#Steve Clark fan fiction
A Dance With Danger (Steve Clark x Reader)
a/n: This fic does cover some heavy topics, so if you are not comfortable with that, please do not read <3
January 7th, 1991
It was a nice day in London for Winter. I was in the home of my boyfriend, Steve Clark. He and I were watching some telly right after lunch. He hadn't said a word at all today and it worried me, not that he spoke much in general, but usually he would say something.
He stood up to grab a bottle of Vodka from the liquor closet in the kitchen. He took the bottle and attempted to chug it down, but I stopped him. He looked at me with frustration, but he didn't leave the room like some people would if they were angry.
It was difficult watching him suffer like this, but no matter how hard anybody tried to help him, he wouldn't allow it.
"Steve!" I cried, "Stop it, please."
"I can't, Y/N." He walked to the dinner table and sat on one of the chairs.
"Yes, you can."
"No, no, Y/N/N, I- I've gone too far." The pain in his voice was too much.
He really did go to far and he did want help, but never asked for it. He was addicted and every time he tried to get himself to stop, he'd keep going back for more.
"Oh God," I stood up from my knees and started breathing really hard.
Steve just watched me, the sadness he felt made his eyes go dark. He felt bad, really bad. For the entirety of the day, I kept him away from any kind of booze or alcoholic drink.
That's what I was gonna do from now on, I loved him too much to let him kill himself like this. He meant too much to me to let him go.
"Steve, can you take a walk with me?" I knocked on the closed door of our shared room. I heard sounds of somebody vomiting in the bathroom. I opened the door to our bedroom and walked to the bathroom.
He turned to me and opened his mouth to speak, but turned to vomit again. I sat against the wall as I watched him. Why did nobody try to help him earlier? Couldn't they see he was struggling?
"Oh Stev-"
"I'm sorry, Y/N/N, I'm sorry." You could really tell that he wanted to let go. It was his time, I tried to not think about it, but I just couldn't.
"Don't apologize, baby, you can't help it. Addiction is not easy." I wiped the corners of his mouth with the sleeves of my sweater that he gave to me in 1985, "But why didn't you ask for help at all?"
He looked down at the floor, ashamed, "I couldn't. Well, part of me didn't want help and the other part of me didn't have the guts to ask for help."
"Well, we can still try. Tomorrow, I will call the rehab center nearby so that I can take you."
"Ok," He gave me a soft smile.
"Just promise me that you won't try to keep drinking afterward." I do know drinking and booze was his way to escape his mind. He always had issues dealing with his own thoughts. And that was in fact understandable, but he never asked for help with that either.
That evening, I made him some roast beef for dinner, it was his favorite food and he looked the way I made it.
"Thank you, love." He smiled at me when I set his plate in front of him at the dinner table.
"No need to thank me, Dreamy." I winked and sat on the opposite side of the table.
As soon as he took the first bite he said to me, "Wonderful, as always."
I blushed, for years he has said that to me and it always makes butterflies in my stomach come alive. To be honest, just being there with him made the butterflies come alive.
After dinner, we went to watch TV again, like we did earlier today. We put on MTV, my favorite channel. The music video for Rock Of Ages was playing.
"Do you remember filming that video?" I asked Steve.
"Of course. I'm that's when we met, so how could I forget?"
"That's my favorite song for that reason." I smiled and moved a a little closer to him, I snuggled on his side after I kissed his cheek.
By ten pm the two of us went up to change for bed. We climbed into bed shortly after, "Good night, Steve, I love you." he grinned and said the same thing back and we kissed for a good eight seconds.
January 8th, 1991
I woke up at around seven in the morning and I turned to tell Steve that I was going to call the rehab center.
"Steve, babe, wake up." I put my hand on his chest where his heart was, "Steve?" I started panicking and tear started filling my eyes after not feeling his heart beating.
"Steve! Wake Up!" I was breathing really hard.
"Steve-" Then silence filled the room, I dropped to my knees on his side of the bed. He was gone, Steve was really gone, I was too late. I should've tried to help him earlier.
"Bloody hell!" I screamed and ran down to the landline in the living room.
I dialed Phil's number, "Y/N?" He responed,"What's wrong?"
"What about him?"
"He's, He's g-gone." By now, I was full on sobbing, I was pretty sure Phil didn't understand a thing I was saying.
"D-dead." I stuttered, there as murmuring on the other end of the phone.
"Hang on, love, we are on our way," At this point, I didn't bother hanging up, I let the phone hang as I dropped to the floor.
After some time, there was a knock on the door. So I moved to the door as best as I could and I opened it.
"Y/N?" Joe noticed my tears, "Come 'ere." He motioned for me to hug him and so I did.
"Where is he?"
"In the bed," I hiccuped. I followed the boys to the room, to see the blonde guitarist lying on the bed.
"I feel like this is my fault." I admitted.
"No, no, it's not your fault. We all tried to help him, but he wouldn't let us."
"When he did admit he needed help, it was too late." I whispered, tears filling in my eyes again.
Steve, I love you. You know that. I'm honored that I got to love you for 9 years. You've made me realize things that nobody else made me realize. You opened my eyes to several opportunities. I don't know what I would've done all those years if I hadn't known you.
I only wish that I could've been there for you, like you were there for me. It's going to be hard living with out you, but I hope that you watch over me and the rest of the Leppard guys. Would you hold my hand? Guide me to you when my time is near?
I just want to be with you, Steve. Thank you for every thing that you have done for us.
@oldsoulgunsnrosesgirl @stevesfuzzypinkslippers @steveinscarlet @dreamy625 @the80srewinders @elliotts-personal-property @i-love-def-leppard @jimmysdragonsuit13 @nikkisix @moon-fashioned @make-me-your-animal @leppardcampbelllove @armageddonviv @joes-sha-la-la-la-girl @defsteria @wasted-my-time @genxrocker @terrortwinsfav @terrortwins @stardust-bitch @bludgeon-riffola and anyone else <33
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wasted-my-time · 2 years
A friend from the other side
@dreamy625 and @thiswatch-lepparddef-werehi this is the fic I told you about!
I wrote this (well, a short version of this) for school a few years ago and thought it could be a good fic. It is about Steve as a ghost, but I don't think it is very scary.
Warnings: Swearing, haunting, mention of a ghost.
Part one: The arrival.
Student exchange, in my fifteen years old head, the word means freedom: Getting away from my hometown. And when you are a boy from Saint-Ludger-De-Milot getting away is a serious thing (Check on a map, you'll get it). The government fund agency advertisement said "A friend from the other side of the country, the ocean or even the world" so I jumped on the opportunity. Usually I am not great with new people, but when I let go of my bad will, it goes well.
But when I saw the address I would be sent to I jumped off my my seat: 44 Old Church Street, London, last house of guitarist Steve Clark!
Oh, and I am matched with a girl called Madeline Rogers, they got us together for our "Great interest in music, history and academic subjects", I guess I'll see how it goes.
Madeline unlocks the door as I stand in front of her house with my suitcase in my left hand, my amp in the right one and my guitar case on my back. A beautiful building indeed, bricks on all of its exterior walls (well, the ones I can see), nice arches over the door and ground floor windows, the white cornice also enhance the brownish red walls and I like how the higher floors' windows are shaped, like an half of an octagon, I would say.
God, I didn't realize my mom's home decoration and architecture magazines got that much into my head...
The inside is just as wonderful, the Rodgers seem to have been willing to preserve its ancient style, furnishing it mostly with wooden antiques, but still managed to avoid any heaviness.
-My mum is a home designer. Madeline informs me when she catches my admirative look.
-Well, I'm sure she's very good at it, from what I see here.
-Thank you. You can go put your stuff upstairs if you want, I'll show you around. She offers as her father enters the house. Follow me. She says as she walks toward the u-shaped staircase, making the floor crack at every step. I love this place already.
-Down there is the kitchen and dining room. She points at a row of stairs leading to the basement. On every floor, there is a toilet at the end of the staircase, she says as we pass by a door and begin to walk upstairs.
-My parents' room is the one facing the street, the other one is my mother's office. She indicates as we pass shortly on the first floor.
-Here we are! She exclaims as we arrive at the top of the stairs, this is the guests' room, your room in other words. I'll be downstairs if you need me!
There are two doors, the one she stated to be mine and another one, probably leading to her bedroom.
There is a wooden desk under the window, from there I can see the tiniest backyard I ever looked upon, on the opposite side of the room, there is an assorted dresser, I put my guitar on it, since I couldn't bring the stand with me, in the drawers underneath it, I placed most of my clothes, excepted for my white shirt and tie, which I hung one of the wardrobes on each side of the bed to keep the shirt from wrinkling.
There is a little lamp hanging from the wall behind the bed, you know, the kind with a little chain to turn the light on and off. As I sit on the bed, I can't help but think that my reflection in the stand up mirror across thr room would make a nice painting, if someone had enough time to waste at painting me.
-Antoine, the diner is ready. I hear Madeline's voice through the door.
I follow her again, this time on the opposite direction.
We all sit together at the table in front of our plates of curry, first time I eat that, it is very... Yellow. A sharp contrast with the room we are in: Very few natural light pass by those small window, leaving it all to the luminaire hanging above the table to light the whole room. There is an opening leading to the stairs behind me, two doors on the wall on my right, to get in the kitchen and another one on the wall on my left, probably some pantry...
-It's the drinks cabinet, but don't go there, it's haunted. Mr. Rodgers jokes, causing his whole family to laugh.
-The former owner wanted to sell the house because he thought there was a ghost! Apparently "someone" was finishing his bottles. If you want my advice he just didn't remember doing it himself... Madeline's mother explains.
-And, did you experience... Weird stuff?
-Sometimes we hear noises, like footsteps, and a sound... like a long squeaking, but it is a fairly old building, so it is probably structural rather than spectral.
-It would make sense... I mumble.
-Looks like you scared our guest, Nathaly. Her husband chuckles.
Midnight, yet my silly brain thinks it is something like seven o'clock... Everyone else went to bed at 9:30, so what was I supposed supposed to do? I stopped playing my guitar one hour ago and now I just lay here thinking about Steve. It is weird to think that I stay in the same house as he lived. Yes, lived, because he lived here before dying here. Forget it, that sounded much better in my head.
Still, the idea of his ghost driving the previous owner out of the house is quite amusing.
Knlong, klong, klong
Footsteps, right by the bed, boots on the hardwood floor. No, it can't be real...
I don't think I could move if I wanted to, I'm way too freaked out.
I can't really see in the dark room but the noise seems to stop by the dresser then... It's something else... That squeaking Mrs. Rodgers talked about, I hear it, it is much more than that, it's, it's a guitar! A long note, with a lot of bending, I can't believe they thought it was just "structural"! It keeps getting to a higher and higher sound, and louder, I feel like my ears are about to explode.
-Fuck! I exclaim as I finally snap out of my fear and sit up to turn on the light, but there's nothing, no one. Just my guitar case wide open although I closed it when I stopped playing.
This is definitely going to help me to sleep...
Eleven o'clock on the clock on the nightstand and six in my head, not so bad of a time to wake up actually. I turn around and see my guitar proped up against the dresser, wait, wasn't it in its case... Heck, I remember last night!
I jump on my feet and inspect the instrument, everything is perfectly normal, then I take a look at the furniture only to find all my picks disposed to spell Hello on top of it.
-It has to be some bad joke... I whisper.
No, the picks now write, moving around like it was someone placing them.
-... Steve?
-I... I... I mumble uselessly.
The picks start to spin aimlessly, sometimes forming the beginning of a letter, as if he was looking for what he wants to say.
Don't he finally writes before changing the picks, worry... won't .... hurt... you.
-What do you want?
Help ... Me ... Take ... Shape
The picks go back in a little pile and my guitar gets lifted from the ground like if someone was about to play, then the strings start to ring along to the intro of Mirror Mirror (Look Into My Eyes).
I turn around to face the mirror, only to see my own face of total disbelief.
-And what am I supposed to do?
I see the guitar being carefully placed back against the dresser, then the picks start to move again.
Try ... This.
One of them floats up to me, then just waits there until I hold my hand up for it to be dropped in my palm.
-So... I just have to put it on the glass?
Am I really listening to a ghost telling me how to help him get back to a "shape"? Can jet lag cause hallucinations?
Anyway, I close my fist around the little piece of plastic and walk up to the mirror. I clasp it to the cold glass with my thumb and... Nothing, of course there's nothing, what was I thinking about?! I pinch the pick to retrieve it but as I pull it away, I see two other fingers holding it from the other side of the mirror.
-Holly shit! I exclaim as a hand follows the fingers, along with an arm.
Soon enough, a foot steps out of the mirror and I let go of the pick, him now being able to get out by himself.
Long blond hair, a leather jacket over some white t-shirt and black jeans covering the upper part of a pair of boots, no doubt about it: I did really bring Steve Clark back from the grave.
Wait, why am I seeing those black dots all of a sudden?
-Thank you kid... No, don't fain't, please! I hear him as I now don't see anything and feel myself falling backwards.
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i-love-def-leppard · 1 year
Welcome Home (Def Leppard x Reader)
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A/N: Hi everyone!! This is my first time ever writing something, let alone a fan-fiction so I’m a little nervous posting this. I am open to constructive criticism to improve my writing, which I promise will get better as time goes on. That being said, I hope you all enjoy my first story ever [EEEEKKKK]!!
🫶🏻 i-love-def-leppard
Dublin 1981 - Me and My Wine house
I walked up the rain stained steps of my home, thinking about how glad I was to finally be here after a long day of work.
Managing the local record store is something I am very grateful for. However, just like any other type of work environment, a few rude customers can quite literally turn my day to shit.
Quickly pushing my negative thoughts away, I step into the main entrance of my happy place as my nose becomes overwhelmed by the smell of someone cooking.
“Boooyyysss!! I’m homeee!!”
Immediately as those words leave my mouth, I become trampled by the one and only, Joe Elliott, running his way out the kitchen with pasta sauce stains on his shirt.
“Y/N, love! GOSH! The lord knows how much I’ve missed you and your precious face all day!”
He says as he releases his hands from my face while going in for a hug, never forgetting to leave a sloppy kiss on my cheek.
Suddenly raising his eyebrows with a smirk plastered on his adorable face, he says,
“Are you wearing what I think you’re wearin?!”
Quickly remembering that I’m wearing my cropped, v-neck, red Leppard tank top (paired with dark blue flare jeans and one of the boys leather jackets), I blush at his wandering eyes and proud facial expression.
“Well, duh Joe, of course!”
I say playfully shoving his chest.
“I’m very proud of you boys and how far you’ve all come with the band. Of course I’m gonna show you lot off any chance I get.”
“You are too good to us, love.” a new voice says from around the corner.
You exclaim, making your way around Joe’s figure to enter the curly haired bassist’s open arms.
Pulling away slowly from the embrace, Sav says,
“Nice outfit, Y/N/N.”
He smirks as his eyes trail down your form.
Leaving you blushing as always, he gives you no time to respond as he says,
“Anyone give you problems at the store today? Cause if they did, I swear on all things holy, I’ll-”
Sav’s words were suddenly cut off by two pairs of loud footsteps making their way down the stairs.
“I CALL DIBS ON HUGGING HER FIRST” yells Phil to his terror twin.
“Not if I get to her first, SLOW POKE!” Steve replies.
“I’m not slow Steve! I can beat you all day in a swimming race!” a furious Phil throws back.
“Yeah, alright merman. We all know you have some weird obsession with the water. Now knock it off in front of the lady.”
Steve says as he swiftly walks away from Phil pouting at the bottom of the stairs.
Laughing, you approach the taller blonde guitarist.
“Hi Steve. I’ve missed you.”
You say as you are engulfed in yet another Leppard hug.
His smell of cigarettes and signature cologne always gave you a comfort like no other.
“Apologies for Mr. Grumpy-pants, love” pointing at Phil.
“Now, I’d keep you in a hug all day if I could, but I’d upset blondie over there if I didn’t share you at least a little.”
Steve adds as he reluctantly removes his hands from around your waist.
“C’mere Phil” you look to him as you initiate a hug, giving him a sweet kiss on his cheek.
Instantly forgetting his small battle with Steve, a now relieved Phil whispers in your ear.
“Thank god your home. I’ve had to deal with them all day.”
Giggling at his words you see a sudden idea appear on his face.
“Y/N. Why don’t you take a break at that record store and let us take care of you. Come with us on our next tour, for the whole thing!”
“Then this way, we could see you all the time!”
“Phil, I’m only gone a few hours a day during the week haha” you reply.
“Just think about it, okay.” Phil slightly begs.
“Alright I will. And Phil, you’re sweet. You know I’d love that more than anything, but I’ve gotta contribute somehow” you reply.
“Aye! I know a way she can contrib-” Joe says with a wiggle of his eyebrows.
“Oh shut it Joe” says Rick as he finally makes an appearance.
“I mean I wouldn’t be opposed to-” joins in Sav.
Rick is quick to slap Sav on the arm, while the rest of the group, including you, giggle at their dirty remarks.
Rick’s always been very protective of you, which you loved.
It’s no secret that the boys were all attracted to you in one way or another, and you to them.
Their constant flirtatious behavior was nothing new to you and you secretly loved it. They all knew that.
Pulling Rick in for the final hug, you can’t help but realize how grateful you are for your boys.
Snapping you out of your appreciative daydream, you feel Joe grab your hand.
You are suddenly being pulled out of Rick’s arms, into the direction of the kitchen.
“C’mon love. Into the kitchen we go!” Joe says.
“I’ve made dinner!” he grins.
“Ughhh” everyone in the room groans.
“We left him unsupervised for 30 minutes and he manages to sneak himself into the kitchen. Unbelievable.” a nervous Rick replies.
Shaking my head at their silliness, I can’t help but be forever grateful for getting to come home to this everyday.
My boys.
THE END!!!! Thank you for reading🩷🩷
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Steve Clark x Reader
This fic contains smut. Under 18s DNI
For @dreamy625
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After dating Steve for a few weeks I had come to realise that he was an absolute sweetheart. At first I was sure that it was just a facade to get me into bed but after the way he had treated me, I found that he was just generally a very lovely person. Quiet at times but always ready with a witty remark or two.
Steve was the first person I had properly dated. There had been a few guys here and there but they never got further than a second date. Maybe my standards were too high, but more likely it was either they were too arrogant or egotistical to even register anything I had to say. 
With Steve there was none of that. By our fourth date, there was almost nothing left about my life that I could tell him, he had let me talk and waited patiently for his turn. A small grin on his face as I told him about stories of my childhood and how boring my job was compared to his. Despite all that talking we hadn’t yet run out of things to converse about.
As we were going to our fifth date, I thought of the past few weeks and how lucky I was to have been able to find someone as great as Steve. Of course I knew that he had his problems too, but when I looked past them I saw perfection personified. That’s why I knew that I was going to be making the right decision.
Our fifth date was in a little cafe that I had chosen. A small place that I had walked past many times but never ventured inside. It was a quaint little place, not something you would usually find along the streets of Sheffield but it was comfortable and the tea was wonderful. Me and Steve sat there for over an hour, just talking about whatever came to mind. There was not a single moment of awkwardness between the two of us.
“So when can I take you out again?” Steve asked as we prepared to leave.
“I’m not sure, I’ll have to give you a ring if that’s alright?” I asked him slightly unsure of myself.
“Of course. Can I walk you home?”
“Yeah sure.” I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear as the two of us fell into step. It was only about a ten minute walk back to my flat but it seemed like no time at all as the conversation with Steve continued. Our hands kept brushing against each other as they dangled down by our sides. Not that I minded all that much.
“This is me.” I spoke as we reached the entrance to the block of flats I lived in. “Did you want to come in?” I asked, looking up at him.
Giving a shy smile, he nodded and I opened the door so that we could walk up the few flights of stairs to my little home.
As I opened the front door I took a quick scan, making sure I hadn’t left any dirty plates or socks laying around for him to see. For once everything seemed tidy enough and I led Steve through to the sofa. 
“Can I get you something to drink?”
“Yeah please, what do you have?”
“Not much really.” I shouted through as I went into the kitchen. “Actually I think I only have water.”
Steve laughed from the sitting room. “Water’s fine.”
I quickly poured two glasses of water and made my way back to where Steve was sitting waiting patiently. Giving him a smile, I passed the glass over to him and sat my own down on the coffee table. I looked over at Steve and realised how close we were. It was almost subconscious the way we both leaned into the other.
As I felt his lips gently brush against mine, I immediately put pressure into it. The kiss was nothing like I had ever experienced before, not that I was very experienced anyway. Putting my hand on his cheek, I pulled him closer to me. Smiling into the kiss, I tried to hide the nerves that were threatening to take over.
When the kiss was over I couldn’t help but stare into his beautiful eyes. It didn’t take long for our lips to connect again, this time the kiss became deeper. Steve dragged me gently onto his lap as his long arms went around my waist holding me in place. The two of us stayed there for some time before his hands started making their way down from my waist to the hem of my dress.
Steve broke the kiss and looked at me questioningly. I swallowed harshly knowing that I would have to tell him at some point that I was a virgin.
“Are you okay?” Steve asked, sensing something was wrong.
Slowly climbing off of his lap, I sat next to him angled so that my knees were against his. Steve grabbed my hands in his, trying to look me in the eye, admittedly calming me down.
“Uh, yeah.” Looking down I decided that I would have to tell him. “Look, I don’t want to scare you off but I’ve never gone further than this before.”
“You mean you’re a…”
“A virgin? Yeah.”
“We don’t have to do anything yet if you don’t want to.” Steve reassured me with a smile.
“It’s not that I don’t want to Steve, it’s more I’m not sure how. I’m more than ready.”
“Will you let me take care of you tonight?”
I nodded my head and let Steve pull me up from the couch. Hand in hand we made our way through to my bedroom. Steve was walking backwards as I led him, neither of us breaking eye contact. When we got there, Steve pushed the door open and guided me inside before shutting the door again.
Moving over to the bed, Steve gently laid me down before crawling on top of me pressing his lips to mine. This time the lust was dripping off of him as he moved one of his hands down to my hip. I wrapped my arms around his neck, encouraging him to continue.
Slowly, articles of clothing got removed until I was left in my underwear and Steve was left in his boxers. 
“Are you sure love?”
“Yeah, I’m sure.”
With that Steve started to remove my bra, massaging my breasts gently before moving down to remove my knickers. I tugged softly at his boxers so that they fell down his long legs. Soon enough we were completely bare to each other for the first time. I couldn’t help the gasp that escaped me when I caught sight of his length. 
“It’s alright love.” Steve murmured as he stroked my cheek. “I’m gonna get you opened up first. This may be a little uncomfortable. Just let me know if you wanna stop.” 
“Okay.” I smiled, feeling slightly nervous. Steve then took the hand from my cheek and moved it down to my folds. He rubbed carefully at my clit until I felt myself getting wet. He inched one finger inside of me, the sensation a completely new one. Steve peppered kisses around my face as he started pumping and curling that one finger.
“You ready for another one?” 
“Please Steve.” I couldn’t help the slight whine in my voice.
The second finger caused a small sting. However, that soon disappeared when he moved it in sync with the first one. The small kisses continued and I felt myself creeping closer and closer to the edge. Steve must’ve felt it too as he pulled both fingers out of me when I started to clench.
“Not yet love, when I make you cum for the first time it’ll be on my cock.” Steve told me. Reaching across the floor he picked up his jeans and pulled a condom out of his wallet. I didn’t bother to question it and instead watched as he rolled it onto himself, discarding the packet on my bedside table. He moved both my legs around his waist to line himself up, then moved his hands to interlock with mine. “This might hurt, I’ll stop as soon as you say alright.”
“Okay.” I agreed.
I felt him push in and he was right, it did hurt. I gripped onto his hands as he paused halfway and allowed me to get used to the feeling.
“Please Steve.” I moaned when I was ready for more. With that he pushed all the way in. Once he had bottomed out, he gave me a passionate kiss.
“Let me know when you are ready for me to move.” Steve grunted out and I had to admit, it was one of the sexiest noises I had ever heard. “God you’re tight.”
After a minute or so of me adjusting to the stretch, the pain became more bearable. I squeezed his waist with my legs and looked directly into his eyes.
“You can move now.”
With that Steve started the gentle thrusting. There was care in each stroke, every movement he showed appreciation for me. 
“Fuck.” I moaned out, with a small squeal at the end. I saw Steve smirk slightly before I closed my eyes and allowed the pleasure to take over. The pain from before had almost disappeared completely.
“You feel so good Y/N.”
I started to rock my hips more and more, tightening my gripe on his hands as the two of us moved together. It was at that moment that my eyes flew open and rolled to the back of my head. Steve had hit the special spot inside of me that until that moment I hadn’t even realised existed.
“There it is.” Steve groaned as he started to pick up the pace slightly. The dance-like movements continued for a short period of time before I felt like I was going to burst.
“Steve, fuck.” I squealed. Steve knew exactly what I meant.
“Let go for me love.”
I did just that. Me clenching around Steve over and over again caused him to tip over the edge too. Steve rode out both our orgasms before collapsing on top of me. When our heavy breathing calmed down, he rolled off of me, taking the condom off and disposing of it.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, love.” He carried me to the bathroom, with my directions and let me pee as he got a washcloth sorted.
It wasn’t too long before the two of us ended up cuddled in bed, still exhausted from our previous activities.
“Thank you Steve. For making my first time so incredible.”
“You are more than welcome darling. It was my pleasure.”
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Chapter 12: Room numbers
Authors note: I'm not a hundred percent sure how I feel about this chapter, but it's also driving me crazy that I haven't finished this story yet. It's literally making it, so I can't write anything else. I have spent hours just staring at a blank page, trying to come up with something. This will be the second to last sirens and leppard chapter. But I have already started a sequel, so we will see. I hope you all enjoy it.
Room 306:
"Steve, wake up." Amaya giggled. she had already gotten ready for her day. washed her face, brushed her teeth, and brushed out her hair. when she returned to the main room, Steve was still curled into the blankets. All she could see confirming a person was even under the heap of white comforter was his wild hair. She wasn't surprised in the slightest, Steve was a lot of things, but a morning person wasn't one of them.
She frowned. Something seemed off today. Usually, he would just beg her to join him under the covers, but today, he just pulled the blanket up until there was nothing for her to see.
"Stevieeee," she purred, pulling on the edge of the blanket. He clutched it tight, not letting go.
"No," he grumbled. His voice was barely audible, but she could hear the sadness in it.
"Why not?" She asked, crawling back into bed with him. He engulfed her in his caccoon. The blanket was just thin enough that she could see him clear as day as they laid facing each other under the white comforter.
"Last night of the tour," he said slowly like that would answer her question. Amaya tilted her head to the side. What did that have to do with anything?
"And?" She questioned when the blonde didn't elaborate.
"Don't want this to end is all," he shrugged. His blue eyes were clouded with sadness. "I just... I don't think I've ever been this happy before. You make me feel happy... i love you more than I've ever loved someone."
"Oh, steve," she reached out a hand to craddle his face. "It won't end, baby. You make me happy, too. I'm not gonna throw away over a year of a loving relationship just because we aren't getting paid for it anymore. I love you too much for that"
"Promise?" He still looked nervous. It broke her heart.
"Promise," Amaya leaned in, kissing Steve softly.
"Promise you won't tell phil. I told you I love you more than him," he chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.
"Fear not Stevie. Your secret's safe with me, "she giggled, kissing his nose."Now get your ass out of bed. I want breakfast, " she stated, throwing the blanket off both of them.
Steve grumbled again, but this time sat up. He glanced at the clock on the bedside table before flopping back down. It was progress Amaya felt.
Room 304
"Last day of the tour," phil whispered, running his fingers through gemma's blonde hair he slowly worked out the knots that had formed as Her head lay on his chest. He wasn't even sure she was wake. The sun had just peaked over the horizon, and they had been dozing in and out of consciousness together.
"Shhhh," she hissed, pressing her finger against his lips. "I don't want to think about it"
"This will change nothing between us, you know that, right? Im not letting you go anywhere. i worked too hard for this." phil stated rolled over, so he was hoving over her on all fours. Gemma scooted up the bed until she was eye level with him again.
He had worked very hard to regain her trust. He was still putting in the work to ensure that their relationship would last. He started leaving her little notes and still had flowers sent to her dressingroom every couple of shows. Gemma was forever grateful she decided to let him try. Decided to let herself try.
"I love you, gem,"
"I love you too," Gemma smiled, reaching up to craddle phils face in her hands. "So much more than I originally planned"
Phil smiled as he swooped down and pressed a soft kiss against her lips. "So much ,my love, I love you so much." he lowered himself even more to bury his face against her neck. Her hands intantly made their way to his hair. He kissed the soft skin just to hear Gemma sigh.
Room 307:
Joe laid on his side so he could watch the women sleeping soundly beside him. The sun had risen and was shining in through the sheer white curtains. It's light casting everything in shades of gold.
She would be pissed if he let her sleep in much longer, but he couldn't bring himself to disturb her peace, not quite yet.
It was the last day of the tour. Tomorrow, he would be flying into Dublin. He would be going home. She would be flying home to London. They had talked it through, and he really believed they had a good shot. Still worry and doubt chewed away at him.
"It's rude to stare," Harper murmered, peering at Joe with half lidded eyes.
"Just admiring the finest of art," he grinned, leaning in to kiss her forehead.
She hummed slightly, her eyes falling shut for a spilled second before snapping back open.
"Go back to sleep, angel," he purred, kissing her forehead. She smiled at him before nodding. He knew they would be all right. They all would.
Her eyes fell shut again, and her breath evened out. They would have to get up and start there a day soon, but not yet. They could remain in their shared peace just a little longer.
Room 310
Bex sat across from Rick, sipping her tea and watching the man carefully. He was wearing the hotel provided robe. His bangs fell into his eyes. He looked so content that she almost felt bad for what she was going to say. "This isn't going to last"
"I know," Rick returned, looking up from his cup of tea. His eyes were filled with understanding. "Is this where you tell me you had fun, but this is the end?"
"You're a great guy. I just don't do relationships"
Rick nodded, sipping at his tea. He finished his tea and stood up, finding his shoes and sitting on the edge of the bed to put them on. "See you tonight?"
Bex nodded, smiling slightly. The second he closed the door, her smile faded. It was the first time she ever really felt pain over a man in a long time.
Room 309
Rebel leaned back against the savs solid chest as the warm water flowed over them. "You know this is kind of a waste of water. We are just gonna shower again later, " Rebel smiled.
"Yeah, but it feels nice," sav returned.
Rebel hummed in agreement. She spun around, wrapping her arms around his neck.
His wet hair clung to her skin. "Gonna miss this"
"Yeah, but we'll figure something out." Sav smiled, leaning down and capturing her lips.
Rebel happily kissed back for a moment before epulling back and resting their foreheads together. "Think the others are this.... pensive?"
"Probably. The end of the tour is always a time of mixed emotions. This tour is especially hard. So much love has formed. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Mel and chris planned this"
Rebel giggled at that. The water was starting to turn cold, but she couldn't find it in her to care.
Mal sat across from chris in the hotel lobby, grinning at the other man. "We couldn't have had this go any better," He asked. "I mean, when you called me and said you knew of a band that would work well with my boys, I didn't think you meant this well. Steve's barely drinking anymore. They all aren't fighting nearly as much. They have someone else to look at other than each other."
Chris nodded his agreement. "Bex is starting to trust. Gemma finally found someone to match her energy. Amaya found someone to take care of other than Gemma. And let's be honest, they all are staying out of trouble because they are too busy with each other"
It's been a great tour, " Mel stated, standing up and shaking Chris's hand.
"It sure has," the other man agreed.
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rockinnrollin · 2 years
I Want a Baby
Not a request, but due to Sav’s recent adorable instagram post this idea popped into my head. 
Wanings: Until the smut, just some cute fluff, maybe a couple swears but after the line, SMUT WARNING, breeding kink, daddy kink, unprotected sex, hickeys, more sweaing, so on so forth. 
Word Count: 1,549 (shes a big one)
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not my gif!!
You were spending a quiet Sunday afternoon lounging around with Sav when you got the call to officially say you could come see Joe, Kristine and their newborn baby.
When you and Sav first got together, the question of kids was answered pretty soon, and the answer was “No”. With both of you agreeing that Sav’s 3 kids were all you both needed, with Sav also saying “I’m getting too old for babies again.” You didn’t mind, never being one for babies anyway.
On the drive up to Joe’s house, you found yourself thinking about what life would be like if you did have a baby. The thought of baby clothes shopping was enough to make your heart melt, you already felt overwhelmed from getting Joe’s little one some clothes. You turned to see Sav’s face, feeling as if he could read your mind right now. Though you’re certain he can’t, he did have a “Don’t even think about it Y/N” look to him.
You got to Joe’s and even though you weren’t keen on kids, you felt a little excited. It is a new life and one quite close to you when you deep it. Sav had grabbed the little gift bag and followed on behind you as you made your way to Joe’s front door. Before Sav did his usual ‘Walk right in’ as Joe would usually prefer, you held your arm out to stop him.
“We can’t go in if you block me Y/N.” he chuckled.
“I know, but there’s also a baby in there.” you said back to him, voice close to a whisper.
“Alright.” He lightly tapped the door, and a few seconds later, Kristine was stood with a smile.
“Hello! Come in, don’t worry about being quiet, he’s already as loud as Joe!” She said full of energy and joy.
Sav turned around to you and said, “What the fuck is going on?”
“What do you mean?”
“Kris just had a baby and she’s so, I don’t know, full of life? I thought she would be exhausted!”
“Must just be made for it.” You said before stepping into Joe’s living room.
Just as Kristine said, Joe was sat with their son in his arms and his son was mirroring him with his beautiful, big green eyes. He even matched the full energy Joe seemed to have at all times, despite him being a newborn baby.
“God he’s your double Joe.” Sav said to his best mate while seemingly shaking hands with the baby.
“He is isn’t he? Shame, I carried him around for 9 whole months just for him to look like Joe.” Kristine said jokingly.
“That’s plenty from the pair of you.” Joe said.
“Am I alright to hold him?” Sav asked.
“Of course.”
The second Joe handed his son over to Sav, you were at the breaking point.
“Bless his heart, he’s just so adorable, isn’t he Y/N?” Sav said while keeping his finger shaking with baby’s little hand.
“Definitely, good on you both!” You said to Joe and Kristine.
“Do you want to hold him Y/N?” Kristine asked.
“I’ve not really held a baby, I’m afraid i’ll hurt him.” You told her.
“Don’t worry, I’ll show you.” She proceeded to fold her arms into place and get you to copy her.
“See, you’ve smashed it!”
Sav gently laid him into your arms and suddenly, you felt fine. It felt natural. The second you looked down at the baby, you were past the breaking point, you were so far past it.
In a similar fashion to the way he grabbed Sav’s finger, he reached up for your hair and lightly took a hold of it, almost like he was exploring the feel of it.
“Motherhood looks good on you.” Kristine said to you smiling.
“Don’t give her any ideas now.” Sav said jokingly.
After your few hours with baby Elliott, you and Sav headed back home to continue your lounging until you went to bed. But the whole drive home the thought of having a baby was eating away at you. It’s not like it’s not possible to have one.
You got back to the house and got yourselves comfy on the couch again. While you were partially listening to the TV in the background, you couldn’t get the image of Sav with a baby out of your head. You could feel him nudging your leg with his foot.
“What’s on your mind, love?” He asked, tilting his head to the side a little.
“Ah nothing.” you smiled back at him.
“I know your lying, what’s up?” He moved closer to you.
“Was just thinking about, you know, having a baby.” you said facing your feet.
“It’s not.. impossible.” Sav said taking your hand.
You took another look at him and before you knew it he had you lifted up and was carrying you up to your room. 
He lay you gently on the bed and starting undressing himself.
“Let’s get you a baby then, love.”
You started lifting your own shirt up and unclipping your bra as Sav pulled your leggings off.
“There we go lovey. Gonna get you fucked good yeah? Give my girl a baby.” God he was perfect.
“Please Savvy, fill me up.”
“Ah ah, what’s my name darling?” He said while giving you a light slap to your thigh.
“Good girl.”
He pulled his boxers down and got himself positioned above you. He leaned down to give you a passionate kiss before moving his hand down your body towards your cunt. He started rubbing at your clit and kissing along your jaw. His fingers were ghosting over your hole, teasing you.
“Fuck, Sav please.”
Another slap to the thigh.
“I’m sorry, daddy.” You whimpered.
“Good girl, what do you want my love?” He said, going back to your pussy.
“Fuck, please daddy, fill me.” You begged.
Sav finally gave in and sliped a finger into your cunt.
“Fuck, yes.”
He was working his finger in and out of you at near lightspeed, seemingly desperate to get you ready for his dick.
“How’s that love? You like that?" He said, kissing and nipping down your chest, you were certain he was leaving some hickeys with how hard he was nipping you.
"Feels so good! Please daddy, fuck me, fill me up, get me pregnant please!”
“God you’re such a good girl for daddy aren’t you? Spread those legs wider for me babe.” He said while taking his hand away from you cunt and moving it to his own cock, wanking himself off over the sight of you.
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N.” He seemed to slip out of his dominant persona for a second as he looked down at you.
“Thank you daddy.”
“C’mere beautiful.” He grabbed your hips and pulled you closer to him. He started reaching out for a condom, you had to reach out and grab his arm to stop him.
“Oh right, yeah.”
He moved his arm back to your hip and with the other he positioned himself. He slid his cock up and down your wet cunt, preparing to slide into you finally.
“Ready love?” He asked you. All you could do was nod. He finally pushed himself into you and held still for a second.
“Fuck me daddy, I’m ready please!”
“God you’re desprate aren’t you love? Beg me to fuck you.”
“Please daddy, fuck me. Fuck me hard please, wanna have your baby!”
That’s all it took for him to start fucking into you. He kept one hand beside your head, the other playing with your tits. He was thrusting into you like a wild man, seemingly desperate to fill you with his cum. You wrapped your arms behind his neck pulling him down to you, leaving a trail of hickeys down his neck. You could feel his nails digging into you tits, most likely leaving marks and bruises. 
He moved his hand from your tits down to your leg to lift it up over his shoulder. The new postition making Sav hit that spot inside of you. You couldn’t help but moan out louder, dragging your nails down his back which just made him fuck you harder. You could feel yourself tightening on Sav’s dick, so close to the edge.
“Oh fuck, Sav, please. I’m so close!” 
“Yeah? Cum for daddy, that’s a good girl.” 
You were at the breaking point, and couldn’t hold yourself back. You came calling out for Sav, scraping your nails down his back, kissing him inbetween you moans. This all must’ve pushed him over the edge too as you could feel his thrusts falling out of rythym, then feeling him finish inside you. 
“There w go my love.” He said, gently pulling out of you and kissing you forehead while doing so. “Such a good girl.” 
You smiled up at him and watched him leave for a moment, away to get a towel to sort you both out. 
As he was in the cupboard looking for a towel, the phone went. 
“Did you do it?” Joe asked, Sav could hear his smile through the phone. 
“Do what?” Sav said.
“Fuck her?” 
“Joe, what?” 
“How stupid do you think I am? ‘I’m too old for another baby’ my arse!” He laughed. 
“Well, how do you know?”
“The look she gave you. I expect to be the favourite Uncle of this new child too, you hear me Savage?” 
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fantastical-euphoria · 6 months
ahhhh i might be falling down a philxsteve rabbit hole…
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dreamy625 · 1 year
Tardy (drabble)
Inspired by Joe's tales of Steve's perpetual lateness :)
Halfway through a patchy rendition of 'Good morning freedom', the clang of wooden soles on metal steps heralded the arrival of their missing second guitarist.
"Late again, Clark!" boomed the singer, taking advantage of the microphone in his hand to add emphasis to the admonishment.
"Am I?" Steve looked at his watch, chosen more for style than practicality, and wondered if the lack of numbers on the dial was a mistake.
"You're the most reliably unreliable person I've ever met!"
"Oh." Steve looked downcast for a moment. "But I'm worth waiting for, right?"
"Just barely," teased Joe, narrowing his eyes.
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appetite4savage · 2 years
From Paris, With Love
Anon requested a one shot inspired by how Lorelei and Steve met - thank you!
Steve’s POV
“Peter, we don’t need a babysitter.” Phil scoffed at our manager.
“She isn’t a babysitter, she’s just going to go with you when you go around town.” Peter sighs, probably contemplating his entire career by now.
“So, a babysitter then.” Phil rolls his eyes. “Is she at least pretty?”
Peter glances at me for a minute before directing his attention back to Phil. “Not that it matters, but yes, she’s very pretty. Think of her as your assistant.”
“Alright then.”
I can’t believe I’m in a recording studio right now.
I have to say, when I got the call to be a personal assistant to Phil Collen and Steve Clark I couldn’t quite believe it.
The hallways in this place are like an endless maze. I finally found the room I’m supposed to meet them in.
I knock gently and a male voice calls for me to come in. I open the door and peek my head inside.
“Ah, you must be Y/N. Come in.”
Once I enter, all of their eyes are on me. I shake Peter’s hand and sit in between the two guitarists. Steve seems to be in a daze. He snaps out of it once I sit down.
He coughs. “Hi, I’m Steve.”
“Hi.” I smile at him. He’s looking at me like a puppy in the window.
“Phil.” He waves lightly but seems unamused by my presence.
“So, Y/N. Your job will basically be to make sure these two don’t go to jail or cause any ruckus in town. Got it?” Peter says sternly.
“Of course. No problem.”
I’m a bit nervous because I’ve heard rumors of their past escapades. The nickname Terror Twins wasn’t given lightly….
Steve’s POV
Once we exit the room, Phil calls over Y/N to chat privately.
“Listen, we don’t need a babysitter alright? I’ll tell Peter you followed us around, but you don’t have to. We’re not toddlers.” He says a bit harshly.
I walk over and put a hand on Phil’s shoulder to attempt to calm him down. “Ignore him, he’s just letting his ego get the best of him. What he means to say is, we’re thankful you’re here.” I raise my eyebrows at Phil and glare at him.
She smiles. Oh that smile, so beautiful. “Thank you.”
As she’s walking away, Phil speaks. “You like her.”
“What? No. I barely know the girl.”
“Please, Steve. Your jaw dropped to the floor when she walked in.”
I can fill the crimson arising to my cheeks as I look down at my shoes.
“I knew it.”
“Well, I can’t help it. She’s stunning.”
“Just go for it.”
“It’s like I said before. I barely know her.”
“C’mon mate, I know you have it in you.”
Later, Y/N’s POV
I will never take my sanity for granted ever again. They’re worse than the rumors.
“Alright, you two. Let’s go back to your rooms.” I groan, wrapping an arm around each of them to keep them upright. They’ve both had one too many at the pub.
“No mum, I don’t want to go.” Phil calls out, trying to pull away from me.
I finally reach their rooms. I drop off Phil first, with him immediately falling asleep on the bed, clothes and all. I pull off his shoes and turn off the light.
A hiccuping Steve follows me to his room.
“Alright, here we are.” I turn on his light and motion for him to come inside.
He does so, and sits on the end of his bed. His eyes are sad and his face hangs low.
“Steve, what’s wrong?”
His shoes seem very interesting to him now.
I walk over and sit on the bed next to him. “Steve?”
He looks up at me, a single tear welling in his eye. “I really like you, Y/N.” His bottom lip is poking out like a pouting child.
“Don’t be ridiculous Steve, you’re drunk.”
“I’m telling the truth.” His hiccups pause momentarily as he gets up to get a glass of water.
How am I supposed to respond?
He sits back down, inching closer than he was before. It seems like he sobered up quickly.
A response was about to come out of my mouth but was interrupted by his lips pressing against mine. His hand found it’s way to my cheek. The way we molded together was like we’ve known each other our whole lives.
He kept his forehead against mine briefly after pulling away. Suddenly he chuckles.
“What’s funny?”
“Phil’s advice is decent sometimes. He told me to go for it and I did.”
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theyraylovehate · 2 years
Wheel of Fan Fiction Masterlist
Smut 🔥
Fluff 🌸
Angst 💧
*This is like brand new so most of the characters won't have anything just yet*
•Stranger things
-Billy Hargrove
-Steve Harrington
-Eddie Munson
-Robin Buckley (Fem/NB only)
-Johnathan Byers
-Nancy Wheeler
-Jim Hopper
-Joyce Byers
-Will Byers (No smut)
-Mike Wheeler (No smut)
-Max Mayfield (No smut)
Hateful Cuddling - Female reader 🌸
-Dustin Henderson (No smut)
-Lucas Sinclair (No smut)
-Eleven (Jane) Hopper (No smut)
-Iron Man/Tony Stark
-Captian America/Steve Rogers
-Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff
-Hawkeye/Clint Barton
-Hulk/Bruce Banner
-Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes
-Black Panther/T'challa
-Doctor Strange/Steven Strange
-Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff
-Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff
-Starlord/Peter Quill
-Spiderman/Peter Parker
-Falcon/Sam Wilson
-War Machine/James Rhodes
-Valkyrie (Fem/NB only)
-Professor X/Charles Xavier
-Magneto/Erik Lensherr
-Wolverine/James Howlett
-Quicksilver/Peter Maximoff
-Jean Grey
-Storm/Ororo Munroe
-Cyclops/Scott Summers
-Beast/Henry "Hank" McCoy
-Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner
-Havok/Alexander Summers
•DC/Young Justice
-Batman/Bruce Wayne
-Superman/Clark Kent
-The Flash/Barry Allen
-Aquaman/Authur Curry
-Cyborg/Victor Stone
-Joker/Jack Oswald White
-Harley Quinn/Harleen Quinzel
-Wonder Woman/Diana Prince
-DeadShot/Floyd Lawton
-Kid Flash/Wally West
-Nightwing (Robin #1)/ Dick Grayson
-Red Hood (Robin #2)/ Jason Todd
-Robin (#3)/ Tim Drake
-Beast Boy/Garfield Logan
-Superboy/Johnathan "Jon" Kent
-Artemis/Artemis Crock
-Red Arrow/Roy Harper
-Green Arrow/Oliver Queen
-Black Canary/Dinah Lance
-Miss Martian/Megan Morse
•Umbrella Academy
-Luther Hargreeves (#1)
-Diego Hargreeves (#2)
-Allison Hargreeves (#3)
-Klaus Hargreeves (#4)
-Five Hargreeves (#5)
-Ben Hargreeves (#6)
-Viktor Hargreeves (#7)
-Marcus Hargreeves (#1)
-Fei Hargreeves (#3)
-Alphonso Hargreeves (#4)
-Sloan Hargreeves (#5)
-Jayme Hargreeves (#6)
-Lila Aryu
-The Handler
•Harry Potter
-Harry Potter
-Ron Weasley
-Hermione Granger
-Fred Weasley
-George Weasley
-Ginny Weasley
-Draco Malfoy
-Sirius Black (Older)
-Cedric Diggory
-Oliver Wood
-Neville Longbottom
-Luna Lovegood
-Remus Lupin (Older)
-Nymphadora Tonks
-Lucious Malfoy (Older)
-Narcissa Malfoy (Older)
-Severus Snape (Older)
-Bill Weasley
-Charlie Weasley
-James Potter
Friendly Love - Male reader 🌸
-Lily Evans
-Sirius Black
-Remus Lupin
-Severus Snape
-Regulus Black
-Lusious Malfoy
-Narcissa Black
-Peter Pettigrew
•Greek Mythology
-Beatrice "Tris" Prior
-Caleb Prior
-Tobias "Four"
Zip line of Love - Nonbinary Reader (Requested) 🌸
•Star Wars
-Anakin Skywalker
-Luke Skywalker
-Leia Organa
-Han Solo
-Obi-Wan Kenobi
-Kylo Ren
-Dean Winchester
-Sam Winchester
-Rowena MacLeod
-Charlie Bradbury (Fem/NB only)
-Chuck Shurley
-Jody Mills
-Ellen Harvelle
-Kevin Tran
•The Walking Dead
-Rick Grimes
-Daryl Dixon
-Glenn Rhee
-Carl Grimes
-Maggie Greene
-Shane Walsh
-Rosita Espinosa
-Carol Peletier
-Paul "Jesus" Monroe
-Abraham Ford
‐Tara Chambler (Fem/NB only)
-Aaron (Masc/NB only)
•The Walking Dead Game
-Violet (Fem/NB only)
IT (2017)
-Richie Tozier
-Beverly Marsh
-Eddie Kaspbrak
-Bill Denbrough
-Stanley Uris
-Ben Hanscom
-Henry Bowers
-Mike Hanlon
-Patrick Hockstetter
-Victor Criss
-Belch Huggins
-Harry Hook
•Maze Runner
152 notes · View notes
Hello again love🤣❤️ I’ve read the first two chapters of your fic and I’m loving it already! That’s exactly what I had in mind when I asked you about a childhood friends fic with Joe so thanks a lot. However, I was wondering if you could write a fic where Steve wants to ask reader to be his girlfriend but he doesn’t know how so he asks Phil for advice. (Steve ends up regretting asking Phil for advice and he decides to make it simple but romantic)
A Match Made In Heaven (Steve Clark x Reader) {Collaboration with @stevesfuzzypinkslippers}
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Y/N. She was gorgeous, even that is an understatement. We’ve known each other for quite some time, but I never had the guts to ask her out. She was at Def Leppard’s first show and we took the time to talk after the show. I remember seeing her in the crowd and then whispering to Joe that I’ve never seen so many pretty girls in one place, but she was the one that was on my mind. She’d come to every show after, it’s making me think that I did something right by talking to her.
She was sweet, she was easy to talk to. Is it too dramatic if I say that I’d trust her with my life? Probably, but that’s the way she makes me feel. It might be because I’ve never met a girl who made me feel this way besides the women in my family. I felt like I could tell her everything. Because she understood exactly how I felt.
“I know I just met you Steve, but I want to help you.”
Eventually, at the fifth show she came to, the boys and I asked her if she wanted to join us on our On Through The Night Tour. She said yes!
I remember the day we embarked on the tour, we were on our way to Manchester because apparently we started there and not Sheffield (This was gonna be the next show after Manchester), anyway, She wore a white and black striped crop top and a pair of blue denim shorts. She was carrying a large light green luggage.
“Do you need help with that?” I asked her.
“No, I’m ok, thank you,” She smiled sweetly, she was struggling a bit, it wasn’t a secret, but she never asked for help. Maybe because she was trying to prove a point that she could get through certain things long. I knew she could, but at the same time she was doing so much for me, I wanted to return the favor.
I started having feelings for her, when I first laid eyes on her, but I guess I never thought much of it until we spent all of our time together during the On Through The Night Tour. We’d talk about anything and everything. She had this laugh and smile that lit up the entire room. When I wasn’t in the happiest mood, her presence made everything better.
“Hey Steve?” She knocked on the door of my hotel room. I got up from the bed and opened the door.
“Y/N! Come in!” I grinned and she walked in doing the same.
“I was wondering, could you teach me how to play guitar?”
“I would love to,” We sat on my bed and I handed her my orange Gibson Les Paul.
“Thanks! I never realized how satisfying it is to watch people play guitar. If it wasn’t for my friend who forced me to come to the Def Leppard show with her, I never would have realized.”
“Watching people play guitar is incredible, I agree, but playing is a lot more fun, love,” I moved so that I was behind her, she positioned herself so she was comfortable to play.
“Where do I start?”
“Do you want to learn a song, or music theory?”
“Uh, maybe a song. Specifically the song ‘Wasted’, maybe.”
“Of course!” I put my hand on the fretboard, “Alright, so first it’s 2 open strings on the low E string.”
“Which one is the low E string?”
“The one closest to you,”
“Oh! Thanks!” She played two open strings.
“Great! Now a 7 on the next string.”
“Here?” She pointed to the 7th fret on the A string.
“Yup,” She played it. It took about half an hour to get the intro to the song up to speed, but she did it and she was good at it. It was then that I realized that I was falling for her.
For years, I did nothing about it, I tried to ignore it. Then during our Pyromania tour, I realized I had to ask her to be my girlfriend. The first thing I did was ask Phil for advice.
“y’realize i’m the last person anyone should ever turn to for advice,” he chuckled a bit, speaking lowly as he allowed me to enter his flat.
pyromania was set to be our biggest tour yet. as much anxiety as it brought, i knew that it also served as an exciting challenge, especially for us guitar players. and in between rehearsals, we found bits and bobs of time to catch up, tell each other what was on our minds.
but that girl… god. her presence was undeniable. i just couldn’t erase that image of her. not that i had any sort of history with falling for girls too quickly. typically i’d get too drunk to remember.
“so who’s the girl?” phil asked me when we’d both situated ourselves on the couch.
“girl,” i snickered, remembering the band he used to play in. “well… she fancied my guitar.”
“don’t they all,” he rolled his eyes.
“no, but it’s not just that,” i shook my head. “ah, this is gonna sound so cliché but… i’ve started to develop remote feelings for her. i’m just… y’know… nervous… if she’ll feel the same way. you feel me?”
“well, i don’t even bloody know what she looks like. you might as well tell me she was a fuckin’ model and i’d buy it.”
a smile spread through my lips, remembering what she did look like. depicting it in my mind felt like a dream, spurring a whirlwind of butterflies.
“brunette,” i recited from memory. “short-ish. shorter than you.”
“oh, shut it,” phil backhanded me.
“but she… she was into it. she dug the guitar. was into my drift. i wanna… i wanna play a song for her tonight but… but what?”
phil shrugged. “you’re steamin’ clark, you impress the ladies just by bein’ yerself.”
i looked up to the cracks in the ceiling, lost in thought.
phil looked up there too. “you think they’d put us in a better-budgeted place, huh.”
that’s when i got it.
“bringing on the heartbreak. that’s one of my favorites. i’ll play that for her. then i’ll teach it to her afterwards, when we’re back in the flats…” and that’s when i would make my move.
“mate,” phil shook his head and rested a hand on my shoulder, gripping semi-firm to capture my attention, “play something she’ll instantly recognize, y’know, a crowd favorite.”
“but, but ‘heartbreak’ *is* a crowd favorite,” i shot back. “besides, she’s a regular. she’s got our discography committed to memory.”
“verbatim?” phil scoffed, folding his arms.
“for the most part, yeah,” i smiled fondly, as i was indeed impressed.
and she was beginning to pick up her guitar like mad, knew all the licks, knew how to properly bruise up her fingertips while playing. “givin’ me a run for my money, are’ye,” i’d joked to her once.
still, she was comfortable being with me, and i felt the same.
so i figured, tonight, might as well get it over with. now or never.
right before the show started, a few nights later, phil and i got to talking, after i’d pulled him aside. i was still nervous about how everything was slated to go down. i told her to stay up towards the front, that security would keep her comfortable, but in a nice, close proximity view to where i’d be running around like a gazelle on steroids.
that night, we played to a sellout crowd, which was entirely expected. but the whole time, while my hands were fixated on my strings, my eyes were fixated on her. spotlight raining down on her, cascading her body in a flood of brightness.
it was quite a sight. i was so in awe, even breathing out inaudibly, which actually helped my heart rate, in the long run.
i guess there was more than one plus to having her in my corner.
after the show, she came and met me backstage, where is sweaty freaks had towels slung around us, sauntering around the room like we were drunk animals.
she threw her arms around me and kissed my cheek. i guess now was the time to make it official. but what i needed to know was… was she ready?
“you liked our show tonight?” i asked her, and she nodded.
“yes, very! i especially liked heartbreak, how did you know that was my favorite song?”
i chuckled nervously, “i… i didn’t. wanted to shout you out, but coukdnt bring myself to. was too nervous.” suddenly i felt my cheeks turn hot, the dismal lighting not strong enough to mask the red glow suddenly appearing all over my face. “would you… would you like me to show you how to play it? do you mind?”
she put a hand up to her mouth and giggled slightly. “oh, absolutely! you’re the best teacher, after all.”
“then let’s go then.” i put an arm around her and together we walked off to the flat where i was staying.
and it went exactly how i’d shown her how to play countless other riffs. low lighting, gentle atmosphere, away from all the noise… just how i liked it. what only felt right, and fitting, for me to pop the question…
and of course, she instantly said yes, throwing her arms around me in an overly-enthusiastic state. maybe it was leftover from the high of the night. but otherwise, i felt refreshed, knowing just how much this all meant to her. how i meant to her.
after all, it wasn’t that hard to fall in love with a cheeky riff master.
@elliotts-personal-property @joes-sha-la-la-la-girl @terrortwinsfav @littlemissheavenonearth @genxrocker @i-love-def-leppardhostaccount @jimmysdragonsuit13 @ni-hao-kitty @steveinscarlet @stardust-bitch @ride-the-hammett @nenynra @metalbrojack @bludgeon-riffola @lil-melody-moon @rickallensbarefeet @switch-6-2-5 @discothequechaser @armageddonviv @wasted-my-time @the80srewinders @moon-fashioned @alexaelliott @defsteria @leppardcampbelllove @whitelightningstrikes @appetite4savage @make-me-your-animal
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wasted-my-time · 1 year
A Friend From the Other Side
Part two: Presentations
Warning: One little swear word in English and a slightly bigger one in French.
My eyes flutter open as I start to remember my weird dream: Steve Clark's ghost needed my help to take a physical form and he walked out of my mirror... My brain has strange ideas.
-I was starting to worry about how much time it would take for you to wake up. You scared me a lot, you know. I hear a voice on my left.
-Tabarnak! C'est toi qui a peur!? I scream as I jump out of my bed, English now out of my reach because of the surprise.
Steve is sitting by the bed on the chair from the desk, legs crossed and looking slightly amused by my fear.
-What did you just say? He chuckles, his smile growing bigger across his face.
-It was French, and Québécois slang. You could translate it to... To "Fuck! You're the one to be scared?!". I answer unsure of what the hell of a conversation this is.
-Sorry about that, but I had to draw your attention. He chuckled. So, what's your name?
-Antoine, but my nickname is Billy.
-Why? He asked, puzzled by the absurdity of it.
-My uncle, who is also my boss, started calling me like that because it was miles away from my real name and now everyone calls me like that in my town.
-Yesterday, you said you were here for a student exchange, how long will you stay?
-Until mid-December. But enough about me! You, how come you're like that?
-Well, it's like in the stories, sometimes when someone dies in a tormented state of mind they... Stay.
-Was it long, all that time?
Am I asking too much?
-It passes fast... But what year are we?
-2022, we're in late August.
-Good Lord! I thought it was something like 2005, at most!
-And what happened exactly, with the mirror and everything?
-I'm not sure. All I know about that kinda' stuff is what I heard in movies or stories. He deadpans.
-What? They don't sign you up to Ghosts 101 when you die?
-If only... But some things simply feel like they're going to work...
-Antoine, who are you talking to? I hear Mrs Rogers voice through the door.
Out of panic, Steve disappears into thin air and I see the chair being transported back to the desk. I desperate search for some excuse and grab my cellphone, just to make it look like something normal.
-Can I come in?
-Of course, I was calling my mother on Messenger, I was speaking English to, you know, maintain the habit.
-Could I talk to her? It would be nice to know her a bit.
-... She just hung up, she had to go, you know...
-Oh alright, do you want to eat lunch with us?
-Sure, I'll be there in no time. Thank you!
She turns around and closes the door as she leaves the room. Steve reappears besides the left closet, letting out a long sigh of relief.
-Do think she can see you?
-No idea.
-Let's find out. Just disappear and wait to be with them to show yourself.
-No... How would you react if some guy just popped up out of nowhere in your kitchen?!
-Well there aren't sixty way to figure it out, and if you do it really fast maybe they won't even think something actually happened.
-Okay, but you do the explaining if I get caught.
-Sounds like a fair deal to me. I smile.
I get out of the room, still in my pajamas, and although I can't see him, I'm pretty sure Steve is following me.
-Do you need to walk on floors and stuff like that, like us? I whisper to him.
-No. An eerie voice answers me. But I'd rather stay with you.
Oh, that's kind of sweet, should I tell him?
-Well thanks!
Everyone is down in the kitchen, we couldn't have picked a better (or worse) time to try this.
-Good morning young man. Mr. Rogers greets me with a amused smile.
-This is rather early in Québec.
-I hope you don't mind quiche for breakfast. Madeline comments
Right at this moment, Steve pops up, to everyone's indifference, and we just stare awkwardly at each other. He then leaves only to start flashing like a Christmas light, unsuccessfully attempting to get their attention.
-Antoine, Antoine? If you really don't want to eat that, we have cereals, you know. She snaps me out of the focus I maintained not to burst in laughters.
-No, it's fine, I was just wondering what was "omelette" in English, but it's the same isn't it?
-Yes it is, little daydreamer. Nathalie chuckles.
-Good appetite, see you later. I hear Steve's voice in my head.
Thank you. I think back at him.
Sorry it took so long, that part wasn't in the original text from school. Next part coming up God knows when...
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fairyoutlanders · 1 year
Miguel O’Hara is the Antithesis of the Spider-Man (Vague Spoilers)
I watched Across the Spiderverse a couple days ago and this idea has been driving me up the wall for the past 48 hours so I decided to finally sit down and hammer it out.
TLDR;  “It wasn’t done purposefully. It was done accidentally. But I think it was the best thing we did: making it so [Spider-Man] could be anyone under that costume.” ---Stan Lee
In Across the Spiderverse, Miguel is both an antagonist within the story but he is also an allegory (intentional or not) for the kinds of fans that are obsessed with gate-keeping and “canon events.” Miguel is obsessed with this idea that Miles isn’t supposed to be Spider-Man, and both diegetically as well as thematically fails to understand what exactly it means to be Spider-Man. Similarly, the kinds of fans that are obsessed with gate-keeping comics, characters, and canon, often fail to overlook the purpose of the art and the story that they so fervently protect.
The hypocrisy of Miguel and those like him is that they are not only antithetical to what Spider-Man is, but what comics are. Comics, especially superhero comics, are fan-made creations. Perhaps they didn’t start that way, some just started with two Jewish kids from New York. Eventually, those comics reached a wider audience. Kids from all over the nation were flocking weekly to their local pharmacies to pick up the brand new issue of Amazing Spider-Man. And those kids fell in love. And what they read as children inspired them to go on to write for those companies. It was fairly common in the comic book industry (especially during the Silver and Bronze age (60’s-80’s)) to have writers hopping around from [character] title to title. People added things and took things away, Steve Ditko himself transformed Spider-Man from the goofy awkward high schooler to something darker and more angst-ridden. But to this day, the quick talking Spider-Man and his awkward counterpart, Peter Parker, prevails. Canon is never truly fixed in comics, which, much like fan fiction, creators add what they want to see and if that idea or concept or “canon” becomes the most popular or the most utilized, it cements itself into the canon of the character. Retro-active canon in comics is very real and is still something you can see in characters like Batman, Superman, Cyborg, Wolverine, Spider-Man. Rewriting the same story over and over and over again is common! Rewriting it until something sticks and is accepted is the norm: some [comic] runs stand out and others flop. Comics are influenced by other media as well: actor portrayals very visibly affect the way the character is drawn and the way that they are even characterized. Christopher Reeves changed the way that Clark Kent was drawn. There are artists that still pull his film portrayal of Clark Kent as a reference for their depictions. You can’t control canon, even as much as publishing companies and comic dude bros (and also apparently, fictional futuristic Spider-Men), want to. Canon is changed and shaped and defined by so many other factors than just what is written down. Canon in comics is malleable and ever-changing, sometimes contradicting itself. But comic canon is this wild beautiful mythology that grows and changes and is shaped by the writers and the fans and the movies and the time and place in which they were written. 
And as to Spider-Man… Miguel’s insistence that Miles is an anomaly, that he wasn’t supposed to be Spider-Man, is wrong. He focuses on the fact that Miles was bitten by a spider from a different universe, therefore, if Miles hadn’t been bitten by someone else's’ spider, the Peter Parker from Earth-1610 (Mile’s Universe) would’ve survived and Miles wouldn't have been Spider-Man. He singles out Miles as different, as anomaly, something that was true within comics for many years after the very first Black Spider-Man (Miles Morales) debuted. But the truth of the matter is that Spider-Man isn’t supposed to be anyone, he’s just… a guy: a friendly neighborhood guy. Just a kid from Brooklyn. A nerdy, dorky kid from Brooklyn, who got pushed around at school and happened to get bit by a radioactive spider. Miguel himself wasn’t even bitten by a spider! Half his DNA is spider DNA due to comic book zaniness and pseudo-science. By that sheer factor alone, Miguel wasn’t supposed to be Spider-Man either. Peter Parker isn’t supposed to be Spider-Man. Miles Morales isn't supposed to be Spider-Man. Fuck, Gwen Stacy being alive is an anomaly in most universes! All of the Spider-Men shown in Across the Spiderverse consistently break Miguel’s rule that someone else is supposed to be Spider-Man. Peter B. Parker has a daughter—something that doesn’t often happen. Jess Drew is based on a scrapped version of Spider-Woman from ‘74! What makes the Spider people Spider-Men is that they choose each and every day to take on the great responsibility that comes with the great power that they have. Anyone can wear the mask. You just have to be brave enough to put it on. In a multiverse of infinite possibilities, anyone can be Spider-Man. The first movie, in retrospect, understands this thematic element that Miguel O’Hara simply cannot seem to grasp. As Miles says, “Anyone can wear the mask. You can wear the mask. If you didn’t know that before, I hope you do now.”
And in the words of the man himself:
 “It wasn’t done purposefully. It was done accidentally. But I think it was the best thing we did: making it so he could be anyone under that costume.” ---Stan Lee
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Opening up requests for any member of Def Leppard x Reader. Just send me an ask and I’ll try and get it done as soon as possible 💖💖
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make-me-your-animal · 2 years
Sirens and Leppards
Part 1: opening night
"I think I'm gonna puke" Harper stated as the girls finished getting ready in the small dressingroom.
"Please for the love of god Harp do not" Bex hissed fluffing up her brunette hair and checking out her make up.
Rebel handed her counterpart her guitar giving her a soft reasuring smile. "What Bex ment to say is there's no reason to be nervous."
"No reason to be nervous?" Harper laughed humorlessly as she checked to make sure her guitar was in tune for the hundredth time that night. "We opening for def fucking leppard. This is like a wet dream come true. I mean they were half the reason we started this fuck show... my God do you think they'll watch our set?"
"Tenner says she'll pass out if she sees Joe" Gemma snickered adjusting her tits in the leather bralette. "Or suck his dick"
The guitarist turned the same color as her fiery hair and she opened her mouth to speak but Bex interupted her. "She will do no such thing"
"Ah yes your stupid rules"
"They aren't stupid Gemma" Bex insisted.
Before anybody else could argue anything diffrent there was a knock on the door. "Lets go ladies" their manager chris' voice rang out. The girls looked at each other for a final time before standing up.
They walked down the hall slowly. Each one by one taken to another location. When a tech handed Gemma her bass she turned to Amaya her bestfriend and the drummer of the band a final time. "Ready for this mate?"
"Are we ever ready?" The shy drummer grinned slightly.
"Nah, See you on the otherside"
Nobody ever really paid attention to the opener.  But the band played hard and some of the die hard rockers seemed to be enjoying themselves.
Everything was a whirlwind of lights and sounds. It was always an adrenaline rush being on stage. The crowd screaming as the girls finished the 4th song in their set. The leadsinger moved to the egde of the stage smiling down at the crowd from beneath the curtains of her teased up brunette hair.
"Is everyone having a good time tonight?" She asked into the mic earning a deafening roar from the crowd. "I know we're having a good time. Let me take this moment and introduce you to the band. For anyone who hasn't figured it out yet we are the Sirens. To my left over here on guitar we got Harper reign." She gracefully gestured to the short redhead who took a quick bow. "On my right we have Gemma bell on bass guitar and rebel star also on guitar" the tall lanky blonde and curvy ravenette waved to the crowd.
"Back there hiding behind the set is our lovely amaya storm"  amaya stood up  blowing a kiss before flipping her wild blonde hair and sitting back on her stool.
Gemma strolled up to the front of the stage stooping slightly too speak into the mic. With the 7 inch platforms she wore she was atleast 6'9. "And last but certainly not least the voice of the siren herself Ms. Bex fox."
When the finished the last song and took their bows condom balloons and a few stray roses littered the stage. They darted off stage.
"Hold on ladies" joe elliott stated. He stood at the bottom of the stairs leading off stage. He was poking one of the stray inflated condoms with the toe of his boot before kicking it away . "Take a look out there again. Remember this moment" 5 faces turned back to the stage there was a few cheers and whistles still sounded out. They continued to watch as the curtain rose to block the stage and techs could start swapping equipment "This is your guys first big tour right? Finally out of the clubs and out in the world. Can only go up from here right?"
Gemma scuffed decending the stairs carefully. Joe had to look up at her even when they her on level ground.  "No it could go down hill real fast" handing her bass off too a tech.
Harper bolted down the stairs and  hugged Joe unphased by gemmas words. Her head barely coming up to his biecepes. He chuckled petting her hair for a second before pulling away. "Now go get cleaned up. We are taking you ladies out for drinks after the gig. Our treat"
Gemma had to bend down to kissed Joe on the cheek  but he had to bend down to recieve pecks from the others. Bex just rolled her eyes when Joe look at her. "You'd have to pay me to lay my lips on you mate" she scowled before walking off.
Harper gave him a shy grin. "Shes not as bad as she seems I promise she's just very.... Bex"
" 's alright now go shower"
"Trying to tell us we stink?" Rebel teased.
"Nobody could put that much work into a set and not" He said shooing them away.
"Joe looked pretty chuffed" Gemma stated stripping off her leather top. It stuck to her skin making it hard to pull off. Then when  she thought she was free It caught up on all her jewelery making it impossible to pull off.
"With what our proformance or harper hanging on him" Amaya stated helping the tall blonde untangle herself.
"Would you two stop" Harper blushed.
"Come on harp you know we do it out of love" Gemma snickered finally free of her prison of chains and leather. She slowly peeled off her jeans leaving her in nothing but black lace panties as she headed for the showers. The other two followed her. Bex and rebel were already Showering.
"Yeah and what about phil" Harper snapped the grin on her face letting them know it was all for show. "You and him seemed to get pretty close during sound check"
Gemma shrugged. " He's a nice bloke. We kinda bonded over being vegetarian."
"And willing to flirt with a brick wall" Bex called from the other side of the showers. Gemma just flipped her the bird.
"Joes nice too. I think hes kinda charming" Harper stepped under the spray of water.
"Yeah if you like cavemen I supose" Gemma snickered everyone watched Bex tense up. She wasn't happy about all this talk about the headliners.
"You know what's nice about Showering in the venue?" Amaya stated lathering her hair in soap trying desperately to change the subject before Bex exploded.
"Horrible water pressure?" Rebel asked. Her thick dark hair had a horrible tendency to hold soap in it forever.
"We don't have to worry about our hair clogging the drains"
All the girls shuttered in unison at the idea of the matted hair and soap scum they had to pull out of the shower drain in their one bathroom apartment they shared just to take a shower But the tension was gone.
After Showering the girls all went about blowdrying their hair and putting on decent outfits. Then it was a game of sit and wait. Rebel even fell asleep for a couple minutes waiting for the guys.
Chris joined them after awhile handing out their room keys for the evening and congratulated them on a show well done. Gemma pocketed her and amayas key listening as the man rambled on about how proud he was of them. He was a great Manger but he was alittle more emotional then the average. Finally he left telling the girls his room number and to Just knock if they needed anything.
It was late when def leppard came off stage. Even later when they finished Showering and changing. But as promised all 5 of them showed up to the girls dressing room. Escorting them to the loading docks where they would beable to sneak out with out the crowds noticing.
Walking of course wasn't an option do to the amount of people swarming the area.  So the bands were loaded into 3 diffrent black suvs.  Gemma, Amaya, phil and steve in one. Both Rick's Bex and rebel in another. As per Gemmas suggestion leaving Joe and Harper alone in the final vichele. Bex complained about it but rebel pulled her away. Ensuring that nothing would happen in the 10 minute drive.
Phil and Gemma shared the back of the suv while Steve and Amaya rode in the front.
"Alright spill" phil stated the second the door was shut.
"Spill what?"
"Why were you so insistent that Joe and Harper share a vichele?"
"Because Harper has a thing for Joe" Gemma said. 
his whole face lite  up with child like joy. "Really?"
"Yes really so me and Amaya are trying to kinda Nudge them together a bit"
"That's brilliant" Steve grinned pulling a cigarette out and popping it in his mouth. He patted around his jacket  before sighing. "Anyone got a light?"
Amaya handed him the zippo she carried in her purse. Steve thanked her with a soft smile.
"Bex will absolutely throw a fit about it" Amaya stated.
"Only if Joe sleeps with her" Gemma corrected.
"It's Joe. He'll atleast try to shag her" Steve grinned cracking the window and breathing the smoke out.
"You guys have a vow of chastity or something?" Phil asked resting his arm on the back of the seat. He eyed her curiously.
"Pretty much" Gemma sighed batting her eyes at phil.
"Shes being dramatic. We all decided it would be best to avoid sleeping with... well you lot" blush apeared on amayas face again as she avoided eye contact with everyone. Poor thing was always shy around people she didn't know very well. The second she was alone with her bandmates it was a completely diffrent story.
"Fuck that we stuff I had no say in this shit" Gemma stated.
"So you wouldn't be apposed to sleeping with one of us?" Phil grinned his hand brushing against the smooth material of her jacket. 
Gemma just batted her eyes at him.
Amaya coughed awkwardly. "If you two are going to shag please don't do it here"
"And break Bexs rule?" Gemma gave her best 'who me' eyes. "I would never"
"Yes you would"
"She has a point" Gemma grinned turning her head to meet phils gaze. "I would"
"You would or your going too?" Phil raised an eyebrow holding her gaze.
"I guess that depends"
"Would you two cut it out!" Steve and Amaya cried at the same time.
Harper sat silently watching Joe out of the corner of her eye. He was watching her with the upmost curiosity. She wanted to say something but what. She had posters of this man on her wall since high n dry came out 6 years ago.
Def leppard as a whole had really inspired the girls to become serious about their music.   In the beginning the covered alot of their stuff.
"You ladies sounded great tonight" Joe said after awhile. Harper could kiss him just for breaking the awkward silence that surrounded them.
"Thanks" she smiled feeling more self conscious then normal.
"Are you alright luv?" He asked his green eyes narrowing. She seemed so bubbly and friendly earlier. Why was she acting so strange now?
"Oh yeah I'm just tired. It's kinda late."
Joe seemed content with that answer, turning towards the window and watching the traffic around them.
If you made it this far thank you -jasper
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arkus-rhapsode · 8 months
So I try to keep recent news out of my posts. Usually I like to wait for a situation to pan out to avoid snap judgements. But recently, some news has been playing out that really made me upset.
If you haven’t heard, SAG-AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild – American Federation of Television and Radio Artists) had recently signed a deal with an AI voice production company known as Replica Studios for licensing actor’s voices in video games.
This is coming off the massive strike where SAG was fighting against things like AI implementation in film and script development. Though the claim is that this will be an “ethical” implementation of the technology. And the irony and backlash was quite apparent. But the important thing that should be obvious to everyone is the ones this affects the most, voice actors.
This article by Forbes has many links to some of the people I’ll be citing and their reactions. So please check that out if you want a more professional run down: https://www.forbes.com/sites/conormurray/2024/01/10/video-game-voice-actors-criticize-sag-aftra-over-agreement-with-ai-company/amp/
So the reaction from VAs has been pretty understandably upset. Well known VAs like Steve Blum, Veronica Taylor, Allegra Clark, and Brenden Blaber. Expressing disappointment in the union and that this opening a gateway for video game companies to cut use their voices without actually needing them to record. Now this deal is for just Replica Studios, but it’s still very disheartening that this was a concession.
Now I am not an actor. My career and life doesn’t hinge on the choices of millionaires running film production companies and what policies or investments they make that would require me seek out a union’s protection. Any discussion around how SAG itself internally operates and it’s treatment of certain professions over others is not my place to talk about. I instead implore you to listen to people have been a VA and part of that Union and listen to their experience with them. So why make this post? I’m not particularly important or an influencer. Well the answer is simply I love voice acting and care about it as a profession. Even if I’m not one, I can’t tell you how so many of my favorite moments in fiction/media were elevated by someone’s acting. And this is prominent in video games.
This blog has many times devoted itself to live blogs and posts about games. Games like Fire Emblem Three Houses, Persona 5, and Danganronpa. Games with noticeable voice acting involved in their presentation and their narratives. And in my experience some of those performances are tied to some of the enjoyment and identity of the game. And it sucks knowing how all those things you love or admire can potentially be replaced by machines. When there was a union that had been fighting to avoid things like this for on screen actors.
I cannot imagine the hurt this has caused for people’s whose job is to be a professional VA, and you are hearing about companies in the video game sphere like Square Enix and Microsoft going hard in AI. I can imagine many are scared for their livelihoods. And knowing how greedy or unscrupulous some game companies can get, the possibility they go through with AI will be not in the favor of “ethics” it’s in the favor of profits.
All I can say is that im a VA fan. And I know plenty of games that have been elevated by their voice acting. And I will say that voice acting is acting. It is an art form that deserves the same amount of protection as screen actors.
Please support the VAs. Even if you don’t think about it as much, if there’s a character you liked in Persona or Fire Emblem game, please check out who is doing those voices. Because their work is part of the experience.
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