#Special Article
4rtheyenews · 7 months
रायपुर: विशेष लेख: मोदी की गारंटी-छत्तीसगढ़ में सुशासन का सूर्याेदय
01 नवम्बर 2000 को भारतीय गणराज्य के 26वें राज्य के रूप में छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य का उदय हुआ। मुख्यमंत्री विष्णु देव साय ने 13 दिसम्बर 2023 को प्रदेश की बागडोर संभाली। उनके बागडोर संभालते ही प्रदेश में सुशासन का सूर्याेदय होने लगा है। प्रदेश सरकार सबका साथ-सबका विकास, सबका विश्वास और सबका प्रयास ध्येय वाक्य को लेकर आगे बढ़ रहा है। मुख्यमंत्री के नेतृत्व में 02 माह की अल्पावधि में कई जनहितकारी फैसलों से…
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comicsbyte · 2 years
(Children's Magazine - Champak
बाल पत्रिका - चंपक (Children's Magazine - Champak)
#ComicsByte #champak #childrensbooks #article #magazine
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hisui-dreamer · 10 months
imagine being a stay-at-home spouse with jade, and every time you're bored and want to surprise your husband, you embroider tiny, different mushrooms into different articles of clothing. a little mushroom at the end of his sleeve, a mushroom on his pockets on his jeans, a mushroom over his heart of his cardigan...
by the time he comes home, you shower him in affection, staying still and letting him lean his weight on you as he recharges. and when he asks you what you've been up to for the day, you giddily pull out the article of clothing and show him your artwork, and the gentle smile that curls his lips is more than enough for you to believe all the accidental needle pricks weren't in vain.
he wears that article of clothing as often as possible, showing off to his friends and colleagues about what an endearing and talented his spouse is, and from the way his eyes sparkle when he's talking about you, every one knows how devoted and down bad he is for you
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ehghtyseven · 9 months
merry christmas to me - I’ll be over here crying over michelle’s article about sid 😭
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mortalfortaxpurposes · 4 months
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“maybe we were never supposed to feel so much. maybe we were never supposed to dream so much. but we did anyway.” a homeboy’s life letter, 01.01.2023 x x x x x x x x x x
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lilyrizzy · 5 months
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nico hischier, family & home
the athletic / guess how much I love you - sam mcbratney / the ny times / the players tribune / the hockey news / giovanni’s room - james baldwin / markerzone / regrets - hether / electra - euripides
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notbecauseofvictories · 8 months
man, the world seems terrible and full of bad things, and then you read about the Chicagoan who started developing ramen recipes with meticulous (even obscene) attention to detail, or an Irish hurler who decried state-sponsored spending for sports complexes live on air, or well-considered analyses of films or animated television shows and whether they are narratively/dramatically coherent, and it's....well, it's okay to be here. I like it here.
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uss-edsall · 17 days
I think the fact that the Rangers literally got disbanded during WWII because at one point what remained of them were 1/3rd available, 1/3rd in the hospital, and 1/3rd AWOL fighting and fucking everyone in liberated France, and forced to become a normal infantry regiment (the 474th Infantry Regiment) was a very based choice actually
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Various CR characters, the latest of which is Ashton Greymoore: I don't believe in fate
Matthew Mercer, descending directly into the narrative: the interplay of fate and free will is the most consistent culture-spanning theme in the entire universe I built and is set up as the crux of the finale of Campaign 3 so your belief does not actually matter but this is a great character trait for you to have so go off
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ruvviks · 6 months
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hanan at age 24 vs hanan at age 35 :] becoming a test subject at arasaka special programs really changes people huh
taglist (opt in/out): @shellibisshe, @florbelles, @ncytiri, @hibernationsuit, @stars-of-the-heart, @vvanessaives, @katsigian, @radioactiveshitstorm, @estevnys, @adelaidedrubman, @celticwoman, @rindemption, @carlosoliveiraa, @noirapocalypto, @dickytwister, @killerspinal, @euryalex, @ri-a-rose, @velocitic, @thedeadthree
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falconfate · 6 months
Hello ranger’s apprentice fandom can we talk real quick about the stupidest thing Flanagan ever wrote
It’s about the bows. Yanno, the rangers’ Iconique™️ main weapon. That one. You know the one.
Flanagan. Flanagan why are your rangers using longbows.
��uh well recurve arrows drop faster” BUT DO THEY. FLANAGAN. DO THEY.
the answer is no they don’t. Compared to a MODERN, COMPOUND (aka cheating) bow, yes, but compared to a longbow? Y’know, what the rangers use in canon? Yeah no a recurve actually has a FLATTER trajectory. It drops LATER.
This from an article comparing the two:
“Both a longbow and a recurve bow, when equipped with the right arrow and broadhead combination, are capable of taking down big game animals. Afterall, hunters have been doing it for centuries with both types of bows.
However, generally speaking and all things equal, a recurve bow will offer more arrow speed, creating a flatter flight trajectory and retain more kinetic energy at impact.
The archers draw length, along with the weight of the arrow also affect speed and kinetic energy. However, the curved design of the limbs on a recurve adds to its output of force.”
It doesn’t actually mention ANY distance in range! And this is from a resource for bow hunting, which, presumably, WOULD CARE ABOUT THAT SORT OF THING!
Okay so that’s just. That’s just the first thing.
The MAIN thing is that even accounting for “hur dur recurves drop faster” LONGBOWS ARE STILL THE STUPID OPTION.
Longbows, particularly and especially ENGLISH longbows, are—as their name suggests—very long. English longbows in particular are often as tall or taller than their wielder even while strung, but especially when unstrung. An unstrung longbow is a very long and expensive stick, one that will GLADLY entangle itself in nearby trees, other people’s clothes, and any doorway you’re passing through.
And yes, there are shorter longbows, but at that point if you’re shortening your longbow, just get a goddamn recurve. And Flanagan makes a point to compare his rangers’ bows to the Very Long English Longbow.
Oh, do you know how the Very Long English Longbow was mostly historically militarily used? BY ON-FOOT ARCHER UNITS. Do you know what they’re TERRIBLE for? MOUNTED ARCHERY.
Trust me. Go look up right now “mounted archery longbow.” You’ll find MAYBE one or two pictures of some guy on a horse struggling with a big stick; mostly you will actually see either mounted archers with RECURVES, or comparisons of Roman longbow archers to Mongolian horse archers (which are neat, can’t lie, I love comparing archery styles like that).
Anyway. Why are longbows terrible for mounted archery? Because they’re so damn long. Think about it: imagine you’re on a horse. You’re straddling a beast that can think for itself and moves at your command, but ultimately independently of you; if you’re both well-trained enough, you’re barely paying attention to your horse except to give it commands. And you have a bow in your hands. If your target is close enough to you that you know, from years of shooting experience, you will need to actually angle your bow down to hit it because of your equine height advantage, guess what? If you have a longbow, YOU CAN’T! YOUR HORSE IS IN THE WAY BECAUSE YOUR BOW IS TOO LONG! Worse, it’s probably going to get in the general area of your horse’s shoulder or legs, aka moving parts, which WILL injure your horse AND your bow and leave you fresh out of both a getaway vehicle and a ranged weapon. It’s stupid. Don’t do it.
A recurve, on the other hand, is short. It was literally made for horse archers. You have SO much range of motion with a recurve on horseback; and if you’re REALLY good, you know how to give yourself even more, with techniques like Jamarkee, a Turkish technique where you LITERALLY CAN AIM BACKWARDS.
For your viewing enjoyment, Serena Lynn of Texas demonstrating Jamarkee:
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Yes, that’s real! This type of draw style is INCREDIBLY versatile: you can shoot backwards on horseback, straight down from a parapet or sally port without exposing yourself as a target, or from low to the ground to keep stealthy without banging your bow against the ground. And, while I’m sure you could attempt it with a longbow, I wouldn’t recommend it: a recurve’s smaller size makes it far more maneuverable up and over your head to actually get it into position for a Jamarkee shot.
A recurve just makes so much more SENSE. It’s not a baby bow! It’s not the longbow’s lesser cousin! It’s a COMPLETELY different instrument made to be used in a completely different context! For the rangers of Araluen, who put soooo much stock in being stealthy and their strong bonds with their horses, a recurve is the perfect fit! It’s small and easily transportable, it’s more maneuverable in combat and especially on horseback, it offers more power than a longbow of the same draw weight—really, truly, the only advantage in this case that a longbow has over the recurve is that longbows are quicker and easier to make. But we KNOW the rangers don’t care about that, their KNIVES use a forging technique (folding) that takes several times as long as standard Araluen forging practices at the time!
Okay I think I’m done. For now.
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m0e-ru · 27 days
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it's 2013 did you pick up the inaba special copy of Nuances yet
the full fit teehee 👇
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miketownsends · 1 month
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i simply do not think there is another catcher out there who is as good with their pitching staff as Cal is!
(put the full article link in the source bc Tumblr was being weird about the link)
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t4tails · 9 days
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canon trans masculine oz cobb who packs w a penguin dick
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aidelly · 7 months
What makes Elly and Aidan so special to me?
I think we can agree that the bond between Elly/Rachel and Aidan is really strong, unusual, original… and I absolutely love it all the points.
Want more details?
Professionally trained agents with a focus on espionage. Partners who worked together and protect each other. They literally fell in love on the battlefield.
They probably knew each other for years. And for years after that, Aidan protected her, at least from afar. He thought of her safety and how not to destroy her hidden memories, even if it took five long years without her.
Elly refused relationships and turned down offers of dates. Subconsciously, she felt she couldn't be with anyone else, though she didn't know why.
Elly still had their song in her life. Her feelings for Aidan were still there.
Aidan triggered the return of her memories (associated with hallucinations) immediately upon their reunion.
He knew how to calm her down in a panic. And she trusted him enough to fall off the roof with him.
Their "are you okay?"
Aidan allowed her to kick his ass (with the possibility of killing him) just so he wouldn't have to hurt her. You could literally see how much he didn't want to hit her, and how much it hurt that he had to do it in self-defense at all.
Elly was not mentally balanced (which is more than understandable in this case). Aidan had such strong feelings for her that they were experiencing a folie à deux [a mental disorder occurring simultaneously in two persons who are in close contact. Induced delusional disorder. If one of the partners becomes ill with psychosis, he can influence the other with his delusions or hallucinations, who will start to share them] in the dance fight scene vs. the camera footage that shows their behavior during a fight scene was exemplary professional. (Cool point by @thesnowybiscuit)
Aidan had always loved her and took the last opportunities to tell her so. Even though she had just tried to kill him under psychic control.
She had always loved him and just a few memories of the last few days had helped her disobey the order while under control. If she was really aiming for his head, breaking the music box wouldn't be enought.
Aidan accepted Alfie, even though he didn't like cats and was allergic to them. It may not sound like a big deal, but it is. (And I think he liked him after all.)
Aidan joined her newly built life. And he loved her, even if she wasn't quite the same as before.
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Anything else? If you have some thoughts, feel free to share them.
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quantumshade · 5 months
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yeah, cause christmas specials have never been zany and goofy before
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they always take themselves so seriously
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really dark and heavy stuff.
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i mean, the creature choices?
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the amount of physical comedy?
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wow, even the saturation?
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jesus, even a fucking musical number?
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new doctor who is soooooo different from what it used to be in every conceivable way. i can't believe disney would do this.
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doctor who has really gone to shit and gotten so much worse in quality than before. disappointing.
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