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kytherion · 9 months ago
little creature, little creator
it's hard to read the old glyphs sometimes and we all get confused with declensions and suffixes, except Ravi
but I like little creatures - I married one
and now I have all of these sparklings-- I would not want to live in a place without odd noises and messes I don't think I made
that would be lonely
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viridiansilverwing · 1 year ago
pounces (-Sparkthief)
Viridian allows herself to be pounced, then picks up the bitlet and holds him over her head, laughing and letting go for half a sparkbeat only to catch him immediately. Silverwing taught her to do it, though both of their mothers informed her that you have to be a lot more careful with bitlets who aren't jetlings. But here he can only fall onto the couch, and she doesn't let him fall.
Viridian can put words in Sparkthief's mind, just like MamaWave does.
{I love you sillysillybit}
{I love you sillysillybit}
{I love you sillysillybit}
She doesn't talk out loud much and when she does her voice sounds like it's hurting, even if she's happy.
But she plays music, and after she's caught him a few times, she dances around on the floor to it. His feet don't touch the floor, but that means he can do anything he wants with his feet and not have to worry about falling so long as he doesn't kick her by accident.
After a little while she will have to do some of the same things with Catfish so Catfish doesn't feel left out. But not until Catfish wakes up from her nap.
"Viridian: is going out with Silverwing tonight?" Soundwave inquires. "You do not have to watch sparklings all day, though help when I cook is appreciated."
Viridian laughs.
{We're all going out, don't worry!)
She can also play other people's words with her speakers or even make words with her hands, and sometimes she does that too, but Soundwave is totally fine with her doing exactly what he can do.
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doctor-glitterbomb · 1 year ago
Oh my god he is actually cleaning and he still hasn't asked where I am.
I haven't moved out. All my stuff is still there. I don't want to break up. I just want him to acknowledge that he actually needs me.
(Howlback says it will be a long wait. She has outstubborned Grimlock so I know she probably knows what she's talking about. :( )
But I'm curious to see how long it takes for him to connect the need for cleaning with my temporary absence.
Meanwhile I'm having SPARKLING TIME with Catfish and Sparkthief and Predaking.
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dontpetmeibite · 1 year ago
If anyone out there is really doing research on the "art" of gutting pumpkins, I have two sparklings who have in fact mastered that art.
If you're talking about carving pumpkins--which is actually an art--I got nothing.
But gutting them?
Here. Soundwave pulled this off the security feed.
[Included: a video of Sparkthief and Catfish in the RavWave family kitchen, discovering that someone has piled pumpkins up in there. The two bitlets, who were already pounce-chasing each other, immediately decide to jump into a pile of pumpkins, breaking several of them open. They then start rolling around in the mess they have made, and start throwing handfuls of pumpkin guts and seeds at one another. Sparkthief then eats an entire pumpkin, and Catfish shoves part of a pumpkin into her mouth, but she spits most of it out because she thinks it's gross.]
And yes. They threw up spectacularly shortly thereafter, because we didn't know think to look at the security cam until they got sick, and we therefore did not realise that they had actually eaten pumpkins.
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cleverthylacine · 10 months ago
so, y'all
@miner16 took a Tumblr break but will be back. You should check them out.
If you've been reading my RPs, they're @risenwings (Starscream, TC and Skywarp, with a side of Rattrap), @dancerhythm (Sparkthief), @silverxwords (Megatron through the multiverses including D-16), @maxfortress (the Fort Max who is in love with Glit), and so many others.
@destinyrem has Remix of Praxus, the Jazzwave adult daughter that the RavWaves adopted in one of those AUs. You should check them out.
@aelfheimerandrobots is a fantastic artist (and the player of Redstrike). You should totally check out their robots in corsets series.
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kytherion · 1 year ago
I do not adopt everyone I care for that I am not romantically or sexually involved with.
I am allowed to have platonic feelings about people without thinking of them as my creations.
The fact that I normally don't is not relevant.
I can recognise that a rare individual of an alien species is developing outlier abilities much in the same way that I would have done if I had been allowed to do so naturally, without Jhiaxus' involvement, and freely decide that even if this individual is doing their level best to oppose me and the group with which I am aligned, they are too valuable not to protect, because people with these inclinations and persuasions are rare.
(Ravage. Stop laughing. The fact that I have fallen for almost every single one of your lovers is not relevant. You just have excellent taste. How could my spark-mate not? And why wouldn't I love someone Jazz also loves? Or care for a fellow non-afthelm Prime?)
I am also capable of discovering unattended, unsupervised and unhomed sparklings without deciding that they are my children.
It hasn't happened yet, and the Newsparks' Welfare Committee has pointed out to me in no uncertain terms that there are people in Sanctuary who would like to raise offspring who don't already have four of their own biological children and one adoptee, and that at least some of them could do so as well as I and my family can, so Sparkthief had better be the last.
Can I help it if he managed to become attached to me before I had finished combing through the newsfeeds to see if someone was missing a baby?
I do recognise patterns of relationship other than "lover," "mate" and "parent".
(If you don't believe me, ask Cosmos, but please be nice to him about it. I care for him but he doesn't trust me and we are romantically incompatible. I also have platonic relationships with all of Ravage's siblings and their offspring. Howlback has helped me in Ravage's absence but we are absolutely not 'lovers'.)
Anyhow, while Rafael had loving parents, they do not understand them, and while Charlie is Bumblebee's conjunx, she is not a datapath.
Humans normally only live for a vorn. Rafael has already lived 25% of that time period and they will require protection and mentorship to reach their full capability within the limited time they are allotted to spend with us. It's only absolutely natural that I should ensure this.
And sometimes very annoying to Rafael, but until their power is further developed they will have to accept that sometimes I sense dangers that they cannot.
So. Don't be one of those dangers. That's all.
I'm sure my bubbe gets it.
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kytherion · 9 months ago
Soundwave loves hugs like that. He doesn't let go of her for a few seconds, but...
Gifts? "Did you tell everyone else they were supposed to give me presents?"
Soundwave's face purples slightly; he doesn't wear a mask inside the suite, although the visor's always on outside of his room, because it blocks out more than just unwanted light.
"What about Jazz? You have two fathers, right? If it means Sire, then it's more Ravage's day than it is mine, but I thought it just meant 'male parent'. Ravage can't carry, or at least she couldn't back then. All of the children I've had with her were carried by me, except for the ones that my brother forged with the sparks he stole from us."
"Happy father's day! I planned a nice dinner for tonight with the whole family. Don't worry I'm not cooking."
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dontpetmeibite · 1 year ago
Magic Anon
Pumpkins, you have all the pumpkins.
Pumpkins everywhere
Ravage knows who to blame when anything involving Halloween stuff gets out of hand, and that is a fact. A short while after the war ended and communications between Earth and Sanctuary didn't have to be monitored, ordinary Earthlings and Sanctuarians found themselves on an interconnected dataweb courtesy of Soundwave (and Jazz and Ravage both helped).
Immediately thereafter, her subadult daugther and her best friend got Tumblr accounts and learned about "spoopy season".
Every year since then, the sparklings of Sanctuary have enjoyed trick-or-treating in the residential torus--participation by residents is optional, but those who are willing to participate put pumpkin decals on their doors. Ravage did not actually know--until now--that a pumpkin was an actual Earth fruit.
Apparently, someone has decided to turn it up this year, because someone has delivered enough pumpkins to the Ravwaves' family habsuite that they are everywhere, She even found one in the washracks... after she took Catfish and Sparkthief in there because she had found them covered in pumpkin...guts. Which they had been throwing at one another gleefully after breaking one open.
(She really needs to learn that when they're quiet it's not always good, and that there are two of them, meaning they can do the amount of mischief Improv used to do squared.)
Viridian appears in very short order and completely forgets that she's supposed to be getting yelled at because she starts to jump up and down with joy.
Silverwing, though, is more cautious.
"Lady Ravage," she says, "Viridian thinks you ordered them for us. Because we didn't order them. And you're the one who does gardens--?"
Ravage swallows whatever she was about to say. She's got two wet bitlets anyway, one under each arm.
"No. I thought one of you did it, and I was going to ask what the Pit you thought you were doing by having them dropped off here instead of the storeroom we gave you on the rec deck."
Viridian laughs. {{Come on, Mama, we're not idiots.}}
Then she steps into pumpkin guts and slides across the floor. Ravage can't drop the bitties, so she's reiieved when Silverwing catches her.
"We'll take them," Silverwing offers. "We can let people who are giving out treats put candles in them! When the Aerialbots get here...we'll make them help us carve them all."
Ravage stares at them for a moment, before she remembers that the decal participants put on their doors looks like a pumpkin with a face on it. Then she shrugs. "Sparkthief and Catfish found the ones in the kitchen. Some of those won't do you much good, but I'm absolutely fine with your taking the rest of the pumpkins elsewhere."
"We'll get Dedication and Soundblaster to help. And Wallop and Clobber and Suckerpunch probably, too," Silverwing says; Viridian's already sending comms.
"You could make Vortex help, since he always insists on trick-or-treating even though he isn't a sparkling..." Ravage suggests.
"...no," says Silverwing. "Vortex doesn't need to know about the pumpkins! If he finds out they can be smashed, we will have a mess exponentially worse than the one the babies made. Viridian! Tell Laserbeak not to tell Wildrider either!"
{{Cut that one kinda close there, girlfriend, but OK. Not telling Wildrider.}}
Silverwing grins. "You could've just let them keep playing, Tante Ravi."
Ravage sighs. "They were tracking the mess through the house. Viridian just almost fell--!" Then she scowls. "Rumble and Frenzy--"
"Rumble's not here," Frenzy says as she opens the door. "He's with Miko on Earth. Wow, pumpkins!"
"I give up," Ravage says quietly. She lies down on the couch with the bitlets, who immediately run back into the kitchen. "Just keep them in the kitchen, all right? We can just hose the floor down in there. If I find pumpkin guts on the floor of my dance practice room..."
Viridian to Family: I wonder where we can get enough candles, though....
"I'll ask the Aerialbots," says Silverwing cheerfully. "After we know how many pumpkins there are, and we've cleaned up the kitchen, or your mother will have a migraine."
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kytherion · 1 year ago
This one: is sure this would be easy
with sleep
but no sleep
how to reprogram bitlet monitors
to recognise only actual bitlet screams
ravage: is hiding under the bed
can't fault her for that
{{Catfish, Sparkthief: desist.}}
{{Catfish, Sparkthief: come sleep.}}
{{rubber-bird-thing: not invited.}}
{{Ravage: come sleep?}}
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kytherion · 1 year ago
"I realise we haven't had one with Roddy yet but you do have great-grandchildren, bubbe. Won't be long before Elegy is big enough to play with Catfish and Sparkthief!"
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viridiansilverwing · 1 year ago
🌸 Viridian
I'm sorry I took so long to answer this, I hope I didn't make you nervous. But I wanted to give you a good answer.
I'm afraid I don't have one because we just met each other! I like you, and I know I like you, but I don't know why yet!
I can tell you some things I like about you, but they may not be the Reasons I Like You.
I like not being the oldest. Technically, okay, Soundblaster was the oldest, not me, but he doesn't have the feeling of Responsibility for all of our siblings that I have. Soundblaster likes to avoid being Responsible and mostly he just hangs with Dedication.
Our parents are good parents and they didn't ask me to help with our younger siblings as much as I do. I didn't always. I was a little annoyed when they first started breeding and adopting more kids. Because I was made in a lab as a weapon, I was deprived of time with my parents when I was the age that Sparkthief and Catfish are. They didn't even know that Soundblaster and I existed. Nobody asked their permission.
So I used to be kind of jealous, but because I wanted more time with my mother and father. I ended up spending time with the littler ones and I came to love them so sometimes I do volunteer to look after them some. I'm not supposed to have favourites, I know, but Sparkthief is totally my favourite. He's more attached to me than he is to Ravage.
Anyhow, I like having an older sister who is willing to join me and my girlfriend in spending time with the bitties. Again, it does help our parents a lot, but Ravage is adamant that if I don't want to do it she can always request help from the collective and I know that it's true.
I just don't know what I want to do with my life yet, hahah. My girlfriend wants to be a scientist. I like puzzling out games and mysteries and solving riddles and I'll probably end up on the Security Committee but except for Jazz, my parents find this kinda scary.
I also like it that you aren't as grim as a lot of people who are old enough to remember Before The War.
But I have not known you enough to know why I iike you aside from these little things that are more about me than you, and the fact that I like your field and your energy and enjoy having it around. Sure you make mistakes but we ALL do that.
I mean it would be shallow to say, because you're my sister, but that does play a big part of it too.
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dontpetmeibite · 1 year ago
it's 3 in the fucking morning and you need to get up early
do you?
go to bed
lay out clothes for tomorrow
drink some water
make another fucking sideblog for your main character's daughter and her friend who might be her girlfriend or something someday
... say hi to @viridiansilverwing
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kytherion · 1 year ago
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doctor-glitterbomb · 1 year ago
"Hah. I had eleven. Five other cats, six birds. Pounce, Wingspan, Howlback, Garboil, Stripes, Sundor, Squawktalk, Stalker, Buzzsaw, Ravage, and Laserbeak. When they sold us off separately...I was terrified. Ravage and Laserbeak weren't even done with their training, they were the littlest ones."
Glit shakes his head. "From Pounce we got Leozack and Lyzack. From Howlback, we got Goryuu, Kakuryu, Doryuu, Rairyuu, Gairyuu, Yokuryuu, and Predaking. I don't know about Stripes. Neither Stalker nor I ever bred. And from Ravage...Viridian, also known as Blackcat, Synthwave, also known as Soundblaster, Improv, and Catfish, also known as Villanelle. There's Remix and Sparkthief, too, but she didn't sire either one of those."
The idea of having a sibling is horrifying.
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dontpetmeibite · 1 year ago
I couldn't make this slag up if I tried.
Sparkthief got his head stuck in a pumpkin in an attempt to remove the "glow ball" (a less dangerous light source than candles which Viridian had placed inside the thing).
He thought it was funny until he didn't. (He was never in any danger. Even if he'd needed to breathe like a human, there were holes in the pumpkin other than the one that he stuck his head through.)
Anyhow, Viridian got him out but she's still finding pumpkin goo under her claws. Yuck.
Note to self: find out what kinds of sweets are safe for Elegy; we have leftovers for children as well as for adults, after all...
...what is that blasted noise? It's hard enough on my audials; Soundwave looks as though he's been personally betrayed whenever he hears it.
Oh. Oh no. Catfish has an ugly rubber thing that is vaguely bird-shaped and she thinks it is the best thing ever.
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dontpetmeibite · 1 year ago
Tumblr media
Ravage manages not to spray coolant fizz all over her stepdaughter or her desk. "How is it that you come from a universe where natural reproduction is common and I have to tell you these things? You wouldn't have been possible in our universe for more reasons than one; we're still trying to figure out how to undo what the Quintessons did to the vast majority of the non-Predacon, non-Matrix-bearing population."
She shakes her head. "Okay. So. For the most part, bitlets come from blacksmiths, like Silvermist and Glit. Frozen sparks, forged frames with growth-plates. Sometimes they come out of hot spots too, but a lot of the hot spots are dead. The Quints fucked around with our species and tried to make it so that Primus, in the living body of Cybertron, was the only being who could generate bitlets. But Predacons are called that because we're all wild-type. Anyhow."
She swallows another drink of the fizz.
"Naturally produced bitlets are produced by spark-merging. Two people love each other very very much, so instead of just fooling around with interface arrays and fields and cables, they actually open their chest plates and merge sparks. Sometimes a new spark splits off the merged sparks during merging and if you don't have a blacksmith around to forge a body you've got problems unless one of you has a gestation tank, which are usually only found in Predacons. I do not have one because it was broken when I was a lot younger. But Soundwave does and with the Matrix involved it seems sometimes like it's always on, too."
This is when she'd be blushing if she wasn't painted black, although if Remix has heat sensors on she can probably still tell.
"In order to support natural carrying and help the carrier grow protoform in the gestation tank, it, uh... well. You need to do a lot of sticky-facing, and the carrier has to use their valve. All of the fluids--which carry CNA--go into the construction of the protoform. That is why people who carry naturally and have multiple partners often have bitlets that look as much like their other lovers, and occasionally even a bit more, than they look like their spark-sire. This is why Improv looks like Jazz a lot and Catfish looks like Nautica and why Soundwave would like us to have one with Roddy participating. This is also why people don't always realise Sparkthief is adopted, because he looks an awful lot like Jazz. Viridian and Soundblaster just look like us, but that is because Soundwave's brother made them in a lab, and the fact that one has my frame type and the other Soundwave's, but the outlier powers are reversed, should tell you a lot about Onyx's sense of what I hesitate to call humour."
Ravage isn't sure why telling Remix this is embarrassing.
If she were telling a human, she'd be cackling the whole time watching them freak the fuck out about it.
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