#Start A Fire RSS Feed
thephooka · 2 years
Bet you didn't expect to see me again
TL;DR Twitter is on fire, p much everyone's looking for other places to land when Dipshit In Chief Elon Musk inevitably causes the site to become nonfunctional, social media bad, I'm here again (and a bunch of other places.)
I'm going to start queuing other art here from time to time, and maybe I'll even use this blog for some non-art purposes. We'll see how it goes. Being an Artist Online is exhausting.
If you prefer, you can track the tag #wn comic update to just see comic update posts (I understand that's something you can do now?) or use the RSS feed* directly from White Noise's website.
*"I guess let me know if you want help using RSS" I say, as I turn to dust and blow away on the wind
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
how do you keep up with all these articles and websites? With twitter being down the shitter, and tumblr recycling month old posts, i havent been able to find a good central news source. I figured I could use RSS feeds, but these sites post SOOOO frequently that I find it overwhelming. any advice?
it's an eclectic process. I watch some TV news which gives me a heads up on things happening. So does dreamwidth and tumblr and friends with different areas of interests that will let me know about things happening in the areas they watch or in their countries. I also watch a couple of other progressive aggregators with sort of Venn diagram interest areas with mine. So some stuff over laps with things I already read, but there are more things I wouldn't have spotted on my own that are important and/or interesting. I also have a bunch of searches I do for longer running things, and things I'll do a random periodic search on to check in with ongoing situations that mostly fell out of the English language news cycle.
I started out doing history articles and archeology news, that sort of thing. Then there was a little commentary. Then Us politics went completely berserk and I ran out of time to properly read and post breaking news, let alone the things i still care about but are so much less world on fire. I try to squeeze some in at the edges never theless.
It helps that I read stupid fast with a high comprehension rate. also, I'm disabled and don't work, so I have time other people don't have, even working at whatever pace my body is up for that day. I can just go lie down if need to. I don't have to force myself to type much if my arm is completely fucked that day. Most people have a whole lot of time sucked into working and commuting. Most aggregators are working to some sort of schedule if only self imposed.
A lot of why my out put rate is so uneven from day to day is some days I am too busy or ill. Some days I do a ton of reading and prepping, but am too ill or tired or in pain and can't post much of it. The massive output Sunday evening was an example of the opposite thing, where I hadn't time to read, but I had a ton of links read and preorganized, so I could toss them onto the dreamwith scaffold and post them very fast at the same time on Tumblr, so I gnawed through some of my backlog pile.
(I post a sorted aggregate on dreamwidth once or twice a week at https://gwydion.dreamwidth.org/. Tumblr they mostly go up in batches).
I am doing this on the most basic level out of love. I love learning stuff, hence my origins over on livejournal before the Russians got it, sharing links to articles about cool things people dug up. I grew up in a political family. I've been watching politics since the Ford/Carter debates. I do care about the world. I want things to be better. I can't march. I can signal boost, and write, and share links, and call politicians to complain about stuff. It means a lot to me when people I don't know look at what I do and it helps them in some way.
I would be reading news regardless. I learned at the age of eight that when confronted with horrors, that for me personally, I do best if I study the enemy. This allowed me to work out how best to resist and survive. all these decades later, my survival strategy dishes up news links organized in anxiety friendly ways on dreamwidth, and in the more chaotic but blacklistable form here on tumblr. I'm anal retentive about news tagging to help the people who aren't here for that or who aren't up to staring directly into the void with me and drinking from the news fire hose. I never even expect my closest friends to read all my output, because my volume is rather excessive.
Don't feel bad if you aren't up to it, some days or weeks or months. My adaptation is wildly atypical and for most people this would be unhealthy.
If the news is too much, it's okay to take a mental health break. I do ask that you vote, because we need everyone, regardless of country to save the world. The news will still be there when you are up to it
Any aggregate has a bias, both selection, and the other kind. there are things i don't cover because I don't know they are happening or because there isn't time. There are a whole lot of other things that I don't or barely cover because they aren't good for me. it is so much harder to see absence than presence.
My best advice to you, is to find someone like me who gets a lot of the things you are interested in so you can at least skim headlines. More than one is better, but if you get stressed out by the output keep it simple. Find some news sites you trust or if you have a good local paper get a subscription. (I used to read the paper everyday, but my local paper is extra bad, so I'm all online now). Read articles on things that interest you. If you are up to it do some searches on topics important to you.
Whatever you do, never read or watch one news source exclusively. Every source has biases. If all that history training has taught me anything, it's that.
Remember that no one can read everything and that's okay.
I have no idea if this helps. I just stopped to read your note before bed, so I'm a bit rambly.
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audiofictionuk · 7 months
New Fiction Podcasts - 11th March - Part 1
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Dust and Blood Audio RPG A fantasy Western narrative-play podcast, filled with high drama and hilarious shenanigans! Dust and Blood is created by Blake Alfson, Keith Curtis, Corinne Hill, Gale Parker, and Zach Parker, and posts on the first day of each month. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240220-01 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/dustandbloodpod/feed.xml
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Unlucky Charm Audio Drama Sam Crowe has always had the worst of luck, but in his ever-optimistic view of the world, heads to Boston to pursue a lifelong dream. Along the way to his dreams, he meets Aaron Bazil, a painter who's been pretty lucky with his career so far, but with it came a cynical view of the world. Together, they change each other for the better and... worse. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240301-03 RSS: https://feeds.castos.com/5x9m7
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Crooked and Strange Audio Book Crooked and Strange is an anthology series, and a place to share some of my short fiction. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240301-04 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/crooked-and-strange-short-stories-by-lewis-darley
Autumn Falls- The Voices Audio Drama Kyle Silver comes back home to Autumn Falls. While there, strange things start occurring to him. Will Kyle Make it out alive? https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240225-01 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f1838b90/podcast/rss
What Happens In A Dream Audio Drama Welcome to the Dream World! Here, anything and everything is possible. The only limit is your imagination! This is a fictional audio drama based in a Dream World. Each episode may or may not be connected in someway, but they will all take place within the same world. As of right now, episodes will be put out as often as they can be created, but we will eventually be on a regular schedule. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for listening! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20230518-07 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/e1ecea64/podcast/rss
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Dad Magick Audio Drama A horror podcast. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240304-01 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/dadmagick/feed.xml
Hobo Code Audio Drama Hop a freight train with two hobos, a little girl, and her best friend who lives in a coffee can. Hobo Code is an epic journey spanning from the Roaring Twenties to the Great Depression, all the way to the Great Recession of 2008. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240304-02 RSS: https://feeds.libsyn.com/511023/rss
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The Last City Audio Drama In the climate-ravaged year of 2072, Pura stands as a miraculous green haven, a geoengineered paradise that protects lucky residents from the global catastrophes of heat domes, fires, floods, and droughts. Demetria Lopez is Pura's PR fixer, tirelessly promoting the city's idyllic image. But when she stumbles upon a dark secret that underpins Pura's existence, she must decide who and what she is willing to protect. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240304-03 RSS: https://rss.art19.com/the-last-city
Stranded in the Void Audio Drama Blake Hooper, an astronaut aboard the Hermes V spacecraft, finds himself alone after a mission goes horribly wrong. His only way to keep his sanity is to broadcast messages back home, hoping someone is listening. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20210201-18 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/47649320/podcast/rss
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Mil-Liminal Audio Book Mil-Liminal is a bi-weekly, cozy horror podcast chronicling the adventures of a midnight shift gas station employee and all that implies. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240213-05 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/mil-liminal/feed.xml
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Clempson Goes to Hell Podcast Audio Book Welcome to Dystopia: Clempson Goes to Hell, read one chapter per week. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240213-06 RSS: https://api.substack.com/feed/podcast/2291813.rss
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Adventure Engines Audio RPG An actual play, TTRPG podcast where we build the world through play. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240219-05 RSS: https://feeds.podcastle.ai/dbb0d83d-4b66-424d-b92f-842f6fbb5864.rss
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Tales of the Risen Tide Audio Book A post-apocalyptic pirate adventure with the heart of an epic fantasy, Tales of the Risen Tide is the debut novel from British author David M Reynolds. Tune in every Monday and Thursday for a new chapter of this full-cast audiobook. On a map redrawn by the rampant sea-level rise of the twenty-second century, survivors war over the ruins of high-ground whilst pirates and slavers plague the vast new seas that surround them. But amidst the ashes of the world there remains a place for the young and the brave to call home: The Archon — a ship crewed by orphan thieves, escaped prisoners, and heretic runaways. They are the Archonauts, and this is their tale. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240207-06 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/talesoftherisentide/feed.xml
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Andersson Dexter Investigations Audio Book In a queer-normative future that isn’t all rainbows and sparkles, the justice you receive depends on your job – assuming you can get it at all. Enter vigilante detective Andersson Dexter, whose beat covers both the physical world and the online universe Marionette City. Helping people who have nowhere else to turn, he’s making the worlds better one client at a time, but is it enough? The Andersson Dexter Investigations is a four-book cyberpunk detective series by Nebula Award finalist M. Darusha Wehm. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240216-01 RSS: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/SBP5278124681
Das Magnus-Archiv Audio Drama Mach deine Aussage, stell dich deiner Angst. Die Türen des Magnus-Instituts öffnen sich und gewähren Einblick in die Fallakten dieses 'angesehenen' Forschungszentrums für das Esoterische und das Übernatürliche. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240209-02 RSS: https://ingressive.podcaster.de/das-magnus-archiv.rss
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beginningspod · 1 year
It's time for Beginnings, the podcast where writer and performer Andy Beckerman talks to the comedians, writers, filmmakers and musicians he admires about their earliest creative experiences and the numerous ways in which a creative life can unfold.
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On today's episode, I talk to musician and painter Andrew Savage. Originally from Denton, TX, Andrew began playing music seriously when he formed the band Teenage Cool Kids in college in 2006. By the time the group officially disbanded in 2011, Andrew had already been writing music in a new band, Parquet Courts, which he started with his college friend Austin Brown. Since that time, they've released seven albums on labels like What's Your Rupture? and Rough Trade, and Andrew was even nominated for a Grammy for Human Performance's artwork. As a solo artist, Andrew has released two albums, 2017's Thawing Dawn, on his own label Dull Tools and his latest, Several Songs About Fire, which was just released on Rough Trade last week!
I'm on Twitter here and you can get the show with:
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
Home › News
Kelsey Harris Said She Saw Tory Lanez Shooting At Meg Thee Stallion
Written By Robert Longfellow
Posted December 18, 2022
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Source: Jason Armond / Getty
Kelsey Harris has some explaining to do. Although in recent court proceedings she essentially said her memory is fuzzy, in a deposition that was played in court, Megan Thee Stallion’s former friend says she saw Torey Lanez shooting at the Texas rapper. 
Reports TMZ:
As you know, Kelsey has been hesitant, to say the least, to give up many details while testifying this week, but on Friday prosecutors played audio of the entire interview she did with cops earlier this year … when she spilled every detail from that July 2020 night.
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Kelsey says while they were in the SUV — after the party at Kylie Jenner’s house — she and Tory first got into an argument when he made fun of Megan. When Kelsey came to her friend’s defense, she claims Tory said, “My n****, I’m gonna shoot you.” Kelsey says Tory reached toward the center console, but didn’t do anything more than that.
And this is where the struggle truly pops off. And it’s all bad for Lanez.
However, the vehicle was pulled over at that point. Then she says Meg and Tory started insulting each other’s careers, and things got so heated, both Meg and Kelsey got out of the SUV.
Almost immediately Kelsey says she started hearing gunshots, and after the 2nd or 3rd shot she turned around and says she saw Tory in the front seat firing the gun forward, over the open right front door in Meg’s direction.
Kelley went on to say that to Lanez told her and Meg not to say anything once the police arrived to investigate. 
The ongoing trial is happening in Los Angeles.
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blueberry-lemon · 2 years
blog thoughts: hub world vibes
Like any millennial who spends way too much time online, I have a lot of conflicting thoughts on using social media. Every social media platform I use has some huge benefits but also some disappointing drawbacks. I gravitate most towards Twitter, despite hating Twitter with every fiber of my being. I genuinely love using these services (or, at least, I'm addicted) but...they're also pretty unsatisfying. It's hard not to be a little nostalgic for how the web was before: a bursting collection of individual websites that were all completely personalized and had individual uses. I think we all had a lot more of an appetite back then to diligently use RSS Feeds and Bookmark folders. Even when I tell myself I should do that now, I can barely muster the effort. Aside from typing a few URLs into Chrome's auto-complete, I mostly just gravitate towards clicking links I find on social media posts. Then I go back to infinite-scrolling. The older I get, the more I wish I had a sort of "home base" online. A sort of hub world. A place I can put all my stuff, decorate and customize it, and people can enjoy it.
For years, I think that place actually was Tumblr for me. I stopped using it around the time of the NSFW ban and now here I am, trying to get back into it, but it shares the same flaw as any timeline-based platform: your posts eventually get washed away among dozens and hundreds of other posts. I want a place that will stay put. My own little pond to cultivate, instead of pouring my stuff into the rivers and streams we're all dumping into. Honestly, I have a huge soft-spot for the era of Geocities, Angel Fire, all that type of stuff. Where people made personal sites based on themselves and their interests and literally just said whatever they wanted on there, even if it seemed pointless. Back then, even the novelty of saving and sharing JPEGs was so huge that people made website pages literally just to collect their favorite JPEGs. I feel like images and text had so much more value back then, and now we obviously take them for granted. I recently discovered Neocities, a service that was created to host people's new websites made in the 2000s-era HTML style. A place where people nowadays are going to make their own sites that collect their work and go for a retro vibe. I'll admit that it feels so corny, but I do think there's a value in doing this. Also it just looks really fun in a self-indulgent sort of way. AND SO...I have decided that my goal, someday and somehow, is to learn enough basic HTML and CSS to make my own Neocities page. A bit of a "hub world" for all of my work, my social media links, and such. A page I can decorate however I want, much more freely than Twitter allows. I'm doing this despite being absolutely allergic to learning programming languages. It's so hard for my head to grok anything coding-related, and I used to vow that I was an artist and would never try to wrap my head around code. But now...I think all the work will be worth it! It'll be like a mid-life crisis hobby thing where you learn to repair bicycle chains or tune-up cars or do woodworking in your garage. I'll share my progress here as I start building up my little baby website. Keep your fingers crossed for my fried brain.
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cuprohastes · 4 months
Just watched WWDC
The app tiling was almost the most exciting part of the new MacOS.
Microsoft are having such a hard time not being insane that apart from Gaming, I would kind of like a mac for daily use - Which is hampered by price and the fact that Apple's window management is pretty much garbage…
… but their text handling is far superior, and they often do the right thing for the wrong reason.
Like focussing on privacy so they can fire zingers at Google.
Then they haul up a five year old game that they fanwanked about a year ago, a game that runs on handhelds, and claim that it means Apple can compete as a gaming company.
You notice they didn't run Cyberpunk 2077 to show off, or one of the Jedi games.
The handwriting adjustment on iPads, and the ability to sum columns of numbers or casually work out math equations was what I liked there.
I’d actually start using Notes more if it was compensating for the shitty plastic-on-glass writing experience. I’m looking forward to seeing how it handles someone who’s entire school career was cursive via fountain pens (which on iPad means line width variation) versus someone laboriously printing with a felt tip (the pen type in use in the tech demo - not throwing shade. The demo was set up for maximum success). That “it fixes words with your own handwriting” really broke down when Goodnotes tries it.
Also, I would really like to see if I can create a list in notes, and then have it ported to for example the shopping list in Reminders.
Actually I should just try that to see if it’s currently works in iOS 17…
There's some machine learning and machine vision stuff that tentatively I like for Photos and spell check, and email sorting…
… but the update to Safari Reader Mode where it can generate a summary and content table was the part that I really want to play with. I very much want to see how Tumblr breaks it.
I use Safari’s Reader Mode a huge amount for decluttering web pages and making them friendly for reading. Paired with the reading list that saves the page offline, and the possibility of having reader mode active in Webkit, it might be really solid way to browse RSS feeds.
I’m also looking forward to Siri getting a hefty update and being able to apply itself to screen context.
This is a major accessibility thing for people with limited vision.
If you can get it to look at the screen and say to it “okay open a specific app” then ask it what the app is doing and have it give you a summary rather than it trying to literally read the screen, and then ask it to control the app for you, that’s actually really handy.
As it is being able to take a photograph of something and then say Siri, what does this say?
And then be able to follow up and say okay do something with the information – for example add calendar events , make a note that summarises the information given, add to a shopping list, add to a note and so on.
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tknblog · 9 months
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chorusfm · 9 months
Bluesky Posts Now Open to Public
Jay Peters, writing for The Verge: Bluesky remains an invite-only decentralized Twitter alternative, but now, you don’t need to have an account and log in to be able to see posts on the platform, according to a blog post from Bluesky CEO Jay Graber. Now, anyone can easily see posts from both the web and from the Bluesky app — like this one. If you want to prevent people who aren’t logged in from seeing your posts, you can “discourage” that by clicking a toggle in settings. But Bluesky notes that “other apps may not honor this request” and that the toggle doesn’t make your account private. I have an account on Blue Sky, but I haven’t found myself using it much. In fact, as Twitter/X have gone up in dumpster-fire flames of Oppenheimer proportions, the more I’ve started to think about if I even want or need this kind of service in my life. There’s a real lack of joy, and besides the Absurdist Twitter thread, I am finding less an less value in any of them. I’ve been spending more time curating my RSS feeds and have replaced the Mastodon/X/Threads space on my home screen with my RSS reader. Kicking social media off the first screen of my phone, so far, has felt like a net positive. --- Please consider becoming a member so we can keep bringing you stories like this one. ◎ https://chorus.fm/linked/bluesky-posts-now-open-to-public/
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fahrni · 9 months
Saturday Morning Coffee
Good morning from Charlottesville, Virginia! ☕️
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I don’t know about y’all but I’ve taken the week between Christmas and New Year off. I do it every year and it’s a nice way to wrap up the year. I’m never sure what I’m going to do during my time off but I do hope to work on Stream a little bit and with any luck we’ll have the grandkids over at least one more time. They’re here now and we’re having a great time together.
The Verge
More than 200 Substack authors asked the platform to explain why it’s “platforming and monetizing Nazis,” and now they have an answer straight from co-founder Hamish McKenzie
I follow a number of writers I really like on Substack and I have a terrible feeling they’ll all continue to use the Nazi loving platform because of the money they generate.
I will no longer be supporting any of those authors or linking to any of their work until they abandon the platform.
There are options. You could move to Buttondown, use WordPress, or roll your own like Ben Thompson did for Stratechery.
I know that last option is not for the faint of heart but Ben has managed a successful, paid, newsletter for over a decade.
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WordPress is still a bit of work, but much easier than roll-your-own. You can pay WordPress to host your site.
Buttondown is not a VC backed venture — that supports Nazi’s — so it takes money to keep it going. Yes, Buttondown is a paid service.
I’d imagine there are other options. Look around and get away from Substack as quickly as humanly possible.
Figma and Adobe have reached a joint decision to end our pending acquisition. It’s not the outcome we had hoped for, but despite thousands of hours spent with regulators around the world detailing differences between our businesses, our products, and the markets we serve, we no longer see a path toward regulatory approval of the deal.
Time certainly does fly! I had no idea it had been 18-months since the proposed acquisition began.
I know there were equal parts excitement and dread around the deal but know all folks need to worry about is Figma surviving as a company.
Will Adobe blow the dust off of XD and get back to work or has that season passed? I was on the XD beta and thought it was a really great piece of software. It was a shame to see it go.
Bill Lazar
If you want an overview of how things are in Lahaina four months after the fire, check out Jesse Wald’s video. TL;DR: The EPA just completed the hazardous materials removal project and now the main debris removal will start and take about a year.
Devastating. That’s the only word I can use to describe the Lahaina fire. As Bill notes it’s going to take years for things to get back to “normal.” As if normal can ever really return to these poor people. 💔
Chance Miller and Ben Lovejoy • 9to5Mac
The Apple Watch Series 9 and Apple Watch Ultra 2 will no longer be available to purchase from Apple starting later this week.
This is interesting news. It makes me wonder how much Apple will eventually pay to make the problem go away or will they buy the company?
Andrew Hutchinson • Social Media Today
As Threads continues to gain momentum, especially among journalists, a next key step will be the development of an API, which will then enable direct publishing to Threads, as well as scheduling, third-party analytics, and more.
I can kind of see why they’re creating this input only API. They want to support news organizations and the like who schedule posts or have them setup as a part of their publishing workflow.
But Threads could do it by setting up a Weblogs Ping server and accept RSS feeds!
Weblogs ping is a way to tell a server ”Hey, I have an update” and the server goes out and collects your RSS feed. This would be really great for batch updates. Threads could even define their own namespace extension to RSS if they need additional data. Problem solved!
David McCabe and Nico Grant • The New York Times
Google said on Monday that it would allow developers on its Play app store to offer direct payment options to users and would pay $700 million to settle an antitrust suit brought by state attorneys general, in the company’s latest move to navigate increased regulatory scrutiny of its power.
It was kind of strange to see Google lose and Apple win their respective cases. Google chose a jury trial which seems to have lead to their loss.
No matter. It now makes Apple the only company that requires using their store and payment system. Will this help a Government case if they ever push on Apple to allow third party stores and payment systems?
Laine Campbell • Facebook Engineering
While the app’s production launch had been under consideration for some time, the business finally made the decision and informed the infrastructure teams to prepare for its launch with only two days’ advance notice. The decision was made with full confidence that Meta’s infrastructure teams can deliver based on their past track record and the maturity of the infrastructure. Despite the daunting challenges with minimal lead time, the infrastructure teams supported the app’s rapid growth exceptionally well.
This is an incredible engineering feat. I’m not a fan of Facebook but they do have amazing engineers. If you’re into what it takes to power millions of users the world over go read the piece. It’s really good.
The Kyiv Independent
Ukraine’s military intelligence didn’t reveal what forces fighting on Ukraine’s side were responsible for the attack, hinting that it could have been one of the Russian battalions employed by Kyiv.
It’s heartwarming to see Russians push back against Putin. We 100% need to continue our support of Ukraine. Putin and his authoritarian regime cannot be allowed to take another inch of Ukrainian soil. If Ukraine falls, who’s next?
Brent Simmons
Since RSS is an open web thing that brings you stuff people write, and ActivityPub is also an open web thing that brings you stuff people write, it’s an obvious good idea to do both in the same app. Totally.
I thought about supporting ActivityPub — Mastodon in particular — as a first class citizen in Stream but the truth of the matter is it’s already a first class citizen because Mastodon supports RSS natively and it’s really good! Case closed.
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sunbeamstress · 1 year
i struggled for a very long time to understand why i didn't want to make art.
it was such a mystery! some blind spot in my psyche i couldn't get a fix on.
"why haven't i drawn in months?"
"why am i sitting here playing video games? i still can barely draw hands"
"why don't i post my work online?"
"why haven't i started a webcomic yet? i wanted to over a decade ago"
why? why? why?
why was i torturing myself? all i could see in the back of my mind was my mother, seated in her armchair, the dated old phone stretching across the living room with her at the center of its web. she would always couch the phone against her cheek and shoulder and lay her knuckles against it for stability; her left hand - the one i use, myself - would reach for a pen and fill page after page of doodles into a notepad.
i remember beautiful filigree designs and landscapes and pretty flowers and sometimes an instance of something lovely in the faces of her husband or her children, captured on paper without her even having to think about it. entire worlds spilling out of her fingertips while her mind was occupied with other things.
but she stopped.
she can't draw, now. she no longer has the talent. she used to beg me to sing because my voice was a gift to god, but she had a gift from god and she left it in a dumpster. these days i don't believe in god, and i don't believe in my mother, either.
in a circumspect way i'm grateful to her for this. i'd think about her every time i picked up a pencil. this unforgivable act of waste, in my eyes, was a fire under my ass that kept my hand moving. it gives me pleasure to admit, with honesty, that while i rarely sketch or paint, i only ever seem to get better at it. to this day, i'm not half bad. in my late thirties, i'm at a skill level that i was seeing out of the very most gifted artists in their mid-twenties.
but isn't that a silly way of looking at it? "i'm 37, and i draw at least as well as a really good 24 year old". what nonsense is this? this is the sort of invasive thing that likes to run amok in my head. what sense does it make to compare myself like we're talking shonen manga power levels? why am i racing other artists? why do i have to compete?
it took me a very long time to realize that Competition Itself had supplanted what i loved about art. it wasn't something i did consciously; it just sort of happened when i was in my late teens, my early adult years, and the internet's artistic community had exploded, a detailed landscape peppered with talented people, all with their own gifts from god, gleaming and gilded and razor-edged. they were doing things i'd never imagined. they were making comics and putting their work in indie video games. they were doing animations in flash. holy shit - they were making porn! this might sound quaint to you, O reader, but by internet standards i'm what you call an "old-ass bitch" and in those days, this was pretty novel.
god, i wanted what they had so bad. i wanted a webcomic. i was going to call it "Absolute Vertigo", whatever that meant, and it would have been garbage, but i didn't care. i wanted "Absolute Vertigo by <SCREEN NAME>" at the top of a kitschy website and i wanted people to gush about how cool it was and put it into their RSS feeds and--
this was the beginning of the end, in many ways. i really wasn't cut out for competition. it would take a really long time to figure this out. my peers were putting out improbably cool stuff and i felt like i was flagging. i didn't realize it yet, but the internal language i was using to talk to myself about art was changing. suddenly i was "worse" or "better" than other artists. suddenly they were "doing more" or being more "successful" than me.
art had become a commodity.
it's wild how this sort of mindset can take a mind of its own, can build its own character, can work its way deeper into your brain. at first art was discouraging - it was this thing my mother was good at but neglected. it was this thing i felt like i was worse at than everyone else. but then it became depressing. Art, this platonic ideal of it, this idea of it in the abstract, was turning into a weapon i was using to torture myself. reader, you have no idea how many nights i couldn't sleep. to merely ideate failure was to hurl myself back through time, back to the moment i realized my mother had given up.
"why haven't i drawn in months?"
"why am i sitting here playing video games? i still can barely draw hands"
"why don't i post my work online?"
"why haven't i started a webcomic yet? i wanted to over a decade ago"
i didn't have an answer for these questions, but still they were there. they weren't important or meaningful questions, they were tools i used to torture myself. i was supposed to improve for the sake of improvement, and to enjoy art as an act of pure creation, but instead it was a hammer i would hit myself over the head with because i wasn't doing it good enough. crazy how you can talk about your own talent the way you can talk about a dead-end job.
looking back now, it's astounding that i didn't understand all of this. it seems to make so much more sense. i've always had stories and characters floating around in my head - it's literally my favorite pastime - but it took me a very long, very painful time to realize that having stories and having characters doesn't mean you're a failure if you don't immediately march to the nearest sketchbook and jot them down.
the gift of art does not obligate you to produce it. if you cast it aside, the world isn't made better or worse.
your art exists for you. it should please you, should bring a smile to your face or evoke feelings you don't dare face on your own. art should help you work through trauma. it should express when you're happy. art is a frame for the picture of you.
it should even be okay to let it go.
it's going to take me a long time to forgive my mother. but i think i understand her a little better.
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scottwellsmagic · 1 year
783: Dana Daniels - Disney Deceptionist
Dana Daniels was one of the famous Long Beach Mystics when he was growing up in California and later found a career with Disney at Disneyland where he took on many roles before ending up in the Golden Horseshoe. In recent years, he and his bird, Luigi, have enjoyed the Hawaiian lifestyle as performers at Warren & Annabelle’s, a magic dinner theater in Lahiana, Maui, Hawaii.
As many of you know, a fire ravaged the island and destroyed homes and businesses across the island wreaking havoc, death and devastation. One of the businesses that was affected was Warren & Annabelle’s which burned to the ground. Warren Gibson, owner of the club, has started a Go-Fund-Me which is set up to financially assist the families of employees who have lost their jobs, homes, and everything. You can visit the Go-Fund-Me site by Clicking Here. Please help if you can with any amount of financial support you can give.
This week Dana talks about his magic roots as he joined the Long Beach Mystics and how they supported and helped him grow to the success he is today. He also talks extensively about his time at Disney and how his career careened and veered into many areas. Finally, Dana wraps up this episode talking about his involvement with Warren & Annabelle’s. This episode was recorded just 24 hours before news broke about the devastating fire, so it is timely and appropriate that you listen to his excitement and fondness for the club where he expected to work indefinitely.
Download this podcast in an MP3 file by Clicking Here and then right click to save the file. You can also subscribe to the RSS feed by Clicking Here. You can download or listen to the podcast through Stitcher by Clicking Here or through FeedPress by Clicking Here or through Tunein.com by Clicking Here or through iHeart Radio by Clicking Here..If you have a Spotify account, then you can also hear us through that app, too. You can also listen through your Amazon Alexa and Google Home devices. Remember, you can download it through the iTunes store, too. See the preview page by Clicking Here
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audiofictionuk · 8 months
New Fiction Podcasts - 1st February
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The 100 Handed: Lost Souls Audio Book Weep at the wonder. Howl at the horror. The tattooed magician Wexler and his werewolf partner V come face to face with the mysterious Hundred Handed in this action-packed season. Maya, an illusionist working for the Hundred Handed, is working fervently on a project that will cause countless deaths in Austin, Texas. Not to mention, Maya has a prisoner under her control. A prisoner suffering experimentation at the hands of Katherine, V's mother. A prisoner that could turn the tide in the Hundred Handed's favor. A prisoner that Wexler knows all too well . . https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240125-01 RSS: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2306657.rss
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Transmissions from the Campfire Audio Book Warm your soul by the fire with short fiction of the dark, the odd and sometimes the outright disturbing. Stories written by Patrick Kitson and performed by Daniel Kelley https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240126-01 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f1391894/podcast/rss
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The StarWell Foundation Audio Drama The StarWell Foundation is a comicbook audio drama about what happens when hospital stop asking to meet athletes, celebrities or superheroes and start asking to meet Villains. Recently promoted from intern, Mary Dare has take on the task of finding these crooks and criminals and convincing them to be a little not-so-bad. She has to deal with the villains not trusting her, the heroes don't trust and even her co-workers don't trust her while helping to inspire kids and bring some unpredictable joy to their life. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240125-03 RSS: https://feeds.redcircle.com/f4680190-19fb-4622-b375-03acf8f452a0
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Starbusters Audio Drama The adventures of Captain Zeppelin Caffrey & his crew as they travel across the galaxy aboard the Charlotte. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240126-02 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/65b1fa870b04eb0016d40a3c
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Gun and Wand: The Official Companion Podcast Audio Drama Gun and Wand: The Official Companion Podcast is literally the only podcast about the new gangster-fantasy TV drama Gun and Wand, now streaming on BHO. Join host Alfie Packham and producer Caroline McEvoy as they delve behind the scenes with cast interviews, episode breakdowns, and discussions of lore, magic, and wizard nudity. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240101-14 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/658eff00ce70060016a2cd1e
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Order & Defiance Audio RPG A 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons game with Michael Hodgins as Dasmer Elderstag, Crofton Steers as Tilton "Flea" Fowler, and Beau Schwartz as Dungeon Master. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240123-05 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/order-and-defiance
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Corvairs & Horny Toads Podcast Audio Book My collection of short stories focuses on a fictional small town on the Texas-New Mexico border. My stories show the surprising diversity of the people of the Llano Estacado, as well as the grit and determination it takes to survive and thrive on the windblown plains. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240107-03 RSS: https://api.substack.com/feed/podcast/2207183.rss
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Jonathan Audio Drama Een jonge AIVD'er neemt het op tegen Russische infiltranten in Nederland. Volg de 6-delige serie en mis geen aflevering. Jonathan is een nieuwe serie van Inse Martin – een pseudoniem waarachter een oud aivd-medewerker schuilgaat. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240122-02 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/65670dc146897a00133e06fe
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Tales of Icarus Audio Book A series illustrating the sights that Icarus saw during his time soaring through the skies. These are original short stories written by your host, Daedalus, or Dae for short. Welcome to the world of my imagination, I am excited to share it with you. Don't fly too close to the sun. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240118-03 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/eeeadd5c/podcast/rss
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”A Year of Tears and Laughter” Audio Drama Berwick Black Box Community Theater has started a series that follows different characters throughout the year as they encounter and deal with different holidays. Our mission is to bring performance opportunities and theatrical education to the community of Berwick Pennsylvania. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240122-03 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/clhosler99/feed.xml
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Journey to the Heart Audio Drama In a world where everyone shares a tattoo with their soulmate, you'd think falling in love would be easy. Journey to the Heart follows three best friends as they go on an adventure of a lifetime. Albina, Babette, and Charlie are displeased with their soulmate tattoo, or lack of one, which leads them to go on an adventure that will change their lives forever. Journey to the Heart will be the first "choose your own journey" podcast musical. The audience will get to decide where the story goes and your choices will influence what happens as the story develops. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240122-04 RSS: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/journeytotheheart
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Limbo Calling Audio Drama Archive recordings from the Radio Limbo vaults, lovingly restored in this series from Limbo Tapes. A treasure trove of dispatches from an unnamed radio operator, revealing insights into Limbo culture, and the effects of being stationed at the ambiguous ”outpost”. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240125-04 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/limbotapes/feed.xml
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Alice in Wonderland Audio Drama A curious young girl tumbles into a whimsical and fantastical world where she encounters peculiar characters and navigates surreal challenges, ultimately discovering herself in the process. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240111-03 RSS: https://feeds.transistor.fm/alice-in-wonderland
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Tarot Killer Audio Drama Welcome to Santa Muerte! A coastal metropolis populated with all types of people from politicians to star seekers, and most recently, murderers. The 1930s was a golden age of jazz, mobsters, and radio shows were just starting to take off. In 1934, the first victim to be associated with the Tarot Killer was revealed, shaking Santa Muerte to its core. Somehow, the killer seemed to elude even the most trusted of law enforcement. Diego Muerte and his partner Bonnie Future take the case to hunt down and put an end to the gruesome acts of the Tarot Killer. Listen in to this Radio Drama-like Podcast. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240114-03 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f01c5624/podcast/rss
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Rosas Amarelas: O Monólogo Audio Book Você está prestes a ouvir uma história de quase amor. Baseada em fatos reais criados por vozes da minha cabeça. Rosas Amarelas é uma ficção inspirada em fatos reais que dá origem ao meu primeiro disco. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240107-04 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f018f4e8/podcast/rss
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beginningspod · 5 months
It's time for Beginnings, the podcast where writer and performer Andy Beckerman talks to the comedians, writers, filmmakers and musicians he admires about their earliest creative experiences and the numerous ways in which a creative life can unfold.
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On today's episode, I talk to musician Ben Chasny. Born in Los Angeles, Ben's family moved to rural Northern California when he was young. His recording debut was a heavy, free rock project named Plague Lounge, whose album The Wicker Image, was released conjointly between the New World of Sound and Holy Mountain labels in 1996. Holy Mountain released many of Ben's albums as Six Organs of Admittance as well, starting with his first self-titled album in 1998. Since then, he's released just about three dozen albums and EPs as Six Organs. Ben also plays in the wonderful psyche/noise rock band Comets on Fire, who have four albums on labels like Alternative Tentacles and Sub Pop, and Ben's latest album as Six Organs of Admittance, Time Is Glass, was released at the end of April on Drag City, and folks, it's fantastic!
I'm on Twitter here and you can get the show with:
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May Day 2016 with Peter Linebaugh (repodcast)
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We're happy to share another past episode, this time from May Day 2016, about 4 months before the start of our rss feed for our podcast. I feel it’s notable that this show approaches it’s 13th birthday on the May 9th of this year.
In this show, you'll hear an interview with autonomous Marxist historian, Peter Linebaugh on essay collection The Incomplete, True, Authentic and Wonderful History of May Day plus some music we curated at the time.
To friends we've met, and to those we have yet to meet, I'd like to wish everyone a happy May Day. As we'll hear in the following hour, this day has a long celebrated history. From its many European pagan roots as a celebration of fertility as the fruits of the spring planting season began to... uh, spring forth. Then on to the repressive winter that fell early on May 3rd and 4th of 1886 in Illinois with, first, the killing of workers striking for an 8 hour work day at the McCormick Works and then the repression of anarchist and socialist workers and organizers following the bombing at Haymarket Square in Chicago of that same year. From there to the taking up of May 1st as International Workers Day by struggling groups around the world and the U.S. adoption of a sanctioned Labor Day in September of the year.
To divide an international working class, The U.S. government, oppressors of that May Day 1886 sanctioned a Labor Day to be celebrated in September, declared the first of May both Law Day (an obvious testament to Irony in respect to the Haymarket 8, all jailed and 4 executed) and, for some, it's celebration as Americanism Day. Whatever that means. In 2006 & 2007, immigrants rights marches were seen on and around May Days that, for many, re-sparked the importance of this day. The protests and festivals swelled to numbers nearly unmatched in the history of protest on Turtle Island, and were accompanied by school and work walkouts and boycott days.
Whether you're out there today taking direct action, in repose from the horrors of wage slavery, resisting the carceral state, gardening, dancing around a May Pole or otherwise celebrating the possibilities of this year to come when, hell, we might as well end this system of exclusion and extraction: We wish you a fire on your tongue, love in your heart and free land beneath you.
.. ... . ..
Featured Tracks:
The International by Ani DiFranco & Utah Philips
The Earth Is Our Mother by Oi Polloi from Fuaim Catha
Surrounded by Matador from Taken
I Wish That They'd Sack Me by Chumbawamba from The Boy Bands Have Won
Addio a Lugano by Pietro Gori (performed by Gruppo Z on Canti Anarchici Italiani)
IO Pan by Spiral Bound from Leap Your Lazy Bounds
9-5ers Anthem by Aesop Rock from Labor Days
Check out this episode!
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lets-misa-blog · 1 year
Learn A Lot About Blogging With This Information
Getting into the world of writing a blog can seem overwhelming because there are so many choices available. There is no, one sure fire way to do it that will guarantee success. The information in this article can help you design and launch a blog that accomplishes your goals and reaches your intended audience.
Be sure that you are taking adequate care of yourself. You want your writing to be fresh and exciting, and it is hard to think well when you are overly tired or hungry. While you are working, take breaks often to give your brain a chance to rest, and make sure that you are eating throughout the day.
Create a themed blog according to what you are writing about. For example, if you have an agriculture blog, build your colors and theme around country roads and corn fields. Colors that seem out of place will be more likely to turn people off from reading and enjoying your blog.
Make sure that you have SEO friendly themes, plug-ins and templates. This will allow your blog to load very quickly. The faster something loads, the more people are going to be willing to look at it. If a page takes to long to load, more than likely a visitor will just close the page.
When running a blog, you should make sure that you make your RSS feed as obvious as possible. You can not expect other readers to find it if it blends in with all the text in your blog. This is why you should put it in a prominent position on your blog, and try to make use of the orange RSS icon if possible.
Now that you know what goes into making a successful and attractive blog, work on building your followers. Remember to always blog about what you are passionate about and you will not be able to go wrong. Utilize the tips above to get yourself started on making a great blog for others to enjoy.
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