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safrona-shadowsun · 21 days ago
February DWC Daily Challenge 2025 Day 2: Feb 10 Cage/Power
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It was not unusual to see a void-shifted Lady Shadowsun in the late hours of the Sojourn, a starry eclipse of playful sway, given a little too much to the delight of drink and satisfying confession. But tonight was not such a night. Tonight was a desperate escape near the Altar of the Perished, stumbling from her own summoning gate. And the empowered void in her overwhelmed every sense she had, swirling like a black hole, impairing all of her spatial awareness.
Steps were a struggle– she had let an invocation of demonic flame devour her energies out of necessity, anything to deliver her mind to despondency, even some thoughtless coma. She needed this death of the mind to find her center again. The Harvester slid to the floor of her own summoning gate – almost. She could feel…something catch her and slump with her to the base of her gate. The numb bubble of distorted silence began to at last dissipate, at last letting sound crack through at the behest of another, well known shadow. She dared a brittle smile as she felt the First Perished’s signature wash over her, wrapping her in the cloak of his own presence. She was finally safe, here. He was Home.
“Who d’ I need t’kill, cherie?” the promise was whispered and then pressed against her temple with the gentle gravel of her Soulsinger’s voice, gathered up against him. She felt his rough, pale hands squeeze into her with the urge to comfort. Her fingers twitched as he checked for signs of life, finding her heartbeat, sliding shadowy fingers down the strands of her turbulent soul. A massive scattering of void-addled soul crystals released from the undulating aura of her body. She was breathing, cognizant, but weak by the flesh.
Tears edged the corners of her eyes, craving his anchoring. An anchoring was always needed, but now moreso as the Harbinger’s whispers were seeded deep, and left her haunted with the dark mirror of what she truly was. Harvesting the Ascended Nerubians was all that she could do in her desperation, to cling to the masked layers she did not want to have torn away. It did not matter if she lived on 100 different lies, only that they were hers, claimed of her own volition. But even in this act of individual rebellion, the Harbinger’s forces fought her just enough to present the challenge. In the end they were just the lure with their sacrifice, just as the Harbinger planned. 
Xala’tath was kin. She felt it at her core, as any remade by the Void would. The Harbinger sifted through her labyrinth of borrowed memory and history and found her obscured core, pulling it into clarity for them both to see. She had always been a Child of the Dark, connected to the Unseen spheres from the moment she opened her first grimoire and heard the ‘forbidden’ speak, and recognized it as an aspect older than Creation itself. And within her was a dormant path to change. Change was evolution, and through her it could be enacted so easily with the web of her worldly connection, resource, pathing, vital location, and subtle influence, leading to the deconstruction of cyclic systems of stagnant ‘civilizations’ only serving the Light-favored, wealthy, xenophobic and militant few. And change could only ever be enacted when one took the hand of power to level the playing fi–
Safrona wrenched her mind from the Harbinger’s vision of possibility, struggling to mentally cage the will of the Ascended she had taken into herself and the dark pulse of desire that had tried to build through her with it. It was a certain break in sanity bled with a long quiet rage that the Harbinger sought to enable in her, driven to systematically tear down the infrastructure of so many cities that she had worked herself to the bone to support, like some scorned sociopath. It was some old spark of scorn dredged up from the betrayer she had once been decades ago. An unsettling downward spiral that she did not wish to admit she had stared down from an upper wrung, especially after her exile. The fact that she could envision it at all spoke to something that remained twisted in her, but an aspect of her nonetheless. 
“I…I think enough have died tonight…” she finally voiced, indicating the void corrupted shards spinning away from them on the cellar floor, the many Ascended she had consumed in a last defense that had started her own undoing. She knew not if they were even fit for the Loa’s taking and had no strength to release them to his altar. But there was hope always in her Soulsinger’s arms.
Language was the simplest touch, a sacred exchange as their fingers met and intertwined as they had a dozen times before. “I am yours and you are mine,” she whispered repetitively to her beloved like a mantra, fingers hooking and curling into his physicality with a possessiveness. She breathed the soil and smoke of him as if he were clear air, an absolution. He was a shade that would not flinch from her, that would not burn with more than devoted passion, that could not erode. She could summon armies of demons and malefic entities to serve her from numerous realms, conduct a symphony of fear and pain over an army alone, but she felt a strength in her Orchid that was beyond her, and had long fascinated her, even now. He equalized her, gave her balance, and she loved him for it all and more. 
“I need you,” she whispered with varied meaning, all collecting at his lips as she pressed to them in a soft kiss. Here, she could taste the elements of the soul she loved so well, a link that quelled one madness, and delivered her slowly into another she much preferred; love was its own brand of insanity. A craving made tender, until it was not. 
Safrona’s fingers trembled to free a caged soul from a shard, fueling the ritual to contain her precous Soulsinger’s spirit to a Soulstone. Then the inevitably of her yawning hunger rushed to claim him, to drain and devour with an unholy desperation. 
“Then take, lova’ mine,” his whisper invited fearlessly, found her at the soul with a tender urging. She felt his heart blazing beneath his chest between splayed fingertips, enthralled by the vital transfer of one that worshipped her so reverently. “Y’already have all of me…” 
Phantoms woke in the Altar room of the Perished amidst the sweet sacrifice, called by the First of the Perished with what draining strength he had in him to command. However corrupt, each crystal the Harvester brought was carried by ephemeral hands to the Altar, for each was a boon of power promised to the Loa. The carousel of ghostly offering continued, until the First’s life force drained to its last, the fire of his heart, dulled. With his death rattle, the ties that bound him to life and his charges snapped, casting the cellar into a desolate silence.
Broken from her euphoric theft but renewed and cleansed by her beloved’s sacrifice, Safrona devolved into a trembling panic for several manic seconds as she processed her Orchid’s wilted form slumping to the cellar floor with an awful sloughing. Grasping the soulstone tighter in her grasp, she shattered it to release his safeguarded soul.
Dread washed over her so deeply in the passing of seconds, seeing a repetitive nightmare playing out before her now in the waking world. Dread that she had gone too far in her hunger, and that her beloved Orchid would not return. Gripped firmly by her own traumas, another terrible reality layered on to her spiraling thoughts: what if he then came to only live within her, as the many she had consumed before him?
Then she heard the soulstone’s magic resolve like a resounding funeral bell, chiming in its finality. A sound of hope, nestled at the bottom of the puzzle box of wrong released on her tonight. An ethereal play of light played over his face as his spirit returned, and the Orchid’s own brand of shadow soon flaked from him as he stirred, renewed. The burning heart flared to life with a particularly wicked afterburn that rung around his ribcage as he drew himself back up to sit, causing him to cough aggressively. His eyes found her intently as the vital rhythm settled in him. She was stricken, yet vibrant with the chaos of a layered emotional resonance she so rarely let herself feel. They called it, ‘living’.
“Promised t’ya," he spoke, her Orchid’s hand reached to cup tenderly around her cheek, thumb grazing a stream of tears. “Neva lettin’ go.”
The warlock felt her own chest heave with relief, and soundlessly, she fell forward to wrap the love of her life in the tightest embrace she could muster.
{ With reference to the amazing writer at @thefirstperished }
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elizaneals · 1 year ago
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🚨#MusicMonday #ModernBlues #MusicNews 🎤"Something's Better than Nothing" crafted by Eliza Neals and the late #motorcity hit maker Barrett Strong Jr. is Top 15 New #BluesSongs in at #14 on #SiriusXM #bbkingsbluesville #RackOfBlues 2/10/2024 Thank You @SiriusXM 🎹 “The best things in life are free and so is something’s better than nothing,” said the late Detroit songwriting HOF, Grammy winning icon Mr. Barrett Strong Jr. to his protégé Eliza Neals. Completing the song in late 2021, Eliza’s phone rang�� “that’s it, you got it, get that out there,” said Strong.Originally written for superstar Bonnie Raitt and released on “Stronghold II,” Strong’s last album co-produced & co-written by Eliza Neals. Eliza knew “Something’s Better Than Nothing,” would hit home in these troubled times. “Something’s Better Than Nothing,” is the second single from Eliza’s forthcoming 11th studio album. The Detroit manufactures are; Mike Puwal (Alberta Adams, Kenny Wayne Shepherd) slide guitar [performed on the original], Jason Kott (Robert Randolph) on bass & Peter Keys (Lynyrd Skynyrd) on Wurlitzer 200a, it’s a brotherhood. A touch of Nashville adds Tim Grogan (Desert Rose Band) on drums & recorded in Pentavarit analog studios by owner Bobby Holland & Mike Puwal.The final mix spun by Mike Puwal and Eliza Neals inside Univox1 in Milton, FL with Dave Feeny (White Stripes) mastering at Tempermill Ferndale, MI. #Radio Distribution on #AirplayDirect Member since 2006: https://airplaydirect.com/music/eliza-neals-singles Something’s Better Than Nothing TIME 3:19 WRITTEN BY: Barrett Strong Jr & Elizabeth T. NealsPUBLISHED: © 2024 Not Sampled Music & Elizabeth Thomasian Music (BMI)PRODUCER: Barrett Strong JrRECORDED: Pentavarit, Nashville, TN by Bobby Holland & Michael Puwal RECORDED & MIXED: Univox1, Milton, FL by Michael Puwal MASTERED: The Tempermill Ferndale, MI by Dave Feeny Executive Producer E-H Records LLC ©2024 #ElizaNealsdotcom
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esther-filly-blog · 1 year ago
Watch this🤩 #estherfilly
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safrona-shadowsun · 1 month ago
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The Helper @Célia Schouteden
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djbellascratch · 2 years ago
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I’m so excited to be starting my first Dallas residency on March 30th and every Thursday! When I got here I had a hard time finding events and things to do! If you are new to the area @dtxkiss is elegant! This is the type of spot where it’s not unusual to see people hop out of a Maybach’s 🍾🥂upscale is my vibe and I live for the fashion that is in and out! I’ll be playing mostly soul music & R&B but also breaking in with some hip hop and afrobeats here and there! It’s a 25+ crowd in the lounge upstairs. Good music, outstanding food and drinks, and BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! So so dope! 💕 come out and party with me! I hope to meet my fav commentator @claudiajordan in there some time! Or maybe the soulful @musicbyla_ @therealdjhoney is always a vibe! Or even the @scattaafrobeats squad #randb #randbmusic #dallasevent #dallasevents #deepellum #deepellumtexas #djbellascratch #bellascratch #kissdallas #randbsoul #randbartist #uptowndallas #dallasuptown #randbsinger #soulmusic #soulmusiclovers #soulmusiclives #soulartist #dallasnightlife #soulsinger #soulsingers #randbsong #randbsongs #soulsong #soulsongs #grownandsexy #randbsoulmix #dallassoul #dallasdj #dallasdjs (at Dallas, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqE8CD_NPir/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ghostcond · 1 year ago
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niche blorbo post number 624 get excited
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mtg-cards-hourly · 2 months ago
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Rubinia Soulsinger
Artist: Rob Alexander TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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therealmattnappo · 4 months ago
Tom Jones Legendary Voice, Iconic Presence!
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sanguinesorceress · 2 months ago
What is he to you, the dead one who leaves tithe for a sorceress of a monster? Is he bound to you through dark designs, have you corrupted him with heresy? Who is the Soulsinger to the Sanguine?
A long time ago… there was once a seed, Plucked from the fruits of pain, suffering, and greed, O’ how it struggled to flourish among the weeds.
Blades bathed in Dusk brought acts of violence, Lethal weapons unsheathed, but lacking guidance, A watcher in the Darkness… waiting in silence.
As stained hands plunged into Soil as black as pitch, Buried the infected seed to appease a Crimson Witch, His purpose now restored by a promise to enrich.
Three drops of blood… his sanguine sacrifice, Blossomed into a midnight Orchid— at a price, A tether to a Devil became his newfound vice.
When it comes to soil there can be no substitute, For no seed can grow without First taking root, And sanguine-tainted dirt bears only bloody fruit.
When tending to your garden, Orchid— now ‘Soulsinger,’ Or plucking at the strings of your beloved Death-bringer, The day you tire of seeking redemption, dear sinner—
Remember… ashes to ashes and Dusk to dust, Return to the soil, we all eventually must, Will you sprout again? Or will you lose trust? --Malakortana, the Sanguine Sorceress
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@thefirstperished with mention of @safrona-shadowsun <3
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safrona-shadowsun · 3 months ago
Tell me, Saffarooni? Do you believe in the art of claiming ownership of your partner? Do you believe in leaving your brand and mark upon them? A reminder that no matter where they may go in life, there will always be a part of you to remind them that their heart, soul, and body was yours to touch? To embrace? To feel?
A penned note was left at the bar for the nameless inquisitor, the usual ritual for anonymous confessors that left no offered confessions themselves. Or did they, merely in the questioning?
No mark needs to be made to lay a claim, or to feel a belonging. I would hope my love comes to me of his own will, of his own want. Not a desire that's imposed. But sometimes strange bonds grow in strange ways, bring souls closer. That, I believe in.
PS: You use a nickname that I only know one to use, but these are not questions he would ask. If you will play pretend, at least do me the favor of buying me lunch. It has been his turn to pay for a long time.
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{ Tagging @unabashedrebel because he coined the nickname "Saffarooni ;) though I sincerely doubt he submitted this ask! Little references for @thefirstperished too. }
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elizaneals · 3 months ago
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🍾 Hey #MusicLovers the #FloridaMusicScene heats up this #Spring in #Jacksonville #Florida ⭐️@springingtheblues hits April 4th-6th with a super line up of live performers🎹 Catch Me Saturday Afternoon #SeaWalkPavilion 3pm & then the intimate stage #Bluesrock 💙 #ElizaNeals 👇🏽 https://www.prweb.com/releases/33rd-annual-springing-the-blues-festival-announces-stellar-lineup-for-april-4-6-weekend-302319342.html TOUR/SHOWS coming Up 🎄 DECEMBER 8th@timmcloonessupperclub The@jersey_shore_jazz__blues #HolidayParty #JerseyShore #NJmusicScene 🧁 🍾2025 JAN 11@BuddyGuys opening JAN 16 DonODells Livestream JAN 17@jimmysjazzblues #NH MAR 29@TheIridium #NYC MAR 30@townecriercafe #NYS APR 5@springingtheblues #JacksonvilleFL APR 11@bull_run_restaurant #GreaterBoson Tickets Link in Bio #RecordingArtist #TouringArtist #FestivalPerformer #RockSinger #bluessinger #soulsinger #ontheradio #femaleproducer #songwriter #musicmagic 💋
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esther-filly-blog · 2 years ago
My new single! Download&Stream
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aalinaaaaaa · 3 months ago
The High Councillors of Morilast
(As of Obsidian Sapphires; some of the notable predecessors will come later 👀)
Seven individuals of contrasted paths, united by murder and the legacy of their namesake's desire for divinity. Rumours, stories and superstitions dating back thousands of years decorate their title, for which they are the next chapter, as Helinda's Magistrate grows restless.
Morilaste sits north of Helinda, nestled in the foothills of the Vilhaontian Steppes. Though separate in their daily affairs, the Court of Morilast is still bound by Helinda's founding treaty. Upon inheriting the Mark of Morilast, embedded is a stipulation that for every moment after a day and a minute that a High Councillor spends outside Morilaste's borders, they will descend into madness.
The Cast
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Arguably the hallmark of anyone afflicted with his Mark, a painful process by which one undergoes a severe growth spurt that shoots them to literal new heights. Actual biological giants in this world don't grow this tall, the general average range is 20-32 feet (tallest non-spelled giant was 38 feet tall, which is still short by High Councillor standards)
The Serpent Soulsinger — Najsha
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She's devious, daring, with a touch of arrogance. To strike a deal with her is to get a piece of jewellery to signify it. Her signature hallmark is the serpent, she has a golden snake ring on her right hand that she's fearful of breaking above all else. Also, she has purple fire.
(Features here)
The High Riding Menace — Namon
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Life is an opportunity to be seized. He's an adventurous, fun-loving sort, but could do with being more serious when it matters. Also, he has attempted to flirt with Eshani on more than one occasion.
The Sage — Ordune
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The foil and balancing act amongst a group of High Councillors with a penchant for death and drama, his calm and measured disposition is a benefit for most. Also of particular importance to Affril (beneath all of Affril's jokes and banter and failure to admit that)
The Fox Prince — Affril
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A strong flamboyant streak bursts through him. Drama and grandeur are his specialty, nothing angers him more than being upstaged. (He is a bit sensitive by times, quick enough to anger.)
Also, has an excellent eye for art and aesthetics. From a sharp fashion sense to adorning his manor with gold filigree and fine paintings, statues, other artworks, he doesn't shy away from the bright and bold.
(Also, one of the prominent High Councillors in Soulswapped)
Lady Alchemist — Orlaith
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A wolf in lamb's clothing. Her calm, quiet nature and short stature in comparison to the others makes her overlooked. But she enjoys it. Her skills lie in alchemy, making potions and cures for whenever someone needs it. She's also an expert in poisons and intricate spellwork, with a natural affinity for water.
Fate's Prodigy — Eshani
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The newest on the block, having only gotten her Mark ten years prior, yet has slipped in like a hand to the glove. People admire and fear her, not realising just how many secrets are flowing around in her head. (Claudia attempts to use her sometimes, for Eshani has some of what she lacks; elemental magic [fire] and a personality that draws people in.)
(Features here)
(Also, one of the perspective characters in Obsidian Sapphires)
Morilast's Reprisal — Claudia
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Just as Helinda's superstition of crows being associated with bad luck and the Court of Morilast started to die down, she turned up and resurrected it. A large number of crows swear loyalty to herself and her Second, for her manor offers safety and comfort, and the two of them are crow shifters. Her great weakness is in plain sight, however.
Features in:
- Divine Ransom
- A Pawn for a Greater Cause
- A Dance With Death
(She's one of the antagonists in Obsidian Sapphires, and a side character in Soulswapped)
Also, just as a side thing, I'm planning on doing a collection of stories set in Morilaste/following the High Councillors (known as This Blood-Stained Charcuterie). The how and why and all the juicy stuff surrounding the Court's namesake is going to appear in there too :D
Obsidian Sapphires, Soulswapped plus General taglist (ask, comment, message me if you'd like to be added or removed): @mr-orion @the-ellia-west @guessillcallitart @thereadingfoz @glassstardust22124 @honeybewrites @ashirisu @drowsy-quill @oliolioxenfreewrites @theglitchywriterboi @did-i-do-this-write @threeking @seastarblue @gioiaalbanoart @midnight-and-his-melodiverse @outpost51
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markrosewater · 9 months ago
Good afternoon!
Today is the 30th anniversary of the release of Legends, one of my favorite sets from when I started playing.
I know you've mentioned your love of Hell's Caretaker, but did you have a favorite Legend from Legends?
When Legends first came out, my favorite legendary creature from it was Rubinia Soulsinger.
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xaeyrnofnbe · 1 year ago
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this is one of my various wof ocs, tarsier! she’s weird and silly, with some morbid interests, primarily in her collection of various bones and skulls. easily one of the most adventurous rainwings in her village, but always drags along her nightwing best friend, soulsinger.
she’s also transgender, which is one of the things i wish the books had touched upon, as i imagine the different tribes would have very differing and interesting views on that sort of thing. in this case, i think the rainwings are chill. her village is much more concerned with the young dragon’s fascination for the dead than they are for how she identifies.
additionally, it is her adventurous nature that results in her and soulsinger getting involved in the main plot of my story for them.
btw don’t like without reblogging. i go through my notes, I See You.
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domquixotedospobresblog · 8 months ago
Day 23 of the #BlackMusicMonthChallenge — “Your fave from a musical family legacy.”
‘Hello It’s Me’ x The Isley Brothers feels soooo good to me! I feel like my whole nervous system just chills out whenever I hear this song. I just realized that I also could’ve used this song for Day 22’s challenge because they outdid themselves on this cover! The way they arranged Todd Rundgren’s song is a masterpiece within itself.
#feeltheesoul #soulmusic #theisleybrothers #isleybrothers #ronaldisley #rnbsoul #throwbackrnb #soulsinger #nostalgia #classicrnb #rnbmusic #rnbvibes #rnbsoulmusic #soulvibes #blackmusicmonth #blackmusicmatters #musicsermon
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