#Spherical magnets
suprememagnets1 · 4 days
 The Fascinating World of Small Magnets
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Small magnets are powerful, compact magnets used in various everyday applications. Despite their size, they can have a strong magnetic pull, making them ideal for precision tasks where larger magnets would be impractical.
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suprememagnets · 5 months
Spherical magnets
If you are interested in using spherical magnets for a specific purpose or have any other questions about them, feel free to ask! also known as magnetic balls or magnetic spheres, are small magnets that are shaped like spheres. They are often made from neodymium or other rare earth magnets due to their strong magnetic properties.
For more information- https://suprememagnets.com/collections/neo-sphere-ball-magnets
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soriagravity · 7 months
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cerastes · 10 months
I still think it's really cool how Amuro starts as the shittiest pilot alive (because he's a 15-year old) that only gets carried because he's in the biggest, fattest stat stick in-universe at the time (a few retroactive additions made in the future notwithstanding), enough that even its crappy vulcan guns are tearing Zaku IIs apart, and when he starts getting a bit too cocky, Char and Ramba Ral show up in objectively inferior pieces of junk and absolutely deliver his pizza, they just drag his face across every available surface in Planet Earth like he's a Yakuza mook, all because they are simply that much better at piloting, and the thing is, Amuro takes that very seriously.
He goes from shitass kid in an unfortunate situation that doesn't want to get in the robot to the most unwell child soldier in the war, which is really saying something, but most importantly, becomes so good at piloting the Gundam that the Gundam physically cannot handle Amuro's piloting. They need to apply "Magnetic Coating" to its joints so they don't fucking snap away from the main frame because Amuro, one, moves too damn well but also in too extreme a way for the frame to handle it, two, despite being equipped with two sabers, a shield, a beam rifle and vulcan guns, Amuro is a stern believer in introducing most everyone in thagomizer range to his Rated Z for Zeon hands, the single most official pair of hands in the business, tax free. He KEEP going Ip Man on these dudes, he does NOT need to do a Jamestown on these mother fuckers but he INSISTS. Somehow even the Gundam Hammer, which is a giant Hannah Barbera cartoon flail-- Ok, look at this thing, words do not do it justice
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Even this god damn Tom and Jerry prop is less savage that whatever Amuro decides to do the moment he's done throwing his shield to get a free kill on someone and it officially becomes bed time forever for the unfortunate sap at the business end of his ten-finger weapons of mass destruction.
The RX-78-2, "Gundam" for its friends and family, even has a top of the line cutting edge Learning Computer that 'learns' alongside the pilot and their habits. This data extracted from it was so absolutely fucked up that it completely revolutionized Mobile Suit combat afterwards, which is a wholesome thing to think about when The Best Combat Data Ever came from a really angry, really stressed 15 year old that doesn't even like piloting. He was 15! He made Haro with his own hands! Amuro literally just wanted to make funny cute spherical robofriends! Amuro was out there trying to make Kirby real, but fate had other plans for him. His cloned brain put in a pilot seat is one of the setting's strongest 'pilots'.
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They made fucking Shadow the Hedgehog with his brain, god damn.
By the end, Zeon is rolling out Gelgoogs out of its mass production lines. These things are in the Gundam's ballpark in terms of overall specs (or "power level"). Amuro is bodying them as if they were episode 1 Zaku IIs.
AND THEN HE GETS FUCKING PSYCHIC SPACE POWERS. Not that he needed them, he bodied a couple Space Psychics without any of those powers before awakening to them. But heaven's most violent child was not done evolving, whether he liked it or not.
Char bodied him in a souped up Zaku II at the start, a machine objectively inferior to the Gundam. Amuro more or less one-sidedly beats the shit out of Char when he's in a custom Commander-type Gelgoog that you could consider to be equal spec-wise to the Gundam. Amuro is the embodiment of Finding Out. He is Consequences. You tell him he better make it hurt, better make it count, better kill you in one shot, buddy, he needs half a fucking shot. The complete transformation. One could consider the central 75% of the show as long drawn out training montage turning a kid into the Geese Howard of giant robots.
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carionto · 11 months
A new Human fad called "Sunwalking"
Humans have miniature star technology for their power generation - true fusion. Encased within a stupidly complex yet impossibly durable spherical containment unit is, by all measures, a proper star. But you can't see it because it would kill you - solar radiation, and extreme magnetic fields, and all that other good stuff that stars emit.
Lots of people really want to see their stars up close, for reasons we refuse to acknowledge. It is literally suicidal. Doesn't stop deathworlders though. Guess that makes sense if nothing else.
One of them has, sort of, succeeded.
A group of hobbyist engineers calling themselves "Walking on the Sun" offer to experience what it's like to, well, walk on a star. But not really. What they offer on a technical level is still insane - first they generate a very tiny star, only about 40 centimeters across, then release it.
Normally, it would immediately melt the exposed sides of the container and explode, but it's kept mostly stable with several massive gravity hooks and tractor beams. This consumes more power per second than the star being held puts out, making it impractical for military use even by Human standards.
Once they've got a stable "loose" star, the "attraction goers" can disembark onto a semi transparent platform only 400 meters from the star. It blocks most of the heat, light, and radiation, but leaves enough to make it impossible to survive more than two hours of exposure, which is insane. Just because the star expires in around twenty minutes doesn't make it better.
Everyone has a mandatory radiation scrub afterwards. No one is allowed more than two visits within a five month period. Doesn't stop some from trying. One man faked his identity SEVEN TIMES to, now using his words - "Maintain the perfect tan."
After his sixteenth visit in a month he was rushed to a medical station and treated for cellular mutation and second degree burns. The "attraction" was forced to change to a once per year visit, and to implement a full biometric scan for all visitors.
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Wait. WAIT. I could DO this.
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The body is one round, spherical piece, and then the legs are extensions from the body.
This is DOABLE.
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Chest joint floats over central lower torso - in two pieces? for ease of stringing eight legs. Yeah. It's gotta be two pieces. Way too much of a PITA if it's one piece. Bottom piece needs to be THICC though to manage the tension of the elastic for six out of eight legs. Well, tentacles. But same idea.
In 3D printing, there's a type of UV resin that is very flexible. Printed thinly and attached to the legs (magnets? tiny magnets), it would create that attached webbed look. Oh, shit - I could stick them to the top half of the lower torso, too? There's a thought. Make them thinner in the center and thicker at the legs/torso for more stability and room for magnets. I could put them just under the leg joints - magnets on the torso and the side of each leg.
LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO, as the kids say.
Ursula - you're getting a proper BJD body, girl. I will rescue you from this partial bust and give you a proper shell necklace while I'm at it.
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*shudders* We have to do something about that face, though. And you need some proper lashes. Drag queens would never.
Just Play Disney Villains Fierce and Fun Ursula styling head. $14 on Crapazon. Even worse in person. But the hair is really nice? Head was made as one piece with the bust, so I'm going to have to cut that off.
OK. All other WIPs are getting set aside. Slopers can wait. I am inspired.
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tanadrin · 14 days
Pr and the Mniw
Pr is a minor planet orbiting the millisecond magnetar MMR CHA J1712-2901 ("Ast"), about a thousand light years from Earth, in the constellation Sagittarius. Ast has four major planets: Wsjrhp, Hrw, Mnw, and Bstt. Hrw has one moon, Jmstj. There are five large minor planet in eccentric orbits within 3 AU, Jrb, Bjr, Rrj, Zr, and Pr.
Pr is a large asteroid with a rotation period of about two hours; its average density is less than 4 g/cm^3, but its internal composition is highly variable. About 40% of its solid material is composed of massive diamond fragments fused together at seams formed of carbon glass, and the interior of the planet contains a large irregular cavern roughly 250 kilometers in radius. This cavern is sufficiently enclosed to retain an envelope of water and air with minimal outgassing. Due to the very high rotation speed of the planetoid, the surface of the cavern, at its lower levels, experiences a centrifugal force about 1-2% of Earth's gravity. The axis of Pr's rotation is nearly perpendicular to its orbit.
No complete model of the formation of the Ast system has yet been offered, but several hypotheses have been suggested to account for some of its more unusual features. The formation of a protoplanetary disk may be due to the disruption of a stellar companion, or fallback from the supernova that formed Ast in the first place; the diamond fragments which make up Pr may have originated in a disrupted carbon-rich planet or planetoid, or gas giant. The interior atmosphere of Pr is perhaps due primarily to biological processes releasing volatiles into the cavern.
Deliberate planetary engineering has been mooted as a possibility, but the crew of the DSE Scholiast, the only vessel to survey the system so far, has not yet found evidence of such engineering by other civilizations, and the indigenous inhabitants of Pr are likely incapable of such undertakings at this time.
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[Map of Pr, with some regions and bodies of water labelled, plus many major settlements. The relief of the cavern interior is very great; the large plateaus have scarps tens or hundreds of kilometers high. Note that the equilibrium potential at the interior surface of a rotating body is cylindrical, not spherical, and this projection is adjusted accordingly, and so shows true shapes near the poles. The nature of the geological processes that have shaped Pr's interior are not fully understood at this time. The total land area visible here is roughly equivalent to Texas or the Iberian Peninsula.]
Biology and Ecology
Pr's internal heat is maintained by the radiation from Ast, which is converted to thermal energy in Pr's crust. Thinner regions of the crust, particularly near the equator, have higher heat flow from the exterior; the high axial tilt of Pr also means that the northern and southern hemispheres can experience somewhat different heat flows throughout the year. Much more important to Pr's seasons, however, is the variability of Ast's magnetic field created by the eccentricity of Pr's orbit. When Pr is closest to Ast, organisms can extract energy from the magnetic field, as Pr's rotation allows them to create selective ion gradients whose diffusion provides energy, or to directly extract mechanical energy from electrically charged cilia. (Induced current is much too weak to be a useful source of biological energy).
As on Earth, the native lifeforms can be broadly classified into producers and consumers, but even the consumers on Ast obtain a significant portion of their energy budget from autotrophy, using heterotrophy only to supplement this budget. A minority of producers are also radiotrophs, who extract energy from the radioactive elements in Pr's crust.
Pr biology does not use DNA and is highly resistant to radiation. It also does not seem to experience Darwinian genetic drift. Instead, cells seem able to adapt their own internal machinery in response to certain kinds of stress, and to disseminate these changes throughout the organism, or even to conspecifics. The nature of this process and how it could have evolved is still a mystery, nor can they apparently account for all of the different forms observed among the native life.
The interior of Pr is dim, but not dark. Some plant species have evolved to emit light as a form of signaling, incentivizing some animal species to evolve eyes in response.
Because of the energy inefficiency of pure heterotrophy, to say nothing of pure heterotrophy that involves predating on other heterotrophs, no carnivorous animals are known on Pr.
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[Above, the Mniw. The upper Mni has a fully-grown set of skin-plates; the lower Mni has either shed or removed hers, possibly as a cosmetic choice. The dark patches of skin shown are the rough beds from which the skin-plates grow.]
The Mniw
The Mniw (singular Mni) are the indigenous inhabitants of Pr. They are 12-18 centimeters long, with tough gray skin, and usually found with a mineralized defensive covering that grows out from the skin. They have a single sex, and reproduce via parthenogenesis. However, they still engage in a form of sexual intercourse, which is divorced from reproduction: instead, sex among the Mniw exists as a means of facilitating horizontal gene transfer, which then alters the nature of the offspring they bear. It can also allow a limited sharing of experiential memory. In addition to sight, hearing, and the other usual senses, the Mniw have the ability to sense the weak induced electrical currents in Pr's crust, which helps them perceive their environment better.
Mniw hatch from eggs and are generally raised in family units; they do not make sex-based distinctions, but do make social distinctions based on relationships. A mwt is the Mni who laid the egg; all other adults in the same household involved in childrearing are jtw; the sntw are siblings who share a mother, while other children raised in the same house are snw. Children from one's own eggs are srtw, while children from one's partner(s) are mnw.
As in humans, Mni adolesence is marked by gradual sexual maturity; reproductive fertility comes later in life, however, around the age of 30. Past 50, fertility declines slowly, as does the capacity to engage in horizontal gene transfer, though the capacity for sexual intercourse remains. Past 65 or so, Mniw enter their equivalent of "old age," but Mni do not experience a sudden collapse in their physiological health late in life, and can in principle life forever so long as they are not felled by accident, violence, or disease. In practice, lifespans are around 130-200 years, with a great deal of variability.
Mniw have many social elements, like hierarchy and emotions and social roles, that would not be entirely alien to humans, but they have no direct analogue to human sex roles or orientations. Instead the major cleavage in Mni society historically is between Mniw who tend to be primarily exogamous, preferring to mate and rear children with Mniw from distant communities, vs Mniw who tend to be primarily endogamous, with about 85% of Mniw being primarily endogamous; these traits perhaps evolved in the context of horizontal gene transfer to take advantage of different patterns of dissemination of useful traits.
Mniw can survive outside of Pr, but without a strong, moving magnetic field must consume a large amount of food; and the food they are normally adapted for will not grow at all absent such a field. An Earth-standard gravitational field would render them totally immobile, and would be extremely unpleasant, though probably not fatal, and it's possible given their unique physiology that they could eventually adapt to such an environment.
Mniw generally inhabit large, almost hive-like cities that are built out in three dimensions; historically, these could be strongly fortified against attack in a way that made wars of conquest nearly impossible until the invention of gunpowder. Mniw have had writing for about 5,000 years, and the first confederate states emerged around 3-4,000 years ago. The dissemination of gunpowder weapons 1,500 years ago radically altered politics and society on Pr, but the absence of easy paths to industrialization has caused a certain degree of stagnation since.
Modern Pr is divided into about a dozen large states, in an area of roughly 750,000 kilometers square, with a fair amount of diversity in languages, cultures, and social systems, given the small size of Pr. A very loose framework of international diplomacy is carried out through a series of councils called the Jaw Mwad, and on the occasion of the Scholiast's arrival, the Mniw convened a great council, a Wr Jaw Mwad, for the first time in over a century to open formal channels of communication.
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missamyrisa2 · 8 months
I would love it if I could get teased and tormented dumb in one of your machines…
My clit is throbbing as I read your posts…
"uhohhhhh~!" You hear the machiney voice warble as your royal button pulses so cutely. Little did you realize your excitement was as a beacon to my latest machine ~ the girly button polisher ~ and she's everrrrr sooo overly excited to give your pearly a nice wash and makeover~~
The humming buzzing grows closer, drawn to your button's hot heat like a magnet~ you try to hide under your bed making a desperate dive as the door opens. Machinery wooshes around, scanners deploying~ "uh ohhh~" she zips around, detecting your silly button again ~ and thennnn the robotic hand snatches you by your ankle and yanks you out, holding your wiggly body upside down for the smirking robotic face and scanners to see~and thoroughly verify
Gloved robotic hands deploy in a gang, wigging their fingers tauntingly at you before moving about to start stripping off your clothes. You are tossed and handled and positioned as your top, bottoms, socks, and panties are tossed aside in a pile ~ completely nude and squirming, the hands orient you and gently spread your legs so the scanners can start working. The tingling beams start at your toes and fingers, working upward and downward in tandem ~ the humming grows louder as they move up over your knees, sending tingles through your thighs ~ down your chest ~ they slowly converge towards your royal area, the beeping raising in pitch. The machine rumbles in excitement getting closer to its target.
She chimes, as the scanners reach your royal button and light up with a pulsing flash. Clamps spring forward and apply padded frilly cuffs onto your wrists & ankles before the hands pin you to your bed and attach them, the spherical machine sprouting extensions so it can brace the floor and stay steady during the procedure. Again your legs are gently spread~ as soft spinning implements emerge and begin twirling slowly.
"Who has a tickle button, then?" She taunts with her robotic voice, the whirling buffers in their obnoxiously bright pink fluff picking up speed as they begin buffing along your hips, working up your sides to your ribs. Another set is working from your heels up to your toes, the impossibly soft material twirling and gliding along your skin paying extra special attention to the hot spots detected during the scans. Two buffers hover on your underarms, just gently sliding back and forth ~ and they're paired with another set on your shoulders to neck~ as a trio of smaller detail spinners begin circling your navel and royal chest buttons~
The final set of buffers take their time, working your inner legs from behind your knees upward. Her mechanical smirk watches intently for it to happen ~ all the tickles and teases swishing over your wriggling helpless body, verified by repeated scans, are orchestrated to coax out that most royal pearl~ the spinning girly fluff gets closer and closer, on your inner thighs, working up and down with the slowest progress~
"Who's a ticklish girl~!" she teases, the scanners processing your every move as the hands start taunting your ears with fluffy feathers. And then with a loving chime, the buffers reach your innermost royal area and indeed coax out that pretty pearlyyy~ "uh ohhh!" She repeats once more, a gloved gliding down to ever so lightly tap on your clitty with a finger. The probing continues with a little tubed device sliding out to blow tickly teasy puffs of air on your swelling button.
"Does that tickle?" she asks, her interrogation endless and every time your answers are met with affirming beeps and boops.
The buffers switch out for tickle hands now, their fingers scrunching and flexing ~ though your view is surely focused downward as a paintbrush is starting to glisten with a cleansing gel~ you can struggle and fight all you like, and you certainly do, but the cuffs hold steady and the hands are massaging and rubbing and tickling all the defiance from you, working your tummy and sides and legs with knowing touches ~
"Hold still~ this might tickle~!" the machine teases as the soft brush begins ever so gently and relentlessly coating your wanting button with the cool tingly gel~ as its effects quickly set in and put your body into ticklish hysterics, the hands hold you steady with one patting your head affectionately. The brush then moves up and similarly torments your chest buttons, thoroughly coating them after a reapplication of the mystery tickle compound.
"Does that tickle?" She questions you again even as you gasp and giggle madly ~ stiff-tip feathers slide out to join the ranks of ticklers and begin testing the application on your buttons, their ends grazing on your swollen girly parts with the most taunting of touches. Hands grasp at your chest, seizing your boobs to hold them still and take every circling touch of the feathers. Down below your hips are held with thumbs rubbing in circles while the feather crests up and down from your button to your lips, pausing to lightly stroke each side of your clitty on every pass.
"Uhohhh~!" she exclaims as your button throbs so wantingly. "Does that tickle?" She asks once more as the feather retracts and a long cylinder slides out with a menacing hum. The shiny object moves closer and closer to your girly area before rumbling and splitting open ~ revealing an array of tiny brightly glowing buzzy buffers, all working and positioning independently towards your pearly ~ as you wiggle madly the machine keeps you steady~ and again adoringly pats your hair and head while you struggle to endure all the vibey tickles working around your clitty.
"Let's get a nice big ticklegasm then~" her taunt plays out assuringly, and the loving overload has no intention to end regardless of how many times you snickercum ~ because behind the current set of implements, an array of kissy licky synthetic lips are sliding out and making muah muah muahs towards youuu~<3
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chuitu · 3 months
Since i won't be continuing my A03 anymore... I'll be summarizing (most) of my AU's lore through something I'd like to call "explained in 30 minutes!",,
You'll have an entire half assed summary of what was to be in my au's lore (with some prepared doodles if rad enough) so I don't need to worry about writing it anymore, y'all will get the idea reading the summary anyway! I'm so fucking behind,, Anywho
Time for me to test how long paragraphs can stretch in Tumblr!!
What happens after 'Clouds //ACT 2//' in 30 minutes!
So if any of you guys remember the heck of a cliffhanger i left behind in A03, The news sprung up that a life draining + magnetic and ever so shifting gravity field pops up outta nowhere, but eventually a majority of folks know well and foremost that's Yeva's work... but something is clearly wrong. 🤭
Redson being the impulsive and too quick to act young man he was, he bolts out the door to go grab his bestie before things get way more out of hand than it already is, Macaque assuming the role of the responsible one since Nezha hasn't caught wind of this shit yet, catches up to the redhead only to hear that the little half-baked demon doesn't have a plan at all.
And an added addition to problems where Cinnabar (The one lookin like some security guard), actually called one of their superiors, only for word to reach the entire sector (That's totally nothing to worry about in the long run).
Skip forward to when Redson arrives at the main spherical field, Cinnabar indirectly notes how the field only drains you if your powers are active, so as long as kiddo doesn't jetpack fire drives his way to Yeva, he should be fine... supposedly.
Another skip forward bro goes through a whole parkour montage to get to the main building where Yeva was literally tied up in the last chapter
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Don't worry folks he's a professional at this... I think...
He gets to her, partially scratched by much of the flying debris, he tries to unbuckle her free, but the metal belt welded itself altogether (Well shit), and much of the building starts to fall apart and swirl around her, forcing little bro to put his pyrokinesis to work, It gets worse.
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"Cmon Yeva! Wake up already!! WAKE UP!!"
As if all that yelling is gonna help, and he could feel every bit of his strength faltering...
His spark dwindling every second... he could catch glimpses of his own hair fading to black... It wasn't looking good,,
Next thing he knew, he passed out as soon as the storm finally calmed... A worried sick voice of a friend screamed for help, but not for herself... For Redson.
Now we cut to the moment he woke up, his hair looked different, there was less volume and only a bit of red was left down his sideburns and lower scalp... Barely capable of picking himself up, he threw all other questions out the window as soon as he saw Yeva accompanying Nezha,,
He stumbles as he ran out, he could barely take in any information whatsoever, but the words he could make up were "It's for the best" and "She should be able to learn how to- powers- if anything happens".
A disheartened Yeva who could only look away from Red in... what was that look... disappointment? shame? towards him? herself? Or the event that led to Redson losing his flames...
He never got the answer, until 120 years later.
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pudgy-planets · 4 days
TOP 5 moons
Ugggghhhhh Meep. That’s like choosing kids aldnsjsjsj
I can’t give a definitive top 5, but I can give you 5 that stand out the most to me personally.
With pictures of course!
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Titan. The largest moon of Saturn. Slightly smaller than Ganymede, Jupiter’s largest moon and larger than Mercury in diameter! But only around 40% the mass due to Mercury being a world of rock, iron, and silicates compared to Triton which is mostly ice.
Titan is significant because it is the only moon in the solar system to have a significant atmosphere. Comparison of mostly nitrogen and methane, Titan has a geologically young surface with minimal impact craters. Combined with lakes of liquid methane and ethane adorning its surface. In fact, it mimics Earth’s water cycle with methane as methane is the triple point substance of the moon. It has dunes, lakes, ponds, rivers, and an atmosphere that obscures its surface. It is a simply magnificent world.
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Europa. Jupiter’s smallest, but most significant moon to astronomers and geophysicists alike. Europa is a frigid satellite covered in a thick sheet of ice for a crust. Beneath its geologically young surface belays a global subsurface of salty, liquid water. Salt is an important building block, making it’s a key study for extraterrestrial life.
The reason Europa is capable of housing an ocean is due to the tidal heating caused by Jupiter’s powerful gravity, producing a heating effect. The cracks, ridges, and the reddish brown color of its surface back up these claims of flowing water AND salts and/or sulfur compounds. Which of course, oxidize.
Europa is a special world, one of the cornerstones of the belief that water, is not as uncommon in the universe as it may seem.
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Io. Another one of Jupiter’s moons and the closest to the planet of the big four Galilean moons. It is the single most geologically and volcanically active body in the Solar System. This volcanism is due to the combined efforts of Jupiter’s magnetic field and the sheer bombardment of radiation due to the radiation belt it presides in.
The friction melts rock creating lakes of molten silicate and resurfacing the moon every couple of thousand years in the process. Compared to other bodies orbiting the planets, Io is not only the densest moon, but has the strongest gravity despite being so small on account of its metallic nature granting an iron core.
The intense radiation combined with its heat, means Io has the single lowest water to atomic ratio of any object in the solar system. It’s this proximity to Jupiter that prevents any ices from forming anything significant of its mass.
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Enceladus. One of the smaller moons of Saturn, its surface is covered in clean ice, making it one of the most highly reflective surfaces in the solar system. Despite its small size of 500 kilometers, it’s a significant world with its features.
It had a thin atmosphere comprised of mostly water vapor. Its southern pole houses a plethora of cryovolcanoes that blast geysers of water vapor, molecular hydrogen, and other volatiles (volatiles being substances and compounds that would evaporate at normal temperatures and therefore only persist in the extreme.). Some of the molecules fall back to the planet, while others contributes to Saturn’s E ring’s composition.
It is a geologically active world with its surface showing signs of reshaping due to escaping internal heat and a subsurface ocean of liquid water. It’s generally colder than most of Saturn’s moons, but it too shows signs of conditions that would be favorable to simple organic life.
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And finally, Triton. The largest of Neptune’s moons and the only one with enough mass to be rounded out into a spherical shape. It harbors a thin, but sturdy atmosphere and like Enceladus and Io, is geologically active.
It is the largest moon in relation to its parent planet (if we were to go off every celestial body, then it would be Pluto and Charon.), furthermore it is larger than all of the known dwarf planets in our solar system. Being 1.7 times bigger in diameter than Pluto and Eris. Triton is the only moon in the solar system to have a retrograde rotation, meaning it orbits the opposite way compared to the planet’s rotation. In addition, Triton is tidally locked to Neptune, always displaying the same face no matter what.
Due to its composition, properties, and retrograde orbit, Triton is thought to have originally been a dwarf planet that was ensnared by Neptune’s gravity from the Kuiper Belt. However, due to the laws of conservation of momentum, Triton is slowly getting closer to the planet and will eventually reach the Roche Limit. By which it will succumb to Neptune’s gravity and crumble, forming a new beautiful ring system.
Triton is unique. It is a differentiated (meaning that heavier particles sink inwards and lighter particles remain outwards.) world with ices on the surface, and a liquid ocean below it and a rocky, metallic core. It’s covered in cryovolcanoes, has a surface of frozen nitrogen, carbon monoxide, methane, and minimal impact craters. Its atmosphere pressure is capable of increasing and supports thin clouds and a haze.
A wondrous world indeed.
These are my “Top 5” Moons. I hope this answers your question.
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suprememagnets1 · 14 days
Unlocking Attraction: The Power of the Magnet Ring
A Magnet Ring combines style with functionality, featuring embedded magnets believed to promote wellness, balance, and energy flow. Whether worn for its sleek design or potential health benefits, a Magnet Ring is a unique accessory that adds a modern twist to your jewelry collection.
The benefits of a Magnet Ring include:
·  Pain Relief: Ring Magnets in the ring may help reduce pain in joints and muscles by improving blood circulation.
·  Improved Circulation: Magnetic fields can stimulate better blood flow, enhancing tissue oxygen supply.
·  Stress Reduction: Wearing the Magnet Ring may promote relaxation and reduce stress.
·  Balance & Energy: Believed to restore natural energy balance and increase vitality.
·  Fashionable Accessory: It combines health benefits with a stylish design, making it a functional yet fashionable piece.
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Magnet Balls are small, spherical magnets commonly used for various purposes, including:
Educational Tools: Used to teach magnetism and physics concepts in classrooms.
Stress Relief and Fidget Toys: Many enjoy manipulating magnet balls to create shapes, providing relaxation and focus.
Building and Creativity: The best Magnet balls can be assembled into various structures, allowing for creative expression and spatial awareness.
Therapeutic Use: Some people believe magnet balls have health benefits like improving blood flow or relieving pain, although this is not scientifically proven.
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Magnet sheets  are flexible, thin layers of magnetic material that can be easily cut and shaped to fit various applications. These sheets are typically made from a combination of rubber and ferrite powder, giving them a lightweight and durable structure. Magnet sheets  are widely used in advertising, crafts, educational tools, and home organization.
Visit us: https://suprememagnets.com/collections/flexible-magnets
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suprememagnets · 6 months
Flexible magnets
Searching for the best flexible magnets offer a cost-effective and versatile solution for a wide range of magnetic applications, especially where flexibility, customization, and ease of use are important considerations. It can be customized in terms of size, shape, thickness, and magnetic strength to suit specific application requirements. They can also be printed with graphics, text, or designs for branding and promotional purposes.
Visit us:-  https://suprememagnets.com/collections/flexible-magnets
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minimavisibilia · 11 months
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Lotus L. Kang Guts 2022 Photogram, spherical magnets 20 x 24 in. (50.8 x 61 cm)
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antronaut · 1 year
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Lotus Laurie Kang - Mesoderm (Leak). 2022
photographic paper, darkroom chemicals, unfixed film (continually sensitive), spherical magnets 20 x 16 in
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transgenderer · 1 year
thinking about how if i was a scientist in the early modern period and i was trying to understand the whole deal with batteries and electric current and chemicals and stuff i would be so fucking confused. like electricity is confusing now when they can teach you about in spherical cow world where you have a nice neat power supply that lets you vary the voltage and stuff. imagine trying to understand the rules underlying electricity without an ammeter, without a voltmeter, without even electric lights! you just have batteries, and wires, and like, what, static electricity? magnets? its insane to me that people figured out electricity, and so fast. the voltaic pile was invented in 1800, maxwells equations were written up in 1862! galvani's frogs were in 1780! shocking frog legs to nice neat beautiful equations in less than 100 years! 100 years ago we were in early quantum! 80 years ago we had nuclear bombs! (well. 78. whatever)
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goneahead · 2 years
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
Thanks for tagging me @lerr-writes-fic
1. Are you named after anyone?
I was named after a relative that died way too young🥺
2. When was the last time you cried?
honestly can’t remember?
3. Do you have kids?
Nope. I have never spawned.
4. Do you use sarcasm alot?
Weirdly, now that I am semi-retired, I seldom need sarcasm. I also no longer deal with customers. There may be a correlation there…😂
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
These days? Their camper.😂
6. What’s your eye color?
Changes on my mood. No, seriously.
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
Can I have both?
8. Any special talents?
I am a weirdness magnet and boy, do I have stories…
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
Eating and sleeping.😁
11. Do you have any pets?
The current crew is three extremely spoiled cats.
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I make it a rule never to chase spherical objects.
13. How tall are you?
Not tall enough.
14. Favorite subject in school?
😂😂😂School was NOT my best subject.
15. Dream job?
Pretty sure that’s an oxymoron. The best thing I ever did was bin my work ethic and become a nomad😁
does anyone really think I can count to fifteen? um… @itwoodbeprefect @distilled-prose @cherokeeghostwriter @oddman-the-oldman @cowandcalf @ellena-asg @teruel-a-witch @wordrummager @mikefrawley @ends-2-beginnings @stephmcx @mcdannoangelwolf @herveiwfromthefloor @anjo-by-the-sea is that fifteen?😳
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