berndwenske · 7 years
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druginmeisyou · 10 years
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My peeps who keep me truckin along #StartExp #ATS #DnB #30days #hustle #LaunchOut
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iamamylatta · 11 years
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We all need to unplug sometimes. The more "connected" we are, the greater the possibility that we may miss a bit of real life. Remember the days before 24/7 Connectedness? Yeah, only vaguely! Spend some non-electronic time with your friends, your family, Yourself today. Take a break, don't check in to your social networks, wait until tomorrow, and enjoy the world today in its natural state. Love you all! 💗💗❤️❤️❤️💗💗 Big HUGS! Mwah! #InstaSize #startexp
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katherinehenson · 11 years
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NEW POST >> #WordlessWednesday - First day of classes in my fourth year of college, heeeeey (#STARTexp) -
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genevievewest · 10 years
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July Meetup #2! #30daysofhustle #dreamersandbuilders #STARTexp (at Blue Star Donuts - Hawthorne)
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gaycartoonwalrus · 11 years
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Thanking God for the #StartExp and these humans. (at Rock River)
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iamamylatta · 11 years
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Dear Fellow Traveler, I don't know your name, face or story. I don't know every detail of this risk that you've made. I don't know your wounds or scars. But I do know you have them. I know that there are things threatening to kill your dream. Don't let it. Silence those voices. Even if no one else is on board. I believe in you. I believe in your dream. (Shared from my #startexp friend @copiousmusings!) @jonacuff #advocare #ctv2013 #motivation #inspire #instafit #instagood #instaquote #inspiration #fitfam #fit #fitness #fitmommas #fitspiration #fitgirls_inspire #goals #dreams #empowerment #letsgo #getit
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ashleywritesstuff · 11 years
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Sacrifice now to win later. #STARTexp #sellALLthethings
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katherinehenson · 11 years
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Start living your own story, your own purpose, your own awesomeness - not daydreaming about someone else's. (#startexp @jonacuff)
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scottlink-blog · 11 years
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@jonacuff made me do this. I don't write. I type. #startexp
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genevievewest · 10 years
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PDX Meetup! #30daysofhustle #dreamersandbuilders #STARTexp (at McMenamins Chapel Pub)
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dmjonesoir-blog · 11 years
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"Are you pleased with how the movie turned out Jon?"
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mariajsanders-blog · 11 years
Luck is the residue of design
What’s your plan? Where do you see yourself in 5, 10, 15 years? I’ve been asked these questions a lot recently. And this type of question always seems to come up in interviews. If you ask me what I want to do it will quickly be the same answer, “I want to work in sports.” However, since starting the 24 day-long Start Experiment put together by Jon Acuff, I’ve realized one thing – planning how to get there is more important than just knowing where you want to end up.
That’s why I’ve decided to stop bs’ing a 5 year-plan and actually put one into place. On Day 3 of the Start Experiment Jon asked us to research a handful of people currently doing what we want to do. For me, those are people working for major league baseball teams in PR/Community Relations. My findings showed me they all have Master degrees in Sports Management/Marketing and most are bi-lingual. I had toyed around with the idea of grad school in the past, but after gaining this insight have decided that gaining a post-graduate degree is a necessary step in my 5-year plan.
So what does my plan look like? The basic outline includes working for the next year, hopefully in a new job that I’ve interviewed for that would give me general sports industry experience. In that time, I want to re-take the GRE, and actually try to do well, apply to several Sports Management programs, and begin taking Spanish classes. I’ve always loved the language, and enjoyed my Spanish classes in high school. It’s true though, if you don’t use it you lose it, and although my name is Maria, my Spanish is mucho limited. I’ve reached out to a program put together by a college in the city that offers night classes for professionals. I’m hoping to enroll in their Level 1 Spanish class in the fall.
It’s common to hear the phrase, “Knowledge is power.” But, I think I prefer the modified, “Knowledge is responsibility.” After learning how others already doing what I want to do have gotten there, I’m now not only equipped, but the only one responsible to reach my goals. I’m now obligated to my dreams, to put in the work and do all it takes.
Branch Rickey, one of the titans of the game of baseball once said, “Luck is the residue of design.” Rickey was responsible for a lot of memorable moments in the American Game, most notably in orchestrating the events that lead Jackie Robinson to break the color barrier. I heard his quote my senior year of college, and it’s stuck with me since. I’ve decided to let it be the tagline of this plan. So here’s to hard work, baseball, and a little stoke of luck!
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ashleywritesstuff · 11 years
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So I was on Twitter the other night when I ran across a tweet from Jon Acuff. It said, “This post will be deleted in 12 hours.” Now, I’m a big fan of Mr. Acuff. His humor has made me laugh for years, and his career insight gave me the courage to quit a job I was miserable at last fall. I feel like I owe a lot to him. Intrigued by my good fortune on discovering a time-sensitive link, I clicked on it and was given what I felt like was a letter with a secret mission that will self-destruct. Think Inspector Gadget. (Image courtesy of @fyeahinspectorgadget: http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ll66hgLX881qh1ncao1_400.gif).
I sign up, not knowing what I’m getting into, other than know that I’m probably going to have to do something that scares the crud out of me. And for good measure, I might as well have some fun along the way, so I bug my husband Ryan and my best gal Jen to join me in this journey. Frodo needed some company on his journey right? I do too.
So now Jon asks us to react to the idea of doing something audacious. Well, here’s mine. I’m scared. I’m uncomfortable. I might fail. Will it be good for me? Quite likely. Here I go.
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katherinehenson · 11 years
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I'm liking this "recklessly brave"! Let's go #STARTexp
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