nikohlife · 2 years
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O yes, I completed this book in just few hours and yes it’s an achievement for me!! Yay!!! Finally I did it! Sharing some of my learnings ❤️ Thanks to my boo @vajrasar for always encouraging me to read 😝😝🤩🤩🤩 @thatbohogirl thank you for suggesting this book in your vlog! I had watched that vlog long back and I wanted to read this since then! And finally I got it!!! ❤️ . . #bookreading #beautybloggers #vlogger #learnings #booklovers #steallikeanartist (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqUUeM1KOhE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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garnetlynne-blog · 2 years
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"Girl chasing bigger balloons" a comment on plastic surgery obsession. 
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themissakat · 2 years
Hey there! Love your art! Do you have any tips for us beginner fanartists who are still learning and trying to find their own style?
Hello! Thanks!
*breaks my knuckles* lets go!
I’d say i have two tips for beginner artists when it comes to style. 
Learn the rules before you break them
Learn the *right* way to steal. 
So for number one, at the core of it, learning proper anatomy and how things work in the real world, having a good *base* of knowledge is incredibly important to art. You have to walk before you can run.
Or, in the case of style, it helps to know how to stand before you start doing kickflips. 
You don’t, however, have to learn how to exactly recreate the human form to perfection before you can start playing with style, but it is a good thing to come back to frequently. 
So for example, one of my favorite stylistic thing to push is the curvature of arm and leg muscles. 
So if we start with the arm:
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And a quick trace of said arm: (tracing is a great learning tool! When used responsibly)
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This gives you information about the subject, which you can then play with stylistically:
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(which for me is loving them juicy juicy contours)
TLDR: it’s easier to push style when you have a good base understanding of anatomy/structure of your subject!
And for number 2! Learn the *right* way to steal, aka “Steal Like an Artist”
So this one can feel counterintuitive because of course stealing is BAD, and we do not condone tracing/copying others art and concepts, but there are the undeniable facts of life and art that we make art inspired by what is around us, including the art of others. We will always be influenced by what we’ve seen. The trick is to “steal” respectably!
I stumbled across the perfect tiktok to explain this the other night :
So, if you see something that another artist is doing stylistically that you think is really cool, try it out! People do “style” challenges all the time, trying to draw in the style of famous artist. I’ve done “style swaps” with friends, where we try to imitate how the other draws! The idea is not to completely rip off what someone else is doing, but to piece together things that you enjoy and make it your own. 
What is important as well is acknowledging credit where credit is due. If you are heavily referencing someone else's art, and plan to post said art publicly,  give them a shoutout! If you use a photo reference that does not belong to you, credit the model!
 Style evolves naturally over time, as a combination between understanding and experimentation. 
Good luck and have fun!! Hope this helps!
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dedanhdoclai · 3 years
Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But, since no one was listening, everything must be said again.
André Gide
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helloautumnaudrey · 4 years
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Collage Poem
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tizianomazzilli · 4 years
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FRANCO FONTANA #francofontana #1980s THE NEW BLACK T-SHIRT🖤 MY MOST WANTED HAND PAINTED T-SHIRTS💎DM ME FOR PRICES & SIZES @tiziano_mazzilli #mainboard #dontboffendead #thenewblack #voyagelondon #artrave #raveinthewoods #2020vision #nomusicnolife #art #thementaltraveller #alwaysremberwhothefuckyouare #technopopart #bootlegpaintings #cestlafuckinvie #nothingisoriginal #steallikeanartist #artonyourchest #everythingwedoismusic - [x] #arichstateofmind #mindsshouldneverbeclosed #tshirtking (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDEOMl_H9aE/?igshid=xaorn6cym684
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supersally7 · 4 years
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Summary of “Steal Like an Artist” 
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artistsvoyage · 4 years
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These two books have helped me a lot and I’ll recommend it to everyone who see this post. It’s not just for “artists”.
Whenever I don’t feel like doing work, I read some pages from these books and it helps me a lot.
It’s like the writer wrote everything that I wanted to hear/read.
@austinkleon thanks a lot for these books.
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Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different.  The good poet welds his theft into a whole of feeling which is unique, utterly different from that from which it was torn.
T.S. Eliot 
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“If you feel like you have two or three real passions, don't pick and choose between them. Don't discard. Keep all your passions in your life. This is something I learned from the playwright Steven Tomlinson, who suggests that if you love different things, you just keep spending time with them. ‘Let them talk to each other. Something will begin to happen’.” - Austin Kleon, ‘Steal like an artist’ 💛☕️ • “Si vous avez deux ou trois véritables passions, ne vous sentez pas obligé de faire un choix. J’ai appris cela du dramaturge Steven Tomlinson qui suggère de vivre toutes ses passions de front. Laissez-les discuter. Quelque chose finira par en naître.” - Austin Kleon, ‘Voler comme un artiste’ 💛☕️ . . #quote #austinkleon #steallikeanartist #inspiration #inspirationalquote #Lyon #CroixRousse #XRousse #PR #journalism #magazines #morningcoffee #homedecor #artsandlifestyle #lifestyle #lacroixroussienne #France #indie #work #office #collectiflyon (at La Croix Rousse, Rhone-Alpes, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0z9ThXisWH/?igshid=zg26tjhpo117
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olucasmatos · 5 years
Sobre o processo
O fazer arte, pra mim, não se trata do produto final. Não se trata de ouvir a canção pronta e bonita, com todos os seus instrumentos arranjados e afinados, combinados e harmonizados. Não é sobre ter pronto um quadro colorido e belo. Arte, pra mim, é sobre processo.
O fazer arte é o que mais me encanta, é no transformar alguma coisa em outra diferente. Já diz um dos grandes artistas que me inspira, Austin Kleon, “pense o processo, não o produto”. E isso eu levo comigo todos os dias da minha vida, fazendo arte ou não. Penso nisso quando me arrisco e faço alguma colagem, como essa daqui.
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É legal, depois de todo trabalho, de recordar, sobrepor imagens, trabalhar em uma composição, ver finalmente o trabalho pronto. É satisfatório. Mas a beleza está em todo esse processo.
A beleza da música está na composição, experimentação, se ver em meio de um processo harmônico, harmonia e desarmonia. Em fracassar e ter sucesso. Em fugir dos padrões e também trabalhar em cima deles. Seguir processos e quebrar regras. O belo da arte é isso. Está no transformar, recriar e compor.
É pensar o processo, não o produto.
Aqui estão as fotos que serviram de referência e furto pra arte ali de cima.
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dropthepress · 6 years
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Even though trips are often so short, their significance outweights their duration. My recollection of the past few years really only comes down to two things: major adventures and important people. The goal of living should be to maximize the quantity of these sort of things!  . . . . . . #showyourwork #steallikeanartist #instaartexplorer #feedbacknation #gooutside #outdoorlife #modernoutdoors #adventureculture  #outdooradventures #exploretheworld #createexploretakeover #goexplore #exploreourearth #exploretheglobe #explorersofphotography #travelers #cali #california #highway1 #pch #bigsur #passionport #traveldeeper #adventuretravel #travelpic #ilovetravel #roadtrip #roadtripping (at Big Sur, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnKpYHglMbL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ds70rprxc23g
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akyanyme · 3 years
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¡Hey! Leo Messi, tú, el @clubamerica , no sé...piénsalo. #StealLikeAnArtist https://www.instagram.com/p/CSNNGDcpfz_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dedanhdoclai · 3 years
The only art I'll ever study is stuff that I can steal from.
David Bowie 
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tizianomazzilli · 4 years
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SOME POOLS ARE BETTER THAN OTHERS #pool #poolside MY MOST WANTED HAND PAINTED T-SHIRTS💎DM ME FOR PRICES & SIZES @tiziano_mazzilli #handpaintedtshirts WWW.YEARZEROLONDON.COM #mainboard #dontboffendead #voyagelondon #artrave #raveinthewoods #2020vision #nomusicnolife #art #thementaltraveller #alwaysremberwhothefuckyouare #technopopart #bootlegpaintings #cestlafuckinvie #nothingisoriginal #steallikeanartist #artonyourchest #everythingwedoismusic - [x] #arichstateofmind #mindsshouldneverbeclosed #tshirtking (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDgjBGxHrkX/?igshid=19zea4f3ta7xw
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scuttledsynthsaint · 4 years
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Absolutely LOVING these right now! #steallikeanartist #steallikeanartistjournal #austinkleon https://www.instagram.com/p/CLFragwgEkR/?igshid=mzy54qmvb5xq
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