#Spm bosses
lucyav13 · 2 months
All bosses
Here I'll post all the bosses that we foght in the game. Enjoy!
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The first boss and also the first villain we met. He's loved <3
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Fun facts about him: He looks like Hooktail from TTYD.  The repeating patterned segments of Fracktail's body, as well as its name are both references to a Fractal , a geometric repetition of a pattern. 
According to Wikipedia a fractal is a curve or geometric figure, each part of which has the same statistical character as the whole. Fractals are useful in modeling structures (such as or snowflakes) in which similar patterns at progressively smaller scales, and in describing partly random or chaotic phenomena such as crystal growth, fluid turbulence, and galaxy formation.
Like this:
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When he scanns its database, its eyes turn into the Internet connection symbol for the Wii Shop Channel.                                                                                                                                                                                      
When Dimentio causes it a short-circuit, he riffs on MS-DOS and Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me error messages, makes a reference to the The Legend of Zelda character Error (who stated "I AM ERROR"), and then yells "CTRL ALT DEL" (control, alt, delete).
The trackles are diminutive, robotic beings which are produced by Fracktail. Like him, they were presumably created by the Tribe of Ancients.
In Super Mario Kun (the manga of the game) Fracktail presents itself as a "god" and Mario is initially scared, until it offers him the Pure Heart after it realizes Mario is the hero of the prophecy. Dimentio arrives and glitches Fracktail, causing it to mercilessly attack Mario. Mario tries everything (such as paper-izing himself and praying to it) but nothing works. After Fracktail destroys Peach's photo, Mario's precious possession, he attacks and defeats Fracktail. Dimentio, who was enjoying the battle, disappears, promising to return. Fracktail (who does not explode like in the game) un-glitches and gives the Pure Heart to Mario, unaware of what happened.
Additional Information: 
Catch Card: 180
HP Max: ???
Attack: 1
Score: 1000
Card descryption: Fracktail valiantly guarded the Pure Heart inside Yold Ruins. That is, until Dimentio fried his processor.
Tattle: That's Fracktail, the robotic guardian of the Pure Heart. It's quite enormous... Max HP is ??, Attack is 1. It can fly and swoop down with its big open mouth... But I think the antenna-like horn atop its head is its weak spot... I think you're going to need to use Thoreau to hit it...
His name in Italian is Dracker , a pun on "drago" (dragon) and "hacker". But in German his name is Portmanteau of "lohe" (blaze) and "kost" (food); also a pun on "rohkost" (raw vegetables) or "locust"... Weird.
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Mimi, the Copycat.
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Bowser. The king of Koopas!
HP: 20
Attack: 2
Defense: 1
Score: 1000
(With a GREAT soundtrack, you don't believe me? Watcha this:)
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Its theme is an arrangement of the underwater music from Super Mario Bros. 3.
Defeating Big Blooper does not earn the player any points, and the giant squid is not killed by the encounter. If the player enters the area where the Blooper's tentacles come out of the floor and ceiling, Big Blooper can be tattled using Tippi or Tiptron.
Fun facts: In Chapter 3, it's the only chapter (besides Castle Bleck) who has a battle in each part. 
In the prelease, It was stipulated that Tippi and the discarded Pixl would fight it, here is a screenshot that confirms it:
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This son of....
HP: 30
Attack: 2
Score: 1000
With also a great theme, check it out.
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Talking about real imbeciles...
Francis is completely invisible when in 2D, but if Mario into 3D, Francis's moving shadow is visible, making it easier to counterattack. Additionally, slamming the ground with will force Francis to appear for a brief moment.
The next time Francis appears is in the Castle Bleck chapter, Castle Bleck Foyer, though as an optional boss. This is the only time he can engage in battle against Luigi and for Tippi to use the Tattle ability on him, since Luigi and Tippi were not available in chapter 3. Partway through the chapter, a disguised Mimi asks the player what they hate most. One of the answers for the final question is "Francis", which will cause Francis to appear in the third room and another battle with him will begin. Francis had apparently been watching one of his favorite television programs before being warped into the castle, and, despite his confusion, he yearned to have Tippi back so much that he talked himself into thinking that his Reclinatron 4500 chair had manipulated his very dreams and warped him to Tippi. After his defeat, Francis runs again, claiming he would simulate the battle on his computer to see what had kept him from winning.
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In the manga, when Francis kipnapped Tippi, Mario disguises as Peach, and then Francis kidnapped him. Bowser and his troops have created a little base in Bitlands and see Francis with Princess Peach, causing Bowser to go alone to rescue her. When Mario arrives at Fort Francis, the caged Tippi recognizes him, blowing his cover. Mario snatches her and tries to escape, but Francis starts fighting for his rare butterfly, ending up swallowing Mario. Barry arrives and suggest Tippi to shake the Wii Remote in order to free Mario from Francis' belly, but the two Pixls cannot shake it enough. Right on time, Bowser arrives and, still thinking that Francis swallowed Peach, shakes the Wii Remote so vigorously that he manages to free Mario, even though he gets out from Francis' wrong end. Bowser and Mario start arguing and, when Francis tries to ask what is going on, the two direct their punches against Francis, defeating him and freeing the fourth Pure Heart. Talking about shady things...
In the Japanese version, his like for anime is even more emphasized.
Additional information: 
Catch card: 185
HP: 40
Attack: 1
Score: 3000
Card description: Francis totally nerds out for rare collectibles. He takes geek chic to a totally new level.
Tattle (In chapter 8-2): That geeky chameleon is Francis. He's a little obsessive about his hobbies... Max HP is 40. Attack is 1. He can also make himself invisible... You can't hit what you can't see, so wait for him to reappear... But he is still there. Look at the floor and find his shadow... Yech... Just looking at him brings back bad memories...
Fun facts: In the Japanese version of the game, Francis yells "Oppose violence!" before he runs away upon defeat.
In Chapter 8, if Tippi is used to inspect the area before the optional battle takes place, Tippi will give the following tattle text: "There's something here... I have a really bad feeling about this..."
In Issue 44 of the Invincible comic series, on page 10, there is a character wearing a T-shirt that references Francis. The shirt features a chameleon in a yellow T-shirt and glasses, sweating, holding a laptop, and saying "HI-TECHNICAAAL."  (A/N): If anyone has a copy of the page, PLEASE SEND IT!!!
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The green Thunder!!!
HP: 40
Attack: 3
Score: 2000
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HP: 255
Attack: 4
Deffense: 3 (6 against fire)
Score: 4000
It is the Super Paper Mario equivalent of the Magnus von Grapple robot found in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.
Brobot has the second-largest amount of HP in the game, tied with Dark Muth (only Shadoo has more health, having 400 HP in total), even more than Brobot L-type. However, this is countered by the fact that Squirps' laser rapidly delivers large amounts of damage.
Brobot appears in volume 37 of the Super Mario-Kun, in the Super Paper Mario story arc, where Luigi calls upon it after thinking about negative memories he had with Mario. The Brobot then gets defeated by the Pure Heart and the happy flowers.
In battle, Brobot fires homing missiles and straight shots at the party. The missiles can be destroyed by shooting them. Brobot also fires lasers from its eyes, but they can be dodged by flipping. It can also open its mouth and inhale to try and suck the gang in, then eat them and spit them out, doing major damage in the process.
During the battle, Choco-bars will float by. The player can get them and use them for their advantage. There are five different colors, and each color has a different effect;
Red bars will increase the player's Attack power by 1.
Yellow bars will make the player faster.
Green bars will allow the player to shoot missiles for a short time, which deal regular damage but ignore defense.
Blue bars will create a barrier that will nullify all of Brobot's damage.
Purple bars will have the player shoot two Squirps rays at once.
(A/N): I'm still missing half of the bosses and the optionals, so I'll do part 2. Have a happy day!
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galaxygermdraws · 1 year
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Mr L possessed me tonight so I decided to just post a bunch of Mr. L stuff. Honestly surprised I just have yet to show off the Super Dimentio design I did because I really love that thing. I think more people should incorporate Plant Horror into this game.
(relogs with tags/comments are appreciated .Asks too. Thankyuuuu)
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Evil Clown Contest Round Four
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sylvermoths · 2 years
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Time for the inevitable yearly comeback of my Mario obsession
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joshithekitsune · 8 months
Do you ever think Dimentio and Mimi had a neglected fanchild? Mammon does seem like it! He does take it after his mother.
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Even though I'm not a huge fan of Helluva Boss. Vivziepop used to be my favorite artist. The fandom and show (and possibly Hazbin Hotel) itself is SUCH a hellfire. I can tell she took the word "hell" literally. I don't need to explain WHY Helluva Boss is SUCH a shit show you already know why...
Anyways, just wanted to point out a stupid fan theory! Because why not?! :P
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goldiipond · 3 months
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nightynite · 1 year
Could you draw a Smash moveset for Count Bleck?
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yes i can! i actually popped in smash ultimate to test a few fighters before settling on an idea LOL. i hope everything here is readable! its kinda basic i think, but?? i like it. no taunts sorry :( his taunts would probably be a sort of thing like opening his cloak and showing off, then a bleh heh heh laugh, and then a uhh. maybe pulling out tippi and having her butterfly form swirl around him!
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sakuramoussy · 1 month
I feel like i need to do some Fandom art so i can get eyes on my art cuz only doing original art kinda makes me invisible soo
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brendathedoodler · 2 years
HI about your Mr.L AU thing- What would Tippi's tattle say about Mr.L? And how would Mr.L respond?
This is a great idea btw!
Thank you! And this is a great question!
Mr L goes through a few main stages as he joins the heroes.
First is during the chapter 5 battle-
“This is Mr L. Mario seems to know him, but I can’t imagine him associating with someone like that. Max HP is 40, attack is 3. He uses machines to attack.”
Mr L doesn’t regard her as a threat or even anyone of note. It is good to mention that Mr L doesn’t have Luigi’s super jump; he’s physically capable of it, but doesn’t know how to do it (or even that he can).
Next is when they kidnap Mr L and bring him to Flipside. He doesn’t want to be there and is trying to cause as much trouble as possible while restrained.
“This is Luigi, Mario’s brother. He’s been brainwashed by Count Bleck and thinks he’s on their side. I hope we find a way to fix this soon.”
Tippi doesn’t like Mr L, but she’s truly sympathetic with Mario for what he has to endure.
Mr L takes great offense to this, mostly because he is deeply in denial about being brainwashed and about being this ‘Luigi’ guy. “I don’t need to be fixed, you stupid bug!”
Next is after Bowser convinces Mr L to join the team by convincing him that Count Bleck was lying to him about creating his own world.
“Mr L has agreed to join us. I’m surprised at how quickly he switched sides… We should stay on guard.”
She doesn’t say this to him, of course, and since he doesn’t hear it, he doesn’t respond. She’s mostly telling this to Mario, since she’s worried he might get tricked by Mr L playing the good guy.
Mr L does seem to trick them when he disappears during chapter 5. He vanishes at 5-3 (after they find the lair of the floro sapiens), and everyone is convinced he ran off to rejoin Bleck.
She wouldn’t get the opportunity to inspect him again until they find him, when they discover he’s actually gone and torn up a bunch of the fancy tech the floro sapiens have, and he used to to make himself some tools. Mostly he made himself some leg-mounted rocket boosters, which is to replace Luigi’s super jump.
He claims to have fought Dimentio and O’Chunks and defeated them both (in reality Dimentio just confirmed the fact that Count Bleck lied, and encouraged Mr L to stay with the heroes, and that Dimentio would work from the inside to get revenge on Count Bleck with him. Mr L believes him).
“I don’t believe for a second that he defeated them both. I doubt he encountered either of them, he’s probably just bragging. Those rocket boosters may be useful, though…”
Mr L doesn’t mention that he did encounter them, and kinda goes along with her idea of “he’s just bragging” so he doesn’t have to tell them about how he’s teaming up with Dimentio. He brags about his rocket boosters for the next 20 minutes, though, and only stops because Bowser threatened to burn his ass if he didn’t shut up.
For a majority of the adventure, Mr L does cooperate (mostly). He’s a snarky jerk who likes making everyone else angry. She’d probably say something like, “this is Mr L, a brainwashed version of Luigi. He built himself rocket boosters that help him reach high places. I wish he would stop talking…”
Of course, Mr L being Mr L, he would proceed to mock her and be a jerk.
Anyway, I started rambling because I didn’t think that the explanations for Tippi’s differing comments would make sense without a summary of the plot. Have a Mr L doodle to go with it!
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encountersltd · 1 year
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this is serious business tony, i can't have you-
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lucyav13 · 3 months
King Croacus
Welll, the title is because in this part, we'll analize all the "Flora Kingdom royalty", or, all the kings with that name, let's begin!
Fun fact: In Italian, the kings' name is Re Cardo, re means King, Cardo is a given name and the Italian word for "thistle". Maybe a pun on the Italian name "Riccardo".
There are four known members of the Flora Kingdom's royal lineage, only one of which is alive at the time of the events of the game. All members have paintings in the palace of King Croacus IV, which come with biographical recounts of their rule. In addition to the four kings and queens which are seen in painting form, there is a mentioned prince from during King Croacus I's rule, though he goes unseen.
King Croacus I
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Painting description: King Croacus the First (Reign: 1-496). The first king of the Flora Kingdom. Croacus I is known as the greatest of kings. He united the Floro Sapien under a single cause, creating the Flora Kingdom. He made a capital here and established a calendar, begun at the kingdom's birth. Heavily armored, he bore deadly thorns and came to be called the "Iron Rose". The kingdom's infrastructure and early roads were built by Croacus I's design. But when his successor, the prince, wilted unexpectedly, so did Croacus I's spirit. The Flora year 444 marked the start of his reign of fear, "The Darkening." Eventually Croacus I and his foul regime were overthrown in a sappy coup d'etat. The king was struck down, marking the official end of The Darkening. His wiltering words were said to be "The Iron Rose shan't wither!" But wither he did.
King Croacus I, also known as the Iron Rose, was the first king of the Floro Sapiens. The Floro Sapiens regard him as their greatest king, since he united them all into the Flora Kingdom. He created the Flora Calendar, and set the capital at the Floro Caverns. His nickname, the Iron Rose, comes from his heavy armor and deadly thorns. However, the wilting of his son in the Flora year 444 changed his mentality. He became corrupt, a period referred to as "The Darkening", at which point, his daughter staged a coup d'état and took over the Floro Sapiens. His dying words were stated to be "The Iron Rose shan't wither!" His nickname, Iron Rose, may be a reference to the Iron Lady title that is usually used to describe female heads of government. Despite this, King Croacus I is male.
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Fun fact 2: He appears depicted in a mural in the Flopside Pit of 100 Trials, in rooms 26-50. Croacus I ruled from the Flora Calendar's year 1 to year 496; this alongside his depiction in the Flopside Pit of 100 Trials and the timeframe of King Croacus IV's recent actions in Flora years 1625-1626 imply he was the Floro Sapien king entrusted with the indigo Pure Heart by the Tribe of Ancients, 1,500 years prior to the events of Super Paper Mario. The Pure Heart would be guarded by the royal lineage even after his fall, eventually making it to Croacus IV.
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Prince Croacus: He was Queen Croacus II's sibling, and was going to inherit the throne. However, he suddenly wilted in the year 444, leading to the mental decline, corruption, and eventual death of his father as well. Queen Croacus the Second eventually took the throne in his place after the fall of Croacus I. Prince Croacus dying in 444 is an example of a common Japanese (and Chinese) association of the number four with death, as the characters for "four" (四) and "death" (死) have similar readings (shi, in Japanese).
Fun fact 3: Every ruler of the Floro Sapiens, regardless of gender, is named "Croacus", which is based on the Crocus plant. This 👇
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(A/N): Since there are no images, I decided to make my own design with the popular color of the original flower. Ya like it?
Queen Croacus II
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Painting description: Queen Croacus the Second (Reign: 496-1298). Croacus II was the daughter of the great ruler, King Croacus I. Croacus II was imprisoned for being critical of the former king's policies, but...When he was overthrown by the people, Croacus II was freed and given the throne. Her efforts to reduce taxes and study diseases made Croacus II very popular...Eventually, her influence helped erase the scars The Darkening had left. She also compiled a Floro Sapien prehistory called "The Flictionarian." The book was to be her legacy, a historic mark of her benevolent influence. Croacus II feared the fight for the throne that might ensure if she bore many heirs. She had but one heir, late in her life. This earned her the name "The White Maiden."
Queen Croacus II, also known as The White Maiden, was the second ruler of the Floro Sapiens. She was imprisoned by her father for disagreeing with his views, but after his overthrow, was set free and became queen. She was very popular, because she reduced taxes and studied diseases. She also wrote The Flictionarian, a prehistory of the Flora Kingdom. She was worried that if she had many children, they would fight for the crown, so she only had one heir a year before she wilted. This having only one child to succeed her was what gave her the nickname "The White Maiden." She ruled from the Flora calendar's years 496 to 1298 (802 Flora years).
King Croacus III
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Painting description: King Croacus the Third (Reign: 1298-1385). Croacus III was one when his mother wilted. He became the youngest king ever. The young king had a great predilection and talent for poetry and art...His talent was evidence in works like "Ice Rose", a book of poems from his 37th year. But he was also afflicted by a terrible disease from the time he was born...Without ever impacting the affairs of his kingdom, he wilted at age 88. The cause of his wiltering was never made public. Many suspected a conspiracy...This was never confirmed... 
King Croacus III was the third ruler of the Floro Sapiens. At age 1, he became the youngest king in Flora history after his mother wilted. Due to his young age, a regent ruled in his place. He was afflicted with a disease at birth, which made him weak and sickly. He had a great talent for art and poetry, releasing a book of poems called Ice Rose, at age 37. He wilted at age 88 for unknown reasons, but some suspected a conspiracy. He ruled from the Flora Calendar's years 1298 to 1385, the shortest rule of any Floro Sapien king. Due to his early death, he left little impact on the Flora Kingdom. His regent succeeded him as the ruler of the Floro Sapiens, as King Croacus IV.
King Croacus IV
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Painting description: King Croacus the Fourth (Reign: 1385-present). Formerly a regent for King Croacus III, he ruled in place of the frail child king. After Croacus III's wilting, his service was recognized, and he was made king. His stabilizing influence and politicial savvy made him popular and well-known. His recent achievements include: In Flora year 1625, he invented a method for mind-controlling Cragnons. In Flora year 1626, he spearheaded an initiative to enslave Cragnons en masse.
The flamboyant king of the Floro Sapiens, Croacus adores beauty and spends most of his time brainwashing Cragnons to rebuild his castle full of jewels. He is also the owner of the sixth Pure Heart. As told by the description under the painting in his palace, he was the regent for King Croacus III until he came of age. When the young ruler wilted, Croacus IV, popular due to his stabilizing influence, was appointed King. He does not care for fighting, but when Mario, Princess Peach, and Bowser enter his chambers, he decides to dispose of them. He resembles a giant flower and is named after the real life Crocus plant. His obsession with beauty may be a nod to another flower named Rosie, from the first Paper Mario.
After he is eventually defeated, it is revealed that the Cragnons were polluting the waters that the Floro Sapiens drank from, and that King Croacus was trying to save his people by mind-controlling the Cragnons with Floro Sprouts. Upon witnessing the scene, Flint Cragley declares that he will show his tape to the Cragnons, ending the war between the two races.
If  we visit Croacus after Chapter 5 but before completing Chapter 7, he will still lie on the same spot on the floor, supposedly dead (or wilted, since he looks like a flower). The Floro Sapien who is watching over him says that he thinks that Croacus will revitalize, which he eventually does.
Following the defeat of the final boss, King Croacus can be found in healthy spirits once again; initially, he will claim his intentions are to wage war upon Mario and the Cragnons again. However, he quickly makes it clear that he is only joking and reverts to a more normal personality, saying that most of the polluted water was drained while he 'slept'. He then expresses his desire to begin a new era of peace between the Cragnons and Floro Sapiens.
"Ooooooo-weeee-ooooooo! Where, oh, where are my pretties?!"
"Pretties... Beautiful things... Ooo-wee! Bring them to me... More! More! More!"
"So you must be the intruders I've heard SO much about... Well, I will NOT forgive the great trashening of my beautiful kingdom. NOO-WEE-OO! ...Thus you are warned!"
"Trash is garbage, no matter how you dress it. This world is made for BEAUUUUUTY!"
"Ooo? What is THIS hideous, clashing thing?"
"Ooooooo-weeee-ooooooo! I am back!"
Additional information:
Catch Card: 186
Location(s) (5-4)
Role Boss
Max HP 50
Attack 2
Defense 0
Score 5000, 50 (petals)
Card location(s) Card Shop; Map 37
Tattle: That's King Croacus. He leads the Floro Sapiens, and loves beautiful things... Max HP is 50. Attack is 2. He attacks with his head, like other Floro Sapiens... I don't think you can damage him when his face is closed off like that... Using Thoreau to grab stuff, then jumping into him works pretty well, though...
Card type: Uncommon
Card description: KingCroacus cares about making the world beautiful. Too bad drinking polluted water has made him insane.
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The above text is from the Super Mario Wiki and is available under a Creative Commons license. Attribution must be provided through a list of authors or a link back to the original article. Source: https://www.mariowiki.com/Flora_Kingdom_royalty
(A/N): Mmmmm. Ok. I'll say the obvious, this is so SUSPICIOUS, don't ya think? First, Dimientio says that Croacus IV is a friend yours. Second, Croacus gives Dimentio Floro Sprouts for brain control. And Third: The disease of King Croacus III suspected a conspiracy and this was never confirmed.
Maybe we think that Dimentio helped Croacus IV to kill the former ruler and taked the throne, and for that, Croacus gives him the Floro Sprouts. 
Just a contradiction... This happened centuries ago!! So, think what you want. I'm tired, I'm going to lie down a little...
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galaxygermdraws · 4 months
so instead of get back into art after the basic recovery of my surgery, I instead replayed Mario and Luigi Partners in Time…and why does nobody talk about this game?? Hardly ever see it in the Super Mario tag. Like. It’s actually insane how dark it gets. People die. Like actually die. Not as dark as SPM but like we see the dead spirits of Toads get siphoned through tubes. They had their life force sucked out of them via genetically modified trees. Yoshis were eaten by a larger alien Yoshi and were gonna be turned into more alien Yoshis via a factory IN THE GIANT ALIEN YOSHI. We see a town that’s literally just “Christmas is Cancelled” the city. Their mayor probably died. We never see these places restored because there are no survivors to restore them. The citizens of Hollijolli village probably all died by the time the bros shut down the Vim factory. And also there’s the entire scene with the Star Gate. Like. Hello??
maybe I’ll stream or let’s play this game and share it here because I think. More ppl should talk about Partners in Time. I’ll say it too: I like it more than Bowser’s Inside Story. By like a LOT. That’s my ramble for the night. Ttyd day tomorrow. Yippee
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illdothehotvoice · 9 months
Mimi Blorbo Batte Round 1
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Mimi Propaganda under the cut
Quick side note isn't it crazy that the Nintendo amnesiac twins both got put in the same poll I did not do this I put the list through a randomizer. ALSO I was going to use the fact that I bought a whole Manga just because Mr. L was in it for propaganda and then I remembered Pokemon Black & White Volume 6 is sitting on my bookshelf so do with that information what you will.
The amount of AUs and art I have made of this one man is insane to me. I was going through my art tag with my roommate and for lack of a better phrase he just looked at me and was like "Wow you were down bad for him" but like in a blorbo sense. He's so silly and I find myself getting more attached to him the more I think about him lmfao. King I am so sorry what they did to you was tragic.
Mr. L:
I literally don't know who this guy is. Just kidding that's a lie I fucking love Mr. L??? This fucker sparked my entire modern Mario hyperfixation btw. I've been obsessed with him and his game since I was 4 years old. 4 fucking years old. This was my introduction to Luigi. He's so special he gets a separate slot than Luigi. Bastard man I love him. He sparks a lot of inspiration for a LOT of my Luigi headcanons too qwq.
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beauzos · 2 years
finished replaying the original Paper Mario and man i love that game. i still think that TTYD is my favorite, but i had so much fun replaying this game. what a delightful game.
anyways stan Parakarry
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cherryfennec · 5 months
hot take: the bosses in super paper mario permanently damaged any chance of the game ever getting rpg mechanics, it would make the rpg mechanics feel cheap and the bosses feel boring, especially super dimentio
abandoning the flippage and making the game be fully 3d like sm64 would be a good move though
Super Paper Mario stands out in the Paper Mario games especially because of the fact that the bosses aren't turn based. The fact that they mixed RPG and platformer elements was interesting, in the end some of them hit while some miss.
The bossess definitely have quite a lot of charm from being in full motion and not locked to turns, you get to see personality through movement like O'Chunks being a little slow to react, Dimentio and Mr.L being hard to catch and Bleck taking advantage of the background. A few that especially benefit are: Fracktails entire battle, Mimi climbing the ceiling midfight (and also her and Dimentio being able to flip after you), Brobot L-type or even Super Dimentio like you mentioned.
Despite this I have to admit that some fights might feel underwhelming gameplay wise. Getting personality is awesome but if it's at the expense of difficulty or unfun mechanics then it might be better to not push it. Especially with the problem of BIG open spaces. Chapter 4-4 boss room is super open and super empty which feels a little anticlimactic while Mimis boss room is super small and has little wiggle room. Mimi was in fact harder than Mr.L just because of the fact i couldn't jump or evade her as easily.
This doesn't mean that everything should be crammed into a small area but it is a little cheesy seeing the AI struggle to attack you in the few ways it can. (again with Mr.L, he makes mighty leaps in this large room and with how slow he descends and predictable the landing spot is you can just. walk under.)
When it comes to making it 3D sm64 style it would be conceptually interesting but personally? I think it should remain paper style. A story like this would be difficult and very time consuming to execute in the mainline 3D Super Mario style, especially considering the time it released in. The main focus here was clearly the lore and dialogue which a lot of people agree is the best thing about it. It's cut like a story book, which ties with being Paper Mario, and the idea that these characters are already doomed by the narrative.
But that's an entirely different discussion so I won't delve deeper or else we'll be here much longer.
If I could personally offer any changes to SPM it would be:
The timer on the FLIP ability sucks, either extend or remove completely. I want to see all these beautiful assets and bosses in 3D which are already fully programed but the timer is actively discouraging me from doing so because of the damage penalty. "Mario is getting nauseous that's why he can't stay there long" is a cool in-universe explanation but it's not fun gameplay wise.
Personal design nitpick but some areas could use some retouches. What do you mean you associated the colour of the Pure Heart to the worlds palette only in 4 Chapters? What about the rest? Please keep going!!
Increase the difficulty a little (aka make the AI somewhat smarter). Personality and struggle is what makes a character memorable in games. (really big detour but for example take Malenia from Elden Ring, she has lore that is optional to learn and yet theres a big chance you'll remember her anyway because she's a super hard boss)
This ones more of a 'what if' but I've been trying to imagine for a while the possibility of: normally everything is 3D/with depth like the other Paper Mario games and when you FLIP it becomes 2D (basically reversing the effect). I know this ruins Fracktail and would require more work with sculpting the environments but I like the thought of the hub being 3D. If not that at least add more assets to the environment when you flip. A lot of the time every tree and rock is in 2D while 3D is just so empty. Also consider just for a moment how little people FLIP during bosses and areas, probably forgetting they even can, and missing out on these cool models. Either that or they're aware that when they do FLIP they won't see anything because the cameras obscured by a wall (looking at you chapter 4).
In conclusion I think this take has stable ground and in the end I agree to an extent! There are some rather specific cases that I feel would work better in a turn based system but overall a lot of them are good as they are!
Making the game like sm64 sounds fun but could be difficult to execute without loosing any of the beautiful charm the Paper Mario format/style provides to it's stories.
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legobiwan · 6 months
27 your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
I'll give you two here, anon. One for Gravity Falls and one for SPM. (I tried to think of something Star Wars, but I honestly need to reread and rewatch a lot of content before being able to dig something up that I haven't ranted about before...)
Gravity Falls
While I don't think this is necessarily ignored, it certainly gets looked over in the greater commentary.
Bill and Stanford had off and on communications in the Mindscape for two years before Bill escalated their interactions to literal bodily possession.
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That's...that's a lot of time. Not Palpatine-grooming-Anakin amounts of time, but still a significant portion of Stanford's existence and research in Gravity Falls, and this is before Fiddleford and the Portal and all of that jazz.
Ford had it...bad. However you want to interpret that statement. And Bill, apparently, found the perfect mark in Ford, considering he stayed with this plan for so long (although 2 years is probably an hour to a being who has existed for trillions of years).
Nonetheless, from Ford's point of view, this was the third-longest relationship we see him have, outside of his brother and Fiddleford. That's no small thing and I can't imagine the complexity of emotions (not even to mention the mirroring with his situation with Stan when they were 17) Ford experienced after learning of Bill's true intentions. It's...wild.
Super Paper Mario
Just how unbelievably fucked up this part is:
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Luigi's decapitated head, animated with the power of Dimentio, is foretelling all of their dooms despite Mario and the gang seemingly defeating the Big Bad. It's a fascinating moment as it undercuts our usual expectations for the Big Boss Battle. Mario wins the battle, but loses the war. His brother is as good as dead, the world is still ending, and there is nothing he can do about it.
Mario fails.
Mario doesn't save the day.
It's in the subsequent cut scene where Bleck and Tippi resurrect the Pure Hearts one last time to save all of existence. Which is...a fascinating choice, both narratively and from a game play perspective. Something about free will, something about doing all you can and the final decision, your final fate, still being out of your hands.
It's one of the gazillion reasons I adore this game so.
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