her best friend knows. She’s had a crush on Eddie Munson since middle school. She’s afraid to tell him, thinking there’s no way he’d be into her. Until one day in the cafeteria, Jason Carver calls Eddie a freak. She confronts him, and punches him in the face, breaking or spraining her hand/wrist. Guess her little secret is out, and she may never be popular again.
Bruised Knuckles
Eddie x Fem!Harrington!Reader
Summary : Reader likes Eddie, but it only comes to light when people are cruel and punches are thrown.
Word Count : 1.4k
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Warnings : Not proofread, 4am writing, swears, punches, broken nose, jason is a homophobic asshole, bullying (from jason), best big brother steve, fluffy, eddie a cutie, cute reader, bestie chrissy.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Walking arm in arm with Chrissy you laughed loudly at something she said, “I’m not even kidding! It went everywhere.”
“You know for a the head cheerleader you’re incredibly clumsy Chris.”
“I know!”
Heading into the exit you saw him. Your crush. Eddie Munson. The so called Freak of Hawkins. You didn’t think that, you thought he was sweet, kind, a little eccentric, but not a freak.
You’d liked him since Middle school, he appeared out of nowhere, buzzcut and guitar loving. Not much had changed, but now deep chocolate curls lay on his head.
You knew you didn’t stand a chance, he probably liked Chrissy, everyone liked Chrissy. You loved your best friend, but you loathed how boys would get close to you, just to reveal that they liked her.
“Hey!” Chrissy snaps a finger in front of your face, “Where’d you go?”
“Sorry. Daydreaming about you being covered in flour.”
“You’re so horrible to me,” she whined, shoving you lightly.
Laughing you met a pair of beautiful brown eyes, Eddie. Smiling slightly as him, as you walked past, almost dragging Chrissy to speed up.
Exiting the school you heard a familiar voice, “Hey there you are.” It was Steve your big brother. “Hi, sorry got held up in practice.”
“No worries,” he waved to Chrissy, “Did you need a ride?”
“No thanks. I better go,” she smiled to you, squeezing you lightly before heading off.
“Let’s go then,” your brother spoke. Opening the door and climbing in you heard a voice. A voice you loved so much. “Harrington.”
“Munson, how are you?”
“You know, crawling towards graduation. You coming to Henderson’s this weekend?”
“Course, gotta babysit.” He let out a laugh, man was a stunning sound.
“Uh, you know my sister,” he motioned to you, speaking your name. “Oh right, we have History together right?”
You hummed in response, words failing you.
“Well I better get her home, got a shift tonight.” Thank god for Steve.
“Right, I’ll see you Saturday. See you tomorrow,” he waved to you.
Sliding into the car, you wanted to floor to eat you. Oh my god that was so embarrassing.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Finally it was lunch, you’d be waiting for this all day, not bothering with breakfast as you were running late. You slid into your seat next to Chrissy, other cheerleaders and members of the basketball team joined you. You’d have to say Chrissy was your only friend though.
You were often glad at how chatty she was, due to your shy nature. It was also hard to know you were Steve’s sister as he was incredibly confident himself, you’d claimed he stole it all before you were born.
“Oh man look who’s here,” Jason groaned. Two of the newest members of Hellfire, Mike and Dustin. Friends of Steves, you’d met them a couple times they were sweet. “Such freaks,” one of his friends said.
Rolling your eyes, you stabbed a piece of fruit, popping it in your mouth rather aggressively. They were such assholes. “You good?” Chrissy asked.
“Mhm, apple?” Sliding her the pot without looking.
“I dare you!” one of the boys laughed, pushing Jason’s shoulder. “Well I can’t back down from a dare,” he smirked. Lifting up a bottle of mountain dew he unscrewed the lid.
“Oh Jason don’t! They’re not doing anything!” Chrissy said, trying to stop her dick of a boyfriend. “A dares a dare Chris.”
The bottle flew from Jason’s hand, drenching the two younger boys.
Silence. Then laughter. Jason was cackling, almost falling from his seat. “It’s not funny!” you snapped. “Yeah Jason what the hell!” Chrissy continued.
Jason was dragged out of his seat, shoved up the wall by his collar. “What the matter with you? You can have an issue with me, but do not take it out on them, you hear me asshole.” Eddie.
“Get off me freak,” he shoved the taller boy back. “Yeah I’m the freak not them, so leave them alone.”
“Aw standing up for them, god Munson if you couldn’t get any weirder, now you’re hanging around with kids. You must be like that Byers kid, is it true what they say kids without dads become fa-”
A cracking sound echoed across the room.
Pulling back you fist you winced, but ignored it, talking to Jason so only he’d hear you.
“Shut your fucking mouth, you don’t ever talk about Will like that you hear me, or Eddie for that matter. You are a pathetic little boy, who needs to grow up and if you try this again I will shove my foot up your-”
“Miss Harrington, my office now.” Shit.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Waiting in the reception office, you sat with an ice pack on your hand. Bruising now coming out across your knuckles. You’d been suspended for a week for breaking Jasons nose. It was worth it.
“Hi I’m here to pick up my sister.” Thank god Steve was your top contact, not that your parents would give two shits anyway. “She’s just through there. I just need to get you a form to fill out for me.”
The receptionist left and Steve headed over to you. “Suspended. Seriously, what the hell did you do?” Steve scolded, sitting next to you. You couldn’t meet his eyes.
“Punched Jason Carver in the face.” Steve’s eyes widened you weren’t the violent type. “Broke his nose,” you whispered.
“Why on earth did you do that?”
“Was being mean, threw something at Dustin and Mike. Then he said something real horrible about Will, he just needed someone to stop him.”
He said your name softly, “Here’s that paperwork Mr Harrington,” he got up walking over to the desk, but soon you were on your way, leaving the school.
Climbing into the car, it was like dejavu. “Harrington!”
“Munson? Hey man, sorry can’t stay and chat, have to get going.” Eddie came closer, “Sorry Steve I was actually talking to Harrington Junior over there.”
Looking up from the ground you met his eyes again. “Oh right, I’ll um … let you two talk.” You brother slid into the car awkwardly.
“Walk with me?” Eddie asked, you followed. “So um, what did you want to talk about?”
“Is that a serious question?” he asked.
“Ha, no.”
“You didn’t have to do what you did, I mean the punch was incredible, but a weeks suspension.”
“It’s fine, someone was going to do it at some point.”
“I mean yeah, but not you.”
“Why not me?” you asked him, looking up as his eyes widened. “W-well you’re you and I-I.”
“Like you said Munson it was an incredible punch. My brother is the bad fighter, not me.” He laughed at that, nodding.
“Well I wanted to say thank you, on behalf of all of Hellfire and freaks in town.”
“I don’t think you’re a freak,” you said softly.
“You, you don’t?”
“No. I think you’re cool, you know what you like and you don’t hide it.”
“Well thank you, gentle lady,” he mockingly bowed to you.
“You’re welcome kind sir,” you curtseyed back, making you both chuckle. “You’re even nicer that I imagined,” Eddie spoke.
“Oh- I didn’t mean to say that out loud,” his face flushed, beet-red.
“You imagined me?”
“W-well um … yeah. Sorry, that’s weird.”
“No, it’s okay. I’ve imagined you too Eddie,” you laughed, “Okay it sounds a little weird, but weird is good.”
“You’ve thought about me?”
“More than I care to admit actually.”
“Please stop me if I’m getting the wrong idea but would you maybe wanna hang out sometime?”
“L-like a date?”
“Mhm, if you’d like to that is,” he said, nervously fiddling with his rings. “I’d really like that.”
“Great.” A car horn beeped. “I umm should probably get going.”
“Right,” he smiled. Wandering back to the car you paused running back to the metal head. Taking his hand in yours, you pulled a sharpie from your pocket. Trying to be gentle so you didn’t hit your knuckles.
“What are you doing?” he asked as you scribbled on his skin. “My number. Call me about the date okay?”
“Okay,” he smiled and this time you really left.
Climbing in the car next to your brother. “So suspension and a date on the same day, what has happened to you?”
“Shut up!” you whined.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
A/N : thank you for the request I hope this was similar to what you had in mind and you enjoyed 🤍
Thank you so much for reading! Please leave any requests 🤍
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bellofthemeadow · 1 year
Harrington!reader, Steve’s little sister. Popular, a cheerleader, first time senior and Chrissy’s best friend. But she has a secret that only her best friend knows. She’s had a crush on Eddie Munson since middle school. She’s afraid to tell him, thinking there’s no way he’d be into her. Until one day in the cafeteria, Jason Carver calls Eddie a freak. She confronts him, and punches him in the face, breaking or spraining her hand/wrist. Guess her little secret is out, and she may never be popular again.
OF COURSE MY DEAR ANON! I am so sorry it took forever to address this request! I have just started my final year of Uni, and with four seminars and graduate applications, I have not had any time to write consistently! But this idea was too enticing to pass up, so thank you very much for sharing it! For those waiting on other fics, I am slowly but surely getting back into the groove of writing more consistently so it should all come out sooner rather than later (hopefully) and I always welcome more fics or one shot ideas! Thank you to y'all for bearing with me, I APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU SO SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️
No warnings excpet for some violence (against Jason Carver so thats fine I think) and some heavy make out session
Word Count: 5.3K
Hit Me Baby One More Time
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You had gotten your first taste of popularity on your very first day of middle school, a couple of years ago. That entire week leading up to it had been filled with fear and stress about what people would think of you. Overwhelmed, you had spent the last few days of your summer agonizing over your outfit choice, turning your daily fashion show into a reluctant performance for your big brother, Steve. Despite his huffs and puffs, he had reassured you that everything would go smoothly, but you couldn't help to worry. Eventually, you ended up settling on a cute white dress that reached just above your knees, paired with a soft baby pink cardigan. You had hoped it would be enough to get some of the right kind of attention that Steve always talked about.
In hindsight, you realized that you might have been a tad dramatic as when lunchtime had rolled around, a group of girls had approached you, giggling with excitement. "Are you Steve Harrington's sister?" they had asked-whispered with bright envious eyes. You slowly nodded, and with elated giggles, they ushered you over to their table, where the popular crowd was hanging out. It turned out your brother had quite the reputation, and while you knew he was popular, you hadn't fully grasped the extent to which the name Harrington would impact your social life. For you, Steve was just the idiot older brother who used Farah Fawcet's hairspray to keep his dumb hair in place – But to everyone else, it seemed that Steve was a pretty big deal. So, you were, it seemed, a legacy, and the rest, as they say, was history. And that very day, you also ended up meeting your future best friend, Chrissy Cunningham, who you would grow to love with all your heart.
Five years had come and gone, and now, you were finally well-established into your senior year, ready to graduate in the spring. And while it was true that your older brother might have facilitated your initial entry into the realm of popularity, you had since etched out a distinctive name for yourself. As your brother moved on to new chapters in his life (namely an underpaid job at family video), your own journey through high school took a markedly different path. In fact, your popularity had continued to ascend, like a rising star in the night sky.
Though the Harrington name may have laid the foundation, you had meticulously built upon it, brick by brick. You had cultivated your own unique persona, and it had become a force to be reckoned with in the hallways of your school. No longer living in the shadow of your brother's glory days, you had emerged as a charismatic figure in your own right.
You had become The Harrington sibling who truly counted, especially after the dramatic showdown between Steve and Billy Hargrove during his own senior year. In the aftermath of that clash, your brother's social standing had taken a considerable hit, with much of his social credit being seized by the mullet-wearing bad-boy. The Harrington name, which had once been associated with Steve's swagger, now conjured images of a radiant, saccharine smile, cheerleading outfits, and a personality as pinky-sweet as bubblegum.
While Chrissy indisputably reigned as the queen of Hawkins High, some believed it was only because you had no desire to claim that throne—a belief rooted in truth as you had no interest of being the queen of anything, especially Hawkins High as beyond Chrissy, you harboured little affection for the other members of the popular clique. Whether it was Jason Carver and his cronies or the remainder of the cheer squad, you couldn't help but find them increasingly vapid.
Nestled at the popular table right in the heart of the bustling cafeteria, always donning Hawkins’ green cheer outfit, a nagging sensation of inauthenticity always clung to you. Hitching deep into your soul, making you feel like the fraud you’ve always believed yourself to be as although your elevated social status had smoothed your journey through high school, ensuring a constant stream of party invitations, a steadfast companion, and even a few favors from teachers who were drawn to your preppy smile and sunny disposition, it all felt like a facade, far removed from your true self.
You’ve always known how deep inside, there were facets of who you really were that you couldn't openly share with anyone but Chrissy. She alone knew of your profound love for fantasy and science fiction novels. Nothing brought you more joy than retreating home to dive headlong into the mystical realms crafted by H.P. Lovecraft or to lose yourself once more in the pages of your well-worn copy of "Frankenstein." Yet, these passions remained concealed beneath the veneer you projected: the princess of Hawkins High, painted in shades of pink, sweet, and deceptively perfect.
The idea of letting those hidden, nerdy passions of yours see the light of day felt like a risky bet, one that could potentially leave you feeling incredibly alone at Hawkins High. The thought of losing friends and having nowhere to sit during lunch was a constant source of worry. You had faith in Chrissy's unwavering support, regardless of your social standing, but you couldn't bear the idea of burdening her. She was just so kind, always forgiving even to those who didn't deserve it, and you didn't want to be the one responsible for pulling her down.
As a result, the decision to keep these aspects of your identity hidden weighed heavily on your heart. It felt like an unspoken loneliness, a sacrifice you were making to preserve the fragile balance of the life you'd carefully constructed in high school. Hawkins High had its own intricate ecosystem, and you were very much a part of it. Your place within that system was delicate, and you couldn't afford to disrupt it, fearing that it might set off a chain reaction that could destabilize everything. You had no intention of being the one to upset the frail high school biome of Hawkins High.
Now, however, your situation was far from ideal as you found yourself sandwiched between Carly and Tina during lunch, and today, they were even more exasperating than usual. There seemed to be some sort of fallout from Tina's last party, something involving a boy, and now the two girls communicated exclusively through snarky remarks, making the tension rise with every snip from either girl. A brewing headache was beginning to claw at your temples as you were waiting for the explosion to erupt sooner rather than later.
What was happening in front of you wasn’t any better as you were given a front-row seat to the somewhat uncomfortable sight of Jason Carver deeply engrossed in a passionate kiss with Chrissy. She appeared to be on the brink of embarrassment, her attempts to gently push Jason away carried out with shy reluctance. "Jason, please," she implored, her manicured hand finding its way to his chest, a plea in her eyes. "Not in front of everyone..."
In response, Jason merely rolled his eyes dismissively. "Come on, baby," he insisted, his voice low and unconcerned. "No one's even paying attention to us."
You couldn't help but scowl, unhappiness etching your delicate features as you watched the uncomfortable display unfold before you. Finally, you couldn't take it any longer. You cleared your throat and loudly exclaimed, "Hey, Chrissy?" All eyes turned to you, and you continued, "Do you think we could slip away from lunch a bit early to go over the routine we've been practicing for the upcoming game? I really want to make sure I've got it down perfectly before tonight's match."
Chrissy's sigh of relief was almost audible, and you could sense her gratitude. In contrast, Jason huffed unhappily, clearly irritated by the interruption. He muttered something about leaving you girls to your conversation before he got up and headed to chat with one of his buddies at the far end of the table.
You and Chrissy shared a quick, wordless girl-to-girl conversation. All the words you needed were conveyed through a bombastic side-eye from you and a subtle nod of your head toward Jason. Chrissy responded with a playful roll of her eyes and a slight shake of her shoulder, silently agreeing with your sentiment.
As your eyes shifted away from Chrissy, they unexpectedly locked onto the deep brown ones of Eddie Munson. Two distinct emotions surged from deep within you. One was a rush of excitement as the warmth of your crush enveloped you, causing your face to flush as red as a ripe apple under his gaze. But in an instant, that crush felt almost crushing when you realized that it wasn't you that Eddie was looking at, but rather Chrissy's high ponytail that had captured his attention.
Eddie and Chrissy. Chrissy and Eddie. ChrissyandEddie. It was an undeniable fact that the guy you had the most enormous crush on happened to be utterly smitten with your best friend. It felt almost tragically comical, if you were being honest with yourself. Throughout high school, countless guys had mustered the courage to ask you out, but you had dismissed them all without a second thought. Football jocks, band nerds, potheads, music fanatics – none of them could hold a candle to Eddie Munson in your eyes.From the very moment you first crossed paths with Eddie during your freshman year, your heart had been irreversibly, completely, and utterly captivated by the charismatic and outspoken boy. You were utterly unprepared for it, not like you were out there seeking Cupid's arrow to pierce your heart. You had simply been an unsuspecting victim of one of its whims, but the exquisite pain that followed was worth it. At least, you hoped so.
Thanks to Eddie's recurring attempts at redoing his senior year and your placement in advanced classes, your worlds intersected more than once. One particularly unforgettable encounter unfolded in Mrs. Allen's math class, where the teacher had a peculiar notion that pairing the class's worst student (Eddie) with its best (you) would somehow work magic. You were left a bit shy and entirely tongue-tied in his presence, but Eddie had an uncanny talent for leaning in close and delivering a barrage of side-splitting, utterly inappropriate observations about Mrs. Allen that left you snorting with laughter. For a glorious three months, Eddie was your math partner in crime, and during that time, you dared to believe that something more could evolve from your interactions. If only you could string together coherent sentences without tripping over your words.
However, as fate would have it, the teacher eventually grew tired of her seating arrangement, deciding it was high time to shake things up. This twist in your high school narrative resulted in you and Eddie being separated, an alteration you weren't particularly thrilled about. The new arrangement effectively put a damper on your burgeoning connection.
It was in the midst of this seating shuffle that Eddie tossed a rather loaded question your way, catching you off guard. "Your friend Chrissy," he began, as you felt yourself shrink under his gaze. "Is she still with that Carver douche?" Your gaze faltered as you met his, a nod escaping your lips as a wave of disappointment surged within you. Inwardly grappling with the sting of unspoken heartache, you found yourself clutching the hem of your cheer skirt almost desperately. Without another word, you retreated to your newly assigned seat, a sense of melancholy lingering like a shadow and bitter disappointment coating your tongue.
Even now, your gaze would involuntarily flicker to Eddie whenever you found yourself in the same room. Often, he'd be engrossed in conversations with his bandmates or his D&D group, leaving you on the outside looking in. It was a conflicting sensation, feeling his presence so near yet so far away. If only you could gather the nerve to strike up a conversation with him, but you hesitated. After all, you were the popular girl, the one who played by the rules, and good girls weren't supposed to mix with people like Eddie, no matter how much you desperately longed for it. Perhaps during math class today, you thought, you might find a plausible excuse to approach him. Maybe something as simple as asking about the homework or...
"And what the hell do you think you're staring at, Freak!?" The sudden hush that swept over the cafeteria was palpable as every head turned toward Jason, who had abandoned your table and was now striding purposefully toward the one where Eddie and his friends were seated. A chill coursed through your veins, causing your face to pale. You couldn't tear your eyes away from the unfolding drama as Eddie rose from his seat. While he appeared outwardly confident, the telltale clenching and unclenching of his hand betrayed the nervousness bubbling beneath the surface. It was clear to you that what he was displaying might just be a facade of bravado.
"Did you dribble that orange ball a few too many times, Carver?" Eddie sarcastically chimed in. His words hung in the air, an open challenge that seemed to stoke the flames of Jason's anger. In a fit of rage, Jason lunged forward, grabbing Eddie by the front of his well-worn jeans jacket. The cafeteria held its breath, anticipation hanging heavy in.
 A gasp escaped your lips, a sharp, involuntary intake of breath as the dramatic confrontation unfolded before your eyes. Abruptly, you shot up from your seat, causing Chrissy to turn around in surprise. She sent you an uncertain look as you started to stride toward the two boys. It was as if you were possessed by a force stronger than yourself, you couldn’t let whatever was happening continue – you had to do something!
"Don't try to bullshit me, freak!" Jason's voice reverberated through the cafeteria, anger and scorn dripping from his words. "I saw you looking at Chrissy. You think you can just lay your eyes on her, you freak? She isn't yours; you're nothing but trailer trash! Don't you ever dare to look at her again, alright? Or I'll teach you a lesson you won't forget!" Jason was so close to Eddie's face that his spittle sprayed across the other boy's features. He shoved Eddie backward, and it was at that moment, as you were making your way between the mass of students that had clustered around Jason and Eddie that you felt a surge of red-hot anger like nothing you had ever felt before.
"Do I make myself clear, freak?" Jason continued, his voice dripping with malice. "Or do I need to send my boys to deal with you and your pathetic group of losers?" Eddie looked incensed, but he cowered under Jason's menacing threat.
"I...wasn't...looking," Eddie enunciated each word through gritted teeth, avoiding Jason's eyes. Jason burst into fake laughter, glancing around at the onlookers.
"Does the freak have a crush?" he taunted, his voice cruel and derisive. "That's hilarious. You honestly think you'd have a chance with Chrissy? Be realistic, freak. What is it now, twice repeating your senior year?" Eddie's face turned a deep shade of pink, shame washing over him as Jason's taunts struck at his insecurities. His shoulders sagged with each insult, and he struggled to maintain his composure.
"Everyone knows anyway that the only way a freak like you could ever get close to a girl is when you and your little cult of Satan practice some sacrifices," Jason continued, his words laced with venom. "I'm even surprised they let people like you in here. Everyone knows what kind of trash your dad was, it ain't surprising that the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree…”
You pushed your way through the crowd, determination propelling you forward. Without a second thought, you strode purposefully toward the back of Jason. Eddie's surprised gaze locked onto you as you confidently approached them.
You extended your arm and lightly tapped Jason on the shoulder, effectively cutting off his rant mid-sentence. The abruptness of your action prompted Jason to whirl around to face you, his typically handsome features now contorted into a repulsive mask of anger. It was a stark contrast to the carefully cultivated "cool-guy" image he often projected. But deep down, you knew this enraged countenance was his true face, hidden behind the facade. In fight or flight mode, you recalled your brother Steve's advice about fighting, which you had stored away in your memory, "Sis," Steve's voice echoed in your mind, "when you throw a punch, put your entire body behind it."
And that's precisely what you did. With every ounce of your body weight, you thrust your fist forward directly into Jason's face. The cafeteria was filled with a sharp crack, echoing through the room, followed by a collective gasp from everyone present. An eerie silence descended upon the cafeteria.
Jason lay sprawled on the floor, a violent stream of blood gushing from his nose, while you clutched your hand close to your chest. Tears welled up at the corners of your eyes. No one had ever warned you that hitting someone would hurt like an absolute nightmare! It ] wasn’t like that in the movies!
Your gaze landed on Eddie, and you noticed a peculiar expression take over the young metalhead’s face –  His brown gaze held something unfamiliar, a look you had never seen throughout the time you had been admiring him from afar. I was as though he were seeing you – like he was attempting to decipher the mechanics of your very being. It caught you off guard, this intensity in his stare, and you couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking.
“YOU BITCH! WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!!!” Jason roared from his sprawled position on the ground.
Reluctantly tearing your gaze away from Eddie, you redirected it toward the fallen boy who cut a rather pathetic figure at your feet. Curling your lip in disdain, you adopted your most haughty tone and huffed, "You, Jason Carver, are the problem here!"
Jason, still sprawled on the floor with a nosebleed, glared up at you, his anger palpable, "You little—"
Before he could finish his sentence, you cut him off with a stern gesture. "Save it, Jason. You had this coming."
A stunned silence blanketed the cafeteria, every eye fixed on the unfolding confrontation. It was as if time had frozen, and the entire room held its breath in rapt attention as Hawkins' princess unleashed her verbal assault on the school's reigning king.
In that moment, you felt like you had the entire cafeteria in a chokehold, and you were determined not to let this opportunity slip away, not after what Jason had put Eddie through. Gathering your resolve, you continued, your voice dripping with disdain, "Do you honestly believe you can bully and belittle people just because they don't conform to your narrow definition of 'normal'? Well, I've had enough of your toxic attitude! You, my dear Jason, are the most insufferable idiot I've ever had the displeasure of encountering in my entire life! And I am done catering to whatever you and your dumb friends say!”
Jason struggled to get up, wiping the blood from his nose with the back of his hand. Turning back to Jason, you crossed your arms and delivered your final message with authority. "Consider this a warning, Jason. Mess with Eddie or anyone else again, and you'll have me to answer to."
"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!" Principal Higgins' thunderous voice pierced through the otherwise eerily silent cafeteria. In an instant, your confidence evaporated, leaving you feeling pale and exposed. You were caught off guard, unable to process what to do or say.
Before you could even react, a familiar, warm hand firmly grabbed yours, yanking you along as they sprinted in the opposite direction, forcefully pushing people out of the way. It was a grip you knew well, and you didn't hesitate to follow Eddie as he practically dragged you toward the exit of the cafeteria.
The scene you left behind was nothing short of chaotic. The entire school stood in a collective stupor, mouths agape in disbelief. Jason Carver, his face an alarming shade of red, appeared on the brink of an aneurysm as he struggled to regain his composure. Principal Higgins, in his authoritative fury, barked orders at the bewildered students, demanding answers and an immediate end to the commotion.
As you reached the exit and the clamor of the cafeteria began to fade, you couldn't help but let out a giggle of exhilaration. Eddie continued to lead you, now behind the school building and into the dense woods that bordered the campus. The farther you ventured into the secluded forest, the more you appreciated the sudden escape from the madness. Eventually, Eddie brought you to a worn-out picnic table, the wood weathered by years of exposure to the elements. Eddie finally managed to catch his breath. He exhaled heavily and asked, "What the hell... hfff... was that?!"
You leaned against the picnic table, still catching your own breath, and grinned at Eddie. "That, Eddie, was me finally giving Jason Carver a taste of his own medicine. That douchebag had it coming!"
Eddie let out a loud surprised laugh while still trying to catch his breath, his eyes still wide from the unexpected turn of events. "Well, I've gotta say, sweetheart, that was quite the show back there. You really let him have it, you got a mean hook princess." A warm flush of pride swept over you as you soaked in Eddie's praises. How long had you waited to hear him say something like that—to acknowledge you and gaze at you as if you were the most wonderful girl in the world? It was a feeling you had been yearning for so long, and if you were to die right now, you would die happy!
Eddie's warm, chocolate-coloured gaze landed on you, and it felt as though it softly swept over every inch of your being. He spoke, his voice filled with curiosity, "I don't think anyone was expecting Hawkins' princess to come to the defence of the 'freak.' You know they won't let you forget this, right? Why would you risk all that for little old me, Harrington?"
You let out a sigh, the weight of his inquisitive gaze pressing on you. As you closed your eyes briefly, you grappled with the emotions that had been swirling within you since the first time you had laid eyes on Eddie. A small smile crept onto your lips as you slowly opened your eyes, fixing them on the boy of your dreams. "You're worth it, Munson."
Eddie drew in a sharp breath, taking three steps closer to you. His large, warm hands, bearing tiny scars from playing the guitar, gently swept across your cheeks as he gazed intently into your eyes. "Do you mean that, Harrington? Because there's no going back if I kiss you right now—it's you and me, the princess and the 'freak.' You won’t climb back from that fall.”
You glanced at your right hand, the knuckles scraped and the skin raw, with a slight swelling on your wrist. "I think it's a little too late for that anyway," you sheepishly admitted. Eddie smiled warmly, his eyes filled with admiration, before gently taking your hand in his two larger ones. He slowly brought your bruised knuckles to his mouth, planting a soft kiss on each of them, causing your breath to hitch.
"Who knew that the princess of Hawkins High was Indiana’s future boxing champion," Eddie softly joked, his voice laced with affection. "I just feel bad for this pretty, soft hand – all bruised and battered to protect me, like the prettiest knight in pink armor coming to my rescue." You couldn't help but swoon at his words as Eddie continued to softly kiss your hand, his gaze slowly lifting to meet yours, his eyes filled with… Love? Tenderness? A girl could dream.
A warm smile curved across Eddie's lips, and he leaned in, capturing your mouth with his in a searing kiss. As you both savored each other, Eddie's hand slowly wrapped around the base of your neck, holding you close to him. As you were trying not to faint from the sheer pleasure this moment was bringing you, a flash of remembrance rushed through you, snapping you back from your trance and causing you to break the kiss and catch your breath. You whispered softly against Eddie's lips, "What about Chrissy?"
Eddie nuzzled your face with his nose, his lips brushing lightly against your skin. "What about her?" he retorted playfully. "I mean... I thought... I thought you had a thing for her," you admitted meekly.
Eddie smirked against your cheek. "If I did, I wouldn't be kissing you right now, right?" His voice held a teasing edge as he continued to shower your neck with tender kisses.
You closed your eyes, feeling a mix of contradicting emotions – wanting to keep going to feel more of him, wishing him to stop playing with your heart because you weren’t sure you could take it anymore. "I mean it, Eddie... I don't want to be your second choice."
Eddie stopped his ministrations and returned to your face, holding your gaze with his. "You were always my first choice, Eddie," you confessed, tears gathering at the corner of your eyes. "And I don't think I could handle being your backup plan."
Eddie's whispers were tender as he wiped away the tears that had begun to roll down your cheeks. "Nononono, sweetheart. Don't cry, please," he implored softly. "You were always my first choice." His words held a reassuring sincerity that began to soothe your racing heart. But you wouldn’t be so easily swayed, as much as you loathed Jason Carver, you had witnessed first hand how Eddie seemed enraptured with Chrissy.
You huffed in disbelief, but Eddie insisted, urging you to meet his gaze. "No, it's true. Hey, look at me," he gently encouraged. "I never thought I would ever have a chance with a girl like you. You know, you're like my dream girl, right?" You gave him an uncertain look, still wrestling with your doubts. "You always stare at Chrissy, though. And you did ask me if she was still with Jason, remember?"
Eddie released your cheeks and took a step back, embarrassment tinging his cheeks as he used a piece of his shaggy hair to shield himself from you. "I wasn't looking at Chrissy. You're always with Chrissy, so I was looking at you," he admitted, his voice tinged with shyness. "And I only asked you that because I panicked. I was going to ask you out, but the guys had been teasing me for weeks, telling me I was too much of a coward to do it. I guess they were right because I chickened out."
As Eddie continued, his embarrassment grew, and he took another step back. He held the piece of hair in front of his face, as if to hide himself from you. "I've actually had a crush on you since last year," he confessed, his words shocking you.
"Are you joking?!" you blurted out, astonished.
He shook his head, his warm brown eyes holding your gaze. "Not at all, princess," he began with a soft smile. "It was last year. You were on your way back from cheer practice, and you were in a hurry, holding a huge backpack. It happened so fast that you didn't even realize a book had fallen out."
His eyes sparkled as he continued, his tone becoming more animated. "I saw it lying there, and curiosity got the best of me – I picked it up, and to my surprise, it was a copy of 'The Hobbit.’” He grinned as if sharing a secret. "I was planning to return it to you, honestly, but then, when I opened it, I saw that there was a bunch of notes in the margins." Eddie started grinning even more as he continued “All there in the margins, notes, thoughts, musings. It was like reading your mind with every turn of the page. Your insights, your emotions, your laughter, and even your frustrations were all there in the margins. I knew I had stumbled upon the most precious treasure in the universe – it was a private window into you."
Your breath hitched at his words, and as Eddie spoke, you felt a warmth spreading through you, "It felt like we were close," Eddie continued, his gaze never leaving yours. "I couldn't put the book down. It was like having a conversation with you, even when you weren't around. I realized how much we had in common, how you saw the world, and it fascinated me.”
The thought that Eddie had held onto that copy of 'The Hobbit,' with your notes and thoughts, all this time was both surprising and heartwarming. Damn, he was perfect.
"Fuck, I sound so creepy," Eddie confessed, breaking your reverie. He scratched the back of his head, looking sheepish.
But you weren’t creeped out, far from it. For the first time in your life, you felt completely understood by someone – inside and out. "No, Eddie," you whispered softly, your heart swelling with love. "You don't sound creepy at all. You sound... perfect." A sweet cocky grin got etched on Eddie’s lips “Perfect, eh?”
Getting overwhelmed by his stare, you tried to play it cool and diverted his question by teasingly asking, "So you’ve had a big fat crush on me for a while, right?"
Eddie chuckled, taking a step closer to you, his gaze locked on yours. "Don't get too high and mighty, princess," he said with a warm smile, his voice laced with adoration. "From the looks of it, you've got a pretty big crush on little old me too…"
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, and you let out a soft giggle, feeling a delightful warmth in the pit of your stomach. "I can neither confirm nor deny that," you replied in a sing-song voice, your eyes never leaving his.
Eddie's smile deepened, his gaze filled with affection. With a tender touch, he placed his hands on your waist, and before you knew it, he had spun you around. You couldn't help but let out a joyful squeak as you twirled together in a sweet, romantic dance. As he gently lowered you back to the ground, his strong arms remained securely wrapped around your back, pulling you close.
In that intimate moment, it felt as though the world had faded away, leaving just the two of you entwined in each other's embrace. Your breaths synchronized, and you lost yourselves in each other's eyes, the unspoken promise of a beautiful future passing between you.
"Hey, Eddie," you whispered, your voice barely above a breath but filled with affection and longing.
Eddie's gaze softened even more, his eyes filled with tenderness as he held you close. "Yeah, princess?"
With a radiant smile, you leaned in closer to him, your heart singing with love. "I've got a big fat crush on you too."
A soft, contented sigh escaped Eddie's lips, and he held you even tighter as if he never wanted to let you go. "Good." And without another word, he pressed his lips to yours in a bruising kiss. Nothing ever tasted sweeter.
“You gonna be alright sitting with the freaks now?” “As long as I sit with you Eddie, I could not care less.”
The fallen princess and the freak," you thought contentedly, "that has the ringing of a love story for the ages.” And all it took was that punch you threw at Jason Carver's face for you and Eddie to find your way to each other.
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sunflowergirl522 · 11 months
Definitely Not Dreaming
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Harrington!Reader
Request from Anon: Harrington!reader, Steve’s little sister. Popular, a cheerleader, first time senior and Chrissy’s best friend. But she has a secret that only her best friend knows. She’s had a crush on Eddie Munson since middle school. She’s afraid to tell him, thinking there’s no way he’d be into her. Until one day in the cafeteria, Jason Carver calls Eddie a freak. She confronts him, and punches him in the face, breaking or spraining her hand/wrist. Guess her little secret is out, and she may never be popular again.
Word Count: 3401
Eddie Masterlist
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Popularity basically came hand in hand with being a Harrrington. When you first started highschool, a year after Steve did and without knowing anyone thanks to the private school you had been in, everyone who had adored him immediately decided to adore you as well. Mostly it was to try to get King Steve, a horrible nickname that you still tease him about, to like them. You weren’t complaining at first, it came with plenty of friends and invites to groups and parties, hell cheerleading basically fell into your lap. 
You hadn’t even been looking to join the squad when you first got to Hawkins High, the head cheerleader at the time, Becca, had searched you out after hearing about Steve Harrington's little sister being a freshman. It was some ploy to try to get into his pants but that didn’t make you enjoy it any less. You had never done it before but, and you could blame it on your perky attitude and your energy, you quickly fell in love with cheering. It didn’t matter that it took up a lot of your free time or that most girls on the squad were bitches, it was so much fun and if you hadn’t joined the team who knows if you would’ve become best friends with Chrissy. Robin on the other hand you’re sure you would’ve been friends with either way.
The downside to the popularity, that you’ve complained relentlessly to Steve about, is no one wants to actually get to know you or wants you to actually be yourself. You let one intrusive thought out at a party once and it was like a record scratch moment where everyone in the area looked at you like you were crazy. Since then you’ve kept the real you locked behind this more watered down version and are only really your whole genuine self around Chrissy and Robin, who you were friends with first and will never let Steve forget.
But the worst part about being part of the popular crowd by far was that Eddie Munson avoided you like the plague. It seemed like anytime you tried to approach him he’d veer some other way or seemingly disappear in the crowd of students. It’s not like you could blame him, not completely at least, you’ve seen how everyone treats him. You just wish he’d give you a chance to show him you’re not like everyone else.
You have the biggest crush on the older boy. It started years ago when you attended the talent show Hawkins middle school had to watch Steve. You watched his band perform with stars in your eyes before having to run after a freaking out Steve due to your parents lack of caring. After hyping him up as much as you could and getting him excited all over again you bumped into the big brown eyed boy and talked to him until your brother took the stage. You never interacted with him after that and had almost completely forgotten about the small silly crush until you happened to spot him in the hall your first day of freshman year.
You hadn’t recognized him at first but how could you? It was the first time in three years that you saw him. But then he threw his head back in laughter in the boyish way you used to replay in your head daydreaming about the boy you met once and you immediately knew who he was. 
Your crush has since then come back full swing and gotten worse. He’s just so pretty and even though he makes himself seem scary you know he’s still so sweet. The evidence was there when he approached Jonathan when Will was missing to offer him whatever support he might need and more recently in how he’s really helped the kids you’ve come to love like your own siblings feel accepted in their new environment. Both instances cause you to want to let out a dreamy sigh just thinking about them. 
Steve makes a joke here or there about the crush you had when you were younger but hasn’t realized yet that it still exists. But really Chrissy and Robin are the only ones who know about it. You don’t keep it a secret because you fear losing your popularity, if they stop liking you just because of who you like then good riddance, no you keep it secret because if it got out to him you think you might just die. To you the idea that maybe he would ever like you too seems completely impossible. A fact that is so funny to you seeing as you’ve literally helped the kids fight monsters. And if that’s not impossible, nothing should be.
“Earth to Y/n!” Chrissy waves her hand in front of your face to get your attention away from Eddie down the hall back to whatever she was saying.
“I’m here, I’m here! What is it?” She laughs as you jump and turn to face her trying to act like you’ve been paying attention the whole time.
“You were not! Stop ogling your boyfriend and start hyping yourself up for the pep rally at the end of the day.”
“He’s not my boyfriend.” You murmur and take one last glance at the boy laughing with Dustin at the kids locker. “What’s the rally for again?”
“Introducing this year's basketball team and celebrating the football team's undefeated victory.”
“Oh yeah. I’m so excited to cheer for Lucas. He's been so happy about making the team.” He had been over your house almost everyday for a month to play with Steve to get ready for tryouts. And as far as you know you were the first person he told that he made the team. He had been practically giddy with his happiness.
“I just hope Jason doesn’t go overboard with hazing this year like last time.” Last year it had been so bad that two freshmen quit right before the first game. They just barely had a full team for it.
“I swear if he makes Lucas hate the game I’ll kill your boyfriend myself.” You’re already on the brink of hitting him or something with how he treats everyone who isn’t part of the “it crowd”. You’re still not even sure what Chrissy sees in him but that’s a battle you lose every time you bring it up.
“Yeah, I know.” She sighs as she closes her locker not wanting to get into it with you. “Now come on, let’s get to the cafeteria before it gets too crowded.” 
You follow behind her. It’s not that the two of you want to beat the crowd for the line, you pack yourself more food than you can eat because Chrissy’s mom packs her basically scraps to eat and you want to make sure she eats more than a handful of carrots. The two of you just hate maneuvering through students holding trays. As the two of you sit down in your usual seats you hope Mike is there early enough it’s easy to spot him so you can give him the lunch he forgot in your car today. 
“Mike!” You get up when you spot him walking towards their table with Lucas and head his way, lunch bag in hand. You smile and wave to Lucas as you pass each other so you can stop in front of Mike.
“What’s going on over there Sinclair?” Eddie asks when Lucas sits down nodding his head in your direction. “Mike having issues?” 
“What, no it’s just Y/n.”
“I know, Harrington's sister. Why’s that happening?” He motions again to your laughing form and Mike’s smile at being handed a brown paper bag.
“I don’t know man it could be anything. Why do you care so much?”
“I don’t.” He does. Because he cares about if anyone other than him gives Mike a hard time. But also because he remembers the little girl he met all those years ago and how sweet he had thought she was and the big crush he had on her. Kids were cruel to him even back then so you had been like a breath of fresh air and after losing you in the crowd when you went back to take your seat to watch Steve perform he searched for you relentlessly in the halls of Hawkins Middle School just for you to not be there. And then you showed up here your freshman year and immediately joined the crowd that has tried to make his life hell for so long and he thought that sweet girl was gone. 
And then he met Dustin, Mike, and Lucas and after hearing them talk about you between themselves he realized you were still a big sweetheart. And has since noticed how you give Chrissy half your lunch almost everyday and how you don’t laugh along with the others when they’re harassing another student and have even just walked away on occasion. Some days when it’s really bad he’s watched you get up and move to sit with the band kids where you look happier and more comfortable.
As you take your seat next to Chrissy again you try not to make it obvious as you look over to watch the table, specifically Eddie, greet Mike.
“Pretty sure he was just watching you again.” 
“Shut up Chrissy, he doesn’t watch me.” You groan and roll your eyes before getting your own lunch out and passing half your sandwich over to her. “He avoids me like he’ll catch a disease if we even walk down the same hallway.” She always tries to tell you that he watches you when you’re not paying attention but if that was true he wouldn’t turn as soon as he sees you in the direction he’s heading.
“Hey babe.” Jason greets Chrissy as he sits at the end of the table. “Y/n.” 
“Jason.” You hold in your scoff as his neanderthal friends sit down with him. You scooch closer to Chrissy as Andy sits next to you invading your space. You’d be scared of him if you haven’t witnessed Eddie fighting him in the past and how he backs off now as soon as Eddie starts moving towards him.
“Hey doll face.” He leans in closer to you like he normally does. He has the audacity to think the two of you should get together because you’re both best friends with Chrissy and Jason. You just wish Patrick would’ve been the one to get here before him like he’s been trying to do. “How bout you and me go to the drive in tonight?”
“How about no. I think Patty’s free tonight, you should try asking her.” You bring attention to your squadmate who you know has a thing for the idiot next to you.
“Hey!” Patrick squeezes in across from you. “Where’s Lucas at?” That gets Andy’s attention away from you.
“Yeah, where’s the fresh meat?”
“At the freaks table.” Jason joins in as he spots Lucas and you send Chrissy a look knowing that something is about to happen that’ll make you mad. “Sinclair! You don’t belong over there with the freakazoids anymore, you’re one of us now.” Lucas looks over confused and obviously not wanting to leave his friends. With his friends jeering and support Jason gets more arrogant and egotistical obviously enjoying all the positivity he’s getting from the table of cheerleaders and jocks. “If you don’t sit with us, you’re not on the team.”
Lucas’s eyes go wide in shock and he murmurs an unseen apology to his friends before gathering his lunch up and standing to move. You gasp at Jason's threat which goes unheard to everyone but Chrissy, drowned in the cheers and laughter, who shares a stunned look with you and grabs onto your wrist in her shock. Your chair scraping on the ground as you stand up cuts through the noise and brings almost the whole room's attention to you.
“You have to be out of your fucking mind! What the hell do you think you’re doing threatening him like that?” You don’t see it but Robin stands up ready to get you out of there if need be once you step around Chrissy to get closer to the man himself. Eddie gets up as soon as Jason’s attention turns to you.
“It’s my team I can decide who stays on it or not.” You make a failing buzzer noise causing him to flinch.
“Wrong. Last I checked you weren’t the coach and Lucas was already officially added to the team. You can’t just decide he’s off it just because he’s friends with people you don’t like.” Your anger just keeps boiling up in you and your instinct to protect your found family comes front and center.
“Nothing's official until the pep rally announcement, if he wants to sit with a bunch of loser weirdos then he can stay a fucking loser weirdo.” You go to lunge for him but someone grabs your middle to stop you. Jason’s so angry that you even tried to do something that he doesn’t even notice who pulled you back. “You little-”
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Eddie steps up so you’re positioned behind him and he’s the one staring down Jason. He takes a step back and Eddie smirks before putting his hands on your shoulders to turn you towards the door. “Just keep walking sweetheart.” He speaks so only you can hear him.
“Yeah, go run off with king freak!” You turn around and swing without thinking twice about it, landing your punch to Jason's cheek before Eddie grabs you and forces you out of the room. “Fucking bitch!” If Eddie wasn’t so focused on getting you away from him he’d punch Jason himself. Robin heads over to collect your stuff glaring at Jason before following the two of you out hoping to catch up before losing you becomes an option. 
“Stupid fucking airhead who does he think he is?” You grumble to yourself letting Eddie guide you outside. “Shit that hurt.” You shake out your hand as he has you sit at one of the picnic tables. You were used to swinging bats and shit not punching things.
“Flex your hand for me.” Eddie lightly holds onto your arm right below your wrist while crouching in front of you. You nod and do it the rest of you freezing because wow he’s so close to you right now. And his brown eyes are observing your hand and wrist like it’s the most precious thing in the world. “Good. Can you rotate your wrist? Any pain there?”
“It’s not like a this is gonna hurt in the morning kind of hurt but it is a why the hell would you do that kind of hurt.” He chuckles at your observations and it’s like a whole beehive formed in your stomach.
“You definitely didn’t break anything then, and I doubt you sprained anything either. Can’t imagine a girl like you goes around punching people often so that’s good.” He balls your hand into a fist oh so gently to make sure you can still form one before moving it around to double check. And suddenly the bees are swarming out of the hive and up your chest.
“I remember you, you know.” The words just fall out of your mouth and you have no control over it.
“What?” At this Eddie looks up to meet your eyes with his own.
“From years ago, we were still kids and I was there to watch Steve in the talent show. And I bumped into you at one point and we just sorta talked for a while before he was called onto the stage. I thought you were just the cutest back then, cuter now with all this hair though. Oh God I’m gonna shut up now.” Eddie laughs at your short ramble and lets go of your hand even though he’d like to keep holding it.
“I remember you too.” He rests his arms on his knees as he slightly leans back.
“You do? Then why do you avoid me every chance you get? We could’ve been friends this whole time.”
“When I first found out you were gonna be here for your high school years I wasn’t planning on it. But then you got here and immediately started hanging around the crowd you do and I don’t know, I figured that you would maybe join them in their taunting and teasing.” You go to speak but he puts a hand over your mouth so he can finish. “So I just decided to avoid you completely so my memory of you being so nice wouldn’t get tainted. But then I’d see you help other kids and give Chrissy half your food during lunch and I realized you were still probably the nicest one of them. And then Dustin and his friends started this year and they constantly talk about you among themselves or bring you up in happy memories. I wanted to approach you then but I haven’t wanted to bring you into all the shit they throw at me.”
“Welcome to being a Harrington, popularity just falls into your lap whether you want it and enjoy the people around you or not.” You speak when he finally takes his hand away. “Besides I think I may have just fucked that up for me myself.”
“If you don’t like any of them why stay around them?”
“They aren’t all bad, Chrissy’s my best friend and Patrick is nice when you get to know him. Some other girls on the cheer team are alright too. It’s just the majority that are dicks. I just, I love cheering so much that I’m willing to force myself to be around them.” 
“Well you’ll have me and the guys if that’s so.” It’s silent for a minute before Eddie speaks again.
“I tried to search for you, after the talent show. I’d scour the halls between classes and pray I’d spot you.”
“I went to a private all girls school, something about my parents wanting me to be proper.”
“It’s a shame, I had the biggest fucking crush on you sweetheart.” You gasp and before you know it your hands are grabbing his jacket and pulling him up to connect your lips.
“Shit, sorry.” You pull away as soon as you realize what you’re doing. “I just, I had a big crush on you too.”
“Don’t be sorry.” One of his hands cradles your face while the other holds onto the back of your neck pulling you into another, more desperate kiss. Your hands immediately go to his hair that you’ve been dying for years to play with as you match his energy.
“There you are, I grabbed your stuff since you left without it. Woah, I’m definitely interrupting something.” Robin comes out with your book bag in hand, freezing when she sees what’s happening. The two of you part at the sudden intrusion and look at Robin eyes wide. “Oh Steve’s definitely gonna kill one of you.” 
“Who’s Steve killing?” Chrissy appears next to Robin slightly out of breath from chasing her down. “Oh.” She takes in the two of you slightly breathless and Eddie’s hands on your bare thighs where they fell to after breaking apart. “Oh.”
“We don’t actually have time for this. Isn’t the cheer squad practicing with the band crew before the rally?”
“Yeah, we gotta go.” Chrissy grabs you and pulls you up to get to the gym.
“Bye Eddie, see you at the pep rally?”
“Yeah, yeah I’ll be there.” He has just enough time to see you smile at him before the door closes behind you. Robin sighs at seeing his own dopey smile.
“I’ll tell her to meet you after so you can get her number or something.”
“Thanks Buckley! You’re the man!” She rolls her eyes and disappears leaving Eddie to dramatically fall back onto the concrete in disbelief.
“First I actually punched Jason and then that? Chrissy, pinch me I think I might be dreaming.” She does so, making you yelp. “Definitely not dreaming then.” You make a show of pumping your fist in the air causing your friend to laugh before you go back to normal to face the rest of the cheer squad.
Eddie Taglist (31/40): @sadbitchfangirl​ @notbeforelong​​​​ @navs-bhat​ @emotionaldreamer​ ​​​​​  @gaysludge​​​ ​@eddiethesexy​ @mazerunnerrose​ @midnightsgetawaycar  @mushroomelephant @saramelaniemoon @nojamsonmytoast @vintagehellfire @esoltis280 @spikedhe4rt @siriuslysmoking @toobsessedsstuff @alana4610 @gretavanfleas @sparkletash @aactuaaltraash @spookyemorockbabe @jesssssmaybankk @tlclick73 @eddiemunsonslittlemetalhead @bl4ckt00thgr1n @eli-flower @canyonmooncreations @witchwolflea @emxxblog @chaoticgood-munson
Everything Taglist: @matchamunson​ @bubsonnobx @practicalghost​ @katsukis1wife @crustyowos @yourfavdummy @protecteddiemunson4vr @kennedy-brooke @m00nkn1ghts @rory-cakes
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artiststarme · 1 year
Things never really went to plan for one poor Eddie Munson. His fate was sealed from his very first breath, his life would be a tragedy. And so, the universe set out to make him suffer.
It was like all the cards in his life were stacked against Eddie. He was born to a Bonnie and Clyde type of couple with Bonnie running away from the commitment of a family as soon as she could. Dick Munson was all too betrayed by the abandonment of his partner in come and set to destroy everything he had left. He cut ties with his brother, turned to a bottle, and drowned the sounds of his son’s screams out with meth and benzos. It was only a matter of time before he was arrested from a robbery gone bad with enough drugs to keep him behind bars for life.
Poor Eddie was sent to live with the uncle he hardly remembered. He was thrown into a loving trailer in a town full of hate. The kids at school ostracized him the moment they laid eyes on him, his bruised eyes and shaven head spoke all too lowly of his character. If he were lucky, he’d only get a few jaunts and swirlies but if he weren’t, he’d arrive home with another black eye or limp to hide from Wayne.
High school wasn’t much better. Just like middle school, the kids and teachers alike hated him. He blew off school and started selling drugs underneath people’s noses to help Wayne with the bills that were drowning them. He did make some friends, other loners that craved friendship and togetherness they’d never received anywhere else.
It turned out that he was gay. He knew as soon as he saw Steve Harrington’s shirt come off in the locker room and knew he was fucked. He was already the outsider no one liked, it made sense that something else would come up to make him even more different than everyone else in the suffocating small town. The worst part wasn’t the fact that people might find out. It was the part where no one he would ever have a crush on would ever like him back, least of all Steve Harrington whom had girls falling at his feet and guys wishing to be him.
As if it couldn’t get any worse, his skipping school held him back and made him even more of a loser than before. Eddie truly felt like the dumb-as-shit trailer trashed that everyone always told him he was. So he stopped trying completely. He fell into a persona adopted from his favorite artists, focused on his music and DnD, and tried to finally enjoy his life.
Then he saw hell on earth in the form of Chrissy Cunningham’s twisted body hovering in midair and fracturing with horrific snaps. He ran like the coward the universe had trained him to be and made himself the prime suspect in doing so. Eddie knew that there was no possible way to go back to how things were before. As fucked up as his life had been, he’d still miss his early morning coffees with Wayne and campaigns with the guys. As soon as the cops found him, he would be as dead as Chrissy.
So, he followed the kids out of fear. He felt like he was living in some sort of fucked up lucid dream. His long-reigning crush was there shirtless in his battle vest, Nancy Wheeler was there with fucking guns (plural), Robin the band geek was handling explosives, and the redhead that lived across the street from him was hanging on the edge of life fully dependent on a Walkman blasting shitty pop music. What the fuck, how was any of this real? He didn’t fully believe it until he felt the pain accompanying the bat bites and heard Dustin’s cries begging him to stay awake. It was only then that he realized the universe had royally fucked him over once again.
He knew with his luck, or lack of it, that he wouldn’t be waking up from this nightmare. His eyes slid shut for the last time and all Eddie could think was at least things would be better now than they ever were before.
When his eyes finally did open to a hospital room filled to the brim with his uncle and new friends, a tear dropped from his eye and his chest lightened. From then on, he knew everything would be so much better.
It seemed the universe had decided to call a truce and abandon the tragedy that had plagued young Eddie Munson. From then on, he wouldn’t have fate darkening his days. With the Party at his side, Steve Harrington’s hand in his, and his uncle’s Garfield mug on the hospital side table, Eddie Munson’s life began anew.
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theladycarpathia · 3 months
@hellcheeranniversaryweek Day Six - Third Date
“You look like you’re gonna puke,” Dustin says and Eddie resists the urge to thump him. 
“Isn’t this your third date with her?” Jonathan asks, playing with Eddie’s still incomplete Rubix cube. Eddie shrugs. He thinks that maybe it won’t matter if it’s third or thirtieth, he’ll always have butterflies when he knows he’s going to see her. 
“Yes,” he says shortly, fiddling with the buttons on his shirt. Jonathan shrugs. 
“Okay, so shouldn’t you be less nervous?” he points out, twisting a little in Eddie’s desk chair. 
“What I should be doesn’t really matter here,” Eddie gripes. He’s still half convinced that he’s going to fuck this up at some point. She’s perfect, she’s the best thing he could ever have dreamed of and when he inevitably makes a mess of it and she leaves, it’s going to crush him. 
“He really looks like he’s going to puke,” Dustin says bluntly, looking a little fascinated and horrified. “Is that normal?”
“No,” Steve says, without looking up. 
“You’ve had practice at this though,” Eddie retorts. Steve’s dated so much that he could probably write a manual about it but Eddie’s got maybe a paper napkin’s worth of experience. And he has even less on dating people like Chrissy Cunningham. 
He’s always liked Chrissy, even though he’d never admit it to himself. Even in middle school, she’d been amazing. Definitely not made for someone like him. But then high school was over and he ran into her outside the florists where she worked. 
And she agreed to a date. And a second. And a third. Which was kind of the problem. 
“Did he look this bad before the other dates?” Jonathan asks, abandoning the Rubix cube. He can’t have made it any worse than Eddie’s attempts at it. 
“He kind of looks worse,” Dustin says, scrutinizing Eddie carefully. Eddie looks down at his jeans and jacket, feeling mildly offended. 
“Face wise,” Dustin clarifies, prodding at Eddie’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer figurines. “Otherwise you look pretty good.”
“Thanks,” Eddie says and takes another look. He looks…a little not like himself. At least from waist to neck. His hair is the same mess, and the jeans and converses haven’t changed. But he’s taking her to a nice Italian place and he figures that he should look the part. 
“It’s just…” Eddie starts and then feels embarrassed. He shouldn’t be talking about this, especially not with them. Dustin’s a Goddamn child, for pete’s sake, Jonathan and Nancy have been dating for like six years and Steve is a little bit of a whore. They’re not going to understand. 
He’s had sex before, that’s the ridiculous thing. It’s not like he’s sixteen, with no idea of what to do. He’s twenty-two. He’s a fucking adult and his knees shouldn’t be shaking like this. 
“It’s our third date,” he explains and Dustin wrinkles his nose. 
“What has that got to do with anything?” he asks and Steve guffaws. 
“So that’s why you’re worried,” he says, from where he’s lounging on Eddie’s bed. Dustin twists anxiously between the two of them.
“What?” he demands and Eddie immediately regrets bringing it up. 
“Three dates,” Steve says, looking gleeful. Eddie’s…still not quite sure how they became friends. There are times when he can’t quite believe it either. “There’s a rule that you have sex after the third date.”
“I thought it was fourth,” Jonathan chimes in and Steve just rolls his eyes. 
“Either way,” he says, propping himself up on his elbows. “It’s not a strict rule. But a nice restaurant, third date…there’s no reason why it couldn’t happen tonight. Which is why Eddie looks like he’s going to hurl.”
“I just want everything to go well,” Eddie insists, even though the exact same thought had crossed his mind. They’ve kissed - polite pecks at the front door, when he’d dropped her off - but he’s aware that this is becoming something more serious. They text each other every day, they call each other every night and have done since their first date. And while their first date had been coffee and the second date had been a movie, tonight’s dinner and an evening walk definitely sets the stage for more. 
“Then don’t worry about it,” Steve says practically. “Trust me. The more you stress about it, the worse it will be. And she’ll pick up on it too.”
“Great,” Eddie says miserably. He has no idea how to calm down, even though he knows he’s putting too much pressure on himself. “I’d better go pick her up. Lock up when you leave and so help me, Henderson, if even one of those figurines is out of place when I get back.”
“What if you don’t come back?” Dustin asks, hands still wrapped around Giles. Dustin may envy Eddie's collection but they'd been his mom's from the nineties. He's not about to hand them over to Dustin so he can lose Giles' little sombrero.
“If I don’t come back tonight, you’ll have more time to make it to Mexico,” Eddie says bluntly, giving himself one last check in the mirror. He catches Steve’s smirk as he lets himself out of the door. 
But when he returns home the next morning, wearing the same clothes as the night before, every single figurine is still in place.
Because this is Hellcheer, honestly amazed they managed to wait until the third date they're down so bad for each other. I ran out of time to actually write the date. P.s. Chrissy was totally aware of the rule, kicked her roommate out for the night and wore her best underwear. Eddie never stood a chance.
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whomst-the-hell · 2 years
uhhhhh steddie 10 things i hate about you au where steve and chrissy are siblings and jason pays eddie to date steve (bc theyre both “demons from hell” so clearly theyre made for each other) so he can date chrissy.
steve never really reformed from the bitchy king steve thing and he’s popular in an untouchable kind of way, and he refuses to spend more than one night with a person even though deep down he’s starved for affection. chrissy’s sweet and nice and pretty, but their mum’s a total psycho who has all these toxic ideas about purity and beauty and gender and everything, so she isnt allowed to date until steve does (ie: never).
enter eddie munson, school freak, who has a volley of bizarre rumours about him, who has been paid to woo ice queen steve, mythic bitch, and he knows its shitty but fuck he needs the money — he just managed to get away from his dad and move in with his uncle, but money’s tight with an extra mouth to feed and eddie would do anything for his uncle wayne, morals be damned. except that steve’s actually really cool when you get to know him — definitely mean, but he has a gaggle of nerdy middle schoolers he keeps an eye on and he clearly cares a lot for his best friend robin, even though behind her own cold exterior shes a rambley nervous mess, and even though they fight steve tries so hard to be there for chrissy — and oh no this cant be happening, shit, eddie really likes steve harrington. he goes all in on the dates, learns to play steve’s favourite song on guitar even though its totally against his image, watches steve’s basketball practice, looks after him when he gets way too drunk at a party, takes him paint balling and asks him to the school dance. steve learns about the money at the dance, cries about it in class, then eddie gives one of his famous table speeches where he apologises and tells steve he really loves him and then sings steve’s song again, kind of humiliating himself, and steve and him end up working things out and getting back together.
also, chrissy punches jason at the school dance after learning what he did to steve, then spends the rest of the night with steve and robin buckley, who’s so pretty and cool and kind to poor heartbroken steve, and chrissy falls hard, and robins been lowkey crushing on chrissy for years, and they end up together as well. all four of them move out of hawkins together at the end of the fic and chrissy and steve get away from their manipulative controlling parents and we get the end credits scene of corroded coffin on a roof playing a song clearly written about steve
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fxckadoodledoomunson · 9 months
Birthday Party |One-Shot|
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Summary: Your parents decide to let you have a party. However, someone isn’t happy about you inviting everyone in senior year.
Warning; swearing, fluff
You took out different coloured flyers out of your bag and started passing them around to anyone from senior year.
As you walked into your classroom, you handed more out to your classmates, including Jeff from Hellfire.
“You’re inviting me to your birthday party?” Jeff asked, whilst reading the flyer.
“Yeah,” you replied, smiling. “My parents said to only invite seniors, but the rest of the Hellfire club are invited too if you guys want to come.”
“Thanks, I’ll tell them.”
By lunchtime, you had handed out your flyers to all the seniors, including the jocks and cheerleaders. You didn’t bank on them to come, as you weren’t popular. However, the head cheerleader and your neighbour, Chrissy enthusiastically told you, “I’d love to come to your party.”
“Great!” You replied, “I’ll see you on Sunday.”
At the Hellfire table, Jeff told everyone about your birthday party, and that everyone was invited.
“We got invited too?” Dustin asked.
“Yeah,” Jeff replied, while Eddie read the flyer, realising when it was.
“Isn’t that on the same day as that Jennifer Palmer’s Christmas party?”
“Wait, what?” Jeff asked, as he took back the flyer.
“Yeah, I overheard her bragging to her friends about how extravagant it’s gonna be.”
After hearing about your birthday party, Jennifer Palmer, your former friend from middle school, got pissed off.
“Who does that bitch think she is, having her party on the same day as mine?!” Jennifer ranted.
“I don’t think she deliberately did it on purpose,” Chrissy tried to assure her. “Besides, she can’t just move her birthday-“
“Well, I know that. She won’t need to,” Jennifer retorted, as she evilly smirked.
“What do you mean?”
By the time school finished, Jennifer had convinced the rest of the seniors to come to her party.
Your birthday had finally arrived. Your parents had decorated the community hall with balloons and streamers, as well as a banner for you.
You checked your watch, realising that it was fifteen minutes after the party had started. Your mother assured you that everyone will be there.
Another fifteen minutes later, you were sitting on the stage, playing with a balloon and rolling it on the stage until it popped. You sighed, before commenting that no one was coming. You were about to take down the decorations when you heard footsteps. You turned to find the Hellfire club, along with Lucas’ girlfriend, Max, and his little sister, Erica, entering the hall, as Jeff greeted you.
“Sorry we’re late,” Dustin apologised. “We had to make a stop and get you something.”
Dustin handed a birthday gift bag to you, as you thanked them.
You opened the bag, taking out a new notebook and a wool hat in your favourite colour. “We didn’t know what you liked, so we got the first things we could find,” Jeff explained.
You smiled, as you thanked them when your mother said, “Darling, I thought I told you to invite only seniors.”
“They don’t come separately mum,” you replied.
“It’s true,” Gareth said. “We’re like a pack of wolves.”
You snorted, as your mother sighed, before letting them stay when Steve Harrington, along with Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler and Fred Benson, as well as the marching band came in, before wishing you happy birthday. Not long after, your mother was gushing over Steve being at your birthday, which made you giggle.
You were chatting to the Hellfire club when you realised that their leader was absent. “So, where’s Eddie?” You asked, when they all looked at each other, unsure what to say about Eddie’s whereabouts.
Meanwhile, at Jennifer’s party, Eddie was selling to some of the rich seniors. He had decided to make a couple of deals and head to the store to buy you something before heading to your party.
He never told anyone, but he had a crush on you since the summer holidays, after you stuck up for him when he was accused of stealing at a store you worked in Starcourt before it was destroyed.
After he did couple of more deals, he was heading out when he overheard Chrissy and Jason talking about you.
“I wanted to go to her party instead,” Chrissy told Jason. “Why can’t we just go?”
“Why go to that loser’s party? What does she have to offer to us?” Jason retorted. “We were promised a yacht trip from Jennifer.”
A fuming Eddie was about to give the jock a piece of his mind when Jennifer approached the couple, “Are you guys having fun?!” She shouted over the loud music.
Chrissy was about to respond when Jason blurted, “Chris wants to leave. She’d rather go to that loser’s birthday party.”
“Will you stop calling her that?” Chrissy angrily asked. “You don’t know her. She’s really sweet.”
Jennifer scoffed, before telling them, “Look, it was inevitable that everyone was coming to my party.”
“Well, not everyone,” Chrissy muttered.
“Okay, it was inevitable that everyone cool was coming to my party,” Jennifer corrected herself. “I mean, what chance does she have with everyone coming to her party? Zero!”
“Just because you guys stopped being friends at high school after she got a part in the school play, it doesn’t mean that you can keep holding a grudge against her,” Chrissy scolded, causing Jennifer to gasp, before walking away.
Eddie growled, as he stormed through the heavily decorated hallway, bumping into people when he was knocked down by a jock, pushing him into a door, causing him to fall down, as the guy shouted at him, calling him a freak. He grunted, as he stood up, realising that he was in Jennifer’s basement. He looked around when he saw the circuit breaker, before smirking, as an idea popped into his head.
Back upstairs, everyone was still partying when the power went out.
Everyone groaned, as Jennifer asked, “What’s going on?”
Not long after, she made her way to the circuit breaker, finding out that the wires were cut. As she stormed back upstairs, she growled, “Who the fuck cut the fucking cables?!”
Everyone looked at each other with confusion, as Jennifer whined, “This wasn’t supposed to happen!”
“So, what do we do now?” One jock asked.
Everyone murmured when Chrissy spoke up, announcing that you were having a party at the community hall. “I’m going if anyone wants to tag along,” Chrissy said, as she started walking out.
Everyone looked around, before following her when Jennifer stammered, “W-wait, you can’t leave!”
“Well, you’ve got no electricity, so why should we stay?” Andy retorted, as he followed Jason.
Jennifer gasped, before threatening, “If you leave, you won’t be allowed to go on the yacht trip!”
Everyone ignored her, as they walked out, causing her to scream, while a giggling Eddie, who was hiding under the staircase, snuck out without being seen, as he made his way to his van.
Back at your party, you were sitting at the table, resting your chin on the palm of your hand, as you checked your watch. You had hoped that Eddie would be there. But hearing that he was Jennifer’s party, it had dampened your mood. You thought that seeing everyone else having fun would lift you up, but it didn’t.
Suddenly, you heard a hubbub coming from outside. You gaped, as the rest of the seniors came.
Chrissy waved at you, before rushing up to you and wished you happy birthday.
“Sorry I’m late,” she apologised. “I got dragged into going to Jennifer’s party.”
“So, how come you all came here instead?” You asked.
“Well, she had a power cut, so I suggested to everyone to come here. I hope that’s okay.”
You smiled, as you thanked her. “You didn’t have to,” you told her. “But thanks.”
You watched everyone enjoying themselves, as you headed outside when you bumped into someone.
“Sorry,” you heard a male voice apologise. You looked up, as you told the guy that it was okay when you realised who bumped into you.
It was Eddie.
“You came,” you happily spoke.
“Yeah, I’m sorry for not coming with the others,” he began to explain. “I was doing some deals before getting your gift. Thankfully, the store was still open when I got there.”
He lifted up a gift bag in front of you, handing it to you.
As you opened it up, you gasped, taking out a copy of The Lord of the Rings.
“Wow!” You exclaimed. “Eddie, thank you.”
“Well, I heard that you lost your copy, so I thought you wanted a new one.”
You happily gazed at him, before you abruptly wrapped your arms around his neck and hugged him, continuing to thank him.
Eddie smiled, as he hugged you back when you gave him a peck on the cheek.
After letting go of him, you had put the book back in the bag, as Eddie touched his cheek, smiling.
“Shall we go inside?” You asked, before turning around to head back to the hall when you felt a hand grabbing yours. You turned to find Eddie holding your hand. “Eddie?” You asked.
Eddie gulped, before beginning to hesitate, “I was wondering, um…”
“Wouldyouliketogoonadatesometime?” Eddie quickly asked.
“Sorry, I didn’t catch that.”
Eddie sighed, before asking, “Would you like to go on a date sometime?”
There was a brief silence, before you smiled and replied, “I’d love to.”
Eddie grinned, before lifting your hand and kissed the back of it, making you giggle, thinking that Eddie asking you out was the best way to end your birthday.
As for Jennifer, she was sitting in the dark, with a beer cup in her hand, whinging about her Christmas party being ruined.
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londondziban · 11 months
No one asked but I'm bored so here are my ratings of popular Stranger Things ships! (kind of a long post).
Disclaimer: Ship who you wanna ship. This is just for fun :)
Byler: 100/10, I love my boys. No notes.
Lumax: Also a 100/10. They're just so!!!
Elmax: 9/10. I love them with my whole heart but I'm a Lumax shipper first and foremost.
Elumax: 100000/10. Literal perfection. Elmax AND Lumax (and Hopclair, depending on how you view the ship dynamic)? Literally what more could you want?
Duzie: 7/10. They're cute and I really like Suzie. I wish we could've seen more of them, maybe Suzie will come back with a bigger role next season.
Henderhop: 6/10. Typically I HC El as a lesbian but I actually like this pairing. Definitely not a ship I'd die on but I enjoy interacting with the fan content.
Henderclair: 6/10. Listen, I love their dynamic. If I didn't HC Dustin as the token straight, I'd probably rate them higher. Platonically? Literally everything to me. Romantically? I'm not opposed.
Byclair: 8/10. I also like them a lot but I'm a die-hard Byler shipper. I do enjoy interacting with the fan content though!
Wheelclair: 7/10. They're silly and I love them but this is a particular dynamic I prefer platonic. I do HC that Mike had a crush on Lucas when they were younger though.
Mileven: 1/10. I'm just not a fan. I'm giving them a one solely cuz I enjoyed them in season 1 when I first watched the show in middle school, but I'm definitely not a fan of this ship at all. Platonically though?? Amazing.
Jancy: 10/10. I love them. I'm praying every day that the Duffers didn't completely fuck them up and that they'll be endgame.
Ronance: 9/10. I like them, they're cute. I interact with a lot of their fan content. Let's go lesbians.
Rovickie/Rockie: 7/10. I just don't know enough about Vickie yet to know if them as endgame is what I'm rooting for, but from what we've seen they're cute.
Stonathan: 10/10. I love them and I'm so excited for their interactions in season 5! They're the enemies to lovers.
Jargyle: 9/10. Love me some stoner boyfriends. They've definitely kissed before at least once.
Stancy: -10000/10. BOOOOOOO 🍅🍅🍅. They are not right for each other. Steve deserves someone who loves him and Nancy deserves someone she loves.
Stoncy: 3/10. If it's in the way that Steve and Jonathan are dating and Jonathan and Nancy are dating with Nancy and Steve being platonic, then sure. But if it's all three dating, nah. Steve and Nancy just don't work imo.
Buckingham (Chrissy x Robin): 8/10. I think this is considered a rare pair but I think they're adorable and I love the fan content around them.
Hellcheer: 5/10. Not my favorite but I have no issues with this ship. I see the vision of them as best friends mainly.
Steddie: 5/10. They're not bad and I interact with some of their fan content (some of their tiktok edits go hard), but they're just kind of okay, you know?
Jopper: 10/10. I love them. Been a Jopper fan since day one. They're so endgame.
If there's any other ships you want to know my opinion on, let me know!
(All fun and games here, y'all. Ship whatever you want)
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emily-mooon · 4 months
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It’s been about five months since I first came up with the jancy sailor moon au but last night the brainrot hit so now here’s some promised art for it!
Details about the au + tuxedo mask Jonathan with the mask and top hat ⬇️
-time period is the 90s like the manga and the original anime (as that’s when they were made)
-Like Usagi, Nancy is 14 and in her second year of middle school. The difference between the two is Nancy is far more competent and is trying to fit in with everyone else and has what she thinks is a crush on Steve, who goes to a nearby high school (Steve’s in his first year of high school btw)
- Jonathan is in his third year of middle school and is a photographer for the school paper. His reason for finding the legendary silver crystal is to help Will regain his memories after a tragic incident that happened caused by their piece of shit father
- Barb, Eden, Heather, and Chrissy are the other main sailor guardians. Barb is Mercury, Eden is Mars, Heather is Jupiter, and Chrissy is Venus. Robin and Vickie are obviously Uranus and Neptune. Kali and El are Pluto and Saturn respectively. Once again thanking the anon(s) who helped me figure this out back in December cause oh boy was I stuck!
- Fred is Umino for very obvious reasons
Other than all this, plots still the same as normal Sailor Moon. There are obviously still many more things I’m gonna change about the plot and stuff to fit the characters more but for rn, this is good!
Here’s also a link to an ask I answered from a moot that has some other random details for this au if you’re interested
Also here’s the aforementioned Jonathan with the mask and top hat:
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Hope y’all like this newish edition to my pile of niche hyper specific aus!
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