#Stephen Hilger
stephenhilger · 7 years
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Read “A Love Song for New Orleans” an interview with Matthew Leifheit for Aperture.
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fishstickmonkey · 8 years
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Feeding, 2009
© Stephen Hilger
(via Feature Shoot)
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benmarriott · 4 years
Lots of Love from Ben Marriott on Vimeo.
Over the past 8 months, I've been putting this animation together with 60 amazing animators (under the code name Project Manticore 2020.) Each artist produced a 36 frame animation on the theme of "Love." I was stunned by different interpretations, the quality of work & diversity of styles. I'm so proud to finally release this project and hopefully introduce you to some amazing artists. I hope it was worth the wait!
Producer: Ben Marriott @ben_marriott_ Sound Design: QB Sound @qbsoundstudio
Animators: Jake Bartlett @jakeinmotion Ryan Bird @birdsie.tv James Boorman @jamesboorman Bernd Bousard @berndbousard Francisco Catão @franciscocatao CE Bilibili: @0.CE Garath Chang @gardercha Manu Correa Soto @manucorreasoto Sha'an d'Anthes @furrylittlepeach Lykke Dalum @lykkedalum Nidia Dias @imnidiadias Elena Dunwoodie @elena.motion Josh Edwards @jshedwards Stephen Elliget @epicsteve Johan Eriksson @erikssongraphics Fafa Motion @fafa_motion Gabriel Gareso @gabriel_gareso Rodrigo Germano @rodgermano_ Alex Goddard @goddardmakes John Grist @john.grist Karolin Gu @karolin_gu Martin Gunnarsson @hellodeerstranger Miles Hellyer @mchellyer Jess Herrera @herrerasaurus Jasper Hilgers @jasperhilgers Joyteeth Bilibili @joyteeth Tim Krakowiak @timkrakowiak3d Johana Kroft @johanakroft Zoe Lagos Crocker @lagoosey Derek Lau @dereklaudesign Lara Lee @laraleee Nancy Li @nlianderthal Ben Marriott @ben_marriott_ Glen Miralles @glenmiralles Brian Neong San @neongsan Carlotta Notaro @carlotta_notaro Adam Olds @addrawz Ignacio Osorio @ignacio.osorio.s Sofia Pashaei @sofiapashaei Megan Pelto @meganpelto Bryce Pemberton @brycepemberton_ Chris Phillips @crispegram William Pietsch @williamdpietsch Felipe Pinheiro Rocha @fpinheiro_design Ross Plaskow @rossplaskow Jason Poley @jasonpoley Mike Russo @mikerusso.tv Alek Saharovsky @alek.work Manon Sailly @saillymanon Luke Saunders @lukejacksaunders Kirstin Smith @kirstinnsmith Liz Smith @__lizsmith Scarlett Starling @scarlettstarlingdesign Its Got Stealth @itsgotstealth Marvin Te @marvin.y.te Phillip Tibballs @philltibb Jordan Turner @jordanturner.jpeg Sam Van Ingen @motionvan Vanta Collective @vanta.collective Michael Wilkinson @design_blimp Pip Williamson @williamson_pip Yuki Yamada @theyamadasan YMY
Special thanks to: Zoe Marriott
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Best World War II Non-fiction History Books
ABRAMSKY, C. (ed.), Essays in Honour of E. H. Carr ('The Initiation of the Negotiations Leading to the Nazi-Soviet Pact: A Historical Problem’, D. C. Watt) Macmillan, 1974
ABYZOV, VLADIMIR, The Final Assault, Novosti, Moscow, 1985
ALEXANDROV, VICTOR, The Kremlin, Nerve-Centre of Russian History, George Allen 8: Unwin, 1963
ALLILUYEVA, SVETLANA, Only One Year, Hutchinson, 1969
Twenty Letters to a Friend, Hutchinson, 1967
AMORT, R., and JEDLICKA, I. M., The Canan's File, Wingate, 1974
ANDERS, LIEUTENANT-GENERAL W., An Army in Exile, Macmillan, 1949
ANDREAS-FRIEDRICH, RUTH, Berlin Underground, 1939-1945, Latimer House, 1948
ANON, A Short History of the Bulgarian Communist Party, Sofia Press, Sofia, 1977
ANON, The Crime of Katyn, Facts and Documents, Polish Cultural Foundation, 1965
ANON, The Obersalzberg and the Third Reich, Plenk Verlag, Berchtesgaden, 1982
ANTONOV-OUSEYENKO, ANTON, The Time of Stalin, Portrait of a Tyranny, Harper & Row, New York, 1981
BACON, WALTER, Finland, Hale, 1970
BARBUSSE, HENRI, Stalin: A New World Seen Through One Man, Macmillan, New York, 1935
BAYNES, N. H. (ed), Hitler’s Speeches, 1922-39, 2 vols, OUP, 1942
BEAUFRE, ANDRE, 1940: The Fall of France, Cassell, 1968
BECK, JOSEF, Demier Rapport, La Baconniére, Brussels, 1951
BEDELL SMITH, WALTER, Moscow Mission 1946-1949, Heinemann, 1950
BELOFF, MAX, The Foreign Policy of Soviet Russia, Vol Two, 1936-1941, Oxford, 1949
BEREZHKOV, VALENTIN, History in the Making, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1983
BIALER, S., Stalin and His Generals, Souvenir Press, 1969
BIELENBERG, CHRISTABEL, The Past is Myself, Chatto & Windus, 1968
BIRKENHEAD, LORD, Halifax, Hamish Hamilton, 1965
BOHLEN, CHARLES E., Witness to History, 1929-1969, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1973
BONNET, GEORGES, Fin d’une Europe, Geneva, 1948
BOURKE-WHITE, MARGARET, Shooting the Russian War, Simon 8: Schuster, New York, 1942
BOYD, CARL, Magic and the Japanese Ambassador to Berlin, Paper for Northern Great Plains History Conference, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, 1986
BUBER, MARGARETE, Under Two Dictators, Gollancz, 1949
BUBER-NEUMANN, MARGARETE, Von Potsdam nach Moskau Stationens eines Irrweges, Hohenheim, Cologne, 1981
BULLOCK, ALAN, Hitler: A Study in Tyranny, Pelican, 1962
BURCKHARDT, CARL I., Meine Danziger Mission, 1937- 1939, Munich, 1960
BUTLERJ. R. M. (editor), Grand Strategy, Vols I-III, HMSO, 1956-1964
BUTSON, T. G., The Tsar’s Lieutenant: The Soviet Marshal, Praeger, 1984
CALDWELL, ERSKINE, All Out on the Road to Smolensk, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, New York, 1942
CALIC, EDOUARD, Unmasked: Two Confidential Interviews with Hitler in 1931, Chatto & Windus, 1971
CARELL, PAUL, Hitler’s War on Russia, Harrap, 1964
CASSIDY, HENRY C., Moscow Dateline, Houghton Mifilin, Boston, 1943
CECIL, ROBERT, Hitler’s Decision to Invade Russia, 1941, Davis-Poynter, 1975
CHANEY, OTTO PRESTON, JR., Zhukov, David & Charles, Newton Abbot, 1972
CHAPMAN, GUY, Why France Collapsed, Cassell, 1968
CHURCHILL, WINSTON S., The Second World War. Vol. I: The Gathering Storm, Vol. II: Their Finest Hour, Vol. III: The Grand Alliance, Penguin, 1985
CIENCIALA, ANNA M., Poland and the Western Powers, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1968
CLARK, ALAN, Barbarossa, Hutchinson, 1965
COATES, W. P. and Z. K., The Soviet-Finnish Campaign, Eldon Press, 1942
COHEN, STEPHEN (ed.), An End to Silence (from Roy Medvedev’s underground magazine, Political Diary), W. W. Norton, New York, 1982
COLLIER, RICHARD, 1940 The World in Flames, Hamish Hamilton, 1979
COLVILLE, JOHN, The Fringes of Power, Downing Street Diaries, 1939-1955, Hodder & Stoughton, 1985
COLVIN, IAN, The Chamberlain Cabinet, Gollancz, 1971
CONQUEST, ROBERT, The Great Terror: Stalin’s Purge of the Thirties, Macmillan, 1968
COOKE, RONALD C., and NESBIT, ROY CONGERS, Target: Hitler’s Oil, Kitnber, 1985
COOPER, DIANA, Autobiography, Michael Russell, 1979
COULONDRE, ROBERT, De Staline a Hitler, Paris, 1950
CRUIKSHANK, CHARLES, Deception in World War II, CUP, 1979
DAHLERUS, BIRGER, The Last Attempt, Hutchinson, 1948
DALADIER, EDOUARD, The Defence of France, Hutchinson, 1939
DEAKIN, F. W., and STORRY, G. R., The Case of Richard Sarge, Chatto 8: Windus, 1966
DEIGHTON, LEN, Blitzkrieg, Jonathan Cape, 1979
DELBARS, YVES, The Real Stalin, George Allen 8: Unwin, 1953
DEUTSCHER, ISAAC, Stalin. A Political Biography, CUP, 1949
DIETRICH, OTTO, The Hitler I Knew, Methuen, 1957
DILKS, DAVID, (ed.), Diaries of Sir Alexander Cadogan 1938-1945, Cassell, 1971
DJILAS, MILOVAN, Conversations with Stalin, Penguin, 1963
DOBSON, CHRISTOPHER and MILLER, JOHN, The Day We Almost Bombed Moscow: Allied War in Russia 1918-1920, Hodder & Stoughton, 1986
DOLLMANN, EUGEN, The Interpreter, Hutchinson, 1967
DONNELLY, DESMOND, Struggle for the World, Collins, 1965
DOUGLAS, CLARK, Three Days to Catastrophe, Hammond, 1966
DRAX, ADMIRAL SIR REGINALD PLUNKETT-ERNLE-ERLE-, Mission to Moscow, August 1939, Privately, 1966
DREA, EDWARD J., Nomohan: Japanese-Soviet Tactical Combat. 1939, Combat Studies Institute, Leavenworth Papers, January 1981
EDEN, ANTHONY, Facing the Dictators, Cassell, 1962
The Reckoning, Cassell, 1965
EDMONDS, H.J., Norman Dewhurst, MC, Privately, Brussels, 1968
EHRENBURG, ILYA, Eve of War, MacGibbon & Kee, 1963
EINZIG, PAUL, In the Centre of Things, Hutchinson, 1960
EISENSTEIN, SERGEI M., Immoral Memories, Peter Owen, 1985
ENGEL, GERHARD, Heeresadjutant bei Hitler 1938-1943, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt,
Stuttgart, 1974
ERICKSON,J., The Road to Stalingrad Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1975
The Soviet High Command, Macmillan, 1962 ‘Reflections on Securing the Soviet Far Eastern Frontier: 1932-1945’, Interplay, August-September 1969
EUGLE, E., and PAANEN, L., The Winter War, Sidgwick 8: Jackson, 1973
FEILING, KEITH, The Life of Neville Chamberlain, Macmillan, 1946 FESTJOACHIM C., Hitler, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York, 1974
The Face of the Third Reich, Weidenfeld 8c Nicolson, 1970
FISCHER, ERNST, An Opposing Man, Allen Lane, 1974
FLANNERY, HARRY W., Assignment to Berlin, Michael Joseph, 1942
FLEISHER, WILFRID, Volcano Isle, Jonathan Cape, 1942
FOOTE, ALEXANDER, Handbook for Spies, Museum Press, 1949, 1953
FRANCOIS-PONCET, ANDRE, The Fateful Years, Gollancz, 1949
FRANKEL, ANDREW, The Eagle’s Nest, Plenk Verlag, Berchtesgaden, 1983
GAFENCU, GRIGOIRE, The Last Days of Europe, Frederick Muller, 1947
GALANTE, PIERRE, Hitler Lives and the Generals Die, Sidgwick 8: Jackson, 1982
GARLINSKI, JOZEF, The Swiss Corridor, J. M. Dent, 1981
GIBSON, HUGH (ed.), The Ciano Diaries, 1939-1 943, Doubleday, New York, 1946
GILBERT, MARTIN, Finest Hour, Heinemann, 1983
The Holocaust, TheJewish Tragedy, Collins, 1986
Winston Churchill, The Wildemess Years, Macmillan, 1981
GISEVIUS, HANS BERND, To the Bitter End, Cape, 1948
GORALSKI, ROBERT, World War II Almanac, 1931-1945, Hamish Hamilton, 1981
GORBATOV, ALEKSANDR v., Years Of My Lips, Constable, 1964
GORODETSKY, G., Stahhrd Cripps’Mission to Moscow, 1940-42, Cambridge U.P., 1984
GREW, JOSEPH C., Ten Years in Japan, Hammond, Hammond, 1945
GREY, IAN, Stalin, Man of History, Weidenfeld 8c Nicolson, 1979
The First Fijiy Years. Soviet Russia, 1917-1967, Hodder 8c Stoughton, 1967
GRIGORENKO, PETRO G., Memoirs, Harvill, 1983 GRIPENBERG, G. A. (trs. Albin T. Anderson), Finland and the Great Powers, Univ. Of
Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 1965
GUDERIAN, HEINZ, Panzer Leader, Ballantine Books, New York
GUN, NERIN E., Eva Braun, Hitler’s Mistress, Frewin, 1968
HALDER, COLONEL-GENERAL FRANZ, Kriegstagehuch, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 1963 Hitler als Feldherr, Miinchener Dom-Verlag, Munich, 1949
HALIFAX, LORD, Fulness of Days, Collins, 1957
HARLEYJ. H. (based on Polish by Conrad Wrzos), TheAuthentic Biography of Colonel Beck, Hutchinson, 1939
HARRIMAN, W. A., and ABEL, 13., Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin, 1941-1946, Random House, New York, 1975
HASLAM,J., The Soviet Union and the Struggle/or Collective Security in Europe, 1933-1939, Macmillan, 1984
HAUNER, MILAN, Hitler. A Chronology of His Life and Time, Macmillan, 1983
HAYASHI, SABURO (with ALVIN D. coox), Kogun, The ]apanese Army in the Pacific War, Marine Corps Association, Quantico, Va., 1959
HEIBER, HELMUT, Goebbels, Robert Hale, 1972
HENDERSON, SIR NEVILE, Failure of a Mission, Hodder & Stoughton, 1940
HERWARTH, HANS VON (with FREDERICH STARR), Against Two Evils, Collins, 1981
HESSE, FRITZ, Das Spiel um Deutschland, List, Munich, 1953 Hitler and the English, Wingate, 1954
HESTON, LEONARD and RENATO, The Medical Case Boole of Adolf Hitler, Kimber, 1979
HILGER, GUSTAV (with ALFRED G. MEYER), The Incompatible Allies: A Memoir-History of German-Soviet Relations, 1918-1941 Macmillan, New York, 1953
HILL, LEONIDAS E. (ed.) Die Weizsacleer Papiere, 1933-1950, Berlin, 1974
HINSLEY, F. H. with THOMAS, E. E., RANSOM, C. F. G., and KNIGHT, R. (3., British Intelligence in the Second World War, Vol. 1, HMSO, 1979
HITLER, ADOLF, Mein Kampf, Hutchinson, 1969 Hitler’s Secret Conversations, Signet, New York, 1961 The Testament of Adolf Hitler. The Hitler-Borrnann Documents, Cassell, 1961
HOFFMANN, HEINRICH, Hitler Was My Friend, Burke, 1955
HOFFMANN, PETER, Hitler’s Personal Security, MIT, Boston, 1979
HOHNE, HEINZ (trs. R. Barry), The Order of the Death ’5 Head: The Story of Hitler’s SS, Seeker & Warburg, 1969 HOSKING, G., A History of the Soviet Union, Fontana, 1985 HYDE, H. MONTGOMERY, Stalin, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1971 INFIELD, GLENN B., Hitler’s Secret Life, Hamlyn, 1980 IRVING, DAVID, Hitler’s War, 1939-1942, Macmillan, 1983 The War Path, Michael Joseph, 1978
ISRAELYAN, V. L., The Diplomatic History of the Great Fatherland War, Moscow, 1959
JAKOBSON, MAX, The Diplomacy of the Winter War, Harvard UP, Boston, 1961
JEDRZEJEWICZ, WACLAW (ed.), Diplomat in Paris: 1931-1939 -Papers 65 Memoirs of ]uliusz Lukasiewicz, Columbia UP, New York, 1970
JONES, F. C., Japan’s New Order in East Asia. Its Rise and Fall, 0UP, 1954 Manchuria Since 1931, Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1949
JONES, R. V., Most Secret War, Hamish Hamilton, 1978
JONGE, ALEX DE, Stalin and the Shaping of the Soviet Union, Collins, 1986 The Weimar Chronicle. Prelude to Hitler, Paddington Press, 1978
KAZAKOV, GENERAL M. I., Nad Kartoi Bylykh Srazhenii, Voenizdat, Moscow, 1965
KEITEL, WILHELM, Memoirs, Kimber, 1965
KENNAN, GEORGE E, Soviet Foreign Policy 1917-1941, Robert E. Krieger, Princeton, 1960
KHRUSHCHEV, NIKITA S., (Trs. and edited by Strobe Talbott), Khrushchev Remembers, André Deutsch, 1971
KIRBY, D. G., Finland in the Twentieth Century, C. Hurst 8t Co., 1979
KIRKPATRICK, LYMAN B. JR, Captains Without Eyes. Intelligence Failures in World War II, Macmillan, New York
KLEIST, PETER, European Tragedy, Times Press/Anthony Gibbs & Phillips, Isle of Man, 1965
KORDT, ERICH, Nicht aus den Akten: Die Wilhelrnstrasse in Frieden und Krieg, Stuttgart, 1950
KRAVCHENKO, VICTOR, I Chose Freedom, Robert Hale, 1947
KROSBY, HANS PETER, Finland, Germany and the Soviet Union, 1940-41: The Petsamo Dispute, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, 1968
KRYLOV, IVAN, Soviet Staff Officer, Falcon Press, 1951
KUBIZEK, AUGUST, The Young Hitler I Knew, Houghton, Mifflin, Boston, 1955
KUSNIERZ, B. N., Stalin and the Poles, Hollis & Carter, 1949
KUUSINEN, AINO, Before and After Stalin, Michael Joseph, 1974
KUZNETSOV, N. G., ‘In Charge of the Navy’ (from Stalin and His Generals, ed. Seweryn Bialer), Souvenir Press, 1969
LEACH, BARRY A., German Strategy Against Russia, 1939 - 1941, OUP, 1973
LEHMAN, JEAN-PIERRE, The Roots of Modern Japan, Macmillan, 1982
LENSEN, GEORGE ALEXANDER, The Strange Neutrality. Soviet-Japanese Relations During the Second World War 1941-1945, Diplomatic Press, Tallahassee, Fla., 1972
LEONHARD, WOLFGANG, Child of the Revolution, Collins, 1957
LEWIN, RONALD, Hitler’s Mistakes, Leo Cooper, 1984 Ultra Goes to War, Hutchinson, 1978
LITVINOV, MAXIM, Notes for a Journal, André Deutsch, 1955
LITYNSKI, ZYGMUNT, I Was One of Them, Cape, 1941
LOSSBERG, BERNHARD VON, Im Wehnnachtfuhrungsstab, Nolke, Hamburg, 1947
LUKACS JOHN, The Last European War, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1977
LYONS, GRAHAM (ed.), The Russian Version of the Second World War, Leo Cooper, 1976
MACKENZIE, A., The History of Transylvania, Unified Printers 8: Publishers, 1983
MACKIEWICZ, STANISLAW, Colonel Beck and His Polity, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1944
MACKINTOSH, M., Juggernaut. A History of the Soviet Armed Forces, Seeker 8t Warburg, 1967
MACLEAN, FlTZROY, Eastern Approaches, Cape, 1949
MACLEOD, COLONEL R., and KELLY, DENIS (eds.), The Ironside Diaries, 1937-1940, Constable, 1962
MAISKY, IVAN, Memoirs of a Soviet Ambassador, Hutchinson, 1967 Who Helped Hitler?, Hutchinson, 1964
MANCHESTER, WILLIAM, The Arms of Krupp, Michael Joseph, 1969
MANVELL, ROGER, and FRAENKEL, HEINRICH, Hitler, the Man and the Myth, Granada, 1978
MEDVEDEV, ROY, All Stalin 3 Men, Blackwell, Oxford, 1983 Let History Judge, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1971 Khrushchev, Blackwell, Oxford, 1982 On Stalin and Stalinism, CUP, 1979
MERSON, ALLAN, Communist Resistance in Nazi Germany, Lawrence & Wishart, 1985
MORAVEC, FRANTISEK, Master of Spies, Bodley Head, 1975
MORLEY, JAMES W. (ed.), The Fateful Choice: Japan ’s Road to the Pacific War, Columbia UP, New York, 1980
MOSLEY, LEONARD, On Borrowed Time, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1969
NEKRICH, A. M., 1941, 22 Iyunia, Nauka, Moscow, 1965
NOLLAU, GUNTHER, International Communism and World Revolution, Hollis & Carter, 1961
NOWAK, JAN, Courier from Warsaw, Collins/Hamill, 1982
OTETEA, ANDREI, The History of the Romanian People, Scientific Publishing House, Bucharest, 1970
OVSYANY, IGOR, The Origins of Word War Two, Novosti, Moscow, 1984
PAASIKIVI, JUHO KUSTI, Am Rande einer Supermacht, Behauptung durch Diplomatie, Hosten Verlag, Hamburg, 1966
PARKINSON, ROGER, Peace for Our Time, Hart-Davis, 1971
PAYNE, ROBERT, The Rise and Fall of Stalin, W. H. Allen, 1966
PETROV, VLADIMIR, June 22, 1941. Soviet Historians and the German Invasion, Univ. of S. Carolina, 1968
RACZYNSKI, COUNT EDWARD, In Allied London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1962
RADO, SANDOR, Sous le Pseudonym Dora (Dora Jelenti), Julliard, Paris, 1972
RAEDER, ERICH, My Life, US Naval Institute, Annapolis, 1960
READ, ANTHONY, and FISHER, DAVID, Colonel Z, Hodder & Stoughton, 1984 Operation Lucy, Hodder & Stoughton, 1980
REISCHAUER, EDWIN O., The Japanese, Harvard UP, 1977
REITLINGER, GERALD, The House Built on Sand, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1960
RIBBENTROP, JOACHIM VON, Zwischen London und Moskau: Erinnerungen und letzte Aufzeichnungen, Stuttgart, 1955
RICH, NORMAN, Hitler’s War Aims: Ideology, the Nazi State and the Course of Expansion, Norton, New York, 1973 Hitler’s War Aims: The Establishment of the New Order, Norton, New York, 1974
RINGS, WERNER, Life with the Enemy, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1982
ROKOSSOVSKY, K., A Soldier’s Duty, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1970
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SCHAPIRO, LEONARD, The Government and Politics of the Soviet Union, Vintage Books, 1978
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SCOTT, JOHN, Duel for Europe, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1942
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SHACHTMAN, TOM, The Phony War 1939-1940, Harper & Row, New York, 1982
SHIRER, WILLIAM, Berlin Diary, Bonanza Books, New York, 1984 The Nightmare Years, 1930-1940, Little, Brown, ‘Boston, 1984 The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Secker & Warburg, 1960 The Collapse of the Third Republic, Literary Guild, 1966
SHOSTAKOVICH, DMITRI, Testimony, Hamish Hamilton, 1979
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SMITH, HOWARD K., Last Train from Berlin, Cresset Press, 1942
SOMMER, ERICH F., Das Memorandum, Herbig, Munich, 1981
SOUVARINE, BORIS, Stalin-A Critical Survey of Bolshevism, Longmans, Green, New York, 1939
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STORRY, RICHARD, A History of Modern Japan, Penguin Books, 1960 Japan and the Decline of the West in Asia 1894-1943, Macmillan, 1979
STRANG, LORD, The Moscow Negotiations 1939, Leeds UP, 1968 Home and Abroad, André Deutsch, 1956
STYPULKOWSKI, Z., Invitation to Moscow, Thames & Hudson, 1951
SUKHANOV, N. N., The Russian Revolution, 1917, CUP, 1955
SUVOROV, VIKTOR, Soviet Military Intelligence, Hamish Hamilton, 1984
SYROP, KONRAD, Poland in Perspective, Robert Hale, 1982
SZEMBEK, JAN, Journal, 1933-1939, Léon Noel, Paris, 1952
TANNER, V., The Winter War, Stanford UP, 1957
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TAYLOR, A.J. P., The Origins of the Second World War, Penguin, 1961 The Second World War, Hamish Hamilton, 1975
TAYLOR, FRED (ed.), The Goebbels Diaries 1939-41, Hamish Hamilton, 1982
THAYER, CHARLES, Diplomat, Harper, New York, 1959
THOMI, ABRAHAM, The Dream and the Awakening, Gareth Powell Associates, Sydney, 1977
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TROTSKY, LEON, My Life, Grosset & Dunlap, New York, 1960
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TUOMINEN, ARVO, The Bells of the Kremlin, Univ. Press of New England, 1983
ULAM, ADAM B., Expansion and Coexistence. Soviet Foreign Policy, 1917-73, Praeger Publishers, New York, 1974
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UPTON, A. F., Finland 1939-40, Davis-Poynter, 1974
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URBAN, GARRI S., Tovarisch, I am not Dead, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1980
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webionaire · 3 years
Artist Shannon Ebner has been named chair of the photography department at Pratt Institute in New York. Ebner comes from the University of Southern California’s Roski School of Art and Design, where she has served as a faculty member for the past ten years. She succeeds Stephen Hilger and will take up the post in September.
Ebner is a Los Angeles–based interdisciplinary artist, who often addresses various modes of language, ranging from poetry to political rhetoric, through the lens of photography. This can be seen in her photographic series “Dead Democracy Letters” (2002–06), which addresses the drastic change in the US political climate following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. For the project, Ebner photographed cardboard letters she had planted in Southern California that spelled out words such as “Nausea” and “Raw WAR.” Her works have been exhibited at various institutions, including the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Museum of Modern Art, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Tate London, the Stedelijk Museum, and the Walker Art Center. She is also currently working on a project for the 2018 edition of the Liverpool Biennial, which will kick off in July, and is prepping for a solo exhibition at the Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts at Stanford University, which will open in January 2019.
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rivka · 4 years
“Confrontation: Molotov-Hitler, with Gustav Hilger interpreting. Reich Chancellery, November 12, 1940.”
Excerpt From Stalin Stephen Kotkin books.apple.com/us/book/s…
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
Goldman Sachs' new managing-director list is out — and it's the largest class in the firm's history (GS)
Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for The New York Times
Goldman Sachs announced its largest-ever class of managing directors.
Of the 509 promoted, 44% are millennials.
The firm announces managing-director promotions every two years.
It's one of the most coveted positions on Wall Street, a step below partner at the premier investment bank.
Goldman Sachs just announced a new class of 509 managing directors — the largest class in the firm's history.
The position is one of the most coveted on Wall Street, one step below partner at the prestigious investment-banking firm. The firm now has 2,148 managing directors, making up 7.1% of the company's workforce.
It's also one of the youngest classes the bank has promoted — 44% are millennials, up from 30% in 2015.
Other headline stats about the class:
66% started their careers as analysts or associates at Goldman Sachs.
24% of the class is women, down from 25% in 2015.
130 were promoted in the securities division, up from 102 in 2015.
101 were promoted in investment banking, up from 97 in 2015.
52 were promoted in technology, up from 38 in 2015.
Eight were promoted in consumer and commercial banking — the division that houses the bank's online-lending business, Marcus — compared with zero in 2015.
Here's the full statement:
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (NYSE: GS) today announced that it has selected a new class of Managing Directors, effective from January 1, 2018, the start of the firm's next fiscal year.
"Our new Managing Directors have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to our people, clients and culture during their tenures at the firm, and we wish them continued success as they take this important next step in their careers," said Lloyd C. Blankfein, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs.
The following individuals have been promoted to Managing Director:
Gregg Abramson Sanjay Acharya Khalid Albdah Amal Alibair Karthikeyan Anbalagan Rolf Andersson Volker Anger Jonathan Armstrong Ken Ashley Lavanya Ashok Sebastian Ayton Jonathan Babkow Julio Badi Amitayush Bahri Soren Balzer Robert Barlick Jr. Philip Barreca Santiago Bau David Bauer Oksana Beard Lee Becker Virender Bedi Stuart Beer Christian Beerli Amanda Beisel Yumiko Bekku David Bell Pierre Benichou Andrew Benito Marco Bensi Laura Benson Stephen Bergin Daniel Berglund Greg Berry Shital Bhatt Dipanjan Bhattacharjee Anu Bhavnani Carissa Biggie Vineet Birman Daniel Bitel Anne Black Richard Blore Emmanuel Bodenstein Timothy Braude Sean Brenan Hugh Briscoe Nathaniel Bristol Leo Brito Troy Broderick Levee Brooks Eric Brothers Robert Bruns III Anthony Bunnell Meg Burke Susan Burt Sean Butkus Russell Byrne Edward Byun Adam Cahill Alessandro Calace Cristiano Camargo Ken Cawley Swapan Chaddha Patrick Chamberlain Richard Chambers Daphne Chan Lily Chan Ben Chance Ginger Chang Vikram Chavali Alex Cheek Jae Joon Choi Ken Choi Paul Choi David Clark Denis Cleary Daniel Cleland-James Ayanna Clunis Pamela Codo-Lotti Jesse Cohen Paul Coles Simon Coombes Jenny Cosco Philip Coureau Nathan Cowen Matthew Cox (Securities) Shaun Cullinan Christine D'Agostino Emile Daher Hiren Dasani Russell Day Pierre De Belen Merche del Valle Caitlin DeSantis Jack Devaney Thomas Devos Mats Dewitte Hristo Dimitrov Tim Dinsdale Isabella Disler Christian Ditullio Terence Doherty Yakut Donat Nicola Dondi Brian Dong Jason D'Silva Stefan Duffner Jane Dunlevie Marie Duval Julien Dyon Rohini Eapen Zach Eckler Sayaka Eda Jason Eisenstadt Chris Emmerson Tiffany Eng Chendan Esvaran Erkko Etula Liz Ewing Michael Fargher Matteo Farina Leigh Farris Sarah Faulkner Tom Favia Brett Feldman Jennifer Feng Jon Ferguson Alex Field Herbert Filho Alex Finston Dean Flanagan Greg Flynn Trip Foley Andrew Ho Kwon Fong Moran Forman Michael Fox Caroline Fraser Daniel Freckleton Tim Freeman Reto Frei Giles French Kirsten Frivold Michael Fu Rob Fuentes Kenji Fujimoto Carrie Gannon Chantal Garcia Akhil Garg Alex Garner Nick Gelber Andrew Gent Gizelle George-Joseph Andrea Gift Sean Gilbride Andreas Glaser Yong Suan Goh Sona Gohel Amir Gold Jeremy Goldstein Steven Gonzalez Jeff Gowen Adam Greene Tom Groothaert Hannes Gsell Ashwin Gupta Ali Haji Ayaz Haji Robert Hamilton Kelly Victoria Hampson Raja Harb Andy Harding Ryan Harster Selma Hassan Stephen Hawinkels Jacqueline Haynes Jason He* Craig Hempstead David Herrmann David Hickey Thomas Hilger Mitch Hochberg Jodi Hochberger Jane Hodges Peter Hodgkinson Dylan Hogarty Tim Holliday Naftali Holtz Amy Hong Jason Hudes Earl Hunt Joseph Hwang Yoshinori Ide Kazuya Iketani Daniel Jackson Ankit Jain (Risk) Gaurav Jaitly Jan Janssen David Jeria Alnawaz Jiwa Kim Johns Scott Johnson Elis Jones Neil Jones Robert Jones Philip Joseph Anand Joshi Shawn Joshi Ritu Kalra Michael Kaprelian Nadeem Kayani Alicia Keenan Neil Kelleher Tom Kennedy Aqil Khan Sarah Kiernan Daniel Kim Eugene Kim (IMD) Jason Kim (GIR) Sora Kim Kristy Kinahan Eugene King Laura Kirk Kunal Kishore Elliot Klapper Jayee Koffey Jason Koon Jennifer Kopylov Daniel Korich Ichiro Kosuge Vladimir Kotlyar Samuel Krasnik Katherine Krause David Kraut Sergey Kraytman Nitin Kulkarni Ram Kulkarni Dileep Kumar (Securities) Santosh Kunnakkat Wendy Kwong JP Lall Bill Lambert David Landman Yi Larson Niccolo Laudiero Nick Laux David Lee Phillip Lee Samuel Lee Shawn Lee Michael Leister David Lerner Naomi Leslie Matt Levine Na Li Haining Liang Nancy Licul Monica Lim Michelle Ling Srujan Linga Philip Linton Alan Liu Daniel Liu Eric Liu Heiman Lo Juan Lorenzo Tian Lu Wayne Lu James Lucas Dennis Luebcke Martin Luehrmann John Lynch Gina Lytle Leo Ma* Caesar Maasry Geoff MacDonald Robert Magnuson Toshiyuki Makabe Mariano Mallol Geydar Mamedov Kara Mangone Donna Mansfield Ajit Marathe Gilberto Marcheggiano James Marchese Michael Marcus Joshua Matheus Ann Mathews Chris Mathie Brian McCallion Graham McClelland Anne McCosker Michael Meehan (Compliance) Taylor Mefford Neil Mehta Adam Meister David Mericle Vitali Meschoulam Eric Meyers Alex Mignotte Andras Mikite Christopher Milligan Rahul Mistry Mike Mitchell Neil Moge Waleed Mohsin Babak Molavi Joel Monson Guy Morgan James Morris Antoine Munfa Aimee Mungovan Yuji Murata Dan Murphy Josh Murray Brian Musto Shehzad Nabi Devarajan Nambakam Ramanathan Narayanan Ganapathy Natarajan Danielle Natoli Murad Nayal Karim Nensi Scott Neu Dennis Ng Ken Ng Benjamin Ngan Joy Nguyen Salman Niaz Anders Nielsen (IMD) Howard Nifoussi Jun Niki Leah Nivison Laura Noble James Nolan Lauren Oakes Lynn Oberschmidt Allison O'Connor John O'Connor Shunil Ohrie Damian Ordish Leke Osinubi David Ossack Sathiya Padmanaban Danielle Pallin Salvador Pareja Dalmir Pasini Clorinda Pasqua Chris Pawson Paris Pender Patrick Perkins Philippe Perzi Wendy Peters Andy Phillips Flavio Picciotto Michael Pieck Sam Pirog Thomas Plank Joseph Plotkin Wade Podlich Ashish Pokharna Caitlin Pollak Charles Pollock Joe Porter Travis Potter Rohit Prabhu Richard Privorotsky Andrew Pucher Jay Rabinowitz Ankit Raj Harsha Rajamani Dmitry Rakhlin Yasser Rathore Edoardo Rava Elizabeth Reed Alexandre Reinert Stephen Reinhard Irfan Rendeci Christian Resch Andrew Rhee Riccardo Riboldi James Rinsler Caroline Riskey Helen Robinson Mark Rosen Amit Roy Joe Ryan Bernhard Rzymelka Takehiro Sakuramoto John Sales Rob Sarazen Vineeta Saxena Dominik Schaefer Andrea Scott Majid Sebti Bipin Sehgal Arseni Seregin Irma Sgarz Paulomi Shah Shreyas Shah Sunny Shah Faisal Shamsee Daniel Shapiro Mahesh Sharma Shripal Sharma Mai Shin Romy Shioda Toshimichi Shirai Mark Short Pankauz Shrestha David Shrimpton Obaid Siddiqui Mike Sidorov Scott Silverglate Stefani Silverstein Amy Silverzweig Jasdeep Singh Gabriella Skirnick Michael Sklow Maxine Sleeper Michael Slomienski Michael Sloyer Nicholas Smith (IBD) Ruth Smithson Christine Smyth Ben Snider Stacy Sonnenberg Cleaver Sower Ro Spaziani Brian Steele Johannes Steffens Duncan Stewart Stephen Stites Laurent Storoni Caroline Styant Joel Sulkes Mancy Sun Winnie Tam Nachiket Tamhane Ken Tang MK Tang Amish Tanna Melissa Teng Ross Tennenbaum Greg Thompson Fiona Thomson Justin Tobe Jason Tofsky Brad Tuthill Masahiro Uchiyama Nehal Udeshi Saad Usmani Meg Vaden Pramod Vaidyanathan Adam Van de Berghe Fred van der Wyck Suzanne van Staveren Andrew Vass Mahesh Vellanki Kadambari Verma Christopher Vilburn Iva Vukina Heng Vuong Ketan Vyas Joe Wall Jeffrey Wang Jiantao Wang Joshua Wang Lily Wang (Technology) Sherry Wang Victoria Ward (Compliance) Jeff Warren Noriko Watanabe Ramey Watkins Sam Watkins Heiko Weber Niki Webster Scott Weinstein Ryan Westmacott James Westwood Keith Wetzel Mark Wetzel James Whittingham Sabine Wick Robert Wieser Devin Wilde David Wilkins John Wilkinson Andrew Williams Ed Wong (IBD Technology) Eric Wong (Internal Audit) Kate Wood Amanda Wu Douglas Wu Joanne Xu Liang Xu** Rupam Yadav Kazushi Yamaguchi Hubert Yang Lisa Yang Basak Yavuz Zeynep Yenel David Yu Brian Zakrocki Thomas Zeppetella Yi Zhang* Adib Zouein Patrik Zumstein Piotr Zurawski Jonathan Zwart
*Employee of Goldman Sachs Gao Hua Securities Company Limited **Employee of Beijing Gao Hua Securities Company Limited
NOW WATCH: I spent a day trying to pay for things with bitcoin and a bar of gold
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bluemagic-girl · 5 years
China, U.S. kick off new round of tariffs in trade war
BEIJING, Sept 1 (Reuters) – China and the United States started enforcing further tariffs on each and every different’s items on Sunday, the newest escalation in a bruising trade war, in spite of indicators that talks would resume a while this month.
U.S. President Donald Trump, writing on Twitter, stated the battle used to be about lowering reliance on China and once more advised U.S. firms to seek out exchange providers outdoor China.
A new round of tariffs took impact from 0401 GMT, with Beijing’s levy of five% on U.S. crude marking the primary time the gas has been centered for the reason that global’s two greatest economies began their trade war greater than a 12 months in the past.
The Trump management on Sunday started gathering 15% tariffs on greater than $125 billion in Chinese imports, together with good audio system, Bluetooth headphones and plenty of varieties of sneakers.
Products Walmart worries may just get slammed by means of Trump’s trade war
See Gallery
1. Mandarin oranges in cans
three. Hair care
(Photo by means of: Jeffrey Greenberg/UIG by the use of Getty Images)
four. Other tub prep
(REUTERS/Lucas Jackson)
five. Dog leashes, canine collars
(REUTERS/Caitlin Ochs)
6. Cat leashes, puppy costumes
eight. Luggage, tote baggage, duffle baggage, purses
11. Backpacks
(Photo by means of Bradley C. Bower/Bloomberg by the use of Getty Images)
12. Rolled wrapping paper
15. Vacuum cleaners
(Photo by means of Tim Boyle/Getty Images)
16. Toothbrush alternative heads
18. Air conditioners
(Photo by means of Stephen Hilger/Bloomberg by the use of Getty Images)
19. HDMI cables, video cables, extension cords, auxiliary cords
20. Oil-less fryers and toaster ovens
21. Bicycles
(Timothy Fadek/Bloomberg by the use of Getty Images)
24. Miscellaneous furnishings, like toddler pack-and-plays or patio furnishings
25. Mattresses
(Photo by means of Milbert O. Brown/Chicago Tribune/MCT by the use of Getty Images)
26. Christmas lighting
(Patrick T. Fallon/Bloomberg by the use of Getty Images)
In retaliation, China began to impose further tariffs on some of the U.S. items on a $75-billion goal listing. Beijing didn’t specify the price of the products that face upper tariffs from Sunday.
The additional tariffs of five% and 10% had been levied on 1,717 pieces of a complete of five,078 merchandise originating from the United States. Beijing will get started gathering further tariffs at the relaxation from Dec. 15.
Trump on Sunday cited feedback from U.S. economist Peter Morici, who claims the tariffs won’t have an effect on U.S. customers that a lot given a drop in the Chinese foreign money, and referred to as on U.S. firms to seek out providers outdoor of China.
“We don’t want to be servants to the Chinese!” he stated. “This is about American Freedom. Redirect the supply chain. There is no reason to buy everything from China!”
Chinese state media struck a defiant word.
“The United States should learn how to behave like a responsible global power and stop acting as a ‘school bully’,” the legitimate Xinhua information company stated.
“As the world’s only superpower, it needs to shoulder its due responsibility, and join other countries in making this world a better and more prosperous place. Only then can America become great again.”
Tariffs may just now not obstruct China’s building, stated the legitimate People’s Daily of the ruling Communist Party.
“China’s booming economy has made China a fertile ground for investment that foreign companies cannot ignore,” it stated, in a remark beneath the title ‘Zhong Sheng’, or ‘Voice of China’, which is frequently used to state its view on overseas coverage problems.
Last month, Trump stated he used to be expanding current and deliberate tariffs by means of five% on about $550-billion value of Chinese imports after Beijing introduced its personal retaliatory tariffs on U.S. items.
Tariffs of 15% on mobile phones, computer computer systems, toys and clothes are to take impact on Dec. 15.
The U.S. Trade Representative’s Office stated on Thursday it might accumulate public feedback via Sept. 20 on a deliberate tariff building up to 30% on a $250-billion listing of items already hit with a 25% tariff.
Trade groups from China and the United States proceed to speak and can meet in September, however tariff hikes on Chinese items set to head in position on Sunday is probably not behind schedule, Trump has stated.
For two years, the Trump management has sought to power China to make sweeping adjustments to its insurance policies on highbrow assets coverage, compelled transfers of era to Chinese corporations, commercial subsidies and marketplace get admission to.
China has persistently denied Washington’s accusations that it engages in unfair trade practices, vowing to battle again in type and criticizing U.S. measures as protectionist.
China has pressed the United States to cancel the tariff building up, however stated remaining week September round of talks used to be being mentioned between the 2.
The trade war additional traces Beijing-Washington ties, already overshadowed by means of U.S. freedom of navigation workouts close to Chinese-occupied islands in the disputed South China Sea, and U.S. give a boost to for self-ruled and democratic Taiwan, which China claims as its personal.
Trump has additionally connected the trade talks and the protests in Hong Kong, pronouncing he believes the negotiations with the United States had led Beijing to be extra restrained in its reaction to the demonstrations in Hong Kong.
(Reporting by means of Ben Blanchard, Judy Hua and Shivani Singh in Beijing and Andrea Shalal in Washington; Editing by means of Clarence Fernandez and Nick Zieminski)
More from Aol.com: What is the educator expense tax deduction? four little identified pointers that can assist you pay college tuition Trump taking a look at conceivable U.S. payroll, capital beneficial properties tax cuts
from Moose Gazette https://ift.tt/2NLoVIm via moosegazette.net
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matthewryanholtkamp · 7 years
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Stephen Hilger
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phasesmag · 8 years
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Stephen Hilger http://www.stephenhilger.com/
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stephenhilger · 7 years
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Read “Photos of the New Orleans Neighborhood That Disappeared” by Ellyn Kail for FeatureShoot. 
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fishstickmonkey · 8 years
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Telephone, 2009
© Stephen Hilger
(via Feature Shoot)
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benmarriott · 4 years
Lots of Love from Ben Marriott on Vimeo.
Over the past 8 months, I've been putting this animation together with 60 amazing animators (under the code name Project Manticore 2020.) Each artist produced a 36 frame animation on the theme of "Love." I was stunned by different interpretations, the quality of work & diversity of styles. I'm so proud to finally release this project and hopefully introduce you to some amazing artists. I hope it was worth the wait!
Producer: Ben Marriott @ben_marriott_ Sound Design: QB Sound @qbsoundstudio
Animators: Jake Bartlett @jakeinmotion Ryan Bird @birdsie.tv James Boorman @jamesboorman Bernd Bousard @berndbousard Francisco Catão @franciscocatao CE Bilibili: @0.CE Garath Chang @gardercha Manu Correa Soto @manucorreasoto Sha'an d'Anthes @furrylittlepeach Lykke Dalum @lykkedalum Nidia Dias @imnidiadias Elena Dunwoodie @elena.motion Josh Edwards @jshedwards Stephen Elliget @epicsteve Johan Eriksson @erikssongraphics Fafa Motion @fafa_motion Gabriel Gareso @gabriel_gareso Rodrigo Germano @rodgermano_ Alex Goddard @goddardmakes John Grist @john.grist Karolin Gu @karolin_gu Martin Gunnarsson @hellodeerstranger Miles Hellyer @mchellyer Jess Herrera @herrerasaurus Jasper Hilgers @jasperhilgers Joyteeth Bilibili @joyteeth Tim Krakowiak @timkrakowiak3d Johana Kroft @johanakroft Zoe Lagos Crocker @lagoosey Derek Lau @dereklaudesign Lara Lee @laraleee Nancy Li @nlianderthal Ben Marriott @ben_marriott_ Glen Miralles @glenmiralles Brian Neong San @neongsan Carlotta Notaro @carlotta_notaro Adam Olds @addrawz Ignacio Osorio @ignacio.osorio.s Sofia Pashaei @sofiapashaei Megan Pelto @meganpelto Bryce Pemberton @brycepemberton_ Chris Phillips @crispegram William Pietsch @williamdpietsch Felipe Pinheiro Rocha @fpinheiro_design Ross Plaskow @rossplaskow Jason Poley @jasonpoley Mike Russo @mikerusso.tv Alek Saharovsky @alek.work Manon Sailly @saillymanon Luke Saunders @lukejacksaunders Kirstin Smith @kirstinnsmith Liz Smith @__lizsmith Scarlett Starling @scarlettstarlingdesign Its Got Stealth @itsgotstealth Marvin Te @marvin.y.te Phillip Tibballs @philltibb Jordan Turner @jordanturner.jpeg Sam Van Ingen @motionvan Vanta Collective @vanta.collective Michael Wilkinson @design_blimp Pip Williamson @williamson_pip Yuki Yamada @theyamadasan YMY
Special thanks to: Zoe Marriott
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gystink · 5 years
Award: Governor's Award for Excellence in the Arts (Vermont residents only)
Governor's Award for Excellence in the Arts
Home > Programs > Arts Awards > Governor's Award
François Clemmons—singer, composer, playwright, author, and activist—received the Governor's Arts Award in 2019.
The Governor’s Award for Excellence in the Arts is awarded to a person (or persons) of distinction in the arts who meets one or more of these criteria:
currently resides in Vermont
has a regional (New England), national, or international reputation in their chosen field as evidenced by third-party acclaim or reviews from independent sources
has a significant public following as well as peer recognition/acclaim in Vermont
has a significant body of work revealing his/her talent and skill available for review by the Council
shows evidence of having a strong commitment to Vermont and the role that the arts plays in its quality of life
is nominated by three or more individuals, only one of whom may be a member of the nominee’s immediate family
2019 - François Clemmons, singer, composer, playwright, author, and activist 2018 - Chris Miller and Jerry Williams, sculptors 2017 - David Macaulay, author/illustrator 2016 - Eric Aho, visual artist 2015 - Grace Potter, singer/songwriter 2014 - Galway Kinnell, poet 2013 - Warren Kimball, visual artist 2012 - Karen Hesse, author 2012 - Archer Mayor, author 2012 - Sharon Robinson, cellist 2012 - Stephen Stearns, professional clown/teacher 2011 - Julia Alvarez, writer 2010 - Eric Bass and Ines Zeller Bass - photos | award ceremony video 2008 - Rob Mermin, Circus Smirkus founder - award ceremony video 2007 - Ed Koren, illustrator 2006 - Jaime Laredo, musician 2005 - Howard Frank Mosher, author 2004 - Jane Beck, founder Vermont Folklife Center 2003 - Frank Gaylord, sculptor 2002 - Robert DeCormier, conductor/arranger/composer 2001 - Katherine Paterson, writer 2000 - Ernest Kinoy, screenwriter 1999 - Sabra Field, printmaker 1998 - Jay Craven, filmmaker 1997 - Karen Karnes, potter 1996 - Michael Singer, landscape architect 1995 - Pat Adams, painter 1994 - Steve Paxton, dancer/choreographer 1993 - Grace Paley, writer 1992 - Louis Calabro, musician/conductor 1991 - Daniel Urban Kiley, landscape architect 1989 - Efrain Guigui, conductor 1988 - David Mamet, writer 1986 - Ralph Steiner, photographer/cinematographer 1985 - Elsa Hilger, musician 1984 - Marcel Moyse, composer/musician 1983 - George Tooker, painter 1982 - Julius Held, Meyer Schapiro, and John Kouwenhoven, art historians and writers 1979 - Bernard Malamud, writer 1978 - Peter Schumann, actor/founder of Bread and Puppet Theatre 1977 - Blanche Honegger Moyse, conductor/ co-founder of Brattleboro Music Center 1975 - Ivan Albright, painter 1974 - Clara Sipprell, photographer 1973 - Hayden Carruth, poet 1972 - Alan Carter, conductor/founder of Vermont Symphony Orchestra 1971 - Walter Piston, composer 1970 - Aileen Osborn Webb, crafts administrator 1969 - Luigi Lucioni, painter 1968 - Carl Ruggles, composer 1967 - Rudolf Serkin, musician
Submit a Nomination
complete this online form
send a letter of recommendation to 136 State Street, Montpelier, VT 05633, or
send an email to the Council with "Award Nomination" in the subject line. Include your name and contact information. Also list three to five achievements, based on awards criteria, that qualify this nominee for the award and provide one to three links to information about the nominee that support this nomination
Recommendations are welcome throughout the year. To be considered for the 2020 awards, candidate names must have been submitted by April 6, 2020.
more info: https://www.vermontartscouncil.org/programs/arts-awards/governors-award
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travelcafemt-blog · 5 years
What's Happening Around Montana This Weekend
New Post has been published on https://www.montanastravelagency.com/whats-happening-around-montana-this-weekend/
What's Happening Around Montana This Weekend
Itching to get out and around this weekend? There’s a ton going on around the state. Check it out.
Libby Logger Days Sat, Jun 22 – Mon, Jun 24 J. Neils Memorial Park, 1301 MT-37 Libby, MT
Tomorrow, 10 AM – 5 PM
Caras Park, 123 Carousel Dr
Missoula, MT
Festival of Cultures
Tomorrow, 10 AM – 4 PM
Billings, MT
Missoula Saturday Market ‑ June
Jun 1 – 29
Missoula People’s Market, and 59801, E Pine St & N Higgins Ave
Missoula, MT
Watershed Festival & Fishing Derby
Today, 9 AM – 3 PM
Bozeman Fish Technology Center, 4050 Bridger Canyon Rd
Bozeman, MT
Big Sky Pride 2019
Wed, Jun 19 – Sun, Jun 23
Helena, MT
Pint and a Half
Tomorrow, 6 PM
MAP Brewing Company, 510 Manley Rd
Bozeman, MT
Jim James + The Claypool Lennon Delirium
Today, 7 – 10 PM
KettleHouse Amphitheater, 605 Cold Smoke Lane
Bonner, MT
Pride Parade Social @ Blackfoot
Today, 11 AM – 5 PM
Blackfoot River Brewing Co, 66 S Park Ave
Helena, MT
Riverbend Concert Series “John Dunnigan”
Tomorrow, 7:00 – 8:30 PM
Sliter’s Park, 291 Bridge St
Bigfork, MT
Gallatin Valley Farmers Market ‑ June
Jun 22 – 29
Gallatin County Fairgrounds, 901 N Black Ave
Bozeman, MT
Billings Biggest Garage Sale
Today, 7 AM – 3 PM
MetraPark Arena, 308 6th Ave N
Billings, MT
Patty Griffin
Tomorrow, 8 PM
The Wilma, 131 S Higgins Ave
Missoula, MT
Red Lodge Songwriter Festival
Today, 10:30 AM – 11:59 PM
Red Lodge
Red Lodge, MT
Sun, Jun 23 – Mon, Jun 24
MetraPark Arena, 308 6th Ave N
Billings, MT
Western Ranch Spectacular
Fri, Jun 21 – Sun, Jun 23
Western Ranch Supply, 7305 Entryway Dr
Billings, MT
Virginia City Bus Tour
Tomorrow, 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
Gallatin History Museum, 317 W Main St
Bozeman, MT
Unseen Missoula: Basements & Back Alleys – SOLD OUT
Today, 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Caras Park, 123 Carousel Dr
Missoula, MT
SOLD OUT! Naturalist Field Day: Tour the Bison…
Today, 9 AM – 5 PM
Montana Natural History Center, 120 Hickory St # A
Missoula, MT
Big Sky Pride Parade
Today, 11 AM – 12 PM
Helena, MT
Sun Dogs
Tomorrow, 6 PM
Rumour Restaurant & Tap House & Tapas, 1855 Stephens Ave
Missoula, MT
Soul Food: A Creative Celebration of Freedom …
Sat, Jun 22 – Sat, Jun 29
Feathered Pipe Ranch, 2409 Bear Creek Rd
Helena, MT
The Ringling 5 at Flathead County Fairgrounds
Today, 7 PM
Flathead County Fairgrounds, 265 N Meridian Rd
Kalispell, MT
Brent Cobb at Live From The Divide
Tomorrow, 9 PM
Live From The Divide, 627 E Peach St
Bozeman, MT
From Tents to Town: Bozeman’s Historic Main Street
Today, 10 – 11 AM
234 E Mendenhall St
Bozeman, MT
Montana Mission 22/IGY6 Project
Today, 10 AM – 10 PM
Silver City Saloon, 5940 Lincoln Rd W
Helena, MT
Big Sky Vintage Trailer Rally
Thu, Jun 20 – Sun, Jun 23
The Big Sky Tonight
Today, 3 PM
Museum of the Rockies, 600 W Kagy Blvd
Bozeman, MT
Big Sky Montana Kids Adventure Games 2019
Fri, Jun 21 – Sat, Jun 22
Big Sky Resort, 50 Big Sky Resort Rd
Big Sky, MT
Living History Farm
Today, 10 AM – 4 PM
Museum of the Rockies, 600 W Kagy Blvd
Bozeman, MT
Smoke on the Water: Cigar Cruise on Flathead Lake
Today, 2 – 9 PM
Volunteer Park, 7225 US-93
Lakeside, MT
Mega Monster Truck Show
Today, 7:00 – 9:30 PM
Flathead County Fairgrounds, 265 N Meridian Rd
Kalispell, MT
Bozeman Conservation Convention
Fri, Jun 21 – Sun, Jun 23
Emerson Center for the Arts & Culture, 111 S Grand Ave
Bozeman, MT
MTWOW Clinic Billings Motorcycle Club
Today, 9 AM – 12 PM
Billings Motorcycle Club, 3630 Old Blue Creek Rd
Billings, MT
Living History Farm
Tomorrow, 10 AM – 4 PM
Museum of the Rockies, 600 W Kagy Blvd
Bozeman, MT
Locksaw Cartel
Today, 7 PM
Top Hat, 134 W Front St
Missoula, MT
Built To Spill – Keep It Like A Secret Tour
Tomorrow, 8 PM
Emerson Center for the Arts & Culture, 111 S Grand Ave
Bozeman, MT
Missoula Osprey opening Weekend Festival
Tomorrow, 2 – 4 PM
Ogren Park at Allegiance Field, 700 Cregg Ln
Missoula, MT
Tom Kirwan
Tomorrow, 12:00 AM – 11:59 PM
Bozeman, MT
2019 ICCC Annual Convention June 20 thru 22…
Thu, Jun 20 – Sat, Jun 22
Gallatin County Fairgrounds, 901 N Black Ave
Bozeman, MT
Symphony in the Park, Billings MT
Tomorrow, 1 – 7 PM
Pioneer Park, Parkhill Dr & 3rd St W
Billings, MT
The Organism
Today, 9 PM
Haufbrau House, 22 S 8th Ave
Bozeman, MT
Megaton Gypsies Play Osprey Festival June 22 1 pm
Today, 1 – 3 PM
Ogren Park at Allegiance Field, 700 Cregg Ln
Missoula, MT
21st Annual Watershed Festival
Today, 9 AM – 3 PM
MOSS – Montana Outdoor Science School, 4056 Bridger Canyon Rd
Bozeman, MT
Kimberlee Carlson Jazz
Tomorrow, 5 PM
Draught Works, 915 Toole Ave
Missoula, MT
Daniel Harvala
Today, 7 PM
Red Tractor Pizza, 1007 W Main St
Bozeman, MT
Crafty Sisters Sale @ MetraPark
Today, 9 AM – 4 PM
MetraPark Arena, 308 6th Ave N
Billings, MT
Yoga & Cider
Today, 10:30 AM
Western Cider, 501 N California St
Missoula, MT
Today, 9:30 PM
J R’s Lounge & Casino, 203 W Madison Ave d
Belgrade, MT
USACi National Record Event
Today, 10 AM – 4 PM
Jarrett’s Stereos, 2271 Eldorado Dr
Billings, MT
Great Falls Voyagers at Missoula Osprey in Missoula
Today, 1 PM
Ogren Park at Allegiance Field, 700 Cregg Ln
Missoula, MT
Champagne Sunday
Today, 5 PM
Mighty Mo Brewing Co, 412 Central Ave
Great Falls, MT
Yellowstone Writing Project Invitational Summer…
Jun 18 – 27
Montana State University, Culbertson Hall, 100
Bozeman, MT
My1FitLife “Family Friendly” Adventure Big Sky, MT
Thu, Jun 20 – Sun, Jun 23
Big Sky Resort, 50 Big Sky Resort Rd
Big Sky, MT
Mark Stuart at Live From The Divide
Today, 9 PM
Live From The Divide, 627 E Peach St
Bozeman, MT
Robert Earl Keen at The Old Saloon
Tomorrow, 8 PM
Old Saloon, 210 Railroad Lane
Emigrant, MT
June 22nd! Taproom OPEN for BONUS Hours! Private…
Today, 12:00 – 11:59 PM
The Pub Station, 2502 1st Ave N
Billings, MT
Whiskey Myers at The Old Saloon
Today, 8 PM
Old Saloon, 210 Railroad Lane
Emigrant, MT
Summer Education Series – Hawks
Today, 10 AM
Montana Raptor Conservation Center, 161 Bent Wing Rd
Bozeman, MT
June Commissioner Schedule
Jun 1 – 29
Powell County School Superintendent, 409 Missouri Ave
Deer Lodge, MT
Block Party Auto Show
Today, 10 AM – 3 PM
Circle, MT
Jun 21 – Jul 7
Livingston, MT
Today, 7 PM
Virginia City Opera House, MT-287
Virginia City, MT
The Big Sky Tonight
Tomorrow, 3 PM
Museum of the Rockies, 600 W Kagy Blvd
Bozeman, MT
Today, 7 PM
Shane Lalani Center for the Arts, 415 E Lewis St
Livingston, MT
Plein Air Glacier: Paint Out 2019
Today, 5 – 8 PM
Hockaday Museum of Art, 302 2nd Ave E
Kalispell, MT
Secret of the Cardboard Rocket
Today, 12 PM
Museum of the Rockies, 600 W Kagy Blvd
Bozeman, MT
Make a Smoke Cleansing Wand
Tomorrow, 12:00 – 2:30 PM
Zero Gravity Floating, 702 W Main St
Bozeman, MT
Loose String Band
Today, 6 PM
Draught Works, 915 Toole Ave
Missoula, MT
Brunch Live Music – Neil Filo Beddow
Today, 11 AM – 1 PM
Pine Creek Lodge, 2496 E River Rd
Livingston, MT
National Youth Leadership Training
Sun, Jun 23 – Sat, Jun 29
K-M Scout Ranch, 1066 K-M Rd
Hilger, MT
Paige & The Peoples Band
Today, 7 – 10 PM
Pine Creek Lodge, 2496 E River Rd
Livingston, MT
2nd Annual Cornhole Tournament
Today, 12 – 3 PM
Marantette Park, 133 13th St E
Columbia Falls, MT
Secret of the Cardboard Rocket
Tomorrow, 12 PM
Museum of the Rockies, 600 W Kagy Blvd
Bozeman, MT
Used Book Sale
Today, 9 AM – 5 PM
Bozeman Public Library, 626 E Main St
Bozeman, MT
Bingo at the Kalispell Eagles
Tomorrow, 2:00 – 5:30 PM
1st St W
Kalispell, MT
The Big Shindig
Today, 12:00 AM – 11:59 PM
The Desoto Grill, 227 1st St W
Kalispell, MT
Summer Family Sip & Paint
Today, 10 AM – 12 PM
The Art Of Play, 605 24th St W #1
Billings, MT
Walking Tour – Bozeman Bon Ton District
Tomorrow, 1 PM
The Story Mansion and Story Park, 811 S Willson Ave
Bozeman, MT
Billings Biggest Garage Sale 6/22/19 in Billings
Today, 7 AM
Billings Hotel and Convention Center, 6391, 1223 Mullowney Ln
Billings, MT
The Flick
Jun 20 – 27
Verge Theatre, 2304 N 7th Ave # C1
Bozeman, MT
2019 Convention…..Blast Throughout the Past!
Fri, Jun 21 – Sun, Jun 23
Hilton Garden Inn Billings, 2465 Grant Rd
Billings, MT
Jun 14 – 30
HAMILTON PLAYERS, 9523, 100 Ricketts Rd
Hamilton, MT
June Cozumel Dive Trip Week 2
Sat, Jun 15 – Sat, Jun 22
Sports Cove, 4055 Valley Commons Dr ste c
Bozeman, MT
Women in Engineering
Today, 11 AM – 2 PM
Montana Science Center, 202 S Willson Ave
Bozeman, MT
Rosewater Open House
Sat, Jun 22 – Sun, Jun 23
1535 Rose Crossing
Kalispell, MT
AvengeHER EndJam
Today, 7 – 10 PM
Four Seasons Arena, 400 3rd St NW
Great Falls, MT
2019 Intermountain Champions Cup
Fri, Jun 21 – Sun, Jun 23
Fort Missoula Regional Park, 3401-3499 South Ave W
Missoula, MT
Shakespeare in the Parks – Merry Wives of Windsor
Today, 8 PM
Montana State University Alumni Foundation, 1501 S 11th Ave
Bozeman, MT
PTA 5K for the Kids
Today, 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Village Loop
Fri, Jun 21 – Sun, Jun 23
River Pines Horse Sanctuary, 120 River Pines Rd
Missoula, MT
SunsAh406 in Helena
Today, 7 PM
Lakeside on Hauser, 5295 York Rd
Helena, MT
Jaime Wyatt
Today, 6 – 8 PM
The Garage at Yellowstone Valley Brewing Co, 2123 1st Ave N B
Billings, MT
Seeley 50, 25 &10K
Today, 8 AM
Seeley Creek Trail, Morrell Creek Rd
Seeley Lake, MT
University of Montana Music Camp (resident…
Sun, Jun 23 – Sat, Jun 29
University of Montana, 32 Campus Dr
Missoula, MT
Tomorrow, 6 PM
Bunkhouse Brewery, 1216 West Lincoln Street a
Bozeman, MT
REFINE. The Technique Course
Sun, Jun 23 – Fri, Jun 28
Movement Montana Arts Academy, 925 Broadwater Ave
Billings, MT
Great Falls Voyagers at Missoula Osprey
Tomorrow, 1 PM
Ogren Park at Allegiance Field, 700 Cregg Ln
Missoula, MT
Tricia Decker Big Timber – McLeod, Montana 59052…
Sun, Jun 23 – Tue, Jun 25
Mimanagish, 4003 Main Boulder Rd
Mc Leod, MT
Jun 1 – 30
Bankers Life, 1350 Avenue C
Billings, MT
Prairie Grass Ranch Sushi Workshop
Today, 2 – 4 PM
48444 Rudd Ln
Havre, MT
Regal Cinemas
Today, 12:00 AM – 11:59 PM
Regal Cinemas Gallatin Valley Stadium 11, 2825 W Main St
Bozeman, MT
Hike Mount Helena with the Montana Club
Today, 7:30 – 9:00 AM
Mount Helena, Dump Out Trail
Helena, MT
Sat, Jun 22 – Sun, Jun 23
MontanaQuest, 120 River Pines Rd
Missoula, MT
USATF Region 11 Junior Olympic Track & Field…
Thu, Jun 20 – Sat, Jun 22
Montana State University, Culbertson Hall, 100
Bozeman, MT
2019 Montana Intensive Wrestling Camp
Sun, Jun 23 – Fri, Jun 28
Flathead High School, 644 4th Ave W
Kalispell, MT
Open Mic Night
Today, 6 – 8 PM
Wild Joe*s Coffee Spot, 18 W Main St
Bozeman, MT
Alex Williams (Helena)
Tomorrow, 7:00 – 11:59 PM
1517 Dodge Ave
Helena, MT
4 Week Intro to AcroYoga Series
Inner Harmony Yoga, 214 E Main St Suite B
Missoula, MT
Plane Pull 2019
Today, 12 – 3 PM
Neptune Aviation Services Inc, 1 Corporate Way
Missoula, MT
Books & Babies
Today, 10 AM
Bozeman Public Library, 626 E Main St
Bozeman, MT
Little Jane and the Pistol Whips
Tomorrow, 11 AM
Pine Creek Lodge, 2496 E River Rd
Livingston, MT
Baby Wildlife and More! #2
Wed, Jun 19 – Mon, Jun 24
Holiday Inn Express & Suites Kalispell, 275 Treeline Rd
Kalispell, MT
2019 Seminar
Thu, Jun 20 – Sun, Jun 23
Carroll College, 1601 N Benton Ave
Helena, MT
Herron Park Equestrians Mini Event & Working…
Today, 9 AM
Herron Park, 2310 Foys Lake Rd
Kalispell, MT
Acoustic Roll
Today, 7 PM
Norris Hot Springs Campground
Norris, MT
Montana’s Longest Table
Today, 5:30 – 8:30 PM
2nd Ave S
Lewistown, MT
Today, 1 PM
Paris Gibson Square Museum of Art, 1400 1st Ave N
Great Falls, MT
FREE Life Coaching Session
Tomorrow, 4 PM
2901 Brooks St
Missoula, MT
FREE Life Coaching Session
Today, 4 PM
2901 Brooks St
Missoula, MT
Fins & Feathers Fly Fishing 101 in Bozeman
Today, 9 AM
Bozeman Pond, 700 S Fowler Ave
Bozeman, MT
Summer Reading Block Party!
Today, 11 AM – 2 PM
510 N Broadway
Billings, MT
RATPOD (Ride Around the Pioneers in One Day)
Sat, Jun 22 – Sun, Jun 23
University of Montana Western, 710 S Atlantic St
Dillon, MT
Prenatal Yoga
Today, 11 AM – 12 PM
Your Yoga Bozeman, 20 E Main St
Bozeman, MT
Feathered Friends Fundraiser
Today, 11 AM – 2 PM
Fish Wildlife & Parks, 490 N Meridian Rd
Kalispell, MT
Celebration of life
Today, 12 PM
Grace Bible Church, 3625 S 19th Ave
Bozeman, MT
2020 Beartooth Basin IFSA FWQ 2* Summer Shredfest…
Thu, Jun 20 – Sat, Jun 22
Beartooth Basin Summer Ski Area, US-212
Cody, WY
8 Day ‘Soul Food’ Freedom Yoga & Meditation…
Jun 21 – 28
Feathered Pipe Ranch, 2409 Bear Creek Rd
Helena, MT
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
Goldman Sachs' new managing director list is out
Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for The New York Times
Goldman Sachs just announed a new class of managing directors.
Here's the statement:
NEW YORK, November 8, 2017 -- The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (NYSE: GS) today announced that it has selected a new class of Managing Directors, effective from January 1, 2018, the start of the firm’s next fiscal year.
“Our new Managing Directors have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to our people, clients and culture during their tenures at the firm, and we wish them continued success as they take this important next step in their careers,” said Lloyd C. Blankfein, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs.
The following individuals have been promoted to Managing Director:
Gregg Abramson Sanjay Acharya Khalid Albdah Amal Alibair Karthikeyan Anbalagan Rolf Andersson Volker Anger Jonathan Armstrong Ken Ashley Lavanya Ashok Sebastian Ayton Jonathan Babkow Julio Badi Amitayush Bahri Soren Balzer Robert Barlick Jr. Philip Barreca Santiago Bau David Bauer Oksana Beard Lee Becker Virender Bedi Stuart Beer Christian Beerli Amanda Beisel Yumiko Bekku David Bell Pierre Benichou Andrew Benito Marco Bensi Laura Benson Stephen Bergin Daniel Berglund Greg Berry Shital Bhatt Dipanjan Bhattacharjee Anu Bhavnani Carissa Biggie Vineet Birman Daniel Bitel Anne Black Richard Blore Emmanuel Bodenstein Timothy Braude Sean Brenan Hugh Briscoe Nathaniel Bristol Leo Brito Troy Broderick Levee Brooks Eric Brothers Robert Bruns III Anthony Bunnell Meg Burke Susan Burt Sean Butkus Russell Byrne Edward Byun Adam Cahill Alessandro Calace Cristiano Camargo Ken Cawley Swapan Chaddha Patrick Chamberlain Richard Chambers Daphne Chan Lily Chan Ben Chance Ginger Chang Vikram Chavali Alex Cheek Jae Joon Choi Ken Choi Paul Choi David Clark Denis Cleary Daniel Cleland-James Ayanna Clunis Pamela Codo-Lotti Jesse Cohen Paul Coles Simon Coombes Jenny Cosco Philip Coureau Nathan Cowen Matthew Cox (Securities) Shaun Cullinan Christine D'Agostino Emile Daher Hiren Dasani Russell Day Pierre De Belen Merche del Valle Caitlin DeSantis Jack Devaney Thomas Devos Mats Dewitte Hristo Dimitrov Tim Dinsdale Isabella Disler Christian Ditullio Terence Doherty Yakut Donat Nicola Dondi Brian Dong Jason D'Silva Stefan Duffner Jane Dunlevie Marie Duval Julien Dyon Rohini Eapen Zach Eckler Sayaka Eda Jason Eisenstadt Chris Emmerson Tiffany Eng Chendan Esvaran Erkko Etula Liz Ewing Michael Fargher Matteo Farina Leigh Farris Sarah Faulkner Tom Favia Brett Feldman Jennifer Feng Jon Ferguson Alex Field Herbert Filho Alex Finston Dean Flanagan Greg Flynn Trip Foley Andrew Ho Kwon Fong Moran Forman Michael Fox Caroline Fraser Daniel Freckleton Tim Freeman Reto Frei Giles French Kirsten Frivold Michael Fu Rob Fuentes Kenji Fujimoto Carrie Gannon Chantal Garcia Akhil Garg Alex Garner Nick Gelber Andrew Gent Gizelle George-Joseph Andrea Gift Sean Gilbride Andreas Glaser Yong Suan Goh Sona Gohel Amir Gold Jeremy Goldstein Steven Gonzalez Jeff Gowen Adam Greene Tom Groothaert Hannes Gsell Ashwin Gupta Ali Haji Ayaz Haji Robert Hamilton Kelly Victoria Hampson Raja Harb Andy Harding Ryan Harster Selma Hassan Stephen Hawinkels Jacqueline Haynes Jason He* Craig Hempstead David Herrmann David Hickey Thomas Hilger Mitch Hochberg Jodi Hochberger Jane Hodges Peter Hodgkinson Dylan Hogarty Tim Holliday Naftali Holtz Amy Hong Jason Hudes Earl Hunt Joseph Hwang Yoshinori Ide Kazuya Iketani Daniel Jackson Ankit Jain (Risk) Gaurav Jaitly Jan Janssen David Jeria Alnawaz Jiwa Kim Johns Scott Johnson Elis Jones Neil Jones Robert Jones Philip Joseph Anand Joshi Shawn Joshi Ritu Kalra Michael Kaprelian Nadeem Kayani Alicia Keenan Neil Kelleher Tom Kennedy Aqil Khan Sarah Kiernan Daniel Kim Eugene Kim (IMD) Jason Kim (GIR) Sora Kim Kristy Kinahan Eugene King Laura Kirk Kunal Kishore Elliot Klapper Jayee Koffey Jason Koon Jennifer Kopylov Daniel Korich Ichiro Kosuge Vladimir Kotlyar Samuel Krasnik Katherine Krause David Kraut Sergey Kraytman Nitin Kulkarni Ram Kulkarni Dileep Kumar (Securities) Santosh Kunnakkat Wendy Kwong JP Lall Bill Lambert David Landman Yi Larson Niccolo Laudiero Nick Laux David Lee Phillip Lee Samuel Lee Shawn Lee Michael Leister David Lerner Naomi Leslie Matt Levine Na Li Haining Liang Nancy Licul Monica Lim Michelle Ling Srujan Linga Philip Linton Alan Liu Daniel Liu Eric Liu Heiman Lo Juan Lorenzo Tian Lu Wayne Lu James Lucas Dennis Luebcke Martin Luehrmann John Lynch Gina Lytle Leo Ma* Caesar Maasry Geoff MacDonald Robert Magnuson Toshiyuki Makabe Mariano Mallol Geydar Mamedov Kara Mangone Donna Mansfield Ajit Marathe Gilberto Marcheggiano James Marchese Michael Marcus Joshua Matheus Ann Mathews Chris Mathie Brian McCallion Graham McClelland Anne McCosker Michael Meehan (Compliance) Taylor Mefford Neil Mehta Adam Meister David Mericle Vitali Meschoulam Eric Meyers Alex Mignotte Andras Mikite Christopher Milligan Rahul Mistry Mike Mitchell Neil Moge Waleed Mohsin Babak Molavi Joel Monson Guy Morgan James Morris Antoine Munfa Aimee Mungovan Yuji Murata Dan Murphy Josh Murray Brian Musto Shehzad Nabi Devarajan Nambakam Ramanathan Narayanan Ganapathy Natarajan Danielle Natoli Murad Nayal Karim Nensi Scott Neu Dennis Ng Ken Ng Benjamin Ngan Joy Nguyen Salman Niaz Anders Nielsen (IMD) Howard Nifoussi Jun Niki Leah Nivison Laura Noble James Nolan Lauren Oakes Lynn Oberschmidt Allison O'Connor John O'Connor Shunil Ohrie Damian Ordish Leke Osinubi David Ossack Sathiya Padmanaban Danielle Pallin Salvador Pareja Dalmir Pasini Clorinda Pasqua Chris Pawson Paris Pender Patrick Perkins Philippe Perzi Wendy Peters Andy Phillips Flavio Picciotto Michael Pieck Sam Pirog Thomas Plank Joseph Plotkin Wade Podlich Ashish Pokharna Caitlin Pollak Charles Pollock Joe Porter Travis Potter Rohit Prabhu Richard Privorotsky Andrew Pucher Jay Rabinowitz Ankit Raj Harsha Rajamani Dmitry Rakhlin Yasser Rathore Edoardo Rava Elizabeth Reed Alexandre Reinert Stephen Reinhard Irfan Rendeci Christian Resch Andrew Rhee Riccardo Riboldi James Rinsler Caroline Riskey Helen Robinson Mark Rosen Amit Roy Joe Ryan Bernhard Rzymelka Takehiro Sakuramoto John Sales Rob Sarazen Vineeta Saxena Dominik Schaefer Andrea Scott Majid Sebti Bipin Sehgal Arseni Seregin Irma Sgarz Paulomi Shah Shreyas Shah Sunny Shah Faisal Shamsee Daniel Shapiro Mahesh Sharma Shripal Sharma Mai Shin Romy Shioda Toshimichi Shirai Mark Short Pankauz Shrestha David Shrimpton Obaid Siddiqui Mike Sidorov Scott Silverglate Stefani Silverstein Amy Silverzweig Jasdeep Singh Gabriella Skirnick Michael Sklow Maxine Sleeper Michael Slomienski Michael Sloyer Nicholas Smith (IBD) Ruth Smithson Christine Smyth Ben Snider Stacy Sonnenberg Cleaver Sower Ro Spaziani Brian Steele Johannes Steffens Duncan Stewart Stephen Stites Laurent Storoni Caroline Styant Joel Sulkes Mancy Sun Winnie Tam Nachiket Tamhane Ken Tang MK Tang Amish Tanna Melissa Teng Ross Tennenbaum Greg Thompson Fiona Thomson Justin Tobe Jason Tofsky Brad Tuthill Masahiro Uchiyama Nehal Udeshi Saad Usmani Meg Vaden Pramod Vaidyanathan Adam Van de Berghe Fred van der Wyck Suzanne van Staveren Andrew Vass Mahesh Vellanki Kadambari Verma Christopher Vilburn Iva Vukina Heng Vuong Ketan Vyas Joe Wall Jeffrey Wang Jiantao Wang Joshua Wang Lily Wang (Technology) Sherry Wang Victoria Ward (Compliance) Jeff Warren Noriko Watanabe Ramey Watkins Sam Watkins Heiko Weber Niki Webster Scott Weinstein Ryan Westmacott James Westwood Keith Wetzel Mark Wetzel James Whittingham Sabine Wick Robert Wieser Devin Wilde David Wilkins John Wilkinson Andrew Williams Ed Wong (IBD Technology) Eric Wong (Internal Audit) Kate Wood Amanda Wu Douglas Wu Joanne Xu Liang Xu** Rupam Yadav Kazushi Yamaguchi Hubert Yang Lisa Yang Basak Yavuz Zeynep Yenel David Yu Brian Zakrocki Thomas Zeppetella Yi Zhang* Adib Zouein Patrik Zumstein Piotr Zurawski Jonathan Zwart
*Employee of Goldman Sachs Gao Hua Securities Company Limited **Employee of Beijing Gao Hua Securities Company Limited
NOW WATCH: We talked to the chief investment strategist at $920 billion fund giant Invesco about where you should invest right now
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