chershare · 9 months
Cher, you're so lovely. 💕
For the prompts: Shunsui/Starrk, the depths of winter?
Who needs snippets when apparently you can just write a whole goddamn oneshot?
Spiritual energy had a lot of uses, and while the vast majority had become weaponized spells, there were more mundane uses as well.
Like not freezing in winter. He'd always held a particular sympathy for the souls who didn't have the protection of reiatsu in winter, even if they didn't suffer hunger.
An unfortunate form of equality, perhaps.
Shunsui had many reasons not to particularly like the season, and most of them revolved around Jushiro and his fragile health. Even with his best friend no longer around to have his weak body ailed further, Shunsui's first reaction was always a moment of resigned dislike. A flicker of worry that the cold and wet would exacerbate a problem that had no good answer.
Winter was tolerated, but not anything special. A season was a season, and he didn't dislike it enough to have a word with Captain Hitsugaya about it.
This wasn't so for Starrk, who had slipped out of the warmth of Shunsui's little house to stand in the yard. At this point, it looked like he'd been outside for some time, and while Shunsui had been absently tracking his reiatsu, it wasn't as if he'd really been following what the former Espada was doing. After all, it had been just over half a year since the man had taken up residence with him, cajoled bullied out of Hueco Mundo and into Shunsui's comfortable guest room.
Although the Hollow rarely actually used it, preferring to flop onto the cushions in the main room, letting Shunsui's subordinates step over and around him. He said he liked the noise, the business of it, even when someone would get fed up with him taking up floor space and kick him out.
He was a lonely thing, even with all the rest of them around. Even with Shunsui beside him.
Of course, he wasn't alone in being lonely.
Shunsui hadn't latched onto Starrk for nothing, after all.
Because as he looked out at the snow, at Starrk standing in the snow, he ached for the routine of going to visit Jushiro. Of bringing hot foods and snacks, of their seconds preparing hotpot and bundling up under the kotatsu for a game or two of whatever struck their fancy.
His first thought wasn't the amount of snow piled on Starrk's head and shoulders telling in how the Hollow hadn't moved in quite some time. It wasn't about the way he looked unreal and a bit silly with his feet half buried in new snowfall, dark hair coated in crystals of ice. A statue that didn't need to breathe if he didn't want to, completely and totally still, simply observing the world around him in a way that unnerved most.
Starrk wouldn't begrudge him his thoughts turning first to Jushiro, of course, but Shunsui himself felt a bemused guilt over his inattention.
With a sigh, he bracingly pulled his heavier winter yukata around himself - it was thankfully one of his rare days off, no Nanao to bug him about work - and then slipped on the sandals he kept by the exterior door, and hopped down into the snow.
Since it was his day off, he'd rather wanted to stay cozy inside, potentially waking to Starrk staring at him from where he sometimes flopped down next to Shunsui's futon like the large canine he took after.
Shunsui was, for all his youthful vigor and handsome face, old as shit. He was a deadly combatant and capable strategist. He'd killed more and fought more battles than just about everyone still around in Sereitei. He could walk on air as easily as the ground, and catch a mote of reishi without effort.
But of course, Shunsui was also human.
So, he slipped on the slick stones beneath the snow.
Oh, he nearly instantly corrected himself, vaguely exasperated with needing to at all, but he still had almost fallen in the yard.
At least only Starrk would have seen.
Starrk, who was suddenly at his side, the snow that had coated him - and the ground at their feet - puffing up into the air at the force of his swift movement.
It spun in a little whirlwind, drawing more chill air in around them, seeping into Shunsui's cold bones and he couldn't suppress a shiver. Sure, the cold wouldn't hurt him, but it still wasn't exactly pleasant.
Starrk's hand lifted and wrapped around Shunsui's wrist, a point of frankly icicle level touch.
"Oi, oi, oi," he shivered harder, but didn't pull out of the icy grip. "You're way too cold for being handsy, Starrk."
Gray eyes looked into his own, snowflake catching momentarily on Starrk's lashes before Shunsui could tangibly feel the grip on his wrist heating up as Starrk cycled his reiatsu. Apparently, rubbing it against his hard hierro would cause friction which gave his body exterior heat, when otherwise he didn't care about surface temperature regulation. The man was normally sitting at room temperature, his environment choosing the heat or cold of his hierro.
The flakes on his lashes melted, and glimmered in the morning light before sliding off the ends to drip away on a slow blink. He looked nice, his hair a bit more in disarray than usual from the snow and melt, wearing one of the yukata that Nanao and the women's association had dragged the Hollow out to get.
It was not a winter yukata. The shit.
The grip on his wrist shifted idly down to Shunsui's hand, their palms fitting together in a comfortable but still somewhat new motion. It was a pleasantly warm hand now, the hierro adapting as Starrk wished with barely a thought.
A tingle of affection, a different kind of ache in his breast, had Shunsui quirking up a smile despite the chill.
He squeezed Starrk's hand gently.
"Come inside and have something to eat. You haven't even tried out the kotatsu yet, and for a lazy hedonist that's a must in the winter."
"If you say so," was Starrk's reply, shrugging but letting himself be pulled along. "But you also said that about making our during the fireworks at festivals, and -"
"I cannot control what my Shinigami accidentally set on fire with experimental products," he interrupted huffing at the familiar jab. "Akon-kun was much too excited by Urahara-kun's visit, truly."
He shot a look at the former Espada, and received a softening at the corners of lips and eyes that could almost be the beginning of a smile. That little prick of affection twitched once again, and Shunsui gave a mental sigh as he told Starrk to wait for him for a moment.
A couple of absent shunpo had him rattling around his house for sake and snacks, and then back to the room.
Starrk had left the doors open to the outside and was watching the way the snow fell again, his sandals kicked off messily next to where Shunsui had left his own.
At least this time he was standing inside, Shunsui wasn't going to nag anymore than that. It wasn't as if either of them was going to catch a cold, both of them more resilient than they'd perhaps prefer.
As it was, Shunsui set up the kotatsu, seating himself on a cushion and placing out the crackers and fruit with no particular finesse or thought to the plating the way that Nanao or Jushiro might have.
The edges of a blanket flopped over his shoulders as Starrk sat on his own cushion pulled up right next to Shunsui improperly, but he honestly found the little obscure idiosyncrasies rather charming.
Starrk was a line of heat at his side.
He leaned into it, that heat, that Hollow reiatsu which had been anathema to him for so much of his life, and let himself think about how much he appreciated Starrk's company. His willingness to be gently bullied into Shunsui's house, into the empty spaces, to share his own empty ache and soothe and be soothed in turn.
"Hot sake?"
"Sure," slowly, he felt Starrk soften into his side, like he was defrosting even after heating himself and returning inside. Even though the cold hadn't affected him. "It's part of the experience, isn't it?"
Shunsui huffed a laugh, his own tendency to use that turn of phrase to convince Starrk to do something gently lobbed back at him.
With the ease of long practice he traced his fingers around the bottom of the bottle, his reiatsu heating the sake gently in a manner as a youth he'd bungled more times than he could count.
So many porcelain splinters.
He poured for them both, and enjoyed the faint zing of hands brushing once more as Starrk took the cup from him in a mannerless but elegant motion. They raised glasses to one another before sipping, and Shunsui sighed appreciatively. It was a good heat that bled from his tongue down his throat, soothing that phantom ache in his chest.
"Mm. I like it."
Shunsui smiled, watching Starrk watch the snow.
When the sake ran out, Starrk pushed the kotatsu to the side despite Shunsui's protests over his precious heat, and then laid his head in Shunsui's lap.
Well, this seemed a fair trade off.
The kotatsu wasn't that far away, so he somehow found himself reaching over and peeling fruit and feeding the lazy bastard in his lap, who had obligingly left himself warmer for Shunsui's benefit.
Together, they watched the snow.
Shunsui had never particularly liked winter, for all the cozy traditions it held. But this was... Nice. Even without the comfort of his best friend at his side, the absence more destabilizing than losing an eye, he still didn't hate winter.
When he stopped peeling fruit to share, he found his hands sliding into Starrk's mop of hair, curling his fingers through it, scratching his nails over the other man's scalp. Starrk sighed appreciatively, relaxing further into Shunsui's lap, tilting his head into his hands.
Starrk's eyes stayed on the snow.
Shunsui had some idea of what he was seeing in his hazy mind's eye.
Lilynette had been a loud, rambunctious child with a personality twice as large as she was. All the energy that Starrk didn't have, she'd had in surplus, and for all that he was aware, this winter was Starrk's first time seeing snow, which meant -
"She'd have loved this," Starrk spoke quietly, mouth half turned into Shunsui's thigh, as if to smother his own words.
"Yeah," was all he could say. "I bet."
His hands continued playing with Starrk's hair, heart aching in various ways, even as his body remained warm, the weight in his lap a comfort.
"Jushiro loved the snow," he said after a few more quiet moments, the world hushed by the continued snowfall. "Even if it wasn't good for him to go out in the cold, he frequently slipped his minders to play with the younger recruits in snowball fights or building snow houses. I'd have to drag him inside even when he was clearly already relapsing, coughing and feverish."
"Hmm. Maybe they're keeping each other company."
Ah, what an unusually optimistic outlook.
Shunsui liked it.
They could use a little optimism.
"I'm sure he's driven her crazy by now."
"It wouldn't take much, honestly. She had a short temper."
"I recall."
The conversation drifts off naturally, but both of them continue to watch the snow fall, but now Shunsui can almost see an angry child Hollow stomping her foot and pointing at Jushiro. Arguing about a snowman perhaps, or denying being a child as Shunsui's best friend plied her with candy.
They would be all bundled up, the both of them, because of course they would be, and perhaps Shunsui and Starrk would be in this same position. Watching Lilynette chase Jushiro around a snow fort, or catching flakes on their tongues, hands wrapped in mittens and scarves half coated in snow from distractedly being dragged through the snow.
They would be laughing. Happy. Eyes sparkling with it, color in their cheeks and energy in their limbs.
Yes, Shunsui could almost see it.
And he had no doubt that Starrk could as well, those sharp eyes glancing up at him in a speaking look before sliding back towards the snow. Shunsui snuck one hand out of the former Espada's hair and found it caught by Starrk's, the man's arm crossing his own chest, fingers entangled against Starrk's shoulder.
Their grips were matched in strength, warmth seemingly a bubble around them, even as little snowflakes were blown in to land on the hardwood. They melted slowly, leaving little spots of water on the floor, on the boundary of the tatami.
He didn't hate winter. But it did make him sad, he supposed.
Good thing that he wasn't alone then, wasn't it?
With a hum, he shifted and bent - ignoring the pinch in his back as he did so - and pressed a gentle kiss to Starrk's temple. His answer was Starrk shifting to lay his lips to the inside of Shunsui's wrist, gentle against his fluttering pulse.
So they sat, entangled, and watched the snow fall, blanketing Shunsui's yard in glimmering white. Each flake carrying soft hurts but allowing also, a most gentle warmth.
The snow continued to fall, and they continued to watch.
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shadowintervention · 10 months
a follow up
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What’s your opinions of the preferences of Hisagi, Urahara, Renji and Kensei? 💕
I’m going to offer my opinions for more than just those four if you don’t mind 😂
He’s a boob guy, 100% Have you SEEN the way his face flushes a brilliant red when Matsumoto is near by? When she presses her self up against his arm. The girl knows 😂 I think for Shuhei, the bigger the better. He’s the type to hold and squeeze them, bury his face between them. Likes his girl on top so he can watch the way they bounce
He’s an ass man. Hates to see you go but loves to watch you leave. Short dresses and skirts, teasingly swaying when you walk, threatening to flash him with a gust of wind (that he’s hoping for,,, why do you think he carries that fan everywhere he goes? 😏 ) doggy style or reverse cow girl for this man please. He will spank you, all the time. A playful swat as you pass, bent over his knee, while he’s fucking you from behind. His hand will find your ass
So, I’m going to go in a different direction. Kensei goes weak at the knees for long hair. Now hear me out 😂 Long, thick hair, tumbling over your shoulders. The way you run your fingers through it, flip it over your shoulder drives him wild. The feel of it tickling his thighs when you go down on him, He’ll runn his fingers through it, pulling it back and use the makeshift ponytail to control the speed of your mouth. The sight of it fanned out over the bed beneath you, you entwining your fingers through it and gripping at the roots when he pleasures you Pulling it off your face, securing it with his fist, tugging your head back when he does you from behind. Yeah. He likes hair.
I’m going to say ass, but think it’s more of a hips/ass situation. He loves the curves of your hips. The way they sway when you walk. How they curve out from your waist to your thighs. He loves how feminine they are, how they look under a tight dress. The perfect place to grab onto. Doggy, cow girl, bent over, standing up. His hands will be on your hips, caressing the soft skin. Digging his nails into the plump flesh.
Boobs, ass, thighs… ears, nose, belly, toes, knees 😂 what part of a woman does this dog not love? I think his favourite is just the whole woman. He would LAVISH attention to every part of his partner. There’s not a part of you he wouldn’t worship with kisses and caresses. He’s big on praise, would eradicate any self doubt or concerns you had with your body. He would want you under him, laid out for his viewing pleasure as he took his time, kissing, nipping, licking, sucking over every single part of you, taking his sweet time savouring every inch.
I would love to say that this perfect angel would never object a woman nor assume her worth based on a physical trait.
But it’s boobs 😂
He can’t help it, they’re just wonderful. Big or small, it doesn’t matter. They’re soft and nice to hold. A little cleavage poking out? So incredibly sexy, more so than if they were on full display. When sick, would take complete advance of your sweet coddling, laying his head on one breast, hand “innocently” cupping the other as he snuggles in and gets comfortable.
Another strange one, but I’m going to go with skin. Loves how soft it is under his rough hands. Loves seeing it darken with colour under his hand. How your wrists hold the dent if the rope wrapped around them. How easily you bruise, the stark contrast of purple on your neck compared to your creamy complexion. How your cheeks pink under his dark gaze, how the blush spreads from your cheeks, down your neck and to your chest. How sensitive it is, how you shiver and twitch under the softest of his touches.
Thigh guy! Man is massive. And incredibly strong, He appreciates a curvy gal, little cushion for the pushing, someone that isn’t going to break with his rough handling. He loves thick thighs, how soft the inner thigh is. How they spread ever so slightly when you sit down. How his fingers dig into the plump flesh. Thighs squeezing around his head as he devours you. The perfect handful to support your weight as he throws you up the wall. Being spread open by his unmovable hands, squeezing around his hips. The line that’s created at the top of your thigh where it meets stomach, god damn.
Another ass man with a sprinkling of thighs. My guy loves lingerie . A lacy number with thigh high stockings? Good luck leaving the house for the next three hours. He’s playful, a teasing little demon. Like Urahara, he loves smacking your ass, he’ll palm and squeeze your ass at all times, in public or at Home. Hugs you from behind, grinding himself into your ass. He’s the type to wait until you bend over, before sneaking up behind you, grabbing your hips and thrusts hard into your ass, laughing manically while doing so. He likes you laid out on the bed, one leg thrown over the other, twisting your body, ass on show while he can still look into your face.
I think he’s a boob guy. Finds their weight comforting, likes to just hold them. They warm his hands, are fun to play with, They’re soothing. Throws his arm around your shoulders, lets his arm drape down and cups you when walking, or sat next to eachother. He’s a perv, loves to watch them bounce when you run or jump. Likes to fuck them, enjoys seeing them covered in his seed
Ass man. Bigger the better. He loves to smack it when you walk past. Grabs hold and squeezes when he kisses you. He likes it when you sit on his lap, warm weight of your ass warming his cock. And if you Fidget and move around? Better be prepared. Nothing better than the vision of you on your hands and knees, ass high up in the air for him. Hell bite your cheeks. The sight of his mark on your ass drives him wild.
I’m going to say boob guy. Man is all about his comfort and mid day naps, where better to pillow his head than on your soft chest? He’ll fall asleep there often, you on your back with his weight draped over you, head resting on your chest. He enjoys it when you do most of the work in bed, so you on top is a favourite. I think he’ll also like a bit of a belly, it’s another great place to rest his head. When he actually does some work in the bedroom, he’ll cover your lower belly in kisses.
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basilsimp43 · 5 months
Ukitake: Shunsui have you ever managed to win an argument with Starrk?
Shunsui: We never argue,he speaks spanish...and I shut up
My all-time fav headcanon is that all espada's speak Spanish when they get mad (Well more mad in Nnoitra's and Grimmjow's case XD)
The image of Starrk yelling at Shunsui in Spanish when he actually gets pissed of is just amazing 👌
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laughing-moonlight · 10 months
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Since not one single cell in my body has recovered from Starrk's death-enjoy these
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recreationalfanfics · 2 years
Kissing Them Awake w My Bleach Crushes:
Ginjo Kugo:
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- Honestly, he would love it.
- Like, he just scrunches his face as he feels something on his face and he wakes up and to his delight, it's his beloved s/o kissing his face♡
- Literally will just do a super hot sleepy laugh and is all, "Aw, what's this?" before he wraps his arms around you and starts pampering you in kisses until you're a giggling mess.
Grimmjow *I'm not spelling that last name*:
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- No because he's never chill so the moment you move to kiss him, he opens his eyes and he's all: "What the fuck are you doing?"
- When he does that, don't hesitaite, just kiss his face and he growls but is way too tired to fight you so he lets it happen.
- Don't tease him and tell him that you won or that you caught him because he will turn you over and pin you down and pepper you in kisses and overall wakes you up with a little morning time wrestling. Loving wrestling of course.
- Until he bites you.
- But if you don't rile him up, he'll let you kiss him as he sighs pretending to be annoyed with you. You have to stop when he starts purring because HE DOESN'T PURR, HE SWEARS-
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- You actually have to wake him up this way. He would nap all day if you let him but if you're kissing him awake, then he doesn't mind.
- If he REALLY doesn't want to get up, he'll roll over on top of you and if you stop kissing him, he'll sleepily whine and be all: "Nooo, I want more kisses~" all while kissing your face.
- "Shunsui, hurry up before Nanao comes to wake you up."
- "But you're SOOO comfy, love♡"
Tier Harribel:
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- She knows you better than you know yourself. So she's definetly awake before you are but she pretends to be asleep simply because she knows it brings you a huge amount of joy to kiss her awake.
- Please, the way she chuckles softly as you kiss her face is absolutely precious and she'll roll on her back and caress your face gently.
- "Did you rest well, my beloved?"
- She makes your heart flutter every morning, YOU LUCKY SONNUVA-
Coyote Starrk:
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- Unlike Shunsui, he will not wake up to your kisses or cuddles. If the man is out, he is out unless you use brute force to wake him up like Lilynette.
- Just because he doesn't wake up doesn't mean he's not gonna react to you though. He recognizes the feeling of your lips and smiles softly.
- Then he wraps his arms around your waist and cuddles into your chest with a content sigh.
- Funny enough, he won't wake up when you kiss him awake but he WILL wake up when you stop kissing him and looks up at you like: "Hmm? Why'd you stop?"
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shinixgami · 2 years
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𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐤𝐮 𝐯𝐬 𝐆𝐮𝐧𝐬
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kayo-min · 2 years
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Coyote Starrk
- Requested from Bleach Doodle Requests kayomin | Bonus :)
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mygaynessissimp · 11 months
So uh, started to work more on the bleach mermaid/siren/merman au, here's more I've gone done, please give me more ideas.
Shunsui Kyōraku would be a Koi.
Suì-Fēng would be a mantis shrimp.
Kisuke Urahara would be a Greenland Shark.
Tōshirō Hitsugaya would be a Atlantic white-sided dolphin or a seal.
Kenpachi Zaraki would be a orca.
Isane Kotetsu would be a Salmon.
Byakuya Kuchiki would be be a Koi.
Rukia Kuchiki would be a Koi.
As Nodt would be a Sloane’s viperfish.
Gremmy Thoumeax would be an Alligator Gar.
Gin Ichimaru as a sea snake.
Sōsuke Aizen as a great white shark that is abnormally larger than any other great white shark.
Kaname Tōsen being a barracuda.
Coyote Starrk would be a great white shark while Lilynette Gingerbuck is a remora.
Baraggan Louisenbairn would be a coelacanth.
Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck would be a blue sea dragon.
Tier Harribel would be a bull shark.
Ulquiorra Cifer would be an angler fish.
Nnoitra Gilga would be a stone fish.
Luppi Antenor would be a leafy seadragon.
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez would be a tiger shark.
Szayelaporro Granz would be a lion fish.
Aaroniero Arruruerie would be a goblin shark.
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lucook · 11 months
All Kyoraku's fights are against opponents using guns, this has an explanation! It represents the Feudal Japan against Modern Japan (The design of Shunsui's zanpakuto 'Katen Kyokotsu' and your own design let us understand this).
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Your battle against Chad cannot be named "battle". However, Chad shoots his power in ways similar to bullets.
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gableforks · 6 months
In defense of Captain Kyōraku vs Coyote Starrk
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I recently saw a creator say that Zaraki Kenpachi would have been a better match for Stark than Shunsui due to the parallel between Yachiru and Lillinette, which is fair but I want to throw my support behind the fight Kubo decided to give us.
My first watch through Bleach, I was underwhelmed by Stark. He didn't have Barragons hax or Ulqiorra's showing and he was the only espada besides Aaroniero who was beaten without bankai. Upon reading the manga, however, Starrk has come to be my favorite of the espada due to Kubo's great characterization.
Starrk's backstory starts in Hueco Mundo, after he split his soul in two, creating the separate characters that are Starrk and Lilynette. He did this to cure his lonliness as no other hollow could retain their reishi body in the presence of his immense power. Eventually he's approached by Aizen who stretches out his hand to Starrk, asking him to be his ally.
The espada contains nine other hollows that are able to withstand Starrks spiritual pressure, finally giving Starrk a shot at friendship. He is one of four vastolords, along with Barragan, Harribel, and Ulquiorra, who's aspects of death are aging, sacrifice and emptiness. There seems to be a rift between the vasto lords and adjuchas who have more primal aspects atributed to their persons; despair, destruction, ecstacy, insanity, greed, and wrath. We see Nel's relationship with Nnoitra and Ulquiorra's with Grimmjow. in both of these we're shown the gap in power, the lack of regard and relatability a more human vasto lord shows to an adjuchas. Stark and Ulquirra have an added degree of seperation being naturally occuring Arrancars.
Jushiro and shunsui are among the only people that Starrk would have been able to see as an equal. Starrk as the espada representing lonliness in death, didn't need the soul-king killed; he did not need soul society destroyed and he especially did not need the captain of the 8th company dead. Starrk even tries to get the captain to pretend to fight till the battle is over, a scene reminiscent of Kyōraku asking Chad to stay for tea till the end of the Ryoka invasion in the Soul Society arc.
Starrk is so powerful, that in Hueco Mundo, no one could even approach him until Aizen, and even when he did, it must not have been lost on Starrk that he was but a tool for the Soul reaper. The only time in Karakura town where Starrk is touchable by anyone besides Kyōraku is when he's jumped by Love and Rose taking advantage of him mourning the death of Barragan.
Kyōraku approaches Starrk with a calmness he must've only seen before in Aizen. (and would most definetly not have seen in Kenpachi) I can't think of a scenario in which Starrk would have had to fight before this encounter. The captain and the espada continue to surprise each other with their speed, strength, and battle instincts. They are feeling each other out as one would a new dancing partner.
There is a reason that Lilynette is Starrk's counterpart. She is bratty, uncooperative and ignorantly unhindered by the gap in power between Ukitake and herself. Despite the indifference the captain shows to her attacks, and the ease with which he swats away her cero, she does not stop trying to reach him. She is the face of Starrks desparation and lack of opportunity for growth.
Starrk's ability to split his soul is how we get both lillenette and the wolves used to defeat Love and Rose. When Starrk wants to get serious he absorbs Lillinette back into himself.The wolves he sends out do not return to him. He himself cannot cure his own lonliness, forced to retreat into himself when push comes to shove, and self destructing when that is not enough.
Kyōraku's shikai forces his opponent to follow the rules of children's games. Who better to come up against him than the man who's lonely, unfulfilled inner child is shown to us. Bleach is full of characters who blur the line between battle and sport; Kenpachi, White, Ikkaku, Grimmjow etc. Starrk is less expressive than these guys but for the first time ever although for a criminally short time, he and lilynette are able to experience high stakes, forced to get creative, and most importantly, they Play.
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shanksbaby · 2 years
Starrk : I hate when people ask me, 'What did you do today?' Buddy listen, I woke up at noon and then it was five p.m., okay? I don't KNOW!
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basilsimp43 · 3 months
Shunsui: There. How do I look?
Starrk: Like a cheap French harlot.
Shunsui: French?!
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laughing-moonlight · 8 months
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*Not Pictured* Aizen in the background trying very hard not to lose his mind
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crazy-dark-rainbow · 1 month
Starrk: The moon controls the tides and the human psyche. Wolves know this, that's why they howl at it. It's a tribute.
Kyōraku: Let's talk about your family…
Starrk: No.
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spiderlily-w1tch-blog · 9 months
Ichigo Kurosaki ¹
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Kenpachi Zaraki
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Renji Abarai
𝒲𝐼𝒮𝒫𝒮𝐼𝑀𝒫𝒮 - 𝒜𝒷𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒾 𝑅𝑒𝓃𝒿𝒾[Part of a Series, TW: Exhibitionism, Monster/Human Romance - Mermaid!Reader] (ℂ𝕆𝕄𝕀ℕ𝔾 𝕊𝕆𝕆ℕ!!)
Byakuya Kuchiki
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Shunsui Kyouraku ¹
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Juushiro Ukitake ²
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Toshiro Hitsugaya
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Ikkaku Madarame ¹
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Yumichika Ayasegawa ²
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Shinji Hirako
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Coyote Starrk
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Grimmjow Jeagerjaquez
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Szayelaporro Granz
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Isshin Kurosaki
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Kisuke Urahara
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Uryuu Ishida
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
Keigo Asano ²
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒴𝑒𝓉!
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