#Splatoon 3 story spoilers
spaceistheplaceart · 2 years
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context: was explaining the splat3 lore to my friend and the crystals reminded them of the bisexual eggman scene lmao
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caramelldansenu · 2 years
Huge fry small fry
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zikadraws · 2 years
//Splatoon 3 Spoilers//
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Guys I think I'm getting that promotion
Anyways when you think your Smallfry is ugly as f*** it helps to give it a silly name & story. Therefore mine found me while I was illegally exploring Station Polaris for anthropological purposes (I specialize in human culture btw), and wouldn't leave me the shell alone, so I thought if a Smallfry goes through the trouble of crawling all the way to Inkopolis just for me and without biting my ankles even once, it has earned its stay. So now it's my unregistered roommate. Whom I named Sock. It's dumb as a brick and twice as throwable. I won't stop bullying it. (Smallfry Sock probably's going to do a better job than me in Hero Mode though gonna be honest)
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succ-bomb-rush · 2 years
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You ready to be part of somethin’ bigger than yourself?
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geesegoosen · 2 years
I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed this so I'm going to just put this out there.
All of this is the result of speculation and theory crafting with a friend of mine so not all ideas present are 100% mine.
*NOTE* we may have gotten some things wrong or miss understood some information, plus this is all just speculation. so please keep that in mind!
So DJ Octavio...He's a giant Octoling constantly in swim form and we think we've figured out why.
Since the Splatoon 3 story mode has shown us what Ex- Cap Cuttlefish looks like in swim form (mind you some proportions may be off due to dehydration) we now know that swim form size is not affected by age for the most part.
So then why is Octavio so large? simple! Kraken form!
Its a common head cannon amongst people in the fandom that Octavio used an octobrush as his weapon of choice in fights. In Splatoon 1 that such weapon had the Kraken special. That special increased the size of your swim form. This would explain why he's so large in comparison to Inklings and other Octolings.
the Kraken was also widely known as a very scary special; in the lore (as far as we know) it was removed from common use in turf wars for this and some other reasons. Due to the fear factor a kraken holds it would make sense as to why Octavio would wish to stay in that form.
But then how can he stay like that for so long? To this we look at salmonids and Octo expansion.
The boss salmonids mostly seem to share a common trait. This being they have abilities based on special weapons (Stingers = killer wail, Big shot = wave breaker, Steel head = Inkstrike, etc) what does this have to due with Octavio being in kraken form? Well these boss salmonids use these special like abilities almost constantly and get these abilities from the gear they use/wear. All this gear that comes from the Octarians! This means that Octarians are the ones who started the development on technology that allows for the consistent use of special weapons. This such feat is seen in full use during Octo expansion. Which is the first time we see levels dedicated to using only a special to complete it.
this means,
Octavio is in constant use of the kraken special from splatoon 1. Using the terrifying appearance of a Kraken to intimidate others. He is capable of staying in this form due to Octarian technology. All of this explains why he is larger in his swim form then other individuals.
Is everything in this post correct? probably not! But this just fun speculation and head cannoning for stuff that's not really explained in game (as far as we are aware).
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emile-hides · 2 years
Top ten in-universe reasons for Grizz’s personality shift in the English Translation
As Grizz’s plan came closer to the conclusion he simply mellowed out, as there was less urgency to collect golden eggs
The Inkopolis Branch of Grizzco was run entirely by Lil’ Judd, and the “Grizz” speaking to us is just Lil’ Judd with a voice changer. Little dude full of rage
Grizz found Inkopolis residents were more likely to attempt to “Prove him wrong” when criticized, thus leading to better results after a failed shift
Grizz was just so irritated by how far away Inkopolis was and how much transfer costs for golden eggs was across boarders that he took it out on us
Grizz recorded all his Inkopolis voice lines first after devising the plan and was still just so peeved about the state of the world he didn’t have the composer to censor his hate for all sea life like he does now
Inkopolis residents just, in general, did worse than Splatsville residents, and thus deserved to be verbally abused for a failed shift
Grizz recorded his Splatsville voice lines first, while still learning Inkling/Octoling language, thus leading to a much more calm neutral tone
The Splastville voice lines are ripped directly from old footage Grizz found of Office Comedies that he thought sounded cool and practiced to himself over and over (thus why he also uses them in his boss fight)
Grizz has barely any clue what he’s saying he spied on other Bosses that spoke the Inkling/Octoling language and is just repeating what he heard at random
HR pulled Grizz into their office to discuss the way he speaks to his employees sometime between games
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
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Ted B. Grizz himself
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greenking500 · 2 years
Gotta love how splatoon 3 asks so many questions and answers none of them. “Woah! You have a small fry! Wonder where you got it?” “It’s great you get to keep this small fry around even though plenty of people hunt salmonids on the daily and you can see tons of anti-salmonid posters around, wonder why that is?” Crazy how power eggs from salmonids are able to create mammal goo, wonder why?”
Like I get that this is baby game, and not a lot of people care about the lore. Less of all salmonid lore, but I do. I wish I just had some answers. All I can hope for is that big run will have big lore drops, but since I know it won’t, I’m gonna cry here about it
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some assorted beryl drawings! i’ve been thinking about her a lot...
spoilers for the final boss fight of splatoon 3 under the cut <3
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i like to think that if octavio didn’t come in with the octobot king then beryl, enraged at the fact that her gorgeous hair was TAMPERED WITH, would come in guns blazing to the surprise of everyone for the explicit purpose of revenge
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therantingsage · 2 years
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The Calamari Incantation was old magic. Only those who were versed in it could alter it. But...the magic of the Splatland Clans was old, too. Not as old, but old. It meshed, miraculously, with the magic of the Incantation in a way that was indescribable, in a way that should’ve been impossible. But it wasn’t, and their powers were compounding.
3B could only stare in awe as her friend, her sibling, was transformed by it. And as their eyes opened, huge, staring down at her, she recognized their expression. She knew it well. They were overwhelmed.
They were afraid. 
And all of a sudden, they both realized what was happening. The power gifted by magic older than anything...this wasn’t normal. This wasn’t just a power-up. This was...divine.
They were channeling the power of Cod itself. Because, if anyone could save the world from destruction, it would have to be a god.
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inkperch · 2 years
Petition to have the New Squidbeak Splatoon call Frye, Shiver and Big man Agent 2Hot, Agent 2Cold, and Agent JustRight
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harmonydiaries · 2 years
Shiver finally giving the Calamari Inkantation the belty solo vocal run it deserves
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i hate the fact that we get basically no info on the fuzzy ooze. like aren’t all the fuzzy octarians walking around mammals now?? how can new agent 3 just touch the stuff and be fine?? i have so many questions and not a single one has been answered (side order please)
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zikadraws · 2 years
Alright so @nilotheberryboy has made an AU in which Agent 4 basically gets exposed to the Fooze and I was very enthusiastic with this concept, so I just wanted to show the ton of absolutely not f*!&ed up fanart I did about it.
So here it is, hope y'all don't mind Agent 4 basically suffering. Also check out their story it's pretty sick.
(- Cw Angst, Body Horror (+ Splatoon spoilers kinda) -) (And a few non-serious stuff because c'mon)
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I may have gotten a little crazy with the body horror but hey, y'knew that was coming.
I like to hope that later in their forceful stay at Grizz's, Four's body is going to evolve to get even more bear-like, but that they will keep struggling against the change so hard that they will eventually get more control over the Fooze, maybe even become able to bend it, to come at their foes with cool bending attacks combining walls of Fooze and more bear-like features than it's probably conceivable. I expect them to actively plot Grizz's death and attempt Plug's retrieval at least once a week. I'm sure Grizz will experiment on them, that's so of him *cringes*.
I also think Grizz will try to get them to join his side because that'd be way more interesting than a mindless puppet, so ultimately he's gonna pull the "Papa Bear" card and it's gonna be more effective than it should and cause 4 awfully mixed feelings. It's gonna be an extremely hard to look at pseudo-parental mind trap, though Grizz's expectations will NOT go his way in the end.
I want 4 to kick his gaslighting, self-absorbed ass with the very Fooze he created.
Anyways, I hope you like it @nilotheberryboy ! I am certainly enjoying myself =) Looking forward for the rest of the story. Have fun !^^
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red-signal · 2 years
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