#Spread LOVE not hate
Imma be honest as much as I enjoy the whole “nonbinary aro ace ppl have made exactly one decision in their life and it was ‘No’” jokes, I kinda feel a bit iffy around them on some level, kinda always have.
Bc it’s meant as an incredibly empowering statement right? (and I get it, I’ve fantasised about having that much confidence when confronted with sex or gender or romance, like a good chunk of aspec or trans ppl I’ve met)
But honestly it can kind of just feel insanely invalidating sometimes, of just how much choice we didn’t have, and how much people can punish us for it.
Just like the gays have always said, none of us chose to have the gender and sexualities that we do. We just are.
The choice was never just ‘yes or no’. just like everyone else it was between slowly killing ourselves trying to uphold the idea of what is normal for everyone else, or fighting on the front lines for the chance to just exist as we are.
Anyway, would love to hear of this is just a me thing or if any other aroace enby’s feel this.
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ankabaiam · 5 months
With everything going on here, I'm sharing a safe space for everyone who needs a break
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You'll find no hate here or on my blog. Please feel free to share, so that we can create a drama free and safe place.
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bihansthot · 9 days
If you hate Bi-Han, block me please. No I’m serious. I don’t want to see your hot takes about him. I don’t want to interact with you at all. He might be flawed but he’s been my comfort character since I was 8 and I don’t want to see negative BS about him. Don’t worry I will be liberal with my blocking too. I’m just over it, you’re certainly allowed to dislike a character but spewing hate over one is just childish bullshit and I’m too old for this crap.
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thatpersonkiwi · 2 months
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Im on vacation rnnnn so this is probably all ill draw thiss week maybe MAYBEEE anywayyssss
So this girl i kinds off like broke up with her bf and i was all like “YESSS” like bad reaction ikkkk and i like threw my hands up in the air and like now they keep sortof breaking up and getting back together and im out here all like”pleaseeee please” like praying for them to stay broken up and she like put me in her discord bio but hes also in her bio and omgggggggggggggggg i could treat her SO MUCH better than he couldddd ;<< pleasee just one chance i swear
Also like does anyone read these captions?? Send a purple heart if you love me send a black heart if you hate me and want me to get taken out backk and gone execution style send a read heart if you want me send a pink heart if i should stfu! And send a blue heart if you dont feel anything about me!,
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iamyourdailydoseofbi · 4 months
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Okay, so since I started posting Aegon x Reader stuff, I got a lot of hate / death threats / etc.
I get that you don't like Aegon, that's fine, I don't even like Aegon all that much at times. He has done some really horrid things, I acknowledge and accept that.
But, seriously?
I write this cause :
1. it's in high in demand ( look at the polls I have done and see how many voted for it )
2. it's good to write for character's that I normally would not do on the regular ( it helps me grow as a writer )
3. I have literally said in the past that I am neither 100% Team Black or Team Green, cause I can acknowledge that they both did bad things in the Dance of the Dragon's.
Also remember, hate the character and don't send death threats to the actor for doing a good job in making you hate their character!
( I am at the point where I might just delete all my posts and go silent on anything HOTD related cause it's getting stupid and childish.. )
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sonics-atelier · 5 months
Addressing Overbearing Behavior in Fandom Communities : A Call for Respect and Boundaries .
( please stop acting like everyone's parents go adopt a rock or something )
1. Polarization : The ACOTAR fandom is deeply polarized, with distinct pro and anti sides that often clash in heated debates. This polarization creates an "us vs. them" mentality, leading to animosity and hostility between fans.
2. Harassment and Defamation : Both pro and anti factions engage in harassment and defamation tactics against those with opposing views. This includes personal attacks, spreading rumors, and even cyberbullying. Such behavior creates a toxic environment where fans feel unsafe expressing their opinions.
3. Plagiarism and Unauthorized Sharing : Some fans take it upon themselves to share others' writing without permission or proper credit, leading to instances of plagiarism and copyright infringement. This not only violates the rights of the original creators but also fosters an atmosphere of mistrust and disrespect within the fandom.
4. Overzealous Policing : Certain members of the fandom appoint themselves as "fandom police," aggressively enforcing their own interpretations of canon and attacking anyone who deviates from their standards. This behavior stifles creativity and discourages diverse perspectives within the community.
5. Gatekeeping and Elitism : A sense of gatekeeping and elitism pervades the ACOTAR fandom, with some fans asserting their superiority based on arbitrary criteria such as length of time in the fandom or level of devotion to the series. This exclusivity alienates newer or casual fans and fosters a toxic hierarchy within the community.
6. Cancel Culture : The ACOTAR fandom is not immune to cancel culture, where fans attempt to "cancel" creators or fellow fans for perceived transgressions. This can lead to witch hunts and mob mentality, where individuals are ostracized and vilified without due process.
7. Lack of Constructive Dialogue : Meaningful discussion and debate are often overshadowed by vitriol and aggression within the fandom. Instead of engaging in respectful discourse, fans resort to personal attacks and insults, hindering the potential for constructive dialogue and growth.
8. Impact on Mental Health : The toxicity within the ACOTAR fandom takes a toll on the mental health of fans, leading to stress, anxiety, and even depression. Constant exposure to negativity and conflict can be emotionally draining and detrimental to overall well-being.
Overall, the ACOTAR fandom's toxic dynamics stem from a combination of polarization, harassment, gatekeeping, and cancel culture. Addressing these issues requires a collective effort to promote empathy, respect, and inclusivity within the community.
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sokabine · 1 month
For those not following, this account has been MIA for the last five days due to Tumblr suspending it. Apparently someone attempted to get it taken down by reporting it as a 'spam' blog. Look, Sokabine is not for everyone, and that is perfectly fine and valid. But instead of stepping on other people's fun, if you don't want to see this blog and its posts, just block it from your own account and hide Sokabine from your tags list. You don't need to go around being the hateful fun-police simply because *you* have a problem with the ship.
Anyway, after @armoralor going into bat for us with Tumblr, they finally reversed their silly decision. SO NOW ONTO MORE SOKABINE LOVE!!!
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This quote will live in my mind rent-free forevermore. 💜💙🤍
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dorianthedoll · 9 months
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i'll figure out how to draw him someday
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thelonelyfirefly · 1 year
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callalillywrites · 1 month
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I want to thank everyone who stood up today for me and other writers. It's nice to see the solidarity that's so strong and alive within this community. I read your comments on my earlier post and the unending support within each of them. They really mean a lot to me.
While I'm saddened it had to be my first Bucky Barnes story to get this reaction, I can't say I haven't been bracing for it.
But it's not going to stop me.
That story and the others I've started will continue to be written in the way I want to write them. They'll find their audiences eventually who will love them, and that's all that matters.
This goes for all the other stories I want to write. I have a lot of ideas I'd like to pursue when I have the time, so I'm not going anywhere.
(If I can write almost 1 million words for one fandom in less than 2 years, imagine what I can do with the few fandoms I'm in love with right now. That's the power of surrounding yourself with talented and inspiring individuals.)
That said, I think I'm going to take the weekend and relax. Show some love to the writers I've really come to enjoy since my oldest account here on Tumblr. Get the game my hubby is urging me to buy after the little bump this 'incident' caused earlier. Enjoy some time with my kiddos and just live life a little bit.
I'll be back next week, ready and raring to go with the stories I've started, events I want to participate in, and whatever else my muse and heart urge me to create.
So, thank you.
All my love and wishes for each and every one of you.
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nypon-soppa · 2 years
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witchy-v1xen · 5 months
Please look up this user on Pinterest report and block them they harass people for being Pro-Palestinian. My Pinterest account was banned because , I posted "offensive content" and I only posted videos of aftermath bombings of Palestine and posted a GoFundMe with it from another user.
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isalisewrites · 6 months
oh my god, i hope you are safe! and i'm so sorry for what you're going through. you said that 'a random woman on the internet wants you to know that she has unconditional love for you' (i'm paraphrasing), i want you to know that a random anon has the same for you.
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I am definitely safe! There's really no worries about that anymore, thank god. I did want to protect the hearts of those I cared about and I don't know how much longer I'll be permitted to do so, but I just taking everything one moment at a time with an open heart of acceptance.
I've learned that resisting difficult events in my life makes it harder to get through it and to emotionally cope with it.
Thank you for the unconditional love, Anon!!! I always want to spread love, not hate. I still have to process the pain and sorrow felt without stuffing the emotions down, but instead of returning hurt for hurt, I want to transform hurt into healing for others.
Love you, Anon. Thank you for your support!
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stunnaguh · 11 months
Why are y'all so rude, mean, and disrespectful? It takes fucking NOTHING! To be nice to someone. It's not cute or quirky. It's not okay to be an asshole. It's not okay to be a bitch.
Y'all would literally bully someone to DEATH! I mean the world already fucked up. It takes nothing to spread kindness.
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untouchable234 · 1 year
simp for males all you want. they will never see you as a person or treat you like one. being so eager to defend them just increases your chances of ending up in a ditch.
I know a lot of boys who are genuine sweethearts (including my own best friend). Your misandry and toxic feminism does nothing to hinder my goal of spreading love and joy.
Give up your hatred already. You cannot win this fight. All humans are created equal.
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bihansthot · 1 year
There’s apparently some nastiness going around in the MK fandom. Don’t be that person. Don’t send anon hate, don’t send anon threats, don’t send anon negativity don’t send anything. Don’t send hate off anon either just don’t send hate. If someone’s ideas or thoughts bother you, be an adult. Block that person. Don’t harass them, this is ridiculous. We’re all fans of the same game, we’re all going to have different outlooks on things and that’s ok! Not everyone is going to agree with things, it’s fine to have different opinions, what’s not fine is harassing other people about it. Just don’t do it. Don’t. Please I am begging y’all just be kind to one another. I have spent so many years in this fandom and have been on the receiving end of so much hate that I can’t stand to see others getting hurt. I have left due to hate and come back to what I thought was a better kommunity but seeing that there’s still so much hate going around hurts my heart. You don’t know what people are going through in their day to day lives, all we get is what people share so please, please, please be kind. It’s not hard. I promise it isn’t. It’s really easy and fun to be kind! You get to meet wonderful people and make new friends and have a great time! There’s no need for animosity in a fandom. I just really don’t want sadness and negativity in my happy place so please y’all think before you send things. If someone annoys you, just block them, it’s easy, there’s no need to make their lives miserable just because you don’t like what they post. Be the kind of fan you want to see in the fandom, don’t be the reason people leave a fandom, please. Let’s just get along and be kind to one another. I’m sending all of y’all love. 💙
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