invertxgo · 6 years
HELL YEAH || Accepting
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“Well, I knew that already.”
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powerofkings · 6 years
‘  talk  to  the  boob .  ’
Noctis blinked, and then smirked, adjusting his gaze, hands on her hips, eyeing her chest squarely.
“Well, I was gonna say I love Larxene, but I love you too, I guess, boob,” he said with a smile sliding into an open grin.
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melodious-sitarist · 6 years
@sparxene sent 🎤 to catch my muse singing while they think nobody’s around!
“When life is gone without a trace And hope is lost in time's embrace I won't wait or hesitate 'Cause I'm pushing through face-down I won't wait or hesitate 'Cause I'm pushing through
If time's a song, I won't wait for its reprise I am done wishing farewells and goodbyes I won't let this place overshadow my birthright I won't wait another eon”
A knock on the door elicited a groan from the young Nobody.  The sitar playing immediately stopped.  “Can’t I even play in my own room?” he whined.  He wobbled slightly as he stood, but made his way to the door.  “Lemme guess.  I was bothering you.”  It was the only reason he could think of that Larxene would be at his door.
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daemonflorescence · 6 years
@sparxene Continued from here
Did he care to hide his gaze as her chest was shown without a care? Of course not; lounging on his side as he watched her stretch, eyes of blue falling down to her chest before the touch of a shocking finger ran across his jaw, coupled with words that brought a laugh from his lips.
“Please~ Like you weren’t screaming in pleasure last night~” A hum, one hand snaking under the covers to find her hip as he pulled himself up to sit, the other twisting around her back to grip her far shoulder and pull her into a kiss, though it ended with a bite, letting his lips stay so perfectly close to hers after.
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“I’m not good at waiting for the next time, love~ That is, unless this next time is now~?”
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Axel’s eyes were closed, his body relaxing into the mixture of the steam and the hot water that cascaded over his body. The only sound that could be heard was the soft drizzle of the water pouring from the shower head-- that was until the shower curtain was moved aside, setting free a quiet squeak. Axel’s eyes open in surprise, only to be met with a familiar sight, and that surprise gives way to a smirk as he tugs the adventurous young woman towards him.
“D’you ever knock?” He asks before pressing a soft kiss to the crook of her neck. 
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iradivinitatis · 6 years
sparxene replied to your post: click
“Nothing in particular. Maybe I just think you look pretty this way,” she hums, patting his cheek affectionately as she settles into bed beside him.“Just wanted to test it out, really.”
      {☾} – Saïx is silent for a moment, then looks at her. He tugs a bit on the collar and clears his throat. “You.. think I look pretty?” He lays down beside her and wraps an arm around her. “I like it.. though sleeping in it may be tricky.” 
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clypeusamicitiam · 6 years
Send O///O to put a collar and leash around my muses neck.
Gladiolus smirked. “You’re in that sort of mood tonight then, lightning bug?” he asked, tugging on the leash enough to be defiant before leaning in and kissing her, picking her up against his body to lift her a little above him.
“Been a while since you decided you wanted to really take charge,” he teased, lightly. It was always fun getting her blood pumping when she wanted to dominate him instead of the other way around.
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ardensaltius · 6 years
Your dog likes my dog you should date me or something idk I mean it’s only appropriate AU
“Brutus doesn’t like anybody,” Crowe said, half amused, as her dog sniffed at the blonde woman’s. The tiny, vicious, terrible, little thing had been barking at every other animal in the dog park.
But seemed content with Brutus’ own vicious personality.
Almost as one the pair turned and started barking at poodle that had come too close to them.
Crowe barked out a laugh, smirking at the stranger. “Crowe. This is Brutus. Uh, Nice to meet you I guess,” she said, reaching over with her other hand, the one not holding her dog’s leash.
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invertxgo · 6 years
@sparxene || College AU
“You know, its interesting” Xigbar breaks the silence between them casually, leaning against the arm of the couch and staring at the television, a controller in his hands. Xemnas has left him here with her while he made a weed run, insisted that he not come along, and when Xigbar refused to agree, had snuck out while he went to go get dressed in something more than his pajamas. Likely because he was tired of the constant surveillance that Xigbar meant.
“Recently every time I come back from my night classes, the bedroom smells like sex.” This, of course, he wouldn’t be mentioning to her had it not been for the following fact, “I’ve seen you leaving the building a few times around when I get home, too. D’you know anyone else in the buildin’?” He doubt it, most of the people in the building weren’t exactly within her typical friend group. Mostly well off middle aged people with families, as opposed to the college age party people that they hung out with. The people that Xemnas had met her through. 
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larxel !
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pxine · 6 years
❛ Last night, you were… unhinged. You were like some desperate, howling demon. You frightened me. Do it again. ❜
Paine could barely remember what happened last night and by the sounds of it, she wasn’t she sure wanted to. The glimpses she got through her memory, she remembered the adrenaline that flowed through her veins. The point where it had changed from necessity to some sort of enjoyment. The thrill of it was what scared her the most. The thrill of enjoying it. She had never felt like that before. It had never gotten to that point before, never. It had to have been a lot to bring her to that point.
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“I...” Paine gulped, not realising she had been staring at a particular spot on the ground until then. “I don’t know if I can.” Her voice was quiet. Almost scared. It was a rare occasion to hear Paine in such a vulnerable state. Her gut was telling her that the blonde woman was dangerous and showing such vulnerability in front of her was a mistake. But she couldn’t help it. 
Her left hand went up to brush a few strands of hair out from her eyes and she realised her hands were shaking. Both hands went to sit in her lap and were soon clenched to try and stop them from shaking as much. It didn’t feel like it was working. Her nerves felt frayed for the first time in years.
“What happened last night?”
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iradivinitatis · 6 years
sparxene replied to your post: ✪✪✪✪✪
“You should know by now I’m only capable of backhanded or half-hearted compliments.”
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       {☾} – “Yes, I know. I am still flattered non the less.”  
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gunsandphotos · 6 years
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     Prompto kept his distance from the woman. She was clearly dangerous, but she was quite interesting to watch. Her movements were so fast and she struck her enemies with precision. He kneeled and raised his camera. He needed just a couple shots. Hopefully she wouldn’t mind. He was simply captivated by her motions.
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daemonflorescence · 6 years
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”Can we~?” Oh, he’d love to see her try~
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“Well, this is awkward…”
17. Tripping over a mess they should have cleaned ages ago.
Somewhere along the road, the vacuum stopped being something used to clean the house, instead taking the form of a decorative piece that stayed propped up against the wall. This was because Axel was the last one to use the vacuum, and thus should be the responsible one and put it back– but the closet was so stuffed with other supplies their apartment didn’t have the space for, it was practically war getting that thing back inside. 
Thus the vacuum stayed propped up against the wall, where it would remain, until the fateful day Axel, after a long shift of a soul-draining, dead end job, decided to order Chinese food. This, in and of itself, would not be much of a problem, except that by the time the food arrived, Axel was half asleep, and as he walked to the door in order to retrieve there food…
T h u d.
The sound of a thin body tripping over a vacuum cleaner and then colliding with the floor could be heard throughout the apartment, and probably outside of it. He can hear footsteps rushing out from Larxene’s bedroom, and with his face still pressed against the floor, he mumbles:
“Don’t. Say. A word.” She had been telling him for weeks he was going to trip over the stupid thing, and what had he done? Said he was too suave to do something so clumsy. 
And look at him now.
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