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lennonenglish ¡ 1 year ago
Age Of The Water Bearer
/𓂀ge of the Water Bearer
“/𓂀\ge of the Water Bearer” is an #Afrofuturistic #SoulFusion music sonic from the distant future’s ancient time… put it on your timpanic membrane. Know Thyself. Follow The L 𓂀 ght… LennonEnglish.com/Music
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bubfiz ¡ 2 months ago
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I’m also into the battle bricks if you gaf
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blocktalesconfessions ¡ 3 months ago
I kinda agree with kitchen wizard fucker anon- they got taste honestly- also they just like me except for me it's both kitchen wizard AND purple tbh-
(also yes I'm signing off as an anon but with a diffrent fandom's character mwehehehehe)
-Soulfuse/🤍🌌 anon
the rizzard has undeniable appeal i guess
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trashy-roadkill ¡ 8 months ago
soulfuse art for the soul, please
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mewintheflesh-2 ¡ 1 year ago
HI SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LOBG TO RESPONG I got rlly sleepy and took a nap Whoopsieeeeeeeeee
Literally exactly what I was thinking for GB and Papyrus. Their energies are just a perfect match
VERY!!! I think they’d be pretty much equal in terms of strength so they’d make great sparring partners in their time together! I think Undyne would miss having someone as strong as her to spar with after the core 4 end up leaving
YESSSSSSSSS!!! GB and Mikey just slaying it killing it with Mettaton and Nikey’s just like “…” in the background.
I hadn’t really thought about that at all! I’m sure he’d be very intrigued about a piece of technology that not only has sentience, (which was a bitch to get to work for the paradox pokemon), but acts almost exactly like a human (or monster, in this case) would. Near complete sentience. I think he’d absolutely offer to help Alphys with fixing Mettaton, his reasoning being equal parts intrigue in such a sophisticated piece of technology and of course empathy for having someone you care about be… removed from your life, even if it’s only temporary.
Oh yeah Nikey would absolutely be the one to knock him out. Nikey’s the strongest one in the group, not the best at dodging attacks compared to the others like GB, but he can take a lot of heavy blows without getting knocked down, and can deal even more himself. Fuse isn’t a frail man by any means, but he’s not invincible.
Also yes!! He’d be the one to deal most of the physical attacks on Soulfuse, which is difficult enough in and of itself. GB, Mikey, and Nikey end up having to overwhelm him mentally and physically in order to weaken him greatly, in which many souls would be able to escape his grasp. Nikey is very experienced in emotional manipulation to get what he wants, so that only strengths the idea that he would be the person taking the reins on beating Fuse’s ass. But when there was only one soul left to rescue from Fuse, he would just, not. Let. It. Go. That’s why they had to nearly kill him.
OH ABSOLUTELY. They’re just in his room chatting up a storm because it’s their favorite place to hang out and chill together (which Michael doesn’t understand at all) and Michael just walks in after listening from outside the door and is like (exactly as the quote says) “WHAT ARE YOU TWO FUCKING TALKING ABOUT”
Speaking of putting The Fuckers™️ in places they shouldn’t be. I’ve been thinking and developing for like since June on putting the core 4 into Undertale. GB, Mikey, and Nikey all wake up in the first patch of buttercups together, much to Mikey and Nikey’s dismay. But Fuse is nowhere to be seen. Hmmmmmm. They begin to venture through the underground, Toriel being very surprised to find three adults instead of the usual one child. She’s a little standoffish towards them at first but warms up a little to their company. She doesn’t feel the need to guide them through the ruins obviously, since they’re, yknow, adults. This does lead to Mikey and GB almost being impaled through the feet. Nikey stopped them before they could though.
Oh yeah, about their “route”. It’s pacifist obviously, but Nikey at first had to be held back from killing a few (a lot) of monsters just for being “in my way.”.
They exit the ruins and meet sans who is just his usual self, a little bit thrown off by there being, again, three adult men instead of the usual child. Sans is just like. “Timeline fuckery? Maybe.” (Maybe) but they continue with their walk through the forest, eventually meeting Papyrus. Which is just like. Instant besties with everyone except Nikey.
Nikey takes note of his more quote unquote “naive” nature (just according to his observations. He’s just making assumptions.) and attempts to form sort of the same relationship/a relationship akin to Papyrus’ relationship with Flowey, but sans has a little “friendly chat” with him, which leads him to begrudgingly lay his hands off of Papyrus.
(GB and Mikey end up going on the date with Papyrus, but Nikey stays behind them to explore and try to gain any information he can on where he is and how he got there. He ends up getting the wrong number song call and sees a strange figure in the corner of his eye. But when he looks at it directly to see what it is, it’s gone.)
They continue past Snowdin into Waterfall and “meet” Undyne as she tries to hunt them down. She fails, as all three of them are quite experienced in battle and dodging attacks and such. Especially GB.
They end up stopping by Temmie Village, which Nikey promptly has to pry the other two away because they refuse to leave. “The Temmie’s are adorable though! You just don’t know how to have fun.” “Maybe. But what I do know is that you idiots will let us all starve here rather than leave your… weird dogs behind and get on with trying to find a way out of here.”
Nikey ends up taking the reigns on the fight with Undyne, which keeps getting interrupted because GB and Mikey won’t stop running away, which Undyne will NOT let happen, and so she keeps chasing after them until they’re all in battle with her, and then GB and Mikey run away again which Nikey is VERY annoyed by because he want to FIGHT HER GODDAMMIT.
Nikey ends up running after her every time she tries to catch the other two, so he’s behind her when she collapses out from heat exhaustion. GB ends up being the one to pour the water on her because Mikey will not drop his whole “I hate Magma and Aqua” shtick. SPEAKING OF WHICH. This bitch HATES Hotland!!!! He refuses to take off his jacket even when he’s literally about to pass out so GB has to convince him to take it off. It takes like an entire hour. Nikey however willingly does so, draping his coat over his shoulders (see Commander Kamado).
Anyways I’m getting off track. Kind of. ???
They all end up going on the date with Undyne, which Nikey takes the reins on once again, Undyne and him constantly bouncing off of eachother in terms of quips and just general shenanigans.
Nikey ends up softening up a little after befriending Undyne, which the other two don’t hesitate to playfully poke fun at him for. Nikey is frustrated with this and threatens to throw them into Hotlands lava ocean if they don’t be quiet.
When they get to the lab, they see someone familiar emerge from the True Lab with Alphys. Fuse. Interesting. They dont really have time to get Fuse to explain himself to them, as Mettaton is now set off and on their trail. Which. BY THE WAY. GB and Mikey absolutely ADORE. Nikey’s a fan of his antics as well but is very annoyed he keeps interrupting their journey as they try to escape.
Anyways, when Mettaton EX is revealed and that entire battle starts, Mikey takes literally all the reins on it and is just KILLING IT. Literally makes the ratings multiply by 5 by just being there and fucking slaying. Mikey ends up being sad that the battle has to end due to Mettaton, well, yknow, and is very concerned for his robot friend. Alphys reassures him it’s okay and Mettaton can be fixed… maybe. Which is good enough for him
Right after this is right about the time they end up receiving the phone call from Undyne asking them to deliver her confession letter to Alphys. Which they do, and the date is very cute :)
Of course the good feelings don’t last for long in their case, as it comes time for them to venture into Alphys’ true lab. Which surprise surprise! Fuse is there :)
Turns out, he’d been manipulating Alphys to his advantage, so that she would let him experiment on the amalgams for himself. The experiments weren’t just limited to fusions though, oh no, they got much worse. There were a few times Fuse almost got Alphys backed into a corner to let him try to fuse her with another monster just to see if it would work, but she always seemed to escape by the skin of her teeth.
Anyways. Shit happens in the lab. Fuse tries to kill everyone except for him, but he ends up being restrained and stopped before he can execute his plans. GB, Mikey, and Nikey take Fuse off of Alphys’ hands and apologise like a million times for his actions. Alphys insists it’s fine but… yeah no it’s not fine. Girlie needs therapy more than ever.
They end up having to tie Fuse up with a rope and drag him along that way. They also have to put rope around his mouth because he will not. Stop. Saying the weirdest and most creepy shit in the world.
They venture through the core, where Fuse tries to kick all of them into the cores void pit like five times before he gives up. Oughhhhh I’m losing steam >:(
The entire fight with Asriel plays out, and Asriel takes form as his child-self.
Turns out, fuse has been slowly chipping away at the ropes binding him the entire time he was in them. He breaks free.
Fuse ends up attacking Asriel when he’s in his child form, and taking all of the souls, absorbing them into his body. Unfortunately for literally everyone else, this turns him into a god. I’m not sure how the fight for the souls would play out, but just know that they fuck up Fuse’s shit and nearly kill him. Yay!
A few minutes after the barrier is broken, they end up being sent back home, to which everyone is like “Was that a dream I swear it wasn’t. GB and Mikey end up getting on FaceTime and being like “DUDE DO YOU REMEMBER-“ and the other’s like “YEAH HOLY SHIT.”
Nikey waits a few days to confirm it with the other two because he’s not sure if it happened or not, and it’s be rather embarrassing if he just walked up to Mikey like they were acquaintances if literally that entire ordeal didn’t really happen. Luckily for him, it did. This ends up in Mikey and Nikey being on… okay terms for the most part.
Fuse however is just like :)
God I want to incorporate Gaster into this more but immmmmm tired oshaondisjdkssjkssjskn
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kurtisthesnivy ¡ 1 year ago
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So about six years ago, I created a homebrew system for a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon tabletop game. It didn't quite pan out, so I migrated to a heavily homebrewed version of DnD 5e (also designed by yours truly.) Until about 4 months ago, I was running two different campaigns as well as a handful of smaller adventures. I can't take full credit, my boyfriend has been a massive help with running games and coming up with homebrew. Over the last half decade, I've kept a record of all of the characters that have played in our games. And as a celebration of finishing such a long journey, here's all 72 characters that have been played in PMDnD. 
Also, I recorded the timelapse of the whole process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0b3rYlGvFU
All characters in rough order of being drawn 
Xaio, Oshawott Rogue (old system) 
Byron, Nidoran Mercenary (old system) 
Qyzen, Litten Fighter (old system) 
Tobu, Oricorio Black Mage (old system) 
Argaveus, Scyther Zealot Barbarian/Blood Hunter 
Tovu, Togedemaru Grave Domain Cleric 
Issac, Riolu Gunslinger Fighter 
Lest, Arcanine Pyromancer Sorcerer 
Dolon, Sylveon Life Domain Cleric
Blaze, Charizard College of Swords Bard 
Skye, Zoroark School of Illusion Wizard 
Ludwig, Dartrix Oath of Redemption Paladin 
Noelani, Floatzel Life Domain Cleric 
Roger, Monferno School of War Magic Wizard
Joshua, Hakamo-o Gunslinger Fighter 
James, Toxicroak Arcane Trickster Rogue 
Micheal, Pachirisu Ancestral Guardian Barbarian 
Koishi, Oricorio Dancer Bard 
Clay, Lycanroc Battlemaster Fighter 
Grace, Comfey Totem Master Fighter 
Gabriel, Auroros Hexblade Warlock 
Elena, Floatzel Horizon Walker Ranger 
Allen, Scizor Way of the Kensai Monk
Haku, Zoroark Assassin Rogue 
Alex, Weavile Thief Rogue
Stella, Chesnaught Fortune Teller Astrologian 
Iona, Cinccino College of Valor Bard/Trained PKMN 
Akira, Kekleon Alchemist Artificer 
Shift, Eevee Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer 
Justin, Sceptile Oath of Ancients Paladin 
Arin, Roserade Pact of the Deep Warlock 
Zhang, Smeargle Eldritch Knight Fighter 
Firokhan, Houndoom Way of the Kensai Monk 
Camilla, Gardevoir Divine Soul Sorcerer 
Hyargrum, Alolan Marowack School of Necromancy Wizard 
Lilliana, Audino Spiritmaster White Mage 
Koko, Thwacky Dawnbringer Warlock 
Aiden, Lopunny Path of Wild Magic Barbarian 
Dex, Sableye Echo Knight Fighter 
Jae, Banette Order of Scribes Wizard 
Minet, Cinccino Way of the Kensei Monk 
Ergin, Houndoom Arcane Trickster Rogue 
Audra, Manectric Circle of Wildfire Shaman 
Tristan, Goodra Cavalier Fighter 
Kasi, Frogedier Way of the Dragon Monk 
Mobius, Decidueye Gloomstalker Ranger 
Rook, Krokorok Inquisitive Rogue 
Jack, Decidueye Drakewarden Ranger 
Guinness, Haxorus Path of the Totem Barbarian 
Kadmos, Sceptile Way of the Kensai Monk 
Pluto, Delibird Oath of the Ancients Paladin 
Meryl, Golurk School of Abjuration Wizard 
Penicillin, Meganium Life Domain Cleric
Cleo, Ampharos Celestial Warlock
Quin, Quilava Drakewarden Ranger
Rheda, Hisuian Sneasel School of Illusion Wizard
Rian, Zangoose Path of the Beast Barbarian 
Lucas, Delphox Knowledge Domain Cleric/School of Divination Wizard 
Rubix, Typhlosion Arcane Archer Fighter/Soulfuse 
Henry, Kecleon Storm Sorcerer
Floss, Delibird Spiritmaster White Mage 
Cassandra, Absol Celestial Warlock/Soulfuse 
Calvin, Archeops Oath of the Crown Paladin 
Ballard, Azumaril College of Whispers Bard/Hexblade Warlock 
Adachi, Toxicroak Way of the Open Palm Monk/Barbairan 
Zeish, Lucario Swashbuckler Rogue/Celestial Warlock 
Sol, Charizard Gunslinger Fighter/Artificer 
Thalnor, Charizard Oath of the Ancients Paladin 
Ariana, Nidoqueen College of Swords Bard/Fighter 
Clade, Absol Hexblade Warlock/Soulfuse 
Jace, Luxray Battlesmith Artificer
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cyberdragoninfinity ¡ 2 years ago
Yubel for the ask game?
First impression: *looking up Jaden's yugipedia page two years ago* "I'm sorry what the hell is this about him fusing with a Duel Monster??? HELLO?? HI????"
Impression now: YUBEEEL i like them a lot, moreso now that I did right after finishing GX...season 3 of gx is kind of a mess in a lot of ways but it's not really their fault. I'm not rly someone who enjoys "soul fusion with your soulmate" much as concept personally and I'm not terribly big on what s3 had to do to jaden's character to make that endgame possible, so that's not really my favorite thing surrounding Yubel, but theyre such a genuinely interesting and engaging character and yugioh villain. Also lbr her design fucking kicks ass. I wish she got to be a little sillier, a little goofier!! The GX character birthright!!!
Favorite moment: Yubel!Jesse vs. Zane duel, full stop. Still genuinely one of the greatest duels I have seen in yugioh thus far. tfw GX had a color and lighting budget for like 3 episodes and it slapped like absolute hell.
Idea for a story: im very fond of my College AU Yubel, very love the idea of them having to write an essay that Jaden slacked on and then they actually get really into it. Compiling knowledge of the Baroque period they have zero use for but find interesting nonetheless...
Unpopular opinion: I've talked about it a couple times before but I don't really go to jaden/yubel as a romantic ship; I personally enjoy it much more as a platonic soulmates read (like. idk. if they didnt have the element of "yubel has been looking out for jaden Since He Was a Little Kid" i'd be more into it i think. just not really my favorite, that point. and again just not big on soulfusion. but im aro dont listen to me fjdgsg)
Favorite relationship: that being said i Do really like the potential of jaden and yubel's dynamic and it's unfortunate s4 Is so short so you only really get a small glimpse of it. they can play off each other really well and there IS so much love there! i wanna see things play with their little individual habits driving each other insane. Yubels gonna reach into jay's jacket pocket and get a handful of crumbs and I think he's gonna be a little "damn bitch you live like this?" THATS my favorite jaden n yoob dynamic.
Favorite headcanon: I really love transfem Any Pronouns yubel. Also I know in my heart of hearts they'd be a complete metalhead, but like, also for music from two thousand years ago. Yubel is a very Iron Maiden T-Shirt coded character to me I will not be elaborating.
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heartsmourne ¡ 1 year ago
my soulfused anduin/arthas au does in fact include them kissing. just want everyone to know that. these tortured boyos do in fact smooch.
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syarousi ¡ 5 months ago
Saxophone in the Moonlight Acid Jazz & Soul Fusion Love Song with House ...Saxophone in the Moonlight Acid Jazz & Soul Fusion Love Song with House ... #AcidJazz #SoulFusion #SaxophoneInstrumental #HouseGrooves #CafeVibeshttps://youtu.be/9si5kMeP3jM?si=_ohIjHDIuj40CE8k via @YouTube 
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6rim6race6oats ¡ 1 year ago
Your name resonates within you and your soul appears as a colored aura around you. You can concentrate it around yourself into various forms which will become stronger or will unlock as you level up
SOULSWORD: Extends your soul through your hand and manifest it as a beam of colored light.
1-5: 1d6+STR (1 of piercing slashing bludgin)
6-10: 1d8+STR (any of piercing slashing bludgin+1other damage type)
11-15: 1d10+STR (5 of special damage)
16-20: 1d12+STR( any damage type)
SOULSHOT: The wielder launches a colored shot of their soul at a target within range.
1-5: 1d4+DEX (1of piercing slashing bludgeoning)(rng 30/120)
6-10: 1d6+DEX (any of piercing slashing bludgeoning)(rng 80/320)
11-15: 1d8+DEX (rng 150/600)
16-20: 1d10+DEX (rng 300/.5mi)
SOULSHIELD (action) (battle duration) Solidify your soul to help minimize oncoming attacks like a shield. At higher levels you can shape the soul shield to be spikey and deal damage to enemies when they miss a melee attack against you
1-5: +2ac
6-10: +3ac (1d4 piercing)
11-15: +4ac (1d6 piercing)
16-20: +5ac (1d8 piercing)
SOULREFLECT(reaction) You concentrate on an oncoming projectile to deflect it away from you. Roll a d20 and add 1 stats bonus plus your proficiency bonus. DC = the oncoming attacks roll. On success the attack is sent back to sender or another target. Each time an attack is reflected this way past the first the total damage is doubled
SOULSONG-Your aura ripples with the sound of your voice and music. Friendly creatures within range of 30 ft can add their proficiency bonus twice on checks while the song is sung. Unfriendly creatures reduce their checks by 1d4 increasing dice category every 5 levels. At level 6 modifiers apply to saving throws. At level 12 modifiers apply to attack rolls. And at level 18 damage rolls are modified as well
SOULBLOOD- (action/bonus action if proficient in medicine) Spilt blood shines at your souls call and can be sent back into a willing creature to heal for 1d4+INT hp increase dice category every 5 levels. Add proficiency if proficient in medicine. Max recovered HP = half of HP lost in most recent fight.
SOULFUSION: When two or more friendly creatures within 5 ft of eachother roll identical Initiative rolls they move with each other synchronously and in tandem a flurry of movement and light you almost look like you are a singular being...and then you are. Players take their turns simultaneously and are given an additional action to be unanimously decided upon. Move as one person whose speed is equal to average speed of participants +10. Actions=P•1.5
SOULZERO: (UNLOCKABLE) As the chaos of battle erupts you steady your breath. Breathe in. Close your eyes. You are ready. As you exhale you open your eyes, ablaze with soul.  (before you roll Initiative or an attack roll you may forgo rolling, choosing instead to recieve a score of 0.
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lennonenglish ¡ 2 years ago
Surely (Answer Me)
“Surely (Answer Me)” is an #Afrofuturistic #SoulFusion #Music groove from the distant futures of M👁️ past. Mother Earth is awake and shifting and moving. Everything is about to change. Put this on the timpanic membrane & Follow the light…
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zerio105 ¡ 1 year ago
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(Originally drawn 10/3/2021)
A couple of silly sketches of soulfused Schatten and Jax. Something seems to have caught Schatten's attention, and he has zero regard when it comes to just shoving past Jax and switching sides on a whim.
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washwashgalaxy ¡ 2 years ago
HAPPY INTERNATIONAL POETRY DAY I WRITE THE SONGSWriting poetry is music to meThrough a poet’s eyes if you seeThe whole world so very beautifulAll of creation most wonderfulOnce a poet always a poetPoetry is melody of the soulFusion of feelings and emotionsLove passion candid expressionsMay today and everydayBe international poetry dayFor those of us who writeMake our universe bright© All Rights…
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williamkurk ¡ 5 years ago
#TBT - A simpler time when #WKE was running the usual end-of-the-set offense with “Ms.Pac Man” at @reggieslive! Major shoutout to @saturnprototype for capturing this entire performance 🙌🏽🙏🏾! It was the best of times, before the worst of times 💀. #chicago #chitown #wke #art #music #musician #life #williamkurkenterprise #chicagoartists #america #wklegacy #wkwillionaire #mspacman #reggieschicago #jazzfunk #soulfusion (at Reggies) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCtXKjxH4-9/?igshid=1mfhbv91zz6si
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pokemonbattletournament ¡ 2 months ago
Yoo i didn't think of the bangboo! They're you're little buddies who fight with you in battle, giving you extra buffs or acting as taunts. I'm currently working on making a plush of Eous i love them so much
Sharkboo in particular is precious to me because it was my first S bangboo I pulled. It also features in a heart wrenching storyline for Kami North -- two bangboo forcibly soulfused and the surviving one struggling to figure out who, and what, they really are
So vote for Sharkboo today! The tiny terror!
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insertprofoundsaying ¡ 5 years ago
Shoutouts to @ableton @akai_pro and my big homies Moses and Jesus for giving us an awesome jam this morning. If y’all missed it, I’m back TONIGHT at 6 Pm on FB LIVE and 6:30 PM on Insta, eastern standard time. AND I’ve added some tweaks I think y’all will enjoy. This song is a whole bop about the Tower of Babel and what we keep ignoring about the power of people. Put some metropolis on and give it a whirl. #art #performanceart #randb #newjackcity #newjackswing #soulmusic #soulfusion #bops #originalmusic #abletonlive #akaimpk #gearhead #livefromhome #livestream #biblestudy #towerofbabel https://www.instagram.com/p/B-kj3KgFNuT/?igshid=12c6b7cvxchzs
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