#Sorry if I'm not supposed to post this in the event tag since its over
onthewaytosomewhere · 3 months
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💚thanks ever so much for the tags my dears @sophie1973 @theprinceandagcd @henryspearl @myheartalivewrites @sheepywritesfics
@suseagull04 & @taste-thewaste 😘
so after posting that lil fic on Sunday I've moved right back to what I need to be working on ... my fic for the @ficwip dark & cozy event
so i played with a lil art for it and wrote some words last night so it's moving along (even if it has a fair bit to go yet lolz) (even if i really wanna work on the new liam/pez i started last night as well)
putting this all beneath the cut cuz a bit of art (still also WIP) and words shared today 💚
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i'm really torn on these i really kinda like the coffee shop sign and not sure if need to work it into the title card or keep it so they just share similar elements and post both with the fic... or if i even really like the title card - i suppose that's why its a wip lolz
and now here's (wonderwall) words from the same fic 💚
“Thanks, Nora swears that I’ve become more of a klutz since the change, and I don’t need any more reasons for her to threaten to spend all my money on new cups for this place.” The smile Henry gives him as he hands the cup and saucer to Alex almost seems shy, and it should appear out of place on someone who’s lived as many lives as he has, but Alex can’t help but think how it makes him want to kiss him. It’s as if some force he can’t explain is pulling him toward Henry. He’s been able to resist the pull for the sake of not wanting to come on too strong, but really, it’s getting harder not to make a fool of himself over Henry. There’s a moment when time seems to freeze between them, and then Alex is brought out of it when Henry speaks, “Well, we can’t have that; you need that money to take me out once you finally work up the courage to ask.” Alex drops the cup in his hand, and once again, Henry catches it before it can hit the floor, this time setting it back on the table. “I’m sorry … what?! … how …” Alex takes a deep breath, begging his mind to stop acting like a computer that has blue-screened, and continues, “So, you’d be up for that?” Henry smiles at him, and Alex’s already fast-beating heart stutters, “Well, as good as your tea is, it’s not the only reason I frequent your shop.” “But, you’ve never said anything. Hell, you barely talk past your order most nights unless I talk to you first.” “To be fair, you never said anything either, but I’m not as brave as this moment would have you believe. I may have spent too much time around Pez lately, and well, if I have to hear him tell me one more time that I should ‘suck it up and say something so I could suck what I really wanted,’ well, it will be one more time too many, truly.” “Huh, so ‘ya vaaant to suck my bluuudd’ do ya?” Alex replies with his worst stereotypical vampire accent. He rakes his eyes over Henry’s body and waits until Henry takes a drink of his tea to continue, “There’s definitely a few things I wouldn’t mind getting my mouth on.” Henry nearly chokes on the tea, and Alex never actually realized that vampires could choke, but apparently, that’s a thing that can happen. Henry looks at him, blue eyes full of mirth, and smirks, “Noted.” Alex nearly falls over when the bell above the door chimes; so much for his Were instincts being strong when he’s lost in flirting with pretty men or … well, vamps. Before turning to the customer entering, he whispers, “We will be coming back to this later.” Henry gives him one of those damn enigmatic smiles of his, and Alex nearly tells the customer to leave so he can stay there flirting with him. However, once he turns and sees who it is, he knows that won’t be happening.
i'm just gonna slap some tags down here so if i miss ya and ya wanna do this consider this ur big ole open tag!!
no-pressure tag ur it! to @adreamareads @anincompletelist @blueeyedgrlwrites @caterpills @duchessdepolignaca03
@england-would-fall @firenati0n @firstsprinces @forever-fixating @getmehighonmagic
@heysweetheart-writes @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @inell @inexplicablymine @itsmaybitheway
@jmagnabo92 @littlemisskittentoes @mikibwrites @nocoastposts @priincebutt
@softboynick @sparklepocalypse @stellarmeadow @tailsbeth-writes @thesleepyskipper
@thinkof-england @tinyarmedtrex @typicalopposite @everwitch-magiks @cricketnationrise
@myheartalivewrites @porcelainmortal @eusuntgratie @bigassbowlingballhead @captainjunglegym
@cha-melodius @kiwiana-writes @judasofsuburbia @doublecheekedkinard @cricketnationrise
(i realize it's no longer wednesday for some of ya and some of ya may have already done this but - my fingers typed ur name so 'hi' if that's the case lolz)
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1800duckhotline · 13 days
im new here and missed your bg3 phase entirely can i hear what makes the game so sucks for you (or ill go look in the tag! fine too). i love to hear people bitchin about games everybody else doesnt wanna criticize
omg hello... first of all welcome to my twisted mind etc. my blog is an array of a completely random agglomeration of interests so im sorry if i shift from posting from x to y at the speed of light LMFAO. my bg3 obsession phase was definitely a strange exception but i guess it is what it is
and def i can give u the sparknotes version of my criticisms for the game, which are both rational and not and you're free not to agree and so forth, i'm just one guy expressing an opinion which i think i'm entitled to since i've played this game for over 200 hours almost i am fairly sure. i was not okay.
obviously i'll be mentioning spoilers fyi. i got long here but i promise this is just the Resume of my actual opinions
i hate the fact everyone sounds british except minsc or jaheira. i just dont like it. like a few characters here and there its nothing that bothers me but i'm tired of british accents in fantasy media. it makes things more of a snoozefest
for a game that prides itself on characters being reactive and interactable (esp companions) more often than not the companions reactions have been disappointingly lackluster and straight up Sad because they're so Nothing. i.e. durge reveal
i think not having tav/durge voiced was stupid. my onion!
the game is not as revolutionary as people make it out to be when it comes to character design and good lord the character creator to me is offensive. the companions are all EXTREMELY SAFE when it comes to 'conventional beauty standards', and while i'm not surprised nor did i expect any less, the lack of body diversity to me is just so... boring. it's so nothingburger. like i love projecting hcs and shit but i wish i didn't have to do that
wyll having so little in terms of content and writing and reactions in the game compared to astarion (and let's also say shadowheart bc on a technical level she's the second favorite of larian) is genuinely the worst thing to me because his concept is charming and interesting and larian just decided to do nothing with him. players that are black and/or poc obviously have said this a trillion times, i'm just echoing the sentiment because i also hate how blatant it is, esp when i read up and watched how he used to be in EA. like not to say the writing there was stellar but he had dimension. larian just does not give a fuck abt him and it is irritating lmao, esp since astarion has tangentially 0 actual involvement with the game's main plot in his arc WHILE WYLL LITERALLY GETS HIS ARC SIDELINED BY THE EMPEROR I FUCKING HATE THAT STUPID TURN OF EVENTS SO MUCH
act 1 is probably the best optimized out of all the acts, with the optimization being probably up to midway of act 2. then it alllllll goes downhill. i said it so much but i never get tired of saying it: act 3 is so poorly organized, so many good ideas all smushed together in an indigestible slog of an act with too many quests flattened in one single serving making it so fucking hard to want to get it done. which is awful, because a lot of poignant plot events and fights happen in act 3. i'm still of the firm belief they should've made an act 4. considering this ties in with the aforementioned issue where wyll was supposed to get more content... and it got cut out 'for time'.
i fucking hate astarion fans. i trust like 2 people that do like him. i genuinely was so indifferent to him in the game. like he's fine as a character. i just dont like him much because of the fans. Again ties in with the wyll issues too because people love to pretend astarion would be in wyll's place in the dancing scene when astarion would call you slurs and kill you if he could
also like think what you will of minthara but i think it's criminal that she's a companion and alongside wyll is left to rot at the bottom of the game's code. it's definitely more egregious for wyll imo but like. idk i also am not a fan of this esp since i discovered halsin was added as a companion because THE FANS begged them to. seething
again, there's people more well equipped to discuss this and i did reblog and share posts abt this before on my main account but the embarrassing fantasy racism is there and it's an innate problem of dnd. i think it should be mentioned and kept in mind regardless if it's done well or not (which i don't think it was).
this is less abt the game itself and more abt the fandom but i genuinely cannot fucking stand people who are so aggressive at users who have sexuality headcanons for some of the characters of the game. i've seen people have SO much fucking vitriol towards lesbians having lesbian hcs, specifically, gee i wonder why. this hasn't happened to Me but i have witnessed it.
i think that's more or less the Issues i have with bg3. you're free to ask anything in specific but like... i dont hate the game. or i wouldnt have played it so much. but it should not have been GOTY to me. sorry. like there's so much i just think is wrong... but im just one guy.
i usually prefer completely different types and genres of games, so obviously i'll be more dissecting towards a game i tried out of curiosity and Liked, but with many grievances. the type of stuff i usually like is also far from perfect but i judge a lot of those things in bg3 because of how the game presents itself as in advertisement and social media posts, as well as just like, the steam page. i have plans in the future to try similar games to bg3 to see if it's a common problem within that genre or if it's the black sheep (for me) but for now it is how it is
anyways i did also like a lot of parts of the game, it's just, i can't really reccomend it without mentioning what i didn't like you know?
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Get To Know The Author
name : Kay
pronouns :  she/her
preference of communication : Honestly I have a huge preference for discord. I don't trust tumblr IM to actually alert me. Ive recently learned tumblr has been eating my asks too. If I don't reply to an ask or DM me PLEAS reach out to me. I will NEVE outright ignore something. If I don't think something is going to work for our muses I will reach out to you. 
most active muse :  Kat is my loudest and most demanding. After that would be Her brother Kass, Feyre, and then our spotty maybe I'm here maybe I'm not - Emmett.  
experience / how many years : Ohhh boy. I've been doing the rp thing off and on since 2010. There was a five year chunk in recent years where I disappeared for a bit but the lovely @sharpayevcns pulled me back in a few months ago and I am so appreciative that she did. <3 
best experience : Discovering the people here that make me feel safe enough to obsess over threads. You guys have absolutely made my return to tumblr. If I were to delete my blog with nothing but my connection with you guys to show for it - Well I would be absolutely fine with that. You guys are amazing and will absolutely be tagged in this. 
rp pet peeves : I keep running into situations where I get heavily invested in plotting something (Drawing, writing head cannons, making playlists, planning cannon events. . .I literrally brushed up on a whole ass language for a plot) Only to have those people completely leave me on read. I am not a pushy partner in the least. I would be more than happy to wait a month for a reply. But I need communication. I need feedback if something doesn't sit right for you. I need reciprocated enthusiasm. You don't have to show It the same way I do but I need some show of enthusiasm otherwise it just feels uncomfortable and I feel annoying and restrained. That's not what I'm here for. I've honestly made the decision to start unfollowing people based on a three strikes basis. No hard feelings. I just don't want to follow anyone who doesn't bring the same energy I do. 
fluff, angst, or smut :ALL OF IT! While I'm becoming more and more selective about who I write smut with I LOVE writing smut ESPECIALLY if its born of post Angst fluff. Actually almost exclusively. There is nothing that gets my muses motor going like post Angst Fluff! 
plots or memes : Augh! Don't make me pick. I love Plotting but sometimes nothing really gets the juices flowing like memes do. I cant tell you how many times a simple meme interaction help set a pivotal point in a plot. ALSO- Memes are usually what help me forego my shy nature. While my muse outwardly gives NONE of the Ducks. . .I do . I give all of the Ducks so memes help  me loosen up. I'm not responsible for the haphazard neuroSpicy creature you meet once the shyness has fallen away. You've been warned.
long or short replies : It depends on my mood and attention span. There is a Adderall shortage right now so I have only been taking my Adderall on work days so Ive had a VERY hard time focusing o replies as of late. When Im on top of my Game I am LONGWINDED AF .Please don't ever feel like you have to match me because there are times where I will write you a novel and we were only supposed to be writing a sentence or two. It just happens and Im sorry.  time to write : Ha! um . . . Well I work Graveyard  Thursday- Saturday from 8PM-9:30ish AM (PST)  On slow nights I do write here and there but for the most part I can be found here pretty sporadically. If I have something going on during my weekend that I have to be a daytime person for then ill be up during the day time. OTHERWISE- Mostly evening and spooky hours . 
are you like your muses : I could draw some parallels with each of them but I dont think I am like any of them. 
tagged by: The Alluring  @wynterlanding ~<3
@grimmusings @sharpayevcns @godccmplex <3
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mercypettigrew · 2 years
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Peter Perseus Pettigrew 22 | Trans Man (he/him) | Elliot Page
[pinterest] | [aesthetic tag] | [intro]
wanted connections under cut.
Childhood friend: Someone who has known Peter for as long as he can remember. Perhaps they lived nearby the village he grew up in, perhaps their parents were friends of either his mother or Miss Josephine. Preferably someone pureblood and connected to the Death Eaters. They grew apart at Hogwarts as he cleaved himself to the Marauders.
Prophet-able Acquaintance: Someone he met through work, either a coworker or someone present for an interview he did the photography on.
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spanishskulduggery · 3 years
Hi! I'm studying B1.2/B2 level Spanish and I want to learn * words to express things more*...(recently I learned,, conectores del discurso,, and some ,,frases hechas,,)
I'm sorry if you already posted something like this, I'm a new follower and I just saw that you have this account since 2013! (P.S.between it's hard for me to study words for any language; I have to write 1 word 10 times to memorize it,and others just read it once)
Have a great day!🌸
So I'm going to attach some of the (what I call) academic connectors. They're just words that I find really helpful for explaining things or especially in oral exams or written exams to sound more coherent and link your sentences together.
I suppose the more correct term is something like particles of speech or something along those lines, but they're the kinds of phrases you will want to know if you have any intention of writing in Spanish and especially if it's in an academic setting:
de hecho = in fact, as a matter of fact
no obstante = nevertheless, regardless
de todas formas = in any event, regardless
sin embargo = however, nevertheless
con respecto a (algo/alguien) = regarding (something/someone), with regards to (something/someone)
en cuanto a (algo/alguien) = regarding, with regards to
por lo general = in general generalmente/normalmente = generally / normally
mayormente = for the most part, mostly, mainly en su mayoría = mainly, in its majority, for the most part
en realidad = actually, in reality
actualmente = currently, nowadays hoy en día = currently, nowadays, today
antiguamente = formerly, in the past, previously
por lo tanto = therefore, as such
a su paso = “in its wake”, “in its path”
a medida que = "as", "while (something is/was happening)"
ya que... = since, given that...
así = like that, that way
así que... = so..., that being the case...
pues... = then / since..., that being the case...
entonces = then [in a sequence of events] / then, consequently
por consiguiente / consiguientemente = consequently, as a consequence
de una vez = for once de una vez por todas = once and for all
por enésima vez = "for the umpteenth time", "for the hundredth/millionth time" [hyperbolic]
al principio = in the beginning, at the start
al fin = at the end, in the end, at last, finally
lo primero es lo primero = “first things first”
por último, finalmente = lastly, finally, ultimately
dicho eso... = that being said...
susodicho/a = aforementioned
de antemano = beforehand
a lo largo de (periodo de tiempo) = throughout (time period)
durante = during / for
últimamente = lately, recently
según (algo/alguien) = according to (something/someone) / as per
de acuerdo con (algo) = as per (something), in accordance with
por lo visto = apparently, "it would seem..."
desde luego (que) = of course, surely
en absoluto = absolutely not, in no way
a pesar de (algo/alguien) = despite, in spite of (something/someone) pese a (algo/alguien), despite, in spite of (something/someone)
a partir de = starting (at a point), since, from a partir de hoy = starting today, from today on a partir de aquí = from here on out a partir de ahora = starting now, from now on a partir de entonces = from that point on, from then on a partir de mañana = as of tomorrow, starting tomorrow
de ahora/hoy en adelante = from now on, from this point on
en tal caso... = in that case...
por defecto = by default
principalmente = for the most part, mainly, mostly
además = furthermore, in addition
por casualidad = by chance, coincidentally
al azar = at random, randomly
al menos / por lo menos = at least
al contrario = on the contrary
por el contrario = by contrast
en cambio = in contrast, by contrast, conversely
al revés = upside-down, inside-out, topsy-turvy
(todo) patas arriba = “upside-down”, “everything in chaos”, “turned on its ear/head”
de igual manera = in the same way de igual forma = in the same way del mismo modo = in the same way igualmente = likewise, in the same way
de manera diferente = differently de otra manera = differently, in a different way de otro modo = differently
tal y como = just like, exactly tal y como es = exactly how it is
de/en cierto modo = in some way / in a sense de cierta manera = in some way / in a sense
en algún sentido = in a sense en cierto sentido = in a sense
de una manera u otra = one way or another de una forma u otra = one way or another
apenas = hardly, barely a duras penas = hardly, barely
a secas = plainly, simply
en lugar de, en vez de = instead (of) [you’d phrase this as en lugar de algo “instead of something”, or en su lugar “in its stead” or “in its place”; it takes some getting used to]
por accidente, accidentalmente = accidentally, by mistake
todavía = still
de vez en cuando = “from time to time”
a la vez = at the same time, simultaneously
en promedio, como media = on average
por las buenas = “the easy way”
por las malas = “the hard way”
de corto plazo = short-term
de largo plazo = long-term
a cambio (de) = in exchange (for)
a propósito = on purpose, not an accident
por cierto = by the way
a/en todos los efectos = for all intents and purposes en todo sentido = for all intents and purposes
mientras tanto = meanwhile
hasta = until, up to / even, including hasta que + subjuntivo = until (something happens; subjunctive)
incluso = even, including
al pie de la letra = “to a T”, exactly, precisely, “by the book” tomar al pie de la letra = to be very precise and methodical
(tomar algo) a la ligera = (to take something) lightly
por dondequiera / por doquier = “everywhere”, “every which way”, “all over the place”
de cabo a rabo = completely, through and through
al fin y al cabo = “at the end of the day”
por (el) otro lado = “on the other hand”
que yo sepa = as far as I know que tú sepas = as far as you know que nosotros sepamos = as far as we know [follows conjugation rules for subjunctive saber]
es decir (que)... = that is to say..., in other words...
o sea... = in other words...
And obviously por and para which are their own issue but they come up a lot. Which is understandable but they’re a big hurdle even for people in the C levels
There are others that are better understood with examples because it’s not enough to just write it. So:
aun vs. aún -aun with no accent is “even” and is synonymous with hasta or incluso -aún with the accent is “yet” and is synonymous with todavía
o sea -The expression o sea is used as “in other words”; do not confuse it with óseo/a which is “osseous” or “bone-related”, an adjectival form of hueso “bone”. Some people do write it as one word “osea” but it really should be separate... and sea is technically subjunctive ser
certain expressions with femenino de indeterminación -a solas “one-on-one” or “privately” -a sabiendas “knowing full well” -a ciegas “blindly” or “in the dark” -a escondidas “secretly”  And many others, some of which were in the longer vocab list above
subjunctive phrases [use with care] -There are many phrases with subjunctive that you eventually need to know and they can be helpful in essays, though again this is its own topic. Things like para que “so that (something will happen)” or con tal (de) que “as long as (something happens)” are sort of subjunctive phrases of unmet conditions... things like “unless” or “until” things happen are subjunctive in many cases. Some like aunque become “although” with indicative and “even though / even if” in subjunctive... I say use with care because this is more of a functional vocab list not a grammar lesson.
solo, sólo, y solamente -solo/a as an adjective means “only/single/a single person” or it means “alone” -solo as an adverb is synonymous with sólo. The accent mark there is a vocal inflection so it’s like “ONLY”. You use either as “only” or “just”. Since it’s an adverb, solo will not change for gender/plural -solamente is “solely” and is synonymous with solo/sólo
pero vs. sino -pero is “but” when you’re changing the topic or providing different information; no es de Alemania pero habla alemán “he’s not German but he speaks German” -sino is “but rather” when you’re correcting someone’s statement; no es alemán sino francés “he’s not German (but rather), he’s French”
I would also say it’s worth understanding how ya works because it’s got a lot of uses
I’m also going to attach some links to my tags that will help you navigate and find more of what you might be interested in:
Idiomatic Expressions (especially the older entries tend to be more universal; the newer ones are expressions I tend to find and am interested in sharing so if you go into my archive and look for the tag “idiomatic expressions” or “expresiones idiomaticas”
Grammar ...which is probably not what you need right at this moment, but in case you want to peruse my stuff on different grammatical concepts I have everything from present tense to imperfect subjunctive
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aristocratic-otter · 2 years
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I've got an evening event tomorrow and I know I'll be too tired to do this when I get home, so look at me, I'm gonna try my hand at scheduling! If you tag me before my post shows up, thank you! And thank you to @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @takitalks, @confused-bi-queer, @artsyunderstudy, @facewithoutheart, @urban-sith, @fatalfangirl, @palimpsessed, @ileadacharmedlife, @cutestkilla, and @bookish-bogwitch for the Sunday tags
Since I've got abundant time tonight, I'll give you a glimpse at each of my five WIPs. Under the cut for length.
First, from Westward Son, my 2021 COTTA (I know, I know. It takes a lot of research to do a historical right!):
Shepard POV: Something happened to Simon back there, but I don’t understand what. He never came down with the Cholera. It just seems like one day he was fine, normal, and the next he was just…absent. He rides with us, and takes his turn on the wagon bench, but it’s with a continual air of abstraction, like he’s with us physically, but his mind is miles away. 
Second, from Raising Dragons:
Simon POV: My mind turns to wondering what other characteristics might pop out to surprise me. Baz thinks I’m probably done changing. He points out that most of my DNA is human, so it wouldn’t make sense for me to have more dragon traits than human ones. And at least the changes have nearly all been physical only. I still feel like me inside. I haven’t noticed any new behavioural quirks (though Baz says I’ve always been a bit feral).
Next, from one of my CORB's, Playing with Fire, Treading Thin Ice:
Simon POV: That sort of thing happens all of the time. I see people (using the term loosely) with all sorts of odd, inhuman traits. Things like wings and snouts and tails. I see doors in buildings that don’t seem to exist for other people. I see animals that look like normal animals but can do bizarre things. Once I saw what looked like a badger, but it could grow to four times its size and produce claws like scythes when threatened. That was an interesting school field trip, to say the least. But all the other kids seemed to see just a normal badger. 
When I was little, I got in trouble for describing what I saw. The nuns told me I was lying and lying was sinful. 
So I stopped being honest. 
And then from A Tale of Two Tails (A little angst intruded into my crack fic 😱):
Baz POV: I lean forward and rest my cheek on the mattress beside him. Now I’m looking at him head on, and I wince at the dozens of burn marks scattered over his face. I guess now would be a good time to address that. “I’m sorry, Simon,” I whisper. “It was supposed to be a prank. It was supposed to annoy you. You were never supposed to get hurt. You don’t deserve to be lying here. I do.” Wetness is starting to pool in my eyes, but I don’t swipe at them. Somehow it feels right to give him my tears. Like an offering.
Finally, from my COBB, Careful What You Wish For:
Simon POV: I raise a hand to the top button of his shirt and look up at him, waiting.
He looks down at his own chest and bites his lip. Then he nods, just slightly. I force myself to go slow, unbuttoning each button with care before attempting the next. I know myself. I know if I let myself rush, let myself go too fast, I’ll fumble and paw at him. Baz deserves better than that. 
Once every button is undone, his shirt gapes open, revealing his smooth, strong chest and a pair of dusky nipples. His tie hangs forgotten between his pecs and I just stare for a moment. Baz lets me. But then, to my surprise, he starts giggling.
“My eyes are up here, Snow,” he snorts
Tagging (beat y'all to it for once!): all of you lovely people who tagged me on Sunday, plus @angelsfalling16, @annabellelux, @bazzybelle, @carryonsimoncarryonbaz, @dragoneggo, @excalisbury, @fight-surrender, @foolofabookwyrm-activated, @giishu, @kherub, @mrskrementz, @moodandmist, @mostlymaudlin, @nightimedreamersghost, @otherworldsivelivedin, @prettylightsbigcity, @whatevertheweather, and @you-remind-me-of-the-babe
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
So, dress up game made into an official tag?
BTW, are you planning the open interaction for August of will you continue one from July?
🧩 Yep, the dress up game is seen as an "event" of sorts to me, so I decided to give it its own tag much like the other memes, special occasions, and holidays seen on this blog. It's also an attempt at me organizing my blog since a lot of my posts are all over the place given how there's over 4.4K of them now.
Also, I planned on being a lot more active with the July open interaction, but as you can see I got distracted by other things going on the blog. Sorry to those I haven't replied to yet, but I'm hoping to extend it to August since that's still summer time for me anyways and it lines up, ahahaha. So, I've decided to keep that open for two months as opposed to the usual one, since it was the open interaction with the most participants thus far. ^^ The first one (grocery shopping) had 12 different threads, the bite one had 7, and then the beach one totally blew those two out of the park with a whopping 16. I also don't want to punish those who haven't participated by neglecting their threads (unrelated to any event) either, but I've been slacking on those too honestly. Basically what I'm trying to say is — I hope to reply to everyone soon, no matter which thread it is.
For the August open interaction, I originally planned on doing a summer festival setting but now that I think about it, the Japanese festivals are usually to honor some kind of god or the changing of seasons from what I read. It's ironic for a Vampire to want to attend that, lmao. Though I suppose it doesn't have to be a religious thing, and on the plus side, Ruki gave a ton of kimonos out recently so it kind of fits HAHAHA. Definitely let me know what you think about the idea for those who are (or aren't) interested in a summer festival open interaction for August. I intended on alternating between open interactions in terms of cruel vs soft (grocery store - soft, random bite - cruel, beach - soft) which would mean the August one would have to be a bit dark to maintain that balance.
And since I've honestly got so many open interaction ideas, I'll probably spoil them under the cut for those who want to "prepare" in any sort of way. 🧩
So, I already mentioned that for August I had a summer festival idea planned, but I'll at least reveal what I anticipated for the remainder of the year.
September — I was going to do a Vandead Carnival type of thing, but honestly, that might be too similar to the festival activities, haha. I don't like to make things repetitive. However, I might make it a school open interaction instead after finding out more OCs attend the academy than I expected. Though I'm not sure what exactly they're going to do at school just yet (maybe partners for an assignment, maybe a library encounter, I'm still vacillating between options).
October — Now, here's where things get a little crazy. My friend suggested that Ruki should hold a Halloween event where he judges everyone's costumes for the fun of it (there is no "ranking" system or "winner" or anything like that — he just wants to see people dress up, and I'm still working on the reasoning for that as well, haha). Of course, I will dress him up as well and perhaps even draw something over his sprite to align with the Halloween spirit. Really tempted to do a Vampire dressed up as a traditional Vampire for the laughs again.
November — I think an open interaction where you cook with Ruki might be cute. Hoping to make him invite the person he's interacting with to the Mukami manor to help him test a recipe of his choosing.
December — Of course, I'll be damned if I miss out the opportunity for a Christmas date. Yes, it's weird for Vampires to celebrate Christmas, but there is actually a Mukami Christmas special in Vandead Carnival so I'd like to create a similar atmosphere as that. I already did one like that last year where they went shopping together but we don't talk about my 2021 writing. So, instead of Christmas shopping, I'd like to plan something more romantic. By then, I'm hoping his current relationships will be more fleshed out, and for any newcomers, it could be a ploy for Ruki to bite them later most likely.
I got more ideas cooking in my head but I don't want to reveal too much.
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hanoella · 3 years
Affettuoso- With Feeling (Part 3)
Pairing: Bucky x Pianist!Reader
Set after the events of TFATWS: In an effort to start over and make a home in Louisiana, Bucky meets a friend of Sam’s who ends up being his landlord. With only a driveway to separate them, he finds that he’s not the only one looking for a fresh start.
Series tags/warnings: Slow Burn, Eventual Bucky x Reader, Mentions of Domestic Abuse, Canon Level Violence
Part 3 Word Count: 3k
A/N: Can you tell I don't really have a posting schedule? lol. I also introduced links to the specific pieces I had in mind. I'm using soundcloud because I don't think everyone has access to spotify. Trying to be reader friendly! This can be read with or without the audio, as I do my best to still convey the thought in the fic. Though if you can, I highly recommend :)
Thanks again for all your support! Every heart and comment motivates me and is just so wonderful
Read Part 1; Masterlist
A few days had passed since the night that Bucky had overheard your troubles. It had been quiet since, and you hadn’t left the house. The curtains were opened during the day and closed at night, the only telltale signs that you existed.
Doesn’t she have to work? Bucky thought to himself. He speculated all the different possibilities as he used the riding mower around the property. Maybe you were an heiress? You seemed pretty down to earth though. Or maybe you sold a patented idea for a ton of money. All this land had to have been expensive. And to not request actual money from him?
He eyed up the width of the gate for your fence. The riding mower couldn’t fit so he would have to use a push mower for your fenced off yard. He hadn’t seen one in the garage. Maybe the old shed at the back of your yard had one? Bucky parked the mower in the garage, taking a moment to make a mental list of everything. Depending on if he found anything in the shed, he might need to buy a few basic tools and a chainsaw for that fallen tree.
He walked out of the garage and over to the shed. The leaves were changing color and it brought a whole new atmosphere to the secluded forest area. Opening the gate of the weathered white fence, he looked around to see if you were out. No signs of life. Entering the yard and closing the gate behind him, he started walking to the back. Halfway through, he stopped at the fire pit. The grey stone blocks were starting to crumble, with a few of the bricks having fallen off. It would probably be really nice if he got a little bit of cement mix and filled in the gaps. Bucky made another mental note.
The shed had no padlock so he was able to open it with no problem. Amongst the cobwebs and bags of soil, was an older green push mower that looked like it might work. He gave the gas a pull and got no response back. Looking underneath, Bucky saw what might be the problem. He’d have to take a closer look later. Putting the lawn mower back onto its wheels, he pushed it across the yard, pausing when he saw movement though the glass doors of the back patio.
Craning his neck to avoid the glare, he saw you sitting at your fancy full keyboard. The way the piano was against the opposite wall, your back was to him. You had big over-ear headphones plugged into it, so he couldn’t hear the sound but he saw the flurry of keys being pressed down. Whatever you were playing, you played passionately. Hands and arms gracefully moved despite the speed at which they were moving. Enhanced hearing coming into play, he heard the muffled clicks of the fluttering keys. Suddenly, you pressed down forcefully, holding whatever chord you had struck as your shoulders gently relaxed. A deep breath. Arm creating a graceful arc as if you had studied ballet, you pressed gently on another chord. And another. Bucky counted three more times you did this before you let your hands gently fall from the keys to your lap. Several moments passed before slid the headphones off of your ears to sit wrapped around your neck. Another deep breath. This time as the breath escaped you, you stayed slouched, head tilting up to stare at nothing on the wall.
A buzz broke Bucky from his trance.
“Call me, new mission” The text from Sam on his home screen said.
He pocketed his phone, glancing through the glass one more time. There you still sat.
The roar of the plane’s engine was just loud enough to drown out Bucky’s thoughts without being annoying. If it weren’t for the adrenaline of the recovery mission under the cover of nightfall, he probably would’ve been lulled to sleep. Beside him sat Sam, looking on his phone for the exact coordinates of the politician they had been sent to rescue.
“Here it is. I’m assuming there’s some sort of underground base since there are no heat signatures anywhere within the radius where he was taken. It should take us about ten more minutes before we’re directly over it.”
Bucky hummed in acknowledgement.
Sam raised an eyebrow. “Earth to Bucky.”
“What does your friend do?” Bucky asked suddenly, sitting up straighter and turning towards him.
“… What?”
“What does she do? I’ve never seen her leave the house. Is she okay?”
“If you’re asking why she doesn’t leave the house, it’s because her contract doesn’t start for a while. She’s technically still supposed to be in physical therapy but she hasn’t found a place yet. You know, your whole routine gets messed up when you move.”
“For her shoulder?”
Now it was Sam’s turn to look at Bucky, trying to decipher the motive behind these questions. Bucky shifted his weight in the chair, antsy under the scrutiny.
“Never mind, I-”
“Yes, for her shoulder.” Sam said, cutting him off. He stopped himself from asking why Bucky wanted to know. There was an awkward pause before Bucky explained himself.
“I just wanted to know. I’m not used to seeing people so…”
“Similar to yourself?”
“I was gonna say isolated but fair point.” Bucky admitted. Sam leaned back in his chair, looking straight forward.
“She’s been through a lot… I know you heard some of it.”
Bucky blinked in surprise.
“I realized the window was open when I could hear you drive off.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s alright, it’s good that you know.” Sam said as he held up his hand to cut Bucky off.
“She’s just trying to get a fresh start. She’s in a raw emotional space and in the meantime is a little skittish. Just like someone else I know.” Sam jabbed his elbow into Bucky’s side as he enunciated the last sentence.
“Okay, okay, I get it. I’m trying!” He shouted as he held one hand up defensively and using the other to block the second jab Sam was trying to get in. Sam chuckled and then stood up, grabbing a parachute pack and tossing it at Bucky, who caught it without even looking.
“Figured you might wanna try an actual chute this time.”
Bucky rolled his eyes and mouthed Sam’s words mockingly with a grimace as he put the backpack on. Clipping it into place, he joined Sam at the side door of the plane.
“She used to play in an orchestra you know.” Sam said wistfully. “The piano. That’s actually how we met. She had volunteered to play a small concert before the dinner. It really helped raise a lot of money for the VA.”
Bucky stayed silent, prompting him to continue.
“Then that bastard she was engaged to beat her and then shoved her down a set of concrete steps when she tried to leave him. It was like a month after we all came back. She was in the hospital for a while. Broken ribs, broken shoulder, and a nasty concussion to boot. Neighbor saw the whole thing and called the cops but the courts were so backed up and the case fell through the cracks. Wouldn’t leave her alone after he got out. So, I pulled some strings and helped her move down here on the fly.”
“… That’s terrible.”
Bucky didn’t know what to say or how to react. They stood in silence, taking a moment to pay a respect of sorts to the trials you have been through. Then Sam broke the silence.
“She just needs time to heal in more ways than one. But she’s strong. Resilient.”
Putting a hand on Bucky’s shoulder, he squeezed it lightly with reassurance.
“Reminds me of someone else I know.” Sam said, finishing the conversation and pulling his goggles over his eyes, giving Bucky the opportunity to take the compliment without feeling too on the spot.
Pulling the door open, Sam shouted over the wind.
Bucky nodded. Sam jumped from the plane and deployed the wings, the shield shining in the moonlight. Bucky jumped right behind him, using the glint of the silver star to guide his descent as he followed the man that gave the shield its meaning.
You laid with your head down on the kitchen table, letting the last golden rays of sun warm the side of your face. You were exhausted from going to physical therapy, especially since today had been the first appointment. All the measurements, all the exercises, all the stretching.
All the questions.
“So, how did you break your shoulder?” the young blonde physical therapist asked.
“Ah, I… fell down some stairs.” You said, looking down at your hands in your lap.
She didn’t look up from the papers, instead just raising an eyebrow.
“You also cracked some ribs and had a concussion?”
“… They were concrete.”
She looked up from the papers at you, analyzing. Her gaze softened and she asked no further questions on how these serious injuries had been obtained.
“Let’s look at your range of motion.”
You had practically stumbled into the house, kicking off your sneakers and plopping down at the kitchen table. Minutes passed by as you regained your breath, heartbeat steadying. The house was slightly cold since you had turned the heat down this morning. As your sweat cooled, you wrapped your arms around your legs in an attempt to keep you warm without getting up.
The sun feels so warm… You thought to yourself drowsily, feeling slightly less lonely. The sun was a cheap substitute for the warmth of a partner…
You jolted upright, the kitchen dark and cold. Neck and shoulder stiff from the awkward position you had dozed off in. Feeling the dryness of your mouth, you got up, stretching your neck gently while you walked to the fridge to get water. Chugging about half the bottle, you squinted at the clock. You had been asleep for about forty-five minutes. Groaning, you put the bottle down on the counter and walked into the living room to close the curtains. Grabbing one in each hand, you went to pull them together when you hesitated, noticing that Bucky’s apartment was dark for the third day in a row. The sleek motorbike that was usually parked under the slight overhang of the garage was missing as well.
He was probably on a mission, right? Not that it was any of your business. You shut the curtains and turned off the lights before lightly padded down the hall, stopping to adjust the thermostat. The heat kicked on, sending a puff of cold air your way. You shivered as you walked with a quickened pace to your room, shutting the door and heading into the master bathroom, turning the hot water on with just a tad of cold.
Waiting for the shower to warm up, you leaned over the sink and looked into the mirror. Dark circles under your eyes. Small scar on the bridge of your nose. Running your hand through the roots of your hair, you felt for the scar where the stitches had been. When was the last time you had a haircut? Or put on some makeup?
Some higher being must’ve felt pity for you since the steam from the shower fogged the glass, preventing you from tearing yourself apart any further. Stepping underneath the warm stream, you let the warmth seep into your muscles, then bones, filling every fracture and break with a temporary sense of wholeness until the emptiness of your heart and home caused it slowly to drip out until it, along with you, was gone.
The next morning, you weren’t motivated to do anything. You lounged around the house, sipping on coffee and browsing on your phone for furniture, clothes, even sneaking a peak at some pianos. Wanting to invest in one you’d use for the next several decades, you had put off buying one until the money from your contract with the orchestra started in a month. You were still well off, nowhere near struggling and probably wouldn’t ever be unless you decided to buy a mansion (which was a no). You just wanted to be careful.
In the afternoon, you popped a pain killer and muscle relaxer in preparation for the few hours you wanted to practice. Thirty minutes went by and the ever-present ache in your shoulder calmed enough to let you practice with relative peace. Sitting on the bench in front of the keyboard, you pondered what you might play to warm up.
Hmm, maybe a Chopin prelude? Short, emotional, familiar.
Your left hand held the soft deep chords as your right hand softly flitted around the higher notes. Breathing in and out with the music, you tried to ignore the ache that start to surround your shoulder.
Playing the last few notes, you paused before reaching over to the bottle of painkillers.
Shortly after finishing up, you dragged a small table outside next to the wooden bench swing that was hanging on the porch. Bundled up in a soft sweatshirt, long-sleeve shirt, wool lined leggings, fuzzy socks and slippers, you brought out your hot tea, several blankets, a pillow, and a book you had been meaning to read for months. You were determined to do something besides practice, watch TV, and scroll on your phone.
You settled onto the bench, wrapping the blanket around you, nice and toasty from the layers trapping in the heat of a thorough practice session. The extra medication had really helped keep the pain at bay. Tentatively sipping the steaming cup, you closed your eyes to further appreciate the sweet tones of peach and honey. Setting the cup in your lap with one hand, you used your other hand to flip open to the first page.
Bucky hadn’t expected the mission to get so complicated. Finding the base was one thing, navigating in and out of the expansive maze was another. It took a few days to successfully get the target out and back to the embassy. He hadn’t properly slept during that time due to taking shifts with Sam. Not that it was any different from how he slept at home.
The sun was letting its last few rays bless the earth when he turned onto the driveway. Taking it easy on the gravel, he eased his posture and slowed the bike. He put pressure on the brakes as he made it past the final wall of trees that hid the water that was reflecting the last bit of color left in the sky. Rolling casually into a stop, he parked and let out a deep breath, shoulders sinking.
A stray bird calling out turned his attention in the direction of your house. The porch light was on. That’s new, he thought. Squinting his eyes, he saw a bundle on the porch swing. Was that you? Quietly walking over while taking his leather gloves off, he confirmed his suspicions. There you were, lying on your side propped up by a large fuzzy pillow. Eyes closed and breathing rhythmically. Scanning the scene, he noticed the mug on the side table, empty except for the used teabag. Your book was closed, the page you were on marked by one of your fingers. You must’ve fallen asleep while reading.
“Hey…” Bucky said gently. No response besides a small nose scrunch.
He repeated himself a little louder, squatting to be at eye level while gently setting his hand on your arm and shaking you lightly. You groaned this time, eyes fluttering open, taking a moment to focus. You squinted and pushed yourself up into a sitting position, losing your place in the book and attempting to blink the heavy drowsiness from your eyes.
“Bucky?” You questioned hoarsely as you met his eyes. He was still crouching so you were looking slightly down at him. Brow furrowed, you searched the blue of his eyes before looking around to see how dark it had gotten. As you turned your head back to him, he stood back up, scratching the back of his neck just to occupy his hands.
“It’s starting to get cold. I didn’t want you to spend the rest of the night out here.” He explained, choosing to look out at the water, now dark. When he turned his head back, you had also turned your head to look at the water, exposing the side of your neck, the tendons and clavicle accentuated by the strain. Bucky swallowed and your eyes met his, oblivious.
“Ah, thank you. I must’ve fallen asleep reading. I just started going back to physical therapy so I’ve just been so wiped… Anyway,” you said, dismissing yourself mid-thought. He didn’t want to hear about all that. “…did you just come back from a mission?” You eyed the diagonal cuts of leather on his jacket, noting the missing sleeve that exposed the glint of the metal.
“Yeah. I was gone for a few days.”
“Okay. I’m glad you’re home safe.” You mindlessly said, picking up the book and other various items strewn about.
Home safe. What an unfamiliar phrase.
As the words echoed in his mind, you had opened the door and stepped in, turning your head slightly to look back at him.
“Thanks again… Good night.”
“Good night.” Bucky replied, watching as you shut the door softly behind you.
Slowly walking down the porch steps, he crossed the driveway to the garage. Turning his head just in time to see the last light turn off in your house, he stood with his hand on the knob, meditating on the effect that one short sentence had on him.
Glad you’re home safe. Was this what it was like when you had someone waiting on you at home? The tired eyes and gentle smile. Would that be what it was like when he came home in the middle of a night from a mission when he had someone to share a bed with? Gently shaking them to let them know he was home? Or would he try to sneak into bed without waking them? He tried to imagine what that sort of intimacy would be like as he entered his apartment and then his room. Unzipping his jacket and tossing it over a chair, he stripped down to his boxer briefs and climbed into bed, wondering what it would be like if it was already warm.
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kisilinramblings · 5 years
Hello! I have a question regarding the episode. Since you are fond of analysis, and I'm fond of how reasonable & understanding your approaches are, I'd like to know your opinion on a "flutter of butterfly wings". It looks like first flutter was presented in Timetagger(?) How do you think it might be used in future episodes and how much our heroes are going to fix or not, given Bunnyx is the one who's, let's say, responsible for return of the "right" line, since she has access to "time-tags"? [1]
Also it seems like timelines are “overwritten”/erased with each intervention. I’m sorry if I expressed myself ambiguosly (though time related things are quite complicated themselves). 
P.S. I also liked that in your post you made accent on how Gabriel acted like a trash in _that_ timeline. Meaning we’ll keep in mind what he’s capable of, but not denying that in future something might influence on his decisions, either for better or for worse. Correct me if I misinterpreted. Thank you! [2]
It depends intrisically on how the time continuum theory is interpreted by the creator and his writing team which then defines how the ML universe works according to those laws they have set for the story and for themselves to respect no matter what.
Here’s a little video about time travel in fiction so you know where I start.
By concept, the Miraculous Ladybug superpower – the one that allows to set everything back to normal – is a form of time-travel superpower to fix the timeline back to its balance. All damaged are erased as if what has happened didn’t happened. If bystanders were brainwashed into minions, they don’t remember their experience because their state is revert back before that anormaly had caused them to not be themselves. And because there were not themselves, they took actions that they wouldn’t have taken otherwise. (ex : Princess Fragrance, Puppeteer, Despair Bear, Oblivio)
That doesn’t mean negative emotions are bad that they must be erased from the timeline. They are part of the balance. What isn’t normal however is there currently is a Miraculous Holder who is misusing his supowerpowers and provoking an imbalance by preying on those negative emotions. And when things go wrong, Ladybug has to erase the imbalance and find a solution, an alternative. This didn’t work and you were very upset by it? All right! Let’s try this instead, shall we?
In other words, ever since Marinette has started to be Ladybug, she is protecting the timeline to stay on the path of balance.  In fact, I think we could say the path of balance is one single continous timeline. So when LB is casting the Miraculous Ladybugs, she is putting the timeline back on track, on the path it has to follow, but the events are still part of it.
Of course, it’s not a complete do-over like Code Lyoko. In Code Lyoko, everything is resetted but the memories of a few selected people. In Miraculous, the time of the day doesn’t changed back. People who weren’t brainwashed by a supervillain still remember the Akuma attack and what damages they have caused.
However, this not much a time-travel thing than a general narrative rule. You don’t write a story to in the end have characters who learn nothing. You know, the “It was all a dream. The end” narrative? It’s really frustrating to get invested in a story and its character – whether it’s a book, a comic, a movie, a tv show or even a video game – for everything to be set back to the initial situation with characters who ultimately went through all of this no concrete impact on them in the very end. (Note : there is a nuance between a character who didn’t learn anything concrete from their experience and a character who chose to not learn anything)
That’s why it is of the utmost importance that something must be left of it and still affect the characters afterwards. Doesn’t have to be necessarily good, but there must be a reflection that is ingrained that will affect the character later on.
The true soft-resetter in the ML Universe is the holder of the Snake Miraculous. The Rabbit Miraculous is another level. Bunnyx must not interfere with events. If she does, it is because it is already written in some sort. Her interventions are already part of the balance. The Rabbit Miraculous being camouflaged as a watch and transmitted as a Kubdel heirloom so it reaches Alix (Timebreaker) for example. Or Bunnyx remembering the Timetagger events because she has lived it as her younger self, and thus meeting her Future!Self was part of the timeline. 
A detail shown when Chat Blanc was about to trigger the end of the world is that all of the holes of the Burrow showed static snow, including the one of the past dating before the terrible mistake has been made. Indicating that in the ML universe, everything is connected. Everything is part of the balance. Everything is part of the world itself.
When Bunnyx initially appears in the episode, she has no information but the date to find Mini-Bug, lead her to the Akuma and fix the balance. The only person who could have given her these indications is Future!Ladybug herself. Because Future!Ladybug remembers she had made a mistake that day and without Bunnyx intervention, there was no other way to fix the balance drifting to its end. 
Bunnyx realized this as she kept watching and invistigating the timeline drift.
First, Bunnyx starts disappearing. Next thing is with Licorne-Bidouchou, Rose’s plushie, who Rose wins it back in this drifting timelime – while in the original timeline – Bunnyx it supposed to still have it before the plushie vanishes out of thin air. 
So really, can the future truly be rewritten by a single flutter of the butterfly wings or is the flutter of the butterfly wings actually an integrated part of the time continuum for the world to keep its balance? I think it’s the latter. 
Because, even using the Ultimate Power granted by the unification of the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous which would alter the world as we know it, the world will always seek back its balance. The world will no matter what follow the balance as its true timeline and it will always find a way.
Thus why the Miraculous exist in the first place and why the Order of the Guardians of the Miraculous was established : to help the world keeps its balance.
Speaking of the Order, let’s talk on in Feast, Master Fu’s mistake was fix by the Miraculous Cure. The temple of the Order that was destroyed suddenly reappears after 172 years. The past was not rewritten. Allowing to preserve Master Fu’s mistake impacts. How his mistake shape the world how it is today.
So yeah, in Miraculous, everything happens for a reason. 
And about your P.S. Yes, you understood me perfectly what I was implying there ^^ That turn of events was erased, including Hawkmoth’s actions. Ladybug is only aware of the final result, not the details. That was Bunnyx’s role to show us a brief summary to what lead to Chat Blanc’s akumatization. Telling us Hawkmoth is capable to lead the world to its destruction. Telling us what extreme measures he is ready to take in order to accomplish his goal. This also tells us, that as long as Hawkmoth will want Ladybug and Chat Noir Miraculous, Marinette and Adrien will never have an happy ending together.
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ironforgedrp · 5 years
I'm a little confused about the roleplay! It says that starks are all gone, but your masterlist has a northern ruling lord as a stark? also the open martell is written as being the only legit heir to the martell throne, but yet there is another martell princess taken? this looks really amazing btw and I just want to make sure I've got everything straight before I apply!
     hi there my friend!    if you mean the shoutout that is now in the tags, it does indeed mention that a northern house was recently quashed and i totally understand your confusion.   i will absolutely endeavour to go over the pages and make sure there isn’t any confusion further, it is on my to-do list so if you have any other questions please don’t hesitate!      also, thankyou so much for your kind words, the admin team and all our muns appreciate it and definitely appreciate how much time you’ve spent looking at our resources - it means more than we can all say, really!     now, onwards — !
    i’m so sorry, i had forgotten to change her tag so she was still appearing in the open bio section.  she is in fact taken currently and that skeleton biography shouldn’t have still been in the open tag. house martell does have half siblings to the trueborn martells, so there are openings for female members.  that’s totally my bad!
      the rebellion and the rebellious northern house was indeed quashed; their ruling lord was a stark and he was executed, along with his wife, eldest son and the young children were stripped of their titles.    however, the executed stark we are making reference to is the secondborn son of the previous generation of stark.
       the now extinct house STARK OF BARROWTON/BARROW HALL was the cadet branch of house stark that came about when the last lady of house dustin married the secondborn stark son and house stark took over as ruling lords of barrow hall with house dustin legally extinct through marriage.  this lord was the eventually treacherous lord edderion stark and he was the uncle of our current character, ruling lord branden stark ( @brcnden ), edderion was the younger brother of branden’s late father.
       you are right though! the cadet branch of house stark of barrowton has indeed been extinguished after their failed revolution, so this is who holds barrowton and the seat of barrow hall now:
HOUSE STOUT of barrow hall › the newly located home of house stout, previously petty lords under the extinct house dustin, they are now the lords over barrowton. raised to full lordship by warden of the north branden stark in 506AC.
    & also worth noting about house stout is their original seat of goldgrass, which is as follows:
HOUSE STOUT of goldgrass › a cadet branch of house stout of barrow hall, previously petty lords under the extinct house dustin they are now the lords over barrow hall and barrowton. raised to full lordship by warden of the north branden stark in 506AC.
       the full run down of that with all the details will be under the cut as its a touch lengthy - though some small details or characters may have changed in the time since their original posting.   you can also find all the plot advancements summarised on this page,  i will admit, it does need to be updated now that we are rolling in dorne with the MIDSUMMER BALL plot drop but otherwise it has all been convered to my knowledge!
       read on for the breakdown of the stark cadet branch and their ultimately failed revolt, it is definitely the most important chapter thus far for ironforged and we are quite proud of it!
all posts with full explanation can be found HERE.
DEVELOPMENT ONE (X): the celebration for the prince is announced to take place on the full moon - two weeks following the tyrell ball. three days prior, it is brought to the attention of the royal family that a prince of house Martell is missing. the Kingsguard search the city and claim to have found him in a brothel. on the morning of the princes’ birthday celebration, his body is found mutilated in the throne room and several nobles have been drugged, while others have been kidnapped in their sleep. the capital is thrown into chaos as the seven kingdoms seemingly threaten to split.
DEVELOPMENT TWO (X): three days pass with no word on the taken nobles, and on the morning of the fourth, several nobles loyal to those taken are found with their bodies displayed - murdered in a fashion similar to how their ancestors were by those unaffected. Shortly after, the REACH, RIVERLANDS, VALE and STORMLANDS declare themselves sovereign kingdoms independent of the Iron throne. a day and a half later, three carts bounce into the city escorting those taken to the keep - the only clues provided the mistaken direwolf or lion sigil seen on the chest-plates of their captors and a note - YOU KNOW WHO TO BLAME. it is decided all nobility will remain in the capital for at least a month to negotiate terms of peace and trade.
DEVELOPMENT THREE (X): in the early hours of the morning, a fire breaks out in one of the bakeries - anyone with breathing difficulties are greatly affected. the smallfolk working to put out the flames notice the words FIRE AND BLOOD scrawled across a wall in blood. it comes to light nearly an hour later that those close to the LANNISTER QUEEN have been kidnapped (including her brother, cousin, handmaidens and a guard). Those taken wake in the tunnels beneath Kings Landing with their wrists and ankles bound.
DEVELOPMENT FOUR (X): as the city guard is deployed in full force to look for those taken, a storm begins to brew on the edge of blackwater bay. despite unfortunate circumstance and bad weather, representatives from each of the newly divided kingdoms and the ruling lords of the houses still loyal to the iron throne meet in a private hall to discuss potential alliances in a peaceful manner, but it isn’t long before chaos breaks out among those gathered. they are drawn to a hush when those captured push their way into the room carrying an unconscious man soon identified as one of their captors. the two men of the group (the former targaryen heir and the tyrell guard) inform the group that they had killed the rest and escaped through the tunnels to find them. it is brought to light that the BARROWTON STARKS are not only responsible for all the chaos in the capital, but have taken measures a step further by kidnapping AEMOS LANNISTER, prince of the iron throne and twins LYANNA & EVALIN SNOW, the bastard daughters of lord heir branden stark of winterfell. and now, they have demands. the taken children would be returned safely under two conditions. the first - the starks of winterfell relinquished all claims to the north. the second - the north would be allowed to succeed from the iron throne peacefully, and in turn the crownlands and all remaining houses loyal to the iron throne would become wardens of the WEIRWOOD THRONE. under the guise of agreeing to their demands, the gathered nobles agree to host a tournament on their supposed new found alliance - sending word to the barrowton starks that they will meet their demands, while secretly planning to rescue the captured children.
       these are the developments that explain the treasonous acts in detail:
DEVELOPMENT THREE - PART ONE (X): as several gossip worthy events take place, several other attendees of the tournament slip away unnoticed. unbeknownst to most, a rescue is well underway. a handful of mismatched talents are assembled and both children are rescued.
DEVELOPMENT THREE - PART TWO (X): with the children having been safely returned, the king and queen of the iron throne call for the arrest of edderion stark - the puppet
DEVELOPMENT FOUR (X): the stark traitor requests a trial by combat and selects a young lord glover as his champion. after much debate, the starks nephew and the future ruling lord of the north is chosen as the champion of the iron throne. though the trial proves to be strenuous, the champion of the iron throne proves victorious. it is announced that in a days time, the traitor will die for his crimes.
DEVELOPMENT FIVE (X): the morning after the trial by combat, the traitorous stark lord was brought before a large crowd. king arryk lannister of the iron throne declared him guilty by the judgement of the gods. when asked for any last words, the man declared his death only the beginning of war. he was killed for his crimes shortly after.
    and a very important update and the ultimate NORTHERN/BARROWTON CONCLUSION, which includes the death of the previous lord stark, the circumstances around his death, the end of house barrowton and the ascension of lord heir branden stark to the warden of the north!        >> all details found in this  MINI PLOT UPDATE!
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