#Steve Rogers x Katie stark
wiypt-writes · 2 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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One Shot: Love Me Like You Do
Cowritten with @spectre-posts
Summary: Sometimes, even the toughest and bravest of people need comfort…
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Warnings: Bad language words, smut (NSFW), no under 18s. Mentions of past trauma…
A/N: The second and last Stark Spangled instalment for Kinktobe3r. Once again, huge thanks to my cowriter and collaborator for Kinktober for allowing this indulgence. This slots into the SSB timeline after Chapter 22: I Don’t Like People Touching My Stuff, just after the team have found the Sceptre. If you haven’t read any of the Stark Spangled Universe fics, then be aware this DOES CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR A MAJOR PLOTLINE. However, you can just appreciate the smut in itself if you don’t want to read the rest. And please feel free to check it all out and chat to me with comments and reviews.. Stark Spangled Man is the first starting point…it’s my absolute favourite epic I’ve written. Its’ long as hell but…my total guilty pleasure. I love these babies!
W/C: 3.4k
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist // Kinktober Masterlist
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Steve stepped out of the elevator onto the training floor of Avengers Tower, wiping his brow. He’d just been for a run and was now ready to hit the shower and kill a few hours before dinner. He intended to drop in on Tony and Banner, see if they’d made any more headway with whatever it was they were doing with the sceptre.
But first, he wanted to find Katie. She’s been a little quiet that morning. And whilst she insisted she was okay after the whole ‘Dani-with-an-I-’thing, he knew his girl was absolutely one for holding grudges.
Before he had left for his daily jog (or sprint as the case may be for people without super strength and speed), he’d checked the training rota and knew she had a sparring session with Widow. So he passed the Drill Simulation Suite and headed to the main gymnasium room at the back where he knew the girls held their sessions. As he turned the corner at the bottom of the corridor, he narrowly avoided colliding with Natasha.
“Oh, sorry, Nat…”
“Not as sorry as you’re gonna be if you go in there.” She jerked her head towards the doors and snorted. 
“What do you mean?”
“Katie is in there…kicking the shit out of a punch bag.”
Steve groaned inwardly, “I though you guys were sparring.”
"Yeah, we were until she clocked me twice, a rarity." Natasha jutted her chin upward.
Steve arched a brow. “She did?”
"Yeah, so I'm gonna hit the showers. Good luck, pal."
With a deep breath, Steve continued towards the door of the gym. It was no secret, his fiancée scared the shit out of him at times. And he also wasn’t sure he wanted to deal with another display of petulance like yesterday, especially seeing as he was under the assumption they’d talked it through, and fucked it through, in the car lot.
The sliding door was opened by JARVIS and the Captain stepped in. Sure as told, Katie was masticating the hung canvas bag. Her hands were wrapped to protect the knuckles but it didn't seem to be doing much good, for Steve's keen sight picked up the tinge of blood peeking through the white gauze. She was covered in a glistening sheen of sweat and pieces of her hair were drooping wetly in her face. Her black leggings clung to her legs while her sports bra kept her shapely breasts secure.
"Doll..." he said with a soft but loud tone to be heard.
She gave no response, no indication she knew of his presence.
"Katie..." Steve tried again as he stepped closer.
This time she'd heard him, but her only reply was a heavy round house kick to the bag, sending it swinging towards Steve's face.
It was a futile shot at him, his cat like reflexes easily saved him as he caught it, holding it in his strong arms.
“Sweetheart, your hands are bleeeding.”
She looked down at the pinkish stained wrap and shrugged, huffing the hair from her face.
“Hey…” Steve frowned, still holding the punch bag, “what’s wrong?”
"Don't know." She grunted. "Just....rage. Frustration, irritation? What do you want, Steve?"
“I came to find you, I knew you had a session with Natasha. Although she seems to have bailed early as you got the better of her. Twice by all accounts.”
Katie stalked to the bench where her towel and water were and grabbed the bottle. She took a big chug and flopped down.
“She faltered, I saw an opening."
A huge sigh escaped her chest. "I'm sorry. I guess I'm, I don't know..."
Steve sighed and let go of the punch bag. “Doll, you’ve been quiet since last night. What’s eating ya?”
"Dani with an I, I suppose."
Steve groaned, “really?” He walked towards her and took a seat to her left on the bench. “I thought we went through this on the drive home.”
"I know we did. I know." She sighed. "And worked it out in the garage." She groaned. "I just, I had this awful dream and I needed to just wreck it out. I don't know."
“Wanna tell me about it?” Steve asked softly, not a shred of annoyance in his tone. He knew only too well how vivid and real dreams could seem and feel, way after the night had gone and the sun was out. The woman to his right was the person to whom he credited with the fact most of his night terrors and flashbacks had stopped.
"Long and the short, you were in our bed, with her, and it was.... You were...."
Steve looked at Katie, shaking his head. “You know, if it hadn’t upset you so much I’d laugh and call you ridiculous.” He nudged her gently with his elbow. “Sweetheart, look at me.”
She swallowed and brought her eyes to his. "It's stupid, I feel ridiculous, but it felt so real.”
“I get it, you know I do.” He looked at her, “you’ve seen me wake up in cold sweats from my dreams. And I you. But you know, I’d never do that to you. Ever. I love you.”
Katie nodded. "I know."
"JARVIS, lock down the gym. Systems offline," Steve asked of the AI, ensuring no one would disturb them as he knew she hated anyone seeing her vulnerability in such a way. "Let me see your hands, sweetheart."
The AI replied with his obliging confirmation as Katie twisted on the bench and held her arms out.
With slow and delicate movements, Steve held her right hand in his as he unwrapped the gauze. Over her knuckles and between her fingers he went, exposing the bruising and cuts she'd inflicted with each punch to the canvas and leather sand filled bag. When the right was through, and his lips pressed into her closed fist, he moved to the left and repeated the actions. Then in both his large hands, he held hers, attention brought to her engagement finger where he gave a tender, long held kiss.
"Better?" He wondered.
“They don’t hurt,” Katie wrinkled her nose, “not yet anyway. Although they’re not really gonna look pretty tomorrow at the party.”
She moved to stretch them both out, and Steve watched, this time his eyes lingered on the slightly bent pinkie finger of her left hand. Katie was still unable to fully straighten the misshapen digit; it was unlikely she ever would and that it would simply remain as of the few physical reminders of what she’d been through little over six months ago at the hands of Hydra. Mind you, it was a miracle (in the shape of a damned good orthopaedic surgeon) that a misshapen finger was the only lasting sign that her left hand had been all but shattered to pieces when they’d brought her home.
"Doll...." Steve cupped Katie's face. "What can I do?"
She blinked back her tears as she shook her head. “I don’t know.” She licked her lips, “I know everyone was on about movies and pizza tonight but…do you mind if we don’t? I’m feeling anti-social.”
"Of course, we don't have to do anything you don't want to. We don't even have to go tomorrow if you're not feeling up for it. Even if it's last minute."
“No, tomorrow’s… I wanna go. I got a new dress especially.”
"Alright." Steve nodded with a soft smile. "Tell you what, why don't we go back to ours, clean up and fuck off the rest of the day? I’ll make us a grilled cheese…”
“Language…” she muttered softly, her lips curling up into a little side smirk.
Steve snorted with a playful glint in his eyes. "Shhhh." He leaned forward and kissed her.Katie melted into him, her hands resting gently on his thighs as his cupped her face once more.
Steve was measured in the way he moved his lips over hers, cautiously looking to kiss her a little deeper to show her that he understood he was giving her what she needed. She took what he was offering, almost greedily, like she was seeking comfort from whatever it was that had gotten her so upset. And Steve has a suspicion that it was more than a stupid dream about him bedding some random woman they’d only met the day before. But he also understood that she might not completely understand herself why she was so wound up.
His hands slipped from her face to down her neck and curled over her ribs the further they went. Her bare skin felt hot. He felt her shiver at his touch, her hands now in his hair, her nails raking over his scalp.
Steve groaned at the tick of pain. It felt good. Strong hands now gripped at her waist and tugged her a bit closer toward him as they both were straddling the bench. 
It was almost automatic, the way he leaned forward to gently lay her down on the wooden surface. For a second or so, it all seemed to be going the way it usually did for them in a moment like this, and then Steve felt Katie go rigid, and her hands pushed at his chest.
Steve backed off, sitting right back up, pulling her with him. "I'm sorry."
“It’s not…it’s not you.” She shook her head, “its not, you know it isn’t. It’s the…the bench, it’s cold and hard and…the lights in here…looking at them…”
Steve immediately understood. She was suffering from a sudden sensory recall, a flashback even, and it wasn’t the first time either.
“C'mere," he pulled her close. It was hard for him, not frustratingly, but to not know where, when, how even the simplest action might trigger her. It damn well broke his heart every time. Bruce had warned him it was likely to continue for a long time, possibly the rest of her life.  Just like certain things still triggered memories of the war and being drowned in the icy ocean for him. 
This time, it was clearly the feel of the bench against her back, the lights in her eyes that had sent her back to that cell she’d been kept and brutalised in. 
He cradled her head against him, his arms wrapped around her, one cupping the back of her head at the base of her neck. The other, slung over her mid back to press her into him. "I'm sorry, doll."
“Stop apologising, this isn’t your fault.”
"I know," he sighed. "You're safe. It's just me."
It took a few deep breaths, but eventually he felt her relax in his hold, her cheek pressing to his chest.
"Thassit, sweetheart," he breathed deep with her. He pulled back a second and looked down at his girl. "C'mon, let's go back to the loft."
She nodded and wiped her eyes. “I don’t wanna feel like this, Steve. I hate it…and I don’t understand it.”
“Katie, there’s nothing to understand.” He shook his head, “you…what happened to you was…it was unbelievably traumatic and…”
“I know, I get that bit and I can understand the flashbacks and dreams but I don’t get this…” she waved her hand around. “Why does my back hitting a hard surface make me clam up? I’m with you. It’s not like we ain’t had sex since…well, since I recovered. We’ve had quite a lot, as it happens. You even got a little bit forceful in the elevator the other day after the mission and I liked it, Steve…so why…why…”
"No one really knows why this stuff happens. It just does. Something does or doesn't connect right, and processing it goes to shit."
Katie remained silent for a moment, looking at her hands. “Well, I’m pissed off at it all. If we can bone in the seat of a car in the parking lot, we should be able to here.”
Despite himself, Steve felt a smirk curl on his face at her downright, petulant tone and he chuckled. “Oh, sweetheart. I don’t think it’s as simple as that.”
"Well, it fucking should be. I need you, Steve, and I'm either wound up or entirely spent and not in a way you make me. I raged this morning after that senseless dream and when I woke up you were already gone from the God damn day. And I was even more pissed because my fucked up brain at first thought you'd left!"
“Woah, woah…” Steve held his hands up, “I’m not gonna leave you, ever. You know this. And despite what you think or want, or wish…life isn’t that simple. You really think I still wanna have flashbacks about crashing into that damned ice berg? I don’t, but I do.” He reached for her hands, “can you remember that first birthday I spent with you, on the boat that Tony had hired.
“And how I was in a blind panic when those fireworks went off, and you…you just pressed your hands over my ears and made me focus on you?”
Her eyes misted, "yeah."
“Well, I knew they were fireworks. I knew I was on that boat, with you. I knew I was safe, but that didn’t stop my mind from telling me I wasn’t.”
Katie swallowed hard. She sniffed and took a long blink.
“But just like you were for me,” he reached out for her left hand, slipping his fingers between hers, “I’m here for you, and it don’t matter how many times this happens or doesn’t…I love you. And I ain’t going anywhere.”
A big tear slid down her cheek but Steve was quick to pull her in and kiss it away. "I love you, Katie," he spoke against her cheek.
“I love you too,” she managed between hitched breaths, “I love you so much.”
Steve smiled, his hand smoothing her hair back. “You ready to go back up to the apartment?”
“Alright…” he frowned a little.
Timidly, Katie closed the gap between them, a soft kiss to his lips.
Steve let her take the lead, allowing her to set the pace, tell him what she wanted and needed. In a beat, she was in his lap, straddling him as he straddled the bench. He didn’t protest, try and warn her not to push herself. If this was how she wanted to deal with things then he was dammed if he was gonna stop her.
 She was soft, not shy, but just careful. As if she was seeing how far she could take herself.She pulled back a little, her forehead pressed to Steve’s as she brushed her nose against his. Without a word, she took his hands which had been lightly gripping the edge of the bench, and placed them on her hips.
"You sure, sweetheart?"
Katie nodded, “I need you. I want you.”
"Yes, ma'am," he snorted and pressed into her lips.
Soft, gentle flicks of her tongue against his made him sigh against her as his large hands wrapped round her back and held her to him. Gently her hips rolled against his lap and Steve's hands moved to pull at her thighs. He opened her up a little, pulling her even closer as his lips trailed warm, soft kisses across he jaw to the hinge of her jaw.
“Sweetheart, tell me what you want.”
“Love on me, Soldier…please…”
Words weren't needed, Steve merely gave a soft smile and kissed her. His hands snaked up her thighs to her naked waist and stuffed his fingers under the band of her sports bra. With a tug, he effortlessly stripped her of it and it hit the polished floor.
A smile curved over her mouth against his lips and he couldn’t help but mimic her expression as her hands reached for his compression top. He helped, pulling the item over his head by a fistful at the back of his neck. Those heavy, large hands came back to her frame, just at her ribs. Two thumbs dragged over her nipples, up and down.
Her head tipped back, a soft sigh escaping her plump lips, her hands back in his hair.
"How much do we like these pants?" Steve wondered.
“Well, I mean they’re not my best pair of gym leggings…”
"Good." He chuckled and quickly ripped them open at her hips.
“So…how do I get back to our apartment now you’ve literally ripped my pants off. Again?”
"Towel?" He smirked with a pop of his naked shoulder.
Katie couldn't reply, for Steve pulled her perfectly into his lap, seated over his growing bulge. His hands sat at her hip and her jaw, fingers entwined in her hair as he met her with a deep but soft, tongue filled kiss.
Her nimble fingers plucked at the string of those navy joggers, undoing the knot at the waist.Steve gave a grunt as she brushed his skin, still kissing her, hands where they were. Her palm was soft and warm as it wrapped around his hardening cock and he couldn’t help the moan the slipped from his mouth into hers.
Lips broke away from hers and landed on her jaw downward towards her neck as the hand from her hip coaxed its way towards her panties. Steve's hand dipped inside the material against her skin, past her mound. The tip of his middle finger brushed her clit and Katie shuddered. When his finger slipped between her dampening folds she sighed in a whimper combination.
Steve began to slowly curl his fingers as Katie started to move her wrist, both of them using an almost identical, slow rhythm.
"Fuck, doll," Steve hissed.
“Need you, Stevie…please…”
"I got you baby," Steve whispered in her ear.
“I know…” she pulled back a little to look at him, “you always do.”
"Come closer, sweetheart," he crooned.
Katie shuffled on his lap, a soft sigh flowing from her nose as his fingers were still inside her. Her legs were draped over his as she sat facing him, thighs either side of his slim waist.
"Thassit, doll," Steve responded. He fingers were palm deep inside her.
Their faces were inches apart, but Steve kept his eyes locked on his fiancée’s as her hips softly rolled into his touch. His own pelvis thrust into her palm as she tightened it around his cock.
Breaths mingled as Steve was bringing her close to orgasm, with just the touch of his fingers. He knew how to work her, get her to really feel good and sing for him.
Her little noises of pleasure were quiet, but still as arousing to the soldier as always. The way her eyes were wide and slightly glazed, blinks heavy was a sure sign she was teetering on that precipice.
"So good," Steve praised, his voice nothing but a soft baritone.
"Stevie..." Katie whimpered.
"Cum, beautiful," he crooned.
A few more rolls of her hips and Katie was shaking in his lap, her eyes wide, pupils blown as he felt her walls squeezing her fingers.
"Oh good girl, doll...."
She whimpered a little at his praise before her body sagged forward, head on his shoulder.
“Stevie…” she whispered, her lips brushing his ear.
“Thank you.”
“What for?”
“For loving me like you do.”
“Oh,Doll. I’ll love you till my last breath.” He kissed her cheek and then he moved a little so he could see her.
Her eyes were misty, her face flushed. He felt the lump form in his throat. She was so beautiful, so loving, tender. And she was all his.
Her hand still held him, but he didn't care. It wasn't about him, his desires. It was about his love, taking care of her. Helping her through.
The hand that filled her gently came away, slowing pulling out and covered her hand over his cock. He moved her hand and a look of confusion came over Katie's face.
"Not right now," he rasped. "Let's go home, take a bath and a nap."
“And snack.” She managed, “I’m kinda hungry. You mentioned a grilled cheese?”
“I did, yes.” Steve chuckled as he placed both his hands on her hips and helped her stand. With a sudden smirk, she reached down and pulled his tee on over her head and Steve arched a brow as she then picked up the shredded remains of her Lycra leggings. 
“You ripped em,” she shrugged.
Steve snorted as he too stood, pulling at the front of his pants a little before he grabbed Katie’s towel and water bottle. He then held out his hand for her to take.
“C’mon, Doll.”
With a smile she took it and let him lead her from the gym.
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yelenaslyubov · 3 months
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PART 1 // PART 2
pairing: yelena belova x reader
PLOT SUMMARY: When a top secret mission is brought upon a group of the Avengers, you must join them in the barren desert of Utah. The Avengers must go undercover and play the part of gentle cattle ranchers while taking part to silently fight an uprising. You are the newest recruit, which means this becomes your first mission. You do well to remember your place, as well as do your part, but this part becomes harder when a certain someone catches your eye. Your new mission becomes fighting a balance between your own feelings and the threat that looms over the Avengers. Will you be able to defeat the new threat to the universe as well as embrace your newfound feelings, or will you lose them both in the end?
<< character moodboards >>
yelena belova
kate bishop
kamala khan
natasha romanoff
wanda maximoff
peter parker
steve rogers
sam wilson
bucky barnes
clint barton
tony stark
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howdy everyone!!
i am excited to announce my first official series! i know i’ve teased a series before and i didn’t follow through with it, but i’m very excited for this. it’s definitely different than anything i’ve done before so i hope that people are pumped for it and enjoy it. this isn’t just my own idea but it is inspired by a story that me and a close friend came up with a couple years ago. this does not follow the exact events, but it is definitely inspired by it (you know who you are bestie). i’m not sure how many parts this story will have, but i am hoping at least 4! i’m hoping that once i get in the swing of writing for an actual series it will inspire me to go back to the previous series i wanted to start. as you can probably see, i really enjoy writing AU stories that take a completely different turn than canon events, whether that is plot or character driven. with that being said, i hope you enjoy this new story and i would love to hear how you feel about it!! until next time🤠🏜🐴
series inspired playlist:
big iron by marty robbins
are you gonna be my girl by jet
southern nights by glen campbell
ain’t no rest for the wicked by cage the elephant
run free by hans zimmer
supermassive black hole by muse
ghost riders in the sky by riders in the sky
red dead redemption by woody jackson
i kissed a girl by katy perry
a horse with no name by america
she calls me back by noah kahan
lonesome town by ricky nelson
barracuda by heart
get off my back by bryan adams
i was made for lovin’ you by KISS
take me home, country roads by lana del rey
saddle tramp by marty robbins
kickstart my heart by mötley crüe
in dreams by sierra ferrell
can’t stop by the red hot chili peppers
the good, the bad and the ugly by ennio morricone
beer for my horses by toby keith
american pie by don mclean
we belong together by ritchie valens
good luck, babe! by chappell roan
you send me by sam cooke
our song by taylor swift
home by edward sharpe & the magnetic zeros
see ya soon partners ;)
if you would like to be added to this taglist, comment down below!
taglist: @youreatotalposer // @xxromanoffxx // @avengerswriter4eva // @xxxtwilightaxelxxx // @la-reine-des-enfers // @chickenlittlsblog // @belovasecho // @youresuchamom // @kacka84 // @alotofpockets // @yamum-com // @maia-lightwoood // @lifeontop // @marvelwomen-simp // @sarah5462 // @jackharlowsshawty // @batmanzbae-blog // @yelenabelovasbxtch // @marvelfan98 // @an-evergreen-rose // @popeheywardssecretgf // @lovelyy-moonlight // @justthis-stuff // @sat-yrr // @mythosphere-x // @daenerys713 // @bentleywolf29 // @natasha25052 // @ortega29 // @sherlockstrangewolf
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luna9343-blog · 1 month
E.T. | Steve Rogers
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Steve Rogers x OC
Marine veteran Steve Rogers is given a second chance on a new world, what will he do with that second chance?
Tsahiri the beautiful princess of the Na'vi clan, Omaticaya. She is said to be the clan’s next tsahìk, she must abide by the ways of her clan, but will the arrival of this bullheaded stranger change her fate? 
( This will be very similar to the Avatar movie, but with some changes and additions)
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Steve Rogers in the place of Jake Sully
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Tsahiri in the place of Neyriti
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Tony Stark in the place of Parker Selfridge
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Bruce Banner in the place of Norm
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Natasha Romanoff in the place of Trudy
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Thor as Tsu’tey
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(All other characters are the same)
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lovelybishop · 2 years
Character/Fandom List
(Updated February 5th, 2023)
*Strikethrough means currently not accepting requests for said character/fandom
*If you see a character that is not listed, please ask! I’m sure I write for that character, I just forgot to put it on this very long list!
*If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!
DC Extended Universe
Suicide Squad (2016) / The Suicide Squad (2021)
Abner Krill/Polka-Dot Man, Christopher Smith/Peacemaker, Cleo Cazo/Ratcatcher 2, Floyd Lawton/Deadshot, Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn, Rick Flag, Robert Dubois/Bloodsport
Birds Of Prey
Dinah Lance/Black Canary, Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn, Helena Bertinelli/The Huntress, Roman Sionis/Black Mask
Fear Street Trilogy
Cindy Berman, Deena Johnson, Heather Watkins. Christine “Ziggy” Berman*,Kate Schmidt, Nick Goode*, Ruby Lane, Samantha Fraser, Simon, Tommy Slater
*Please specify which actor
The Last of Us (HBO)
Joel Miller, Tess Servopoulos
The Good Place
Chidi Anagonye, Eleanor Shellstrop, Janet, Jason Mendoza, Michael, Tahani Al-Jamil
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Ajak, Alexei/The Red Gurdian, America Chavez, Bruce Banner/The Hulk, Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel, Christine Palmer, Clint Barton/Hawkeye, Darcy Lewis, Doctor Stange Variants, Drax the Destroyer, Druig, Gamora, Gilgamesh, Hela, Hope van Dyne/The Wasp, Ikaris, James “Bucky” Barnes/The Winter Soldier, James “Rhodey” Rhodes/War Machine, Jane Foster, Jimmy Woo, Katy, Kingo, Lady Sif, Loki, Makkari, Mantis, Maria Hill, May Parker, Melina, Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow, Nebula, Nick Fury, Peggy Carter, Peter Parker Variants, Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Peter Quill/Star-Lord, Phastos, Phil Coulson, Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver, Sam Wilson/The Falcon/Captain America, Scott Lang/Ant-Man, Sersi, Shang-Chi, Sharon Carter, Sprite, Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange, Steve Rogers/Captain America, Thena, Thor, Tony Stark/Iron Man, T’Challa/Black Panther, Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, Valkyrie, Virginia “Pepper” Potts, Vision, Wanda Maximoff Variants, Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch, Wong, Xialing, Yelena Belova
Disney+ Series
*This list is for characters who have not appeared in any movie (with the exception of Captain Carter.)
Agatha Harkness, Bruno Carrelli, Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk, Joaquin Torres, Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel, Kate Bishop/Hawkeye, Layla El-Faouly/Scarlet Scarab, Madisynn King, Mallory Book, Marc Spector, Mary MacPherran/Titania, Matt Murdock/Daredevil, Maya Lopez, Mobius, Monica Rambeau, Nikki Ramos, Peggy Carter/Captain Carter, Ralph Bogner/”Pietro” Maximoff, Star-Lord T’Challa, Steve Grant, Strange Supreme, Sylvie, Taweret
Agents Of Sheild Series
Melinda May, Grant Ward, Daisy “Skye” Johnson/Quake, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Lance Hunter, Bobbi Morse, Alphonso “Mack” Mackenzie, Lincoln Campbell, Elena “Yo-Yo” Rodriguez, Deke Shaw
Netflix Series
*I plan on watching all Marvel Netflix Series. Though Because Matt Murdok was in No Way Home and She-Hulk, I still will write for him.
The Amazing Spider-Man
Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Into the Spider-Verse
Gwen Stacy/Spider-Woman, Miles Morales/Spider-Man, Olivia Octavius/Doctor Octopus, Peter B. Parker/Spider-Man
Alex Summers/Havok, Bobby Drake/Iceman, Charles Xavier/Professor X*,Ellie Phimister/Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Erik Legnsherr/Magneto*,Hank McCoy/Beast*,James “Logan” Howlett/Wolverine, Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix*,Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler*,Marie D’Ancanto/Rogue, Nathan Sumers/Cable, Neena Thurman/Domino, Ororo Monroe/Storm*,Peter Maximoff/Quicksilver, Psylocke*,Raven Darkholme/Mystique*,Scott Summers/Cyclops*,Wade Wilson/Deadpool, Warren Worthington III/Angel*
*Please specify which actor.
Free Guy
Guy, Millie Ruck, Walter “Keys” McKey
The Office
Jim Halpert, Pam Beesly
Ajax Petropolus, Biance Barclay, Enid Sinclair, Gomez Addams*,Larissa Weems, Marilyn Thornhill/Laurel Gates. Morticia Addams*,Tyler Galpin, Wednesday Addams, Xavier Thorpe, Yoko Tanaka
*Please specify which actor.
Star Wars
Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, Bix Caleen, Bo-Katan Kryze, Boba Fett, Captain Phasma, Cassian Andor, Cobb Wanth, Din Djarin/The Mandalorian, Fennec Shand, Finn, General Hux, Han Solo, Jyn Erso, Lando Calrissian, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, Poe Dameron, Princess/General Leia Organa, Qi’ra, Reva Sevander/Third Sister, Rey, Rose Tico, Zorii Bliss
Stranger Things
Dustin Henderson, Eddie Munson, Eleven Hopper, Jim Hopper, Jonathan Byers, Joyce Byers, Lucas Sinclair, Max Mayfield, Michael Wheeler, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington, Will Byers
*I do not write for Billy Hargrove
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propainfuture · 2 years
Marvel Characters Theme Songs: Part 1 - Songs
(Again, I get most of my information from fanfictions, wikis, and videos, not straight from the comics)
Tony Stark: "Bleeding Out" - Imagine Dragons
Steve Rogers: "Mr. Brightside" - The Killers
Peter Parker: "Stronger Than Ever" - Raleigh Ritchie
Thor Odinson: "Home" - X Ambassadors, Bebe Rexha, and Machine Gun Kelly
Clint Barton: "SING" - My Chemical Romance
Natasha Romanoff: "Try" - P!NK
Bruce Banner: "Animal I Have Become" - Three Days Grace
Wanda Maximoff: "Barbies" - P!NK
Carol Danvers: "Starman" - David Bowie
Bucky Barnes: "My Demons" - Starset
James Rhodes: "Ain't Gonna Die Tonight" - Macklemore (Ft. Eric Nally)
Stephen Strange: "Wake Me Up" - Avicii
Pepper Potts: "Me, Myself, and I" - G*Eazy (Ft. Bebe Rexha)
Peter Quill: "Dancing In The Dark" - Bruce Springsteen
Scott Lang: "Let You Down" - Peking Duk
Vision: "To Be Human" - Sia (Ft. Labrinth)
Sam Wilson: "Human" - Rag 'n' Bone Man
Pietro Maximoff: "Pompeii" - Bastille
Wade Wilson: "C'Mon" - Ke$ha
Mantis: "Shooting Star" - Owl City
Nebula: "Gasoline" - Halsey
Gamora: "Rise" - Katy Perry
Drax: "Believer" - Imagine Dragons
Groot: "I Can See Clearly Now" - Jimmy Cliff
Rocket: "Courtesy Call" - Thousand Foot Krutch
T'Challa: "Lion" - Hollywood Undead
Shuri: "Paper Planes" - M.I.A.
Loki Laufeyson: "Monster" - Imagine Dragons
Yelena Belova: "Here We Go" - Chris Classic
Phil Coulson: "Tragic Endings" - Eminem (Ft. Skylar Hill)
Maria Hill: "I Won't Back Down" - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Nick Fury: "The Phoenix" - Fall Out Boy
Gwen Stacy: "100 Bad Days" - AJR
MJ Watson: "Heart Full of Scars" - Rebecca Black
Harry Osborn: "Fences" - Paramore
Miles Morales: "Sunflower" - Post Malone & Swae Lee
Betty Brant: "Wish" - Trippie Redd
Glory Grant: "All of My Favorite Songs" - Weezer
Felicia Hardy: "GRRRLS" - AViVA
Ganke Lee: "Luv(sic)" - Nujabes (Ft. Shing02)
Michelle Jones: "Red Roses" - Lil Skies (Ft. Landon Cube)
Ned Leeds: "Good Day" - Jax Anderson (Ft. Curtis Roach & Mister Wives)
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theprincipality · 8 months
About Me.
Hey guys.
I’d like to tell y’all a little about me.
I’m a fan of the MCU(Marvel Cinematic Universe) and a fan of both the WandaNat and BlackHill ships.
I’m also a fan of Supernatural, Monster High, What We Do In The Shadows, Lucifer, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Bitten and Teen Wolf.
I’m obsessed with listening to the Teen Wolf main opening title song. It’s just so catchy and also in my gym playlist.
My favorite Teen Wolf characters are:
Lydia Martin.
Scott McCall.
Derek Hale.
Stiles Stilinski.
Malia Tate/Hale.
Melissa McCall.
Eli Hale.
My favorite X-Men characters are:
Anna-Marie Darkholme/Marie D’Ancanto A.K.A Rogue.
Remy LeBeau A.K.A Gambit.
Raven Darkholme A.K.A Mystique.
Kurt Wagner/Darkholme A.K.A Nightcrawler.
Katherine ‘Kitty’ Pryde A.K.A Shadowcat.
Piotr Rasputin A.K.A Colossus.
Ellie Phimister A.K.A Negasonic Teenage Warhead.
Warren Worthington A.K.A Angel.
Bobby Drake A.K.A Iceman.
James ‘Logan’ Howlett A.K.A Wolverine.
Laura Kinney A.K.A X-23.
Scott Summers A.K.A Cyclops.
Jean Grey A.K.A Phoenix.
Ororo Munroe A.K.A Storm.
Charles Xavier
My favorite MCU characters are:
Natasha Romanoff A.K.A Black Widow.
Wanda Maximoff A.K.A Scarlet Witch.
Maria Hill.
Pepper Potts.
Tony Stark A.K.A Iron Man.
Steve Rogers A.K.A Captain America.
Wade ‘fucking’ Wilson’ A.K.A Deadpool.
Vanessa Carlysle.
My favorite Supernatural characters are:
Dean Winchester.
Sam Winchester.
Bobby Singer.
Jack Kline.
Kelly Kline.
The Impala/Baby/The Metallicar.
Rowena MacLeod.
Crowley/Fergus MacLeod.
Archangel Gabriel.
Archangel Michael.
My favorite Lucifer characters are:
Detective Chloe Decker.
Beatrice ‘Trixie’ Espinoza.
Charlotte Richards.
Detective Daniel ‘Dan’ Espinoza.
Archangel Lucifer Morningstar.
Mazikeen Smith A.K.A Maze.
My favorite Vampire Diaries characters are:
Hope Mikaelson.
Elijah Mikaelson.
Niklaus Mikaelson.
My favorite Monster High characters are:
Clawdeen Wolf.
My favorite What We Do In The Shadows characters are:
Nandor The Relentless.
Colin Robinson.
Nadia Of Antipaxos.
Laszlow Cravensworth.
I grew up on 2000s rock since I was born in that era.
I grew up on Prince, Scissor Sisters, Aerosmith, INXS, Whitesnake, Dire Straits, Warrant, Bon Jovi, Bachman Turner Overdrive, Steppenwolf, Belinda Carlisle and Michael Jackson,
I also grew up on Van Halen, Asia, Kansas, Scorpions, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Soundgarden, AC/DC, Black Stone Cherry, Buckcherry, Metallica, Maneskin, Motörhead, Joan Jett & The Blackhearts, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, Joan Osborne, KISS, The Runaways, Blue Oyster Cult, Def Leppard, Alice In Chains and Lynyrd Skynyrd,
And here’s some other notable mentions I grew up on. Ram Jam, Sheryl Crow, Rascal Flatts, Divinyls, Redbone, Judas Priest, Skillet, Muse, My Chemical Romance, Slipknot, Rammstein, Kate Bush, ZZ Too, Kid Rock, Lady Antebellum, Linkin Park, 3 Doors Down, Evanescence.
Simple Plan, Simple Minds, Nickleback, Stan Bush, Foo Fighters, Chesney Hawkes, Carrie Underwood, Jason Aldean, Alice Cooper, Cher, Guns N Roses, Spineshank, R.E.M, P!nk, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, The Black Crowes, Temple Of The Dog, Nirvana, Tears For Fears, Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks, Survivor, Twisted Sister, Styx, Texas and The Killers.
As you can see, I’m a huge rock fan. But I also grew up on Kesha, Katy Perry, Demi Lovato, Ken Ashcorp, Britney Spears, Louden Swain, Shakira, Crash Adams, Artic Monkeys, Ally Venable, Big & Rich, The Interrupters, Annapantsu, Meghan Trainor, Celtic Woman, Imagine Dragons, Fall Out Boy and Taylor Swift.
This is stuff about me I’d like you guys to know. I’ll be back to post more soon.
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voluntadfuerte · 1 year
Starter call - Marvel
Bobbi Morse - Comics - Jennifer Morrison (bisexual)
Brunnhilde - Comics/MCU - Tessa Thompson (bisexual)
Cassie Lang - Comics - Seychelle Gabriel (lesbian)
Carol Danvers - MCU - Brie Larson (bisexual)
Cindy Moon - Comics - Jung Ho Yeon (bisexual)
Clint Barton - Comics - Boyd Holbrook (bisexual)
Daisy Johnson - AoS - Chloe Bennet (bisexual)
Elektra Natchios - Netflix - Elodie Yung (bisexual)
Erik Lehnsherr - Comics - Adrien Brody (bisexual)
Frank Castle - Netflix - Jon Bernthal (bisexual)
Gwen Stacy - ITSV - Olivia Holt (bisexual)
Grant Ward - AoS - Brett Dalton (bisexual)
Harry Osborn - Comics/TASM/Raimi - Tom Doherty (queer - without label)
James Barnes - Comics/MCU (cacw divergent) - Sebastian Stan (bisexual)
Jane Foster - Comics/MCU - Natalie Portman (pansexual)
Jemma Simmons - AoS - Elizabeth Henstridge (bisexual)
Jennifer Walters - Comics/MCU - Tatiana Maslany (bisexual)
Jessica Drew - Comics - Adria Arjona (bisexual)
Jessica Jones - Netflix - Krysten Ritter (bisexual)
Johnny Storm - Comics - Jordan Fisher (bisexual)
Karen Page - Netflix - Meghan Markle (bisexual)
Kate Bishop - Comics - Kiersey Clemons (bisexual)
Kitty Pryde - Comics - Lily Collins (bisexual)
Lorna Dane - Comics - Zoë Kravitz (bisexual)
Loki Laufeyson - Comics/MCU - Tom Hiddleston/Katie McGrath (genderfluid & bisexual)
Makkari - MCU - Lauren Ridloff (bisexual)
Marc Spector - Comics - Oliver Jackson-Cohen (bisexual)
Matt Murdock - Netflix - Charlie Cox (bisexual)
Namor McKenzie - Comics - Daniel Henney (bisexual)
Natasha Romanoff - Comics - Priyanka Chopra (bisexual)
Peggy Carter - MCU - Candice Patton (bisexual)
Peter Parker - Comics/ITSV - Andrew Garfield (trans man & bisexual)
Reed Richards - Comics - Oscar Isaac (bisexual)
Rogue - Comics/X-Men 1&2 - Lindsey Morgan (pansexual)
Sam Wilson - Comics/MCU (cacw divergent) - Anthony Mackie (bisexual)
Scott Summers - Comics/X-Men 1&2 - Jared Padalecki (bisexual)
Sharon Carter - Comics/MCU (cacw divergent) - Emily VanCamp (bisexual)
Stephen Strange- Comics - Pedro Pascal (bisexual)
Steve Rogers - Comics/MCU (cacw divergent) - Chris Evans (bisexual)
Susan Storm - Comics - Alice Eve (bisexual)
Tony Stark - Comics/MCU (im3 divergent) - Pedro Pascal (bisexual)
Thor Odinson - Comics/MCU (divergent post ragnarok) - Chris Hemsworth (pansexual)
Trish Walker - Netflix - Rachael Taylor (bisexual)
Wade Wilson - Comics/Deadpool 1-2 - Ryan Reynolds (nb & pansexual)
Wanda Maximoff - Comics - Gratiela Brancusi (pansexual) 
Yelena Belova - Comics - Léa Seydoux (lesbian) 
Please comment with who you want. If you're a multimuse, play who with.
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Bellona’s videos masterlist - movies - part 2 (Harry Potter, MCU, X-men, Kingsman, Lost Boys, Bill and Ted...) 99
The Avengers
Bruce Banner meets Natasha Romanov in Kolkata
Loki faces Black Widow
Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings
The Golden Daggers Club
Guardians of the Galaxy
“Bunch of jackasses standing in a circle”
Guardians of the Galaxy II
Drax and Mantis
Yondu Udonta’s funeral
Clint Barton/Hawkeye full appearance
Avengers: Age of Ultron
The Bartons
Captain America: Civil War
Natasha meets T’Challa in Vienna
Scott Lang battles Falcon
Black Panther
Coronation of T’Challa - part one
Coronation of T’Challa - part two
Jabariland - part one
Jabariland - Part two
Avengers: Endgame
Clint loses his family
Scott Lang explains his plan
Clint travels back in time to see his family
Clint and Natasha arrive on Vormir
Natasha sacrifices herself for the Soul Stone
Tony Stark’s last message and funeral
The legend of Ikaris
Ikaris, Kingo, Sersi and Sprite find Gilgamesh and Thena
Doctor Strange
The Ancient One fights Kaecilius and his zealots
Stephen meets Wong in the library
Mordo trains Stephen
Captain America: Winter Soldier
Elevator scene
First two meetings of Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson
Elevator Fight & Escape full scene
The Zemo cut - part one
The Zemo cut - part two
The Zemo cut - part three
Iron Man 3
Tony meets Harley
Captain America: The First Avenger
Steve Rogers meets doctor Erskine
The “Grenade!” scene
“Not a perfect soldier, but a good man”
The shield
The Marvels
Monica awakens in a parallel reality/Kamala recruits Kate Bishop
Kamala, Monica and Carol learn to control the switch
Carol, Monica and Kamala arrive on Aladna
Werewolf by Night
The monster hunters gather at Bloodstone Manor
Jack transforms into a werewolf - part one
Jack transforms into a werewolf - part two
X-2: X-Men United
Jean and Storm meet Nightcrawler
The students escape from the Xavier Institute during Striker’s attack - part one
The students escape from the Xavier Institute during Striker’s attack - part two
X-Men: The Last Stand
Hank McCoy meets Jimmy (Leech)
Warren refuses the cure and escapes Worthington labs
X-men: Days of Future Past
The Future X-men
X-men Apocalypse
Nightcrawler vs. Angel
Scott arrives at the Xavier Institute
Harry Potter
Harry meets Ollivander
First flying lesson with madame Hooch
Harry, Ron and Hermione fight the troll
Harry meets Voldemort (and Firenze) in the Forbidden Forest
The Chess Game
Harry meets Tom Riddle
Harry and Fawkes fight Tom Riddle and the Basilisk - part one
Harry and Fawkes fight Tom Riddle and the Basilisk - part two
Harry learns to cast a Patronus
Olympus Has Fallen
Melissa Leo as Secretary of Defense Ruth McMillan
Kainan arrives on Earth
The Kingsman
Oxford, Conrad and Shola fight Rasputin
Conrad’s birthrday
Eggsy arrives at the Kingsman’s headquarters
Eggsy and JB
“The most dangerous job interview in  the world” - part one
“The most dangerous job interview in  the world” - part two
“The most dangerous job interview in  the world” - part three
Eggsy vs. Gazelle
Eggsy’s table etiquette lesson with Harry
Meeting the Statesmen
Lost Boys: The Tribe
Chris Emerson has a talk with Edgar Frog
Reverend Edgar Frog’s arsenal
Lost Boys - The Thirst
Alan is forced to drink vampire blood
Edgar visits Alan
Edgar & Alan Frog vs Peter “The Alpha”
“Now, Zoe, something I need to ask you…”
*bonus: Corey Feldman in Katy Perry's Last Friday Night
Ian Donnelly’s narration
King Arthur
Prologue - part one
Prologue - part two
The Knights’ funeral and Arthur and Gwenevere’s wedding
“Land of Bears, Land of Eagles” full scene
The Knights leave Hadrian’s wall for their last mission
Pacific Rim
Raleigh arrives at the Hong Kong Shatterdome and meets the other Jaegers
Hermann & Newt drift with baby Otachi
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure
Bill and Ted recruit Sigmund Freud, Ludwig van Beethoven, Genghis Khan, Joan of Arc and Abraham Lincoln for their history report - part one
Bill and Ted recruit Sigmund Freud, Ludwig van Beethoven, Genghis Khan, Joan of Arc and Abraham Lincoln for their history report - part two
Bill and Ted recruit Sigmund Freud, Ludwig van Beethoven, Genghis Khan, Joan of Arc and Abraham Lincoln for their history report - part three
Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey
Bill and Ted battle Death
Bill and Ted Face the Music
Deacon and Missy’s wedding
Billie and Thea recruit Jimi Hendrix and Louis Armstrong for their fathers’ band - part one
Billie and Thea recruit Mozart for their fathers’ band
Billie and Thea recruit Ling Lun and Grom for their fathers’ band - part three
Eat Locals
Sebastian is introduced to the vampires - part one
Sebastian is introduced to the vampires - part two
Bellona's masterlist
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girlsofthemcu · 2 years
Mobile Muse List
Avengers - Generation 1
Stella Rogers
Rebecca “Bex” Barnes
Jacqueline Falsworth
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Stark - Earth 3490 version of Iron (Wo)Man.
Avengers - Generation 2
Jamie Barnes - Daughter of Stella Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Yekaterina “Kat” Barnes - Daughter of Natasha Romanoff & Bucky Barnes
Lila Barton - Daughter of Clint & Laura Barton
Vivian “Viv” Maximoff - Daughter of Wanda Maximoff & The Vision
Mira Stark - Daughter of Tony Stark
Sofia Strange - Daughter of Clea & Stephen Strange
Torunn Thorsdottir - Daughter of Thor & the Lady Sif 
Sarah Rogers - Daughter of Rebecca Barnes & Steve Rogers
Natalia “Talia” Rogers - Daughter of Rebecca Barnes & Steve Rogers
Avengers - Generation 3
Zarya Barnes - Daughter of Yekaterina Barnes
Virginia “Ginny” Stark - Daughter of Sarah Rogers & EJ Stark
Guardians of the Galaxy - Generation 1
Cecilia Quill - Sister of Peter Quill
X-Men - Generation 1
Emma Frost
Theresa Cassidy
Bella Donna Boudreaux
Jennifer McCoy - Younger sister of Henry McCoy
X-Men - Generation 2
Alyssa Blair - Daughter of Alison Blair & Long Shot
Sandra Cassidy - Daughter of Emma Frost & Sean Cassidy
Aimee Drake - Daughter of Iceman
Belle LeBeau - Daughter of Gambit / Stepdaughter of Rogue
Jessica Summers - Daughter of Lorna Dane & Alex Summers
X-Men - Generation 3
Katherine “Katie” Cassidy - Daughter of Aimee Drake & Nathan Cassidy
Madeleine “Maddie” LeBeau - Daughter of Sandra Cassidy & Chris LeBeau
Sarah McCoy - Daughter of Jessica Summers & Doug McCoy
Jody (Manelli) Whitehall - Daughter of Dino Manelli
Alexandra Coulson - Daughter of Phil Coulson
Catalina “Lina” DeLucca - Best Friend of Mira Stark
Danielle Ward - Daughter of Christian Ward
Mayday “May” Parker - Raimi!Verse daughter of Peter Parker & MJ Watson
Valeria “Val” Richards - Slightly AU daughter of Sue Storm and Reed Richards
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meeedeee · 2 years
What I've Done
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender, Voltron Force (2011), Voltron: Lion Force (1984), Voltron: Defender of the Universe (Devil's Due Comics), Robotech/Voltron (Comics), X-Men (Original Timeline Movies), Hunter X Hunter, Iron Man (Movies), The Umbrella Academy (TV), Divergent (Movies), The Matrix (Movies), Dominion (TV), Captain America (Movies), The Incredible Hulk (2008)
No Archive Warnings Apply
Allura/Keith (Voltron)
Lance/Pidge | Katie Holt
Pepper Potts/Tony Stark
Four | Tobias Eaton/Tris Prior
Jean Grey/Scott Summers
James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers
Bruce Banner/Betty Ross
Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov
Keith (Voltron)
Allura (Voltron)
Lance (Voltron)
Pidge | Katie Holt
Scott Summers
Tony Stark
Killua Zoldyck
Four | Tobias Eaton
Diego Hargreeves
Thomas Anderson | Neo
Michael (Dominion & Legion)
Steve Rogers
(Feed generated with FetchRSS) source https://archiveofourown.org/works/35262301
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wiypt-writes · 2 years
Stark Spangled Banner 
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One Shot: Title Of Your Sex Tape
Cowritten with @spectre-posts
Summary: An innocent joke leads to something a little less innocent as Katie introduces Steve to the world of modern Porn…
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Warnings: Bad language words, smut (NSFW), no under 18s. Porn. Stupid jokes…yeah…
A/N: They’re back!! God, I missed these two idiots so much. Thanks to my cowriter and collaborator for Kinktober for allowing this indulgence. This slots into the SSB timeline after the one shot Ask Questions, Throw Shield Later whilst the team are in the middle of looking for Bucky and the rest of Hydra. If you haven’t read any of the Stark Spangled Universe fics, you might not get this but you can appreciate the smut and humour in itself. And please feel free to check it all out and chat to me with comments and reviews.. Stark Spangled Man is the first starting point…it’s my absolute favourite epic I’ve written. Its’ long as hell but…my total guilty pleasure. I love these babies!
W/C: 4.5k
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist // Kinktober Masterlist
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It started off as an innocent joke.
Katie was lounging in one of the chairs by the desk, watching as Steve and Tony were arguing over some new compact weapons system for the jet when Steve blurted out, “that’s not gonna fit in there.”
Both the Stark siblings, at the same time replied, “title of your sex tape,” before they burst out laughing.
Steve groaned and rolled his eyes. "Children."
Katie looked at him, then snorted. “You love Brooklyn 99, so don’t gimme that!”
"Not when we’re discussing where deadly force weapons fit into a Quinn Jet." He deadpanned
Ignoring him, Tony grinned and turned to his sister . “You know, now you mention it…I can kinda see the similarities.”
“Between him and Perralta?” Katie frowned.
“No, don’t be ridiculous, Kiddo. Between him and Boyle.”
The youngest Stark burst out laughing once more, her head tipping back as she chuckled.
Steve tossed his notes into the air dramatically and scooted back from the table. The wheels of his desk chair skidding over the floor as he stood. "I'm taking a break."
“Oh, Steve… don’t be…” Katie watched him go, before she finished, “…such a baby.”
“Little touchy.” Tony sniffed.
“And he calls me a brat.” Katie scoffed.
“Maybe he’s embarrassed he doesn’t know what a sex tape is.” Tony mused, picking up the notes.
“Course he knows what a sex tape is. They had dirty flicks and stuff back then. And besides, how do you know we ain’t watched porn together?” Katie smirked. “Maybe we have a nasty, dirty video of our own.”
At that Tony first went blank, then white and thereafter a little green.“That is disgusting and I don’t ever wanna hear that ever again, young lady.”
Katie simply popped a shoulder with a big smirk. "I'm going to top off and find Steve. I'll be right back."
Tony simply waved her away as she stood up.
She found him in the main kitchen for the Avengers floor. He too was searching for something and Katie sighed softly as she set her mug down on the counter. Her hip jutted out as she leaned into the granite. "You know, if you weren't so serious in these meetings all the time, you'd at least appreciate a good joke."
“And maybe if you and your brother took the meetings a little more seriously we might be making a more headway into rounding up the remnants of Hydra.”
And finding Buck...
Katie tilted her head to one side and dropped her since folded arms from across her chest. She stepped forward towards Steve and moved into his space. "Alright Soldier, what's really on your mind." Her left arm slid up his chest to around his neck, her engagement ring catching the light. Her right hand stuck to his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin through his tee.
“Nothin….just…damnit I feel like we’re getting nowhere.” He sighed, “we’ve had nothing since that last raid, Sam’s trail on Buck has gone cold. Nat and Clint have found nothing on any of their recon and…who knows where Thor is…add that to the fact your brother and Banner seem to be more focused on building robots that invade our damned apartment in the middle of the night than doing anything of use…”
“I thought you liked the idea of the Iron Legion…god that is still an awful name.” She shook her head.
“I do, I just don’t think it’s the best use of our time.”
"You sound like you need a day off," she scratched at the back of his neck. "Why don't we finish this arms meeting and we take the rest to ourselves?"
Steve took a deep breath. “Maybe.”
"Alright," Katie dropped her arms, knowing not to push it any further. "I'll refill this mug and meet you back in the conference room."
She moved to grab the coffee and poured herself one before she turned back to face Steve.
“Tony is taking this seriously, as we all are. The reason he’s filling his time with this seemingly pointless technology development is because we have no leads and he needs to keep busy. Same reason I’m still working full time on the publishing company.”
Steve only managed a nod, not in a curt way nor any way really.
"Alright then," Katie stated, "back to business."
She brushed past him, not looking back and left the room, almost colliding with Clint on the way.
"Whoa there," he joked.
“Wouldn’t go in there if I was you.” She said with an airy tone as she continued towards the labs. “Captain Cranky is out in full force.”
“I heard that!” Came Steve’s loud voice from the kitchen.
“You were meant to!” She shot back over her shoulder.
Clint watched her go before he walked into the kitchen to find Steve running a large hand over his face.
“Okay…explain.” Clint arched a brow as he reached up into the cupboard for the popcorn.
"Tony being Tony and this whole team has lost focus on the reality of the situation we're in.“
“The whole team hasn’t lost focus, Cap.” Clint shook his head, his tone easy. “What do you think Nat and I have been doing for the past three weeks? Bunking on floors and in dirty motels ain’t exactly been a barrel of laughs.”
Steve sighed. He was just frustrated. There were things not marked off on his list of concerns, most important the last cells of HYDRA and in equal measure, finding Bucky. "I know. I'm sorry." He too filled his mug now and took a last look at the skilled archer, "you're in for a treat in there. Tony wants to fit a new live laser system in the vertical stabilizers.”
Clint frowned, "but it won't fit there."
"That's what I said," Steve scoffed.
Clint looked blank for a moment, “and…so what did Stark say?”
“Both of them simply said that was the title of my…my sex tape, then started laughing.”
"Brooklyn 99, nice," Clint smirked. "A Nova favorite."
Steve exhaled, and then watched as Clint tossed the microwave sack of popcorn into the machine and hit the button.
“You’re not gonna lace that with cayenne pepper again, are you?” He asked as he picked up his refilled mug.
Steve simply snorted as he took a sip of his coffee. “I’ll catch you later, better go try and make Tony see sense.”
Clint snorted as Steve left the room. He simply shook his head at and waited for the popcorn to pop.
“Stevie?” Katie called from the kitchen of their apartment. “You wanna beer?”
"Suppose." Steve sat on the couch looking over something on the glass tablet which gave him access to the Stark System files. 
"You're supposed to be taking the rest of the day," she shouted again.
“I never technically said that, you did.”
He smirked to himself as he heard Katie’s exasperated groan.
“You’re a pain in my ass…” she grumbled, grabbing two bottles before she headed back into the lounge. She handed him one and quickly snatched the device from his other hand as the exchange happened.
“Oooh reflexes a little slow there, old man.” She grinned, “didn’t see that comin’, did ya?”
Her soldier frowned then smirked. Very quickly her beer was out of her hand and she was on her back on the couch. "Who you calling old and slow doll?"
She chuckled, her hand reaching up and brushing through his hair. “You…if the cap fits…”
He groaned, “that joke is almost as bad as the sex tape one.”
She grinned again, her green eyes sparkling. “I though it was funny.”
“Hilarious….” He deadpanned before he gave her lips a quick peck. 
“Speaking of hilarious, know what really made me wanna laugh when you left for the kitchen?” Her hands smoothed up his biceps to his shoulders as he shifted above her a little, his weight on his knees.
“Tony now thinks we made a sex tape."
“What?” Steve blinked. "Why...why would he think that?"
"Because I might have suggested we made one."
Steve groaned, the noise turning into a begrudging chuckle. “What did you do that for?”
“Because he insinuated you didn't know what one was. And I knew it would freak him out, which it did. Why do you think he wouldn’t look at you for the rest of the morning?”
Steve cocked his head to the left and popped a shoulder, "that explains it."
“It amused me, I like fucking with his head.”
"Have you?" Steve quirked a brow.
"Have I what?" Katie sought clarification.
"Made a sex tape." Steve said it with curiosity but his face held a slight cringe. "Like with Ward or...."
“Why did you have to mention that fucker?”  Katie rolled her eyes. “No, no I haven’t.”
"No offense meant, doll." Steve sighed. "Just curious."
“If I’d have made a sex tape you would have seen it by now.” Katie took a deep breath, “along with the rest of the world. It would have no doubt been leaked or sold to the press or ransomed back to me or some dumb crap like that. You never heard of Pam and Tommy?”
“I’ll take that as a no.” She snorted, “Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee, famous people, very famous back in 90s…they made a dirty porno for their own use but it was stolen by some guy doing work on their house. He turned it into a video and it basically got sold to the public, ended up on the internet.”
"That's...grim." Steve wrinkled its nose.
"Yeah, some people still find it funny but it blew up all over the world and wreaked havoc on their lives and marriage. In good ways and bad ways." Katie popped a shoulder.
"You know, back in the day Dirty flicks used to be held in dark rooms for men only and cost a good penny." Steve mused. "Buck and I snuck into one once. We were sixteen and he managed to pop the back door to a showroom open.
“Oh get you, you dirty dog.” She grinned before she suddenly cocked an eyebrow up. “You seen any porn since defrosting?”
Steve shook his head, "nope." He popped the 'p'.
“D’ya wanna?”
He immediately flushed a bit.
Katie held his gaze before she leaned up to kiss him again, “I love how I can still make you blush.”
He kissed her lip softly. "Say we do, whatcha got in mind?"
“Do what? Watch porn?” She smirked, “I really have created a monster, huh?”
"Well," Steve sat back from caging her in on the sofa. "Call it curiosity or comparison for science."
“Science, huh. Tony would be proud.” She stayed where she was and reached for the tv remote. “But to answer your question there’s all sorts available…I can’t say I’m really intrigued by some of the hardcore stuff but…” she then nodded to the screen and Steve looked round to see the image was some form of menu from a porn site.
His eyes flicked down, reading the various types available and he felt himself grimacing. 
“Okay, what the…big cock? Blowjob? School girl? No…just…”
“It’s all different fetishes, or kinks, not actual school girls…hang on…” Katie laughed, “here, couple, female friendly…”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Exactly what it says. They’re designed to be a little less…well, more about the actual romance of the sex itself and not just the kink. They’re called that as they’re videos that people in relationships might wanna watch to have a little fun, get aroused. Or maybe women on their own if they’re feeling that way inclined. Think of them as being the real dirty parts a romance film leaves out or doesn’t quite show you in explicit detail.”
"Hmmmm…" he hummed, looking over the thumbnail images of the videos. "Alright, so we just...pick one?"
"Yeah," Katie nodded. "Only if you want."
He nodded, he could do this…in fact, he kinda wanted to. Contrary to what people may think, Steve classes himself as fairly open minded when it came to sex. Whilst people no doubt assumed Captain America’s bedroom appetites to be either non existent or “vanilla” it wasn’t. Katie had brought out a side to him he’d never indulged before, one that might have been called deviant back in ‘his’ time. But, well, everyone told him he needed to move with the times, didn’t they?
And this was one area that he was more than happy to embrace the modern side of. He was comfortable enough now to share his sexual appetites and links with his fiancée. Just how he should be.
Sure, he could watch a dirty flick with his gal...no shame in that.
"Alright, doll. You pick, I ain’t got a clue."
Katie looked at him then turned her attention to the television. She scroll down a little more then hovered over one particular video. "This looks like it could be okay." Steve examine the title. Husband surprise his wife with sexy night in bedroom. He snorted and looked at her.
She merely smirked and shrugged. "Soon enough," she pressed play.
“That’s not…okay, that wasn’t what I was thinking but it is now.” He chuckled, “no I was gonna say as far as sex tapes go that’s a really shit title.”
“Don’t judge a book by its cover,” she grinned, “or in this case a porno by its title.”
Steve chuckled and turned his attention back to the screen, his warming beer in hand.
Katie shifted besides him as the video began to play, sitting up and tucking her legs up onto the couch so that her head was leaning onto Steve’s shoulder.
The set up was awful and so contrived. The wife had come home for a stressful day at the office. Her husband had come home earlier than she to set up his romantic night at home. Candle lit dinner and soft music with what was no doubt grape juice over wine as they sat together gazing at one another.
Steve scoffed and snorted as Katie giggled and at one point the two were in a fit of giggles as the actors on screen ridiculously flirted in the most unconvincing way about their attraction to one another.
“Well this ain’t winning any Oscars any time soon.” Katie snorted, and then downright howled as the husband told his wife he was going to take her to heaven and back, “oh Jesus!”
Steve chuckled, "well, doll, have I taken you to heaven yet?"
Katie looked at him, and then burst out laughing, “Steve…oh my…stop!”
“You ain’t answered the question!” He started to laugh as Katie shook her head.
“You take me to heaven every single time , baby…” she fluttered her eyelashes.
He chuckled deeper at her silly flutter, his eyes flicking to the screen, "Looks like it's finally getting to the actual deed."
“Bout fucking time, pardon the pun.”
As most softer porn flicks, the couple started with very romantic kissing and heavy petting.
Steve watched, tilting his head a little bit as the camera focused on the expression on the blonde woman’s face. Then it flicked to the ‘husband’s’ hand as it started to knead at a sheer lace covered breast.
“You know what else is unrealistic?” Katie mumbled.
"Hmmm," Steve hummed, as his fingers trailed up and down Katie's exposed arm. She'd since led her head in his lap, facing the television.
“No one would ever wear that underwear to work.”
"You wouldn't?" He kept watch.
“That would be uncomfortable as fuck.” She let out a breath. “My fancy underwear is reserved for date nights only.”
"I like your fancy underwear."
“I know you do. Especially the blue and white set.”
Steve gave a little grunt in appreciation at the favorite bra and panty set which he damn near wanted to rip off her any time she wore it.
She fell silent again as they both concentrated on the screen. It was getting a little steamy, now. The woman's bra had been removed and now the ‘husband’ was paying a lot of attention to his ‘wife’s’ breasts and nipples.
Steve sensed the rhythm of Katie's heart uptick and her body language had subtly changed. He knew exactly why. This was one of her kinks. Nothing got his future bride as heated up or as turned on as when he played with her tits. In fact, he could distinctly recall a few times he’d got her off from doing that alone.
So he did what he thought would be alright by her and moved his hand from her arm and down the collar of her tank she'd changed into after calling the work day over. Thick and long fingers dipped between her skin and bra, circling around her areola first, then her nipple. He'd acted as though it was absent minded, but there was nothing absent about his actions.
He felt her chest hitch, but he didn’t look down. He kept his eyes fixed on the screen as he felt Katie starting to twitch a little as she lay on her side, cheek to his thigh.
Steve's free hand twitched itself, just a little, imperceptibly even, as he set to controlling himself. He, too, was getting a little warm as the video continued on. The sounds, sighs and moans, combined with Katie's own reactions were making the space in the gusset of his pants a little tight.
And he knew from Katie’s proximity to said crotch area, there was no way she wouldn’t have noticed.
The action switched from the attention on the wife's breasts to now lips over her tight and taught abs, mouthing over a covered mound and sucking her clit through the fabric.
He felt Katie shift a little more obviously this time, and for the first time he glanced down to see she’d squeezed her thighs together. That made Steve want to groan out loud at the thought of how wet she’d likely be inside those damned denim shorts she was wearing, the ones she always liked to lounge around their penthouse in.
For a man who had a great amount of self-control, his brunette haired little vixen seemed to make it snap quite quickly. His eyes flicked back to the action at hand and now the husband had pulled himself from his slacks, fisting his shaft as he ate his wife out.
And that was the point a noise slipped from his lips, an almost imperceptible little grunt. But not so imperceptible his girl didn't notice.
Katie rolled to her back, those stunning eyes looking up at her fiancé. His hand was still down her shirt, and with the twist of her body, he'd managed a full handful now of her breast.
He blinked down at her, as she flicked a brow up, a silently question as to why his hand had stopped its movements.
She sat up, immediately, and obediently moved to straddle his strong thighs with her own.
Very quickly, Steve's lips crashed into hers as his strong hands held her face in his palms. The kiss was heavy, lustful. Fingers trailed down her neck and over her breasts, lowering to the hemline of her tank top. In a flash it was over her head and on the floor at his feet.
Her nails raked at his flat, strong abs as she reciprocated, yanking his tee off and tossing it over her shoulder. There was a clink as it collided with and knocked their beer bottles over on the coffee table, but neither of them gave a shit.
Katie's breasts were exposed the second Steve's hands were free, easily undoing the back clasp as he'd expertly learned to do. He cupped them both, pushing them together and buried his face between them. His nose slid between the valley of her breasts as he kissed the edges. Thumbs rolled her nipples between his forefingers as his hips tilted his erection toward her clit.
“Fuck…” the first word either of them had spoken in a while fell from her plump lips as her head tilted back, nails digging into his shoulders.
Steve hummed along her skin, his warm and inviting open mouth covering the nipple on her right side. His tongue swirled around the erect skin before teeth pulled at it in a gentle fashion before lips enclosed around it to make up for the harsh contrast of his nip.
Katie moaned loudly, drowning out the noise of the long forgotten porno on the television. It was a noise that went straight to his already rock hard dick, as he ground his hips upwards again.
Steve moved them to the cushions of the couch with a lightning speed. With Katie's back now against the black butter like leather, he kissed her lips first, then her jaw, her neck and down her sternum with short pecks before finishing his assault on her left nipple, which he hadn't forgotten about.
She was putty in his hands. Her fingers were in his dark blond hair, nails raking at his scalp before they dug into his shoulders, just below the junction with his neck.
The super soldier growled at the tingle of pain before pulling back and immediately fiddling with the button on Katie's shorts. There was absolutely no slow movements to his task. He was rock hard and desperate to bury himself between her thighs. After, of course, a little snack.
Said shorts joined the haphazard pile of clothes strewn around the floor and room, as did her black panties.
"Thought you didn't wear those to work..."
“Those ain’t fancy…” she swallowed as she took a deep breath.
Steve was belly to leather as she spoke. His left hand pushing Katie's bent knee into the back cushion while his right hand pressed the inside of her left thigh to open her wide for him. His lips met the apex of her inner thigh before he immediately puckered his soft lips around her clit.
Katie's back arched off the couch, her hands flying to her own chest to further give attention to her nipples as he sucked hard before laving his tongue over her weeping slit. 
"Fuck, doll, you're soaked." Steve rasped against her folds. "And you taste so good."
“Stop, talking…” her hand pushed his head further into her.
With a growl, he kept at her. Tongue poking and licking, lips covering that sensitive bud before he managed to probe two fingers deep inside her. He fucked her with precision, his palm down, coiling her tighter. It was when he moved palm up and hooked his knuckles just a little that she cried out with two flicks of her spongy upper wall.
Her hands back at her breasts, her hips bucked violently as she trembled, her breathing now rapid, a sure sign she was teetering on that edge.
"C'mon, doll. Cum for me, baby."
“Stevie…Stevie…I’m…” her voice trailed off into a low, broken moan as her back arched and her hands flew to the cushions of the couch.
"Oh fuck," Steve spat quickly as his mouth covered her again, his tongue and fingers working her over as she came.
Her hand was soon pushing him away, those smooth, shapely legs trembling as he moved away and sat up, hastily undoing the front of his jeans.
Like the 'husband' from the video, Steve pushed his pants and boxers to his thighs and stroked himself before immediately lining up and sliding right inside his bride to be.
A satisfied noise came from her throat as he bottomed out, his weight held on his forearms as his forehead pressed to hers.
"Jesus, sweetheart," his breath fanned her face. Steve snapped his hips; once, twice and on the third go, he gave a grind against her overly sensitive clit.
“Stevie, don’t…” she stopped dead to let out a little grunt, her nails raking up his back. “Just…just fuck me, soldier.”
"Yes, ma'am," Steve grunted as he snapped his hips and picked up speed. He kept his balance over her and his weight still in his arms as his lower body did the work.
Katie’s eyes locked onto his, her pupils blown as the motion of his thrusts moved her back up and down the sofa cushion beneath her. Her hands moved, and she cupped his face and pulled him down for a filthy kiss.
Her teeth pulled at his bottom lip, causing Steve to press his fingertips into the leather near her head. He was close and he'd hoped to fucking whomever that she was too because damn it did this rush feel good.
Her hands kept his face there, mouth open against his, noses pressed together as she panted and moaned at his movements. She could feel him twitching inside her, and knew he was close. And so was she. The heat was beginning to build between her legs and in the pit of her stomach once more, and fast.
"Harder." She stated into his mouth.
“Fuck, Doll…” he pushed his hips forward as hard as he dare, snapping them back and then forward again with a ferocious force.
That did it just enough and Katie was yanking at the longer hair atop his head as she cried out.
As soon as he felt her go, Steve allowed himself to give in with a surge that seemed of rise from his toes upwards. Single handedly, he balanced on one arm as he pulled Katie's head so their lips could meet in the same instance he came, crushing her into his face.
The kiss was stilted, but passionate none the less, flickering out into soft, lingering pecks as he sighed, his chest heaving.
His nose eventually bumped hers and she hummed in tired delight.
“I love you,” she whispered, her eyes opening slowly.
"Oh, doll, do I love you." He said with a soft baritone and he lowered his lips again. "I'm gonna love you forever."
Katie smiled, dumb fucked and satiated, "So, about that sex tape of our own...…"
Steve opened his mouth to reply, but never got the chance.
“Fuck me in the ass.”
The pair of them stilled, and then in identical, slow movements both turned their heads to the long forgotten porno that was still playing.
Both sputtered and fell back into loud, belly laughter.
“Call me old fashioned, doll…” Steve pecked her lips, “but I think I prefer it off screen so to speak.”
"So that's a no to porn?"
“Not a hard no…I mean, I’m…no…don’t make that into an innuendo!”
Katie cackled as Steve snorted, his forehead resting on her collar bone.
“Would you wear the underwear?” He mumbled into her skin.
"Oh most definitely."
“Then… I’m in.”
Steve felt Katie start to chuckle again, and he knew what she was gonna say before she said it but still he let out a low groan as she blurted the same childish line that had started this whole damned thing. 
“Title of your sex tape!”
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secondsineternity · 2 years
Requests are currently open!
Currently Focused On: Katsuki Bakugo, Din Djarin, Steve Harrington, Anthony Lockwood, Eddie Munson, Matt Murdock (send in a request for any of these characters and it will be completed faster!)
Ace Attorney: Athena Cykes, Simon Blackquill, Nahyuta Sahdmahdi, Franziska von Karma
A Court of Thorns and Roses: Elain Archeron, Feyre Archeron, Nesta Archeron, Amren, Azriel, Cassian, Emerie, Gwyneth, Helion, Morrigan, Rhysand, Tamlin, Tarquin, Eris Vanserra, Lucian Vanserra
Camp Half-Blood: Annabeth Chase, Piper McLean, Percy Jackson, Leo Valdez
Castlevania: Alucard, Charlotte Aulin, Trevor Belmont, Sypha Belnades, Jonathan Morris
Crescent City: Hunt Athalar, Lidia Cervos, Ruhn Danaan, Declan Emmett, Danika Fendyr, Tristan Flynn, Ithan Holstrom, Tharion Ketos, Bryce Quinlan
Death Note: L Lawliet, Mihael “Mello” Keehl
Demon Slayer: Hashibira Inosuke, Kyojuro Rengoku
Doctor Who: The Doctor (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Fugitive), The Master (Gomez & Dhawan), Mel Bush, Jo Grant, Grace Holloway, Martha Jones, Yasmin Khan, Dan Lewis, Ace McShane, Donna Noble, Clara Oswald, Amy Pond, Bill Potts, Liz Shaw, Sarah Jane Smith, River Song, Rose Tyler, Rory Williams
Fate, The Winx Saga: Aisha, Beatrix, Flora, Terra Harvey, Musa, Bloom Peters, Riven, Sky, Stella
Haikyuu!!: Keiji Akaashi, Asahi Azumane, Kotaro Bokuto, Chikara Ennoshita, Lev Haiba, Hajime Iwaizume, Tobio Kageyama, Shinsuke Kita, Kendaro Kyotani, Yu Nishinoya, Kiyomi Sakusa, Tendo Satori, Daichi Sawamura, Kiyoko Shimizu, Koshi Sugawara, Rintaro Suna, Ryunosuke Tanaka, Yuji Terushima, Kei Tsukishima, Keishin Ukai, Wakatoshi Ushijima, Hitoka Yachi, Tadashi Yamaguchi
Jujutsu Kaisen: Satoru Gojo, Toge Inunaki, Kento Nanami, Maki Zen’in
Keeper of the Lost Cities: Dex Dizznee, Sophie Foster, Keefe Sencen, Linh Song, Tam Song, Biana Vacker, Fitz Vacker
The Legend of Zelda: Link, Zelda
Lockwood & Co.: Lucy Carlyle, George Cubbins/George Karim, Anthony Lockwood
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Ajak, Liz Allan, Bruce Banner, Bucky Barnes, Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, Peggy Carter, Sharon Carter, Katy Chen, Carol Danvers, Layla El-Faouly, Jane Foster, Gamora, Agatha Harkness, Jessica Jones, Scott Lang, Darcy Lewis, Maya Lopez, Mantis, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Karli Morgenthau, Matt Murdock, Namor, Nebula, Hela Odinsdottir, Sylvie Odinsdottir, Loki Odinson, Thor Odinson, Peter Parker (Any), Pepper Potts, Peter Quill, Monica Rambeau, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Sersi, Marc Spector/Steven Grant, Gwen Stacy, Tony Stark, Ava Starr, Stephen Strange, Thena, Joaquin Torres, T’Challa Udaku, Shuri Udaku, Valkyrie, Hope Van Dyne, Vision, Jennifer Walters, Michelle “MJ” Jones Watson, Sam Wilson, Shang-Chi Xu, Xialing Xu
My Hero Academia: Shota Aizawa, Tamaki Amajiki, Mina Ashido, Tsuyu Asui, Katsuki Bakugo, Jin Bubagawara, Nejire Hado, Tenya Iida, Kyoka Jirou, Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, Atsuhiro Sako, Hanta Sero, Tomura Shigaraki, Hitoshi Shinso, Mezo Shoji, Keigo Takami, Shoto Todoroki, Toya Todoroki, Himiko Toga, Mirio Togata, Fumikage Tokoyami, Ochako Uraraka, Toshinori Yagi, Momo Yaoyorozu, Hizashi Yamada
Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swann, Will Turner
Shatter Me: Kenji Kishimoto, Aaron Warner
Spy X Family: Agent Twilight (“Loid Forger”), Yor Briar
Star Wars: Cassian Andor, Poe Dameron, Din Djarin, Cara Dune, Armitage Hux, Bo-Katan Kryze, Fennec Shand
Stranger Things: Robin Buckley, Jonathan Byers, Joyce Byers, Chrissy Cunningham, Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Nancy Wheeler
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Donatello, Casey Jones, Leonardo, Michelangelo, April O’Neal, Raphael
Throne of Glass: Aedion Ashryver, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, Gavriel Ashryver, Manon Blackbeak-Crochan, Lysandra Ennar, Nesryn Faliq, Dorian Havilliard, Elide Lochan, Fenrys Moonbeam, Lorcan Salvaterre, Yrene Towers, Chaol Westfall, Rowan Whitethorn
Twisted Wonderland: Leona Kingscholar, Jamil Viper
The Umbrella Academy: Number One / Luther Hargreeves, Number Two / Diego Hargreeves, Number Three / Allison Hargreeves, Number Four / Klaus Hargreeves, Number Five, Number Six / Ben Hargreeves, Number Seven / Viktor Hargreeves, Number Five / Sloane Hargreeves
Vampire Academy: Adrian Ivashkov, Dimitri Belikov, Lissa Dragomir, Rose Hathaway, Sydney Sage
Wednesday: Wednesday Addams, Tyler Galpin, Enid Sinclair, Xavier Thorpe, Larissa Weems
Wizarding World: Lorenzo Berkshire, Sirius Black, Lily Evans, Ominis Gaunt, Hermione Granger, Queenie Goldstein, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Remus Lupin, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, James Potter, Mattheo Riddle, Sebastian Sallow, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley
a character in italics is a favorite to write for. taking a break from strikethroughed fandoms. list is subject to change.
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creamecafe · 2 years
Will you put up a list on who would you write for?
𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐈 𝐖𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫
Last Updated: 05/27/24 3:54 AM EST
Of course!
I would write for:
Natasha Romanoff
Clint Barton
Tony Stark
Matthew Murdock
Steve Rogers
Sam Wilson
Bucky Barnes
Helmut Zemo
MCU!Tom!Peter Parker
TASM!Peter Parker
Sam Raimi!Tobey!Peter Parker
Miles Morales
Kate Bishop
Yelena Belova
Bruce Banner
Jennifer Walters
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Carol Danvers
Kamala Khan
Monica Rambeau
Darcy Lewis
Jimmy Woo
Scott Lang
Hope Van Dyne
Joaquin Torres
Mobius M. Mobius
Xu Shang-Chi
Xu Wenwu
Katy Chen
Xu Xialing
Foggy Nelson
Aunt May
Michelle Jones
Ned Leeds
TASM!Gwen Stacy
Sam Raimi!Harry Osborn
TASM!Harry Osborn
Otto Octavius
Hela Odinsdottir
Lady Sif
Peggy Carter
Agatha Harkness
Pepper Potts
Stephen Strange
America Chavez
Bruno Carrelli
Steven Grant
Marc Spector
Layla El-Faouly
T'Challa Udaku
Erik Killmonger
Shuri Udaku
Everett K. Ross
Baron Mordo
Wade Wilson
Maya Lopez
Kazi Kazimierczak
Maria Hill
Jack Russell
Elsa Bloodstone
Eddie Brock
Maria Hill
[𝐆𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐱𝐲]
Peter Quill
Dane Whitman
[𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫]
Reed Richards
Sue Storm
Johnny Storm
Ben Grimm
Peter Maximoff
Charles Xaiver
Erik Lehnsherr
Jean Grey
Kurt Wagner
Alex Summers
Sheridan!Scott Summers
Marsden!Scott Summers
Bobby Drake
St. John Allerdyce
Kitty Pryde
[𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐔𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐀 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞]
Regina Mills
Emma Swan
Killian Hook
Prince Charming
Snow White
Jefferson Hatter
Henry Mills
Wendy Darling
Peter Pan
[𝐂𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐊𝐚𝐢]
Miguel Diaz
Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz
Demetri Alexopoulos
Tory Nichols
Young!Daniel Larusso
Daniel Larusso
Johnny Lawrence
Robby Keene
Anthony Larusso
Young!Johnny Lawrence
[𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬]
Steve Harrington
Max Mayfield
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Lucas Sinclair
Jim Hopper
Joyce Byers
Robin Buckely
Nancy Wheeler
Eddie Munson
Chrissy Cunningham
Dustin Henderson
Harry Hook
Mal Bertha Maleficent
Evie Evil
Jay Jafar
Uma Ursula
Gil Gaston
Carlos De Vil
Bruno Madrigal
Camilo Madrigal
Flynn Eugene Ryder
Maribel Madrigal
Isabela Madrigal
Luisa Madrigal
Félix Madrigal
Pepa Madrigal
Hiro Hamada
Tadashi Hamada
GoGo Tomato
Honey Lemon
Dolores Madrigal
Julieta Madrigal
Agustín Madrigal
Fix-It Felix
Helen Parr
 Lokius (Loki Laufeyson x Mobius M. Mobius)
 Petergwen (TASM!Peter Parker x Gwen Stacy)
 Drukkari (Druig x Makkari)
 Starmora (Peter Quill/Star Lord x Gamora)
 Shuriri (Shuri Udaku x Riri Williams)
 WandaVision (Wanda x Vision)
 Cherik (Charles x Erik)
 SamBucky (Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes)
 SpideyChelle (MCU!Peter Parker x Michelle Jones)
Sleeping Warrior (Mulan x Aurora OUAT)
StarkStrange (Tony Stark x Stephen Strange)
ValCarol (Valkyrie x Carol Danvers)
ThorBruce (Thor Odinson x Bruce Banner)
Zenmasters (Jackie Burkhart x Steven Hyde)
Wenclair (Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair)
[𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬]
Wednesday Addams
Xaiver Trope
Tyler Galpin
Enid Sinclair
Ajax Petropolus
Eugene Otinger
Bianca Barclay
Yoko Tanaka
Rowan Laslow
[𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞]
Tim Bradford
Lucy Chen
John Nolan
Angela Lopez
[𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐥𝐧 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐞]
Jake Peralta
Any Santiago
Rosa Sanchez
Basically, I write a LOT of different characters from different fandoms. I'll update this list if I watch a new show or movie or have an interest in a character
You can also add inserts like in my Request Guidelines to these characters.
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lapseinrecs · 7 months
Marvel Cinematic Universe tag
Comments: I’m a definite Tony Stark stan over Cap, which may colour the fics that I recommend. Spidey’s my second favorite hero after Nightwing, though, so he’s probably never going to appear in a negative light. Been getting into Matt Murdock a bit so he's liable to show up. Due to the nature of these posts, there may only be one fic for any given character, but whatever.
There is a Marvel tag with a directory post here that's mostly just to organize alternate worlds. But like most things are tagged under MCU idk what to tell you it's what I'm most familiar with.
Jimmy Woo, Wong, Shang-Chi, Katy Chen, Yelena Belova, Odin, Frigga, Sharon Carter,
The Avengers has its own tag for Avengers related fics.
Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Thor Odinson, T’Challa, Sam Wilson, James Buchanan Barnes, Nick Fury, Loki Laufeyson,
The Defenders is a tag that exists under MCU if you’re more into them specifically, but for example, if it’s just Matt Murdock, it’s not going to be there.
Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson, Karen Page, Claire Temple, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Danny Rand, Ward Meachum, Trish Walker,
Guardians of the Galaxy has its own tag now tho it’s pretty empty.
Peter Quill, Rocket Raccoon,
The Moon Knight System has a tag for the system and also tags for each alter and also Layla because we love her.
Marc Spector, Steven Grant, Jake Lockley, Layla El Faouly,
Spider-Man is it's own tag seperate from the MCU although both tags may be listed. You might find the Peter Parker tag helpful though if you don't care if it's the MCU Spidey.
MCU crossovers:
Power Rangers, Percy Jackson, X-Men, Batman, Supernatural, Bleach, The Man From Uncle,
0 notes
crazycookiecrumbles · 3 years
A Friendly Reunion
A Friendly Reunion
Pairing: Shang-Chi x Stark!Reader, platonic Sam/Bucky x Stark!Reader
Warnings: swearing, implied sex (barely), boys being dumb
Summary: You’re enjoying an afternoon out with your boyfriend and his bestie when two relics from your past decide to ambush the event,
Tumblr media Tumblr media
(gifs not mine)
“Holy shit!”
Your eyebrows scrunched together at Katy’s outburst. You, Shang-Chi, and Katy had been laughing over comments on his infamous Bus Boy video when she suddenly shouted this. You realized she was looking behind you, and you wondered if you were about to turn around and face some random monster of the week.
One hand rested on your shoulder, the other rested on your head like you were an arm rest, and this very simple action had you staring straight ahead wishing you suddenly had the power of teleportation, and not seismic abilities, so you could get out of there.
“(Y/N) Stark. How you doing?” Sam Wilson’s voice was heard and you just waited for someone else in particular to chime in.
“Doing pretty well for herself, I’d say. She’s hanging out with uh, what is it, those viral sensations now,” Bucky Barnes remarked.
“Holy shit,” Katy repeated.
You wanted to die.
It’s not that you hated Sam or Bucky at all. It was quite the opposite. You’d all grown very close, given your marriage to Steve, your dad, being part of the team; and you loved the two of them very much, like your own relatives you only wanted to see once a year even though you got along so well. But this was not one of those times you wanted to see these two very overprotective, childish, grown man-babies who had just grabbed a chair each and slid them into the table as they each took a seat.
You laughed nervously at your boyfriend and Katy, and turned your head to Bucky to glare at him and ask him, very, very rudely in Spanish, what the fuck he was doing there.
Bucky smiled and turned his attention to Shang-Chi, “She just cursed me out and asked why we’re here. Didn’t even introduce us first, some manners, right?”
“Oh my fucking god,” you muttered under your breath.
“Bucky, this is Sam,” He said. And while he was right-handed, he made a point of shaking Shang-Chi’s hand with his left hand just a little too firmly. “What’s your actual name, bus boy?”
“Shaun for the last ten years of lying. Shang-Chi, as of recently,” Katy informed the two men as Sam shook Shang-Chi’s hand next. “I’m Katy, his best friend, amazing driver. I’m kind of awesome.”
“Hi, I’m (Y/N) and I’m confused. Why are you both here?”
“We just wanted to see how you were doing, you know, check up on our girl,” Sam said as he stole food off of your plate and eyed your boyfriend suspiciously, “See who she’s been up to.”
“Subtle, Sam,” Bucky chuckled.
“No, no, no, I don’t like this shit when you two get along and are on the same page,” you protested.
“It’s okay, (Y/N).” Shang-Chi smiled a bit and nodded his head. “Don’t worry, I get it.”
“As you should, you’re the same way. ‘Oh, Katy, don’t date Ricky, you’re much too good for that loser. What about Toby?’ Like, really? The fuck kind of name is Toby?”
“Seriously?” He scoffed, “The dude’s name was Icky Ricky, and Toby is what you had a problem with?”
Bucky looked between everyone and pointed his chopsticks at you before digging into your food, “We also wanted to let you know that we settled that Walker situation.”
“Yeah? I saw the news. I guess he won’t be asking me to make a public statement on his behalf anymore,” you glanced to Shang-Chi, “So, you know how I uh--”
“Had a secret life as Tony’s kid and married Captain America? Yes, yes, I’m aware of that now.”
“Great! They wanted me to publically present the shield to fucko’s replacement after Sam gave it up.” You spared a quick glance at Sam who shrugged and drank your drink, “Guys! Stop eating my food. What do you want? You did not come all the way down here to eat my food and tell me you got the shield back and put a dumb white boy in his place. What do you want?”
“We wanted to meet him,” Bucky said, glancing in Shang-Chi’s direction. “Wanted to see who’s got our girl wrapped up so tightly she won’t even return our calls.”
“We also might need some repairs,” Sam added.
You did not anticipate this. You looked to Shang-Chi and Katy, the two of them sharing an identical look with one another before turning to you and shrugging, which kind of wasn’t the answer you wanted to hear. You would’ve loved for both of them to say, oh, no, you were all busy, you had plans, but they didn’t, because both of them were plenty excited to see these two as well.
“My car’s outside,” you sighed.
“We know,” Sam grinned. “We broke in and put our stuff inside.”
“What the fuck -- How did -- Wednesday didn’t alert me!”
“Oh, I still have your security code memorized,” Bucky said easily, shoving another piece of food in his mouth. “Didn’t you used to change it every few months? You’re slacking.”
“Oh my fucking god....”
You looked to Shang-Chi who was trying so, so very hard, for your sake, to not laugh about this entire situation. He thought it was endearing and cute that your two friends showed up and surprised you like this. Sure, they were embarassing you, but was that not the whole entire point of friendship? Besides, it was finally nice to see someone from your life that wasn’t a criminal or arch nemesis.
The five of you went out to your truck, and you saw that they did, in fact, put their belongings in your trunk. You shook your head and climbed into the driver’s seat as Bucky and Sam argued over shotgun.
“Shang-Chi gets the front seat with me. You two are in the back with Katy, deal with it.”
You all climbed in. Bucky asked for Shang-Chi to move his seat up, and he quickly obliged. Bucky slowly turned to smirk in Sam’s direction and flip him off. Sam rolled his eyes and did the same action, both oblivious to Katy sitting there in the middle and enjoying this entire interaction.
“This is a sandwich I’m delighted to be a part of,” Katy confessed.
As you started the car, Shang-Chi reached over and squeezed your hand, “You good? Do you want to ditch them?”
“Yes, but I’m good,” you smiled and squeezed his hand. 
Grinning, he brought your hand up to his lips and kisssed your knuckles. A chorus of screaming errupting from the back as these children started to coo at the two of you. You shook your head and pressed your forehead against your steering wheel, muttering to yourself in Spanish so no one could understand you cursing them out -- forgetting in that moment that Bucky could hear you and understand you.
“Hey, you love us. Don’t act like you want to make our hearts stop beating just because we think that was cute,” Bucky chastised you. “Also, please, drive. We’re going to kill this poor girl between us.”
“It’s a fine way to go. One of the better options, I’d say, “Katy remarked.
In your new West Coast home, you kicked your shoes off as soon as you entered and told them to make themselves comfortable. Your AI, Wednesday, greeted everyone kindly. Immediately they went to the kitchen for snacks, as you went to get your tools and get started on fixing everything. 
By the time you were in the living room with everything you needed, they were entering your living room with drinks and snacks. You thought nothing of it, preparing yourself to sit in silence and work while Katy and your loving boyfriend got stories out of the two men.
Yet as you sat on the ground, Shang-Chi took his seat next to you and offered you a drink. You glanced at him in surprise before smiling and thanking him with a kiss on the cheek.
“And some brain food,” He said quietly, handing you a bowl of your favorite snacks. “Let me know if you need anything.”
“Thanks, but I’m good! Enjoy their stories.”
“Still, tell me if you want anything,” He reminded you and remained by your side as he turned his head to listen to Katy ask them about fighting aliens.
As you started to work on Sam’s wings, you realized that there really wasn’t anything major that he couldn’t fix. These were the simplest, most basic repairs that he could do out on the field with a small toolkit. Confused, you looked up to see Sam watching you. He just smirked and nodded in your direction as you shook your head at him.
Of course this was all planned. Regardless, you did the tiny repair in minutes, making a mental note that you needed to get back at Sam and invade his life at some point.
“So what’s that jacket thing I’ve been seeing?” Bucky asked Shang-Chi. “You just, like, took off your jacket, still kicked a dude’s ass, and put it back on? How?”
“I--I don’t know how to explain it,” He laughed sheepishly and ran a hand through his hair. “It kind of just happens.”
“Yeah. It was awesome.” Katy added. “Here I am all these years defending him by screaming song lyrics and he could’ve just punched everyone out like that!” She snapped her fingers for emphasis.
“Well it’s not really hiding if I’m hitting everyone, is it, Katy?” He retorted.
“I’m sorry, do you still think Shaun is hiding from Shang-Chi? Are we doing that again?” Katy asked.
He groaned, “Here we go--”
“Really! Like naming myself Hal from Dal.”
“I was 15!”
“I was 15!” She mocked him as he shook his head and drank his beer.
“Don’t feel bad,” Bucky chimed in, “Stark over here got sent on an undercover mission -- sometimes that’s hard with her--”
“Because she’s so recognizable?” Katy asked.
“No, the attitude.” Sam laughed. 
“Hey!” You frowned. “I’m a pure delight.”
“Her cover was blown in five minutes because she told the guy, ‘eat my ass you geriatric looking camel.’ Who says that to the mark that we’re after?!” Sam said.
“He grabbed my tit!” You argued. “And you’re lucky I was the one that broke the cover first and not Steve! He straight up wanted to snap that guy’s neck for doing that.”
“You were literally supposed to get close to him to get into his office and get launch codes,” Bucky reminded you.
“Oh,” You muttered. “Well, see, that’s why Nat and Wanda were better at undercover.”
There was a heavy pause as the three of you remembered your friends. Wanda, MIA for awhile now and not returning anyone’s calls, and Natasha, dead trying to help restore the world to what it was.
Shang-Chi slipped his hand into yours and gave it a squeeze. You smiled at him and squeezed his hand back as you suggested you ordered a pizza. Slipping away, you went to find your computer and place an order for a few pies (Bucky could never stop eating thanks to that serum of his, and Shang-Chi just had a bottomless pit for a stomach).
Now that you were out of the area, the men turned their attention to Shang-Chi, while Katy grinned, grabbed some chips, and sat back for the show.
“Ah, big brother time?” Shang-Chi asked.
“Damn straight,” Sam agreed and looked quickly to make sure you weren’t coming. “We love that girl. She’s been through absolute shit, and it doesn’t help that our boy contributed to that.”
“She seems happy with you, so we’re not going to rip you limb from limb just yet,” Bucky added. “But don’t take her for granted, got it? You are the luckiest kid on the planet right now.”
“That’s right,” Sam nodded. “And if we ever find out you hurt her or break her heart, we’re flying down here, and we are going to make another viral video out of you.”
Katy cringed, “Is this turning into a snuff film?”
“What? Ew, no,” Bucky cringed. “No, no one is doing any of that right now! Or in the future, it would just be murder -- we’re getting at murdering your best friend here.”
“Ah, right.” Katy nodded and ate her chips. “Continue.”
Shang-Chi laughed, “Really, Katy?”
“What? We both know when the time comes that I’ll just start singing the lyrics to Hotel California and they’ll get distracted quick enough that you can kick their asses. Easy.”
“Oh, kick our asses?” Sam asked. “No, no, no, I don’t think so.”
“I don’t know, man, I’m kind of born for this, “Shang-Chi joked.
“No one is kicking anyone’s asses, you children,” You remarked as you returned to the living room and stood behind Bucky. 
Shang-Chi watched as you and Bucky spoke to each other in Spanish, the only two in the room who oculd understand what the other was saying, and he wondered if this is what you felt like when he and Katy would make a secret joke to one another. He watched as you laughed and smacked his shoulder, the one word he did understand you calling him was ‘idiota’, as Bucky joined you in laughing and explained to Sam, who asked, that they were just making fun of him and his dumb wings. Shang-Chi wasn’t sure he believed that at all, but he didn’t need to ask.
After pizza and beers were consumed, Sam and Bucky said they were going to a hotel. You had offered them to stay, but they both shared a look before shaking their heads and commenting that they’d leave too early in the morning and didn’t want to disturb you. Katy offered to split an Uber with them, which is exactly what they ended up doing, as Shang-Chi stood behind to help you clean up and talk to you.
“You should see them more often,” He commented as he washed dishes.
You raised an eyebrow, “What?”
“Your friends, your family, you know, back in New York? You should see them more often,” He told you as he washed the dishes in the sink and rinsed them. “They care about you, a lot, obviously.”
You chuckled, “Wow, that’s rich.”
He sighed and shut off the water, “Look. I know I’m the absolute last person talking about lives we left behind and family, but..they came all the way here to check on you, to make sure you were okay. They came here to see who you were hanging out with and who you were seeing. Those guys love you in their own kind of silly, childish way, and I think they just miss you and want to make sure you’re okay and taking care of yourself, since they can’t look after you.”
You sighed and sat on the counter next to where he was standing. He leaned against the sink and stared at you as you spoke to him, “Steve told them to look after me. Which was annoying. Like, you left me, and now you want our friends to look after me because you broke our vows? Fuck off.” You shrugged and let your head roll back as you stared at the ceiling. “Sometimes it’s just hard looking at them and remembering what we all had together.”
Shang-Chi jumped onto the counter next to you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you in to rest on him as he hugged you, “At least you still got them in your life, and you know they’re there for you. Try to focus on that.”
You nodded and sighed heavily, “How’d you get so wise?”
“Oh, you know, being me. Being awesome,” He grinned while you rolled your eyes. “Come on, the Winter Soldier and Captain America like me. I’m so awesome.”
“They like a show called Dog Cops too, that’s not high praise.”
“Hey!” He gasped as you jumped off the counter and ran away from him, “Get back here! How dare you compare me to a show called Dog Cops?! Is that even real?!”
“It’s a high honor!” You lied, “Totally not the dumbest show written in existence!”
“Are you saying I’m dumb?”
“I’m saying, thank god you’re so pretty,” you retorted.
You shrieked when he caught up to you and whacked you over the head with a pillow. You ran away from him in search of your own pillow from the sofa and ended up having a completely overpowered, ridiculous pillow fight in the living room that ended in the both of you laughing on top of each other in a mess of feathers and stuffing, panting as you draped yourselves over the sofa.
“Hey, there’s a letter here,” Shang-Chi took the note and raised his eyebrows. “Oh.”
“Oh?” You snatched it out of his hand and read it.
Hey, kids! Don’t forget to use protection. Some of us are too young to be grandparents yet. Some of us. And don’t forget to give us a call once in awhile, we’re still family, you nerd. But seriously, condoms.
Love, your favorites.
You groaned, “I hate them.”
“No, you don’t,” Shang-Chi chuckled, “But on the subject of condoms....I feel like there’s more activities for us to do today.”
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ambermation · 3 years
Heyo! Don’t mind me popping up here but I think your writings are amazing, and are requests open?
If so, which characters would you write for?
Hi Smokey! And I don't mind at all. Gonna be honest: I didn't answer this right away because I had to stop and think about actually writing for requests lol.
Yes, requests are open! Characters I will write for are
Curt Connors
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Doctor Strange
Otto Octavius
Norman Osborn
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Peter Parker (Any film version)
Sam Wilson
Bucky Barnes
Max Dillon
Katy Chen
That's all the characters I will write about for now. I'm glad you popped in! <3 <3
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