everyone shut up!! I'm thinking about how Hannibal wants to outdo and put up his middle finger at the Catholic Christian god because he feels that God is playing a cruel and unfair game with his life, and giving him horrible trials he didn't deserve,
and I'm thinking about how he's gay,
and I'm thinking about how I felt when I was 11 and realized I was queer for the first time in the deep south bible belt where I was raised Christian and went to church twice a week.
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mechieonu · 9 months
i love kai's spite and hatred i love that he and oogway were exes i love that all the other masters' charms are slung around his belt but oogway is kept close to his heart
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thedorfmirrin · 2 years
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Random post game scenario, after of which a towerless Pizzahead tricks Peppino to "let" him work "with" him. First day; and Pepperoni is already completely fed up with the guy!
Pizzahead hates dishes, and WILL break them rather than washing any. ever. this is canon and you CANT CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE
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obey-me-disaster · 1 year
Mammon you prick, why would you do that??
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He really set me up for failure. I have stage fright and an average singing voice at best 😭
I would have probably died on the spot, not even on the stage, just right there and then.
I still loved the rest of the event <3
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mr-self-destructxx · 3 months
making brownies but not giving any to my grandpa on purpose cuz he ate my breakfast this morning and was a huge dick about it:]
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bornetoblood · 1 year
ok the sappy Moon Divorce thought from yesterday was that, ultimately, these two guys remember each other despite everyone else forgetting about them. Like Gehrman’s sect of hunters has been completly lost to history and Laurence’s whole deal is that he forgets and is forgotten.
And even if Laurence only remembers Gehrman because of a promise he made to him that he failed to keep, and Gehrman only remembers Laurence because he is trying to keep that same promise and it pains him. They still remember, even if the memory is rotten and bloody and coarse.
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drrandombear · 1 year
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THERE HE IS! THE REASON I DECIDED TO WATCH THIS SHOW His design is just mwah so beautiful also hes a little gremlin man Red head Oz is a wonderful design please i love it so much (also his can is snazzy as hell) Fight scene pics cause I love him
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bitegore · 10 months
i have GOT to draw wildrider androidformer again
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citrine-elephant · 1 year
so much on my mind about this shit job, but i just love (sarcastically) that if you're to be exercising, you MUST build up to it, 'less you cause injury. because you can and will if your body isn't ready. if you do 100 pushups first time.... you're a prodigy of exercise and you're probably gonna burn out if you're not suffering alreadt.
yet a desperate fucker who needs a job to survive? nah, 7 hours of exercise each day all week? yep, that's reasonable. totally (further sarcasm)
you never worked out before? too bad, get back to work. make us more money. fill my pockets and fund my sixty mansions. (eat the rich, comrades, they are nothing without our labour)
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arkos404 · 2 years
im watching ink m4ster clips and like logically i know its a reality show so the contestants turned up the drama for content and enterneinment value and its very scripted and shit, but emotionally? damn those bitches are so fucking petty and spitefull, its exhausting just watching them cant imagine having to actually interact with them, most unpleasant people ive ever seen holy shit
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benevolentscars · 14 days
Last six months at this apartment I got to stretch my legs into being an adult in the sense I had room for grabbing furniture and wall art from the thrift store and the car and freedom to take it home, and just enough disposable income I could find a thrift find about once a week and it would nourish a part of me that wanted to grow out roots in a little home.
six months into this apartment also had me wither in the demands of upkeep and work burnout and a toe dipped into hospital bills from common accidents and stress from workplace accidents. Responsibilities of making sure my dog was loved and taken care of came first but that also put a lot of my well being into coming second.
I'm now both the plant that grew too many leaves for a small pot of soil and the hands that have to cut off the excess so I can grow into the season flourishing, not withering trying to do too much. Downsizing when you only just got to experience having a couch or having your own TV for the first time is ...sobering.
Just beyond this years horizon I'm either going to go from a 1br apt into a studio, or back under my parents care, and regardless of either I need to fit my belongings into a single room again. On the slight chance I can work out my life into the direction where I'm dorming for fully committing to college to be a vet will still force me into this downsizing path.
If the economy in the US wasn't spiraling so harshly and the cost of living wasn't so suffocating I wouldn't have to cut out my home so I could survive, but that just is how it is.
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iguessitme · 2 months
I failed.
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drawbudd · 9 months
one of the hardest things with having episodes (i'm talking about depressive episodes specifically here but others might apply as well) is that no matter how much you know, you can't really pull yourself out of it
like, i could know that i'm in an episode and know that it'll pass but i cant change the way i feel while in it
most of the time it's just thinking "this is unbearable" and finding myself at the end of the day with a clearer mind realising that despite everything, ive beared it again
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cuppafoxtea · 2 years
My cat was so jealous of my crisps whe turned doctor who italian
I was eating crisps wich she wanted too so she demonstratively put her paw on my keyboard wich somehow turned on the italian dub
Look at this jealous little italian dubbing cat
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damnbluewires · 2 years
I've decided I AM suicidal yet I'm spitefully, angrily strong and I will bite and kill and maim and I will survive
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bri-wolfer · 1 year
got any advice for flirting with mean internet furries?
theres one thats cought my eye that seems real cute, full of gender, and particularly spitefull~
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don't be a freak and get better taste 👍👍👍
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