#St. Peter's
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Gate of the 12th-century St. Peter's church in Moissac, Languedoc region of France
French vintage postcard
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johbeil · 2 years
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Dome of Saint Peter’s Basilica 
in Rome. Late afternoon, seen from Via Niccolò Piccolomini. Olympus E-M5 with 14-42 mm M. Zuiko lens.
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isaari · 2 years
Tips for seeing celebrations with the Pope at St. Peter’s in Rome: by Ivan Saari
Disclaimer:  I am not an authority nor do I hold any office authorized to speak on behalf of anyone but myself.  These opinions and reflections are my own based on my own experiences.
I recently (2022) spent many consecutive days in Rome.  Since it included time over the Easter celebrations at the Vatican, I did some research on attempting to discover the process to obtain tickets for mass.  While there were some helpful sites, I met many people that had little idea of the process and how to navigate it.  Despite my research, I learned many things along the way.  I share them here.  Hopefully it assists people that are looking for what I was; there are no guarantees that what happened with my own experience will be the same in the future though.
I followed the process three times, for Palm Sunday, Easter Sunday, and the Feast of the Divine Mercy.  Lessons I learned capture each of these three occasions.
Requesting:  you will find fax numbers and processes online.  I used an email address to request tickets and submitted the form required. 
I used address:  [email protected]
The form looked like this:
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The email response looked like this:
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Acquiring tickets:
I printed out the email/letter from the Prefecture (at a print shop in Rome, easily done for 0.5 euro).  I brought that to the Bronze Door of the Vatican to the Swiss Guards as outlined in instructions. 
I did this on the day before the scheduled mass, two days before the scheduled mass, and the evening two days before.  I always went after 3 pm but before 7 pm.
Go to the East security gates of the Colonnade.  Go through the security.  Move towards the basilica.  Show the gendarmes (or may be security, and may or may not be uniformed) at the opening/gate to the right your letter.  Say why you are there.  They will let you move along a parallel walk to the Bronze Door.  You will see people going to the basilica stopping on their way to take pictures of the Door and Swiss Guard and you will be on the inside of the barrier from where they are.  Move towards the upper portion of the staircase near the Swiss Guard.  You will be met by a staff member; show them the letter.  In the first instance, I was brought to a side room on the right side.  Inside was a table with boxes containing envelopes.  I gave my letter, they found my envelope and returned my letter and gave me my envelope.  I left the same way I came in.  In the second instance, I was pointed to the same room and went alone with the same outcome.  In the third instance, the staff member took my letter, disappeared to the left and brought back my letter and envelope.  The envelope contained a single sheet of paper which was the “invitation.”
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Attending mass:
Palm Sunday
I arrived at the East security gates of the Colonnade at 6 am.  I was fourth in line.  Prepare for weather and standing.  Bring layers.  I brought a guitalele and played.  Staff were not present yet to deal with a line, people were left to their own.  Do the best you can to maintain your place despite staff moving barriers and the line, or the line getting wide with additional people joining.  The line will eventually stretch towards Risorgmento plaza.  Be patient/flexible.
When staff are ready, at approx.. 7:30, they will begin to let people move to the security gates.  They will do a quick frisk and backpack check as a sort of triage prior to the electronic security channels.  Use your best guess to move to the hopefully fastest line.  When past the security, move (quickly) to the front to find a seat of your choice.  Typically the edge seats are occupied first as they offer the best opportunity for a view of the Pope and procession.  If you wish, pick up a mass booklet as you enter the barricaded seats (it is a word-for-word documentation of the mass, and a nice keepsake).
Once you have your seat, you are in for a wait as all the seats behind you will likely be occupied.  No one asked to see my ticket/invitation but I brought both the letter and invitation in case.  If sitting in a certain spot doesn’t matter to you, you could come much later, but I would recommend by 9 as getting in takes a while.  At 6, the only reason people are there are for mass.  At 9, you will be navigating a lot of people without tickets wondering what the line-up is for etc. 
Organ music begins playing at approx. 9:30.  The hum of the crowd becomes increasingly electric.
The Pope had recently had knee surgery and was brought to the altar by a black SUV.  The process began and all of the choir, dignitaries, guests etc. were seated.  Mass began at 10:30.
After mass, the “Popemobile” picked up the Pope and security and began winding its way through the channels in the crowd.  People typically abandoned their chairs at that point and moved to crowd the railings.  Selfie sticks and standing on chairs were addressed by the Swiss Guard security spread throughout.
Afterwards, I thought I would be able to sit and eat my packed lunch, but we were all moved out by security.  It takes a long time to clear the square and it is a busy time for those wishing to visit the site.
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Easter Sunday
This was the same process, but I was able to get a seat at the first “crossroads” of the chair aisles.  You just have to line up early to get such a spot.
Feast of the Divine Mercy
This mass was held in St. Peter’s Basilica (nothing indicate this so I was prepared for an outdoor mass).  I did not go early this time so prime locations were filled but I still got a great seat towards the back that was on the aisle.  There is much security and you cannot move the chairs. 
The Pope gives his address from his apartment window at noon.  When you leave the mass, you can linger and watch the window from which he will stand and broadcast.  It is called Urbi et Orbi on certain occasions and I held up my phone with Google Translate activated and the loudspeakers were clear enough that I received a real-time translation of his words.
Please note:  This document focuses on the procedure and navigation I experienced for these occasions.  Its purpose is not to explore Catholicity and religious variables which would influence any visit.
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Views from VATICANO.
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voxisdaddy · 5 months
Love Me, Please
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Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairings: Alastor/Lucifer/Adam/Husk/Angel/Vox/Valentino/Tom Trench/Saint Peter
Type: Scenarios/Comfort
C/TW: Swearing, blood, reader written with fem parts in mind (bc this bout periods, duh)
In which you miss your boyfriend/cling to your boyfriend and are being emotional about it. Basically—period emotions.
This is more for me bc it’s that time of the month and I desperately want some comfort lol | also Angel’s I left up to either be platonic or romantic
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𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ He was at yet another unremarkable overlord meeting when he felt something pulling on him. Back at the hotel, you laid on your bed wrapped in a cocoon of sorts, eyes tiredly watching your shadow pulling on one of Alastor’s shadows-which he left to keep an eye on you. Alastor’s grin turned to one of amusement—oh how needy you are when it’s that time of the month for you. The meeting finally came to a close and instead of making his way back to the hotel with a lovely stroll, he disappears in his shadows. Not before bidding a friendly farewell with his dear friend, Rosie. He materializes in the center of your room with a shit eating grin as he twirls his microphone around.
“I was hardly apart from you for more than an hour, my dear.”
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Lucifer had errands he couldn’t postpone today and so he made you promise to text him when you miss him and he’ll make his way right back in a jiffy! The bedroom door only closed behind him when he got a text from you. An ‘I miss you’ along with a sad face emoticon. He burst the door open, tears welling up in his eyes, as he crawled back into bed with you to hold you close. You honestly thought he was more emotional than you at the moment.
“My poor ducky! I’m sowwy!”
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Adam has been around for ages so I like to think he knows a bit about menstruation. On top of that, he has an army of baddies he likes spending time with-usually training but that's still time spent with them regardless. However he's definitely still rough around the edges since usually with his girls, he uses that to egg them on into being tougher fighters either physically or emotionally. If you're a person who's quick to be a grump or a crying mess then uhhh...just know he doesn't mean to be a dick all the time. He tries though, despite how annoying and tiresome it is. Especially since you make him feel oh so special with how you seem to demand his attention and his attention only. Right now you lay on his chest, looking on at the items set on the coffee table with a glint of amusement.
"Babe-you said pads with wings! I got that! I even made sure the chicken wings came with the good sauce."
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Husk is very vigilant so he's quickly able to come to the conclusion that you're on your period before even you realize it. It was just after he finished closing up the bar and returned to your room for a late nights rest when he smelt it. He might technically be an old man, but he's a respectful one and has been around for quite some time. He knows that small. Despite knowing you might be embarrassed to find out that he can smell it, he figured you'd be more grateful that he woke you up so you can deal with it before you wake up feeling all gross and annoyed in the morning. Plus it was worth it to almost immediately get a hug from you after being apart for a few extra hours than he liked.
"Come on. Don't wanna ruin your new pajama's now, do you baby doll?
Angel Dust
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ This man was out on a much needed night out with his long time bestie, Cherri Bomb. You of course coming as his plus one that his bestie always welcomed like the supportive girly she is. He couldn't quite enjoy himself as much this time around though as he sat at in a corner booth with you hunched over your drink. You're hand gripping one of his hands as if you're afraid he's gonna leave. Despite how awkward he felt trying to comfort you, he did his best and allowed himself to be as sympathetic as much as he could.
"Toot's-if you wanna leave it's okay! You know I'll stick with ya! No need to make ya headache worse than it already is!"
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Vox still holds certain belief's and mindsets he had from his time in the 1950's. Part of that meaning him being 'grossed out' by your period and beliefs in woman faking or over exaggerating their monthly disturbances. He learned to keep his opinions to himself though, due to previous encounters with Velvette, and found it easier to just well, cater to your needs. They were easy enough for the most part. Food and beverage cravings? He's got ya covered. Cramps and aches? You're in luck because this man is basically one large heating pad. Which quickly became a downside for him because then you wanted him all the time. Didn't matter if he was working or not. He tried to put his foot down once but it only made you emotional so uhhh-
"Honey, I'll only be gone for one hour. As soon as the meeting ends, I'll lay my head on your stomach, okay?"
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Valentino can only smirk to himself when he finds out it's now your time of the month. Which isn't hard to figure out since he woke up to you latched onto him like a koala this morning. A puff of red smoke invades your senses as a pair of arms wrap around your shoulders, a third hand coming to play with the top of your head. Valentino, spending years working with woman and people who endure this bloody cycle, knows a few...remedy's. He has his favourite solutions, obviously. Only if you're down. The last time he tried being more...persuasive with his advances to you during these times, it didn't go well-to put it lightly.
"Mi cariño~A good fucking helps with this time of the month, you kno-" ... "Or we could share some snacks. Kitty!"
Tom Trench
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ For this man I pray you are not a bitch on your period. Poor guy already has to deal with his co-star Katie Killjoy everyday. Whatever you deal with on your period though, just know your man is there and keeps your needy ass close. Such as right now, as you sit in an oversized fuzzy hoodie on Tom's couch, watching him and Katie host the latest news live. You glance down at your phone with Tom's messages open. You want to text him but you knew it wouldn't reach him anyways-they had to keep their devices on silent while they hosted. As soon as they were finished with their shift of the day however, Tom rushed to his dressing room to find you staring at the door with open arms.
"The interns told me you were waiting for me."
Saint Peter
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ This man would never admit it out loud, and if he did he would word it very carefully, but he loves it when its your time of the month. I mean he feels bad for you obviously; dealing with an inconvenience once a month even in your afterlife does not sound like any sort of blessing, but he's clingy and affectionate himself. And you clinging to him just as much? Oh it's like he's died and went to Heaven-again! Currently he lays on the couch with you in his arms, you both engulfing each other in a snuggly cuddle. He periodically checks the time-as much as he loves this he's still got a job to do. He voices this but quickly finds himself soothing you.
"I'm only going to work, sweetheart! P-please don't cry!"
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This was supposed to be reader missing them but some of them became not exactly that and I’m sorry lol
I’ve had this in my drafts for a month, felt about right to finally post it. I’m also ashamed to admit, it took me way too long trynna figure out what to write for Tom’s dialogue. I love him but if I don’t know him as well as I thought 😭
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angele-darliing · 8 months
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I wonder if Peter and Adam like know each other.
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kokoroisbleeding · 2 months
Asks pt 3!!
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I'm working on something so have this for now, might post it later or tomorrow khshshsh (^ 3^)
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saltofthearth · 2 months
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Gustave Brion, Jesus and Peter on the water (Jesus et Pierre sur les eaux), 1863
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elsa-fogen · 3 months
I headcannon that roo can’t get into heaven unless someone does evil and lets her in.
I feel like she’d try persuade Alastor in the artificial demon AU to when he goes back to heaven to let her in. He refuses but that doesn’t stop her.
I also find funny how she’d just walk up to the gates every decade or so, look up at saint peter and ask “Pleeaaase?” But always getting denied.
few things there
why do you think Al is gonna go back to heaven?..
lmao imagery of Roo making puppy eyes at st peter is hilarious i can't
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is it normal that i kinda wanna ship them after drawing this lol
also look, the first (and probably the only) drawing of st peter
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St. Peter's church in Bourganeuf, Limousin region of central France
French vintage postcard, mailed in 1904
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bebx · 10 months
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illustratus · 6 months
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View of Rome at Night by Henryk Cieszkowski
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bigcatbulges · 1 year
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Source - AmonSyd
(Artist's Patreon and Trello for commissions)
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VATICAN - Saint Peter's square & basilica + pope.
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voxisdaddy · 4 months
Collection of Pleasure
Hazbin Hotel NSFW Headcanons…
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Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairings: Alastor | Lucifer | Vox | Valentino | Velvette | Charlie | Vaggie | Cherri Bomb | Rosie | Carmilla | Adam | Lute | Emily | Saint Peter
C/TW: 18+, NSFW, MDNI, reader written as fem, cussing, various kinks, collection of a few subs x dom!reader, mainly the ladies are domming/topping lol, not proofread, some are bad im sorry, carmilla has two though bc its carmilla
In which in at least one NSFW headcanon for each character...
My personal NSFW headcanon for several Hazbin Hotel characters. This includes some of the main cast, the Vee’s, the angels, and some of the other characters ♥︎
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𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Alastor likes being the predator chasing his prey during his rut...
Sex with Alastor is pretty rare, happens occasionally but usually it's for special occasions like an anniversary. His ruts however? His favourite thing to do (aside from you) is have you run around the forest in his room while he hunts for you in his demon form. He can very easily catch you but he likes to let it play out before he pounces on you for like, two weeks. Goodluck lol
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Lucifer is an insatiable beast...
When he started crying and was quivering so bad one night, you thought that enough was enough and climbed off of him only for his hips to desperately follow you, thrusting into nothing. Despite his tears from the overstimulation you've given him for several rounds by then, he looked at you with teary eyes and begged you to not stop. A safe word was set in place because of that, so you made sure when to stop when he genuinely wanted you to stop. But despite how teary eyed he gets or how much he begs, he never uses it.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Vox likes to watch himself...
"Oh you mean like in front of a mirror?" NO. Well yes but actually he loves getting it on with you in his office because all his monitors will showcase how well you're either riding his dick or fucking his ass with a strap. A few monitors will display his weeping face though thanks to you. He thinks it's humiliating and will try and change them to literally anything else but he can't exactly focus on anything when he's so lost in pleasure. So his weeping face and him getting railed it is. It's like he's your own porn star. This porn star whimpers "mommy" too so have fun with that.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Valentino is capable of getting fucked dumb...
I know it might be hard to believe with him, but it is possible and it's why he's so obsessed with you. He's very experienced in sex, obviously; doming, subbing, top, bottom, doesn't matter. It's all good. The way you can somehow fuck him so good and bring him to so much overstimulation that all he can do babble incoherently? Mans is down bad for you and grows more romantically attached to you than he thinks. Often times the night after a particularly passionate and heated session, he heads to the studio with a slight limp in his step. The first time people saw him limping like that paired with his surprisingly decent mood that day, they knew; oh you're fucking good.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Velvette is a pillow princess...
I 100% see her as a dom, and she very well can dom, but she's selfish and wants all the pleasure with minimal work. With the way she acted, especially when it comes to teasing you, it really through you in a loop when you got to bed that evening. Okay so you're topping-no big deal. The real surprise was when you found out she didn't wanna do anything to help you get off. Oh well. Sitting on her face and using a vibrator against her clit is motivational enough for her to pleasure you too.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Charlie has a little bit of an exhibitionist kink...
a little bit. Kind of? Okay but you know the large window in her room we see her by in episode 1? Has rode your strap and/or fucked you with a strap right in front of that baby. Granted it's pretty high so not like anyone can easily look in anyways but it's still just not private enough that it does something to her. If she's ever potentially really ticked off sometimes she'll eat pussy aggressively while you're pressed, bare tits and all, against the glass.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Vaggie likes titi's...
Whether your big breasted or sporting itty bitties, her hands immediately go to fondle them during heated make out sessions. She's kinda shy in the bedroom so don't take her boldness to grope your chest as her being dominant-she just can't help herself from groping you. Sometimes after sex she'll kiss your chest. Depending on where she kisses and if she'd biting or not, it may lead to another round.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Cherri Bomb is the only person who can rival Lucifer over…
Eating pussy. Whether your sitting on her face or her head is buried between your plush thighs, my girl loves to eat. And she eats like her life depends on it. Even when you think she may need a breather and try to move she’s very quick in pulling you back and keeps you there firmly, often smirking when you’re overstimulated and squirming.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Rosie loves thighs...
Call her old fashioned (cuz she is) but seeing your exposed thighs just does something to her. I mean how scandalous! She spends a majority of her time in Cannibal Town which is trapped in the 1910's. Everyone is dressed in only the most stylish and modest clothing from that time period. So if you ever come strutting about, publicly or privately, in a little something that exposes more of your figure and especially your thighs, expect to have dozens of hickeys decorating your inner thighs by the next day.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Carmilla always says she has no favourite sex position but she does...
it's 69. She prefers to be at bottom since it makes it easier for her to finger you while simultaneously assaulting your clit with her tongue. And of course while you're down there she likes to keep you trapped with her thighs. Because i mean look at them thighs!!! MMHHMMM!!! I see her leaning more towards dom so like, if you're able to focus on eating her out without getting distracted as little as possible then she'll reward you good.
I have two for Carmilla that I desperately want to share so here's my second one; she loves having you keep her strap warm while she does paperwork. Just you sittin pretty on her big plastic dick, occasionally gripping your thigh when you squirm too much. Will play with your clit if you're being needy-try not to squirm too much though or else you ain't getting anything once she'd done her work for the day.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Adam secretly cherishes your more intimate sex...
As much as a dick (master) this guy is, he definitely has his vulnerable side. During some make up sex after an argument and temporary separation that could have very easily lead to your guys break up, he found himself unusually emotional as he was balls deep in ya. He didn't cry, as if he'd allow himself to do that especially at a time like sex, but he felt it. The pull at his heart strings, the relief that washed over him that you two were still together, the way your lips uttered his name like a prayer., It was a surprise to him and one he'll never forget.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Lute cums surprisingly fast via fingering...
You found this out when opting to use your fingers to do the job over the dildo, strap, and vibrator. She already knew she came fast via fingering but didn't want anyone to know that-she came almost embarrassingly fast and it sometimes felt like it wouldn't stop. This hit her ego a little bit considering that she's stubborn as all hell but she could barely defend herself when she kept cumming around your fingers. Safe to say you had quite a lot to lap up that night.
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Emily gets wet easily...
is it really that surprising? You found this out when you were kissing at her neck and reached down to her uplifted dress and felt that slick wet feeling between her legs. She was very flustered and even more when you teased her for getting this wet over a few neck kisses-there was only one hickey (so far).
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Saint Peter has a thing for light bondage...
Nothing hard obviously but his wrists being bound together or to the bed via rope or handcuffs gets him going. It puts him in a position where he's completely at your mercy. Blindfolding him is on the table as well-his other senses are heightened as fuck making him react more enthusiastically to your touches and whispers. Even though he's into it it's also a double edges sword cuz this guy needs to touch you and not even being allowed to look at you either has him whining.
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This has been in my drafts for weeks lol some of these aren't to my personal standards but I was really running out ideas that were both fitting to the character and weren't too basic/a repeat of another's. I didn't wanna exclude some people from my original roster so I toughed it out lol
sometimes my posts get shadowbanned for literally no reason and at random so it would mean the world if you reblogged this thank you <3 no pressure tho!
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chaoticace2005 · 6 months
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I saw the opportunity to do a chart with Vox and his body pillow ( @onesidedradiostatic ) and I took it.
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