#South Park Mermaid AU
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nheystyle · 1 year ago
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little mermaid au!
art by @nheyguys
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shhh-secret-time · 1 year ago
hiii! i rlly enjoy your writing and ur one of my fav sp writers so i was wondering if u could possibly write poly style (stan and kyle) fluff with a shy reader! tyyyy <333
Ohhhh ohhhh I'm so soft for this, I'm weak. I love fluff pieces so much and for some reason they're the hardest for me to write! I'm sorry this took so long! I hope you enjoy it! It's Mermaid flavored.
Warning: Strong Language, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, these boys being adorable dorks
Pairing: Stan x GN!Reader x Kyle
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The feeling of the waves brushing against your ankles as they continue their dance with the moon is the only thing anchoring you to this moment. Wet sand beneath your feet seem to sink slightly, molding to show the world where you stood. Only for the ocean waves to take it away.
Each time you came out to this secluded little cove you would challenge yourself to find something new. Yesterday you found a little crab buried under the soft blanket of sand. Today it was a new rock sticking out of the water. Just on the outskirts of your vision, you had never seen it before. Your eyes take in the outline and the shadows it cast on the dark water. The only light from the large full moon behind it.
Night probably wasn't the best time to come to the water, much less alone, but you liked it that way. It was exhausting having to be around so many people all the time, most of the time you didn't even know what to say or talk about. It's not that you didn't want to contribute to conversations and be invited out to things with your friends, but it was hard. You needed moments like this.
Moments with the moon, the stars, and the ocean to keep you company. Some nights it felt like something straight out of a story book. Watching intently as the ocean beckons you to come closer, how She sings for you.
Her song is beautiful. A language you can't understand but a rhythm you can feel. So, you sing back to Her on nights like this. With the sky clear so the moon can hear your voice. You only hope the moon knows how beautiful She is.
So, you part your lips and suck in a cool breath. For a moment it catches in your throat, years of teaching yourself to keep your mouth shut takes over. But only for a moment. After a single heartbeat the lyrics pour from your mouth, a second breath and you're sharing a tune with the ocean.
Sometimes while you'd sink things would brush against your legs. Shells and seaweed cling to your skin, and sometimes you like to pretend they were gifts from the ocean.
But they weren't. At least not from the ocean Herself.
They were gifts from your two admirers. The night sky and the large body of water were not the only thing you had sung for.
Two men swam in the water, circling each other in a gentle tempo. Hips swaying gently with one another. Scaled tails twined together so gently like silk across skin.
One colored with dark orange and white scales, with vibrant finned out reds. A deep red that matches the curls in his hair and the small blush on his face as his partner leads him in the dance.
His partner with eyes like the waters they tread. His tail is the same deep blue color with a thin line of silver going down it. Sharper fins compared to the red heads veiled ones. His black hair pushes and pulls against the tide.
The tide that carries your voice and tells a story they can't quite understand. Both men feel it in their chest, the urge to understand. And that urge only gets stronger every time you come out to sing.
At first it was just an accident, they swam too far out. There they saw you sitting on a board staring out towards the ocean. Your legs on either side of the brightly colored plank, swinging them back and forth. You opened your mouth and for the first time they heard you sing.
That strange language, the way it rolled off your tongue had them both in some kind of trance. Deep in their hearts they knew coming back was too great of a risk, land walkers weren't supposed to know about their kind. But the way you sang so gently, so earnestly, it was hard to picture you as any kind of threat. So, like storm chasers they returned. Every night the lovers would come back to the cove that was too far from their homes.
Now here they were dancing under the moon, just like every other night. Tonight, was no different, except of course the thoughts bouncing around in raven haired man's mind. He stops only after you pause your song, looking over at the other.
"We should get closer tonight. I don't think the shells are enough of a gift. The land walker isn't picking them up!" His voice drops to a low murmur as he swims closer to the surface.
"I don't know if that's a good idea Stan! What if they freak out?" Stern emerald eyes follow him, watching as Stan's fingers glide across the surface, not quite breaking the tension.
"What if they don't?" Stan asks, "Come on, we'll never know if we don't try Kyle."
"But we can't even communicate with them!" Despite his protests, Kyle swims up next to Stan.
The man always did have a way to pull Kyle into things he wouldn't normally do. But for Stan, he'd follow him to the deepest of trenches. And apparent by the way Stan takes his hand, he knows he would too.
"True, buuuut when was the last time we did something this exciting. I don't think the land walkers are as bad as your mom says they are." Stan wraps his arm around him and pulls him up closer towards his chest.
"Oh stop, you know she just says things like that to keep us safe. I never bought into those scare tactics."
"Uh-huh, that's why your fins are all fanned out." Stan says smirking down at him.
"N-no!" A nervous stutter and Kyle's fins fold back down against his tail. "Let's just do this before I change my mind!" He breaks from Stan's hold with a groan.
You've stopped your song for the night, content in just getting the emotions out. Normally around this time you'd step away from the caress of the water and make your walk back home. But when you caught movement from the corner of your eye, your body froze. The reality of being out in a cove so far away from town with no one knowing your location sits in your stomach like a brick.
"U...um hello?" You call out to the dark, maybe not the smartest idea but your mouth moves before you have time to think about it.
Your blood ran cold when you got no response, watching as the shadowy figure only got closer. Now that it was coming into the moonlight you could make out small shapes. Humanoid figures, two of them, a bit larger than you.
Somewhere along the way your brain finally made the connection that it should be telling your legs to move. Your legs felt like weights were strapped to them with each step you took back.
Just when you think the two figures will give chase, they stop. Curiosity seemed to be winning the little internal battle as you turned back and watch them. Squinting your eyes to get a closer look at what emerged from the water.
Two men, the water covering their lower waists. Little water droplets trail down their exposed chest, tracing every curve as it does. A breath ticks by, then a heartbeat, before the raven-haired man begins to move again. Out of instinct you look away and squeeze your eyes shut.
Silence washes over everything, even the oceans tides have stopped making noise. Until you hear what sounds like someone slapping the water.
Your eyes flicker over before you have time to stop yourself. You have to do a double take when you see how the man's perched up against the sands. Where legs should be is a tail, much longer than your legs. Blue orbs meet yours and for a moment there's a look of excitement when they meet. The depth of his blues is almost deep enough to make you forget about the fact that he's not entirely human. But when his tail slaps the water again, it reminds you of just that.
The red head circles around in the water a few times. His curly hair clings to the front of his face obscuring most of his features. Between the two of them he looks much shyer and more reserved, like he's waiting for you to make a move. Slowly inching closer to the other, he wades in the water with fins flared out.
They're both beautiful. Unlike anything you've ever seen, myths that have swam right out of a story book. Your stomach starts to do flips and your head begins to spin. It's all too much. It has to be a dream. The one with ocean-colored eyes goes to say something. He opens his mouth, but all that comes are sounds and syllables you'd never be able to make if you tried. When you tilt your head in confusion he stops and looks back at the other. The look on his face is clear, you don't need to speak their language to know the look of, "I told you so."
Their eyes fall back on you watching every little movement. The way your breathing slows. You should just grab your shoes and run back home, pretend you never saw this and go on with your life.
But it's hard when you watch the red head grab a shell and dig it into the sand. When he's finished, he looks up at you and gestures for you to look.
From the way the black haired one's face lit up and tail picked up speed you could only assume he was excited. He wraps his arms around the red head and shakes him back and forth, which only earns him a few grunts and a nudge.
Slowly you make your way over to the men. Just close enough to see what they were gesturing down towards. The fear of being dragged down to the depth by these two was still there, but the other part of you still thought this was a weird dream.
For a shell picked up on the beach, the drawing wasn't bad. It looked like a shaky attempt at a human with their mouth open. If you squint and tilt your head just right it looked like you.
When you look down at him, he grins and goes to draw in the sand again. Lines being dug quickly and traced over and over until they stick. When he's finished, he looks up at you again.
This time it looks like two fish swimming around. Chasing one another in some strange trance. The little spots and stripes across their tails made you realize they were supposed to be the two men in front of you.
The smile that spreads across your face makes their hearts leap. You gestured for the shell, a small giggle escaping your lips when the red head did a double take. The first contact with something so bizarre. Your fingertips brush against his skin as you take the shell and he's sure this is what lightning feels like. A jolt of something he feels every time Stan touches him.
You bend down and begin tracing a pattern in the sand next to his drawing. They slowly move up next to you, watching intently at your work. When you’re finished, they tilt their head and grin, turning to one another and speaking in that language that sounds like rain beating against a car window.
This went on all night, trying to figure out a way to communicate that didn't involve speech. While it was annoying at times, having to play a game of charades with creatures from a storybook. But at the same time there was something so freeing about not having to worry about saying the wrong thing. They seemed to be happy with every little thing you did, every little drawing you made in the sand, and every bit of laughter that came from your mouth.
Stan decided that was his favorite sound. The way your eyes lit up and the way your lips curled to that soft smile.
And there you stayed until the sun crept up, peeking over where He and the ocean meet. The radiance and warmth touched your skin reminding you of the passage of time. Something that seemed to slip by so quickly. It wasn't the first time you were disappointed to leave your little spot, but it was the first time you were disappointed to say goodbye.
The two men watched as you picked your shoes up and gave them a gentle little wave. They left you with one last bit of laughter as they waved with their hands and their tails. Before you could turn away, they flung themselves back into the water. Bodies twist and turn in the water as they come in contact with the cool waves.
The walk home felt heavy, but not in a way that was uncomfortable. The weight of something new, whatever it was, felt good.
Since that night your little secluded space has been accompanied by your two friends. Tracing memories into the sand, learning about one another the best you could.
There was only so much one could learn from pictures. That didn't stop you from trying, however. Over time you learned the two men were partners in all ways. Their love for each other ran deep, apparent in the way they smiled at each other. You didn't need a common tongue to see the love there. How beautiful.
You learned that they only come to see you at night. It took a while to piece it together, but eventually it clicked. Even though they were quick to trust you, didn't mean they were quick to come out in broad daylight. It was just safer this way and to be honest, you didn't mind.
Most nights were spent with you singing to your heart’s content. Watching in amazement as they graced your song with their dance. Sharing things from your different lives. They showed you fish that you've never seen before, rocks and plants. Things found only in the deepest parts of the ocean. And in return you showed them fruits and vegetables, foods they wouldn't normally be able to taste without it getting soggy. It was fascinating watching them react in different ways to the taste of things. The raven haired one seemed to like most of the things you brought, there were a few things he preferred over the other.
But the red head seemed to be a bit pickier about what he liked and didn't. Everything you brought was fine until the day you brought them bananas. Showing them how to peel it and eat the inside, not the outside, was the easy part. The hard part was not laughing when the red head immediately spit it out and tossed it so far into the ocean, that it disappeared in the dark. Even harder so when his partner laughed at him, sounding like waves crashing into a ship.
After you finished the small picnic that you packed, you stood up and began your song. Something you were working on in between nights that you couldn't come see the pair. Nights where it stormed or if the weather was too bad.
And like clockwork the two began their dance. It was hard to see in the depths of the ocean, the dark blues masquerading in their movements. But that was never the reason you sang in the first place; it was just a bonus to have an audience.
Your song is cut midway when the red head swam up to you, leaving his partner with the upper half of his head sticking out. You watch as he twists his body and tail, circling you like he's beckoning you to come into the water. Drawing in a breath, his movements feel hypnotic. In a way that doesn't take away your agency, almost comforting.
Each step deeper feels less like treading water and more like walking on air. The water rises to your waist, then to your stomach, then your neck and soon you're no longer walking but floating. Clothes cling to you like second skin, but the consequences be damned now. You damned them long ago when you chose to stay on the beach that night.
Inhaling as deeply as you can, precious oxygen fills your lungs. You dip your head into the cool water and immediately your hair begins to flow around you. The men stare in amazement, quickly circling you. As one circles your back, fingers brushing through your hair. The other is already in front of you staring into your eyes.
It's like seeing you in a new light for them. Their fingers brush over every part of exposed skin. Watching as you kick your legs to tread the waves.
"It must be hard to move without fins. Looks exhausting." The red head speaks making your eyes go wide.
You can understand him.
"I dunno, kinda looks like they're using their hips! I told you they wouldn't hate coming in the water!" His partner responds with a smug smile.
You can understand him!
"Hmm!" Before you could stop yourself, you open your mouth is shock, bubbles of air floating to the top.
"Is the land walker trying to breath in the water, Stan?"
"I don't know? I thought they couldn't do that."
Stan. The black haired one's name is Stan. You could understand them and had no way of communicating. This is what it must feel to be a fish trapped behind glass. The irony is almost funny.
What isn't is the way your lungs begin to burn. It feels like you just stepped into their world and now you have to step away from it. With a quick kick of your legs, you push yourself back up to the surface, taking deep breaths once you break. The men follow you still circling around you, if you didn't know any better think, they were hungry sharks looking for their next meal.
Their eyes train on you. Watching every little movement just like that night. Past the rocking waves you can almost make out their lips moving. Talking to one another and conversing.
Just as you contemplate going back down, you feel a hand on your ankle. Stan looks up towards you and his eyes light up. Either the lack of air or too much salt water is making you go crazy, it almost looks as if he's asking to pull you back down. It makes your heart flutter to know that you're able to understand them even though you've only known them a short time.
You take another breath and nod at him. He wastes no time pulling you back down towards him. His partner’s hands come down to your waste, acting as an anchor. Their bodies pressed against yours in such a way that reminds you that they're still shirtless. You only hope they can't see the blush on your face.
"So, you're sure this will work Kyle?" Stan asks, his eyes flickering from you to the red head behind him.
"Only one way to find out, go ahead. If it does, we can explain ourselves." Kyle speaks so softly, almost as softly as his hands on your hips squeeze.
You want to say something, ask them what they mean. The little muffled noises you make are enough to catch their attention again. Stan takes a deep breath and looks down at you. But his eyes don't land on yours, they travel down to your lips.
His head dips down slowly, giving you plenty of time to pull away. He understands the move he makes is bold. But when you don't pull your head back, when you don't struggle against their hold, he places his lips onto yours. They're soft. Gentle. Almost perfect. They feel like the rocking of waves, lulling you into feeling of mental repose.
It isn't until he pulls away that you realize you're not holding your breath. You haven't for a while. The loss of his kiss makes your eyes flutter open slowly. He states down at you and cocks his head to the side.
"I think it worked? They're not freaking out." Stan breaks the silence with a murmur.
Kyle's hands move off your hips just as Stan pulls away from you. They move around you again watching as you float there.
You open your mouth and feel strange, like your tongue doesn't quite fit in your mouth. But it does, the taste of the saltwater brushing against it reminds you that it's there. A few bubbles escape your mouth but nothing like before. You hesitate for a moment before drawing in.
When your lungs don't burn like you expect them to, you do it again. Breathing out and then back in. Each time is different until it feels like breathing. You look down at your hands and then back at the men who are grinning from ear to ear.
"It worked! Oh shit!"
And you laugh. You laugh at the comment. At the situation. At the jubilation in your heart. You're under the water breathing as they would. Each time you breath in so do they. It makes you wonder if their hearts are beating with yours.
"I can't believe this." Your voice is so small, it's hard to make it any louder.
"I can't either." Kyle responds to you with a chuckle, crossing his arms over his chest. "It was my idea and Stan gets to kiss you first."
He responds to you. Talking to you like it's something he's done every day this week. Between the three of you Kyle looks like he's the only one not freaking out, because as you look at Stan, he has the same dorky grin that you're sure is on your face.
"Wait, but how am I able to do this?! Why can I understand you guys?! How did you know to do this?!" The questions spill from your lips faster than either men have time to answer.
"Kyle read it in some book! Apparently, we used to interact with you land walkers a lot in the past." Stan says circling around you again.
"It wasn't some book dude; it was a journal left behind by someone who fell in love with a land walker. They figured out our kisses grant them the ability to breath under water for a short time." Kyle follows Stan in the circle almost like he's compelled to do it.
"But why?"
"Dunno, I didn't really read the rest of it. I was just excited that we could bring you down here with us."
"Should have seen the way he swam into my room~! It was cute!"
"Shut up!"
"No way dude, you're cute. You just have to accept it! The sooner you do the easier it'll be for all of us!"
You smile at their bickering even though you could understand them, it didn't feel different than when you couldn't. Trying your best to keep up with their circling, your body twists, and spins around with them. Their tails get closer to you with each spin, veil like fins brush against your legs. Closer and closer until their hands are back on your body again. Each time you began to float back to the top, their hands would pull you back down. And each time, their touch lingered a little longer.
"But now you're down here with us. We can talk to you and hear you finally!" Kyle smiles down at you, "Just be sure to let us know if you start to struggle to breathe. It'll be my pleasure to give you more time."
The little hum behind his voice makes your face burn, the flirty tone isn't hard to pick up. It made you wonder if the kiss was just an excuse to keep you down here, if they knew that it was making your heart pound against your chest. Did they put their hands on your hips and arms just to keep you from floating away or was there more to the touches? Was this okay to feel this way?
"O-oh um...thank you Kyle and thank you Stan. For um...all of this. This is amazing, I would have never been able to dream of something so beautiful." It takes you a while to find your voice again, so wrapped up in your own head.
"You don't need to thank us for doing something we wanted to do in the first place. We wanted you down here." Stan's mind almost goes blank when he hears your name fall from your lips.
"I-I just feel like it's something to be thankful for. You trust me this much."
"Trust?" Kyle tilts his head and chuckles. "I guess you could see it that way, but honestly it's just selfishness on our part."
Oh, the leap in his chest when you tilt your head at him, that adorable look of curiosity in your eyes. The water makes them sparkle in ways that gems could never. Stan circles behind him and lays his chin on his partner’s shoulder just as he reaches up and brushes some of the stands of hair out of your face.
"As fun as our little games on the sand were, it was frustrating being so close to you and not being able to tell you how we feel."
Stan picks up where Kyle leaves off, "How happy you made us every time you came out to sing. We had no idea what you were saying, it just sounded like humming and chanting! Now we can!"
"My singing means that much to you?"
"Well...yeah. It brought us together, didn't it?" Stan blinks at you
How could he say something so sweet so bluntly. If they continued this little team attack on your heart it was going to make the water around your face boil. Out of habit you go to move your hands to your face to cover them. But it's like they had a read on your movements and their hands come up to take your wrists.
Kyle takes over and pulls you to his body, his arm moves around your waist. You can feel the laughter rumble up through his chest from how close he's holding you. "Before Stan got the idea to come up to the shores, we used to dance by the rocks for hours. Something about the way you sing, it's irresistible."
"At first it was just supposed to be a one-time thing, but then we came back and there you were." As Stan speaks Kyle twirls you around.
Letting his hold on you go, the momentum spins you towards Stan whose hands find your hips. He lifts you up in the water, twisting his body around in a gentle waltz. When you gasp, he only laughs and lets you go just as your body flips back. Arching your spine, you follow the movement into a full flip where your hands find his.
"Singing again. Pulling us into a trance again, and again, and again." Every whisper of the word 'again' and he gets closer to your face.
Your eyes flutter shut getting ready for another kiss from the man in your arms. It never comes, but the feeling of being pulled away makes you open your eyes again. Kyle's arms, the paler skin, finds purchase on your waist and pulls you down out of Stan's hold. You get a quick glimpse of his pout before he goes to circle the both of you.
"I don't know if love at first sight is the right way to describe it, but you made Stan and I feel something we only felt with each other. So, we had to get you down here. Needed to know everything about you, had to hear your voice and tell you how we felt." Kyle confesses as he lets you go and follows his lover in the circular motion.
You're in the middle of their dance now, yet you feel a part of it. You feel a part of them and everything they felt. Kyle was right, maybe love was too strong of a word but there was something akin to it. Something like you felt for the moon when you sang to Her or the ocean, yet this felt grounded. Heavy like how you felt that night you walked home the first time.
The feeling was overwhelming you, starting to boil over that you were sure that tears were spilling from your eyes. You've never cried from happiness like this before, much less cried under water. What could you say to that? Thank them again? You'd be here all night thanking them until you needed air again.
So instead, you opened your mouth and began to sing. Your voice echoes through the deep, letting the undertow take your song to places you know you'll never see. Even now it's impossible to think about just all the places your voice will carry you, but it doesn't matter. Now when it's lead you here. In this beautiful moment surrounded by admiration and a heart’s desire.
Just as the waves push forward, Kyle rides the momentum towards you. Pressing a kiss into your lips. He silences your song for just a moment before continuing his ride.
Just as the waves pull back, Stan lets it carry him towards you. His lips replacing his partners on yours. The song resumes when he's pulled away.
Push and pull. Song and dance. How poetic that you would fall in love with the moon and ocean.
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up-side-in-side-out · 1 year ago
could you draw stan and kyle as the little mermaid!! it would be so cute!! (i love your art!!!!)
Anon I love you for this request (also thank you so much!!!!!).
I had a few ideas for how to exactly to execute this prompt, and couldn’t decide so I did a bit of both!
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Kyle: lionfish- Kosher fish lol. Their spikes and color remind me of him.
Ike: Rainbow trout- they’re found in Canada. Also a kosher fish!
Stan: Blue Dragon Slug- honestly just a gut feeling. His merman tail would be smaller than others because the creature he’s based on only grows to about 4 cm
I ended up making merfolk designs for both of them, but I do have more drawings with only one as a merman and the other human.
Comic and other ideas below cut!
I can see Stan in the little mermaid role pretty easily actually just due to his general kindhearted nature! I think if either of the two played the role of Ariel it would be him lmao.
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On the other hand if Kyle was the little mermaid, I’d see him more like the classic tales of mermaids/sirens. I think he’d want to screw with the humans as much as possible to get them away from his home.
And with that, I present a short, slightly blurry comic for you
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Annnnnnnddd a little bonus conversation from me and my sister!
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kennythecatgirl · 3 months ago
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Little Merman
I decided to continue the Kyle/Little Mermaid series of drawing i've done and I based this one on the dinner scene
Yes, I know that he should have a pink outfit on rather then the blue outfit, but the blue dress is the prettiest dress that Ariel wears
and yes that is Tegridy farms kitchen as the background. Are you really surprised? of course I would make Stan Prince Eric lmaoo
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bellusastra · 9 months ago
Art dump!!!
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Last one with Alice and wonderland was a crappy try with water colors 😔
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littleburitoo · 2 years ago
Mermay piece pt1!
[og completed May 28th, 2023]
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0-dear-rose-0 · 2 years ago
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running around
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fun-gun · 2 months ago
Cartman х Ursula
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kestalsblog · 10 months ago
Omg a Stanman mermaid AU would be amazingggg. I think it’s be sweet to have Stan be the mermaid, Cartman the human but the reverse dynamic would be soo cool too! Cartman the distrustful merman who grows to love a kind-hearted human Stan. Either way it works!
That would be soooo cute 🥺 an outside Colorado AU with reports of a mysterious beautiful merman roaming the waters . Skeptical Eric doesn’t believe it until he spots merman Stan for himself 🩵
Or Stan the merman has been shipped to South Park as some kind of show, and it’s up to Cartman to rescue him 🥺
I think distrustful merman Eric also works really well though 😭 we all know Stan adores sea creatures, so imagine the instant infatuation. He’d be determined to show Cartman not all humans are bad!
I love romantic fics where mermen slowly develop appreciation and trust of humanity. Thanks for sending such a fun message my way! 💕 I have too many ideas and not enough time to execute them ☹️
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 1 year ago
If anyone wants a little mermaid esque style au, here’s a part of chapter one of And The Lightning Cracks The Sky
Yes I’m gonna put the boys in Situations always.
His helmet was choking him, trapping corrupted air and forcing it into his respirator. He yanked it off and breathed what little oxygen didn’t evade him. Goddamnit. He was already dizzy.
Up. Go fucking UP. To where the air was clear, or at least not so hot. But his limbs were dragging.
This was it. He wouldn’t make it out. He wasn’t even thirty years old yet, and he was pulling himself through a searing forest, eyes fixed to the swelling ground, and the little hope lingering that hadn’t already been burnt to a crisp.
Maybe he could at least breach the treeline. Yes. Pale rock was only a few hundred feet away. He could reach that, and radio to the station.
Another hissing *crnschsh*, and something landed on him with a hiss of heat against skin and a nauseating crack.
White hot pain flared in the side of his head and his exposed arm, blue/orange flames dancing into his line of sight. This was it. Either he’d be burned to death, die of lung failure, or slowly languish from a fallen branch to the skull and fade out from reality until nothing remained.
The most disturbing part of all of this? He didn’t care all that much.
Death was a part of the life cycle. Stan’s only concern was that he hadn’t managed to subdue his assigned acres before death. Would the animals who lived there be okay?
The branch wouldn’t budge. He’d been pinned onto his back, so at least he could see the sky in his last moments. It was achingly blue. A red tailed hawk circled overhead. He hoped that the poor bird had the sense to get away from the smoke before it dropped too.
Bright sunlight refracted across the snow.
It was blindingly white, like how he’d imagined heaven as a child. Oh. Okay. He was dead.
That wouldn’t be so bad, really. The sun was nice. There was a crispness to the wind. The frozen ground drew some of the heat from his seared flesh. Stan still smelled smoke.
Oh god. He was still alive.
The agony came rushing back in. So, still alive. That was a bitch. His head pounded. His shoulder screamed. His back protested the simplest act of breathing. His lungs burned with the power of every Hell.
There was… someone hovering over him.
A figure, silhouetted against the high sun. Their hair glowed in a bright red halo, and, for a moment, Stan was violently reminded of the fire. But they laid a cool hand to his cheek, and Stan felt… calm. At least, calmer. Green eyes. White snow. Red hair. Wind.
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sami-foxxe-fanart · 2 years ago
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hunni--bunni99 · 2 years ago
They're secretly in love
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merm doodle
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stickycollectorunknown · 3 months ago
Southpark urban legends au
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⚠️trigger warning ⚠️: kidnapping, death, drowning, horror
Many stories about the weird happenings around the quiet mountain town of South Park have pop up during the years. Some link them to mysterious disappearances or terrible tragedies that are hard to explain or are unsolved. Today we shall go through some of these urban legends...
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Kyle Broflovski /the fairy king:
The fairy King or the forest King depending on the person you ask is a mysterious humanoid figure with the horns of tree branches and the face of an owl and the lower half of a deer. It body resembles that of ten year old kid some witnesses say though it was hard to see due to it being behind the trees. This creature tends to lure kids deep into the forest often those that get separated or are lost. The children will go missing without a traces. Days later the children are found miles from where they were originally got lost in with broken bones or roughed up. The children seemed to be traumatized though they do not remember what happened to them just that they saw the figure in the woods... a local hunter claimed that they saw the fairy King deep in the forest in a cold autumn noon. He explained that he was hunting down a group of deer and saw it in the middle of the herd. The man tried to shoot at it but at no avail, "it just stood there" the man shakily explained. He quickly got in his truck to try and get away but apparently he couldn't see right and hit a tree. Hours later he was found injured in his truck by some forest rangers.
To this day some say that if you walk in the snowy mountain top of South Park you will hear foot steps follow and a figure in the corner of your eye.
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Eric Cartman /the mermaid:
The mermaid, the name is quite deceiving as this isn't a beautiful lady with a fin tail looking for true love, no, this is far from it. The mermaid is a bloated water filled looking corpse with both it legs fused together. It is said it lives the depth of the frozen south park lake draging in any one that steps into it's icy waters. It is said that it was once a kid of a poor single mother that was misfortune it enough to drown in the icy waters crying out for their mother until there was nothing but silence... it is said that in especially cold nights you can still hear gurgling sound of desperate need of help.a women who lived nearby told us her story of her encounter with the mermaid. It was a cold night and she couldn't sleep and she tried everything to try and sleep but simply couldn't. So she decided to go for a walk to tier herself out at least. She walked around the lake until..she saw a kid in the water drowning, she panic and ran to try and do something but the minute her shoe touched the water. It grab her leg and tried to drag her in. She grabbed a nearby tree for dear life and what felt like forever..the mermaid eventually let go and not only she was left with a brused leg but she caught a glimpse into it's hateful eyes as it sank back into the water..
this creature is said to be link to multiple drownings through out the years especially during winter.
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Stan Marsh/the kid in the window:
Many kids around South park have seen this figure outside their windows in snow nights. This creature almost looks human but not quite something is off but you can't tell. Maybe because of how calm it acts or maybe the way it whispers. It wants you to let it in. That it's freezing but you know deep down that if you do something horrible would happen. You can't sleep under it's watchful eyes. Even with the curtain closed all you can do is just stare at it until the morning sun peaks up and they walk away. Doesn't matter if you sleep on the highest floor it will always be there outside your window. They will know specific things of you..things that you have forgotten about or maybe they might have a toy you lost long ago.
It is said a kid once let it inside and the family the next morning found the room cover in snow and the kid no where to be found.
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Kenny McCormick/ orange snow:
This figure is hard to see within the thick snow only a orange parka, it seems to be blurry as it doesn't matter how good your eye sight is or if you try to use something to look closer. It seems to be moving in a strange unnerving way like if it was twisting all it's limbs to dance? It is said that he appears when tragedy or a disaster happens. In one case a group of hikers were climbing up the mountain and they saw the figure dancing in front of them. One of the members of the group try to speak out to the young kid. Thinking they were lost or trying to ask for help but then the mountain shaked as an avalanche came down on them.
Only one person managed to survive the incident. It is unknown if the figure or creature is what causes the disasters or is a warning about what is about to happen.
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There are many stories of this quiet mountain town and many mysterious. But it only opens to those that travel through the woods...
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julysn · 1 year ago
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fanfic ideas
(i would totally write these if i felt motivated. but i don’t. so now u have to listen to me.)
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fandoms i had in mind: south park, unwind dystology, tcoaal. but these can be used for any fandom.
a/n: HI HELLO i would like to see these happen. so im dumping it on YOU. you’re welcome. most are x reader focused bc i have wrote those all my life, but u can switch these up idgaf
writers i see u sprinting at me from a mile away. it’s okay. slow down bookie. it’s okay i’m here.
ALSO IF YOU USE THESE GIVE CREDIT FOR INSPO 🙏 just put my user somewhere visible on the masterlist/notes or tag me 😉 it’s not that hard pookie
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# south park ──
and yes u can use these ideas for any other piece of media. just give credit i am BEGGING 😭🙏🙏
— … unwind au. HELLO DO WE SEE THE VISION WTF?? cmon guys. stan and kyle being connor and hayden WTF DO U GUYS SEE IT wjat. kyle as connor definitely they’re pretty similar imo
— fingerbang au where it has four separate endings for the main four. but y/n is a stylist/manager/makeup artist (if u need it.. look up kpop fics for inspo)
— instead of tolkien and his parents moving in across tegridy farms, it’s y/n. yeah that’s all i got
— doubling down except heidi’s y/n, and y/n doesn’t get back with cartman.
this was one i attempted writing a WHILEEE ago but never really. yk. got the hang of it.
but basically to sum the idea up, it’ll be the entire doubling down episode except extended. like, it could play it longer and extra scenes (ex. extension of the dinner scene where they make fun of cartman to heidi, every scene in the montage written out)
— childhood best friends to enemies to lovers where y/n had a big fight w the love interest days before they moved. but then they move back to south park and (not surprisingly) they got a glow up and they’re hot now! so everyone tries to flirt w them but the love interest catches their eye and they’re still enemies ofc but they catch feelings
— this is more of a oneshot, but y/n asks someone (or a set of people) to get matching sanrio pajama pants. yeah. do whatever stinks
— high school au. where y/n is a sad emo loser and the love interest is popular. and they lose a bet and have to ask solemn little y/n out but y/n says yes so the love interest is like “….. im gonna break up with them after three months.” but (spoiler alert) THEY FALL IN LOVE!
bonus points for angst w happy ending. like y/n finds out about the bet or something and then the love interest is like “NO PLS. I NEED U. U DONR GET ME” and they’re vulnerable and desperate and y/n’s like “okay! 😊😊”
idea. hi. i have idea. y/n gets bullied for dating love interest so they’re protecting sad little y/n bc they feel bad and it’s really cute and love interest thinks “…….:…. why is y/n kinda cute.”
— angel y/n who is pure and innocent but NOT NAIVE! please do not make y/n sound like how those 2013 wattpad fics would’ve made her sound. demon love interest.
is it just me or y/n is a separate entity. she’s banging every character in existence like what. also i’m not religious so i wouldn’t really know about this stuff
# unwind dystology ──
— au where risa isn’t in a state home and she has cool foster parents. and she has to babysit lucas but one day she meets connor bc he’s home (shocker!) and they become friends and he slowly stops being away from home to see her 💘💞🩷
— au where y/n gets hired to be connor and risa’s bodyguard. and risa has her gay awakening so connor and y/n get to know each other and fall in love!
— blind date hayconrisa. how will this happen? idk ask urself
— high school au. again. why am i so obsessed w high school au’s IM BARELY EVEN A FRESHMEN DAWG 😭 but anyways fake dating haycon. like maybe connors trying to escape from his admirers so he agrees to fake date hayden.
— mermaid risa x sailors connor and hayden. i live laugh love hayconrisa.
— jackson wang party and hayden gets DRUNK (boy u are not old enough to be drinking!) so connor takes him home and takes care of him
— rockstar au. do we smell it
— guardian angel hayden who is never serious to the point connor’s like “….. are u seriously my guardian angel wtf”. but haycon. i lov haycon
— risa or hayden has to tutor connor bc his dumbass is failing every subject (high school au)
— underage smoking + shotgun kisses in the graveyard…,,…. hayden somehow gets weed so he shares it w connor and risa and maybe haycon/conrisa shotgun kisses oneshot. hear me out hello
— yo chat can we get some more unwind angst w happy ending
— greek god/goddess au? dunno how that’s gonna work but i just came up w it
— LOVE BAND AU. connor being sad emo guitarist with a hot keyboardist girlfriend
— au where lev did clap at happy jack…,…
# tcoaal ──
i cooked way too hard w these. someone better write one of them and tag me (we’ll get married in a gorgeous cathedral if u do… 🌝)
also IK THESE ARE MORE FLESHED OUT THAN MY SP AND UNWIND ONES! it’s bc i prefer multi-chapter tcoaal fics
— me trying not to mention unwind au whenever i think of writing fics for other fandoms. NO BUT SEEEEE it would work so well. like maybe the graves parents wanna unwind ashley and andrew somehow finds out so him and ashley run away (andrews.. uh, 17? and ashley’s 15 prob. u gotta know the unwind lore for this to work)
maybe they’re like starkey when he killed that juvey cop. maybe they do kill juvey cops. maybe
— 1980s AU OMG where it takes place in the united states (did europe have a lot of arcades back then? but anyways. the united states had more arcades so let’s just say it takes place there) and andrew is the sad emo loser at the prize counter.
and y/n is babysitting for some kids when she (not specifically fem reader but i have a habit of using she/her when talking about y/n…) decides to take them to the arcade bada bing bada boom
and the two meet at the prize counter and they hit it off really well despite andrew being an absolute ass. and the kids are like “….. are they flirting” so then y/n begins to take them to the arcade more often to see andrew 💞💞🩷💘💘💞 and they get to know each other outside of him being at work
— nsfw ashley x y/n x andrew threesome smut where they take turns FUCKING y/n RAW!
w/ plot: ashley and andrew are both head over heels for y/n and they’re arguing over who gets to have you because.. um. idk. and then y/n shows up somehow and she’s like “guys what—“ and they immediately begin flirting with her
so she’s like “i like the both of u WANNA SEX” or something (cmon im not good at porn w plot) so they… yeah. they BANG!
— government detective/officer y/n who gets sent to track down the graves siblings. she finds them w a colleague and is sent on an undercover mission to somehow befriend them, get close to them and lure them into a trap where they get arrested
but in the process (surprise surprise) she falls for them! and there’s four separate endings. one for if y/n picked to save andrew, one if y/n picked ashley, one if y/n picked both and somehow kept her job and one if y/n eventually hid her feelings and just let both get arrested!
maybe even some epilogue chapters for all of the choices. like for the first two it’s y/n getting spooned/spooning the other as they talk about what would’ve happened i’d they didn’t escape (bc y/n was smart and made the one who got caught walk in front) and the remaining sibling doesn’t know that y/n still works for the gov’t.. for the third one maybe y/n moves in w them and they’re all poly now? dunno. still thinking. and for the last choice maybe y/n felt guilty and went to visit them in prison to confess but they’re both extremely pissed
smut for this one would be crazy 😭 “technically i’m getting paid to get closer to them so it won’t matter if i let them make me cum right” typa sex idk
also. maybe y/n’s getting cornered in an alleyway by some creep and as she’s about to try and strike andrew and ashley save her! and that’s where the attraction starts because she’s like “wait.. they kinda have morals.. like kinda”
— now hear me out i might b cooking w this. rock band au. ashley does drums, andrew guitar, y/n something else maybe singer bc she’s a talented queen. and they’ve all been friends since childhood and ashley doesn’t really have a problem w y/n bc she hasn’t made romantic advances on andrew and occasionally lets the two hang out bc yk. ashley. anyways something something something idk
— i have one thing on my mind. catgirl + catboy ashley and andrew who both meet y/n as she’s their parents’ neighbor who’s smoking on her porch. and they approach her for some reason maybe andrew wants a cig and y/n is the funniest person alive so they both grow a liking to her
love love love catgirl ashley killing her victims and then poking them with her tail as andrew just stands there like wtf
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true-to-the-rp · 2 years ago
RP Request (Open)
(Update: 2024)
Hi, Im Satan, Im 24 years old. Im looking for an RP partner for Discord (but can be convinced to RP on Tumblr never done it before). This is also my side blog for RP search, and probably looks terrible dont mind it. I dont have a computer to fix it.
I have fandom RP Ideas right now, and only do Canon x Cannon. I like Original stuff, and have a few original ideas but I have been craving some Cannon/Cannon action. There are some AU ideas for some, and Headcannons for the characrers Im playing. I'm open to work on a different plot or ideas that you have in mind, Nothing I writen for the character section is Set and Stone! Dm me - lord_satan_ on discord or on tumblr messanger
If there is another pairing you wanna do instead of the ones listed just ask! Even if there from a different fandom! I might be willing to rp them.
Im 25
EST Time Zone.
I like making playlists for the rp, sending art of the pairings (not my own, I only draw clothing) and when Im really in the mood yammer about stuff.
I have moments where I go silent, sorry about that. I sometimes just not in the mood to chat.
I have Autism, and sometimes suck at spelling.
I RP mainly on Discord but I can be convinced to RP on Tumblr if you are comfortable with it.
I write in 3rd person
Canon/Canon Pairing Only (M/M)
Semi lit to Lit, depending on the partner.
Be patient, I sometimes forget or get busy with life. If its been more then 24 hours please ping me again.
Be honest, if you arent enjoying the rp, or getting tired tell me.
No 1st person
No one liner, Im looking for Semi Lit.
No Minors, 18 plus Partner (I want 21+, but Im not gonna be picky). If You lied to me about your age, and I find out. Ill ban you.
Nothing with Eyes, Im down to clown withgore (cause I have two killers in this list)
Dont jump to sex please. I want build up.
No R*pe in the rp, the person can be sexually herrassed and it can be a thing that happened to the character in the past. But no R*pe in the rp.
Fandoms, Bold and coloured are character I can play!
Akechi Goro × Kurusu Akira
Akechi and Akira are from the same school/collage, and both are rivals. Enemies to friends to Lovers.
CoD | Call of Duty
Horangi x Kongi
Horangi has been a big fan of a ex porn star, unknown to him that star works right next to him and Kongi is clueless that he is big fan of Horangi music when he was an idol. (Based of a Fanfic I read)
Price x Graves
Graves didnt want to betray the group but he had to, for his young daughter. Group unaware of this, even Price someone he was having a romantic relationship with. (Am Open to other stuff turn to page Soup x Ghost (x roach?) for AU ideas if you don't wanna do this plot)
Soap x Ghost (x Roach?)
Monster AU, Camboy Au, Streamer AU, Flower shop/Tattoo Shop Au, Mermaid Au, or anything
South Park
Butters x Kenny
Theres a rumor that Choas has crated a formula that could give people superpowers. Making heads turn. Enemy to lovers.
Tweek x Craig
Collage AU. I dint have a detail plot idea, but open to discuss stuff for these two!
Evil Within
Sebastian x Ruben "Ruvik"
AU: Ruvik is a doctor at a hospital, he cares for his younger brother. Sebastian as a daughter who lways in and out of hospitals cause of her health. (AUs and Other stuff Welcomed if plot doesnt interest you)
Eddie Gluskin x Waylon Park
I dont really have a plot idea for this one, open to suggestion and AUs!
You made it to the end, perfect. Hit me up with headcannons for the character you wanna play, Im so down to discuss Plot and Themes, also send ne your Triggers and No Nos.
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cator99 · 1 year ago
my favorite housemate so far is the 1 (she has a gf so Respect) who brought up fanfic during our house meeting and when I asked what she was reading about she said she was currently really into mermaid AUs of South Park, Saw, and Hannibal. She said this in a way that seemed to operate on the assumption that I would be judging her harshly but I really think she has a sort of impeccable taste. I don't read fanfiction but her beautiful mind compels me
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