#Squeak rope dog toys
pawsome-pals · 1 month
8 Reasons Why Dogs Need Squeaky Rope Toys
Have you ever wondered why your furry friend goes absolutely bonkers for squeaky rope dog toys? These delightful playthings are more than just a source of endless entertainment. They provide numerous benefits that contribute to your dog’s overall well-being. 
For more information, visit: https://www.trendingsblog.com/8-reasons-why-dogs-need-squeaky-rope-toys/
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viking-raider · 1 year
The Golden Egg - Cotton Candy Fluff
Summary: It's Easter! So, you and Henry have an Easter Egg Hunt. One for Kal, then go head-to-head against each other, to see who can find their eggs the fastest.
But what happens, when Henry finds the Golden Egg, you left him.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warning: G - Cotton Candy Goodness, Soft!Henry, Fluff, Kal, Short Person Joke, Competition, Easter, Competitive!Henry, Domestic Bliss, Instagraming, Surprise Ending
Inspiration: It's Easter. I wrote this in an hour. This video of Good.Boy.Ollie on instagram.
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this! Line divider by @FIREFLY-GRAPHICS!
If you would like to get notifications for my writing! Just follow my Tag List blog, @VIKING-RAIDER-TAGLIST and turn on the notifications for it! It’s that easy! @VIKING-RAIDER-LIBRARY
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“So, explain this to me again?” Henry laughed, folding his arms over his heaving chest, as he laughed.
“I wanna do an Easter Egg hunt for Kal.” You repeat to yourself, narrowing your eyes at your near hysterical boyfriend.
“The Bear doesn't get the concept of Easter, let alone an Easter Egg hunt, babe.” He howled, his curly head rolling back with its mirth.
“So!” You huffed, pouting at him. “I think it's cute. I also want us to do one. To see who can find the most. The fastest.”
Henry sobered up a tad at that. ��All right, babe. You're on.” He smirked, cupping your face in his hands and gently kissing your forehead. “Which do you want to do first?”
“Done.” He nodded, dropping his hands and looking over the colorful sea of plastic eggs and prizes to put inside of them, that you'd come home with a short time before. “You know, my fans would absolutely eat this all up.” He remarked to himself, biting the corner of his lip and thinking it over, then glanced at you.
“Can I film it?”
“If you want to, Puppy.” You replied, grabbing a four pack of jumbo eggs and ripped it open.
“Sweet, I'll be right back. While you figure out what you're doing--” He waved his hands over the cluttered dining table. “Here.” He chuckled, before rushing off.
Looking over the prizes, you picked out a cute dog toy. It was made of rubber and looked like a throwing stick. You had gotten it cause Kal was a beast of a chewer, when it came to his toys, and this one was supposed to be nearly indestructible. Fitting it inside the bright yellow, jumbo egg, you dropped a couple of Kal's favorite peanut butter and blueberry treats in with it, so he had something to sniff out, then closed it.
You had a reasonable amount of the eggs filled up for the hunts, when Henry finally came back into the dining room, kissing the back of your bent head.
“Everything is set up.” He informed you, casting his eyes over the booty. “You want some help?”
“That would be nice, thank you.” You replied, tilting your head back, smiling appreciatively at him.
“Is there a method to your madness?” He asked, pulling up a chair beside you.
“The eggs on the right are Kal's.” You motioned to the cluster. “I don't fancy getting a squeak toy or dog biscuits, during my hunt.”
Henry's face twisted and he shook his head. “No, I don't either.” He snorted, dropping some chocolates into the egg he grabbed.
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“All right, here we go!” Henry exclaimed, grinning, as the two of you finished hiding the eggs, all while his phone recorded on a tripod, he planned on editing everything down later on. “Kal!” He called out and smiled, as the Bear came charging through the open slider and into the backyard.
“Are you ready to do your hunting?” He asked, bending over to scratch the Akita all over.
You and Henry had made sure to hide his eggs in, more or less, obvious places. But a couple had Kal working for them, like one small egg slipped between the braided fabric of his rope pull. Kal was slow at first, sniffing at the eggs, letting out little snorts as his nose picked up the scent of his treats inside of them. You were worried for a bit, that it was a flop. Making your heart sink. But when Kal found the stick toy, it was as if something magical sparked inside the Akita.
And he went wild.
Kal started zooming around the entire yard, diving into the manicured bushes and making them shake as he ran between them and the border fence. He rooted around the patio furniture, nearly knocking over Henry's big, green grill for a hot pink egg that was there; containing three different treats. He finally tackled the last egg, one of the jumbos, behind a large stone planter.
Bouncing around it so ecstatically, Henry couldn't take it from him to open and reveal what was inside.
“Kal.” Henry cracked up. “Let's see what Mama put in it for you, Bear!” He finally managed to swipe it away from the pup and crack it open, discovering the surprise. “Oh my god! Look, Kal!” He dissolved into a fresh fit of laughter, holding out a plush, taffy-pink, pig.
Kal bounced on his front paws, so he stood on his back legs and took the toy out of Henry's hand, finding the noise maker with his mighty jaws and causing the lightly stuffed pig to scream out a stream of oinks.
“Do you like it, Bear?” You giggled, grinning at him, relieved that Kal's egg hunt had ended so well.
“That pig is going to drive us bonkers, until he murders it.” Henry said, wiping tears from his bearded face.
“I know it is, but I couldn't help buying it.” You confessed, watching Kal go to town on the poor thing. “Look how cute it is, and he clearly loves it.”
“Right, well.” Henry sighed, composing himself. “Kal's hunt is over. Now, it's time for our Battle Egg-royal!” He proclaimed, a competitive expression coming over his face. “You're going first. So, go inside and I'll hide your eggs.”
“Very well.” You nodded, kissing his cheek.
“Mind yourself!” He called, as you headed inside with Kal. “No cheating!”
“I would never!” You huffed back at him, feigning insult.
Henry grabbed the basket of eggs he had made for you and got to work hiding them all over the backyard, pausing in front of camera for a moment, a cheeky look on his face, even though it wasn't live, he couldn't help it.
“No, watching my stream, babe!” He laughed, then went back to hiding the rest of his eggs.
Satisfied with where his eggs were, Henry opened the slider and called you back outside.
“I have the stopwatch pulled up on my mobile.” You said, handing it over to Henry.
“All right.” He nodded, taking it from you. “Ready. Set.”
He stood there for a moment and you stared at him.
“Huh? Oh, right. GO!”
Rolling your eyes, you shot off the patio and started searching the area. Henry trailing after you. You found the first egg balanced on a stone column that a pot of flowers were situated on. Shaking it, you heard the egg-shaped chocolates inside. Henry held out your Easter basket, so you could store your found eggs and not worry about holding them or accidentally rediscovering them. You found a jumbo egg next, inside Henry's grill, which had you giggling.
“Oh, that's so cruel, Henry.” You huffed, finding your last three eggs lined up in a row, on top of the fence, out of your reach.
Henry smiled at you, triumphantly, his nose wrinkling cutely. “Hop, short stuff.”
“You'll pay for this later, Cavill.” You warned, narrowing your eyes at him and jumped for the eggs, just managing to grab them, without knocking them into the neighbor's yard on the other side.
“I doubt you can put anything out of my reach, Bean.” Henry quipped, winking at you, then glanced down at your phone. “Eighteen minutes.” He smiled, kissing your cheek. “Not a bad time, babe.”
“Thank you, now get your butt out of the yard!” You said, pointing towards the house.
“Yes, ma'am.” He nodded, obediently. “I'll take your basket inside with me.”
Biting your lip, you glanced around the yard and quickly got to work, trying to find the hardest places for him to find his eggs. Wanting payback for the shenanigans of those eggs on the fence. You even moved a few eggs a couple times, feeling like they were too easy to find, before you finally let Henry come back into the yard with you.
“It took you longer to hide them, than find them, sugar butt.” Henry commented, amused as he scanned the yard, trying to give himself a head start.
“I wasn't making it easy for you.” You said, setting up the stopwatch. “Ready. Steady. Go!” You barked, jumping up and down.
Henry quickly hurried off the patio, his first target was his grill. You had put an egg there for Kal and he had put one there for you. So, he had felt you'd follow that theme. But, alas, when he opened the hammered dome, he found it egg free. Eyes narrowing, he looked around and under it as well.
Still, no egg.
“Come on, Puppy.” You laughed, wickedly. “I said, I wasn't going to make it easy on you.”
“True.” He hummed back, shooting a narrow eyed look at you, before slowly scanning the yard again. “AH-HUH!” He exclaimed, spotting a small point of neon yellow under the hedge, that led towards the side of the house.
Making for the egg, Henry happened to catch the flicker of something out of the corner of his eye in the process and came to an abrupt stop. Turning towards it, he gently parted the flowers in the stone planter and reached inside, plucking out a pastel green egg. He held it up with a smirk, his blue eyes sparkling in the mid-afternoon sun.
“Two already!” He said, dropping the egg in his basket, and grabbed the other one.
From there, your strategy steadily went downhill. He found three more eggs within a span of a minute and five after that. You looked down at the stopwatch and felt your stomach clench. Henry's hunt was six minutes in and he had found almost all his eggs, leaving him on course to beat you.
“There you are, little bugger.” Henry grinned, finding the turquoise egg in the drain spout. “What's the time, love?” He asked, dropping it into the basket with the rest.
“Fifteen minutes.” You informed him, sighing.
Henry's arms shot up into the air. “Yes, I win!” He grinned, wiggling his muscular body in a victory dance.
“No.” You shook your head at him.
“What?” He frowned at you. “You found your last egg in eighteen minutes and I just found mine at fifteen, baby.” He explained to you, his arms falling back to his sides. “I beat you by three minutes.”
“But you missed one, Bear.” You told him, calmly.
“Where?” Henry snapped, blinking at you.
“Right there.” You said, pointing to a gold egg resting peacefully in the grass, at the edge of the paving stones, near his grill.
Henry's eyes narrowed at you. “What is this, babe?” He asked slowly, cocking his head at you. “There wasn't one there, when I started my egg hunt.”
“I don't know what to tell you.” You remarked, biting the inside of your cheek, fighting the twitching of your lips. “Perhaps you need glasses, old man.” You teased, as he crossed over to the egg. “Why don't you open it?” You suggested, once he had it in his hand.
“You do know it's Easter and not April Fool's day, don't you, honey?” He asked, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at you.
“Oh, I do.” You nodded, finally allowing yourself to smile at him.
Henry looked at his still recording phone. “If this thing blows up, you know who to blame, guys.” He quipped, popping open the plastic egg and found a folded piece of paper inside. “What, are you proposing to me?” He chuckled, saying it for shock value.
That was until he finished unfolding the paper and concentrated on what it was.
You move to stand before Henry, smiling up at him, while his mouth gently fell open and his eyes grew. “Happy Easter, Henry.” You cooed at him, resting your hands on his hips.
“Is this-” He gulped thickly, looking between you and the paper. “Is this—real?”
“Mmhm.” You nodded, tearing up, seeing his blue eyes start to glisten and his breathing shutter as he became choked up, emotional. “I found out last week.” You explained to him, taking the sonogram from him. “So, I thought this would be the coolest way to tell you. To train you for future Easter egg hunts with the help of our four legged son.”
Henry caught you up in his arms and spun you around, his blue eyes blurred with tears of overwhelming happiness, while burying his face into your neck as he held you tight against his body. He sniffled into your neck and you hugged him tight, feeling content.
“Christ alive, I love you.” Henry cried, tears dripping down his bearded face, as he set you back down on your feet, then looked over at his phone, just then remembering it was recording. “We're pregnant!” He announced, beaming.
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ilovewriting06 · 2 years
Hi, I see that you write stuff for Steve McGarrett and wanted to make a request where the reader (female please) is someone new to the team and has a crush on Steve but since he’s the boss tries to hide it. Then it just so happens that for a case they are working they have to go undercover as a couple because the suspect had already seen the other female agents. You can develop the idea further however you see fit. Thanks for writing for him I’ve been looking for a while and I’m do glad I found your blog. :)
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A/N: This is the dress Y/N wears ☝️
I cough as I choke on my water at Tani’s words, “So did you fuck him yet?” She laughs and pats my back, “I’m just saying it’s bound to happen.” I wipe the water off of my chin before standing up from the couch and go to the kitchen. I sigh when Tani comes in and apologizes, “Look I’m sorry, I just know you’re really into him and you deserve to be happy.” I turn and force a smile, “Thanks Tani but you’ve done enough already.” It’s true, Tani is how I got the job at 5-0 two and a half months ago and how I met Steve. Not long after meeting Steve, three hours to be exact, he saved my life and I found myself falling for him. At first I thought it was a hero crush of sorts, ya know the thing when you form a crush on someone that saves your life? Yeah, no that wasn’t the case. Instead of going away the more time I spent with Steve the more my feelings for him grew, and Tani being the ever present pest friend that she is quickly noticed.
I hum as I prop open my office door before I sit down at my desk to finish some paperwork from the small case we closed a couple days ago. I tap my fingers as I look up and see Steve, Junior, and Eddie walk in. I laugh as I watch Eddie’s body wiggle when he barks and runs into my office. I push back from my desk as Eddie comes barreling into my lap. Steve walks into my office with crossed arms and a playful smile, “Eddie come on leave her alone.” Eddie looks at him and whines and grumbles before nuzzling his head on my lap for more ear scratches. I oblige Eddie and talk to him in a baby voice, “Aww, poor Eddie, is daddy being mean?” Eddie smiles and wags his tail and I shake his head before continuing with a fake pout, “Yes I know daddy’s no fun is he? Is he?”
I look up as Eddie happy barks before sitting at my feet. I look as Steve to see him staring at me with dark eyes. I blush under his gaze before clearing my throat as he says, “So, is that why Eddie likes you so much? You agree with him that I’m a buzzkill.” I go to say something and notice Danny standing in the hall listening in. I roll my eyes before continuing with what I was going to say, “What can I say Seal, it’s just in your nature.” He rolls his eyes trying to hide a smile, “Oh ha ha ha.” I smile before leaning back in my chair, “But that’s not the only reason Eddie loves me.” He walks closer to the desk with a raised eyebrow, “Care to share?” I chuckle and motion him to my side of the desk.
When he’s standing beside me he sighs out an airy laugh, “Oh this explains a lot. No wonder I have to compete with you for his affection.” I look under my desk and see the dog bed and squeaky toys I had bought for Eddie a day after working here and no doubt the reason he loves my office so much. I look at Steve with a smirk and pull out the bottom left draw of my desk to reveal a tennis ball, a stuffed cactus with a sombrero, a rope toy, two other squeaky toys, a seal and a duck, along with two clear plastic containers of two different dog treats. His mouth drops as he looks at Eddie, “Damn Eddie you have it made. How did you sweet talk your way into Y/N/N’s heart?”
I chuckle as I watch Eddie pull the squeaky seal out of the draw and sit with it in his mouth before squeaking it once. I laugh and Eddie lays down to play with it and I look at Steve, “The seal is a nod to his daddy.” He goes to say something but Lou calls us out of the office.
“Why does Y/N have to be my girlfriend?”
I bite the inside of my cheek and look down to hide the hurt from Steve’s words before Tani rather aggressively explains that the target, Mark, knew Tani was 5-0 and I was the only other option. Steve looks at Tani confused at her aggression before nodding, “Okay, I didn’t mean to pluck a nerve.” Tani rolled her eyes before grabbing my arm and dragging me out the door as she yells at Steve, “She’ll be ready at 6, don’t be late.”
Steve’s POV
I furrow my eyebrows as Tani grabs Y/N and all but drags her out the door. I turn around as Lou shakes his head and Danny pats my shoulder and says, “You’re an idiot,” before walking to his office. I look at Lou as he walks to his office. I throw my hands up and yell, “What did I miss!?”
Junior looks at me awkwardly before clearing his throat, “Um, no offense sir, but I think you should just ask her out already.” I furrow my brows before storming to Danny’s office, “What was that about?” He sighs and crosses his arms before motioning to the seat in front of his desk, “Take a seat.”
I narrow my eyes suspiciously and sit down as he smiles like he’s got the biggest secret known to man in his head. “She likes you…and you like her. That’s why Tani all but yelled at you.” I rub my face confused, “What the hell are you talking about?”
He rolls his eyes and groans, “Oh for the love of god Steven. It’s plain as day to everyone except you and Y/N. Ever since she started you get all happy and gushy when she’s around and she gets all flustered and blushy when you’re around…you guys are the ushy’s.” I give him a disgusted look, “The what!? Did you just call us the ushy’s!?” He shrugged, “You’re gushy she’s blushy therefore you are the ushy’s.”
I go to stand up and he jumps up with his hands out, “Okay, okay, okay, I’ll stop, but listen to me for once in our goddamn relationship!” I stop and sit back down, “Okay.” He rubs his hands together, “Okay, I’m being serious you need to ask her out before it’s too late, she won’t be around forever,” I furrow my eyebrows when Danny continues, “She’s pretty, smart, kind, funny, can take an armed man down with her bare hands, something you find very attractive, and most importantly she is into you….I’m still confused as to how that happened but I’ll figure that out later. So see I'm thinking you ask her out tonight.”
I lean back in my chair and sigh, “See that would all be well and dandy if I liked her.” His face turns into an are you serious look before rolling his eyes, “Oh yes yes that’s why when she called you daddy when talking to Eddie you looked like you were going to ravage her on her desk.” I shifted in my seat and cleared my throat to try and ignore Danny’s comment when he continues, “Ask her out and I’ll forget it.” I sigh before getting up and leaving Danny’s office as I hear him grumble about me being an idiot and losing the best thing that ever happened to me.
I tap my foot as Tani drives toward some dress store, “I don’t get why we have to go shopping for a dress, I have some at home.” She glances at me and turns the radio off, “Y/N/N I have seen your closet, the closest thing you have to a formal dress is a pink and white summer dress. And that won’t work for tonight so, I’m going to pick out a dress that will have Steve drooling all over you.” I sigh and lean my head against the window, “Good luck with that.” She frowns and goes to say something but decides not to before turning the radio on muttering something that sounded like, “I can only deal with one stubborn jackass why did I have to get two?”
Time Skip
“Oh. My. God. Girl, you look so hot.” I blush from Tani’s words before I look in the mirror in my bedroom. I flatten the front of my dress, “I uh, I actually feel pretty.” She smiles and grabs my shoulders popping her head over my shoulder, “You’re dates here.” I roll my eyes before heading out of my apartment and down the stairs, almost dying from the fucking three and a half inch heels Tani shoved on my feet.
I open the door to step outside and felt my breath catch in my throat at the sight in front of me. Steve was in a suit which was hot enough but the bow tie just added something to it, it was almost…cute.
Steves POV
I glare as Danny fixes my bow tie, “You aren’t my mother Danny.” He flattens my bow tie and steps back with his hands on his hips, “Yes I’m aware but if you’re going to get the girl you can’t be running around with your bow tie all crooked.” I roll my eyes as I get in the car waiting for Danny to get in before heading to Y/N’s apartment. When we get there I text Tani and she says they’ll be down in a minute.
I stand by the car facing the door while Danny all but bounces in excitement at Y/N and I’s ‘date’. I roll my eyes and go to say something when the door opens and Tani rushes out followed by Y/N. “Holy shit.” Danny smacks my shoulder before whispering, “Still think she’s going to be single for long?” I shake my head without taking my eyes off of Y/N.
She walks up to me with a shy smile, “Hi.” I swallow and nod my head, “Hey.” I see Tani and Danny off to the side shaking their heads in disappointment. Danny comes over, “Alright in the car.” Y/N spins around popping her hip off to the side with her hand on her side, “I can tell you right now Williams, if you think I’m about to climb into the backseat of your Camaro you have a hard reality check coming your way. Get in the backseat.” He stares at her in disbelief as I smirk before he stutters, “But it’s my car.” She raises an eyebrow and crosses her arms, “Back. Seat.”
I bite back a laugh as Danny frowns and climbs into the back of his Camaro. Tani nudges my shoulder and I look at her and she takes me to the side as Y/N and Danny argue, “Listen Steve, I know you like her and I know she likes you whether you see it or not. But I’ll tell you she’s hiding it and she’s getting tired of it.” I look at her telling her to get to the point and she sighs, “Her neighbor plans on asking her out and he’s going to do it soon. So, make a move tonight or let her go.”
I grip the steering wheel as I drive to the gala after dropping Danny off with Grover to stake out the outside. I think about what Tani said and glance over at Y/N to see her looking at me already, “You okay?” I hum, “Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” She tilts her head in concern, damn it why does she have to be so adorable, “You sure? You can talk to me, I can tell something’s on your mind.” I bite my tongue as thoughts swirl around my head, “Yeah I’m good.” She frowns and nods before looking out the window still not believing me.
After about an hour of talking to Mark we get a confession to the murder of his ex partner and where he’s stashing the drugs, he just doesn’t know he gave us a confession. After he steps outside I get a text from Danny saying they have Mark in custody and to not forget to return his car tonight. I turn off my phone and slip it into my pocket before turning to Y/N who is staring at all the people dancing.
I turn off the one way comm before dropping it into my pocket and going up to Y/N. She looks up at me with a small smile and I hold out my hand, “May I have this dance?” She blushes and takes my hand with a nod. I smile as I lead her to the dance floor and start dancing, “I lied to you, back in the car.” She looks into my eyes, “What do you mean?” I sigh and pull her a little closer, “I was thinking about something,” she tilts her head while staring at me with her innocent doe eyes, “I was thinking about you.” She furrows her eyebrows in worry, “Did I do something?” I smile and shake my head, “No, I did something.”
“What did you do?”
“I developed feelings for you when I shouldn’t have,” her eyes give away her disappointment and I lift her chin up with my right hand that had previously been on her hip, “I never said I regretted it.” She looked up with wide eyes, “I know, Eddie would love to have a mom, and as far as dog moms go, I think you would be the best candidate. If you want to be that is?” She chuckles, “Commander, was that your botched up way of asking me out?”
I look at her and place my hand on my heart before putting it back on her hip, “Ouch, but maybe.” She smiles, “I would kiss you as an answer but I know thing one and thing two are watching us from the camera in the corner. So, yes I would love to go out with you and be Eddie’s mom, more so being Eddie’s mom but it’s a packaged deal.” I laugh and nod, “Fair enough.”
She lays her head on my shoulder before asking, “Now that we’re off duty, want to go back to my place drink some wine and talk about things that apparently need talked about?” I nod, “After the dance is over.”
I felt her smile into my shoulder as she hums out an okay.
Danny’s POV
I grab a drink from my water bottle in Tani’s car before looking back to see Steve turn his comm off. I smack Tani’s arm, “Yo I think he might be making a move.” Her head snaps over to the laptop displaying the video feed as we watch Steve hold out his hand and Y/N accepting before he leads her to the dance floor. I hear Tani gasp, “His hands, look at his hands!” I look at his hands and chuckle at how low they are before I snap back to their faces to see Y/N nod with a mischievous smirk before glancing into the camera and leaning in to whisper something to Steve. He throws his head back in a laugh and nods before he pulls her closer and they talk to each other as they sway back and forth. “Damn I wish I could read lips.” I look over at Tani and nod before she squeals, “Look, look, look! She put her head on his shoulder and he’s whispering to her! He is sooo flirting with her right now.” I nod, “You think he’ll ask her out.” Her eyes widen as she nods, “I’d say so.”
I glance at the laptop as Y/N grabs his hand and pulls him off the dance floor before grabbing the keys to my Camaro, “He literally looks like a lamb to slaughter.” Tani nods as she throws a chip in her mouth, “Most definitely, but she probably wants to talk to him and doesn’t want our prying eyes.” I nod in agreement as we watch them emerge from the doors and get into the car.
After the song is over we leave the party and head to my apartment. When Steve parks he comes around and opens my door before helping my up the stairs. When we get into my apartment I head to the kitchen to grab to wine glasses and one of my bottles of red wine. “I hope wine is okay, I don’t have any beer, Tani and Junior polished it off the other night and I haven’t made it to the store.”
He chuckles as I sit beside him on the couch and pour the wine, “It’s fine, I know how fast those two go through beers.” I laugh as I set the wine on the coffee table and hand Steve his glass, “So, why? Why tonight?” Steve takes a sip from his glass as he shrugs, “I don’t know, it felt right.” I raised and eyebrow, “You’re lying.” He groans, “No not really, partially maybe but it really did feel like the right time. And then Tani told me that ass of a neighbor was going to ask you out.” I smirk, “Ah, Liam pushed you over the edge.” He tilts his head side to side, “Yeah, maybe.” I chuckle and set my almost empty glass on the coffee table beside of Steve’s.
Before I’m fully turned around Steve grabs my face and pulls me into a kiss. I moan and reach for him effectively knocking my wine glass over. Usually I would freak out over the spilled wine but I was more worried about the man in front of me.
I push myself up the couch to rest against the arm quickly being followed by Steve’s mouth and wandering hands. I moan at the warmth of his hand when it lands on my leg in between the slit of my dress. I go to sit up a little more and throw my elbow back knocking my lamp off the stand. I pull away from the kiss at the sound of the lamp shattering, “Damn it! Maybe we should move it to the bedroom before we break the TV.”
He laughs as he stands and pulls me up with him. I lead him to the bedroom and close the door before throwing my shoes into my closet. I turn around to see Steve had discarded his as well as his socks and his suit jacket and was now staring at me. I feel vulnerable and shy under his gaze, “What?” He steps forward and grabs my hands, “Just admiring the view.” I blush and step back to take my dress off.
I bite my lip as I realize I can’t reach the zipper, “Could you, uh, unzip my dress?” He nods and steps forward as I turn around. I shudder as his hand grazes my neck when he brushes my hair to the side. I feel his hot breath on my neck as I feel the zipper slowly get pulled down. When it’s unzipped he brushed the straps off my shoulders and meets my eyes through the mirror in front of us. He places a kiss on my neck as the dress drops to the floor. I wasn’t wearing a bra because of the dress I was wearing so I was left in a pair of black lace underwear.
My insecurities get the best of me and I cover my chest with my arms blocking his view of my boobs. He runs his nose up my neck before stopping by my ear, “Don’t be shy, you’re beautiful.” I shake my head and he sighs before grabbing my arms and pulling them down and behind my back and pins them between our bodies, “Leave them there.” I bite my lip and whimper while nodding my head.
When he’s sure my hands are going to stay there his right hand holds my thigh and his left rests on my abdomen. He kisses up and down my neck sucking lurid marks into my skin with every other kiss. He releases my skin from his mouth before he whispers in my ear, “Look in the mirror.” I do and meet his eyes and he continues, “What do you see?” I swallow, “Y-you and me.” He hums, “What else?” I furrow my eyebrows and whisper, “I-I don’t know.”
He kisses right under my ear, “You know what I see?” I shake my head and he smiles, “I see the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met and despite what she thinks could rival even the most attractive model, and guess what?” I turn my head slightly as my face and chest turn red and whisper, “What?” He rests his chin on my shoulder and looks into my eyes through the mirror, “She’s all mine.”
I let out a small moan as his left hand cups my breast. I see the small smirk on Steve’s face before throwing my head back on his shoulder as his hand tweaks my nipple. I turn around when he steps back and my hands are free.
My confidence has increased from his words and the smile on his face tells me that he knows it. I watch as him before walking towards him. I get in front of him and he stares at me with love and lust filled eyes. I smirk before looping my fingers in his belt loops and pulling him into my front. He lets out a small growl as his lust blown pupils stare into mine, “You have no idea what you just did.”
A shiver runs through me as I rub up against his front and whisper, “You see, I think I do know…daddy.”
I smirk as his eyes darken, “Oh you don’t think I missed that do you? I saw the way your eyes darkened when I referred to you as daddy to Eddie. I just didn’t realize why they darkened until I called you commander earlier and got the same reaction.”
He nods looking a little apprehensive and I wrap my arms around his waist, “I like it.” He smiled as I untucked his shirt, “Now, the big question to me is if you’re as good at sex as you look like you are?” I tug on his bow tie and throw it to the side before I squeak as I’m thrown onto the bed and Steve is quick to crawl onto me.
The Next Morning
I hum as kisses are placed up and down my neck and a hand runs up and down my thigh. I roll over and open my eyes to meet clear blue eyes and a happy smile. I smile before wrapping my hand around his waist and intwining out legs together before cuddling into his chest, “Morning.” He smiles, “Morning.”
I bite my lip as I wrap my right hand around the back of his head and pulling him into a kiss. I feel him chuckle into the kiss before turning into a moan as I run my foot up his leg.
Minutes later I’m flipped over with Steve balls deep in me. I run my nails down his back with a moan of his name as he kisses up and down my neck. I whine as he nips my sweet spot and wrap my leg around his hips to give him a different angle, one that quickly has me screaming his name. Right as I’m at my peak my door is thrown open and I screech as Steve quickly covers us with a sheet and uses his body to shield me before turning his head and growling out at the intruders, “What the hell!? Get out!”
Danny’s POV
I sip on a cup of coffee and look out the window before grabbing my phone in worry. Steve was supposed to drop my car off and pick up his truck last night but my car is missing and his truck is still here.
I check my phone to see no new messages or missed calls. I try and call Steve’s phone but it goes straight to voicemail before I try Y/N’s phone and frown when I get the same results. I go to my last hope and call Tani, “Tani! Have you heard from Steve or Y/N!?”
“No, why?”
“Because, Steve hasn’t came for his truck yet and my car is still missing. Oh yeah and their phones are going straight to voicemail so that’s a bit worrisome.” I hear something clink, probably a cup onto a surface of some kind, before she answers, “No I haven’t heard anything from them, I’ll be right over and we can go to Y/N/N’s and see if they made it home.” I quickly agree and hang up the phone before downing my coffee and waiting outside for Tani.
On the way to Y/N’s I look at Tani, “You think they just spent the night together, doing you know what?” She glances over with a thinky face before shrugging, “Highly doubtful, Y/N isn’t one to do that with someone, especially someone who isn’t her boyfriend. She’s iffy with that stuff.” I sigh and nod my head, “Yeah, that’s what I figured.”
When we get to Y/N’s Tani grabs her key for Y/N’s apartment but looks at me with a deep frown and worried eyes when the door knob turns, “She never leaves the door unlocked.” I nod but take in a gasp at the sight. Tani looks to see the broken lamp and I see her eyes fill with dread. When we walk further in she closes her eyes and sighs, “There’s spilt wine on the coffee table, Y/N would have lost her shit and cleaned it up while ranting about it.”
I go to say something when we hear something from the bedroom. Tani glances at me before slinking down the hallway with me close behind. She looks at me and with a nod the door is flung open and a screech is heard followed by a pissed off Steve yelling.
Tani look’s surprised at them before clearing her throat, “Well, this is unexpected.” I look at her and nod as I look back at Steve to see him ready to rip us to pieces but I see Y/N’s hand curl around his bicep and he tilts his head down towards her. I see him nod slightly before turning his head again, “Living room, we’ll be out in a minute.”
Tani and I look at each other terrified before nodding frantically and all but running out the door before Tani loops back to slam the door shut after Steve’s voice yells, “Door!”
We stand in the living room and she looks at me, “I would have never guessed. I’m happy but this is very much unlike Y/N.” I shrug and she continues, “Although she’s been pining over Steve for months so she’s probably so worked up she figured it wouldn’t screw with her system.” Tani and I gag at the image that ran through our minds but stops when we hear the bedroom door open.
Once Danny and Tani leave I squirm under Steve as his finger hasn’t stopped circling my clit, which is why I didn’t talk loud, that and the fact my voice is very hoarse. He smirks down at me as my nails dig into the back of his neck begging him for release. He nods and slams into my once sending me over the edge with a muffled moan thanks to Steve’s hand.
We get out of bed and I pout, “But you didn’t cum.” He chuckles and pulls me in by the hips, “It’s okay we can fix that later.”
I prance around the room to grab a new pair of underwear since mine are laying ripped in two on my floor and then swoop Steve’s shirt from the floor. He throws me a look as I button the buttons, “What?” He shakes his head as he pulls on his dress pants, “Nothing, just trying to figure out what I did to deserve you.” I giggle and stand by the door waiting for him. As I follow him down the hall my eyes widen at the marks on his back and the new ones on the back of his neck. When we get to the living room Tani and Danny are standing there wide eyed and terrified. I stand beside Steve and yawn as he glares, “Care to explain why you interrupted our morning.” Danny snorts, “Well it’s not like you were sleeping.” I blush and shift closer to Steve from embarrassment which causes him to be more agitated. Tani and Danny quickly realize what happened and if they embarrass me more Steve may kill them.
Danny stands up straight remembering Steve is his partner and he knew him best so he knew when to lay off, “Well for starters my car was not in my driveway and your truck was and then your phones, both of you, went straight to voicemail, and then the door was open, lamp was broken, wine was spilt, and then we heard a noise in the bedroom.”
I nod before my eyes widen. I run to the kitchen to see my phone on the counter. I grab it and sure enough it’s dead. I groan and grab my charger and plug it in while tapping my foot. Danny and Steve look confused and Tani explains, “Her parents call her every morning and if she doesn’t answer and she calls them back they drill her asking where she was, and Y/N cannot lie to them for some reason without feeling extremely guilty and crying until she calls them back and tells them the truth.”
Steve’s POV
I smile not surprised but worried as she taps her foot and bites her nail. I walk over and wrap my hands around her waist and whisper, “Its okay, just relax.”
She relaxes into me and nods but stiffens when Tani speaks, “I think I’m gonna go.” Danny nods, “Yeah same here.” I pull away from Y/N/N and grab Danny’s keys of the coffee table and throw them to him, “There leave us alone, I’ll get my truck at some point.” He nods before shuffling out the door followed by Tani.
When they’re out the door I go over and lock it before going back to Y/N. She is putting in her password and she whines, “Noo, I missed their calll.” I chuckle as she plops down on the couch, “Just tell them your phone died last night.” She nods, “Yeah, yeah that’s a good idea.” She jumps up and kisses me before sitting back down to text her parents, “Thank you babe.” I blush at the pet name but respond and sit beside her. I look at her phone and bite my lip to hold back a laugh at the whine that leaves her lips from the text which read, ‘Well if it died last night why didn’t you charge it? Are you okay? Are you sick? Did you get shot? Should I be worried? You know what I’m FaceTiming you through your laptop thing.’ She turns into my side, “This isn’t going to go well.”
She jumps up and returns holding out my white t-shirt I wore under my dress shirt before setting up her laptop on the coffee table, “Do you want me to stay or go?” She looks at me, “Stay, they’ll find out eventually and I really can’t lie to them so you’ll help explain everything.” I nod and get up to get a drink, “You want a drink.” She smiles at me with a happy and content smile, “Yeah, thank you.”
As I get the water I hear Y/N answer the call from her parents before her mother starts bombarding her with questions before she cuts her off, “Ma, I’m fine. I just forgot to charge it.” I smile as I grab her water and head back out to the living room. I round the coffee table and sit beside her before handing her her water. She takes it with a smile before groaning at her moms words, “Ohhhh is that a boy!? Did my beautiful daughter finally land a hunk?”
I blush from embarrassment before rubbing my nose, “Mom,” I’m interrupted by my dad, “What did you say!? She got a boyfriend!? Lemme see him!” I whimper and throw my head back as Steve chuckles. I look at him and growl, “Shut up.” He smiles, “What? You’re adorable when you’re mad or annoyed. Why do you think I annoy you so much?” I look at him with my mouth open, “That’s why you always screw up my desk or take Eddie mid scratching session!?” He nods and I cross my arms before my mom speaks up, “Oh my, I like him already.” I grumble, “Yeah well I did.” He shoots me a glare, “Ha ha jokes on you I leave Eddie goes too.” I giggle at our banter, “Well on second thought you can stick around.”
I look back at my laptop to see my parents with huge grins before my dad speaks, “Come on now we haven’t got all day, show us the boy.” I roll my eyes but grab Steve’s arm and pull him into frame until he’s practically leaning on me. I slap his arm, “Get off of me you big oaf, you’re too muscly for my small body.” He chuckles and sits up, “Hey I was just leaning over the way you guided me. Not my fault you would be a horrible guide. That reminds me, can you watch Eddie tomorrow, Juniors going out of town and I have a meeting with the governor which could take God knows how long?”
I smile and nod frantically, “I would love to watch my boy.” He raises and eyebrow, “No more than three treats.” I slump down into the couch, “No need to be a buzzkill Steven.”
At the reveal of his name my mom perks up, “Did you just say Steven? Like as in your boss Steve?” I nod and she claps her hand, “You weren’t lying he is cute!” I shrink and blush under Steve’s gaze, “Oh so you talk about me? I’m flattered.” I punch his arm and shake my hand while he just looks at me amused, “Curse you and your titanium muscles.”
I look back while my dad scans Steve, “You in the military son?” At this Steve sits up straight, “I was, I was in the Navy.” My dad purses his lips and nods, “Thought so, you have that look.” I smile and look at Steve with a proud girlfriend look, “Tell them what you did in the Navy.” He chuckles and pinches my side causing me to screech and then laugh, “I was a SEAL.”
Dad smiles and look at mom, “You hear that honey, he was a SEAL. One of the more tedious branches to get in let alone survive in.” Steve nods and I squeeze his hand knowing he’s thinking about all of the fallen soldiers he fought along side of.
“You have my respect young man, and my permission to see my daughter.” I look at dad wide eyed, he has never once condoned one of my relationships let alone respected the man I dated. Steve smiles and nods, “Thank you sir.” Dad waves his hand, “Enough with the formalities just call me Michael.”
After another thirty minutes we got off of the call with my parents telling me they’re planning on visiting in a month. I close my laptop and turn to Steve before straddling his lap, “Woah, there princess, what are you doing?” I smirk before sliding to the ground, “Finishing what we started.”
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redactedwriting · 3 months
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did u see this new interview LOL
what the fuck is wrong with him. awsten just once in your life can you be normal
yeah i fuckin bet you have dog toys. i fuckin bet. you gonna go squeak your little toy? or chase a tennis ball? stim chew on rope? shut the hell up. dogboy.
(all affectionate. he’s just a loser /pos)
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Its 7 am and i have a crack thought: AS A JOKE! The partners of wereroomies subtly start placing dog toys around the apartment. Im takinf chewers, squeak toys, balls, tug ropes the whole damn store😂 and you wanna know who caves first and starts playing with them? Jisung. Bro is doinf the lik doggy hops, barkin at the squeaker toy😂
Jisung would go absolutely crazy over dog toys, though. they'll trigger the zoomies we were talking about the other day haha
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l-estappen · 5 months
Leashes and Lust ❦
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The pet store buzzed with the scent of kibble and the cheerful squeaks of chew toys. Max and I agreed that getting everything Leo needed was a top priority. We had already selected Leo's bed, bowls, toys, carrier bag, and a few cozy blankets, but a small dilemma arose as we approached the leash section. 
“What do you think about this leash?” Max asked, holding up a navy blue one. 
I wrinkled my nose. "Red would look so much better on him." 
"Navy blue is classic, sophisticated —” 
"Are you saying red isn't classy?" I interjected, raising an eyebrow. 
"Of course it’s not," Max replied with a grin, "It’s too flashy." 
“Watch it, Verstappen.” I glanced between the red and navy blue leashes, contemplating our options. "You know, we could always get both.” 
"Two leashes? Isn't that a bit excessive?" 
I shot Max a playful smirk. "Says the guy who insisted on buying Leo five different toys just because he needs variety ." 
Max rolled his eyes, but a grin tugged at the corners of his lips. "Hey, a dog's gotta have options, Charles. You wouldn't want Leo to get bored, would you?" 
"Right, because a dog's happiness depends on the variety of chew toys he has," I teased, nudging him playfully with my elbow as we continued browsing the leash section. 
Max chuckled, shaking his head. "You know you love spoiling him as much as I do." 
"Guilty as charged," I admitted, glancing at Leo nestled in my arms, snoozing away without a care in the world. 
"Alright, let's compromise,” Max suggested, placing both the red and navy blue leashes into our shopping basket. "I suppose that could work.” 
"Exactly," I stated triumphantly, pleased with our resolution. "We should get some stuff for Jimmy and Sassy as well, so they don’t feel left out." 
With Leo resting in the crook of my arm, Max and I made our way to the section dedicated to felines, and a pang of guilt tugged at my heart. I couldn't shake the memory of Sassy's reaction when we first introduced her to Leo. Her suspicion and unease were palpable, her cautious approach to the new addition a stark contrast to Jimmy's immediate curiosity. 
"How about a cat tower with a scratching post?" Max suggested. 
"Good idea," I said, my voice tinged with remorse as I recalled Sassy subdued response to our puppy. 
Max must have noticed the regret lacing my voice because he paused, his gaze softening as he met my eyes. "Don't worry too much about Sassy, Schatje. She just needs some time to adjust."
"I know, it's just... she seemed so unsure... I don't want her to feel neglected or overshadowed." 
Max placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "She won't, trust me. We just need to give her the space and time to get used to Leo being part of our family." 
I couldn't help but smile at his comforting words, and before I could stop myself, I leaned in and pressed my lips to his as a silent thank you. His tongue traced a delicate path along my lips, seeking entry, and I willingly parted them, inviting him in. 
"You're distracting me," I mentioned. 
"Is it working?"  
I chuckled softly in response and Max reached for a robust cat tree adorned with various platforms and scratching posts. As we made our way to the checkout counter, Max couldn't resist adding a few more items to our growing collection of pet supplies—a feathered wand toy for Jimmy, a plush mouse with a bell inside for Sassy, and a sturdy rope tug toy for Leo. 
"Looks like someone's really embracing their inner pampered dad," I remarked as we waited in line to pay. 
Max laughed, shaking his head. "A good pet parent makes sure all their babies are happy and well-cared for." 
"Sure, sure," I teased, "Next thing you know, you'll be scheduling spa days for them." 
Max raised an eyebrow, pretending to consider it. "That's not a bad idea. The cats could use a little paw massage." 
After paying for our pet supplies, we made our way out of the store and towards the Café de Paris where Alexandre already waited for us. 
"Looks like we've got a bit of a crowd today," Max observed, glancing at the sea of eager faces already making their way in our direction. 
Before I could retort, a group of excited fans approached us, their phones at the ready. "Charles! Max! Can we get a picture with you guys?" 
Max flashed his signature grin, "We are in a hurry! Just one quick snap, alright?" 
I smiled in agreement, though I couldn't help but feel a twinge of protectiveness as I pulled Leo closer to my chest, shielding him from the grabbing hands. 
As the phones started to click away around us, Leo stirred in my arms, the sudden sounds waking him from his peaceful slumber. His tiny yawn elicited a chorus of "awws" from the onlookers, who were quick to snap a few more pictures as we continued on our way to the Café. 
Leo, now fully awake, squirmed in my arms, his curiosity piqued by the new sights and sounds surrounding him. His tiny paws pushed against my chest as he craned his neck, trying to catch a glimpse of the commotion around us. 
"Easy there, little guy," I murmured, adjusting my hold on him as we navigated through the growing crowd. Tuned in to my emotions, Max stepped in front of me, effectively blocking the eager fans from getting too close. The hand that was not burdened with shopping bags found its way to my waist, offering a reassuring squeeze as he led the way. 
As we finally reached the entrance of Café de Paris, a wave of relief washed over me. Max held the door open for me, and I stepped inside, grateful for the respite from the bustling crowd. Just before Max followed me in, he turned back to the fans gathered outside, a warm smile on his face. "Thanks, guys. We appreciate your support." 
"That was nice of you," I commented when Max finally stepped inside the café, joining me at the door. 
Max shrugged modestly. "Are you okay? You seemed nervous..." 
“I was nervous because of Leo," I admitted, glancing down at the small bundle of fur. "I don’t want him to get overwhelmed by our legion of fans." 
Max's expression softened as he reached out to stroke my cheek gently. "I understand, Schatje. But it's something that he will need to get used to." 
I leaned into his touch, finding solace in the warmth of his hand against my skin. "I know, Max. It's just... I want everything to go smoothly from now on." 
Max's thumb brushed lightly against my cheekbone, his gaze unwavering. "And it will, Charles. We'll make sure of it. Stop worrying, Sassy will come around." 
I nodded in response to Max's reassurance as we made our way through the café, but inside, doubts still lingered. Despite his comforting words, the worry for Leo's well-being and the adjustment to our newfound family dynamics weighed heavily on my mind. 
Our friend Alexandre was already waiting for us on the terrace, a warm smile lighting up his face as he waved us over to join him. As we settled into our seats, the vibrant atmosphere of the terrace and the familiar sight of our friend provided a welcome distraction from my worries. 
As the music's sensual beat shifted, Amazónico morphed from a restaurant into a vibrant bar, the air now filled with sensual Bossa Nova rhythms. Laughter and chatter mingled with the music, creating an atmosphere of celebration befitting Joris's birthday party. Dim lights cast a seductive glow over the space, sparking excitement within me as I watched Charles lean closer.  
"Care to dance?" he asked, his mouth mere inches from my ear.   My heart skipped a beat as I met Charles's playful gaze, a surge of affection warming my chest. Despite the tensions we faced earlier at home with Sassy, seeing him carefree and playful now was a welcomed sight. 
"I'd love to," I replied, feeling a rush of excitement as he took my hand, the pull of his strong grasp urging me onto the dance floor.  
Charles swayed his hips to the beat, and I couldn't help but admire the fluidity of his movements. We navigated through the throng of people, my hand resting on the small of his back as we searched for an open space on the dance floor. When we found it, Charles pressed his back against my chest, his hips undulating in a slow, sensual rhythm that sent shivers down my spine.   
“Do you have no shame?” I questioned into his ear, my hands instinctively finding their place on his hips, pulling him closer.  
"Pas du tout," he admitted.  
As Charles ground back against me to the pulsating rhythm of the song, I instinctively moved in sync with him, and when he pressed his ass against my growing erection, a deep, resonant groan escaped my lips.  
"You're driving me crazy," I confessed, tucking my fingertips up the front of his t-shirt and pressing against his stomach as I nuzzled his neck.  
Charles turned in my arms, his hands hooking around the back of my neck. My gaze flicked down to his mouth for a fleeting moment before meeting his eyes again, our hips bumping and grounding into each other.  
"And you are making me hard," Charles added.  
Unable to resist any longer, I leaned in, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss. Our mouths met with a fierce urgency, every stroke, every nip and tug, sent sparks of pleasure shooting through us. I slid my thigh between Charles’ legs, offering him a firm surface to grind against, and was rewarded with the reverberation of his moan against my lips. His hands roamed over my back, drawing me closer, as he shamelessly ground his hips against my thigh.  
Fuck, this is getting out of hand and I was the one to blame.    
"Charles," I warned between kisses, “We need to slow down.”  
"I don’t want to slow down," he breathed against my skin. "I want you."  
I pulled away slightly to reason with him, but my heart raced with desire as I took him in. Charles's usually emerald-green eyes darkened to a shade of forest green, burning with an intensity that told me that there was no backing up.  
"Don't fight this," he whispered, his voice husky with need, "You want it just as much as I do."  
I swallowed hard, torn between the magnetic pull of his desire and the rational voice in my head urging caution. But when Charles's tongue darted out to moisten his swollen lips, rationality seemed to fade away, drowned out by the primal urge that surged through me. With a knowing smirk, Charles reached for my hand and tugged me off the dance floor. Someone from our group whooped and hollered at us as we passed by, and with that fleeting devil-may-care attitude, which came out to play once in a while, Charles was quick to flip them off.  
My pulse raced with anticipation as he pulled me towards a dimly lit hallway and swung open the first door he found.  
"Here," Charles said, pushing me inside what I assumed to be a stall designated for people with disabilities and closing the door behind us with a resounding thud.  
I edged across the small space, crossing my arms nonchalantly against my chest as my back hit the opposite wall.  
“Quite a show that we put on the dance floor. I'm sure the internet will have a blast,” I remarked.  
Charles shrugged. “Couldn’t care less.”  
As he began to close the distance between us, a commanding tone crept into my voice. "Stop right there."  
"Pourquoi?" he asked, his voice tinged with a hint of neediness.  
"Because I said so," I stated firmly, my gaze unwavering as I held his.  
A flicker of defiance danced in Charles' eyes, but he thought better of it and took a step back. Pleased with his reaction, I let my gaze roam over him, taking in every detail of his disheveled appearance. His beige Dior t-shirt hugged his chest just right, emphasizing the contours of his muscles, while his dark, loose jeans hung low on his hips, drawing my attention to the slight bulge beneath. My eyes lingered on the subtle outline of his erection, a testament to our dance floor rendezvous. His chestnut hair was tousled, his lips swollen, and his eyes, dark with desire.  
"Enjoying the view?" the tease prompted, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes.  
"You bet I am," I replied, my tone low and husky. "Get over here."  
As my order hit Charles's ears, the only defiance glinting in his eyes was, Try and stop me. But tonight, I wasn’t waiting for him to comply. As soon as he was within my reach, I grabbed his hand, pulled him towards me, and spun him around so that he was facing the wall against which I was leaning.  
My body was an immediate presence behind him - one of my hands moved around to the button of his jeans, my mouth came down to his ear, and as my breath brushed against it, a shiver of anticipation raced up his spine.   
“I’m so fucking hard for you right now,” I moaned when he ground his ass back against my erection, “And I haven’t even gotten your pants undone yet.”  
Charles blindly reached for the hand I was now using to unzip him, and when he found it, he guided it inside his open pants, behind the material of his trunks, and then he curled his hand over the top of mine where he most wanted it - on his aching dick.  
“Oh que oui.”  
My chuckle was arrogant as hell, and the strong, solid strokes I began had his hips punching forward to fuck my fist.  
“That’s what you want?” I wondered by his ear, and Charles’s hand left his trunks to come out and grab at my thigh for something to hang on to.  
“C'est ça,” he agreed, as I twisted my hand around the tip of his cock and he thrust into the touch. He bit his lip as he continued to rock his hips, my hand providing the perfect amount of friction to torment but not quite get him there.  
“So…what’s next?” I asked. “We can’t just stand here like this all night.” I stopped moving my hand, and Charles clenched his fingers in my thigh.  
“Putain, ne t'arrête pas.”  
“Then answer my question.” My demand had his dick throbbing. “Come on, Schatje.” My teeth nipped at the shell of his ear, and Charles’s jaw bunched. “I’ll do anything. But I wanna hear you ask for it.”  
“Take my goddamn pants off.”  
My fingers were in either side of his jeans, yanking them, and his trunks, over his ass to his thighs. “Hands up. Legs spread. As wide as these jeans of yours will let you get’em.”  
Charles placed his palms against the wall and widened his stance. I then crowded in behind him, and the rough denim grazed Charles’s naked ass as I planted a hand by either side of the ones he had on the wall.  
“Mmm.” I smoothed a palm over the rounded curve of Charles' ass. “It’s gonna be a real tight fit in here tonight.”  
"Sainte merde, Max." Charles swore, bucking back against me, needing some kind of contact.  
“So…what’s next?”  
"Maybe I just want to rub against you," the teasing taunt slipped past Charles's lips before he thought better of it, but being in the mood I was in, I wasn't about to let him get away with it.  
"Like this?" I asked, feeling the anticipation rising as I began to roll my hips, grinding my erection up and down his crack.  
Charles’s desperate plea escaped his lips, "Mon Dieu, Max. Get rid of your fucking clothes."  
The familiar rustling of fabric filled the confined space as I quickly shed my clothes and fished a lube packet from my wallet. It didn’t take but a few seconds, and then I was back, wedging my lubed dick right where Charles wanted it most. The sound that escaped his throat as my cock slid along the slick crevice of his ass was nothing short of desperate. 
“Verdomme, Charles,” I exclaimed as I ran my fingers through the pre-cum I’d left all over his skin, making him shudder. 
“Dedans…” Charles erupted on a rush of air. “Mon Dieu… Put something in me.” 
I slipped my slick fingers down the heated skin of Charles’s narrow cleft, and when the pads of my fingers found his hole and massaged over the top of it, he cursed. I then pushed a finger in nice and deep, the way he loved it, and when his head fell forward and his shoulders bunched, my cock throbbed. 
“Yeah, Charles. Go crazy for me. I wanna watch,” I proclaimed as I withdrew my index finger and then slid it back inside. 
“Max,” Charles roared as I added a second to the mix, rubbing and pushing at the entrance I was stretching. 
“Vraag me erom.” At my words, Charles turned his head, and I saw that his pupils were blown and his teeth clenched. “I want to hear you. Ask me, Charles.” I added slight pressure to his hole, and his breath rushed out. 
“Tu vas payer pour ça.” 
“I’m looking forward to it,” I declared, chuckling at his threat as my fingertips entered him. “Now come on…” I continued, twisting my hand. “Beg me for it.” 
“You goddamn sadist. If you don’t hurry up and fuck me with something, I—” 
That was as far as Charles got because, as far as begging went, that demand was music to my ears, and I was right there thrusting two fingers inside him. Charles arched back, pushing his cock through his fist as the intense pleasure of having my fingers inside him hit. Pulling those fingers free, I added a third, massaging over Charles’s prostate. 
“Putain,” he swore, clenching his tight fist around the base of his cock. 
My mouth found his neck as I dragged my tongue up the line of it, biting down gently. My cock bumped against Charles’s ass cheek as I continued to slowly stretch him, bringing him to the brink time and time again. 
“I’m gonna fuck you so hard,” I declared against his cheek, withdrawing my fingers. His hole clenched at the loss, craving exactly that. My hand landed on the back of his neck. 
“You might want to brace yourself,” I suggested, giving him a rough shove forward. His left hand shot up to support himself against the wall. 
“That’s it,” I said as my other fingers dug into his hip. The head of my cock nudged against his entrance. “Now, Charles. Say it.” 
And the words flew from his mouth, unstoppable. “Baise-moi, Max. You—”  
I was balls deep inside him before he finished his demand. His whimper echoed around us, just as I had predicted. 
The hand that I had in the back of Charles neck tightened as I withdrew, then thrust forward, drilling into him. The strength of that thrust had him stumbling slightly, but I pulled him back against me, his spine flush against my chest. 
“Nom de Dieu, that’s…” His voice cracked, leaving him as my arm wound around his waist, taking hold of his cock. 
“Diep. I’m so fucking deep, and your ass is so tight.” I stroked my fist up to the head of his dick, and he groaned at the intense pleasure. 
“Any final requests?” I asked, my voice ragged. 
“Fuck me until I can’t walk.” 
I close my fist around his cock, and I gave it a rough pull as my hips surged forward. Then I plastered him against the wall with his arms drawn up over his head, holding them in place as I drove inside of him. 
There was nothing gentle about what happened next. I grabbed his hip to hold him still as I fucked into him relentlessly. 
“Ah putain…merde,” he exclaimed, his voice failing him. 
“Give me your tongue,” I demanded, and his head turned so my mouth could find his, and then Charles went wild. 
His hands twisted and clawed above him, trying to get leverage, until I pinned them in place. My cock throbbed inside him, and he shut his eyes, surrendering to the greedy, dark side of himself. 
“Déplace-toi,” he uttered between clenched teeth, and when I held his stare, he whipped his head to the other side, sinking his teeth into my bicep. 
“Fuuuck” I cursed loudly. My arm stung where Charles had just bitten me, and as I held onto his hips, I relished the feeling. 
With his hands on the wall and his legs barely parted due to the confines of his jeans, Charles's hot hole was a challenge I was enjoying getting my dick in and out of. I couldn't seem to temper my own fevered response to the way he was reacting to me, and hell if I wanted to. 
"Yes. Mon Dieu. Fucking harder, Max." Charles's words were clipped, his movements now methodical as his hand moved in time with his pistoning hips as he ruthlessly chased after the climax building in him. 
The grunts echoing throughout the floor were accompanied by curses and threats that made my lips curl and my balls tingle. I'd always loved a good argument with Charles, and I enjoyed the fight for dominance between us during sex. And hell if I wasn't about to bask in the satisfaction I was about to take in filling Charles's ass in the most primal way I could. 
With one hand on Charles's hip, I raised my other to grip the back of his neck again, and the second I did, Charles started to beg. Deeper, harder, more, now—Charles wanted anything I was willing to give, and, luckily for him, tonight, that was everything. 
I wasn't sure how long it took the two of us then. Minutes? Seconds? I had no clue. It was as though time stopped as every nerve ending in my body lit on fire. 
A harsh growl left my throat as Charles's entire body arched back into me, his muscles tightening around me as if trying to draw me even deeper inside him. 
"Maaax," he whined, his body trembling against mine, and I could feel the pulsating waves of his release as he came all over the wall. 
Watching him lose himself in the throes of ecstasy only heightened my own arousal, and I continued to move within him, driving deeper and harder until I couldn't hold back any longer. With a primal grunt, I came, emptying myself inside Charles's ass. 
As the waves of ecstasy subsided, Charles and I remained entwined, our bodies still humming with shared pleasure. With breathless moans, we let gravity take hold, and sort of just fell onto the hard floor, holding onto each other tight. 
The sudden change in perspective brought a new intensity to our closeness. I felt every beat of Charles's heart against my own chest, every rise and fall of his breath as he nestled against me. The floor was cold against our skin, but being tangled up together made it feel cozy.  "You okay there, Schatje?" 
Charles let out a contented sigh. "Mmm, more than okay," he replied, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips.  
I chuckled softly, the sound vibrating through our entwined bodies. "Glad to hear that," I said, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. "But seriously, I might have gone a bit hard on you there. Are you sure you're not sore?" 
Charles shifted slightly, his eyes meeting mine. "I'm sore in all the right places. I think you might need to carry me out of here." 
"I will give you a piggyback ride," I whispered against his lips, my heart swelling with love. 
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autumnbrambleagain · 1 year
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"I figure if we're bringing all of the old cast back, you'd probably want Bismark Mk. 15 too." Chimmering was staring. This ridiculous pool toy... dog? Was it some kinda dog? Wasn't like Chimmering could tell. This ridiculous pool toy was floating in the air paddling its little feets and, like. They didn't have a pool. Did they EVER have a pool? "... who?" Why didn't they have a pool? She wanted a pool. S/V did that noise they made when they were frustrated, and half of them said, "You know, your iconic balloonite. You rode him around on that, uh, you know. The adventures? I think you were chasing me that one time because I was missing Oh, My Convoluted Life! And then you shot me with a shotgun. Good times." "Roland," Chimmering said. "What?" "S'name was Roland, my balloonite." "What? No. Is that true?" The pool toy squeaked in the shape of words. "It's actually Ronald! You both get it wrong a lot." Oh. Right. Chimmering pretended she was scribbling notes into the clipboard S/V had given her. She was actually doodling a comic where she had a suit of power armor with rocket launchers on the shoulders and she was blowing up ghosts. "Well, s'looks like you managed that narrative identity continulity thingamajiggy for him then." "Indeed, the experiment was a success. Iterative identity has reached synchronization. This was definitely us re-enacting an ancient running joke for the purpose of enforcing identity continuity limby, and not us entirely forgetting what he was named." "He used t'be like, a hot air balloon? A latex floating balloon? Why's he a pool toy now? S'kinda an entirely different thing?" "Pool toys are all the rage. It's the hit new trend! It's a hit with all the kids. Shut up we'll hit you. We're going to murder you with a large corkscrew. We made all the balloonites into pool toys. We're doing pool toys this universal cycle. It's better." "Floating pool toy. Like, not in the water where a pool toy's supposed't'be, but like, in the air, even though like, the entire point of a pool toy--" "Well last time they were literally just latex balloons with eyes drawn on, and we can do BETTER than that thank you very much. I think we had a rope harness on him so we could hold on to him?" Chimmering chirped in amusement as a memory crossed the gap of time and bumped into her thoughts. "Yeah, like, later we did. Mostly we were just holdin' onto him and tryin' not to pop him and hoping we didn't crash. 'n then we'd crash. 'n then you'd blame me. 'n then you'd kill me." "Well he's got handles now." "S'got a dick too. You gave 'm a dick." "Well, yes, far be it from us to forbid his exploration of his sexuality. Everyone is entitled to that freedom." "You're gonna pop him aren't you." "Oh, constantly. Mostly on purpose." "S'like, a fetish thing?" "Everyone is entitled to an exploration of his sexuality. His, specifically. We're entitled to it. We made him we can do whatever we want with him shut up are you going to start saying we can't rape our creations now? Like, NOW?" "Usually you just make the things you make murder or rape me so like 'm not gonna complain--" "What? Yes. Yes, you will complain. If you don't we're not giving you enough things to complain about." Ronald squeaked happily, bouncing lightly off the house. "Can I go now?" "What, are you still here?" S/V asked, dismissing the balloonite with a wave of their paw (whose arc coincided with Ronald's face (claws first (causing less of a pop and more of a sudden and rapid deflation))).
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treewithabark · 9 months
Just an unnecessarily long post about dog gear I want- scroll by if you don’t want my ramble
So in feb I’m gonna have a treat yo self month because it be my birthday, and I may have a lil extra spending money from working a bunch of overtime during Christmas (I am knackered but I needed the cash and work needed my assistance)
And seeing as no-one likes buying me dog gear as Christmas/birthday gifts I’m gonna buy myself these nice things.
I wanna get Juno a lovely leather collar, nefjas person sent me a link to a German company who make elk leather collars in a martingale style??? Absolute perfection. I’ve been a sucker for martingales for a couple of years now and am reluctant to turn back.
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What a delectable collar. So chic. So stylish. Fancy collar for my non-fancy mutt to strut about the town with (no flooded field walks for that collar)
Gonna pair it with a brand new cute dog tag because Juno currently wears Hana’s old one. I think after a year she’s earned her own tag, don’t you think?
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Lookit!!! So cute!! It’s not Juniper tree but it’s close enough (don’t tell my partner, the tree surgeon, I said that). Would look so good with the collar.
And since my mendota lead is looking real ropey (haha, because it’s a rope?) I’m gonna treat myself to a new one. It’s served me so well but I did not look after it. Now it smells and is fraying and the leather by the clasp is loose. It just looks a mess. Love my mendota lead, don’t love that I’ve destroyed it. I did dabble with the idea of an adjustable lead but they’re all flat and I’m sorry but round leads are superior. I’m not ready to go back to flat. Mendota so comfy, mendota so röund, medota have goldish clasp to match tag and collar ring.
But do I stop the spending there?? I’ve been gagging for a ruffwear backpack but my lord £100 for a backpack??? I know it’s quality, built to last, and most importantly designed to minimise injury but it’s a rather frivolous spend.
My reasoning is that added weight to some walks may help reduce some pulling, she’s so much better but still gets excitable. It can be useful if we wanna go on longer hikes once my partner and I have time to do some weekends away. Carrying water etc. I really want to do a camping getaway at some point and having her carry her own food is adorable and practical. But also it could be useful on days where we want or need to be a bit lazier. Dog needs exercising but we’re burned out/ill? Cool, mile and a half sniffy walk with lightly packed backpack. If I wanna tire her out because we have plans and need her nice and calm? Boom, backpack walk.
Also, backpack cute. Backpack could have patches. Backpack bring joy to look at. Backpack make chronically ill days much easier.
Oh there’s also an adorable martingale collar on Etsy that I want. An unnecessary purchase but I so rarely find a martingale I really really like (I’m picky okay)
But there are things that I could spend my money on that is (arguably) needed more. Waterproof longline, new treat pouch, new walking boots because mine are leaky, dog toys that serve a purpose more than “it squeaks and can be thrown”. I also need a haircut and new prescription glasses but it’s more fulfilling to spend money on the dog.
GAH! Maybe I’ll win the lottery on Friday and I can buy it all. But until then I gotta budget and make informed purchases.
Anyway I just wanted to rant to the void because I usually do all this in my head but I wanna get more active on tumblr and sometimes airing these thoughts helps make decisions. And if you suddenly see me posting Juno in 4k completely decked out in new gear in the mountains? I’ve won the lottery, quit work to travel with dog that has a whole new wardrobe, captured on a top of the line point and shoot 😂
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ratsoh-writes · 2 years
(Being friends with the shady bastards has perks)
*Meh. Who am I to question Mutt's skills at finding amazing seats right up front. ...Not like there's really time to question it anyways with the show about to start. (Oh well).*
*Me and Coffee are pretty damn excited about the show... but Mutt also looks pretty interested, if a bit more toned down than either of us*
So what's up first?
It appears they’re doing two at a time from the sheer amount of entries this year. First up is a parrot who can sing the nationwide theme song and a turtle that does nothing but it’s owned bedazzled it’s shell lol.
Coffee: …I-I’m voting for the turtle >:)
Mutt: you f*ckin suck
You watch animal after animal. Some notable entries are a duo of a terrier and a horse where the dog rode on the horses back as it trotted around the stage, a snapping turtle that would break ropes by biting them, a hamster who fit seven baby carrots in its cheeks, a chihuahua who screamed into the mic every time it’s owner squeaked its toy, a snail that would bob its head to the music, and the winner: a chicken who’s owner taught it to play the national anthem on a little toy piano. The crowd went wild for the chicken
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nirv678dog · 2 months
#dogfood #dogfood #dogcollars Awesome Dog Products You'll Love! These toys are made up of a cool combination of plush, firehose and fleece rope, making them more durable than your average plush dog toy. Bonus, they also squeak! Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 11 x 6 x 2 inches; 4.97 ounces Item model number ‏ : ‎ 32016 Date First Available ‏ : ‎ May 11, 2017 Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Doskocil ASIN ‏ : ‎ B071FGJQ7F Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ China Combination Of Plush, Firehose, And Fleece Rope More Durable Than The Average Plush Dog Toy Squeaker Included For Added Interest Package Dimensions: 11.0" L X 6.0" W X 2.0" H #DogStuff #lovedogs #bdbastard #Petmate #Firehose #Frog #Dog #Toy
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5dog0dog · 2 months
#doglover #shibainu #shopdog Awesome Dog Products You'll Love! These toys are made up of a cool combination of plush, firehose and fleece rope, making them more durable than your average plush dog toy. Bonus, they also squeak! Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 11 x 6 x 2 inches; 4.97 ounces Item model number ‏ : ‎ 32016 Date First Available ‏ : ‎ May 11, 2017 Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Doskocil ASIN ‏ : ‎ B071FGJQ7F Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ China Combination Of Plush, Firehose, And Fleece Rope More Durable Than The Average Plush Dog Toy Squeaker Included For Added Interest Package Dimensions: 11.0" L X 6.0" W X 2.0" H #DogStuff #lovedogs #bdbastard #Petmate #Firehose #Frog #Dog #Toy
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dog3456783 · 2 months
#doggolife #doglover #PetSupplies Awesome Dog Products You'll Love! These toys are made up of a cool combination of plush, firehose and fleece rope, making them more durable than your average plush dog toy. Bonus, they also squeak! Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 11 x 6 x 2 inches; 4.97 ounces Item model number ‏ : ‎ 32016 Date First Available ‏ : ‎ May 11, 2017 Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Doskocil ASIN ‏ : ‎ B071FGJQ7F Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ China Combination Of Plush, Firehose, And Fleece Rope More Durable Than The Average Plush Dog Toy Squeaker Included For Added Interest Package Dimensions: 11.0" L X 6.0" W X 2.0" H #DogStuff #lovedogs #bdbastard #Petmate #Firehose #Frog #Dog #Toy
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doggydogs7654 · 2 months
#aussieshepherd #dogloverproblems #doglovers Awesome Dog Products You'll Love! These toys are made up of a cool combination of plush, firehose and fleece rope, making them more durable than your average plush dog toy. Bonus, they also squeak! Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 11 x 6 x 2 inches; 4.97 ounces Item model number ‏ : ‎ 32016 Date First Available ‏ : ‎ May 11, 2017 Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Doskocil ASIN ‏ : ‎ B071FGJQ7F Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ China Combination Of Plush, Firehose, And Fleece Rope More Durable Than The Average Plush Dog Toy Squeaker Included For Added Interest Package Dimensions: 11.0" L X 6.0" W X 2.0" H #DogStuff #lovedogs #bdbastard #Petmate #Firehose #Frog #Dog #Toy
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puppydogs067 · 2 months
#dogstagram #doglifebestlife #treatyourdog Awesome Dog Products You'll Love! These toys are made up of a cool combination of plush, firehose and fleece rope, making them more durable than your average plush dog toy. Bonus, they also squeak! Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 11 x 6 x 2 inches; 4.97 ounces Item model number ‏ : ‎ 32016 Date First Available ‏ : ‎ May 11, 2017 Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Doskocil ASIN ‏ : ‎ B071FGJQ7F Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ China Combination Of Plush, Firehose, And Fleece Rope More Durable Than The Average Plush Dog Toy Squeaker Included For Added Interest Package Dimensions: 11.0" L X 6.0" W X 2.0" H #DogStuff #lovedogs #bdbastard #Petmate #Firehose #Frog #Dog #Toy
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mybestiebyjcblog · 4 months
Get yours today ending soon.
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dogtoy01 · 8 months
Dog Toy Ball
Interactive Pet Chew Toys Dog Rope Toy Pet Tennis Ball Toys Dog Squeak Toy with Bowl, Plush Squeaky Stuffed Toy, Dog Toys, Dog Toy Set, Dog Toy Pack, Dog Toy Bundle. Our interactive rope toy is a catalyst for exhilarating tug-of-war showdowns, high-energy games of fetch, and therapeutic, anxiety-busting adventures that will make tails wag non-stop.Experience boundless delight elevating your pup's daily routine with our pet chew toys, making each day a joyful adventure. Perfect for birthdays, fetching thrills, and a reward-rich training experience. The Gift Of Healthy Smiles- Crafted with durable rubber, plush, and cotton rope to protect their teeth and gums.These toys encourage robust dental hygiene, ensuring that your dog's pearly whites shine while they immerse themselves in unlimited amusement. Distract and relax your dog with our interactive rope toy, leading them into games that melt away stress. Spark interaction and joy, our interactive rope toy is more than just a toy; it's your dog's trusty companion in epic tug-of-war battles, fetching marathons, and therapeutic play that vanquishes anxiety. Dog Toy Ball
Click Here For More Info:- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CLJTDW8B
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