#Sound by EIP
atla-confessions · 10 days
TFW you listened to shippers go on and on for literal paragraphs about the EIP and how it was chock full of ✨️colonizer propaganda✨️ but then you listen to the actual writers on the atla podcast and realize the fans were full of shit and made it all up.
Forget shipping, are you telling me the play made by a colonizer nation about colonizing the world is NOT colonizer propaganda? Do you realize how stupid you sound lmao? Look I don't know what the writers said, but in the actual episode the play sexualizes Katara, mocks Sokka's intelligence and Aang's culture, and it ends with the Fire Nation killing Zuko (a traitor) and the Avatar and taking over the whole world. That's on screen regardless of the writers' intentions. And the fire nation audience claps and cheers for it. If that's not propaganda, then I don't know what is. Honestly it's a bit concerning that some people think it wasn't?? Then again fire nation dickriding is so rampant in this fandom that I'm not even surprised. It sure is a weird hill to die on.
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dukeofdelirium · 3 months
ZKs have the most messed up morality. They hate Kataang shippers for supposedly defending Aang kissing Katara without consent in EIP. (Even though I’ve seen no one defend it, people just don’t like it when you say Aang S/Aed Katara). But for these people the headcanon of Katara cheating on Aang and her first two children being Haru and Zuko’s kids is supposedly a huge power move? No wonder they say ZKs are destined to have doomed relationships.
Everything they headcanon is good actually and morally superior because you see it means Zuko and Katara are together 😋✌🏻lol that’s how they sound
Hell why stop there? I’ve even seen ZKs say tenzin isn’t Aang’s kid even tho it’d be impossible for him to be anyone else’s 😂 they steal everything from us fr. They want Aang’s kids to be Zuko’s, they want Zuko to basically have Aang’s personality, they want Zuko to be Katara’s best friend and lover. They pretend that we’re insecure or jealous shippers when in reality we have nothing to be insecure or jealous over lmao. They’re the ones stealing everything from kataang, hell they go so far as to steal kataang fanart and then edit it so that it’s Zuko instead of Aang. Clownery at its finest with these ppl
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lifenconcepts · 8 days
small little intro and I give a tutorial on how to bark for anyone that needs it :3
fun fact! The constricting your throat does when you hiccup is a great way to bark! Why? Oh because I’ve accidentally barked so many times by hiccuping mid-sentence.
It’s also a thing of habit. If you practice it enough times, it comes without even thinking about it.
Most ways of writing animal noises don’t get things all that accurate, yeah the cat goes “meow” - we understand, but usually it’s always more gutteral and focuses on certain words or letters more than text could explain (well, maybe with languages which have accents on letters could get it right but they still write animal noises like words).
A bark would more likely be an “ARV!” Or “arf!” Than a ‘bark’, have you ever heard a dog casually say bark? No, but you have heard “uip, awf, wuv/wuf, haf,” etc. like I said, these don’t translate through text easily. but where I’m going with this is that often times you need not to focus on what you expect an animal to sound like but rather the sounds that make up it. Although, for me atleast, it comes more automatically. But if you’re learning you can always just experiment by combining different sounds you can make until you get something animalistic!
or, best of all, simply look at recordings and mimic the creature.
Personally, I’d say a good way to learn how to make a realistic bark is first what sort of bark your going for and your vocal range, which you could just try make the highest noise you can and lowest noise you can, a growl, a whimper, and something resembling a bark, listen through or just make mental notes, and go from that.
Then, practice expelling air sharply through your lungs, it’s what helps make that “aaRF!” effect, rather than just seeming like you’re saying the word. Best of all is to use the letter “A” and combine it with an F/V/R noise as they’re the most canine sounding and seem rough, if you’re going for something gentler or sweet then U/O/W may be your friend! Some combinations you can try which are pretty much the basics are, as mentioned prior, “arv/arf”, “wuf”, “Arhf” (to make it more breathy), “Rkuf” gives it a trill, if you get what I mean.., “Eip/yip/eup” to make a small dog yap.
if you need, I could supply you with how I pronounce those specific sounds. Can’t say I’m the best at them but I have done them since I was about five so I know what I’m tapping about.
I also suggest learning to roll your R-s as it’s a great way to be able to growl/purr! Also no clue how to explain it but.. if you know how to make a whine/high pitch sound, kudos to you! It’s something apparently not all can do and is pretty much just how well you can control your vocal chords. Silly stuff, ain’t it?
Some won’t be able to just immediately know how to make certain noises and that’s okay! Keep trying and I’m sure you’ll do great :) oh, and good luck!!
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Hiii, I really love your ATLA analyses. I'm genuinely interested, what can you say about this take? I mean, it sounds pretty logical, and I'm really interested to know what objections there might be to that view of EIP?
There's a few main things that meta like this one, I think, miss out on. That said beyond the two paragraphs I'm not really discussing their meta in particular. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but it does play into why I think EIP gets blown out of proportion while ignoring the more... grounded subtext there? Which is what the rest of the meta response here is about as follows. Please refrain from sending me specific metas in the future - discrediting other people's work is not what I'm about, even I don't necessarily think it's always well argued.
They acknowledge the Doylist perspective... and then completely ignore the actual, textual Doylist perspective they have going on. The writers' intent was to, very evidently, use Ember Island Players to acknowledge their own and fans' reactions to the show (which is why the Great Divide, an episode that the writer of EIP wrote, gets the shaft in the play) by exaggerating and making fun of their own characters and plot points. Grounded in their portrayals yes (Katara does indeed make speeches about hope) but so heavily distorted; just look at how they portray this Katara and Jet, who are completely remorseless about drowning a town ("Oh Jet, you're so bad~").
But the distortion is key. The play pretty glaringly says "Canon Katara would never like Zuko" or vice versa, "because to do so would be a great distortion of her character and characterization." Furthermore, for Katara to only see Aang "like a little brother, and that you don't have feelings for me" is also a distortion, which is why Katara outright states on the balcony, "I didn't say that. An actor said that". It's also worth noting I think that the play itself also erases Aang's romantic feelings for Katara ("I wouldn't want it any other way!"). He doesn't make his feelings plain and be rejected in the play; they just don't exist. So even the play itself isn't saying that there's a love triangle, they're saying that a distorted version of these characters would feature a Katara and Aang that don't have feelings for each other, and a Katara and Zuko that would.
Now, I don't think the play is meant to be that dismissive of fans, either. Like I said - it's meant to poke fun, and the ZK faction had always been quite large and vocal. The crossroads of destiny and its associations with Oma and Shu (which serve the basis for Kataang's love theme) are the bulk of what the ship tends to stand on, 'canon' wise. It makes sense if you're going to do a ship tease with them to do it there, and it's also the last instance you can really make actor Katara 'like' anyone.
It's also a misread to assume Aang would get this angry over jealousy, as well, given that Katara was very obvious with Jet both times, and Aang was very sparingly jealous in Book 1 and only slightly so in Book 2. EIP is one of the rare instances where Aang projects onto other people, a trait more usually seen from his friends.
What makes him upset - and we Know this, because he repeats it outright when they actually Talk about it - is this exchange between actor Katara and Zuko:
EIP!Zuko: I thought you were the Avatar's girl. EIP!Katara: [Laughs] The Avatar? Why he's like a little brother to me. I certainly don't think of him in a romantic way.
That's what makes him potentially upset, which fair enough: it can be upsetting when someone doesn't like you back, especially when Katara previously has given plenty of indications that she does. But he's not mad at her on the balcony. He doesn't take his frustrations over her not seemingly returning his feelings out on her. He's mad because Katara can't, or won't, give him a straight answer.
Aang: You said that I'm just like a brother to you, and that you didn't have feelings for me. Katara: I didn't say that. An actor said that. Aang: But it's true, isn't it? We kissed at the invasion and I thought we were going to be together, but we're not. Katara: Aang, I don't know... Aang: Why don't you know?
AKA "if you don't like me, which I just gave you a perfect out to acknowledge, can you at least confirm it for me?" And she won't even do that.
Katara is usually a very openly emotional person, which is why when it comes to whether she has feelings for him or not (and he has very good reasons to think that she does, given if you remove the Aang's POV we see, Katara is wayy more obvious with her affection than he is), it's accordingly frustrating that she won't just come out and say it. When does someone like Katara hold back? Well... normally when she's concerned about Bigger Things (i.e. not initially pushing with Pakku because Aang learning waterbending is more important to her) or when she's not sure what to do (when Aang rejects her comfort in The Serpent's Pass).
Conversely, his feelings for Katara also makes Aang more likely to stop evading or dodging and to stick his landing. He's the one who tries to confess on two different occasions. He's the one who kisses her first. And he's the one who wants to actually discuss their relationship now. (These are all reasons why I think, if they ever did break up, Aang would actually be the one with the guts to say it out loud, just FYI.)
Alternatively, if we wanna talk about Framing, let's talk about the actual balcony scene, namely Katara's dialogue, and the placement of the moon:
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Not only does this balcony scene take place on a balcony like their infamous finale kiss, with parallel framing of Katara walking up behind Aang and seeking him out to talk (if Katara hadn't approached him, it's likely neither would've happened either time) but like
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When Yue finds herself in a similar situation with Sokka - a young man she loves, has kissed, but finds herself unable to be with for a variety of reasons - she says almost beat for beat what Katara says here about her feelings and reasonings for wanting more distance. But like both Yue and Katara say, there's more important things going on:
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I say this because everyone ignores the aspect of Katara's bond with Aang that is informed by her own trauma and fear of losing people. Aang kisses her because "What if I don't come back?" Katara literally watched him die and brought him back to life. She watched her father mourn her mother and Sokka mourn Yue (The Swamp), which the play likewise gives her an ample reminder of. She watched Jet die too. Katara has faith that Aang will be different ("I knew you'd come" from CoD and "He's gonna come back; he has to" in Sozin's Comet) but that doesn't mean she's not scared. Everyone else going on is complicating her feelings for Aang, and that's perfectly valid -- but like I said, it's a 1 for 1 with Yue.
Which is why she kisses Aang first after the war, on another balcony, because now it is the right time.
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This isn't even touching on the in-universe canonical reading of EIP being Fire Nation imperialist propaganda, but that's a meta for another day.
Not to mention: EIP also teases Zukaang through Aang and the Blue Spirit, has them similarly react in distaste, you can equally read Zuko wanting to sit in between them as wanting to sit next to Aang, and Zuko and Aang's dialogue is a lot more ship teased in canon, Anyway.
June: What happened? Your girlfriend run off on you? Zuko: It's not the girl I'm after. It's the bald monk she's travelling with.
Zuko doesn't even correct June for implying a romantic connection, only who he's looking for (love you Avatar "Zuko I want you to dance with me" Aang).
I also personally think that basically any episode that has 'strong' Zuko-Katara subtext actually has far stronger Zuko-Aang subtext, but that's a meta for another day.
I do always think the ZK fandom is a fascinating example of what can happen to a fandom when they only have maybe 5 episodes to work with, nor does ship teasing make something implied canon, otherwise The Dragon Prince (also created by Aaron Ehasz) would have a very different endgame ship (to the point that every Soren/Rayla shipper I've seen also ships ZK, funnily enough, because neither of those are remotely canon).
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People have gotta stop taking the bone they're thrown and acting like it's a feast.
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wolfnanaki · 1 year
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Goodbye Volcano High by KO_OP was recently demoed at GDC and PAX East. I've been busy compiling a bunch of the first impressions together. Also, in two weeks, the demo will be available to download on Steam (May 4th - 8th), so be sure to check it out when it drops! In the meantime, here are the things being said about it by the people who have played it:
Boston Bastard Brigade: "This feels like a proper step in the right direction towards a truly hands-on animated series."
TheGamer.com: "Goodbye Volcano High demonstrates a level of honesty and sincerity that's rare in game writing, and I'm pleasantly surprised about the impact it's already made on me."
Six One Indiecast (coverage starts at 24:00): "I'm really impressed with Goodbye Volcano High. […] The thing that I love about it the most, other than the amazing visuals and the rhythm minigame of it all, the 'narrative game' where you have to make choices, I've never seen this approach before."
Hardcore Gamer: "We have what could stand a chance at being of of this year’s best tales."
Canadian Game Devs (coverage starts at 44:00): "The UI was really cool, the sound design sounded great, the voice acting's good, the art style is so crisp-looking, […] I really like the kinda thematic thing they're going for."
EIP Gaming: "Visual novels, seemingly, needed a pioneer, and Goodbye Volcano High looks to be it."
Press Space To Jump: "Out of all the games on the show floor at PAX East 2023, Goodbye Volcano High was the game that took me somewhere else. I wondered if it would live up to the high expectations I had for the game, and it did. It truly felt like I was watching an animated show, but getting a say in what was happening."
All I could find so far, but in an era where LGBT+ media is being shouted down, banned, or dismissed, it's nice to find and celebrate victories like this. This is especially true for this game, if you've seen my previous post regarding its development history and the LGBT-phobic backlash to it.
Also, be sure to wishlist Goodbye Volcano High on the PSN Store and Steam! Wishlisting helps game devs a whole lot!
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cointahmin · 7 months
Ultrasound money, ETH arzının düşüşüne odaklanan bir Ethereum meme’idir. Bitcoin yatırımcıları BTC’yi sabit ve azamî arzı sebebiyle “sound money” yani sağlam para olarak tanımlamaktadırlar. Ethereum topluluğu ise bilhassa EIP-1559 ve The Merge’den sonra ETH’yi “ultrasound money” olarak nitelendirmişlerdir.Ultrasound Money Ne Demek?Ultrasound Money, Ethereum arzı için kullanılan tanınan bir meme’dir. Justin Drake’in bir tweetinden sonra kullanılmaya başlayan bu göğüs, Ethereum’un EIP1559 ve Proof of Stake’den oluşturulan blokzincir bileşik sinerjilerini söz eder.Ethereum tabanlı topluluklarda kullanılan bu göğüs, BTC ile ETH ortasındaki farkları ortaya çıkarmayı maksatlar iki farklı manaya gelir:İlk olarak, EIP-1559 teklifinin, Ether’in arzının deflasyonist hale gelmesine müsaade veren yakma düzeneği, bu da kasadan daha fazla ETH’nin yok edilmesi manasına gelir.İkincisi, yalnızca birkaç gün evvel Ethereum PoW’dan PoS konsensüs sistemine geçtiğinde gerçekleşen The Merge’e gönderme yapar.https://twitter.com/drakefjustin/status/1352734923703123968 The Merge, Ethereum’un Proof of Work’ten Proof of Stake mutabakatına geçişini kolaylaştırmasına yardımcı olmuştur. Bunun ETH’nin güvenlik mimarisi, tokenomikleri ve güç tüketimi üzerinde kıymetli bir tesir bırakmıştır.Ethereum topluluğu, ETH’nin ultrasound money’ye yahut en azından deflasyonist bir varlığa dönüşeceğine güçlü bir halde inansa da bu mevzuda karışık görüşler mevcuttur.https://twitter.com/TrustlessState/status/1570305491099688962 BTC coin siyasetleri evvelden belirlenmiş olduğundan ve rastgele bir nedenle değiştirilemediğinden, birçok kişi ETH’nin her vakit BTC’den üstün olmadığına inanıyor. Ayrıyeten, Ethereum’un gelecekte ETH fiyatını etkileyen operasyonel mekanizmayı değiştirmeye devam edip edemeyeceği de merak ediliyor.Birçoğu deflasyon ve kullanım deposunun BNB’de de var olduğunu tez ediyor. BNB’nin sabit bir toplam arzı bile var ve mevcut durumda bu toplam arza ulaştı. ETH ile tıpkı gaz yakma sistemi ile piyasadaki BNB ölçüsü fakat istikrarlı bir halde azalabilir.Ultrasound Money ile İlgili Bilinmesi GerekenlerETH arzı, fee burn yoluyla yok edilen ETH’nin ihraç yoluyla oluşturulan ETH’den daha fazla olduğu her durumda azalır. Fee burn, Ethereum’un işlemsel yardımcı programı tarafından beslenen bir motordur.Taban fiyatlar, bir Ethereum bloğuna süreç dahil edilmesi için protokol tarafından belirtilen en az fiyatlardır. Taban fiyatlara ek olarak ödenen fiyatlar yakılmaz.Yarasa sinyali, yarasa ultrasoundlarına eğlenceli bir selam olan ultrasound money meme’inin görsel bir sözüdür. Ultrasound ailesi, meme’i yaymak için yarasa sinyalini kullanır.
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superheronagaraj · 8 months
Day Eins: Bear with me
This plan to have a blog started in 2006. Over the years, I have toyed around with the idea. It only strengthened after reading Austin Kleon's"Show Your Work" and "Steal Like An Artist".
Not that this is my first blog idea. I started and shut around half a dozen blogs before this. In 2006, I opened a blog to rant. And another to write lyrics for my future emo-punk band.  In 2016, I started a travel writing blog with a friend that saw some success (mainly because of the said friend's writing) and in 2019, I started a space to write short stories. But I got bored with some and hated how I sounded in others.
The other day, at the Animela's Opening Ceremony, I watched "Sultana's Dream" by the Spanish director Isabel Herguera. I was fascinated by the illustrations and the storytelling. And one of the illustrators turned out to be Rajiv Eipe. 
I came across Rajiv Eipe's work on Storyweaver / Pratham in 2019. In 2022, I got my hands on the Maithili and the Minotaur series (Book 1) / (Book 2) that he made with CG Salamander. Some illustrators write bios, and then there's Mr Eipe. He draws bios. The guy starts pencilling even before the book begins. He's crazy. 
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And just this last week, I was blown away by his drawings in the latest Bijal Vachharajan's book "When Fairyland Lost Its Magic". 
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When I saw his name in the credits of this fantabulously crafted, award-winning movie, I knew I had found another hero.
A few weeks back, Parvathy and I got on a call to bring each other up to date with life's going-ons (or whine about stuff - same, same) and throw some worldly wisdom at each other when we came up with this plan of starting a daily sketching session to get into the habit of drawing every day. (She documented our sessions in her post, here.) A day after the post, Aditi joined us. Now SketchyBunch consists of three of us, drawing together over Google Meet while discussing other illustrators, cats, true-crime shows and podcasts, ad agencies and weather (of course). 
One day, Parvathy brought up the blog of Rebecca Green and the subject of a vision board. The same day, Aditi was sketching from a photograph of a common sighting that we easily miss. Last evening, heading home from my second visit to the incredible Bombay Tilts Down screening (more on this later, I promise), I thought of starting with a blog (again) to narrate my weekly activities and/or learnings.
So this is day eins of documenting whatever is worth documenting. It helps me keep track of whatever the fuck that I'm up to and hold myself accountable.
Presently, my days commence with online yoga sessions with Salima. Apart from being one of the best teachers, she's an inspiration for a healthy existence. (Also, if you think it's impossible to learn Yoga on Zoom, I bet you haven't taken a class with Adyashakti yet!) And then, with SketchyBunch, I start work on a new drawing.
Preview of the latest piece:
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Working title: Bear in a soup. (The title will evolve along with the progress of the drawing.)
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andronetalks · 11 months
HUNDREDS of secret reports show how DHSgov, CISAgov, The GEC (StateDept), Stanford and others worked together to censor AMERICANS before the 2020 election
Strange Sounds November 9, 2023 HUNDREDS of secret reports show how DHSgov, CISAgov, The GEC (StateDept), Stanford and others worked together to censor AMERICANS before the 2020 election, including true information, jokes, and opinions. According to one EIP member, the EIP was created “at the request of CISA.” The head of the EIP also said that EIP was created after “working on some monitoring…
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ailtrahq · 1 year
The Ethereum network is no stranger to upgrades and improvements, but the latest Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP-7514) has the crypto community buzzing like never before. As part of the Ethereum Dencun upgrade, EIP-7514 aims to put a brake on the current speed of staking on the Ethereum network. The proposition may sound dull, but hang on; there’s more than meets the eye.Hot off the press, some last min additions for Deneb:EIP-7514 (Add max epoch activation churn limit). Target churn is 8 EIP-7516 (BLOBBASEFEE opcode)They shouldn't delay upcoming devnet9 and Deneb— terence.eth (@terencechain) September 14, 2023 What’s the Fuss About EIP-7514?Firstly, what even is an EIP? For the uninitiated, EIP stands for Ethereum Improvement Proposal. Think of it as a blueprint for changes or additions to the Ethereum network. EIP-7514, in particular, aims to decelerate the rate at which ETH holders are staking their assets.If the current rate of staking continues unabated, the Ethereum network could potentially reach a point where half of its Ether is staked by May 2024. More alarmingly, that number could hit 100% by December 2024. While this may seem like robust community participation, it brings along its own set of problems—increased network strain and diluted staking rewards, which could disincentivize long-term staking.Before EIP-7514, the number of validators (these are the good folks who process your transactions and create new blocks) could grow exponentially. However, more validators mean more messages and data to process, which could bottleneck the network.Ethereum Community ResponseCrypto influencer Dankard Feist tweeted in favor, arguing that the lower churn limit afforded by the EIP would give the community the time needed to research, debate, and implement solutions. On the flip side, Ethereum investor Ryan Berckman criticized the rushed nature of the proposal, claiming it could compromise the network’s neutrality.The Ethereum network has been on a roller-coaster ride since its inception, and EIP-7514 could be considered as hitting the “pause” button. It grants the Ethereum community the breathing room needed to make more informed decisions about its future.But, as with all things crypto, there’s a downside. Fast-tracking changes to staking parameters could compromise Ethereum’s commitment to maximum neutrality, a unique asset in an increasingly competitive crypto landscape.!function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window,document,'script', ' fbq('init', '887971145773722'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); Source
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cemeteryhips · 1 year
apes, that mow and chatter at me after bite me; then like hedgehogs, which mbling in my barefoot way and mount pricks at my footfall. Sometime am I ound with adders, who with cloven tongues iss me into madness. Lo, now, lo!
'sɅm.taimz laik eips oæ
and 'æf.te bart mi en la lai 'tɅm.blin in mai 'ber. Ŏei pлiks æt mai 'fut.fal al waʊnd wie 'æ.dez hu
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1. The study of how speech sounds are produced is called
$ linguist ology or Sum like that
2. The study of the patterns and processes that govern how the sour inventory are combined or changed is called ... what?
PHONetic alogy
3. The rules describing which sounds can go where in a language ar
4. True or false: According to the source-filter model, a source produ passes through a filter that dampens some soundwaves while lea a. True
b. False
5. Under the source-filter model, the lungs are the
a. Power for most speech sounds
Source for most speech sounds
c. Filter for most speech sounds
d. The lungs are not relevant to the source-filter model.
0 notes
bitcofun · 2 years
Key Takeaways Tokenomics is a field that evaluates normal components discovered in economics, such as supply, need, and energy, and uses it to cryptocurrencies. Investors can quickly overstate supply and need and undervalue how stories and memes might likewise affect a token's rate. Phemex, among the leading cryptocurrency exchanges in the market, does substantial tokenomics analysis prior to authorizing tokens for listing. When purchasing crypto, it's crucial to comprehend tokenomics to make educated choices and prevent getting rekt Tokenomics originates from integrating the words token and economics and is a field that studies the aspects that drive need for tokens. One needs to think about aspects such as supply and need, reward systems, worth accrual, and financier habits when evaluating a job's tokenomics. An Analysis of Supply and Demand The characteristics in between supply and need are the very first things to evaluate when a task problems a brand-new token. An excess of supply can adversely impact a property's worth. We can discover examples in fiat currencies that have actually struggled with run-away inflation and extreme printing (e.g., the Zimbabwean dollar or the Venezuelan Bolivar). The very same takes place in crypto. You would not feel fantastic if the running supply of the token you've simply purchased is just 30%. That suggests the supply has yet to increase by another 70%, possibly watering down the cost and declining. In this context, it's essential to understand what Fully Diluted Valuation (FDV) is. FDV is the rate of a token increased by the overall quantity that will ever remain in presence, consisting of tokens not yet in blood circulation. The metric is utilized to determine if the token is miscalculated or underestimated. If a job has a high FDV throughout its early days, you wish to ask yourself who the significant token holders are, at what cost they purchased their bags, and to whom they will offer them. An uncapped supply is not appropriate for the worth of a token either. Tokens like Bitcoin are tough capped, suggesting that once the procedure has actually provided all its tokens, the worth will continue increasing as long as there is need. To keep a balance in between supply and need, some tokens include fee-burning systems that can trigger the token to end up being deflationary depending upon how extensively the network is utilized. Ethereum, after the execution of EIP 1559, is an example of such a system. Other tokens consist of buyback and burn systems to created to control supply and need. Such holds true for the BNB token. Another crucial component to examine is supply relative to market capitalization. If a token has a worth of $0.002 and its market cap is around $600,000, have you ever believed what the marketplace cap would be if the rate increased to $0.50? Misperceiving a token's rate relative to its market cap can result in system predisposition. This term explains the belief that holding more systems of a less important coin will provide much better financial investment outcomes than holding a portion of an extremely valued coin. This is, in part, why meme coins have actually been so popular in current times. Think about holding 10,000 canine coins vs. ⅕ of a BTC-- one sounds much better than the other, however just if you do not take notice of the costs. On the other side, we have need. Need is what drives individuals to purchase a token and just how much they spend for it. Need is usually driven by the token energy, development in worth, and stories. Tokens like Ethereum or BNB obtain their energy from being utilized as a currency to perform software application on these networks. Whether it's to authorize a listing of an NFT collection or eliminate your tokens from a liquidity swimming pool, you'll require the native cryptocurrency of these blockchains to spend for so-called gas (execution) charges. Another usage case that increases token energy is when these possessions
are utilized as a implies of exchange for product or services in the real life, like a dining establishment accepting crypto in exchange for menu products. Regarding worth accrual, staking is a characteristic of lots of tokens that fuels need and assists increase the cost. When users stake their crypto trying to find benefits, lots of distributing tokens get locked, reducing sell pressure. Protocols intend to discover methods to incentivize long-lasting holding. We see an example in veTokens (ve= vote escrow), a system that offers ballot power to long-lasting holders. DeFi procedures frequently develop votes to choose which swimming pools get the most benefits in an effort to bring in liquidity. Your vote brings more weight if you hold a big quantity of a procedure's governance tokens. Some procedures even go as far to punish unstaking by eliminating users' veTokens to trigger less sell pressure. Lastly, tokens can increase in worth thanks to having strong stories or memes. Consider the pet coin crazes in October2021 Numerous NFT tasks came to life as pure speculative memes with energy from their use as profile pictures. With time, tasks like JPEG 'd are creating brand-new methods to mix the world of NFTs with DeFi broadening their energy. While comprehending tokenomics is essential to comprehending financial investment choices in crypto, it's not the necessary component. Stories can likewise produce enjoyment or lethargy towards a token, affecting its cost Phemex, among the leading cryptocurrency exchanges in the market, thoroughly examines each token's financial design prior to noting on the platform. The exchange uses high staking benefits from the unique functions of a list of tasks that have actually gone through deep tokenomics analysis. You can discover more about these tasks by going to the Phemex Launchpool website The info on or accessed through this site is gotten from independent sources our company believe to be precise and trustworthy, however Decentral Media, Inc. makes no representation or guarantee regarding the timeliness, efficiency, or precision of any info on or accessed through this site. Decentral Media, Inc. is not a financial investment consultant. We do not offer tailored financial investment guidance or other monetary guidance. The details on this site undergoes alter without notification. Some or all of the details on this site might end up being out-of-date, or it might be or end up being insufficient or unreliable. We may, however are not obliged to, upgrade any out-of-date, insufficient, or unreliable details. You must never ever make a financial investment choice on an ICO, IEO, or other financial investment based upon the details on this site, and you must never ever analyze or otherwise count on any of the details on this site as financial investment guidance. We highly suggest that you speak with a certified financial investment consultant or other competent monetary expert if you are looking for financial investment suggestions on an ICO, IEO, or other financial investment. We do decline settlement in any type for evaluating or reporting on any ICO, IEO, cryptocurrency, currency, tokenized sales, securities, or products. See complete conditions A Dive Into Fan Tokens Fan tokens are energy tokens that sports clubs concern and offer to even more incorporate fans into the club. These tokens, which work on the blockchain, resemble other commitment ... An Introduction To Staking in Crypto No matter what level of experience you have in crypto, there's a possibility you've become aware of the principle of staking. Comparable to a cost savings account or a bank certificate of ... An Overview of On-chain Metrics for Investing in Crypto On-chain analysis (likewise referred to as blockchain analysis) is an emerging field that gets details about public blockchain activity. Leveraging On-chain Data For anybody not familiar with the innovation, blockchains are public ...
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flameohotwife · 2 years
Unspoken, Undeniable Chapter 5
Story summary: Slight AU where Aang and Katara never kiss on the submarine or at EIP, and don't get together on Iroh's balcony after the war. They remain close--best--friends, though, and when Aang reaches adulthood and leaders and nobles try to pressure him into a relationship, he seeks out Katara's help in avoiding them.
Rating: T | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
Chapter 5: The Kiss
By the time they entered the ballroom, many of the invited nobles and dignitaries were already arriving. The air was quickly filling with excitement and chatter and the sound of clacking shoes on marble floors. Katara wove her arm through Aang’s at some point as they made their way through, and she kept admiring the muscle there, stroking his bicep with her hand again. It was no mistake that the robes she’d commissioned resembled his postwar, one-shoulder style more than his official yellow monk’s robes. She purposely positioned herself on the arm that wasn’t draped in yellow and orange and almost melted into a puddle when she realized that the heat she kept feeling was radiating off of his bare chest.
They greeted many various officials and leaders as they wove their way through the growing crowd and towards their seats at the front of the room, Katara’s heart fluttering every time he called her his “girlfriend.” There was a long table set for the Avatar, his closest friends, and King Kuei (and Bosco, of course). Many of the people they greeted on their way did not seem surprised to see the two of them together, although they often looked disappointed. Several people even looked disgusted.
“Oh,” one Earth Kingdom noblewoman said when Aang introduced Katara as his girlfriend. “That’s…an interesting choice.” She looked Katara up and down with her nose pointed in the air and her face scrunched as if she had tasted something very bitter. “You had so many far prettier girls willing to convert to Air Acolytes, you know. Maybe you try one of them, next.”
She gestured at her own daughter—who looked absolutely mortified—before taking her leave. Katara was too shocked to even respond, but the daughter leaned over as she walked past them, the decorative tassels in her hair falling in her face as she whispered, “I am so sorry. If it’s any consolation, I’m very happy for the two of you—congratulations!”
Katara stared after the girl as she scurried away with her parents. She realized her mouth was still hanging open and quickly closed it. Despite the girl’s encouragement, and despite fully expecting this sort of criticism, she could feel her confidence waning. Aang really did deserve someone better, she thought. Someone who would be able to adopt his whole culture and be everything he needed. After all, he had lost everything. She was being selfish to think she could keep him to herself.
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Hi hi!! This is for the event!
1.Vee/Veen, I made these myself!! I was searching for an alternative to He/Him yet i wanted it to sound more feminine and masculine at the same time. They mean a lot to me because I'm genderfluid and usually go from male to both male and female!
2.Ei/Eip, again I made these myself! I was inspired to create a new neopronoun (because I am a hoarder for pronouns) based off of ey/em. I like those pronouns because it is one of the most non-gendered pronouns I use.
3.Hi/Bana, created by Miaulogy/Michi on Tumblr! These pronouns were based off of the song Hibana by DECO*27 and hibana in japanese means Spark. I like these because the song means a lot to me and I like to think the meaning of the pronouns is to spark creativity when I feel uninspired.
Thank yous for reading this :)
Nice, lovely pronouns!
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sokkastyles · 3 years
Thank you for your previous answers, they were really insightful. I know you're probably sick and tired of talking about TSR but here's another question: had Katara choosen revenge instead, do you think the way Zuko and Aang view her would have shifted?
I am never tired of talking about TSR!
I think that Aang's view of Katara would have definitely shifted. I think Aang's view of Katara did shift after that episode and it's not really a coincidence that Aang takes his insecurities about their relationship out on her in the very next episode.
Aang makes several statements about what he thinks Katara's character is in the episode, once when he says she "sounds like Jet," meaning, her desire for revenge is not her, but something he attributes to someone else. Someone who both he and Katara trusted but who betrayed them. (Side note: I don't like the way Jet is sort of framed as an error in judgement on Katara's part, when Aang also refused to believe Sokka about Jet, and then Aang throws Jet back at Katara. Maybe Aang is actually afraid that Katara is a lot more like Jet than he thinks she is. Maybe that's why seeing Katara make eyes at Jet onstage was part of what set Aang off in EIP.)
Aang also, when Katara and Zuko return, says that he "knew Katara would make the right decision" but then is totally wrong about what decision she made and she tells him so. It is actually very sad to me that Aang's view of Katara didn't shift and that he assumed that she would do what he thought she should do even after she argued with him before they left.
Aang's view of Katara should have shifted after "The Southern Raiders," in a good way. He should have realized that there is more to Katara than his idealized version of her, and either accepted that as the person he loves, or decided that her values didn't line up enough with his own to pursue a relationship with her. However, that isn't addressed by the show overtly (although I do think it is part of what led to their continued arguing and relationship deterioration up until the finale.) The end of the episode becomes about what Aang will do about Ozai and the question of how this might affect Aang and Katara's relationship is never addressed.
However, had Katara killed Yon Rha, I don't think Aang could just ignore it or brush it off. He might continue to be in denial about Katara's dark side, and might possibly blame it on Zuko. Or he might turn against her. But he would never have accepted it as her decision.
Zuko, on the other hand, already does shift his view of Katara in canon, in a positive way, which shows that even though his view of her might change, it would not be in a judgmental or negative way. He tells Aang at the end that he was right about "what Katara needed," which shows that Zuko was willing to amend his earlier statement about what Katara needed, based on what he saw of Katara's actual needs.
Contrary to *some* beliefs, I don't think Zuko was advocating for violence or would have shrugged it off or cheered if Katara had killed Yon Rha. I think some zutara antis get pretty ridiculous with the pearl clutching about how zutarians are advocating for murder here. I mean, not that I would weep for Yon Rha, but that's totally not the point. Of course it would not be a good thing if Katara had killed him, and it probably would negatively affect Katara. Katara isn't the kind of person who would take pleasure in hurting someone else. But if she thought it was necessary or the only way to get closure, I think Zuko would have supported her in that, and he would have helped her through whatever sorrow or anger or guilt she felt afterward. His view of her might have shifted, but it wouldn't be in a judging way or a way that was irreconcilable with his relationship with her.
I mean, it would have been pretty hypocritical for him to judge her considering that he has done things that are a lot less justified, and he knows (now) that that doesn't define him or make him a bad person, so he's in a perfect position to understand Katara here. He's also seen much more of that angry, violent side of Katara than anyone else has. She threatened to kill him not that long ago. And he watched her bloodbend. He was surprised but not for that long, and he didn't act like this was something he couldn't reconcile with Katara's character. It's not like Zuko has only seen that side of Katara, either. He's also seen Katara the healer, Katara the compassionate, who reached out to him when he was alone and vulnerable. Given that he is seeking her forgiveness he could have tried to emphasize her softer side. But he never once seems afraid of her darkness even though he could have been the one on the receiving end of it, and still could have when all that was going on, because she hadn't forgiven him at that point. He never seems afraid that Katara will say "no, I don't forgive Yon Rha, and I don't forgive you, either." He doesn't seem to expect her forgiveness but he also is not confused by it, he doesn't have a problem reconciling the complexity of Katara's decision. He just accepts it.
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cointahmin · 1 year
Ultrasound money, ETH arzının düşüşüne odaklanan bir Ethereum meme’idir. Bitcoin yatırımcıları BTC’yi sabit ve azamî arzı sebebiyle “sound money” yani sağlam para olarak tanımlamaktadırlar. Ethereum topluluğu ise bilhassa EIP-1559 ve The Merge’den sonra ETH’yi “ultrasound money” olarak nitelendirmişlerdir.Ultrasound Money Ne Demek?Ultrasound Money, Ethereum arzı için kullanılan tanınan bir meme’dir. Justin Drake’in bir tweetinden sonra kullanılmaya başlayan bu göğüs, Ethereum’un EIP1559 ve Proof of Stake’den oluşturulan blokzincir bileşik sinerjilerini söz eder.Ethereum tabanlı topluluklarda kullanılan bu göğüs, BTC ile ETH ortasındaki farkları ortaya çıkarmayı maksatlar iki farklı manaya gelir:İlk olarak, EIP-1559 teklifinin, Ether’in arzının deflasyonist hale gelmesine müsaade veren yakma düzeneği, bu da kasadan daha fazla ETH’nin yok edilmesi manasına gelir.İkincisi, yalnızca birkaç gün evvel Ethereum PoW’dan PoS konsensüs sistemine geçtiğinde gerçekleşen The Merge’e gönderme yapar.https://twitter.com/drakefjustin/status/1352734923703123968 The Merge, Ethereum’un Proof of Work’ten Proof of Stake mutabakatına geçişini kolaylaştırmasına yardımcı olmuştur. Bunun ETH’nin güvenlik mimarisi, tokenomikleri ve güç tüketimi üzerinde kıymetli bir tesir bırakmıştır.Ethereum topluluğu, ETH’nin ultrasound money’ye yahut en azından deflasyonist bir varlığa dönüşeceğine güçlü bir halde inansa da bu mevzuda karışık görüşler mevcuttur.https://twitter.com/TrustlessState/status/1570305491099688962 BTC coin siyasetleri evvelden belirlenmiş olduğundan ve rastgele bir nedenle değiştirilemediğinden, birçok kişi ETH’nin her vakit BTC’den üstün olmadığına inanıyor. Ayrıyeten, Ethereum’un gelecekte ETH fiyatını etkileyen operasyonel mekanizmayı değiştirmeye devam edip edemeyeceği de merak ediliyor.Birçoğu deflasyon ve kullanım deposunun BNB’de de var olduğunu tez ediyor. BNB’nin sabit bir toplam arzı bile var ve mevcut durumda bu toplam arza ulaştı. ETH ile tıpkı gaz yakma sistemi ile piyasadaki BNB ölçüsü fakat istikrarlı bir halde azalabilir.Ultrasound Money ile İlgili Bilinmesi GerekenlerETH arzı, fee burn yoluyla yok edilen ETH’nin ihraç yoluyla oluşturulan ETH’den daha fazla olduğu her durumda azalır. Fee burn, Ethereum’un işlemsel yardımcı programı tarafından beslenen bir motordur.Taban fiyatlar, bir Ethereum bloğuna süreç dahil edilmesi için protokol tarafından belirtilen en az fiyatlardır. Taban fiyatlara ek olarak ödenen fiyatlar yakılmaz.Yarasa sinyali, yarasa ultrasoundlarına eğlenceli bir selam olan ultrasound money meme’inin görsel bir söz��dür. Ultrasound ailesi, meme’i yaymak için yarasa sinyalini kullanır.
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tea-and-la · 3 years
i find the idea that zutara wouldn’t work because they’re “too similar” to be not only a ridiculous argument, but incredibly lazy. and by lazy i mean uninventive. and in part, i get that it comes from society’s preoccupation with ‘opposites attract,’ but tbh the foundation of most relationships (platonic, romantic, etc.) are based on similarities. capability can be influenced by it. 
also, this idea that zutara don’t ‘fulfill each other’s emotional needs’ rubs me the wrong way. how can this be said, and then go on to talk about how deep their friendship runs? by that i mean, if you think that they don’t fulfill each other’s emotional needs in a romantic sense, then that also should apply in a platonic sense as well. bc friends also fulfill emotional needs. 
anyway, it’s almost like we saw examples of them doing just that. you know, like in tsr when zuko created a space for katara to process her anger and negative emotions and begin to heal from her trauma. how, at every successive step, zuko listens .... from when she tells him of his wrongdoings and when she opens up about the details of her mother’s death, and he offers no opposition or judgment. how, at the end of the episode, katara jump-hugged him because she was grateful for his support. how Legacy of the Fire Nation mentions that zuko was “prompted to reach out to help seal the wound in katara’s [heart].” dare i say this qualifies as an emotional need? 
how, even in the Legacy of the Fire Nation, in Iroh’s own words, “Zuko’s bond with Katara is his strength.” (and i’m not even saying this in a romantic sense, but this is a canon line from the book and it kinda implies some level of ability to emotionally support the other.) 
or, maybe in EIP when katara noticed that he was feeling down because he was experiencing remorse for lashing out at iroh and she reached out. 
or, maybe when she walked over to him as he stood outside iroh’s tent and he openly admitted that he wasn’t okay and expressed what was on his mind, and katara gave him the courage to face iroh again. 
or maybe, after azula’s tied up in the finale and she’s screaming blue fire and zuko looks on with a hardened expression and katara puts a hand on his shoulder and looks at him because she knows that moment is painful because it’s still his sister.
yeah all of those kinda sound like fulfilling an emotional need, which, don’t get me wrong, a friend can do. 
also... can we please retire this notion that people only like zutara because they’re conventionally attractive? just like the ‘too similar’ argument, it’s lazy. i mean, attractiveness could be said about any of the main ships: m*iko, z*kka, sukka, etc. and if even non-zks are able to appreciate and recognize their parallels and symbolism, why do y’all think that zks only look at attractiveness and not the meaningfulness of their interactions? 
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