#St Beuno
jontycrane · 2 years
South West Coast Path - Porlock Weir to Lynmouth
South West Coast Path – Porlock Weir to Lynmouth
One day walking the stunning South West Coast Path between Porlock Weir to Lynmouth, part of the 1,014km long marked footpath, the longest in England. Designated as a national trail in 1978 it has steadily gained in popularity, and is regularly voted the best walking route in the country. After this taster I’d be keen to return for more. It takes about eight weeks to walk around the coast of…
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maypoleman1 · 5 months
21st April
St Bueno’s Day
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A stained glass image of St Beuno. Source: pravoslavie.ru
Today is St Bueno’s Day. Bueno was second only to St David in terms of being Wales’ favourite saint. He is associated chiefly with cattle, a result of the tradition of ritual cow slaughter at the well that bears his name in an openly pagan spring practice. In time, this evolved into the donation of cash to St Beuno’s Chest if any calves were born with physical disfigurement. The oaken chest itself is cunningly wrought to be an integral part of the church at Clynnog. St Bueno’s Well is also curative, particularly for those afflicted with epilepsy whose disease will disappear if they bathe in its waters.
In 2024, today is also the beginning of the Jewish feast of Passover, a commemoration of the last of the plagues visited on the Egyptians, namely the Angel of Death visiting their homes and taking off their firstborn. The Hebrew households were left unscathed, the Angel having “passed over” them. The Israelites were released from bondage by the Egyptian Pharaoh soon after.
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portraitsofsaints · 11 months
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Saint Winifred
Feast Day: November 3
Patronage: Virgins, from unwanted advances, incest victims, martyrs, Holywell, Wales, Gwytherin, Wales, Shrewsbury, England
Saint Winifred was from a wealthy Welsh family. Legend has it that she was beheaded by a rejected suitor, Prince Caradog. Winifred’s uncle, Saint Beuno, miraculously restored her head and life. A spring sprung up where her head fell called Holywell or St. Winifred’s Well (the Lourdes of Wales) where pilgrims travel to and many miracles take place. Winifred later became a nun and Abbess at Gwytherin in Wales.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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irelandseyeonmythology · 10 months
DIAS Black Friday Sale
Once a year, the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS), offers a sale for Black Friday -- DIAS is one of the major publishers for Celtic Studies, many of the best studies of medieval Irish material have come through there.
Some books that I recommend, personally:
Fergus Kelly, A Guide to Early Irish Law (26.25 Euro, normally 35) (THE introduction to law in medieval Ireland)
"", Early Irish Farming (26.25 Euro, normally 35) (Everything you wanted to know about day to day life in medieval Ireland but were afraid to ask. Literally. Everything.)
Medieval Irish Prose
Fergus Kelly, Audacht Morainn (18.75 Euro, normally 25)
Are you planning on becoming a medieval Irish king? Do you want to know what you should do to involve the total destruction of the natural order? Then this is the text for you! Now with English translation!
In all seriousness, this text is used a LOT with regards to studies of ideal kingship in medieval Ireland.
Cecile O'Rahilly, The Táin from the Book of Leinster (26.25 Euro, usually 35)
I'll be real with you, lads: I hate Cú Chulainn. I hate him. I hate his smug, misogynistic face. His creepy multi-pupiled eyes. The shitty way he treats Emer. The way that his presence is like this black hole in the study of medieval Irish literature that means that the Ulster Cycle can get a prestigious yearly conference held in its honor while the other cycles are left with either crumbs or outright dismissal. I think the Táin is boring and episodic as a piece of lit and I've never found anything overly redeeming about it over any other piece of medieval Irish literature, especially since imo other pieces of literature do women (and homoeroticism) much better and get much less praise for it.
...that being said. It's important. It IS iconic, both as a piece of medieval Irish literature and, in general, to Irish literature. Its status as The Irish Iliad means that, if you want to study medieval Irish stuff...you have to read the Táin. And this is a version of the Táin that you might not have gotten, translated and edited by a master of Old Irish, with commentary.
"", Táin Bó Cúailnge: recension I (10 Euro, normally 35)
See above.
Early Irish History and Genealogy
T.F. O'Rahilly, Early Irish History and Genealogy (30 Euro, normally 40)
So. On the record, a lot of what he says here is absolutely not currently believed in the field. Just. No. BUT. There's a reason why I always recommend him anyway, and it's because if you're serious about doing a study of Irish Mythology, whatever we take that to mean...you will not be able to avoid this man. His ideas were very popular for decades and still often are to people who don't really focus on mythology. It's better to know where these ideas come from and to identify them than not, and O'Rahilly, in his defense, had an *excellent* knowledge of his sources. It's dense, it's difficult (rather like the author himself, from the accounts I've heard), but it's necessary if you really want to attack this.
Joan Radner, Fragmentary Annals of Ireland (22.50, normally 30)
There is so much weird shit in the Fragmentary Annals. So much.
Patrick Sims Williams, Buchedd Beuno: The Middle Welsh Life of St Beuno (22.50 Euro, normally 30)
I know what you're thinking: "Why the FUCK are they recommending this book about a random Welsh saint? Answer: Because this is how I learned Middle Welsh. The introduction to Welsh at the front of the book + the VERY good index at the back is still one of the best ways to learn Middle Welsh. Also if anyone was watching the Green Knight film and going "Why is there a lady with her head chopped off?" this answers that question.
 R. L. Thomson, Pwyll Pendeuic Dyuet: the first of the Four Branches of the Mabinogi, edited from the White Book of Rhydderch, with variants from the Red Book of Hergest (15 Euro, normally 20)
Once you've gotten enough of a hang of Middle Welsh to know the basics, it's time to dive into the classics, and what better way to do it than with the Mabinogi, starting at the very beginning, with the First Branch? Personally, I dislike a lot of Thomson's orthographic decisions, but, hey, it's the First Branch, and that's Middle Welsh orthography for you.
Ian Hughes, Math uab Mathonwy (22.50 Euro, normally 30)
The Fourth Branch, my beloved. Incest, rape, bestiality (well...pseudo bestiality, really), creating a new life while not being willing to deal with the consequences of it...it truly has it all. Not for the faint of heart, but absolutely worth the read if you can stomach it because imo it handles its themes very well and it's incredibly haunting.
And a lot more -- go in, shop around, see what's available. Even with the older books, they're often things that we're still referencing in some way into the present.
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instruth · 4 months
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A MIRACLE OF LOVE - a true story
(edited version)
In the autumn of 1990,
I was blessed with a 30-day silent retreat
at St Beuno’s Monastery in North Wales.
It was a Silent Spiritual Exercise of St Ignatius of Loyola, based on the Holy Scriptures.
I was instructed to meditate silently, five times a day, every day, for an hour per meditation, on scripture passages prescribed by my spiritual director. We met each morning after breakfast for twenty to thirty minutes, with detailed guidance to spiritual direction, passages to meditate on, and consultation on problems or distractions at prayers or to ask questions on any issue at hand.
I was also instructed strictly to ask for grace, before setting down to pray. He said it is essential to obtain grace, i.e. to ask for divine intervention, in soul and in spirit. It is asking for God to be an integral part of my prayer.
Later, I discover it is learning discipline and perseverance in prayer. I asked him, How do I ask for grace?
He replied, Just ask for help, whether you believe it or not, whether you mean it or not.
I said, Isn’t that dishonest?
He just smiled.
After my first week, he began to drop hints and make suggestions on what specific grace to ask for. When he noticed I was still at a loss, he suggested the grace of Openness or Generosity.
As I progressed silently into my daily contemplative exercises, I noticed changes in myself and a gratifying transformation within.
I began to understand the magnitude and intensity of praying out the reality of any immediate situation, such as rage, hatred, frustration, helplessness, doubts and unforgiveness, trust and more doubts, both past and present.
However, every time I asked for grace, I felt like a hypocrite, the grace of faith, forgiveness, kindness and goodness. And I couldn’t make any headway, until I prayed for the grace of Openness and Generosity. I soon learned it was me being open to the Divine, exactly as I am. It was me being generous with the offering of my self, no matter how sinful, no matter how unworthy I might think or remember.
It was realizing I am being asked, “John, what do you really want?”
I just poured out my frustrations, my conflicts and my fear. I confessed, I hate this person, I dislike the other, I despise another, this one annoys me, that one is exactly like my mother, my father, my headmaster, my so-called friend, my foe, ... I went on and on. I concluded, how can I ever forgive or love that person? None of them is even sorry!
That was the grace of Openness and Generosity. And I was ready to proceed with the silent spiritual exercises. There is an inward need to deal with the real issues in me before I could move on. I understood why I had been stuck, like I was stuck in my mother’s birth canal. But that’s another story.
True, I began by asking for grace I didn’t mean. I was dishonest even in prayer. But God heard me. He looked into my heart and He knew what had been bothering me. He saw truth in me about my own sinfulness, fear and misconceptions. He knew me, more than I know myself. In the end I poured out my own inner truth. That’s honesty. And God accepted it as such. I felt God embracing me. And I wept!
He accepted me in my wretchedness. That’s real, the real me. It’s as honest as I can be. The honest truth about myself.
This is what God wants from me. No pretense. Just me in my sinfulness. After this, I began to see God in all my sins. And I know instantly, He loves me. He did not abandon me.
The good that came out of this was I learned the truth that I cannot love, not on my own. I do not know how. I don’t have the power to love, not until I have first experienced being loved. Only then will I know truly what love is.
During my 30 days of Silent Spiritual Exercises, I experienced deep and true love. I was loved; I am loved. I understood then the meaning of Unconditional Love. I experienced it. With this experience I am then ready to learn to love, beginning first with myself - loving myself and forgiving myself, before I can do the same for another.
On my last day, after meeting my spiritual director, I went to pray at the chapel alone. I thanked God and poured out my sincere appreciation for his timely intervention and blessing. I said, O God, I have never done anything good for you or given you anything precious, why are you so good to me?
I heard a prompting within, “But you have given me something that is very precious to you.”
What! Tell me what I have given you.
“You gave me your time, John.”
©Johnny J P Lee
21 May 2024
Excerpts from my spiritual journal, from which I have written several books.
(Photos Credit, St Beuno’s Monastery, established since 1846, The Diocese of Wrexham)
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queerwelsh · 1 year
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Gerard Manley Hopkins was born on the 28th of July, 1844 in Essex, to devout High Church Anglicans, who may have had Welsh roots (based on the surname Hopkins).
At Oxford, he became close to poet Robert Bridges and became estranged from his family due to his conversion to Catholicism. Gerard then became a Jesuit.
He continued his education at St Beuno's College in Denbighshire and started to more strongly identify with Wales. He wrote poems about Wales and Welsh identity and started to learn Welsh and of Welsh poetry such as the 'Cywydd' and 'Cynghanedd'. He left Wales when ordained to the priesthood.
Many of his poems also were homoerotic. It is thought some of these poems were inspired by, or directed towards, Digby Mackworth Dolben, another poet, who he seemed to have fallen in love with at Eton. Gerard was told by his Anglican confessor to stay away from Digby, who died a couple of years later from accidental drowning.
Digby was a 'Urainian poet,' a group of 'male homosexual poets' of the 19th and 20th century, and arguments have been made that Gerard should be included in this group. His sexually was however certainly repressed and he isolated himself at the end of his life.
Gerard suffered from ill health and so-called melancholia, which today some believe to have been bipolar disorder or major depression. His last words were "I am so happy, I am so happy."
Gerard Manley Hopkinds died of typhoid fever on the 8th of June, 1889, in Dublin, where he was buried in a Jesuit plot.
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stegal · 11 months
World's oldest metro system:
1. 🇬🇧 London - 1863 year opened
2. 🇺🇲 Chicago - 1892
3. 🇭🇺 Budapest - 1896
4. 🇬🇧 Glasgow - 1896
5. 🇫🇷 Paris - 1900
6. 🇺🇲 Boston - 1901
7. 🇩🇪 Berlin - 1902
8. 🇬🇷 Athens - 1904
9. 🇺🇲 New York City - 1904
10. 🇺🇲 Philadelphia - 1907
11. 🇩🇪 Hamburg - 1912
12. 🇦🇷 Beunos Aires - 1913
13. 🇪🇸 Madrid - 1919
14. 🇪🇸 Barcelona - 1924
15. 🇯🇵 Tokyo - 1927
16. 🇯🇵 Osaka - 1933
17. 🇷🇺 Moscow - 1935
18. 🇸🇪 Stockholm - 1950
19. 🇨🇦 Toronto - 1954
20. 🇮🇹 Rome - 1955
21. 🇷🇺 St. Petersburg - 1955
22. 🇺🇲 Cleveland - 1955
23. 🇯🇵 Nagoya - 1957
24. 🇵🇹 Lisbon - 1959
25. 🇺🇦 Kyiv - 1960
26. 🇮🇹 Milan - 1964
27. 🇨🇦 Montreal - 1966
28. 🇬🇪 Tbilisi - 1966
29. 🇳🇴 Oslo - 1966
30. 🇦🇿 Baku - 1967
31. 🇳🇱 Rotterdam - 1968
32. 🇲🇽 Mexico City - 1969
33. 🇨🇳 Beijing - 1971
34. 🇩🇪 Munich - 1971
35. 🇩🇪 Nuremburg - 1972
36. 🇯🇵 Yokohama - 1972
37. 🇺🇲 San Francisco - 1972
38. 🇰🇵 Pyongyang - 1973
39. 🇧🇷 Sao Paulo - 1974
40. 🇨🇿 Prague - 1974
41. 🇰🇷 Seoul - 1974
42. 🇨🇱 Santiago - 1975
43. 🇺🇦 Kharkiv - 1975
44. 🇧🇪 Brussels - 1976
45. 🇺🇲 Washington DC - 1967
46. 🇫🇷 Marseille - 1977
47. 🇯🇵 Kobe - 1977
48. 🇳🇱 Amsterdam - 1977
49. 🇺🇿 Tashkent - 1977
50. 🇦🇹 Vienna - 1978
Az mondjuk annyit tesz, hogy ezen a földrészen elsők voltunk valamiben. Valami jelentősben, de ugyanúgy elmúlt, mint mikor gyíkká változtattak bennünket..
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hoursofreading · 1 year
While I was at St Beuno’s, I was told not to spend too much time in the library—because when I arrived I had big ambitions like reading the entire Old Testament or getting really into Augustine. I didn’t entirely take this advice, but I did try to focus on poetry—which requires a different, more attentive kind of reading. One of the poets I read was R.S. Thomas, a Welsh priest who spent most of his life in the same hills and valleys of North Wales. He was a grumpy, often fed-up man, whose twin passions were hating technology and England. But many of his poems are about the kind of love that proceeds from attention: how his rough, uneducated parishioners irritate him until he really takes time to pay attention to them. And then he sees in them something of the wonder of God’s creation, the outpouring of love. Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity. It’s an act of giving that directs us away from our petty hang-ups and bitterness, towards love. In Thomas’s poem The Moor, he writes: It was like a church to me. I entered it on soft foot, Breath held like a cap in hand. It was quiet. What God was there made himself felt, Not listened to, in clean colours That brought a moistening of the eye, In movement of the wind over grass. There were no prayers said. But stillness Of the heart’s passions — that was praise Enough; and the mind’s cession Of its kingdom, I walked on, Simple and poor, while the air crumbled And broke on me generously as bread.
attention is the beginning of devotion - by rose lyddon
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silvestromedia · 5 months
St Beuno
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jamieroxxartist · 5 months
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Today, April 21, our #Catholic & #Christian Friends are celebrating the Feast Day of St. #Beuno (patron of #sickChildren and #diseasedcattle)
( www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=565 )
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churchcrawler · 3 years
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St Beuno, Culbone, Somerset
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richmond-rex · 4 years
I just wanted you all to know that when Henry Tudor was just a year old a Welsh poet, Dafydd Nanmor, wrote a poem invoking all—I mean, all—of the Welsh saints to protect him, plus additional, non-Welsh ones. These are the saints he asks to protect the child (in order of appearance): 
St Benedict and St Bernard, St Dyrnog, St Brothen and St Sulien and St Silin, St Buan, St Celynnin, St Beuno of Clynnog, St Cynin and his servants, St Cynan, St Asaph, St Cawrdaf, kinsman of Eudaf son of Caradog, St Collen, St Elian, St Cynwyd, Cynfelyn, St Cedwyn and St Cadog, St Cadfan and St Dyfnan, St Ust and St Dyfnig, St Caron and St Curig, St Patrick, St Pedrog, St Peris, St Cristiolus, St Dennis, St Dwynwen, St Peter, St John, St Gwynnen, St Padarn, St Gwynnog, St Fagan, bishop St Afan, Ifor, St Gregory, St George, St Môr and St Mwrog, St Clare, St Ilar, St Cynddylig, St Dominic, St Peblig, St Meilig, St Maelog, 
—(I’m not done)—
St Dochwyn and St Tecwyn, and St Tygwy, St Dochdwy, St Winifred and St Tyfrïog, St Derfel and St Dwyfel and St Gredifel, St Dogmael, St Daniel and St Dwynog, St Deiniol and St Seiriol and St Saeran, Dardanus, St Stephen, St Cynan, St Cynog, St Deiniolen, Llawdden, St Cathen, St Ceitho, St David of Mynyw, St Dyfaenog, St Tybïe, St Einion and St Non, St Tegla, St Agatha, St Anna, St Enoch, St Tanwg and St Trinio, St James, St Egwad, St Tysilio, St Lleuddad, St Tysul, St Llawddog, St Lawrence, St Mark and St Richard, St Luke, St Lambert, St Edward and St Tyfrydog, and St Tydecho, St Teilo and St Telyddog.
Nanmor also asks Mary, Gabriel, Sariel, Thomas, Uriel, Michael and Rhiniel to “allow Henry to grow old for a long time”. This is the same poet that prophesised that Henry Tudor would be king but died before he could see it happen.
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somersetlevels · 3 years
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'Mal yr awr, y mae’r Einioes’ • ‘Life is but an hour’
The chest tomb commemorating the Reverend Edward Wynne (died 1745) and his wife Jane (died 1730) in the churchyard of St Beuno's, Gwyddelwern.
Source: churchmonumentssociety. org
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portraitsofsaints · 2 years
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Happy Feast Day Saint Winifred 600-660 Feast Day: November 3 Patronage: Virgins, from unwanted advances, incest victims, martyrs, Holywell, Wales, Gwytherin, Wales, Shrewsbury, England
Saint Winifred was from a wealthy Welsh family. Legend has it that she was beheaded by a rejected suitor, Prince Caradog. Winifred’s uncle, Saint Beuno, miraculously restored her head and life. A spring sprung up where her head fell called Holywell or St. Winifred’s Well (the Lourdes of Wales) where pilgrims travel to and many miracles take place. Winifred later became a nun and Abbess at Gwytherin in Wales. {website}
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orthodoxydaily · 3 years
Saints&Reading: Tue.,Nov.16, 2021
November 16_November 3
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Martyrs Akepsimas the Bishop, Joseph the Presbyter and Aeithalás the Deacon of Persia were leaders of the Christian Church in the Persian city of Naesson. His flock devotedly loved their hierarch for his ascetic life and tireless pastoral work.
The emperor Sapor ordered his men to seek out and kill Christian clergy. Saint Akepsimas also was arrested, even though he was already an eighty-year-old man. They took him to the city of Arbela, where he came before the judge Ardarkh, a pagan priest of the sun god. The holy Elder refused to offer sacrifice to the Persian gods. For this he was fiercely beaten and thrown into prison, where on the following day the seventy-year-old priest Joseph and the deacon Aeithalás were severely beaten and thrown into jail with him. For three years the saints were held in confinement, and suffered from hunger and thirst.
Emperor Sapor came to the temple of the god of fire, located not far from Arbela, and wanted to take a look at the three holy martyrs. Exhausted and covered with festering wounds, the saints were brought before the emperor. When he asked them to worship the pagan gods they firmly refused, confessing their faith in Christ instead.
The holy bishop was beheaded, but the presbyter and deacon were taken into the city to be stoned.
The execution of the presbyter Joseph was prolonged for several hours. A guard was placed near the place of execution, so that Christians would not take the body of the holy martyr. On the fourth night a strong windstorm raged near the city, lightning killed the guard, the wind tossed stones about, and the body of Saint Joseph disappeared.
Deacon Aeithalás was taken to the village of Patrias, where he was stoned. Christians secretly buried his body. A tree grew on the saint’s grave, and its fruit brought healings.
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"Saint Winefride (in Welsh, Gwenfrewi) was a maiden of noble birth who lived in North wales in the seventh century. The niece and spiritual daughter of Saint Beuno (21 April), she entered the Monastery of Gwytherin after his death, where she lived under the spiritual direction of Saint Eleril. The son of a neighbouring chieftan, Caradoc by name, seized by an unchaste passion, pursued her and struck off her head with a sword. The spot where her head fell became known as Treffynnon or Holywell, because of the appearing of a healing spring for those who would take its waters with faith. Holywell remains a great place of pilgrimage in Britain to this day." (Synaxarion)
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LUKE 11:34-41
34 The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, when your eye is good, your whole body also is full of light. But when your eye is bad, your body also is full of darkness. 35 Therefore take heed that the light which is in you is not darkness. 36 If then your whole body is full of light, having no part dark, the whole body will be full of light, as when the bright shining of a lamp gives you light. 37 And as He spoke, a certain Pharisee asked Him to dine with him. So He went in and sat down to eat. 38 When the Pharisee saw it, he marveled that He had not first washed before dinner. 39 Then the Lord said to him, "Now you Pharisees make the outside of the cup and dish clean, but your inward part is full of greed and wickedness. 40 Foolish ones! Did not He who made the outside make the inside also? 41 But rather give alms of such things as you have; then indeed all things are clean to you.
20 Therefore, if you died with Christ from the basic principles of the world, why, as though living in the world, do you subject yourselves to regulations- 21 Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle, 22 which all concern things which perish with the using-according to the commandments and doctrines of  men?  23 These things indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed religion, false humility, and neglect of the body, but are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh.
1 If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. 3 For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
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gothicthundra · 5 years
SOOOO I had a KP sit-com Dream..
Guys!!! Guys.... Okay my brain full on wrote a KP Sitcom (Disney style) in my sleep and I can't unsee what my mind has made... so ya'll gonna hear it.
Before we begin this a campy style Disney style sitcom/teen thing, okay. So imagine That's So Raven or Hannah Montana written... I don't even know who the heck my head cast as everyone so just... go with it. Yo, it's also shot in front of an audience to there are people laughing and yeah... enjoy this dream made BS and don't mind the notes because there important.
(THIS IS Live ACTION style not a cartoon but not the LAM cast... I mean it could be).
Its the Possible house (but its set up like a half screen because again.. audience). It's late at night. The tweebs are no where to be seen and you see James and Ann going upstairs. Kim is in her purple PJ's with the heart. She is sitting on the couch.
“Now, Kimmy, don't stay up too late. I know it's not a school night, but you're going to be saving the world tomorrow. You should be well rested,” says James.
(Slight chuckle from audience)
“It's no big, Dad. Its the weekend. I mean it was Friday... and I passed my test, aced my chem paper... mastered a new stunt in cheerleading... AND Ron and I defeated Shego and Drakken... again. Even after saving Tokyo from Monkey Fist the night before,” Kim shrugs, “I mean even after we had to go back an pick up Beuno Nacho (she says it in Japanese).”
(Audience laugh)
“That's our Kim, always multitasking,” smiles Ann and she and James vanish upstairs.
Kim sits and watchs the television for nearly a second and gets up.
“There right, I should get some sleep... there's no telling what villain plots I'll have to stop tomorrow... like a crazed geneticist (DNAmy?), billionare's gone rogue (Seniors?), a Monkey Ninja Master (Monkey Fist)... at least Drakken and Shego will be a few days before they try something again--”
There is a pounding at the door.
“What the sitch... whose here so late,” she opens the door.
Shego is standing there in the Disney style makeup look (like the pale yellow/green paint you know isn't real but you go with it cuz its Disney but she looks kinda like a bomb ass cosplayer) her hair is a mess and she wears her classic uniform. She looks angry.
“Shego!” Looks shocked but does the smug arm cross lean that they do on Disney, “Haven't you had enough losing for one night.”
“Don't you have an off butoon,” Shego glares, “Where's your idiot side-kick?”
“Ron? Why would you be looking for Ron here?” asks Kim in confusion.
“Because he wasn't as his house,” retorts Shego, alluding she had actually stopped there.
Ron comes sprinting in from the back door that you only hear close
“KP... Kim. Shego and.... oh you already know,” he freezes in the doorway.
Shego walks passed Kim and points angrily at Ron.
“Where is my ipod... I know you took it.”
(Audience Laugh)
“Ron? Did you take Shego's ipod again,” sighs Kim.
“It looks exactly like mine... I didn't mean too,” said Ron, “I mean I did copy some of the music off of it...”
“Not again. Last time I ended up with some stupid anime theme music,” glares Shego, “Give me it back or I'm going to help the Possible's get a new window. Stoppable shaped.”
Drakken walks in.... blue painted in the same disney way Shego is and looking hella over the day.
“Shego, what is taking you so long... just blast them... grab to silly thing and lets get going,” he grumbles. Clearly he is not over his defeat.
“Where are you guys going?” asks Ron, Kim gestures to him to get the ipod.
“To our un-destroyed secret lair... which means none of your business,” retorts Drakken.
“The Caribbean island one,” says Kim casually.
(Audience laugh)
“.... No,” Drakken is clearly lying.
“That's my favorite of the many lairs we're destroyed of yours,” says Ron, “Glad you fixed the caved in roof.”
“Yeah, well so is my insurance company,” glares Drakken, “Shego can we hurry this up. We have plans in the morning.”
“What are you stealing tomorrow?” asked Kim.
“A solar powered...” Drakken's devious rant stops as Shego throws her hands in the air, “Oh you think your so clever, Kim Possible. Not this time.”
James comes down the stairs a a few steps.
“Kim, what is going on down here?” he asks as he surveys the scene.
“It's fine. Ron's just returning Shego's ipod.... again,” says Kim calmly.
“Kim... You know how I feel about entertaining your villains in the house... especially at this hour,” James crosses his arms.
“I know,” sighs Kim, “They'll be leaving. I promise. Don't worry, nothing will get blown up this time.”
“I'll hold you to it young lady,” he smiles and nods at everyone, “Ronald, I'll expect you to be heading home as well.”
“Will do Dr. P,” nods Ron, looking in his bag.
“Good night, Kimmy... Kimmy's evilest villain nemesis...  and Drew,” James nods and heads upstairs.
(Drakken glares from him to the audience as there is copious amounts of laughter)
“Shego, I'll be in the hover car,” he stomps off out the door.
“We're leaving, don't worry,” Shego rolls her eyes as Ron digs in his bag for the ipod.
“I just have to find where... Rufus... you got cheese everywhere.”
(Rufus you never see... he is just mentioned and things mysteriously knock over in areas he's supposed to be... Ron pulls out a cheese covered ipod)
“My bad, Shego...” Ron jumps as Shego snatches her ipod.
“You little... do you know how much Drakken paid for this,” she balls her fist as if to light it... but you don't ever see that on screen.
“I'm sure you'll be able to steal something better tomorrow,” Kim suggests.
“It's not the--” Shego is cut off.
“Shego! Someone called the cops!” yells Drakken of screen, “We have to go.”
“Uhg.. fine..” she storms off and tosses the cheesy ipod at Ron...
(you hear her and Drakken off screen)
“I told you not to park in the middle of the street! It's Costco all over again with the handicapped.”
“We are evil, Shego. We park where we want!”
“Great motto until you get clubbed by a walker again.”
“We agreed to never talk about that!”
(Kim waves out the door)
“See you two tomorrow,” she closes the door and looks at Ron as he holds up the ipod, “We should probably get some sleep if we're going to have a break in to stop and a flight to the tropics in the morning.”
She grabs her Kimmunicator
There you go..... welcome to my head.... enjoy.
I’m tagging some of you guys for reasons.
@dailysassfromshego @sweet-or-sarcastic @benjimators @gogofordrakgo @aleego @bcbdrums @midnightcaptions @sharperthewriter @rosetyler42
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