#Spn lamp
butterscotchx98 · 1 year
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Uh Supernatural amiright
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castielsprostate · 9 months
another thing i love about the lamp theory in regards to castiel supernatural is that you never really think about lamps until you need them. they only have one specific purpose, to illuminate. they're only useful at specific times and otherwise they don't get used eventhough they're there, they're always there, they're just only used. never loved. in this essay i wi
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stingrae-gayy · 2 years
I think what makes Goncharov so compelling is that it combines some of what I like to call Tumblr's Greatest Hits.
1. Fandoms overanalyzing properties in ways the creators never intended or could even comprehend. (See: miles long meta posts, Cas is Lamp, homoerotic angst read into action/comedy content like Pacific Rim or the MCU)
2. inventing something extra-canonical and acting like it is an actual part of canon. (See: Glup Shitto, TAZ Grad's Bingus debacle, BBC Sherlock's Sebastian Moran as played by Michael Fassbender)
3. the ages old tumblr experience of only learning about a property via gifsets and fandom textposts that end up on your dashboard (See: people thinking Destiel was another angel, thinking Destiel was canon ages ago, knowing inside jokes for fandoms despite never watching whatever the fandom is based around)
And lastly,
4. Making fun of non-tumblr users by way of making fun of tumblr users (See: simply saying things like Horse Plinko Eeby Deeby Blorbo lil meow meow Super Hell)
All of these have combined into a mass hallucination of a film that has not ever existed and yet has a cast, plot, director, release date, narrative themes, subtext, ships, fan theories, etc. This shit is incredible
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midnightsilver · 1 month
The Epic Love Story of Lamp and Other Lamp
It’s a tale as old as time, two lovers separated by a great divide, yearning to be together.
My animation pitch for @crack-in-the-chassis was chosen by schmendrickthemagician who wrote a story for it 😄 you can find the summary info here.
(Image ID - Description of video: A digital drawing of the library inside the men of letter bunker. On the wooden table inside the darkened room sits an old art deco lamp. It begins to glow in the darkness and the glow is answered by the matching lamp on the far table. The lamps glow back and forth in increasing brightness until they flare out together in a glorious bright burst of light.)
The history or lamp and other lamp
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destielfandomlore · 5 months
Hi! I know things are a bit crazy right now, but would you mind explaining lamp-gate? Most of the other -gates I've got a pretty clear picture of, but this one I've somehow missed. Best I've got is it's somehow to do with lampshading, but no idea of the actual details
Oh no worries! So unfortunately I was not present live during s15 airing, but from what I have gathered, why lamp/lampgate has to do with that scene in 15x10 The Heroes' Journey, when Dean goes to Garth to get his cavities filled. He hallucinates/has this dream sequence where he tap dances to "Let's Misbehave" by Cole Porter which apparently has a ton of LGBTQ+ lore attached to it (via @deanwasalwaysbi). Definitely read through that post which goes into a lot more detail.
The long and short of it is that the lamp is theorized to be a stand-in for Cas especially since at the very end of that episode he is looking at Garth and Bess dancing in their living room and is like "I always thought I'd be good at dancing" or something similar.
From there, my understanding is that fandom did lamp=light and looking back on various episodes, there are lighting shifts whenever Cas is mentioned in the context of Dean. Off the top of my head, an example is at the end of 13x05 Advanced Thanatology when Dean gets a call from Cas saying he's alive and his face both figuratively and literally lights up.
There are also often instances of Cas standing under lamp posts which are supposed to symbolize a halo since we don't see actual halos in the spnverse.
Additionally in Dean's room in the bunker, there is furniture doubling at times, can't quite remember the specifics right now, but there are times when there are 2 table lamps/end tables and times where there are not. I believe in the finale everything is doubled and in comparison the absence of Cas is LOUD especially when taken with the insane number of empty beer and liquor bottles littering the place. (Don't take my word for this though because I've seen the finale exactly once.)
I hope that helps but anyone else can add on too!!
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sometimes I feel normal and then I remember how Supernatural ended.
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destiel lamp to buddie couch pipeline but this time the main defender of the furniture metaphor is one half of the ship himself
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shipping-all-ships · 8 days
My Supernatual headcanon I'll fight over is that angels can't taste but archangels can HOWEVER they can't taste flavor. They can tell you if the item was sweet, sour, salty, bitter, etc, but they don't have the taste receptors for anything else.
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sortasirius · 5 months
“My last two couches came with girlfriends.”
“I think you mean your last two girlfriends came with couches.”
“Maybe I don’t want to pick the wrong couch again.”
It’s giving…
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ozonecologne · 3 months
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"Last Salute to the Commodore" (5.06) is the most unserious Columbo episode
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mother-fluffing-queen · 9 months
I just recently finished supernatural for the first time, and I didn't look at anything on hellsite before finishing it just in case. But I do have a question. What the hell is the lamp theory?
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catnipster69 · 5 months
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Inspired by @thegoodthebadandtheart to "take your fandom to work," enjoy my terrible sketch of Sam sitting at a computer.
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super-sootica · 2 years
The sequel to the original
Yes, I know that's still not all our dear beloved supporting characters, Supernatural was just like that, so many great supporting characters.
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castielsparkle · 1 year
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GUH..!!, ... Cool new nightlight bogo 29.99 If u just call in the next 41 minutes ...... Saw it on an informerical, Watches over u When u sleep Or something....
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garashir · 11 months
what you see of supernatural on screen is just the vessel some of us are able to see the shows trueform
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destielfandomlore · 5 months
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