#Sport Kids Severin
jurnaldeoltenia · 2 years
Leuții de la grupa 2014 a Științei au castigat Cupa Speranțelor
Leuții de la grupa 2014 a Științei au castigat Cupa Speranțelor
Leuții de la grupa 2014 a Științei, antrenați de Cristian Pițiche, au reușit performanța de a câștiga Cupa Speranțelor, turneu care a avut loc la Râmnicu Vâlcea, după ce s-au impus în finală cu scorul de 3-2 în fața celor de la Inter Star Râmnicu Vâlcea. • Rezultatele obținute de băieți în faza grupelor: 1) vs. Inter Star Râmnicu Vâlcea | 3-1 2) vs. Viitorul Arad | 8-3 3) vs. Athletic Slatina |…
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ffxivtribehydrae · 1 year
Know the Mun
1. Are you named after anyone? Nope
2. When was the last time you cried? The other day
3. Do you have kids? No but I have noodles (my two pet snakes)
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Probably more than I think
5. What sports do you play/have you played? I used to play tennis and do taekwondo. However nothing has stuck, the things I actually wanted to do wasn't available. I guess I do yoga now and then.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people? I'd say their eyes, or the way they talk
7. Scary movies or happy endings? I love scary movies. And they can have happy endings so I don't see how this is a good "this or that" question.
8. Any special talents? Everyone say I am organized. Not sure that is anything special or a talent, but if pointed out I guess it means something?
9. Where were you born? In the town I am now living in.
10. What are your hobbies? Playing games, writing and drawing mainly. But I will always try something new now and then.
11. Do you have any pets? My ball python Severine and milksnake Dubus! I love them dearly.
12. How tall are you? I am 169cm.
13. Fave subject in school? I always enjoyed art and craft classes while we had them, even got diploma for them!
14. Dream job? Honestly, just a job I'm happy to go to that supports what I actually want to do in life.
15. Eye colour? Brown with speckles of green, so hazel!
Tagged by @under-the-blood-moonlight (thanks!)
Tagging: @blueberryaesthetics @syerraffxiv @spotofmummery @sasslett
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lampmanliveblogs · 2 years
Labyrinth Runners
Follow-up Post
This episode was to Edge of the World what Edge of the World was to Hollow Mind. That’s a bit of a mouthful. What I mean is that at the start of my Edge of the World liveblog I said I wanted to know what happened to Hunter after the events of Hollow Mind, but Hunter was nowhere to be seen in that episode. Similarly, at the start of Labyrinth Runners, I said I wanted to know what happened to the Owl House Crew after the events of Edge of The World, but Luz and the others were nowhere to be seen.
In fact, this is the first episode where Luz doesn’t even make a single appearance, isn’t it? We’ve had a few episodes where Luz is related to a B-plot, like in Any Sport in a Storm and Eclipse Lake, or where she only makes a brief appearance, like in Them’s the Breaks, Kid. but this is the first where she isn’t even on screen once.
Now that I think of it… I could be wrong, but this might very well be the first episode without Eda and King too.
I have a bit to say about the lack of those three characters and what it meant for this episode, but first…
I did my usual rewatch of the episode and here are some quick things I missed or didn’t talk about the first time through:
•The little abomination Willow summoned in the opening flashback had a piece of its skeleton sticking out. I think this is the first time we’ve ever seen an abomination with visible bones, no? •Amity seriously called a coven scout tough, I can’t- •Hunter got rid of his uniform. We saw him rip off his cape in disgust in Hollow Mind, and he didn’t stop with just the cape. Interestingly though, his new outfit resembles the GG uniform a lot. Mostly with the cape. I also think he kept the pants, boots, and gloves, though those are pretty generic. •Come to think of it, have we seen hunter without his gloves on in any previous episode? I can’t recall. •The big guy coven scout didn’t have a name, but he did have a rank. He was a captain. This explains why his pants and mask looked a bit different from the other scouts. Even though his uniform looks nothing like the captain who followed Kikimora around for a while. •I was informed Severine is voiced by Dana Terrace herself. I saw her name under Additional voices in the credits, so I suspected that was the case, but I forgot to mention it. Honestly, Severine kinda sounds like she’s about to ask Rebecca if she wants a healthy snack.
Lacking a Certain Something
Like I said a couple of paragraphs ago, this is the first episode without our dear Protagonist Girl and Main Character Luz Noceda. our beloved Trash Lady Eda ”The Owl Lady” Clawthorne and our precious skull dog god son King Clawthorne are also missing.
This serves two purposes.
1) It builds tension. The last episode ended on a cliffhanger, with the Owl House surrounded by scouts. We get a mention by Willow of seeing the Owl House surrounded, but no sign of the gang. There is also a moment with Hunter reacting to the news of Luz missing. But that’s it. At this point in time, we don’t know what happened or where our heroes are. And that’s a very effective way to build tension for the next episode.
2) It allows the secondary cast and supporting characters to really shine. Luz has been one of the main forces in driving Hunter away from Belos’ grasp. But the Emerald Entrails are also very important for his development and this episode sees him reunite with them to further grow the bonds of friendship. It also shows that the Hexside students and teachers can make for valuable allies during the Day of Unity.
Understanding Amity
The… I guess you could call it a B-plot of the episode was the conflict between Willow and Amity. Amity, who wasn’t present during a lot of Willow’s big character growth in season one, continuously underestimates Willow’s abilities and ends up putting her down several occasions (albeit not intentionally).
Amity says that she wants to protect Willow. As i discussed in the liveblog, I believe a lot of that was because of guilt. I think that she felt guilty about her treatment of Willow. She pushed her away as a kid and was one of her bullies for years and I think that heavily contributed to her desire to protect Willow.
”You were never too weak to be my friend. I was too weak to be yours.” -Amity in Understanding Willow
Of course, Willow is a lot stronger than the Willow Amity knew way back then, she has really come into her own.
In the liveblog I did kinda make a jab at the abrupt conclusion of the conflict. And I still think it could’ve been done a little better. Nothing big, just a short scene of the two of them talking things out. Amity explaining herself and acknowledging she was wrong.
Seeing the two team up and do that dual tech to take out a bunch of scouts all at once was cool though, so I’m willing to forgive this particular shortcoming.
Negative Hollow
Gus got a… well, I don't know if ”power up” is the right word to use, but… it was certainly something.
I think I did a pretty good job of discussing his character and struggles in the liveblog itself. He’s suffering from gifted kid burnout is the basic gist of it. Something I did not really go to deeply into was his new magic ability… mostly because I wasn’t sure what was going on at the time.
It seems that Illusion magic includes memory magic. And that includes not just the ability to project one’s own memories in the form of illusion. But Illusionists can apparently also look through the memories of others (like what we saw Adrain Graye Vernworth do to Gus, as well as back in Understanding Willow with those photographs). Furthermore, some illusionists can ever force others to relive their own worst memories.
Not quite as cool as that one guy from Fairy Tail who could recreate any spell he had seen with his Memory Make magic, but hey, it’s still pretty good. Gus was able to take down Adrain Graye Vernworth, a witch that is surely much stronger and experienced than this random kid.
This is where I circle back to my statement about this new ability being a power up four paragraphs ago.
This ability was obviously very effective and I find the idea of Gus learning how to use it consciously in a fight interesting. Now, forcing a person to relive their worst, most traumatic memories is not a very nice thing… but if it’s a war to save the world from destruction, I think we can forgive a few hits below the belt. And hey, what is worse? Making someone relive a past trauma, or giving them a new trauma by scorching them with a fireball?
If Gus learned to control and weaponize his newfound ability, it would give him an actual attack to defend himself with. I’m not sure how well he’s going master this ability in the like… six-five days until the Day of Unity, but it's more than nothing. I’m sure Adrain Graye Vernworth’s magic amplifier will have something to do with it (more on that in in the next section)
I basically imagine a more refined version of this ability working a little like Perona’s Negative Hollows from One Piece. She can summon ghosts (the negative hollows) and if you touch them you become super depressed for a while… unless your name is Usopp (or Hunter in this case) and you’re already depressed.
Of Stones and Mirrors
Speaking of Adrian Graye Vernworth’s magic amplifier, I came up with another theory. Weeeell… I’m not sure if I should call it a proper theory, because I’m pretty sure we’re never gonna learn its origins. So this is more of a headcanon, but I think it’s pretty neat, os I’m going to subject you to it.
I think the mirror amplifier is made from a piece of galdorstone. It makes sense. The mirror glass has a similar coloration to a galdorstone, it enhances magic, and it’s made for illusion magic.
We know there was some order or organization of illusion witches way back when that gathered the galdorstones to be protected in what is today known as the Looking Glass Ruins. I think one of them created the mirror amplifier as a tool. Eventually it made its way into Adrain Graye Vernworth’s hands and then into Gus’.
It also ties Gus back to the Looking Glass Ruins and the order of illusionists buried there. He could be seen as the inheritor of their will, to use Illusion magic for good and wants to protect the galdorstones from misuse, unlike Adrain Graye Vernworth who uses his illusions for evil and wants to give the galdrostones to someone evil.
In Conclusion
I really liked this episode. We got to see Hunter again and something good finally happened to him. The secondary cast got some time to shine, with Gus in particular getting s chance to show off that he’s not just skilled, but also very powerful. He also gained a potential power up and got his hands on a surprise tool that will help us later.
We got some more potential allies in the form of some of the Hexside students and teachers. Hunter reunited with the Emerald Entrails.. We saw him develop a deeper friendship with Gus in particular as well as some hints that he more than respects Willow.
Aside from Gus’ new Negative Bubble ability, we also got to see some of the other ways illusion magic can be used, which was cool. We had the introduction of another Coven Head Witch, with him turning out to be a bad guy. Which is good, because had he been a traitor too, I’d have to rename the Traitorous Trio. What would I even call them? The Contrary Quartet?
…shit, that’s pretty good.
The subplot about Willow and Amity was decent enough, despite my complaints.
There was some nice action too, which is always appreciated. I especially liked seeing the kids working together to take out the coven scouts.
At this point, Hunter is on the side of good and he has helped provide more allies for the Day of Unity. Speaking of which, the end of the world is approaching rapidly. Time is running out and tension is high.
All in all, a solid, good episode and I can’t wait to get to the next one.
”This won’t be too long,” I thought to myself when I started writing this post. ”I’ve just got a few things to say, it’ll be quick.” This is my curse, I always underestimate how much text I can wring out of a few points that sound short in my head. I had this moment while writing the next chapter of Winter Heist where I was thinking ”Oh, this chapter won’t be that long.” It’s currently over 8 000 words long and I’m still not done.
I’m rambling. I’ll see you next time, whenever that is. Until then, take care of the planet Earth and remember that anything can happen in space!
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Full name:  Severin Viktor James Moran Nickname(s) or Alias: Sev, that other one, darling (to mummy moran only) Birthday: 9th March Nationality: British, initially has dual Irish citizenship. Religion: Lapsed Catholic City or town of birth: Southwold, Suffolk Currently lives: Bermondsey, London Languages spoken: Russian, English, French, German, minimal Farsi and Arabic Native language: Russian Height: 6 ft 2 Figure/build: Almost an exact mirror of his brother, tall but keeps him self in strong shape, a little top heavy as his shoulders are very broad. Faceclaim: Will Tudor, Matt Czuchry Hair colour: Generally dirty blonde, lighter than his brother Eye colour: Green/Hazel Tattoos: Sleeve on his right arm he started once in the army that has references to his service. Medical snake and staff over his heart. Scars/distinguishing marks: Scar above his eyebrow where her split his head open as a kid, another when he fell and split his chin. Several nicks and cuts along his arms/hands from service, knee pain from road marching. Preferred style of clothing: Loose dress shirts and chinos, jeans and fitted t shirts, gym kit. Frequently worn jewellery/accessories: Has a watch of his fathers but never gets to wear it as he can’t at work. Level of education: A Level before his service; Russian, German, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and then a degree in medicine from UCL after his service Occupation: Army Medic, A&E Doctor at St. Thomas’ hospital London. Army Rank: Lieutenant combat medic, RAMC,16 Medical Regiment in Colchester.
Likes: Sports- he follows both Arsenal and England in the Six nations and will often have the radio on in his office, Super hero films, his flat is very green and his plants give him a little peace from his hectic job,. Dislikes: Being lied to, conflict, nutmeg, people who cross the street without looking, piers morgan.
CHILDHOOD The second born Moran son came long only 11 months after the first. He was happy, and easily entertained with his brother as a child. For years he would follow Sebastian around like a shadow, never knowing life without him. He enjoyed a country life, and with the big house in Suffolk he had the freedom to explore. He knew what was expected of him, and his mother always had a soft spot for his kind heart. Although they bickered as kids, he and his older brother were incredibly close, and were often egging each other on to make stupid choices.
TEENAGE YEARS Moving to London for school was a big step, made easier by the fact Sebastian was already there. With their father working long hours and trying to fit in time for the kids, it was mostly the two boys left to their own devices. He knew to give his older brother space, but naturally they were pretty much the only friend each other had for the first year or so.
He had to put up with being mistaken for his brother throughout school, though his hair was lighter they seemed to still be mistaken for each other in the right light. As Sebastian started to find a larger group of friends who liked to drink and smoke, no one really seemed to object to Severin tagging along. He excelled both academically and at sports, on both the rugby and football team whilst somehow managing to maintain decent grades. He could be mistaken for having it all.
When Sebasitan left to enlist, Severin threw himself even more into his studies in the condition that if his grades were good enough, he could tae a gap year to volunteer instead of going straight into the army. Thomas would probably have let him go either way, but Severin always pushed himself when he had motivation. Severin got better grades than his older brother and spent a year working for MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders).
THE ARMY The army was where Severin thrived, even more so than before. He enlisted as a medic, after a year spent with MSF he knew for sure that helping people was his purpose.
He had a tendency to treat his own body pretty ruthlessly, running on increasingly less hours sleep and forgetting to eat at times. His drive was all encompassing, and all consuming but it caused him to rise through the ranks. He didn’t go in as an officer, but by the time he was coming up to 26, he was given a promotion. His father was so proud, even though this wasn’t about pleasing him anymore.
And yet as he was doing so will, Sebastian was falling apart. Severin left the army at 28, volunteering with the red cross for a while before he could start university finally and become a doctor. Adjusting back to life without a constant drive was difficult, he started to take a little more care of himself in some ways. Maybe drinking more than he should, and definitely struggling to maintain a healthy love life as his focus drifted back to family.
Pretty much as soon as he got into university, Sebasitan was blowing up the family unit.
AFTERMATH He had never existed without his brother, and now that link was severed.
Severin threw himself into his studies, drinking even more and partying in the hours where he didn’t want to think anymore. Nothing to push him to have a problem, just enough for people to notice. It came to an end with his first year of residency in London, getting back into medicine and the only thing that seemed to be a constant in his life now.
MOVING ON Working at St. Thomas’s hospital is once again pretty much the only thing in his life. He keeps a few plants in his small flat, but he’s barely there. He can be found in the resting rooms at the hospital even when he’s not on call, or pushing himself to the point of exhaustion in his office. He doesn’t know when to say no.
HAPPY/POLITICS VERSE: Severin is still a doctor but keeps in decent contact with his family
MODERN WITCH: He’s a witch healer, he spends his time working in conflict zones abroad but he’s still pretty much the same
FANTASY: Severin and his brother are on a crazy quest to save a princess
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ask-jollibee-and-co · 5 years
📁 Gelos
1) Gelos liked to play sports as a kid, he would often play with Severin and Walter.
2) Gelos can speak an old Shadow language known as wingdings, only a very select few can still speak it.
3) Gelos is a polar opposite to Maxie’s personality, he’s very serious but does have his moments when he tells a few jokes.
4) If Gelos hadn’t visited Jollibee’s on the day he did, Maxie would not exist!
5) Gelos has been a Guardian for exactly 300 years.
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calamityeden · 6 years
I promised @shireduchess id do a marek/wren oc interview after getting tagged so here is the disaster of the century for your own viewing pleasure if anyone wants to do it, consider yourself officially tagged!!
( While Marek sits on the couch, his right arm against a crossed knee and the other idly over the back, Wren is perched just within reach on the bony spine of the leather, elbows on his knees as he fiddles with a silver ring. ) 
Marek: I was named for my grandfather, and my first sister for our grandmother. They were the ones bold enough to leave Sol on the first Nexus ships as engineers. They are the reason we - my family - are here, now. 
Wren: Don’t you have nine? 
Marek: Siblings. Yeah. My parents broke tradition though, or I’m sure there would be five Marek’s rather than one.
Wren: Send my thanks to them for that one. 
Marek: Send it yourself, or didn’t you agree to a family dinner? 
( At the silence, Marek lays his left hand on the slope of Wren’s back ) 
Marek: And you?
Wren: Me? 
Marek: Your name. It must have been special.
Wren: No. I was named after a bird. It wasn’t that deep. 
Wren: Whenever Brae sent that holo of Ari launching a faulty soup-ladling robot into Yeongbi’s face. 
Marek: Liar. You’ve cried more recently than that.
( Wren smirks, eyes glowing ) 
Wren: Have I? You have no proof. And what about you? 
Marek: I don’t cry. 
Wren: Now who’s needing penance? Or didn’t you cry over the last dirt-grown strawberries Ari ate? The dogs we found on 9-HOC? Or when I died? Tell me you cried over that. 
( The energy of the room shifts, as Wren’s voice deepens into a probe, a bullet. This is not a conversation the stars deserve to hear. ) 
Marek: You know what happened back then. It was more than any tears were worth. It was more than that. It was worse than that. 
Wren: I know. I’m sorry. I know. 
Marek: Yes.
Wren - at the same time: No. 
Marek - louder: We’ll have ten at the least. I want daughters, they’re smarter. 
Wren - the loudest, sounding panicked: Ten dogs? You want ten dogs? We can do that!
Wren, dryly: Not in the slightest.
Marek: It would be the highest sin against god. 
( There is an air of dry humor and obvious inner joking. ) 
Marek: Where their weapons are. 
Wren: Whether they’re flirting because they want to fuck or they’re flirting so they can try and knife me in the back. 
Marek: I’m glad you’ve come to differentiate between the two. 
Wren: I’ve had a good teacher. I’ll get you one of those awful fake-praise mugs. Best Enemy Fuck Buddy in the Galaxy. 
Marek: But we’re married now. 
Wren: Sorry, Best Enemy Fuck Husband in the Galaxy. 
Wren: That depends on the day of the week, the stars and their alignments, celestial well being, and whether I’ve had coffee or not before some self-declared free lord of space rock seven hundred and ninety-six tries to blow up my ship. 
Marek: It’s gold when it wants to be. Mine are amethyst when I choose. 
Wren: Scary story.
Marek: Happy ending. 
Wren: Boring old man.
Marek: Obnoxious teenage upstart. 
Wren: I have the power to alter the universe at will. I think that constitutes special, doesn’t it? 
Marek: Is it special if you nearly die in the process? No, don’t even try to justify whatever you’re about to say next. 
Wren: I’m also aces at cheating the cosmos into thinking I’m dead and knitting scarves. I’m a selfie master. 
Marek: I once won a championship for Koranthi Bulgori herding. But I think that was because I had two legs and they operated without any. 
Wren: Somehow, I don’t believe that counts.
Marek: Well, we can’t all fake our own deaths. 
Wren: In a desert. 
Marek: On the Nexus in one of the Arc Clinics. They didn’t bring your mother to the hospital?
Wren: What hospital? It was the frontier. There were three shacks and a sign that said welcome to Terra-9, get out. 
Both: Crab Chowder. 
Wren: Hover-racing. It made some extra money for a while off of the stacked families with their winter homes planet-side. 
Marek: Once, I was a runner up in a table tennis competition. 
Wren: Were you also a finalist in choir boy rehearsals? 
Marek: I could beat your ass in a race. Do not tempt me to remind you how easy it is. 
Wren: I’d like to see you try. 
( they’re immediately distracted with each other. ) 
Marek: 6′3? I swore I was taller than Severin.
Wren: His ego inflates him to look bigger than anyone in the same room as him. Only Corr makes him look small. I once wore boots intentionally to be the tallest in the room and it still didn’t work. Don’t even ask me how. It was probably Breia Savari Witchcraft. 
Wren: Not my question.
Marek: Physics. Didn’t you have something when you were younger you liked?
Wren: Yeah, it was called staying alive, and I did it by not being in school so I had a roof over my head. 
( they laugh. it’s bittersweet, tinged with irony. Wren drops from the back of the couch to the cushion next to Marek and leans on him. Mareks arm comes down, wrapping around his shoulder, long fingers displayed against the length of his scarred neck. ) 
Wren: We could name all the jobs in the universe, but it won’t change who or what we are. 
Marek: It’s not a job that’s a dream. After centuries and eons, there’s no dream job that we haven’t already performed in our lifetimes. From farmer to peasant to warlord and slave. 
Wren: It would be nice just to rest. 
Marek: And really, that’s the only answer left to give.  
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localfreshies · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://localfreshies.com/best-ski-resorts-to-visit-by-month-in-north-america/
Best Ski Resorts To Visit By Month In North America
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For surfers, the film “The Endless Summer” is the ultimate dream. Chasing storms all around the world to find the perfect wave. For skiers & snowboarders, it’s the opportunity to have the “Endless Winter”. With the white stuff falling from the heavens from New Mexico all the way up into British Columbia, it’s time to start chasing. Here’s a list of the 10 best ski resorts to visit by month for the ULTIMATE ski season in North America.
Wolf Creek
Image taken by Sarah Moore
In a normal season, you might want to plop yourself in the historic town of Georgetown giving you access to the kings of snowmaking – Loveland Resort & Arapahoe Basin. But for 2018-19, things are MUCH different. Wolf Creek, the snowiest resort in Colorado, has just gotten blessed with 30 inches of snow and has the MOST terrain open in the country. With more snow in the forecast, this is a great option for October. And, after a long day on the slopes, there’s nothing better than a good soak in one of the 23 terraced hot springs on the banks of the San Juan River in downtown Pagosa Springs, CO.
Mt. Baker
Chairlift at the Mt. Baker Ski Area Image taken by: Carl Schmidt
After a month of getting your legs back into shape in Colorado, it’s time to head to the Pacific Northwest. Mt. Baker is the snowiest resort in the world, and if the weather acts accordingly around November, the storms begin to get colder and starts dropping copious amounts of snow. Once they get the mandatory 36 inch base, Mt. Baker can typically open almost all their terrain by opening day. Personally, we’ve been here on opening days in mid-November, and they’ve been better than most mid-season storms at other major resorts. Of course, this is weather dependent.
Grand Targhee
Gettin’ a pow shot at Grand Targhee – skier: Eric Anderson – Photo Courtesy: Grand Targhee Resort and the Idaho Ski Areas Association
If Grand Targhee went to your high school, it would’ve been given the moniker of “Mr. Reliable”. While it’s more famous big brother on the other side of the Tetons gets all the attention, this hamlet provides some of the best uncrowded powder skiing anywhere. In fact, they’re the ONLY resort in North America with a perfect record of full operation at every Christmas since records have been kept.
Powder Highway
Image by: Local Freshies
The holiday crowds have begun to appear. During this part of the season, it’s less about the snow and more about getting away from the masses. To do this, it’s time to head north into Canada and hit the infamous Powder Highway. Home to seven resorts that are easily drivable with geographically different storm paths, you can just follow the snow. And if the budget allows, this area has the highest concentration of cat-skiing/heli-skiing operations in the world. A month is the perfect time frame just to get a taste of what this place has to offer.
Little Cottonwood Canyon
Image taken by: Otnavuskire
Steep & Deep is the name of the game in the Little Cottonwood Canyon. Snowbird, with over 3,000 vertical feet of uninterrupted fall line skiing covered annually in 500 inches of legendary Wasatch snow, is everyone’s dream of skiing. Indeed, you may never want to ski anywhere else again. And for those purists, you can head a bit further up the canyon to Alta. Here you’ll find a ski experience that is still like it was before corporate America touched the sport.
Lake Tahoe
Now THIS is how you finish off a season
March in Tahoe has been appropriately nicknamed Miracle March for a reason. Even in the worst winters, it seems like the storm track points directly at Lake Tahoe in March. This is when all the other parts of the country look at the snow report with envy as resorts around the lake report multiple FEET of snow overnight compared to their measly couple of inches. Just as quickly as the snow falls, the clouds break revealing the famous deep blue sky.
Arapahoe Basin
Here’s Looking at You Kid Image taken by: Zach Dischner
While other destinations focus on luxury, it’s always been about the skiing here. Affectionately called “the Legend,” it’s one of Colorado’s oldest and arguably purist ski resorts left in the state. And the best time to visit this resort is April. Traditionally one of the snowiest months of the season, being situated at 10,780 feet means that the snow quality stays great throughout the entire month. Definitely one of the best late season destinations in North America.
Ski Big 3 (Lake Louise / Sunshine Village)
Image by: Local Freshies
Heading up to Lake Louise mid-winter might seem like a good idea but it can be downright freezing even for the hardiest folk. Luckily by May, the chill in the air has gone away and been replaced with plentiful warm sunshine. Don’t worry… mid-winter powder conditions prevail because of its northern latitude and there’s tons of fun to be had in Banff just a few miles down the road.
Mammoth Mountain
What can else be said about Mammoth besides it being the “king” of epic late season skiing. Due to its location and high base elevation, even on the warmest of days it typically gets down below freezing at night. This ensures that the best conditions are possible. Plus, Mammoth’s dedication to grooming make it the best candidate to hit in June.
July / August
Overview of Mt. Hood & Timberline Lodge – Image taken by: Severin Sadjina
As summer rages on, winter has lost the annual fight across the country and the snow has receded in most places deep into the alpine. Luckily, there’s one last bastion of hope for snow sliders – Timberline. The infamous Palmer snowfield offers the only year-round lift-served skiing in North America. This mecca for snow addicts offers summer camps for both teenagers AND adults alike.
Of course, this is all “Pie in the sky” type of thinking, and you never what the weather patterns will do for the upcoming season. But, it’s still fun to fantasize on buying a Sprinter and living the van life chasing the snow until the local resorts start spinning their lifts. Still frothing at the mouth? Don’t forget to read our Best Bets For Early Season In North America.
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jurnaldeoltenia · 2 years
E-TWOW Junior’s Cup - 2-4 SEPTEMBRIE 2022
E-TWOW Junior’s Cup – 2-4 SEPTEMBRIE 2022
Academia de Fotbal E-TWOW vă invită să participați la E-TWOW Junior’s Cup! În perioadă 2-4 Septembrie are loc primul turneu al Academiei de Fotbal E-TWOW. Participați la o amplă competiție fotbalistică de juniori ce va deveni o tradiție în Oltenia. În cadrul turneului vor concura grupele 2010 pana la 2016 din cadrul cluburilor: Fotbal Club E-TWOW, CSU Craiova, Academia Răzvan Raț Slatina,…
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Tropical Paradise of Severin Sea Lodge
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The Severin Sea Lodge is located at Bamburi Beach directly at the Indian Ocean and affectionately built in a traditional African style: The round bungalows, the main building and the two swimming pools are arranged nestling amidst a beautiful palm garden. The rooms and suites are equipped with hand-made wooden furniture and with a stylish African design.
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Diverse entertainment and sports facilities, excursion programs and safari offers to our Severin Safari Camp guarantee to make your holidays unforgettable! With us you will collect wonderful memories that will last forever! Rooms
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Experience your personal dream of Africa in the 188 hotel rooms, spread over different categories, the authentic African way of life is waiting for you. Hand-made furniture shows the love to old traditions and the deep relationship to this unique country. All Comfort Class rooms in the bungalows are equipped with Air condition Bathroom with walk-in shower Mosquito net  Telephone and WIFI access  Room safe Activities Two swimming pools (with Jacuzzi respectively counter current system) with comfortable pool loungers and daily fresh bathing towels are at our guests' disposal. The team also organizes diverse activities like chess tournaments, archery, volleyball, tennis, table tennis, water aerobic and jogging. They do reserve your personal tee time on one of the two 18-holes golf courses at the nearby Nyali and Vipingo Ridge
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The Severin Sea Lodge is also home to the Baracuda Diving School, one of the best diving schools in Mombasa. Skilled PADI diving experts will show you the wonders of the offshore coral reef. They daily offer diving and snorkeling excursions to Kenya's National Marine Park.
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  For ambitious water sports enthusiasts there's also the possibility to go windsurfing catamaran sailing, while passionate high-sea fishers can enjoy fishing in the deep blue sea. In the evening an entertaining program is waiting for you, for example with African live music. Or just enjoy the view to the Kenyan starry sky. Restaurants & Bars There are culinary highlights for every taste; you may end the day in total relaxation at one of the bars while enjoying a freshly mixed cocktail and the African atmosphere around. Cooking is every day and as often of great recipes and good food. For guests with a special diet there is the possibility to directly talk to our chef about their special menu for the next day.
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Holiday Offers 4 days/3 nights Mombasa Getaway at Ksh 12,100/Usd 121 per person sharing 3 days/2 nights Mombasa Getaway at Ksh 8,200 / Usd 82 per person sharing Validity  1/5/2017 – 30/06/2017 Whats included 4Days/3 Nights accommodation on a deluxe room on a sharing basis. Meals on Half Board (Breakfast and Dinner) Supervised Kids club Day and night entertainment Variety of board Games. Excluded..  Transport, (We can arrange for a Mombasa bound bus at their normal rates) Lunch (Full board supplement at 1400 per person)  Drinks. Notes Transport between Ksh 1000-1200 one way on a Mombasa bound bus. Transport on a tour van on a pick and drop basis is Ksh 1600(one way) per person minimum persons 8 Transport on a tour bus on a pick and drop basis is Ksh 1300(one way) per person minimum persons 20 Top Weekend Getaway Deals in Kenya If you think you have to travel far to enjoy a nice weekend, you may never get away. Besides, you can enjoy a beautiful weekend right here in Kenya. There are countless wallet-friendly Kenyan weekend getaways that won’t even break your budget. Don’t spend your weekend, doing absolutely nothing at home. Whether you are looking for romantic destinations, pristine beaches, and adventurous outdoor activities, there are plenty wallet-friendly getaways that will satisfy your weekend desires. Mombasa South Coast Self Drive Deals Lake Nakuru & Elementaita Self Drive Deals Lukenya & Machakos Self Drive Amboseli and Tsavo Holiday Self Drive Deals Mt. Kenya & Aberdare Self Drive Holiday Deals Mombasa North Coast Self Drive Deals Samburu Holiday Self Drive Deals Masai Mara Self Drive Holiday Packages Malindi & Watamu Self Drive Deals Nyahururu & Laikipia Holiday Self Drive Deals Top Madaraka Express SGR Holiday Deals 2 Nights Malindi & Watamu holiday with SGR 2 Nights Amboseli Holiday With SGR 2 Nights Tsavo Holiday With SGR Sa 2 Nights Voi Holiday With SGR 2 Nights Mombasa North Coast With SGR 2 Nights Mombasa South Coast With SGR Read the full article
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turistprinro · 5 years
Super aventură pe două roți în Mehedințiul de sub munte!
Pe 14 septembrie sunt așteptați cicliști profesioniști și amatori dar și iubitorii naturii și cei ai acestui sport la ediția 2019 a concursului Ponoarele M.T.B. Race. Prima ediție a acestui concurs avut loc în 2015. În prezent, competiția a devenit una dintre cele mai apreciate din țară. Anual participă un număr mare de sportivi profesioniști și amatori, dar și spectatori.
Organizatorii propun anul acesta următoarele trasee: Hobby Pădurea de Liliac și Pro Vârful Înalt. Iată comunicatul de presă al organizatorului:
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Afișul oficial al evenimentului
Salutări din Ponoarele cel însorit și colorat a toamnă!
Vă transmitem ultimele noutăți și informații despre Ponoarele MTB Race, 14 septembrie 2019, Ponoarele, Mehedinți 1. Programul evenimentului – Sâmbătă, 14 septembrie 2019 08:00 – 10:00 Sosirea participanților, validări și înscrieri la fața locului, ridicarea kiturilor 10:00 – 10:15 Verificarea echipamentului și a bicicletelor 10:15 Ședința tehnică 10:30  – Startul competiției 13:00 – 17:00 Sosirea concurenților de pe traseu 13:30 – 17:00 Servirea mesei – prânz tradițional 15:00 – Startul KIDS Race 17:00 Festivitatea de premiere 18:00 – 24:00 Seară între prieteni: concert folk – Vlad Pârâu, DJ Partizan, concert rock NEW DEAL, foc de tabără
Locul de desfășurare a evenimentului se află în centrul comunei Ponoarele, în amfiteatrul natural de lângă Podul lui Dumnezeu.
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Ponoarele M.T.B. Race
Sâmbătă, începând cu ora 8:00, au loc: – predarea declarațiilor de participare (vă rugăm să veniți cu ele completate de acasă, le găsiți pe site în meniul Informații) și ridicarea kitului de participare (se face personal, pe baza cărții de identitate, de la spațiul amenajat în zona de START/FINISH); – înscrieri la fața locului, în limita locurilor disponibile, fără a garanta kitul complet.
2. Accesul auto este posibil în mai multe variante: – Dinspre Târgu Jiu pe DN67D Târgu Jiu – Baia de Aramă (40 km), apoi pe DJ670 Baia de Aramă – Ponoarele (5 km) – Dinspre Băile Herculane pe DN67D Băile Herculane – Baia de Arama (60 km), apoi pe DJ 670 Baia de Aramă – Ponoarele (5 km) – Dinspre Drobeta Turnu Severin pe ruta Drobeta Turnu Severin – Malovat – Florești – Bala – Baia de Aramă – Ponoarele (70 km)
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Ponoarele M.T.B. Race
3. Parcarea. În zona de START/FINISH va exista o zona demarcată pentru parcarea autoturismelor celor care vor campa. Vor avea prioritate persoanele care campează la fața locului, în locul special amenajat. Exista spațiu pentru parcarea autoturismelor în fața Primăriei Ponoarele (200 m de Start), precum și vis-a-vis de poarta de Start (50-100 m de Start). Vă rugăm să nu forțați accesul cu autoturismele în zona desfășurării evenimentului. 4. Camparea. Veți avea la dispoziție o zona de campare în proximitatea punctului de START/FINISH, toalete ecologice. Nu exista apa curenta la locul de campare, însă vom pune la dispoziția dumneavoastră apa îmbuteliată precum și o cisterna cu apă pentru spălarea bicicletelor. Se poate campa începând cu ziua de vineri. 5. Regulament – important! Vă rugăm insistent să consultați regulamentul competiției, pe site, urmând linkul: http://ponoarelemtb.ro/regulament/
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Ponoarele M.T.B. Race
6. Marcarea traseelor: Traseele vor fi marcate cu benzi de demarcație și alte elemente de semnalistică vizuală (indicatoare, spray etc.). Dacă nu vedeți banda de semnalizare sau alte semne timp de 2 minute, va rugam sa va întoarceți și să căutați direcția semnalizată de la ultimul punct cunoscut. NU CONTINUAȚI, dacă nu găsiți marcajul. Vă rugăm respectați indicațiile asistenților de pe traseu!
Pentru orice alte informații sau neclaritați vă rugăm să consultați cu atenție și din timp site-ul oficial ponoarelemtb.ro, să ne scrieți pe [email protected] sau pe pagina noastră de FB: Ponoarele MTB Race.
Vă așteptăm să descoperiți Mehedințiul de sub munte pe două roți!
Echipa de organizare Ponoarele MTB Race 2019
Toamna… pe două roți Super aventură pe două roți în Mehedințiul de sub munte! Pe 14 septembrie sunt așteptați cicliști profesioniști și amatori dar și iubitorii naturii și cei ai acestui sport la ediția 2019 a concursului…
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hiistiger · 6 years
Did he take part in any hobbies/clubs as a kid?
Not really - he preferred roaming when he was old enough to do that. They lived rather out in the countryside, so while he probably did have the opportunity to join clubs or teams in nearby cities, it wasn’t as much as a priority. A lot of what he did was directed by his father - like learning how to ride, how to shoot, though Thomas was not home all the time. So the rest of time he was off on his own or with Severin. 
Certainly once he was allowed to make some of his own decisions, he didn’t. He preferred just going off with his friends to being forced to do the same thing day after day. Once his fighting with his father stage was getting under way, he preferred to avoid most adult-overseen groups. So he never really played sports in any organized way - just with friends after school or whenever. They didn’t get into too much trouble, but Sebastian certainly used any situations where they did as an excuse to bait his father into an argument.
It’s not that he’s bad at teamwork - clearly he had to be able to work with other people when he was in the army and he was pretty successful with that in actual working situations. And it’s not that he’s completely people-averse, especially not when he was growing up. He’s never been particularly great with first impressions, but he did have some friends and preferred a lack of structure in his free time - something that changed over the course of his time in the army. So perhaps it’s more that he preferred and still does prefer to choose who he spends significant amounts of time with and that made him choose not to do organized things until it aligned with his goals in the army. 
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federerblog · 8 years
Who was in Roger's player box. Wife and kids?
During the Australian Open final he had over 20 guests there for him. Ivan Ljubicic (coach), Mirka Federer (wife), Severin Luthi (coach), Daniel Troxler (physiotherapist), Tony Godsick (agent), Isabella Godsick (Tony’s daughter), Nicholas Godsick (Tony’s son), Chris McCormack (sports agent), Kayvon Beykpour (Periscope founder), Karlie Kloss (supermodel), and many more friends, friends of Roger’s agent, and affiliates of Team8. 
Roger’s kids were not there as the final was too late at night for them! 
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muchmorethanyouknow · 6 years
Still like these. I never aged past 13, apparently.
1. What was the last thing you put in your mouth? A bagel. 
2. Where was your profile photo taken? (Considering I got this from facebook, Jekyll Island. Considering this is tumblr... my bathroom.)
3. Worst physical pain you've experienced? Probably my wisdom teeth. 
4. Favorite place you've been to? I don’t actually know the answer to this one. 
5. How late did you stay up last night? About midnight
6. If you could move somewhere else, where would it be? I’m not sure I would. But on bad days? Tahiti? 
7. Which of your Facebook friends lives the closest to you? I have absolutely no idea. Probably Sydney’s Mom. 
8. When was the last time you cried? This morning? 
9. Who took your profile picture? Severine/Me (Facebook vs Tumblr again)
11. What's your favorite season? I really love this October - December time frame. 
12. If you could have any career, what would it be? I’m a big Mrs. Degree fan... So the housewife life is good. But if I HAD to pick, I’ve always considered working with abused kids. 
13. What was the last book you read? Hahaha. Ha. Ha. Um. This is an embarassing one. REALLY crappy Scottish Romance Novel. I never read stuff like that, but there ya go. 
14. If you could talk to ANYONE right now who would it be? Anyone? My father. Hands down. 
15. Are you a good influence? HA. Depends on the situation. 
16. Does pineapple belong on pizza? Yes. Deal with it. 
17. You have the remote, what channel would you watch? Great British Baking Show. EVERY time. 
18. Whom do you think will play along? ... ?
19. Last concert you went to: 3 Doors Down! Finally!
20. Favorite sports team? Jaguars when they’re good? US Men’s Soccer when they’re good? Gymnastics like all the time. Cubs when in Chicago? 
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worldhotelvideo · 6 years
Swahili Beach in Diani Beach, (). The best of Swahili Beach in Diani Beach Hotel. Welcome to Swahili Beach in Diani Beach, (). The best of Swahili Beach in Diani Beach. Subscribe in http://goo.gl/VQ4MLN table tennis, fishing, billiards, darts, snorkelling, windsurfing, water sport facilities (on site), cycling, golf course (within 3 km), beach and diving. In the restaurant section you can enjoy: special diet menus (on request), restaurant, room service, packed lunches, bar, breakfast options, on-site coffee house, snack bar and breakfast in the room. For wellness the establishment includes spa lounge/relaxation area, pool/beach towels, beachfront, spa/wellness packages, sun loungers or beach chairs, outdoor pool (all year), kids' pool, steam room, sun umbrellas, spa and wellness centre, fitness, fitness centre, foot bath, private beach area, sauna, yoga classes, fitness classes, outdoor pool, swimming pool, fitness/spa locker rooms, massage and spa facilities. As far as transport is concerned, we have secured parking, airport shuttle, bicycle rental (additional charge), airport shuttle (additional charge) and car hire. For the reception services we will be able to meet concierge service, 24-hour front desk, safety deposit box, tour desk, private check-in/check-out, newspapers, express check-in/check-out, currency exchange and luggage storage. Within the related areas you can enjoy games room, garden, terrace and outdoor furniture. For the leisure of the family we can dispose of kids' outdoor play equipment, babysitting/child services, board games/puzzles, evening entertainment, children television networks and entertainment staff. The cleanliness of the facilities will include daily maid service, laundry and ironing service. If you fly for business matters in the establishment, you will have fax/photocopying, meeting/banquet facilities and business centre. gift shop, shops (on site), mini-market on site and barber/beauty shop. We will be able to highlight other services like bridal suite, air conditioning, non-smoking rooms, family rooms, designated smoking area and facilities for disabled guests [https://youtu.be/Ie3ppCcI4W0] Book now cheaper in https://ift.tt/2ntQzuR You can find more info in https://ift.tt/2w3jIkG We hope you have a pleasant stay in Swahili Beach Other hotels in Diani Beach Jacaranda Indian Ocean Beach Resort https://youtu.be/rIqESmEqIq0 Sunset Villa Boutique Resort https://youtu.be/gTkSsN-QEpY Afrochic Diani https://youtu.be/AmYwnSlA0tk Waterlovers Beach Resort https://youtu.be/ZdKLsoUyd2A Ocean Village Club https://youtu.be/Y7QmodMTaD4 Hotel Sonrisa https://youtu.be/N7EQM0Mp7Lw The Maji Beach Boutique Hotel https://youtu.be/F5KjMUNjb4U The Sands at Nomad https://youtu.be/1bFTLWckvew The Villa Luxury Suites https://youtu.be/x70zflL-Q2s Other hotels in this channel Zerohotel https://youtu.be/uNTiHEWDQvM Hotel Serra da Estrela https://youtu.be/heTOUnrWPEA Le Colombier https://youtu.be/VABfxQF6b9E Hili Rayhaan by Rotana https://youtu.be/k_PffjNZR4I La Luna Blanca https://youtu.be/9gBhrtHgnc4 Hotel San Lorenzo - Adults Only https://youtu.be/TjhSdL6Vve4 Hotel La Bussola https://youtu.be/SbhSG4PVvR8 Aressana Spa Hotel & Suites https://youtu.be/WB2HtFAGU5Q Garden Terrace Miyazaki https://youtu.be/aSeXaDyNqMY The Lind Boracay https://youtu.be/l45eLfbpheI Glenrock Hotel Limited https://youtu.be/Lu9icNc_-bM Pietrablu Resort & Spa - CDSHotels https://youtu.be/TrnOxPobQjo Carlton Madagascar https://youtu.be/1euGxrNv4Qo Hotel Porta Felice https://youtu.be/ZgEikb-jIsY Yindo Jasper Hotel Zhuhai https://youtu.be/kxZaO7By0Po In Diani Beach we recommended to visit In the you can visit some of the most recommended places such as Old Town, Ali Barbour's Cave Restaurant, Diani Sea Resort, Ocean Village Club, Swahili Beach Resort, Baobab Beach Resort & Spa, Papillon Lagoon Reef, Pinewood Beach Resort & Spa and Diani Beach. We also recommend that you do not miss Bahari Dhow Beach Villas, Waterlovers Beach Resort, Severin Sea Lodge, Museo Fuerte Jesús, Kusini Beach Cottages, Forest Dream Resort, We hope you have a pleasant stay in Swahili Beach and we hope you enjoy our top 10 of the best hotels in based in Swahili Beach Tripadvisor Reviews. All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. You can find us at https://ift.tt/2iPJ6Xr by World Hotel Video
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/roger-federer-wins-8th-wimbledon-title-14-years/
Roger Federer wins 8th Wimbledon title in 14 years
It was only 14 years ago when Roger Federer beat Mark Philippoussis for his first Wimbledon title, and on Sunday he made history winning his 8th title against Marin Cilic. After Roger Federer closed out a Wimbledon final that was more of a coronation than a contest with an ace, he sat in his changeover chair and wiped away tears. That is when it hit him: His wait for record-breaking No. 8 was over. Until then, Federer wasn't focused on the notion of winning the grass court tournament more often than any other man in the history of an event first held in 1877. All he'd been concerned with, consumed with, was being healthy enough to compete at a high level and, he hoped, to win a title, regardless of what the total count would be. Capping a marvelous fortnight in which he never dropped a set, Federer won his eighth Wimbledon trophy and 19th Grand Slam championship overall by overwhelming Marin Cilic 6-3, 6-1, 6-4 in merely 1 hour, 41 minutes Sunday. "Wimbledon was always my favorite tournament. Will always be my favorite tournament. My heroes walked the grounds here and walked the courts here. Because of them, I think I became a better player, too," said Federer, who will turn 36 next month and is the oldest male champion at the All England Club in the Open era, which began in 1968. "To mark history here at Wimbledon really means a lot to me just because of all of that, really," he said. "It's that simple." His first major title came at Wimbledon in 2003 and was followed by others in 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007. He won again in 2009 and 2012. But then he lost finals in 2014 and 2015 to Novak Djokovic. He couldn't be sure another final, let alone title, was possible a year ago, when he lost in the semifinals, then took the rest of 2016 off to let his surgically repaired left knee heal. "It's been a long road," he said. Sunday's outcome was only in doubt for about 20 minutes, the amount of time it took Federer to grab his first lead. Cilic said afterward he developed a painful blister on his left foot during his semifinal Friday, and that affected his ability to move properly or summon the intimidating serves that carried him to his lone Grand Slam title at the 2014 U.S. Open, where he surprisingly beat Federer in the semifinals. This one was all Federer, who had been tied at seven championships with Pete Sampras and William Renshaw in what's still officially called Gentlemen's Singles. Sampras won all but one of his in the 1990s; Renshaw won each of his in the 1880s when the previous year's winner advanced automatically to the final. With clouds overhead and a bit of chill in the air Sunday, Federer's early play was symptomatic of jitters. For everything he's accomplished, for all of the bright lights and big settings to which he's become accustomed, the guy many have labeled the "GOAT" - Greatest of All Time - admits to feeling heavy legs and jumbled thoughts to this day. It was Federer, not Cilic, who double-faulted in his first two service games. And it was Federer, not Cilic, who faced the initial break point, in the fourth game. But Cilic netted a return, beginning a run of 17 points in a row won by Federer on his serve. He would never be confronted with another break point. "I gave it my best," Cilic said. "That's all I could do." In the next game, Federer broke to lead 3-2. He broke again to take that set when Cilic double-faulted, walked to the changeover and slammed his racket. Cilic sat and covered his head with a white towel. With Federer up 3-0 in the second set, Cilic cried while he was visited by a doctor and trainer. He said that was not so much a result of his foot's pain as the idea that he could not play well enough to present a challenge. "Very tough emotionally," said Cilic, whose foot was re-taped by a trainer after the second set. "I knew that I cannot give my best on the court." It might not have mattered. Federer was, as he'd been all tournament, flawless, the first man in 41 years to win Wimbledon without ceding a set. Against Cilic, he had 23 winners, only eight unforced errors. This caps a remarkable reboot for Federer, who departed Wimbledon a year ago with a lot of doubts: His body was letting him down for the first time in his career. He skipped the Rio Olympics, the U.S. Open and everything else in an attempt to try to get healthy. It worked. And how. Feeling refreshed and fully fit, Federer returned to the tour in January and was suddenly playing like the guy of old, rather than like an old guy. In a turn-back-the-clock moment, he faced rival Rafael Nadal in the Australian Open final and, with a fifth-set comeback, won. It was Federer's 18th Grand Slam title, adding to his own record, and first in 4½ years. Those who had written Federer off needed to grab their erasers. The formula made sense, clearly, so why not try it again? Federer skipped this year's clay-court circuit to be in top shape for the grass courts he loves so dearly. Sunday's victory made Federer 31-2 in 2017, with a tour-leading five titles. "On one side, yes, it surprises me. On the other side, I know he's able to do so many things. So it's not surprising," coach Severin Luthi said. "But when it happens, it's amazing." Yes, Federer is back to being supreme in tennis, lording over the sport the way no man has. He's not, of course, the same 21-year-old kid who had a ponytail and scruff when he beat Mark Philippoussis in the 2003 Wimbledon final. Or the teen who, two years earlier, beat Sampras himself at Centre Court in the fourth round, their only tour-level meeting. Federer's hair is cropped, his face clean shaven. He's a father of four, and both sets of twins - boys, 3, in their light blue blazers; girls, 7, in their dresses - were in the guest box for Sunday's trophy ceremony. One son stuck a couple of fingers in his mouth until a sister grabbed his hand. "They have no clue what's going on. They think it's probably a nice view and a nice playground. But it's not quite like that here, so one day, hopefully, they'll understand," Federer said about his boys. As for the girls, he said: "They enjoy to watch a little bit. They come for the finals, I guess." When Dad is Roger Federer, you can wait until the last Sunday to show up. And you just might get to see him cradle that gold trophy. In pain and in tears, Marin Cilic never really had a chance. The big-serving Croat played with a blister on his left foot in Sunday's Wimbledon final against Roger Federer. Cilic looked good for a while, but the injury quickly got worse as Federer quickly got better and won 6-3, 6-1, 6-4. "It was definitely one of the unfortunate days for me," Cilic said after losing on Centre Court. "Fluid just came down under my callous in the foot. ... Every time I had to do a reaction fast - fast change of movement - I was unable to do that." Cilic said he first felt the blister during his four-set victory over Sam Querrey in the semifinals. The 2014 U.S. Open champion said it wasn't that bad on Friday, but it got more serious that night. "I felt that the foot wasn't so good. It wasn't so bad after the match," Cilic said. "We tried to take some fluid out overnight, and yesterday in the morning it was worse. The doctors and physios were trying to help as much as they could. They really did the best they could, really helped a lot." Cilic served to open the match against Federer, and both held to 2-2. Federer then broke twice to take the first set and then broke again early in the second to take a 3-0 lead. After that game, Cilic walked back to his changeover chair and broke down, tearing up as he covered his head with his white towel. "It was a mix of emotions. Obviously a little bit of a frustration that I had that, and also trying to focus on the other side," Cilic said. "It's a tough part when you're in that kind of situation. You know there is not much possibility that you're going to win. It's just actually fighting it through." After the second set, Cilic called for a trainer and had his left foot re-taped. Federer knew something was going on with Cilic, but he wasn't exactly sure what. "Because I didn't know and I couldn't tell, I just said; 'Focus on your game. Focus on your match. Keep playing,'" said Federer, who won his eighth Wimbledon title and 19th major overall. "The good thing is I was already in the lead." Cilic came into the match one victory from his second major championship. Despite a 1-6 record in their previous seven matches, Cilic beat Federer in straight sets in the U.S. Open semifinals three years ago on his way to the title. Federer followed that up by defeating Cilic last year in the Wimbledon quarterfinals, but Federer is 35 and Cilic, at 28, is one of the biggest hitters in the game. The injury, though, made Sunday's match a veritable walkover. "The first five, six games was really good tennis, exactly the way we were hoping, crowd was hoping, that it was going to be this great battle," said Jonas Bjorkman, Cilic's coach. "But unfortunately it was not meant to be. You could see he started not being able to push off as good and then he started giving us a little bit of a signal that it was not correct 100 percent again, so then obviously we knew that it was a problem." That problem never went away, but Cilic stayed in the match, trying to hold serve and struggling to even win one point when the ball was in Federer's hand. "I really wanted to give my best," Cilic said, "to try as much as I could."
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worldhotelvideo · 7 years
[https://youtu.be/k6oxrusbXdM] Welcome to Burg Vital Resort in Lech am Arlberg, Austria (Europe). The best of Burg Vital Resort. The common services in the accommodation will be: wifi available in all areas. horse riding, ski-to-door access, skiing, hiking, cycling, ski pass vendor, golf course (within 3 km), water sport facilities (on site), fishing, billiards and ski storage. In the section of restaurant you can enjoy: packed lunches, breakfast in the room, room service, restaurant, special diet menus (on request), wine/champagne, kid meals, restaurant (à la carte) and bar. For health, the establishment has yoga classes, pool cover, fitness/spa locker rooms, pool with view, pedicure, fitness classes, body wrap, hammam, facial treatments, manicure, fitness centre, body treatments, massage, hair styling, spa facilities, hair treatments, sun umbrellas, spa/wellness packages, spa lounge/relaxation area, make up services, body scrub, pool bar, personal trainer, light therapy, indoor pool (all year), outdoor pool, steam room, hair colouring, heated pool, beauty services, swimming pool, outdoor pool (seasonal), foot bath, sun loungers or beach chairs, solarium, hair cut, spa and wellness centre, indoor pool, fitness and sauna. With regard to relocation we have bicycle rental (additional charge), airport shuttle (additional charge), public transport tickets, bikes available (free) and airport shuttle. For reception we can arrange tour desk, concierge service, 24-hour front desk, newspapers, safety deposit box and ticket service. Within the related spaces we will enjoy games room, sun terrace, library, terrace and garden. For the enjoyment of the family we will have nightclub/dj, babysitting/child services, kids' club and children's playground. Cleaning services include shoeshine, daily maid service, ironing service, dry cleaning and laundry. If you stay for business affairs in the accommodation you will have meeting/banquet facilities. barber/beauty shop and shops (on site). We will be able to highlight other services like family rooms, bridal suite, heating, lift, allergy-free room, designated smoking area and non-smoking rooms Book now cheaper in http://ift.tt/2xXJo2h You can find more info in http://ift.tt/2xngmvD We hope you have a pleasant stay in Burg Vital Resort Other hotels in Lech am Arlberg SEVERIN*S – The Alpine Retreat https://youtu.be/wXrYd3rPSCA Other hotels in this channel Crowne Plaza San Pedro Sula https://youtu.be/b02vK2ooTPs Hangzhou Rose Garden Resort & Spa https://youtu.be/sfflJgvspco Rosewood London https://youtu.be/vuXI4CHVR1s Paros Agnanti Hotel https://youtu.be/p7_YDjjNnv4 InterContinental Shenzhen https://youtu.be/iI92FsZQVUw Park Inn by Radisson Makkah Al Naseem https://youtu.be/WORN3wc-8Iw Amhuinnsuidhe Castle https://youtu.be/RDdhqC0WryA Kura Design Villas https://youtu.be/D2vEN-EJmTY Miramar Boutique Hotel https://youtu.be/pOOlju7GWj0 Ambassador Santorini Luxury Villas & Suites https://youtu.be/ZLDWR21SeFI Hotel Al Nusl https://youtu.be/iEvvFbEJ4gw Sofitel Bahrain Zallaq Thalassa Sea & Spa https://youtu.be/CJIqCFbu0Yo Hyatt Regency Changbaishan https://youtu.be/nZA7QViTPWw The Langham Haikou https://youtu.be/pi1tFSwCmSU Hotel Chalet Del Sogno https://youtu.be/FaS5h2xH5u4 We hope you have a pleasant stay in Burg Vital Resort All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. by World Hotel Video
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