#State Bank of India Act
janaknandini-singh999 · 8 months
Now that Ram Mandir has been opened can I honestly share what I feel? No, I'm not on the side of the extremist Hinduism nor am I on the leftists I just want to take a neutral stand here.
To everyone saying it's just a political agenda and Modi is using Ram mandir to appease the Hindu vote bank. Yes, and? I think we all (even the Hindus) know what game he's playing here. My house was conflicted yesterday. My mother and nani (grandma) were sobbing on finally getting Ram lalla's darshan yesterday on TV, my nanu (grandpa) wasn't supporting any of it. And I was torn. Torn between celebrating a historic moment and rationalizing whether it even deserved to be celebrated. His return deserved to be celebrated yes but the extreme Hindus who shower flowers with one hand and with the other hand throw stones on innocent Muslims of today who never took away our beloved Ram ji away in the first place. Would Ram ji have wanted this? He would've wanted us to celebrate yes but not at the cost of harming others. I condemn the acts of discrimination against the minor sects of society, everyone who's got to suffer because of this. In Mahabharata too, the minority (Pandavas) had to go through hell but they emerged victorious in the end coz they were right. However, I'd also like to state that it's not that simple here. People calling out Islamophobia, I'm with you. People calling out Hinduphobia, I'm ALSO with you. All lives matter no matter if they are Hindu or Muslim or Christian or Palestinian. "Hinduphobia doesn't exist" It does. Ofc not at the scale of the terrifying Islamophobia in India but it does. In other Islamic etc countries, it does. Just like how Islamophobia exists in countries where Islam folk are in minority. But does that give Hindus a license to endorse and impose themselves any more than the colonizers and invaders did? No.
You can't blame innocent Muslims for what Mughal invaders did centuries ago any more than you can blame Vibhishan for what his own brother Raavan did. But whoever is on the side of wrongdoing no matter their caste, creed or religion is just as much of a criminal like Karna was with Duryodhana even though he was a Pandava by birth.
Yk I've grown up in my remote, countryside hometown where they play azaan in mosques every day morning and evening and kid me since then became so used to it that it would feel like something is missing if I'd not hear it in the background somewhere while swinging around near the trees or while just walking on the terrace and watching the distant sunset. I'm a Hindu but well, that's just personal nostalgia.
Not all muslims are terrorists. Not all Hindus are fascists. But for those who are, I'd let Karma take care of you all.
I stand with humanity.
Jai Shri Ram 🙏
Allahu Akbar 🙏
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kendrixtermina · 10 months
The grimy, racist core of the "but Hamas" thing is not that Hamas is like secretly all perfect rainbow sparkles wonderful, but that Palestinians are expected to have a perfect flawless government before their desire for self-determination & right to resist are taken seriously
Somehow past violence disqualifies Palestinian authorities (at least those that won't be stooges) but it is NEVER treated as invalidating Israel's credibility though they did all the same violence and more ten times over, and also, they STARTED it.
Palestinians are held to an impossible standard.
Or its not even that, because the west bank government became Vichy France level stooges & that didn't lead to a Palestinian state, it was used to prevent that. It's a rigged, no win game.
Hamas (which is only one leading faction in a larger coalition of Palestinian resistance fighters that includes socialists as well) doesn't need to be perfect for Palestinians to have a right to self-determination & to resist occupation.
After all its not like western governments are perfect... far from it... and the Israeli government & military are a heart of darkness and a wretched hive of sin, theres no other way to put what I've learned from all the books, documentaries & tentimonies I've been looking at over the last few weeks as well as the real time events unfolding. There is no evil they wont stoop to.
It's the same basic flaw that creates problematic legal grey zones in USA reservations - can't give the "savages" juristiction over "our" citizens so you can just go in there & do a crime. Or the original sin of the UN, which is the veto power.
The rich countries need to finally stop acting like they are by default the adults at the table even if they're acting like toddlers.
All the world is for Palestine! All the world. This includes most ppl under 40 in the West, just that our shitty old man politicians don't represent us. But overwhelmingly most UN states voted to censure Israel time & time again & the USA keeps protecting them. All the world is against this! They're not all stupid. The USA is not more enlightened. They're just another self-serving superpower just like China & Russia. Yes those regimes suck - but the USA sucks! And ppl in India & Africa do admire China for making cheap tech products accessible to less rich countries. The USA (& by extension most the leadership of the western block) is letting Israel do every conceivable evil right now, there IS no moral high ground.
Time we had real equality. Time we expunged the last vestiges of colonialism. In the UN, in western countries, and in occupied Palestine, where it is the strongest.
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foreverlogical · 7 months
NEW YORK (AP) — The National Rifle Association and its former longtime leader were found liable Friday in a lawsuit centered on the organization’s lavish spending.
The New York jury found that Wayne LaPierre, who was the NRA’s CEO for three decades, misspent millions of dollars of the group’s money on pricey perks, and it ordered him to repay the group $4,351,231. Jurors also found that the NRA omitted or misrepresented information in its tax filings and violated New York law by failing to adopt a whistleblower policy.
LaPierre, 74, sat stone-faced in the front row of the courtroom as the verdict was read aloud. The jury actually found him liable for $5.4 million, but it determined he’d already paid back a little over a million.
The verdict is a win for New York Attorney General Letitia James, a Democrat who campaigned on investigating the NRA’s not-for-profit status. It is the latest blow to the powerful group, which in recent years has been beset by financial troubles and dwindling membership. LaPierre, its longtime face, announced his resignation on the eve of the trial.
NRA general counsel John Frazer and retired finance chief Wilson Phillips were also defendants in the case. Phillips was ordered to pay $2 million in damages to the NRA. Frazer, meanwhile, was found to have violated his duties, but was not ordered to pay any money.
The penalties paid by LaPierre and Phillips will go back to the NRA, which was portrayed in the case both as a defendant that lacked internal controls to prevent misspending and as a victim of that same misconduct.
James also wants the three men to be banned from serving in leadership positions at any charitable organizations that conduct business in New York. A judge will decide that question during the next phase of the state Supreme Court trial.
Another former NRA executive turned whistleblower, Joshua Powell, settled with the state last month, agreeing to testify at the trial, pay the NRA $100,000 and forgo further involvement with nonprofits.
James sued the NRA and its executives in 2020 under her authority to investigate not-for-profits registered in the state.
She originally sought to have the entire organization dissolved, but Manhattan Judge Joel M. Cohen ruled in 2022 that the allegations did not warrant a “corporate death penalty.”
The trial, which began last month, cast a spotlight on the leadership, organizational culture and finances of the powerful lobbying group, which was founded more than 150 years ago in New York City to promote rifle skills and grew into a political juggernaut that influenced federal law and presidential elections.
Before he stepped down, LaPierre, had led the NRA’s day-to-day operations since 1991, acting as its face and becoming one of the country’s most influential figures in shaping gun policy.
During the trial, state lawyers argued that he dodged financial disclosure requirements while treating the NRA as his personal piggy bank, liberally dipping into its coffers for African safaris and other questionable expenditures.
His lawyer cast the trial as a political witch hunt by James.
LaPierre billed the NRA more than $11 million for private jet flights and spent more than $500,000 on eight trips to the Bahamas over a three-year span, state lawyers said.
He also authorized $135 million in NRA contracts for a vendor whose owners showered him with free trips to the Bahamas, Greece, Dubai and India, as well as access to a 108-foot (33-meter) yacht.
LaPierre claimed he hadn’t realized the travel tickets, hotel stays, meals, yacht access and other luxury perks counted as gifts, and that the private jet flights were necessary for his safety.
But he conceded that he had wrongly expensed private flights for his family and accepted vacations from vendors doing business with the NRA without disclosing them.
Among those who testified at the trial was Oliver North, a one-time NRA president and former National Security Council military aide best known for his central role in the Iran-Contra scandal of the 1980s. North, who resigned from the NRA in 2019, said he was pushed out after raising allegations of financial irregularities.
After reporting a $36 million deficit in 2018 fueled largely by misspending, the NRA cut back on longstanding programs that had been core to its mission, including training and education, recreational shooting and law enforcement initiatives. In 2021, it filed for bankruptcy and sought to incorporate in Texas instead of New York, but a judge rejected the move, saying it was an attempt to duck James’ lawsuit.
Despite its recent woes, the NRA remains a political force. Republican presidential hopefuls flocked to its annual convention last year and former President Donald Trump spoke at an NRA event earlier this month — his eighth speech to the association, it said.
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imperfectorange · 2 years
Diwali: Pan-Indian in its Truest Sense!
One of the biggest festivals in India, Diwali knows no foundation of the North and South as it is celebrated with great zeal across the country. Diwali falls on the 15th day in the month of Kartik according to the Hindu calendar. Celebrated as a cumulation of various festivals spread over a period of five days, the rituals of Diwali take place on the third day.
The first day of the festivities is celebrated as Dhanteras. It is believed that on this day Lord Dhanwantari came out of the ocean and bestowed Ayurveda to mankind. The second day is celebrated as Choti Diwali/Narak Chaturdasi, the day when Lord Krishna killed the demon Narakasur. On the third day, Diwali rituals are fulfilled and Lakshmi Puja takes place. The puja is done to seek blessings for wealth and prosperity. The fourth day is celebrated as Govardhan puja, attributed to Lord Krishna. The fifth day is dedicated to all sisters as it is Bhai Dooj. It is believed that Lord Yama visited his sister Yamuna on this day and granted her a boon that whosoever visits her banks on this day will be liberated from all of their sins.
The legend behind the culmination of the festival is well-known in the entire region of India. Diwali is associated with the return of Lord Ram to Ayodhya after vanquishing the demon king, Raavan. It is said that the entire city of Ayodhya was lit up with candles and diyas, so much so that the night appeared to be as bright as day. The tradition of lighting diyas roots in the same legend. The festival is also associated with Goddess Lakshmi’s marriage to Lord Vishnu and also Lakshmi’s birth. Diwali also signifies the harvest festival. As it occurs at the end of a cropping season, it is also believed that Diwali originated as a harvest festival. Following the same notion, many households in urban and rural areas prepare the dish of Poha from freshly cropped rice.
Although the zest of Diwali is unsurmountable and is perhaps one of the most awaited festivals in the country, the rituals differ from region to region. While gurudwaras in Punjab are lit up with candles and fairy lights even though Sikhs are not directly a part of this festival, Goddess Kali is worshipped in Bengal. In Eastern India, in addition to diya and candle lighting, doors are kept open by people to allow entry to Goddess Lakshmi. Western Indian regions mainly associate Diwali with business and trade and the time is considered auspicious to invest in new ventures, land and businesses. In Gujarat, a diya is left burning for the entire night and in the morning the residual material is collected to make kajal and is used by women, which signifies prosperity for a whole year. In Tamil Nadu, Naraka Chaturdasi is the main day of celebration, where the oven is cleaned, smeared with lime, and religious symbols are drawn on it, filled with water, and used on the main day for an oil bath. There is a musical act of Hari performed in Andhra Pradesh where there is a common belief that Krishna’s spouse, Satyabhama actually killed Narakasur.
The varied interpretation of the same festival across different states provides a detailed insight into the diversity contained in India. People from different regions, communities, religions, and classes celebrate this festival to the best of their abilities is further proof that Diwali is not restricted to one section of society. The handicraft market booms around this time as diyas, decorative items, and firecrackers (although hazardous) sell like hotcakes, providing employment and some financial stability to the families involved in the same.
- Ananya.
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hindulivesmatter · 8 months
Janaknandini Singh@janaknandini-singh999~
Now that Ram Mandir has been opened can I honestly share what I feel? No, I'm not on the side of the Hindutva nor am I on the leftists I just want to take a neutral stand here. To everyone saying it's just a political agenda and Modi is using Ram mandir to appease the Hindu vote bank. Yes, and? I think we all (even the Hindus) know what game he's playing here. My house was conflicted yesterday. My mother and nani (grandma) were sobbing on finally getting Ram lalla's darshan yesterday on TV, my nanu (grandpa) wasn't supporting any of it. And I was torn. Torn between celebrating a historic moment and rationalizing whether it even deserved to be celebrated. Would Ram ji have wanted this? He would've wanted us to celebrate yes but not at the cost of harming others. I condemn the acts of discrimination against the minor sects of society, everyone who's got to suffer because of this. In Mahabharata too, the minority (Pandavas) had to go through hell but they emerged victorious in the end coz they were right. However, I'd also like to state that it's not that simple here. People calling out Islamophobia, I'm with you. People calling out Hinduphobia, I'm ALSO with you. All lives matter no matter if they are Hindu or Muslim or Christian or Palestinian. "Hinduphobia doesn't exist" It does. Ofc not at the scale of the terrifying Islamophobia in India but it does. In other Islamic etc countries, it does. Just like how Islamophobia exists in countries where Islam folk are in minority. But does that give Hindus a license to endorse and impose themselves any more than the colonizers and invaders did? No.You can't blame innocent Muslims for what Mughal invaders did centuries ago any more than you can blame Vibhishan for what his own brother Raavan did. But whoever is on the side of wrongdoing no matter their caste, creed or religion is just as much of a criminal like Karna was with Duryodhana even though he was a Pandava by birth.Yk I've grown up in my remote, countryside hometown where they play azaan in mosques every day morning and evening and kid me since then became so used to it that it would feel like something is missing if I'd not hear it in the background somewhere while swinging around near the trees or while just walking on the terrace and watching the distant sunset. I'm a Hindu but well, that's just personal nostalgia.Not all muslims are terrorists. Not all Hindus are fascists. But for those who are, I'd let Karma take care of you all.I stand with humanity.Jai Shri Ram 🙏 Allahu Akbar 🙏
Look at this post ....... I just came across....
Ooooh yeah, I saw this. Yeah, it left a really bad taste in my mouth. OP was literally swinging left and right trying to appease both groups. But oh well, what can you do...
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unlovablereject · 11 months
There is a difference between supporting a terrorist organization and a country defending itself after a brutal act of war. Yes, things were tense, but hamas has clearly made it his purpose to take Israel and kill all Jews. If you keep supporting hamas at this point, you are antisemitic, no questionability.
CBC has decided to not keep what little journalistic integrity they still have and won't call the act of terrorism what it is without quotes now. It's "poltical" now to call a terrorist attack what it is. This TERROIST ATTACK, killed 2000 people after a major holiday, in the middle of the night men, women, children, babies, newborns... Citizens jumping out of their beds, turning back into soldier, dying to save their neighbours. Yet, a conflict that happened in India was called a "...horrible act of terroism..." without any quotes. Here's some proof of how little journalism is actual unbiased. Source. . Source TV fails us all. https://torontosun-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/cbcs-arguments-for-not-calling-hamas-a-terror-group-are-weak/wcm/afde9ee1-3ac6-4243-b104-9f949a9bf181/amp/?amp_gsa=1&amp_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16981252683198&csi=1&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Ftorontosun.com%2Fopinion%2Fcolumnists%2Fcbcs-arguments-for-not-calling-hamas-a-terror-group-are-weak
Israel did NOT blow up the hospital in Gaza. It has been confirmed by BOTH SIDES. There was a ton of footage maintained from the general that shows Israeli soldiers trying to save what lives they could, as they also died in the explosion. It was again, hamas the TERROIST! TO HIS OWN PEOPLE WHAT A SUPRISE?!
Here is an article on that: https://www.wired.com/story/al-ahli-baptist-hospital-explosion-disinformation-osint/
Many times my people and Israel have been tried to be wiped out. We survived almost the entire Roman Empire, and were a thorn in Rome's side. After many failed attempts, Israel was taken by Titus who went out of his way to make all forces hit Israel. Then Titus gave it the name philistines (which means weak/weakness, while Israel means Lion).
Israel was an established country for 40 years before, without their consent, and to give up land the same people we gave asylm to in the 1920's, and now want to actively destroy you? Did deeper than the first fucking google article dumbasses, or past TV which has been an unreliable source more and more for decades.
There is no history of a palistine before it became a state in 1988. Before that they lived in Syria, Jordan and Egypt. You want some history, okay, just for proof here it if FROM THE UNITED NATIONS (UN):
Israel has belonged to Jewish people since Torah. A book that predates both religions that seem to side to destroy Jews. Both have an active agenda. To get rid of us and our land.
Israeli Soldiers are taught to try to preserve all life, but protect innocent no matter the side.
Hamas does not care about his citizens, they are starving, thirsty, and sick. If he thought about them why did he not make sure he would be able to have infrastructure to make sure his people could eat, drink, have power, medical supplies, fossil fuels? He didn't think about them, he never does, and never has. His goal is to destroy Israel and kill every single Jew.
We are people too, us Jews, Israelis. Why are we always evil for wanting to exist and wanting what should belong to us?
People tell me I "don't know the history of the area". I do. I know a lot more than 99% of people who asked. I could talk for hours about both sides history (most of it Israeli because it was our G-d given, ancestral birthright).
Do you not think we want and deserve a place to go that isn't dominated by the three top biggest religions in the world, ours not even being close to those. (Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism)
I know way more than this but I'm tired of your antisemitism USA especially. And shame on you for not seeing this clearly.
Britian, it's illegal to protest for hamas in the streets, as it should be everywhere.
It's funny it went from Islamaphobia from 2001 to Oct. 2023 to antisemitism and wanted genocide real quick. You do realize this is the ONLY PLACE FOR JEWISH PEOPLE! We want what is rightfully ours!
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With all that said I do not like war, I despise innocent people dying for just where they live. I want peace in the land, and everyone that lives there.
Am Yisrael Chai!
May Hashem bring peace to the land and ALL who dwell there. Strengthen the hands.of our Holy defenders and May the crown of victory be place upon them.
-(paraphrased) Avianu Shebashamim
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newstfionline · 1 year
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
What to Expect When You’re Expecting the U.N. General Assembly (Foreign Policy) As world leaders descend on the United Nations headquarters in New York City, the international body is fighting to maintain its relevance in a world it wasn’t built for when it was established nearly 80 years ago. Global powers are increasingly circumventing the unwieldy U.N. system to conduct multilateral diplomacy, such as through the G-7, G-20, and BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) blocs. Eight years ago, the U.N. outlined an ambitious batch of goals to tackle global poverty, gender equality, climate change, and other pressing global issues by 2030. But so far, the world is way off target in meeting those goals. The war in Ukraine has frontally challenged one of the U.N.’s most fundamental purposes, enshrined in its foundational charter, of averting major wars. The Western world’s laser focus on the conflict in Ukraine, meanwhile, has frustrated other countries in the global south as other dire humanitarian catastrophes—conflict in Sudan, coups across Africa, the migration crisis in Central America, and a lot of climate-related disasters—struggle for resources and high-level attention.
Canada’s surging food prices (Reuters) Canada’s plan to bring down food prices by tightening regulation could backfire and fail, raising the cost of doing business in the country without providing relief to consumers, lawyers and economists said. Canada’s weak competition law has been long blamed for allowing a few players to dominate industries ranging from banks to telecoms and groceries. Last week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised to amend the Competition Act to help bring down prices. Trudeau’s move comes as many Canadians reel under an affordability crisis with food prices jumping 25% since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. At the same time, the central bank’s efforts to bring down inflation by raising interest rates to a 22-year-high have pushed up mortgage costs for homeowners and made buying a home unaffordable for others.
U.S. National Debt Tops $33 Trillion for First Time (NYT) America’s gross national debt exceeded $33 trillion for the first time on Monday, providing a stark reminder of the country’s shaky fiscal trajectory at a moment when Washington faces the prospect of a government shutdown this month amid another fight over federal spending. It came as Congress appeared to be faltering in its efforts to fund the government ahead of a Sept. 30 deadline. Unless Congress can pass a dozen appropriations bills or agree to a short-term extension of federal funding at existing levels, the United States will face its first government shutdown since 2019. The debt is on track to top $50 trillion by the end of the decade, as interest on the debt mounts and the cost of the nation’s social safety net programs keeps growing.
Brazil’s Lula pitches his nation—and himself—as fresh leader for Global South (AP) “Brazil is back.” That has been Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s refrain for the better part of the last year, with the president deploying the snappy slogan to cast Brazil—and himself—as a leader of the Global South no longer content to abide the world’s outdated workings. During Lula’s travels, he has pushed for global governance that gives greater heft to the Global South and advocating diminishing the dollar’s dominance in trade. He has made clear that Brazil has no intention of siding with the United States or China, the world’s two largest economies and Brazil’s two biggest trading partners. And he has refused to join Washington and Western Europe in backing Ukraine’s fight against Russia’s invasion, instead calling for a club of nations to mediate peace talks. After the International Criminal Court issued a warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s arrest, Lula said he would review Brazil’s membership in the court.
Germany’s economy struggles (AP) For most of this century, Germany racked up one economic success after another, dominating global markets for high-end products like luxury cars and industrial machinery, selling so much to the rest of the world that half the economy ran on exports. Jobs were plentiful, the government’s financial coffers grew as other European countries drowned in debt, and books were written about what other countries could learn from Germany. No longer. Now, Germany is the world’s worst-performing major developed economy, with both the International Monetary Fund and European Union expecting it to shrink this year. It follows Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the loss of Moscow’s cheap natural gas—an unprecedented shock to Germany’s energy-intensive industries, long the manufacturing powerhouse of Europe. Germany risks “deindustrialization” as high energy costs and government inaction on other chronic problems threaten to send new factories and high-paying jobs elsewhere, said Christian Kullmann, CEO of major German chemical company Evonik Industries AG.
Evidence Suggests Ukrainian Missile Caused Market Tragedy (NYT) The Sept. 6 missile strike on Kostiantynivka in eastern Ukraine was one of the deadliest in the country in months, killing at least 15 civilians and injuring more than 30 others. The weapon’s payload of metal fragments struck a market, piercing windows and walls and wounding some victims beyond recognition. Less than two hours later, President Volodymyr Zelensky blamed Russian “terrorists” for the attack, and many media outlets followed suit. Throughout its invasion of Ukraine, Russia has repeatedly and systematically attacked civilians and struck schools, markets and residences as a deliberate tactic to instill fear in the populace. But evidence collected and analyzed by The New York Times, including missile fragments, satellite imagery, witness accounts and social media posts, strongly suggests the catastrophic strike was the result of an errant Ukrainian air defense missile fired by a Buk launch system. Air defense experts say missiles like the one that hit the market can go off course for a variety of reasons.
In Moscow, the War Is Background Noise, but Ever-Present (NYT) Metro trains are running smoothly in Moscow, as usual, but getting around the city center by car has become more complicated, and annoying, because anti-drone radar interferes with navigation apps. Almost 19 months after Russia invaded Ukraine, Muscovites are experiencing dual realities: The war has faded into background noise, causing few major disruptions, and yet it remains ever-present in their daily lives. There is little anxiety among residents over the drone strikes that have hit Moscow this summer. No alarm sirens to warn of a possible attack. The city continues to grow. Cranes dot the skyline, and there are high-rise buildings going up all over town. But for some, the effects of war are landing harder. Nina, 79, a pensioner who was shopping at an Auchan supermarket in northwestern Moscow, said that she had stopped buying red meat entirely, and that she could almost never afford to buy a whole fish. Nina said that sanctions and ubiquitous construction projects were some reasons for higher prices, but the main reason, she said, was “because a lot is spent on war.”
India, Canada expel diplomats over accusations Delhi killed Sikh separatist (Washington Post) India expelled a Canadian diplomat on Tuesday in a tit-for-tat move after Canadian officials accused Indian government operatives of gunning down a Sikh separatist leader, Hardeep Singh Nijjar, in British Columbia and threw out an Indian diplomat they identified as an intelligence officer. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s allegation of assassination, made during an explosive speech before Parliament on Monday, sent relations between the two nations tumbling toward their lowest point but also held broader ramifications for ties between the U.S.-led alliance and India, which the Biden administration has assiduously courted as a strategic counterweight to China. The Indian government issued a statement Tuesday rejecting Trudeau’s accusation as “absurd and motivated.” India’s Foreign Ministry went on to say that the allegations “seek to shift the focus from Khalistani terrorists and extremists, who have been provided shelter in Canada and continue to threaten India’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The inaction of the Canadian Government on this matter has been a long-standing and continuing concern.” (BBC) India has been increasing the pressure on countries with significant Sikh communities, like Canada, Australia and the UK, saying they are failing to tackle what it calls "Sikh extremism." Mr. Nijjar is the third prominent Sikh figure to have died unexpectedly in recent months.
Libya’s flood turmoil (Worldcrunch) Hundreds of protesters rallied in Libya’s Derna on Monday, setting fire to the house of the man who was the city’s mayor at the time of the flood, to demand accountability one week after a flood that killed thousands of residents. Meanwhile, the UN has warned that a disease outbreak could create “a second devastating crisis” as people are falling ill from contaminated water.
Crisis and Bailout: The Tortuous Cycle Stalking Nations in Debt (NYT) Emmanuel Cherry, the chief executive of an association of Ghanaian construction companies, sat in a cafe at the edge of Accra Children’s Park, near the derelict Ferris wheel and kiddie train, as he tallied up how much money government entities owe thousands of contractors. Before interest, he said, the back payments add up to 15 billion cedis, roughly $1.3 billion. “Most of the contractors are home,” Mr. Cherry said. Their workers have been laid off. Like many others in this West African country, the contractors have to wait in line for their money. Teacher trainees complain they are owed two months of back pay. Independent power producers that have warned of major blackouts are owed $1.58 billion. The government is essentially bankrupt. After defaulting on billions of dollars owed to foreign lenders in December, the administration of President Nana Akufo-Addo had no choice but to agree to a $3 billion loan from the lender of last resort, the International Monetary Fund. It was the 17th time Ghana has been compelled to turn to the fund since it gained independence in 1957. The tortuous cycle of crisis and bailout has plagued dozens of poor and middle-income countries throughout Africa, Latin America and Asia for decades.
Many of today’s unhealthy foods were brought to you by Big Tobacco (Washington Post) For decades, tobacco companies hooked people on cigarettes by making their products more addictive. Now, a new study suggests that tobacco companies may have used a similar strategy to hook people on processed foods. In the 1980s, tobacco giants Philip Morris and R.J. Reynolds acquired the major food companies Kraft, General Foods and Nabisco, allowing tobacco firms to dominate America’s food supply and reap billions in sales from popular brands such as Oreo cookies, Kraft Macaroni & Cheese and Lunchables. By the 2000s, the tobacco giants spun off their food companies and largely exited the food industry—but not before leaving a lasting legacy on the foods that we eat. The new research, published in the journal Addiction, focuses on the rise of “hyper-palatable” foods, which contain potent combinations of fat, sodium, sugar and other additives that can drive people to crave and overeat them. The Addiction study found that in the decades when the tobacco giants owned the world’s leading food companies, the foods that they sold were far more likely to be hyper-palatable than similar foods not owned by tobacco companies. In the past 30 years, hyper-palatable foods have spread rapidly into the food supply, coinciding with a surge in obesity and diet-related diseases. In America, the steepest increase in the prevalence of hyper-palatable foods occurred between 1988 and 2001—the era when Philip Morris and R.J. Reynolds owned the world’s leading food companies.
Danish artist told to repay museum €67,000 after turning in blank canvasses (BBC) A Danish artist has been ordered to return nearly 500,000 kroner ($72,000; £58,000) to a museum after giving it two blank canvasses for a project he named Take the Money and Run. The Kunsten Museum in Aalborg had intended for Jens Haaning to embed the banknotes in two pieces of art in 2021. Instead, he gave it blank canvasses and then told Danish media: "The work is that I have taken their money." A court has now ordered him to return the cash, minus 8% for expenses.
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cabkgoyal · 2 years
Violation of Bank Account Rules by Real Estate Projects
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Regulator Finds Real Estate Projects in Violation of Bank/c Rules
An investigation undertaken by some people and regulator has found that many projects have violated the rules by linking their bank accounts to more than one project. The Real Estate (Regulation & Development) Act, 2016, makes it mandatory to have a single bank account for the project under one registration number. This is aimed at the proper completion of the registered housing projects without any diversion of funds.
As per the Real Estate Act, the developer is required to maintain only one bank account with one RERA registration number. The funds received in the respective project need to be maintained in this account and used for the work of that project only. It is not allowed to be used for any other project or purpose as such a diversion may have an adverse effect on the project. The developer is also required to maintain 70% of the money received from the registration of that project in this account. The developer cannot withdraw money from this account in an arbitrary manner.
While working on the project, withdrawal from this account at each stage is not allowed without certification with regard to construction updates and required funds.
The Real Estate (Regulation & Development) Act was introduced by the Government of India in the year 2016 to safeguard the interest of the investors and buyers as the cases such as non-delivery of possession in a timely manner, not developing the project in accordance with the original plan, construction not in accordance with the bylaws of the local body. As the land is a state subject under the state list hence every state started adopting and implementing the relevant act in their states. In Delhi, Delhi RERA Act and Authority got established under which one cannot withdraw money from the money received until and unless it obtains a certificate in the form of R1 from Architect, R2 from Engineer and R3 from a Practicing Chartered Accountant. In Delhi, not only big CA in Delhi or Top CA in Delhi but young practicing CA in Delhi having expertise of the RERA Law and basic understanding about the project life cycle are also helping the projects as well as RERA authorities to comply with the provisions of the act leading to safeguard of the interests of the homebuyers/ investors as well.
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acquisory · 2 days
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code — IBC-BOON OR BANE
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The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC), 2016 has been enacted to merge the existing laws related to insolvency and bankruptcy. The IBC involves standard steps which is viable and understandable. So, everyone, be it creditors, debtors, companies, or shareholders etc. shall have a standard perform for any matters relating to insolvency.
“The IBC has been a real game changer in the Indian economy’s business reform initiatives in the last twenty five years. Ease of doing business is ironically the base premise for enacting the comprehensive Code to exit from the business.”
The IBC has made a spectacular progress in short span. The recent orders issued by the Adjudicating Authorities are beginning to have profound impact on defaulting business owners as the message is loud and clear “settle dues or cede control”.
Why was IBC enacted?
Initially there was Presidency Towns Insolvency Acts, 1909 which was applicable in Kolkata, Chennai and Mumbai and the Provincial Insolvency Act 1920 for the rest of India, for regulating the insolvency laws. The Act applied to individuals and partnerships but exempted corporations from within its ambit. Post Independence, the bankruptcy and insolvency were specified in Constitution and with the passage of time there were numerous acts which governed Insolvency and bankruptcy issues such as the Sick Industrial Companies (special provision) Act, 1985 (“SICA”), SARFAESI Act, 2002, the Recovery of Debts due to Banks and financial institutions Act, 1993 (“RDDBFI Act”), Companies Act, 1956 as well as Companies act, 2013.
But these regulations have not yielded satisfactory results. These regimes were high fragmented, borne out of multiple judicial forums resulting in lack of clarity and certainty of jurisdiction. Further, we had various adjudicatory bodies/Tribunals to deal with such issues and matters under different Acts stated above.
So, this led to the unclear knowledge about the authority as to whom the parties should approach in the related matters. Hence, this resulted in overlapping of decisions. There was no common regulatory authority to regulate the rights of the secured or unsecured creditors, employees etc. or to determine the priority of their claims. Large number of stressed assets such as NPAs with low recovery rates due to a lack of enabling environment for the enforcement of creditor’s rights. Moreover there was no adequate or credible data regarding the assets, indebtedness etc. of companies which further heighten the problems. Hence large number of legislations and non-statutory guidelines have made the recovery of debt a complex and time consuming process.
The IBC is a welcome overhaul which has directly addressed in resolving the insolvency and bankruptcy issues of corporates and simultaneously serving creditors and public financial institutions by helping them in recovery of bad and distress loans and ultimately tackling Non Performing Assets. The Main objective of Code is distribution of the effects of a debtor in the most expeditious, equal and economical mode. The Code lays down the complete procedure of Insolvency Resolution process which involves collating claims and reviewing the requisite financial and other relevant records of the company. The introduction of this Code has brought in ample opportunities for professionals ranging from being appointed as official liquidator to managing the financial health of corporates in case of distressed assets.
Present Scenario
Today we have IBC, 2016, which provides a…
Read more: https://www.acquisory.com/ArticleDetails/52/Insolvency-and-Bankruptcy-Code--IBC-BOON-OR-BANE
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MSME Registration firm In Rohinis
MSME Registration firm In Rohinis
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MSME registration in Rohini. We chartered accountant firm in sec 24 Rohini. Are you looking for your business's GST registration, ITR filing, or Tax consultant? Call us and consult to the best CA in Rohini
MSME refers to Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises. According to the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act of 2006, Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (MSME), also known as SSI, are classified into two classes:
Manufacturing Industry
For Micro Enterprises: No more than 20 lakh rupees may be invested in equipment and machinery. 
b) For Small Businesses, the maximum amount invested in plant and machinery is 5 crore rupees, but the investment is higher than 20 lakhs.
c) Plant and machinery investments for medium-sized businesses must be more than 5 crore rupees but not more than 10 crore.
Documents Needed for Rohini MSME and SSI Registration: 
1. Aadhaar Card (attached in soft copy)  2. Social Classification (General, OBC, SC, ST) 3. The company or business name  4. Organizational Type (LLP, Pvt. Ltd., Partner, Ownership)  5. PAN Card (Owner/Business/Firm)  6. Address of the Office  Mobile number and email address  8. Bank IFS Code and Account Number (Owner/Firm/Corporate)  9. The primary business activity of the company (your work for the firm)  10. The number of workers  11. Purchasing Plant and Machinery and Equipment 
The Services Industry
A) micro enterprise's equipment investment cannot exceed 10 lakhs.  b) Small Businesses: Equipment investments totaling more than 10 lakhs but less than two crores. c) Medium-Sized Businesses: The amount invested in equipment exceeds two crores but does not surpass five crores.
Advantages of MSME Registration with CA Nakul Singhal Associates (Rohini)
Benefits from Banks: MSMEs are eligible for special schemes designed by banks and other financial institutions because they recognize them. This typically involves lower bank interest rates and priority sector lending, which indicates that there is a strong chance that your company will be approved for a loan. If repayment is delayed, special treatment might also be granted.
Benefits from taxes: Depending on your industry, you can be eligible for an excise tax exemption program or be spared from paying some direct taxes during the early stages of your company.  State Government Benefits: Those that have registered under the MSMED Act typically receive subsidies from their respective states for electricity, taxes, and access to state-run industrial estates. Specifically, most states exempt sales taxes, and produced items are given an advantage in purchasing. advantages of the central government: The loan guarantee program is one of the programs that the central government occasionally offers to assist MSMEs.  The Credit Guarantee Program (CGTMSE).  Credit and the input of income from several sources to support them are two of the biggest challenges small-scale enterprises encounter.
Changes have been made to the Credit Guarantee program, which was created to assist MSME, in increasing its advantages for small traders
The scheme's key components are as follows: 
1. Improving the ideal qualifying loan amount to Rs. 50 lakh from Rs. 25 lakh
2. Lowering the one-time guarantee from 1.5% to 0.75% for loans taken out by MSME in Northeastern India. 
3. Increasing the guarantee's coverage from 75% to 80% for:
 4. Operated by women Small and medium-sized businesses
  5. Microbusinesses, up to a 5 lakh loan amount 
6. Loans taken out in the country's northeast 
7. Lowering the one-time guarantee charge from 1.5% to 0.75% for all loans obtained in North Eastern India. 
BecauseMSMECertificate holders can present their certificate ofMSMEregistration when applying, it has become much easier for these businesses to get licenses, approvals, and registrations from the appropriate authorities in any area.   
As specified in the government scheme and contingent on economic activity, enterprises with anMSMEregistration may benefit from a direct tax exemption for their first year of operation.  
To encourage the participation of small businesses in India, the government has certain bids that are exclusively available toMSMEs.   
Ease of approval from federal and state government agencies; businesses registered asMSMEsare given priority when it comes to government certification and licenses.
Our services:- Accounting And AuditingCompany Audit & ROC FilingGST Compliance & AuditCorporate Law ConsultancyIncome Tax ComplianceFormation of companies under ROCTax Planning & Filing.
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vimalkumar · 3 days
FFMC License: A Complete Guide for Money Changers
The Full-Faced Money Changer (FFMC) license is a crucial requirement for entities looking to engage in foreign exchange transactions in India. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about obtaining and maintaining an FFMC license, including eligibility criteria, application processes, and compliance requirements.
What is an FFMC License?
An FFMC license is a permit granted by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) that allows entities to buy and sell foreign currencies, traveler's cheques, and prepaid foreign currency cards. The primary objective of this license is to facilitate foreign exchange transactions for tourists and businesses while ensuring compliance with regulatory frameworks.
Types of FFMC Licenses
There are two main types of licenses issued under the FFMC category:
Full-Faced Money Changer (FFMC) License: This license allows the holder to conduct all kinds of foreign currency transactions, including buying, selling, and exchanging currencies.
Restricted Money Changer (RMC) License: This license permits limited money-changing operations, such as issuing traveller's cheques or providing prepaid currency cards.
Eligibility Criteria for Obtaining an FFMC License
To apply for an FFMC license, the following eligibility criteria must be met:
Company Registration: The applicant must be a company registered under the Companies Act of 2013.
Net Owned Funds: The entity must maintain a minimum net-owned fund of INR 25 lakhs for a single-branch license and INR 50 lakhs for a multiple-branch license.
Good Reputation: Directors and shareholders must have a clean track record without any pending civil or criminal cases.
Business Objective: The company's memorandum must clearly state its intention to engage in money-changing activities.
Application Process for FFMC License
The application process for obtaining an FFMC license involves several steps:
Documentation Preparation: Gather necessary documents, including:
Certificate of incorporation
Memorandum of association
Recent audited financial statements
KYC documents of directors and shareholders
A declaration regarding investigations by law enforcement agencies
Submission to RBI: Apply along with all required documents to the relevant Regional Office of the RBI.
Review Process: The RBI will review the application and may conduct inspections or request additional information before approving.
License Issuance: Once approved, the FFMC license will be issued, allowing the entity to commence foreign exchange operations.
Required Documents
The following documents are essential when applying for an FFMC license:
Certificate of incorporation
Memorandum of association indicating money-changing activities
A recent balance sheet with net-owned funds certification
KYC documents for directors
Lease agreement or proof of business address.
Compliance Requirements After Obtaining an FFMC License
After obtaining the FFMC Registration license, entities must adhere to various compliance requirements:
Operational Commencement: The business must start operations within six months of receiving the license.
Record Keeping: Maintain detailed records of all transactions, including:
Daily summary and balance books for foreign currencies
Registers for purchases and sales of foreign currencies.
Annual Audits: Submit annual audited balance sheets to the RBI's regional office to verify compliance with net-owned funds requirements.
Concurrent Audits: Implement concurrent audits to ensure all transactions comply with regulatory standards.
Display License: A copy of the FFMC license must be displayed prominently at all business locations.
Renewal Process for FFMC License
The FFMC license is typically valid for three years. To continue operations without interruption, entities must initiate the renewal process at least one month before the expiration date. This involves submitting a renewal application along with updated documentation and payment of any applicable fees.
Penalties for Non-Compliance
Entities operating without a valid FFMC license or failing to comply with regulatory requirements may face severe penalties, including:
Cancellation of the FFMC license
Monetary fines
Legal action by regulatory authorities.
Obtaining an FFMC license is essential for any entity wishing to operate in India's foreign exchange market. By understanding the eligibility criteria, application process, compliance requirements, and renewal procedures, businesses can navigate this complex landscape effectively. Ensuring adherence to regulations not only facilitates smooth operations but also enhances customer trust and service quality in this competitive sector.
With proper guidance and professional assistance, navigating the complexities of obtaining and maintaining an FFMC license can be simplified, allowing businesses to focus on delivering exceptional services in foreign exchange transactions.
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brookstonalmanac · 6 days
Events 9.14 (after 1940)
1940 – Ip massacre: The Hungarian Army, supported by local Hungarians, kill 158 Romanian civilians in Ip, Sălaj, a village in Northern Transylvania, an act of ethnic cleansing. 1943 – World War II: The Wehrmacht starts a three-day retaliatory operation targeting several Greek villages in the region of Viannos, whose death toll would eventually exceed 500 persons. 1944 – World War II: Maastricht becomes the first Dutch city to be liberated by allied forces. 1948 – The Indian Army captures the city of Aurangabad as part of Operation Polo. 1954 – In a top secret nuclear test, a Soviet Tu-4 bomber drops a 40 kiloton atomic weapon just north of Totskoye village. 1958 – The first two German post-war rockets, designed by the German engineer Ernst Mohr, reach the upper atmosphere. 1960 – The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is founded. 1960 – Congo Crisis: Mobutu Sese Seko seizes power in a military coup, suspending parliament and the constitution. 1975 – The first American saint, Elizabeth Ann Seton, is canonized by Pope Paul VI. 1979 – Afghan leader Nur Muhammad Taraki is assassinated upon the order of Hafizullah Amin, who becomes the new General Secretary of the People's Democratic Party. 1982 – President-elect of Lebanon Bachir Gemayel is assassinated. 1984 – Joe Kittinger becomes the first person to fly a gas balloon alone across the Atlantic Ocean. 1985 – Penang Bridge, the longest bridge in Malaysia, connecting the island of Penang to the mainland, opens to traffic. 1989 – The Standard Gravure shooting where Joseph T. Wesbecker, a 47-year-old pressman, killed eight people and injured 12 people at his former workplace, Standard Gravure, before committing suicide. 1992 – The Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina declares the breakaway Croatian Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia to be illegal. 1993 – Lufthansa Flight 2904, an Airbus A320, crashes into an embankment after overshooting the runway at Okęcie International Airport (now Warsaw Chopin Airport), killing two people. 1994 – The rest of the Major League Baseball season is canceled because of a strike. 1997 – Eighty-one killed as five bogies of the Ahmedabad–Howrah Express plunge into a river in Bilaspur district of Madhya Pradesh, India. 1998 – Telecommunications companies MCI Communications and WorldCom complete their $37 billion merger to form MCI WorldCom. 1999 – Kiribati, Nauru and Tonga join the United Nations. 2000 – Microsoft releases Windows Me. 2001 – Historic National Prayer Service held at Washington National Cathedral for victims of the September 11 attacks. A similar service is held in Canada on Parliament Hill, the largest vigil ever held in the nation's capital. 2002 – Total Linhas Aéreas Flight 5561 crashes near Paranapanema, Brazil, killing both pilots on board. 2003 – In a referendum, Estonia approves joining the European Union. 2003 – Bissau-Guinean President Kumba Ialá is ousted from power in a bloodless military coup led by General Veríssimo Correia Seabra. 2007 – Financial crisis of 2007–2008: The Northern Rock bank experiences the first bank run in the United Kingdom in 150 years. 2008 – Aeroflot Flight 821, a Boeing 737-500, crashes into a section of the Trans-Siberian Railway while on approach to Perm International Airport, in Perm, Russia, killing all 88 people on board. 2015 – The first observation of gravitational waves is made, announced by the LIGO and Virgo collaborations on 11 February 2016. 2019 – Yemen's Houthi rebels claim responsibility for an attack on Saudi Arabian oil facilities. 2022 – Death of Queen Elizabeth II: The Queen's coffin is taken from Buckingham Palace, placed on a gun carriage of The King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery and moved in a procession to Westminster Hall for her lying in state over the next four days with the queue of mourners stretching for miles along the River Thames.
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Private Limited Company Registration In India
Your dream to start a business in India can't come to realization if you don't have a proper business entity to support it. A private limited company is India's most prominent form of business entity. From veterans to novices, from budding start-ups to established entrepreneurs, and from north India to south India, it is considered the best business entity.
In order to start your business with such an entity, you must go through four simple steps. The first step is to obtain the DSC signature, and the second is to apply for the Director Identification Number. Third, get name approval and fill SPICe+ form and lastly obtain PAN and TAN number.
One Person Company Registration
An OPC or One Person Company is a business format where a single person owns the company. There is no more than a single director or more than a single member. Being a single-handled company, an OPC is easy to manage. If you are an entrepreneur who seeks singular success, you can register as an OPC in India.
The definition of a One Person Company is explained in Sub Section 62 of Section 3 of the Companies Act, 2013, which states: “One Person Company means a company which features only one Member.” Therefore, unlike a Private Limited Company, this single company registration of a single owner doesn’t need a minimum of two directors. However, like a private limited company, the online One Person Company Registration in India does provide you with Limited Liability.
The process of company registration in India is simple and includes fewer steps. Apply for DSC and DIN, then send the name of the company for approval, collect all the documents, and file the form on the MCA website if the authority found the application and documents correct, then it provides you a status of One Person Company.
Nidhi Company Registration In India
Nidhi Company is a business entity in India governed under the Companies Act 2013. Its sole objective is to engage with thrift and savings among its members. A Nidhi Company is a Non-Banking Financial Institute that exclusively provides services like lending and deposits to its members. Therefore, it can be said a Nidhi Company in India only consists of funding from its members and shareholders.
Starting a Nidhi Company in India means starting a Non-Banking Financial Companies class. They are governed by the Reserve Bank of India. This body tells the registered Nidhi Company guidelines about lending and depositing activities. However, Nidhi Companies can only deal with their members. Therefore outside members are not allowed.
Startup Registration In India
In the initial days of the company, it is called a Startup. By starting a company in India, you take your first step in the business world. After setting up a company it comes under the category of startup for 10 years. To get the recognition, you must complete the startup registration.
In the process of registration, the government of India is helping businesses to grow. These schemes have many benefits and to take these benefits, the startup needs to register under the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DPIIT). The startup businesses must fulfil the eligibility to obtain the certificate of a startup business.
Public Limited Company Registration In India
A Public Limited Company should be the preferred business choice in India if you plan to raise funds from the general public through Initial Public Offering (“IPO”) because public limited companies have been privileged under Securities Laws to access the capital market.
Sole Proprietorship Registration, Eligibility And Process
A sole proprietorship in India is the most popular form of business structure for micro and small businesses operating in the unorganized sectors due to its simplicity, ease of information access, and nominal cost. Because of these factors, single owners are going for sole proprietorship registration in India.
The sole owners are liable for all the business debts and have unlimited liability. So, their business and personal assets are at risk. getting a certificate of incorporation for sole Proprietorship is a good idea. However, obtaining a certificate of sole Proprietorship is generally unsuitable for medium and large-scale businesses due to the array of disadvantages like unlimited liability, no separate legal entity, non-transferability, and limited company life.
Company Partnership Registration In India
Partnership registration in India involves the legal process of establishing a partnership firm under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932. This process ensures that the partnership is legally recognized and the partners' rights and obligations are clearly defined. A partnership firm is a business entity where two or more individuals agree to operate a business together, sharing profits and losses according to the terms of their partnership agreement.
To register a partnership, the partners must prepare a partnership deed, which outlines the terms of the partnership, including the name of the firm, the nature of the business, the rights and duties of the partners, and the profit-sharing ratio. The partnership deed must be signed by all partners and should be registered with the Registrar of Firms to gain legal validity. Registration provides the partnership with a legal status and enhances its credibility, facilitating better access to financial and legal benefits.
Our Assistance In Company Registration In India
At GLOBAL TAXMAN INDIA Ltd, we provide end-to-end solutions for Company Registration. Our services.
GLOBAL TAXMAN INDIA Ltd is a leading legal consultancy firm, offering comprehensive services related to Company Registration in India.
Contact us .
Tel : +91-9811099550
Visit - www.globaltaxmanindia.com
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Step-by-Step Process for GST Registration in Coimbatore: What You Need to Know
GST Registration in Coimbatore: A Comprehensive Guide
Coimbatore, known for its thriving industrial and commercial sectors, is a bustling hub for businesses of all sizes. As companies in Coimbatore continue to grow, understanding and complying with Goods and Services Tax (GST) regulations is crucial. This article provides an in-depth look at GST registration in Coimbatore, highlighting the process, benefits, and requirements.
What is GST?
Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a unified tax system that replaced multiple indirect taxes in India. It is designed to simplify the tax structure and ensure a seamless flow of credit across the supply chain. GST is levied on the supply of goods and services, and businesses must register for GST if their turnover exceeds a certain threshold.
Why is GST Registration Important?
Legal Compliance: GST registration is mandatory for businesses with a turnover exceeding the prescribed limit. Failure to register can result in penalties and legal complications.
Tax Benefits: Registered businesses can claim input tax credit (ITC) on taxes paid on purchases, which can be used to offset GST payable on sales.
Business Credibility: GST registration enhances a business's credibility and helps establish trust with customers and suppliers.
Access to GST Network: GST registration allows businesses to use the GST Network (GSTN) portal for filing returns, managing tax liabilities, and accessing various services.
Eligibility Criteria for GST Registration
In Coimbatore, as per the GST Act, businesses need to register if:
Turnover Exceeds the Threshold: For most companies, the threshold limit is ₹40 lakhs (₹20 lakhs for particular category states). However, this limit may vary based on the type of business and location.
Interstate Supply: Businesses engaged in interstate supply of goods or services must register for GST regardless of their turnover.
E-Commerce Operators: Online sellers and e-commerce platforms must register for GST, regardless of turnover.
Casual Taxable Persons: Businesses that occasionally supply goods or services and do not have a fixed place of business must register.
Steps for GST Registration in Coimbatore
Gather Documents: Prepare necessary documents such as PAN card, Aadhaar card, proof of business address, bank statement, and photographs.
Visit the GST Portal: Go to the official GST portal (www.gst.gov.in) and select the option for new registration.
Fill in Details: Complete the application form (Form GST REG-01) with accurate details about your business, including its nature, turnover, and registration type.
Submit Documents: Upload scanned copies of the required documents.
Verification: The GST authorities will verify your application and documents. If necessary, you may be required to provide additional information.
GSTIN Issuance: Once your application is approved, you will receive a GST Identification Number (GSTIN) and a GST registration certificate.
Post-Registration Compliance
File GST Returns: Regularly file GST returns per the prescribed schedule (monthly or quarterly). This includes GSTR-1 (outward supplies), GSTR-2 (inward supplies), and GSTR-3B (monthly summary).
Maintain Records: Keep detailed records of all transactions, invoices, and GST-related documents.
Renewal and Updates: Update your GST registration details if your business's address or ownership changes.
GST registration in Coimbatore is a vital step for businesses to ensure compliance with tax regulations and benefit from the streamlined tax structure. By following the registration process and adhering to post-registration compliance, companies can effectively manage their GST obligations and contribute to the smooth functioning of the GST ecosystem. If you need assistance with GST registration or have questions, consider consulting a professional to ensure a hassle-free experience.
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curenishant · 10 days
Why CureIndia is the Best Choice for Urethroplasty Surgery in India
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When dealing with urethral stricture, life can become incredibly uncomfortable. The inability to pass urine freely, pain during urination, and recurrent infections can drastically reduce the quality of life. For many, this leads to the need for urethroplasty, a complex surgical procedure designed to correct the narrowed or blocked urethra. But where should you go for this life-changing surgery? The answer is simple—CureIndia offers the best option for Urethroplasty Surgery in India.
Understanding Urethroplasty Surgery
Urethroplasty is a surgical procedure aimed at removing or bypassing scar tissue in the urethra to restore normal urine flow. Urethral stricture, often caused by injury, infection, or previous surgeries, leads to narrowing of the urethra, which can result in painful urination, urinary tract infections, and, in severe cases, complete blockage of urine flow. The surgery is complex and requires a skilled surgeon to ensure success.
Patient Pain Points and Concerns
Patients suffering from urethral stricture experience frequent discomfort. For some, even the act of urinating becomes painful and frustrating. Many face the anxiety of recurrent infections, which only worsens their condition. This leads to constant worry about their health and future, making it essential to find a medical provider who not only offers effective treatment but also understands their pain and concerns.
At CureIndia, we are dedicated to providing top-notch care that addresses not just the physical ailment but also the emotional and mental strain that comes with it. Our patient-first approach ensures that individuals feel heard, cared for, and confident in their journey toward recovery.
Why Choose CureIndia for Urethroplasty Surgery in India?
Experienced Surgeons with a Global Reputation CureIndia partners with some of the most skilled and experienced surgeons in India, known for their expertise in urological surgeries, including urethroplasty. Our specialists have years of experience in performing this delicate surgery, ensuring higher success rates and fewer complications. When it comes to such a complex procedure, the experience and precision of the surgeon are crucial to a successful outcome.
Affordable Treatment without Compromising Quality Medical expenses can be a huge concern for anyone considering surgery. At CureIndia, we offer high-quality care at a fraction of the cost compared to Western countries. Urethroplasty Surgery in India with CureIndia allows you to receive world-class medical treatment without breaking the bank. This financial relief, combined with excellent healthcare, makes us the go-to option for international patients.
Advanced Facilities and Technology CureIndia’s affiliated hospitals are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and modern surgical instruments. We understand that advanced equipment plays a significant role in the success of urethroplasty surgeries. Our hospitals are well-prepared to offer patients the latest medical innovations, ensuring accurate diagnoses and effective treatments.
Comprehensive Pre- and Post-Surgical Care Surgery is just one step in the journey to recovery. At CureIndia, we emphasize comprehensive care, including detailed pre-operative evaluations and personalized post-surgical recovery plans. Our team of healthcare professionals will monitor your progress closely to ensure you recover safely and quickly. This holistic approach minimizes the risk of post-surgical complications, giving you peace of mind.
Patient-Centric Approach We know that undergoing surgery can be daunting, especially for international patients. At CureIndia, we are committed to making the entire process as smooth and stress-free as possible. From the moment you contact us, our dedicated care coordinators are there to assist you with every detail—whether it’s visa assistance, arranging accommodation, or helping you understand the surgical process. We take care of all the logistics, so you can focus on your health.
Shorter Waiting Times In many countries, the wait time for surgical procedures like urethroplasty can be lengthy, adding unnecessary anxiety to an already stressful situation. At CureIndia, we prioritize quick scheduling to ensure that you can undergo treatment without delay. We value your time and understand that timely intervention is key to a quicker recovery.
Cultural Comfort and Language Support Traveling to a foreign country for medical treatment can be intimidating. At CureIndia, we ensure that you feel at home. Our team offers multilingual support, ensuring that language barriers do not get in the way of your treatment. We also offer culturally sensitive care, making sure you are comfortable throughout your stay in India.
The CureIndia Advantage
Choosing CureIndia for Urethroplasty Surgery in India means choosing a healthcare provider that genuinely cares about your well-being. We pride ourselves on offering personalized care, world-class medical expertise, and state-of-the-art facilities, all at an affordable cost. For patients struggling with the pain and discomfort of urethral stricture, CureIndia is a beacon of hope and recovery.
By addressing both your physical and emotional needs, we aim to make your medical journey a positive and successful experience. Don’t let the pain of urethral stricture control your life any longer. CureIndia is here to help you regain your quality of life through expert urethroplasty surgery in India.
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alishajoy059 · 14 days
Key Compliance Requirements for Project Office in India: Essential Guidelines
Setting up a project office in India can be a great way for foreign companies to manage large-scale projects. However, establishing and maintaining a project office comes with a set of compliance requirements. Understanding these obligations is crucial to ensure smooth operations and avoid legal challenges.
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1. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Approval
A foreign company must seek prior approval from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to establish a project office in India. This is essential for monitoring foreign exchange transactions and ensuring compliance with India’s foreign exchange regulations.
2. Registration with the Registrar of Companies (ROC)
Once RBI approval is obtained, the next step is to register the project office with the Registrar of Companies (ROC). The project office must comply with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, including the filing of necessary documents and forms within 30 days of establishment.
3. Permanent Account Number (PAN) and Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number (TAN)
Obtaining a PAN (Permanent Account Number) is mandatory for tax purposes in India. Additionally, the project office must apply for a TAN (Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number) to comply with the Indian tax laws, particularly for withholding taxes on payments.
4. Goods and Services Tax (GST) Registration
If the project office intends to carry out taxable supply of goods or services, it must register under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime. GST registration ensures compliance with indirect tax regulations and enables the office to claim input tax credits.
5. Filing of Annual Returns and Financial Statements
The project office is required to file annual returns and audited financial statements with the ROC. Compliance with this requirement ensures transparency in financial reporting and helps in maintaining proper corporate governance.
6. Income Tax Filing
Project offices must file income tax returns annually, even if they are not earning any profits in India. Any income earned through the project office will be subject to Indian tax laws, and the necessary tax payments must be made on time.
7. FEMA Compliance
The project office is governed by the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA). As per FEMA guidelines, the office must adhere to various rules regarding foreign exchange transactions, including reporting any changes in the office's activities or structure to the RBI.
8. Labour Law Compliance
If the project office employs local or foreign workers, it must comply with Indian labour laws. This includes Provident Fund (PF) contributions, Employees' State Insurance (ESI) registration, and adherence to minimum wage regulations.
9. Closure of Project Office
When the project office completes its activities or the project comes to an end, the office must wind up operations. The closure process involves notifying the RBI, completing tax clearances, and filing necessary documentation with the ROC.
Establishing a project office in India involves navigating a number of regulatory and legal requirements. Ensuring compliance with RBI guidelines, tax laws, and company regulations is vital for successful operations. Understanding these obligations will help foreign companies maintain their project offices smoothly while avoiding legal complications.
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