#Star Spangled Splash
taiblogcomics · 3 months
America, America, This is Dew
Hey there, live studio audiences. Well, I'm thirsty, and I don't want to do a review first thing in the morning. So you get a late-night triple feature, coz I got three new flavours to try. Let's bring out our first contestant~
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Mountain Dew Star Spangled Splash
Yep, it's summer, so they're back to the America-themed Dews. And since there's three, you can probably guess the theming! In the red corner, we got this one, which promises to be red-flavoured and possibly like eating a firecracker. But not like last year, when we had one that was based on a Rocket Pop. Like an actual firework. Hey, at least this one will probably cause less hearing damage. (Disclaimer: Do not pour in ear.)
I think the first thing I want to dissect is "red berry". What is a red berry? Cherry? Raspberry? Strawberry? Cranberry? (Note: A cranberry Dew sounds fantastic; PepsiCo, you are welcome to take that one.) Lingonberry?? Some unholy combination of any of these? It seems pretty vague, and there are no hints in the ingredients. I guess we'll just have to crack it open and find out.
Ooh, the smell is very good. Can't quite put my finger on it, but it's a very syrupy, red smell. Maybe literally that, it does remind me of the ol' Hershey's Strawberry Syrup, for making strawberry milk (but I always just put it on my pancakes). Strawberry is an under-represented Dew flavour, so I'd be down for that~
Yeah, I think it might be a strawberry/raspberry mix. It's very good. Quite fond of this one! Nothing particularly stand-out-ish about it, just a good flavour~
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Mountain Dew Freedom Fusion
Moving white along, we've got a white flavour. They love their white sodas. Mountain Dew Whiteout was a premium gimmick, and they just keep coming back to it. I don't really have any complaints about that, though I feel like pairing the one that's a white liquid with the image of a bird on the label might send the wrong message. Sorry, that's disgusting, and I don't think this one deserves that--yet.
Instead, this one is much more clearly labelled on flavour. Of course it's a lemon-based one, since it's white. Hopefully it won't be as over-poweringly lemon-scented like Whiteout was. I've made the claim many times, but Whiteout was basically a few drops away from being a lemon-scented furniture polish. Now, peach, on the other hand, is another under-represented flavour in the Dew family. Sounds a-pretty-pretty good to me!
Hrm. Well, it's definitely not an overpowering scent like Whiteout or Lemon Pledge. It's a bit milder. I often compare these to scents from other drinks, especially powder mixes. This one reminds me a lot of the powder for the limeade my Grandma was fond of making. It has that sour citrus tingle to its scent without being overwhelming. Let's hope that holds true in its flavour as well~
Ooh, not bad at all. You can definitely taste the peach more than the lemonade. The peach is strong with this one. Which is funny, coz it reminds me of a peach tea mix Mum would get. So smells like one nostalgic powder mix, tastes like another. "Peachy keen" is way too cliche to use here, but it also wouldn't be wrong! Two good ones down, let's see what the last is.
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Mountain Dew Liberty Chill
And in the blue corner, this guy! They previously made a Dew called "Liberty Brew", and it was also blue. So that's not confusing at all. I saved this one for last, hopefully for obvious reasons. Like, obviously the order of "red, white, and blue", but also... If it's really promising 50 flavours, that's gotta go last.
Like, 50 flavours is a big claim. The other patriotic Mountain Dew, Dew.S.A., promised it was a mix of Code Red, Whiteout, and Voltage. And I feel like we've probably reviewed at least 50 flavours of Dew by now, so theoretically they could combine those. But god, I hope not, because I don't want to imagine the flavour of flamin' hot gingerbread on a bed of three dozen fruits.
What else could 50 flavours mean, though? Can you even think of 50 different fruits? The implication is a flavour from every state, but does every state have a recognisable flavour profile? You got Florida oranges, Georgia peaches, Hawaiian pineapple... But then, like, what else? Is Idaho's flavour potatoes? Is Maine's lobster?? There aren't 50 things depicted on the label, it's just Lady Liberty riding a motorcycle. Is copper statue one of the flavours? Is motorcycle??
Furthermore, all these things together don't come out blue! At least, I sure hope they don't. Like, Dew.S.A. was a pale shade of purple because it was a red Dew, a blue Dew, and a white Dew mixed together. Like, this is a lovely shade of blue and all, and blue is usually one of my favourite drink colours. But even if we're restricting it to mixing Mountain Dew flavours together and not considering such possible flavours like lobster and motorcycle, it's not gonna come out such a rich blue. Pitch Black would easily inkstain that whole thing. And you can't leave out Pitch Black, it's still the best one! Still my favourite!
Anyways, I think I've panicked about this enough for it to be funny, let's crack this one. You can understand the panic, though, I want this to be good. I bought a whole 12-can box of this one because it was the blue one and I wasn't sure I'd be able to get the individual bottles like I ultimately ended up doing. Where was I? Oh right, the smell test. If it's 50 smells in one, am I even going to be able to tell?
...Well, it certainly smells like something. It has a smell, for sure. I wouldn't say 50 of 'em at once. It very much has that kind of generic "blue drink" kind of smell. Like, you go to the grocery store, and find one of those generic no-name brands of drinks--not, like, the genericised store brand, just one of those cheapy brands that don't have TV commercials and you've never heard of it. They sell these drinks by the gallon and they don't even have a "fun" name to them. No "radical lingo", like "Outrageous Orange" or "Bodacious Blue" or whatever. Just "Orange Drink" on a mildly colourful label. You know what I mean? It smells like the blue drink of that.
...Well, you got me! I don't think this is 50 flavours. Like, if you mixed them together, how would I even tell? They'd be one flavour after mixing, wouldn't they? But, like, this is such a mystery of a flavour. It's kind of a flavour blank slate. Thankfully, it doesn't taste like flaming hot gingerbread, or even motorcycle. What does it taste like? Well, you got me. Nothing bad, certianly. But also nothing I can actually pick out. I'm not even sure it tastes like Mountain Dew! ...You know what it tastes like? It tastes like itself. Liberty Brew is Liberty Brew-flavoured. All 50 of 'em.
I can probably choke down 12 cans of that. Or any of 'em, honestly. All of these are pretty good, even the entire flavour enigma of Liberty Chill. I recommend these, seek them out for your own patriotic soda needs. I'd be a lot more patriotic if the USA was more based on these sodas, and not, like, [gestures vaguely out the window indicating the outdoors] eugh, all that~
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tomoleary · 5 months
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Joe Kubert “Waist Punch!” Star Spangled War Stories #58 Splash Page 1 Original Art (DC, 1957) Source
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kura-reviews · 2 months
Mtn Dew Star Spangled Splash Review
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Second of the three Murica dews for 2024, this is very red. Supposedly a "Red Berry" flavor in the typical nonspecific Dew flavor fashion.
I was afraid that it would taste like Code Red (which has long overstayed its welcome, imo), but I'm happy to report that it is mostly a strawberry flavor. I really like strawberry soda so this is quite welcome. There might be a hint of raspberry but it's overall a vague berry-like flavor, but definitely not the "blue" kind.
It tastes great! Light and refreshing, and like the blue one, it's light on the HFCS aftertaste. Could chug it, but I'm just going to savor it alongside my lunch.
Another 9/10. I probably won't buy it again, but it's pretty good. Definitely recommend trying it, as there hasn't been much out there for strawberry fans in the Mountain Dew offering in quite a long time.
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palmtreesx3 · 2 years
Seeing Stars
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I don't often share the words that vomit from my own head, but from what started as Hot Tub Steve appreciation inspired by the artist formerly known as @willowherbal (*insert Hunger Games 3 finger salute in memorial*) and the masterpiece that was Be With You Everywhere - Hot Dog Steve emerged and I couldn't remove the bumbling idiot from the depths of my brain. So thanks for that @sweetsweetjellybean @crappymixtape @superblysubpar
Steve Harrington x FEM!reader
Summary: The crew finally decides it's time to start celebrating the 4th of July again, but Steve Harrington finds he can't stop himself from staring.
References to past trauma, a dash of NSFW, staring, glaring and illusions to a hot tub hook up
Part 2: A Girl Like You
It was hot. Not oppressive. Not stifling. But the kind of hot that has you seeing stars at one in the afternoon. Sunbeams bouncing off pool water, sunglass lenses and sweat glistening skin - not sure if you're more desperate for the cold beer or sticking your hand in the ice cold cooler to grab it in the first place.
Honestly, it's everything you could want for a celebratory, classic, absolutely patriotic 4th of July, but things are different at this particular picnic. It's been a few years, but the innocent holiday full of sparklers, sweet watermelon juice running down your chin and late night fireworks just hasn't been the same since everything that happened that year at Starcourt. It was when everything you thought you knew about the place you grew up changed in an instant and this motley crew welcomed you into their fold. Since then, most have pretended it was any other day, hiding away trying to busy themselves with whatever they can to avoid the Americana laced trauma.
You don't know whose idea it was to finally put a pin in the escapism, and while most tentatively agreed that it was about time you knock down the walls you all built to hide away the day, everyone unanimously also agreed they didn't want to spend it with anyone else that wouldn't understand. So that's how you found yourself here, hiding away for the holiday in the backyard of the Harrington house, poolside with people you grew up way too fast alongside, and others who are now far too grown to be the kids you once cared for. It's still surreal to you to think you can find yourself comfortably sitting here at this house with any of these people - none of whom (save the kids) were you big fans of before that star spangled day from hell all those years ago.
You were splayed out now, towel rolled up under your neck, daydreaming. Trying hard not to have your thoughts float back to all that you've collectively been through and instead on all the things you wish would go right from here on out. Behind a soundtrack of laughing, splashing and American Woman playing loud on the radio, you were grateful for the comfort of these people who turned into lovely friends and imagining the potential of a fresh start ahead after just finishing up your college degree that past spring. Things feeling far enough in the past to even consider what a future could look like.
That sparkling, blinking sunshine brought you back to reality - sunglasses snatched from your face in an instant by a meddling Dustin dashing by. The kids all now playing hot potato with your Ray Bans, you sigh before calling out "After all these fuckin years, you still think you can get under my skin? You know you're not 13 anymore, right?!" They laugh and you smile, because your favorite pastime is giving them as much shit as they can handle.
You squint hard against the blistering sun and in that moment become blissfully aware of the sweat dripping down your body. You casually reach in your bag, grab a second set of sunglasses and pop them on your nose while you swing your legs over the side of the lounge chair, considering your next move.
In that moment, your eyes catch on the steam now rising from the grill on the other side of the yard, Steve standing behind it ready to throw on a round of hot dogs to feed the ravenous troops. He's in navy blue swim trunks slung low and cut high, sunglasses perched on his head and a scowl of concentration on his brow. You selfishly pause for a moment to take him in, standing there so much more a man these days than before, but you quickly shake it off like you always have and make your way back over to the coolers, reaching in for a new can of beer and a handful of ice.
Behind the grill, Steve is doing everything he can to hold it together. He's kept himself busy today, lucky enough to be able to hide behind playing host in order to avoid suspicion. His issue isn't even the holiday - he doesn't need the 4th of July to remind him of his torture. He has chronic headaches and a ringing in his left ear to take care of that. His issue is you. You and the new view he has of you now that he's standing there behind the steaming hot dogs.
He takes a moment to gather himself, running both hands through his hair. You've never been one to fall for his charms. Not the King Steve brand nor the genuine yet still cavalier one that came after he actually got his shit together. He never did shy away from poking and prodding and exploring what he could get away with, but you…you always threw it right back at him. Playing what you assumed was a game of banter meant to keep each other on your toes - what he assumed was your attempt to remind him that you never really chose to be his friend. Despite everything you have gone through together, your friendship still felt a mile away from him and any semblance of a chance with you arguably further. He knows how you feel - felt? - about King Steve and he's pretty sure you being in his life is meant to be yet another reminder of what a shit person he used to be. So instead he settles for teasing and friendly yet biting remarks all soothed by his own fleeting glances.
And God damnit if he isn't cashing in on those fleeting glances today. He's pretty sure he's had to duck away inside the house at least twice to hide his half hard cock as he caught a glimpse of you sunbathing, sweat glistening on your tits in your festive red bikini or bending over, ass on full display, leaning deep into the cooler to pass out another round of beers to the group, including the kids who are now old enough for no one to give a shit if they have one, too. It's a challenge he wasn't aware he needed to be ready for. A battle of wills that makes tossing a molotov cocktail at an otherworldly monster seem like child's play.
Yet here he stands, making himself as busy as he fuckin can at the grill while you pass back over with a group to sit down again on the lounge chairs. Someone turns the radio up while you and Robin stand up and start belting out Wilson Phillips' "Hold On" to whoops and cheers from everyone around you. It's in that moment he slides his sunglasses down off his head knowing full well he will not be able to pretend he isn't watching you intently without the safety of his dark shades covering his eyes. He's taking deep breaths counting the hot dogs back and forth and back and forth again to ground himself when you run up next to him, out of breath from the sprint over, the singing, the dancing or all three combined and shove a can in his face.
"Can't forget the grill master, huh? Do me a favor and don't burn the dogs."
" Uh, yeah. Yeah, thanks." He stumbled out. Normally he keeps his composure and plays his role giving you some bite in his responses, but you've already derailed him and he's pretty sure the sun is frying his brain while he's at it. So now you're here, standing there completely thrown off.
"You okay there, Harrington? "
He grumbles out a hum and you leave him be, figuring he may need a few more beers or a whole new personality, because every time you consider dropping the snarky act with him he totally blows you off and can't be bothered to speak to you in full sentences. He's come such a long way and you want to let the past be the past entirely, but you find that you're irritated with yourself for even looking his way when he acts like that, so you come to give it to him harder next time.
Everyone has settled in again with their fresh drinks and full bellies, some playing a card game on the pool deck, a group taking a break from the water spread out in the grass and others bobbing in the pool. You take the opportunity now that the pool is calm and all games of chicken are nowhere to be found and slide in too, deciding to be unbothered by whatever the fuck is going on with Steve. You grab a hold of a float and kick your feet up so you're floating on your belly, arms folded on your float and head turned to the side resting in the cool water. After a best of silence you spin yourself around, ready to strike up a conversation with Nancy about her own post-college plans when you catch it. The sunglasses are just low enough on the bridge of his nose to catch a glimpse of the direction of his eyes and you are one thousand percent sure that before you turned your float around abruptly, Steve Harrington was staring hard at your ass. Fuckin typical.
Your conversations continue to flow, you join in on games of Rummy and races in the pool. You find yourself shoulder to shoulder with Max on your towels in the grass giving the girl the kind of advice you know she needs. And all the while you feel his eyes. You thought the first one was a fluke - of course Steve Harrington would oggle any ass put in his view - but now you're not so sure. Because normally with you, he'd follow up his blatant stare with some kind of bite or tease, telling you to put your ass away before someone uses it as a flotation device. Instead every time you think you might be catching him staring you down behind his sunglasses he makes himself busy and jams another hotdog in his mouth. At this point you think he's eaten at least 6.
It's late now, and the group starts moving inside, picking a movie and settling in cozy spaces to wind down from the day. Everyone falls into their normal movie night rhythms, bickering over movies, Dustin talking through the opening credits and flicking the lights off for the ambiance. You find yourself in your favorite movie night chair, giant Hawkins High Tshirt slung over your now dry bikini, feet with red painted toes hanging over the armrest, when you're certain you feel it again - eyes on you in the dark of the room.
Robins first to fall asleep, unabashed snores falling from her for far too long before Steve nudges her and tells her to go the fuck upstairs and get to bed already. He leaves to set her up in one of the guest rooms and you can hear now that instead of returning to the movie hes clanging around the kitchen cleaning up from the day. The others also start, sun-beat and slightly buzzed, nodding off into a comfortable slumber around you, and you don't hear Steve padding around the kitchen any longer, so you also assume he has packed it in and went to bed.
When you quietly snuck back outside, walking while shedding your oversized t-shirt yet again in favor of a quiet moment in the Harrington's new hot tub under the stars, the last thing you were expecting to see when the shirt lifted over your head was Steve, already perched there in the bubbles.
" I thought for sure you had already gone to bed. " You say into the silence. He has yet to really acknowledge you so now you're even more confused than before.
At this point, you're fully committed, shirt already off so you climb in, with or without his permission to join. Dipping your toes in and lowering yourself into the jets, you catch him looking before he looks away and you've about had it. You know you might come off strong here, maybe a bit bitchy…and the way he's sitting there with shoulders freckled by the sun and his chest hair all on display under the jets has you second guessing your frustrated emotions, but you don't let what's in front of you distract you. You stick to your guns and open your mouth.
"What the fuck is your problem today, Harrington. I know we're not the closest, but I thought we were friends and I'm not sure what I did to offend you?"
" Offend me? I - uh, shit. What do you mean? "
" Well you won't stop staring me down today, so either I did something to offend you or you can't help yourself enjoying this fucking impeccable view. " And as you say it, you genuinely feel that it's just a normal bite back. A tease that is on par for your friendship. It's when you see the look on his face after you say it that changes everything. He looks like a puppy dog. One that's waiting to be kicked after sifting through the garbage. Like a little kid with their hand in the cookie jar. Like he's just been caught red white and blue handed at his own fucking 4th of July picnic because he wasn't able to tear his eyes away from your body. Oh my God.
"I-it's not, I mean...I...guess it is, fuck. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have. Y-you just… . "
You watch him stumble over his words - a literal feat for someone who used to wear a crown like King Steve - and see him slowly slink down until only his eyes and nose remain above the bubbling water, shutting himself up without fail. Of course he acts like this with you. How is he supposed to ever convince you he's not an ounce of that old disgusting version of Steve if he can't act civilized around you even when you're in a bathing suit. His eyes closed slowly before he squeezes them tight. He can't will himself to look at you because he's so fucking embarrassed and he doesn't want to talk about it, but you - your not dropping it. You can't.
"Steve, you fucking look at me right now."
He slowly opens his eyes, keeping half his face still submerged in the water to ensure he doesn't say anything else so utterly stupid or make you any more mad at him than you clearly are. He looks at you so intently, directly in your eyes almost without blinking and you don't think anyone has ever seen that far into you before in your life.
"Were you spending the day checking me out?" you say, softer than he expected.
He slides up, ready to explain and admit his transgressions "yeah I mean, listen, I really didn't think anyone noticed, especially you... "
" Oh my God, you really were shoving hot dogs in your face to try and throw me off, weren't you? "
" Holy shit, yeah I ate like 10. Fuck, it was that obvious? That's so embarrassing. I really need to get a grip. You just looked so good today and I was probably just distracted and I'm sorry - " eyes closed again in utter shame, completely word vomiting his explanation to you across the water.
But before he could apologize again or continue his ramble, you moved quickly across the hot tub, slotting yourself low, down at his level and between his wide spread legs. He opens his eyes when he feels you floating in his space, noses almost touching, chins just under the bubbling water, and you are eye to eye now. He hesitates, thrown off by your proximity, before smashing his lips into yours. It's rough and sloppy and the water is sloshing everywhere as he brings you in closer by the hips so your legs settle in on each side of his.
And he can't help it, he breaks away and starts in again on it "I'm sorry, I - oh my God" he gasps out as you cut him off by grinding your bikini clad core down hard on his dick.
"I swear to God Harrington, if you apologize one more time I'm climbing off right this second" he nods, enthusiastically, fervently as you reach down into the water, between both of your legs and give him a nice firm squeeze. His eyes roll back in his head and he gasps.
"I swear I'm not apologizing, but Jesus Christ, I don't deserve this. You - I don't deserve you but not even this little bit - Fuck!" You grab his shoulder tight, holding on to give your hips another firm roll back and forth and decide to get a little soft and card your free hand through his hair as he babbles.
"I know what you see when you look at me - ah, sh-shit" you roll again but he reaches up and grabs both sides of your face to get you to stop and look at him "I know who I was, but I know you like to make me remember it too, so I never thought… I know I'm better. Fuck, I know it, but I don't know why anyone who knows how I was back then even gives me the time of day. "
You reach up and grab the sides of his face, too. Challenging his unwavering eye contact with your own, you lean in and give him the softest kiss he could have ever imagined, raking your hands back through his hair and tilting his head back a bit to look up at you. From this angle he sees the stars behind you and questions what kind of penance he did these past few years to deserve this moment.
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julionasurbonas · 3 months
I tried mountain dew infinite swirl recently, which marks my 56th mountain dew flavor
so far I have had Regular Atomic Blue Baja Caribbean Splash Baja Deep Dive Baja Flash Baja Gold Baja Laguna Lemonade Baja Mango Gem Baja Passionfruit Punch Baja Point Break Punch Baja Punch Berry Monsoon Black Label Blue Shock Cake Smash Cyclone DEW-S-A Extreme Pomegranate Flamin’ Hot (Both Versions) Fruit Quake Gingerbread Snap’d Merry Mash Up Pitch Black Southern Shock Supernova Thrashed Apple Typhoon Uproar Violet VooDew (2019) VooDew (2020) VooDew (2021) VooDew (2022) VooDew (2023) Baja Blast Code Red Dark Berry Bash Electric Apple Freedom Fusion Frost Bite Goji Citrus Strawberry Infinite Swirl Legend Liberty Chill LiveWire Major Melon Maui Burst Overdrive Passionfruit Frenzy Purple Thunder Spark Star Spangled Splash Summer Freeze Sweet Lightning Vibe Voltage
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cantsayidont · 11 months
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April 1950. Years before Betty Kane or Barbara Gordon, the Robin solo strip in STAR SPANGLED COMICS #103 briefly floated the idea of giving Robin a female counterpart: Roberta the Girl Wonder. The story begins at Dick Grayson's high school, where the girls are discussing their hopeless crush on Robin. One of them, redheaded Mary Wills, then has a brainstorm:
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Mary is adorable in this story, although the assertion that Dick Grayson's peers are enamored with Robin (something that was repeated on and off into his college days in the 1970s) doesn't withstand close analysis. Even by the standards of the late '40s and early '50s, Robin is only a little less of a nerd than the young Clark Kent in the Superboy strip (who quickly established himself as the epitome of squaredom), and Dick Grayson at least as bad. However, Mary is determined:
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A crime-compact! Obviously, Mary has already grasped the merchandising potential of being a Bat-adjacent crimefighter, but where did this teenage girl get smoke, gas, and explosive capsules? (Is that what we're supposed to assume she was making in panel 2 above?) Troubling …
As "Roberta the Girl Wonder," Mary quickly manages to introduce herself to Robin, even sneaking into the Batcave by hiding in the trunk of the Batmobile. However, to her dismay, Robin responds to her with irritation and disdain.
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She asks a pretty reasonable question, honestly. Upon meeting her, Robin's immediate reaction is that "this is too dangerous a game for a girl" (but totally fine for a boy who doesn't even have any pants, apparently), and he subsequently becomes very critical of her ability to cover her tracks to protect her secret identity (much of which criticism seems unmerited or at least overblown), but even if you consider those reasonable arguments, his almost total disinterest in her (the above splash page not withstanding) does end up coming across as kind of gay. The comics were a little vague about how old Robin was supposed to be, but the beginning of this story indicates that he and Mary go to the same high school, so he's probably 15 or 16. That he reacts to a pretty girl his own age expressing obvious interest in him as if she were trying to sell him aluminum siding is thus a little odd unless, as Mary suggests, he just doesn't like girls.
To underscore the point, Robin deliberately sabotages her, arranging to douse her with chemicals (with which he's surreptitiously dosed the perfume shown below) to make her mask fall off in public:
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Poor Mary.
Mary Wills is more than a little reminiscent of another STAR SPANGLED COMICS character: Merry, the Girl of a Thousand Gimmicks. First seen in STAR SPANGLED COMICS #81 in June 1948 (although she didn't adopt her costumed identity until the following issue), she was Merry Pemberton, adoptive sister of Sylvester Pemberton, the Star-Spangled Kid. Syl tried to discourage her from getting involved in crimefighting, but not only did she not listen to him, she soon took over his strip.
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The above panels are from a story in STAR SPANGLED COMICS #86, which is still identified with the Star-Spangled Kid logo on the splash page even though Syl himself is nowhere in sight. With the following issue, the strip officially became Merry's in name as well as fact. However, with reader interest in superheroes fading rapidly, the strip lasted only through #90, in March 1949.
Roberta the GIrl Wonder may have originated an attempt to create a similar heroine for the Robin strip, but given how hard the ending of her story shuts down the possibility of her reappearing, one assumes editor Whitney Ellsworth decided that particular ship had sailed. National-DC was not very likely to replace Robin with a girl the way Merry had replaced her brother and Black Canary had superseded Johnny Thunder, and in any event, it had already become clear that it wasn't going to arrest the sales decline. Even Robin would soon lose the STAR SPANGLED cover slot to Tomahawk, and in 1952, the book became STAR-SPANGLED WAR STORIES.
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lintheotaku · 3 months
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The latest Mountain Dew Flavors for Summer 2024
Liberty Chill- "50 flavors in one Dew"
Freedom Fusion: "Lemonade Peach"
Star Spangle Splash: "Red Berry"
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that's enough star spangled splash for now
Nope 🤠🤠🤠
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doueverwonder · 3 months
okay so the star spangled splash mountain dew tastes like drinking a melted Popsicle and in that they've perfectly captured fourth of July???
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frogmanfae · 1 year
Newsies as things that happened at band camp part 3
Myron: If the band director asks where I am, just tell him the black mold got me
Sarah: I just need her friendship and love and friendship and... Her tits in my mouth
Specs: I can't with Instagram
Romeo: What did you say?? You hate tramps???
Albert: The lemonade is tasting like grass today
Race: I love eating grass
Denton: Take out No Rules
Albert: It's actually New Rules
Crutchie: Hey Al?
Albert: Yeah?
Crutchie: Shut the fuck up
Morris: Hey sir limps a lot
Crutchie: Heyy~
Davey: *to Sarah, after making fun of some bigot* Go have fun fEmALe
Spot: This has to be a bit. This HAS to be a bit there's no WAY this guy is real! Look up the strip club!
Davey: I feel like this is a bad idea
Race: What?
Davey: Giving a bunch of white kids who have been doing laborious activities all day and are about to continue doing more of said activities large amounts of shitty mexican food
Race: Why?
Davey: Why the fuck do you think?
Denton: *holding his stomach* oof those tacos...
Albert: *laughing* Were they good?
Denton: They were delectable
Davey: *cracks his back and it sounds like popcorn*
Jack: What in the ever loving fuck knuckles-
Davey: *does the same thing to the other side*
Henry: *a trumpet sitting in another section thinking he won't get caught*
Denton: I got Power... Like Kanye- BY Kanye! The song by Kanye!
Medda: that was sloppy, slow, and sad. Run it again
Hotshot: He slobbered on the seniors nubs like nobody's business
Davey: Did you see that? How fucking smooth-
Race: Kiss me Jackie!!!
Jack: I would but you have a girlfriend and so do I
Elmer: *raining* you know what this reminds me of? That time I went on Splash Mountain. At Didnie.
Romeo: Hey guys second week of camp, you know what that means! School starts in seven da- *gets pumbled*
Denton: Okay, Star Spangled Bann-
Literally everyone: *groaning and screams of agony*
Denton: What stand song-
Spot: TRAIN!!
Spot: TRAIN!!!!!
Davey: My love and adoration for Train is unmatched.
Spot: oh god this harness is pressin against my chest weird
Albert: weird, it fits me just fine
Spot: well you don't have tits, jackass
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sodarules · 2 months
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Mountain Dew Liberty Chill Review
2 out of 10
Overall this flavor was a huge disappointment after trying Star Spangled Splash recently. This one reminds me of Voltage but tastes much worse. I have had it in the past and wasn’t a huge fan but thought I would give it another shot. It tastes pretty bland and I can’t pick out any particular flavor from this soda. It’s supposed to be 50 different flavors combined and it shows. It reminds me of when you combine every flavor of soda from the machine when you’re a kid and the mix just doesn’t work. Maybe just random but this one also made me incredibly sick to my stomach for an hour or two. This sometimes happens to me with Mountain Dew flavors.. Will not be buying this one again.
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tomoleary · 5 months
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Fred Ray - Star Spangled Comics #107 Tomahawk Splash Page 1 Original Art (DC, 1950) Source
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michaellambert · 2 months
Reaction to taste test # 255 energy fuel kitchen chicken quesadilla & MT...
Reaction to taste test # 255 energy fuel kitchen chicken quesadilla & MTN dew Star spangle splash
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happyinktee1 · 2 months
Make a Splash with our Star Spangled String Bikini 4th of July Pool Party Gift Patriotic Swimsuit! 🇺🇸
This patriotic swimsuit is perfect for pool parties, beach outings, and showing off your American pride. 🎆
✨ Features: 👉 Eye-catching star-spangled design 👉 Comfortable and adjustable string ties 👉 Perfect fit for all body types 👉 High-quality fabric for durability and comfort
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athenaevm · 3 months
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i am drinking the us at last
(star spangled splash, freedom fusion, and liberty chill mtn dew mixed together)
i want to make mtn dew kombucha.
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fatalroadie00 · 3 months
Roadie Snacks: Limited Edition Mountain Dew Star Spangled Splash, Freedo...
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