#Stef Gaines
ensomheterjohan · 4 months
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Traditionen att visa upp vad man fått med sig hem från Stockholms Internationella Seriefestival, följer jag även i år.
Denna gång tycks det ha blivit rekordlite. Hann inte gå runt å kolla in andras utbud så mycket som jag hade hoppats. Men det är väl bra för ekonomin kanske. Och det är det kanske även att envisas med otidsenliga betalningsmetoder.
Resultaten av monstergeneratorn fick jag inte med på bilden. Glömde lägga fram dem när jag fixade den. Det gör dock inte riktigt något, för de finns redan på en annan bild. Eller ja, egentligen inte alla, för en del av festivalgästerna tog med sig skapelser hem, men det får man också göra faktiskt!
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The Curse of Magical Girl AU
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So as I mentioned before I talk with some ppl on discord and we might see more Robins. As I said, I was open to add more Robins if ppl had ideas and followed the design conceptions of the AU. You all are free to add more as long as the ideas are talked about and communicated so no overlap happens. Draw and design away; alternative form for the ones I've done too is okay too. I know someone is working on; Mia Mizoguchi AKA Robin Morganite | Robin Mort | RM and I think jar juggling is one of the weapons considered. I got provided video proof of how sick it is. If you wanna know the design conventions, they are: They must have 3 forms. One is base form, and the second is alt, aka princess/prince. And last is the lethal mode. They gain a white streak in their hair after a stroke with death. Shown in Jay's example. Babs will gain one after her tango with Joker to, just wanted to show what she og looked like. They all have an individual style R with a gem * as it's a play on a contract clause. R* Their weapon transforms, but it's generally good to keep it close in function/appearance to keep them on the theme. Only lethal for may use a deadly weapon. Weapon for Normal and Alt mode must be an item a person can perform with that could be considered acrobatic. Hence, the reference vids. All hololigth details but for the glasses must go into the weapon in lethal mode. The undersuit is always the darkest and lightest of the gem colors. One Guy and Girl will have matching details, such as bows, as they are dance partners and can do a unique combo move together if they dance. Notably Babs & Dick, Stef & Tim. My plans for the rest are as follows: Jay & Cas, Harper & Duke. Dami is doing solo, but I have Carrie in mind for later, possibly. Each of them has A full hero name: Robin Gem-name. One shortened version, that's a "fake name" using Robin as a last name. And the first name is the derivative name of either the initial name or the gem. Robin Gem or Robin Argi. RG is the initial name. Robin is first on the fake name cuz it mimics Anime naming conventions to refer back to the maho shojo genre and the naming tradition of anime's home country. For nontransparent gems, you can color pick from other gems of the color. The gem's name is something they chose not to be called Robin. So, they chose a gem most people are more likely to recognize. So Babs decided to go by Jasper when her Gem colors are lifted from a Citine Gem. Hair must change in some way; making it longer or shorter is up to you, regardless of Sex. Robin gets gender swapped by the curse. If a person is intersex, the curse will get confused and only transform the outfit and hair but leave the body alone. As it's based on bio-gender and not what gender one identifies as. The curse is not that smart to figure that out. The OG Robin Bracelet is always safe in the music box, but phantom versions appear in the Robins, so they can summon weapons out of it. They can be present one moment and be gone the next; think nanotech transforming. I have on hand a list of possibilities (But there is no way I'll make the whole alphabet alone)
RA, Amethyst (Purple) RB, Beryl (Idk got options) RC, Celestite (Denim) RD, Diamond (White) RE, Emerald (Deep Green) RF, Fluorite (Idk got options) RG, Garnet (Idk got options) RH, Heliodor (golden chapange) RI, Iolite (Indigo, Blue-Purple) RJ, Jasper (Orange) RK, Kunzite (Pinky-Purple) RL, Lazulite (Blue-Black) RM, Morganite (Peachy) RN, Nephrite (Super pale mint) RO, Onyx (Black) RP, Peridot (Grreen-Yellow) RQ, Quarts (Light-Blue) RR, Ruby (Red) RS, Sapphire (Deep Blue) RT, Topaz (Yellow) RU, Ulexite (Eggshell, White-Yellow) RV, Väyrynenite (Brigth Pink) RW, Weloganite (Soft Yellow) RX, Xonotlite (Super plale blue) RY, Yugawaralite (White-Gold) RZ, Zircon (Brown)
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Hi Tanya,
I come with another question lol
So what's the difference between an exalted planet in a maraka sthana house vs a debilitated planet that has good directional strength? What would the results be like in those situations?
Thank you for your time always!
Hello Stef 🌻🌻
An exalted planet's essence is that it's energies are very comfortable and an essence of you being in marankaraka sthan means that it's positive energies will find it working in an area of life which is challenging to its working . But ultimately there will be a sort of support to handle the things.
For example. Jupiter is in cancer for a Taurus ascendent. Jupiter being the lord of 8th & 11th house.
11th lord in 3rd house. Will give an inclination towards desires related to short term travel , communication , media , courageous acts and expression. Will give gains through younger siblings, extended family members , short term travel but the relationship with siblings etc may be a bit challenging.
Here exalted Jupiter will also give good inheritance too. And the ability to cope with challenges , catastrophic changes etc.
But Jupiter in 3rd might get lost in day to day talking, and superficial things etc and thus may lose it's powerful energy in day to day mercurial matters & chatters.
A debilitated planet is not comfortable with the energy of its sign but since it has directional strength. It will try it's best to use the energies of its function to work for its cause and will be helped because of high chesta Bala.
PS : Please reblog the asks , so that it reaches wider audience and also encourages me on an energetic level.
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keytaryourheart · 4 months
it feels nice that other people have similar thoughts about top boy season 3/5 ... I dont think it was OUTRIGHT TERRIBLE but it did feel rushed. at the time I didn't know why. so I asked myself, if it was rushed, where would I spend more time?
I think that was what was so great abt s1/3. we spent so much time with sully by the beach and when that fell apart it meant something. I wouldve liked to see lauryn have more time. more healing or at least show some kind of journey of dealing with trauma and abuse that we'll never see with the other characters.
also more time with Stef for sure. I wouldve liked to see more of him dealing with his current situation beyond "revenge" thoughts? if that makes sense. bc his whole arc this season was like "which path will he choose" and I dont think that's as interesting as just exploring who he is and WHY he would chose either path, if that makes sense. where does he have more to lose or gain?
more time with shelley bc tbh when she tells dushane "its not about that" we can't really rally behind her and say "yeah! it's not about the money!!" bc we didn't really see what he was really doing to her (to make her feel this way - yes we *know* but we didn't see how it really made *her* feel)
even more time between becks and jaq bc the scenes just looked like jaq being mean for no reason which wasn't great.
and like the "you can't do this without the bodies" felt kinda empty. esp compared to "the squeeze" ..
oh and have arsher ali there more pls. and brain gleeson. when I saw him on screen ep 1 I thought we were setting up something big and then it just ... ended. same with arsher ali, i saw him in the last ep and I was like WHY IS HE ONLY HERE NOW?? both actors have so much gravitas I wouldve loved to spend more time in their worlds.
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athousandgateaux · 11 months
Our current era,many trauma theorists contend, is marked as much by proliferated theories of trauma as by recent upheavals and failures in socioeconomic, geopolitical, and environmental global policies. The transvaluation of trauma from niche clinical discourses into wider contemporary culture has resulted in generalized social traumatophilia. Such an endemic subjectivity exposes the postmodern condition as haunted by trauma, especially in the United States, where 'mass national pain threatens to turn into banality, a crumbling archive of dead signs and tired plots.' As Lucy Bond and Stef Craps argue, trauma has become, problematically, the very grand narrative it ought to have shattered, creating the postmodernism of Jean-François Lyotard in which it now thrives: 'As it has gained cultural currency in vernacular parlance, the notion of trauma has been emptied of much of its meaning and indiscriminately applied to a seemingly limitless range of experiences.'
--Stuart Lindsay, "Disaster Theory: Vaporwave Music as Hauntological Expression of Sociopolitical Trauma," pg. 115
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hannaday81 · 1 year
My Vampire Diaries Fanfic recs
Damon + Enzo = Denzo
Cuts Both Ways *In progress
While Damon and Enzo are trapped in that house by Wes, with the clock ticking down until he snaps and kills his friend, Damon gets an Idea. To absolutely no one's shock, it does not go as planned. Or, “Our escape plan consists of an esoteric vampire sex game?” Damon could still eat him. That’s a thing he could still do. “Shut up.”
Fire In My Step *Oneshot
What if Enzo did die that night of the party? Decades later, Bonnie wakes from a dream to find she’s brought a stranger back from the dead. And then watches Damon tackle that stranger into a mud puddle.
freddieslater, peterbeale
Cape horn it is *Completed
"We'll leave," Damon quickly says, speaking to Stefan alone now, his desperation growing. He can’t bring himself to care if it’s that obvious; Enzo may not be feeling any pain right now but Damon’s own chest is twinging just at the sight. It works, at least momentarily. Enzo's amusement only grows as Stefan seems to relax his hand. It’s still lodged inside of Enzo’s chest, however, and Damon can’t relax because all it would take is one accidental slip. He looks at Stefan, his eyes wide and silently pleading with him. The anger woven into his features lessen, and there’s a shift in his expression. Hesitation, but not in the doubtful, “should I kill him?” kind of way. But more in the “should I really listen to you?” way. Damon's stomach drops and he shakes his head. "Don't kill him," he says slowly. He catches the movement of Enzo flicking his lighter closed, extinguishing the flame. "You let him go and we'll leave Mystic Falls tonight. I can fix this, Stefan. Please. Let him go."
I don't wanna wake up from this tonight *Oneshot -NEW
Enzo freezes, taking in the sight of Damon in the doorway. His eyes immediately seek out the source of the blood; a moderately-sized hole has been ripped into his shirt, revealing the few bleeding wounds on his chest. The distinct sign of someone who's been unsuccessfully staked in the last hour. It takes him a moment to decide on what he does next. He's torn between shutting the door in his face and going back upstairs to give sleep another go, or stepping outside to help him.
Thoughts of you consume *Oneshot
He stands up abruptly, his glass cracking in his hand. Stefan just barely catches a glimpse, but Damon turns his back on him and moves over to the table to set it down. He doesn't say anything right away, breathing slowly. His eyes catch the ring still in his hand. There's another tug of guilt and it's suffocating, trying to smother him. Like a fire. Sliding the ring back onto his finger, he tries to pull back a sliver of composure. His heart's still racing like it's gained his own heightened abilities as he swaps out the glass for a new one, pouring himself another drink. He doesn't acknowledge the cut on his hand, shaking the shard of glass off. "You're not handling this well, are you?" Stefan asks. "Careful, Stef, you almost sound concerned about me," Damon says, ignoring the question without even a glance back at him, taking a drink. "If you just got fifty years worth of memories and suppressed emotions back in one go, then yeah. I'm concerned."
This is your humanity *Oneshot -NEW
"Oh, absolutely," Damon agrees, nodding as he keeps his own expression serious and Enzo continues forward. "It really seems like one of those things we should probably talk about, work it all out through verbal communication. Lots and lots of verbal communication." Enzo hums as he takes that last little step forward, bringing them close enough that Damon can feel the unusual warmth — for a vampire, at least — from his skin. It feels strange to have him so close, and yet, completely normal. It always felt like he was right beside him in that cell, rather than separated by two feet of brick and stone. Now he can at least see him; the tiny flecks of what looks like gold inserted between the almost innocent brown that a part of his mind, for a split second, replaces with red, and dark veins skittering up underneath his skin. "Yeah, talking about it sounds like a good idea," Enzo says, smirking back at him as he dips his head.
Rearguard *Completed -NEW
When Damon finds himself a bit overwhelmed in Mystic Falls, Interpol sends someone to help. There's just too much to do for one agent to stay on top of it all alone.
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doncalma · 2 years
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[ alfonso herrera , male, him/he ] - was that BENITO CALMA i saw by the lighthouse today? i heard that the THIRTY FIVE year old who has been in nightrest for TWENTY YEARS and works  as a/an STRIP CLUB OWNER has a reputation of being CHARMING, but also MANIPULATIVE. they reside in LOW POINT & people in town usually associate them with LEATHER AND JEANS, SERIOUS DEMEANOR, MOTOCYCLES ROAMING THROUGH THE NIGHT, ARMORED CARS AND SECURITY GUARDS. let’s hope the killer doesn’t go after them next. [ stef, 26, her/she, est, triggers n/a ]
Full Name: Benito Calma
Nicknames: Benny
Face Claim: Alfonso Herrera
Pronouns and Gender: Him/He
Birthday: April 21, 1987
How long have they been in town?: Twenty Years 
Sexuality: Unlabeled 
Occupation: Strip Club Owner
Family: Verity Calma (younger sister)
His whole life Benito had wanted to be just life his father. He wanted to be feared by others, and admired by those closest to him. That was something that never left his mind while he grew up, and something that he worked hard to make sure his father knew. He had been brought up to work hard for every single thing that he gained in life. His father made sure that Benito knew where he came from, and that no matter how well their lives may be at the time that he always stayed humble and never ended up like those entitled rich people.
Benito used to follow his father around learning anything and everything that his father was willing to teach him depending on his age. He was placed in countless self defense classes as well as made to learn three different languages so that he always had the option to decide where he would end up in case anything ever went wrong. He knew from a young age that his dad was not exactly the ‘good’ guy. He knew that his father dealt with things that were against the law, but he didn’t care. That was his idol, and he would do anything to be like him.
It wasn’t until his mother died that Benito’s father really got him involved in the family business. After her death, Benito was taught everything there was to know about the ‘family’ business and what they were involved in. Then his uncle and aunt were caught and Benito’s father moved both him and his sister to Nightrest. Things were getting out of control and they needed to hide out for a while. Benito knew that someone was probably after them too now.
In Nightrest Benito’s entire life was planned out by this father. He told him what to do, who he could socialize with, and eventually what he would end up going to college for. Everything was carefully crafted and put to action. There is nothing but family, he would be told constantly. He was the eldest child in their family and so it was his job to ensure that the younger ones were set.
Benito’s father’s murder was the hardest thing for him to get over. Just when he thought things were getting better the news was shared, and he entered a deep depression. It was unlike anything that he had ever felt, not even his moms death hit him this hard. He was left alone to care for the only other immediate family member he had left. That alone would change his outlook on his family’s future, his sister included.
He would go through great length to finish the job his father started, being so successful that he added on to their legacy by increasing the business almost to twice it’s size and became known as the ‘Don’. He was far from being the head of the operations, but he was well respected as one of the top five. But this is not the life he wants for his sister. He would do anything within his power to keep her out of the business to the point that it constantly causes conflict between the two.
Benito bowed that he would never allow himself to have a family of his own so that the business ended when he was done. His cousin could continue to do as she pleased, but this life was a cursed one, and Benito sometimes wished that he had taken a different path. But this was a promise he made to his dad, and he would execute it to the fullest.
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bellevvalencia · 2 years
The sun
Original draft: February 22, 2023
Updated: February 24, 2023
I was preparing my spiel for another think-of-it-as-your-thesis-presentation meeting when I acknowledged that I’m a little burning out. Maybe it was the stress or the nerve, but looking at the data that I was about to show for the past five months, I couldn’t help but also look where I was, where I’ve been over the period.
It’s funny, I realize now, how slowly and quickly one could lose and gain so much, whether it was an effect of something that was perfectly planned, or of something that came up out of the blue. An opportunity, for example, that comes up at a beach on a weekend and you never really thought would bear anything.
It’s also funny how, after all the years of mastering the art of just doing it and not feeling strongly about anything, one could still fail. A sleeplessness, for example, that leaves you thinking about what changed, about what you’ve lost and what you’ve gained, and trying to decide whether it was worth the stumble or not.
Normally, I wouldn’t care and say it’s okay, but it gets more difficult when I see it on the mirror everyday. Lost muscles. Gained weight. Lost time. Gained money. Lost sloppiness. Gained meticulousness. Lost wariness. Gained purpose. Lost some uncertainties. Gained perspectives.
Lost my days of walking aimlessly, of looking up at the sun at two P.M. and saying “fuck you” on the way to the gym, of lifting with my mind because that’s all there is to do, because “you get stronger that way!”
Gained, well, a little clearer direction.
On this account, the superficial gist of it is that I’ve been having terrible days dealing with every workday. I live in spreadsheets. I breathe words and numbers and people that I see everyday. Everything is challenging at a manageable level but I didn’t think it could be this hard—exceeding expectations once and then racing as fast as you can to maintain the pace towards the finish line.
To compensate for this impending burnout, I’d say I’d tell myself from last year to ignore that notification that I got at the beach and proceed with my aimless walks under the sun, but the truth is, that is a lie. Because if I didn’t stop, I would be just as restless.
“A lot of people can be nice,” my 24 year-old supervisor said in the office earlier. “But not a lot can be competent. Belle is not always nice, but she’s always competent.” I guess we really do learn a lot everyday.
I am in a crisis. I’m laughing and banging my arm to my forehead most of the time, but this reflection relieves me of the thought of being a nobody. I don’t believe that anybody is a nobody. I’m a quiet, could-be-having-the-greatest-time-but-would-just-be-there baby to Christine. I’m a clown to Rafa and Alo (mostly Alo). I’m a gen Z friend to Marga, Frances, Kath, Bel, and Meanne. I’m a crazy fresh grad friend and supervisor to Dawn and Maria. I’m a crazy fresh grad ex-supervisor to Ton, Danica, Pau, Emma, and Arlene. I’m a long time friend to Geco. I’m the one Anton was stuck with until eight for two slow onsite events. I’m the team member who doesn’t sit with her team, and the non-team member who sits with the team. I’m the non-coffee drinker that everyone still asks if she wanted coffee because she might change her mind. I’m the Management grad who was called dumb and agreed. I’m the one who turned down Stef’s ugly ponkans, but loved them after trying. I’m the one who wore heels in an eight-hour caravan and regretted it, but did it again for the next ones anyway. I suck at time management. I stay at the office after hours a lot and sacrifice my sleep, my gym, and my dinner. I have so little confidence. My boss is literally building it for me everyday. I don’t know my boundaries for important people. I will literally do anything without question. I think I’m pretty fucking funny. I say a word or do a thing and Alo dies on the floor, laughing.
It’s all of these things that are keeping me from 100% just blazing out. I can’t believe there was a time when I didn’t know myself. There are so many different interesting things that make up what I am, and being introduced to them through other smart minds and amazing personalities made the meet-cute so much more exciting.
I got my regularization contract two months earlier than expected. Just like most of my milestones in life, like how I normally feel, and like all of my answers to Jerome when he talked to me and to Rafa when he asks me how I am, it feels...okay.
Yes, I still know how to just do it and not feel strongly about anything, and I think that I do it very well. I fail once in a while, though, because I miss the person that I was when all I had was the glaring sun, a gym subscription, and all the time in the world. It was sloppy, wary, uncertain, and aimless, but it was also freeing, and I had the most fun connecting with myself.
Unfortunately, I have bigger responsibilities now. But as much as I hate to admit it, that is also what it makes me feel.
We’re not quite there yet, but I know I’m a little bigger than what I was. So maybe this is not such a bad thing. And maybe, quite possibly, the stumble is worth the loss and the gain.
I’m going straight to the gym on Friday. I’ll try, anyway. It’s time to gain back some muscles, feel what I miss, and accept the difference. Instead of the 2 P.M. sun, it’s going to be the 6 P.M. moon that I’ll look up at and say “fuck you” to (because I hate going, but I love being there). I will rush it for sure, because I don’t have all the time in the world anymore and I need to save time to enjoy my weekend. Life is so slow and so fast but it all changes the same. You go from one to the next, always trying to make more sense of what to feel and to be.
Maybe this is not such a bad thing. Maybe it has to be this way first before, you know, I get stronger.
I’m only 22, after all.
There will be more walks in the sun.
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Game 36 For the Scrapbook Wed, Sept 11 8:00pm EDT Washington @ Chicago
Starting: WASH: Atkins, Dolson, Edwards, Sykes, Vanloo CHI: Allen, Carter, Cardoso, Harrison, Onyenwere (DeShields ankle, Reese wrist, Williams knee)
1st Quarter The Sky have 13 wins to the Dream's 12 and the Mystics' 11 at this point. On the first play our defense is looking great, no shots for 21 seconds then Ariel knocks the ball out of bounds. The Sky don't get the shot off in time and we get an opening stop. To ice the cake, Slim hits a 3 on the other end. Aaliyah gets a nice jumper. And JVL goes for 3 now. It's feeling just a little unfocused and casual. I'd like to see the intensity ramp up, and more passing on offense to expose gaps. Dolson and Edwards are doing well versus Cardoso on the glass. Carter has found a sweet spot on the right side and is the offense right now for the Sky. Nice drop off from Slim to Stef. Slim with the hesi to the rack. Now she hits a 3, she wants this one on her back. It's 19-8. Shatori's 100% Guaranteed Steal-and-Score Services come into play early. The bench is in for DC and Engstler hits a 3. Shatori steals again but this time gets a little overzealous in her attempt to be unselfish. Onyenwere gets a much-needed 3 for her team. Beautiful fader from Sika and the Mystics are off to a flyer. 29-13.
2nd Quarter Haha former Mystic Elizabeth Williams is chattering to the ref from the bench. Tell 'em EWill. Karlie cashes in from the nail. Ariel checks in and puts the ball in the hoop. Shatori is playing great D on Chennedy. Now Engstler interrupts a pass and Jade throws a strike to Sika for a layup. The arena is quiet as the Sky have just 3 points in 5 minutes, and trail by 19. Chen breaks thru and I'd like to point out that Shatori wasn't marking her. I spy Moriah Jefferson on the bench. The Sky could really use her range right now. The Mystics have let off the gas a little and the whistles have been blowing. Stef gets a 3. Carter and Cardoso with most of the points for Chicago. 43-29.
3rd Quarter Ariel blocks a pass by Chennedy but then we lose Izzy Harrison in behind. Edwards with a gorgeous reverse. JVL with a 3 over Cardoso. JVL goes again. I think she heard the announcers talking about rookies and leaving her name out of it. Stef gets whistled and it's been light light calls against her all game. The Stics go back to the Aaliyah reverse move. Cardoso falls over and a Mystic gets called for a foul. I'm not sure who they think that was on. Aaliyah is feeling herself this quarter, she even shot a 3 although she's still waiting on a make from there. She gets another jumper! That's 8 points this quarter so far. Whoa Shimmy just made an unnecessary "know your place, rookie" comment about JVL. I feel particularly bothered because Julie has been playing professional basketball for 10 years. And she has started almost every game this season. Slim drops it off to Aaliyah. Now she finds Engstler. Karlie gets in on the quick buckets. Already we have 22 pts with 2:42 left to play this quarter. Sika makes it look easy under the hoop. Aaliyah Edwards with 10 points this quarter! 71-48.
4th Quarter Karlie steals but Harrison gets a block. It's back-to-back tough makes at the end of the clock for DC—from Engstler and Melbourne. Harrison just fouled out, most of the calls all night have been light. That's a tough pill in a situation when you're down 23 to a team that's fighting you for the final playoff spot. Steal, countersteal, block, charge. Let's not get messy here at the end. We mess around with a movement-less offense and unsurprisingly run out of clock. This time Ariel waits a few moments then fires the 3 for gold. Sug is getting some time on the court now and hits a jumper. Slim REJECTS Chen big time. Nice no-look pass from Jade to Sika for 2. Now Jade hits a 3. It feels like she is gaining confidence from there under the influence of all the perimeter shooters on the team. Aaliyah and Karlie both get late-game steals and Jade runs the floor for a classic layup to seal a 30-point blowout. 89-58 final.
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The Curse of Magical Girl AU
Question is somthing wrong with the Stef and Dick post? It seems nobody has seen it? p.s yes, i named the AU now <3
Anyway, Time For Dami;
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Dami is gonna mad if he gets a "Stupid ribbon" at first; he's used to wheeling swords, not this thing. When he gains the alt, he will be more annoyed when he gains a tiny umbrella, seemingly worse than the ribbon in his eyes, as he figures out how to use the ribbon. Only to find out that it was a sword all along when he gains lethal mode. in an; Are you kidding me? moment. as it all comes back around.
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emma-radfemcanu · 1 month
Stef losing after serving for the match 😍noooo we cannot get pigeonised by Jack Draper
TBH I wasn't expecting much- as usual he had a horror of a draw, outdoor hard court isn't his best surface (although he has done well here previously), and Draper is one of those annoying inconsistently good players. And I think Stef was a bit rattled thanks to some questionable umpiring
I did want him to get some more points, but he's barely defending anything (or at the USO) and isn't making Turin this year anyway barring a miracle lol. And again, horrific draw and at least we don't have to lose to Alcaraz again. So by no means a disaster- overall he did not play badly and yesterday's win against Struff was also encouraging
But mostly he is adjusting to his NEW COACHING SETUP I am so happy about this I cannot tell you. I never actually thought he would get rid of Apo- he's added to the team before but no, Dad is gone and it really sounds like this is it. Maybe a little rash after last week but it feels like a final straw type thing
He's working with a guy called Dimitris something, he's the Greek Davis Cup captain and knew Stef as a junior. He doesn't have much experience at ATP level but they're familiar with each other and it's very much a temporary thing until he can find something more permanent. Seriously I am so so proud of him for it
He isn't defending a huge amount, so I'm hoping for him to gain some or at least hold onto his ranking (he should be fine), take some time to sort out his coaching and then start again next year. So I am slightly disappointed with today but overall I feel so much more optimistic
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stateofsport211 · 4 months
RG MD R3: Stefanos Tsitsipas/Petros Tsitsipas def. Manuel Guinard/Gregoire Jacq [Alt] 7-6(2), 6-2 Match Stats
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📸 Eurosport GB
The Tsitsibros had a solid start to this match while M. Guinard/G. Jacq tried to raise their game midway the first set, but the tie-breaker cost them as soon as Pete gained some range from the baseline, with Stef following suit thanks to his solid singles game, which tend to be more baseliner nowadays. This way, they brought M. Guinard/G. Jacq off-balance from the way the latter pair hit, which resulted in the Greek pair dominating the flow at the second set. As a result, even though the alternates had a 100% break point conversion rate from the middle of the first set, the Tsitsibros generated 4 break points throughout both sets, optimizing them by converting 75% of them, most of which came from the second set.
Furthermore, the Tsitsibros also had a more consistent service game as the match progressed. Even though they only landed 60% of their first serves, they optimized it to win 20% more of their first serve points than the French alternates, which got them out of several problems midway as they got more solid in the second set than when setting this match up with an assistant od their only ace. On the other hand, M. Guinard/G. Jacq had more problematic second serves as they only won 41% of their second serve points, 20% lower than the Greek brothers as they lost their balance in the second set, with double-faulting twice that did not help them sustain in this match.
In tomorrow's quarterfinals, where this became the only backlog of the top half of the Men's Doubles draw (partly due to the earlier rain delays), to strengthen their Olympic place confirmation in the Men's Doubles sector, the Tsitsibros will face ninth seeds Marcelo Arevalo/Mate Pavic, who stunned the German sixth seeds, Kevin Krawietz/Tim Puetz in two tight tie-breaker sets, 7-6(3), 7-6(5). Knowing both players' balance of power, this would test the Tsitsibros' game regarding timing in execution, putting the ball in as more frequently as possible while trying not to get outhit. Considering the ninth seeds' doubles experience in the bigger stage, this could be a tough ride, but who knows!
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biographyresearchwiki · 10 months
Teri Polo
Interesting facts on Teri Polo you should know
Teri has managed to capture her audience hearts with her stunning on-screen presence and versatile talent. She is well-known for acting in popular TV shows and movies. She is rather a household name and a famous figure in the Hollywood entertainment industry. She has an impressive career that spans several decades. With time, she has become one of the much beloved celebrity and a talented actress.
Her early life
She was born in Dover, Delaware on 1st June, 1969. At a very young age, she wanted to get into the world of acting. She got enrolled in the New York-based American Ballet school. In 1986, she got her first chance to act in a TV series named ‘Loving’.
Her breakthrough
She acted in the hit comedy movie in 2000 named ‘Meet the Parents’ where she played the role of ‘Pam Byrnes’. It was this movie that helped her to achieve stardom. She acted opposite Ben Stiller and Robert De Niro that gained her widespread recognition. She became known as a versatile, talented actress.
Her success in the TV circuit
Besides the movie industry, Teri Polo enjoyed great success in the TV circuit also. She got the character of ‘Stef Adams Foster’, the lead role in ‘The Fosters’, a TV series that run successfully between 2013 and 2018. This series dealt with numerous social issues, thus garnering a large fan following.
Modeling career
She entered the world of modeling when very young before starting her acting journey. She has a natural charisma and stunning looks that prominent fashion brands got interested in. It helped her grab numerous modeling opportunities and she became a child model.
Her versatility in genres
She was effortless in whatever role she acted in, thus displaying clearly her versatility in her acting skills. She acted in intense dramas, romantic comedies, and delivered memorable performances consistently. Her acting has resonated with her audiences, thus gaining her fame and large follower base.
Charity work
She is always eager to do something good for the society besides focusing on her acting career. She supports numerous charitable organizations. It includes ‘American Cancer Society’ and ‘Elizabeth Glaser Paediatrics AIDS Foundation’.
TV Movie Queen
She acted in several TV-based movies, thus acquiring the title ‘TV Movie Queen’. Her portrayals in the movies captivate the audience. She also has the skills to make even complex characters to come to life. Thus, she has become the much wanted actress in any genre. For more details visit: https://biographyresearch.org/where-is-teri-polo-now-husband-net-worth-family-biography/
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wikiuntamed · 1 year
On this day in Wikipedia: Monday, 21st August
Welcome, Willkommen, Välkommen, Bienvenida 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 21st August through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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21st August 2019 🗓️ : Death - Celso Piña Celso Piña, Mexican singer, composer, arranger, and accordionist (b. 1953) "Celso Piña Arvizu (April 6, 1953 – August 21, 2019) was a Mexican singer, composer and accordionist, mainly in the genre of cumbia, being one of the most important musicians in the style of "cumbia rebajada". Piña was a pioneer in the mixture and fusion of tropical sounds with many of his works..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0? by Secretaría de Cultura Ciudad de México from México
21st August 2018 🗓️ : Death - Stefán Karl Stefánsson Stefán Karl Stefánsson, Icelandic actor and singer (b. 1975) "Stefán Karl Stefánsson ( STEF-ən STEF-ən-sən, Icelandic: [ˈstɛːfaun ˈkʰartl̥ ˈstɛːfaunsɔn]; 10 July 1975 – 21 August 2018) was an Icelandic actor and singer. He was best known for portraying Robbie Rotten, the antagonist of the children's television series LazyTown...."
21st August 2013 🗓️ : Event - Syrian civil war Syrian civil war: Areas controlled by the Syrian opposition in Ghouta, Damascus, were attacked by rockets (launcher pictured) containing sarin, killing at least 281 people. "The Syrian civil war (Arabic: ٱلْحَرْبُ ٱلْأَ��ْلِيَّةُ ٱلسُّورِيَّةُ, romanized: al-ḥarb al-ʾahlīyah al-sūrīyah) is an ongoing multi-sided civil war in Syria fought between the Syrian Arab Republic led by Syrian president Bashar al-Assad (supported by domestic and foreign allies) and various..."
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Image by Mahmoud Bali (VOA)
21st August 1973 🗓️ : Birth - Sergey Brin Sergey Brin, Russian-American computer scientist and businessman, co-founded Google "Sergey Mikhailovich Brin (Russian: Сергей Михайлович Брин; born August 21, 1973) is an American billionaire business magnate best known for co-founding Google with Larry Page. Brin was the president of Google's parent company, Alphabet Inc., until stepping down from the role on December 3, 2019. He..."
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Image licensed under CC BY 2.0? by Steve Jurvetson
21st August 1923 🗓️ : Birth - Keith Allen (ice hockey) Keith Allen, Canadian-American ice hockey player, coach, and manager (d. 2014) "Courtney Keith "Bingo" Allen (August 21, 1923 – February 4, 2014) was a Canadian professional ice hockey defenceman and National Hockey League (NHL) head coach and general manager. He played 28 games in the NHL for the Detroit Red Wings during the 1953–54 and 1954–55 seasons. The rest of his career,..."
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Image by Unknown authorUnknown author
21st August 1823 🗓️ : Birth - Nathaniel Everett Green Nathaniel Everett Green, English painter and astronomer (d. 1899) "Nathaniel Everett Green FRAS (21 August 1823 – 10 November 1899) was an English painter, art teacher and astronomer. He professionally painted landscapes and portraits, and also gained fame with his drawings of planets. Born in Bristol, the son of Benjamin Holder Green (1793–1865), then a..."
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Image by Nathaniel Everett Green
21st August 🗓️ : Holiday - Youth Day (Morocco) "National Youth Day is a holiday dedicated to the youths of a country. It is observed by 18 countries, on many dates throughout the year. The United Nations agreed on the date of 12 August in 1999 in South Africa...."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0? by
This picture has been taken by Andrew Butko. Contact e-mail: [email protected]. Do not copy this image illegally by ignoring the terms of the СС-BY-SA or GNU FDL licenses, as it is not in the public domain. Other photos see here.
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camkill · 2 years
i saw a post somewhere recently about 'what would serial killer characters act like when there's a child involved?' and stef would act no different from normal, even in canon he pursued and jump scared a child, laughed about it and then held her hostage with plans to use her for his own gain
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metabolic-balance · 2 years
Coach Spotlight: Stef Sojka, MPH, CHES
Nutrition started as a personal journey for Stef. Struggling with weight gain, blood sugar issues, and other food reactions, she delved into educating herself with answers she could not get from her doctors. She started looking for a program for her own nutritional needs that would also support her clients holistically, without needing medications, powders, or supplements to support a balanced…
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