#Startaur Charlie the Unicorn
nuttersincorporated · 5 months
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Image description: Screen shot from this reddit Q&A The question is: Why does Starfish love Charlie? The answer is: This doesn't really come up at all in the video, but in my head the backstory is this: Startaur was in love with CEO Charlie. When CEO Charlie began the cube project, Startaur attempted to stop him, knowing the project was foolish and dangerous. CEO Charlie turned Startaur into a wheel to get him out of the way, intending to turn him back when the project was launched. When Nyx, tens of thousands of years later, enchanted the wheel and turned it into a Starfish, some of Startaur's memories poked through. Meeting a unicorn named Charlie again, he felt a rush of his past love for CEO Charlie. When Startaur finally returned to his real form and regained his full personality and memories, he discovered that he was indeed falling in love with this new Charlie. I think Startaur is a romantic, and has a thing for unicorns.
Jason... Jason, you can't just say stuff like that and not expect us to go insane over this revelation. Why have I never seen anyone talk about this?
I need a book about Starfish’s/ Startaur’s life asap!
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mynameisonionhaha · 7 months
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doodle dump
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batset · 6 months
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another doodle \o/
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fanartfulfurryboy · 1 year
Despite it being the most obvious choice, it still takes some imagination to ship Startaur… since most of the time, his and Nyx's actions are basically indistinguishable from the demons' actions from the outside - they say and do weird stuff, Charlie goes along with it.
That said... there's one unique thing that happens at the very end of grand finale, which hints that the relationship between the Startaur and Charlie can be at the very least okay.
Charlie says something critical to Startaur… and Startaur not only acknowledges it, but immediately agrees and follows Charlie's suggestion. It's an extremely minor thing, but still. Big difference.
I imagine that the demons might have humored a plea of Charlie's once in a blue moon, but even then it would've taken a lot of insistence on his part, and they would've conceded with all the grace and respect of a Windows update: [Continue Now], [Remind Me In 3 Days].
But the Startaur? As soon as Charlie musters the confidence to say something mildly critical to his benefactor, he finds his concerns validated. No wonder he said "perfect" despite the Startaur barely doing anything at all. The minor adjustment was Charlie's choice, and it made all the difference.
(Originally inspired by this fic)
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I was struck with an utterly crack idea but I actually like it
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constant-downer · 2 years
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i could stare at your back all day…
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moonymoonsiplier · 3 years
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floweramonsworkshop · 2 years
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More Charlie the Unicorn stuff!  Something something if you want merch you have to do it yourself something something.  They came out a little darker than intended, I probably could’ve put another layer of highlight on them, but overall I think they look fine ^_^ 
I almost didn’t do the faces because I was terrified of messing up such small details, but it ended up working out fine!  The eyes, surprisingly, turned out to not be so difficult, but getting Pink and Blue’s smiles right was a pain.  Luckily I still had some extra highlight paint to touch them up.
I got the base miniature from Shapeways, from this listing here.  I used an x-acto knife to cut the fur tufts from the legs. I debated sanding the manes down since they don’t have those, but I just decided... meh.  I may try to make Charlie the CEO and Starfish/Startaur in the future, but as you can see from the listing they are pricey miniatures, so we’ll see XD
Also I realized while typing this that I should have given Charlie the faintest little scar on his abdomen, for reasons :)
Also kind of want to do a dice tower of Candy Mountain, but I need to finish my current WIP dice tower first.
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nuttersincorporated · 5 months
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Image description: Charlie the Unicorn and Startaur talking. Charlie is a grey unicorn. Startaur is red, and has the body of a horse and the head of a starfish
I imagine Charlie has a lot of mixed feelings about Startaur.
Charlie was so incredibly lonely that he really wanted to believe Pink and Blue did see him as a friend, even as they abused and tormented him. He first met Starfish during a song and he came on REALLY strong. However, it was a song so Charlie knew Starfish was going to explode anyway so what did it matter?
Starfish didn’t explode. He came back. Charlie actually got to have a short conversation with him, when he was expecting to die. Starfish begged Charlie to wish on him so that he could escape.
Charlie wanted to know what would happen to Starfish if he did wish but there wasn’t time to explain. Charlie made his wish and it badly hurt Starfish but Starfish didn’t care because it meant that Charlie was safe for a little longer.
Then Starfish started stopping time and merging magical things with Charlie. Charlie didn’t get a say in this. In fact, Charlie specifically told Starfish that he didn’t want to fuse with the magical mollusca. Starfish did it anyway.
Yes, he did it because Nyx thought that whoever went through the portal had to be very magical to survive. Yes, if Charlie hadn’t absorbed the magical items, he wouldn’t have been able to use the Mindscape Realiser. However, did it matter to Charlie that Starfish was doing it for his own good or did it just hurt that another person was denying him any form of agency and choice?
Then Charlie managed retrap the chaos demons and save what was left of the world. Starfish took on his true form, he regained his memories and immediately went to Charlie.
Starfish – now Startaur again – started telling Charlie about the life they’d lead together. Again, he just told Charlie how things would be, rather than asking. However, before he could say very much, he died.
Charlie is sad that Startaur died. He’s always sad about all the horrible things that have happened. He probably did see Startaur as a friend. After all, he wanted to see Pink and Blue as friends even through they kept hurting him, whereas Startaur would willing hurt himself to keep Charlie safe.
How does he feel about Startaur’s ghost hovering above him and constantly watching? He’ll never be alone again but currently his only company is a ghost who’s madly in love with him.
Nobody has ever asked Charlie how he feels towards Startaur.
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batset · 3 years
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Love Love Love - The Mountain Goats
Inspired a bit by one of the answers on the Q&A for the finale.
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moonymoonsiplier · 3 years
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more memes~
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batset · 3 years
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Charlie comes across what was left of Pink & Blue…
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constant-downer · 3 years
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𓇼 ♡
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moonymoonsiplier · 3 years
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Finally watched the finale.
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batset · 2 years
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Somewhere familiar that I’d rather forget
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constant-downer · 3 years
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gotta do Everything in this dang house ‼️🤬
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